
jfroyNo. I'm speaking about providing a port number when none was explicitly given in the URL to credential stores and for the authentication section matching process.00:01
jfroyusing the system's services database is not an ideal solution00:01
jfroyallowing the transport handlers to provide it a reliable solution00:01
jfroyultimately, somewhere, something will open a socket to a specific IP address using a specific transport layer on a specific port. That information should always be available.00:02
vilajfroy: no, you were talking about making transport convert port=None to the /etc/services one, which mwhudson is referring as *bad* because it will not respect .ssh/config00:02
jfroyNow, granted, if the transport layer is an external process, it gets messy.00:02
vilaand that's only one case, I don't remember the specifics but there were other00:03
jfroyvila: I agree with that00:03
psynapticjust thought I'd let you guys know.. restarting terminal fixed my problem00:03
vilajfroy: look at "bzr log -m 'default port'" for previous attempt and when it was abandoned (with references to bugs that may provides better information than my failing memory :)00:07
jfroyvila: yeah I intend to. Pragmatically speaking, I wrote a patch way back when for the http transport handlers to provide a port number.00:08
jfroyAnd since the credential stores are ignored the the ssh transport layer, that may be a pragmatic approach to fix part of the problem.00:08
jfroyOr I may just move the fallback to the keychain store and tell people to not specify a port for default port http sections.00:09
jfroy*are ignored for the ssh transport layer00:09
vilajfroy: http is different from other protocols regarding authentication as it's the only one where the socket is opened *before* authentication is attempted, but for the general case you can as well, use getservbyname in your wrapper when port==None00:11
jfroyvila: yes, but it's highly unlikely the keychain store would be useful for anything else than http.00:11
jfroyI'm interested in covering the 90% case :p00:12
vilajfroy, then better do that without requiring a bzr modification :-P00:13
jfroyI don't disagree there :p00:14
jfroyBut, if a simple patch can allow other people to benefit, why not?00:15
jfroy(assuming it ends up being a simple patch)00:15
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rockyjelmer: ever seen  a sha1knitcorrupt error ? :(00:43
jelmerrocky, yeah00:49
rockyjelmer: i'm getting that on one of my branches that came from a bzr-svn branch00:52
jelmerrocky, created with lp:bzr-svn ?00:53
rockynot sure00:53
rockycould have been00:53
rockyjelmer: i'm running a script i found that is supposed to clean up some sha1 corrupt issues but it's reporting not being able to find an inventory.kndx ... ever seen that?01:03
jelmerrocky, that looks like a bzrlib issue01:03
rockyright now i'm just trying to salvage a few important revs but even bzr diff is failing01:04
jelmerit sounds like a clean "bzr clone" would fix it01:05
rockyso what's the diff between "bzr branch" and "bzr clone" then?01:06
luksthere is no difference01:09
rockyi branched into a new repo and there's still no inventory.kndx ...01:11
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lifelessrocky: current formats do not use kndx files01:24
rockylifeless: ah01:25
rockyjelmer: when i run "bzr check -v" on a repo i get "7 inconsistent parents" is that typical?01:25
rockythat repo works fine btw01:25
rockyactually i'm getting 1 ghost revision, 1 revision missing parents in ancestry, and 7 inconsistent parents01:26
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rockyjelmer: this is on a fresh new repo and checking out svn+https://dev.serverzen.com/svn/cluemapper/ClueBzrServer/trunk   :(01:28
rockyjelmer: i guess that svn repo has legacy corrupted bzr trunk problems ;(01:28
jelmerrocky, the check results you mentioned aren't problems01:29
rockyjelmer: bzr reconcile blows up01:29
jelmerrocky, how?01:29
rockyjelmer: http://paste.plone.org/2684101:31
lifelessmwhudson: try bbc again, with updated branches; should be faster still01:33
jelmerrocky, you've hit bug 33674901:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 336749 in bzr-svn "reconcile raises a KeyError on a fresh branch" [High,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33674901:33
rockyjelmer: looks related to bug #33674901:33
rockylol yeah01:33
SamBjelmer: I would have to build baz myself, I think ... that is, it isn't in Debian anymore.01:46
SamBjelmer: anyway, I doubt I have room to do a full arch->git conversion of emacs myself, so I guess the point is moot ;-)01:48
