
LaibschIs it just me or can somebody confirm bug 334528 ?01:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 334528 in virtualbox-ose "[Jaunty] virtualbox-ose-source does not find kernel source and thus fails installation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33452801:44
ubottuError: This bug is private01:57
ubottuUbuntu bug 340297 in gimp "gimp-2.6 crashed with SIGSEGV in g_object_get()" [Undecided,New]01:58
tw1tchhello all, i just watched the video from http://videos.ubuntu.com/qa/assigning-packages-to-bugs.ogg on assigning packages to bugs, in it the author says that all hibernate bugs should be assigned to "acpi-support" but some documentation from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/FindRightPackage says that most hibernate/resume bugs should probably be asigned to gnome-power-manager, pm-utils, or the linux kernel. Is this contradictory and if so which one shou02:15
tw1tchright.... =)02:24
hggdhtw1tch, good question. Could you please email bug-control with this, and with the URLs for the pages you found?02:26
hggdh(at this point in time, most are sleeping)02:26
bdmurraythe video is wrong the wiki page is right02:26
hggdhyo bdmurray  how's life?02:27
bdmurrayhggdh: alright02:27
tw1tchok thanks guys02:27
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dholbachgood morning06:50
thekorngood morning bugsquad07:25
harrisonyanyone have experience in linking a ubuntu bug report to a launchpad bug report13:18
harrisonyanother project bug repiort13:18
harrisonyi tried but failed pretty badly13:18
charlie-tcaWhat is the bug number?13:18
harrisonybug 2462 is the ubuntu bug13:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 2462 in mail-notification "mail-notifcation hogging the CPU polling when internet connection lost" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/246213:19
harrisonywith bug 182923 being the upstream13:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 182923 in mail-notification "absence of network connection causes high CPU usage" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18292313:19
charlie-tcaThey are both reported in launchpad. The original bug report for 182923 was a non-ubuntu bugzilla. It should not have been carried into launchpad.13:22
persiaharrisony, I'd suggest asking on #launchpad.  I believe the model is that they should be the same bug report, and that there ought be Mail Notification, Ubuntu, Fedora, and Debian tasks.13:23
charlie-tcaI think the only way to link the two now is make 182923 a duplicate of 246213:23
persiaOr maybe the other way around, and add tasks to 192923, as upstream is more likely to be tracking 18292313:24
charlie-tcatrue, but the duplicates against 2462 would have to be moved, also13:24
ballWould it be considered a bug if the install CD (for Ubuntu Server) did something to the display adaptor that left the screen unreadable?15:20
hggdhguess so, since -server does not install any X thingies15:22
ballhggdh: I think it happened after the Ubuntu splash screen15:24
ballIs there a key I can press to turn that off?15:24
hggdhno, but you can edit the boot parameters (and, perhaps, open a bug on usplash?)15:25
ballhggdh: how (where) do I edit boot parameters?15:26
ballI'm not yet brave enough to open a bug ;-)15:27
hggdh2 ways: (1) when cold-booting the system; (2) editing /boot/grub/menu.lst, and then running 'sudo update-grub'15:27
hggdhball, nobody will bite you if you open a bug15:28
hggdhand we need the feedback: if something is wrong, better correct than bypass15:28
* ball nods15:28
ballI was a little surprised that Ubuntu Server even used a splash screen.15:29
ballI can see it on the desktop versions, where it's safe to assume there's a framebuffer.15:29
hggdhusplash is boot-time only, and looks nice15:29
hggdhwell, even my servers run with fbs15:29
ballhggdh: Perhaps that's a safe assumption with PC servers then.15:31
hggdhit might, I am not sure (I had to add the FB to the servers manually). But usplash should have worked even with a "standard" setup15:32
ballAh, now when I say "framebuffer", I'm talking about the physical hardware.15:32
ballVGA card, basically.15:32
* ball tries to get used to Linux terminology15:33
hggdhit still should work, with 640x480 (or whatever)15:33
ballhggdh: I'm used to servers with no graphics hardware15:33
* ball <- old fart.15:33
ball...so splash screens aren't a priority for me.15:33
* hggdh <- farter old15:33
ballShould the splash screen revert to the previous display mode after doing its thing?15:35
hggdhthen just disable it on the boot parms. I still like the increased real estate when using FBs (a terminal with 140x60)15:35
ballhggdh: I'm used to terminals that attach via a serial cable.  No splash screen there then.15:36
ballOkay, well I'll break out google and look for a way to turn that off.15:36
hggdhoh. *real* old. ;-)15:36
hggdhball, I gave you the way15:36
ballhggdh: you told me where to do it, but I still need to look for the commands, keypresses etc.15:37
ballI'm new to Linux (sort of)15:37
hggdhbe careful when editing /boot/grub/menu.lst15:38
patanachaibug #339686 > wishlist15:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 339686 in ubuntu "Insufficient touchpad configuration tool" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33968615:39
ballDoes the alternate install CD also use graphics?15:39
charlie-tcapatanachai: It doesn't say what version of Ubuntu they are using, but gsynaptics should take care of that15:41
hggdhI think so, do not remember.15:41
charlie-tcapatanachai: It just has to be installed from Synaptic Package Manager15:41
ballDoesn't make much sense to me, but that may just be because I'm so "old school".15:42
patanachaicharlie-tca: I believe gsynaptics could, but how to treat this kind of bug?15:42
charlie-tcainvalid it, with a comment to use install gsynaptics from Synaptic Package Manager. Be sure and thank them for helping15:43
hggdhball, actually it makes installing the system much more easier15:43
charlie-tcaEven that is an attempt to help improve things.15:43
patanachaicharlie-tca: thanks for suggestion15:43
charlie-tcaYou are welcome15:43
ballhggdh: Hmm... I can see that it might for those locales with a non-latin character set.15:44
ballI seem to remember a language selection thing early during the install15:45
ballPerhaps that's what its for.15:45
hggdhyes, it is quite early on the isntall15:45
ballThat's a valid use of graphics.15:46
ball...and if the things going into a graphics mode anyway, then the splash screen makes some sense.15:48
ball...so I just need to make it work with my hardware.15:52
hggdhsometimes there are issues with a particular graphics card and the installer. Yours might be one of them15:52
* ball nods15:54
ballMy guess is that the framebuffer (it's not using X, right?) is using a VESA mode that the video BIOS doesn't support.15:54
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jcastrobdmurray: wrt your blog about people using apport19:25
jcastrodo we keep track of what percentage of apport bugs get fixed?19:26
jcastrolike say ... crashers?19:26
bdmurrayjcastro: something like http://people.ubuntu.com/~brian/complete-graphs/apport-crash/plots/apport-crash-fullyear-fixreleased.png ?19:28
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savvasThe tag "packaging" hasn't yet been used by fonttools (Ubuntu) before. Is this a new tag?23:58
savvasis this checked for every package?23:58

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