
=== rickspencer3-afk is now known as rickspencer3
yao_ziyuanjust upgraded to kubuntu jaunty latest alpha00:54
yao_ziyuankded4 uses 45% cpu00:54
yao_ziyuani killed it and it doesn't seem to affect anything00:56
yao_ziyuankded4 is gone after a reboot01:21
yao_ziyuanbut when i close a window there is a sound...01:21
yao_ziyuani can't find where to disable it01:21
yao_ziyuani know why now: i run gnome-settings-daemon01:29
yao_ziyuanit's a gnome sound event01:29
yao_ziyuanwhen dropping a file from the QuickAccess widget to Trashcan,02:31
yao_ziyuanthe drop icon remains. it's a bug.02:31
a|wenScottK: okay ... found why the test fails in regina-normal: "DeprecationWarning: the md5 module is deprecated; use hashlib instead"05:14
a|wendo you think it is okay to patch the upstream test-case to use a non-deprecated md5 calculation ... that should solve it completely05:27
a|wenokay, i'm lost ... kdeartwork builds completely fine in a pbuilder no matter what i do it seems06:24
Riddell~twitter update ade and me are Nigerian rockstars09:23
kubotustatus updated09:23
Nightrosehaha Riddell09:23
Nightrosehaving a good time?09:23
markeyhey Riddell :)09:26
a|wensounds like someone is having fun ;)09:26
a|wen"morning" Riddell09:27
Mamarokis there an ext3 to ext4 conversion tool in Jaunty?09:56
markeyomg, I want Ext4 :)09:58
markeyone of our devs says, it really is super fast, noticeably09:59
Mamarokmarkey: read that wikipage about Ubuntu, it seems to be a bit more complicated than that :(09:59
valgaavI I'm using ext4 with jaunty09:59
markeyyes? I thought it's fixed now09:59
Sputmeh, last time I tested it, I had strange issues with it09:59
markeyvalgaav: any problems?09:59
Sputlike individual directories being full all of a sudden09:59
MamarokSput: you don't count you use Gentoo :)09:59
Sputor files vanishing10:00
valgaavso far no problems10:00
Mamarokvalgaav: fresh install or did you convert to?10:00
valgaavbut I I do not notice it be faster then ext310:00
valgaavaside from the file systems checks10:00
valgaavevery 30 boots10:00
valgaavnow that's very fast right now10:00
valgaavyeah  fresh install10:01
Mamarokhm, I don't want to do a fresh install all over :(10:01
Mamarokand the conversion tool seems a bit more complicated to apply to Ubuntu than to Debian, aacording to this page:10:01
valgaavI think it's best to do fresh install though10:01
Mamarokwell, I could leave my home in ext3 ...10:02
valgaavor move your data to external disk > format home to ext4 > move your data back10:03
valgaavI remember reading that any conversion tool will not make your old data formated with some ext4 features10:05
valgaavonly new data written to disk will use ext4 features10:05
Mamarokhm, I have a daily rsync on an external disk, should work10:07
valgaavI'm using it for about a month already10:07
valgaavand I think 2.6.28 gets a lot fixes for ext410:08
* Mamarok has to think that idea over...10:09
valgaavI wonder when Qt4 k3b will hit jaunty10:14
valgaavthat's the last qt3 based app10:14
blizzzkile is another one10:15
a|wenblizzz: kile kde4 is in jaunty10:16
blizzzreally? i compiled it on intrepid today from svn but wasn't really usable... my jaunty is currently broken10:16
valgaavkrename is also qt3 ... damn10:16
a|wenvalgaav: afaik the latest svn of k3b that is being tested by a few people is here https://launchpad.net/~tonio/+archive/ppa10:16
a|wenblizzz: i have a backport for intrepid in my ppa https://launchpad.net/~andreas-wenning/+archive/ppa10:17
valgaavthanks :) I'll try that in free moment :)10:17
blizzza|wen: cool, i check it out10:17
valgaavI already spent too much of my free time with getting Kgtk to compile on 64 bits and kde410:18
valgaavbut now it works :)10:18
valgaavno more ugly gtk+ file dialogs10:19
a|wenas long as "it works" is how it ends out, then all the time hasn't been in vain ;)10:19
