[00:05] do i have to enable..completely remove...when uninstalling anything? [00:05] using synaptic i mean [00:06] sudo apt-get purge [00:06] that removes all configuration files [00:06] ? [00:15] juanito_, yes [00:15] like aptitude purge [00:16] ok thank you [00:16] anyone use screen w/ xubuntu? [00:17] How do you re-bind backspace to work in screen under xubuntu? [00:19] screen? [00:19] yes [00:19] * pleia2 has never had a problem with the backspace in screen [00:19] pleia2: are you running xubuntu 8.10? [00:19] what does it do when you press it? [00:19] yes [00:20] see you charlie-tca & knome [00:20] Mood: and is this in a program? ssh session? just the bash prompt? [00:20] pleia2: bash prompt on my local xubuntu [00:21] Mood: what does it do when you press backspace? [00:21] pleia2: nothing [00:21] i think it has to do something with ^H binding [00:22] hm, not sure :\ [00:22] in screen, ctrl+h works as backspace... i think xubuntu's backspace is binded to ^? perhaps [00:25] anyone has added the medibuntu repository? [00:25] i need this package libdvdcss2 [00:27] Mood: this might be related? (some fixes are offered) https://bugs.launchpad.net/vte/+bug/29787 [00:28] pleia2: you've identified the bug i'm experiencing methinks :-) [00:29] i wonder why you don't have it though. are you not using xfce4-terminal? [00:29] Mood: nope, using rxvt-unicode [00:30] pleia2: yeah- i just tried screen using xterm, and backspace works -- the bug is with xfce4-terminal's keybinding of backspace [00:31] the bug is over a year old -- i wonder why it's not fixed for 8.10 [00:31] :-( [00:31] yeah :( [00:33] pleia2: do you use an .screenrc file? [00:33] Mood: nope, haven't needed one [00:33] ok [00:44] pleia2: i got around the bug based on suggestions of that page you forwarded. thanks! [00:44] :-) [00:44] Mood: welcome :) [03:11] in ubuntu if a file is higher then a certain size it gives the option to delete immediately but xubuntu doesn't seem to do that. How do you enable that? [03:19] merther, shift+del doesn't copy files to wastebasket. [03:19] i mean, move. [03:20] knome: Thanks, just as good. :) [03:31] * Mood gives quickz his 5th vouch :-P [03:39] weird... [03:40] * Mood was wondering where that /me went to... [03:55] Hey, Anyone Know A Good Site To Download Emerald Themes? [04:00] Zarek: http://www.compiz-themes.org/index.php?xcontentmode=103 [04:00] ? [04:00] Mood: I Shall SCheck It Out, THanks For Your Help [05:02] hi === Sinister` is now known as Sinister [09:41] hi guys [09:41] anyone know why when i try to install basket (kde app) it wants to install the whole kde suite...anyone know hoe to just install basket (and the direct dependenceis)? [09:45] kde suite is the dependency [09:46] zeltak: using apt-get install with the --no-install-recommends switch should install the package and just the dependencies [09:47] sweet ill try that thx durt [10:30] hi , can anyone help me to get back my panels on xubuntu 7.10 [10:33] Do i have to make a kernel module and install it to use guest hardware in VirtualBox? :) Or isit enough to run the script? [10:37] i am a beginner , please help to get my panels back on xubuntu 7.10 [10:43] donna10: press alt+f2 and type 'xfce4-panel' [10:47] thesheep , i do not get that small window [10:47] alt F2 doesn't answer [10:47] donna10: ok, what exactly happened? [10:49] my panels disappeared , and as i got that before already , i knew what to do : i pressed F2 and alt but i didnt get that small window to order xfce4=panel [10:49] not now [10:50] what happened just before they disapeared? [10:50] i just opened my laptop and when i watched it after a while : no panels anymore [10:51] but other icons were on [10:51] can right-click on the desktop for menu? [10:52] *you [10:52] now i have a black screen with in white xubuntu=laptop login CCBCCBCCB etc. [10:52] the sheep , i have nothing but a black screen [10:53] press alt+ctrl+backspace and log in again [10:53] no, wait, did the screen just lock? [10:53] thesheep it does not give anything [10:53] then you just have to enter your password [10:54] press alt+ctrl+f7 [10:55] does it bring the graphical environment back? [10:57] the sheep no , i introduced my password and oit goes on demanding it [10:57] only black screen [10:58] now i have : login timed out after 60 seconds [11:00] donna10: you should type your login at login: and then your password [11:00] it won't be displayed [11:01] that should log you in [11:01] in text mode [11:18] The sheep , thanks for your help , it works again [11:30] Hi, im trying to add the mactel ppa to my sources in xubuntu 8.10. My problem is I do not know what format the apt key needs to be in. The mactel support wiki