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da0487Hello. I am just learning how to triage. Is this where I report bugs that are actually feature requests?04:32
greg-gda0487: you should report them as bug, and they will be marked as "Wishlist"04:33
greg-gand, if it is about a specific application, the best place for those requests to go is on the bug tracker for that application (so, for instance, for banshee, you would use bugzilla.gnome.org)04:33
da0487I mean I found a bug on launchpad which is actually a feature request. I belive the wiki says to put the bug number here04:36
ubottuUbuntu bug 339772 in firefox-3.0 "Firefox download manager doesn't handle torrents" [Undecided,New]04:37
greg-gda0487: ah, yes, I can mark it as wishlist for you04:38
da0487yay! a successful triage04:38
greg-gda0487: if you really want to be a hero, forwarding this bug upstream to the firefox bugzilla would be _ideal_04:39
rippsDoes anybody here know how to run autogen.sh within debian/rules? I tried asking #ubuntu-motu, but there not really talkative today.04:40
patanachaibug #338818 > wishlsit05:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 338818 in ubuntu "Eliminate needless init scripts" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33881805:22
patanachaiwishlist, sorry05:22
crimsunpatanachai: err, i'm not sure i would actually set that one; scott has a pretty good handle on what Importance that bug would be05:26
patanachaicrimsun: oh, thanks for let me know.05:27
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dholbachgood morning06:05
mrooneydholbach: morning!06:07
mrooneyhm it is actually about bed time for me06:08
dholbachhiya mrooney06:08
mrooneyIntuitiveNipple: canonical employees are above man-pages, obviously!07:00
mrooneyyour notify-osd bug07:01
dholbachmrooney: ???07:01
mrooneybug 33979607:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 339796 in notify-osd "No man-page" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33979607:01
mrooneyI was mostly jesting but also remarking on how the universe packages seem to be put to stricter standards then main packages by canonicalers07:03
Hobbseemrooney: why does it need one?  it's not callable, as it were07:03
mrooneyHobbsee: I didn't file the bug :)07:03
Hobbseealso, feature freeze and such would have been a concern, i expect07:04
mrooneyI just think the man page reqs are odd07:04
Hobbseei don't think various canonical packages actually go through motu review, anyway07:05
Hobbseeso there could be anything in them ;)07:05
Hobbseewell, except for any packages that the archive admins deemed unsuitable, and threw out07:05
mrooneythe fact that firefox doesn't have a manpage astounds me07:05
dholbachmanpages are very nice to have when they make sense - for things living in usr/lib that are not really callable (like panel applets) they don't really make sense though07:06
IntuitiveNippleFor something that is so visible, it would make sense to have a man-page. First place I look when trying to figure something out is a man-page.07:06
mrooneynot that firefox originates from firefox07:06
mrooneyfrom canonical07:06
mrooneybut I have to google how to use profiles every time07:06
dholbachI'm sure that patches are welcome07:06
mrooneyI am not sure Mozilla would feel that way, but you never know, I guess!07:07
Hobbseedholbach: i'm not sure that's the issue - i suspect mrooney's more is "why do the canonical people get special treatment?  And should they?"07:07
Hobbsee(unless you're referring to firefox there, and not the dx stuff)07:07
mrooneyyeah I was actually referring to firefox itself07:07
mrooneyas a side comment on a really glaring missing manpage07:08
dholbachI'm not sure a manpage for notify-osd makes a lot of sense, but I'm sure that if somebody writes one, it'll be included07:08
dholbachif you want to tell Canonical employee <X>, <Y> and <Z> that they are doing a crap job, do it07:08
IntuitiveNippleI always read debian policy (12.1) to mean that it is a bug not to have a man-page: "Each program, utility, and function should have an associated manual page included in the same package"07:09
dholbachspecific complaints are much more helpful than "no canonical people care about manpages"07:09
mrooneydholbach: I was really just making a sarcastic joke about a bug report that was filed :)07:11
dholbachand I was really just saying "tell people if you think they do a bad job and if you have an idea how they can improve, tell them as well" :)07:12
mrooneydholbach: but my specific comment would be "why are community universe packages held to such strict standards by MOTU when main doesn't follow the same standards"07:12
mrooneyI guess it seems sometimes like main has less strict standards, which seems out of place07:12
Hobbsee"make canonical people follow the freezes, and the QA standards, like everyone else is asked to"07:12
Hobbseedoes that work?07:12
dholbachHobbsee: it still is unspecific07:13
Hobbseehow so?07:13
dholbachI personally think that telling person X that case Y could have been handled better if Z was done (specific) is much more helpful than "(all / some) canonical people don't do Z" (unspecific)07:15
dholbachand I don't think it's fair to the people who do Z07:16
dholbachanyway... I should be taking the dog for walk07:16
mrooneydholbach: I wasn07:16
mrooneyI wasn't saying X person does Y07:16
mrooneyI was saying X people aren't held to Y standards07:16
dholbachX was fairly unspecific :)07:16
mrooneydholbach: I think what I was trying to point out was "main rules aren't a superset of universe rules", although I got the impression they were supposed to be07:18
mrooneyoh well have fun with the dog, I hope it isn't too cold07:18
dholbach3°C, but the sun is shining, so all's good07:18
mrooneyah yes also if the wind is still the temperature is often irrelevant07:19
dholbachmrooney: I agree though, that the archive admins who review the package in the last instance have different priorities than the MOTU team who review the package on REVU07:23
mrooneydholbach: yeah, that is part of it really, they are different teams so I guess they can't be expected to value the same things and such07:24
* Hobbsee wonders why the canonical stuff doesn't go through REVU07:24
dholbachHobbsee: even MOTUs don't have to go through MOTU07:24
dholbachthrough REVU07:24