blizzza|wen: some compile options seems to be missing? LatexPDF e.g.10:31
a|wenblizzz: have you cleared your old kile settings before starting the first time?10:31
blizzzerm, no10:32
valgaavit should seriously be packaged in kubuntu/ubuntu10:32
valgaavI mean kgtk10:32
valgaavis it hard to make a proper deb package  (not checkinstall) one ?10:32
a|wenblizzz: if you've meddled with your old settings it might choose to pull in them instead of the defaults10:33
valgaavI could package it seeing how troublesome to compile it is10:33
a|wenvalgaav: not that hard as soon as you get the hang of it ...10:33
a|wenvalgaav: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Basic ... might be a starting point10:34
blizzza|wen: i moved the old settings now, this worked.  looks good! :)10:34
a|wengood :)10:34
blizzza|wen: thanks :)10:35
valgaavthanks time to read  about it :)10:35
a|wenblizzz: no problem ... if you find any problems, just throw them at me10:35
a|wenvalgaav: and there is lots more in the same wiki-corner https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide10:36
blizzza|wen: ok10:37
QuintasanSput: \o10:57
Quintasanraphink: \o10:58
mrvanesAnybody any idea when kcron and knetworkconf 4.2.1 (amd64) is going to be built? kdeadmin is waiting for them11:04
mrvanesand both crested and yellow are idle and have no queue11:05
a|wenmrvanes: looks like it failed due to a temporary error ... we need to wait for a core-dev to restart the build11:10
mrvanesHmm... too bad... waiting to give aptitude the go ;)11:10
mrvanesa|wen: I'll just hold kdeadmin and update anyway, not a big problem I think11:15
a|wenmrvanes: shouldn't be ... just check that it doesn't try to remove anything vital due to it11:16
mrvaneswhen I "hold" it, it leaves the dependancies (knetworkconf and kcron) untouched, so all's well...11:17
a|wenMamarok: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/317781/comments/45 <-- ext4: increased risk of dataloss on unclean shutdown11:21
ubottuUbuntu bug 317781 in linux "Ext4 data loss" [High,Confirmed]11:21
Mamaroka|wen: thx, good to know!11:22
a|wenso be sure to remember your magic sysrq keys if you do upgrade11:23
Mamarokunlikely for now, too much other pending work11:25
a|wenScottK / JontheEchidna: there is something wrong here ... i've narrowed down why the kdeartwork backport works in pbuilder and not on the buildd; in pbuildercmake sees files that isn't there11:37
a|wencan any of you make it fail if you try to build the package as it is in the kubuntu-experimental ppa now?11:44
a|wenScottK: regina-normal that can now compile: http://awen.dk/packages/regina-normal_4.5.1-1ubuntu1.debdiff12:01
JontheEchidna116 more translation import messages :(13:34
a|wenoh my, not more of them14:49
ScottKJontheEchidna: After what vorian went through I think anything less than 1,000 is 'not very many'.15:32
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Tonio_hi there15:59
Tonio_has anyone tried to play with sieve filters in kmail ?16:00
Tonio_kio_imap then hangs up, 100% reproductible...16:00
Tonio_I suspect an ubuntu issue since I can't seem to find any other distro comment about that one....16:00
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
ScottKa|wen: Very cool about regina-normal.  Please send that change to upstream...  Test building now.  Thanks.16:19
a|wenScottK: ... and not very easy to find. i've already found the -devel mailinglist and was going to sent it there16:21
ScottKGreat.  Good work.16:21
a|wenScottK: in the case of kile do we really want to merge in debian's huge debian/rules file over a 4-line long of our own?16:25
ScottKa|wen: At this point in the release cycle I think it's reasonable to not make big changes like this and think it through more carefully for Karmic.16:26
a|wenScottK: okay ... was also the rationale i ended up at; so doing a merge to get the copyright / recommends+suggests but make debian/rules an exception16:28
