
defendguindont look at me like that00:00
tgm4883afaik, you can't make a perpetual motion machine either00:00
* rogue780 made a perpetual motion machine00:02
defendguini'm playing around with boxee and i have to be able to easily switch between apps00:03
tgm4883thats not the same as using a remote to use the applications menu00:04
defendguintgm4883: what do you suggest00:05
tgm4883what do I suggest so you can use the applications menu?00:05
tgm4883a mouse00:05
tgm4883alternatively, you could configure a button on your remote to launch the application that you want00:06
tgm4883you might also try setting up a wii-mote as a mouse00:07
defendguinhmm  the wii mote might not be a bad idea00:09
lawson23I have a question on getting to mythbuntu via VNC is a vnc server installed by default with the 8.10 package? If so any resources concerning setting up and using this in mythbuntu?01:11
darthanubismythweb seems to have stopped working01:13
dsbw Is it possible to set up MythTV so that it will just accept an input from (e.g.) an analog source? (Say, a VCR or cable box?)01:49
dsbwOK. Are there instructions somewhere as to how? I can identify the capture card (Haup-150) easily enough, but of course there's no Video Source. So how would I watch?01:53
Zinn!help For a  complete list of my knowledge visit: http://www.baablogic.net/Zinn.cgi  Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number].10:17
fxrcan someone tell me where the httpd.conf file is in mythbuntu? is it apache2.conf ?13:46
rhpot1991fxr: looking for something mythweb specific?13:51
fxrno i am trying to install wtorrent13:52
rhpot1991fxr: normally each site will have its own info within /etc/apache2/sites-available13:52
rhpot1991but apache2.conf is a system wide config, so you can do things in there as well13:53
fxrok i see, ll have a poke around in those locations. thanks.13:54
arocsHi to all ..14:11
arocsI have lot of problems with mythbuntu 8.10 and ATI x1600 (closed and open) drivers with vsync in screen when watching videos ... any clues ?14:12
arocsI have tried with sv , x11 and opengl output with same results ...14:18
williambrown0000I am having video "stutter" problems.  This varies channel to channel.  I suspect that the higher resolution stations are causing me problems.  To verify this, I would simply like to have the "input type" 1080i/720p displayed channel by channel in the OSD.  I haven't yet figured out how to do this.  Thanks for your help.15:01
arocsSomeone with vsync problems un mythbuntu 8.10 ... ?15:06
williambrown0000Yes, vsync problems with 8.10.  My first problem is that I can't easily figure out what type of video, 1080i/720p, is giving me trouble since, via the OSD(on screen display), there is no indicator of the type of video I am currently watching.15:39
williambrown0000So, if you'll could tell me how to display the video feed type, via OSD or otherwise, that would help me narrow-down the issue.15:39
williambrown0000I am running a 2.40 GHz Pentium 4 with 1gig of ram and an NVidia Geforce 7600GS(512MB).  I don't know if I am using XvMC or not.15:44
williambrown0000My CPU maxes-out on some channels.  On others, it is about 15% busy.15:44
williambrown0000The machine is a client in a myth master/client pair.  I assume that this does not matter for live TV viewing.15:45
rhpot1991williambrown0000: do you see monochrome menus ever?15:46
rhpot1991thts how you can tell if XvMC is on15:46
williambrown0000Which menus?  The menus associated with the frontend like the menus/screens I see when I select "watch TV"?  In that case, they are in color.15:47
williambrown0000The OSD is in color.15:47
rhpot1991hit m while watching video15:47
rhpot1991OSD as well15:47
williambrown0000OK.  Hold on.15:48
rhpot1991williambrown0000: http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/XvMC15:48
rhpot1991your cpu will be overwhelmed without XvMC, and even with it some 1080i content may be too much15:48
williambrown0000I Hit m.  Now what?15:49
rhpot1991is it color, monochrome?15:51
rhpot1991(the menu)15:51
williambrown0000color.  Green buttons when selected.15:51
rhpot1991XvMC is not running then15:51
rhpot1991readl the link I pasted15:51
rhpot1991also read this: http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/Playback_profiles15:52
williambrown0000OK.  Thanks.  I will follow the Nvidia directions.15:52
williambrown0000I have selected slim as my profile.  This made things a bit better.15:52
williambrown0000Thanks very much!15:54
rhpot1991you will need to mess with that to get XvMC in there after you activate it15:54
williambrown0000You mean that I will have to create a custom profile?15:55
rhpot1991cpu+ and cpu-- are the only ones that have XvMC by default15:56
rhpot1991so you will either need to use one of them or add XvMC to your slim profile15:57
williambrown0000OK.  Thanks again!  Do modern CPUs, dual cores require video hardware assist.  I will eventually build a silent media pc as a frontend, so then it will be relevant.15:58
rhpot1991I think the general rule is 3ghz is the minimum you should try unassisted HD with15:58
rhpot1991once you get into dual cores you should be pretty good15:58
williambrown0000Thanks, I appreciate the info.  There is a lot to wade through when you first bring mythtv up.16:00
williambrown0000rhpot1991: Video is much better!  I am getting audio stutters and "NVP: prebuffering pause" in the log.  Any hints?17:45
williambrown0000Oh, I am using CPU+ not a modified slim.17:46
dsbwSo, yesterday, I was informed that mythtv could be used to passthrough an analog signal (as from a cable box or VCR) so that the signal could be viewed or recorded through Myth. But no indication of how (or where to find out how). Any thoughts?18:23
tgm4883dsbw, you would use a device such as the pvr-15018:27
