
wgrantI think there's just lots of bugs.00:00
Laneythis is not a well-managed transition00:00
wgrantHm, I guess I'd best file a FFe exemption bug before I upload...00:00
wgrantIt is not a managed transition at all.00:00
Laneybut why did this happen?00:01
wgrantWhy did what happen?00:01
ScottKwgrant: If it's just bugfix then it doesn't need FFe.00:02
wgrantScottK: It still needs a bug.00:02
ScottKwgrant: It has one.  Just mark something in that.00:02
Laneyan unmanaged transition00:02
wgrantScottK: Thanks.00:02
LaneyAlthough "Please assign bug reports caused by build failures to me." if doko is offering to fix the world...00:02
ScottKWhen I've gotten stuck and asked, he's been good about making suggestions.00:03
LaneyWhile that is commendable, it's separate to managing the transition. Ideally we'd have had a bug report or (preferably) a wiki page listing what needs to be done00:06
Laneymaybe I've been spoiled by the mono transition though00:06
Laneydirecthex: <300:06
directhexLaney, launchpad blueprint!00:06
Laneyyessum, there was a spec00:07
wgrantDo we even have a list of everything that is broken?00:08
wgrantIs that even possible?00:08
LaneyDepends: python (<< 2.6)?00:08
wgrantThat was my initial guess, but I doubt that covers everything.00:10
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LaneySomeone who knows python: are these deps right for an application which is incompatible with 2.6? http://pastebin.com/f399506d400:37
Laneyrepeating python2.5-x, python-x seems weird to me00:37
ScottKThat seems wrong to me.  I think it should be just the -2.5 one.00:40
LaneyThey're not even real packages00:41
* Laney spins round in circles00:41
* ajmitch wonders when sid will switch to 2.600:43
directhexwhen someone on the python team negotiates a breaking transition slot?00:44
directhexfrom debian-release00:44
LaneyScottK: Would it be a problem for a 2.5 app to use 2.6 libs?00:46
* Laney is so bad at python packaging00:46
Laneybut if libs have been transitioned, what happens then?00:47
ajmitchis 2.5 still in main & packages build for 2.5 & 2.6?00:48
Laneywell, I removed the 2.5 ones and it works00:54
LaneyI wouldn't even be able to get on the web interface if cherrypy was incompatible00:54
* Laney is reasonably happy with that00:54
ScottKMost modules should build for both.00:57
LaneyWould I see a failure anywhere if they weren't?00:59
ScottKIf you start python2.5 and import foo works, then foo is built for 2.5.01:02
LaneyOK, they all seem to work01:04
Laneythat's good enough for me01:04
Laneythanks for your help01:04
* ajmitch should not read ubuntu-sounder, too much uninformed ranting at the moment01:08
ScottKajmitch: Worse than ubuntu-devel even?01:08
ajmitchthe threads aren't nearly as long as notification bikeshedding01:09
ajmitchor fonts vs DPI01:09
ScottKDon't forget update icons.01:14
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savvasbug 339554 patched!02:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 339554 in gedit-plugins "debian/control: Description shows duplicate lines" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33955402:17
savvas3 hours of banging my head against the wall due to sed and escaping characters finally paid off :P02:20
ScottKAh.  A "learning experience".02:25
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savvasyes :)02:26
savvasScottK: Can you find someone to test-drive python-zsi merge for bug 237674 ? I removed the python-xml, but I don't know how to properly test it: http://ppa.launchpad.net/medigeek/ppa/ubuntu/pool/main/z/zsi/python-zsi_2.1~a1-2ubuntu1~ppajaunty3_all.deb03:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 237674 in zsi "Please merge python-zsi (2.1~a1-2) (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23767403:03
savvasI mean I removed the python-xml dependency, the rest was done upstream heh :)03:04
ScottKsavvas: If upstream says python-xml is no longer required, I think it's reasonbly safe to assume not dropping it was a maintainer oversite.03:04
savvasaaah I see03:04
ScottKIsn't the Debian maintainer bzed?03:04
savvasit's registered to debian python modules team03:05
savvasI've left a comment on the debian bug: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=468622#1003:05
ubottuDebian bug 468622 in zsi "python-xml removal: please drop/replace (build) dependencies" [Important,Open]03:05
ScottKsavvas: I think bzed is usually the uploader.03:06
ScottKI saw the bug (I get all the DPMT bugmail) but going to #debian-python and asking might work better.03:07