jfroyvila: thanks for the review, I can address some of those.01:56
vilajfroy: np02:03
jfroyI didn't update the netrc plug-in tests because I considered them outside the scope of the patch.02:05
* SamB wonders how jelmer will deal with bug 34019502:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 340195 in bzr-svn "NoSuchRevision: KnitPackRepository('file:///home/naesten/hacking/fbug/.bzr/repository/') has no revision ('svn-v4:e969d3be-0e28-0410-a27f-dd5c76401a8b:branches/readme.txt:249',) during bzr svn-import --incremental --keep http://fbug.googlecode.com/svn/ fbug " [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34019502:05
jfroyI dislike "grab bag" patches that change a bunch of unrelated things.02:05
jelmerSamB, already fixed :-)02:06
SamBwhat did you decide to do about it?02:07
jelmerit was a one-line patch02:07
SamB(I assume that readme.txt was being moved into a branch?)02:07
jelmerSamB, no, it was just a file appearing in a place where bzr-svn expected a branch02:08
SamBoh, was that all ?02:08
SamBthen why did it fail a few revisions later than 249 ?02:08
* SamB puzzled02:08
jelmerbecause it was a bug :-)02:08
jelmerbzr-svn was only some of those cases02:09
jelmerlifeless, what does your latest patch fix?02:14
SamBjelmer: oh, when does the tag import happen?02:15
jelmerSamB, at the end02:18
SamBjelmer: does only svn-import do it ?02:19
jelmerSamB, bzr branch / bzr pull too02:19
lifelessjelmer: more specifics please02:20
jelmerlifeless, exactly02:21
SamBjelmer: oh, and I think you don't emphasize enough that `bzr svn-import' creates the same kind of branches as `bzr branch'02:21
lifelessjelmer: I don't know what my latest patch is02:23
jelmerlifeless, The one with the few details :-)02:23
jelmerlifeless, "Tada!"02:23
jelmerSamB, I'm not sure, branches are branches02:24
SamBjelmer: well, you make it sound too much like a static conversion tool, I guess02:25
jelmerlifeless, did you see my reply to your comment about default-rich-root02:26
SamBmight just be the name02:26
SamBbut, well, the wikipage is so sparse that there isn't much else to gather information from02:27
lifelessjelmer: it does what the subject said :)02:28
lifelessjelmer: subjects are often displayed by mail clients:)02:28
* SamB wishes the SVN protocol weren't so danged slow for imports02:28
lifelessjelmer: I don't think I saw your comment, no02:28
jelmerSamB, which bzr-svn version are you using?02:28
jelmerlifeless, I guess I should rephrase02:29
SamBjelmer: I pulled it a few minutes ago from lp:bzr-svn02:29
jelmerlifeless, what things does it fix?02:29
SamBthe SVN protocol just wasn't designed for streaming revision history, that's all02:29
SamB(well, especially not over HTTP, I guess ...)02:30
lifelessjelmer: it makes the flag on the format be accurate02:30
jelmerlifeless, it doesn't e.g. help with texts with ghost parents in pack repos?02:31
lifelessjelmer: no idea; it was inconsistent, I'm fixing it02:31
jelmerlifeless: ah, thanks02:31
jelmerlifeless, I was hoping it fixed the text ghost parent issue02:38
* SamB wonders why bzr tags needs a branch02:49
spivSamB: because tags are stored on a branch02:51
* SamB wonders why he isn't seeing any tags in his putty import03:10
lifelessmwhudson: ping03:58
mwhudsonlifeless: hi03:58
mwhudsonlifeless: log -v --short is much quicker in this bzr-gc-chk255 branch now :)_04:00
mwhudsonlifeless: like maybe twice as fast as --1.904:02
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mwhudsonmm, a bit less than twice as fast04:17
mwhudsonbut a lot faster :)04:17
lifelessmwhudson: so how is loggerhead04:22
mwhudsonlifeless: i haven't tested it specifically yet, been hacking on it in other ways today04:23
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mwhudsontoday, i will mostly be stabbing firefox04:37
gotgenesHow can I tell what files Bazaar *is* tracking?04:37
Peng_gotgenes: "bzr inventory", I guess04:37
gotgenesPeng_: Yep, that works. Thanks.04:38
mwhudsongotgenes: also ls --versioned04:38
gotgenesmwhudson: that works too. thanks04:42
mwhudson(i think commands like inventory, ignored, unknowns are gently deprecated in favour of ls --option)04:42
mwhudsongotgenes: i'd be lost without my "bzr ls --versioned --null | xargs -0 grep dsadas" commands :)04:43
lifelessmwhudson: 'bzr search'04:49
lifelessmwhudson: I think I have your conversion issues fixed05:32
lifelessmwhudson: pushing soon, once this test completes05:32
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mwhudsonlifeless: cool05:38
gotgenesIs there a way to get colorized output from bzr commands?05:42
bob2bzrtools has cdiff05:42
bob2in general no05:42
gotgenesbob2: fair enough05:45
