
ebroderAnyone willing to sponsor an upload? bug #33944901:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 339449 in mit-scheme "FeatureFreezeException: Merge mit-scheme with Debian" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33944901:25
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imbrandonjcastro: happy bday ( its midnight mytime, not sure about yours )04:53
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tgm4883in debian/copyright, I have the standard gpl v2 blurb, but I have some files that are strictly v2, can I freely remove the part that says  "or (at your option) any later version. "05:23
tgm4883the standard blurb i'm talking about is similar to http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mythbuntu/mythexport/intrepid/annotate/head%3A/debian//copyright05:23
persiatgm4883, If you have sources with two different licenses (and GPLv2 is different than GPLv2+), then it's best practice to identify them, and have two paragraphs.05:24
persiaIf all your source is the same, just use the same text as in the source files.05:25
tgm4883persia, right, and I am separating them.  I just need to know if I can just remove that part for the files that are strictly v2, or if there is a different blurb I should be using05:25
persiaYou should *always* use the blurb in the source files.05:25
persiaDon't use "standard" blurbs, except when upstream did.05:25
rippsI'm trying to write a script that puts the operations dch, debuild, and dput into single command. How can I pull the latest version from debian/changelog, without a bunch of other stuff?05:27
persiaNote that when dealing with licenses with addresses, and you *know* the address is no longer current, updating that is fine, but otherwise, stick with upstream.05:27
persiaripps, I don't think you want to do it that way, but dpkg-parsechangelog is probably what you want.05:28
tgm4883persia, ok, in the files, the only thing they say is "# Released under the terms of the GNU GPL v2"05:28
tgm4883which I was under the impression that I had to add the short license to debian/copyright05:28
persiaOK.  You've found an exceptional case.05:29
tgm4883well I am exceptional ;)05:29
persiaI recommend bugging upstream, because they are *supposed* to put in the blurb.  Bugging by way of a patch attached to an enhancement request is best practice.05:29
tgm4883ok, and the short term?05:30
persiaThat said, yes, drop the "or (at your option) any later version." text.05:30
rippsWhat's the easiest way of managing multiple packages with multiple backports?05:30
persiaI can't promise the archive-admins won't complain, but it's the closest you'll get to being right for now.05:30
tgm4883heh, well, they are complaining with how it is right now ;)05:30
tgm4883thats what i'm trying to fix05:31
persiaThe source files are *not* properly licensed, in my opinion.  I recommend checking with the archive admin to make sure you're meeting their requirements before pushing it again.05:31
tgm4883ok, will do05:32
tgm4883thanks persia05:32
persiatgm4883, Also, it's worth remembering that regardless of the contents of debian/copyright, the orig.tar.gz must be suitable for redistribution on it's own.05:33
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iulianDoes anyone know why I'm getting: 'Could not find compatible GRE between version and 1.9.0.*.' when I run firefox?06:45
* iulian hasn't finished upgrading.06:47
dholbachgood morning06:50
* wgrant notes that we are ~ half way through the obvious part of the universe Python 2.6 transition.06:55
iulianG'morning dholbach!07:15
dholbachhiya iulian07:15
iulianHow is it going?07:17
dholbachvery good - how are you doing?07:18
ebroderI know I can't make the alpha release, but can someone upload bug #339449 so it's in the queue?07:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 339449 in mit-scheme "FeatureFreezeException: Merge mit-scheme with Debian" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33944907:18
iuliandholbach: I'm doing my calculus homework right now and looking at my irssi window. :-)07:20
dholbachgood luck with that :)07:21
ebroderDude - IM + homework !!= productivity07:22
ebroderSeriously - it just doesn't work. Context switches are expensive07:22
dholbachfabrice_sp__: looks like im-sdk is still FTBFSing (it built fine for me in pbuilder though :-/)07:58
dholbachI'll be back in a bit, just letting you know07:58
willwillhi! any one willing to review my package here? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=mbpurple08:34
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Toadstoolgood morning everybody08:57
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eMerzhIf a motu has some time to review my package at http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=sqliteman ...10:10
c_kornhello, I want to open a bug about moving scilab to univesre because it is now free. is there a wiki or something about how to request?10:41
slytherinc_korn: have you solved the FTBFS problem?10:43
c_kornslytherin: yes, it is already in jaunty. but in multiverse10:43
dholbachc_korn: just file a bug report, explaining what changed and that you want to move it to universe and subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors - somebody will review, ACK and subscribe ubuntu-archive later10:44
slytherinc_korn: I asked you if you solved the FTBFS problem.10:45
c_kornslytherin: it only failed to build because there were empty translation files in the package. I removed them in clean target.10:46
dholbachseems like it FTBFS in a couple of other places still: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+source/scilab/5.1-0ubuntu210:47
c_kornoh, that you mean :P I filed a bug in the scilab bug tracker. sylvestre wants to look at it.10:48
c_kornat least powerpc and ia64 should build then10:48
c_kornthe other archs fail for some other reasons10:48
c_kornmissing dependencies10:48
dholbachah ok10:49
directhex  openjdk-6-jdk: Depends: openjdk-6-jre (>= 6b14-1.4.1-0ubuntu2) but it is not going to be installed10:49
directhexjava shonk10:49
directhexon SOME arches anyway10:49
directhexchecking to see if we can link a JNI application... no10:50
directhexconfigure: error: could not link file that includes jni.h10:50
directhexon others10:50
directhexgenerally, java suckitude's to blame one way or another10:50
c_kornis this sufficient? https://bugs.launchpad.net/baltix/+bug/34041310:52
ubottuUbuntu bug 340413 in baltix "move scilab-5.1 from multiverse to universe" [Undecided,New]10:52
slytherinc_korn: why did you file it in baltix?10:53
c_kornslytherin: was a mistake10:53
ubottuUbuntu bug 340413 in baltix "move scilab-5.1 from multiverse to universe" [Undecided,New]10:53
c_kornshould I mark the baltix one as invalid?10:54
c_kornshould I list all packages that have to be moved?10:55
geserc_korn: have you checked if all build-dependencies and runtime-dependencies for all binary packages are in main/universe?10:58
geserand the bug should be better against the scilab package in ubuntu and not the scilab project10:59
pochu   * Change pastebinit's default behavior to reading from stdin (Thanks fta)11:08
* pochu hugs stgraber :-)11:08
* pochu hugs fta too ;)11:08
c_korngeser: https://bugs.launchpad.net/scilab/+bug/340413/comments/1 I checked all dependencies11:11
ubottuUbuntu bug 340413 in baltix "move scilab-5.1 from multiverse to universe" [Undecided,New]11:11