savvasok :)03:07
ScottKsavvas: Most of the people who'd know are European, so this isn't the best time of day.03:08
savvasScottK: I know, I'm from Europe too - I'll try later in the afternoon, I have to go :)03:11
ScottKOK.  Well you're up late then.03:12
savvas4am heh03:12
savvasI love silence, helps me focus on my studying :)03:13
savvasbut I'll get back on my old time schedule as soon as the university starts again heh03:13
savvassee ya!03:14
rippsHmmm... I'm trying to backport a program from jaunty to hardy, but I keep getting libtool errors. Is there something I'm missing? I know there's a libtool package in hardy.04:10
ScottKIt's a very different version and some of the options supported are different.04:14
ScottKDepending on the error it may take some reasonably expert assistance (not me) to sort it out.04:14
rippsHuh, I think I know what the problem is, I ran autogen.sh locally to setup the build environment, but this associates it with my jaunty version of libtool. How do I get my debian/rules to run the autogen.sh, instead of me. I'm using cdbs to manage my rules file.04:18
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rippsDoes anybody know to run autogen.sh within rules? I can't figure it out.04:28
fabrice_spripps, something like that: post-patches:: debian/stamp-autotools-maintregen-arch04:41
rippsfabrice_sp: there isn't a cdbs class/rule that handles this already?04:43
fabrice_spripps, I'm not an expert of cdbs, but that's what I've found in several packages04:44
rippsfabrice_sp: Okay, I'll try adding it04:45
rippsfabrice_sp: debian/rules:9: *** missing separator.  Stop.04:52
rippsI'm not quite sure what you did, so I'm not sure how to fix it.04:52
ScottKripps: What's on line 9 of debian/rules?04:53
rippsScottK:    build-tree/*/autogen.sh04:53
ScottKTry a 2nd ":" on the line before.04:54
rippsScottK: didn't fix it. Here's the debian/rules: http://paste.ubuntu.com/128612/04:55
ScottKI'm tired and not tracking very well, but how about a tab before the text on line 9.04:57
rippsScottK: omg, that was it.04:58
ScottKripps: You're welcome.04:59
rippsFigures, I'd screw up on the most basic level04:59
rippswell, let's see if pbuilder will run autogen.sh05:01
ScottKI don't know much about that part.05:01
rippsmake: *** [debian/stamp-autotools-maintregen-arch] Error 12705:02
ripps/bin/sh: build-tree/*/autogen.sh: not found05:02
fabrice_spripps, try with just autogen.sh, without  build-tree/*05:10
rippsfabrcie_sp: actually I'm trying "sh ./autogen" right now05:10
rippsAha! I think it's working05:12
fabrice_spgreat! :-)05:20
rippsThe only problem now, is that I have to re-pull all the directories from git that I already ran ./autogen.sh locally, because it changed and  created so many files that a simple make distclean doesn't do the job.05:44
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dholbachgood morning06:05
fabrice_spGood morning dholbach06:07
dholbachhiya fabrice_sp06:08
* nixternal hugs dholbach 06:52
* dholbach hugs nixternal back :)06:52
nixternalhow is your day so far sir?06:53
dholbachvery good very good, I'm slowly waking up ;-)06:53
dholbachhow are you doing over there?06:53
nixternalflushing out some unicode boogs in my new country script for geo and django06:54
dholbachgotta love Unicode{En,De}coreError :)06:54
nixternalya, think I finally got my fingers on the one issue....str(foo) to the rescue06:55
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savvasIs it possible that a .mk file doesn't work because there is another rule in debian/rules that processes the same file?09:40
hyperairsavvas: i don't think so.09:57
hyperairsavvas: if you look at the cdbs stuff, many of them require the same files09:57
savvashyperair: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gedit-plugins/+bug/339554/comments/609:59
ubottuUbuntu bug 339554 in gedit-plugins "debian/control: Description shows duplicate lines" [Low,In progress]09:59
savvashere's the uploaders.mk file: http://paste.ubuntu.com/128673/10:01
* hyperair groans10:03
hyperairthat's a lot of symbols10:03
hyperair...that's one very lazy maintainer.10:05
hyperairto automatically generate a list of Uploaders in debian/control10:05
hyperairwhat is this10:05
* hyperair headdesks10:05
savvaswell.. I tried to clear it up a bit :)10:06
hyperairwait, is this file in CDBS?10:07
hyperairas in, is it one of them cdbs includes?10:07
hyperairno wait, it doesn't exist10:07
savvasit has a build dep for cdbs, if that's what you mean10:08
hyperairno, that's not what i meant10:09
