pjsturgeon | I have a fat-32 drive connected and im trying to set it up as a samba share. i have one user named samba, and i was wondering if instead of making the default user/group for the mount root, if i could set the default user and group as samba using umask and gmask. not sure how to do it | 00:23 |
pjsturgeon | that way i dont need to reformat my disk right now to a *nix format to allow it to work totally properly | 00:23 |
pjsturgeon | i ran $ id and i see 111(sambashare) but thats not the name of my samba user. | 00:25 |
shally87 | hi i want to ask..is it possible to built a dns server when i have a dynamic ip? | 00:31 |
=== rgreening_ is now known as rgreening | ||
genii | shally87: Thats what ddns services are for | 00:40 |
JanC | shally87: you can't run a DNS-server on a dynamic IP, if that's what you are asking | 00:42 |
shally87 | genii: so i need to point a ddns server to my dns server? | 00:42 |
shally87 | JanC: owh ok..too sad for that.. | 00:42 |
genii | shally87: Thats the idea, yeah. You also can't be an authoritive dns server | 00:42 |
shally87 | genii: so there is no need for me to built a dns server at the first place unless i want it to have my brand right. Btw how to run multiple website on a single LAMP server? any internet guide that i can use? | 00:44 |
JanC | well, you can run a DNS server on a dynamic IP, but it won't work properly ;) | 00:44 |
shally87 | ok.. | 00:44 |
LHC | shally87, I learned how to do that just here | 00:44 |
LHC | virtual hosts | 00:44 |
JanC | shally87: it's in the apache manual | 00:44 |
genii | shally87: You might want to pay your ISP for a static IP | 00:45 |
LHC | I have a static ip, is that good? | 00:45 |
shally87 | LHC: with static ip you can do a lot..but getting a static ip is too expensive for a student.. | 00:46 |
JanC | LHC: if you want to do any serious hosting, a static IP address is a must have | 00:46 |
genii | LHC: It makes life simpler for other boxes to find your domain | 00:46 |
LHC | mine came with one without having to pay more | 00:46 |
LHC | but I have no use in hosting at home | 00:46 |
shally87 | LHC: where you live? | 00:46 |
LHC | uk | 00:47 |
shally87 | LHC: internet speed? | 00:47 |
LHC | 10meg | 00:47 |
LHC | 1mbyte/s | 00:47 |
LHC | shally87, why | 00:48 |
JanC | download I guess (upload speed is more useful to know for hosting ;) ) | 00:48 |
shally87 | still if run hosting on a 1Mb speed just so slow right.. | 00:48 |
LHC | I know but upload is always less, mines 60kbs | 00:48 |
shally87 | yeah..upload more impotant | 00:48 |
shally87 | huh?? | 00:48 |
shally87 | less than 60kbps? | 00:48 |
LHC | yes upload is a must ofc xD | 00:48 |
LHC | mine is 60kbytesps | 00:48 |
shally87 | why not optimize that? | 00:48 |
LHC | LOL | 00:49 |
oh_noes | Does anyone know if I can implement a workaround for this vmbuilder bug I've submitted: https://bugs.launchpad.net/vmbuilder/+bug/337083 | 00:49 |
uvirtbot` | Launchpad bug 337083 in vmbuilder "Multiple --mirror parameters may be required" [Undecided,New] | 00:49 |
LHC | thats like dialup man | 00:49 |
JanC | anyway, back on-topic | 00:49 |
shally87 | i still havent get the manual since i install the LAMP server | 00:50 |
shally87 | you got any fast link? | 00:50 |
shally87 | ohoh.. | 00:50 |
LHC | shally87, you want to know how to vhost | 00:50 |
shally87 | i just check my self.. | 00:50 |
LHC | its easy, k | 00:50 |
shally87 | LHC: I'm using vbox | 00:50 |
LHC | k | 00:50 |
JanC | the apache manual is on the apache site (and on you disk if you installed its package) | 00:51 |
JanC | and /usr/share/doc/apache2/README.Debian.gz has some useful info too | 00:51 |
shally87 | oh_noes: you arrive in wrong channel i think.. | 00:51 |
shally87 | maybe a help in #vmware | 00:52 |
shally87 | ok.. | 00:52 |
oh_noes | shally87: errr, no... | 00:53 |
shally87 | JanC: i'll have to read it first.. | 00:53 |
JanC | maybe #ubuntu-virt, but not #vmware | 00:54 |
shally87 | gotta go now..thanks for the help JanC & genii | 00:54 |
jiggles | Hi all, does anyone know what should i use to expand a VM that's operating from 2 .qcow2 images? | 01:04 |
JanC | define "expand" | 01:12 |
kirkland | jpds: "moved"? it's always been there | 01:12 |
jiggles | JanC, i ran out of space in the VM and i would like to make it bigger | 01:13 |
JanC | jiggles: memory, diskspace, ... ? | 01:13 |
jiggles | JanC, diskspace (qcow2) | 01:14 |