c_kornthey are fine11:11
stgraberpochu: works ?11:17
stgraberpochu: that should be a "no new feature but everything's fixed" release, a bit last minute for Jaunty but we couldn't keep the one we had in so ...11:18
pochustgraber: didn't update yet... shouldn't it?11:19
pochustgraber: you're a good upstream for that! :)11:19
stgrabereven the translations seem to work (except one string as it's been added yesterday and isn't translated on LP yet)11:24
Laneyjcfp: I need your python 2.5 wizardry. How did you manage to get rid of the << 2.6 dep on sab? I've a similar problem with another package...11:41
jcfpLaney: it had to do with trying to provide a public module without supporting the default python version11:42
jcfpwhich apparently isn't allowed unless the package name is something like pythonX.Y-modulename11:43
jcfpIn case of sab, solution was to make the module private11:44
Laneymight work, thanks11:45
torkelsiretart: thanks!12:04
sistpoty|workhi folks12:16
ScottKHi sistpoty|work.12:29
sistpoty|workhi ScottK12:29
cristisavvas: hy!13:00
cristisavvas: so what should i do in order to help out with the python packages update to 2.6 (i think)13:00
gesercristi: you mean the python 2.6 transition?13:08
cristigeser: yes13:08
gesercristi: have you read the mail on ubuntu-devel what needs to be changed in the packaging of a package?13:09
cristigeser: i am just getting started, i am still reading articles on the wiki. however i was told that it's not that hard to contribute to the python 2.6 transition13:09
cristigeser: so the answer is no13:10
gesercristi: it's really easy13:10
geser(in most cases)13:10
cristiwhat is really easy lol13:10
cristithe python transcription i guess, ok can you help me out so i can start doing something13:11
gesercristi: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2009-February/027528.html13:11
geserthe next step is then picking a package which needs a transition13:12
geserbtw: have you already a jaunty pbuilder?13:13
cristigeser: yes, i got it last night and took a look at introductive stuff13:14
gesergood as it makes the test building easier13:14
Laneyffmpeg did a release?! :O13:20
directhexwhat what?13:21
directhexffmpeg, the "change everything every week" app?13:21
StevenKAnd the world didn't end!?13:28
StevenKThe release name is all kinds of ironic13:29
slytherinwhat kind of policy is this "we have made a release but we only accept bugs against svn trunk"?13:33
directhexslytherin, it's more liberal than their usual policy of "trunk or gtfo"13:33
* slytherin will be back in 10-15 minutes.13:34
theholyduckdirecthex, i like the trunk or gtfo13:35
theholyduckit works therefor its good13:35
bddebianHeya gang14:00
geserHi bddebian14:00
bddebianHi geser14:00
__ironisnt a new pidgin-version avaible in 8.10 ?14:13
geser__iron: afaik it's being worked on14:14
__ironk thx geser14:15
sven777would any motu kindly review my package?  Thanks in advance!  http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/lmalinux14:21
quadrisprohi guys14:25
siretartLaney: and guess what, that release is already in debian unstable since *last week*14:30
cristiuhm i had the hardy version of pbuilder (or at least i think), and i run     sudo pbuilder update --distribution interpid --override-config. however, after trying to build a package i am getting this (error i think?) http://pastebin.com/m30804dd714:33
cristican anyone tell me what should i do? this is my first package14:33
directhexcristi, not enough output to be helpful14:34
slytherincristi: can you paste complete error? The part you pasted is not much usefull14:34
cristiyes, one moment14:34
cristii see now that the problem is a bit deeper14:34
hyperaircristi: sudo14:36
hyperairno wait, there's more14:37
cristino no, i think i overpasted14:37
cristii used sudo14:37
cristi2nd time14:37
slytherincristi: have you enabled universe section in your config? because libstatgrab-dev is in universe14:37
cristiblah i guess not, can you tell me how to do that, or give me a link..?14:38
slytherincristi: are you using a ~/.pbuilderrc? If not, it is better to copy /etc/pbuilderrc to ~/.pbuilderrc and modify that file.14:39
hyperaircristi: sudo pbuilder update --override-config --components "main universe"14:40
cristihyperair: i am getting hardy release packages :-s14:41
hyperair--distribution intrepid then14:41
cristii guess i should give an output14:42
* hyperair nods14:43
hyperairintrepid not interpid14:44
cristilol omg14:45
directhexi didn't want to say anything... :/14:45
cristiwhat the hell   -> Someone else has lock over /var/cache/pbuilder/base.tgz.tmp, waiting14:47
slytherincristi: this is the reason I asked you to use separate pbuilderrc14:47
cristislytherin: i did separate14:48
cristicopied to ~/14:48
cristiok, so now what should i do14:48
slytherincristi: did you name the file .pbuilderrc?14:49
cristihowever, it's all i did14:49
cristijust copied it14:49
slytherincristi: did you change the distribution and components in that file?14:49
slytherinafter that you need to do pbuilder --update --override-config14:50
cristi#COMPONENTS="main restricted universe multiverse" // i should just uncomment the line ?14:51
slytherincristi: it depends on what all components you want. If you want all of them then uncomment it.14:54
cristii am still getting   -> Someone else has lock over /var/cache/pbuilder/base.tgz.tmp, waiting14:54
cristislytherin: so, now what should i do?14:56
hyperairslytherin: does it matter, if you're on a single-user system?14:57
hyperaircristi: break the lock. don't ask me where it is though14:57
c_kornhello, is this move request sufficient? or do I miss something? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/scilab/+bug/34041314:59
ubottuUbuntu bug 340413 in baltix "move scilab-5.1 from multiverse to universe" [Undecided,Invalid]14:59
slytherinhyperair: does what matter?15:00
cristihyperair: this is not really working15:00
cristii don't know what is causing the lock.15:01
hyperairslytherin: having a separate .pbuilderrc. personally i have a bunch of scripts which maintain different pbuilder base.tgz, each of different releases. i've never touched a pbuilderrc before15:02
hyperaircristi: maybe another pbuilder is running?15:02
hyperairor maybe the previous run of pbuilder didn't close cleanly15:02
cristihyperair: i have only one terminal session open15:02
cristihyperair: i can start over reinstalling pbuilder i guess ?15:03
hyperairno need.15:03
hyperairi mean it won't do anything15:03
hyperairjust delete /var/cache/pbuilder15:03
slytherinhyperair: I have punch of pbuilderrc each corresponding to a different pbuilder chroot. :-)15:03
hyperairslytherin: command line options ftw =p15:04
slytherincristi: don't delete /var/cache/pbuilder. It will also delete your base.tgz.15:04
hyperairslytherin: that's the point. it can be regenerated15:04
cristislytherin: ok, i didn't delete it15:04
cristislytherin: was really close to though xD15:05
hyperairi don't know, when things get messy like this, sometimes it would be faster to just start over, don't you think?15:05
slytherincristi: delete that .tmp file instead.15:05
slytherinhyperair: provided you have fast internet connection.15:06
hyperairslytherin: debootstrap takes at most 15 minutes on my desktop, and that's with 512kbps15:06
slytherinhyperair: 512 is fast.15:06
hyperairslytherin: you sure?15:06
hyperairit maxes out at 50 kB/s15:06
