
Shiiis PulseAudio support significantly improved in jaunty?00:01
Ienorandswegner: there's supposed to be a dedicated #liveusb tried?00:03
swegneroh, I wasn't aware-- I'll check there, thanks00:03
Ienorandswegner: oh, that one seems to be empty00:03
swegnerdo you think this is a jaunty-specific change, or not?00:04
swegnerI can't remember what the intrepid live USB was like00:04
Ienorandswegner: I have no idea, never tried it, sorry00:05
swegnerhmm.. ok.  I'll check in #ubuntu and see if somebody might have an answer00:05
xxploitanyone happen to know how to disable nautilus from managing the desktop, disabling it thru gconf-editor like i used to do floods the taskbar with msgboxs. Is this a bug?00:21
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zeldarocksshould I update to 9.04?00:36
jwulf|eeeanyone have the lowdown on compiz at the moment?00:43
jwulf|eeei updated jaunty with the latest updates and it seems to be broken00:43
jwulf|eeeit looks like the compiz packages are being reorganized?00:44
crdlbjwulf|eee: looks like libcompizconfig is missing01:07
crdlbjwulf|eee: because it's in dependency wait01:09
crdlbI'm guessing the problem is that protobuf (which is a new library used by libcompizconfig to cache metadata parsing) is in universe01:10
Hobbseehrm, that can't be good01:12
crdlbapparently it's been approved01:12
crdlband will move once something depends on it in main (ie libcompizconfig :>)01:13
Hobbseecrdlb: looks like that was fixed.  the next fix should hit the main mirror soon01:21
Loungehey guys i have got some major problems going on with module-init-tools in jaunty01:28
crdlbHobbsee: is there a delay before that shows up on launchpad?01:29
kazagistarsome weird dependency stuff just came through... apparently, compiz is to be removed, which seems wrong01:29
Hobbseecrdlb: the binaries will be on LP01:29
Hobbseekazagistar: known problem, fix on it's way01:30
kazagistarHobbsee: coolio, I suspected as much, thanks01:30
Loungeis there any bug reports on module-init-tools?01:32
Loungemodule-init-tools (3.7~pre7-1)01:32
Loungei tried to reinstall it but its returning a status 1 error01:32
marijuslounge: there is already an update in to module-init-tools (3.7~pre7-2)01:41
Loungeim trying to find out why its not configuring01:51
Loungeokay im gonna try to boot into jaunty now01:52
DanaGoh yeah, bootchart has changed to not have the chart generator... but the separate genarator package, pybootchart, doesn't exist.01:59
ZeZuI just upgraded to 9.04 and i have no window manager, its set to unknown ;|02:13
crdlbunknown in what?02:14
rippsUm... the latest round of updates wants me to remove a bunch of compiz componets, what should I do?02:14
crdlbripps: wait02:14
crdlbor use update-manager :)02:14
crdlb(which won't remove things)02:14
timohi all02:15
rippscrdlb: update manager wants to do a partial update, but it wants to remove a couple compiz components. Just ignore it for now?02:15
ZeZui changed appearances and now if i go to system>preferences>windows it says compiz hasn't registered a configuration tool02:15
timowhen is jaunty coming out02:15
ZeZubefore windows did not appear in toolbar at the bottom,  and no title bar on them  now they appear but still no title bar02:16
crdlbZeZu: hmm, if you _just_ upgraded, you may have been bitten by the current compiz packaging problem02:16
crdlbjust use metacity for now02:16
ZeZuhow do i switch ?02:16
timoyeh im with meticity02:16
crdlbappearance, set it to None02:16
ZeZuah yes that fixes it02:17
timoWhat are we going to do about flashplayer02:17
Loungeokay got module-init-tools under control but now another problem and that is jaunty is unable to find any active network devices02:17
Loungei can connect to the dsl modem02:17
ZeZui was just about to inquire about flashplayer it seems to be removed as well ;)02:18
ZeZuand how i can help,  i am a developer, but i dont know where to start02:18
timoflash nonfree is there02:18
ZeZumaybe it just removed it for me ;|02:18
timoit might as wellnot be thou02:18
ZeZuand i'm on x6402:18
timoim on 6402:19
timo80% cpu on you tube and pulseaudio is a bi***02:20
ZeZuwhat causes that ?02:20
timoBut i have always had an issue with pulse02:21
ZeZui prefer jack02:21
ZeZuhmm its the firefox plugin that it removed or smth02:23
ZeZuflash nonfree is installed but no plugin02:23
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timoyou don't need a plug in02:24
timoZeZu close firefox install flash then start firefox, done02:26
ZeZutimo, i did install with it off, it seems like it works but not for youtube02:40
ZeZuand my screensaver decided it wouldn't turn off from keyboard input02:40
ZeZuso then came a reboot02:40
ZeZuhmm it even locks up the screensaver prefs. window02:41
SlartibartfastHi people with nvidia cards and the 180.35 driver. DO you also have troubles with loging out, restarting and shutting down?02:42
|ns|nR8no Slartibartfast02:43
eternal_phey guys...anyone able to help me get rid of that dammed, pam message before I can log into my wifi (via auto-login)02:43
hggdhwhich message, eternal_p ?02:43
eternal_pasks for my password to unlock the keyring before my wifi would connect02:44
ZeZuany way i can change default screensaver without the UI ?02:44
Slartibartfasthmmm ... here i see noshuttiong down the desktop ... and when trying to shutdown again the whole desktop freezes :-(02:44
hggdheternal_p, you need to set the keyring passphrase to nulls (since you auto-login)02:44
eternal_phggdh: how? :)02:44
|ns|nR8Slartibartfast, the alpha is buggy crap...if you want stability use a stable version02:45
Slartibartfast|ns|nR8: yes yes ... i know02:45
hggdheternal_p, Applications/Accessories/Passwords and Encryption keys; your keyring passphrase is your original login passphrase02:45
Slartibartfastjust wanted to know if there are more people with the same problem02:45
hggdhSlartibartfast, I do not have it02:46
eternal_phggdh: thanks, I'll check that on reboot02:46
eternal_pmy last quesiton..when I switch to another workspace, I lose all my icons/panels, etc.  all I can do is reboot to get it back02:47
crdlbSlartibartfast: 180.35 has some known bugs02:47
hggdheternal_p, this is weird. I do not have it either -- but I do not run composite. Do you?02:48
skela little bird told me to come here with discussion related to 9.0402:48
thiebaudeanyone found a workaround for bug 304871?02:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 304871 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i845G] Fatal server error: Couldn't bind memory for BO front buffer (Jaunty)" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30487102:48
skelhas anyone qa'd the evolution-mapi support for exchange in 9.04 alphas yet?02:48
eternal_phggdh: no idea :)02:48
SlartibartfastIs it possible / (for me) recommended to go back to the 177 driver?02:48
hggdheternal_p, do you run compiz?02:48
eternal_pwell there is a new compiz in the updates, but it is not fully updated yet02:48
crdlbSlartibartfast: hopefully, the 180.37 driver will be added soon02:49
ZeZuhmm someone already posted this as bug 338087,  but i dont see any solution02:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 338087 in xorg "Jaunty screensaver locks up X, <CTL><ALT><BS> doesn't work" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33808702:49
zaccourim having a flash error in ubuntu 9.04 alpha. can this be fixed yet?02:49
Slartibartfastcrdlb: Where can i find more information about that?02:49
crdlbSlartibartfast: nvnews?02:49
hggdhwell, I think C-A-BS has been disabled02:50
ZeZuhggdh: its not responsive to anything02:50
Slartibartfastcrdlb: ok ok will check it out02:50
zaccourim having a flash error in ubuntu 9.04 alpha. can this be fixed yet?02:50
ZeZuso screensaver effectively locks machine up02:50
ZeZuhave to reboot02:50
ZeZupretty bad bug02:50
thiebaudezaccour: is the flashplugin in synaptic02:50
thiebaudein 9.0402:51
eternal_pZeZu: remember, this is an alpha release02:51
ZeZui know,  i'm actually looking and where i might be able to pitch in02:51
zaccourthiebaude, i installed flash via browser and add/remove. im gonna check synaptic brb02:51
thiebaudezaccour: ok02:51
ZeZujust disabled the screensaver for now02:52
zeldarocksguys, I tried to install jaunty, but the install failed02:52
thiebaudezeldarocks: how did it fail?02:53
zaccourthiebaude, flash plugin non free is installed in synaptic02:53
zaccourmaybe its just an alpha thing i have to wait out02:53
zeldarocksit asked me to select y or n near the end and it apparently froze right there\02:53
thiebaudezaccour: uninstall and re-install02:53
thiebaudezeldarocks: you have an intel card02:53
zaccouri tried that already, not in synaptic though02:53
zeldarocksno, nvidia02:53
thiebaudezeldarocks: ok02:54
zeldarocksI had like 14 minutes left of the install and then it asked me something (can't remember what though) and when I tried to press y and enter, it wouldn't respond02:55
thiebaudezeldarocks: did you burn your cd?02:55
zeldarocksno doing it through my ubuntu install02:56
zeldarocksthropugh internet02:56
zeldarocksapparently my internet connection stopped working or something during install, and then as soon as the install exited, not having been completed BTW, the IRC client connected again02:58
zeldarocksthen I try to restart, and I get a message about my grapgics configuration and 'ubuntu running in low graphics mode'02:59
zaccourflash uninstall/reinstall did not work02:59
zaccourdo i have to just wait till the 26th and try beta?02:59
thiebaudehttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=994922,  zaccour03:01
thiebaudetry that and see what happens03:01
ZeZui just purged flashplugin-nonfree and reinstalled and it works for hulu now03:02
zaccourthiebaude, ill check that out thanks03:02
thiebaudezaccour: yw03:02
zeldarocksplease help me03:03
DanaGhandy thing to replace ctrl-alt-backspace until you re-enable it: alt-sysrq-k.  Super-kills everything on current TTY, which in this case, would be Xorg.03:05
zaccourthiebaude, i did the command in the terminal and it said could not find it03:05
* zeldarocks gets ready to leave03:05
* zeldarocks begs03:06
DanaGzeldarocks: you never explicitly asked an answerable question.03:06
DanaGConsider rephrasing it.03:06
zeldarocksmy install apparently crashed, I was asked to press Y or N with about 15 minutes left in the install process, I'm attempting the install again, what do I press?03:07
DanaGIt'd help to know what the question it was asking you was.03:08
zeldarocksI don't remember, it was something about a default, or somnething. if it helps, the options it gava me were: 'y/I' for yes, I think "D/N" for no03:10
DanaGHmm, was it an upgrade, or a fresh install?03:10
DanaGAh, probably about replacing a config file.03:11
DanaGThe thing to do there is to hit 'd' to see the differences, and if you've never customized it yourself, then hit 'y' to replace.03:11
zeldarocksthat was it03:11
DanaGThe times you'd want to keep the local version are only when you'd manually chaanged something.03:11
zeldarocksalso, what if it doesn't respond?03:12
DanaGSamba config file is one exception: defined shares get trampled on when replacing the file -- you'd either have to keep local version, or re-set the shares.03:12
DanaGThat's only for system shares, not per-user shares.03:13
dtchenzaccour: what's the issue that you experienced with Flash?03:13
zaccourcan anyone recommend a different distro?03:13
DanaGoh yeah, I want to reboot for a minute... will be back.03:13
zaccourdtchen, all i see is black boxes where flash stuff should be03:14
dtchenzaccour: (WRT different distro - depends on your usage patterns and operating environment requirements)03:14
dtchenzaccour: ia32 or amd64?03:14
thiebaudezaccour: an ubuntu LTS03:14
zaccourdell mini 903:15
zaccourwhoa youtube videos work though03:15
dtchenzaccour: are you using flashplugin-nonfree or adobe-flashplugin?03:15
zaccourboth actually03:16
dtchenyou should deinstall one of them03:16
thiebaudezaccour: delete the adobe one03:16
zaccoursearch adobe in synaptic?03:16
dtchenor `sudo apt-get --purge remove adobe-flashplugin'03:17