JanC | I'm not sure you can make qcow2 images larger than intended at creation, but if not you could create a new, larger disk image, copy everything, and then use that image instead of the old one... | 01:16 |
=== espacious_ is now known as espacious | ||
hads | JanC: You can convert the images to raw, grow them, then convert back. | 01:38 |
hads | JanC / jiggles | 01:39 |
twb | Where "grow" means to use a conv=notrunc seek=4G type call to dd. | 01:41 |
hads | Yeah, there's a few blog posts with instructions that come up in Google | 01:42 |
jiggles | hads, yeah just saw a couple in google | 01:45 |
jiggles | hads, have you done this before? | 01:45 |
JanC | hads: you still would have to grow the FS I suppose? | 01:45 |
hads | jiggles: No, I haven't personally. | 01:46 |
hads | JanC: Yeah | 01:46 |
jiggles | hads, how would you suggest i grow the FS? | 01:55 |
hads | Using the standard tools for your filesystem, I'm sure one of the blog posts tells you how. | 01:57 |
twb | resize2fs | 02:01 |
twb | However you'd either do that from within the running VM, or by using losetup to get a /dev/loop0 -- since the .raw file will start with an MBR. | 02:02 |
twb | I felt really clever when I worked out to use losetup for that a while back. | 02:02 |
jiggles | actually i did not see that part of it in the blog posts i read (the few i saw were for windows) | 02:03 |
jiggles | i'm assuming that i just boot in, and run resize2fs as twb said? | 02:03 |
twb | Doing losetup would be faster, since it'll run in the host environment. But IIRC growing is O(1) anyway. | 02:04 |
hads | http://www.outflux.net/blog/archives/2008/09/03/kvm-disk-image-filesystem-growth-notes/ | 02:04 |
twb | I wish I could use kvm. Sniffle. | 02:04 |
twb | Stupid vmware-server is hogging the VT bits | 02:05 |
hads | :( | 02:05 |
* twb grumbles about the lack of libunique 1.0.6 | 02:07 | |
twb | Incidentally, that totally fucked me over. Merely *installing* kvm causes the kvm module to be modprobed in the postinst -- which made my entire system hard-lock. | 02:10 |
oh_noes | Im trying to Intall Ubuntu Server on my Server with Intel Hardware RAID1 Mirror, BUT Ubuntu Hardy is listing all my Drives and not the array I created. Why is this? | 04:15 |
ball | oh_noes: Is it *real* hardware RAID, or fake hardware RAID (perhaps done in the firmware)? | 04:16 |
oh_noes | it's Fake, but I still can't use MDADM | 04:18 |
ball | I don't know what MDADM is, but if it's fake then why not use software RAID? | 04:18 |
oh_noes | mdadm is linux software raid | 04:20 |
ScottK | If it's fake raid, then I'll need some driver to work. | 04:21 |
oh_noes | I have the driver ... it finds the disks but instead of listing the logical volumes it displays all 6 disks | 04:22 |
ball | oh_noes: I get that too, though I've not tried it on Linux | 04:22 |
ball | hang on, I'll bring up another xterm | 04:22 |
ball | It's been years (literally) since I tried RAID on a Linux box. I'm not sure how it works there. | 04:25 |
JanC | oh_noes: my motherboard has such an intel fake raid and I disabled it in the BIOS, maybe yours is too? | 04:26 |
JanC | oh_noes: the reason I disabled it is that I want to use mdadm (software raid) instead of fake raid though, as that is what everybody suggests (it's more stable & it's faster...) | 04:27 |
ScottK | You'll probably be happier on Linux with disabling it (as JanC says) and using mdadm. | 04:27 |
oh_noes | I have Intel fake RAID, and Ive enaled it. And i've created a RAID1 OS Mirror to boot from (2 disks), and a RAID10 Data volume (4 disks) | 04:28 |
oh_noes | but, inside the installer, it Lists all my 6 disks, NOT the 2 logical volumes | 04:28 |
JanC | I guess the driver is not loaded (automaticly) then | 04:29 |
JanC | but seriously, why use it? | 04:29 |
oh_noes | Because I dont want the added overhead of managing mdadm? | 04:30 |
JanC | added overhead? | 04:30 |
* ScottK doesn't recall any either. | 04:30 | |
oh_noes | If I lose a drive, will MDADM show up my drive in the server as Red? | 04:30 |
oh_noes | If I replace the drive, will it auto rebuild? | 04:30 |
JanC | fake raid will cause more overhead then linux software raid | 04:31 |
JanC | than | 04:31 |
JanC | there is a reason why it's called *fake* | 04:31 |
oh_noes | no .. it's called fake raid because it doesnt have an onboard processir to handle the XOR's | 04:32 |
