
CppIsWeirdxfdesktop & still kills it when i kill the terminal00:11
CppIsWeirdhow is it started initially?00:11
R1cochetCppIsWeird: try starting it from alt-f200:46
Ishubuntu is full of fools01:14
Ishwhat's a good ftp server?01:15
knomeexcuse me?01:15
Ish#ubuntu i mean01:15
Ishthey answered "Food transfer?"01:15
knomegood ftp server -for what?01:15
Ishi just need a single user to upload to a single directory for any given period of time, the program running at the other end will just require the basic, access at port 21, transfer on port 20, it's not even really that specific01:16
Ishon this end it just has to sit and wait.  vsftpd's conf didn't seem that great, so i figured i'd see what you all run01:17
Ishof course it can run more than that, but that's the bare requirements i need01:17
knomei've used proftpd01:18
knomei think its configuration files are quite straightforward01:18
Ishkk, i'll git that now, thanks :D more of an answer than #ubuntu01:18
knomesometimes there's a lot of going in #ubuntu or then there is just people who want to spend their time doing nothing.01:19
knomein #xubuntu we don't have that problem as we're always lacking users in the channel.01:19
* knome knocks on wood01:19
Ishalready looks a lot better01:20
knomeok. i'll go to sleep as it's already 3am here.01:21
knomesee you and good luck!01:21
Ishget some sleep, and thanks01:23
durthey folks, how does one change screensaver preferences in xfce 4.6?01:27
charlie-tcadurt: Applications -> Settings -> Screensavers about halfway down the column01:29
durti've seen it, doesn't do anything01:29
charlie-tcaIt doesn't really do anything, huh? Can you file a bug on it, and let me know  the number?01:31
charlie-tcaOtherwise, I'll file it tomorrow, but it takes two to confirm it01:31
=== Flare183 is now known as Drayton
durtwell, I'm not sure what it's expected action is.01:32
=== Drayton is now known as Flare183
charlie-tcaShould change the screensaver to whatever is selected, but I don't see anywhere to set the time, lock, etc01:33
durtya, that's what I need.01:34
charlie-tcaIf that doesn't exist, it would be a bug01:34
charlie-tcadurt: I went through every choice in settings, it doesn't seem to exist01:39
rockorocko's modern life01:39
victoriacan someone help me. please. i just download the new splash screen that i want02:29
victoriai want to change it for the one on default02:30
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy02:30
forcesFLISOL 2009 is near!!02:31
forcesI can feel it!02:31
victoriacharlie-tca: i already know that webpage... actually there is where i got the splash.. but now is just a tar.gz file02:31
victoriai actually need instructions to make it work!02:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about flisol02:31
ubottuThemes for Xfce4 are simply GTK2+ themes which means Gnome themes are also compatible with your xfce4 desktop. To install themes, unpack it in ~/.themes/  To install icons, unpack them to ~/.icons/ - Visit http://www.xfce-look.org/ for all kinds of eyecandy for your Xfce4 desktop! - See also !themes for other GNOME theme sites02:31
charlie-tcaDoes that help at all?02:32
victorianot theme02:32
victoriai mean splash screen02:32
charlie-tcaI don't seem to know, then. Sorry02:32
bigjigalohello. the packed kernel version for xubuntu is 2.6.27-generic, is that higher or lower than linux-2.6.27-rc7.tar.bz2, ?02:39
PKodonbigjigalo: Hi. Not sure, but the "rc7" part indicates it's a release candidate. if the generic one is supposed to be the actual released version, then the release candidate is older.02:43
charlie-tcabigjigalo: I show in Intrepid 8.1002:58
charlie-tca-rc7 is definitely older02:58
CppIsWeirdi installed ubuntu then installed the xubuntu package. i only ever use the xfce interface. when i first boot, the desktop and icons are actually gnome, the panels and menu's etc. are xfce. how do i change for xfce to manage my desktop by default?03:05
charlie-tcaDo you select xfce session when you log in?03:06
PKodoncharlie-tca: I talked to someone last night who had disabled their login screen (I didn't know you could do that), so they had to turn it back on to pick a different session.03:18
hollywoodbCppIsWeird: if you run `nautilus` I believe by default it draws the desktop background and icons.  If nautilus is running in your xfce session, remove it.  I think the proper way to run it is `nautilus --no-desktop`03:18
charlie-tcaPKodon: I can see having to turn it back on to change the session you log into. Doesn't seem unreasonable, since the GDM is graphical03:19
CppIsWeirdcharlie-tca, yeah.03:20
PKodoncharlie-tca: Yeah, I suppose, and if you live by yourself and aren't doing anything on your computer that needs security, I guess you wouldn't need the login screen.03:20
CppIsWeirdand it goes into xfce, i have the xfce panels, but the desktop and icons are gnome. i have to go to applications > settings > settings manager > Desktop > Enable "allow xfce to manage the desktop"03:21
charlie-tcaI don't know why it shouldn't save the settings. Do you save the session when quitting?03:21
CppIsWeirdi dont know. how do i determine this? it seems to me i think it is. should it not be?03:22
charlie-tcaShould be a checkbox when you click the Quit icon, before you hit shutdown03:23
charlie-tcaGnome is pretty strong, it does try to keep control of everything.03:23
CppIsWeirdbad gnome.03:24
charlie-tcaIf it was a person, it would be a dictator, I think03:24
CppIsWeirdmeh, im going to try an apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop, see how far i get.03:24
charlie-tcaGood luck.03:25
CppIsWeirdty. :)03:25
charlie-tcaAlthough, I think it will just remove that. ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage that pulls in all the gnome stuff, but removes very little03:26
CppIsWeirdsays i dont have it anyways... *shrugs*03:28
charlie-tcaIt is much easier to install the environments than to remove them.03:29
bigjigalohello i have a new fresh out the box sony vaoi 4gb ram/ 250gb laptop and my question is which xubuntu to download? windows is already runnning it at x6403:31
charlie-tcaThe easiest way I know of is to install Xubuntu fresh. You can go into synaptic package manager, right click Xubuntu-desktop, and click properties03:31
charlie-tcaThen make a list of everything and remove what is not in your list03:31
CppIsWeirdwhat does rc stand for at the end of some of the config files in the home directory, like gtkrc, bashrc, and dmrc?03:32
charlie-tcaDownload the amd64 versions, then. Although either will work, 32bit will only use 3.2GB ram03:32
charlie-tcaCppIsWeird: Can not remember all of it, but it is the configuration file03:33
charlie-tcaMaybe "root configuration"03:33
CppIsWeirdbut im not running as root03:33
charlie-tcaNo, but most of those require you to access them as root, using sudo03:34
CppIsWeirdinteresting, inside .dmrc, [Desktop] Session=xfce403:34
charlie-tcaYeah, leave .dmrc alone!03:35
charlie-tcaThat is the only file to ever give me real headaches for messing with it03:35
CppIsWeirdyes sir!03:38
CppIsWeirdhows about .gconf, whats that? i see a folder in there called gnome.03:39
CppIsWeirdgconf stand for gnome configuration?03:39
bigjagolocharlie-tca: hrm so which would u do? its like wasting .8g of ram03:39
charlie-tcaGo ahead and look in it. It is your configuration for your user. Most of it can be deleted and it will rebuild itself03:40
CppIsWeirdfine then, *deletes it and reboots*03:41
charlie-tcaall of it? or just gnome?03:42
bigjagolocan i quick vote here... new vaoi 4gb ram.. 250hd .. which version to install x86 or x64? ... x86 has better debugging support while x64 takes advantage of full ram03:42
bigjagoloarent new laptops gonna be 6-8gb and run x64 anyways?03:43
charlie-tcapersonal choice03:43
CppIsWeird... all of it, but i can put it back, i made a backup. :P03:43
charlie-tcaShould work, then :-)03:44
mertherCan someone help me get connected to my wireless network.  The network is detected in the network manager but I'm unable to connect using my wpa password.  wpasupplicant is installed in the system.03:47
charlie-tcagotta go to bed. Good night03:47
=== zoredache_ is now known as zoredache
mertherCan someone help connecting to my wireless network through network manager?  It keeps rejecting my wpa password.  wpasupplicant is installed.04:04
PKodonmerther: What hardware are you using for wireless?04:07
R1cochetcant get GnoMenu to show up in add-to-panel04:08
PKodonmerther: Hmm, well, I don't know as the fix I had to do would work, then. You'd have to know what chipset it uses first.04:09
mertherPKodon: thought that was the chipset for the wireless04:10
PKodonmerther: I have a Linksys WMP54G, and work/live at a small motel/guest house which has it's own wireless router. Network manager messed up the WEP passcode.04:10
mertherPKodon: the router is Belkin G+ MIMO04:11
PKodonmerther: The chipset in my linksys uses an rt61pci driver.04:11
mertherPKodon:  I know the password is correct and when I enter the password in to the network manager it stores the hex version of it.04:11
PKodonmerther: Yes, but when it hands it off to the card or the access point, it messes it up.04:12
PKodonmerther: I ended up installing RutilT and disabling network manager.04:12
