
matrixhomieany hackers here?00:00
attilacyilmazlargoofey: on ubuntu is raid1 or raid5 easier??00:00
DarkriftXno, the hackers all hang out in #hacjers00:00
DarkriftXno, the hackers all hang out in #hackers00:00
attilacyilmazlargoofey: to setup i mean?00:00
goofeyattilacyilmazlar: should be about the same00:00
attilacyilmazlargoofey: thank you for answers :)00:01
goofeyattilacyilmazlar: anytime00:02
matrixhomiebut theres almost no hackers in #hackers00:04
matrixhomiedo you know how i can get invited to #hacker00:04
DarkriftXdude, restructure your question. asking for a hacker makes no sense00:05
DarkriftXwhat is a hacker?00:05
matrixhomieim not going to respond to that00:06
goofeyitsatrick: deleting the icon doesn;t work, because it's conflicting with the application that installed the icon, not the icon itself00:06
=== matrixhomie is now known as matrixhomie_
=== matrixhomie_ is now known as matrixhomie
bazhangmatrixhomie, its offtopic here00:09
josh-lI want to make a launch feedback that spins (rotates) instead of bounces... what do I need to learn specifically to be able to make this?00:11
itsatrickI also tried uninstalling kde4-icons-oxygen, but that would have uninstalled my entire system.00:13
goofeyjosh-l: I would guess that's written in C - the folks in #kde would probabably know that00:13
=== maria is now known as ^SwEEtY^
josh-lyeah the3y\\y apprently do not00:13
goofeyjosh-l: well, they wrote it, not the kubuntu folks (I think) - you could check out the kde CVS00:14
goofeyitsatrick: which kde?  3 or 4?  And you installed it but it didn't install koffice?00:14
josh-lyeah im sure kde devs wrote and not kubuntu devs'00:14
itsatrickKDE 4.  Right.  I have KDE 4 installed, but Koffice isn't installed.00:16
josh-lso instaq00:17
itsatrickOO.org is buggy with plasmoids, so I don't want to do that.00:17
josh-lll it00:17
josh-li mean, install it00:18
goofeyitsatrick: i'm booting jaunty to see if it came with koffice00:18
josh-li dont get what the issue is, if its not installed, then install it00:19
goofeyitsatrick: which version of kubuntu do you have?00:19
goofeyjosh-l: it's conflicting with something already installed00:19
josh-lwhat is it conflicting with?00:20
goofeyitsatrick:  is it kubuntu or ubuntu with kde installed?00:20
josh-lim pretty sure none of the releases come with koffice installed00:21
itsatrickkoffice-data-kde4_1 is trying to override kde-icons-oxygen.00:21
goofeyjosh-l: yeah, I just found that out - jaunty comes with openoffice, not koffice00:21
itsatrickIt's Ubuntu with KDE installed, but Gnome removed.00:22
itsatrickJaunty is only in beta, right?00:22
josh-ltry installing koffice anyways, then if necessary install kde-icons-oxygen after00:22
goofeyitsatrick: jaunty is beta00:23
DarkriftXCan anyone help me figure out why my display settings will not persist past a reboot or x restart?00:23
goofeyitsatrick: itsatrick I'm afraid i dn;t know how to solve your problem00:23
goofeyitsatrick: er, don't00:23
josh-lits not going to cause any real issues if oxygen icons get uninnstalled00:24
josh-land if yoyu want them just try installing after installing koffice00:24
itsatrickjosh-l: Then how com I saw that a bunch of important pacakges would be uninstalled like libkde4 and such.00:24
itsatrickDoes OxygenOffice work well in KDE4?00:25
josh-lokay then i dont know00:26
goofeyitsatrick: i wonder if there's a way to in-install kde4-icons-oxygen without un-installing all the other packages?00:26
goofeyitsatrick: an apt-get --ignore-depends flag maybe?00:26
jmichaelxrecently, in kubuntu 8.10, using kde4.2, my screen starting locking after the monitor idles, requiring a password to unlock it. to my knowledge, i have never configured it to do this, and i cannot for the life of me figure out how to make it stop. i do NOT have 'lock screen on resume' selected in the settings. can anyone tell me how to fix this?00:29
itsatrickSorry, --ingore-depends is not a valid flag.00:32
lucaxhey guys, im on ubuntu intrepid i wanted to install kde 4.2, cant find the repositories or update... any ideas ?00:33
jmichaelxlucax: the instructions should be right on: http://www.kubuntu.org/00:36
lucaxyeah but tehy say packages are on backports and i just did an update and im still with 4.100:37
bazhanglucax, enable backports00:37
bazhanglucax, lets see your sources.list (guessing you updated them already once adding repo)00:38
lucaxno problem for some reason there was the problem solve it thanks00:38
bazhanglucax, sudo apt-get update fixed it?00:39
jmichaelxcan anyone tell me how to stop the screen from locking, and requesting a password to unlock it, whenever the PC has idled for a time?00:40
jmichaelxthis is in kde4.200:40
bazhangnot some screensaver setting? this is in intrepid corrrect?00:41
jmichaelxyes, it is in intrepid...i am just using 'blank screen' for the screensaver, and see no lock screen setting there00:42
bazhanghmm let me check mine00:42
NotForResale-UScan anyone help with a sata hdd?00:44
bazhangin system settings desktop  screensaver is require password to stop checked00:44
bazhangNotForResale-US, need an actual question00:44
jmichaelxbazhang, no, it is not checked00:45
NotForResale-UScan i use a ide jumper to jump the 1.5gb speed limit on a sata drive00:48
bazhangNotForResale-US, this sounds like a question for ##hardware00:49
bazhangjmichaelx, not sure where else to look frankly; I am on 4.1 , dont know what systems settings control panel looks like in 4.2 (ie if it differs or not) could well be a bug00:51
jmichaelxty bazhang, i have no idea what to do about this... pretty annoying00:56
bazhangjmichaelx, let me check launchpad00:57
Wazmynin KDE4 I've found a couple of programs (Dragon Player, Kuickshow) that do not have any menus ith them - how do you go about editing preferences for apps like this?00:59
jmichaelxi have been wondering why in the world dragon player is even included....01:01
bazhangWazmyn, best I can is dragonplayer has a menu that leads to the dragonplayer handbook; it is a very minimalist player from what I have tried01:01
woonixWazmyn: What do you mean "editing preferences"? If you want to add a menu item, then use the menu editor.01:01
Wazmynjmichaelx: well, kaffiein won't play the videos off of my camera and dragon player will01:02
=== Andry_Work is now known as Andry_sleeps
Wazmynbazhang: where is the menu that leads to the hand book?01:02
bazhangWazmyn, far right menu, next to settings01:03
Wazmynwoonix: specifically in kuickview I wanted to change the keyboard short cuts - page up and down advance the picutres I want to use right and left01:03
Wazmynbazhang: my window has nothing. It's just a floating picture window with the title bar at the top01:03
jmichaelxWazmyn: interesting to hear. that is the first useful thing that i have heard about that dragon player could do01:03
draik_jmichaelx: I'm on 4.2 with a desktop and laptop. I don't have that issue and I don't mind going over configurations with you.01:03
Wazmynjmichaelx: HA!01:04
c0rruptedanyone have anything interesting they would like to send me?01:04
jmichaelxhey draik_, what's up?01:04
Wazmync0rrupted: like what?01:04
jmichaelxdraik_: yeah, if you have any idea why this screen locking business is going on and how to stop it, i'd be appreciative01:05
c0rruptedanything from porn to music to OS bootup iso's or anything really01:05
draik_jmichaelx: I may be able to help. What is going on with your Power Management in System Settings?01:05
draik_jmichaelx: BTW, is it on a desktop or laptop?01:05
jmichaelxdraik_: i also have kubuntu 8.10 on a desktop and a laptop, but it is only the desktop that is requiring a password to unlock the screen after it has idled... i have no idea what i would have done to cause this to start, nor how to make it stop. i have been through all the setting i can think of.01:07
WazmynHow do I get Dolphin to show previews of videos?01:09
draik_jmichaelx: I'm not sure where to begin other than Power Management settings for profile types.01:10
jmichaelxWazmyn: i do not think that dolphin has that capability yet01:10
jmichaelxdraik_: hmm, i think i have gone through all of that01:10
Wazmynjmichaelx: it did in 3.5 - why would it lose it?01:11
jmichaelxWazmyn: i was disappointed , too, but it did lose it. i imagine they will bring it back, but who knows when01:11
* Wazmyn frowns01:12
jmichaelxWazmyn: i have been using Thunar when i want to view folders with video previews01:12
bazhangc0rrupted, did you have a kubuntu support question?01:12
c0rruptedno i didnt01:13
fatblackpumpnwhy wont k3b burn mp3's ?01:13
fatblackpumpni get "problems" when i drag and drop mp3s01:13
tekteenfatblackpumpn: are you making a data cd?01:14
fatblackpumpnnah, a music cd01:14
bazhangfatblackpumpn, it will01:14
fatblackpumpnso there is no way in linux, to burn music ?01:15
fatblackpumpni just wanna make a cd.01:15
fatblackpumpnto listen to in the car.01:15
tekteenfatblackpumpn: the issue is that it needs to decode mp3s01:15
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org01:15
fatblackpumpnlinux shit.01:15
Wazmynjmichaelx: what is thunar?01:15
fatblackpumpni installed w32codecs01:15
jmichaelxfatblackpumpn = troll?01:15
bazhangfatblackpumpn, stop with the language01:15
c0rruptedmaybe if you learned to program you would realise everything in linux is OPENSOURCE so you can fix it yourself01:15
fatblackpumpni installed w32codecs, how do i burn a cd ?01:15
tekteenfatblackpumpn: I believe there is a package for k3b mp301:15
draik_jmichaelx: I agree and I am still looking into various things here and I can't get it to duplicate that type of thing.01:16
tekteenfatblackpumpn: sudo apt-get install libk3b2-mp301:16
tekteenfatblackpumpn: then it should work01:16
=== c0rrupted is now known as matrixhomie
jmichaelxWazmyn: thunar is the default file manager in xfce... but i use it a lot in KDE, particularly ofr video previews, likw you mentioned01:16
fatblackpumpnlibk3b2-extracodecs  ?01:16
fatblackpumpnoh ok01:16
WazmynI've never had a problem burning mp3s with k3b01:16
jmichaelxdraik_: oh well, i'll just keep poking around until i figure something out01:17
tekteenWazmyn: I have :-)01:17
fatblackpumpnE: Package libk3b2-mp3 has no installation candidate01:17
DarkriftXis there any way to tell when the last dist-upgrade happened? i went to sleep one day with 7.10 and woke up the next with 8.04 and want to see if ive rebooted since (im sure i have but just to be sure)01:18
draik_jmichaelx: I think I may have it...01:18
fatblackpumpnwhats to add do sources.list to get libk3b2-mp3   ?01:18
jmichaelxdraik_: fire away01:18
tekteentry libk3b3-extracodecs01:18
draik_jmichaelx: Power Management > General Settings > Lock screen on resume01:18
MagicDuckis there a way to make keyboard shortcuts work in kde4 (for example k-menu shortcut, run command, etc) with compiz enabled?01:18
draik_Make sure it isn't checked01:18
* draik_ hopes that's the answser.01:18
fatblackpumpnyay! it's working, thanx fellaz.01:19
jmichaelxdraik_: unfortunately, i was there , and made sure that one was not checked01:19
draikjmichaelx: How about checking, save, uncheck, save?01:20
draikSounds funny, I know, but it works for me that way some times.01:20
jmichaelxdraik: i know what you mean, i have seen deals where that sort of thing has worked when nothing else did... i'll give a while here in a bit01:21
jmichaelxi'll give it a whirl*01:21
draikjmichaelx: Cool.01:21
cristianhey ripio01:24
bazhang!hi | cristian01:27
ubottucristian: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!01:27
fatblackpumpnwhat kind of name is cristian?01:28
fatblackpumpnwhat are you religious or something?01:28
bazhang!ot > fatblackpumpn01:28
ubottufatblackpumpn, please see my private message01:28
fatblackpumpnoh sorry01:28
tekteenfatblackpumpn: I am not sure if that was supposed to be humor, but it does not translate well on irc01:29
fatblackpumpndoes the software that is in kubuntus repos more state of the art or "recent" (as in newer), than in gentoo's ?01:29
fatblackpumpngentoo doesent seem to be cutting edge anymore.01:29
bazhangfatblackpumpn, this is support; chat in #kubuntu-offtopic01:30
fatblackpumpnit's a simple question.01:30
bazhangits offtopic.01:30
fatblackpumpni have seen way more off topic stuff in here than that.01:30
fatblackpumpnhow is it off topic. i said the word kubuntu01:31
jmichaelxfatblackpumpn = troll?01:31
fatblackpumpnjust asking a simple question.01:31
fatblackpumpnoh well01:31
matrixhomieanyone want to trade stuff?01:31
bazhangmatrixhomie, not here; this is not a warez channel01:31
bazhangmatrixhomie, this was pointed out to you earlier01:31
LjLfatblackpumpn: you're currently muted, they won't hear you. i'd like you to read the factoids i've had ubottu send you first.01:32
LjL!etiquette > matrixhomie    (matrixhomie, see the private message from ubottu) | how about you do the same01:33
fatblackpumpnok i have a question, since you guys like to support.01:37
fatblackpumpnwhen i ran kde 3.5 the pager had the windows icons on the "virtual desktop"01:37
fatblackpumpnnow they dont01:37
fatblackpumpnrunning intrepid01:37
fatblackpumpni.e.  if firefox was in the foreground for that "virtual desktop"  the window on that pagers virtual desktop would have the firefox logo.01:37
fatblackpumpni found that to be convenient01:38
bazhangyou want icons to click on the desktop?01:40
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fatblackpumpnno not the desktop itself.  the pager01:42
fatblackpumpni have 9 "virtual desktops" on my pager.01:43