ScottKa|wen: I'm heading out for the afternoon, so odd are I'll upload regina-normal after I get back.16:32
a|wenokay, all fine16:33
scott_evTonio_: you around?16:50
Tonio_scott_ev: yep16:50
scott_evTonio_: I had a complication last night and didn't get to test that patch.  I will this afternoon or evening and email you16:50
scott_evsome friends showed up from out of town16:51
Tonio_scott_ev: no pb ;)16:52
scott_evcool, I'm sorry it's not already done16:52
scott_evTonio_: I'll let you know.  I gotta get going to an appointment16:52
Tonio_scott_ev: thanks !16:53
kishorewhy is kexi-kde4 missing in jaunty? other koffice2 components are available...17:05
cumulus007How to make sure that all KDE apps use the new graphics system in Qt 4.5 by defaut?17:06
Quintasankishore: I'm sure it's named kexi17:19
kishoreQuintasan: but that is the kde3 version17:19
Quintasankishore: no idea then :O17:19
a|wendoes indeed look like kexi isn't built for koffice217:33
ghostcube4.2.1 :O17:39
kishore_a|wen: Any specif reason? dependency issues?18:21
a|wenkishore_: dunno; was about to ask one who might know it in the next sentence ... but figured out he was offline18:23
kishore_a|wen: OK.. Who would that be?18:24
a|wenmaybe rgreening ... at least he did the last update of the package18:24
kishore_maybe i could ask again later when he is around...18:24
cumulus007I can't find the translation template of the Quick Access widget on Launchpad18:28
a|wenkishore_: at least it would be a starting point to find out if he knew it18:28
cumulus007I can only find it's .desktop file, not the actual app18:29
kishore_a|wen: sure.. i'll ping when i see him online18:29
a|wencumulus007: do you think it has any app-specific translations18:29
txwikingerIs KDE on kubuntu-experimental ppa broken?18:29
cumulus007yes, of course18:29
cumulus007do you know that plasmoid?18:30
a|wencumulus007: jup ... i use it myself18:30
cumulus007a|wen: so, you should know that it has translatable strings :P18:31
a|wenahh, in the options there is some18:31
a|wencumulus007: which language have incomplete translations?18:32
cumulus007check this18:33
cumulus007it has only 2 strings18:33
a|wencumulus007: are you running kde in dutch?18:35
a|wenand which strings are not translated?18:36
cumulus007a|wen: well, as you can see, the only strings that can be translated on launchpad, are the widget name and it's description, which show up in the 'Add widgets' dialog18:38
a|wencumulus007: some of the other strings might be translated as part of kde itself (no need to translate the same hundreds of times)18:39
cumulus007well, if that's true, why is the plasmoid completely English then?18:40
a|wencumulus007: which version of kde are you running?18:40
cumulus007moment, I'm going to have a look at the KDE po server18:40
a|wencumulus007: on jaunty?18:40
a|wenthe translations just got imported, or at least some of them ... don't know how quick they are being distributed again18:42
a|wenbut of course the 4.2.0 translations should contain a lot of it in any case ... it is completely in english, no dutch at all?18:43
cumulus007There is some dutch18:47
a|wensome dutch that isn't one of the two strings from the widget itself in launchpad?18:52
cumulus007no, I mean there is a dutch translation available for other KDE apps18:54
cumulus007but for the quickaccess widget, there is nothing18:54
cumulus007at least in Kubuntu18:54
a|wencumulus007: okay ... so for quickaccess everything is in english, right?18:54
Riddellcheck for Messages.sh in the source18:55
a|wenhey Riddell18:55
Riddell~twitter update I beat Ade in the Nigerian trans-Kano motorbike race18:55
kubotustatus updated18:55
a|wenRiddell: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/AndreasWenning/DeveloperApplication <-- before it slips your mind completely with all your african ventures :)18:57