PKodonmerther: But, I don't know if RutilT will work for your card.04:13
mertherI could try that software.  I'm not sure of the chipset of the router.  Unfortunately I keep failing also at manually editing the /etc/network/interfaces also.  There's always something that messes up in there.04:14
PKodonmerther: When you bring up device manager, what does it say your wireless adapter is?04:16
mertherPKodon: BCM4306 802.11b/g Wireless LAN Controller04:20
PKodonmerther: Okay, then that probably is what it considers the chipset to be. You need something that will work with that. Synaptic says RutilT is a "configuration tool for rt2x00 wireless network cards".04:23
mertherPKodon:  I wouldn't mind even manually doing it with /etc/network/interfaces so long as I could get it working.04:24
PKodonMy card is listed as an RT25612/RT61 802.11g wireless controller card.04:25
PKodonEr, that's RT2561/RT61...04:25
mertherPKodon: so would doing it manually with /etc/network/interfaces be a better option?04:26
PKodonmerther: The only thing I can find in Synaptic for that are two utilities that pull firmware out of your adapter.04:29
PKodonThat's only for getting a driver, not for fixing connection problems. Have you done a Google search for "BCM4306 WEP Ubuntu" ?04:31
PKodonmerther: And, as for your manual hacking of the config, I don't have any experience with that.04:32
mertherPKodon:  They just released a native driver for my chipset last month.04:32
PKodonmerther: Okay, but the driver isn't the problem, that mostly helps you get the best speed out of it, once it's connected. The problem is the way network manager handles WEP passcodes.04:33
PKodonmerther: What you see isn't what your access point gets.04:34
PKodonmerther: I found a lot of web pages dealing with that problem in relation to my card, on Debian, Ubuntu, and many other forums.04:35
mertherPKodon:  True, just more that since this chip set wouldn't work even with ndiswrapper before there's not much on it in the way of posts as far as i've found after it can actually detect a wireless network04:35
PKodonmerther: If it's the same problem, then, like me, you need a solution tailored for your card.04:35
PKodonmerther: Ahh. Now there's the big difference. Mine worked with an unsecured access point without ndiswrapper, but worked faster with ndiswrapper.04:37
PKodonmerther: I hate to say it, but you may have gotten the wrong wireless card for use with Linux, at least till there's more support out there.04:37
mertherbcm43x is horrible for my chipset.  didn't work at all.  This whole chipset is horrible.  Ya they just released the driver for it last month.  At least it can detect wireless networks now.04:38
mertherwhen my wife goes to bed perhaps I'll test with other authentication types and see what I get.04:38
PKodonWell, do all the experimenting you want, but I'd try everything that's worked for others, first.04:39
bigjagolocan i quick vote here... new vaoi 4gb ram.. 250hd .. which version to install x86 or x64? ... x86 has better debugging support while x64 takes advantage of full ram04:39
bigjagoloPKodon: which would u do?04:39
PKodonAnd if nothing works well, I'd just bite the bullet and go get something that has more support for it.04:39
PKodonbigjagolo: Which processor?04:40
bigjagolointel centrino duo04:40
PKodonIs that a 64-bit chip?04:41
CppIsWeirdcan anyone figure why i am using xfce as my session and i get the xfce panels and i even see the xfce desktop load, but then the gnome desktop (just the background image and icons, not gnome panels or anything) loads over the xfce desktop. the xfce panels are still there.04:41
bigjagoloPKodon: windows has 64bit running on it which i am on now.. but actual devicemanager says intel core duo t6400 2ghz04:42
PKodonCppIsWeird: Were you the one who installed xfce after installing Ubuntu (with gnome)?04:42
CppIsWeirdPKodon, yeah, thanks for remembering. :P04:43
PKodonbigjagolo: Okay, from what you're saying, I take it you don't know a lot about hardware. If you're running 64-bit Windows, then you should be able to run 64-bit Linux.04:43
CppIsWeirdive been playing with it for a while.04:43
CppIsWeirdmessing with config files and such. i cant seem to make a useful google query so im still blinldly guessing04:44
j1mcbigjagolo: i would recommend 64-bit04:44
bigjagoloPKodon: its a new laptop fresh out the box.. 4gb ram... am trying to install linux on it... 3.2gb ram someoen said x86 would take up and it would be good for debugging04:44
PKodonCppIsWeird: Okay, someone asked you if you still had a gnome program running, let me scroll back and see...04:44
bigjagoloPKodon: so i guess x64 is the best move since its already running on windows04:45
j1mcyou won't miss out on anything with 64-bit linux, and you'll get full use of your ram04:45
PKodonCppIsWeird: Okay, bring up the process manager and see if "nautilus" is still running.04:48
esp1morning all,04:50
CppIsWeirdPK, it is04:51
CppIsWeirdive so far ended every gnome thing i can find, accept i cant end gdm, for obvious reasons (and if they are not obvious, it makes my whole gui dissappear, is that not supposed to happen? :P )04:52
PKodonCppIsWeird: Then, according to the other person, that's why you're still seeing parts of gnome.04:52
CppIsWeirdhmm... interesting04:53
PKodonCppIsWeird: Well, after my experience with my own "Frankenlinux", I ended up just reinstalling. If you want XFCE as your interface, either do a fresh install of Xubuntu, or go the route I did - get PC/OS 2009.04:54
esp1might try something like sudo apt-get reinstall xubuntu-desktop....04:56
PKodonCppIsWeird: No, that just reinstalls the desktop, not the whole system. It won't purge the system of gnome, and you don't want to get rid of gnome completely, anyway.04:57
mertherI disabled the security on the router and attempted to connect using terminal in the steps from http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-troubleshoot-wireless-network-connection-in-ubuntu.html04:57
esp1you want to compleetely purge gnome?04:58
mertherIn there it fails too.  says no DHCPOFFERS received.04:58
merthernot sure if it matters but it's doing DHCPDISCOVER on wlan0 to port 67 interval 3... but my subnet is
PKodonesp1: Well, not the stuff that he needs to support gnome programs, but he needs to do something to get it not to run the gnome desktop management software.04:59
PKodonmerther: You've gone way beyond my experience, so I hope someone else can help you.04:59
esp1replace gdm with kdm 'sudo apt-get install kdm'04:59
mertherno worries.  Thanks for the help :)05:00
PKodonesp1: Won't that make him use KDE?05:00
PKodonesp1: What does XFCE use instead of gdm/kdm?05:00
esp1it uses gdm05:01
esp1by default05:01
esp1merther: dhcp at is normal05:02
mertherk so it's just that my computer won't work with wireless then05:02
CppIsWeirdim not overly concerned with fixing it for the sake of it being fixed, i really dislike the solution to any given problem being to start over. i like to learn how to fix with ive somehow managed to screw up. :P05:02
esp1merther, u use mac filters?05:03
mertherya but the mac address for the wireless card is in there.05:03
esp1does it work if u turn it off?05:04
CppIsWeirdhere is something interesting ive noticed... this thing has loaded the exact same configuration that i had a long time ago, terminal windows, how many of them, firefox, etc, regardless of the configuration i actually have when i shut down. where might that be located?05:04
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate05:04
mertherHaven't gone that far yet.  Sometimes when I change a configuration on the router it resets to default settings so I try to avoid changing that.  But I want to isolate as much as possible.  I'll do that one next.05:05
esp1u use wep or wpa?05:06
merthernormally wpa, but I took the password requirement off so it's open.05:07
esp1tried to use static ip config's?05:07
esp1no need to reconfig router for static ip setup05:08
esp1static working?05:08
mertherhadn't with wpa but haven't tried it with open.  doing that now.05:08
esp1just test by pinging your router, not the internet yet05:11
mertheresp1:  does the same thing.  with open security the second I click on it, it says the network connection has been disconnected.05:11
mertheresp1: it's not connected, ping reports network is unreachable05:12
mertheresp1: when it was wpa, it would continually try to connect and then fail saying authentication was required.05:12
mertheresp1:  I'm assuming that in manual configuration I don't need to fill out BSSID?05:13
esp1tried to setup using iwconfig and ifconfig?05:14
mertherwith it open I tried the steps under open network from http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-troubleshoot-wireless-network-connection-in-ubuntu.html05:15
mertheresp1: no DHCPOFFERS receive on that one05:16
esp1but instead of using that dhcp command try using ifconfig to set ip manually05:18
mertheresp1: Trying now05:19
mertheresp1: issue remains No DHCPOFFERS received05:23
esp1well you dont need dhcp when setting ip manually05:24
esp1try this first: iwlist scan05:24
mertheresp1:  I followed the steps from the article on how to set it up manually and that was the result it gave.05:24