Wazmynfatblackpumpn: i think i'd chalk that up to "stuff that hasn't got implimented in kde4 yet"01:43
fatblackpumpnahh theres a check box for that.01:43
Wazmynok, nevermind01:43
fatblackpumpnpager settings01:43
fatblackpumpnwindow icons01:43
fatblackpumpnnow to bind key strokes to toggle between desktops01:44
Wazmynfatblackpumpn: ctr+F1, crt+F2....01:45
fatblackpumpnWazmyn: is there a way to change those.  id like to reassing the defaults to ctrl alt arrow01:46
Wazmynit'd be under system_settings01:46
fatblackpumpnWazmyn: yeah, im uder key board and mouse > key board short cuts, the only short cuts are for KMix01:47
fatblackpumpnoh i have to select it,01:47
fatblackpumpnbut i still dont see the pager under the drop down01:47
Wazmynyeah, i went though that was well fatblackpumpn01:47
fatblackpumpnoh they call the the plasma workspace01:47
Wazmynthat' won't be under the pager01:48
MagicDuckis there a kde4 equivalent to "dcop kicker kicker popupKMenu 0"01:48
fatblackpumpnnm plasma workspace is not the pager01:48
GWildI just installed a new version of 'linux-generic' - how do I install it for use?01:48
WazmynMagicDuck: whta did that do?01:49
GWildit's not in /boot....01:49
fatblackpumpnpager is not under the list of kde componets under system settings's keyboard and mouse01:49
LjLGWild: it should be. what did you install, exactly?01:49
Wazmynfatblackpumpn: the shortcuts for desktops won't be in the pager - it'll be part of the global shortcuts or something01:50
fatblackpumpnglobal shortcuts?01:50
fatblackpumpnwhere are those?01:50
draikjmichaelx: Any luck?01:50
GWildLjL: linux-generic in adept01:50
Wazmynfatblackpumpn: found it, it's under kwin01:50
LjLGWild: and how would it be a new version? or did you mean *upgrade* it?01:51
fatblackpumpnWazmyn: thanx pal.01:51
GWildLjL: actually upgrade yes.  I'm trying to upgrade past 27-7 to avoid my chronic BusyBox boot error01:52
jmichaelxdraik: i've not yet been able to check... i am slowly trying to get an email written to my gf, which cost me dearly, if it doesn't get sent off fairly soon, lol01:52
MagicDuckWazym: it shows the K menu, I am using compiz so I wanna keybind it01:52
jmichaelxwhich will*01:52
LjLGWild: you do realize that the linux-generic package itself doesn't contain anything, and that what really gets upgraded (usually automatically - what i don't get here is what you've done manually) is linux-image-whatever?01:53
draikjmichaelx: Brave man to be doing something that grave at the last minute.01:53
WazmynMagicDuck: oh. sorry I can't help ya there if you're uisng compiz. And if you want names to be highlighted, you need use the full nick01:54
jmichaelxdraik: some call it bravery, others call it 'dancing with suicide'01:55
GWildLjL: I'm probably not being clear - I'm from Gentoo and have never used a distro which was 'automatic'01:55
jmichaelxwell, homicide, in this case... sorry for the OT01:55
draikjmichaelx: castration, really.01:55
Dr_willis_AAObeen testing out ArchLinux here lately :)01:55
jmichaelxmost likely, lol01:55
LjLGWild: ok how about you type "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"01:56
draikDr_willis_AAO: Oh yeah? How is it?01:56
GWildLjL: ok, I'll do that01:56
GWildLjL: dist-upgrade = 'uprade the installed distro'?01:57
LjLGWild: yes, to the latest versions of packages. you should do that regularly (except that you don't really have to because when there are updates, an icon shows up, and when you click on it, they get installed)01:58
LjLwhich is what i don't understand to begin with01:58
LjLyou should be on the latest available kernel version *by default*, without doing anything but clicking on the auto-updates icon01:58
GWildthat would splain it - I'm still reading/learning so I have not done that since I was not sure what it would do01:59
GWildskittish after Gentoo which could easily 'break'01:59
WazmynGWild: within reason, updates here should not break things - they're tested before they go in the repos02:00
WazmynGWild: there are always exceptions, but in general, that's the case02:00
GWildWazmyn: Sounds good - a good reason to switch distros.....  I appreciate the info02:01
stealth-ugh. Im trying to log into my kubuntu machine remotely through vnc, but the kde desktop sharing program asks my connecting client for a password, and I dont know what it is :|. Any help?02:12
=== jeff__ is now known as Libertarian4life
Libertarian4lifeOkay, is it better to use xrender or OpenGL with Linux, with KDE, etc?02:13
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX02:14
tekteenI am sure the bot knows the default vnc password02:14
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots02:15
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!02:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about botfart02:15
ubottuSo, you wanted to lure me into saying I don't know anything about anything? Yeah, that would be funny, of course. Now leave me alone.02:15
tekteenit is on to me02:15
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about smoke02:16
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.02:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about slap02:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about botslap02:17
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about openGL02:17
tekteenthis is very !ot, but then again, no one here needs help02:17
Libertarian4lifewell is xrender or open GL better for linux.. or which is more geared to use linux to its potential02:18
tekteenLibertarian4life: first of all, I like your name. Second, GL also works on other platforms02:19
tekteenwhy not use the one that may one day have some comercial application?02:20
tekteenanything you learn to do on linux you should try to make applicable to windows02:20
* tekteen is not trying to start a flame war02:20
Libertarian4life1) thank you :P  2) yea, but is is linux able to use one better over the other?02:23
=== mike is now known as Guest4289
Guest4289is the http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-experimental/ubuntu/pool/main/k/kdepim/ktimetracker_4.2.0-0ubuntu1~intrepid3~ppa1_i386.deb site down02:23
Guest4289cant seem to ping it02:25
=== adam is now known as Guest81597
Samuel-NotAFKFFS why is the KDE4 version in 8.10 so poopo?02:39
Guest81597is there a manual for this IRC client?02:39
Samuel-NotAFKGuest81597: What IRC client?02:39
Guest81597this one...02:39
ArkoldThossomeone having problems with kopete02:39
Samuel-NotAFKman kopete02:39
Guest81597well this is an IRC client is it not02:40
Samuel-NotAFKGuest81597: You're using Konversation02:40
Samuel-NotAFK(03:03:22) Guest81597: (notice) Received CTCP 'VERSION Konversation 1.0.1 (C) 2002-2006 by the Konversation team' (to Samuel-NotAFK) from Guest8159702:40
Guest81597but i am having problems with kopete too :)02:40
ArkoldThosGuest81597: wlm?02:41
* Samuel-NotAFK is listening to The B52's - Love shack02:41
Samuel-NotAFKoops caps02:41
Guest81597FYI, i am more of a Windows Vista person so this Kubuntu thing is kinda new to me, although i LOVE some of its features02:42
Guest81597and i do not think there is a reason to swear...02:42
ArkoldThosproblems using WLM protocol on kopete <.<02:42
Guest81597Yes i am02:42
Guest81597it crashes when it tries to connect02:42
Guest81597is that common02:42
ArkoldThosfirst try?02:43
Guest81597since you semed to know what is was right away02:43
ArkoldThosno clue >.<02:43
ArkoldThoshere just doesnt connect02:43
ArkoldThosif i am with other client it go out of msn due to another client trying to join02:43
Samuel-NotAFKGuest81597: There is always reason to swear.02:43
ArkoldThosand if i put a bad password it return errors02:43
ArkoldThosbut if i put it right, it just stays on connecting forever02:44
Guest81597let me try again02:44
Guest81597crashed... twice02:46
=== draik__ is now known as draik_
=== adam is now known as Guest41836
Guest41836I need some help with kopete...03:03
=== Guest41836 is now known as adam_
=== adam_ is now known as adam__
=== adam__ is now known as adam_
adam_Can I get some help with kopete?03:05
=== adam_ is now known as Guest27054
Guest27054love the immediate response....03:06
Guest27054hmm 296 people and no one knows anything... see you later (you never leave)...03:07
jeff__Im having problems installing Mozilla.  I go to the site, down load it, but im unable to install it (it opens with ark, but doesnt install, just shows files)03:09
jeff__any ideas on how to fix it?03:10
PodeCoetIs it possible to give a network card two IP addresses in Kubuntu?03:27
PodeCoetI need to access a different network (
Samuel-NotAFKI'm looking forward to 9.0403:29
Samuel-NotAFK8.10 and 8.04 had shit support for my EeePC03:29
Samuel-NotAFKDebian has poor support03:29
Samuel-NotAFKHopefully 9.04 will fully support my EeePC03:30
Samuel-NotAFKI'm looking forward to KDE4 too03:30
Samuel-NotAFKI hope I can find my USB drive.03:30
Samuel-NotAFKFFS it's a really good 8GB one too03:30
Samuel-NotAFKI'll look for it tomorrow.03:30
norenis DaSkreech still here03:31
silentContenderCan someone help me with a corrupt login?03:32
=== kurumin is now known as Paulo
* PodeCoet fucks off appropriately03:38
silentContenderThe auth.log does not log my activity, ideas why?03:49
=== adam is now known as Guest46874
=== Guest46874 is now known as Adam_Tech
Adam_TechWho here could help me with the Adept Manager?04:08
Adam_Techumm Hello??04:10
Adam_TechI also need help with Konqueror04:10
lhd_any body04:11
Adam_Techlol like noone is here04:11
Adam_Techeven though there must be over 250 people here, no one is listening04:12
sperlowhat is your problem with knokor?04:12
ubuntu__Hello all I have a question concerning adept04:12
Adam_TechMe too04:12
ubuntu__I get this error msg04:12
ubuntu__dpkg: parse error, in file `/var/lib/dpkg/updates/0059' near line 1:04:12
ubuntu__ EOF after field name `'04:12
Adam_TechI need more help with adept04:12
Adam_Techthan konqueror04:12
Adam_Techadept always will (BREAK) when i request install04:13
Adam_Techon like 98% everything i want to install, and the ones that show no error, fail when i try to apply changes04:13
Adam_Techcan you help?04:16
Adam_Techdang  it04:23
inteliwaspso, i managed to score a second video card and have an extra monitor around... and to no surprise, after installing the nvidia drivers, xorg did not like the setup, said no screens, can someone point me to a nice guide to resetup xorg with 2 cards and 2 monitors?04:26
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution04:34
Adam_Techcan someone help me with adept??04:34
inteliwaspwhat is your question?04:35
Adam_Techok, When I go to request install, it will say (BREAK) install in red, and when it is green and says install, it says it broke when i try to apply changes04:37
inteliwaspthe new pakages you are trying to install do not like the programs already on your system04:38
inteliwaspwhat says break?04:38
Adam_Techfirefox 3.004:38
Adam_Techthats the only big one i really want04:38
inteliwaspwhat are you trying to install?04:39
Adam_Techfirefox 3.004:40
inteliwaspdo you have firefox 2.x already on the system?04:41
Adam_Techonly konquer04:42
inteliwaspthose 2 shuld not have a problem....04:43
inteliwaspwhat if toy tried to use the command line?04:43
Adam_Techi have read about using sudo adept --configure -a04:44
Adam_Techbut nothing happened04:44
Adam_Techand yea i tried the terminal04:44
Adam_Techbut it didn't work04:44
=== serrano is now known as pythagorean23
Adam_Techwhats the name of the firefox "thing" to use apt-get?04:46
inteliwasptry this without the quotes: "sudo apt-get install firefox-3.0"04:47
tanjirwhich one "sudo apt-get install firefox" installs?04:49
Adam_Techhow do i post large amounts of text?04:49
tanjirtry sudo apt-get install firefox04:49
tanjirdoes it say connection failure?04:49
inteliwaspstart with the line you entered04:49
Adam_Technot a conet fail04:50
tanjirtry sudo apt-get install firefox04:51
tanjirand let us know if u still get the same error msg or not success04:52
inteliwasphe needs to update his system04:52
tanjirsudo apt-get update04:52
inteliwaspthen "sudo apt-get upgrade"04:53
Adam_Techit says 0 on everything04:54
Adam_Techremoved, installed etc....04:54
tanjirinteliwasp: will you recommend him to remove xulrunner?04:54
inteliwasprun: "sudo apt-get install xulrunner-1.904:55
Adam_Techhas multiple unmet dependencie04:55
inteliwaspah, the annoying dependency hell04:56
* inteliwasp fires up google...04:57
inteliwasplooks to me that it wants the gnome pakages installed...04:59
Adam_Techthat means..? lol sorry, i'm am a MAJOR windows Vista/XP user, not so much linux/kubuntu05:00
inteliwasptanjir, would you agree?05:00
inteliwaspgive me a few... i am on a live cd... slow as as can be...05:00
tanjiri installed firefox 3 by using simple sudo apt-get install firefox05:00
tanjiron kubuntu05:01
Adam_Techjust tried... let me get link on pastebin05:01
inteliwaspAdam_Tech, what version are you running?05:04
Adam_Techinteliwasp, today's... 8.1 or something? I just upgraded today...05:06
tanjirdid you change the sources?05:06
Adam_Techhey, i just got this system eror05:07
Adam_Techit  says fatal error....05:07
kuaera_Oh, that's bad.05:07
tanjirlol... hell yah it is bad :P05:07
pgreptomHey, I'm on 8.10.. I did the most recent dist-upgrade, and now some of the widgets I was using aren't working, like "NowPlaying" "LCD Weather" which were all included with the previous version.  Any ideas?  They just said "Could not find requested component: nowplaying"05:08
kuaera_Deadpan is funny. Moving on.05:08
tanjirpgreptom: you moved to kde 4.2?05:09
