
asacfta: by hal?00:02
asacfta: what is the device name in the /dev hierarchy?00:02
ftayes, 1st try, then 1, 2, ...00:03
asacfta: so lets say thats it ... then please disconnect from network (maybe stopi NM) and run:00:03
asac/lib/udev/nm-modem-probe --verbose --export /sys/class/tty/ttyUSB000:03
ftaasac, it fails with error 2100:07
ftafails on open()00:07
asacfta: that means its still locked from NM or ppp or in kernel or so00:07
asacfta: you really need to stop everytihng to be safe00:07
asace.g. i get that error when my modem is in use00:08
asacprobably means resource not available or something00:08
asacfta: osrry ;)00:08
ftahm, interesting, will i killed nm, the kernel says it disconnected ttyUSB0 and 1, while the last that I used was 200:08
asacfta: /dev/ttyUSB0 ;)00:08
asacno the sysfs thing00:08
asacyeah. try the /dev/ devices you have00:09
ftain /sys/class/tty/ttyUS*, i just have 2 and 300:09
ftaboth fail on open with code 2100:10
asacfta: /dev please ;)00:10
asacfta: not /sys00:10
asace.g. /dev/ttyUSB000:10
ftasame, just 2 and 3 in /dev/ttyUS*00:10
asacfta: yes. but run the proper agsinst that00:11
asac/lib/udev/nm-modem-probe --verbose --export /dev/ttyUSB200:11
asacand USB100:11
asactry both00:11
asacerr USB300:11
asacfta: please paste the output00:11
ftahm, 3 was very verbose once, but now, just a few lines00:12
asacfta: just paste everything ;)00:13
ftaasac, http://paste.ubuntu.com/129014/00:16
asacfta: yeah. NM should have detected your ttyUSB2 through udev then00:18
asacbit strange00:18
asacmaybe some bustage00:18
asacfta: maybe keep your eyes open if that happens randomly (e.g. sometimes "detected through udev" and sometimes "detected through hal")00:19
asacfta: thats a huawai usb thing with "option" driver, right?00:19
asacfta: oh shit. all fine00:20
asacfta: i forgot the "prefer" hal patch and seems i uploaded that ;)00:21
asachmm or maybe not00:21
asaclet me g00:21
asacgrab latest from bzr00:21
asachmm ... no i dont00:21
ftai have your nm ppa enabled00:22
asacfta: what version for network-manager package?00:22
asacthats ok ... main arcihve thing00:23
asacfta: so yes. please next time when you boot or something if its always that way ;) ... or maybe just on replugging and so on.00:23
asacusually if the proper succeeds it should get detected by udev00:24
ftai grepped my logs, always hal00:24
asacfta: its new00:24
asace.g. since rc300:24
asacso before it was always hal00:25
ftaso still hal here00:25
ftathe thing is, i don't use it everyday, mostly during w-e when i'm away00:25
ftai will try to unlock my other sim in xp using qemu00:27
asacfta: what do you have in /lib/udev/rules.d/77-nm-probe-modem-capabilities.rules00:28
ftait's the one that i don't have to pay for00:28
asacfta: have you tried to restart NM?00:28
asace.g. without replugging the device?00:28
ftai had to, to pastebin your stuff, i restarted nm and replugged my wire00:29
asacfta: and it detected the key with hal again?00:29
asacor did you remove the device?00:29
asacbtw, you can stay on wired ;)00:30
asacat least until you try to restart NM you can just keep using wired to try broadband connecgt00:30
ftaasac, http://paste.ubuntu.com/129018/00:30
asacfta: you could try to increase the delay to 5 seconds or something00:31
asac2 seconds is quite tight and might not be true on all systems00:31
asacbut that shouldnt matter on restarting NM ... only when you plug in your device00:31
ftain the n-m applet, i have 3 entries now (even after i restarted n-m)00:32
asacsounds like a hal bug.00:33
asacrestart hal ... restart NM ;)00:33
asacin that order00:33
ftarestart hal -> nm died, restart nm -> good, 1 GSM00:35
asacok. i will think about it. teaking the delay in the udev .rules file from above might be another way00:38
asacbut well.00:38
ftaas least, i can deco/reco without rebooting, unlike ~10 days ago00:40
ftalooks like n-m is not releasing the device, after the unplug, so hal keeps it too, and when n-m dies, hal has no reason to rescan that00:42
asaci dont think its that simple ... but i wont rule out that the device is not properly released00:47