JanC | telling mdadm to rebuild is 1 command (and you can script it, if you really want) | 04:35 |
ScottK | Actually you'll get an email telling you something's failed. | 04:37 |
baldaris | hi | 05:49 |
ball | hello baldaris | 05:50 |
baldaris | hi.. | 05:56 |
baldaris | hey i am using ubuntu hardy as my email server.. | 05:56 |
baldaris | when i am trying to access my email server from remote hosting via smtp using sasl , i am getting authentication error.. | 05:56 |
baldaris | i have made changes to main.cf | 05:57 |
baldaris | file.. | 05:57 |
giovani | baldaris: #postfix | 05:57 |
baldaris | yeah | 05:57 |
giovani | not here | 05:57 |
baldaris | can you tell me which channel? | 05:57 |
giovani | I just did | 05:57 |
giovani | read | 05:57 |
baldaris | ooh | 05:57 |
baldaris | thanks | 05:57 |
ai3nv39 | giovani,hi,i solve the problem ,useing rescue disk rebuild Grub. | 05:58 |
giovani | ai3nv39: great | 05:58 |
oh_noes | Using Ubuntu Server 8.04.2, if in the installer I create a LVM Mirror thing, does that use MDADM? | 06:05 |
oh_noes | I want to create a OS Mirror RAID1 (2 disks), then a RAID10 (4 disks) for /data | 06:06 |
ball | six disks total? | 06:10 |
ai3nv39 | oh_noes,i used Raid controller Create a System just like you~ | 06:12 |
ai3nv39 | not soft raid | 06:12 |
oh_noes | ball, yes | 06:16 |
ball | oh_noes: I'd turn off fake RAID and do it through software | 06:18 |
oh_noes | I am... | 06:19 |
oh_noes | During the install I selected 'LVM', then selected my 2 disks iwanted to use | 06:20 |
oh_noes | How do I verify I | 06:20 |
oh_noes | How do I verify it's confused as a RAID1? | 06:20 |
oh_noes | I dont have 'mdadm' | 06:20 |
hads | LVM is not RAID | 06:20 |
oh_noes | so how do I deploy a simple RAID1 Mirror OS / ? | 06:21 |
* ball wouldn't like to guess. | 06:22 | |
oh_noes | ball: so you keep saying dont use fakeraid, but cant point me in the direction of how to actually deploy software raid1 for ubuntu server? | 06:23 |
ball | oh_noes: I've not used Ubuntu Server enough to be able to guide you, sorry. | 06:24 |
ball | I'm thinking of putting it back on my Dell though | 06:27 |
mib_2yfun1a6 | hi all | 08:03 |
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naymyowin | ့င | 08:10 |
naymyowin | hi | 08:10 |
uvirtbot` | New bug: #339823 in postfix (main) "qmgr process loads the system when using rate_* in custom transports" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/339823 | 08:45 |
naymyowin | hello | 08:45 |
naymyowin | anybody help me?? | 08:46 |
foolano | hey guys, are you using any antivirus + samba? | 08:54 |
_ruben | !helpme | 08:54 |
ubottu | Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience | 08:54 |
naymyowin | no | 08:58 |
naymyowin | i have install mail server | 08:58 |
naymyowin | but whenever i typed /etc/init.d/networking restart, i got error of posfix | 08:58 |
naymyowin | hello | 09:21 |
=== _Nicke_ is now known as Nicke | ||
MatBoy | it seems difficult to log to a fifo file... are there some issues with this kind of logging ? | 10:35 |
domas | MatBoy: don't | 10:46 |
domas | MatBoy: fifos are one-process-to-one-process | 10:47 |
domas | MatBoy: not many-processes-to-one-process | 10:47 |
domas | MatBoy: if you want scalable logging, use datagrams to unix domain socket | 10:47 |
domas | though it will be lossy :) | 10:48 |
=== lamont` is now known as lamont | ||
MatBoy | domas: but I need to... I need to use it for some mail.* logging | 11:40 |
domas | I told you why it is wrong | 11:40 |
incorrect | i've added a user to an ldap group, i get see that they are in the right group in getent group, but id <user> doesn't show the group, is there some cache i need to flush? | 11:41 |
_ruben | having syslogd log to a fifo would qualify as one-process-to-one-process (assuming only 1 process reads from it) | 11:41 |
MatBoy | yep, only one process reads from it | 11:42 |
MatBoy | domas: so, why shouldn't I use it un such case ? | 11:44 |
MatBoy | *in | 11:44 |
MatBoy | (cold hands) | 11:44 |
domas | the problem is with how fifo open/close would work | 11:44 |
MatBoy | but when it's proven to work ? | 11:46 |
MatBoy | I mean... I need the fifo working, nothing else :) | 11:46 |
simplexio | MatBoy: fifo is first in first out, when data in fifo is read is discarded, so only one reader can use it | 11:52 |
MatBoy | simplexio: yes, I only have one reader ! | 11:57 |