* a|wen grabs the source18:57
a|wenno Messages.sh18:58
a|wencumulus007: seems there is an explanation ^^19:03
cumulus007what's Messages.sh19:03
cumulus007does it grab the strings form the source code?19:03
a|wenit needs to know which strings are translatable19:04
a|wenand that is given in the source19:05
Riddella|wen: sorry no internet for web pages here19:10
Riddellssh is hard enough to use19:10
a|wenRiddell: oh, i see ... i can imagine that19:13
norenhi all19:13
noreni have this plasma crashing problem if anyone could help19:13
_Groo_hi/2 all.. anyone kubuntu dev alive? i found a grave bug in latest experimental kde 4.2.120:06
_Groo_python-kde-dev is missing /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/PyQt4/uic/widget-plugins/kde4.py which breakes a lot of python stuff20:08
_Groo_like the guidance power manager for instance20:10
a|wen_Groo_: on intrepid?20:14
_Groo_a|wen: yes20:15
a|wen_Groo_: which packet did it use to be in?20:15
_Groo_removing the missing kde4.py symbolic link allows guidance to run, but i believe all that upgraded to kde 4.2.1 are with broken guidance right now20:15
_Groo_at least is the one listed with a dpkg -S20:16
_Groo_its used by system-config-printer-kde20:16
a|wen_Groo_: are you saying the problem is that the file is there?20:17
_Groo_nope, the symbolic link exist, but not the fle20:17
_Groo_so when python does a read in the dir it breaks20:17
_Groo_breaking every app that read from that dir, like guidance20:18
a|wenahh, much clearer now20:18
_Groo_btw i talked with antohny mercatante yesterday so he could include the konsole fix that was breaking yakuake split view20:20
_Groo_are you guys going to add it to experimetnal kde 4.2.1 base package? if not i can release it in my ppa20:20
a|wenjust checking how it is for jaunty... two secs20:22
_Groo_i believe the system-config -printer-kde uis broken also, it falls back to gnome one, probable because of missing kde4.py file20:24
a|wensounds not unlikely20:26
_Groo_sounds not unlikely = probably broken or probably not broken? double negatives in english language always confused me20:27
a|wenprobably broken due to that20:28
a|wen_Groo_: i can see the konsole fix is in kdebase ... might very well get backported20:28
_Groo_ah, i was right then :)20:28
_Groo_yes, anthony told me after i sent the mail he went and backported it.. can you guys port it also? i can do the diffs if you want20:28
_Groo_it the kde4.py missing in jaunty also?20:29
a|wen_Groo_: still checking ... slow download20:31
a|wen_Groo_: the symbolic link seems to have a "../" too muchproba, bly in jaunty as well ... i'll look at it tomorrow in any case20:33
_Groo_ok, i can confirm that what is really broken is python-kde4 which should have kde4.py but only has pykdeuic4.py20:35
_Groo_is this the new name for kde4.py or is it an entirely diferent file?20:36
_Groo_python-kde4-dev creats the smbolic link, but python-kde4 should have the actual file.. and system-config-printer-kde depends on kde4.py symbolic link20:36
_Groo_a|wen: can you confirm this?20:38
_Groo_confirmed: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=kde4.py&mode=exactfilename&suite=intrepid&arch=any20:39
a|wen_Groo_: yeah, seems that the kde4.py is missing ... but why it isn't build/installed is a good question20:39
_Groo_a|wen: didnt check the .install files but was probably forgotten20:39
a|wen_Groo_: install files are ok20:40
a|wen_Groo_: usr/share/kde4/apps/pykde4/*20:40
_Groo_a|wen: does it appears in the debian/tmp/  anywhere?20:40
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a|wen_Groo_: cmake doesn't build it as all20:41
_Groo_a|wen: that worrying... maybe an kde 4.2.1 upstream bug or change?20:41
a|wennot unlikely ... i only have the debian-dir down now so can't look in the cmake files until i get the complete source20:43