dholbachMOTUs can upload new packages directly to the archive. However they are greatly encouraged to have a new package reviewed prior to uploading. (cf. MOTU/Council/Meetings/2007-02-23)07:24
dholbachif we want a strict policy, we should try to find one that works for everybody and talk to the TB about it07:25
Hobbseehrm.  So then it's just a difference between those who have upload rights, and those who don't.  And those who can take someone else's package, and upload it directly.07:25
dholbachI've been an advocate of bringing the NewPackages process in line with the regular sponsoring process, but wasn't successful with that07:26
Hobbsee(why weren't you successful?)07:27
dholbachconcerns about quality of the packages and the general feeling that four eyes are better than two07:28
dholbachthe reality is though that we have a huge backlog in REVU and that everybody is free to ask somebody else if they're unsure about their own verdict07:28
dholbachI'd much prefer if (like with any other upload) the sponsor would take responsibility for their judgement07:29
HobbseeREVU uploads are a fair amount larger, and can contain a lot more bugs, though07:29
dholbachsame goes for new upstream versions or big packaging changes :)07:30
Hobbseeupstream has usually tested those07:30
Hobbseeand/or has a bugtracker.07:30
Hobbseebut you'll probably find that's also why people aren't fans of sponsoring huge packaging changes, if they don't know a lot about it07:30
dholbachI think that people who say "this looks good to me" should be able to upload those07:30
dholbachanyway... I'll go out now - see you later :)07:31
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mathiazhi - is there a canned response to ask someone to open a new bug?19:49
mathiazex: bug 225919: the last comment is a different bug - is there a generic response to ask the commenter to open a new bug?19:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 225919 in openldap "package update-manager 1:0.87.24 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: SystemError in cache.commit(): E:Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1), E:Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22591919:51
charlie-tcaI don't believe there is. Usually a "thanks for your report, but it is a different issue. Would you please open a new bug report for it?"19:53
YoBoYif you can reproduce the bug mathiaz you can open the second bug yourself19:54
MightyTweekmathiaz: There are some canned responses on the wiki. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses19:55
mathiazMightyTweek: I don't see any in the wiki page.19:56
MightyTweekmathiaz: Yes, you're right. If you come up with one you might consider adding it to the list.20:01
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andolblueyed: Do you mind if I ask you a queston regarding bug #270468 and its reporting to Debian?20:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 270468 in phpldapadmin "please check memory_limit at install time" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27046820:58
andolblueyed: Well, never mind that first bug mentioned. I was actually thinking about bug #315136.21:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 315136 in phpldapadmin "config.php symlink not removed on purge" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31513621:00
blueyedandol: sure.21:07
blueyedandol: in the best case you still have the directory with debian's .dsc/package and your changed one.. then from the extracted package directory, just run "submittodebian". if reportbug is configured ok, this will give you the diff between ubuntu/debian and allow you to send it to debian.21:08
blueyedandol: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Debian/Bugs#Using%20submittodebian%20to%20forward%20patches%20to%20Debian21:10
blueyedandol: I'll have to go now.. please just drop me an email and I can help you out tomorrow.. (or ask here or in #ubuntu-motu). Thanks and cu.21:12
andolAnyone else: Follow-up on the question to (and answer from) blueyed. Before the bug/patch is submited to Debian, should it actually be tested against a Debian unstable, or is it enough to make an educated guess whatever the bug applies there too?21:23
danagewhen's pidgin 2.5.5. coming through the repos? icq is b0rked in 2.5.2 but you probably all know that21:36
bcurtiswxdanage you can get it through getdeb.net if your anxious21:41
andolOk, I'll try #ubuntu-motu instead21:53
AmpelbeinHrm... my FFe-request bug #340151 has been marked duplicate to another report which I do not think is correct. Opinions on that?22:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 340151 in pidgin "[Freeze exception] Update to Version 2.5.5 to enable ICQ again" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34015122:09
bdmurrayAmpelbein: it seems fixed already22:10
AmpelbeinOh. I did not want to undupe the report before asking here.22:11
danagebdmurray: do you think there will be a freeze exception for jaunty?22:11
bdmurrayAmpelbein: the activity log doesn't attribute the action to you22:12
bdmurraydanage: I've no idea22:12
danageAmpelbein: #340151 is a dupe of #34007522:13
Ampelbeindanage: why? one is a freeze-exception-request, the other a bug report. in my opinion there should not be a mix-up.22:15
danageit's an identical issue22:15
danageyou could convert freeze exception request to feature request22:15
danagebut it relates to a bug, so think they should be duped22:16
danageoh you filed it22:17
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Ampelbeinyeah. because i did not want to mix the bug report with the FFe22:18
danageperhaps just see what happens :)22:19
Ampelbeinwill do that. The report WAS marked a dupe so i wondered, what would be the correct way to go on.22:21
danagelet's hope it makes its way into jaunty22:21
mathiazbdmurray: is there a way (tag?) to track bugs that are related to LTS -> LTS upgrades?23:53
mathiazbdmurray: bug 23970423:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 239704 in openldap "slapd fails to upgrade if included schema files are no longer available - evolution.schema not available anymore" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23970423:53
mathiazbdmurray: ^^ affects upgrade from hardy to intrepid *and* hardy to next LTS23:54
mathiazbdmurray: but doesn't apply to intrepid+23:54

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