MatBoy | but nothing comes in it seems | 11:57 |
incorrect | and the idiot of the day award goes to me, | 12:16 |
domas | incorrect: forgot to log out? | 12:18 |
incorrect | no worse than that | 12:18 |
domas | tried on other machine? | 12:19 |
incorrect | you won't guess | 12:19 |
incorrect | so my ldap server has a group, it has a member of 'user1,user2,user3,etc' | 12:19 |
incorrect | i wonder who user user1,user2,user3 is exactly, | 12:20 |
domas | =) | 12:20 |
incorrect | should have been "user1","user2","user3", | 12:20 |
incorrect | it looked right in getent passwd | 12:20 |
incorrect | but the username had ,'s in it | 12:21 |
incorrect | too funny | 12:21 |
incorrect | ok next, i need a semi smart http benchmarking tool, siege doesn't seem good enough as it doesn't pull the 'page' as such just the html contents | 12:22 |
domas | what is wrong with pulling just html :) | 12:23 |
incorrect | the images are transcoded | 12:23 |
domas | make separate benchmark for that | 12:23 |
incorrect | i want to simulate real usage | 12:23 |
incorrect | see where the system bottle necks | 12:24 |
incorrect | too much dynamic data on the site | 12:25 |
thewrath | is there a service that i can check to make sure the httpd.conf is configured properly | 12:35 |
thewrath | in ubuntu | 12:35 |
yann2 | apache2ctl configtest | 12:36 |
thewrath | ok let me set up the server on my lappy toppy lol | 12:36 |
jpds | kirkland: Before it was mounted as ~/Private, now it's ~/.Private according to df -h. | 12:40 |
dennda | Brainstorming: I ran my server on my own up to now. Now I want to grant somebody SSH access (non-root). What things should I check beforehand? My checklist currently is this: - Make sure home-folders are only readable by their owners, - Check folder / file permissions, - ... what else? | 12:40 |
jpds | kirkland: I don't have a ~/Private dir either. | 12:43 |
thewrath | coudl someone help me with a apahce config question i know this is not the room for it but maybe someone can help me | 12:50 |
storrgie | what is the name of the remote desktop program so i can add it to my hosts.allow file? | 13:00 |
thewrath | whats a good firewall for ubuntu server? | 13:01 |
incorrect | I am looking for a website benchmarking tool that can spider a site a couple of levels | 13:04 |
incorrect | regression testing on a single script is not what i want | 13:04 |
kraut | moin | 13:07 |
twb | incorrect: wget? | 13:26 |
twb | thewrath: iptables. | 13:26 |
incorrect | twb, err no something more like siege | 13:26 |
kirkland | jpds: ~/.Private has always been the underlying directory that contains the encrypted data | 13:56 |
kirkland | jpds: you can mount that on top of whatever you want, by editing ~/.ecryptfs/Private.mnt | 13:57 |
kirkland | jpds: the two supported/official mountpoints are $HOME/Private and $HOME | 13:57 |
kirkland | jpds: the former i refer to as "encrypted-private" | 13:58 |
kirkland | jpds: the latter, is encrypted-home | 13:58 |
dennda | Some more recent versions of openssh allow chrooting a user (or a group of users). Does that approach *easily* allow granting that user permission to use binaries like wget or others that I did not copy into his chroot? (I want to chroot a user, but don't want to restrict access to scp/sftp only and don't want to copy binaries) | 14:20 |
jpds | kirkland: OK; Private.mnt has ~. | 14:22 |
jpds | kirkland: So, if I put data into ~/.Private - what happens to it? | 14:23 |
kirkland | jpds: very bad things | 14:23 |
kirkland | jpds: you want to write through your encrypted mountpoint to ~/.Private | 14:23 |
kirkland | jpds: if data gets written to ~/.Private that didn't go through ecryptfs, it's not going to know what to do with it when it tries to read it | 14:24 |
kirkland | jpds: and you'll get some nastygrams in dmesg | 14:24 |
jpds | kirkland: Hmm, OK. | 14:24 |
jpds | Thanks. | 14:24 |
kirkland | jpds: what are you trying to accomplish? | 14:27 |
kirkland | jpds: encrypted home? or encrypted private? or encrypted nothing? | 14:27 |
jpds | encrypted private. | 14:28 |
kirkland | jpds: okay, after installation, you run 'ecryptfs-setup-private' as your user | 14:29 |
kirkland | jpds: it should walk you through it | 14:30 |
jpds | OK, thanks. | 14:30 |
pirroh | hi there, 8.10 server, trying to use a 3TB raid5 configuration. if I don't create a 3TB partition, the remaining space is flagged as unasable. Is there something I'm missing or could it be a bug? | 14:52 |
