
jribLjL: surely there exists a subversion client written in php?00:12
LjLjrib: err, i guess so, but do you think that's what he's asking?00:12
LjLjrib: ... or are you just mocking me because PHP is involved?00:12
jribLjL: the second one :)00:13
LjL!info websvn | jrib00:13
ubottuwebsvn (source: websvn): interface for subversion repositories written in PHP. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0-2 (intrepid), package size 181 kB, installed size 1116 kB00:13
Flannelmute snuxoll in -ot?03:07
ubottu__mikem called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic (snuxoll)03:07
ubottucwillu called the ops in #ubuntu-offtopic ()03:07
FlannelHi jillsmitt, how can we help you?07:21
jillsmittFlannel: dunno, this channel is bew for me07:22
jillsmitti see it in first time07:22
Flanneljillsmitt: You've been sent here because you're banned from the channel you were joining.07:23
jillsmittoh i see07:24
jillsmittyou mean if i banned..07:24
jillsmittand u are ops07:24
jillsmittand what next?07:24
FlannelDo you understand why you were banned?07:25
jillsmittabout something "troll" and about my opinion about enter-exit masseges percent07:25
jillsmittabout anything else07:26
Flanneljillsmitt: Because you were being disruptive.07:26
Flanneland franky, rude.07:26
jillsmittbut i am okay and i have not any reasons to unban07:26
jillsmittis this any judgment day&)07:27
FlannelWell, I didn't ban you, and I'm not in charge of #kubuntu, so you'll have to speak to the people who are/did.  But, in the meantime, you should read and understand the IRC guidelines, and our code of conduct: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines and http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct07:28
jillsmittoh thaks of course but i dont have much time to this "school-games"07:30
jillsmittjust its a chance07:30
jillsmittto say that bazhang is idiot)07:30
jillsmittand i thank you for that chance07:30
jillsmittor chanse07:30
jillsmittcan i go now?07:31
Flanneljillsmitt: goodbye07:32
jillsmitt#kubuntu was in autoconnect list)07:32
polatovhi to all07:52
polatovi am was banned because i am use other OS, and asked about group "users" in gentoo07:53
Flannelpolatov: This is the place for Ubuntu bans, which it seems you don't have any of.  You should talk to the gentoo ops about bans in gentoo channels.07:55
polatovFlannel, i am banned on ubuntu channel07:55
Flannelpolatov: Ah.  LoCo channel bans are taken care of in #ubuntu-irc07:56
shadeslayeruh am i banned permanently from #ubuntu??11:25
elky@bansearch shadeslayer11:28
ubottuMatch: shadeslayer!n=quassel@unaffiliated/shadeslayer by Pici in #kubuntu on Mar 06 2009 18:33:20 (ID: 10670)11:28
ubottuMatch: *!*@unaffiliated/shadeslayer by LjL in #ubuntu on Mar 06 2009 17:53:58 (ID: 10669)11:28
ubottuMatch: shadeslayer!n=quassel@unaffiliated/shadeslayer by LjL in #ubuntu-ops on Mar 06 2009 17:51:36 (ID: 10667)11:28
elkyquite a collection11:29
shadeslayerLjL said that i had 3 11:30
shadeslayerreports against me11:30
elky@bansearch sh4d3sl4y3r11:30
bazhangshadeslayer, is that humorous?11:30
ubottuMatch: sh4d3sl4y3r!*@* by LjL in #ubuntu-ops on Mar 06 2009 23:30:01 (ID: 10678)11:30
shadeslayeruh the last one is not me11:30
bazhangshadeslayer, also go by the nick rohan sometimes?11:31
shadeslayerumm some one registered it11:31
shadeslayerhe abused me too11:31
shadeslayerrohan that is11:31
shadeslayerim not him 11:31
bazhangnot really an answer though11:32
shadeslayerwell i used rohan when i started to use ubuntu about 2 months ago11:32
elkybazhang, he also goes by urgreat, imgreat11:32
shadeslayerthen shifted to shadeslayer,11:33
bazhangelky, nice catch11:33
shadeslayeruh no11:33
ikoniaI wonder if their IP's match11:33
shadeslayerwell i think thats why i got banned too11:33
ikoniawhat ?11:33
ikoniashadeslayer: why do you think you got banned11:33
shadeslayerbecause my IP and his IP matched11:33
elkybazhang, the nick shadeslayer has also been guilty of flooding, swearing, giving out bad/dangerous advice11:34
bazhangshadeslayer, you got a cloak to get around that ban?11:34
elkyshadeslayer!n=rohan@unaffiliated/shadeslayer  is a previous ident too11:34
ikoniashadeslayer: so you use the name rohan and you use the same ip too11:34
ikoniashadeslayer: wow - thats a pretty big co-incidence11:34
shadeslayerwait ill explain11:34
bazhangelky, of that I am well aware11:34
* ikonia walks off from futher time wasting11:34
shadeslayerikonia: i know,my ISP recently changed everything11:34
elkybazhang, i know you know. i'm just making sure rohan knows.11:34
bazhangshadeslayer, you are clearly not telling the truth here.11:34
shadeslayerill explain more clearly11:35
elkyshadeslayer, so someone else got your ip, and your old nick somehow?11:35
bazhanga cousin or a roommate?11:35
shadeslayeri registered my nick11:35