mertheresp1:  wlan0 no scan results... network manager can find the network correctly though.05:25
esp1ok, so it cant see your net05:26
esp1u have aircrack-ng installed?05:27
mertheresp1:  it's interesting that it doesn't see it there but network manager sees it.05:27
mertheresp1:  dunno what that is.  I could check05:27
esp1u have wired connection to the net on that box?05:28
mertheresp1:  I can, ok, hooked it up now.05:29
mertheresp1:  did you want me to get that package?05:30
esp1apt-get update && apt-get upgrade && apt-get install aircrack-ng05:30
esp1all sudo ed05:30
esp1that will make sure your system is up to date and install aircrack05:31
mertheresp1:  does sudo only need to be for the first part or does it have to be put after each && also?05:31
esp1before every apt-get05:31
mertheresp1: heh, looks like it's going to upgrade firefox briefly first.05:32
mertheresp1:  ok aircrack-ng is installed now05:34
esp1do sudo airmon-ng start (wlan interface)05:35
esp1where you insert your interface05:35
mertheresp1:  done05:36
esp1you got a new interface now?05:36
esp1mon0 maybe?05:36
merthersays my old interface but below the driver column it says (monitor mode enabled on mon0)05:37
esp1now do sudo airodump-ng mon005:37
esp1do you see your network there?05:38
mertheresp1:  ya05:38
esp1it is open?05:39
mertheresp1:  ya05:39
mertheresp1: mac address filtered still though, haven't turned that off. Though my mac address is added05:39
esp1ctrl c to exit05:40
esp1click on your wireless network in the gui now05:41
mertheresp1: didn't work.  Network connection list shows two of the same connection.  I think that happened when I added the BSSID into the manual connection a while back.05:43
esp1i'd turn off mac filtering next...bc now we know u've checked your card05:43
mertherk I'll do that now and brb05:44
merther_esp1: didn't work05:47
esp1atleast we know it isnt that05:47
merther_esp1: *nod05:48
esp1your ip of the router is
CppIsWeirdit seems i have a stuck session or something. I've turned off any session saving that I can find and every time i log in, i have the same windows in the same locations. any ideas?05:49
merther_esp1: Trying the iwconfig route with the static ip with the mac filtering down just in case05:52
merther_esp1:  same result05:53
esp1sudo ifconfig wlan-something down && dhcpclient -r wlan-something && sudo iwconfig wlan-something essid "your ssid" mode managed && sudo ifconfig wlan-something netmask up05:55
merther_esp1: just did that part, just now.05:57
esp1if u do ifconfig, does it show an ip?05:57
merther_for some reason in there though, there are two wlan005:58
esp1reboot then05:59
merther_one says wlan0:avahi05:59
esp1just ignore that05:59
merther_deal, rebooting05:59
esp1if u'r ip started with 169 u didnt set a static ip06:00
merther_esp1: makes sense.  followed those steps though.06:01
=== merther_ is now known as merther
esp1did u do exactly that or more?06:02
mertherI'll copy and paste...06:02
merthersudo ifconfig wlan0 down06:03
merthersudo dhclient -r wlan006:03
merthersudo ifconfig wlan0 netmask up06:03
merthersudo route add default gw
merthersudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "networkname"06:04
merthersudo iwconfig wlan0 mode Managed06:04
merthersudo dhclient wlan006:04
mertherthat's what it had me do06:05
esp1dont do dhcpclient06:05
mertherk, how about the mode part?06:05
esp1mode is ok06:05
mertherk, trying without the last dhclient06:06
mertherok, now what? do I have to do sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart?06:07
mertherif config shows the ip I put in06:08
esp1ifconfig say?06:08
esp1try ping
merthertried.  Destination host unreachable06:09
esp1iwconfig say?06:09
esp1suer about that?06:10
mertheryep, looking at it now06:11
esp1not if but iw06:11
mertheroh sorry06:11
mertheresp1:  there is no ip in iwconfig,  correct ESSID, Access Point: Not-Associated06:12
tawwhat about key?06:13
esp1u know the bssid of your ap?06:14
tawis your wlan encrypted?06:14
esp1he has open wifi now06:14
mertheresp1:  so long as the BSSID is the mac address of the ap then yes06:14
esp1and no mac-filter on06:14
esp1merther, that is correct06:15
mertheresp1:  then I know it06:15
tawand you are sure essid is correct, is that case-sensitive?06:15
mertherThe essid is correct, and has a capital letter, it's spelt correctly any time I've had to enter it.06:17
tawhave you run 'iwlist wlan0 scan' ?06:21
tawjust checking that your wlan in computer & access point work06:21
merthertaw: Ya, did that again just now and it does scan it.06:22
mertherit was having issues with that before it seems but it's scanning fine now.06:22
tawnext step would be sacrifice sheep, or something like that :-(06:25
esp1tont think a sheep would do it....might need a cow ;P06:25
mertherthere's no security to prevent it from connecting, it can scan and find the network.  It just can't connect to it through dhcp or manual, through network manager or terminal06:27
tawyeh, Gods of wlan are quite demanding06:28
mertherI still blame broadcom06:28
tawhave you rebooted lately?06:28
tawclassic case 'everything is correct, but nothing works'06:30
mertherinterestingly enough when I went to put in the BSSID into network manager earlier it created a new network connection on it's own that didn't put in the mac address or the bssid.06:30
esp1does this work? sudo aireplay-ng -1 0 -e network-ssid -a ap-mac -h wlan-mac wlan006:30
esp1it will try to authenticate your card to the ap06:31
merthersays Please specify an attack mode06:34
merther"aireplay-ng --help" for help.06:34
esp1-1 should be the attack mode (fake authentication)06:35
merther*shrug* that's a lower case L right?  also should I put the ssid in quotes and I'm assuming the mac addresses have : in em too06:36
esp1no number06:36
mertherk this time I got ioctl(SIOCIWMODE) failed: Device or resource busy06:38
esp1lol...atleast an error06:38
mertherthen some other things... Make sure RFMON is enabled: run airmon-ng start wlan0 <#>06:39
mertherand sysfs injection support was not found either06:39
mertherI've gotta get to sleep unfortunately though.06:40
=== FaMott is now known as FaMott|Sleeps
mertheresp1:  Thanks much for all the help.06:41
esp1merther, good night....maybe it will work better tomorrow06:42
mertherI hope so.  I'll take a look into that program and see if have to get that mon0 thing up first and then the last command.06:43
esp1ye it need mon06:43
mertherthought so.  I assume it became disabled again during that reboot06:44
mertherdo you remember the first command really quick?06:44
esp1airomon-ng start wlan006:44
mertherit's saying command not found for that now06:45
esp1it is actually an attack tool for braking into wireless networks06:45
mertherairomon-ng start wlan006:45
esp1remember sudo06:45
merthersame results06:46
esp1an o to manny in there06:46
merthersame error ioctl(SIOCSIWMODE) failed: Device or resource busy.06:48
mertherok.  Gotta sleep now.  Thanks again for the help.06:49
esp1wich wifi device did u use?06:49
CppIsWeirdit seems i have a stuck session or something. I've turned off any session saving that I can find and every time i log in, i have the same windows in the same locations. any ideas?06:56
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rockoGuest47215 you watch some dirty movies man XXX07:28
Guest47215u already know =)07:29
* jarnos wonders when we get XXXubuntu :P07:34
zoredachedunno, but there is already a porn-get07:37
CppIsWeirdis there any way to clear out a session thats been saved?08:44
zoredacheCppIsWeird: delete everything in ~/.cache/sessions08:46
CppIsWeirdnice, thanks.08:47
OnGaVeZyrKeWe can provide tha war against the all of penguinfuckers irc channels and servers too08:47
R1cochetis there a way to mount bin/cue files?09:22
Reno`why i don't find thunar-shares-plugin.deb in repository, i can download only deb ?09:46
_Pete_R1cochet: I think not, but .iso files you can09:48
R1cochetis there a way to mount bin/cue files?09:58
_Pete_R1cochet: yes there is, first convert to .iso then do: mount -o loop <isofile> <mountpoint>09:59
R1cochet_Pete_: thanx was hopping there was another way w/out converting10:05
TheSheepR1cochet: if there is only one .bin file, you can mount it as you would mount iso10:22
R1cochetTheSheep: thank you also10:25
_Pete_TheSheep: what do you mean with one?10:26
TheSheep_Pete_: the .cue files are index files that tell where particular .bin files go on the disk10:26
TheSheep_Pete_: but the most common case is one .bin file that starts at the beginning, in which case it's the same as .iso10:27
_Pete_.cue files tell indexes to .bin10:27
_Pete_like sectors 0-100 = game10:27
_Pete_101-200 = other10:27
_Pete_that's the reason if you mount them10:28
_Pete_something wierd can happen10:28
TheSheepnot in the most common case of single bin file starting at the beginning10:30
Roonuxmy irssi ALT+number don't work, i've already disabled all shortcuts of xfce4-terminal, do you have an idea ?11:08
* Myrtti installs Terminator on Roonuxs' Xubuntu, rolls11:11
* jarnos is having a "Please Reply Urgent" email spam attack from Jahiz Basha.11:12
MaxFrameshi. I have just added a wifi dongle to a xubuntu PC. how do I browse for available wifi networks?12:27