slytherinhyperair: yes. In the places I live, you either get fast speed or unlimited data transfer. Not both.15:07
hyperairslytherin: ouch.15:07
hyperairslytherin: i've got 512kbps, unlimited data transfer15:07
hyperairslytherin: which part of the world are you from anyway15:08
slytherinhyperair: India15:08
hyperairi see.15:08
hyperairyour ISP sucks =(15:08
hyperairand i thought malaysian ISPs were bad15:09
cristislytherin: uh i deleted the .tmp file, now i just run again sudo pbuilder --update --override-config ?15:09
hyperaircristi: yeah15:09
cristislytherin: ok, finally done15:10
cristislytherin: thank's a lot! :D15:11
slytherincristi: welcome15:11
araanyone willing to answer a migration to python 2.6 question?? any takers? :)15:58
RainCTara: just ask, and if someone knows the answer he'll tell you :)15:59
RainCTalthough I guess you already know this15:59
arawell, the thing is that if in jaunty now you do 'apt-get source ldtp' and try to build it, it will fail16:00
arathe problem is that it does not use distutils16:00
ScottKWhat's the error?16:00
araso I don't know how to fix it16:00
aradh_install -i --sourcedir=debian/tmp16:01
aradh_install: python-ldtp missing files (usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/*.py), aborting16:01
arait does not find it, because it places them under /tmp instead16:01
pochuara: what are the contents of your .install file?16:03
jpdsYou'll have to change it to python2.6/dist-packages*.16:04
ScottKara: Change it to usr/lib/python*/*-packages/*.py16:05
araI already tried that16:05
pochuyou guys are fast16:05
araI already tried that :)16:05
ScottKara: Tried which?16:05
anakronhi all16:05
araI changed it to usr/lib/python*/dist-packages/*.py16:05
arait didn't work16:05
pochuara: can you do `ls debian/tmp/usr/lib/` when the build fails?16:05
anakronhi rainct, persia, thekorn. pedro_16:05
ScottKara: That's not what I suggested.16:06
anakronand Laney16:06
araScottK, yes I am going to try it now16:06
pochuanakron: you're on a waving spree!16:06
ScottKAlso if the issue is related to overall path, like /tmp/debian versus /tmp, that's unrelated to the new Python.16:06
araScottK: i tried your suggestion and it didn't work either16:07
ScottKOK.  What error then?16:07
araScottK: smae16:08
araScottK: same16:08
ScottKara: Can you pastbin the actual build failure message and your debian/rules?16:09
araScottK, pochu: these are the contents of debian/tmp after the failure: http://paste.ubuntu.com/129373/16:09
araScottK: it is the current package, without changes: if you do "apt-get source ldtp" you will have it all16:10
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pochuara: it's installing things in /ldtplib rather than /usr/lib/python*/*packages :)16:11
arapochu: not really16:11
arapochu: it used to install things under /usr/lib/python*/*packages/ldtplib and /usr/lib/python*/*packages, and now it has lost that structure16:12
arapochu: again, I didn't change anything on the packaging16:12
arapochu: so I thought it might be something related to the python migratoin16:12
pochuara: sure. I mean, right now it tried to install things in / ;)16:13
pochuor at least that's what your pastebin shows16:13
* ScottK is going to try building it and see.16:14
arapochu: but I already saw that :)16:14
arapochu: thanks anyway, I will keep trying16:15
savvasgeser: thanks for sponsoring it! :) and sorry for the typo ("LP" instead of "LP:")16:31
savvashm.. that's nice, debian bugs are now successfully tracked through launchpad :)16:36
ScottKara: Change python-ldtp.install to *.py16:45
ScottKIt at least builds.16:46
ScottKYou'd have to see if the binary has all the right files in it.16:46
araScottK: it is an upstream bug. i am talking with upstream now, thanks!16:49
ScottKara: Excellent.16:50
savvasIs there a command that outputs "i386" or "amd64" depending on the architecture?17:00
savvasarch isn't available unfortunately17:02
RainCTsavvas: uname, but it returns other values than just i386/amd6417:04
savvasuname -m ? I'll see what I can do with it, thanks :)17:04
RainCTand I'm not sure if it shows the architecture you are running one or that one for the kernel.. :P17:04
savvasoh :p17:04
savvascristi: you asked to help for python transition?17:05
cristisavvas: yes, but geser helped me a lot17:05
RainCTsavvas: I'm using it in pbuilder-dist, os.uname()[4].replace('x86_64', 'amd64').replace('i586', 'i386').replace('i686', 'i386')17:05
RainCTfor bash,  uname -m | <sed/awk..>  should do the same17:06
pochudpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_ARCH17:06
savvascristi: ah ok:) Since you also mentioned you're a beginner, I would suggest to start looking for bugs with "bitesize" tags: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=bitesize17:06
savvaspochu: now that's more like it :P thanks! :)17:07
RainCTpochu: uhmm nice17:07
savvaspochu: does it return i386 for i686 kernels as well?17:07
maxbAlso, dpkg --print-architecture17:08
cristisavvas: they seem a bit difficult, i don't know. I tried to repair the xsensors package but i couldn't figure it out >_<. uhm and most bugs are taken for the ubuntu version17:08
pochusavvas: no idea, see dpkg-architecture(1) :)17:08
savvashm, cool17:08
maxbdpkg --print-architecture definitely returns the string you expect to find in .deb file names.17:09
pochusavvas: and no, because I have a 686 kernel and it return 386 :)17:09
maxbWhich is probably the same as DEB_HOST_ARCH17:09
RainCTdoes someone know how often popcon.ubuntu.com is updated (the data, not the website :))?17:10
cristisavvas: can i have your opinion apout a pbuild build error?17:10
savvascristi: sure, but don't forget that I'm a beginner as well, not a motu :)17:12
=== x-spec-t is now known as Spec
cristisavvas: lol i thought you were a motu. however you surely know more about packaging than me so http://pastebin.com/m376c52b917:13
savvaspochu, maxb: just what I needed, awesome!! thanks :)17:13
savvascristi: I think --install-layout is for python 2.617:14
savvaserror: option --install-layout not recognized17:14
cristisavvas: is there really a problem with debian/rules ?17:14
cristisavvas: oh17:14
savvascristi: try to substitute "for py in python2.4 python2.5" with "for py in python2.6 python2.5"17:15
maxbI think jaunty's python2.5 might well accept --install-layout as a no-op17:16
savvascristi: is your pbuilder for jaunty release?17:16
cristisavvas: yes17:16
cristisavvas: i don't know where to substitute that17:17
cristisavvas:  "for py in python2.4 python2.5" with "for py in python2.6 python2.5"17:17
savvascristi: cool then :) - it's in the file debian/rules :)17:17
cristisavvas: >_<17:17
savvascristi: found it?17:18
cristisavvas: one moment17:18
savvasmaxb: right, I forgot :P17:18
cristisavvas: i can't find that phrase17:18
cristii have a --install-layout=deb , it's what i added to rules17:20
savvascristi: can you paste the debian/rules file on pastebin?17:22
cristisavvas: sure17:22
cristisavvas: http://pastebin.com/m19039cb817:22
savvascristi: can you paste debian/control as well? :)17:23
savvascristi: and debian/pyversions as well, I forgot :)17:24
cristisavvas: http://pastebin.com/m630c5e1617:24
cristisavvas: no pyversions17:25
cristisavvas: only pycompat17:25
savvasah true17:25
savvasso the log says "for py in python2.4 python2.5"17:26
savvasin debian/rules you have something similar: for py in $(PYVERS)17:26
