
oh_noesCan you create a RAID1 Software mirror in Linux/MDADM after installing? Or do I have to do it in the installer?00:01
olcafoshort answer: yes00:02
olcafothis can be done after install00:03
twboh_noes: it is probably not something that an inexperienced admin should attempt.  At least, not while drunk.00:03
Nafalloor even when sober :-)00:03
twbI've done it a couple of times and it's straightforward, but I have a lot of experience with md.00:04
twbLike resizing a filesystem, the important thing is to do the steps in the right order00:04
olcafothe installer makes it easy, but the experience of doing it by hand in invaluble when something breaks and you need to fix it quickly.00:04
twbYou'll also need to take the server down to do it00:05
Nafalloolcafo: it's just not as straightforward to create an md on the disk you're using as / ;-)00:05
olcafotwb, that depends on if we're talking about making an RAID on the system partition or not.00:05
olcafoNafallo, right00:06
twbolcafo: if by "system" you mean "root", then yes.00:08
olcafosorry, my lingo is not quite nix. I work on to many different OSes.00:09
oh_noesIf I want to use FakeRAID, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto00:10
oh_noesbut this article doesnt explain how to do it for Ubuntu Server 8.04 without the LiveCD00:11
oh_noeshow do I activate dmraid?00:11
twboh_noes: you really don't want to use fakeraid.  You either want software raid, or in unusual cases, hardware raid.00:31
oh_noesI know what I want to use :)00:31
oh_noesi'm doing some performance testing here at work, and Im interested to do some analyzsis between the two00:32
twbsoftware raid is better than fakeraid because you can put the drives in any linux system and still read the data.00:32
twboh_noes: oh, OK.00:32
twboh_noes: well if it's proper fakeraid the kernel should just see one disk :-)00:32
leonelwhat would you recommend ?? :  apache +  ( fastcgi | scgi | fcgid ) ???00:38
twbleonel: depends on what the app supports00:39
JanCleonel: and you could replace apache for other httpds too...00:47
leonelJanC:   I'm with cherokee now  and it's working great   I just have a server with apache and I cant move yet to cherokee ..00:49
leoneltwb: Right ..00:50
thewrathcan someoen help me with ufw?02:27
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?02:28
thewrathon https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuFirewall under package integration that is for onlu ubuntu 8.1 right?02:29
JanCyes AFAIK02:30
twbThat seems to be what it says.02:31
thewrathafaik = as far as i know?02:31
thewrathjust double checking i am tired02:31
JanCthewrath: yes02:31
thewrathis it hard to upgrade  server 8.04 to 8.1?02:31
JanCand ufw had some significant changes in 8.1002:31
thewraththank you JanC02:31
thewrathi see that and i like them02:32
twbSeems stupid to me to call it "Apache" when "getent services 80" gives a perfectly meaningful "www".02:32
thewrathespecially with the app part02:32
oh_noesWhats the default behaviour for mdadm if it loses a disk?02:32
thewrathwhat ist eh command that i use to upgrade ubuntu from 8.04 to 8.102:32
twboh_noes: it marks that node in the array as degraded02:32
JanCtwb: it's fine with apache, but do you know all the ports samba needs ?  ;)02:32
oh_noesDoes it email anyone, does it set the front disk of the server to red status ?02:32
twbJanC: then samba ought to register those ports02:33
thewrathand how many people are using 8.1 server02:33
twbJanC: so they end up listed in /etc/services02:33
twboh_noes: IIRC it generates an email, probably for root.02:33
thewrathdoes 8.1 server have the smae issue with the 8.1 desktop wtih wireless wpa2 enterprise encryption02:33
JanCtwb: they are, but their names might not always be what you expect02:33
twboh_noes: I don't know anything about the "front of the disk".02:33
twbJanC: well, for example I'd prefer it to say "submission" and "smtp" to "postfix" for both.02:34
oh_noestwb: well servers have hot swappable disks at the front, everyone in ubuntu says to use MDADM software RAId instead of my hardware raid02:34
thewrathwhat ist eh command that i use to upgrade ubuntu from 8.04 to 8.1\02:34
thewrathand how many people are using 8.1 server02:35
twboh_noes: that depends whether it's real raid or fake raid.02:35
thewrathdoes 8.1 server have the smae issue with the 8.1 desktop wtih wireless wpa2 enterprise encryption02:35
JanCtwb: well samba is based on a collection of legacy MS protocols that you probably don't want to know the names of  ;)02:35
oh_noesmy hardware raid, if it detects a dead disk, it'll mark it as red/amber (like a normal servers), then i can replace it and it'll auto resync02:35
twbJanC: I know what CIFS and SMB and NTLM are...02:35
