[03:28] Evenin' [03:49] I'm using Mythbuntu. Can I change the display setting so that I see the channel number first in the OSD? They are getting chopped off. [04:05] Does anyone know how to avoid entering a password when going into mythbuntu settings? [04:07] newmyth, its required, there is no way around it [04:07] newmyth, its sudo access [04:08] newmyth, the OSD settings are in the menus inside mythfrontend [04:09] Thanks, I did finally figure out the OSD. It's still cramped but usable. [04:09] It's a real pain to enter myth-setup with my remote and try to enter a password. [04:10] I've got one more... [04:10] the screen size is too big for my monitor. TV works fine, but in the setup screens, I can't see the 'next' 'prev' buttons. Where do I change this setting? [04:23] newmyth, its overscan, that cna depend on your video card, monitor, type of cable to the monitor, driver version, Xorg settings [04:30] Thanks foxbuntu. Should I start looking in xorg.conf? the TV/Video pictures are sized perfectly, but not the setup menus. [04:32] newmyth, idk, you should google overscan + +ubuntu [04:32] newmyth, I would start there [04:32] Will do, thanks. [04:34] Changable in myth if you don't care about the rest of X [09:43] Hi to all !!! [09:44] I have a lot cof problems with DVI output with mythbuntu 8.04 or 8.10 , with 1360x720 resol and vsync problem ... [09:45] I have tried to solved it installing ATI propietary drivers ... but same problem , when the image is moving from left-rigth or right-left i can see lines in the screen , i think is the vertical retrace problem ... can someone helpme ? [09:46] ATI card is x1600 with 256 MB ram pcie [09:47] Could be a problem with the refresh rate .... ? [12:58] hi guys [12:58] having a few problems [12:58] got my backend and frontend machine up, but for some reason mysqld is not starting up automatically [14:39] hi all! I'm about to install mythbuntu on a media box that I'm creating to my self, but I have a question: when it boot up, does it go directly to inside mythtv? [14:44] yes [14:46] darthanubis, and every configuration can be done from inside it? Wireless connection for exampole [14:46] example [14:46] "inside it" no [14:47] darthanubis, you have to configure it from a terminal or networkmanager, then? [14:47] you have to do that from the desktop [14:47] basically [15:01] darthanubis, I see.... have you done something like a media box before? [15:02] xjunior: it boots up to the desktop then launches mythfrontend immediately [15:02] you can exit out of it to do configuration [15:03] rhpot1991, I see..... [15:22] xjunior, of course [15:22] xjunior, my desktop is my master backend [17:02] I have Gigabyte U8000-RH DVB-T card. Is there a change that I get it working with Mythbuntu? [17:04] chance? [17:04] * perlmonkey is recording from cable on demand from wifi frontend [17:05] Yes [17:05] 54mb/sec but only getting 5-11mb/sec, still stable tho [17:06] check if your card is supported if it is theres every chance [17:06] I had no luck getting my DVB card supported even tho Mythtv says its supported [18:34] sasc-ng [18:34] rhpot1991: sasc-ng is a method to ILLEGALLY receive cable or satellite broadcasts via a fake software dvb-s/c device. It is forbidden from being discussed in #ubuntu-mythtv, #ubuntu-mythtv-dev, #mythtv-users, and #mythtv. If you would like to learn more about it, please refer to its developers and keep any and all discussions about it there. [18:34] Sasc-ng [18:34] rhpot1991: sasc-ng is a method to ILLEGALLY receive cable or satellite broadcasts via a fake software dvb-s/c device. It is forbidden from being discussed in #ubuntu-mythtv, #ubuntu-mythtv-dev, #mythtv-users, and #mythtv. If you would like to learn more about it, please refer to its developers and keep any and all discussions about it there. === nugaxstruxi1 is now known as nugaxstruxi [21:51] hello [21:52] !hi [21:52] Hi $nick, how are you? Something we can help you with today? [21:52] I am really at my wits end, if automated shutdown and wakeup, I have an asus m3n78-em board which works fine if I manually set rtc/rtc/rtc0/wakealarm but I cannot get it at all to work automaed [21:53] i have tried numerous things including this howto but no chance>: http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/ACPI_Wakeup#Using_.2Fsys.2Fclass.2Frtc.2Frtc0.2Fwakealarm