TheSheepMaxFrames: click on the network icon next to the clock12:39
MaxFramesI have removed network-manager because it was buggy (I couldn't change my IP address from it)12:39
MaxFramesso I am back to the standard network applet back from 6.x/7.x12:40
* TheSheep shrugs12:41
TheSheep!wifi | MaxFrames12:41
ubottuMaxFrames: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:41
MaxFrameshttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessNetworking => no info about browsing available networks there12:45
TheSheepwell, I suppose that means you need to find another application that does that -- if you don't want to use xubuntu's default ones12:46
TheSheepunfortunately I'm happy with network manager, so I can't really suggest anything else12:46
TheSheepyou could try iwscan from commandline12:47
TheSheepor iwlist wlan0 scanning12:48
MaxFramesiwlist wlan0 scanning => "interface doesn't support scanning: network is down"12:51
noaXesswhat need i remove to disable the networkmanager applet, so i can configure network over /etc/network/interfaces?15:13
cody-somervilleprobably network-manager-applet15:17
charlie-tcaI you make changes to /etc/network/interfaces, it should automatically disable networkmanager applet15:17
* charlie-tca too slow again15:17
brandonban6charlie-tca, where are you from?15:18
brandonban6ah. I always see you on, so I was wondering :)15:18
charlie-tcaIt's a secret. You sleep little15:19
charlie-tcagives more hours in the day to do things15:19
brandonban6yeah.........when you have 3 kids, you sleep little anyway!15:20
charlie-tcaBut not so many hours to do things!15:20
charlie-tcaI'm also retired, so have a little more free time15:21
brandonban6wow, how old are you?15:22
noaXesshow.. thanks..15:26
noaXesshave removed network-manager-gnome..15:26
noaXesswhat the command line tool, to disable autostart of gdm?15:26
TheSheepnoaXess: just remove it from your runlevel15:28
brandonban6noaXess, that's a bit more tricky......check the runlevel15:29
noaXessTheSheep: and how?15:29
brandonban6or what TheSheep said15:29
TheSheepnoaXess: by renaming apropriate symbolic link it /etc/rc.d15:29
noaXess"/etc/rc3.d/S30gdm" right?15:30
TheSheepnoaXess: you can use update-rc.d for that15:30
TheSheepsudo update-rc.d -f gdm remove15:31
TheSheepand sudo update-rc.d -f gdm defaults  to bring it back15:31
noaXessTheSheep: ok..15:31
brandonban6TheSheep, -f = force?15:31
TheSheepman update-rc.d for details15:32
noaXessok.. thanks15:32
SiDiAny idea what's the contrary of atoi, anyone ? :p15:50
TheSheepSiDi: where?15:50
SiDiHuh ? :P15:50
TheSheepSiDi: which language?15:51
SiDiThe c function to turn an int into a char*15:51
TheSheepSiDi: sprintf("%d", x);15:51
SiDierr, i feel damn stupid now15:51
SiDithank you :) i just didn't think about the obvious thing, was looking for some itoa or ltostr function :D15:52
TheSheepdon't worry, happens to all of us15:52
brandonban6nerds :P15:52
* charlie-tca thinks sure is hard to keep quiet on that one from Sidi15:52
SiDiI didn't sleep much last night : had to wake up to go at a stupid SQL course at uni T.T15:54
charlie-tcamakes the day longer...15:54
SiDiwell, i managed to stay from 8h50 to 10h2515:55
SiDi(instead of 8h00 - 11h15)15:55
SiDigreat, the client i'm coding really works well with upnp devices : it scans for a gateway, and once it found it, instead of asking for a port mapping, it just rescans...16:03
brandonban6hmmm, so I use mkfs.ext3 -vcj /dev/path to make my external drive a journaled ext3 FS, and everything completed fine.....I can even mount it and it shows the lost and found folder, however, fdisk -l still shows a NTFS drive.......why is that?16:34
TheSheepbrandonban6: it shows the id that is in the partition table16:41
TheSheepbrandonban6: you can change it with fdisk16:42
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brandonban6TheSheep, ohhhhh, got it. thanks!!!16:49
brandonban6TheSheep, also, when it mounts a link show up on the desktop as "500 GB Drive", I understand this to be the volume label, which I should be able to change with ef2label (as it is an ext3 fs) correct?16:51
TheSheepbrandonban6: it's the fallback text used when no label is set16:57
rs___hey guys, how can I add a new keyboard language? I only have US now....using xubuntu 8.1017:51
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about languages17:52
rs___I have the keyboard layout switcher in the panel, I just don't know how to add a new language to it17:52
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.17:52
TheSheepknome: fail :)17:52
knomers___, you need to download a language package from synaptic17:52
knomeTheSheep, totally.17:52
TheSheeprs___: try this in terminal: sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup17:52
rs___knome :)17:52
TheSheepknome: for keyboard layouts?17:52
knomeTheSheep, hmmh. "keyboard language" ok.. suppose that is layout then :P17:53
ubottuTo switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard (GNOME) - KDE: K -> System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout (KDE) - Xfce: see https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts17:53
TheSheeprs___: but this won't work in recent versions of xubuntu17:53
charlie-tcaapplications -> Settings -> Settings Manager17:54
charlie-tcaKeyboard, last tab is Layouts17:54
charlie-tcauncheck use X configuration17:54
charlie-tcaclick Add17:54
charlie-tcaIt has a whole list of languages and countries17:54
charlie-tcaBut it won't work for Jaunty17:55
TheSheepcharlie-tca: it never worked for me with 'use x configuration' unchecked17:55
TheSheepcharlie-tca: I always had to configure it in X17:55
charlie-tcawell, hell17:55
charlie-tcamore bad advice?17:56
rs___charlie-tca, thanks, I don't know how I miss the Settings panel17:56
rs___checking it right now17:56
TheSheepcharlie-tca: 8.10 and earlier, yes17:56
TheSheepcharlie-tca: but ymmv17:56
charlie-tcaTheSheep says it won't work, rs___17:56
charlie-tcaI would listen to him17:56
TheSheeprs___: try it, maybe it's just me17:56
charlie-tcaI haven't tried it, just looked at it17:57
TheSheepcome to think of it, I never got to properly reporting that17:57
rs___it does not work, I can add a new language but it does not appear in the keyboard language switcher17:57
TheSheepbut it's overhauled in Jaunty anyways...17:57
rs___any ideas?17:57
charlie-tcaYeah, Jaunty doesn't even have that17:57
charlie-tcaand maybe that's why...17:58
TheSheeprs___: sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup17:58
TheSheeprs___: and re-cehc that 'use x config'18:01
rs___TheSheep I changed it to german, but nothing, maybe I have to reboot? :)18:01
TheSheeprs___: no, just restart X18:01
TheSheeprs___: log off and prss alt+ctrl+backspace18:02
rs___TheSheep, yep18:02
rs__no change :(18:05
TheSheepthat's weird18:05
rs__setxkbmap should work though18:06
TheSheepcan you pastebin your /etc/default/console-setup ?18:06
rs__TheSheep, XKBLAYOUT="de" from that file18:07
TheSheepthen it should work...18:07
TheSheepyou have German locale installed?18:08
rs__yes, that is18:08
rs__but with setxcbmap18:08
TheSheepwell, you can always add it to autostarted applications...18:08
TheSheepbut it's a hack18:09
rs__I can just add that to /etc/rc.local I think...18:09
rs__thanks a lot for your help guys18:10
doc_browni have completely screwed up my panel.  all the icons are on the left side even the clock.  i ran sudo rm ~/.config/xfce4/panel -r and it didnt help18:22
* doc_brown is screwed18:24
=== bac is now known as bac_afk
karlohello, w18:31
karlomy wlan card isntt working18:32
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brandonban6karlo, what is happening with your wlan card?18:48
karlonothing it wont work18:48
karloalso, in synaptic, there is no ndis18:49
charlie-tcawhat version of Xubuntu?18:49
karloi have a silicon integrated network card i think18:50
karloi searched google and ubuntu for hours and i dont know what to do18:51
Roonuxhello, i run irssi and the Alt+<number> shortcut dont work, i've disable the shortcuts of xfce4-terminal, an idea ? :s18:51
charlie-tcashould not need ndiswrapper in Intrepid. Most of the drivers are built into the kernel now18:51
charlie-tcaRoonux: If you disabled shortcuts, how could they work18:52
karlowell on kubuntu feisty it worked but in xub i dont know ==(18:52
knomecharlie-tca, xfce4-terminal shortcuts stop irssi shortcuts from working.18:52
charlie-tcaYou are not in feisty anymore18:52
Roonuxi've disabled the xfce4-terminal shortcuts, but my irssi shortcuts don't work ether :/18:52
SiDiRoonux, told you already :D18:53
karlowell xub says my wlan is "DISABLED"18:53
karlobut i enabled wlan =(18:53
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs18:53
RoonuxSiDi: still don't work :(18:53
SiDiRoonux, yes, gnome-terminal works;; :D18:53
* charlie-tca bows to SiDi and knome on the irrsi issues18:54
Roonuxlet's try so..18:54
SiDicharlie-tca, am i not being wonderful today ? :D (dont slap, please :x)18:54
charlie-tcakarlo: did you upgrade to intrepid?18:54
knomeRoonux, well, they work for me so i don't really know what could be wrong.18:54
charlie-tcaSiDi: you are doing great work!18:54
knomeRoonux, do you have any global (xfce) shortcuts?18:55
karlocharlie-tca: i installed with live ccd18:55