ScottKsavvas: That's the expansion of what's in rules17:26
savvasPYVERS is a variable in that file17:26
cristisavvas: ok, so what should i do?17:27
savvascristi: if you look at the top of the rules file it says: PYVERS:=$(shell pyversions -r)17:27
savvasalso in the log it says: #17:27
savvaspyversions: missing XS-Python-Version in control file, fall back to debian/pyversions17:27
savvaspyversions: missing debian/pyversions file, fall back to supported versions17:27
ScottKWhich should work OK even if it's not preferred.17:28
cristisavvas: ah so i should change PYVERS to what?17:28
savvasScottK: so XS-Python-Version isn't necessary at all?17:28
cristinote that i don't have intrepid, but 8.0417:28
savvascristi: if pbuilder is jaunty, it's fine :)17:29
ScottKIt's supposed to be there, but the fallback should work.17:29
cristisavvas: it is17:29
cristiScottK: so why doesn't it?17:29
ScottKGood questions.17:29
savvasok cristi in debian/control under "Standards-Version: 3.7.2" try putting in a new line: XS-Python-Version: all17:29
cristisavvas: aha, ok17:30
savvascristi: by the way, when did you last update pbuilder?17:31
cristishould i add these changes when running dch -i?17:31
ScottKcristi and savvas: From the build log you're building against Intrepid, not Jaunty17:31
cristisavvas: i installed it today17:31
ScottKThat's the problem.17:31
cristiScottK: uhm, so i should have a Jaunty pbuilder?17:32
savvasah, I missed that :P17:32
ScottKLook at the version of python2.5 that's installed and then rmadison python2.517:32
cristiScottK: i have no idea how to do that17:32
ScottKsavvas: Would you please help cristi get her pbuilder to be Jaunty.17:33
cristiScottK: his! xD omg17:33
savvascristi: to remove the pbuilder you already have try this: sudo rm /var/cache/pbuilder/base.tgz17:33
cristisavvas: can't i just upgrade?17:33
tilluxheya there. I'm looking for a way to build a pxe-bootable image with xserver, gtk etc... I don't know where to start so I thought it'd be best to ask the masters of the universe ;)17:34
savvascristi: it's easier to start clean :)17:34
ScottKcristi: You can, but you'll end up with a slightly different configuration and it will take as long if not longer.17:34
savvassudo pbuilder --create --debootstrapopts --distribution jaunty --components "main restricted universe multiverse"17:35
ScottKcristi: Every day isn't like this.  The first day is the hardest.17:35
cristisavvas ScottK: ok, so i'll start over deleting17:35
=== jorge__ is now known as jcastro
cristiScottK: hope so17:35
savvascristi: this is the command to create a new pbuilder ^17:35
cristisavvas: done17:35
ScottKsavvas: You might also consider recommending pbuilder-dist for new people.  It's generally simpler.17:36
cristisavvas: oh w8 ok17:36
savvasScottK: never heard about it :) I'll try it :P17:36
ScottKsavvas: It's in ubuntu-dev-tools17:36
ScottKThe equivalent is pbuilder-dist jaunty create17:36
cristisavvas: damn, i get an error17:37
ScottKOr you can symlink pbuilder-jaunty to it and do pbuilder-jaunty create.17:37
savvascristi: what does it say?17:37
cristisavvas: http://pastebin.com/m54799feb17:37
savvascristi: let's try with pbuilder-dist, install this: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-dev-tools17:39
cristisavvas: i have them17:39
savvasgreat! execute: sudo pbuilder-dist jaunty create17:39
crististill not17:40
cristisavvas: http://pastebin.com/m2e85488817:40
savvasgive me a sec17:41
ftapochu, you're welcome (pastebinit stdin)17:42
* fta hugs pochu back17:42
savvascristi try: sudo pbuilder-dist jaunty create --mirror "http://archive.ubuntu.com"17:43
cristisavvas: it;s basically the same error17:44
savvasgive me a sec17:44
cristisavvas: [: 195: /home/cristi/pbuilder/jaunty-amd64_result: unexpected operator17:44
cristisavvas: this is extra17:44
savvascristi: how about this: sudo pbuilder --create --debootstrapopts --distribution jaunty --components "main restricted universe multiverse" --mirror "http://archive.ubuntu.com"17:45
cristisavvas: same.17:45
ScottKcristi: Do you have hardy-backports enabled?17:46
cristiScottK: i don't know what are those17:46
ScottKI think they are generally called unsupported updates or something similar17:47
ScottKsavvas: cristi needs the deboostrap out of hardy-backports for this to work.17:47
cristiScottK the instalation worked today17:48
savvascristi: sudo wget http://paste.ubuntu.com/129431/plain/ -O /usr/share/debootstrap/scripts/jaunty17:48
savvascristi: and then: sudo pbuilder-dist jaunty create17:49
savvasif this doesn't work, we'll try ScottK 's suggestion :)17:49
cristisavvas: nice, it does (i think)17:49
savvasnevertheless, it's good to update debootstrap from backports repositories if you'll use pbuilder: http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/d/debootstrap/debootstrap_1.0.10ubuntu1~hardy1_all.deb17:50
mrooneywould anyone have time to get to bug 333639? It is an update request and I think everything is ready to go!17:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 333639 in wxbanker "Please update wxbanker to" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33363917:50
cristii am installing that too17:52
savvascristi: it basically needed the script for the jaunty release, debootstrap didn't "know" about jaunty since it was released after hardy :)17:53
stefanlsdHow can i use a different build place for pbuilder-dist. ive tried export BUILDPLACE and --buildplace. It defaults here - /tmp/buildd/17:54
cristisavvas: hah, cute17:54
RainCTstefanlsd: PBUILDFOLDER17:54
savvascristi: once it's done, try rebuilding, without any changes (without adding XS-Python-Version), if ScottK is right, it should work :)17:54
RainCTah, build place17:54
RainCTI don't know then :(17:54
stefanlsdRainCT: nodnod.  my /tmp is on lvm and its too small for this package... guess i could symlink it17:55
savvasstefanlsd: --buildplace should work17:56
savvasany errors?17:56
cristisavvas: i guess that it is common to create the tarball first, and it's not something that should have been created previously ?:-s17:57
savvascristi: If I understood you correctly, every time you do a change in the debian source package you have to execute "dch -i" (add a changelog) and "debuild -S -sd" if the package is already in ubuntu (if the package is new or a new upstream release, use "debuild -S -sa")17:59
savvascristi: you can skip "dch -i" if you already have changed the changelog :)17:59
cristisavvas: i got that so far18:00
savvasusually you get the debian source package along with the tarball with this command: apt-get source packagename18:01
cristisavvas: nonono, uhm i was refering to the pbuilder tarball18:01
stefanlsdsavvas: this is using pbuilder-dist. does that make a difference?18:01
savvasstefanlsd: try with pbuilder (might be an error in the pbuilder-dist script?)18:02
stefanlsdsavvas: will do. my pbuilder always used to work. not sure when in jaunty it stopped working. seems like it doesnt read my vars in ~/.pbuilderrc18:03
savvascristi: I don't understand :\ you feed pbuilder with *.dsc files created using debuild :)18:04
cristisavvas: creating base tarball [/var/cache/pbuilder/base.tgz]18:04
cristisavvas: this is what i was talking about18:04
savvasah :P18:04
savvasit's created automatically if it's not already there18:05
savvasI mean..18:05
savvaswe use --create to create it18:05
cristierror: option --install-layout not recognized18:05