elbenI want to share my dot-files (.vimrc, etc) across all my machines. what do you think the best way of doing this is?05:48
gotgeneselben: That's what I do.05:51
gotgenesCreate symbolic links from your home directory to a branch directory05:51
elbenyou just set up a repo with your home folder being the root folder?05:51
gotgeneselben: naw05:52
gotgenesthat gets messy05:52
elben@gotgenes: hah that just came to mind!05:52
bob2it doesn't get very messy05:52
gotgenesbob2: bzr status gets messy05:52
bob2I've been doing that for 4 years or so05:52
elbenhum.. the machines at my univ doesn't have bzr installed =(05:53
gotgeneselben: if they have Python, you should be fine05:53
elben  alright, i'll try it out05:59
elbenthanks for the tips05:59
lifelessmwhudson: pull groupcompress06:00
lifelessmwhudson: it plus the preior fix I gave  you (with a curret bbc branch) will probably be enough06:01
mwhudsonlifeless: do i need to scrap my half-done branch, or can i pull on top of that?06:01
lifelessmwhudson: scrap it06:01
mwhudsonlifeless: what was the fix you gave me again?06:04
mwhudsonor at least, which file was it in\06:04
mwhudsoncan you pastebin the diff?06:05
mwhudsonor tell me the line number06:05
lifelessactually that fix is not relevant now, you need:06:06
pooliejames_w: could you land my patch in https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-crypto/+bug/337073 or prod it along?06:07
ubottuUbuntu bug 337073 in python-crypto "python-crypto uses sha module that's deprecated in python2.6" [Medium,Confirmed]06:07
james_wpoolie: I can't land it, but I can make sure it is in the correct place06:08
lifelessmwhudson: you probably want to pull 1000 revisions at a time06:14
lifelessmwhudson: we're uhm, a little too efficient at the moment :P06:14
lifelessjam: http://paste.ubuntu.com/129110/06:21
BasicOSXHello #bzr, looknig for guidance on where to push the 1.13rc1 for release? I'm "stuck" on step #7, submitting changes to PQM. Any help?06:29
james_wBasicOSX: hey, there is no branch yet, Robert is on it06:30
james_wBasicOSX: however, it's a bit more tricky as your key isn't known to PQM06:30
james_wBasicOSX: if you make your branch available somewhere I will submit it on your behalf06:30
BasicOSXLet me push it to my local area, back in a couple06:31
BasicOSXjames_w:  ok, push underway, will /poke you when complete06:35
schmichaeldoes bzr have an "outgoing" type command to see what commits would be applied in a push?06:43
spivschmichael: "bzr missing --mine-only"06:43
schmichaelspiv: perfect!  thanks!06:44
BasicOSXjames_w:  prepare-1.13 here => http://bazaar.frostmage.org/prepare-1.13/06:54
BasicOSXShall I continue with the announcement or should I wait for PQM ?06:56
james_wI'll submit now, but it may take some time, so you can work on other things in the meantime06:57
mwhudsonlifeless: global name 'key' is not defined :(06:59
* mwhudson changes it to 'keys'07:00
mwhudsonand finally 'chunks'07:00
lifelessmwhudson: diff please07:10
devilsadvocatehi, I´m trying to get rid of this ¨Server does not support bazaar protocol 3, reconnecting¨. I´m using the latest bzr in the Debian Lenny repo. Is there any sane way I can either upgrade the server or force clients into Protocol < 3 so that the password doesnt have to be entered twice? (*very annoying)07:13
Peng_Are there up-to-date debs for Debian? The Ubuntu ones would probably work, but..07:14
devilsadvocatei have no idea. which bzr version did network protocol 3 come in?07:15
* devilsadvocate is not sure if its a configuration issue07:15
devilsadvocatei have 1.5-1.107:16
devilsadvocatewhich is probably bzr 1.507:17
lifelessdevilsadvocate: 1.6 will solve this.07:18
lifeless1.12 is current, 1.13 is entering rc as we speak :)07:18
* devilsadvocate grumbles about debian stable07:19
devilsadvocatelifeless, thanks07:19
devilsadvocatei´ll look into trying to install it manuall07:19
spivdevilsadvocate: also, using an SSH key agent will save you typing in your password so often.07:19
spivdevilsadvocate: but I believe the bzr PPA has packages that should work on debian stable.07:20
devilsadvocatespiv, i use ssh keys, but i´ve got 60 people who dont know the first thing about version control and ssh keys to train, so..07:20
devilsadvocatespiv, is it possible to use ssh keys from windows? im using the bzr+ssh transport and the windows binary installer for bzr07:21
lifelessmwhudson: ping07:21
spivdevilsadvocate: there's a key agent for putty IIRC.  "pagent"?07:21
devilsadvocatespiv, hm. I´m not sure what ssh agent is being used. let me find a vanilla windows install and try that out. I dont think putty is being used anywhere... installing bzr + tortoise seemed to have installed some ssh agent as well07:23