dtchenalthough i don't necessarily recommend removing that in favour of flashplugin-nonfree for other reasons03:17
zaccouri only see flash nonfree in synaptic03:17
thiebaudezaccour: there isn't an adobe flash option on the adobe web site03:18
zaccourthere is03:18
dtchenno, use the one in the Canonical partner repository03:18
zaccouri have flash nonfree03:19
dtchenwhat's the output from `dpkg -l flashplugin-nonfree adobe-flashplugin|grep ^ii' ?03:19
crdlbwhat's the difference between the two?03:20
zaccouri think i might just use another distro until the final release comes out03:20
zaccourwhat distros are best suited for dell mini?03:20
crdlbthere's always intrepid?03:21
thiebaudezaccour: did you try 8.10?03:21
dtchenor hardy, gutsy, or dapper03:21
zaccouryes, but when i installed the first set of updates my wired internet stopped working03:21
Cycom_zaccour: I'd go with 8.04 personally.  most stuff works out of the box03:21
=== Cycom_ is now known as Cycom
thiebaudeCycom_: i agree, the LTS should be more stable03:21
dtchencrdlb: adobe-flashplugin is the official Adobe Flash plugin for ia32 distributed by Canonical in its partner repository03:22
Cycomzaccour: you will have to run one set of updates, but your wired ethernet will continue to work, and your wireless will start working.03:22
Cycomzaccour: you have to do some tweaks for the audio, but they are well documented.03:22
crdlbdtchen: but the binary is the same, isn't it?03:22
zaccourmy wired internet stopped working after the first set of updates03:22
* crdlb is currently using swfdec anyway03:22
dtchencrdlb: flashplugin-nonfree is a community-maintained download wrapper & installer for the official Adobe Flash plugin. It only downloads and installs the 32-bit version regardless whether you're using ia32 or amd64, since nspluginwrapper is used for both.03:22
zaccouris gOS good? i cant find a download iso on their site03:23
Cycomspeaking of audio, my adventure into +1 land is due to an audio problem on 9.04. I have an hp mini 1030nr, and it has no audio output.  It's a STAC 92xx.  Worked in 8.04 and 8.10 with snd-hda-intel model=ref, but now? zilch.03:23
crdlbI see, thanks :)03:23
dtchenCycom: run the alsa-info.sh script and tell me the url it generates03:24
crdlbno more checksum errors when adobe updates the unversioned that way, too, I guess03:24
thiebaude9.04 has alot of problems with intel products03:24
Cycomdtchen: will do.03:24
Cycomdtchen: where is the script located?03:24
Cycomnot preinstalled on the system, right?03:25
dtchenwe won't be installing it as part of alsa-base until we've audited it03:25
Cycomdtchen: http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=28a999536fb912ab60acecdb42efd0ef33823cd603:26
Cycomthe interesting part is that audio INPUT works.03:26
zaccouri think im just gonna try gOS and try jaunty beta when it comes out03:26
Cycommy mic is picked up, I just don't get sound output.03:26
dtchensec, need to `git pull'03:27
dtcheninteresting, a Mini 1000?03:28
dtchenfirst, you need to remove the model=auto quirk03:29
dtcheni'll see if our kernel source supports that particular model03:29
Cycomdtchen: yeah, a 1030nr03:30
Cycomdtchen: bear in mind that before I needed model=ref to get working mic input, but otherwise sound worked ootb.  However, it WAS supported in 8.04 and 8.10.03:30
dtchenCycom: no, it only happened to be "supported" because the quirk used happened to twiddle the correct init verbs03:31
dtchenCycom: the correct quirk in jaunty's kernel is actually "hp-m4"03:32
dtcheni recommend you remove the model=auto quirk you've added03:32
dtchenthen reboot and see if the bios correctly initialises the codec03:32
dtchenif it doesn't, try using model=hp-m403:32
Cycomok. give me about 2 minutes.03:33
DanaGodd... PA 0.9.15 refuses to do zeroconf discovery.03:36
DanaGW: module-tunnel.c: Stream died.03:36
Cycomdtchen: no dice without any model quirk.  All volumes seem at normal levels, but there is still no sound.03:36
DanaGand E: protocol-native.c: protocol error, kicking client03:36
Cycomdtchen: do you want another alsa-info.sh?03:36
dtchenCycom: yes03:37
DanaGand I: module.c: Unloading "module-tunnel-sink"03:37
zaccouris gOS good?03:38
Cycomdtchen: http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=6927abacec55171f9f75ab87a6c46baff3cd168e03:38
Cycomdtchen: I'll try the model=hp-m4 next, but I'll wait till you see the alsa-info output03:38
* DanaG wishes the mute hotkey on his laptop would collaborate with ALSA.03:39
DanaGRight now it just does its own thing, in hardware.03:39
crdlbmine does get hijacked by the software volume control03:40
crdlbwhich is a tiny bit annoying since it turns it from a "mute" button to a "toggle mute" button03:40
DanaGmy bug report:03:41
DanaGwrong link03:41
crdlbI always know ubuntu would move off of launchpad one day03:41
ubottuUbuntu bug 284319 in linux "mute, brightness buttons on new HP 6930p laptop" [Undecided,New]03:41
dtchenCycom: are you using PulseAudio or direct ALSA?03:42
DanaGCheck out my description of my mute key.03:42
Cycompulseaudio, dtchen03:42
Cycomdtchen: however, manually setting it to direct alsa in sound manager for output has had no effect so far03:42
mase_workhey guys, i'm just wondering what the status of the intel X4500 chipset and DRI2 is in jaunty. Is this usable for testing purpooses ? I need to test Jaunty for some bug reports but I last time it tried it was X (even without compiz/composite) was just too slow to allow me to spend much time testing it.03:42
DanaGoh yeah, why does vbox setup do a find | grep at every boot?03:42
DanaGit takes 1.5 seconds out of a now 28-second boot.03:43
dtchenCycom: right, you need to check that your user is in the audio group if you use ALSA directly instead of PulseAudio03:43
dtchenPulseAudio uses consolekit to determine which user has privileges to access the sound device03:43
Cycomdtchen: I added myself to audio, and set my sound preferences for "ALSA" under playback, but the test still outputs no sound.03:49
Cycomif I set it for HDA Intel STAC92xx Analog (ALSA) i get audiotestsrc wave=wine freq=512 ! audioconvert ! audioresamble ! gconfaudiosink: Could not open audio device for playback.03:50
Cycomshould I try model=hp-m4 now/03:50
dtchenCycom: did you log out and back in after adding your user to @audio ?03:51
Cycomyes. groups shows me in audio as well.03:52
Cycomoutput from groups: mark adm dialout cdrom audio plugdev lpadmin admin sambashare03:52
dtchenwhat happens with `pasuspender -- aplay -Dplughw:0 /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav' ?03:52
Cycomdtchen: nothing.03:53
Cycomit says "Playing WAVE" etc. etc., but no sound.03:53
dtchenCycom: meaning it hangs or meaning it is inaudible but completes?03:54
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Cycomthe latter.03:54
Cycomit's inaudible, but completes.03:54
Cycombtw, thanks for all your help dtchen03:54
dtchenCycom: use `list-sinks' in pacmd, please03:55
Cycomdtchen: http://paste.ubuntu.com/129071/03:57
dtchenCycom: ok, please use `killall pulseaudio ; pulseaudio -vvv'03:58
Cycomdtchen: will I need to sudo the killall, or will it work as a standard user?03:58
dtchen(yes, it's intentional to not daemonise, and there will be much verboseness)03:58
dtchenunprivileged user03:58
crdlbdo you get a cow if you use any more -v's?03:58
dtchencrdlb: as in `apt-get moo'?03:59
DanaGtry with aptitude.03:59
crdlbmore aptitude, but yes03:59
dtchenno, you don't. i could add it, i suppose.03:59
Cycomdtchen: output going to pastebin03:59
Cycomdtchen: http://paste.ubuntu.com/129074/04:00
dtchenwhat's the output from `apt-cache policy pulseaudio|grep Installed' ?04:01
Cycomdtchen: Installed: 0.9.14-0ubuntu1004:02
SnoFoxOkay, you know that volume notifier when you use the volume keys on your keyboard? It always stops working after I change my icon theme anywhere but Human. D:04:02
dtchenerr, that's not the newest PA revision04:03
dtchenplease update to ubuntu11, please04:03
Cycomdtchen: doing it now.04:03
CycomI didn't see the update icon, so I just assumed...04:03
Cycomdtchen: as soon as you asked what version was installed, I wend "uh oh..."04:04
CycomHAHA! dtchen 77 updates.04:04
Cycomdtchen: you watch mythbusters?  I just heard Adam go "Well THERE'S your PROBLEM." in my head.04:04
* DanaG is on the 0.9.15 PPA.04:05
DanaGHas handy features, but the network stuff is broken.04:05
dtcheni'm more interested in seeing whether it's a necessary linux quirk update or a pa issue04:05
DanaGOne interesting feature of my sound card, that PA happens to not take advantage of: my ADI1988 card can capture from two different sources, simultaneously.04:05
dtchenif best buy sells 1030nrs, i can pop into one tomorrow and test04:05
DanaG... independently.04:05
Cycomdtchen: you bet they do :)04:05
DanaGwhat's that?04:06
CycomDanaG: HP Mini 1030NR04:06
Zeldarockguys, I'm at 43 minutes till install finishes04:06
DanaGSpeaking of which, have you seen their glassy-bleu theme?04:06
Cycomwho, HPs?04:06
Cycomyeah. their version of ubuntu is very pretty, though it has very few packages in its repo04:07
Cycomat least, in the MIE or whever it's called edition.04:07
CycomDanaG: I wonder if it gets that funky thing with compiz where it looks like the title bar is tearing slightly from the window that I get with dark themese04:08
DanaGThey do interesting things with the gdm theme, too -- nonstandard checkbox element.04:08
DanaGAnd they make it so you have to list all modules you want loaded, manually, instead of using modprobe aliases.  That's how they boot so fast.04:09
Cycomdtchen: I'd be interested to see if this works on my mini 9.04:09
DanaGI installed a netbook-remix in a vm, then added their repos.  They also disable the themes and wallpapers tabs.04:09
DanaGIf you add just the source repos, you can build the packages for other architectures.04:09
Zeldarockwhere can I get that theme?04:09
Cycomdtchen: I'm not sure if you're actually going to buy a mini 1030nr, but if you do, don't forget to look under all the packaging for the USB flash drive they include.  It's one of those tiny flat ones.  They put it in a special caddy so that it fits into a hole on the right side.04:10
Cycomit's in a small zip-lock bag.04:10
Cycomthank goodness I saved the box for a week04:11
dtchenCycom: nah, i just go in and boot off a daily-live04:11
Cycomdtchen: make sure you put it on a flash drive, not a CD :)04:11
DanaGoh yeah, they have posted their recovery image now.04:11
dtchenyeah, i have one04:11
dtcheni've been doing this for years04:11
DanaGIt will only deploy to a USB drive, though -- can't do it from CD.04:11
DanaGWhat's the battery life like under Ubuntu on those?04:12
Cycomdtchen: I figured, but I've learned that sometimes it helps to state something, even if you think it's obvious.04:12
CycomDanaG: three-ish hours.04:12
CycomDanaG: not spectacular, but still more than enough for my needs.04:12
Cycomthe one odd thing about them is the webcam.  for some reason they designed it for "outdoor use", which means that they put a filter darker than my sunglasses over the camera.04:13
DanaGI already have my EliteBook, though.  The next thing I'd get wouldn't be a netbook... it'd be an Intel SSD.04:13
Cycoma little work with a swiss army knife toothpick got the screen bezel off, and a bit more with some tweezers and a knife got that peeled off.04:13
DanaGAnd honestly, other brand netbooks may be better values than the HP one, afer all.04:13
Cycomdtchen: updates finished. rebooting again. back in a flash.04:13
DanaGugh, stupid completely-broken notifications:04:16
DanaG** (notify-osd:8724): CRITICAL **: load_icon: assertion `info' failed04:16
DanaG** (notify-osd:8724): WARNING **: bubble_recalc_size(): WARNING, no layout!!!04:16
DanaG** (notify-osd:8724): WARNING **: WARNING: No layout defined!!!04:16
Cycomdtchen: rebooted. still no sound.04:16
CycomI was really hoping there... :)04:16
DanaGHere's my laptop: http://www.notebookreview.com/default.asp?newsID=463104:17
DanaGThough I actually specifically opted for ATI, because I know I like to use development versions, and I'd rather have good open-source than sucky open-source drivers.04:18