twbJanC: I dunno if AD has a "kerberos" port per se.02:35
thewrathanyone know the answers to my questons?02:35
thewrathjw bc i am going to bed here soon02:35
oh_noesif I hotswap a degraded disk, will it auto rebuild it?02:35
twboh_noes: no02:35
twboh_noes: at least, I'm pretty sure it doesn't02:36
JanCtwb: "you don't know" is the reason for ufw giving them an alias02:36
oh_noesThat's extremely handy isnt it!02:36
twbJanC: grumble02:36
thewrathwell i guess i will ask tomorrow02:37
thewrathgn everything02:37
twbJanC: as I see it, using ufw is a means by which I can write complex iptables-restore scripts, but still allow ignorant end users to do "ufw allow <port> from <ip>"02:37
oh_noesSo let me get this straight, ubuntu recommend running software raid over FakeRAID, even though software RAID a) doesn't change the warning lights on the servers, and secondly, it won't even rebuild it automatically if it's hotswapped/replaced?02:37
twboh_noes: if you have hot-swappable drives, you probably don't have fakeraid02:38
JanCtwb: ignorant end-users don't have the power to do that on your systems (I hope)?  ;)02:38
twboh_noes: you probably have proper hardware raid02:38
twbJanC: the end users own the system02:38
oh_noestwb: then why does ubuntu install lists all my inidividual disks in the isntaller?  Even though I configured a system RAID1 mirror, and a data RAID10?02:39
twbJanC: i.e. the company that contracts me to babysit their server02:39
twboh_noes: is this an IBM serveraid box?02:39
JanCah, babysitting is always fun  ツ02:39
oh_noesNot IBM, it's a different vendor, but basically, yes.02:40
twbYeah, they're... exciting.02:40
twbIIRC you need a special driver to make the kernel see a single disk02:40
twbWe ended up using software raid and forgetting about the hotswap feature because it was too much pissing about02:41
twbYMMV, etc.02:41
oh_noesyeah, mdraid is the special driver, but it's next to impossible to use it on Ubuntu server hardy02:41
oh_noestheres no clear documentation on how to run dmraid, then install ubuntu server 8.04 no gui mode02:42
uvirtbotNew bug: #278864 in samba4 (universe) "package samba4 None [modified: /var/lib/dpkg/info/samba4.list] failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite `/usr/bin/nsstest', which is also in package samba-tools" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27886403:53
oh_noesI'm playing with mdadm, I pulled a disk out (hotswap)  of a running server and put it in 5 minutes ago.  I got an error and degraded event for /dev/md0 ... how do I resync everything now?04:04
JanCadd the disk again04:08
oh_noesI did, I pulled it and put it back.    /dev/md0 is showing as State : clean, degraded04:11
JanCmdadm /dev/md0 --add /dev/<disk/partition>04:12
JanCor maybe --re-add04:12
JanC(I've never used re-add until now)04:12
oh_noescool, I think that did it. Now I just need to figure out how to do an automatic re-add with my hotswap functionality04:14
JanCI guess that would require a custom udev rule or something04:14
JanCadding it manually (e.g. through a remote shell) isn't really a lot of work though04:16
ballHow much disk space is the bare minimum for Ubuntu Server?04:27
JanCball: I think it's less than 300 MiB04:50
JanCbut then you don't have anything useful running on it...04:51
ballJanC: Thanks.  Sadly it didn't work on this machine.  I think the installer tried to use some fancy graphics mode, which just corrupted the screen.04:51
JanCAFAIK the installer uses curses on a console, which should work (almost) everywhere?04:52
ballPerhaps it just loaded a font that didn't work on this box then.04:53
ballI /did/ see the Ubuntu logo splash.04:53
ball...but afterwards the menus were illegible.04:53
JanCoh, that was after installing then?04:54
ballJanC: no.04:54
ballJanC: that was upon booting from the install CD04:54
JanCoh, the isolinux bootloader then maybe04:54
* ball isn't sure what that is, but it sounds credible.04:55
JanCwere you running in a VM?04:55
ballNo, this is a bare machine.04:55
ball(not capable of virtualisation)04:55
JanCthen I have no idea (I know it has some issues because the bootloader uses the 16-bits CPU mode)04:56
JanCand some virtualisation software versions don't like that04:57
JanCyou might want to file a bug04:58
ballWell, whatever code was at fault, it tried to do something fancy that the display hardware didn't like.04:58
ballJanC: if I knew how, I would.04:58
ballJanC: Ah right.  I have no access to the Web at present.04:59
JanCthen do it later04:59
ballOkay, I'll make myself a note to do that.04:59
JanCdid you try the latest stable release (8.10) or a development version?05:00
JanCtrying latest 9.04 alpha or daily might be useful too (to make sure it wasn't fixed already)05:01
ballJanC: I'll see if I can get a copy of that in the morning then.05:01