hyperairthis whatever.mk file10:09
hyperairwhere did you get it from?10:09
savvasaaah no, I don't think so :) it's from gnome-pkg-tools10:09
hyperairi see10:11
hyperairand DISABLE_UPDATE_UPLOADERS is set10:11
hyperairnow, what's the problem?10:12
hyperairif it's the plugin description.... changing the find line in debian/rules should do the trick10:12
savvascomment out and DISABLE_UPDATE_UPLOADERS and remove -e "s#@GNOME_TEAM@#$(UPLOADERS)#g", uploaders.mk doesn't change @GNOME_TEAM@10:13
hyperairwait, why are you commenting that out?10:14
hyperairif we don't want to change the uploaders, then we should leave it there right?10:14
savvasno, we want to change it! uploaders.mk is supposed to do that, isn't it? :)10:14
savvas@GNOME_TEAM@ should be replaced by the makefile rule in uploaders.mk10:15
hyperairyes.... but there are cases where you might want to change it manually?10:15
savvasso this is one of those cases?10:16
hyperairi have no idea10:16
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savvasI'm asking because Daniel asked why the sed command replaces the @GNOME_TEAM@, when there is already a rule in uploaders.mk to do that :)10:18
hyperairgood point10:18
hyperairbut shouldn't you change as little as possible from debian?10:18
hyperairif what debian has works, then leave it i say =p10:19
savvaswell, I'll send back to debian if it gets approved :)10:19
hyperairi see10:19
hyperairin that case, by all means, clean it up10:19
hyperairsavvas: oho.10:20
hyperairsavvas: there is a reason why debian/rules looks like that10:20
savvas"* Drop superfluous uploaders include." ? :)10:20
hyperairsavvas: notice that debian/rules has a sed command which has two -e's10:20
hyperairif you let the uploaders.mk do its job, then do your stuff after that, you're going to clobber10:21
hyperairnote: sed blah blah blah control.in > control10:21
hyperairthat's how the uploaders.mk handles it first.10:21
hyperairif you do sed -e "custom rule" control.in > control a second time you'll clobber the stuff done by uploaders.mk10:22
savvasyou mean I should try without -e ?10:22
hyperairi'm saying just leave the debian/rules as it is10:22
hyperairinclude /usr/share/gnome-pkg-tools/1/rules/uploaders.mk is needed because debian/rules needs some vars which are specified inside it10:22
hyperairDISABLE_UPDATE_UPLOADERS := 1 <-- this is needed so that uploaders.mk does NOT touch debian/control _yet_10:23
hyperairsed \10:23
hyperair                        -e "s#@GNOME_TEAM@#$(UPLOADERS)#g" \10:23
hyperair                        -e "$$plugins_desc_script" \10:23
hyperair                        debian/control.in > debian/control10:23
hyperairand this...10:23
hyperairhandles everything all at once in one sed command10:23
hyperairbecause handling it in multiple will only have the last change.10:23
hyperairwell of course there's the whole option of just using sed -i -e "$$plugin_desc_script" debian/control10:24
hyperairconsidering that the clean rule from uploaders.mk would have generated a partially complete debian/control already10:24
savvasnow I see!!10:26
* hyperair nods10:26
savvasbut I think it's better to leave it this way, gives the maintainer more power over control.in changes :P10:27
directhexhm. anyone on motu-release about?10:27
hyperairyes that's my point10:28
hyperairleave it that way10:28
savvashyperair: thanks for the clarification, you've been a big help! :)10:28
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directhexDktrKranz, poke?10:30
eMerzhI'm looking for an MOTU's review of my package at http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=sqliteman ... thanks for your help :)10:31
hyperaireMerzh: i'd wait for karmic if i were you ;)10:34
DktrKranzdirecthex: pike10:34
directhexDktrKranz, what are the chances on a FFe for "blam" going to be? I was going to avoid asking for one (as the 0.0.1 upstream bump contains a fundamental change), but something's cropped up..... a binary-only dll in ubuntu's orig which the ubuntu version needs10:36
eMerzhhyperair, yes... but if it could be validated, i would not say no :)10:36
directhexDktrKranz, it's an RSS reader. the major change, other than removing the non-free component, is dropping gecko in favour of webkit10:36
directhexDktrKranz, and no, i don't know how feasible backporting the replacement rss lib would be10:37
DktrKranzdirecthex: mmmh, wasn't that already processed?10:40
hyperaireMerzh: ah i see10:40
DktrKranzI've seen something on -changes, was it Debian?10:40