cristisavvas: unbeliveable18:06
savvascristi: paste the whole log18:06
cristisavvas: http://pastebin.com/m6f64d9ba18:07
savvasGet:1 http://archive.ubuntu.com intrepid/main gettext-base 0.17-3ubuntu2 [83.9kB]18:07
savvasit still uses intrepid, weird18:07
savvaslet me check that debootstrap script I gave you :P18:08
cristisavvas: :))18:08
savvascristi: try installing debootstrap from backports, the link I gave you earlier18:09
cristisavvas: uhm the problem might be with pbuilderrc?18:09
cristisavvas: i had it copied to ~/18:10
cristi~/.pbuiderrc could be the problem? i have DISTRIBUTION=intrepid there18:10
savvaser.. probably18:10
savvasremove that file18:10
savvasinstall debootstrap backports and try again: sudo rm /var/cache/pbuilder/base.tgz; sudo pbuilder-dist jaunty create18:11
savvasthird time's the charm :P18:12
cristisavvas: :)) what should i get from the link you gave me?18:13
savvascristi: wget http://fr.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/d/debootstrap/debootstrap_1.0.10ubuntu1~hardy1_all.deb; sudo dpkg -i debootstrap_1.0.10ubuntu1~hardy1_all.deb; sudo apt-get -f install18:14
cristi0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.18:14
cristisavvas: i don;t think that's ok18:16
cristisavvas: eh, we'll see18:16
savvascristi: did it complain about dependencies?18:17
cristisavvas: damn i didn't see an error18:18
savvascristi: apt-cache policy debootstrap18:19
savvasit should show you which version is installed18:19
savvasdebootstrap 1.0.10ubuntu1~hardy1 is the backport version18:19
cristisavvas:   Installed: 1.0.10ubuntu1~hardy118:20
savvascristi: and try again: sudo apt-get -f install18:20
cristisavvas: so it's ok?18:20
savvasif it doesn't complain, then it's alright :)18:20
cristiok then rerunning pbuilder18:20
savvasgreat, good luck :D18:21
cristisavvas: i'll need it i guess ~_~18:21
savvascristi: check the logs while downloading18:22
savvasDistribution is jaunty.18:22
savvasit should say jaunty, not intrepid18:22
cristisavvas: it's jaunty18:23
savvasthen it should be ok now :)18:25
cristisavvas: E: failed to find /var/cache/pbuilder/base.tgz, have you done <pbuilder create> to create your base tarball yet?18:27
cristisavvas: sudo pbuilder create?18:27
savvascristi: you used pbuilder-dist ?18:28
cristisavvas: hm? no18:28
savvastry: sudo pbuilder-dist jaunty build yourfile.dsc18:28
cristishift: 72: can't shift that many18:28
cristisavvas:  -> creating base tarball [/home/cristi/pbuilder/jaunty-amd64-base.tgz]18:29
* savvas scratches his head18:29
cristisavvas: this is part of the pbuilder create18:29
cristisavvas: jaunty pbuilder create18:29
savvascristi: try: sudo pbuilder-dist jaunty build yourfile.dsc18:29
cristisavvas: seems to be working, let's see results18:30
savvasah, so pbuilder-dist installs the base files locally! :P18:30
cristisavvas: /:) i don't understand18:31
savvas19:11:41 < savvas> install debootstrap backports and try again: sudo rm /var/cache/pbuilder/base.tgz; sudo  pbuilder-dist jaunty create18:31
savvasif you used this command, you used pbuilder-dist to make the new .tgz pbuilder file18:31
savvasunless you set it to be created at /home/cristi/pbuilder/ :)18:32
cristisavvas: let me get you a bit of output because i don't really know if it is ok18:33
cristisavvas: http://pastebin.com/m452ccc0618:34
savvaslooks good, you got both 2.5 and 2.6 directories as far as I can see18:36
cristisavvas: now, how do i do the debdiff :D? what do i put there? i can see in the example 2 .dsc, which?18:38
savvascristi: while in the directory of the package folder (e.g. "somepackage-1.0.1/") type: debdiff18:38
cristidebdiff: fatal error at line 248: Can't read file: debian/changelog18:39
savvascristi: ls -l18:40
cristisavvas: hm i think i got it wrong18:40
savvasdo you see a folder like somepackage-1.0.1/ ?18:40
savvasthen cd somepackage-1.0.1/18:40
savvasand then: debdiff18:40
savvasit should output a patch, that you can save: debdiff > ../mypatch.debdiff18:41
savvas( to access it, cd .. and cat mypatch.debdiff )18:42
cristisavvas: http://pastebin.com/m30d60c3518:42
savvascristi: sudo apt-get install devscripts18:42
cristi0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.18:43
savvassudo apt-get install patchutils18:43
savvasnow try again: debdiff > ../mypatch.debdiff18:44
savvascd ..18:44
savvascat mypatch.debdiff18:44
cristishould mypatch.debdiff have a specific name?18:45
savvaswell, no, but I like to use packagename_version.debdiff18:45
cristisavvas: ok, so it's done18:46
savvaswhat did you add in the changelog?18:46
savvasah wait18:46
savvas+  * Python 2.6 transition: added --install-layout=deb to debian/rules18:46
savvas+  * Modify Maintainer value to match the DebianMaintainerField18:46
savvas+    specification.18:46
savvascristi: did you find a bug open about this?18:47
cristisavvas: in the changelog?18:47
savvascristi: hold a sec18:47
savvascristi: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pystatgrab18:48
cristisavvas: ?18:48
savvassince there are no bugs open for it, click "report a bug"18:49
savvascristi: it's good to open a bug report about it, so you can close it afterwards :)18:49
cristisavvas: wait. what bug?18:49
cristisavvas: how did you reach a conclusion that there is a bug?18:50
savvasif you would have jaunty, you would see this error18:50
savvasyou could report the bug with a subject as "fails to install in jaunty"18:51
cristisavvas: you took this out of one of my pastes ?18:51
cristisavvas: aha18:51
savvasor the error: "Depends: python (< 2.6) but 2.6.1-0ubuntu3 is to be installed18:51
cristisavvas: shouldn't i upload the package first?18:52
savvascristi: upload it where? :)18:52
cristisubmit for sponsoring ?18:52
cristii don't really know what to do next18:52
savvascristi: ok step by step18:53
cristisavvas: ok, so what's next ?:D18:53
savvasfile the bug first, with the subject "fails to install in jaunty" and the error message in the description18:53
savvasthen you check if your package is main or universe, it matters because you then know who to subscribe18:54
savvascheck here: http://packages.ubuntu.com/python-statgrab18:54
savvasit says "[universe]"18:54
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cristisavvas: should i give an advanced report?18:54
cristisavvas: if so, what tags should i put?18:55
savvascristi: nothing :) but if you want to, I think these are correct: bitesize packaging18:56
cristisavvas: ok i submited18:57
savvasok so we know it's in universe, as I explained above18:57
cristisavvas: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pystatgrab/+bug/34068118:58
savvasyou have to subscribe the sponsors for universe18:58
ubottuUbuntu bug 340681 in pystatgrab "fails to install in jaunty" [Undecided,New]18:58
savvasclick "subscribe someone else"18:58
cristisavvas: who?18:58
savvasactually wait18:59
savvascristi: a couple of things to change in your debian/changelog18:59
savvas1) Remove this: "* Modify Maintainer value to match the DebianMaintainerField specification."19:00
cristisavvas: ok, done?19:00
savvasin ubuntu it's not required to mention that you changed it to Ubuntu MOTU Developers :)19:00
cristisavvas: do i now rebuild and debdiff?19:00
savvasand 2) include this: * LP: #34068119:00
cristiwhat is that19:01
savvasthat's a code the launchpad janitor detects when someone uploads the source - it uses it to close the bugs :)19:01
cristisavvas: so i rebuild and debdiff?19:01