inteliwaspAdam_Tech, it may make life a bit easyer if you reinstalled 8.10 from scratch...05:09
tanjirthe plasmoids from 4.1 does not work in 4.2 according to kubuntu website05:09
pgreptomwas really enjoying the amarok plugin.. oh well, hard to go backwards05:10
tanjirpgreptom: let me give u the fix05:10
tanjir1 sec05:10
pgreptomoh sweet :)05:10
* inteliwasp will be back in a bit(10 mins or so)05:10
tanjirfollow this page: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.205:11
tanjirthere is instruction for 8.1005:11
tanjirstill i m not sure if ur fav plasmoids will work :P05:11
tanjirAdam_Tech: any update?05:13
chairmandoes anyone know about kubuntu 10.1005:16
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tanjirchalcedony: 10.10 or 8.10?05:33
tanjir9.04 will release on december05:33
tanjirsorry,... chairman05:34
communityplumbinhello everyone05:46
tanjirhello communityplumbin05:47
communityplumbinHI HOW RU05:47
tanjirgood good05:48
communityplumbinawesome im in montana you?05:48
tanjirme from ottawa05:48
tanjiris it cold in montana?05:48
communityplumbinvery cold today more snow05:49
tanjiritz spring here... :D05:49
communityplumbinyeppers is will be soon here to cant wait05:49
tanjirlol... good luck05:50
tanjire'thing good with ur kubuntu? :P05:50
communityplumbinhave seen the ultimate 2.1 program?05:50
tanjiri heard of it... did u try?05:50
communityplumbinthat is what im useing05:50
tanjirnice... does it come with kde by default?05:51
communityplumbinit is great now im building the gamers on a different flashdrive05:51
communityplumbinits actually kubunta05:51
communityplumbinbut very tweaked05:51
communityplumbintype in your search engine ultimate 2.105:52
communityplumbinhello DR.05:53
communityplumbinhows ru tonight05:54
Dr_willisgot to get back on 3rd shioft schedule05:54
communityplumbinwell keep em well05:54
Dr_willisso i basicially have to shift my sleeping by 12 hrs.05:54
Dr_willisHmm DST kicked in today also...05:55
Dr_willisso is it really 1:00 AM now.. or are all my clocks wrong05:55
communityplumbinwow very sad05:55
communityplumbin1055 montana time05:55
Dr_willisI had a PC once.. every time it rebooted.. it shifted the clock an hr for DST..  so it did it like 4 times in one day off by 4 hrs. :)05:56
communityplumbinwell ur better off now05:56
communityplumbinauto update time05:57
communityplumbinhi jontec05:57
Dr_willisaha - it is 1AM...  :) the effect dont happen untill 2 am. :)05:58
jonteccommunityplumbin: hola?05:58
communityplumbinwhats going on tonight05:58
Dr_willisDaylight saveing time! :)  its going to be a party!05:59
communityplumbin I think the doc is on drugs05:59
communityplumbinhey doc what did ya prescribe yourself?05:59
communityplumbinhey jontec ur in washington06:01
communityplumbinDC OR BY OREGON06:01
jonteccommunityplumbin: nope, it's probably one of the points from which my dial-up access gets routed06:02
jonteccommunityplumbin: I live in *southern* VA06:02
communityplumbin¥ok  i seen the dial up it said washington must be ur service06:03
communityplumbinway down south in virginia06:04
communityplumbinso ru useing 8.2 kubuntu06:05
jontecsi. no cable here, only DirecTV/Dish06:05
communityplumbinI see06:05
communityplumbinhave you checked out ultimate 2.0 yet06:06
communityplumbinI see so there is no hi speed internet available06:07
DarkriftXany xorg/nvidia-settings experts here?06:08
jontecright, none to speak of, really06:08
DarkriftXi cant get my settings to persist past x restarting06:08
communityplumbinyou can get drivers on the ultimate website for all video cards06:09
communityplumbinprobally on planet kde also06:10
communityplumbinjontec chek out the ultimate website06:11
jontecagain, I say, why? If you're talking about ubuntu ultimate... that's bloatware. I only need my linux install for Ruby on Rails development06:13
ubottuopera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser06:13
=== marius is now known as Guest69559
communityplumbinyou will like it06:15
jontecI've seen it before... that's why I am commenting on it06:16
communityplumbinok well the 2.0 is built will all the features of 8.10 but has alot more special features06:17
communityplumbinThe newest is 2.106:17
yao_ziyuani have installed both ubuntu-desktop and kubuntu-deskop and work in kde4. i have removed kpackagekit/packagekit and adept. i set synaptic to automatically check for updates daily. will it work?06:26
Dr_willis'featuers as in' - what? last i looked their features were that they installed every package   they could fit.06:27
yao_ziyuanwill synaptic or update-manager automatically show an update tray icon when there's updates?06:28
Dr_willissupposed to at least. :)06:29
norenDr_willis: hi06:44
norenfrom where can i download the laatest packages frommmm the net.. i dont want to download all the packages all the time if my system crashes and i have to go for a fresh install06:45
Dr_willisonce you install them.. backup your /var/cache/apt directory06:46
Dr_willisis one way to do it06:46
norenlike my system  crashed ealier, got a fresh install  and now i am updating the kubuntu 8.10 and want to finally get to kde4.206:48
Dr_willisall thje packages you install/download are saved in /var/cache/apt  (or was it /var/apt/cache?)06:48
Dr_willisthat directory can have out of date file however if  somthing gets updated after youve installed it.06:49
Dr_willisand it can get auto-cleaned out also at times06:49
norenso when is the best time to back it up before it gets auto cleaned06:50
noreni did that last time but still i have to download more than 250 MB after this frresh install06:50
Dr_williswhen you got your stuff installed.. :)06:50
Dr_willisthings get updated constantly.. so backup/rsync siomewhere I guess..06:51
Dr_willisor set up a different machien to be a apt caching proxy06:51
SandGorgonguys... i installed kubuntu using minimal-cd for a customized install - no games, gimp.etc. - now i want to replicate the same system on another computer. Can I create a install-cd or something ?07:14
zorglu_q. i run kubuntu and would like to have firefox as default browser, where should i look ?07:16
=== serrano is now known as pythagorean23
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Act1вопрос как вернуть таск бар?) я недавно начал просто знакомится с юникс системами =) в кде (кубунта)07:22
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke07:23
PhrkOnLshhey guys, just installed kubuntu 8.04 on parents' desktop, tried to enable 3d effects on an NVIDIA GeForce 5200... failed miserably a few times (the hardware drivers dialog tried to install nvidia-glx-new which isn't compatible)07:24
PhrkOnLshnow I have working NVIDIA driver loading (I see the nvidia logo on x startup) but I have no xgl according to compiz...07:24
PhrkOnLshhow can I alleviate this?07:24
Act1have a trouble, cant reboot, system wrrite "[...] Restarting system" but pc not rebot, found few tips at google, acpi = off and pci = noacpi, but with this params kubunta dont loading, just after booting07:30
PhrkOnLshinstalling xserver-xgl helps, perhaps in my case :D -- maybe that should be a dependancy?07:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about norton-ghost07:35
Act1hello, have a trouble, cant reboot, system wrrite "[...] Restarting system" but pc not rebot, found few tips at google, acpi = off and pci = noacpi, but with this params kubunta dont loading, just after booting07:41
tanjirAct1: type "sudo reboot"07:58
Act1i try, no effect08:00
Act1and shutdown -r now too08:00
tanjirAct1: wow... frrom ctrl+alt+f1 type sudo reboot and see if there is any error message08:03
Act1and it i try too ) not remember full log, but it ok, all stoping and unmount, 2 last lines: "Will restart" "[ <numbers> ] Restarting system08:04
Act1in need i can reboot now and see it again08:05
Act1think it acpi... but dont know how config correctly08:07
devilsadvocatehi. my aptitude refuses to install anything since it says it cant find rhythmbox package. can anyone help me fix this issue?08:11
jussi01devilsadvocate: whats the error message it gives?08:16
devilsadvocatejussi01, it gives an internal error, says that i have to fix the package manually, and then exits08:17
jussi01devilsadvocate: could you post the exact messge?08:17
devilsadvocatejussi01, one sec08:17
Act1tanjir have ideas?08:17
tanjirAct1: sorry man... i was away... can't remember of anything08:19
devilsadvocateE: I wasnt able to find the rhythmbox package. It might mean you have to fix it manually08:19
devilsadvocateE: Internal error. could not generate list of packages to download08:19
devilsadvocate(i typed it in... couldnt figure out how to copy stuff out of aterm)08:19
devilsadvocatejussi01, ^08:20
jussi01devilsadvocate: I dont know aptitude that well, but you can try this: sudo aptitude install -f08:21
devilsadvocatejussi01, will try, thanks08:22
devilsadvocateim running a safe-upgrade now. im hoping that might fix it. its downloading the packages, so i expect the error to pop up again08:23
Act1mb smb  know why pc cant reboot?)08:25
devilsadvocateAct1, cant reboot?08:26
devilsadvocateit just gets stuck somewhere, or comes back to the login screen?08:27
Act1in log last msg: "[ <some numbers> ] Restarting system08:27
Act1in kde it stuck when kde logo and progress bar full08:28
devilsadvocateAct1, thats at login right? the kde splash? \08:29
Act1no )08:29
Act1system boot right, but reboot cant08:30
devilsadvocateAct1, so when you reboot, it gets stuck after login, but when you turn off and turn on, it logs in fine?08:30
devilsadvocatethe actual reboot itself is fine, Act1 ?08:32
Act11 min)08:33
Act1have bad eng and not understand something...08:35
devilsadvocateAct1, no problem08:35
devilsadvocateAct1, i am trying to understand what the problem is. when you select reboot, what happens? does the computer reboot and try to turn on again?08:36
Act1so booting system is fine,  login to system too. Working on pc - ok. Aftrer trying reboot: in GUI - i see kde logo and progress bar moving to 100% and stuck. In console (sudo reboot or sudo shutdown -r now) i see log, in log all fine, all unmoting and stoping.. last lines is: Restarting system08:38
Act1and stuck too08:39
Act1and help only hard reset08:39
devilsadvocateAct1, kde logo or kubuntu logo?08:39
devilsadvocateAct1, if it makes you feel any better, at that point it is safe to hard reset08:41
devilsadvocateAct1, my best guess is that there is some issue with the reboot signal linux has to send to your hardware.08:42
devilsadvocateso if you are ok with hard resetting it, you can continue doing that and be safe. im not sure how that can be fixed08:43
devilsadvocateAct1, sorry08:44
Act1in google i found few tips, acpi = off and pci  = noacpi, but with this params i can boot08:45
Act1few mans have same problem...08:45
devilsadvocateAct1, yeah. acpi is the thing that should be sending the reboot signal to the hardware/bios08:47
Act1dont know what do... in windows reboot is fine08:48
devilsadvocateAct1, its probably an acpi problem.08:49
Act1why kubuntu dont booting with params?08:50
devilsadvocateAct1, you can add the params if you want. there are some params already there08:50
devilsadvocateAct1, while booting, stop at grub. press e for edit, select the line, press e again, and when you are done changing things press b08:51
devilsadvocateAct1, or modify /boot/grub/menu.lst08:51
devilsadvocateAct1, i dont recommend either (especially modifying /boot/grub/menu.lst) if you are not sure08:52
Act1i do it, and after edit i pres 'b' (boot with params) and pc just reboot08:52
devilsadvocateAct1, and comes back to grub?08:53
Act1or boot (if not press esc)08:54
noren__Act1: is ur prob solved08:57
Act1think? but windows reboot ok,  its no hardware problem...08:58
Act1oops )08:59
Act1<noren__> how solv my problem?08:59
=== Heliwr_ is now known as Heliwr
noren__were you able to boot with acpi=off option09:00
Act1in grub09:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about acpi09:00
noren__Act1: yes from grub09:01
enzoi'm looking for a serial terminal on my kde09:01
Act1and pc reboot  after press "boot"09:01
enzoi know gtkterm, is there an equivalent for kde ?09:01
noren__Act1; your Kubuntu does not reboot !! am i right ??09:03
noren__Act1: is it able to shut down properly09:03
Act1always pc-off for reboot... is not good09:04
devilsadvocateenzo, there is. i dont remember the name, but there are some nice qt (not kde) based serial terminals09:05
enzokomport ?09:05
devilsadvocateenzo, possibly. there are 3 or 4 usable ones09:06
enzoyakuake maybe devilsadvocate it rings a bell ?09:07
norenAct1: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=525332 << check this out09:11
devilsadvocateenzo, yakuake is something else09:13
devilsadvocateenzo, yakuake is like a fun konsole09:13
enzoah ok09:14
Act1<noren> ths09:14
norenAct1: if the prob persist then ask again09:15
Bryan_SierraFor some reason, kde keeps failing at startup. Any ideas? (Running kde 4.2)09:18
norenBryan_Sierra: what do u mean by failing09:22
norenafter login or at boot up09:22
Bryan_Sierraafter loging in09:22
norendid u get updated to kde4.2.1 recently09:23
Bryan_SierraI just upgraded, yeah. (But this problem also occured with 4.2.0)09:25
Bryan_SierraI just removed kde, and reinstalled it. got 4.2.109:25
norenBryan_Sierra: even i had the same prob the screenn froze after login splash screen09:26
Bryan_SierraRight, mine won't even get to through the splash screen. The hardrive icon just shows up, and then it restarts.09:27
norendoes it restart or freeze up09:27
Act1noren doesn't help (09:27