directhexDktrKranz, well, it's been updated for the mono 2.0 transition in jaunty, but not "fully"... i was researching why, and it seems the 1.0 dependencies come from the binary dll10:42
directhexDktrKranz, it's fixed in sid, but it's a major change to switch rendering engine, so definitely needs a FFe10:42
DktrKranzdirecthex: so it needs an upgrade due to mono 2.010:42
directhexDktrKranz, it *needs* an upgrade due to binary in orig. as it stands, it builds fine on jaunty (as someone, probably you, updated it) - it just sucks & pulls in all of the 1.0 corlib10:44
DktrKranzdirecthex: sounds good for a pretty straightforward FFe10:46
directhexi'll test it in a VM, to be certain that there are no obvious regressions10:46
DktrKranzit's a standalone app, isn't it?10:48
DktrKranzso it's good10:50
DktrKranzit won't be more broken than now10:50
directhexDktrKranz, seems to work okay. right, do i file the FFe and the merge patch on the same bug? i forget things in my old age...10:54
persia_directhex, One bug is best, as it preserves bug numbers (and the supply is limited).10:55
DktrKranzdirecthex: yes please10:56
DktrKranzold age? :)10:56
DktrKranzdirecthex: how was your NEW processing like? Any REJECT(tm)?10:57
directhexDktrKranz, open the NEW page. look at the item right at the top. the pariah of the queue, the elephant in the room.10:58
savvasyou need a license for the elephant11:00
DktrKranzdirecthex: heh. I was lucky, my two went in without issues \o/11:00
directhexDktrKranz, alright for some ¬_¬11:01
directhexDktrKranz, 150 or so packages processed, yet they mysteriously ignore package #4 on the list :(11:01
directhexokay, there we go, bug #339863 filed11:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 339863 in blam "[FFe] Please merge Blam 1.8.6 from Debian Unstable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33986311:07
DktrKranzdirecthex: too hard to review?11:09
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iulianDktrKranz: Are you taking care of blam or should I subscribe the uus?12:19
iulian(exception granted)12:19
directhexiulian, have you seen the sexy, sexy progress on the 2.0 transition? Saving precious, precious megabytes from peoples' installations...12:26
khashayar_nhandler: Just leaving a note here: I've addressed your comments for pencil (http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?upid=5335). Thanks for taking a look at it after FF and all.12:26
iuliandirecthex: Hmm, no, unfortunately.  I've forgotten to join -mono on OFTC and haven't looked at that wiki page :-(12:36
directhexiulian, http://wiki.debian.org/Teams/DebianMonoGroup/Mono20TransitionTODO12:37
iuliandirecthex: I see that meebey uploaded giver to Sid.  I'm wondering why lintian thinks that the package was NMUed.  Isn't meebey a member of the Debian CLI Applications Team on Alioth?  I put myself as an Uploader in the previous upload.12:37
iulianOuh, that's nice.12:37
directhexonce all remaining smerge bugs are closed, then ubuntu is done!12:43
persiaUm, no.  There might be bugs during the testing period :)12:44
Picibug 10000012:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 100000 in malone "There are still too many bug reports" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/10000012:45
directhexpersia, i meant for the mono 2.0 transition ;)12:46
directhexpersia, was i correct in hearing word that java 7 might become more monoish and actually be splittable into smaller libs in a rational manner?12:47
persiadirecthex, I can't speak for the former.  I believe that much of the base JDK will be broken into separable libraries, but haven't heard too many details.12:47
persiaDespite the JCP, I still basically wait to hear what Sun is planning.12:48
directhexit would be nice if a java app could have a <100 meg footprint including framework12:48
persiaYeah, although the work on -headless seems to be making that possible for server stuff.12:50
persiaWe'll see how far it goes.  As much as anything, it's the app authors who tend to use all the little bits just because they are there.12:50
directhexwell, your target is about 35-40 meg for tomboy w/ mono, i think ;)12:50
persiaWell, kinda.  Part of the issue is that the perception of "Java Works" is related to applets working, and that requires *lots* of libraries for graphics, animation, sound, etc.12:51
directhexehm... true12:52
directhexwhich is nicer, the rock or the hard place?12:52
wgrant... not Java, perhaps.12:53
DktrKranziulian: I can manage it this evening, if directhex don't find another sponsor before13:03