SiDiOk, actually its xfce shortcuts18:55
SiDinot xfce4-terminal :P18:55
steve__but Ctrl+N works18:55
charlie-tcakarlo: was the live cd able to connect?18:55
=== steve__ is now known as SiDi_
karlocharlie-tca: i used the non-graphical install of live cd18:56
charlie-tcaWell, boot the live cd and try it, please18:56
karlono no18:57
karloit works with kubuntu18:57
charlie-tcafeisty or intrepid?18:57
knomecharlie-tca, what is the problem?18:57
knomecharlie-tca, wireless drivers not working?18:57
charlie-tcakarlo: feisty is no longer supported, you know18:57
karloyes :D18:57
karlocharlie-tca: but feisty handled it x.x18:57
knomekarlo, feisty and intrepid don't have the same hardware compatibility lists. there might be some drawbacks also.18:58
charlie-tcaIt doesn't matter anymore. You are trying to make it work in Intrepid now.18:58
karlobut i dont want to restart18:58
karloit takes hours18:58
knomekarlo, so if something worked for you in feisty and doesn't work in intrepid, PLEASE do file a bug report.18:58
charlie-tcaafter testing it in the live cd18:59
knomekarlo, restart doesn't mean re-installing. restart means shutting your computer off and on.18:59
karlono, in feisty was the problem too but i somehow resolved it. now I AM drawback18:59
karloknome i know18:59
karlobut loading the xub in ram and so it takes so long18:59
brandonban6karlo, why is it loading in ram, are you running this from a flash drive?19:03
karlono im confused sorry =(19:03
karloits just my wlan is DISABLED19:03
brandonban6karlo, sorry, i'm confused too........taking hours to reboot is a problem, but not the problem now. Network Manager does not see your wireless card at all?19:04
karloit just doesnt show wlan networks19:05
karlono, its not showing19:05
charlie-tcakarlo: you don't have a network cable plugged in?19:05
knome!hi | itstegg19:06
ubottuitstegg: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu!19:06
karloi am here with cable19:06
karloi have cable in laptop and wlan card, but wlan doesnt work19:06
charlie-tcaIf you have a cable plugged in, the wlan will not work in intrepid19:06
knomekarlo, network-manager does *NOT* allow connecting with cable *AND* wlan at the same time.19:06
karloi know19:07
karlobut it doesnt even show wlan connonsecti19:07
karloill try19:07
brandonban6karlo, also, does wlan interface show up when you run "ifconfig -a" in a terminal?19:07
itsteggI have installed xubuntu 6.06.1 LTS (dapper drake) on an iMac PowerPC.  I wish to locate an active software repository so I can browse the available software using a web browser.19:07
karlohello i'm still here?19:08
zoredache_qmore itstegg the dapper stuff still appears to on http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/dapper/main/19:09
itsteggthanks so much19:09
zoredache_keep in mind that official support off ppc has been dropped.  So you won't find ppc on the official repositories for newer releases19:11
karlonothing worked19:11
karlohow can i just enable my card?19:12
charlie-tcaYou can not enable the wlan card if there is a network cable plugged in to the computer19:12
karlopeoples i'm so sorry i made a mistake :O19:13
charlie-tcano problem.19:13
charlie-tcawe all make mistakes19:13
karlothere was no hardware restricted drivers, but i added sourceforge now it is there :D sorry for bothering but i'm allready sitting here by my neighbour for 3 hours19:13
karloand i wanted to go to party19:13
karlonow i can finally go, thank you all =D19:14
charlie-tcagood luck, karlo19:14
brandonban6lol..........did anybody else get how Karlo resolved his issue?19:15
charlie-tcano, but it is resolved, right?19:15
knomei think he was just being stupid.19:15
zoredache_I believe it is better to not think about such things....19:15
charlie-tcacould have been a language issue19:15
brandonban6okay! yeah, charlie-tca tis resolved.19:15
brandonban6can we share external links here, i'm reminded of this funny IT video (some heavy language)19:16
charlie-tcaoccasionally, yes19:16
knome#xubuntu-offtopic :P19:17
brandonban6ahhh, thank knome  :)19:17
* charlie-tca slaps head19:17
knomecharlie-tca, lol? :D19:17
charlie-tcathat's right, I'm not allowed to say that no more19:17
knomeofftopic? :P19:17
charlie-tca<charlie-tca> occasionally, yes19:18
charlie-tca<knome> #xubuntu-offtopic :P19:18
SiDithere's an ot channel for xubuntu ? :O19:18
* charlie-tca has the eyes of knome watching19:18
SiDiWell, thats not exactly as if we had as many people as #ubuntu..19:19
knomeSiDi, true.19:19
charlie-tcaSiDi: maybe it just isn't as well known19:19
knomeSiDi, but as xubuntu is community driven, i personally think we can go a bit more offtopic here19:19
knomeSiDi, of course only when there is no support case going on :)19:19
brandonban6how does you set xchat to open several channels upon a server connection........xchat opens freenode and #ubuntu, but I always have to join the rest.19:20
brandonban6how does you........oh geez.......*how do you :)19:21
charlie-tcayou hilight freenode and hit edit19:21
knomeSiDi, you see, brandonban6 clearly wants to keep us from going offtopic ;)19:22
charlie-tcaThen you can add the channels in Favorite channels separated by comma only, no spaces19:24
knomecharlie-tca, that seems to be way easier in irssi ;)19:25
charlie-tcaI don't know, I only use XChat19:25
SiDioh btw, since we're between xubuntu users19:25
SiDiwill we finally take over ourselves to make a decent default theme for jaunty ?19:26
knomecharlie-tca, /channel add [-auto] #channel network19:26
knomeSiDi, i'm working on it.19:26
charlie-tcaOh, that would be easier19:26
SiDigreat knome :P19:26
knomeSiDi, that doesn't mean gtk theme however.19:26
SiDiif you need help to translate metacities into xfwms im used to it19:26
SiDiwell, it'd be good that we can provide the community themes for xubuntu19:26
brandonban6knome........i'm running an xubuntu supported application. Its not off topic as the conversation topic of being off topic is...19:26
SiDiincluding xfwms19:26
knomeSiDi, http://emonk.fi/open/xubuntu/jaunty-gdm-mockup-3.png / http://emonk.fi/open/xubuntu/jaunty-wall-mockup.png19:27
charlie-tcabrandonban6: you are on topic19:27
knomebrandonban6, yes, totally not. :)19:27
knomebrandonban6, *WE* were off topic and as you asked for support, we could not be offtopic anymore ;)19:27
SiDivery nice gdm, knome ! don't forget to make 16/10 and 16/9 versions tho :p19:27
knomeSiDi, sure not.19:28
knomeSiDi, that's an svg export to png.19:28
SiDibtw, what about some horns for the mouse ? :) it'd fit well with the jackalope :D19:28
knomedon't know. we have to talk about that.19:28
knomei don't know if we're going to use the mouse at all.19:29
SiDiis there a mailing list for xubuntu ?19:29
knomemany of them.19:29
knomethat reminds me of i have to mail the list:P19:29
knomethe -devel onw :P19:29
charlie-tcawe have xubuntu-users and Xubuntu-devel19:29
brandonban6charlie-tca, i don't have an "edit" option anywhere. Using Xchat 2.8.619:30
charlie-tcasure you do. Click XChat, Network list,19:30
charlie-tcaThen high light Freenode, then click Edit19:30
charlie-tcawhat could be simpler?19:30
* brandonban6 d'OH!!!19:31
brandonban6thanks charlie-tca19:31
SiDihi wormsxulla19:31
* charlie-tca thinks knome must be rolling on the floor now, since Xchat is so easy19:31
wormsxullacharlie-tca: maybe i can bribe you so you recommend chatzilla instead? ;)19:32
brandonban6knome, I just realized i mis-read your comment earlier, I thought you said "brandonban6 wants to keep us offtopic"  Sorry about that!19:32
charlie-tcaXChat comes in Xubuntu19:32
knomebrandonban6, no problem :)19:32
knomecharlie-tca, actually i'm just *very* comfort with irssi, i've once even written a script to upload my website from irssi19:33
* charlie-tca and I could have gotten it all on one line, too19:33
charlie-tcamust be nice, then.19:33
charlie-tcaXChat is the only thing I could figure out how to work19:34
knometotally. that script has been deprecated for a long time, however.19:34
knomebut i *still* make my mysql backups with one command on irssi.19:34
=== bedmunds_ is now known as brandonban6
charlie-tcahuh? you can do that, too?19:34
knomecharlie-tca, once you've written a script to do that, yes...19:35
SiDidoes irssi include httpcp ?19:35
knomeSiDi, *no* idea. :)19:35
knomeSiDi, if perl can do it, irssi can do it.19:35
knomeSiDi, just write a script.19:35
SiDihttp://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc2324.html httcpcp19:35
charlie-tcaI'd stay away from that htt *pcp* :/19:35
SiDiI miswrote actually, its cpcp :p19:36
SiDiOne of the best RFCs, with IP Over Avian carreers : http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/IP_over_Avian_Carriers19:36
SiDioops, french link :/19:36
Roonuxso let's try gnome-terminal19:36
* charlie-tca thinks it is _way_ over his head19:36
* knome is nostagizing with some paul mccartney live tracks19:39
brandonban6knome, way to be a conversation killer ;)19:41
wormsxullaSiDi: did you say "hi" because of my host, or do we "know" each other from elsewhere?19:41
SiDiI usually say you here and in #winehq19:41
knomewormsxulla, maybe he has played "worms" ?;)19:41
SiDii just thought i'd say hi, but i can also ignore you if you're scared :P19:41