Bryan_Sierrait freezes, then kdm restarts09:28
norenAct1: oh ok lemme check for some other solution09:28
Bryan_Sierragnome works just fine.09:28
voicuHi, I just upgraded to kde 4.2.1 and the battery monitor from the system tray is gone. what is the program name so i can get it back?09:28
norenBryan_Sierra: u are using gdm or kdm09:28
Act1noren ok, i try reboot again (find few solutions) come in 2-3 min09:29
norenAct1: ok09:29
norenBryan_Sierra: can u get in tty109:31
Bryan_SierraWell, i'm using gnome on the same computer.09:32
Bryan_SierraSo I think it's just an issue with kde. And I tried removing the .kde folder in my user directory. Didn't do anything.09:33
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user__no effect (09:47
=== user__ is now known as Act1
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Act1<noren> you here?09:55
frinuxhi there10:06
frinuxI have a little problem with kubuntu (kde) : when I exit or diconnect, kde doesn't remember the applications that where launched so that they are not restored at the next boot. For example if amarok is started when I exit, it won't be back at the next boot10:08
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ViasolusHi all, Anyone mind if I ask a quick Kubuntu question?10:42
ViasolusIf I would like to wipe clean my harddrive and install Kubuntu, do I need to format first, and then use the livecd, or will Kubuntu format my harddrive for me?10:43
GWildViasolus: it will prompt you10:44
GWildViasolus: you don't have to format IIRC10:44
ViasolusWhile everything worked well in the LiveCD trial, if I format and install Kubuntu, is there a greater risk of having difficulties with my drivers? I mean, did the livecd use the drivers already functioning, or did it connect on it's own?10:46
GWildand for future reference10:46
GWild!ask | Viasolus10:46
ubottuViasolus: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:46
GWildViasolus: IME the disk had drivers which worked 'out of the box'10:46
GWildViasolus: and I had an ATI Radeon at the time - you should be good10:47
ViasolusAlright then, I'm gonna go finally stick it Microsoft, and if all goes well, see you again. Thanks for the help.10:48
GWildViasolus: good luck - and know that the support here is outstanding (I'm brand new to Kub having been a Gentoo user'10:49
eliripsHello. Is there a programm available that can create 3d models and produce an obj-file of it?10:52
ubottuopera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser10:54
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ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats11:28
=== darksmoke is now known as DarkSmoke
sonotoskann das sein das unter konqueror 4 sowas wie webdav:// nicht mehr geht?!11:44
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.11:45
sonotosoh sorry forgot the .de11:45
bazhang-de actually :)11:46
sonotosbut i try in english, god chance to practice for me, gg11:47
sonotosi have a problem with konqueror 4, in konqueror 3.x i had the protocolls fish:// and webdav:// if i try to use them in konqueror 4 i get an error message that the folder not exists11:48
sonotosis this a configuration , whatever problem on my side, got this protocolls removed11:50
sonotosi hade that problem with serveral versions from 4.1 on 8:10 to 4.2 on 9.411:51
bazhangthis is jaunty now?11:52
bazhangie 9.04?11:52
sonotosat the moment i'm running jaunty but it's the same problem as under 8:1011:52
bazhang#ubuntu+1 for jaunty discussion please11:53
hazamonzo_Afternoon folks. IM trying to get my soundcard to play midi.. Im using kubuntu 8.10 (KDE 4.2.x) and im having trouble testing my sound card for Midi12:02
hazamonzo_So ive installed KMidimon and tried to play some mide from another program12:07
hazamonzo_KMidimon logged things happening.. i have no idea what12:07
hazamonzo_but i did not get any output on my speakers12:07
dwarderbuenos dias12:19
sonytengo un problema mi equipo no se conecta automaticamente a internet, para conectarme a internet tengo que darle a gestor de actualizaciones cada vez que inicio ubuntu12:20
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.12:21
sonytengo un problema mi equipo no se conecta automaticamente a internet, para conectarme a internet tengo que darle a gestor de actualizaciones cada vez que inicio ubuntu12:21
sonynadie me puede ayudar?12:24
david13Can you move icons on a panel?12:25
GWilddavid13: yes - unlock the widgets and go into panel settings12:28
david13Cool like I could figure that out on my own.12:31
=== DarkSmoke is now known as darksmoke
norenwow using this opendns its made the surfing lightening fast !!!!!!!!!! :)12:37
winterzfor some reason my graphics card isn't being properly found.  so i'm getting vanilla vesa.  this is after 6 months using this same system just fine.  does anyone have hints as to what might have happened?12:41
winterzall I did was reboot12:42
winterzof course, I have been updating all along12:42
rimvishi i have one problem youtube.com doesn't work me from linux firefox how can i saw clips?12:48
jillsmittrimvis: there is no spoon12:51
bazhangjillsmitt, dont troll here12:52
rimvisspoon? it not spoon it's problem12:53
jillsmittbazhang: hey... do you see the LOG of this room? omg this is very stupid enter-exit logs12:53
jillsmittget out of my chat window fresk12:53
bazhang!ot > jillsmitt12:53
ubottujillsmitt, please see my private message12:53
bazhangjillsmitt, stop that12:53
jillsmittbazhang: i said get out of my back12:54
khashayarDoes anyone know if any special steps are required in order to get the sesame backend for soprano enabled?12:54
jillsmittbazhang: say to my mom about troll!12:54
bazhang!ops | jillsmitt12:54
ubottujillsmitt: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) Riddell, Tm_T, fdoving, Mez, stdin, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, genii, Hawkwind, trappist, LjL, haggai, fooishbar, crimsun, seth, apokryphos, DBO, nixternal, PriceChild, Pici or jussi01!12:54
OffoffoffAnd where is ops?12:55
Offoffoffis it fun?12:55
bazhangOffoffoff, please return to -ru12:55
Offoffoffwhy so?12:55
ZmAYi am having several folders in /usr/lib/jvm/  is that ok? or is it enough to have only one12:59
=== giarc111 is now known as giarca
dazza_hi, sorry to ask a common question but i am having trouble with my google skills: what is the name of the 32bit compatibility libs for 64bit kubuntu?13:03
david13can I delete dolphin and use konqueror as the file manager?13:06
Offoffoffdavid13: yes, You can.13:06
bazhangdavid13, no need to delete13:06
bazhangjust use konqueror13:06
david13Yeah but when I use konqueror sometimes it opens up dolphin13:07
david13I just want to use one.13:07
dazza_ah it's ia32-libs :)13:07
david13Other applications open up dolphin up too..13:08
Offoffoffdavid13: sudo aptitude remove dolphin --purge13:08
ikoniapf: please don't do that13:09
ikoniaSamuel-NotAFK: you can start by not shouting please13:10
ikoniaSamuel-NotAFK: there is no need for caps lock13:10
OffoffoffSamuel-NotAFK: this is not causher13:10
Samuel-NotAFKikonia: I don't have a caps lock indicator.13:10
ikoniaSamuel-NotAFK: you can see what you type before you press enter,13:10
Samuel-NotAFKikonia: I can't touch type/13:10
ikoniaSamuel-NotAFK: so ?13:11
ikoniaSamuel-NotAFK: read the text before you press enter13:11
david13Probably cause 8.04.2 has all the updates intrepid has with kde313:11
david13That would be my guess they did it that way for simplicity...13:11
ikonia!pl | pf13:11
ubottupf: Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl13:11
david13They tell you to use 8.04 if you want kde313:12
Samuel-NotAFKdavid13: 8.04 is old13:12
david13I don't know what to tell you.  I don't maintain it13:13
ikoniaSamuel-NotAFK: so don't use old desktops on new releases13:13
dazza_Samuel-NotAFK: i still use it :)13:13
Samuel-NotAFKikonia: KDE4 is not as good as KDE313:13
ikoniaSamuel-NotAFK: it's also a dying release13:13
dazza_Samuel-NotAFK: so use 8.04.213:13
Samuel-NotAFKikonia: WTF? it's not dying!13:13
Samuel-NotAFKKDE3 will be supported by Debian for years to cum13:14
ikoniaSamuel-NotAFK: kde 3 branch is being phased away13:14
ikoniaSamuel-NotAFK: development focus appears to be on 413:14
david13come not cum13:14
david13You might get into trouble for improper language13:15
Samuel-NotAFKdavid13: stfu13:15
david13And it begins13:15
Dr_willisive not seen near as many people whineing about kde 3.5 in here - as there used to be13:16
Dr_williswhatever happened to that kde 3.5 port to 8.10 project? it die off?13:16
ikoniakde 3 is a valid request13:16
dazza_4.2 is nearly a worthy replacement IMHO13:16
ikoniafrom how I've seen kde 4 progress I can understand people wanting to stay on 313:17
cryingtux_i need help with the iso released on this link http://apt.pearsoncomputing.net/13:17
Dr_willisI just noticed that archlinux also  - dosent seem to have kde3.  at least not mentioned on the wiki pages.13:17
cryingtux_i cant login to it, no username pw given on this site13:18
dazza_i remember being pained by 3.0/3.1 too13:18
dazza_heh pm?13:18
Dr_willishttp://apt.pearsoncomputing.net/cdimages/  let me doenload the cd image13:19
ikoniaDr_willis: development commitment is just not focused on 3, so the quicker people start accepting 4 - the quicker it will get focus13:19
Dr_willisIm using gnome now on my netbook. :) so no biggie deal to me13:19
Dr_willisactually i normally use jwm + rox filer. but i still miss some of the features id gotten used to in kde 313:20
cryingtux_Dr_willis: if you can manage the username and pw please let me know too13:20
Dr_williscryingtux_,  i just clicked on the link and it downloaded.13:21
Dr_willisIve NO idea how well it works.13:21
cryingtux_Dr_willis: this iso downloads but when u want to login to it, there is no username pw, neither root nor user nor guest works on it13:22
Dr_willisNo idea then. I dont even have it downloaded..13:22
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prophezywhat is the biggest diffrent between GNOME and KDE, Souce or what all this called?13:30
=== stanley__ is now known as stormchas2000
SteBoprophezy: just try it and decide for yourself which desktop is best for you personally13:32
SteBoprophezy: they are both great13:32
SteBoprophezy: you could use live CDs for test drives13:32
prophezySteBo I use now Kubuntu KDE13:32
prophezybut i wonder its the the layout .. thats the diffrent?13:33
prophezycan I say.. that GNOME and KDE = OS?13:33
SteBoprophezy: no, Kubuntu is the OS, Linux is the core of this OS, KDE is the graphical user interface and user application collection13:34
Dr_willisLinux is all abouyt Layers and layers and legos making up the layers.13:34
SteBoprophezy: Gnome is an alternative interface and application collection13:34
Dr_willisLinux, runs X, and the Desktop runs on top of X.13:35
predator363Can someone help me install nvidia drivers? iv been reading for like 3 days to fix my KDE to no avail iv tryed the nvidia .run file iv tryed hardware drivers iv tryed envyng and iv try manual all basicly yield the same problem either no graphics display or a fudged up one and reverting to the old drivers (177) dosent work please help?13:35
Dr_willisand a lot of things in between13:35
prophezyaha.. yes, i was testing ubuntu and now kubuntu.. and if we talk about the graphic i like more Kubuntu.. (I love Blue) :P13:36
prophezybut the installation i can use Gnome on KDE .. and KDE on Gnome right?13:36
Dr_willisprophezy,  you can easially install BOTH kde and gnome on the same machine and jsut pick what desktop to use at the Login screen13:36
Dr_willisand yes - you can mixx and match the apps.13:36
Dr_willisthats why i normally install both13:36
prophezyDr_willis.. do you need to install both?13:37
SteBoprophezy: you are free to chose whatever you like most... it's just a package install away most of the times :-)13:37
Dr_willisI inall them both so i have all the apps.13:37
Dr_willis'Linux - Your OS - Your Way'13:37
prophezyaha oki..13:37
prophezyso you mean if i have only KDE i cant install the Gnome app?13:37
SteBoprophezy: yes13:38
Dr_willisYou can install them13:38
Dr_willisgo ahead and try13:38
predator363lol if it was my way driver updates would be easier but i dont know how to make them that way so not really my way most other stuff yes btu drivers no lol13:38
dazza_SteBo: wrong ;)13:38
Dr_willissudo apt-get install gnome-terminal13:38
SteBodazza_: huh?13:38
Dr_willispredator363,  all your other fixing/tweaking means its hard to tell whats going on.13:38
dazza_SteBo: you said yes, he can't install gnome apps13:38
predator363Dr_willis: what do you think i should do?13:39
Dr_willispredator363,  thats why i never reccomend the nvidia .run drivers13:39
SteBodazza_: oh, I missed the t at the end of cant ;)13:39
dazza_SteBo: i suspected as much :) i read it the same way the first time too13:39
predator363dr_willis: i have never had luck with them lol i was hopeing maybe it would be different this time13:39
prophezySteBo .. i know you answer that i could :) but you only type wrong13:39
Dr_willispredator363,  try to remove them as best you can.  learn how to install them via the console. and start installing one and checking I guess.. use 'startx' instead of kdm/gdm to launch X to see error messages13:40
Dr_williswhat is yiour video card predator363 ?13:40
predator363geforce 8600m g13:40
cryingtux_Dr_willis: would you mention  "how to install fully working jwm on intrepid"  please?13:42
Dr_williscryingtux_,  sudo apt-get install jwm13:42
predator363dr_willis: doing startx only gives me an nvidia logo and then a blinking _13:42