mwhudsonlifeless: hi07:24
lifelessmwhudson: pastebin the changes you made?07:25
mwhudsonlifeless: 'key' only appears once in _inventory_xml_lines_for_keys07:25
lifelessmwhudson: got that, and fixed07:26
mwhudsonthat's all the changes i made07:26
mwhudsonpull -r 1000 worked07:26
lifelessoh chunks comment was unrelated?07:26
mwhudsonpull -r 2000 is still grinding away07:26
mwhudsonlifeless: i changed key to chunks07:26
mwhudsonas the other things i tried didn't work07:26
lifelessmwhudson: I need to see a diff07:27
lifelessmwhudson: as I don't understand07:27
mwhudsonlifeless: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/129129/07:27
mwhudsonah, -r 2000 completed07:28
* mwhudson kicks off -r 300007:28
lifelessright, yes, record.key[-1]is the right incantaiton07:28
lifelessmwhudson: after it finishes, do 'bzr pack'07:29
mwhudsonbzr: ERROR: Revision {('dirstate.py-20060728012006-d6mvoihjb3je9peu-1', 'mbp@sourcefrog.net-20070401013825-zggofbeun985u2ri')} not present in "<bzrlib.plugins.groupcompress.groupcompress.GroupCompressVersionedFiles object at 0x2fbddd0>".07:30
mwhudsonagain :/07:30
mwhudsonoh, didn't pack first07:31
lifelessmwhudson: thats odd and shouldn't have happened07:32
BasicOSXCan someone with ops please update the topic to '1.13rc1 released 10 Mar'07:37
mwhudsonlifeless: maybe you should try it :)07:38
lifelessmwhudson: I am07:39
lifeless2.4G of output so far07:39
mwhudsonmaybe i did something wrong then07:40
james_wlifeless: I have submitted the changes to the 1.13 branch and PQM seems to have ignored it. I got no email, and there is no new revision, and nothing in its queue apparently. Is there any way to debug this?07:40
lifelessmwhudson: did you delete the repository you were fetching into?07:40
mwhudsonmany times07:40
mwhudsoni don't know if i did this very last time07:40
lifelessjames_w: you probably haven't managed to get the mail out of your laptop07:40
james_wI have07:40
pooliewoo way to go BasicOSX!07:44
BasicOSXAttempting to update pypi and "Server response (403): You are not allowed to store 'bzr' package information" anyone have auth to give me privs to update?07:47
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james_wBasicOSX: http://pqm.bazaar-vcs.org/ <- merging now, sorry for the delay07:47
BasicOSXjames_w:  np, ever sit on hold with a "normal" commercial software vendor? Service here is amazing!07:48
james_wheh :-)07:48
=== spiv changed the topic of #bzr to: Bazaar version control system | 1.13rc1 released 10 Mar | http://bazaar-vcs.org | http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ | http://planet.bazaar-vcs.org/
spivBasicOSX: topic updated07:49
BasicOSXspiv:  ty07:50
Peng_Congrats on the release (candidate), BasicOSX & everyone. :)07:50
BasicOSX1.13 should go smoother as now my feet are wet and I did not drown on my first attempt :-)07:51
d-bhi is there a good gui for bzr ?08:11
AfCd-b: there are several.08:16
d-byes ?08:17
d-bany that i can use to link into konqueror / nautilus gui ?08:17
spivd-b: there's a qbzr plugin (which tortoise-bzr on windows uses, I believe), and bzr-gtk has optional nautilus integration.08:26
d-bi have got bzr-gtk ... i wanted a gui manager ^^08:27
spivd-b: try the nautilus integration bzr-gtk.  There's a readme about it in the source.08:33
pooliei'm craving a quick review of https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mbp/bzr-email/335332-starttls/+merge/433108:53
pooliehm needs diffs08:53
poolielifeless: ^^ diffs added, really easy08:54
lifelessmwhudson: it converted for me08:59
lifeless37MB total08:59
nagsmy friend tries bazaar from windows and getting this error message09:01
nagsany clues ?09:01
mwhudsonlifeless: i don't know what i'm doing wrong then09:01
nagsC:\Python25\Scripts\racetrack1.0>bzr launchpad-login jwgreen09:01
nagsbzr: ERROR: Connection error: curl connection error (SSL certificate problem, ve09:01
nagsrify that the CA cert is OK. Details:09:01
nagserror:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify faile09:01
nagson https://launchpad.net/%7Ejwgreen/%2Bsshkeys09:01
mwhudsonlifeless: can you upload it to rookery or something?09:01
lifelessmwhudson: sure09:01
lifelessmwhudson: upload bandwidth sucky, will upload overnight09:28
lifelessmwhudson: 37MB is 27MB09:28
lifelessbah, 3  in the second part :P09:29
mwhudsonlifeless: cool, it's not like i'm going to do anything tonight :)09:29
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johnfanyone working on 13rc1 packages for bzr-beta-ppa yet? If not I'll start11:26