CycomDanaG: I have a Dell E1505, and I have an ATI X1400 and an NVidia GeForce Go 7300 for it. I have the nvidia in it because the nvidia driver works the best out of all.04:19
Cycomdtchen: what next? should I try model=hp-m4?04:19
DanaGAh, you bought both cards?  Interesting.04:20
dtchenCycom: ok, thanks. have you tried isolating the jack changes? i.e., cold boot with headphones inserted04:20
DanaGI could also buy the Quadro alongside mine, but I'm just dealing with the ATI.04:20
Cycomdtchen: not yet. want me to do that first?04:20
dtchenCycom: there should be no need to add the quirk manually; it's already in patch_sigmatel.c for your SSID04:20
dtchenCycom: yes, please04:21
Cycomok. will reboot with headphones in.04:21
Cycomdtchen: heaphones in, I HAVE SOUND!04:23
Cycomhowever, the speakers do not work with them out.04:23
ZeldarockDanaG, I'm almost to the Y/N section, what do I look for when pressing D?04:24
DanaGOne thing to check: which config file is it asking about?04:24
dtchenCycom: excellent, so it was as i suspected, a jack regression04:24
DanaGAnd then check for any specific options you might have set.04:24
dtchenCycom: after i fix the bluetooth pairing issues for PA, i'll be looking at the jack regressions from 8.1004:24
ZeldarockI just had something fail: VirtaulBox kernel module" Fail...04:24
dtchenso - it's in my TODO04:25
* DanaG wonders why virtualbox does a find | grep in the boot cycle.04:25
DanaGAdds 1.5 seconds to boot.04:25
Cycomdtchen: is there any workaround in the mean time, or do I just wait?04:25
dtchenCycom: you could continue to use 8.10 ;-)04:25
Zeldarockwha to do about the kernel?04:25
Cycomdtchen: not really. it was not running well on this little guy.04:26
Cycomdtchen: I'd rather have no sound and less crashing.04:26
Zeldarockthe differencesa thing showed up, what exactly do I look for?04:26
DanaGoh yeah, bluetooth audio in linux has never ever worked for me.04:26
dtchenCycom: the new jack API is wonky; you may need to plug and unplug headphones to register one actual jack event04:27
DanaGoh, what file is it, for one?04:27
ZeldarockI can't make out the stuff04:27
Zeldarockreplace or not?04:28
DanaGhmm, what package is it in?04:28
DanaGWhat package is it processing right now, and asking about?04:28
Cycomdtchen: what package is the problem with, do you think?04:28
Zeldarockreplace customized configuration file04:29
Zeldarockwhat do I do?04:29
DanaG.... it should tell you WHICH config file it's asking about.04:29
DanaGThat's what I'm asking.04:29
DanaGah, should be safe to say yes, then.04:29
DanaGProbably it's enabling apport by default now.  Or disabling it by default now.04:30
DanaGYeah, should be safe to replace.04:30
dtchenCycom: without a doubt, `linux'04:31
Zeldarockam I going to have to answer to anything else? probably not huh...04:31
Cycomdtchen: you mean the kernel module?04:31
dtchenCycom: it's a jack regression; between 1.0.17 and 1.0.18, there was a huge jack event-reporting overhaul, and it broke quite a few things like internal {d,}mic jack enablement and line-out/hp jack event reporting04:32
dtchenCycom: `linux' is the name of the source package containing the ALSA drivers04:32
dtchen(not to be confused with `alsa-driver', which we only use to ship `linux-sound-base' and `alsa-base' normally)04:33
dtchenanyhoo, time for Z then work.04:34
Cycomk! thanks again dtchen. later :)04:34
rippsDoes anybody here know of a way to check if a file is symlink or not; I'm making a script to automatically remove a symlink directory with another quickly and easily.04:36
ZeldarockI'm getting some sort of text dump type thing when rebooting after the install04:45
Zeldarocksomething went wrong04:47
cotyI just upgraded to 9.04 and installed all the upgrades but once I enabled compiz my window borders disappeared and I can't get them back for some reason. Any ideas on how to fix this?04:47
DanaGKernel panic?04:47
DanaGCan you boot an old kernel?04:47
ZeldarockI'm given a message: "Ubuntu is running in low graphics mode"04:47
DanaGah, probably broken ATI or nvidia.04:48
DanaGVideo drivers.04:48
Zeldarockreal hardware, or virtual?04:48
DanaGAre you running it in a VM?04:48
DanaGAh, then it'd be the VM guest addition drivers.04:49
ZeldarockI choose to run in low graphics mode and I get a blue box with text04:49
Zeldarockwhat do I choose? yes or no?\04:49
DanaGNot sure what you're asking.04:50
Zeldarockcan I save the install?04:50
Zeldarockor am I going to start from scratch?04:50
cotyI'm guessing no one knows how to fix the windows border problem Im experiencing04:50
DanaGI think you just have to re-do whatever you did to install the guest additions.04:50
ZeldarockI can't04:50
ZeldarockI can't even get inot ubuntu04:50
DanaGYou should be able to log into safe graphics mode.04:51
DanaGctrl-alt-f1 to get to terminal -- or in virtualbox, it'd be right-ctrl f104:51
Zeldarockthe text says "there already appears to be an X server running on dispaly"04:51
DanaGah, sounds like GDM is confused.04:51
DanaGswitch to console and sudo invoke-rc.d gdm stop04:51
DanaGthen sudo killall X]04:51
Zeldarockthis is the blue text box with no cursor04:51
ZeldarockI'm not even in ubuntu yet04:52
DanaGIf it's at that blue box, then yes, it is booted.04:52
DanaGThe gnome display manager (login window, that is) just has failed.04:52
DanaGYou can switch to a text console and log in there.04:52
cotyHow can i change my window manager over to emerald..?04:53
Zeldarockreinstall geust additions?04:53
Zeldarockit says "program Xord closed unexpectedly" in the crash report04:55
DanaGIs it VirtualBox?04:55
=== bluesmoke is now known as Amaranth
DanaGyou can just go to the menu and select the "install guest additions" menu item.04:55
DanaGAre you at a desktop now, or at the text login>04:55
Zeldarockwhat about the crash report?04:55
DanaGah, ignore the crash report.04:55
DanaGYou'll want to select that "install additions" menu item, then go to "computer" in the panel and browse to the CD drive.04:56
DanaGThen open gnome-terminal, and cd to /media/VBOXsomething (not sure of the exact name)04:56
DanaGand then sudo ./VBoxLinuxAdditions-x86.run04:57
DanaGor x64, if that's what the guest is.04:57
DanaGyeah, /media/cdrom0, I guess.04:57
Zeldarockso, whats the full command04:57
DanaGIt'll be easier just to cd to there, than to guess -- I don't remember the exact file name.04:57
Volkodavanybody runs nightlies.videolan.org/builds 64 bit ?05:00
Volkodavlooks like it is down05:00
* DanaG doesn't bother with VLC.05:01
DanaGIt fails at subtitles.05:01
DanaGCompletely ignores styling and positioning information.05:01
* Volkodav never cared about subtitles05:02
DanaGooh, nice themes: v05:03
DanaGToo bad I can't use them -- they look hideous if your panels are not exactly 24 pixels.05:04
Zeldarockeverythings going wrong05:05
Zeldarockit tells me that greeter application appears to be failing, and tries to default to a different one, but it can't so the message keeps on appearing, I can't move on.05:06
Zeldarockthe gues tools installtion failed apparently05:07
DanaGhmm, oh yeah, I do have to get ready for bed, and all that -- anyone else want to take over?05:08
Zeldarockplease help05:08
DanaGif it failed, you're probably missing kernel headers, or something.  It should tell you why.05:08
ZeldarockI'll try to take over05:08
Zeldarockthe auto resize optiuon is greyed out05:08
DanaGah yeah, the vboxvideo driver isn't installed or loaded.05:09
Zeldarockthat's my lithmus test05:09
DanaGanyway, the virtualbox blog should be able to help.05:09
Zeldarockit booted in low grpahics mode again05:09
DanaGor ask in #vbox05:09
DanaGOr google for jaunty virtualbox guest05:10
DanaGthose three words together.05:10
Zeldarockthere is no xorg config file05:12
Zeldarockits black05:12
DanaGThat's to be expected, actually.05:15
DanaGanyway, I can't do any more right now -- perhaps ask in #vbox05:15
Zeldarockpelase give me yours05:15
Zeldarockthere's nobody in vbox available05:15
DanaGhmm, google should be able to help.05:16
DanaGgoogle for virtualbox xorg.conf05:16
Zeldarockplease give me yours05:16
Jpdotahey, i just upgraded from intrepid to jaunty (i know it's alpha, it's in a vm for testing), but whenever i boot, it simply gives me a black screen and the "loading" cursor.  does anyone know what the problem is?05:23
Jpdotathere are no errors in the Xorg log05:35
zeldarocksJaunty borked my xorg.conf file05:37
zeldarocksit would boot in low grpahics mode everytime05:38
zeldarockswill the final release fix this?05:39
Jpdotaahhh, it seems the error lies in authentication gdm failed05:49
=== Adys_ is now known as Adys
syockitzeldarocks: it might be the driver you know06:37
lucentHey, has OpenOffice stopped working for anyone else?06:56
lucentI get the splash screen, and then nothing happens06:56
Infecto[54065.859059] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Result: hostbyte=DID_BAD_TARGET driverbyte=DRIVER_OK,SUGGEST_OK07:09
Infecto[54065.859062] end_request: I/O error, dev sda, sector 7016255207:09
Infecto[54065.859081] sd 0:0:0:0: [sda] Result: hostbyte=DID_BAD_TARGET driverbyte=DRIVER_OK,SUGGEST_OK07:09
Infecto[54065.859084] end_request: I/O error, dev sda, sector 7016255207:10
JpdotaInfecto: use pastebin for multi-line pastes07:10
joejcwhats new in 9.04?07:10
Jpdotajoejc http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/jaunty/alpha507:11
joejcso nothing worth mentioning?07:12
joejchow much better is it?07:13
Jpdotadunno, google it :P07:13
crdlbif you have hourly backups, it's great :)07:14
joejccan anyone use 1 EB of maximum filesystem size and 16 TB of maximum file size?07:16
lucentJpdota: not quite07:18
lucentthere's some issues with GFS last I worked for them07:18
SlartibartfastSO i installed this webkitkde package to let Konqueror use the webkit render engine ... followed the README to make webkit the default .. but this seems not working08:03
Slartibartfaston localhost it still shows "Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Konqueror/4.2; Linux) KHTML/4.2.1 (like Gecko)"08:04
SlartibartfastBut in View Mode webkit is selected08:05
Slartibartfastanybody who can confirm this?08:05
lucentyou could try the acid3 test08:06
Slartibartfastmmmm ... indeed it gives the 100/100 ...08:07
Slartibartfastso konqueror lies about what it uses :-P08:07
SlartibartfastBut when KHTML was the default and i used View Mode to view it with webkit i got a different browser identification ...08:10
Slartibartfast"Mozilla/5.0 (Konqueror/4.2; Linux) AppleWebKit/527+ (KHTML, like Gecko, Safari/419.3)"08:10
crdlbheh, might as well throw an 'also like Opera, not like IE' in there too08:11
crdlbMozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.5+ (KHTML, like Gecko, Safari/528.5+) epiphany08:12
* Slartibartfast is going to hotmail and see how it works :-P 08:15
* crdlb has newer webkit than Slartibartfast 08:15
SlartibartfastWHyyyy ??08:16
Slartibartfastas expected hotmail through in some javascript error popups .... but also gmail's ajax page won't load :-(08:17
crdlbunfortuanately, my webkit is webkit-gtk, which is even less mature than webkit-qt :)08:19
Slartibartfaston acid3 i get the 100/100 score, but it still has the ugly big red warning square over it08:20
crdlbwarning square?08:20
Slartibartfastyes ... red image ... square ... maybe it's an svg08:21
crdlbheh, there's about 1 pixel more spacing between 'acid3' and the boxes than in the reference rendering08:23
crdlbI guess it fails :P08:23
Slartibartfast:-) ... but the "default" browser identification is hard coded in konqueror? ...08:24
Slartibartfasti mean alternative it can show webkit, but when as default it falls back to it's "dafault identification"08:25
crdlbmaybe it is08:26
will-shandanyone else got problems checking mail with KMail? im getting  "Source URL is malformed"09:07
ikoniais dslbl off line at the moment ??09:12
ikoniaoh wait09:14
ikoniait's dead !09:14
ikoniathe whole project is dead09:14
ExilantHi, in kubuntu jaunty, does system-settings -> advanced -> system/Printer configuration work for any of you?09:16