has an apt-key command that does not work, but it uses the key, so I think I could just save it to a file in specific format that software sources authentication tab wants? I'm not sure what that format is or if I am on the right track. I'm using a MacBook pro and I'm fairly new to [11:30] Linux. [11:31] jed, I don't know what Mactel is but you can easily add a key in Synaptic [11:31] Hey charlie-tca [11:32] I think that is what I have been trying to do, but I dont know what format it wants the key in [11:32] jed, in Synaptic, Settings->Repositories, then the Authentication tab, Import Key File [11:32] jed, well where can you download the key? [11:33] the support wiki has a key but it is just a number in hexadecimal, could i just save that to a file? [11:34] jed, can you post a link? [11:34] here: https://launchpad.net/~mactel-support/+archive/ppa [11:34] er, wrong one [11:34] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/PPA#Installation [11:34] i just found that one, i think i got it [11:35] That should work, I suppose, otherwise you can always look here: https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA#Adding%20a%20PPA%20to%20your%20Ubuntu%20repositories [11:36] (That's what you get when you click the link "Follow these instructions" ;-) [11:37] hallo [11:37] !hi [11:37] Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu! [11:38] pls help me, I am novice to ubuntu... how I can mount my HDD NTFS? [11:38] Pipak, it should just appear on your desktop... Which version of Xubuntu are you using? (You are using Xubuntu, right, not Ubuntu?) [11:38] vinnl, thanks, (that link was hard to find logically from the wiki :p) [11:38] jed, hehe :P [11:39] thx, yeah Xubuntu ver.8.10 [11:40] Pipak, right... When you go into Applications->Settings->Settings Manager, can you see whether in "Removable Drivers and Media" everything under "Removable Storage" is checked? [11:41] Oh wait, not sure if that has to do with your issue... But checking shouldn't harm ;-) [11:41] thx I will w8 [11:42] hello, vinnl [11:42] Pipak, when you open the Places menu, is your drive listed there? [11:42] it is not [11:43] !ntfs [11:43] To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE [11:44] Ah, thanks TheSheep :) [11:44] I need to take more advantage of ubottu :) [11:45] thx a lot [11:46] bye [12:22] Where can I find a pastebin for images? [12:22] charlie-tca, imageshack.us? :) [12:27] how would i access an ipod like device (not an actual ipod though, knock off type) [12:27] Ishmael, probably just plug it in and browse it, but that depends on the device [12:27] How do you do it in other operating systems? [12:28] didn't work too well in other operating systems [12:28] How was it _supposed_ to work? ;-) [12:30] it has a usb cable [12:30] but...it's really shitty, a family member who i don't respect sent it to me [12:31] Well, USB-cables are easily replacable, but plugging it in and browsing it should work just as well (or bad) as in other operating systems [12:32] so you're saying that if everything were going smoothly it should probably pop up on desktop? [12:32] Yep [12:34] hi! I have a question regarding poweroff. When I am in the login screen and I press the external on/off switch, the machine just goes off without a proper shutdown. When pressing the same button AFTER login, the menu displays my options and I can do a clear shutdown. Is there a way to configure this behaviour? [12:36] thedave: when you are not logged in, the desktop environment is not there, so the logout plugin is not available. [12:37] is there a good command to see what's plugged into the usb ports? [12:37] I don't know that there is a way to add the plugin to the login screen, since the login window is GDM, not Xfce [12:37] hmm okay. that explains it. but since I use ext2 as a filesystem, this can damage some files if I use the button [12:37] Ishmael, "lsusb" [12:37] is there any way to tell my system to just invoke a shutdown -now when pressing the button? [12:38] thanks [12:38] Yes, but there is SHUTDOWN on the login window, click it for a safe shutdown [12:38] I know, but this machine is more like a router, so I don't always have access to the mouse [12:38] or, go to Ctrl+Alt+F2, login, type "sudo shutdown -P now" and it will do a safe shutdown [12:39] i figure the port is dead on it [12:39] DOA [12:40] hmm okay thanks. I think this is the way to go until I figure out to do this with some acpi magic or something ;) [13:06] ok, voided the warranty to find out, but it is faulty at the usb port [13:06] Haha [13:06] had to twist the chip to get it to recognize [13:07] i just need a plier system and i'll be good [13:08] what's the command for that in