asacanyway ... i have to sleep now ;) ... cu tomorrow00:48
ftawell, at least, the kernel logs seems to indicate that00:49
ftayeah, cu, i seriously need some sleep to00:49
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gnomefreaksunbird 0.9 intrepid hardy are uploaded and ready for testing :)08:24
gnomefreakdebian 49283708:24
ubottuDebian bug 492837 in mozilla-bookmarksftp "mozilla-bookmarksftp: Please update to ff3" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/49283708:24
gnomefreakasac: did you get iceowl 0.9 in Debian yet?08:34
gnomefreakWho is the upstream devs for liferea? Mozilla? Gnome? show doesnt give me anything about upstream09:03
gnomefreakasac: i was refering to debian 50064709:10
ubottuDebian bug 500647 in iceowl "iceowl version 0.9?" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/50064709:10
asacone second09:11
asaci have lost my window decorations09:11
asachave to fix that first09:11
asacotherwise the chatwindow stays at almost zero size09:11
* gnomefreak not in hrry for much of anything today09:16
gnomefreakhurry even09:16
asacgnomefreak: iceowl 0.9 is in experimental isnt it?09:17
gnomefreakdont know i dont have debian system anymore09:17
gnomefreakbug 33977209:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 339772 in firefox-3.0 "Firefox download manager doesn't handle torrents" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33977209:39
asacgnomefreak: so i didnt really get whats the problem with the new upstrema verison?09:47
gnomefreakasac: upstream version?09:48
asacgnomefreak: 3.1 vs. 3.509:52
asacgnomefreak: we got mails on our mailing list09:52
asacabout that from dev-planning09:52
gnomefreakthe problem is that we need to update how we receive the sources dont we?09:54
gnomefreaki miss my buttons (home, back, refreash, forward) in 3.111:08
asacgnomefreak: extensions=11:14
asacgnomefreak: i dont think there is a problem with the version change upstream11:14
asacgnomefreak: its something we have to accept that we have to transition if we pick some prospective version during alphas11:14
gnomefreakasac: i get them right after upgrade than they go away11:14
asacgnomefreak: yes. that sounds like an extension thing11:15
asacgnomefreak: disable all11:15
gnomefreakasac: ill try again11:15
gnomefreakasac: would be nice if addons opened11:16
gnomefreakasac: nope still same i will try a few more things and let you know11:19
gnomefreakasac: nope safe mode didnt help either nor did new profile11:22
gnomefreakasac: 3.1~b4~hg20090308r23700+nobinonly-0ubuntu1~umd1  its been like this for over a week11:23
gnomefreakill be back in a bit11:25
asacgnomefreak: strange .. i dont have that issue11:30
gnomefreakasac: i'm guessing any change to firefox applies to abrowser right?11:46
asacgnomefreak: usually yes. do you use abrowser 3.1 b4*11:46
gnomefreakasac: yep11:46
asacgnomefreak: does the problem go away if you use ffox-branding?11:46
gnomefreakasac: ill check11:46
gnomefreakasac: i installed firefox-3.1-branding nothing changed other than removing abrowser. still no buttons11:51
asacgnomefreak: hmm11:51
gnomefreakasac: are you using the umd build?11:52
asaclet me start it now11:52
gnomefreakasac: does your help>about work? mine foesnt nor do i have buttons (just vertical lines than navigate back forward ....)11:53
asacgnomefreak: disable ubufox11:54
gnomefreakasac: cant11:54
asacgnomefreak: i could reproduce with ubufox enabled11:54
gnomefreakasac: that would mean tools>addons needs to work11:54
asacgnomefreak: cant? .. with ubufox the back/forward buttons are always greyed out11:54
gnomefreakand it doesnt11:54
gnomefreaki could uninstall it but i have this feeling it would take out alot of other things11:55
gnomefreakasac: im removing it11:55
asacyeah try that11:55
gnomefreakasac: nope11:58
gnomefreakasac: renaming ~/.mozilla failed to help12:00
asacgnomefreak: not sure whats up with you. i see the issue with ubufox12:02
asacfta: the compare target spits out stuff for ffox 3.112:02
gnomefreakasac: is that in a chroot/pbuilder?12:03
asacgnomefreak: thats in ppa12:04
gnomefreakah reading now12:04