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lifelessjohnf: doit11:52
shledbeginners question: is it safe to remove a branch's directory after merging it into the main line?11:53
beunoshled, yeap, should be11:55
shledbeuno: thanks!11:55
* beuno waves at lifeless from Cape Town11:56
* shled happily frees some disk space11:56
thecookieNew to bzr. I just set up a master branch on a server, I branched it locally. Doing some code changes, commit it. Now it's commited to my local main branch, right? So to push it back to the master branch I do a push?12:04
thecookieAfter I've done a push, the master branch server needs to do an update to get the changes. That's why there is a push-and-update plugin, right? Is there any other way of doing it, or is that "the" way of doing it?12:05
lifelessbeuno: nice12:07
lifelessthecookie: generally you don't need to have a up to date tree on the master for other people to pull from it12:08
thecookielifeless: Well, the project I'm working with is a web page, and the same server hosting it is also hosting the page via http. That's why I want to update it. Maybe the post commit hook is triggerd on a push?12:09
lifelessthecookie: for that, most folk use the 'bzr-upload' plugin I think12:10
lifelessthecookie: the post-tip-branch-change hook is fired on the server after a push if you are using bzr+ssh12:10
thecookieI'm using bzr+ssh, yeah. But it seems to be a bit of overhead. First I push changes to the server, then I upload them too?12:12
thecookieI didn't read up on the upload plugin tho. Maybe I should :)12:14
johnflifeless: At some stage I'll need write access to the lp:~bzr/bzr/packaging-hardy is it possible to get access to those as a bzr-beta member? Or should I just create my own branches and propose merges?12:15
thecookieYeah, seems to work like I thought. Seems stupid to upload the changes twice12:15
thecookieI guess push-and-update fits me thetter then, just wanted to check if there was a "correct" way to do it12:16
Jc2kwg /812:18
lifelessthecookie: in general update can fail because of local edits; bzr-upload kind of fits the model better; anyhow - as long as you're happy thats great12:21
lifelessjohnf: we can fix permissions on tha tbranch - move it to ~bzr-beta-ppa or whatever12:22
lifelessjohnf: let me know tomorrow ;P12:22
johnflifeless: ok cool12:22
lifelessJc2k: :)12:22
thecookielifeless: The master server will never have local edits12:22
thecookieIt's pretty much just the "main branch" hosted for others12:23
OllieRis it possible to cancel a pending merge?12:51
OllieRon this branch it looks like someone has done a local ci and then done an up12:51
OllieRso the changes are showing as pending merge but I just want to remove them12:51
OllieRWhats the best way to do this?12:52
jelmerOllieR, bzr revert12:52
OllieRjelmer: thanks12:54
johnfcan someone test http://inodes.org/johnf/debs/bzr_1.13~rc1-1~bazaar1~intrepid1_i386.deb before I upload to the beta ppa?13:19
rockyif i merge from branch A into branch B ... and later on i merge from branch B into branch C ... how does the history on branch C reflect the original changes from branch A ?13:45
rockyi mean does it show up as a merge commit coming from A ?13:46
rockylifeless: don't suppose you know if the streaming feature for bzr push to a bzr url works over bzr+http:// as well?14:04
* SamB wonders why jelmer did a release of bzr-svn that depends on an unreleased version of bzr14:21
rockySamB: latest release of bzr-svn should work with released bzr-1.13rc1 no ?14:22
SamBrocky: oh, that's a release ?14:22
rockybazaar release notes says it is14:22
rockyi haven't actually downloaded it tho14:22
SamBnevermind then14:22
saulushi, how do I change the "parent branch", this one is deleted and I want to set the parent branch to the submit branch14:42
saulusfunny - as soon as i send my request it works 0o14:43
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jelmerSamB, the API is frozen now there's a RC out16:03
jelmerSamB, that's always a good moment to release bzr-svn, otherwise people need to wait for one after 1.13 is released16:03
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KangOlHow to clean the history of a branch after doing a "bzr split" ??16:48
KangOlI want to strip out all unrelated log history16:49
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nathanhammondHokay, so. I'm in both this and Mercurial's room and am asking the same question in both places. Why should I choose Bazaar over Hg at this point in time for new projects?17:18
nathanhammond(With the continued improvements I've seen on both sides, the BzrVsHg comparison is out of date.)17:19
