
Dam00Hello I have just installed MythBuntu and when I rip a DVD it works fine however, when I navigate to watch the move off the HDD its not found00:24
Dam00can anyone help?00:25
Dam00In the /var/lib/mythtv/videos directory there is loads of .vob files00:26
=== foxbuntu is now known as foxbuntu_
=== foxbuntu_ is now known as foxbuntu
pretenderAm getting a message  the file for this recording cannot be found when trying to view a scheduled recording.  any ideas03:21
pretender Am getting a message  the file for this recording cannot be found when trying to view a scheduled recording.  any idea03:43
pretenderwhen playing back a scheduled recording i get an error message the file for this recording can not be found04:42
Louishey everyone.  I was wondering if my myth server was powerful enough to enable live commercial flagging.  I'm running a Pentium IV at 3.6Ghz (single core, 32-bit) with 3 GB of RAM.  Also, I'm running a RAID1 array (software raid) but I have no idea how much that taxes the processor.  Any thoughts?  Any way I can get an idea of my system's load over time?06:03
foxbuntuLouis, its configurable06:19
foxbuntuLouis, you can let it runn loose or restrict it06:20
Louisfoxbuntu:  i'm not sure what you mean...06:21
Louisare you talking about the live commerical flagging or the software raid?06:21
foxbuntuthe comm flagging06:22
foxbuntuLouis, RAID1 is not software raid06:22
Louisfoxbuntu, i thought software raid just meant it was handled by the CPU insteald of a pci raid card?06:23
foxbuntuLouis, you can do LVM, or MIrroring in software raid06:23
Louisoh. well i have mirroring06:23
Louisthat's what i meant06:23
foxbuntuRAID1 is hardware06:23
foxbuntuso you are using LVM?06:23
Louisthe installer just called it a raid1 array for some reason...06:23
foxbuntuyou have multiple disks mounted as one?06:24
foxbuntunot /dev/sda1 *or similar*06:24
LouisI have 2 physical disks with mirrored data partitions and a stripped swap partition06:24
foxbuntuok well reguardless, its a very limited in CPU usuage06:25
foxbuntunot even worth worrying about06:25
Louishaha good to hear!06:25
Louisso you were saying that live commercial flagging is configurable?  how so?  like i can set it to be more or less aggressive in its cpu usage?06:25
Louiswhat options are those?06:26
foxbuntuvia mythtv-setup (MythTV backend setup)06:26
foxbuntuHigh / Medium / Low06:26
Louisaah maybe that's why i didn't see it...06:26
foxbuntuand the number of comm flag jobs to do at a time06:26
Louisokay cool. i'll look into that06:26
Louisthanks a bunch06:26
Louisin a related question though, do you know how i could find my peak CPU usage?06:27
Louisi can find average load using top06:27
Louisbut not peak06:27
foxbuntuLouis, gnome-system-monitor06:28
foxbuntuor a similar app to track usage06:28
Louisis there a non-graphical way to do it?  i'm sshed into the backend here06:28
foxbuntuI have to remember what I use06:29
foxbuntuhold on a sec06:29
foxbuntusudo apt-get install saidar06:30
Louiswill do06:30
Louisthanks again!06:30
=== MythbuntuGuest38 is now known as SgtP
SgtPHello.  Anyone avail to help figure out a front-end Audio issue?  Been banging my head for several hours...18:47
SgtPIssue is: No audio (Front-end) from STB via the Mic input on the soundcard.  The Audio is outputted from the Front-end/Backend via SPDIF (coax).  On a remote front end that input (STB) gets audio fine.  Thougths?18:50
SgtPFinally got it!  Changed the sampling rate in the recording profile to 44100.  Dont have a clue how/when that changed to 33K but works now!19:17
=== croppa_ is now known as croppa
RealNitroany lirc experts around?23:04

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