SiDisee you *19:41
wormsxullano, it's fine, i was just curious :)19:41
brandonban6speaking of wine, anyone run steam on wine?19:42
knomeok, that might not be the best message i've sent to a mailing list :]19:42
charlie-tcayou think?19:42
knomeat least it was short - had nothing extra in it.19:43
charlie-tcaI'll bet everyone ignored it, almost19:43
knomebrandonban6, doesn't seem like it. :)19:43
knomebrandonban6, maybe #winehq ? :P19:43
knomecharlie-tca, might be.19:43
charlie-tcaMaybe he just don't know  Paul19:43
brandonban6thanks knome  :)19:44
SiDiyaaay my bittorrent client supports upnp now \o/19:44
knomecharlie-tca, now i dropped off from this discussion. i think you were talking about the post on the mailing list :D19:44
knomeSiDi, no problem. it's friday night after all and we all can relax a bit :19:44
charlie-tcaI'm lost now. someone wanted to know about xubuntu mailing list?19:45
knomecharlie-tca, uh oh. :)19:45
knomecharlie-tca, 21:38  knome: ok, that might not be the best message i've sent to a mailing list :]19:45
knomecharlie-tca, i thought you commented on that :)19:46
charlie-tcaOh, that one, yeah19:46
=== hfsdo_ is now known as hfsdo
knomecharlie-tca, anyway, i've been at a paul mccartney show twice and both times he got me crying at some point, and i think i'ven seen very rarely crying :)19:46
SiDicharlie-tca, yeh sure19:47
charlie-tcaYeah, he should be streamed across the world once a day, I think19:47
* charlie-tca with hands in the air. I am totally lost now19:48
Roonuxso on my desktop computer, <ESC>+<number> work :)19:50
charlie-tcaknome: you left the gdm art out of the message20:04
=== bac_afk is now known as bac
knomecharlie-tca, hhms, did i?20:10
knomecharlie-tca, i thought i was talking about the jaunty artwork in general, and i think that includes gdm20:11
* charlie-tca slaps head again20:11
Jan|how do I edit a file that belongs to the root user?20:15
vinnlJan|, what kind of file?20:15
brandonban6i'm confused, is xubuntu put out by canicol?20:15
vinnlbrandonban6, no, it's a community project20:15
zoredache_Jan|: generally you need to start your editor with sudo or gksu20:15
vinnlJan|, you'll want to copy the file to your home directory and edit it there, I believe20:15
vinnlEhm, wait20:15
charlie-tcabrandonban6: no, it is supported by canonical, but is a separate project20:15
vinnlI believe to ~/.local/share/applications20:16
charlie-tcaNo, I said that wrong20:16
vinnl*endorsed :)20:16
brandonban6ahh.......thanks Vinch_ , so knome, charlie-tca  are you on development teams then?20:16
charlie-tcaendorsed by canonical, but is separate.20:16
Jan|zoredache_, how do I do that?20:16
brandonban6I meant thanks vinnl :) *20:16
charlie-tcaI am not a developer.20:16
vinnl...but charlie-tca  does excellent work on bug triaging20:17
charlie-tcaI am not just a user20:17
zoredache_Jan|: depends... you didn't say what type of file you need to edit.  But for a plain text file doing an alt-f2 and then running 'gksu mousepad' would work20:17
vinnlzoredache_, a .desktop file... It's recommended to make a copy as the local user to edit it, I beleive20:17
brandonban6do you have to have some level of experience to be involved in bug process? How can I get plugged in?20:17
Jan|alt+f2 o nthe file?20:18
SiDicharlie-tca is our mascotte20:18
SiDihe's the mouse on the screenshots20:18
brandonban6lol @ SiDi20:18
vinnl(That's not to say that I never edit the files in /usr/share/applications :P)20:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about community20:19
charlie-tcaYou can get involved by reading https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Bugs20:19
ubottuCookies are delicious delicacies.20:19
brandonban6charlie-tca, I don't know how to read :D20:19
zoredache_Jan|: no, you don't need the file to be seleted, just running gksu mousepad lets you open a text editor with root privileges.  you could then open/edit any file20:19
SiDibrandonban6, then you won't be able to help :) bug triaging is a lot of reading20:20
brandonban6SiDi, ..........I guess it is back to what I do best then.......apathy and "bugging" others (pun fully intended).20:20
zoredache_Jan|: but like vinnl suggests, you probably should make a copy.  Changes you make in /usr/share/.... may be overwritten when you upgrade  Only things in /etc/, and /home are preserved20:21
* charlie-tca thinks filing bugs help too (not as much reading)20:21
knomebrandonban6, i'm the marketing lead for xubuntu, no kind od not a developer either.20:27
brandonban6knome, that's freaking awesome!20:28
juanitois there a restricted extras package for xubuntu?20:35
Jan|thanks zoredache_20:35
vinnljuanito, yep20:35
vinnl!info xubuntu-restricted-extras20:36
ubottuxubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used restricted packages. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 25 (intrepid), package size 4 kB, installed size 32 kB20:36
juanitoi installed it in ubuntu20:36
juanitobut the w32 codecs were optional20:37
juanitohow can i install this?20:37
vinnlTry to play a file that needs those codecs20:38
knomejuanito, 'sudo apt-get install xubuntu-restricted-extras' on terminal or launch synaptic, search for the package, mark to be installed and apply.20:38
knomejuanito, what vinnl suggested might work as well.20:38
juanitoso you mean to say that if i try to see a video and it gives me an option of searching these codecs20:39
juanitoi must search them this way?20:39
charlie-tcaw32 codecs should be available from medibuntu repository, aren't they20:40
Jan|the lack of GUI in linux is annoying20:40
charlie-tcaGUI for ??20:41
Jan|gslideshow, can't even change the settings20:41
Jan|you need to open a text file20:41
juanitoi'm going to try to install the xubuntu restricted and i'll let you know how it goes20:41
brandonban6Jan|, I thought so too at first, but I've really grown to appreciate the simplicity, efficiency, and quickness of the CLI apps.20:42
charlie-tcaJan|: you could ask on #ubuntu, if it isn't terrible busy. It will be the same procedure20:42
juanitoand please forgive my english20:42
knomecharlie-tca, how do i change the xfwm theme? is it the one you can change from settings manager -> window manager -> tab "style" ?20:42
juanitoi'm spanish20:42
Jan|brandonban6, CLI ?20:42
knomejuanito, #ubuntu-es20:42
charlie-tcaI don't know, knome20:43
brandonban6Jan|, CLI = Command Line Interface20:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xfwm20:43
juanitothanks knome but i like to practise english too;)20:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xfwm420:43
Jan|command lines are annoying, you have to remember the commands :P20:43
knomecharlie-tca, i suppose it is that but..20:43
charlie-tcaWhat does that theme control?20:43
knomecharlie-tca, ok, it must be that.20:43
knomecharlie-tca, seemingly the window borders :)20:44
brandonban6Jan|,  nah.......there is always help on standbye with man pages or --help switches.20:44
Jan|well I did a "chmod --help" and it just confused me20:44
brandonban6Jan|, just not as a pretty and I agree more difficult to work with, but there is something to be said about doing things with commands.20:44
charlie-tcajuanito: your english seems fine to this American20:44
juanitowow that's very kind of you20:45
=== sancas_ is now known as sancas
juanitothanks a lot20:45
zoredache_Jan|: guis are annoying, you have to click a dozen times to do each thing.  And even once you understand how to do it you still have to do all that clicking.  With the cli, and a good memory, once you know how to do something you can do it very fast20:45
charlie-tcajuanito: You are welcome20:45
zoredache_learning and discovering new things in a cli does tend to be difficult though20:46
Jan|zoredache_ the average person doesn't want to have to remember 1000 commands just to use his operating system20:47
vinnlNeither do I :P20:47
charlie-tcaOnce it is set up, you don't have to remember all those20:47
juanitocan i paste the information apt-get gave me?20:47
charlie-tcato pastebin20:48
juanitoabout restricted extras i mean20:48
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)20:48
charlie-tcaIf it is only a line or two20:48
ubottusbackup is a tool to create complete and/or incremental backups (which can be scheduled to be automatic, and can be done over a network). It is available in !Universe20:48
juanitowell it told me suggested packages........20:48
juanitoand recomended packages20:48
juanitoi gather that these ones arwe not in the package20:49
juanitoam i right?20:49
Jan|zoredache_ if the gslideshow GUI had everything I wouldn't have had to come in here and wait 10minutes for an awnser thus saving me 10minutes20:49
knomejuanito, suggested and recommended packages are something you *might* want to install.20:49
charlie-tcajuanito: yes, those are not included and may not be needed20:49
knomecharlie-tca, hah! beat you again :)20:50
juanitoo search them later20:50
* charlie-tca is just too slow20:50
charlie-tcajuanito: exactly what I do with them.20:50
charlie-tcaand I almost never install them later, too20:51
Jan|It no question that any app with a good GUI, even if its not as efficient as another similar app with no GUI, will sell better (be more popular).20:51