linux? [13:08] A plier system? [13:08] yeah, taht will hold the usb plug, and turn it counter clockwise reletive to the chip? [13:09] Sorry, never heard of that [13:09] it's just gotta put a little bit of pressure [13:11] solved my problem: just editied the /etc/acpi/powerbtn.sh and invoked a shutdown [13:12] Great :) [13:12] I love it. Its so easy. [13:12] What is the name of Xubuntu's compressing utility? [13:13] jarnos, file-roller [13:18] vinnl: can you see it in a menu? [13:18] jarnos, nope [13:19] vinnl, what are you looking for? [13:19] vidd, nothing, jarnos asked for the name of file-roller :) [13:21] vinnl, no, he asked for the name of xubuntu's compressing utility ;) [13:21] ...which is file-roller :P [13:22] vinnl: I think it is bad, since how users find the program to create a new archive? [13:22] jarnos, right-click a folder or files and select "Create Archive" [13:22] (You can also find it using the Appfinder btw) [13:23] do ppl actually expect to open the archiver and then select the files to compress? [13:24] I can't imagine, that was the reason it was removed from the menu in the first place [13:25] vinnl: I can't find it by xfce4-appfinder [13:26] jarnos, search for "Archive" [13:26] gee...perhaps we should add a "ghost" app "archiver" that just depends on file-roller [13:27] vinnl: It finds only Xarchiver [13:27] jarnos, which version of Xubutnu are you using? [13:27] vinnl: Intrepid + Xfce 4.6 from jeromeg's ppa. [13:28] Hmm, odd... And when you execute file-roller from a terminal window, does it work? [13:29] vinnl: yes. [13:29] Very odd [13:29] vinnl: I removed panel directory from home btw. [13:30] Panel directory? [13:30] vinnl: $HOME/.config/xfce4/panel [13:31] Ah, that shouldn't matter for finding an application [13:31] Also, I don't think that should matter at all with Xfce 4.6, I suppose xfconf doesn't store its files in there [13:32] my desktop is vanilla and its not in my xfce appfinder either [13:33] the name is Archive Manager, exec is file-roller [13:33] vidd, that's a vanilla Intrepid? [13:33] and there it is [13:33] yes [13:34] Strange, I do have it in appfinder [13:34] It's not in Jaunty that I can find, either [13:34] ( in appfinder) [13:35] vinnl, is yours an upgrade-thru-the-years or a fresh i9nstall? [13:35] Ehm, I upgraded it from Hardy [13:35] thats why [13:35] So probably something changed for file-roller [13:36] Supposedly they removed the .desktop file [13:37] It is in /usr/share/applications/Archive Manager [13:38] :S [14:40] FREEDOM http://freeculturenews.com/2009/01/12/reverse-engineered-broadcom-firmware-available/ [15:09] seriously, what's with xubuntu changing the default applications to some silly applications for file types every now and then? [15:10] first it wanted to open png files with firefox, now evince... [15:10] ? [15:10] Without you doing anything? [15:10] while I told it several times to do it with comix [15:10] well, with me doing apt-get update I suppose [15:11] In Intrepid? [15:11] yeah [15:11] Very strange :S [15:11] yeah [15:12] and annoing [15:15] I can't reproduce it, but it happened several times already [15:35] what networkmanager does xubuntu use? [15:35] NetworkManager :) [15:38] vinnl: ty [15:38] hi [15:38] hello danopia [16:37] quick q xubuntu brothers' [16:37] just ask, JuanL [16:38] i'm trying to get xubuntu to recognize the mass storage mode of a phone. it normally comes up as a USB drive, anyone know if i have to enable something or anything to that matter? i'm on 8.10 and i'm trying to get the T-Mobile Wing Storage to pop up so i can drag and drop [16:39] mass storage == usb drive [16:40] the phone comes up as the same thing on a windows pc. i'm trying to make the storage card come up. [16:43] i enabled mass storage on the phone and when i connect to usb it should pop up but nothing is showing on desktop [16:43] where would i go to manually mount it? [17:07] hello, i'm using xub and windos, and i have a question. Can i install XFCE or XFWM to windows? [17:09] which packages do i need? [17:21] xiq: why not run the windos under a virtualbox machine or vice versa? [17:23] anyone test xubuntu 9.04? the xfmedia cannot start for me under 2 installations [17:28] pitwalker, is xfmedia installed by default? [17:29] pitwalker, when i try to launch it from terminal, i get The program 'xfmedia' is currently not installed. === pitwalker_ is now known as pitwalker [18:02] :-( xubuntu alternate iso 20090308 is failed during package selection [18:03] pitwalker, did you do a "check disk"? [18:04] the rescue mode is unusable in this situation, no dpkg installed only a kernel, the olly one user cannot log in!! [18:04] disk is OK :-) [18:04] did you try a