Exilantto me it complains about missing kcm-scpk.py, dunno if that is in packaging or just on my system09:17
ikoniadidn't realise I was in +109:18
Exilantwill jaunty use python 2.6 exclusively? right now some stuff(python-kde4, kubuntu-desktop) still depends on 2.5, and that probably causes some problems09:34
GooD2KnoWis jackalope working fine? how are the chances that an upgrade will break my system? :)09:35
lucentchances are good that a distro upgrade will have unintended side-effects09:35
lucentit's alpha09:36
crdlbExilant: eventually, yes09:36
lucentwhen jaunty gets a release, alpha -> release will be unsupported09:36
lucentso you're effectively going to gaurantee yourself a full reinstall09:36
GooD2KnoWyeah .. but the basics should work .. i hope :)09:36
lucentjust letting you know how it is09:36
Exilantcrdlb: ok, thanks.09:36
Exilantwon't file it all as a bug then.09:37
lucentprayer is not enough to make this stuff work like you pretend to will it to do things09:37
ExilantGooD2KnoW: it works here, with some flaws.09:37
lucenti.e. OpenOffice is b0rk here09:38
Exilantbut a lot better than ibex final (kubuntu) worked for me09:38
lucentsound is b0rk09:38
GooD2KnoWthat would be ok :)09:38
lucentext4 is b0rk, under heavy usage it results in data loss09:38
GooD2KnoWwhat about the speed? is it really faster than ibex?09:38
lucentmodules are compiled in now that cause b0rk, notably ipv609:38
Exilantdon't have ibex, but it's not really slow09:39
lucentit's noticably slower at web browsing and dns lookups in some setups09:39
lucentthe ecryptfs beginnings do not gracefully handle out-of-diskspace conditions, leading to dataloss09:40
lucentI cannot think of a decent reason to suggest that you upgrade to jaunty alpha 5, and certainly not on a production machine if that's what you intend09:41
GooD2KnoWhm yeah .. i want to upgrade my workstation to alpha 5  :)09:41
GooD2KnoWjust interested09:42
lucentthe live cd is an interesting recovery environment though09:42
lucenttake me seriously when I say, back up your damn computer data :)09:42
GooD2KnoWhehe okay09:43
lucentjaunty alphas have eaten my $HOME nearly 10 times to date09:44
lucentvery nearly killed my LCD controller twice09:45
Exilantwell, jaunty has been better to me :)09:50
Exilantno data loss, no broken hardware09:51
GooD2KnoW*9 minutes left*09:52
lucentI do my part to break this shit (and report the bugs)09:53
lucentthat's all I can do.09:54
GooD2KnoW*18 minutes left*10:29
GooD2KnoWlol :)10:29
=== RonaldH is now known as Ronald
yao_ziyuankubuntu jaunty says: mysqld can't start11:08
yao_ziyuanwhere is the log of mysqld?11:08
gnomefreakyao_ziyuan: /var/log somewhere11:11
yao_ziyuangnomefreak: yes, but /var/log/mysql.log and /var/log/mysql.err are both empty11:16
yao_ziyuani assume it will be fixed in the final release...11:16
gnomefreakyao_ziyuan: well i'm guessing since it cant start you get no error11:16
yao_ziyuangnomefreak: can i manually start it?11:17
oCean_yao_ziyuan: mysql error msg might be in syslog: "grep -i mysql /var/log/syslog"11:18
gnomefreakyao_ziyuan: try using /etc/init.d/11:18
hggdhsudo invoke-rc.d mysql start11:18
yao_ziyuanoCean_: result: http://pastebin.com/m2da590fa11:19
yao_ziyuanhggdh: says:11:20
yao_ziyuan * Starting MySQL database server mysqld                                                                                                                                     [fail]11:20
yao_ziyuaninvoke-rc.d: initscript mysql, action "start" failed.11:20
oCean_yao_ziyuan: yuck, it says /usr/bin/mysqladmin, no such file or dir11:21
yao_ziyuanoCean_: so how do i fix it?11:21
oCean_is there really no mysqladmin?11:21
oCean_type "which mysqladmin"11:21
yao_ziyuanoCean_: no there isn't11:22
yao_ziyuan"which ..." returns empty11:22
yao_ziyuanso should i install "mysql"?11:22
oCean_yao_ziyuan: I missed the part where you explained your problem. But my guess is, you do have mysql-server installed?11:22
oCean_'cause I think the mysqladmin program (which controls the startup etc) comes with that package11:23
yao_ziyuanno i don't11:23
yao_ziyuannow i'm installing it11:23
oCean_yao_ziyuan: aha.11:23
yao_ziyuanok. now started.11:24
oCean_yao_ziyuan: but there is an /etc/init.d/mysql script? I would think that comes from the mysql-server package too...11:24
hggdhmysqladmin should be under mysql-client11:24
oCean_hggdh: Aha!11:24
yao_ziyuanit installed these for me: libdbd-mysql-perl libdbi-perl libnet-daemon-perl libplrpc-perl mysql-client-5.0 mysql-server mysql-server-5.011:25
oCean_yao_ziyuan: that should do it :)11:25
oCean_still wondering though how you had the /etc/init.d/mysql script.11:25
hggdhmakes sense. It is always easier to start something that has been installed ;-)11:25
hggdhperhaps a previous install?11:25
hggdhcuz /etc/init.d/mysql should be installed by mysql-server11:26
yao_ziyuanoCean_: there is such a file. do you want its content?11:26
oCean_yao_ziyuan: nope. no need11:26
yao_ziyuani upgraded from kubuntu 8.10 to kubuntu jaunty alpha with latest updates via sudo update-manager -d11:30
yao_ziyuanmaybe it didn't or failed to install mysql-server/client11:31
hggdhI think at one point in time you did have mysql installed, and then (perhaps on the upgrade) it got uninstalled11:33
VSpikeHowdy.  My google-fu is failing me on this one.  After coming back from screensaver, the focused app will not accept keyboard until I switch away from it and back again (with Alt-Tab, which still works!)11:36
VSpikeAnyone seen this or similar?11:36
VSpikeThis is true even when I only have one app running11:36
VSpikeOr one window in the window list11:36
Q-FUNKhowdy!  changing GNOME theme hasn't worked properly on this laptop since Intrepid, without or without compiz.  GTK2 colors are not applied and window themes change bitmaps but not colors.  any idea on how to debug this?12:14
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VSpike_Howdy.  My google-fu is failing me on this one.  After coming back from screensaver, the focused app will not accept keyboard until I switch away from it and back again (with Alt-Tab, which still works!)12:33
VSpike_Anyone seen this or similar?12:33
VSpike_This is true even when I only have one app running12:33
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theholyduckthis is what happens when you dont use a wm with mouse over focus i guess :P12:35
Hobbseei've not seen that, and don't use focus on mouse12:41
VSpikeThe thing is the, window appears to have focus12:41
Exilantin kubuntus konsole, i can create deifferent profiles, for ssh, python, etc. i can mark them as visible, but they always disappear again and i have to mark them as visible again after a restart. Is this somehow intended or broken?13:08
IenorandAnyone know when kernel is going to be bumped next in jaunty?13:53
Eruaranbumped ?13:54
EruaranI had a kernel update yesterday13:54
repeteI noticed with the latest updates for Jaunty aptitude wants to remove libmono1.0*14:16
repeteAnyone know if that is because we are transitioning all Mono apps to 2.0?14:16
Eruaransounds good to me :D14:16
EruaranI'd rather purge mono14:16
repeteEruaran: I'm sure it does, but I use packages that require Mono, like Tomboy, F-Spot and Banshee :-)14:17
Eruaranme neither14:17
EruaranI don't use any of them14:17
GooD2KnoWupgraded to jaunty :) ... nearly all is working fine .. but compiz isnt working .. / no window decorators ... any tips?14:18
charlie-tcaGooD2KnoW: restart the system?14:18
GooD2KnoWive done that several times :)14:18
GooD2KnoWstill no borders / window bars14:19
repeteGooD2KnoW: did you keep your home directory?14:20
repeteGooD2KnoW: did you try (from the command line) something like `compiz --replace`14:20
GooD2KnoWrepete, have done that, but still no  borders etc.14:21
GooD2KnoWit says xgl not present14:21
repeteGooD2KnoW: did you run `glxinfo`?14:22
GooD2KnoWjust a sec14:22
repete$ glxinfo | grep -i rendering14:23
repetedirect rendering: Yes14:23
GooD2KnoWdirect rendering: Yes14:26
scizzo-have you tried without using xgl at all?14:29
scizzo-might be that xgl is broken for xserver14:29
GooD2KnoWi just want the default compiz setup to work =)14:30
scizzo-GooD2KnoW: try to disable xserver-xgl then and see if you can get it working14:30
scizzo-and yes you have to restart X for it to work...14:32
scizzo-that is so X reloads the xserver setup14:32
Eruaranctrrl+alt+backspace doesn't work for me atm14:33
GooD2KnoWnor for me .. even alt+tab isnt working14:34
Eruaranalt+tab works fine for me14:34
Eruaranman... coverswitch has gotten so smooth... schweet14:35
repeteEruaran: I believe ctrl-al-backspace is disabled14:44
Eruaranwhat ?14:46
EruaranWhy on earth for ?14:46
EruaranIt shouldn't be disabled14:46
danbhfiveEruaran: new standard14:47
danbhfiveEruaran: there is some way of re-enabling it, but I can't recall14:48
Eruaranhow is giving people less contol over their systems a "new standard" ?14:49
GooD2KnoWsoo... alt tab is working again :D14:49
GooD2KnoWwasnt set in the metacity schema14:49
danbhfiveEruaran: its a new standard because its what is happening upstream14:49
ubottuUbuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) release notes can be found here: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/81014:49
Eruarandanbhfive: what is happening upstream ?14:50
GooD2KnoWbtw: restarting x: alt + print + k14:50
hggdhEruaran, there was a long discussion about it on the devel and deve-discuss ML. You might want to read it14:50
danbhfiveEruaran: there is a note in the alpha5 link in the topic14:50
Eruarandanbhfive: ok14:51
picklesworthHi... does anyone here use Workrave?14:53
Eruaranhggdh: can u give me a link ?14:54
hggdhEruaran, yes, give me a bit14:57
genii!info workrave14:58
ubottuworkrave (source: workrave): Repetitive Strain Injury prevention tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.9.0-6 (jaunty), package size 313 kB, installed size 904 kB14:58
hggdhEruaran, it started here: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2009-January/027299.html . Be aware it is a long read14:59
Eruaranthanks hggdh14:59
picklesworthIndeed :) I've noticed that its recent version is a complete UI disaster, creating at least two (and on some occasions three) panel applets / windows at once for no good reason, where closing any quits the entire app. It wasn't like that before, and nobody else seems to have noticed, so I'm wondering if it's a compatibility issue15:01
IenorandOh, has jaunty moved away from *.27 yet?15:01
hggdh.27 what? kernel?15:01
hggdha long time ago...15:01
hggdh(in alpha times, that is)15:02
Ienorandhggdh: um, what is the current then?15:03
oCean_Ienorand: 2.6.28-815:04
hggdhand 2.6.29 RC5 is available from  PPA for *tests* only. I will not be in final Jaunty, AFAICR15:05
IenorandoCean_: and has it been upgraded since the 09march daily build?15:06
oCean_Ienorand: not sure15:06
hggdhlatest is 2.6.28-9.2915:06
oCean_ah, ok15:06
hggdhfresh out of the oven15:07
hggdher, hot out of the oven15:07
oCean_I like those :)15:07
=== catweazle_ is now known as catweazle
GooD2KnoWokay.. compiz is working again :D15:17
GooD2KnoWthe login screen is really nice .. is there a theme with this style? :)15:18
IenorandHow do you check the kenrel version history for jaunty, never relly got that organisation in launchp15:18
IenorandGooD2KnoW: No, which is one of the problems, it looks too "odd".15:19
GooD2KnoWhmm okay. so i will be using mac4lin again :)15:19
=== Teiseii is now known as Teisei
ArcSighterhello, I'm experience with jaunty A5 the same issue I've experienced with intrepid, it's incredibily slow and I'm getting load averages of 2 .3 standard, with huge ups up to 15, do you guys know how I( can determine the source of the problem? Maybe hardware based, maybe a software, I don't know...15:24
PiciArcSighter: Check what top says when you're seeing these load issues.15:25
ArcSighterok, wait15:25
ArcSighterI normally get firefox consuming a lot, but equally to hardy, and the machine wasn't freezing15:25
ArcSighterhere's my current isn't that slow by now: http://paste.ubuntu.com/129360/15:27
ArcSighterPici: did you check?15:28