elkybazhang, that's the oldest excuse in the book11:35
bazhangshadeslayer, this new cloak was to evade a ban?11:35
shadeslayerwhen i realised some one was using my  nick11:35
ikoniashadeslayer: so someone was using the same nick and the sme ip as you - wow 11:36
shadeslayermy roomie mp11:36
ikoniathere we go11:36
ikoniaroommate - of course11:36
shadeslayerso i registered the nick shadeslayer to me11:36
bazhangI'm shocked to find untruths being told here.11:37
elkyshadeslayer, and gave them the password?11:37
shadeslayerand left rohan about 2 months ago11:37
ikoniathis is a waste of time telling lies11:37
shadeslayermy roomie most probably registered rohan11:37
ikoniashadeslayer: then go and thank him for getting you banned11:37
bazhangshadeslayer, one final question; when you logged in as urgreat the other day, was it you had forgotten that you were banned with that IP?11:38
elkyshadeslayer, take a look at this line: shadeslayer!n=rohan@unaffiliated/shadeslayer 11:38
shadeslayerwell i will 11:38
elkythat is 'rohan' using the IDENTIFIED nick shadeslayer11:38
shadeslayeryeah my name is rohan11:38
shadeslayerhe was using my name as a nick against me11:38
ikoniashadeslayer: stop wasting our time11:38
ikoniashadeslayer: seriously - this is pointless11:38
shadeslayerok i told you the truth11:39
ikoniashadeslayer:  you get a lot further if you just get straight with people11:39
bazhanghe is acting the same way in #kubuntu as well 11:39
shadeslayeri am telling the truth 11:39
bazhangnot banned there afaik11:39
elkyshadeslayer, we're discussing the behaviour that's happened under this nick -- shadeslayer -- while it has been identified11:39
shadeslayeryes and??11:39
elkyshadeslayer, so unless you now give out your password...11:39
shadeslayeri did not give out my pass11:39
shadeslayeri was logged in and he used my pC11:40
bazhangQED you are lying.11:40
elkyshadeslayer, then you are the exact same person who did the wrong things, and you cannot blame it on anyone11:40
shadeslayeri forgot to lock the screen11:40
shadeslayerso will i or will i not get unbanned??11:40
elkynot at this point.11:40
shadeslayerany point in the future?11:40
elkydepends on when you decide to be honest.11:41
shadeslayeri am being honest11:41
elkyno, you're not11:41
shadeslayerwhat do you think??11:41
bazhangsh4d3sl4y3r <--and this nick as well11:41
shadeslayerno ways11:41
shadeslayerthats not me11:41
bazhangits the exact same name basically.11:42
bazhangand a very unusual one at that.11:42
shadeslayeri can gurantee that imgreat,urgreat and that nick are not mine11:42
bazhangall these 'coincidences' you are talking about are simply a fiction.11:42
shadeslayeryou must trust me11:42
bazhangthat day is gone.11:43
shadeslayerplease those nicks are not mine11:43
shadeslayerall 3 of them are not mine11:43
bazhangregardless your behaviour with this nick is not acceptable11:43
shadeslayerok now with shadeslayer what did i do??11:44
bazhangand that goes for any other #ubuntu channels as well11:44
bazhangif you need to ask then you are clearly not ready to join 11:46
bazhangit would be best to be honest as a first step.11:46
shadeslayeri dont think i did any thing with shadeslayer11:46
elkyflooding, swearing, giving out bad advice.11:46
shadeslayerflooding and swearing??11:46
bazhangshadeslayer, you think the main channels are some kind of offtopic fun chatground11:47
shadeslayerno i do not11:47
bazhangyou act that way.11:47
shadeslayeronly on #defocus11:47
shadeslayerand i am sorry if you felt so11:47
bazhangyou persist in wildly offtopic non-support type questions11:47
shadeslayerlook im soory if you felt that i was indulging in flooding and swearing11:48
shadeslayerbut i did not mean to do so11:48
bazhanglike how to get your computer LEDs to act as a download meter or some such; there are a number of instances as well, all followed with short bursts of laughing, emoticons, and other very offtopic behaviour11:48
shadeslayerwell where do i ask such questions then11:49
bazhangflooding is what you do every single time you are in any of the ubuntu channels11:49
shadeslayeri thought i would get better answers here11:49
shadeslayerbazhang,the persistent enters??11:50
bazhangshadeslayer, not only that.11:50
bazhangscroll up ^^ I just said11:50
elkyshadeslayer, you really need to learn better behaviour in general if you're wanting to start a LUG, too11:50
shadeslayeractually i started one11:51
bazhangshadeslayer, essentially you make the channels unusable for others11:51
shadeslayerlook im really sorry11:51
shadeslayerwhat can i do to make it up??11:51
bazhangothers more so.11:51
bazhangyou cant make it up.11:52
bazhangyou need to learn some basic impulse control and how to behave in ubuntu support channels.11:52
shadeslayeri wont do anything to disturb the channels now11:52