savvasyou can use (LP: #nnnn) or in any way you like, as long as it says "LP: #1234"19:01
savvasthen attach that patch to the bug page19:02
savvas"Add a comment/attachment19:02
savvasby clicking ^19:02
ScottK(LP: #nnnn) is the preferred formulation.19:02
cristisavvas: ah, how do i recreate the .diff?19:02
savvasdebdiff > ../mypatch.debdiff19:03
savvascristi: also note what ScottK mentioned :)19:03
cristisavvas: ok19:03
savvas(just don't forger that ":" as I have :P)19:04
cristisavvas: now, starting from scratch, after editing the changelog what was i supposed to do again?19:04
cristisavvas: i put   * LP: #34068119:04
cristisavvas: so it's with the ":"19:04
savvaswell you can change it again if you want to :)19:05
savvas* Python 2.6 transition: added --install-layout=deb to debian/rules (LP: #340681)19:05
cristisavvas: debuild -S -us -uc ?19:05
savvas(without "* LP: #340681")19:05
cristii'm confused now19:06
cristisavvas:   * Python 2.6 transition: added --install-layout=deb to debian/rules19:06
cristi  * LP: #34068119:06
savvasok open the editor and open debian/changelog19:06
cristisavvas: is this ok?19:06
savvasRemove * LP: #34068119:06
savvasAnd use: * Python 2.6 transition: added --install-layout=deb to debian/rules (LP: #340681)19:06
cristisavvas: and that's it?19:06
savvasthen save and do as you said: debuild -S -us -uc19:06
savvasI hope so :)19:07
savvascristi: by the way, note the errors that debuild mentions, especially the ones from lintian checking19:08
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savvasif the package comes from debian, just note them, don't do anything to follow or fix them19:09
savvasthe less changes ubuntu has from debian, the easier is to follow debian again during debian sync stage (synchronisation of packages) :)19:10
cristisavvas: ok19:10
cristisavvas: i finished debdiff19:10
cristisavvas: now what ?19:10
savvas20:02:20 < savvas> "Add a comment/attachment19:10
savvasand attach that file19:11
savvas*that debdiff19:11
cristisavvas: so i should attach the debdiff to the bug report?19:11
savvasand check that "this attachment is a patch" check mark19:12
ScottKPing me when it's there and I'll review it.19:12
savvaswill do :)19:13
cristisavvas: uhm you told me the is a patch thingy too late.. i already uploaded the .debdiff19:13
savvascristi: no problemo19:14
cristisavvas: i can edit that?19:14
savvascristi: see the patch on the right menu?19:14
savvasthere's an "edit" below it19:14
cristisavvas: :D19:14
savvasyou can thank the launchpad developers for that ;)19:14
cristisavvas: mkay19:15
cristisavvas: and now, what goes next?19:15
savvascristi: ok so now you have your bug, your LP: #nnn in the changelog, and the patch uploaded. you're ready to subscribe the universe sponsors19:15
savvassubscribe some else and add: ubuntu-universe-sponsors19:16
cristisavvas: i am not understanding what you want me to do19:16
savvasclick "Subscribe someone else"19:17
savvasPerson: ubuntu-universe-sponsors19:17
savvasclick Add19:17
cristisavvas: and that's it?19:18
savvascristi: and that's it :)19:19
cristisavvas: savvas and the package?19:19
savvascristi: if you find another bug with this problem, you of course subscribe yourself to the bug report19:19
savvascristi: you attach debdiffs for patches, OR diff.gz for new upstream releases19:20
cristisavvas: no, uhm, i mean the package, don't i upload any packages or whatever?19:20
savvasI don't know, I don't generally do that :)19:20
savvassponsors usually check the packages on their own19:21
cristisavvas: so i only look for errors and report them? or what?19:21
savvascristi: I would look for bitesize stuff19:22
savvasusually they already contain easy stuff that needs to be done19:22
cristisavvas: i don't understand what exactly is going on19:22
cristiso far19:22
cristii got that package, edited what should have been edited, debuild, debdiff19:23
cristiand uploaded the debdiff because there was an error?19:23
savvasit's a python transition19:24
savvaslet me explain19:24
ScottKcristi: I'm reviewing your debdiff and if it's good, I'll upload a package with those changes.19:24
savvasubuntu developers decided to use python 2.6 as the standard python version for ubuntu jaunty19:24
ScottKcristi: There is an extra changelog.dch.save file in your diff.  I'll remove it, but watch out for that in the future.19:25
cristiScottK: oooh so a motu looks at the debdiff and makes the changes, and uploads the package?19:25
savvascristi: exactly :)19:25
savvassponsors = motu19:25
savvasfor universe :P19:25
cristisavvas: i see, that really makes sence19:25
savvasso everything's ok now? :)19:26
cristisavvas: however, where do i upload the debdiff if i don't get any bugs when building?19:26
savvascristi: there are always bugs! you mean you don't see them because you don't use jaunty :)19:27
cristisavvas: so there is no chance not to be a bug19:27
savvasthen, as I said use a detailed subject such as "cannot install in jaunty (python transition required)"19:27
savvascristi: if there's no bug, why would you change it?19:28
ScottKcristi: One other point is line lengths no longer than 79 characters in debian/changelog.  I also fixed that.19:28
savvascristi: note that sponsors don't usually fix the patches :P19:29
cristiScottK: ok, thank you19:29
cristisavvas: so, i should have respected the line lenght and removed the changelog.dch.save19:30
savvascristi: yep!19:30
cristiso, i'm done!19:31
savvasScottK: which line was it?19:31
savvascristi: yes :)19:31
savvaswelcome to the packaging side of the world!! :D19:32
ScottKsavvas: The only line in debian/changelog that was added.19:32
savvasoh, "* Python 2.6 transition: added --install-layout=deb to debian/rules (LP: #340681)19:32
cristisavvas:  :D thank you19:32
savvasgood to know :P19:32
savvascristi: another note, you start a new line under the first character of the previous one19:33
cristiScottK: how am i supposed to spot that fast?19:33
savvas* Python da da da19:33
ScottKcristi: Uploaded.  Thank you for your contribution to Ubuntu.19:33
savvas  new line19:33
cristiScottK Thank you! :D yay!19:33
savvascristi: perhaps the line lentgth was mentioned in the lintian errors :)19:34
ScottKcristi: I use either vim which tells me what column I'm in or Kate which I have set to have a vertical line at 80 characters.19:34
cristisavvas: thank you a lot for the help and lost time :D19:34
ScottKsavvas: It's not.19:34
ScottKsavvas: Thank you for helping out.19:34
savvasScottK: ah ok :P anytime! :)19:34
savvascristi: anytime as well :)19:34
ScottKcristi: Generally it takes some longer time to get sponsored, but I took you out of turn since it was your first one.19:34
cristiScottK: i see, thank you again then :)19:35
cristilast question for today, how do i spot more of these python transition packages?19:35
ScottKcristi: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+source/pystatgrab/0.4-1.1ubuntu119:36
cristiScottK thanks19:37
savvascristi: you have to use the development release for that :)19:37
savvasgrep-aptavail -F Depends "python (<< 2.6)" -sPackage19:37
cristisavvas: development release for what?19:38
savvas20:36:00 < cristi> last question for today, how do i spot more of these python transition packages?19:38
savvasyou can use: grep-aptavail -F Depends "python (<< 2.6)" -sPackage19:38
savvasdevelopment release = jaunty for now :)19:38