gnomefreaknothing here helps maybe removing ubufox didnt remove it from addons?12:06
asacfta: any clue why all the xulrunner stuff is back there?12:06
gnomefreakbut renaming ~/.mozilla should have disabled ubufox12:07
asacgnomefreak: maybe you have it in your profile?12:07
asacgnomefreak: well. uninstall + renaming definitly should12:07
asacgnomefreak: check that firefox is really stopped when you start it12:07
asace.g. killall firefox-3.112:07
gnomefreakok wtf12:08
gnomefreakis 3.1 not dying on shutdown?12:08
gnomefreakkilling it worked12:08
asacgnomefreak: heh ;)12:09
asacgnomefreak: it dies on shutdown12:09
asacgnomefreak: but if you uninstall ubufox and dont stop it, ubufox will still be used12:09
gnomefreakthat is the issue see below12:09
gnomefreakgnomefreak@Development:~$ ps aux | grep firefox-3.112:09
gnomefreak1000     18122  0.0  0.2   2076   580 pts/1    S+   08:09   0:00 grep firefox-3.112:09
gnomefreakbrowser is closed12:09
gnomefreakubufox is still runnign and i dont have it installed12:10
gnomefreakubufox was the problem with the tools>addons as welll. so if i install it again i wont beable to get into addons to disable it12:11
gnomefreakkilling it with or without browser open fails to kill it12:12
asacgnomefreak: thats interesting12:15
asaclet me check if i have a different ubufox version (maybe in my profile)12:15
asacgnomefreak: no i have  ~b112:15
asacgnomefreak: yeah. do you use disable extensoin check?12:16
asacgnomefreak: maybe it an accumulated thing that gets worse by using more extensions12:16
gnomefreakasac: what do you mean? tools>addons?12:16
asacgnomefreak: i dont mean anything12:16
asacgnomefreak: if you have disabled extension compatibility check that calls for trouble12:17
asacotherwise i dont understand why your behaviour is different than mine12:17
asacbut i have to look because its definitly broken12:17
asacso for now dont use ubufox with 3.112:17
gnomefreakwell it works now like it should with ubufox gone everything works now but for some reason pa sux and ps aux | grep ubufox show different12:18
gnomefreakasac: i cant disable it after installing it so it will stay gone12:18
gnomefreakthe help>about is only screwed up in abrowser not firefox-3.1-branding12:20
asacgnomefreak: how is it screwed? also without ubufox?12:20
gnomefreakXML Parsing Error: undefined entity12:21
gnomefreakLocation: chrome://browser/content/aboutDialog.xul12:21
gnomefreakLine Number 40, Column 9:        &logoCopyright;12:21
asaci will investigate the abroawser thing and ubufox for 3.1 asap12:22
asacfor now just keep ubufox disabled12:22
gnomefreaki will. thanks12:22
* gnomefreak has a few things to take care of so browser isnt important at this time12:23
gnomefreakif i get done with SM-2 today ill work on lightning-sunbird bugs see if i cnt clean them up.12:29
* gnomefreak off while i start the build and hope fsh patch doesnt fail, i dont want to run autoconf :(12:30
gnomefreakjames_w: if your around can you give me a hint on what im doing wrong? http://pastebin.mozilla.org/631537 asac fta2 feel free to give me hint too12:33
gnomefreakit should not run ./debian/rules get-orig-source12:33
gnomefreaktarball is in tarballs dir12:34
asacgnomefreak: put the tarball in the toplevel dir12:38
asacimo thats a regression12:38
asacnot sure why james_w changes back and forward ;) ... i hope we get some stable stuff at some point12:38
gnomefreakill try. this is bzr builddeb bug right?12:38
asacgnomefreak: in ~/.bazaar/builddeb.conf i have:12:39
asacgnomefreak: ^^12:39
asacthat helps you to get back to normal behaviour12:39
gnomefreakasac: thanks12:41
gnomefreakasac: i guess i have to make that file12:42
gnomefreakasac: thanks it works now12:44
asacjtv: please dont sent me translation mails after uploads ;)13:27
asacjtv: otherwise we will all create a promail bounce that accidentially redirects to you ;)13:28
asacjust kidding13:28
jtvasac: it's only a tiiiiiny fraction of what we were getting in your place :-P13:28
jtvasac: danilo's working on a cherrypick to stem the flood.13:29
jtvasac: that said, my jet lag finally kicked in and my brain's not working.  Talk to Danilo if you want sensible answers.13:29