Myrttimaking up isn't what we're looking for11:52
elkyshadeslayer, you started a LUG in the space of 7 days? only 7 days ago you were using the words 'going to start a lug'11:52
shadeslayerok i will learn self control11:52
shadeslayerelky: yeah the head of the department liked the idea11:53
bazhangits not a short time thing.11:53
shadeslayerwell its only 3 members as of noe11:53
elkythat's not a lug yet11:53
shadeslayerright now i have permissions to start putting up notices11:53
bazhangrespecting others rights to use the shared resource that is the ubuntu channels, staying focused and completely on topic and first and foremost being honest.11:53
shadeslayersmall LUG 11:54
shadeslayerok i will be11:54
bazhangNone of which you have even come close to 11:54
shadeslayerjust give me one more chance11:54
bazhanglike now for instance.11:54
shadeslayeri will behave more appropriately11:54
bazhangjust a day or so ago in #kubuntu you were acting the EXACT same way.11:54
shadeslayerlike asking for a two button boot??11:55
shadeslayeri actually found that11:55
bazhangnot the point, no.11:55
shadeslayerok i get it,weird questions out11:55
bazhangthe constant flooding and wildly offtopic behaviour.11:56
ikoniashadeslayer: youknew all this anyway - I've spoken to you in private about it11:56
shadeslayerwill never happen again11:56
bazhanglike adding XD to every thing you say, laughing, giving out very bad advice, the list goes on.11:56
elkyikonia, let me guess, not a single mention of the phantom room mate?11:56
shadeslayeri agree i made some mistakes,but if you dont give me a chance to reform,how will i reform11:57
bazhanghonestly at this point it seems identical to trolling.11:57
elkyshadeslayer, also, stop trying to evade the bans. that's a breach of freenode terms of service.11:57
shadeslayerim not trying to evade bans11:57
elkysh4d3sl4y3r!*@* 11:58
bazhangbeing dishonest, wildly offtopic, taking over the channel with smiley after every two word burst of laughter/enter11:58
shadeslayeri dont even know how to evade bans,else i would have been in #ubuntu by now11:58
ikoniashadeslayer: on the 26th of Fedb - I kicked you out of ubuntu - you asked why and I spoke to you in detail about it11:58
ikoniashadeslayer: do you remember that conversation11:58
shadeslayerelky: as i told you thats not me11:58
shadeslayerikonia: very well11:58
ikoniashadeslayer: so if you remember that conversation, why are we having to explain it again11:58
shadeslayerikonia: because you have to give me a chance to rform11:59
ikoniashadeslayer: yes, and you've not11:59
ikoniashadeslayer: you're still fdoing the same things11:59
shadeslayeri did not get a chance 11:59
ikoniashadeslayer: you have 11:59
elkyshadeslayer, you've had plenty of chances since then to reform, and youve not.11:59
shadeslayerwhen?? since 26th feb i have been banned12:00
ikoniashadeslayer: I didn't ban you on the 26th12:00
ikoniashadeslayer:  you rejoined the channel on the 26th12:00
ikoniamore lies12:00
shadeslayerone sec12:00
elkyon the 2nd, 3rd, 6th and today. at least one of those times involved you discussing the lug and installfests you wanted to start.12:01
shadeslayeron an offtopic channel12:02
bazhangshadeslayer, I have had to remove you as well on more than one occasion12:02
shadeslayerbazhang: uh no,i havent been kicked from any of your channels12:02
bazhangit was you who was doing all this, and not some mysterious third party, without a doubt.12:03
ikoniashadeslayer: if your deadly serious about wanting back in - I suggest you take some time away from the ubuntu channels - maybe a week or so and come back with a fresh perspective12:03
shadeslayerlook i dont think were getting anywhere12:03
bazhangshadeslayer, a day or so ago in #kubuntu?12:03
elkyi know we're not getting anywhere.12:03
elkywe havent been getting anywhere since you started lying to us.12:03
shadeslayeruh i was experiencing problems with my ISP,i wasnt here 2 days ago12:04
bazhangif he does not, and continues in #kubuntu as before 12:04
shadeslayerlook i ll keep a low profile for the next week12:04
bazhangshadeslayer, that is simply false.12:04
bazhangbye shadeslayer 12:04
ikoniashadeslayer: all honesty, take a week away from teh ubuntu channels, re-asses how you approach it and come back and chat to us12:05
shadeslayerok bye,since no one seems intrested to unban me12:05
ikoniashadeslayer: a different perspective may help 12:05
bazhanga mountain 'o lies12:05
ikoniaI know it was as I spent 30 minuts explaineing to him about behaviour in ubuntu12:06
bazhangand he was in #kubuntu a day or so ago in the exact same manner.12:06
bazhangnot even very good lies.12:07
ikonianope, I suggest he take a week out and he's straight into #kubuntu12:07
ikoniaahh just left12:07
