
dwelchI have a question about launchpadlib  - how do you retrieve bugs and answers for a specific project?00:09
dwelchOnce I have lauchpad.project["<project name>"] I don't see any thing that provides a collection of bugs or answers related to that project with iterating through all bugs using launchpad.bugs00:11
Ursinhahi dwelch, answers are not supported by launchpadlib00:14
cjwatsondwelch: I don't know about answers, but for bugs, remember that it's actually bug tasks that are filed on a project, not the bug itself00:14
Ursinhaabout the bugs, you may want to search on the api docs for the searchTasks method00:14
cjwatsondwelch: so use the ... what Ursinha said00:14
dwelchare answers going to be added to the API in the future?00:14
MTecknologyUrsinha: hi00:16
MTecknologyUrsinha: pm - let's get that bot working00:16
intellec`dwelch: i don't think it's currently in the plans, but if you have a specific need, go ahead and file a bug, that way we'll know to prioritize it00:17
cjwatsondwelch: bug 28992600:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 289926 in launchpad-answers "API does not expose answer support tracker" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28992600:18
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intellectronicadwelch: as for your previous question - you can call searchTasks() on a project to get all, or some of, the bugs pertaining to it00:19
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dwelchI have a need similar to what is expressed in 28992600:20
intellectronicadwelch: why don't you mark yourself as affected by that bug, then :)00:20
dwelchOK, will do00:21
intellectronicabut don't hold your breath. afaik there are no plans to export answers in the next few milestones00:21
dwelchSorry to hear that... I am assuming I could also get to the answer data using the web services API, so I may have to go that route00:22
dwelchThanks for the help with searchTasks(), I will give that a go00:24
intellectronicadwelch: well, no, you can't, that's exactly what that bug is about, no?00:25
intellectronicadwelch: b.t.w do you know of https://launchpad.net/+apidoc ?00:25
dwelchWell, yeah, thats the API I was referring to00:25
dwelchanswers aren't available via that method either?00:26
cjwatsonlaunchpadlib is a client wrapper for the stuff at launchpad.net/+apidoc00:28
cjwatsoni.e. it's basically the same method00:28
dwelchOK, got it, I thought that the web services API was a superset and that launchpadlib was "catching up" to it00:28
dwelchI guess I will have to resort to screen scraping...00:29
dwelchthanks for the help00:31
intellectronicadwelch: sorry we can't help with that for now00:31
dwelchno problem, I understand completely...00:31
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pooliejml, beuno, if you're here00:47
poolie1.  <poolie> beuno: if __name__ == 'bzrlib.plugins.loggerhead':00:47
pooliefrom https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~loggerhead-team/loggerhead/loggerhead-plugin/+merge/309500:47
pooliewhat does that mean? that line is already in the source code00:48
pooliei mean, what do you want me to do to effect that change?00:48
jmlpoolie: I don't know.00:56
pooliei think i already did them00:58
poolieso i'll merge it00:58
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pooliejml bug 34029101:41
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/340291/+text)01:41
rockstarSomeone needs to teach ubottu about the Launchpad API01:52
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kolgeDudes and duddetes, if there's anybody here dealing with Translators Group, could you please take a look at question 62595 ? It's been sitting there since 02/28, and there's been no progress. My next and last resort will be to email the mailing list. Thank you in advance.03:58
thumperkolge: try danilos, jtv, or henning04:05
MTecknologyIs it bad when LP starts to feel like a second IRC?04:30
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beunogooood morning06:45
wgrantbeuno: Are you channeling mpt?06:47
jmlbeuno: good morning!06:47
jmlbeuno: I am full of interesting questions for you :)06:48
wgrantOr does 'o' proliferation go with UI designers? :P06:48
mptwgrant, well, he is my replacement06:48
wgrantmpt: In more ways than I expected, it seems.06:49
beunowgrant, exactly. I haven't been really fulfilling my duties, so I'm trying to improve now06:50