Dr_willisthen tweak it as you want by copying/editing the system stuff13:42
Dr_willispredator363,  nvidia logo is a good sign.13:42
cryingtux_and xdm or gdm as login manager?13:43
Dr_willispredator363,  try the following.. 'sudo apt-get install jwm'   then edit the .xinitrc file to have the following 2 lines.13:43
ubuntu__whats different kubuntu kernel behinde ubuntu kernel13:43
Dr_willisxterm &13:43
prophezydo anyone know why i cant connect to my wan at home... it found everything but it dont connect to it.. and sometime it dont find the home wan.. but find all the rest of the wan around the builings13:43
predator363dr_willis: is there a way to compleatly remove all X11 and re install it?13:43
Dr_willis# END OF FILE.13:43
Dr_willispredator363,  that wont do much good to remove X.13:43
predator363dr_willis: hold on going to do what you said13:43
Dr_williscryingtux_,  set up a jwm.desktop for gdm/kdm if the package dosent make one.. i dont recall if it does or not13:44
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Dr_willispredator363, those commands will setup 'jwm' as your default window maanger when you do 'startx'13:44
Dr_williswhich  might help.. it might not. :) we are toubleshooting13:44
cryingtux_Dr_willis:  i will installing it from mini net install iso, so i would want to keep it as minimal as possible, no kdm/gdm13:45
Nataouzehello there13:45
predator363dr_willis: hold on now i have to force this thing to connect to the internet. lol i sent it in for repairs and got it back with the wireless card broken now i have to use the switch to turn it off and then back on before i can make it do anything13:45
Dr_williscryingtux_,  then use .xinitrc13:45
Nataouzemay anyone help me ?13:45
cryingtux_Dr_willis: thanks, will check how to configure it for jwm13:46
Dr_williscopy system wide system.jwmrc  (use locate jwmrc)  to users home/.jwmrc13:46
Dr_willisread jwm docs :) configure13:46
predator363dr_willis: ok what exactly do i do with jwm after install?13:48
Dr_willisset it to be the default wm. and  see if startx launches it.13:48
Dr_willisHOWEVER from what you are describing   'nvidia logo starts' then a black/console screen with _, sounds like something in the drivers are crashing13:48
predator363dr_willis: how do i set it as default?13:48
Dr_willispredator363,  thats what exiting .xinitrc was doing13:49
NataouzeI used to have a battery icon in my systray, it was very useful, but now it has gone, anyone knows how I can enable it back ?13:49
predator363dr_willis: well typing startx gives me the blinking curser thing but letting kde start up on boot gives me a bunch of video garbage13:49
amikhi, can anyone point me at a standard/popular/builtin backup application?13:50
Dr_willisso if you get back to the console with alt-ctrl-f1 - do you see any error messages?13:50
Dr_willisor alt-ctrl-F2-through6, i imagione F7 is the blinking screen again13:50
predator363dr_willis: nope13:50
predator363dr_willis: f7 is the video garbage i spoke of13:50
predator363dr_willis: but not a single error13:51
predator363dr_willis: i think it have somehting to do with detecting my display wrong but all i know about my display is it supposed to be at 1280x800_6013:51
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning13:52
Dr_willispredator363,  you could try moving the xorg.conf to xorg.conf.FAILS so you have no xorg.conf and  try startx again13:54
predator363dr_willis: i have my home directorys and all of my files and thing on a different partition then the core of the OS i did this incase i ever needed to reinstall. I dont have a kubuntu disk so is there a way to reinstall everything (including the basic OS) via terminal? al i have already tryed removing my xorg.conf the only thing that gives me a good display (though very slow and flickery) is telling it to use the vesa driver13:54
Dr_willisi dont know of a way to reisntall everything from the terminal.13:59
Dr_willismost likely you just  may be able to get by with reinstalling the drivers/kernel files. that may clean out the old nvidia stuff13:59
Dr_willisthe forums may have docs on propelry removing the stuff.14:00
Dr_willisSO the nvidia drivers have NEVER worked for you?14:00
=== yasir is now known as dr_phd1
predator363dr_willis: only the ones from the hardware drivers menu but those give me extreme video lag14:01
Dr_willisYou mean lag in video playback?14:01
dr_phd1hi eveyone... I have got two questions, Which is the Ultimate Media Player for most of the files types in Ubuntu (Like Classic Media Player in Windows)14:02
predator363dr_willis: hell i mean lag in opening and closing menu's and windows lol14:02
Dr_willisdr_phd1,  i tend to use gmplayer, and vlc for 99.9% of my video playback needs14:03
dr_phd1Dr-willis: Will it play the flv extension14:04
Dr_willisif it dont you can always drag them to your web browser.14:05
Dr_willisim pretty suire ive played flv in ione of those 214:05
dr_phd1thanks Dr-Willis14:05
noren?? well is there a way f updating a i386 distro to 64bit distro ??14:07
Dr_willisnoren,  reinstall14:08
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto14:08
Dr_willisor do some fancy install via chroot and switch over.. which is basicially the same thing14:08
predator363dr_willis:i think im going to reinstall the OS later for now i will revert to the vesa drivers and save anything i might lose14:12
predator363dr_willis: do you think thats my best bet? because i dont like doing that lol the reason i use linux is because usualy you can just rip out the broken pice and put in a working one lol14:14
Dr_willisso the synaptic package manager version of the nvidia drivers where slow to begin with?14:15
predator363dr_willis: yes14:15
Dr_willisdid youy try a desktop OTHER then kde4?14:16
Dr_williskde4 and nvidia drivers - are known to have some bugs that make it sluggsh14:16
predator363dr_willis: yes iv used gnome and it gave about the same results14:16
Dr_willisMight have some clues..14:16
Dr_willisother then that.. no idea. You coudl try the next release and see if the newer drivers help14:17
predator363dr_willis: im now starting ubuntu in low graphics mode. What do you mean next release?14:17
Dr_willisand yes. i know thats an arch wiki page. :) they suggest the following...14:17
Dr_willisBecause of the poor 2D-performance in the NVIDIA drivers for 8000- and 9000-series cards, it's very important that you use the latest driver, which has improved a lot: version 173.14.0914:17
Dr_willispredator363,  the jaunty release.14:17
predator363dr_willis: 9.04? isent it still in alpha?14:18
Dr_willisNo idea :) im not using it yet14:18
Dr_willisbut what do you have to lose.14:18
predator363dr_willis: yea its still in alpha hasent even gone beta yet hmmm.. guess since my systems already broken i dont have much to lose14:19
Dr_willisyou can be on the leet cutting edge!14:20
predator363dr_willis: eww did you just say leet14:23
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto14:24
predator363dr_willis: great now im getting no scrrens found and unable to connect to x server...14:24
Dr_willispredator363,  that sounds like a missconfigured xorg.conf or somthing. :)14:25
predator363i went back to vesa14:25
predator363guess i screwed it up14:25
Dr_willistry 'nv' instead of vesa?14:25
predator363dr_willis: lol i cant even run update manager cos it wants to open a display14:29
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abengoaalguien habla español14:33
Tm_T!es | abengoa14:34
ubottuabengoa: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.14:34
=== miguel is now known as Guest66010
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots14:37
jalshow would i find the "name" that applies to a particular partition? "name" being (hd0,1) etc14:37
Tm_Tpippo_: can you explain one thing for me? why often italians do that !list call when they join channel ?14:37
herohye all14:39
herowhat is special about kubuntu?14:40
prophezyIts Blue! :D14:40
heroi used ubuntu gnome.... but never experienced kubuntu14:40
Tm_Thero: well, try and see14:40
Tm_Thero: just install kubuntu-desktop package and login to KDE14:40
heroi heard its 600mb+?14:41
heroto download it14:41
Tm_Thero: well, instead of rely on somebodys sayings, try and see, I believe every package manager shows how much it would download14:42
herooh okay TM_T14:42
heromaybe later.. :D14:42
Tm_Tshame I cannot get any numbers, but I doubt it would be that much14:43
herocan i merge two linux in ubuntu TM_T?14:44
heroi've installed two linux and xp in one partition14:44
heroi've used chroot command...but can't merge the desktop but just the shell14:45
=== kitsune_ is now known as [agata]
[agata]hi i am having a little tough time with fstab i am not sure of which values should i enter after the partition, the mount point and the filesystem...i remember it was something like default 0 0 but i couldnt tell exactly ;s14:48
herodo u want to mount it?14:49
heroi don't know about fstab very much but usually if i've got problem with ntfs ive used this command14:50
[agata]yes hero i want to mount a partition where i have all my data ... it's /dev/sda1 (for historical reasons)14:50
toaderHi, how to install kubuntu by *.iso14:50
herosudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda* /mnt/sda* -o force14:50
[agata]then if i do /dev/sda2 /home/alba ext3 defaults... i get lost with the 1 and 014:50
bazhangtoader, to burn the iso to cd?14:51
[agata]it's not ntfs just ext3 but i need to add it in fstab before14:51
toaderhi, could anybody know how to install kubuntu without burn cd?14:51
heroowh i don't know that... :D14:51
toaderbazhang: just by iso file14:51
bazhangtoader, via usb?14:51
toaderbazhang: it is also ok14:51
toaderbazhang: i have a USB stick14:51
bazhangtoader, what system are you on now14:52
toaderbazhang: winxp14:52
[agata]i think it should be 0 1 but i am not sure :)14:52
jalshi guys, i'm triple booting kubuntu, XP and windows 7 on a single drive but i'm getting "bootmgr is missing" errors when i try to boot to windows 7 - i'm told i need to copy the boot directory and files from my XP partition onto the win 7 partition, does that sound right?14:52
jalsi guess that's not entirely kubuntu related actually14:52
[agata]hmmm now only root can mount it14:53
bazhangjals, sounds like a ##windows problem14:54
toaderbazhang: do you have idea14:54
jalsbazhang, yeah as i wrote it i was thinking, hmm this doesn't seem right14:54
bazhangtoader, just checking if unetbootin can do that from xp14:54
bazhangtoader, let me search for a second as I dont use xp14:55
[agata]got it :p thanks hihi14:55
toaderbazhang: just now i have used iso, but when i enter the install interface, there is only install from CD ROOM14:55
toaderbazhang: there is no option from partition14:56
jalsif a partition is sda 2, does that mean it'll be hd0,1 if there's only on drive?14:56
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=811397 toader here is xp to create ubuntu usb solution14:58
=== nicolas_ is now known as Guest90277
corigo3Since latest updates from Repository (8.10) can't mount Audio discs on my system. Where is the sys log that I can check for more details?15:11
* Dr_willis wakes up15:20
Dr_willisyou dont 'mount' audio disks  the kde file manager has  kioslaves (i think) that make them appear as a 'filesystem'15:21
Meizirkkiwhat is nepomuk and how can i disable it_15:21
Dr_willisits some sort of search-engine-tool i belive Meizirkki15:22
Dr_willis!info neopmuk15:22
ubottuPackage neopmuk does not exist in intrepid15:22
Dr_willis!info nepmuk15:22
ubottuPackage nepmuk does not exist in intrepid15:22
Meizirkkiit _really_ slows down my poor n81015:22
Dr_willisand i cant spell :)15:22
Dr_willis!info nepomuk15:22
ubottuPackage nepomuk does not exist in intrepid15:22
Dr_willisi give up15:22
Dr_willis!find nepomuk15:22
ubottuFile nepomuk found in akonadi-kde, kde-icons-oxygen, kdebase-runtime, kdebase-runtime-data, kdebase-runtime-dbg (and 57 others)15:22
Meizirkkisouds like an important thing15:23
Dr_willisit seems to be integerated into kde4 rather deeply15:23
Dr_willisit can be disabled i recall.. but no idea how15:23
Meizirkkinepomuk service database build is slowing everything down15:24
Dr_willisThe Nepomuk Server is a KDED module shipped with kdebase which provides the main Nepomuk data repository including full text indexing and a Strigi backend.15:24
Dr_willisin theory once it indexs the first time.. it should speed up :)15:24
=== hitboy is now known as nic22
=== lupine_85 is now known as Lorelei-
Drayton_any1 know how to get trem to work on here?15:32
nic22I installed kubuntu-desktop to my PC, now how can I switch back to the old brown ubuntu splash screen on boot?15:33
olskolircI'm on Intrepid Ibex - Kubuntu - when I try to edit my kmenu I get this error message when I save it:   /home/debzbox/.config/menus/applications-kmenuedit.menu: Permission denied  How do I fix this please?15:34
nic22are you root?15:34
=== Lorelei- is now known as lupine_85
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olskolircshould just let me15:34
=== StasV is now known as LegolasV
nic22do                 gksudo kate /home/debzbox/.config/menus/applications-kmenuedit.menu15:35
BluesKajin kubuntu it's kdesudo, not gk15:35
Dr_willisgenericsudo :)15:36
olskolircapplications-kmenuedit.menu is an empty file nic2215:36
noren_olskolirc: see the exact spelling of the path15:38
nic22create it via dolphin,   kdesudo dolphin  /home/debzbox/.config/menus/15:39
olskolirc/home/debzbox/.config/menus/applications-kmenuedit.menu noren15:39