bazhangjust a fyi , the alternate sh4d3sl4yer nick was in #debian a while ago discussing how bad ubuntu was, wanting to troll the channels, and other bits of nastiness12:08
ikoniaand he join #suse12:08
bazhangikonia, you must be either omniscient or in every linux distro channel 12:09
Picimeh. 12:14
* Pici just finished reading scrollback12:14
ikoniamorning Pici 12:14
Pici(good) morning ikonia 12:15
bazhang shadeslayer_ is now known as maddy__12:16
ikoniaand he's just quit12:17
bazhang* shadeslayer_ (n=quassel@
bazhangdropped the cloak to ban evade I gather12:17
bazhangor his ISP had another big change second in three days.12:17
ikoniain #ubuntu12:18
elkyworst. disguise. evah12:19
ikoniamady123 kicked form ubuntu, 30 seconds after discussion in here12:19
ikoniafreenode staff time12:19
ikoniapersistant ban dodger12:19
ikoniausing cloak to hide12:19
bazhanghe said he had no idea how to ban evade just a short while ago12:19
ikoniawe all know that's a joke and he's just proved it12:19
bazhangso the other nick sh4d3slsyer is him as well, without question12:20
bazhangikonia, you have his ip address on highlight/watch?12:28
bazhangno wonder you're so omniscient12:29
elky* #winapi n=insanoid irc.freenode.net insanoid H :0 Karthikeya12:34
elky* * n=arjunjai irc.freenode.net master12345 H :0 purple12:34
elkythose are the only other two from 122.16312:34
elkyi think we can safely ban that subnet12:34
elky@mark shadeslayer for easy finding when he next comes to plead innocence12:36
ubottuThe operation succeeded.12:36
bazhangI have to find this nifty track the user IP feature in xchat12:42
MyrttiI need to find a way to get the geoip.pl to work in my irssi12:42
bazhangI am talking stone age Myrtti is talking 22nd century12:43
MyrttiI've got the perl module and the c module, but I don't know how to make the script look for the perl module where it is12:43
PiciI have it working, but my setup is normal and I know next to nothing about perl.12:43
MyrttiI had to compile the c bindings and the perl module to my $HOME...12:44
bazhang hmm clarks is gizmo13:10
bazhangdux0r_, hi how may we help you13:13
dux0r_howcome i cant join #ubuntu ?13:14
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
ubottuThe operation succeeded.13:14
Amaranth@bansearch dux0r_13:14
ubottuMatch: *!?=dux0r@*!#ubuntu-ops by LjL in #ubuntu on Mar 06 2009 02:32:28 (ID: 10650)13:14
ubottuMatch: *!*@77-100-214-8.cable.ubr03.livi.blueyonder.co.uk!#ubuntu-ops by LjL in #ubuntu on Mar 06 2009 02:32:17 (ID: 10649)13:14
Myrttiyeah, my sentiments exactly13:15
dux0r_haha, is that me?13:15
Myrttidux0r_: "gee, I wonder why"13:15
dux0r_not sure why thats my quit message ^_o13:16
dux0r_oh well, is it cool to ask ubuntu questions in here13:16
Amaranthnope, this channel is not for support13:17
Amaranthall he had to do was change the message13:17
Amaranthhe tried to join #ubuntu again13:20
Myrttinext time he comes in he has to prove he's changed it13:24
topylii wonder who nicole is13:24
topylihas charming friends13:25
ikoniamother of god13:41
ikoniapanarchy is claiming he is a black hat hacker for hire now in ##windows-server13:41
ikoniahe's really stepped up a level13:41
Piciikonia: How many channels are you in?!13:48
ikoniamany many mant13:49
* genii sips13:49
ikonianot regular active in all of them, some just for "reading" 13:49
ikoniaeg: I'm folloing fedora-ds development, but I don't know enough about it to contribute13:50
ikoniabut it does make interesting reading13:50
ikoniashadeslayer back online insists it wasn't him changing nicks to mandy123 etc13:54
ikoniawhy is there no staff around today ???13:56
geniiProfessional Development Day ?13:57
ikoniagenii: seriously ? 13:58
ikoniagenii: I don't know if that's a real thing ?13:58
bazhanghappy women's day!13:58
geniiikonia: Heh... here (in Canada) the teachers get those days on occasion. But on IRC I dunno13:58
ikoniachristal seems to be on the job now, so all good14:06
ikoniael ?14:14
ikoniael capitano ?14:14
ikoniael christel ?14:14
Picila christel14:15
ikonia14:24 <+FloodBot1> -WARNING: ljjjl_!ljl@93-32-58-32.ip32.fastwebnet.it may be evading the ban on  cw]n]hyr!n=ljl@93-32-58-32.ip32.fastwebnet.it14:25
ikoniareally ???14:25
LjjjL_I AM NOT!14:26
ikoniaban ban ban14:26
LjjjL_but the bot is right14:26
LjjjL_that fellow is using my IP14:26
ikoniaLjjjL_: let me guess, it was your roo mate ?14:26
ikoniaroom 14:26
ikoniaLjjjL_: or your sister14:26
Picihow dare he14:26
LjjjL_nope, neither14:26
LjjjL_my ISP NATs our IPs14:27
ikonianah, I think it was your roommate14:27
LjjjL_(also, why is LjjjL taken)14:27
ikoniathats the easy answer14:27
LjjjL_ikonia: lies. it was my brotha14:27
LjjjL_no but seriously14:27
ikoniayou're using LjjjL14:27
LjjjL_i was logged in as LjjjL yesterday14:27
* Pici hrms 14:27
ikoniathat's why it's taken14:27
LjjjL_it can+t not have timed out yet14:27
