
filo1234hi all  how can i modyfy font size of this item ? http://imagebin.org/4074000:01
filo1234i have see Human.xml but i have not found referments00:01
_MMA_filo1234: That *should* be part of the GDM theme. Or, it's keyed off you personal font settings.00:04
filo1234_MMA_: where i found option key off for personal fonts?00:05
filo1234_MMA_: gconf-editor ? /desktop/gnome/interface/gtk_theme00:10
kwwiigood morning, from south africa06:52
loic_mi wanted to know if jaunty alpha6, to be release in 2 days, will have the final artwork08:39
gaminggeekloic_m: don't know probably not08:46
loic_moh ok08:47
loic_manyway we'll see08:49
_MMA_Cimi_: Have you released that newer version of Murrine we chatted about?20:51
Cimi__MMA_, no but the svn trunk is ok21:06
_MMA_Cimi_: It makes it harder to update then.21:07
_MMA_The archive guys just like it that way. I think I can get it done.21:11
Cimi__MMA_, tell me anyway when this will be done so I can manage to review the full code and/or do a development release21:14
_MMA_Cimi: I'm trying to get it done now actually. Hopefully, tonight or tomorrow I'll have the updated package done so Ken can push it through.21:15
Cimi__MMA_, could you get it done tomorrow evening?21:40
Cimi_tomorrow I would like to review the code21:40
_MMA_Cimi_: Ok. Ill make it Friday. Should give you plenty of time.21:41
Cimi_thank you21:41
_MMA_Cimi: After talking to some on my people, making the release public, no matter how small, will make the update alot more smooth.23:26
CimiI will think about it23:29
_MMA_Cimi: Sure. But I'm doing this because you asked. Really, my guys are so burnt I'd rather not. So, if you still care, making it a public release can make or break if it's accepted or not. Make it a .60.1 release. Whatever. Just as long as it's public.23:35
Cimi_MMA_, maybe friday. I will think23:36
CimiI'm not sure I would23:37
Cimifixing ubuntu is not on the things I would liek to take care of23:37
_MMA_Cimi: Up to you.23:37
_MMA_Cimi: Huh? I thought that was the whole reason for this? Really, if you don't care, I won't bother.23:38
Cimi_MMA_, I hated the fact kwwii grabbed a broken svn release and packaged it23:39
CimiI'm asking you to update the package just because I'm tired of bugreports about this broken version23:39
Cimipeople saying "hey it doesn't work"23:39
Cimiand everytime I have to tell them that they are using the wrong version23:39
Cimiyes the current svn is much more advanced, but I'm not happy of making a release (which implies some kind of support) just because I'm forced to23:41
Cimibut it seems I don't have other solutions....23:42
_MMA_Cimi: *Before* you make it public on Friday, contact me. We'll see what we can work out.23:43
Cimithank you for the attention anyway23:43

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