cristisavvas: ok, so the packages listed are the ones that need editing for the transition19:39
savvascristi: you always check the launchpad for bugs and the source logs19:49
savvasexample, for binary package python-statgrab, the source package is: pystatgrab19:49
cristisavvas: yes.. i thought of that, you probably get all the packages with that grep command19:49
savvasyou go to: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sourcepackagename19:49
savvasthat means: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pystatgrab19:50
savvasyou see if there's anything about python transition mentioned19:50
savvascristi: here's a list from jaunty: http://paste.ubuntu.com/129491/19:50
maxbYou could also use -sSource instead of -sPackage for the grep-aptavail19:51
cristisavvas: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-renpy returned nothing19:51
maxbbest then to feed it through sort -u, since some sources will build multiple python binary packages19:52
savvasok, as maxb said :P19:52
cristisavvas: so that means that i can edit the package?19:52
maxbcristi: The binary package python-renpy is built by the source package renpy19:52
savvascristi: binary package names != source package names (not always :) )19:52
maxbAlso, 1 source package builds 1 *or more* binary packages19:53
savvascristi: here's the list with maxb 's suggestion: http://paste.ubuntu.com/129494/19:53
cristimaxb: ah ok, thanks, so -sSource19:54
savvasgrep-aptavail -F Depends "python (<< 2.6)" -sSource | sort -u19:55
cristiand if i get a page not found, i can edit the package, else it has already been done?19:55
maxbuhm, no, not at all19:55
maxbIf you get a page not found, you've constructed a broken URL19:55
maxbSo there's no package by that name for you to edit19:55
cristimaxb: so how do i know which package to edit ?19:56
maxbuh, because you just picked one from the list?19:56
savvashere's a final list with links: http://paste.ubuntu.com/129497/ :P19:57
* savvas loves the Linkification add-on for firefox :)19:57
savvasmaxb: do you know a devscript that changes the control Maintainer field to ubuntu motu "automagically"? :)19:59
savvaslet me check20:00
savvascool! thanks :)20:01
hyperairhmm i never knew there was such a thing20:01
hyperairquite useful20:01
fabrice_sp_Hi. If I'm getting this error: objcopy:debian/iiimf-server/usr/lib/stA2gQhj: cannot create debug link section `debian/iiimf-server/usr/lib/debug//usr/lib/libiiimutils.so.0.0.0': Invalid operation. Where should I open a bug report?20:01
savvasmaxb: it checks if it main or motu appropriately?20:02
* maxb gently nudges savvas at the manpage20:02
savvas:P ok got the message haha20:02
savvasit does, nice :)20:04
eMerzhI'm looking for a MOTU review on my package (http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=sqliteman ) thansk :)20:13
LiraNunaHello, I want to be able to cross compile 32bit on 64bit environment. I got gcc/g++ -m32 working, but I still can't cross compile when it comes to extra libraries20:41
LiraNunafor example, libpng, I have it as 64bit library but not as 32bit20:42
LiraNunaany idea what package I need to install to achieve cross compile environment?20:43
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AmaranthLiraNuna: so you just need a 32-bit libpng to link to?20:44
LiraNunanot 'just' libpng, I'm using libpng as an eample20:44
LiraNunaI got this installed.20:45
LiraNuna$ apt-cache policy ia32-libs ia32-libs:  Installed: 2.2ubuntu1820:45
AmaranthLiraNuna: well that has /usr/lib32/libpng.so20:45
LiraNunahmm, that's correct - but GCC cannot find it20:46
* Amaranth checks wine to see what it does20:47
LiraNuna... wine ?20:47
Nafallored please20:47
Amaranthwine on ubuntu amd64 is a 32-bit app20:47
Nafallooh. oops.20:47
LiraNunaAmaranth, ah, I see20:47
AmaranthLiraNuna: so it is one example of building a 32-bit app on a 64-bit system20:47
LiraNunaI use gcc/g++ -m3220:48
LiraNunaand I use g++-multilib package20:48
Amaranthlooks like you need --libdir20:48
Amaranthassuming the app is using autotools20:48
LiraNunano, custom makefiles20:49
Amaranththe problem is you can't use -lpng1220:50
Amaranthyou have to give it the library path explicitly20:50
LiraNunableh, -L/usr/lib32/ ?20:50
Amaranththat might work, i dunno20:51
LiraNunaisn't that hardcoding ...20:51
LiraNunaoh, I am using pkg-config20:52
LiraNuna`pkg-config --cflags --libs $(PACKAGES)`20:52
Amaranthyeah, can't do that20:52
LiraNunaanyway to tell it 'use 32bit version' ?20:52
Amaranthyou'll have to hard code20:52
Amaranththere is no pkg-config file for the 32-bit versions20:53
LiraNunaI lose portability this way...20:53
LiraNunadamn :(20:53
LiraNunathanks for your help and your time20:53
AmaranthLiraNuna: if you were using autotools it would be possible to do it dynamically like wine20:54
LiraNunaautotools is heavy and bulky, I'd rather not use it20:54
Amaranthalthough to be honest building wine on 64-bit seems to be a big magic, I've never managed to build it locally20:54
cristican anyone provide a link with what to do for the python 2.6 transition?20:56
ScottKcristi: I can tell you how I've been finding packages than need work ....20:57
ScottKYou can do pbuilder login to login to your Jaunty chroot.20:58
ScottKThat will give you a shell in a Jaunty environment.20:58
ScottKThen do apt-cache rdepends python2.520:58
ScottKThat will give you a list of packages that still have a direct depends on 2.5 (some are OK and some are not)20:58
cristiScottK i see20:58
ScottKThen try and install them in your chroot.  The ones that refuse to install with the depends on python << 2.6 error need work.20:59
cristiScottK i was referring to what to do once you get the package, what to do to the package20:59
ScottKI'm sure there are far more efficient ways to do it, but that works for me.20:59
ScottKFirst look in the debian directory for any hard coded references to site-packages.21:00
ScottKIf you find those, that guarantees the package needs modfication.21:00
ScottKIf not, try a test build and see if it rebuilds without change.21:00
ScottKIf it doesn't then you know you have stuff to fix.21:00
ScottKIf it does, examine the results of the build and see if it installs files in /usr/local or any odd places.21:01
ScottKThere are many ways to do this.  I use debc.21:01
ScottKFrom your pystatgrab build you should be able to do debc pystatgrab_0.4-1.1ubuntu1_i386.changes|less in the dir with the results from your build.21:02
ScottKIf that looks sane it may just need a rebuild.21:03
cristiScottK ok, thanks21:03
ScottKThat's the general process I follow.21:04
cristiScottK thanks again for the help today21:10
cristigood night all21:11
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savvasbug 340783 for python transition :)22:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 340783 in ensymble "Depends: python (< 2.6) but 2.6.1-0ubuntu3 is to be installed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34078322:10
savvasand this time the LP: #nnn is correct :P22:10
lfaraoneHi, it seems like I might have broken the public portion of my GPG key. This must have happened a while ago, because none of the keyservers I've checked have a valid copy. Is there any way to find the public portion of my key, possibly from an archive or something?22:11
savvaslfaraone: name?22:12
savvasI'll try and check :)22:13
drewmeigshi, everyone.22:19
savvaslfaraone: Luke Faraone (Prior keys lost) <luke.faraone at gmail dot com> ?22:20