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iulianDktrKranz: OK.13:23
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bddebianHeya gang14:06
geserHi bddebian14:13
bddebianHeya geser14:15
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iulianHeya bddebian.15:01
bddebianHi iulian15:03
dholbachanybody know a package that uses python's distutils and debhelper7?15:07
dholbachmaybe python-support too? :)15:07
ScottKdholbach: stepic15:07
dholbachI'm trying to figure out what python-django-lint (only in Debian) FTBFS in Ubuntu15:07
dholbachScottK: thanks - I'll check it out15:07
ScottKdholbach: If it's like some other django stuff it's becuase it uses ez_setup.15:08
* ScottK didn't look at that one specifically though15:08
dholbachit seems to install what's in setup.py's scripts' list into usr/local and dh_usrlocal explodes15:08
ScottKYou need to patch around the ez_install stuff.15:08
dholbachit does not use ez_install AFAICS15:09
ScottKOh.  OK.15:09
dholbachjust the regular distutils..core15:09
dholbachok - I'll have a poke at it15:09
dholbachseems like a useful tool15:09
ScottKdholbach: Then it probaby needs the install layout=deb magic15:09
ScottKI'll look up the exact syntax15:09
* dholbach will try it15:09
ScottKdholbach: setup.py install --install-layout=deb15:10
ScottKAdding the --install-layout=deb is likely the missing bit.15:10
dholbachgracias, now I'll see how to marry that with debhelper7 :)15:10
geserpatch debhelper so other python packages benefit from it too15:14
dholbachgeser: I'd rather leave that to somebody who's a bit cleverer than I am... like doko15:15
dholbach... and understands the bigger python picture than I do15:15
gesercdbs was patched to include --install-layout=deb by default when calling setup.py install but apparently not debhelper15:16
aradholbach: does it makes sense to have circular dependencies? because debian ldtp package just introduced one16:08
ScottKara: They matter a lot less for Debian (due to doing binary uploads) than to Ubuntu. We want to avoid those.16:08
dholbachara: why is it necessary there?16:09
aradholbach: the reason is that the packaging is done badly. ldtprunner is part of ldtp package, but should be part of python-ldtp16:10
aradholbach: they have just make ldtp depend on python-ldtp. but python-ldtp was already depending on ldtp16:10
dholbachara: could it be easily moved to the other package (with added conflicts/replaces to the old version)?16:10
dholbachhum.... as far as I can tell the new ldtp does not depends on python-ldtp? (1.5.0-1 in Debian)16:11
aradholbach: I guess so, I will talk with the debian maintainer about it. I don't think it ldtp is going to publish any necessary fixes for jaunty, so I will try to have it sorted out before karmic auto-sync16:12
aradholbach: yes, it is in debian only16:12
aradholbach: ldtp (1.5.0-2) unstable; urgency=low16:12
ara .16:12
ara   * debian/control:16:12
ara     + ldtp now depends on python-ldtp package,16:12
ara       Thanks to Ben Pfaff <blp@cs.stanford.edu> (Closes: #518902)16:12
dholbachah, ok16:12
aradholbach: but it will be in karmic, eventually ;-)16:13
dholbachit'd be nice if the circular dependency could be avoided :-/16:15
aradholbach: OK. I will put it on my to do list. I will try to get debian fixed before auto-sync16:18
dholbachara: if the ubuntu package has an "ubuntu" in the version number, it won't be auto-synced, but sure... it's great if it's fixed beforehand16:19
aradholbach: cool, I didn't know that one ;-)16:19
dholbachyeah, it makes life a bit easier for us :)16:20
dholbachc_korn, thekorn: heya - this is something I wanted to ask for a long time already... are you guys related? :)16:22
c_korndholbach: not that I knew16:22
dholbachanyway... great having two Korns here who are doing a good job :)16:23
* ScottK hands some ksh to dholbach for completeness.16:23
dholbachScottK: ksh?16:24
dholbachahh ok16:24
ScottKKorn Shell.16:24
* dholbach is getting a bit slow already :)16:24
dholbach6:00 maybe was too early :)16:24
c_korndholbach: well, I am not even a MOTU, but thanks16:26
dholbachc_korn: still... when your name turned up somewhere in the sponsoring queue I thought "maybe he's related to Markus... I *need* to ask him!" :-)16:27
dholbachkeep up the good work16:27
DktrKranzdholbach: or your coffee wasn't strong enough. I'll borrow you my "moka" :)16:27
dholbachDktrKranz: thanks a bunch :)16:28
ScottKDktrKranz: You pinged me about something the other day and weren't around when I got the ping.  Do you remember what it was and if it's still important?16:29