LjjjL_ikonia: yeah but i'm not *really* using it14:28
bazhangnice gramma14:28
LjjjL_i stopped using it like 12 hours ago14:28
ikoniaLjjjL_: I can kick it :)14:28
PiciYou can't k-line it though14:28
LjjjL_ikonia: nah, it should be identified14:28
LjjjL_i'll kill it14:28
ikoniaPici: shame ;)14:28
=== LjjjL_ is now known as LjjjL
ikoniathere he goes14:29
LjjjLyou hoped it was a faker didn't you14:29
ikoniaa little14:29
LjjjLreally, they should tweak the timeouts a bit14:30
LjjjLonce i've had a user remain connected for *three* days, without timing out14:30
ikoniamine normally time out after about 12 minutes if I get disconnected14:30
* genii sips14:30
LjjjLikonia: it depends which channeels you're in14:30
LjjjLikonia: if you're in #ubuntu, it'll go "sendq exceeded" pretty quick14:30
LjjjLbut if you're in no channels, then it can virtually stay on forever14:30
ikoniaLjjjL: but you're client was also in #ubuntu14:30
LjjjLreally? hmm14:31
LjjjLooh wait.14:31
* LjjjL hides in shame14:31
ikoniaha ha ha14:31
ikoniait was your brother ?14:31
LjjjLi apparently quadruple-kicked on the xchat icon14:31
ikoniathose magnificent Italiano fingers in overdrive14:33
LjjjLikonia: i don't have a taskbar on the eeepc, i won't easily notice an application is open twice14:34
LjjjLikonia: also, it's not my fault at all. my parents made me stupid.14:34
PiciLjjjL: The floodbots are fuzzy today, do they need a shave?14:40
* genii grabs a to-go cup of coffee before /away 14:57
* Gary steals it14:59
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
jussi01stdin: ping15:39
ubottuPlease remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.16:27
ubottuohmy has no aliases - added by Spec on 2006-07-28 00:11:42 - last edited by Myrtti on 2009-03-05 09:31:4116:27
ikoniahello Seeker` 17:34
ikoniajussi01: stdin can you clear a ubottu session please17:36
ikoniamy paste function just borked17:36
ikoniaI've just pasted a session ide17:36
ikoniaor anyone who's got acces to the ubottu server reall17:37
ikoniaughhhh my keyboard/session is messed up, I suspect that's why my clipboard screwed17:37
Tm_Tikonia: didn't relogin clear last one?17:52
ikoniaI don't know17:53
ikoniaI can try17:53
ikoniare-logged in to try17:54
ikoniacertainly wouldn't hurt for someone with ubottu access to clear the session log17:54
ikoniamy fault, my hands are up in the air with apologies17:54
Myrttiimo it wouldn't be bad idea if it would require openid login...17:59
Myrttior something18:00
Myrttibut this is again one of those suggestions that it's easy to make since I can't code it myself18:00
ikoniaMyrtti: let me know when you've wrote the module18:00
Myrttiikonia: ^18:00
ikoniaI know18:00
PiciI'm not sure if the python-cgi based page is powerful enough to support openid without making drastic changes18:08
PiciI think we should make the move off of sqlite, or else we'll end up having the same problem18:09
Myrttiif it would have openid support then it would be possible to login to that darn thing when you have no irc18:10
Myrttiwhich would be nice18:10
ikoniaPici: I spoke to jussi about that at the weekend I'd been doing work to do a test port to mysql 18:13
PiciI did it once before, I dont think I have that code anymore though18:14
ikoniaPici: you can verify my code then :)18:14
ikoniaPici: never speak before thinking - you offered your services by default18:15
ikoniahello another_guy 18:27
Picianother_guy: How can we help you today?18:27
ikonia@bansearch another_guy 18:28
ubottuNo matches found for another_guy!n=balzac@pool-72-89-205-237.nycmny.east.verizon.net in any channel18:28
another_guywell, I'm here to ask for my username to be un-banned18:29
Picianother_guy: From what channel?18:29
another_guyubuntu and ubuntu-offtopic18:29
another_guyand here as well, why not?18:30
another_guyI'm not such a bad guy18:30
another_guyjust a teeny bit less sensitive than most18:30
PiciOne moment.18:30
ikoniaanother_guy: if you know you are banned from ubuntu  why are you ban dodging in there now18:33
PiciI don't see any bans for you.18:33
another_guyhow else would i get back in? Plus i upgraded to jaunty jackelope and i needed a bit of advice18:34
jussi01@bansearch balzac18:34
ubottuMatch: balzac!n=balzac@173-45-238-81.slicehost.net by LjL in #ubuntu-offtopic on Mar 08 2009 22:04:10 (ID: 10768)18:34
ubottuMatch: *!*@173-45-238-81.slicehost.net by LjL in #ubuntu on Mar 08 2009 21:46:58 (ID: 10763)18:34
jussi01Pici: ^18:34
Picijussi01: I have a pending bug report for that, its matching @marks18:34
Picianother_guy: Why should we unban you? 18:36
PiciSeeing as how you've knowlingly evaded a ban that we set...18:37
another_guywell, because it's good not too be too strict or testy when you're the ops18:37
another_guyalso, it's good to be open-minded to critics18:38
another_guyespecially friendly critics18:38