asacjtv: ok. sleep well ;)13:29
jtvasac: zzz13:30
jtvasac: Left Friday night, arrived Sunday nightzzzz13:30
asacjtv: you should stop travelling13:33
asacjtv: its the same as in real life: one sprint helps you to get quicker from a to B13:33
asacbut many sprints just slows down stuff because one is too exhausted13:33
jtvasac: yeah… I did get to see New Zealand though!  (It was halfway on my last trip)13:35
asacjtv: ok. did you take a day or two off afterwards?13:40
jtvasac: yesterday13:40
asacjtv: but that was back in bangkok right? i ment if you took a day off to visit NZ ;)13:41
jtvasac: didn't take a day off to visit NZ, just had a few hours there between flights13:41
asacthats how it is ;)13:41
jtvasac: two days ago I took a bus to Mount Eden and walked up all the way to the summit…  that was like a little vacation all by itself13:41
jtvasac: taking the Sunday off would have been complicated.  :-)13:42
asacjtv: mount eden. that sounds like paradis13:46
jtvasac: looks like it too, but it was named after…  IIRC it was the family name (before his peerage) of the old mentor of the first governor there.13:46
jtvYou know how the British like to change their last names to confuse everyone13:47
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gnomefreaki really hate bounced builds17:22
asacgnomefreak: wh?17:34
gnomefreakasac: it didnt bounce. i guess upload failed. Sm 2 intrepid17:34
gnomefreakjaunty uploaded built fine17:35
gnomefreakasac: how hard is it to add support for dev. releases in mozilla-devscripts?17:36
asacgnomefreak: if you hav ethe same orig already in for jaunty just build using -sd17:37
asacso you ust upload diff.gz and .dsc17:37
gnomefreakmakes it faster that way :)17:37
* gnomefreak found a way around the firefox-3.1 not showing buttons, just have to try it first. If you patch this issue you might want to add it to 3.0 to get rid of those "firefox is still running" errors17:45
gnomefreakasac: i pushed again and in terminal said it uploaded so i better get either a good email or bad one18:13
asacgnomefreak: you have to remove the .upload files first18:13
asacif you already uploaded same version18:13
asacotherwise try to use better version18:13
asacok. preparing myself to get off-ramp for tonight18:14
gnomefreakasac:  i used the -sd switch18:15
gnomefreakasac: before you go is Jaunty going to support fingerprint scan?18:16
asacgnomefreak: good question. not sure.18:17
asacnot sure if there are drivers18:17
asacif so, its a probably a pam thing or gdm18:17
gnomefreakpam most likely (assuming support for all DE well atleast the big 318:18
gnomefreakok lets see if i cant work out this icon crap18:31
ftaasac, https://edge.launchpad.net/+builds lol, mozilla ownz the build farm!18:54
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* gnomefreak rebuilds for intrepid. i dont get FTB but PPA does ill try again19:59
gnomefreakfta: how much work would it take to update m-d for sunbird 1.x its pre release. is it something as simple as changing a few settings or new code (config file, ect..)20:04
ftajust a .conf file inside the package, no need to touch m-d at all20:07
asacfta: yeah. maybe we should send up dailies in steps .... like every 2 hours a different package ;)20:38
gnomefreakplease tell me its not in cdbs-rules20:40
gnomefreaklooks like it would be the one :( the /cdbs-rules/debhelper.mk20:41
ftagnomefreak, what are you talking about?20:41
asaci think he wants to enable sunbird to use mozclient for orig rules20:42
gnomefreakfta: the config file from comment above20:42
gnomefreakthose are all install rules it looks like20:43
ftagnomefreak, no, take a branch with a debian/mozclient/ dir as an example20:43
ftaff3.1 or tb320:44
ftait's also documented in the README of m-d20:44
fta1064  firefox-3.0                    502138 78181 340173 83750    34 (Alexander Sack)20:57
fta9680  cxchromium                      2960   356  2392   158    54 (Unknown)20:57
fta12747 firefox-3.1                     1522   186   673   663     0 (Unknown)20:57