thefish | pirroh: have you tried using lvm? | 15:13 |
domas | ghm | 16:00 |
domas | interesting | 16:00 |
domas | I have a server that crashes from time to time, and now I realized kswapd is doing bad stuff there (like here http://p.defau.lt/?Uf1T62Y4gyr_QSsIihQf4w ) | 16:00 |
domas | seems to be another kernel memory leak | 16:01 |
domas | ah, thats 2.6.28, probably not much ubuntu issue | 16:01 |
uvirtbot` | New bug: #339966 in dovecot (main) "dangerous action: dovecot-postfix force-installs new conf file" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/339966 | 17:41 |
furicle | Can someone tell me what 'cat /etc/lsb-release' looks like on hardy server verbatim? | 19:18 |
giovani | furicle: http://www.pastebin.ca/1356727 | 19:28 |
giovani | why would it be a different format than any other release? | 19:28 |
furicle | Thank you. My memory is playing tricks on me. I thought -server had a different release file than desktop/alternate installs... | 19:29 |
giovani | nope | 19:31 |
giovani | that's why there's no -server repository | 19:31 |
giovani | it's just a question of which kernel you install, and what packages are installed by default | 19:31 |
=== cjwatson_ is now known as cjwatson | ||
=== bromic94 is now known as thewrath | ||
thewrath | hey all | 21:04 |
thewrath | what would i use to install a gui on the server | 21:05 |
jmedina | thewrath: it depends of what you want | 21:06 |
thewrath | just a gui itnerface | 21:06 |
jmedina | there is only X, twm, gnome, kde | 21:06 |
thewrath | which one woudl you reommend jmedina | 21:06 |
jmedina | or what kind of gui? | 21:06 |
thewrath | whcih one is the best | 21:06 |
jmedina | I never use graphics in my servers, only ssh+bash+screen | 21:06 |
thewrath | this is for a guy at the school i am implementing my senior project at | 21:06 |
thewrath | oh ok | 21:07 |
jmedina | of course I use web interfaces to manage some services, but they are specific for the services in my server | 21:07 |
thewrath | he is trying to use the server as something to help with imaging | 21:07 |
thewrath | bc zenworks is not likeing vista | 21:07 |
jmedina | so, it depends wheat you want to do in the GUI | 21:07 |
thewrath | jmedina: what services you are running if you dont mind me asking | 21:08 |
jmedina | for my desktop I use KDE (kubuntu) | 21:08 |
thewrath | oh ok | 21:08 |
thewrath | i am interested in what others run on their ubuntu server | 21:08 |
jmedina | file servers, webservices, mail, ldap, dhcp, dns, | 21:08 |
jmedina | and a lot of web applications | 21:08 |
thewrath | web applications such as ? | 21:09 |
thewrath | like phpnuke is that what you mean | 21:09 |
jmedina | wikis, CMS, CRMs, blogs, system admin, EBOX, Mandriva Directory Server, sarg, | 21:09 |
thewrath | CRMS and EBOx? | 21:09 |
jmedina | vtiger, sugarcrm | 21:10 |
thewrath | what do they do | 21:10 |
thewrath | never heard of CRMS and Ebox | 21:10 |
jmedina | ebox-project | 21:10 |
jmedina | CRM = Customer Relationshipt Managment | 21:11 |
jmedina | ebox is a web interface | 21:11 |
thewrath | oh ok | 21:11 |
thewrath | oh i think ih ave that | 21:11 |
thewrath | what CRM do u use | 21:11 |
thewrath | any free versions? | 21:11 |
jmedina | to manage servers, it runs on ubuntu | 21:11 |
jmedina | vtiger, sugarcrm | 21:11 |
jmedina | here, in my job vtiger | 21:12 |
thewrath | you like vtiger? | 21:12 |
jmedina | yeap | 21:13 |
jmedina | it is integrated with our IP PBX asterisk for clic2 call | 21:13 |
thewrath | oh ok | 21:13 |
thewrath | what is mandriva directory server | 21:14 |
jmedina | a web interface to manage LDAP accounts for mail, proxy, samba, dhcp, dns | 21:14 |
thewrath | oh ok | 21:14 |
ivoks | open ldap? | 21:14 |
jmedina | yeap | 21:14 |
thewrath | i have nothing to use ldap with i wish i did | 21:15 |
jmedina | well I use it to manage accounts in OpenLDAP, of course in ubuntu hardy servers | 21:15 |
thewrath | for vtiger to get it sudo apt-get install vtiger? | 21:15 |
jmedina | http://tuxjm.net/docs/cursos/Samba+OpenLDAP+PAM+NSS-4Ubuntu/html/ | 21:15 |
jmedina | it is my howto for ubuntu (in spanish) | 21:15 |
thewrath | oh okay | 21:16 |
thewrath | i think i found the install guide from their site | 21:16 |
jmedina | thewrath: I never install web application from apt, I always download from upstream and install by hand, because I want to have the latest | 21:16 |