ali1234ArcSighter: i get that kind of thing when i've been running for days on end15:28
ali1234but my machine is really old15:29
PiciArcSighter: xorg can get that much cpu usage if you're not using hardware acceleration15:29
IenorandWhere can I find the former ubuntu login screen?15:29
ArcSighterPici: you mean drivers for my card, they're installed, I think15:29
ArcSighterali1234: I'm giving my pc the same uptimes I gave to hardy, and wasn't experiencing this15:30
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ali1234yeah same here... i just figured it was time to buy a new computer :)15:30
ali1234it seems to me that the main culprit is firefox, especially if you leave open pages with many flash adverts and stuff like that15:31
ArcSighterali1234: I've heard about that15:32
ArcSighterPici: the output of glxinfo http://paste.ubuntu.com/129363/15:32
ArcSighterso any clues>?15:35
PiciArcSighter: I'm not sure, sorry.15:35
IenorandHow do you configure the appearance and behaviour of update manager (getting rid of the #¤%&/!! popups and getting the icons back)?15:35
ArcSighterok I'll move my question to #ubuntu15:36
IenorandIs there noone who can give me any hints on this? Have they just changed the behaviour and completely given the finger to everyone who doesn't want it?15:40
danbhfivelenorand: I think there is a setting in gconf somewhere15:41
Ienoranddanbhfive: Thank you. Will check out.15:42
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/15:43
picklesworthIenorand: they seem fairly convinced it's the right way. maybe it would be if Metacity / Compiz had nice ways to treat unimportant windows, eg. getting them out of the same stack all your work is in... You can uncheck auto_launch in gconf: /apps/update-notifier... or change the number of days between it opening automatically15:44
Ienoranddanbhfive: Okay, I can turn off the popup behaviour there, but that will leave me with no notifications whatsoever...15:44
picklesworthI feared that :/15:45
Ienorandpicklesworth: I want my gmbhg icons back! Waaaah!15:45
picklesworthIenorand: Probably bug-report worthy. It should fall back gracefully if it's an option.15:45
picklesworthJust don't mention the war :P15:46
danbhfivelenorand yeah, thats all I've heard about.  I don't know15:46
Ienorand... yea, though I'm frankly quite pissed about it :)15:48
IenorandOh, hang on! If disabling auto_launch I do get at least the "updates available" icon back, wohoo!15:50
marijus/msg NickServ identify marijus7315:51
danbhfivemarijus: yes, we all saw that15:52
picklesworthHm.. is upstream's new volume control in the repositories somewhere, or will I have to recompile gnome-media?15:53
Amaranthpicklesworth: check what packages come from gnome-media15:54
IenorandAnd the restart required icon popped back as well, now I'm euphoric!15:54
picklesworthlenorand: I've never seen someone happy about restarting their computer :P15:55
Amaranthpicklesworth: looks like recompile though15:55
picklesworthaye, it does :(15:55
Amaranthgood, marijus changed their pasword15:56
picklesworthyah, the Devices page must have been hacked back into sound preferences from source, too, judging by the backwards look of the thing15:56
Ienorandpicklesworth: Heh, means I can still have ubuntu working the way I want it, which is enough for celebration : )15:57
IenorandWhere can I find the version history and changes for the jaunty kernel?16:19
AmaranthIenorand: changelogs.ubuntu.com16:20
rsteenwyk1I just upgraded to 9.04 for the fun of it, but now VirtualBox is giving me an error when I try to boot up my XP Guest. It tells me to run /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup as root, which I do, but that gives me an error as well, tells me to look at /var/log/vbox-install.log. The log shows "/etc/init.d/vboxdrv: 342: /usr/share/virtualbox/src/vboxdrv/build_in_tmp: not found"16:22
rsteenwyk1any idea what I should do to fix that?16:22
picklesworthHooray! It's actually pretty easy to build gnome-media from source (just make sure you put it in /usr/local to avoid bumping in to the stuff from the repos). Now if only there was a PPA...16:24
IenorandOkay... so where in the mess that is changelogs.ubuntu.com do I find the kenrel version history for jaunty?16:43
IenorandNo... looking at the dates, it isn't actually there...16:45
BUGabundohi guys! what's new?16:55
BUGabundocharlie-tca: ping16:55
charlie-tcaBUGabundo: pong16:56
BUGabundocharlie-tca: congrats on entering the Americas team16:56
oCean_do you have a link for lsmod from /sbin to the actual executable in /bin? Mine is missing16:57
oCean_or was until I linked it16:58
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kneekiAnyone use Synergy with Ubuntu 9.04?17:30
DPicIs there any reason why Jaunty wouldn't work on iMacs?17:42
digitaloktayda gibt es ein bug oder? hab gestern jaunty installiert und hab ein update gemacht inkl. kernel auf 2.6.28-8 generic, danach kam ein kernel panic nach dem neustart17:45
digitaloktayso jetzt afflux17:46
affluxdigitaloktay: .... you failed17:46
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.17:46
digitaloktaynaia brb17:46
DPicI've been trying to install jaunty on an iMac. I've tried booting from a separate partition, a usb stick, and both 32-bit and 64-bit install CD's17:46
DPicthe 64-bit cd doesn't seem to detect the keyboard, but both of them load enough for me to get a mouse cursor which turns into the spinning thing, but it freezes there17:47
DPici was looking through the jaunty 5 caveats but none of them looked like they would be causing this17:48
PiciAre iMacs PPC?17:49
DPicnot the new ones17:49
DPicthey ditched PPC a while ago (sorta)17:49
geniiAny intel based macs should just be able to use the i386 versions (although may need efi grub versions)17:50
DPicgenii: there is no special version for efi grub... that's a separate issue17:51
DPici've been using the right version17:51
DPici don't think i would've even gotten a mouse if i wasn't17:51
DPici had tried with alpha 4 but gave p figuring it would be fixed by alpha 5 but it still doesn't work17:52
gnomefreakit should be the same as running 386 on PC although not sure if they dropped yaboot or not17:52
DPicgnomefreak: isn't yaboot just for PPC?17:54
gnomefreakDPic: your best to file a bug on that its kind of important although i barely use mouse17:54
gnomefreakDPic: not sure i dont own a new one. I'm not sure what they use, it would be related to file system more so than PPC17:54
DPicthe new ones use EFI17:55
DPicbut i have refit installed which worked fine for intrepid (i *did* have intrepid i386 installed just fine)17:55
gnomefreakDPic: it wasnt broke enough for you? you thought you needed more of a challenge?17:56
mnemoan updated "anjuta" package fails to install for me in jaunty... is this a known problem? is there a workaround?17:57
ljuwaidahwill 9.04 support fingerprint authentication?17:57
DPicdoes anybody have an iMac to test the liveCD out on? (not even install)17:57
affluxmnemo: can we see logs please?17:58
euxneksif my desktop freezes, where would I find the logs for that?17:58
EagleScreenljuwaidah I dude it17:58
euxneksi.e. my mouse works fine but I cannot change to terminals17:59
ljuwaidahEagleScreen: you dude it?17:59
gnomefreakperfect == everything building fine everything uploding no problems nad me sitting back with a mixed drink watching IRC17:59
euxneksso my keyboard isn't working plus the desktop won't load but my mouse will continue to move17:59
EagleScreenljuwaidah yes17:59
ljuwaidahI didn't know dude is a verb18:00
affluxljuwaidah: probably not out of the box. but it's possible (afaik) even in older ubuntus.18:00
gnomefreakmarijus: use paastebin to paste the command and output18:00
* gnomefreak thought it was a noun 18:00
EagleScreenljuwaidah I mean, Iam almost sure that Kubuntu 9.04 won't support fingerprint reader18:00
affluxany experiences with notify-osd on wmii?18:01
ljuwaidah'cause f11 will have that out of the box so I was wondering if ubuntu will do that too18:01
gnomefreakEagleScreen: i dont think either will18:01
marijusgnomefreak: what command?18:01
affluxI don't see any notifications and can't find a reason why.18:01
mnemoafflux: http://pastebin.com/m69b0fccc18:01
gnomefreakmarijus: sorry i meant mnemo18:02
gnomefreakafflux: add the applet you will than see them18:02
affluxgnomefreak: wmii has no panels :(18:02
EagleScreenI have heared that OpenSuse has done some form fingerprint18:02
gnomefreakgood point18:02
affluxmnemo: apt-cache policy anjuta libgbf-1-218:02
ljuwaidahI think it's important that we have it 'cause most laptops these days come with fp scanners18:03
affluxgnomefreak: though that may be the issue. any idea whether it's planned to support non-gnomish window managers?18:03
EagleScreenthere is a Bug in KDE database that request fingerprint support in kdm, it is marked as confirmed by popular demand by votes18:03
gnomefreakljuwaidah: ask for it with KK than. if it doesnt suppport it now it wont for final18:03
mnemoafflux: http://pastebin.com/f3adeebec18:04
ljuwaidahwhat's kk?18:04
gnomefreakafflux: not a clue, I'm not a fan of it at all, but you might want to try devel-discuss mailing list from lists.ubuntu.com18:04
gnomefreakljuwaidah: Jaunty+118:05
affluxgnomefreak: alright, thanks!18:05
affluxmnemo: thats bug 33846418:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 338464 in anjuta "[Jaunty] anjuta >2.25 needs Conflicts: libgbf-1-2" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33846418:05
gnomefreakyay only 2000k more to go :)18:05
affluxmnemo: you can workaround it by sudo dpkg --purge libgbf-1-218:05
ljuwaidahhow about out of the box support for tablets?18:06
* gnomefreak happy now brb smoke18:06
DPicgnomefreak: alrighty, i reported it as bug 34065218:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 340652 in ubuntu "Jaunty desktop liveCD freezes on Intel iMacs on boot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34065218:06
Haeginhi, I am having major issues with compiz and an nvidia card in the latest alpha18:07
Haeginare these issues documented anywhere?18:07
DPicHaegin: i think everyone is having the same issues. i haven't looked into it but i assume it'll be fixed18:07
mnemoafflux: it says "dependency problems - not removing" ??18:07
ljuwaidahI guess not many people have tablets18:07
BUGabundoHaegin: +118:07
HaeginDPic: any way to fix it manually?18:07
ljuwaidahbut can you guys at least include a linuxwacom package?18:08
affluxmnemo: huh. what depends on it?18:08
DPicHaegin: sorry, i haven't looked into it. i don't care too much about compiz. i only use it to show off =]18:08
mnemoafflux: http://pastebin.com/f3fcc7c8e18:08
ljuwaidahmaybe one that modifies xorg.conf, too18:08
HaeginDPic: ok, I'm not majorly bothered apart from the fact that the default install ends up with no window manager because of it18:08
affluxljuwaidah: I remember seeing some support for wacom tablets, iirc even out of the box18:09
DPicHaegin: ah yeah, i'm sure that'll be fixed18:09
ljuwaidahafflux: it doesn't work on mine18:09
affluxmnemo: dpkg --purge libgbf-1-dev libgbf-1-218:09
ljuwaidahI have to compile linuxwacom from source, copy the .so file and modify xorg.conf for it to work18:10
DPicanybody have an intel iMac to try to reproduce bug 340652 on?18:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 340652 in ubuntu "Jaunty desktop liveCD freezes on Intel iMacs on boot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34065218:10
mnemoafflux: http://pastebin.com/f63e0fd8218:10
gnomefreakmnemo: mnemo what was the install error?18:11
affluxmnemo: err...18:11
affluxmnemo: bug 33846418:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 338464 in anjuta "[Jaunty] anjuta >2.25 needs Conflicts: libgbf-1-2" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33846418:11
affluxgnomefreak: ^18:11
gnomefreakafflux: i see it thanks18:11
gnomefreakas its pushed again18:11
gnomefreakwrong channel18:11
BUGabundognomefreak: lol18:12
affluxmnemo: I think "aptitude remove libgbf-1-2 libgbf-1-dev" might work.18:12
mnemoafflux: its removing all of gnome-devel now18:13