fta17276 gwibber                          747    97   280   370     0 (Unknown)20:57
fta24259 firefox-3.2                      253    28    57   168     0 (Unknown)20:57
fta30246 chromium-browser                 108     6     0   102     0 (Unknown)20:57
ftacxchromium is popular :P20:57
asacwhat is cxchromium?20:59
ftawin32 chromium runinning with codeweaver / wine20:59
fta21591 thunderbird-3.0                  377    48   212   117     0 (Unknown)21:03
gnomefreakok im gone. made changes to rules and control but i need to look at rules closer it looks like the DEBIAN_VERSION and freinds are maxed out at 0.9 but my sed has gotten left behind21:19
gnomefreakthe lines with sed -n 's/^Version: \([0-9.]*\).*$$/\1/ p')   if i remember my sed right it is upto and including 0.921:28
ftait grabs all numbers and dots. so it could match 0.9, 1.0, but not 0.9-121:31
ftawell, given 0.9-1, it will return 0.921:32
gnomefreakwell its not grabbing the 1.9 branch at all i tried with DEBIAN_DATE and ./debian/rules get-orig-source DEBIAN_BRANCH_MOZILLA_1_9_BRANCH neither are working21:36
gnomefreakrules i added include /usr/share/mozilla-devscripts/lightning-sunbird.mk and control just the build-dep21:37
ftaplease pastebin what you do & get21:40
gnomefreakforgot the date one21:42
gnomefreaknope its there just jumbled in the other shit21:43
gnomefreakok let me try real fast21:44
gnomefreakim assuming i cant use ranch and date in same command so i would need to know exact version to add to changelog first21:46
ftayou should be able to do that21:47
gnomefreakfta: heres the output of them http://pastebin.mozilla.org/63161621:48
gnomefreakfrom the README.gz it tells me to add to rules and control however in the README lightning-sunbird only has 1.8 branch does that matter?21:51
gnomefreakbrb smoke and think21:52
gnomefreaki dont have source im just going on what reambe says21:58
asacfta: so what was on my list from your side? primssm ... something else?23:12
ftaprism, yeah.23:13
ftai wouldn't mind some hints to prevent my 3G SIMs from locking themselves23:14
fta-locking themselves+becoming unusable on ubuntu23:14
asac_fta: reconnect23:25
asac_00:14 < fta> -locking themselves+becoming unusable on ubuntu23:25
asac_00:21 < asac> fta: i have no clue, because o dont even understand whta kind of locking that is23:25
asac_00:24 < asac> @time23:26
asac_fta: i wanted to ask modem folks today. will do that tomorrow23:26
ftaasac_, thanks, let me know if i can help23:37
asac_fta: i will send you there if they need more info ;)23:38
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fta4720  songbird                       15031   683 13368   813   167 (Unknown)23:42
ftahm, that's a lot, not sure it's only mine23:42
asacfta: probably not. dont they distribute debs on their own?23:42
ftastill have deprecation warnings in bzr23:48
asacmost likely python 2.6 came out of nowhere for most ;)23:49
asacmy main issue is currently my offline bug ;)23:49
ftacool, just added a strong 'compare' to chromium. it will fail if it finds something23:49
asacofflineimap ;)23:49
asacfta: thats what we actually want for the mozilla packages too i think23:49
ftai reported the issue in #bzr, they said they fixed it already, but the fix is not in jaunty23:49
asacfta: at least for 3.1 and later i guess23:49
asacfta: did you add a bzr targetpackage target too?23:50
asacotherwise its not on the ubuntu radar at all23:51
ftai didn't file a bug, just asked on irc23:51
ftastevel, is there a tag for 1.1 ?23:52
stevelfta: http://timeline.songbirdnest.com/client/browser/tags/Songbird1.1.123:54
asacyay. just saw a dent about that ;)23:54
asacfta: without butg new upstream stuff probably wont get rolled to jaunty23:55
ftai just assumed enough people are using bzr to realize it's needed :P23:55
asacfta: what if everyone feels the same ;)23:56
ftathen we're doomed23:56
asachear, hear, ... thats what i am saying :)23:56
asaci would think: "then there will be a SRU"23:57
* stevel tries to catch his bus23:57
asacfta: hmm ... have you checked dh_install --list-missing?23:59
asacman dh_install23:59

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