beunohiya jml06:50
jmlbeuno: how's capetown?06:50
beunoI still have unanswewred emails  :/06:50
beunojml, it's beautiful06:51
beunovery nice weather, and some places are just amazing06:51
jmlbeuno: yeah, and also, james_w and I keep talking about things and coming up with more "ask beuno" questions06:51
beunojml, can the questions hold off til next week?06:51
jmlbeuno: yeah06:51
jmlbeuno: nothing urgent, it's just building up.06:52
beunoI should be back to "normal" next week06:52
jmlbeuno: :)06:52
beunojml, yeah, you should go over to argentina then  ;)06:52
jmlbeuno: you know, I was just thinking that :)06:52
jmlmaybe I should move all of my stuff into storage or something :)06:53
beunojml, so you know how I feel now!06:54
jmlbeuno: yeah06:55
beunojml, other than that, how have you been?06:57
jmlbeuno: pretty well.06:58
jmlbeuno: hammering out source package joy06:58
jmlrefactoring the snot out of some of our view code06:58
jmlbeuno: and I finished Love in the Time of Cholera :)06:58
beunojml, oh! that was fast. How was it?06:59
jmlbeuno: I really liked it.06:59
beunojml, 7/10? 8/10?06:59
jmlbeuno: 8/10.06:59
jmlbeuno: I don't really like rating books that way though. :)07:00
jmlbeuno: http://life.mumak.net/2009/03/book.html07:00
beunojml, a review!  even better07:01
beunoand how about those source package branch listings?07:01
jmlbeuno: we've got one up now, but it needs loving.07:01
jmlbeuno: and james_w is helping me thrash out flaws in our original ideas07:02
jmlbeuno: working on the official linking stuff this week, then back to the listing UIs next week07:03
beunojml, great. Looking forward to it.07:24
ianm_does creating a launchpad.net account create a bzr launchpad-login <username> ?  (or is there a big delay?)07:38
mwhudsonianm_: there shouldn't be a delay07:39
BigHello. What's up with that? I see following message almost everytime I want to diff bzr revisions: "Sorry, there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad server."08:41
mwhudsonBig: some revision pages cause the server grief08:43
mwhudsonBig: got a url?08:44
Bigtry this: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~dcplusplus-team/dcplusplus/trunk/revision/167708:44
mwhudsonerk, codebrowse is using heaps of ram again08:45
mwhudsonBig: try now08:45
BigI had never had such problem when we were using SubVersion on other server08:45
Bigworks, thx :)08:45
mwhudsonviewvc is a bit more battle hardened than loggerhead by now08:46
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harrisonyhey, we have an issue in #ubuntu-bugs we have bug 2462 and I tried to add upstream bug report which is bug 18293 although it didnt work out so well as you can see on 2462's report13:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 2462 in mail-notification "mail-notifcation hogging the CPU polling when internet connection lost" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/246213:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 18293 in gdm "gdm autologin doesn't" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1829313:26
harrisonyerr try bug 18292313:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 182923 in mail-notification "absence of network connection causes high CPU usage" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18292313:26
persiaNote that the upstream bug was https://savannah.nongnu.org/bugs/?18367 before Mail Notification imported their bugs to LP.13:26
gmbharrisony, what do you mean by "it didn't work out so well?"14:11
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lucalaunchpad server doesn't work for me17:37
vadi2Hi, how can I make sure that my PPA is building against ubuntu's package and not one that I had in the ppa a day ago but deleted it? it is causing problems because the program doesn't run17:39
bigjoolsyou can look at the build log17:39
vadi2I see, thakns17:43
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ivangarcia1982hi everybody, we would like to improve the rosetta sourcecode to add comments in the phrases, is there anybody of their developers here?18:01
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danilosivangarcia1982: you probably want to add comments to software that is being translated using Launchpad; for that, look at that particular software source code18:04
henningeHm, to my knowledge, source comments are displayed in rosetta.18:04
daniloshenninge: yeah, they are18:04