nic22and then new document, name it , edit it15:39
david13I hate window file name.  Is there a application out there that can remove spaces and replace them with a underscore or something more linux friendly?15:40
bazhangdavid13, in the konsole?15:40
Dr_willisdavid13,  theres literally dozens of such ools15:40
nic22but then, what will underscores will be?15:41
david13I wish I knew cause I can't desend subdirectories with what little bash I know15:41
=== darksmoke is now known as DarkSmoke
Drayton_how do i get remulous to work....ive installed and when i launch it brings a black screen up then closes15:41
bazhangwhat about tab complete15:41
david13It is getting frustrating15:41
david13I am talking over 100 files with spaces in them...15:42
david13and directories15:42
bazhangbatch renaming?15:42
olskolircok nic22 I have a folder called applications-merged in my dolphin folder15:43
nic22 /home/debzbox/.config/menus/applications-merged? What are you trying to do anyway?15:44
olskolircI'm on Intrepid Ibex - Kubuntu - when I try to edit my kmenu I get this error message when I save it:   /home/debzbox/.config/menus/applications-kmenuedit.menu: Permission denied  How do I fix this please?15:45
Dr_willisdavid13,  thers scripts that can do that.15:45
Dr_willisdavid13,  and gui tools as well.15:46
bazhang!info mrename15:46
ubottumrename (source: mrename): A tool for easy and automatic renaming of many files. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2-12 (intrepid), package size 6 kB, installed size 68 kB15:46
Dr_willisi tend to use 'qmv' and similer tools from the command line15:46
bazhangamongst many others15:46
Dr_willis!find qmv15:46
ubottuFile qmv found in r-cran-mvtnorm, renameutils15:46
Dr_willis!info renameutils15:46
ubotturenameutils (source: renameutils): Programs to make file renaming easier. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.0-2 (intrepid), package size 80 kB, installed size 276 kB15:46
bazhangdavid13, ??15:46
david13I am tired I'll just sleep instead15:47
=== peace_ is now known as koperton
votaguzhi someone know why i can't resize my system tray panel, i have kde 4.2 ...16:01
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votaguzI want a small system tray panel but i try to resize and it's still big16:02
nic22right click on panel -> panel settings -> resize it with your mouse16:04
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votaguznic22: but this onlye resize the panel and don't resize the System tray only16:08
tyronehello can anyone help me restore the transparecy of my panel I am in kde 4.2 i stop the desktop effects and when i turned them back on my panel got solid color16:14
fjallagyldirhej there16:16
fjallagyldirgot stuck in some dvd-playback troubles here16:16
fjallagyldiroder besser in deutsch?16:17
draikHello all16:18
draikI'm trying to listen to music of any form and it fails. Youtube, Amarok, Frostwire... It chops up the audio.16:18
draikThis also includes the logout audio.16:19
draiknoren: Hi16:19
fjallagyldirhi noren16:19
norenfjallagyldir: hi16:20
draikHey there fjallagyldir16:20
fjallagyldirmy problem is playing commercial dvds16:20
draik!dvd | fjallagyldir16:20
ubottufjallagyldir: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats16:20
fjallagyldirlibdvdcss2 installed16:20
fjallagyldirxine, mplayer, ... installed16:20
draikDid you install libdvdread3?16:21
fjallagyldirjes i did16:21
draikDid you run the command after that?16:21
norenfjallagyldir: add medibuntu repo16:21
fjallagyldiryou mean install-css.sh?16:21
fjallagyldiryes did16:21
=== DarkSmoke is now known as darksmoke
fjallagyldiralso tried with medibuntu repos16:21
draikWhat is the exact command you entered?16:22
Dr_willis medibintu repos work for me.16:22
Dr_willisI tend to use gmplayer/vlc  - vlc may not need those even.16:22
Dr_willislast i checked those docs/path was wrong ion some guides16:23
norenhttp://repogen.simplylinux.ch/  <<< check this out i found this interesting and helpful also16:23
fjallagyldirrunning here kubuntu 8.10 with 2.6.27-7-generic16:23
fjallagyldiralso tried region set16:23
draikNot sure what else you need as I have done all you stated and get the DVD playback. I'm just wondering now about my audio being chopped into bits16:24
fjallagyldirhmm have u tried a different audio deamon?16:24
draikfjallagyldir: Just changed it. Let me see what happens16:25
fjallagyldirgot an dvdreadblocks failed error16:26
fjallagyldirwhich deamon do u use?16:26
draikVIA 8237 with ALC658D16:27
draikXINE backend16:27
draikThey all chop up my audio16:28
sparkyDoes KDE auto adjust for Daylight Savings time?16:28
Dr_willissounds like it may be a driver issue.16:28
draiksparky: Yup16:28
draikDr_willis: How do I update the driver? I don't seem to have any available updates right now16:29
fjallagyldirdoes sound work on this pc in a former distro/version?16:29
Dr_willisuse the source perhaps?16:29
sparkydraik:  do I have to install NTP support?16:29
Dr_willismanually install the latest alsa.. you m ay want to check with the Jaunty live cd first - see if the alsa versions in it work better16:29
draikfjallagyldir: Yes, it was working fine the past few weeks, just got choppy as of a night or two ago16:31
draiksparky: Dunno. Sorry.16:31
draikDr_willis: So I should enable source and apt-cache search alsa?16:31
fjallagyldirautomatic updates?16:31
Dr_willisdraik,  that would just rebuild the same version in the repos.16:32
Dr_willisdraik,  theres proberly some guide on installing the latest alsa from source.. i did it once ages ago for  a quirky machine.16:32
draikfjallagyldir: No, I do the updates myself via alias.16:32
mister_robotosparky: out of the box installs always did for me16:32
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ARTS is running, by going to K Menu -> System Settings -> Sound System and making sure "Enable the sound system" is checked. If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP316:32
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sparkymister_roboto: It doesn't by default or atleast on my current install.  It was set to local and doesn't seeem to install NTP support or auto update.. Anyhow it is fixed16:33
mister_robotosparky: hmmm ok, well glad it's fixed. i'm running jaunty on my laptop here and when i got up this morning, dst was set correctly and i didn't install anything related to time16:35
sparkymister_roboto: well, lucky you! =D  Mine wasn't and I had to fix it manually.  I forget if that is a option in the install or not...16:36
fjallagyldirubottu: isnt artsd outdated? thought kde4 is running esd16:37
sparkyhad to start and stop ntp daemon16:37
sparkynot I have traveled to space time to the right "time" =P16:38
draikWould it be an issue if I'm on the latest kernel, 2.6.27-13-generic?16:44
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages16:44
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draikSo my audio is stuck and it shoulds like a choir of turkeys16:51
prophezy_do anyone know a good vmware for kubuntu?16:52
ubottuVMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware16:54
draikWell, the turkey choir is gone16:54
suzihello, does anyone manage to download whole playlist using youtube-dl in 8.10 ?16:54
draikI restarted and the welcome audio sounded clear.16:55
draikI went to start amarok (even minirok) and they chop up the audio.16:55
ubottuvirtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from !Gutsy as 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox16:55
PorkyHi there, I have a problem, in Dolphin, there's no more window decorator, may someone help me?16:56
corigo3Since latest updates from Repository (8.10) can't mount Audio discs on my system. Where is the sys log that I can check for more details?16:56
draikThis will be an issue for another day. I have to eat breakfast now and start heading off to work. Have a great day everyone.16:56
fjallagyldircorigo3, go to terminal and there cat /var/log/messages or hit in dmesg16:59
JuJuBeeanybody have experience with atheros928x wifi chipset?16:59
fjallagyldirdmesg | grep tail -f will also do the job16:59
Dr_willisYou dont 'mount' audio disks.. KDE has features that make them appear as a 'filesystem' but its a kde 'trick/feature'17:00
fjallagyldirJuJuBee, a little, whats ur prob?17:00
JuJuBeeCan't get my laptop to link wtih my router17:00
fjallagyldirwhat das iwconfig say?17:01
fjallagyldirsrry what does iwconfig say?17:01
JuJuBeehmmm, my wlan0 is missing...17:02
JuJuBeeno wireless extension for lo, eth0 or pan017:02
Dr_willisis it  under the table?17:02
JuJuBeeha ha...17:03
fjallagyldirallready tried ndiwrapper? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper17:03
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JuJuBeeI thought the ath9k was built into the 2.6.27-11 kernel?17:04
fjallagyldiriwtools installed?17:04
fjallagyldirmodprobed the module by hand already?17:05
kvh_For some reason gtk-vim stopped working, it doesn't do anything.  I've tried purging it and reinstalling, but no luck.17:05
Dr_williskvh_,  remove/reinstalling is windows thinking.17:05
JuJuBeefjallagyldir: no, doesn't apear to be17:05
Dr_williskvh_,  run it from a terminal . look for error messages17:05
fjallagyldirwhat does lsmod |grep ath say?17:06
kvh_Dr_willis: Did that... nothing happens; when I ctrl+c, I get ^CICE default IO error handler doing an exit(), pid = 6574, errno = 417:06
PorkyPlease , I have a problem in Dolphin, there's no more window decorator, may someone help me?17:06
fjallagyldirhow did they disapear? any idea Porky?17:07
JuJuBeefjallagyldir: nothing..17:07
Dr_willisgone for just ONE program? or all progerams Porky ?17:07
PorkyDr_wills, Just Doplhin17:07
kvh_strace says 'read(6,' as it is waiting17:07
fjallagyldirdo you know whats the name of the moule for ur ath card?17:08
JuJuBeeI think17:08
Porkyfjallagyldir no Idea... maybe after an update17:08
JuJuBeefrom what I read online ar928x chipset.17:08
fjallagyldirand modprobe -l |grep ath17:08
fjallagyldirhave u checked ur chipset with lspci?17:09
PorkyDr_willis , Just Doplhin17:09
JuJuBeelists /kernel/drivers/net/net/wireless/ath9k/ath9k.ko17:09
fjallagyldirprobiermal 'modprobe ath9k'17:10
JuJuBeelspci | grep ar928x shows nothing17:10
fjallagyldirund dann iwconfig17:10
david13anyone know how to delete dolphin without taking konqueror with it?17:10
JuJuBeeError inserting ath9k.... operation not permitted.17:11
JuJuBeeFATAL, btw17:11
fjallagyldirjust lspci and it should list all ur pci devices17:11
fjallagyldiru have to do that as root17:11
fjallagyldirdavid13, tried apt-get remove dolphin?17:12
JuJuBeefjallagyldir: I see Ethernet Controller for Atheros ar928x17:12
david13Yeah and it pulls konqueror in for some reason... I can paste-bin it if ya want to see17:12
JuJuBeeSry, network controller17:13
fjallagyldirno i belive u17:13
fjallagyldirat least we know now that it is a ar928x17:13
david13I guess I don't have to delete it if I can figure out how to tell it to open up konqueror for my file browsing needs17:14
david13Is a upgrade to kde 4.2 worth it or should I wait until April?17:14
Elonei would wait ^^17:19
pktIf you upgrading from 3.5 I 'd wait too17:19
pktthere are still lots of small details here and there until there is full feature parity with 3.517:20
pktalthough all the major stuff seems done17:20
JuJuBeefjallagyldir: k17:21
fjallagyldirtried to load the module as root?17:21
suziunfortunatelly kde 4.2 is unbelievable slow on my latop17:22
JuJuBeesudo modprobe ath9k ?17:22
JuJuBeeyes, just restarted and tried that.  lsmod | grep ath9k shows ath9k and mac8021117:24
fjallagyldirand iwconfig?17:24
JuJuBeewlan0 is back17:24
fjallagyldiru know how to config the device and so on?17:25
JuJuBeeI do, but it wont connect. strength meter shows almost no signal.17:26
JuJuBeeI am 2 feet away17:26
fjallagyldirhow is the router configured?17:27
fjallagyldirmybe hidden SSID17:27
fjallagyldirmaybe powersave ...17:27
JuJuBeeno, not hidden, just checked.17:28
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JuJuBeeNow can't seem got ge to configure the wlan... icon not in system tray...17:31
kalphi ppl17:31
kalpsum help needed17:31
fjallagyldirtry to start it over the k-menu17:32
JuJuBeeK, when I open knetworkmanager, try to add connection, doesn't show wifi network in my house17:33
kalpu need to install driver17:34
kalpppl i need help17:35
kalpin my kde, in right clicking for "paste" after a "copy" command , the "paste" option is always disabled17:36
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:36
Dr_willis_AAOperhaps install one of those clipboard manager tools.17:36
kalpi am talking about copying and pasting files , folders17:38
Dr_willis_AAOno idea then17:39
kalpit seems no one knos this priblem17:39
fjallagyldirJuJuBee, and your network isnt hidden? no macadress filter?17:40
JuJuBeefjallagyldir: no to both.17:42
=== darksmoke is now known as DarkSmoke
fjallagyldirhmm now i get also stuck with my advice17:43
Elonea b g mode problem?17:45
JuJuBeefjallagyldir: same happening to you?17:47
kalpin my kde, in right clicking for "paste" after a "copy" command , the "paste" option is always disabled17:48
kalpi am talking about copying and pasting files , folders17:48
fjallagyldirkind of JuJuBee but its already 4 years in the past.... so i cant remember that well17:49
HelloWorldI got my free kubuntu CD that I had ordered after KDE 4.2 was launched. So, Does Kubuntu CD that I got contains KDE 4.2?17:50
fjallagyldirkalp, have a look at the permissions of the folders17:50
EloneHelloWorld,  no17:50