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DktrKranzScottK: I asked you if build-depend on boost1.37 is good enough or boost1.35 is preferred, libtorrent-rasterbar overwrote your change, so I wanted to be sure everything is fine.16:34
ScottKDktrKranz: Right.  That was it.16:34
* DktrKranz didn't follow boost stuff16:34
ScottKDktrKranz: Pretty much everthing is sync'ed up on 1.35 for Jaunty.  IIRC 1.37 and 1.35 are not co-installable, so it could be problematic.  I'd check if they are co-installable and if they are and it built, I think it's fine.16:35
ScottKOr if the package doesn't carry a runtime dependency, then it's fine too.16:36
savvasScottK: I think only the -dev packages aren't co-installable16:36
savvasas far as I can remember that is :P16:36
ScottKsavvas: OK.  That'd make sense.16:36
DktrKranzI'll check with some rdependencies once binaries come out NEW, thanks.16:36
savvase.g. http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/i386/libboost-filesystem1.35.0/filelist http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/i386/libboost-filesystem1.37.0/filelist16:38
ScottKsavvas: I suspect you are correct.16:38
thekorndholbach, hi, good question ;)16:40
LaneyDktrKranz: IIRC I tried it out before I uploaded16:40
DktrKranzLaney: I asked because my boss is waiting for deluge :)16:41
* Laney is waiting for miro16:41
* DktrKranz can't use internet, my boss can P2P, weird...16:42
Laneyno internet at work? :O16:42
DktrKranzno browsing16:42
DktrKranzwe're behind a strong NAT, only ssh is allowed16:43
Laneyssh -L...16:43
DktrKranzand P2P for his machine16:43
* DktrKranz has two choices: bribing him to have deluge working again or find a new boss (and a new job as well)16:43
Laneygood for downloading Linux ISOs right16:43
ScottKDktrKranz: Tunnel over DNS.16:43
DktrKranzI'm something like a IT manager, so I can setup a tunnel16:44
DktrKranzbut I need to connect to Belgium to do so, and it can be problematic sometimes16:44
LaneyScottK: Could you give libtorrent some AA love? No real urgency but it blocks some stuff, notably miro's py2.6 transition16:47
Laneyactually, I'll need an FFe for that anyway16:48
soren7win 2116:50
Laneyyour / is near 7?!16:50
Laneycrazy layout16:50
sorenNot just near it. On it.16:50
Nafalloit is 7 IIRC16:50
jdonglol what crazy devices do all y'all use?16:57
sorenThey're all the rage these days.16:57
jdongah nvm I see now :)17:00
jdongexcuse my American every-keyboard-is-like-ours mentality :D17:00
savvasLaney: are you working on miro?17:16
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Laneysavvas: yes, see the bug17:25
savvasok :)17:27
cristii have read some of the motu contributing and packaging documentation/wiki or whatever and i'd like to help out. What should i do? Note that i am in highschool so i have only standard knowledge of cpp and still learning object oriented programming.17:33
cristinevermind, i found something17:43
ScottKcristi: We have several valuable contributors who are high school age, so don't feel that's a barrier.17:43
ScottKcristi: Generally I advise people to follow their interests and try to work on things that relate to that.17:44
cristiScottK: i am applying for computer science this summer so i'm interested in everything computer related17:47
ScottKWell we have plenty of that.17:48
cristiScottK: anyway, since i am only just starting, i am a bit confused. Can you advice me on how to begin doing something useful?17:53
ScottKI can try.17:53
ScottKWhat do you use?  Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, Ubuntu Server ....17:53
ScottKcristi: ^^17:53
cristiScottK: i am using ubuntu 8.0417:54
cristiScottK on a laptop17:54
ScottKOK.  What I'd suggest is look in Launchpad for bugs tagged bitesize that relate to packages you use/are familiar with.17:54
ScottKThat'd give you perhaps some easy targets to start learning with.17:55
* ScottK uses Kubuntu, so I can't help with specifics.17:55
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cristiScottK: i see, uhm, how do i sort bugs by tags? i simply search 'bitesize' at bug tracking?17:58
ScottKSearch by tags in advanced search17:58
savvasbug 340059 patched for python 2.617:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 340059 in eikazo "eikazo: Depends: python (< 2.6) but 2.6.1-0ubuntu3 is to be installed" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34005917:58
gesersavvas: looks good, do you need a sponsor or is somebody else already sponsoring it?18:02