Seeker`another_guy: it would be nice if you obeyed the rules too18:38
another_guyok, but it should really be about when someone is committed to not obeying the rules. you have discretion to tolerate rule-breaking and you should, until you know it's done in bad faith, or it's really a problem.18:40
ikoniayou've just said you dodged a ban on purpose, how is that good faith ?18:40
another_guyI think it's a little bit more efficient and impersonal than it needs to be right now.18:40
another_guyso I break rules a little bit, not a lot.18:40
ikoniaanother_guy: instead of telling us the rules, start following them please. 18:41
another_guyikonia: because, nobody really has ultimate power. we choose to comply.18:41
Seeker`it is tolerated to an extent; People are given warnings and given an opportunity to change their behaviour18:41
another_guyanybody can get another nick and evade bans. we all know that.18:41
another_guybut here I am, asking to be let in.18:41
Seeker`if they still don't comply, they get banned18:41
ikoniaanother_guy: no - you got in anyway18:41
ikoniaanother_guy: no-one said anything about ultimate power, just respect the rules of the channels you're in and you won't have a problem18:42
another_guywell, i need to get back to work18:42
ikoniait's that simple18:42
ikoniaanother_guy: ok - bye18:42
another_guyi'll stick around if you don't mind18:43
another_guyI just have to get back to work18:43
Seeker`another_guy: please don't idle in this channel18:43
another_guyplease unban me before I go18:43
PiciI don't think that will be happening.18:43
another_guyok. can you tell me if this channel is logged and where I can get access to logs?18:44
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/18:44
another_guyI'll have to re-read our conversation yesterday before I can decide.18:44
PiciAnd yes.18:44
Seeker`before you decide what?18:44
PiciDecide what?18:44
another_guythat's for #ubuntu-ops18:45
another_guywell, I need to look at it to see if I'm right 18:45
Seeker`right about what?18:45
another_guyI don't think I'm beyond reproach, so I want to mull it over18:45
another_guyabout what I said yesterday18:45
Seeker`what aspect of what you said yesterday?18:45
another_guyI won't know until I read it again18:45
=== Mez_ is now known as Mez
another_guyalright, ttyl18:46
Pici@mark another_guy balzac18:48
ubottuThe operation succeeded.18:48
ikoniathere is a good chance that balzac is "curtis" with a new nick, he's started pm'ing me saying "do you know me" and asking a few questions that are similar to the user curtis18:57
ikoniamaybe not - he's using irsii, not curtis18:57
ikoniadid I ? /last ikonia18:58
ikoniais there a password projeted pastebin that you know of19:14
ikoniaI know elky uses one19:14
naliothikonia: pastebin.ca19:16
ikonianalioth: ooh really, I missed the option then19:17
ikoniaso that you aware of the follow on 19:20
Picifyi, for people asking about connecting to ICQ with Pidgin: bug 34007519:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 340075 in pidgin "Cannot connect to ICQ ("The client version you are using is too old.") (2009-03-09)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34007519:44
Seeker`someone needs a better connection20:19
jussi01nalioth: Pricey around?20:23
jussi01could you do something about ^ again?20:24
=== ursula_ is now known as Ursinha
jussi01ikonia: ping22:03
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)22:27
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)22:27
Myrttiam I being thick or blind22:40
Myrttibut I can't see *WHO* did it22:40
Myrttiwoo, look at that22:44
Myrttiit didn't print at all with my irssi22:44
LjLMyrtti: wha, irssi filters out your exploits?22:46
LjLisn't it trying to get a bit *too* smart now? :P22:46
MyrttiI have no idea22:46
Myrtti[00:27] ~~~p-master [n=p-master@ip68-4-36-146.pv.oc.cox.net] has joined  #ubuntu22:46
Myrtti[00:27]  * p-master says Ubuntu is the worst distro.22:46
Myrtti[00:27] ~~~p-master [n=p-master@ip68-4-36-146.pv.oc.cox.net] has quit  [Remote closed the connection]22:46
Myrttithat's what I get with lastlog22:46
Myrttiit's in the statuswindow22:47
MyrttiI'm blind22:47
* Myrtti goes back to work22:47
LjLMyrtti: have some carrots22:47
MyrttiI'm just tired22:47
Myrttithat's all22:47
LjLthen have some coffee22:47
LjLor maybe not22:47
LjLi feel caffeinated myself today even though i'm not22:49
nickrudwork at midnight is crazed22:49
LjLdeveloped a roll of film, perhaps that's the tension of it all22:49
Myrttinickrud: well this was supposed to be done by Christmas22:49
nickrudresulting in crazy behavior (see author for perfect example)22:49
nickrudwell if it's this late late night work won't make it ready for Christmas22:50
LjLperhaps next christmas22:51
Myrttibut it will make it ready for tomorrow or perhaps at latest monday22:51