affluxmnemo: err, fire up aptitude and ask it to update anjuta and remove libgbf-1-2.18:14
gnomefreakDPic: i assigned it to correct package. thanks for filing with us today we will get to it sometime after christmas j/k18:15
ljuwaidahI gtg, thank y'all18:15
DPicgnomefreak: isn't ubiquity just the installer itself? the LiveCd didn't get that far18:16
gnomefreakDPic: its either that or d-i. since you were using live cd assuming you were in livecd when failure it wont by d-i18:17
gnomefreakd-i is background to ubiquity18:17
mnemoafflux: I said "yes" to removing all of gnome-devel before, but then I reinstalled it afterwards... however, then update-manager crashed and then I relaunched update-manager and then it said I had I new update and that was libgbf and then that failed to install and then I pressed "CHECK" and then I got 9 more updates through a dist-upgrade (new kernel etc)18:18
mnemoafflux: anyway I _think_ it will work after this, thanks18:18
affluxmnemo: uh oh. sry for inconvenience ;)18:19
* gnomefreak wonders why everyone is getting new kernels 18:19
gnomefreakare you sure it wasnt just restricted-modules for kernel?18:19
mnemoafflux: no problem, I got a stable intrepid machine as well so im not too bothered when the jaunty box barfs18:20
mnemoomg this is a bad way, with the new updates xorg fails to start.. :O .xsession-errors says "bad fb number"18:21
gnomefreakwho was the fingerprint scanner person?18:23
mnemohe left, ljuwaidah I think18:24
gnomefreakyeah :( yes ther eis fp scanning support if you see him again18:25
DPiccouldn't jockey detect available open source drivers? i suggest this in bug 34066918:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 340669 in jockey "Restricted driver manager should also show open source drivers" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34066918:32
crdlbDPic: well, any open source drivers will generally be installed already18:33
BUGabundosee you guys tomorrow18:42
* Exilant wonders with gnomefreak18:42
EagleScreengnomefreak where did you find that information about fingerprint support?18:49
HaeginI just updated and had major trouble when I came back to login - my session was only lasting <10 seconds apparently due to /etc/X11/Xsession.d/60x11-localhost which seems to set the xhost permissions on the display18:51
HaeginI fixed the problems when I altered the line starting xhost +si... to xhost +si:localuser:`id -un` (without the trailing >& /dev/null)18:52
=== tonyyaru1so is now known as tonyyarusso
EagleScreenwill 9.04 use UsplashSmooth??19:07
fosco__EagleScreen, don't think so19:07
J-_Does Jaunty support SSE optimzation, and will it work with my GM965 chipset? A program I want to compile says I can enable the option if needed.19:09
crdlbSSE is a CPU thing19:10
crdlbbut yes, it is supported19:11
J-_awesome. thanks dude. :) cheers.19:11
gnomefreakEagleScreen: libpam-thinkfinger - PAM module for the STMicroelectronics fingerprint reader19:26
DPicwho was complaining about not being able to log in because of "bad fd number"?20:03
DPici just updated and i'm getting that now too20:03
DPichad to use failsafe gnome to log in20:04
DrHalandid the speed of the "ati" driver improve in jaunty?20:04
DPicdunno. are you asking because oyu noticed a speed improvement, or because it was slow in intrepid?20:07
AmaranthDPic: He is probably asking because he wants to know if he can complain about fglrx not supporting his card anymore :P20:10
AmaranthDrHalan: expect 50-70% the speed of fglrx20:10
Amaranthand don't expect it to ever get better20:10
DPicAmaranth, ah. do you have any idea what this "bad fd number" is about?20:10
AmaranthDPic: nope, haven't seen that one20:11
DrHalanAmaranth: yeah exactly. It is slow as hell in intrepid20:11
Amaranthsounds like some app is trying to pass a fd number to another process and something is going wrong20:11
mnemoDPic: yeah, its a known bug20:11
mnemoxorg is broken right now on all graphics cards due to a typo in a xsession bash startup script20:12
mnemoDPic: if you want to locally workaround this problem, find the filename of the script (it starts with 60x11 something) and then edit that file as a super user and remove the >& token from the last line20:12
DPiccool thanks20:13
mnemodpic: the fix is commited though and should hit the repo very soon20:13
DPici'm also noticing that when i add backgrounds, they disappear when i restart20:13
DPicis that a separate bug?20:13
mnemonot seen that one20:13
DPicmind testing it out for me?20:13
DPicjust go to change desktop background and select any image on your computer20:14
DPicafter restarting, it's gone20:14
DrHalanso why isnt the speed of ati improving?20:14
mnemodpic: reboot or just re-login?20:14
AmaranthDrHalan: to get near fglrx speeds they'd have to do special tuning for each and every different model of ati card20:15
DrHalandon't they?20:15
AmaranthDrHalan: 50-70% is achievable with generic code20:15
Amaranththey don't, they write r300 code, r500 code, etc20:15
Amaranththey don't write X1400 code20:15
DrHalanwhy not?20:16
DPicmnemo, oh damn, never mind it's not a bug. i was adding backgrounds from a partition that wasn't permanently mounted20:16
mnemodpic: ok20:16
AmaranthDrHalan: because it would take ages and it a lot of very hard work20:16
crdlbbecause even if you had the resources to do it, you end up as buggy as fglrx :)20:16
Amaranthit is*20:16
Amaranthright, and hand tuning for every card is more likely to create bugs20:16
Amaranthgallium3d might get it up to 70-80% for at least r500 cards20:17
AmaranthI think the older ones are still more special purpose than generic shader engines and gallium3d would essentially ignore the special purpose hardware and run pure shaders20:17
Amaranthalthough there was work to get support for cards that lack certain kinds of shaders so perhaps that is not true anymore20:18
DPicthis isn't jaunty specific, but how do i set a drive to mount automatically?20:26
mnemoDPic: during the stone age it was done in /etc/fstab I think but maybe there is a better way these days... google for it, sound very common20:27
DPici had the chance to do it during installation but i forgott20:27
DPicseems like i still have to edit fstab20:31
danbhfiveDPic: I think the installer just sets up fstab for you20:31
unixdawgso when they going to fix gstreamer for user side20:40
eidHi, I have problem with logging to ubuntu after installing today's updates. I got this error in xsessions-erros "/etc/X11/Xsession.d/60x11-localhost 4: Syntax error: bad fd number"20:41
mnemoeid: its fixed already and the bugfix has been submitted to archive20:41
mnemoeid: if you got "main server" configured you should be able to just run "apt-get update ; apt-get upgrade" to fix it20:42
mnemoeid: otherwise, as a temporary workaround, remove the ">&" token from the last line in the 60x11-localhost file20:42
eidmnemo: mnemo : how can I be sure that I am using the main server, I don't have GUI now I am using irssi20:43
euxneksmnemo, eid haha I was just trying to figure this out when I saw you two talking about it20:45
mnemoeid: if you're not getting a fixed x11-common package through apt-get upgrade you're probably on some mirror (thats the default)20:45
mnemoeid: if you're in CLI mode, just edit the file and drop the >& thing20:45
eidmnemo: I will delete >& only ?20:46
mnemoyeah or change it to &>20:46
crdlbjust delete the20:46
crdlberr just delete the &20:46
crdlbif that script is run by dash, &> won't work either20:47
mnemowhen the next update comes, you should select "choose package maintainers version" anyway20:47
mnemocrdlb: ah ok20:47
crdlbwell, it'll see it as 'command &', which might be bad20:47
theholyduckunixdawg, not to mention gstreamer is horrible anyway20:48
eidmnemo: crdlb Thanks it works :)20:48
theholyduckand any sane developer wouldnt be using it20:48
crdlbtheholyduck: -_-20:49
unixdawgbut they need to fix what they break20:49
bruce89what's broken?20:50
mnemobruce89: xorg20:50
bruce89ah, I'll not upgrade that then20:50
eidI have problem with the usplash, I have wrong colors and resolution. I think I made a mistake when I was using 8.10. I want to remove any setting related to usplash and make fresh install, I tried apt-get purge usplash and it did not work !20:51
unixdawggstreamer in user mode20:52
unixdawgits playing back at double speed20:52
unixdawgonly works when you use apps in sudo mode20:52
theholyduckunixdawg, i dont really care because as i said. any sane person will just use libav* directly20:53
theholyduckless chance of stuff cocking up. the ability to include your own UP TO DATE decoder.20:53
theholyduckand just general betterness20:53
* bruce89 thought ffmpeg didn't bother with API stability20:54
bruce89not to mention ffmpeg reimplements everything20:55
eidany idea about usplash ?20:55
theholyduckbruce89, they dont :P20:55
theholyduckbut its easily fixed by making your app use a staticly linked ffmpeg20:55
theholyduckand then update it when you feel ready for it20:55
bruce89that's nice security-wise20:55
theholyduckbruce89, dynamic linking is hell anyway20:56
theholyduckthere is a REASON anyone even semi profesionall doing stuff for linux includes all the libs they use in the install20:56
Amaranththeholyduck: you _must_ be an ffmpeg or mplayer developer20:56
Amaranththeholyduck: everyone else likes releases and dynamic linking20:56
Amaranththeholyduck: vmware includes a copy of every library it uses but will use the system one if it is available20:57
Amaranthit's still dynamically linked, they just ship fallback copies of things they link to20:57
theholyduckAmaranth, am not but i share their views :P20:58
theholyduckbruce89, the only thing dynamic linking promotes is distros not upgrading their libraries because stuff would break20:58
theholyduckand you sit there with MORE security holes and less performance20:58
theholyduckthen you got developers using your libs in unintended ways. and abusing bugs in your software. and when you FIX those. they complain because they needed that buggy behavior.20:58
theholyduckAmaranth, well dynamic linking is GREAT if developers and users were people who didnt cock up20:58
theholyduckif mistakes never happened. and it was a perfect world20:59
Amaranththeholyduck: but we don't consider bugs part of the ABI so...strawman20:59
bruce89gstreamer uses a lot more than just ffmpeg20:59
theholyduckid be the biggest supporter of dynamic linking20:59
theholyduckbruce89, and all of it besides ffmpeg is shit20:59
theholyduckor useless20:59
theholyduckor both20:59
ubottuPlease remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.21:00
bruce89however, I don't like Phono21:00
bruce89an abstraction over an abstraction is too far21:00
theholyduckAmaranth, but i agree with their releases are stupid policy aswell21:01
theholyduckthe only thing releases does is suck manpower and time that could better be spent doing improvements21:01
Amaranththeholyduck: we _never_ have two copies of something in the repos21:01
theholyduckAmaranth, i know. and i think its a retarded policy.21:02
Amaranthwell, except for 32-bit libraries for 64-bit systems21:02
AmaranthI think it's the only sane way to handle security21:02
theholyduckAmaranth, actually. your mplayer is built with static libs i think?21:02
theholyduckas in static libav* atleast21:02
theholyducksince its over 2 years old21:02
theholyduckand your ffmpeg libs probaly wouldnt work with it21:02
theholyduckim guessing you use its included libass and simlar aswell. while shipping a libass package21:03
Amaranthgah, they did make that change21:03
Amaranththey should have just dropped mplayer21:03
theholyduckAmaranth, built from svn. mplayer is easily the best video player on the unix platform21:03
theholyduckeven the 2 year old ubuntu build is a close call compared to the updated rest21:04
Amaranthmplayer is the most complicated and finicky player I've ever used21:04
crdlbexcept that it has no plugin support ...21:05
theholyduckAmaranth, meh. i got 8 lines of ~/.mplayer/config and i just have thunar run mplayer filename on any video file21:05
theholyduckand it just works21:05