thewrath | oh ok | 21:16 |
thewrath | jmedina: but you would install kubuntu-desktop over server if u had to? | 21:16 |
jmedina | but htat is my choise | 21:16 |
thewrath | we did that with ubuntu-desktop and it didnt load the desktop just the command line | 21:17 |
jmedina | thewrath: kubuntu-desktop nop | 21:17 |
thewrath | nop? | 21:17 |
jmedina | I prefere something light, like windowmaker | 21:17 |
jmedina | :D | 21:17 |
jmedina | or sometimes I only export DISPLAY or use ssh X forwarding | 21:17 |
thewrath | okay we tried wtih ubuntu-desktop and it didnt load the gui at all only the command line, any idea why | 21:17 |
jmedina | start GDM | 21:18 |
jmedina | /etc/init.d/gdm start and change to TTY7 | 21:18 |
jmedina | but, fist, install gdm (Display Manager) | 21:18 |
jmedina | or start X by hand with "startx" | 21:18 |
thewrath | so install gdm first and then kubuntu-desktop | 21:19 |
jmedina | no | 21:19 |
jmedina | install gdm | 21:19 |
jmedina | /etc/init.d/gdm start | 21:19 |
jmedina | and login | 21:19 |
thewrath | i did that as well after i removed ubuntu-desktop | 21:20 |
jmedina | well you need ubuntu-desktop in order to use GDM | 21:20 |
jmedina | if you install kubuntu-desktop you can use KDM (kdm package) | 21:20 |
thewrath | so install gdm and ubutnu-desktop or kubuntu-desktop | 21:20 |
jmedina | gdm is the graphic login manager | 21:20 |
thewrath | oh ok | 21:20 |
thewrath | so install gdm and ubuntu-desktop | 21:21 |
jmedina | for GNOME, KDM is for KDE | 21:21 |
thewrath | righ | 21:21 |
jmedina | yeap | 21:21 |
thewrath | and then run /etc/init.d/gdm start | 21:21 |
thewrath | then resetart? | 21:21 |
jmedina | for servers I prefer to use startx, I dont want to have a X enviroment all the time, only when it is needed, but is started on demand with "startx" | 21:21 |
jmedina | thewrath: there is no need to restart a servre | 21:22 |
thewrath | ok | 21:22 |
jmedina | start gdm, and login via GDM | 21:22 |
thewrath | oho k | 21:22 |
jmedina | just doit | 21:22 |
thewrath | so ubutnu desktop and gdm got it | 21:23 |
thewrath | i haev to do it at work bc it will take like forever on my net connection to do it so i have to wait till i am in at school | 21:23 |
jmedina | "bc"? | 21:24 |
jmedina | thewrath: copy yoiur /etc/apt/archives to the other machine | 21:24 |
thewrath | because | 21:24 |
jmedina | or use a I to create a CD /ISO from your cached packages in /var/cache/apt/archives/ | 21:24 |
thewrath | use a I? | 21:25 |
jmedina | application | 21:25 |
jmedina | dont remember the name | 21:25 |
thewrath | oh ok | 21:25 |
jmedina | here I only use dpkg --get-selections , copy /var/cache/apt/archives | 21:25 |
thewrath | do the machine with desktop on it cppy the /etc/apt/archive directory to my machine here at home? | 21:26 |
jmedina | copy the whole dir to the new machine, then dpkg --set-selections and apt-get upgrade | 21:26 |
thewrath | i don like copying stuff from one machine to another so what i will do is do it fresh on my machine | 21:27 |
thewrath | o you ever use webmin? | 21:28 |
jmedina | I never use webmin | 21:30 |
jmedina | I dont need it, and I dont like it | 21:30 |
thewrath | oh ok | 21:30 |
thewrath | know any other good web admin tools like webmin' | 21:31 |
Nafallo | !ebox | 21:31 |
ubottu | ebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox | 21:31 |
thewrath | yea but you haev to configure everything by hand | 21:32 |
thewrath | which somtimes that is not bad | 21:32 |
thewrath | any others | 21:32 |
ivoks | we should add a trigger to ubottu | 21:33 |
thewrath | wat about fluxbox+ | 21:33 |
thewrath | fluxbox? | 21:34 |
ivoks | when someone even thinks of webmin, it should paste the ebox text, and kickban the user | 21:34 |
thewrath | lol thank you ivoks | 21:34 |
Nafallo | ivoks: ubottu as op? no thanks. | 21:34 |
ivoks | :) | 21:34 |
ivoks | chanserv would be fine :) | 21:34 |
jmedina | ivoks: that wont help, the user will think his connection failed, and then re-login, and ask again for webmin thinking that his last question was not published. | 21:35 |
ivoks | :) | 21:35 |
jmedina | it is my experience with some customers :D | 21:36 |
thewrath | unless you set it up as ban for webmin' | 21:36 |
Nafallo | jmedina: you kickban your customers?! evil! | 21:36 |
jmedina | sometimes | 21:36 |