juanitook now i undrstand this package better20:51
Jan|maybe i should wait another 100years then maybe linux distros will have a GUI for everything ? :D20:51
charlie-tcaUbuntu has more GUI's than Xubuntu does20:52
Jan|right, right20:52
knomeJan|, maybe. or you might learn programming and do the improvements yourself.20:52
juanitoi like ubuntu very much20:52
charlie-tcaGUI slows down the computer, sometimes a very large slowdown20:52
juanitoi'm giving a try to xubuntu right now20:52
Jan|linux people don't get much paychecks :P20:53
charlie-tcaYou mean some get *paid* ?20:53
knomejuanito, psst, i can tell you a secret *whispers:* xubuntu is better than ubuntu20:53
knomeJan|, not necessarily true. you can get paid. or you could get sponsored to fly to other side of the world drinking free beer.20:53
Jan|charlie-tca, yeah some people pay for linux support, look at red hat...20:54
knomeJan|, free as in paid by someone else.20:54
=== FaMott|Sleeps is now known as FaMott
juanitoit's faster knome20:54
charlie-tcaI don't really want to look at red hat; I like Xubuntu!20:54
Jan|well they offer paid support iirc20:55
knomeJan|, you can even get paid by someone to develop. like my friend does. many hours per week.20:55
vinnlknome, don't spread the word or everybody will be using Xubuntu and we'll no longer be an underdog ;-)20:56
charlie-tcaCanonical offers paid support for Ubuntu20:56
knomeJan|, the world is full of possibilities. the thing is that there's so many projects and things to develop that we just don't have enough people to do that.20:56
Jan|knome, I tried coding once. didn't like staring at the monitor for 12hours straight everyday...20:56
knomevinnl, that'll be no problem to me ;)20:56
knomeJan|, i stare at the monitor for 12 hours straight even if not coding.20:56
juanitoyour eyes must be very red20:56
hollywoodbI think as Xfce 4.6 gains traction xubuntu will become more popular.  With xfce 4.6, it's power manager, and gigolo I no longer see any compelling reason to run gnome20:57
charlie-tcaJan|: If you want paid support - http://www.ubuntulinux.org/support/paid20:57
Jan|well you get the point, its like, spend a few days coding. then spend more days debugging, then you need to fix bugs found by the public, etc20:57
vinnlPersonally, I can't wait for Xfce 4.8 :)20:57
juanitoufw is installed and enabled by default?20:58
* charlie-tca is a glutton for punishment, too... waiting for 9.10; waiting for 4.820:58
vinnlEhm... At least isntalled, I think enabled :P20:58
charlie-tcaufw is installed by default20:58
Jan|hollywoodb, gnome is ad ?20:58
brandonban6Jan|, we are nerds........we thrive on that kind of stuff......we like to be challenged. M$ is successful and some may judge that better, but I'd rather learn and not be spoon fed IT.20:58
juanitois it enough firewall?20:59
juanitodo i have to install firestarter instead?20:59
knomejuanito, yes, today maybe, but not because of monitors. :) i have very good quality monitors so they won't hurt my eyes.20:59
charlie-tcaJan|: gnome is not bad, but is sometimes easier to use and do things in than Xfce20:59
charlie-tcaIt does take more resources, though21:00
juanitook knome21:00
vinnljuanito, Firestarted is just a GUI for iptables, ufw is a frontend for that too, so I believe the default firewall settings are fine... Not sure though, not my field of expertise21:00
juanitoso they both do the same21:00
juanitois that what you try to tell me??21:01
Jan|brandonban6, hehehe "spoon fed IT"21:01
juanitoi remember having problems with firestarter in ubuntu21:01
juanitoi couldn't activate it21:01
juanitoi mean enable it21:01
juanitoi'm not very good with linux yet21:02
Jan|brandonban6, its not like I go buy every MS book on windows, but I find windows easyer to learn because of the GUI presence for everything21:02
vinnlWhat do you mean by "couldn't"? Was the button grey, did it provide an error message, ...?21:02
juanitoeach time i wanted to enable firestarter gave me an error21:03
vinnlWhat did it say?21:03
brandonban6Jan|, likewise with Linux and CLI apps.21:03
juanitojolly bad remembering errors21:03
vinnlThat's not very helpful :P21:04
vinnlWell, I'd say you just try agian :)21:04
juanitoi'm sorry i couldn't be of more help21:04
vinnlHeh, I can imagine ;-)21:04
juanitoi know errors are important to share21:04
vinnlIt d oesn't really matter if it works now and if it doesn't we'll have the error message :)21:04
juanitoi'm in a virtual machine21:05
juanitothat could have been the problem that day21:05
juanitoi don't know21:05
juanitoi will try to run it again tomorrow21:06
juanitoand i will tell you what happens21:06
juanitois vmware available for linux?21:07
juanitoi mean free21:07
vinnlI thought so21:08
vinnlIf not, there are excellent alternatives21:08
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox21:08
juanitoi heard about it the other day21:08
knomejuanito, vmware player 2 is, yes.21:08
juanitogreat program or so it seems21:08
vinnlvmware-server is in Canonical's partner repo21:09
juanitothanks knome21:09
vinnlYes, it is :)21:09
knomei think you can't find vmware player in canonical repos, but you can download it from the vmware site21:09
juanitohas anyone of you installed the package mentioned before21:09
juanitoxubuntu restricted extras?21:09
knomethe installation is quite straightforward as it includes only running one script21:09
brandonban6virtualbox is amazing.......I work in an windows enviroment. So I run xp on vbox and use Linux for all that I can.21:10
vinnlYep, I have21:10
knomejuanito, i have it, yep.21:10
vinnlHa! Beat you! :P21:10
knomethat was only a second option O;)21:10
vinnlOh, you're allowed extra time for that? :P21:10
charlie-tcaI have too21:10
knomeyes, because i'm on bluetooth+phone21:11
juanitoi tried kubuntu too21:11
juanitoo didn't like it very much21:11
vinnlAh, I just read ;-)21:11
knomei'll be in the same line as you once i get my adsl modem.21:11
=== brandonban6 is now known as brandonban6[away
juanitoi even tried suse21:12
juanitoopen SUSE21:12
knomei think xubuntu is the most starightforward and since jaunty, the most beautiful distro21:12
juanitoyou seem very happy with xubuntu21:13
juanitoi envy you21:13
knomearen't you happy with xubuntu? :)21:13
juanitoinstalled it 10 minutes ago21:13
charlie-tcajuanito: it is just trying enough until one fits you.21:13
charlie-tcaI tried almost everything I could find before Ubuntu and then Xubuntu21:14
juanitoyou know21:14
charlie-tcaand I have the floppies and cd's still21:14
juanitoi'm very bad with the terminal21:14
knomecharlie-tca is right. but anything but xubuntu is objectively a wrong choice, even if *you* thought something else is better for you21:14
juanitoi wanted something easy to use21:14
vinnlHaha xD21:15
juanitoand amiable21:15
knome(x)ubuntu is the easiest to use. and xubuntu is light.21:15
charlie-tcano leaning there, knome?21:15
juanitoi quickly understood that linux is quite easy if you just want certain things21:15
juanitobut if you want to use it intensely..........21:16
charlie-tcaxubuntu is the best one for lightweigt with gui21:16
juanitooh my21:16
juanitothe more i read the more questions i had21:16
vinnlHeh, very recognisable ;-)21:16
vinnlAll those acronyms...21:16
charlie-tcashould have tried OS/221:16
knomecharlie-tca, not at all. i think the prepared artwork for xubuntu jaunty just makes xubuntu beat everthing. :D21:16
SiDijuanito, honnestly, i dont use windows at all and i feel ok21:16
vinnl+1 :)21:17
SiDii dont experience much bugs (except when testing jaunty :p), and i'm pretty happy withh what i can do of my system21:17
juanitomy sister uses windows so i have to share that piece of shit21:17
charlie-tcano windows on my 5 systems21:17
juanitoa very good user of linux you must be21:17
charlie-tcaIt kind of gets in the way of working on them21:17
vinnlNo Windows on 100% of my systems either :P21:18
charlie-tcagood word choice21:18
charlie-tcajuanito: I am the lead tester for Xubuntu, so I test on different systems that I have,.21:18
charlie-tcaI try to make sure it will work for everybody else, if I can.21:19
juanitoi just want to find my distro21:19
juanitoi think xubuntu is quite nice21:20
SiDiit is for sure :)21:20
* SiDi confesses he has Windoz on a PC (for Photoshop and for Dx games demos)21:20
charlie-tcaI guess, if you play games...21:22
knomei have vmware for photoshop and decent handling of wacom tablets.21:22
juanitoi've got another question21:22
knome!ask | juanito21:22
ubottujuanito: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:22
knomezoredache_, beat ya!21:23
vinnlSiDi, which version of Photoshop? Photoshop CS 2 works on Wine :)21:23
zoredache_yes, you did21:23
* charlie-tca is too slow again!21:23
juanitocan i feal confortable  using sudo as it comes with the instalation or21:23
juanitodo i have to edit anything21:23
juanitoor activate the root21:23
knomevinnl, i didn't have much luck with CS2 on wine :/21:23
juanitoor somethin21:23
juanitoremember i'm a beginner21:23
knomejuanito, do use sudo.21:23
charlie-tcajuanito: sudo should be fine the way it is21:23
vinnlknome, oh... Heh, I haven't tried it myself, so :P21:23
SiDiI use CS321:23
juanitoso i leave it untouched21:24