Myrttiwhich is when I'll be FLYING!22:51
nickrudand screw with tomorrow. 'Trust Me', it's a never ending downward spiral. 22:51
LjLyeah, and then we'll have to put up with you being all nervous and irritable because you haven't slept22:52
LjLyou don't think of us, you!22:52
nickrudwhat's with this english attraction? All the good speakers were English I think22:52
nickrud*at scale22:52
Myrttinickrud: love22:53
nickrudah, that explains everything. Good on you!22:53
Myrttihttp://www.flickr.com/photos/myrtti/3328510787/ :-)22:54
nickrudlet me quess, his time zone on the small clock? ;)22:55
Myrttivery much so :-)22:55
Myrttiand the countdown is currently 7d EXACT22:56
nickrudlove is so cute :)22:56
Myrttioh, not yet actually22:56
* nickrud takes his curmudgeonly self off before he gets in trouble 22:56
Myrtti7d, 53min22:56
dronix|helphello. I'm having difficulties joining the ubuntu channel, I've tried the steps from #ubuntu-read-topic channel23:07
dronixI got fixed. thank you23:11
* LjL wonders which part of "are you using your usual nickname?" doesn't hint boldly enough to the fact that you should be using your nickname for the test...23:12
nickrudhints are for geeks; direct verbal confrontation is better for instructions23:13
LjLnickrud: i have to admit that it's a bit wicked - the bot asks you to change to your usual nickname, but when you're in -read-topic you *cannot* change your nickname to begin with... (+m)23:14
nickrudah, that might be worth mentioning23:15
LjLnickrud: well, freenode does automatically tell you "Cannot send to channel, so cannot change nicknames"23:15
LjLnickrud: though i do wonder why you think you should be changing your nickname from what you were using a minute before - before you were exploited - in the first place23:16
nickrud"If you're using a nickname other than what you were using in #ubuntu, you'll have to leave this channel and change your nickname to that". Don't expect them to think, many don't have the background to think correctly about irc yet23:16
nickrudor whatever the right instructions would be.23:17
LjLnickrud: well in any case there's instructions on how to join this channel if they aren't sure what to do23:17
LjLwhich he did, after all23:18
LjLnickrud: specifically it says, "dronix|help: Sorry, but I am unable to test you (are you using your usual nickname?). Please contact the operators (type « /topic » to find out how)."23:19
LjLthe topic being "Your router is buggy 1) Please follow these instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixDCCExploit to FIX it (yes, it can be fixed) 2) after carrying out those instructions please type « test me » and wait few minutes | if this fails, type « /join #ubuntu-ops » to be tested manually"23:19
nickruds/usual nickname/nickname you were using when exploited/ ?23:20
LjLnickrud: i could consider that i suppose. for that matter, i think i could also do something to add a hint like "perhaps your nickname was xyz?"23:21
nickrudthat address one point, I"m sure you've seen many other misinterpretations/evidence of brain death23:21
LjLnickrud: also, you'd be amazed how many people actually type << test me >> trying to replicate the guillemots.23:21
LjLthough the bots can parse that anyway23:21
nickrudah, that's what they're called, guillemots. 23:22
LjLnickrud: i guess you could just call them french quotes too23:23
LjLnickrud: or freedom quotes :P23:23
nickrudI'm not nalioth, I'm pro socialism ;)23:23
LjLnickrud: heck you could call them italian quotes if you like, we use them too23:24
LjL(although they aren't on the keyboard, but then neither is È, and we use that)23:24
nickrudeuro-trash characters?23:24
LjLnickrud: just accents. we have all of à, è, é, ì, ò, ó, ù (although most people can't give a damn about the difference between è/é and ò/ó)23:25
LjLnickrud: thing is, the verb "is" is "è" in italian. and it's often used at the beginning of a sentence.23:26
LjLnickrud: so in practice, you can't type an italian sentence starting with "is" on an *italian* keyboard.23:26
nickrudThat is freaking hilarious, it really is. 23:27
LjLnickrud: most people just type E'23:27
LjLnickrud: Word auto-corrects that into È23:27
LjLnickrud: the italian uncyclopedia has an article about it23:27
LjLnickrud: it starts with repeating a dozen of times the sentence "Just type Alt+0200"23:28
nickrudkeyboards driving the language. That is just stupid23:28
LjLnickrud: you mean stupid like the Microsoft grammar checker setting grammar standards?23:28
nickrudyep. I ignore those squiggly green things.23:29
LjLnickrud: you do know there is no such thing as a passive verbform in neither italian or english?23:29
nickrudlies, all lies23:29
LjLnickrud: uh, you sound a bit uneducated. why would you repeat the same word "lies" twice in the same phrase? use a synonym.23:29