cli-only install or full install? [18:04] apt-get is available but collide with disk is already mounted and not changed!! [18:06] apt-get says: "Media change: please insert disc labeled...." the disk is on /cdrom/ !!! [18:06] pitwalker, can you open /etc/apt/sources.lst? [18:08] yes but i only have less, no ANY EDITOR!!! [18:08] debian installer is better, that can install a BASIC SYSTEM [18:08] if you have the kernel, you have nano [18:09] pitwalker, the alt installer IS the debian installer =] [18:09] hooray I have a "vi" :-) [18:10] comment out the cd line [18:10] the package selector is broken for me from 6% to 85% is 6 seconds and says fail, but the CDROM is valid [18:11] I'm not familiar with vi :-) [18:11] can you load nano instaed of vi? [18:11] I like better joe or nano, I have'n wget to download it [18:12] give me a sec...ill get the vi commands for ya [18:13] pitwalker, he is a good "i can't vi to save my life!" guide [18:14] http://www.cs.wichita.edu/~matrow/textedit.html [18:14] vidd: thanks [18:15] but easier: rm /etc/apt/sources.list ; echo deb http://... > /etc/apt/sources.list [18:15] if you comment out the cd call, you should be able to get the rest of the packages via apt-get [18:15] just remember to update =] [18:15] the oly one line is the cdrom repository :-)) [18:16] do you know the other repo's? [18:16] and can yuou ping out on that machine? [18:17] ifconfig and route is good [18:17] good [18:17] i run this jaunty i know my repos [18:18] * vidd personally prefers to use the mini iso [18:19] what is the mini iso [18:19] its ubuntu's net installer.... [18:19] !mini [18:19] The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD [18:21] pitwalker, for JJ .... http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/jaunty/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/ [18:21] its 11mb [18:22] specifically designed to dl everything off the internet [18:23] best part of it is that you can install whatever flavor of *buntu you want...all from one disk [18:26] it works! i can apt-get nano with jaunty main restricted repo :-) [18:26] i should hope so [18:27] you should also be able to apt-get wget [18:27] done i edit all of the repos and apt-get install xubuntu-desktop [18:28] and then sudo wget [path to clean source on your network] [18:28] wget is good but now I don' need [18:28] * vidd is a slow typest [18:28] (his spelling socks too!) [18:30] pitwalker, you still should get up-close-and-personal with your good friend vi [18:30] =] [18:31] the etc/passwd file and the /etc/shadow is bad, because I have only one user the root but root can't have password [18:32] i try passwd [18:32] apt-get remove vi [18:32] your working in the recovery console right? [18:33] no package I rm it [18:33] yes but only the TTY1 is good [18:33] is /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow present? [18:35] pitwalker, is /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow present? [18:37] i set the root's password :-) hut how can i allow root to log in the graphical environment? [18:37] or i must add a new user now [18:38] you would need to either add a user, or configure the system to allow root login [18:38] there are a few things you should do first [18:39] step one....finish the apt-get update && apt-get install xubuntu-desktop [18:39] i install icewm [18:39] and synaptic [18:39] or whatever desktop you want [18:40] you need to install ubuntu-standard as well [18:41] this will give you "useradd" "sudo" and a bunch of other very useful items [18:42] personally....rather then hack-attack this issue, id get the mini iso and start over =] [18:42] nice package i install it (nano wget dosfstools...) [18:43] what? ubuntu-standard? [18:43] yes ubuntu-standard [18:43] that is the "this is the cli-only" package [18:44] from there you will want to install your DM and your WM [18:45] what DM can i use? what is the default for xfce? (gdm?) [18:45] to the best of my knowledge, synaptic doesnt require either [18:46] gdm is the default for xubuntu..... [18:46] but if your using ice, then you might want to consider slinm [18:46] *slim [18:46] the PC have 160MB of SDRAM and a MMX250MHz CPU [18:46] * vidd uses slim/openbox for his uber-lite systems [18:47] pitwalker, your system does not meet the min requirements for xubuntu [18:47] i install icewm :-; [18:47] your short 32MB of ram =] [18:47] ;-) [18:48] so anyway [18:48] the min system requirements is on xubuntu.org? i cannot find [18:49] pitwalker, they are on the same page as the links to download [18:50] http://xubuntu.org/get [18:50] you may need to scroll down to see the requirements [18:50] next time I read it, the swap file is too small, only 