billy12what's a good mp3 trans-coder/ converter?05:02
JanCbilly12: taht's not really server-related...05:02
JanCbilly12: ask in #ubuntu please05:03
ballbilly12: bladeenc for encoding, amp for playing?05:03
billy12lol sorry, yea, but i was looking for a CLI version, friendly to server05:03
ballbilly12: I prefer Ogg/Vorbis given the option though.05:03
JanCbilly12: still not a server question, and if there is a need for it, someone might propose an #ubuntu-cli channel...  ;-)05:05
ballHopefully back later, downloading some system source files.05:06
billy12thank you, but may try like so, if one had to trans-code a mp3 on ubuntu-server, what program would you turn to?05:09
bob__hey, can any one help me get my server to share its internet connection05:42
incd^Whats the benefit of running own local DNS-server? Now we use only nettica.com's services.08:13
hadsYou can use DNS for local hosts and also cache08:15
jmedinaI always use mine with at least one slave in another country, and for a local network you can use cache, it saves you a lot of bw08:16
jmedinafor LAN I like to use dhcp3-server+bind9 for Dynamic DNS08:16
* hads uses dnsmasq08:17
domasand if you're ISP, you may want to run unbound :)08:17
hadsGet it? bind, unbound08:18
* jmedina hates virtualize windows under xen :S08:19
jmedinais that the new dns daemon?08:19
jmedinaI think I heard about it a few weeks08:20
hadsFirst hit in google :)08:20
jmedinaI was using bind9 at a isp without problems08:20
jmedinaeven under attacks08:20
jmedinaby the way is there any ubuntu bind9 version with ldap support?08:21
jmedinawell, time to sleep, cya08:22
=== lokix is now known as lokixza
^law1^moin :)08:53
uvirtbotNew bug: #340383 in dhcp3 (main) "dhcpd sends as DNS server" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34038309:20
dayo2 what other av software can i put on my firewall server, based on this post:09:26
dayo2              http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=38016909:26
kalleperssonI have an old computer running ubuntu server at home and I wonder two things: a) What is the recommended temperature for a regular file/web server? b) Are there any neat tricks on how to make the server cooler?09:37
kalleperssonI totally understand that this varies, but it's currently at 51C and it sounds quite warm.09:38
^law1^hm tat quiet hot bro09:39
kalleperssonAny ideas on how to make it cooler?09:39
Kamping_Kaiserbig gold chain?09:39
^law1^ur server is real server or pc tat functioning as server?09:40
kalleperssona pc09:40
^law1^how many cpu fans u put ?09:40
kalleperssonjust one09:41
Kamping_Kaisernot sure that question makes sense ^law1^09:41
Kamping_Kaiserkallepersson, where is it located? put it somewhere with clear airflow, keep hdds 1 space apart if possible, put in some more fans, and make sure its not dusty inside09:41
^law1^the best way is place ur server in air conditioner  room09:42
soren51C doesn't sound completely unreasonable to me.09:42
kalleperssonOnly have one hdd atm. but thanks09:42
sorenSure, it'd be better if you could get it down to 20C or so, but 51C is what I'd expect from a machine like that.09:42
kalleperssonIt's just going to function as a home server, so I don't have access to any air conditioner room09:42
kalleperssonsoren: right, thanks09:43
sorenJust don't put it in the boiler room :)09:43
Kamping_Kaiser50 for an idle temp is a bit high for my liking, but nto unreasonabe09:43
^law1^if the room not so dusty open ur casing case09:43
kallepersson^law1^: it's my living room :)09:44
uvirtbotkallepersson: Error: "law1^:" is not a valid command.09:44
^law1^then add extra fans will be the best way09:45
sorenOpening the case is probably not a good idea. It ruins the airflow.09:48
kalleperssonbtw, is there any nice tools to check temperature other than cat /proc/acpi/thermal_zone/THRM/temperature?09:48
sorenI mean.. Sure, go ahead and open it if you want to put more stuff in there or whatnot, but keeping it open as a way to keep it cool... I don't think that'll turn out as expected.09:49
simplexiokallepersson: sensors, but i think it need lm-sensors installed09:49
sivangdoes anyone know if it is planned to include AR81 driver in upcoming lrm releases ?09:50
kalleperssonsimplexio: no package called sensors as far as I can tell09:51
kalleperssonok, got it09:51
kalleperssonlm-profiler and lm-syslog-setup?09:51
simplexioon my computer lm-sensors is in repository09:52
kalleperssonwell, only those two binaries are installed as far as i can tell09:52
kalleperssonyes, got it installed09:52
kalleperssonbut how do I check temperature09:52
kalleperssonright, it's a tool for creating a profile of your server's temperature09:53
kalleperssonah, "sensors"09:53