savvasgeser: needs a sponsor :)18:04
savvasI'm advertising it in here kind of :P18:04
* savvas bbl18:06
gesersavvas: [ubuntu/jaunty] eikazo 0.5.2-4ubuntu1 (Accepted)18:10
cristiScottK: if the bug is assigned to someone i guess there is no point in trying to fix it18:19
ScottKIt depends.  I think bugsquad will assign themselves bugs for triage work, so it's not for sure.18:19
ScottKAlso if it's been assigned for a long time, maybe the person has lost interest.18:20
cristiScottK: but if i see for status fix released?18:21
ScottKThen it's fixed and don't worry about it.18:21
LaserJockis python 2.5 going to still be around for Jaunty?18:40
fabrice_sp_LaserJock, I think so, but python 2.6 will be the default18:43
LaserJockbut for Universe it should be OK to make an app 2.5-only18:43
RainCTLaserJock: yep, shouldn't be a problem18:44
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lfaraoneWhat's the chance I could get this in jaunty+1? http://www.vergenet.net/~conrad/scripts/pants.html18:47
lfaraone(made me burst into laughter)18:47
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TickTockClockwhat does copy the packing over into the new source tree mean?19:37
TickTockClockI used apt-get source.. <package>19:38
TickTockClockwhere is it?19:38
RainCTTickTockClock: the debian/ directory, probably19:38
directhexcopy the debian/ folder from foo-1.0/ to foo-1.2/19:39
TickTockClockwhere is that?19:39
RainCTTickTockClock: inside the directory   apt-get source  gave you19:39
TickTockClockextract the .gz file?19:42
RainCTTickTockClock: apt-get source should have done that. If not, run  dpkg-source -x *dsc19:44
RainCTTickTockClock: (*that = not extracting the .gz, but extracting the .orig.tar.gz and applying the .diff.gz upon it)19:45
torkelsiretart: can you please extend my membership in the FAI team? It is about to expire19:53
TickTockClockwhat if I get the error unrepresentable changes to source?19:54
TickTockClockis that common19:54
TickTockClockafter running19:54
TickTockClockdebuild -S -sa19:54
maxbTickTockClock: How serious that is depends on what the unrepresentable change is19:55
TickTockClockerror exit status 119:56
TickTockClockwell, some files were deleted and it took note of some permission changes19:57
blueyedI want to add a apport hook to virtualbox-ose, to get the output of "dpkg -l | grep virtualbox". How would I pass that to apport.hookutils.command_output (which takes an array for the command)?19:57
maxbTickTockClock: you need to give more details about what you're trying to do and what errors you're seeing, to enable people to help. What package, what versions, and a pastebin of the exact commands run and output seen19:58
TickTockClockstellarium 10.0->10.119:59
maxbYou've not updated the debian/changelog. Thus, it's trying to build the source package against the wrong .orig.tar.gz20:00
maxbblueyed: See the implementation of apport.hookutils.attach_dmesg for an example.20:03
TickTockClockI think I've got it now20:03
blueyedmaxb: thanks.. "['sh', '-c', 'foo | bar']" does the trick.20:06
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bdmurraysiretart: as near as I can figure bug 64501 is Fix Released considering ScottK's upload of 0.4.1-3 is that right?20:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 64501 in openhackware "FTBFS" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/6450120:23
TickTockClockI have followed the instructions but I keep getting the error secret key not available20:35
TickTockClockseahorse detects my key20:35
TickTockClockinstructions from here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto20:35
cristisavvas: hy, uhm i want to help with the python 2.6 packages update, what should i do. (note that i am just a beginner)20:37
TickTockClockgpg: [stdin]: clearsign failed: secret key not available20:38
directhexTickTockClock, the most recent entry in debian/changelog is for your exact key?20:40
TickTockClockmy name is the same as the name in the keyring20:43
TickTockClockand the email20:43
TickTockClockif that's what you're asking20:43
maxbTickTockClock: run gpg --list-secret-keys. Check it displays the exact same identity as the debian/changelog20:51
TickTockClockI had to run sudo gpg --list-secret-keys, but yes20:53
TickTockClockit lists the same identity20:53
TickTockClockI had to run sudo because in order to generate the keys I needed root20:53
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maxbTickTockClock: then you're doing it wrong - your keys MOST EMPHATICALLY should be in your user's keyring, not root's21:08