200MB [18:52] dependency tree building is very slow [18:52] you have a slow system =] [18:52] but works :-) [18:53] also, you have to take into consideration that apt-cache is being built for the first time [18:54] this is all "behind the curtain" stuff you dont notice during install [18:55] but a good rule of thumb is swap = ram x 2 [18:55] HDD is under 5400RPM :-( [18:56] my rule swap <=ram x 2 [18:56] thats crazy talk [18:57] for low end machines, you should be thinking >= not <= [18:57] now if you have 4 GB of ram, then a smaller swap would be understandable [18:58] I plan to add another HDD for only the wpas later [18:59] a unused 1GB = 0$ [18:59] the whole system costs 0$ [19:01] the same with most of mine [19:01] i want to read a .chm file [19:01] which package should i install? [19:02] juanito_, what exactly is a chm file? [19:02] well it is like a book in pdf [19:02] but the extension is chm [19:02] apt-get install xchm [19:02] xchm ok [19:03] thanks a lot [19:03] chm is windows's packed html help format [19:03] ah [19:03] proprietary crap [19:04] 62% dependency tree for slim! [19:04] why? [19:05] huh? [19:07] libc6 lib...... I currently no have libs [19:09] sounds about right [19:14] juanito_: archmage (CHM(Compiled HTML) Decompressor) [19:23] pitwalker, how you making out? [19:30] slim is ready [19:31] but how can I add a sudoer user? [19:36] i don't know what gives, firefox wants to save every file instead of opening with application upon download ... is this a firefox prob or could it have to do with os? [19:37] install ubufox [19:38] hmmm... nver heard of it, is it new? [19:38] no [19:38] it's basically a set of default settings for firefox [19:38] actively developed? [19:38] oh, add on? [19:38] yes, but it's in repos [19:39] !info ubufox [19:39] ubufox (source: ubufox): Ubuntu Firefox specific configuration defaults and apt support. In component main, is optional. Version 0.6-0ubuntu1.8.10.1 (intrepid), package size 52 kB, installed size 312 kB [19:39] pitwalker, sorry...i went to smoke [19:39] i set the preferences to what i wanted but ff not obeying [19:39] pitwalker, did you install sudo? (ubuntu-standard)? [19:40] thx, the sheep, i will check it out [19:42] someone can help me to reconfigure my onboard video card [19:42] which card? [19:42] i a new in the linux wolrd [19:42] vidd, i don´t know exactly [19:43] what does lspci tell you? [19:44] 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Silicon Integrated Systems [SiS] 630/730 PCI/AGP VGA Display Adapter (rev 21) [19:44] my system is out the box but is very slow [19:44] gusibad, it should be auto-configured for you already [19:44] how much ram? [19:44] 512 [19:45] mb [19:45] why do you think your video card needs to be reconfigured? [19:46] because i have installed other linux versions and isn´t very slow [19:47] Xubuntu is lite and goes very slow ... [19:47] slow does not equal wrong video [19:47] define "slow" [19:47] and xubuntu is not "lite" [19:48] when i tipping the letters showing slow [19:48] and the web pages scrolling is not good... [19:48] what version? [19:48] Intrepid [19:49] open up the task manager [19:49] system monitor under the system menu [19:49] ok [19:50] (im waiting for mine to load) [19:50] ok [19:50] ready [19:50] im not... [19:50] itś open [19:51] anybody knows a light window manager usable without mouse? [19:52] pitwalker, i think that defeats the entire purpose of a wm.... [19:52] when i start icevm without mouse freeze, and my keyboard is crazy on terminals [19:52] gusibad, go to the processes tab [19:52] i´m here [19:52] sort "%CPU" high to low.... [19:53] what is using up most of your cpu? [19:53] pitwalker, you need to sudo apt-get install hal [19:54] pit this will fix the mouse in slim [19:54] "killall slim" improved my keyboard [19:54] vidd gnome-system-monitor [19:54] pitwalker, hal is used to control the mouse and keyboard drivers now [19:55] what %? [19:55] gusibad, ^^ [19:55] 17 [19:55] percent [19:55] is very slow ... [19:55] :S [19:55] pitwalker, without hal, keyboard and mouse will be wierd or non-functional [19:56] hal is currently installed [19:56] i can minimize nothing... [19:56] because the windows freeze for a second [19:57] gusibad, how much swap did you set up during install? [19:57] vidd: tomorrow I get a serial mouse, thank for all! [19:57] pitwalker, a serial mouse?!? [19:58] itś for default... [19:58] gusibad, and that is....? [19:58] is it bettter to create a logical partition for home inside the extended one that contains the swap? [19:58] 1.3 GB [19:59] gusibad, have you rebooted? [19:59] or are you running the live cd now? [20:00] juanito_, TBH, i dont think it matters [20:00] i´m