ivangarcia1982hello danilos, henninge, how can I add source comments and see them displayed in rosetta ?18:05
danilosivangarcia1982: yeah, you can, if they are correctly extracted into POT files, they will show up in rosetta as well18:05
danilosivangarcia1982: you can look up gettext documentation about that18:06
ivangarcia1982thks danilos, what about letting the translators add comments and the admin see them?18:07
danilosivangarcia1982: that's not possible yet, and there are no immediate plans to add that (some time in the future, yes, but we can't tell when)18:07
ivangarcia1982can we collaborate with you guys to have this done and other more features? instead of creating our own django project ?18:07
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henningeivangarcia1982: let's talk about that after 21 July ... ;)18:09
ivangarcia1982ok, thks guys, i'm willing that day to arrive18:10
henningeivangarcia1982: thanks for the offer, though!18:11
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squirrelpimphow can i remove a hardware submission associated with my username from launchpad?19:24
squirrelpimpand if that's not possible: how can i mark it private?19:24
intellectronicasquirrelpimp: you can use the webservice API to do that19:33
intellectronicawhich means you'll need to do a bit of coding. let me know if you need help with that19:34
squirrelpimpis there any userfriendly way?19:34
intellectronicasquirrelpimp: i'm afraid there isn't yet a user interface for doing that19:37
squirrelpimpk, thanks for the help19:37
intellectronicaperhaps you could ask one of the squirrels to do that for you ;)19:37
squirrelpimpmaybe i'll have a look at the api19:37
squirrelpimpheh, lol19:37
intellectronicasquirrelpimp: anyway, if you do need help, ask me or adeuring here, or file a question and assign to me19:38
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smetjhi all, is there a way to rename the projecturl? when I change display name and title, .. will that also change the url?20:13
jpdssmetj: I think you have to file a question under Launchpad to get that done.20:16
smetjjpds: ok thanks for the tip20:21
jpdssmetj: http://tinyurl.com/aa7n7p - for example.20:22
smetjaha ok, that's clear then20:24
wgrantWhy did Launchpad turn my diff orange?20:52
wgrant(the 'Diff against target' on a BMP turned orange overnight)20:52
rockstarwgrant, are there conflicts?21:05
thumperwgrant: it is stale21:06
thumperwgrant: as evident by the title21:06
thumperrockstar: conflicts make the diff red21:06
wgrantthumper: Ah, thanks.21:06
rockstarthumper, yea, I couldn't remember all the colors you picked.21:07
thumperwgrant: it means there was a commit on either the source or the target21:07
wgrantI think that should be more obvious, as it results in the diff being useless.21:07
wgrantMaybe a '(stale)' on the end?21:07
thumperwgrant: surely not useless, just stale ?21:07
thumperlike old bread21:07
wgrantthumper: For review purposes, a stale diff is pretty useless.21:07
thumperI disagree21:07
rockstarwgrant, I disagree as well.21:08
thumperit does depend on why the diff is stale21:08
thumperif it is because of a source branch commit, then yes, not as useful21:08
thumperif it is because of a target branch commit, then it is likely that not much will change21:08
wgrantAh, true.21:08
thumperbeuno: ping21:09
wgrantAh, it was outdated because the mad cronjob wanted my SSH passphrase...21:09
thumperno, it was outdated because of an extra commit somewhere21:09
wgrantI mean, it should have become up to date within half an hour.21:10
thumperah, to download the branches?21:10
wgrantthumper: Yes.21:11
wgrantI wonder if I can force it to use HTTP...21:11
thumperwgrant: yes with a little hacking21:12
thumperwgrant: instead of using the lp: name to get the revisions21:12
thumperwgrant: use "http://bazaar.launchpad.net/" + branch.unique_name21:13
wgrantthumper: Of course, but I was hoping there would be an option somewhere.21:13
thumperwgrant: submit a bug21:13
* wgrant will add one.21:13
rockstarwgrant, patches welcome?21:13
thumperwgrant: or even better, a patch21:13
wgrantOf course, of course.21:13
harrisonygmb: what I wanted to happen is do a normal upstream bug watch like attaching a debian bug but since that project is on launchpad it created a new bug in the mail-notification project23:08
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