zoredache_you can do a lot of damage to your system by running commands with 'sudo' but the danger isn't because of sudo, it is in what you do with it..21:24
SiDijuanito, sudo is just fine for everything ;)21:24
juanitook ok21:24
charlie-tcayes, leave it untouched. It is ready to use as is21:24
juanitothat was my big question21:24
zoredache_of course if you have good backups of your data/configuration, you can generally feel safe about doing anything.  So make backups.  :)21:24
knomevinnl, after testing it i read somewhere that it might need some tweaks before it could work but eh - no luck with that anyway before wacom tablets are *completely* supported :)21:24
SiDiCS2 *works*, but half of the keyboard shortcuts dont21:25
SiDiand thats what makes photoshop so magical21:25
juanitowell friends time for me to go21:27
juanitoi can assure you it's been a pleasure to spend this hour with you21:27
knomesee you later, juanito21:27
brandonban6[awaybye juanito21:27
juanitobye friends21:28
CppIsWeirdI've followed the instructions http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/08/27/howto-remove-the-borders-of-your-desktop-icon-text/ and i have also placed those configuration parameters in .gtkrc, .gtkrc-2.1-gnome, .gtkrc-2.1, none of them work.21:33
vinnlCppIsWeird, those files are in your home directory?21:35
vinnlAnd have you restarted your desktop?21:35
CppIsWeirdyes, including full reboots even.21:35
vinnlWhich version of Xubuntu are you using?21:36
vinnlOK, wait, I'm going to try this myself21:37
vinnlAh, this might be it...21:38
vinnlCppIsWeird, what do you get if you execute "xfdesktop --reload" in a terminal window?21:38
CppIsWeirdactually... an error referencing the file in the isntructions: .gtkrc-2.0:4: error: unexpected character '\343', expected string constant21:41
vinnlThat's because Wordpress converted the quotes in that blog post21:42
CppIsWeirdah, so if i retype this, it should work?21:42
vinnlI think so, this should be correct: http://pastie.org/40979021:43
vinnlWait, this: http://pastie.org/409790.txt21:43
vinnlCppIsWeird, and, does it work?21:46
CppIsWeirdxfdesktop --reload, no error, but borders are still there21:47
vinnlYou might have to logout and log back in again21:48
CppIsWeirdfuck yeah.21:49
CppIsWeirdnice, thanks. :-)21:49
vinnlyw :)21:50
vinnlThen I'm off now, bye :)21:50
charlie-tcasee you later, vinnl21:50
CppIsWeirdhey charlie21:53
* charlie-tca waves at CppIsWeird 21:53
CppIsWeirdremember my other issue a day or so ago with comparing two directories?21:53
CppIsWeirdrsync. :P21:53
charlie-tcaGet it to work?21:53
SiDidamn , i just discovered the function i was using in order to retrieve my external ip address was having failures :(21:59
=== charlie-tca is now known as charlie-tca_
CppIsWeirdcharlie, are you from south africa?22:02
=== charlie-tca_ is now known as charlie-tca
charlie-tcaNo, CppIsWeird. USA22:05
CppIsWeirdah, just noticed you were in quite a few ubuntu rooms, including a dev one.22:05
charlie-tcaYes, I do a lot of bug triage work and testing22:05
noaXesshow to i set a swap partition from console?22:28
noaXessor is there a default one in 8.1022:28
zoredache_what do you mean set a swap partition?22:28
zoredache_from start to finish, you would create the partition, prepare it with mkswap, update your /etc/fstab, and then do a swapon -a22:29
=== zoredache_ is now known as zoredache
noaXesszoredache: need i do that on installation or while a running system?22:30
noaXesscan i do22:30
noaXessok. there is a swap partition :)22:31
zoredachewhen you do a standard install and the the installer automatically setup the partitions it should do that for you22:31
noaXess/dev/sda5            5003        5221     1759086   82  Linux swap / Solaris22:31
noaXesswhat size does it have?22:31
zoredacherun the command cat /proc/meminfo22:33
zoredacheif your swap is setup then you should see a value larger then 0 on the SwapTotal line22:33
noaXessi need libltdl3, but can't install it, cause: Package libltdl3 is not available, but is referred to by another package22:48
noaXesshow can i find out, which package i need to install or which source i need to install libltdl3?22:48
knomenoaXess, have you enabled universe/multiverse repositories?22:50
zoredachemay I ask what you need that library for?22:50
charlie-tcahttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/ is what I use.22:50
zoredachenoaXess: it appears that libtdl3 has been superceded by libltdl7 in the repositories (at least on intrepid)22:50
noaXessknome: that are the backports, right?22:51
knomenoaXess, nope.22:51
knomenoaXess, maybe zoredache already found the solution.22:51
noaXesszoredache: then.. a app that uses libltdl3 can work with the libltdl7?22:51
noaXessim installing zimbra on 8.10..22:52
noaXessby the way.. www.zimbra.com22:52
zoredachenoaXess: unfortunatly, I am not sure about that... sometimes an older app can use newer libraries.. sometimes it can't it depends on how much the library has changed22:52
noaXesszoredache: ok.. then, better is to test it ;22:52
noaXesszimra cs is just tested on 8.04 LTS... not on 8.10.. but i want it on 8.10..22:53
noaXesscan i make any symbolik link to libltdl7.. name of symlink should be libltdl322:54
zoredacheyou can try, it shouldn't break anything to create a symlink.22:54
zoredacheI don't know if it will work though22:54
noaXesszoredache: where is libltdl7?22:55
dejeNhi , germans here ?22:59
noaXessbut is there no german xubuntu channel?23:00
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.23:00
charlie-tcaYou are welcome23:01
charlie-tcaThat must be right?23:01
noaXess!info libtool23:02
charlie-tcaXubuntu only has this channel, to the best of my knowledge. Ubuntu has several languages.23:02
ubottulibtool (source: libtool): Generic library support script. In component main, is optional. Version 2.2.4-0ubuntu4 (intrepid), package size 496 kB, installed size 1288 kB23:02
noaXessthe software i want to install need libltdl3 instead of libltdl7.. is there a way to make a sym link from libltdl3 to libltdl7?23:03
noaXesswhere is library libltdl7 located? where should it be?23:03
charlie-tcaDid you install libtool?23:04
charlie-tcaYou can use locate libltdl7 in a terminal to try to find it.23:04
noaXesscharlie-tca: http://paste.ubuntu.com/127492/23:05
charlie-tcatake a look at /var/lib/dpkg/info/libltdl7-dev.list and see if it tells you anything else23:06
noaXesscharlie-tca: jap..23:06
noaXessfound it.. http://paste.ubuntu.com/127493/23:07
charlie-tcaso you can symlink this /usr/lib/libltdl.so.7.1.2 to the name you need23:08
noaXesscharlie-tca: thanks23:09
charlie-tcano problem.23:09
noaXessstill MISSING: libltdl3 if i install my app..23:11
knomecharlie-tca, wrong package name referred in the deb?23:11
charlie-tcaNo, wrong name in link23:11
charlie-tcaor maybe just not compatible with it23:12
noaXesscharlie-tca: ?23:12
charlie-tcaCould be one of those packages that just won't use libltdl723:12
noaXessit's zimbra..23:12
charlie-tcaIt might insist on libltdl323:12
charlie-tcaand you can't trick it23:13
noaXesshm.. can i remove the 7 version and install the 3 version from a package?23:13
charlie-tcaI am not a developer, so I really don't know  how to answer that23:13
noaXessok.. but thanks..23:14
charlie-tcaI don't know if it will something else. Sometimes you can just add another package and they work, sometimes it breaks it23:14
charlie-tcas/will something/will break something23:14
charlie-tcaThat might be why zimbra isn't been used in 8.10 yet, too23:15
noaXesscharlie-tca: have removed the 7 version and installed that one from hardy.. just a test.. :)23:18
noaXessand no missing lib on zimbra install23:18
=== sancas__ is now known as sancas
charlie-tcaNow if only nothing else broke... Good luck23:20
charlie-tcaor, you installed that just for zimbra and everything is great!23:21
SiDireminds me the trouble i had with libiptc23:22
SiDiit just disappeared from ubuntu23:22
SiDiif you want it, you gotta get iproutes' source and write your own makefile to compile and install the lib23:23
charlie-tcaThat sounds like much more fun23:23
SiDiactually no23:24
SiDii'm not good with Makefiles23:24
SiDiand after i got rid of it, i noticed i was missing another lib23:24
SiDifor which there wasnt any package either23:24
SiDii just gave up :D23:24
SiDinow that i'm at my parents' home i got a super cool UPNP router so i can test my code without such problems :P23:24
SiDibut my nat-pmp support code for my torrent client is completely broken, don't know why though :(23:25
noaXessif i need perl-5.8.8 instead of 5.10.0 is there a way to install 5.8.8, is there a package? is see only perlapi-5.8.823:27
charlie-tcaperl 5.8.8 was in hardy23:32
charlie-tcaIf you are going to do all that, you might need this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PinningHowto#Introduction%20to%20Holding%20Packages23:36
SiDiWhat hour is it in the US, charlie-tca ?23:42
charlie-tcaWhere I am, 4:42pm23:42
SiDialmost 1 am here :P23:43
charlie-tcaShould be in bed?23:43
charlie-tcaOh, hell. I been on this thing for 12 hours now23:43
charlie-tca(computer, not IRC)23:43
SiDimeans you woke up pretty early :P23:44
charlie-tcaon some days. but only when I don't sleep much23:44

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