reboot.... [20:00] and star session on my new system [20:00] 30 minutes ago [20:00] so your in the live cd? [20:01] ok vidd [20:01] no i´m in the OS installed vidd [20:01] so the live cd is not in your cdrom tray? [20:02] then gusibad i have no idea where to go next for troubleshooting [20:02] i'm in ubuntu and i installed xfce desktop. do i have to install for example the restricted extras for xubuntu? [20:02] vidd: The PC have only one USB and no PS/2 [20:02] vidd [20:02] thanks anyways dude [20:02] :) [20:02] nice try [20:03] juanito_, for what? [20:03] vidd i mean [20:03] if i installed them using ubuntu [20:03] and now [20:03] with this desktop i don't need to install them again [20:04] ah...no, if the extras are already installed, it does not matter which DM and WM you have running [20:04] right [20:04] ahhh [20:04] ok thanks that was running into my head [20:04] the desktop is "just another program" [20:04] ;) [20:05] thanks a lot [20:05] np [20:05] i like xubuntu [20:05] but i like trying other desktops too [20:05] pitwalker, so your mouse is usb? or are you using a ps/2-to-usb? [20:06] hi [20:06] hello slow-motion [20:06] vidd: currently I not use mouse on that pc :-) [20:06] tomorrow [20:06] ah...ic [20:06] hi vidd [20:07] pitwalker, you asked about adding a user to sudo b4.... [20:07] edit your /etc/group file [20:07] and add the user to the "admin" line [20:09] using konversation in gnome should be fine too [20:09] or ktorrent [20:09] in xfce [20:09] pitwalker, it should look something like admin:x:109:vidd [20:09] hey ppl [20:10] I would like to build [20:10] xfce from source ( the latest release ) [20:10] the number may be different, and, of course replace "vidd" with your username [20:10] any tips before I start compiling? [20:10] ferdinant: use the xfce wiki to get the build order and dependencies right [20:10] ferdinant, download the .deb's from the jaunty repos [20:10] ferdinant: but you don't need to build 4.6, you can use jerome's PPA [20:11] https://launchpad.net/~jerome-guelfucci/+archive/ppa [20:11] heh...or that [20:14] thanks [20:16] vidd: I must edit the sudoers [20:16] pitwalker, only if you want a broken system [20:19] not broken [20:19] it works [20:19] pitwalker, you havent restarted yet [20:19] i add a line %admin ALL=(ALL) ALL [20:20] i not restarted yes [20:20] but you did not need to touch sudoers at all [20:20] yet [20:21] why not add the ubuntu default %admin line? [20:21] it should have already been there [20:22] and HOW did you edit sudoers? [20:22] what happen when I restart this system? what happen when i edit sudoers via non visudo? [20:22] i edited with nano via ssh [20:22] you get rice crisppies....snap, crackle, and POP! [20:23] broken system [20:23] and i logged in to tty1 via root [20:23] you dont see that its broken because you are root [20:23] ok reboot [20:23] once you log into they system as not root....BORK [20:24] oh...and root might break too [20:24] No, it should work [20:24] Narcissus, i hope it does [20:24] booting [20:24] because I have done exactly the same [20:24] you don't even need to reboot [20:24] but it is very bad to mess with sudoers [20:24] No it's not, if you know what you're doing [20:24] Narcissus, he is root [20:25] he needs to log out of root (or su user) [20:25] adding %admin ALL=(ALL) ALL will allow all users in the group admin to sudo, requiring a password [20:26] i can log in via ssh as root :-) [20:26] yes...but adding it via nano? not a good idea i should think [20:26] vidd: it doesn't make a different [20:26] difference* [20:26] visudo simply opens /etc/sudoers in vi [20:26] a text editor [20:26] using nano, or notepad on windows then copying it back over would still work [20:26] Narcissus, it also will not let you save and exit if there is an error [20:26] it doesn't matter what you edit in, just that you do it properly [20:27] i can login via ssh as user and can "sudo bash" :-) [20:27] yes vidd, but quite a few people don't like vi/vim [20:27] pitwalker: sudo bash is baaaadd [20:27] pitwalker, can you "sudo apt-get update" ? [20:27] i like sudo bash [20:28] i am the admin [20:28] the point of sudo, is that it's logged. [20:28] pitwalker, then why bother logging in as a user? [20:28] so you sudo and it's logged [20:28] sudo bash will be logged, but the subsequent commands wont be [20:28] so I could sudo bash [20:28] cat /etc/shadow [20:28] and then you wouldn't have known what I've done [20:29] sudo apt-get update also works [20:29] if you run mc the commands also invisible [20:29] pitwalker, then you successfully updated sudoers without visudo [20:29] yes [20:30] * vidd will always recommend against this [20:30] so...next issue? [20:30] ok, but