_Groo_a|wen: aparently printer kde is broken allright.. try kcmshell4 kcm-scpk20:45
a|wen_Groo_: has that ever worked on intrepid?20:47
_Groo_the kcmshell thing? i dont know, but the config kde printer always worked till now... also i only noticed this bug because it broke guidance power manager battery systray20:48
_Groo_im downloading the 4.2.0 python-kde4 package from backport and im gonna just copt the kde4.py file to see if it fixed things20:48
a|wen_Groo_: for kde4.2.1 and guidance a better option is too uninstall g-p-m and add the battery applet20:49
a|wenbut still the missing kde4.py that is the problem20:49
_Groo_guidance has more features.. the battery applet is weak so far20:49
_Groo_its worrying because it breakes at least two apps20:50
a|wen_Groo_: have you tried left-clicking on the applet and then clicking on more :o20:50
a|wenthere is a ton of settings there imho20:51
_Groo_you mean the gnome applet or the plasmoid one? im talking about the plasmoid20:51
a|wen_Groo_: the plasmoid20:51
_Groo_a|wen: whats the name? battery monitor?20:52
_Groo_ah.. i see... nice...20:52
_Groo_well, guidance is going down the pipe now :D20:52
_Groo_but kde4.py needs to be adressed anyway20:53
a|wen_Groo_: g-p-m will be in universe for jaunty ... and powerdevil + battery-widget the default20:53
_Groo_im already using powerdevil :)20:53
_Groo_i just didnt realize the battery plasmoid had improved by that much :P20:54
a|wen_Groo_: do you know if the problem was there with kde4.2.0 ?20:57
_Groo_it wasnt..21:00
_Groo_just downloaded python-kde4 from backports , 4.2.0, it HAS the kde4.py file21:01
_Groo_ok, i copied the kde4.py from 4.2.0 to /usr/share/kde4/apps/pykde4 ence fixing the symbolic link.. now kcmshell4 kcm-scpk opens the kde config printer21:04
a|wenlooks like they have gotten rid of kde4.py alltogether21:05
_Groo_a|wen: well if they did, no cookie for them... they cant remove it a bug fixing release!21:06
_Groo_i still believe its  regression21:06
_Groo_a quick fix it to add it to kde 4.2.1 for kubuntu by hand.. or no config printer for kde :P21:07
a|wen_Groo_: are you an expert in kde websvn ... and how to see all changes of a revision alltogether?21:07
_Groo_easyest way would be go to the branch and do a svn log|less -i21:08
_Groo_and search for kde4.py references21:09
_Groo_after that do a svn diff -r newtag:old tag file21:10
_Groo_ex: svn diff -r 934409:933975 kde4.py21:10
_Groo_ex: svn diff -r 934409:933975 cmakelist.txt21:10
a|wenit's revision 91743921:10
ubottuhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=917439&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 91743921:10
_Groo_git is much better in that regard21:10
* a|wen thx ubottu21:11
a|wen_Groo_: that doesn't look good :(21:11
_Groo_a|wen: yeah, like i said , you guys must do a quick fix (just in order not to break the printer system). get kde4.py from 4.2.0 and add it to python-kde4 for 4.2.121:12
_Groo_i did it by hand.. works like a charm.. kde4.py ISNT not even close to be similar to pykdeuic4.py21:13
_Groo_gonna try something, just a sec21:13
_Groo_ok, moved kde4.py temporarily, and created a symbolic link from pykdeuic4.py to kde4.py, then i runned kcmshell4 kcm-scpk again.. broken...21:15
_Groo_which means pukdeuic isnt a supersedded version of kde4.py... they are different in all aspects21:15
_Groo_the only way for the printer config to work is by using kde4.py from 4.2.021:15
a|wen_Groo_: yeah ... i think it is an upstream error21:16
_Groo_a|wen: like i said.. a regression..21:16
a|wenthey still reference creating the symlink we does in the documentation!21:16
_Groo_do you guys have a "direct link" with kde dev guys?21:16
a|wennope ... only bugs.kde.org21:17
_Groo_this is a "big deal"..has the potencial to break every single python kde4 app21:17
_Groo_so as a workaround to make kubuntu users not to kill kubuntu devs on site, i would advise to add the missing file ASAP21:18