LjLnickrud: like microsoft.23:29
nickrudEMPhasis is legal, F##K ms geeks. They can't write for S##T. See, I can curse also23:30
LjLnickrud: anyway i use a swedish keyboard layout. not only does it allow me to type swedish, but it also lets me type any italian sentence, unlike the italian keyboard.23:31
LjLnickrud: i can SHOUT with accents. i mean, that's important.23:31
Seeker`I use a british layout as it is the only sensible one :P23:32
LjLSeeker`: pfff23:32
nickrudanything with the Euro is pansy anyway23:32
LjLSeeker`: and english is the only sensible language, and the continent doesn't really exist, and you'll sneak out one night and cut the tunnel in half.23:32
* nickrud wonders if LjL is channeling an english Rush23:33
LjLnickrud: at least anything with the Euro isn't entirely devoid of economical value - unlike the pound or the dollar.23:33
Seeker`LjL: what continent?23:33
LjLnot to mention the icelandic krona.23:33
LjLSeeker`: i'm not really sure tbh.23:33
nickrudgah, it's close to quitting time, got to close out the day. 23:34
NafalloLjL: ehrm23:34
LjLNafallo: yes?23:34
LjLNafallo: i said icelandic :)23:34
nickrudEurasia. This breaking at the Urals is foolish. There's N/S America, Australia, Antarctica, Eurasia, Africa, and England23:34
Nafallokróna :-P23:34
Nafallodidn't know they've stolen words!23:34
LjLnickrud: oh right, America is two separate continents, N and S, but Eurasia is one23:35
LjLNafallo: says the one who writes swedish without accents23:35
LjLto the enormous pissing off of, for instance, myself23:35
NafalloLjL: yea. just didn't know about ISK :-)23:35
LjLNafallo: stolen words, please... you all call it a krona, iceland sweden norway and menzaland23:36
nickrudLjL, a point now that the suez exists23:36
Nafallomenzaland? :-)23:36
LjLNafallo: besides, it's just a "crown", it really doesn't sound like you scandies had much imagination on currency names23:36
LjLNafallo: oh, yes i guess i meant denmark.23:36
LjLnickrud: ok, so Eurasia it is. at least you'll find it harder to say "eurasiatrash"23:37
LjLnickrud: when we're talking about america on the other hand, we just say "trash". you know, a bit like we call Dante "the poet".23:37
nickrudljl, I'd never say that about europeans, just the funny looking letters some use23:37
LjLnickrud: wħåt fúņņý ł€tt€rß?23:38
nickrudI think I'd through Shakespeare as The Poet. At least he's still read outside of academia ;)23:38
LjLnickrud: every country has its own "the Poet" i'd guess.23:39
LjLnickrud: also, i can assure you that virtually every italian has read Dante.23:39
nickrudexcept america, I think.23:39
LjLnickrud: not that they wanted to, they just had to.23:39
nickrudAs have I (read Dante, and outside of class :)23:39
LjLnickrud: still, at least it's WAY more found than The Betrothed (the other "obligatory" italian classic for italians)23:40
nickrudWhitman, maybe but he's a little gay for many yet23:40
LjLNafallo: although i guess perhaps menzaland calls it krone anyway23:43
LjLNafallo: in practice something more resembling "ccchrrrrünnng" in sound.23:44
LjLthey like to clear their throats, probably took it from their neighbors the dutch.23:45
LjLwhose reason for clearing their throats is pretty clear - you know, smoke being bad for your health.23:45
LjL(which country have i not insulted yet? i've forgot to keep a list)23:45
NafalloLjL: india23:46
LjLNafallo: no wait, i meant countries deserving to be insulted23:46
LjLitaly i have not insulted, but then again saying that the italian keyboard doesn't have italian letters imho speaks for itself23:47
nickrudand no one ever seems to insult Andorra23:50
LjLnickrud: Ach, yes, you are very correctly right, I have completely and inexcusably forgot to properly and accurately describe and insult Germany. Such Deed is really unjustifiable from my person.23:52
LjLnickrud: Andorra? they had a nice punk song at Eurovision. can't really insult them.23:52
nickrudoh, the dryness of your wit LjL :)23:53
nickrudgotta go, see you later23:53
LjLnow, let's talk about mandolins. and pizza, who wants some pizza?23:56
LjLdirty ripoff.23:57
jribI'll change them to smilies23:58
LjLyou have to excuse me today, i think i'm high on natural insanity.23:58
LjLwait, did i say today?23:58
jribI believe so, yes23:58
jribI'm going to go have some authentic italian food for dinner23:58
jribfrom lilly's gourmet pasta23:58
Myrttipizza? where's pizza?23:58
jribI've never seen lilly though23:58
LjLjrib: spagetti bolognAIse with ketch-up?23:58
LjLactually the very best pasta i ever ate was... in greece23:59
LjLalthough it might have been just my imagination, as i was so desperate for food i liked.23:59
LjLbut no, not really, i had another pasta the previous day and it was awful23:59

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