tgm4883then use coax out (or svideo or composite) from the cable box to the pvr-15018:27
tgm4883then you would need an ir blaster to change the channel on the box18:27
tgm4883dsbw, do you have a digital cable box?18:27
tgm4883almost forgot, if you run trunk, and have an hdpvr, you can use that and component18:28
tgm4883in fact, thats basically what i'm doing, as I have directv18:29
dsbwI have a digital box, yes, I'm running a S-Video cable from the box to a Hauppauge 150. But I don't want to mess with channel changing; I just want to do a straight pass through, if possible.19:22
tgm4883dsbw, thats not possible19:26
awilkinsHi there ; what's the best way to build MythTV on a Mythbuntu box and install it without totally screwing up your existing install?19:32
rhpot1991awilkins: use another box or use virtualbox19:56
awilkinsrhpot1991: I suppose what I mean is, how do I build it with the Mythbuntu customizations19:57
rhpot1991apt-get source mythtv?19:57
awilkinsI'm no stranger to building MythTV, I was running trunk up until just before the Qt4 merge19:58
rhpot1991or check out the bzr branch?19:58
awilkinsrhpot1991: I'm trying to find the bzr branch, there's this enormous list of them on the Mythbuntu project page on LP19:58
awilkinsAll I want to do is backmerge some trunk fixes relating to not-totally-wrong-seektables-on-DVB and build/install it19:59
rhpot1991awilkins: https://launchpad.net/mythtv19:59
awilkinsHeh, my fault for looking at mythbuntu first19:59
RealNitroany lirc experts around?20:49
* awilkins is not an expert but may have advice20:55
awilkinsRealNitro: lirc?21:33
=== MythbuntuGuest69 is now known as tgm4883_
RealNitroawilkins: Linux Infrared Remote Control (I think)21:37
awilkinsRealNitro: Yes, you were asking for help?21:38
RealNitroLIRC is something like my nemesis21:38
RealNitroyears ago I got it to work on gentoo21:38
awilkinsSounds just like me :-)21:38
RealNitroone day it stopped working, since then it never did21:38
RealNitroI tested my remote using winlirc yesterday21:39
RealNitroand it still works21:39
RealNitrobut on Linux I can't get it working21:39
awilkinsAre you still on Gentoo? And what's your hardware?21:39
RealNitro(Pinnacle PCTV pro remote)21:39
RealNitroI'm on mythbuntu now21:40
RealNitrothe remote comes with a serial port receiver and uses the pinsys driver21:40
awilkinsMy remote is rather different because it has a kernel event driver21:41
awilkinsUses dev/event21:41
RealNitroI wish mine did :)21:41
RealNitroI tested all inputs today using irw21:42
RealNitroit's not there :)21:42
RealNitros/input/event input/21:42
awilkinsDoes your /etc/lircd.conf just say "include /usr/share/lirc/remotes/pinnacle_systems/lircd.conf/pctv" >21:42
awilkinsDo you have that file?21:43
RealNitroit did21:43
RealNitroand I copied the actual file over it :)21:43
awilkinsI'm trying to work out where the right port gets set21:44
awilkinsAha, how about /etc/lirc/hardware.conf ?21:44
RealNitrothat's a custom file now21:45
RealNitroI have mostly been trying to run lircd with -n and --driver=... --device=... to get more feedback21:46
awilkinsHmmph, I suppose you've tried all the /dev/ttyS0, 1, 2, 3, etc21:47
RealNitrothe only one working is /dev/lirc021:48
awilkinsAnd are using the pinsys driver.21:48
RealNitroI drives me so mad I've even brought the Linux device drivers book home from work to start learning how I can fix LIRC :p21:50
dashsWhat is required for "Fetch Channels from Listings source" do I need  to have subscribed to a aervice for this?, can I test watching tv without it?22:54
brucedougalcan i have help please23:03
brucedougalanyone there that can help? / would like to help?23:06
brucedougalvery new to ubuntu and linux doing ok setting pc up got drivers sorted (i think) got mythbuntu in as well thought i was doing ok then started to cofigure mythtv it all fell to bits23:09
brucedougalhi buntu that sounds like a name that should know some answers23:14
buntuHi im new to mythbuntu .  I was playing around with the frontend and backend settings and now when i laund mythbuntu i get a light gray menu with only six options.  i no longer get the black menu with all of the options.  can somebody tell me what i did wrong? thanks23:14
buntui think i chose wrong name then23:15
buntuim new to linux23:15
brucedougaloh ok never mind thought you wereb going to be my angle23:15
brucedougalangel even23:16
brucedougaliv only ever had grey menu with 6 options your the lucky one23:18
buntuwhen i first installed i got the black menu with all of the video card , theme , guide etc .  and now i get gray screen23:19
CrelamGreetings and Salutations.  I'm interested in building a MythBuntu box using one of those neat MSI Wind boxes.  I'm going to install the OS on a CF card and need to know what size card I should aquire.  How much space does the OS take up?23:20
brucedougali used a fresh drive for my install nothing else on drive mythbuntu drivers etc no recordings etc have used 5.1 gb23:25
hadsInteresting, I didn't expect it to be that big23:26
brucedougalbut am no expert so that might be complete garbage23:26
CrelamOne way or another, I should be safe with an 8 GB card then.23:27
CrelamAs long as I don't have to buy a 16 GB.  Those things are expensive. ;)23:27
brucedougali didnt think it would either was surprised when i looked23:27
brucedougalwhats "cf"23:28
CrelamCF = Compact Flash23:28
brucedougalcompact flash23:28
brucedougalyer yer just as i said it realised23:29
brucedougalyou any help with linux or are you newbie?23:29
CrelamMy Linux experience is very very limited.  Just to my Nokia Web Tablet.23:30
CrelamThanks for the help folks.  Have a great evening.23:37
brucedougalany one here to help?23:39
dashsWorst user interface of all time23:46

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