theholyduckpicks the right audio track, subtitle track, and right vo, etc,etc21:05
bruce89hmm, #ubuntu-offtopic methinks21:05
theholyduckcrdlb, who really needs it?21:05
Amaranthyeah, although I doubt the conversation would last long there21:05
theholyduckcrdlb, plugins for what anyway?21:05
Amaranththis is the kind of thing #ubuntu+1 used to be used for, actually21:06
bruce89incidentally, totem does DVDs now21:06
crdlbcodecs they can't legally include by default?21:06
Amaranthcrdlb: see: all of them21:07
theholyduckindeed. ubuntu is allready stretching it by packaging ffmpeg21:07
Amaranthcan mplayer play a movie backwards?21:07
Amaranthlike if you drag the slider backwards does it actually show it playing?21:07
Amaranthsame with forwards, really21:07
theholyduckAmaranth, it hasnt implemented reverse playback no. because thats a pain in the arse to do21:07
theholyduckand useless21:07
theholyduckit can SKIP backwards and show the frames it skips to21:08
Amaranthi find it useful for skipping to a part of a video to watch21:08
theholyduckand it doesnt have a slider to drag21:08
theholyduckAmaranth, well thats not playing backwards though21:08
Amaranthand I think all gstreamer codecs can do it except the ffmpeg ones21:08
theholyduckits just showing the i frames21:08
theholyduckand yes. there is a difference21:08
theholyducka MAJOR one21:08
Amaranthi know21:08
Amaranthgstreamer literally plays the video though21:09
Amaranthhigh speed or backwards depending on what direction you're dragging the slider21:09
theholyduckAmaranth, who the hell has time on their hand to write something as useless as a BACKWARDS frame decoder?21:09
theholyducksure writing a system for displaying the iframes as you're dragging the slider is 1 thing21:09
theholyduckbut ACTUAL backwards decoding?21:09
Amaranthpeople aiming for an exceptional video playback system21:09
bruce89more of a media everything system21:10
theholyduckbut ffmpeg allready does basicly any video format ever21:10
theholyduckadd that to mplayer format to use w32/64codecs for the stuff it cant21:10
theholyduckand i really dont see the need for anything else21:10
theholyduckmplayers ability :P21:11
Amaranthdon't even get me started on w32codecs21:11
theholyduckAmaranth, its a dirty evil stupid hack,etc,etc21:11
theholyduckbut it WORKS :P21:11
bruce89nor is it needed21:11
Amaranthhacky, slow, buggy, illegal21:11
theholyduckbruce89, sure it is21:11
Amaranthand no, not needed21:11
theholyduckbruce89, you need it to play realmedia21:11
bruce89not in my experience21:11
theholyduckatleast some of it21:11
Amaranthffmpeg can handle realmedia21:11
theholyduckAmaranth, not ALL realmedia.21:12
theholyduckand not the mplayer you ship in ubuntu21:12
Amaranthand who the hell uses realmedia anymore?21:12
theholyduckAmaranth, all my old pornos!21:12
bruce89certainly not the BBC21:12
ubottuPlease remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.21:12
theholyduckAmaranth, you cant use the word porno?21:12
AmaranthIt's a very bad thing to be talking about21:13
theholyduckim not talking about them. just giving a reason21:13
theholyduckcurrently just mentioned as a word. not whats in them21:13
theholyduckyou english people are too uppity on what words one can and cant use.21:13
* bruce89 is Scottish21:13
bruce89our telly's full of swearing mind21:14
theholyduckits pretty fun to compare movie ratings between us/england and norway.21:14
theholyduckanything rated 15 in norway will be 18+ in the us21:14
theholyduckbut yeah its a bit offtopic i gues21:15
* bruce89 was saying that21:15
Amaranthyeah, back to the point21:15
Amaranthgstreamer is a framework for media21:15
Amaranthffmpeg is a bunch of codecs in a library21:15
AmyRoseI'm guessing this is also the channel for Kubuntu Jaunty?21:20
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde421:21
euxnekskubuntu+1 forwards to here so I'm guessing yes21:21
AmyRoseWell, I'm having some Qt 4.5-releated drawing glitches. When I point at toolbar buttons, they look like they're pressed down.21:22
AmaranthIt is the place but no one here actually uses KDE so...21:29
AmaranthBasically there is no place21:29
euxnekshow does one restart xorg in jaunty now?21:35
euxnekssudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart?21:36
jpdssudo invoke-rc.d gdm restart21:37
carl0s-Does anybody know where per-user X resolution settings are stored? I've dropped the resolution too low and I can't set it back as the screen just stays black with the mouse pointer on there.21:41
HaeginUbuntu seems to have an old buggy version of taglib-sharp in the jaunty repos atm, which project should bugs be assigned to?21:41
carl0s-so gdm looks fine, but once I log in I get 800x600 instead of the 1024x600 that I want.21:41
carl0s-also I can't actually login normally since last updates, I get "your session lasted less than 10 seconds.. something died" and have to use failsafe gnome session. Anybody else seeing this?21:42
euxneksupdate again21:44
euxneksthere was a small glitch they've fixed with updates21:44
euxnekssudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade21:45
firephotoanyone have any suggestions for changing touchpad settings on kubuntu?21:47
firephotook. does anyone know what to insall from the gnome side to get the configuration utility that exists(?) in the gnome settings for a touchpad?21:56
FaMottHmmm, Is the Directory X11 supposed to err... Replicate itself?21:56
FaMottLike this is /usr/bin/X11 >.> http://i90.photobucket.com/albums/k280/Mottmon/lolwut.png22:06
FaMott(Don't mind the name, it's my reaction to the fact it's duplicated itself TWENTY+TIMES)22:06
hggdhFaMott, I do not follow you. What do you mean?22:08
FaMottDid you look at the image?22:08
hggdhnow I did, and this is why I had not follwed you before...22:09
hggdhno, it is not22:09
hggdh(supposed to). At all.22:09
gnomefreaki have to get me one of those ;)22:10
gnomefreakyou only need 1 X1122:10
FaMottHmmm, How do I go about getting rid of the others, then?22:10
demon_i have a question22:10
gnomefreaki know i read the above, sorry my time to relax after a crap day22:10
demon_is it true that in 9.04 you can use usb stick as ram? just like in vista22:11
hggdhwell, that is a more complex issue... I would do that out of X22:11
gnomefreaknormally they rename X11.1 ect... maybe not .1 but you know what i mean22:11
CycomFaMott: it's a symlink that's recursive.22:11
FaMott... Okay, so If I undo the symlink, it'll be alright?22:12
joaopintodemon_, you can already do that with 8.10, you just need to create a swap partition on the flash device :)22:12
hggdhthen a 'ls -l' should show it22:12
CycomFaMott: I would advise against it.22:13
Cycomit's fine now.22:13
Cycomwhy would you mess with that particular symlink?22:13
Cycomit just points to .22:13
demon_NOOOOOOOOOOOO joaopinto you need to tell how to do that :D22:13
Cycomyou can see this with ls -ls X1122:13
FaMottIs it wasting space?22:13
CycomFaMott: not in the least.22:14
FaMottOk, then I probably don't have to worry about it22:14
demon_joaopinto, can i PM you :)22:14
LSD200quick Q - what in ubuntu stops the title bar at the top of apps from showing - just ran a bunch of updates and it's vanished from my apps22:16
CycomFaMott: in fact, I suspect it would be BAD to remove that symlink.22:16
bz0bhey what version is gnome in jaunty?22:19
bz0bis it going to be 2.26 for stable release?22:20
gnomefreakshould be22:21
gnomefreak!info gnome jaunty22:21
ubottugnome (source: meta-gnome2): The GNOME Desktop Environment, with extra components. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.22.2~4ubuntu4 (jaunty), package size 1 kB, installed size 44 kB22:21
gnomefreakthats not right22:22
gnomefreak!info gnome-desktop jaunty22:22
ubottuPackage gnome-desktop does not exist in jaunty22:22
FaMott!info g++22:22
ubottug++ (source: gcc-defaults (1.77ubuntu1)): The GNU C++ compiler. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.3.2-2ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 1 kB, installed size 40 kB22:22
gnomefreakversion is 2.25.92 its pre 2.2622:23
bz0bok thats what i thought22:24
bz0bthanks gnomefreak22:24
bz0bgnome is in hard freeze anyways so its pretty much the rc right?22:25
gnomefreakbz0b: np sorry for the cruft before i didnt get away from here fast enough :(22:25
bz0bnp thanks22:25
LSD200:/ ok it's a gnome fault i was having in jaunty where no title bars showing22:26
bz0bis jaunty pretty stable as of now?22:26
crdlbit varies22:26
gnomefreakdefine stable22:26
LSD200i wouldn't use it for work yet22:26
gnomefreakmuch more stable than 2 months ago but still able to break on you22:27
bz0bas far as everyday use for basic things such as web browsing, watching movies, litsening to music, and an occasional aircrack for proof of concept here or there ;-)22:27
* gnomefreak has some bugs to fix but nothing that cant wait for KK22:27
gnomefreakfirefox has a bug or 100 but ubufox needs to be fixed as it seems to be root cause22:28
gnomefreakseamonkey sunbird lightning and the rest of my toys are all working fine ;)22:28
bz0bi see ok well sounds good thanks for the info22:29
* crdlb hopes that one day ephy can be the default with firefox available for people who want it22:29
* bz0b is buring ubuntu 9.04 amd64 as he speaks22:29
bz0bcrdlb: is ephy any good?22:29
gnomefreakcrdlb: thats bee discussed i think it was hardy devel sycle22:29
crdlbnot yet :)22:30
crdlbwell, with it using gecko, it wouldn't make much sense22:30
gnomefreakits a gnome based gecho browser now choice with webkit22:30
crdlbbut in a cycle or two, once webkit-gtk is mature ...22:30
LSD200i'll stick with opera22:30
gnomefreakyeah mature22:30
bz0bbattle of the browsers nice22:30
FaMottI like Opera >.> but it lacks the extensions I need, all though firefox is starting to yanno, Go bad D:22:31
Amaranthgnomefreak: it's not a gnome-based gecko browser anymore22:32
gnomefreakwe might get the horrible "firefox is currently open" error or whatever it is. I have a work around for 3.1 but still need to work out kinks22:32
LSD200opera is good for work and baffles the "IT admin" so all is good and handles e-mail etc much better imho just a shame it's not included22:32
Amaranthit's a webkit browser with a gecko option that you probably shouldn't use as I don't think anyone makes sure it works22:32
gnomefreakAmaranth: no? it still uses gecko engine with a choice of webkit22:33
gnomefreakor vice versa22:33
Amaranthgnomefreak: the focus is on webkit22:33
bz0bwhat is a webkit browser with gecko if i may ask/22:33
AmaranthWouldn't surprise me if they dropped gecko support after webkit gets good enough22:33
crdlbgecko support _is_ dropped22:33
crdlbin trunk22:33
Amaranththere you go22:33
crdlbthey've been removing some of the abstractions too22:34
* gnomefreak really starting to hate seamonkey so i will get back to it tomorrow night guys22:36
gnomefreaki take that back one more thing to finish22:36
bz0bhey just a question to some of the devs, does ubuntu have a way of being able to compile its packages based upon your system specs in order to get the most out of your system, e.g like gentoo22:36
crdlbno, because the difference is negligable22:37
Amaranthbz0b: no but for the few packages where it actually matters that stuff is done at run-time22:37
crdlbin particular, if you use amd64, you're already dropping all the legacy support22:37
bz0bcrdlb: what do you mean negligable22:37
bz0bi see, just curious so basiaclly everyone have the same pre-configured bins for whatever version of ubuntu they use22:38
bz0bi understand that as the ease of access goes, but when it comes to the hard core guys who want to get the most preformance out of there system thats where you loose some possible users22:38
dnyagaUpdated kernel to [regular updates]. Boot on my machine broke. Can boot older kernel []22:39
gnomefreaklinux-image-2.6.28-9-generic  << the one i couldnt find22:40
LSD200think 1 of the regular updates has "tweaked" gnome22:40
bz0banother question, for security purposes isn't using sudo over just having root kind of insecure, considering all someone has to do is get user privledges go sudo, and bam full root access22:40