we have a good rescue cd, is a Gentoo SYSTEMRESCUECD [20:30] when we fails [20:31] ... [20:31] the "recovery" option in grub works too [20:31] yah [20:31] or init level 4 [20:31] if ubuntu uses init, i can never remember [20:32] ubuntu uses init.d [20:32] what do ubuntu when I enter init 1, and to root console, and root don't have a password? [20:32] dunno if thats the same as what your thinking or not [20:32] pitwalker, huh? [20:33] enter ROOT'S password (or Control-D for maintenance) [20:33] no its not vidd [20:33] I can sudo init 1 [20:33] pitwalker, normally, this means your system is borkd [20:33] no it doesn't [20:34] pitwalker: it's a utility that allows you to fix partitions without mounting anythign [20:34] if the average user boots up and gets this screen, then his sytem is messed up [20:34] so if you boot into init 1, it might mount things as read only, so you can fsck [20:34] thats the whole point of GETTING this screen [20:34] I have that quite often on my arch box if I don't unmount properly [20:35] like i said "messed up" [20:35] in a 9.04 testing environment is nor tare command:init 1 [20:35] not rare [20:35] not rare killall gdm [20:36] nor rare terminals not work but ping is ok [20:36] pitwalker, ive never had that issue [20:37] pitwalker, so is your system good now? or do you still need some assistance? [20:37] I thanks, I not need any assistance. [20:38] I have many systems [20:38] Hey guys, I'm at the screen where it says "Try Xubuntu without and change to your computer". I hit the enter button and nothing happens. What gives? [20:38] JoeBob, how much ram you got? [20:38] enough your RAM? [20:39] Not sure one sec [20:39] also...make sure your keyboard is detected [20:39] How many MB of ram do you have? The PC hardware is good? [20:40] (hit the numlock or caplock key and see if it lights up) [20:40] CTRL+ALT+F8 [20:40] 512 [20:41] JoeBob, are you able to toggle the cap/num lock? [20:41] Keyboard works because I can select language and select options [20:42] usb or internal cdrom? [20:42] Internal [20:42] only one optical drive? [20:42] 2 [20:42] is the cd in the "master" optical drive? [20:43] I think so [20:43] Its a windows computer. when hitting F1 to change boot options, only one cd rom drives shows [20:44] try to disable the second drive in the bios, if on individual controller, or unplug power and data cables [20:45] Its a BIOS computer [20:45] try swapping the drive you put the disk in [20:45] the bios's boot order not same with linuxs device order [20:45] you mean make the other cdrom the master drive? [20:45] usually, the "master" drive is the top [20:46] but this is a live cd self searching bug [20:46] maybe [20:46] yup thats the one with the cd inside [20:46] no...put the disk in the other optical device...or disable the other optical device [20:48] If I try the other cddrive, I get error saying "Invalid Boot Diskette" [20:48] I'll try disconnection the drive because bios won't allow me to disable drive [20:49] diskette???? [20:49] good luck! I go to sleep. [20:50] ooh do you have a floppy in a FDD? [20:50] or bios boot order not updated and runs out [20:51] eject the floppy drive [20:51] I haven't used a floppy in 9 years [20:51] this can happen when no boot device exists [20:51] no boot list [20:51] no hard drive? [20:51] no any device [20:52] BIOSES are buggy [20:52] JoeBob, is there a hard drive? [20:52] Yes, the computer works fine [20:52] I can boot normally into windows [20:53] burn cds whatever [20:53] then why on earth would you get "invalid boot diskette" error on a cdrom drive [20:53] Your guess is as good as mine [20:53] is that drive disabled? [20:53] I'll pull the cord on it hold on [20:55] Okay, only one HDD and one CDR drive connected. Still same problem [20:55] I think windows doesn't want me to install xubuntu [20:55] that was one quick reboot [20:56] please tell me you killed power before pulling cords! [20:56] Yes [20:56] ok.... [20:56] lets try this,..... [20:56] reconnect all your stuff.... [20:57] do you intend to dual boot? [20:57] I've installed hardware and liux many times [20:57] or just test-drive it? [20:57] test drive it so I can get family off windows [20:57] They not sure if they will like it [20:58] there is the wubi option [20:58] !wubi [20:58] Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. [20:58] wubi is too slow [20:58] repartitioning is the best [21:01] hmm I think I might try ubuntu and redownloading xubuntu [21:01] maybe the burn got messed up [21:02] chack the md5sum [21:02] validate the media [21:02] you mean "check cd for defects"? [21:02] fsum check in windows [21:02] yes [21:02] That doesn't work [21:03] you can burn wrong CD