nathanhammondI've been using Git for a while now, but in a mixed environment (Windows) it is hard(/impossible) to justify using it.17:19
eferraiuoloI'm wondering if there is a command to remove all *.~1~ backup files that got created on accident? I forgot to add the --no-backup argument to the bzr revert command17:36
TakI personally chose bzr over other DVCSs because: I know it will run anywhere python will run, it has good support for a lot of different workflows, bzr devs are constantly working on better merging and more efficient storage, and support by ubuntu/launchpad17:39
maxbeferraiuolo: bzr clean-tree might help. Or, there's always plain old find.17:40
Takfind . -regex '.*\.~[0-9]+~$' -execdir rm {} \;17:40
nathanhammondTak: thanks for your comments. Is there any particular workflow that stands out?17:40
nathanhammond(I'm coming from Git, needing something that runs as a non-second-class citizen on Windows)17:41
Takfor me, no particular one by itself, but every project has its own workflow17:41
maxbI think the point about workflow is that if you want to pretend you're still using a centralized SCM, you can?17:41
Takand I've yet to find one that is uncomfortable with bzr17:41
nathanhammondI am trying to train centralized out of the rest of the team in baby steps.17:42
eferraiuolomaxb: thanks17:43
jelmerKangOl, History isn't really changable.17:44
PieterTak: heavy rebasing / cherry-picking doesn't work very well with bzr17:45
devilsadvocateTak, there are loads of them17:46
* Tak shrug17:46
devilsadvocatenathanhammond, best of luck doing that17:46
Tak"I haven't found any" != "They don't exist" ;-)17:46
devilsadvocateTak, nathanhammond : theres always _some_ part of the team thats wants to do thing "the other way"17:47
Takit's true17:47
TakI've spent years migrating my dept from (vault||nothing) => svn17:48
nathanhammonddevilsadvocate, Tak: fortunately, there are two camps they're coming from: svn locally, and the "copy a folder, edit" approach17:48
nathanhammondglobally there isn't anything17:48
nathanhammondand that is one of my responsibilities17:48
Takis it too late to murder the copy/edit group?17:48
jelmerPieter, Cherrypicking only works well with darcs unfortunately :-/17:48
devilsadvocateTak, you'd be killing off half your team, if not more17:49
nathanhammondbe nice! web developers, the lot of 'em.17:49
nathanhammondSCM-managed websites seems to be a kinda new thing17:50
devilsadvocatenathanhammond, you and i have a very unenviable job. the hope is that the univers shall one day repay us17:50
nathanhammonddevilsadvocate: I'm simply hoping that things aren't so entrenched that it is possible to get people to buy in17:51
nathanhammondthe problem is that the team actually has decent incremental hourly backups that has been serving as their version control.17:52
nathanhammond"why do I need SCM when..."17:52
nathanhammondin any case, I'll figure it out.17:53
devilsadvocatenathanhammond, its not so much entrenched in a different camp, its more of a "is this really worth my time and effort as this really great effort"17:53
devilsadvocate*really gread programmer"17:54
* devilsadvocate really needs sleep17:54
devilsadvocateif you ask me, the easier way would be to let it bite them in the face one day and let take it up voluntarily17:55
nathanhammondthat worked at the last job17:55
nathanhammondrm -rf is not a friend17:56
devilsadvocaterm -rf is the lesser of devils17:56
devilsadvocatea simple backup will do the job, you dont need version control17:57
nathanhammondold job: no backups17:57
nathanhammondgit's distributed SCM to the rescue on 3 of 4 projects (since I set them up)17:57
devilsadvocateno, the fun time comes when its time to deliver and you realize different parts of the groups were working on different code, as in, different checkouts from a no-exisiting tree and that they all dont work together17:57
nathanhammondfourth project lost a week, since that was the last time it got pushed live17:58
nathanhammondouch. no thanks.17:58
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alefterishi all! are symlinks added in the bzr repo? if they are how can I remove them, I tried with bzr remove but that didn't work18:22
kfogelsanity check: bzr versions directories as first-class objects, right?  I mean, that's how it's always appeared to me, but I want to make sure I'm not missing any gotchas.18:30
kfogelluks: thanks18:30
luksdirectories are just a different kind of 'inventory items'18:30
clementealefteris: yes, they are added. There is some trouble in removing them; for instance see: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/236149   . I have added there a link to a workaround18:37