Amaranthbz0b: no because they now have to find your username and your password22:40
Amaranthand sudo logs everything run through it, although sudo -s kind of breaks that22:41
bz0bAmaranth: right but for the standard user who has one user on the system other than the daemon user accounts, its somewhat insecure22:42
Amaranthbz0b: How so?22:42
Amaranthbz0b: they now have to find your username and your password22:42
bz0bwell one rootkit, on a regular user who has wheel access, run a terminal sniffer and gg22:42
dnyagaInstalled: 2.6.28-9.29; Previous: 2.6.28-9.28; Boot with "newer" kernel - dropped into Busybox with a complaint that it cannot find the root device.22:43
gnomefreakthats the one i getting atm i dont see it being a problem but wont know until morning22:44
digitaloktaydnyaga, kernel-panic?22:44
gnomefreaksudo nor su store sensitive data in clear text22:45
dnyagaYes. See https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/340795 for a little more detail.22:45
ubottuUbuntu bug 340795 in linux "Kernel update 2.6.28-9 in Jaunty alpha breaks boot on Gateway laptop" [Undecided,New]22:45
digitaloktayyes i had this problem yesterday after update with kernel, too22:46
gnomefreakdnyaga: do you delete kernels from grub/system when you update one?22:47
gnomefreakother wise busybox means nothing just boot older kernel22:47
gnomefreaknevermind i thought you said you cant boot earlier kernel in here but bug report says you can22:48
dnyagaNo, I do not. It was a simple update-reboot. My older kernels are still in place.22:48
gnomefreakkey words "ext4 partitions"22:48
dnyagaYes, even now running on is the one that wont boot.22:48
gnomefreaknot yet stable. atm it is a choice but ext3 is default. ext4 should be better in KK at least from what i hear22:49
crdlbext4 broke, what a shock :o22:49
dnyagaConverted my former ext3 partitions when I installed the alpha close to a month ago. Not sure if we should blame ext4 yet though. Working fine with previous 2.6.28 kernels.22:50
gnomefreakdnyaga: kernel version means nothing other than to track it. a module could break ext4 and not ext322:51
bruce89I assume to not bother installing 2.6.28-9 ones, or the ubuntu14 xorg22:51
gnomefreak1:7.4~5ubuntu15 works fine22:52
gnomefreak14 is behind ;)22:52
dnyagaOK. Reported it for info sake, happy for now working with whatever kernel boots.22:53
* gnomefreak didnt fix this upstream didnt touch it and asac hadnt gotten to it. more testing tomorrow22:53
bruce89where's the bug?22:54
durthey folks, just upgraded an hour ago, new kernel, new xorg, now Xsession errors out with /etc/X11/Xsession.d/60x11-localhost: 4: Syntax error: Bad fd number. Anybody else see this?23:01
crdlbupdate again :)23:02
crdlbif that doesn't work, you can edit that file and remove the '&' in '>&' to get X to start23:03
crdlbbut if you're on the main archive, you should have it23:03
magciusWhat version of libtorrent is in the repositories?23:03
durtcrdlb: ok, thx23:03
crdlbmagcius: which libtorrent?23:04
magciuscrdlb, hmm?23:04
crdlbthere's the libtorrent rtorrent uses and there's the libtorrent deluge uses23:04
magciuscrdlb, aren]23:04
magciuscrdlb, aren't they the same?23:04
crdlbthe latter is called libtorrent-rasterbar in ubuntu23:04
crdlbnope, completely unrelated23:04
CarlFK1dvgrab ... "": damaged frame near: timecode 00:02:06.04 date 2067.02.15 22:26:25  This means that there were missing or invalid FireWire packets.23:09
CarlFK1this seems new23:09
CarlFK1kino is ok though23:09
DanaG"Regardless of type, a bubble should appear as a rectangle of color #131313 (regardless of theme) with opacity 90%, corner roundness 0.375 em, and a drop shadow of #000000 color and 0.5 em spread. The bubble should blur whatever is behind it with a Gaussian blur of 0.125 em." -- no, no, no!  Hard-coding colors is RUDE!23:13
bruce89DanaG: yet another nail23:13
DanaGI really have a bone to pick with apps that say "screw you" to my theme colors.23:13
bruce89"Black is what Vista does, we need to do that too"23:14
DanaGOh yeah, and the new PulseAudio has "flat volumes" -- which I find royally confusing.23:15
melikxfce 4.6 is so amazing23:16
DanaG  "When there is a kernel oops, a notification bubble appears asking if you want to send the error to the Kernel Oops Web site: “Always”, “Yes”, “No”, or “Never”. This should totally be an alert box instead."23:16
DanaG.... totally!23:16
bruce89DanaG: I used to get a dialogue with "ok" and "cancel" buttons23:18
bruce89then I switched to gnome-{italian_name}-session23:19
ubottuUbuntu bug 327427 in network-manager-applet "network manager applet should pop up wizard when 3g device is plugged in and no configuration exists" [High,Fix released]23:19
DanaG.... should pop up?  No thanks.23:19
DanaGWhat if I plug my phone into my laptop to use bitpim.... it'll prompt me to set up mobile broadband?23:20
DanaGWell, for one, I don't have a data plan.23:20
DanaGAnd for another, the setup wizard doesn't even offer Verizon at all!23:20
DanaGIt also happens to give me no notification AT ALL for brightness and volume.23:22
ubottuUbuntu bug 331311 in gnome-settings-daemon "volume/brightness notifications are blank (all black)" [High,Fix released]23:22
DanaGNot even blank now... just plain not there at all!23:22
DanaGSo... not fixed!23:23
bruce89tell me about it23:23
bruce89flawed design, worse implementation23:23
Amaranthgood design, buggy implementation23:24
Amaranthtoo bad things that want you to do something with them can't automatically be converted to the indicator applet23:24
AmaranthAlthough that's not the only use of the indicator applet so...23:25
crdlbmy only issue with notify-osd now is that they insist on changing all the icons to look good with notify-osd23:25
crdlbso they look horrible with notification-daemon23:25
ubottuUbuntu bug 331311 in gnome-settings-daemon "volume/brightness notifications are blank (all black)" [High,Fix released]23:26
ubottuUbuntu bug 334809 in notify-osd "design problem? infinite wait for long queue" [Wishlist,Confirmed]23:26
bruce89the general design isn't a bad idea, but the actual specifcs are barm23:27
bruce89and not getting upstream's input is not good23:29
bruce89shame Fiesty wasn't Forked Fudge23:31
AmaranthI've never heard of a fudge23:31
AmaranthWhat kind of animal is that?23:31
ubottuUbuntu bug 338837 in notify-osd "New notification does not work if icon theme is changed from Human" [High,Triaged]23:32
bruce89we had a pet hamster called Fudge23:32
AmaranthDanaG: that at least is a simple fix23:33
AmaranthDanaG: put the images in the hicolor theme23:33
DanaGCheck out these themes:23:34
Amaranthoh, even better, that's a bug in the build script23:34
Amaranththey're already being installed somewhere theme-agnostic23:34
bruce89taking their time to fix it23:34
DanaGThey're nice... but since they assume 24-pixel panels, they look horrible with bigger panels.23:34
AmaranthDanaG: I can't read any of that23:35
DanaGThe pictures are what matter, not the words.  =þ23:35
Amaranthnot if I want to install them23:35
DanaGOh yeah, they give you an apt source line.23:36
DanaGoh yeah, and another thing with notify-osd: it's horribly laggy.23:36
FaMottsudo mount /dev/sda123:37
FaMottmount: can't find /dev/sda1 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab23:37
FaMottThat... may be an issue o.O23:37
DanaGTry hitting volume-up and volume-down repeatedly.23:37
DanaG... and while it lags, it eats CPU, too.23:37
Amaranthhuh, nothing shows up at all anymore23:37
Amaranthoh, right23:37
Amaranthsudo mv /usr/share/notify_osd /usr/share/notify-osd23:37
Amarantherr, wrong window23:38
DanaGI symlinked notify-osd to notify_osd23:38
DanaGI figured symlinking is just as good, and will let it fix itself later.23:38
DanaGdeb http://debian.vogelweith.com/ intrepid zgegthemes23:38
DanaGdeb-src http://debian.vogelweith.com/ intrepid zgegthemes23:38
Amaranthit's not lagging for me23:38
DanaGthere's a metapackage, zgegblog-themes23:39
DanaGOh yeah, what video driver?23:39
Amaranthnow brightness, that lags like hell23:39
DanaGI'm on Radeon, R600.23:39
DanaGOh, and try doing "skip track" a lot in a media player app that uses notifications.23:39
Amaranthbut that's true on all distros, it's just gnome-power-manager23:39
AmaranthIntel X3100, UXA23:39
DanaGYou'll find it can start lagging for like 15 minutes, devouring CPU the whole time.23:39
Amaranthnotifications are not showing up at all for banshee23:40
AmaranthDanaG: nope, banshee behaves23:41
DanaGhmm, try with quodlibet.23:41
Amaranthso the app is broken23:41
DanaGLoad a bunch of tracks, then skip forward a bit, and then hit skip-back a whole bunch of times so it indicates first-track multiple times.23:42
Amaranthi'm not going to install and setup a music player I don't want to use just to see a bug in said app23:42
crdlbbecause it doesn't update its old notifications?23:42
Amaranthright, quodlibet is creating new notifications instead of updating the old one23:42
DanaGIn the old one, it'd show all the notifications by replacing old ones with new ones, and by stacking them.23:42
DanaGSo it would get a bunch stacked vertically, but no artificial delay between them.23:43
crdlbright, but there's no reason to see more than one new-song notification23:43
crdlbso it should be updating the old one23:43
DanaGOh yeah, also try simply holding volume-up or volume-down, so it repeats.23:45
DanaGIt'll start doing that distracting blinky thing... rather glitchily.23:45
DanaG... and it'll stay pegged at max volume the whole time, and not let you decrease volume until it's done.23:46
crdlbI prefer the original mockups for volume/brightness23:46
crdlbtrying to have defined increments when you don't control the hardware is stupid23:46
DanaGhold on while I ctrl-alt-backspace for a moment.23:47
Amaranthcrdlb: eh?23:47
bruce89"New vendor-specific caps may be specified as long as they start with "x-vendor""23:47
Amaranthoh, yeah23:48
Amaranththe mockup looks super shiny23:48
AmaranthI wish they implemented the volume like that23:48
DanaGI think they should use a "triangle" thingy for volume, not just a flat bar.23:48
Amaranththey originally did but changed it to a boring bar23:49
DanaGoh yeah, I like non-shiny... take a look at my theme.23:49
DanaGSure, it's snazzy and bright... but not... glossy.23:49
DanaGOh, and I have changed my lower thing back to a normal panel -- not a dock anymore.23:50
thiebaudeDanaG: looks cool23:50
DanaGNodoka engine is nice.23:50
thiebaudei wish i can run 9.0423:51
AmaranthDanaG: mine is a bit more shiny23:51
crdlbAmaranth: why does noitify-osd insist on animating itself? :/23:52
AmaranthDanaG: oxygen for gtk, gnome-colors icon theme (blue), gnome-do's docky23:52
Amaranthcrdlb: eh?23:52
* bruce89 sticks with plain old ClearLooks23:52
bruce89this week, with green colours23:52
crdlbthey had to add a workaround to animation so that animation wouldn't do its own fade effect23:53
Amaranthcrdlb: say my name twice (two lines) in a couple seconds23:53
crdlbie modify the default configuration23:53
crdlbAmaranth: 123:53
crdlbAmaranth: 223:53
Amaranthit doesn't combine them23:53
Amaranthcrdlb: because it's supposed to work with all compositors23:54
Amaranthand there is no "please fade me" request you can make to a compositor23:55
crdlbif a compositor doesn't want to fade notifications, then it won't ...23:55
Amaranththey want it to always fade23:55
crdlband if a user doesn't want them to fade ...23:55
Amaranththey should use OpenSuSE's KDE desktop23:56
Amaranthwe're trying to provide an experience23:56
Amaranthone thing I'd like is larger fonts in the notifications though23:57
Amaranthlike in the mockup23:57
DanaGOh yeah, havee  youaaweeeeerraaasss23:58
DanaGafbvasdf argh somethhhing's devouring my cp23:58
DanaGit's hard to yu wen everythethin's lagging23:58
Amaranthdownloading a video to the desktop?23:58
Amaranththe thumbnailer seems to have forgotten how to not try to thumbnail things that are changing23:59
bruce89Amaranth: compositor trying to show a notification?23:59
bruce89oops, DanaG23:59

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