_Groo_or add the missing cmake line and see if that builds21:18
a|wenthe cmake-line just installs the file (if it was there)21:19
* a|wen starts adding a patch and test-building21:20
_Groo_a|wen: if you are at it, please add the konsole patch for intrepid ;)21:21
a|wen_Groo_: it's a completely different package ... but can go on the todo21:22
_Groo_yeah i know... kdebase21:22
a|wen_Groo_: what happened if you removed the symbolic link alltogether?21:29
_Groo_a|wen: it breaks the config printer21:31
_Groo_a|wen: and allows guidance to run since python doesnt break anymore reading the dir21:31
a|wenohh, so whatever we do breaks it ... great21:31
_Groo_a|wen: yes, the config printer NEEDS kde4.py in order to run21:32
a|wenokay ... testbuilding now21:34
_Groo_a|wen: and guidance needs a correct symlink because python brakes otherwise when reading the dir21:34
a|weni don't have upload rights though, so will be when i find someone to upload for me21:35
_Groo_no problem, i already fixed it by adding it to the afomentioned dir...21:35
_Groo_i just wonder how no one spotted this before21:35
_Groo_dont forget to warn the other devs about jaunty.. same problem.21:36
a|weni'm fixing in jaunty first ... then backport21:37
* a|wen just received the first bug with that error in my inbox21:38
_Groo_a|wen: ah ok21:39
_Groo_i was first ;)21:39
_Groo_well that was all for today... good luck awen :)21:40
_Groo_oh great, plasma just crashed on me :O oh joy21:40
a|wen_Groo_: get some debug packages installed and start to report bugs21:41
_Groo_a|wen: explain21:41
_Groo_ah, about plasma.. i do21:41
a|wenexactly ... good :)21:42
_Groo_i also help with translation and a few patches now and then21:42
_Groo_and im a regular contributor for getdeb.. kde packages are usually mine21:42
_Groo_like smb4k or k9copy.. or knemo21:42
a|wenoh well, this will probably be all for my day now as well ... i'll pick the fix up tomorrow when it has finished testbuilding21:43
_Groo_a|wen: oh btw.. the koffice build in jaunty is the new beta 7, correct?21:46
a|wen_Groo_: no idea actually :)21:46
_Groo_aparently it is21:46
_Groo_im backporting it to intrepid..  i usually release it in my PPA21:47
a|wenTonio_: your last fix in kdebase in jaunty "if (name.isEmpty() || name.isNull())" is only in bzr and not in the final package ... looks like it is one of the things mentioned in the changelog so thought you might wanted to know21:48
Tonio_a|wen: lemme look....21:48
Tonio_it is possible that I missed the bzr export :)21:49
a|wenwas what i thought21:50
_Groo_see'ya all later...21:51
_Groo_thanks for putting up with me a|wen21:51
a|wency _Groo_21:51
Tonio_a|wen: anyway the second fix isn't an emergency to upload...21:52
Tonio_a|wen: I'll wait for the next kdebase change to upload I think...21:52
a|wenTonio_: do you commit an "unreleased" changelog entry?21:53
a|wenthen it will get up as part of the next batch21:53
Tonio_a|wen: nope, I just forgot to also copy the fixed patch from bzr to the package....21:53
Tonio_a|wen: testing for NULL isn't as important as testing for empty21:54
Tonio_a|wen: there will be other fixes for kdebase so we can wait for the next upload, there's no big deal, as long as we have what's needed in bzr21:54
Tonio_that's no critical fix at all21:54
a|wenTonio_: of course not21:54
a|wenTonio_: but a changelog entry in bzr will make sure it makes sense when someone else might upload the package21:55
Tonio_a|wen: hum right.... I'll reupload then21:56
a|wenTonio_: just add a changelog entry to bzr is fine to me ... no need to upload to archive21:56
Tonio_bah if I'm changing things then I can reupload, it'll take 2 seconds... :)21:57
a|wenokay :)21:57
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
Quintasannight guys23:40

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