maxbAnd that'll be why it can't find the key, I reckon21:08
TickTockClockok thanks21:13
TickTockClockI'll try to fix that21:13
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andolI have a question about submitting bugs/patches to Debian. Read the wikipage Debian/Bugs and still isn't sure.21:55
andolBefore you submit the bug/patch, do you have to have it confirmed on your own system of Debian unstable, or is a qualifed guess "good enough"?21:56
andol(In this case I'm thinking of bug #315136 by the way)21:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 315136 in phpldapadmin "config.php symlink not removed on purge" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31513621:56
nixternalsafe to do python uploads today? need to fix gdal in jaunty and fabrice_sp_ has been nice enough to provide a patch that I am testing now...need this gdal app asap so I can finish some geodjango code and testing :)22:03
siretartbdmurray: I fail to find any builds of openhackware. as soon as we have binaries in the archive, I'd agree, but I fail to spot them22:10
siretarttorkel: done!22:11
ScottKbdmurray: I don't see where it ever got built?22:14
ScottKIIRC it needs manual bootstrapping that no one has ever done.22:15
bdmurrayWow, so on https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openhackware/+publishinghistory if the builds portlet is missing that means it hasn't been built?22:17
bdmurrayI mean on the https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+source/openhackware/0.4.1-4 page22:17
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siretartScottK: last time I asked adam to bootstrap it he refused to do so22:33
ScottKsiretart: I remember.22:34
siretartScottK: IIRC lamont suggested to ship a precompiled version uuencoded in the package, which is then installed in the 'clean' target.22:34
siretartand basically that's what's the bug is about22:34
ScottKInteresting idea.22:34
sorenI've been mening to do that for a loong time.22:34
sorensiretart: If you do it, I'll send you a great, big hug :)22:34
siretartit is the approach taken with the palo package22:34
* ScottK leaves it for soren and siretart.22:34
sorenOh, I just distribute the hugs. :)22:35
ScottKsiretart: fpc might benifit from some similar thing too.  There's a quite a number of universe packages depwait on fpc getting built.22:36
directhexisn't uuencoding a terrible workaround?22:36
ScottKJust in case you were looking for practice.22:36
ScottKdirecthex: What would be better?22:36
siretartScottK: well, I don't have access to ppc hardware, so I would have to grab the binary from the debian package22:37
* nixternal steps on his eyeball to stop the twitching22:37
directhexScottK, if you need a bootstrap binary, why not ship it & document it in README.source?22:37
ScottKfpc is a problem on all archs, so even doing i386 and amd64 would be a win22:37
siretartI could possibly even test it using qemu, but I don't have a warm feeling about that22:37
ScottKsiretart: If you upload it and it doesn't work there's no downside risk.22:38
siretarthm. granted22:38
siretartI'll think about it, but now need some sleep. good night -see you tomrrow!22:38
ajmitchnight siretart22:38
imbrandongnight siretart22:53
imbrandonhrm precompiled binaries uuencoded and installed on clean, interesting way to bootstrap22:54
directheximbrandon, i just don't see how it's better than bootstrap-only binaries in orig :/22:55
directhexwelcome to #ubuntu-motu, please enjoy your stay23:03
bertoloi am portuguese, 20 years old, student and low level coder (mainly C). how can i contribute ?23:04
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mrooneybertolo: you might want to look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu, or some of the links in the topic as well!23:39
bertolomrooney, thks23:40
bertoloi decided to contribute to ubuntu or gnome lol, i only have time for one of them...23:40
bertolognome is the front of the race23:40
persiabertolo, Work done in GNOME will also be seen in Ubuntu, and it's better to do what you like.  If you end up with questions about packaging, or have patches for bugs in older versions of GNOME, we'd be happy to answer any questions.23:44
bertolopersia my main problem that i am facing is that i am not familiarized with the community.23:49
bertoloi would like to join a develop team23:50
bertoloand i love ubuntu so much <3 lol23:53

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