jmedina | when they dont pay | 21:37 |
ivoks | so... lighttpd doesn't scale on SMP | 21:37 |
ivoks | it could, we couple of drawbacks | 21:38 |
ivoks | s/we/with | 21:38 |
thewrath | lighthttpd? | 21:38 |
ivoks | like... corrupted access logs | 21:38 |
thewrath | wat | 21:38 |
thewrath | i installed fluxbox but how do i start it | 21:40 |
Nafallo | startx | 21:41 |
thewrath | says not insatlled i can install it by typoing sudo apt get install xinit | 21:41 |
thewrath | is that right | 21:41 |
thewrath | command not found | 21:41 |
thewrath | can not start /etc/X11/X no such file or directory, aborting | 21:42 |
thewrath | xinit: server error | 21:42 |
thewrath | /usr/bin/startx: line 166: xauth: command not found | 21:42 |
thewrath | why do i get that | 21:43 |
thewrath | i type in starx | 21:43 |
thewrath | *startx | 21:43 |
thewrath | any ideas why] | 21:44 |
soren | ScottK: Just to be sure... If a new upstream release (well, bzr snapshot really, but that's rather beside the point, /me thinks) is a bugfix only release, I don't need to go through the FFe process, right? | 21:46 |
thewrath | soren: know why i get errors when typing in startx | 21:46 |
soren | thewrath: Nope. I do know, though, that it's off-topic for this channel. | 21:47 |
soren | xauth is in xbase-clients, fwiw. | 21:48 |
soren | ...but these sorts of questions belong in #ubuntu, not here. | 21:48 |
thewrath | why in ubuntu when i am running server | 21:50 |
giovani | thewrath: because server is not a different product, it's just a set of server packages -- questions involving X-based guis belong in #ubuntu | 21:53 |
ivoks | soren: i'm testing web servers in kvm... any idea why i would get very bad results in side kvm (i use virtio for disk and nic)? | 21:54 |
ivoks | inside | 21:54 |
soren | ivoks: Which version? | 21:54 |
ivoks | soren: both host and guest are jaunty | 21:54 |
soren | Disk image type? | 21:55 |
ivoks | file | 21:55 |
ivoks | qcow2 | 21:55 |
ivoks | i don't think it's disk, since CPU is almost idle, at least there's no iowait | 21:56 |
jmedina | is KVM recommended for productions servers? | 21:57 |
jmedina | I always used paravirtualized servers with Xen | 21:57 |
hads | Works for me | 21:57 |
jmedina | if fact, fully virtualized always gave poor performance compared to para-vir | 21:57 |
soren | ivoks: On the host, you mean? | 22:00 |
ivoks | soren: on guest | 22:00 |
ivoks | guest's cpu is 50% sys, 50%idle | 22:00 |
olcafo | I've been using KVM in production enviroments running a webserver and email server for 20 or so users since 7.04. It has worked flawlessly for me. | 22:01 |
soren | ivoks: I'd try an lvm backed solution and see if that makes a difference. I'm not convinced you'd see the qcow2 performance overhead or lag exposed in any way in the guest. | 22:02 |
ivoks | interesting... | 22:02 |
ivoks | at some point, siege stops requesting pages from guest | 22:02 |
ivoks | and web server on guest just idles | 22:03 |
ivoks | it's like there's no communication | 22:03 |
ivoks | 'lag' describes this perfectly | 22:03 |
ScottK | soren: If it's bugfix only, no FFe is needed, just document what you did in a bug (if there isn't one already) and close the bug in debian/changelog. | 22:11 |
soren | ScottK: Thought so. Thanks for clearing that up. | 22:11 |
* soren goes to upload | 22:12 | |
ScottK | yw | 22:12 |
nat2610 | Sorry for my question that isn't related to CentOS but strickly sysadmin. I don't know where to ask it... it's a best practice question: I have a 3ware raid controller with RAID1 cluster and 1 of the drive is degraded, I'd like to replace it and do it as fast as possible. My idea is to shutdown the machine swap the drive restart it and recreated the raid after the machine reboot and is running again (to limit the dow | 22:16 |
nat2610 | ntime). Is it better to remove the drive from the unit (software) before shutding down the server or it doesn't matter. I'm hopping to have an automatic rebuilding after the boot | 22:16 |
hads | CentOS? | 22:16 |
hads | Pasting around the place are we | 22:17 |
ivoks | why just not hot swap it? | 22:17 |
ivoks | you don't have to remove the driver in 3ware application | 22:18 |
ivoks | if you can't hot swap it, shut it down, replace the disk, and power it up again | 22:18 |
ivoks | then rebuild it trough tw_cli | 22:19 |
nat2610 | ivoks, there is no hotswap rack | 22:19 |