kalpit can be copied, by draging the file/folder17:50
kalpso permission is ok17:50
EloneHelloWorld, Kubuntu don't have KDE 4.2 release yet17:51
HelloWorldElone: When is Kubuntu going to officially adopt and put KDE 4.2 into some Kubuntu release?17:51
EloneHelloWorld, wait till April release17:51
kalpin my kde, in right clicking for "paste" after a "copy" command , the "paste" option is always disabled17:52
kalpi am talking about copying and pasting files , folders17:52
kalpit can be copied, by draging the file/folder17:52
kalpso permission is ok17:52
JuJuBeefjallagyldir: it couldn't have to do with 64 bit linux, could it?17:52
kalpwhy is it always disabled17:53
tanjirHelloWorld: in the kubuntu website, on their mainpage they have the news of supporting KDE 4.2... you can follow the instruction from there17:53
HelloWorldty tanjir and Elonw :)17:54
suzihow can i get filename of the file without extension - like movie not movie.avi ?17:59
kalpin my kde, in right clicking for "paste" after a "copy" command , the "paste" option is always disabled, why so? how to correct this?17:59
Elonekalp, idk ~ is it all the user account like that?17:59
suziusing console17:59
kalpthere is only 1 user17:59
Elonekalp, create and new user and see?18:01
Elonesuzi what do you mean?18:02
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats18:07
mikevanhoffany links for webcam problems on a eee (1000H) with easy peasy18:08
jeff__okay, How do i install Mozilla? im missing something..- I download it. extract it with ark, but where do i go from there?18:09
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JuJuBeefjallagyldir: I FINALLY DID IT...  Thanks to http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Download18:13
Bryan_SierraI can only expand/contract yakuake if it's ran by root. Any suggestions?18:16
trappistBryan_Sierra: my first guess, maybe you ran it as root first, which caused config files etc. to be owned by root.  check permissions on yakuake stuff in your home dir.18:17
Bryan_Sierradeleted both config files18:18
Bryan_Sierrain .kde and .kde-neon18:18
trappistthat's all I had, sorry :)  I haven't used yakuake in probably 2 years18:18
Bryan_Sierra:P well if you have a better suggestions I'm all...eyes...18:19
Bryan_Sierra(For a terminal that is)18:19
trappistthat kind of thing happens to me with vim, when I install a new system and right away do sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list or something18:19
jerwareto "unlock" sudo, do  i run --> sudo passwd ?18:19
trappistyou don't want to have to use a password, or what?18:20
jerwarei mean su -18:20
jerwarei cant su -18:21
trappistoh, no, you sudo su -18:21
trappistthat doesn't unlock anything, that's just how you become root, if you must18:21
sparrhow can I make kde listen to mouse buttons and the keyboard to keep the screensaver at bay, instead of just mouse movement?18:21
trappistyou *can* give root a password so you could su -, but that defeats the purpose of ubuntu's default setup, which is a really good idea18:22
trappistsparr: keyboard activity should prevent the screensaver showing up18:22
trappistmouse buttons too18:22
sparri completely agree18:22
jeff__is there a linux equivalent of windows- defragmenter?18:30
norenhi DaSkreech18:30
trappistjeff__: for some filesystems yes, but in general linux filesystems defrag on the fly18:31
BluesKaj!defrag | jeff__18:31
ubottujeff__: The default Ubuntu filesystem (ext3) is engineered to avoid fragmentation issues in most cases, see http://linkpot.net/behead/ for a simple example on how it achieves this.18:31
norenDaSkreech: good to see u again. i gt everything fixed up here.18:31
DaSkreechnoren: Wonderful!18:32
DaSkreechDesktop is back?18:32
norenspent the entire day after that...got a fresh install and update... now i got kubuntu i386 ubuntu 64 bit and windows18:33
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norenbut i cuold not still figure out y it crashed in the first place18:33
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jeff__okay, one last thing- Mozilla install problems.... I download it, extract it with ark, but how do i get it to actually install/work?18:35
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DaSkreechnoren: Well at least this install was not as bad as the last18:40
norenDaSkreech: no tis time it was smooth18:42
afancyhi, how to install kubuntu without CD, but *.iso file. I have already the ISO files18:43
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.18:43
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation.  Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - see also !automate18:43
DaSkreechafancy: the last link18:44
norenDaSkreech: have u ever tried installing ffrom iso, i was pretty unsuccesfull quite a few time18:53
noreni got this laptop with broken cdrommm  did try a few times there but cud not succeed18:53
DaSkreechnoren: no I've mostly done network installs18:55
DaSkreechtoto__: ciao18:55
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots18:56
DaSkreechtoto__: Need something?19:02
Forger1986Hello. I use Kubuntu 8.04 and I'm experiencing permanent PC freezes when a random audio file starts looping the last 1-2 seconds and everything halts (kb and mouse for instance).19:04
Forger1986Anyone encountered the same thing?19:05
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ubottuA/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2119:38
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DaSkreechForger1986: What kind of audio ?19:43
Forger1986Anything I play19:43
Forger1986However I don't use other players than amarok too often19:44
Forger1986*players other than amarok19:44
DaSkreechso once you start playing any file it freezes?19:45
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Forger1986No, that's the problem, I can't isolate this behavior19:45
Forger1986It happens sometimes after the first 5 minutes, other times I'm fine a few days.19:45
Forger1986Also, the problem is not in a particular audio file.19:45
DaSkreechAll mp3?19:46
DaSkreech all wav?19:46
Forger1986mp3 for sure. I'm not sure on the flacs though19:46
DaSkreechI'm wondering if it's a codec issue19:49
DaSkreech what soundcard?19:49
Forger198600:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 01)19:49
=== kitsune_ is now known as Agatha
BluesKajI don't understand why ppl listen to crappy mp3 compressed audio now when even the cheapest playes will hold gigs of songs ..it's old technology19:53
=== Agatha is now known as [Agatha]
jillsmittBluesKaj: because ppl are stuppid sheeps19:54
ericu_they want more songs on the same space?19:54
Forger1986BluesKaj: I see your point, however, when I buy my own CDs I encode the files in FLAC, but for the music I've had since 3 years ago I'd be mad to convert it all huh19:54
Forger1986Your remark is not helpful19:54
ericu_my vehicle has alot of road noise, I can't even tell the difference between mono and stereo mp3s19:54
BluesKajno 'phones ?19:55
Forger1986hint-hint for us guys who spent 1k USD on an audio system, it does make a difference19:55
ericu_I can't wear headphones while driving, it makes me too disconnected19:55
linknetwwwportal .sk19:55
ericu_Granted, ogg is probably a better approach to containing audio anyways, but cheap players only support mp3 and (gag)wma19:55
Forger1986Old generation ipods don't know ogg19:56
ericu_The new ones do? I figured they had some sort of format using Steve Jobs dna as an encryption key for all songs19:56
BluesKajForger1986 , I'm an old audio guy and to my ears there's a definite difference19:56
[Agatha]hmm i need to change some file permissions... i know it should  be done with chmod but i have no idea of how to use it... man chmod is not throwing a lot of light over the whole thing.. any hint of where to read?19:56
ericu_man chmod, or just ask what you need done19:57
ubottuFor fixing your Intel HDA sound this page has useful information https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto19:57
Forger1986ericu_ - I don't know, I was just speaking of my ipod nano19:57
ericu_Agatha: what are you trying to change the permissions to19:57
ubottuAn explanation of how files and directories are organized on Ubuntu, and how they can be manipulated, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview19:57
Mojo_risinhi. since my last update, plasma always crash. known issue? i'm using kubuntu 8.1019:57
Forger1986ubottu - I think I already stumbled upon that link but I will however give it another go, TY19:58
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:58
Mojo_risinno valid backtrace can be extracted but the last console output is this:19:58
Mojo_risinObject::connect: Attempt to bind non-signal TaskManager::TaskGroup::editRequest()19:59
Mojo_risinQCoreApplication::postEvent: Unexpected null receiver19:59
ericu_Does anyone else have the problem of the "Add to Desktop" icon disappearing from the application launcher plasmoid and reappearing randomly19:59
DaSkreechMojo_risin: Which version of plasma is this?20:02
Mojo_risin<unknown program name>(9794)/ checkComposite: Plasma has an argb visual 0x8320588 7969177720:02
Mojo_risin<unknown program name>(9794)/ checkComposite: Plasma is COMPOSITE-less on 0x831fef820:02
Mojo_risinQt: 4.4.320:02
Mojo_risinKDE: 4.2.1 (KDE 4.2.1)20:02
Mojo_risinPlasma Workspace: 0.320:02
jillsmittkde4 - fucking sucks20:04
Mojo_risinDaSkreech: is this a known issue?20:04
Mojo_risinjillsmitt: why do you say that?20:04
jillsmittMojo_risin: иусфгыу шеы екгу20:04
jillsmittbecause its true*(20:04
jillsmittand bazhang - is fucking idiot20:05
Mojo_risinjillsmitt: you should get layed soon ;)20:05
jillsmittMojo_risin: what i get?20:06
jillsmittMojo_risin: what can i do if people are idiots around?20:06
[Agatha]hmmm i think i did it... but i used chown instead of chmod...now i wonder about the difference20:10
Forger1986What exactly do you need to do, [Agatha]?20:10
AizawaGuys, I'm on openSUSE, but I used to run Kubuntu (latest I tried was 8.10, so not long ago)... In apt, there was a mud client for KDE that was really good, does anyone know what it's called, or can someone quickly check?20:11
AizawaI think that when you searched apt for a mud client it was the only one that showed up.20:12
jillsmittAizawa: apt - sucks20:12
AizawaI don't need to hear that, I want to know what the mud client was called20:13
Forger1986apt-cache search mud | grep client20:13
Forger1986gnome-mud - The GNOME MUD client20:13
Forger1986kildclient - Powerful MUD client with a built-in Perl interpreter20:13
Forger1986papaya - extensible MUD client20:13
Forger1986tf - Tinyfugue MUD client for TinyMUDs, DikuMUDs, and LPMUDs20:13
Forger1986tintin++ - classic text-based MUD client20:13
Aizawakildclient, that's the one. Thanks, whoever..did...that20:13
[Agatha]hmm Forger1986 i had a folder i gave only permissions to root to access and so on20:14
Aizawahuh, I guess it's gtk. oh well, it's still good20:14
[Agatha]and i wanted to change the ownership to my user back, because now i need to access the stuff inside20:14
[Agatha]so i used chown to give it back to me... i guess that's the way20:15
Forger1986If your dir is owned by root now, only root can give your "agatha" user (for instance) ownership back.20:15
Forger1986Yes, you should sudo chown -R agatha:agatha /path/to/dir20:16
[Agatha]ok so i did well hehe :) thanks a lot20:16
peaches__can anyone successfully run pulseaudio daemon? i get segfault out of the box20:17
lol222my keyboard sotpped working and i don't know why or how to fix it. it normaly works in BIOS but when kubntu starts to load it just stops. can somebody help me ? thanks for answers.20:18
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ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions20:25
mattias_nice client=)20:25
ziedsalut a tous20:30
ziedhi all20:31
ziedcan you speak frensh plz20:32
BluesKaj!fr | zied20:32
ubottuzied: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr20:32
Forger1986BluesKaj, which are the commands that can be prefixed by '!' for ubottu's output?20:34
BluesKajForger1986 , most linux apps available in the default repositories can be afaik20:37
Forger1986TY. And the "This is an English only chatroom" is done with "!$lang | $username" I see20:38
BluesKajForger1986 , and languages available in k/ubuntu20:39
Forger1986TY for the tip20:40
lol222can some one help me with my keyboard?20:41
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maxmahemhey got a problem. Plasma seems to be crashing on boot.21:08
tanjirwhich kde u r using?21:09
maxmahemwas working up until a recent update.21:09
tanjirit was working on 4.2?21:10
manchoenkhi all21:10
maxmahemYes, it has been working fine until I applied some of the most recent patches to it.21:10
maxmahemany easy way to roll those back?21:10
tanjirthr must be... i m also new bie... some one else might be able to help u21:11
tanjiri knew 4.2 has issue with plasma21:12
senorpedrowhy doesnt that work: find -type d -exec echo '{}'\; ?21:15
Forger1986I wouldn't use the simple quotes... ?21:15
Forger1986Or oh wait - you need  a space between {} or '{}' and \;21:16
Forger1986(the simple quotes are not a problem actually)21:16
senorpedrook, thx Forger198621:16
senorpedro..well still not working21:17
senorpedrofind: missing argument for "-exec"21:17
Forger1986find -type d -exec echo '{}' \;21:17
senorpedroah no wait21:17
senorpedronow it works21:17
Forger1986Because you didn't put a space between '{}' and \;21:17
senorpedroyes, stupid me put the space between the { and the }21:17
senorpedronow it works, thx Forger198621:18