ubottuUbuntu bug 236149 in bzr ""Error: Not a branch" when trying to revert a symlink" [Low,Triaged]18:37
alefterisclemente, thanks. another thing: with the symlink added, will I be able to check out to a windows machine?18:44
clementealefteris: I don't know that; I suppose yes, you can, but I don't know what will be checked out. Maybe the same file twice?18:58
clemente(however, some messages in the Internet speak about getting just an error...)19:01
alefterisclemente, ok thanks a lot19:05
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eferraiuoloI got the following message when doing a checkout of a branch on over HTTP:19:44
eferraiuoloGot a 200 response when asking for multiple ranges, does your server at localhost:8080 support range requests?19:44
eferraiuoloWill bzr still function if the server doesn't support multiple range requests?19:45
eferraiuoloi.e. will my branch be fine even though bzr wrote that message during the checkout?19:45
mwhudsonit's a performance thing, not a correctness thing19:48
eferraiuolomwhudson: thanks for the insight19:48
mwhudsonreboot, brb19:50
pgegaI am working on the bazaar-based audit script that watches some various dirs for changes and commits the to the repo.19:55
pgegaIs there any way tor relocate repository (.bzr) from working dir using bzrlib ?19:56
Spazdoes bzr have a command to copy files?19:57
bob2afaik only svn does20:05
Spazhg does too20:05
LarstiQwhat are the semantics in hg?20:06
LarstiQfor merge, and log?20:06
LarstiQSpaz: does a copy get updated with changes on the copied from?20:06
Spaznot in hg.20:06
Spazyou can make a symlink though20:06
Spazwhich effectively does the same thing.20:07
bob2what's the point then? :)20:07
LarstiQSpaz: iirc, afaik, the semantics of copy never became crystal clear20:08
Spazbob2, https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/26909520:08
ubottuUbuntu bug 269095 in bzr "bzr missing "cp" command for forking files /w history" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:08
LarstiQSpaz: and implementing it halfbaked would give false promises and trouble etc20:09
Spazcopy should copy the file along with its revision history20:09
LarstiQSpaz: but the developers aren't opposed to copy, if someone does the work :)20:09
LarstiQSpaz: that's only one part of it.20:09
LarstiQSpaz: how does it interact with the rest of the tool?20:09
LarstiQthis is all my recollection from the past20:10
Spazahh. i see.20:10
Spazi would do this but i'm not familiar enough with bzr's internals.20:10
* LarstiQ doesn't know if there is a different current status20:10
LarstiQSpaz: that we can help with20:11
* Spaz will give this a shot since he has so much free time today20:13
Spazalthough this will certainly take a few days.20:14
Spazprobably a week. :p20:14
LarstiQSpaz: I'd be impressed if you get it done in that time :)20:32
LarstiQSpaz: will buy you a beverage of your choice when we meet :)20:32
LarstiQjelmer: will you upload 0.5.3 to ppas, or ok if I do that?20:36
jelmerLarstiQ, go for it :-)20:36
jelmerLarstiQ, and thanks (-:20:37
LarstiQjelmer: you'll have to wait till tomorrow though20:37
SpazLarstiQ, i wrote 900 LOC this week. :p20:40
Spaz(according to sloccount)20:40
LarstiQSpaz: I'm afraid that's not where the problem is going to lie20:45
LarstiQSpaz: but don't let me be pessimistic, I should cheer you on \o/20:45
SpazLarstiQ, trust me, much of this code wasn't trivial :p20:46
Spazi'm just insane though.20:46
LarstiQSpaz: cool :)20:56
mwhudsonmm, multiply_tests looks a lot nicer than what we do in lp today :)21:40
OllieRHey I am setting up a bzr repo for centralised workflow. I have done mkdir /src/bzr/ I was then planning on doing bzr init-repo -treeless /srv/bzr and creating subdirs such as applications and websites which I would do bzr init in e.g. bzr init /srv/bzr/websites/example.com/main/22:06
OllieRWhat I guess thought it is it best to just do bzr init-repo on the dir /srv/bzr or should i do it on the specific project branches22:07
OllieRe.g. bzr repo-init /srv/bzr/websites/example.com/22:07
OllieRI am going to need to give write/read access on various dirs/branches to various people. Wondering if having a repo for each project would help me do this or whether I have missed something/got confused22:08
verterokOllieR: if you create a repo in /src/bzr/ all users must have write access in that dir22:09
OllieRverterok: which means all users could write to all branches22:14
OllieRwhich is not really what i want so i will do a bzr init-repo for each project22:14
OllieRneed to also look into giving public access via http22:17