savvasthere seems to be an old one revoked: 1024 bit DSA key 32799A20, created: 2007-04-22 (revoked)22:21
drewmeigsi know this question is probably asked many times each day, but i was wondering if anyone had some advice on joining you guys aside from what is in the wiki? i would really like to join your group.22:22
ScottKdrewmeigs: My advice is just dive in, get to work, and ask questions as you have them.22:23
lfaraonesavvas: oops, yes, it's 0AC-something22:24
lfaraonesavvas: sorry, I was away22:24
lfaraonesavvas: http://pgp.cs.uu.nl/stats/0AC70206.html22:24
drewmeigsthank you ScottK. is it difficult to get a mentor or guide?22:24
lfaraonedrewmeigs: well, what do you know already?22:24
savvaslfaraone: try: gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --search-keys "faraone"22:24
lfaraonedrewmeigs: (about programming/packaging etc)22:25
ScottKdrewmeigs: There is a formal mentorship program that has a wait, but if you're a bit of a self starter you don't need one.22:25
ScottKThere is almost always someone here willing to help.22:25
lfaraoneScottK:   1024 bit DSA key 0AC70206, created: 2008-01-2422:25
lfaraonesavvas: *   1024 bit DSA key 0AC70206, created: 2008-01-2422:25
drewmeigsi have read through the wiki and have some theoretical knowledge. im not saying i am ready to be a member today or anything. i mean, i dont need someone to hold my hand, but i would like someone who could really be a mentor to me. that would be nice. sort of a designated resource and guide.22:26
ScottKlfaraone: Why are you pointing me at that?22:26
savvaslfaraone: gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 32799A2022:26
savvaslfaraone: it worked for me :) I think I got the revoked key22:27
lfaraonesavvas: yeah, that's my old key.22:27
savvasScottK: error :)22:27
ScottKFair enough.22:27
lfaraonesavvas: which I revoked because I had the other one, which is now broken.22:27
lfaraonedrewmeigs: feel free to ask us any questions you have.22:28
ScottKdrewmeigs: If you look on the wiki there is stuff about the mentorship program.22:28
lfaraonedrewmeigs: do you know how to get started with MOTU?22:28
joaopintodrewmeigs, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Mentoring22:28
savvaslfaraone: so wait, you want to use your revoked key?22:28
lfaraonesavvas: No, I mean 0AC70206's public key is broken on the keyserver; try to use it.22:29
* lfaraone will be right back, dinner.22:29
drewmeigsi have read the wiki and all. would someone mind telling me a good way to get started? im not sure i was entirely clear on that.22:30
savvaslfaraone: revoked key: http://paste.ubuntu.com/129555/ and key 0AC70206: http://paste.ubuntu.com/129554/22:35
drewmeigswell thanks for your help, guys. i appreciate it. i'll go back and read the documentation some more.22:41
lfaraonesavvas: yes, when I import 0AC70206 (my non-revoked pubkey) onto a clean system and run "gpg --encrypt 0AC7026", I get gpg: 0AC70206: skipped: unusable public key22:43
ScottKdrewmeigs: We're in the middle of trying to update packages for Python 2.6.  If you look at the logs for earlier today where savvas and I were talking with crissi you can get a good tutorial on getting started with something useful.  See irclogs.ubuntu.com.22:44
savvasScottK: you were some seconds late :)22:47
ScottKOh well.22:48
savvasand I didn't notice him unfortunately22:48
savvasI've sent him a query message22:49
ScottKOK.  Good.22:50
savvaslfaraone: no idea, sorry - the only thing I could recommend it to try and change the expiry date on the new key - maybe that would make it work :)22:54
savvas*recommend is22:55
lfaraoneScottK: ... oh?22:55
savvasfix that tab key :)22:55
lfaraonesavvas: is that seriously the problem?22:55
lfaraonesavvas: that too. :P22:55
lfaraoneScottK: (sorry)22:55
savvasI've no idea, just a hunch :P22:55
lfaraonesavvas: expires 2010-01-01 according to seahorse22:56
lfaraonesavvas: although there's an el-gamal subkey that expired 3 months ago...22:57
savvaslfaraone: I meant bump the expiration, until 2010-06-01 or 2011-01-01, this could possibly allow you to reissue the key22:59
lfaraonesavvas: ah.23:02
savvaslfaraone: any luck? :)23:05
lfaraonesavvas: none yet.23:11
lfaraonesavvas: hm, it seems to work fine.23:12
lfaraonesavvas: can you try importing it from subkeys.pgp.net and encrypting something?23:12
savvaslfaraone: I don't know how to use other people's keys other than mine :\23:14
lfaraonesavvas: gpg --recv-keys 0AC70206; echo blah | gpg -a -e -s -r 0AC7020623:14
maxblfaraone: So, you can sign, but you can't encrypt?23:15
savvaslfaraone: that one seems to work :)23:16
savvasmine is key 94185BB9 :P23:18
lfaraonemaxb: people couldn't encrypt to me because my el-gamal key was expired and GPG didn't tell me :)23:18
* pochu lols at bug 33739623:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 337396 in gstreamer0.10 "nautilus crashed with SIGSEGV in g_object_set_valist()" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33739623:19
lfaraoneIn other news, I'm currently using an ElGamal encryption key and a DSA signing key. Isn't DSA insecure?23:19
maxbI think that's still the combination that gnupg suggests for generating new keys, so why do you think so?23:22
savvaslfaraone: isn't the bits number that matters? :)23:23
lfaraonemaxb: I thought I saw someone say somethign to that effect. Wasn't backed up by anything, however.23:23
lfaraonesavvas: quite.23:23
maxbIt's conceivable that DSA is weak for encryption but not for signing... but I'm not a crypto expert :-)23:24
lfaraonemaxb: ah.23:24
maxbGenerally I trust the GnuPG guys to be recommending something sane23:24
lfaraonemaxb: obviously it's just easier to do rubber-hose cryptanalysis or guess my passphrase :)23:25
maxbmeh, I'd like to see people guess my passphrase23:26
maxbIt's >30 characters23:26
lfaraonemaxb: lord.23:26
lfaraonemaxb: I prolly should regen my keys anyway, my passphrase is much less than that.23:26
lfaraonemaxb: (between 8 and 12)23:26
maxb'tis amazing how quickly you can type a decently long passphrase once your fingers are used to it, if you choose one which flows over the keyboard23:27
lfaraonemaxb: is it a sentance?23:27
maxbno, it's an obscure bit of trivia drawn from an obscure sci-fi book23:28
lfaraonemaxb: which book? :P23:29
maxbsufficiently obscure that I feel comfortable announcing that to the world :-)23:29
lfaraonemaxb: ah, so not something like "Foundation"23:29
lfaraonemaxb: keep in mind this is archived for all eternity :)23:29
maxbThe important things being that (a) it's pronouncable, and (b) it's no words you'll ever find in a dictionary23:30
savvasso now it works? :P23:31
lfaraonemaxb: savvas yeah.23:32
lfaraonemaxb: plugh!23:32
lfaraonemaxb: so something like eezeefooyotuviaseewalahmuCietu or kauxiHevahdahvohSietahcenaiDor?23:33
maxbI think I recognize pwgen at work here :-)23:34
lfaraonemaxb: hehe.23:36
lfaraonemaxb: I'd assume that pwgen passwords are *not* secure?23:36
maxbWell, they're a whole lot more secure than anything that can be dictionary-attacked23:36
savvasgreat :)23:37
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maxbObviously they're not quite as secure as 8 fully random chars, but you've got to draw the line somewhere23:39
savvasis it safer than "I'm a real bada**, I just love me!" :p23:39
maxb"It depends"23:40

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