olcafo | I've done this a few times with the 3ware controller, you can hot swap or shut it down like ivoks suggested. one it replaced the RAID should start rebuilding by itself. | 22:20 |
olcafo | *once its | 22:20 |
ivoks | i love 3ware and its tools | 22:20 |
nat2610 | olcafo, that's what I m hopping | 22:20 |
ivoks | and after your raid is synced | 22:20 |
ivoks | you should format the disk and put ubuntu on it | 22:20 |
olcafo | you will get significant preformance hit while it rebuilds though... I usually remove network access from the users while this happens. | 22:21 |
nat2610 | olcafo, bad performance is ok ... downtime not really ... | 22:22 |
ivoks | right, cache is off | 22:22 |
Nafallo | olcafo: you can't tweak the rebuild priority on 3ware? | 22:23 |
olcafo | I'm paranoid and downtime is acceptable in this setting. | 22:23 |
ivoks | well, if you can't hot swap, you don't have a choice | 22:23 |
olcafo | Nafallo, can't say I've ever seen that option. | 22:24 |
Nafallo | olcafo: hm. oki. thanks. | 22:25 |
ivoks | rebuild priority? | 22:25 |
ivoks | the thing is that 3ware disables cache on write during rebuild | 22:25 |
ivoks | that's why performance is worse than when raid is complete | 22:25 |
olcafo | makes sence. | 22:25 |
ivoks | tw_cli is my favourite non-free application | 22:26 |
Nafallo | ivoks: sure. that's sensible, but some controllers allow you to set the priority the rebuild will have over normal system tasks as well. | 22:27 |
ivoks | i know | 22:27 |
Nafallo | you're kind of supposed to be able to use systems duing rebuild :-) | 22:27 |
ivoks | well, you are | 22:27 |
ivoks | the system isn't unusable | 22:27 |
ivoks | it is just slower cause write cache is off... it's like normal disk | 22:28 |
ivoks | when raid is ok, you have write performance of 150MB/s | 22:28 |
ivoks | when degraded, it's 20MB/s | 22:29 |
ivoks | its | 22:29 |
ivoks | it's | 22:29 |
ivoks | bah | 22:29 |
ivoks | well, write speed depends on amount of RAM on controller | 22:29 |
Nafallo | fair enough | 22:30 |
olcafo | I'm assuming write cache is turned off because the RAM is being used to rebuild? | 22:31 |
ivoks | probably | 22:32 |
ivoks | 'night | 22:36 |
pjsturgeon | anyone found a good guide (or wanna guide me through) how to resize and create partitions in ubuntu command line? | 22:41 |
pjsturgeon | they are all slightly confusing for my current state or using gui;s | 22:41 |
olcafo | pjsturgeon, what are you trying to resize? | 22:47 |
pjsturgeon | i have a 500gig drive with 250gig of content. its currently fat32 and i need to convert it to something more samba friendly like ext3 | 22:47 |
pjsturgeon | i was gonna slice it down the middle and format half the drive as ext3 then copy the content accross | 22:48 |
giovani | wow, you really don't have a second drive? | 22:48 |
giovani | doing it the way you want is messy | 22:48 |
pjsturgeon | i did... | 22:48 |
pjsturgeon | i formatted it in ext3 about 20 minutes ago | 22:48 |
pjsturgeon | went to get a fresh can and drop kicked the damn thing accross the room. darn usb enclosure! | 22:49 |
giovani | so copy the files there? | 22:49 |
pjsturgeon | now it beeps :-/ | 22:49 |
olcafo | I'm not a big fan of resizing partitions, although I have done it once successfully with NTFS (using the gui :P) | 22:49 |
pjsturgeon | ahh its only a bunch of media files, im not TOO bothered if it all dies (no crying but a little swearing) | 22:50 |
pjsturgeon | re-downloadable, etc. so... how to resize? | 22:50 |
olcafo | I've done it with the gui tool qtparted. Not actually sure how to do it command line.. | 22:50 |
pjsturgeon | ahh, will put my 500giger into the usb enclosure and try not to knock it accross the room. cheers guys :) | 22:51 |
olcafo | huh, the CLI tool is called "parted", go figure. http://www.gnu.org/software/parted/manual/html_mono/parted.html | 22:53 |
pjsturgeon | ha! who'd have thought | 22:53 |
pjsturgeon | cheers :) | 22:54 |
mathiaz | bdmurray: let me introduce https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingOpenldap - for reviewing pleasure... | 23:02 |
* bdmurray claps | 23:03 | |
pjsturgeon | anyone had any luck resizing a fat32 partition with parted? | 23:19 |
pjsturgeon | (parted) resize 1 0 235520 | 23:19 |
pjsturgeon | Error: Unable to satisfy all constraints on the partition | 23:19 |
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