OllieRi guess i can just add an apache vhost and let users checkout via http://22:18
OllieRthen write access doesn't come into it22:18
johnflifeless: So I have bzr 1.13rc1 packages ready to upload. But there isn't a new bzrtools yet so I'm hesitant to upload it. Since this was one of my biggest issues ie the packages in the ppa being out of sync22:34
lifelessjohnf: thats fair enough.. perhaps abentley: can do a release today; though we are sprinting :)22:35
kousuWhat does diverge mean to bzr?22:39
kousuI was able to pull a branch and have it merge changes, but now I keep getting "branches have diverged".22:40
bob2pure bzr or does it involve svn?22:42
jmlradix: regarding bug 15200822:43
kousupure bzr22:43
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/152008/+text)22:43
jmlradix: I was wondering, do the Twisted community _really_ need that? You could probably hack buildbot up to do a PQM-style "only land if tests pass" thing.22:44
mwhudsonlifeless: lp:bzr-search was broken by the removal of adapt_tests22:48
radixyeaaaah well22:50
radixthat's another thing to do22:51
radixjml: but it still doesn't solve the problem22:51
jmlradix: it might make it less pressing.22:51
radixjml: I mean, it's pretty easy to introduce tests which spuriously fail22:51
radixyeah, true22:51
radixwe could do the lose-history hack22:51
radixwhen we really need to revert22:51
mwhudsoni wonder if you could have the reverting process insert a revprop22:52
jmlradix: so, we do revert revisions from time to time from the Launchpad tree.22:52
radixjml: well, and the other thing is that we still can't switch to an "only land if the tests pass" because of *current* sporadic tests22:52
mwhudsonthat merge would notice when you merge trunk into the feature branch22:52
radixmwhudson: that's how I was imagining the solution would look22:52
jmlradix: right. there are things you can do there, but they mostly require either fixing the tests or policy changes.22:53
mwhudsonAssertionError: Failed doctest test for bzrlib.branchbuilder.BranchBuilder22:54
mwhudsonbecause i didn't let it have my passphrase :(22:54
jmlradix: sporadic tests could be marked todo, for example22:55
jmlradix: but still, there's a bzr bug, and we should fix it :)22:55
lifelessmwhudson: yes, I have a fix just need to upload it :P22:56
ubottuUbuntu bug 321320 in bzr "bzrlib.branchbuilder tests run GPG (not isolated enough)" [Undecided,New]22:56
mwhudsonlifeless: oh good22:56
lifelessmwhudson: give the bzr.dev.chk copy a spin, you'll want to rsync22:56
lifeless-> sprint now22:56
mwhudsonlifeless: other priorities right now, but will do22:57
mwhudsonoh, i have a bazaar branch i want landing in a sec :)22:57
lifelessmwhudson: ok23:10
mwhudsonlifeless: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/129561/23:11
mwhudsonlifeless: it just extracts the creation of the branch format scenarios out of load_tests23:11
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lifelessmwhudson: looks fine to me23:24
mwhudsonlifeless: cool, i sent a bundle off, but it doesn't seem to have made it to the list yet23:24
lifelessyou chave commit rights yeha?23:29
mwhudsonthough of course i can't change launchpad to use this until after i land bzr.dev into sourcecode23:31
mwhudsonbut well23:31
mwhudsonlifeless: the branch is at https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mwhudson/bzr/extract-make-branch-scenarios fwiw23:33
mwhudsonand the bundle here: http://people.ubuntu.com/~mwh/extract-make-branch-scenarios-4109.patch23:35
spivApparently calling fsync is more important under ext4: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/317781/comments/5423:35
ubottuUbuntu bug 317781 in linux "Ext4 data loss" [High,Confirmed]23:35
blueyedIs there a better way to get a revisions log message than $(bzr log -r $rev --long | grep '^  ' | sed 's/^  //') ?23:45
kousublueyed: what's wrong with bzr log -r $rev?23:46
blueyedkousu: I only want the message (for a script).23:47
blueyedok, the "--long" is not required (since it's default).. but anyway..23:47
kousuYou could bzr log -r $rev --short | tail -n +2 but that's not much better23:51
kousuOr you could write a bzr plugin that gives you just the log messages23:51
kousuBut what you've got already is probably as good as either of those23:51
blueyedok, thanks, kousu. It would break however when the amount of spaces changes.. :/23:52
kousuSo give up on shell and write it in python? str.strip for the win23:53
blueyedwell, sure. I could strip it in shell, too - but it's used for detecting the message, too. therefore "--short"/tail is an improvement already.23:54

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