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zipper-zipcohi everyone21:44
Adam_TechI need some help with java and firefox 321:45
zipper-zipcoalot people here .21:49
zipper-zipcono one is helping21:49
Adam_Tech328 people21:49
zipper-zipcoi m not very good but u can say me. mayber it can work lol21:50
maxmahemhmm... well I found my solution to my plasma crash problem if anyone is interested.21:53
maxmahemFor some reason the update I applied did not like my plasma configuration21:54
Adam_Techyou have 8.04?21:54
maxmahemrm'ing it from ~/.kde/share/config/ fixed the problem21:54
maxmahemthough I lost all my old configuration.21:55
Adam_Techcould you help me with Java?21:55
tanjirmaxmahem: nice21:55
tanjirAdam_Tech: is ur java installation failing too?21:56
Adam_Techdo i use the normal bin file or RPM?21:57
maxmahemso new rule for fixing linux. When all else fails, just start deleting random files21:57
eliripshello. I have currently kubunt 8.10 installed, now I need to install windows vista on another partition. I assume that installing vista will destroy grub, what can I prepare to restore it afterwards?21:57
zipper-zipcokernel panic. who can help me21:59
maxmahemDON'T PANIC!21:59
tanjirAdam_Tech: sorry bro... my window cleared... can u paste again?21:59
zipper-zipcoi got a problime like this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4398012#post439801221:59
Adam_TechHow do you install Java?22:01
Adam_TechI downloaded he self-extracting file from java22:01
Adam_Techwhats next?22:01
tanjirsudo apt-get install sun-java5-jdk22:03
tanjirfor java 522:03
tanjirfor java 6: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk22:03
Adam_Techsay invalid operation nstall22:05
Adam_Techoops typed wrong22:05
Adam_Techits failing...22:07
tanjirthe same error msg as yesterday?22:07
Adam_Techsays there isn't one, and something about candidate22:07
Adam_Techyea, for 622:07
Adam_Techand i just upgraded to kubuntu 8.0422:07
tanjirdowngraded :{22:07
Adam_Techwon't it still work?22:08
tanjiri had the same problem today and saw adept was on my task bar so i upgraded my system using that22:08
tanjirit should work... i installed 6 on my 8.0422:09
Adam_Techbut i have the file on my desktop22:09
coreymanok time just changed here, how do i set this clock widget back an hour22:09
tanjiris it a deb file?22:09
Adam_Techits a .bin22:11
Carontechmod +x foo.bin22:11
coreymanwhat is +x22:11
Caronteman chmod22:11
Adam_Techwhats foo.bin?22:12
tanjirdo "chmod r+x foo.bin"22:12
tanjirand then "./foo.bin"22:12
Adam_Techinvalid mode "r+x22:13
tanjirreplace foo.bin with your javainstaller.bin22:13
coreymancaronte change files and directories recursively22:13
coreymanhow much more was that to type than man chmod? >.>22:13
tanjirtry with chmod 777 foo.bin22:14
coreymanlol 77722:15
Adam_Techcannot access22:15
Adam_Techsays file does not exist22:15
tanjirwhat? :-| do ls and see if the file exists :P22:16
tanjiror u r mistyping22:16
tanjircoreyman: so that there is no way it fails :P22:16
coreymanyea i hear ya tanjir :]22:16
Adam_Techomg, why can't kubuntu just have .exe file and make it easier than typing a truckload of commands into a concole?22:17
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tZoevening everyone!!22:17
tanjirAdam_Tech: good question... indeed... :P22:17
coreymanadam_tech we do have a .exe equiv i think, called .deb22:17
geniiAdam_Tech: Instead of downloading .bin files and struggling, most people tend to use the packages which are available through Adept/Synaptic22:18
tanjir.bin is more generic22:18
coreyman.bin is like source.22:18
coreymanI use apt-get to install packages22:18
tZohey guys i got a question : i just installed ubuntu and kubuntu as virtual machine on vmware ... everything works but when i try to see all the hardware he sow he doesn't show me nothing , like my video card ... and when i try to activate effects doesn't work .. anyone can tell me why? thank you ( i know this may be a stupid question but its the 1st time i use it )22:19
tanjircoreyman: it fails for him22:19
coreymantanjir did he try apt-get update?22:19
tanjirtZo: effects don't work with virtual machine22:19
tanjircoreyman: he said he did and with error msg it failed22:19
tZotanjir , so i should install it ... but how can i do it without losing my black xp installed on C partition ..?22:20
coreymantanjir oh, odd. i wouldn't live with that , i'd have to fix it.22:20
tanjirtZo: do you have extra partitions? or only c drive?22:20
tZoand is there any way , since i installed ubuntu , to find out if there is any hardware that won't work ?22:21
tanjircoreyman: me neither... i use apt-get too often22:21
tZotanjir: no i have 2 C and D22:21
tZoi use C for windows , and D as data for movies music ...22:21
coreymanC and D are windows naming techniques22:21
tZocoreyman:  may be , i realy don't know , i allways used windows and now i decided to try linux22:22
tanjirtZo: run using ur livecd... check if u can hear music, browse internet, and watch move, most of ur hardware is fine22:22
tanjirif u have  extra hardware like sd drive, usb, check them from live cd... if they run okay, u r good to install ubuntu on ur pc22:22
tanjirn there are few good decent tutorials on how to install ubuntu beside xp... the installation itself is very easy... u just need to understand what hda or sda means :P22:23
tZotanjir: but now that i installed as virtual machine , and i tryed everything , and worked fine music , internet .. and now i chat from it ... its the same like using live cd or?22:23
tZoor i should try live cd?22:24
tanjirtZo: the ones in virtual machine and the real hardware is different... virtual machine creates an abstract layer on top of ur operating system22:24
tZoand i wanted to ask you something else tanjir , i even installed as virtual machine kubuntu ... what of ubuntu or kubuntu better to start from? sincer i never used linux22:25
tanjirif u check u will have different graphics card, or network card in ur computer and in the OS running on vmware22:25
tanjirany of them is good to start with... both are pretty simple... both comes with a irc application u can connect to freenode and ask for help here :P22:25
tZook , anothe question tanjir , here at home i have an wireless connection .. it will work after i install ubuntu or i should 1st try to find some drivers or?22:26
tZoi got a laptop acer aspire 561322:26
tanjiri will say boot ur computer with the live cd... and see if it works off-the-shelf... if it does not, then there are different tweaks u can do to make it working22:27
tZook then from where i can download an live cd? or i can use allready my .iso ?22:28
tanjirbefore u install check e'thing if they are working22:28
_gunni_tZo: kubuntu or ubuntu (aka kde or gnome) is mostly a matter of taste. Most in here prefer kde i think :)22:28
tanjirand i will recomment u to spend some time on the one u installed on  vmware before u install it completely22:28
tanjiru need a cd burner... and burn a cd from iso file... don't copy it... it will create the live cd22:29
tanjir_gunni_: lol... right u r sir!22:29
tanjirkubuntu it is22:29
_gunni_tZo: You also may try wubi, it gives you a way to install ubuntu on your windows partition without changing anything to your partitions22:29
tZook i'm trying sincer this morning it looks so cool just as virtual machine .. i guess it will be greater as normal os :)22:29
tanjirAdam_Tech: any luck?22:30
tZoso _gunni_ if i want to install it , without losing my windows partition how can i do it?22:30
_gunni_It reduces performance, but for trying it is a good choice (If it works reliable for you)22:30
tanjirtZo: it will... as long u don't want office 2007 :P22:30
tZoi have black xp in my C drive :)22:30
tZotanjir: lol i don't use it :) just at work :))22:31
trappistin kmail 1.4, I can't find an option anymore to show messages as threaded.  anybody know how to do this?22:31
_gunni_tZo: mom, i will look for some infos on wubi, but i think its just a exe on the cd you can download (or maybe the one you already got)22:31
tanjiri read this girl dropped off from her skool bcoz she bought a ubuntu installed dell laptop and could not install microsoft office :P22:31
tanjirAND could not run setup.exe file for her internet :P22:32
_gunni_tZo: http://wubi-installer.org/22:32
tZook then i'll try to run an live cd and hope it will everything work and thanks for the link _gunni_22:32
leanneis there any one who can help me i am trying to upgrade my distro and i cant find a way im running kubuntu 7.0422:33
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geniileanne: 7.04 is an intermediate release. To get to 8.04 you have to 7.04->7.10->8.0422:35
leanneoky how am i going to do it22:36
leannecause from the adept manager im getting no updates or upgrades22:36
tZo_gunni_:  but with this wubi-installer it works like an live cd , what i mean if is there any hardware that linux doesn't see it or doesn't has any driver , so won't work ... or it will work because they are installed on windows22:36
tZo_gunni_:  i'm installing now kubuntu with wubi22:37
geniileanne: More info here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardyUpgrades    is Ubuntu-centric and not Kubuntu but same underlying method works for all of them22:37
_gunni_tZo: It really installs on your system, but it installs in a folder in your windows, so you wont mess your partitions22:38
_gunni_You have to reboot to use ubuntu then i think22:38
tZook , the other question is , when the pc starts it will ask me what os i wanna use? or it will boot on windows then i will could start using kubuntu?22:38
_gunni_So the only difference to a "real" installation is the place on harddisk, and the disk performance is slower because of the installation on the windows harddisk22:39
_gunni_tZo: On boot you should be prompted for the system you want to boot22:39
tZoah yes for the moment its just i wanna learn it in someway and when i'll be ready i'll try it on my hard disk22:39
tZook _gunni_ ..22:40
tZothanks _gunni_22:40
leanneim not getting any update im walking with the walktrough22:40
_gunni_tZo: afaik it adds an option to the windows boot manager, but not sure22:40
tZoso then , the effects should work or?22:41
Adam_TechI got Java working22:42
Adam_Techtanjir: Igot Java working22:45
Adam_Tech* hmm22:46
afancyHi, i have USB,and have downloaded the *.iso file. how to install kubuntu without CD22:46
keith_I am runnng 9.04 and am having a problem that seems to be Plasma related, though I am not very familiar with KDE. Sometimes when I try to open programs, it looks like they are opening but they never do... then if I try again to open it, Plasma seems to freeze so that I can't click the panel or move any of the widgets. Is this a known problem? Is there a work around?22:49
afancyHi, i have USB,and have downloaded the *.iso file. how to install kubuntu without CD22:49
Adam_Techyou can't22:49
Adam_Techyou need a CD inorder to use the live cd22:50
Adam_Techand you need the live cd to install22:50
afancyAdam_Tech: why22:51
Adam_Techand run it like a cd from that program22:52
Adam_Techwhat are you using as on os now?22:52
leannesome one help me up please cause im going crazy on the update stuff22:53
glencarbonilafancy you could try wubi-ubuntu and run it under windows23:00
glencarbonilbeside windows but it installs in windows23:01
leanneupdates on kubuntu 7.04 wont work i cant get the upgrade to work the icon is greyed out23:02
kde4tester.j #kde23:09
_gunni_afancy: I heard of a possibilty to install from a usb stick, maybe i can find it again23:15
afancy_gunni_: ok, thanks23:16
_gunni_Was easy: google ubuntu usb gave me #1 hit: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick23:16
_gunni_Ok, exact search was "ubuntu usb stick"23:16
choseralguien que hable español?23:18
_gunni_!es |choser23:19
ubottuchoser: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.23:19
choserok gracias por la ayuda23:21
afancy_gunni_: that is useless. I have tried today, as it need network connection. However, here I only have wireless connection, so it is imposssible use the liveCD23:21
afancy_gunni_: that soluution is appable to the environment with wired coneection23:22
afancy_gunni_: not applicable to wireless coneection23:22
glencarbonilis there a good program for copying dvds with ubuntu?23:24
geniiglencarbonil: K3B has been pretty good for me23:27
geniiI'm even able to do blu-ray23:27
glencarbonilgenii can i get that in add remove programs23:28
geniiglencarbonil: If you are using Kubuntu (not regular Ubuntu) it should have been installed by default23:28
genii(seeing as we are in the #kubuntu and not #ubuntu support channel here...)23:29
glencarbonili got ubuntu 8.04 hardy herring23:29
glencarbonilheron not herring23:30
geniiglencarbonil: You might want to ask for support in #ubuntu then :)23:31
glencarbonilI will look for k3b thanks23:31
X9nLinuxLhi.  How can the 'info' that shows up in the yellow box (when putting the cursor over a file) be changed?23:32
BusErrorI have accidentaly activated sticky keys, I can't type anything, even my password to unlock the bleeping screen23:35
BusErrorhow can I reset my keyboard ?23:35
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glencarbonilbuserror try holding down both shift keys or cntrl and shift at the same time23:41
AsymmetryHas anyone had any dealings with Jockey and NVIDIA drivers? I activate the driver, and... well, it doesn't. It changes the X configuration, but the driver never gets loaded.23:41
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