from good ISO [21:03] Hitting enter on every option but option "boot from first hard disk" doesn't work [21:03] ImgBURN is the best under windows [21:03] can verify [21:03] it's important to do the check on the same cd drive that you are going to use for installation [21:03] I burned xubuntu on macbook [21:03] old cd drives have often problems reading cheap cds burned with high speeds [21:04] i don't try macbook [21:04] please try the live cd in other PC [21:04] only one pc [21:05] please download virtualbox for mac and try to run the ISO [21:05] i write form virtualbox with linux guest windows host [21:07] oops virtualbox only works with intelMACS [21:07] Its already installed testing rightnow [21:09] Same problem in VM [21:10] Guess that means cd crappy [21:11] if you read back the CD to a ISO file and check that md5sum and this is same as the cdimage.ubuntu.com/your release/MD5SUM file, the CD is valid [21:11] wait.... [21:11] JoeBob, you burned the cd from a macbook? [21:11] yes [21:11] it wont work on a PC then [21:11] You use a CD-RW? [21:12] Yes cdrw [21:12] but why won't it work [21:12] you mac is ppc arch...right? [21:12] intel [21:13] will it boot correctly on the mac? [21:13] It mounts correctly [21:13] will it boot? [21:13] intel mac can boot to this cd [21:13] I have problems installing xubuntu 8.10 alternate [21:14] ndeah: package selection broken? [21:14] sources.list only cdROM entry [21:14] pitwalker, but if the cd will boot on the mac but not the pc, then its because the iso was burned for mac-intel and not pc [21:15] checking the cd from the alternate main menu shows md5sum error [21:15] ndeah, did the install go smoothly? or did it fail? [21:15] ndeah, then its a bad burn [21:15] fail. the installation hangs at step of installing software [21:16] I duon't know, I try burning the cd on windows. [21:16] your option are either reburn the disk, or do a hack install like i walked pitwalker thru earlier [21:17] vidd: burned 3 times, slowest mode. a friend also 2 times different cd burners [21:17] Thanks for your time guys [21:17] JoeBob, its best to burn it from the pc that is going to run it [21:17] ndeah, did you verify the image? [21:17] ndeah: not hard the install without bad packages and olyn CD repo [21:18] ndeah: please run the memtest option for 2 hours [21:18] vidd: verify. yes [21:18] if you burn one the CD please use VERIFY [21:18] BEFORE you burn the cd please check the md5sum [21:19] sometimes CD drives are unclean, i read back a ubuntu cd 2 times badly and the 4th is good the drive is clean :-) [21:20] so there is no knownissue? [21:20] i try 3 hours before with xubuntu 9.04 daily 2009-03-08 [21:21] no...its a bad burn [21:21] no comment [21:21] ok. thank you. makes it easier for me. will try again. [21:21] pitwalker, you want to walk ndeah thru fixing his system? [21:21] ndeah: because ubuntu changes rapidly I recommend CR-RW [21:22] * vidd recommends the mini iso =] [21:22] ndeah: please read back the log, tomorrow i must go to work, byebye [21:22] its only 10 mb [21:22] i also recommend the mini iso [21:23] vidd: I'm using the mini.iso now for my machine. but need iso's for a computer room [21:23] pidwalker: thankyou [21:23] ndeah, the computer room have internet access? [21:23] yes. but slow [21:24] slow is better then not at all.... [21:24] you MIGHT want to make a local mirror [21:24] you think slow internet connection better than slow/old cdrom drives? [21:25] ndeah, you KNOW the mini iso is working [21:25] and its already burnt [21:25] mini.iso already installed. getting the xfce-desktop [21:26] xubuntu-desktop ? [21:26] * vidd has to go home now [21:26] yes [21:26] see you vidd [21:26] thank you vidd [21:26] l8r === genii_ is now known as genii [21:37] hi guys, i need some help with grub: cause of a lack of knowledge i installed grub on a second partition while testing arch(failed) now i want to delete the arch partition, but i think grub uses it still for config files and stuff, how do i say grub to use the old(first) partition? [21:38] i tried grub-install /dev/sda2 (old partition) but it didn't worked... [21:46] should i use k3b in xubuntu? === wormsxulla_ is now known as wormsxulla [21:49] juanito_: if you want to... it will run fine, and it's mostly personal preference when it comes to cd/dvd burning [21:50] ok thanks [21:50] i've used this program in other distros [21:50] it's a very good one === sancas_ is now known as sancas [23:50] hello [23:50] is there anyway i can boot from a usb drive or something other than a CD [23:50] my CD drive is busted [23:52] anyone> [23:52] ? [23:58] !install [23:58] Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - see also !automate