simplexiofirst you need setup it.. sensors-setup ?09:55
simplexiodepnds drivers which it loads. on my desktop it show currents etc from power too09:56
mrwesI'm trying to add my printer via remotely via cups and the web GUI, but it's saying my security certificate is 'self-signed'10:44
mrwesI see the printer, but I can't enable it10:44
=== Abracad4br4 is now known as Abracadabra
uvirtbotNew bug: #340404 in postfix (main) "package postfix 2.5.5-1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34040411:19
* lamont` would love to know how people are managing to delete /etc/postfix/postfix-script and having it not land on the dist-upgrade, given that it's IN THE DEB11:26
sorenlamont`: Is it a conffile?11:31
=== lamont` is now known as lamont
lamontsoren: everything in /etc is a conffile11:32
sorenlamont: That's how, then.11:32
lamontfsck.ext3: Device or resource busy while trying to open /dev/sda211:32
sorenlamont: Everything in /etc is not a conffile, though.11:32
lamontWTF is it trying to open sda2 - that's part of /dev/md1 - of course it's busy, dammit11:33
sorenlamont: Everything *shipped* in /etc and processed by dh_installdeb with a debhelper compat level > 2, yes.11:33
lamontsoren: so anyway, they remove postfix-script, and then they upgrade, it blows up, and somehow that's my fault11:33
sorenlamont: Well... Yes :)11:34
sorenlamont: If the admin deletes a conffile, dpkg respects that and doesn't put it back.11:34
lamontand if I have preinst check for the file and bomb out, then they'll just file bugs saying that preinst fialed11:34
sorenlamont: Postfix should either handle the absence of that file gracefully or make it not a conffile.11:35
lamontand how does one make it not a conffile?11:35
sorenlamont: Either set DH_COMPAT=2 (bad idea) or ship it in /usr somewhere and copy it in from postinst.11:36
sorenlamont: Or stop using debhelper altogether :)11:36
sorenHey, there /are/ package that don't use debhelper.11:36
lamontand yeah, it doesn't really belong in /etc other than for the fact that upstream kinda hardcodes it as being there, and one could argue that it actually is/should-be a conffile11:37
lamontfor my never ending pain11:37
lamont==> ship a copy in /usr, and replace it in protinst if the admin removed it.  am I allowed to berate the admin? :)11:46
sorenlamont: In Debian, perhaps. I don't think the CoC allows you to do so in Ubuntu. :/11:56
bromic94hey i have 8.04 and 8.10 server on one machine11:59
bromic94how can i take off 8.04 server11:59
sorenWhat do you mean? Are you dual-booting the two?11:59
bromic94i want to get rid of 8.0412:00
sorenJust remove the partition and remove it from the list in /boot/grub/menu.lst.12:01
bromic94just remove anything that says 8.04?12:03
bromic94like it will say Ubuntu 8.04.2, kernal 2.6.24-23-server?12:03
bromic94how do i remove the partition?12:04
bromic94soren: any ideas?12:07
lamontbromic94: mkfs will stomp on it.  most times, I just reuse the partition for something else12:09
bromic94i want to get rid of everything12:09
bromic94from 8.0412:09
bromic94so 8.1 has everything from the hard drive12:09
lamontby which you mean that you want to make it one partition that has 8.10 filling all of the space formerly given to 8.04 and 8.10 separately?12:10
lamontdepending on the partition table, that could be anything from simply a delete and resize in fdisk and resize2fs, to a reinstall12:11
bromic94the only server i want is 8.1012:11
bromic94how do i format to put 8.1 back on?12:11
lamont8.10 for starters... 8.1 is ambiguous...12:11
lamontif you just boot the 8.10 server disk, one of the options is (paraphrased) "stomp on the drive and use all of it"12:12
* lamont cries at blkid12:12
bromic94so that will make everything 8.10?12:14
sorenlamont: What's wrong with blkid?12:23
lamontsoren: #u-d <-- it hates me12:23
sorenYeah, I just saw.12:24
* soren pats lamont on the head12:24
sorenlamont: There, there.12:24
orudiequestion. how can i check which nameservers the domain is using ?12:57
thefishorudie: dig domain.com NS12:58
orudiehow do you get to the sepcific line number in nano ?13:34
frippzorudie: ctrl+c13:38
frippzoops, read that wrong13:38
frippzthought you wanted to see what line you were on13:38
frippzctrl+w and then ctrl+t will allow you to enter the desired line number (and column number as well, for that matter)13:40
heath|workI need to setup a dns server, I have seen tutorials for a couple of different ones (powerdns, mydns).  Can anyone offer any suggestions on a nice dns setup for web hosting?14:07
viezerdI guess this mailinglist "https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-security-announce" covers *all* the security announcements but is there a mailinglist for security updates on server only ?14:11
aruetten@heath: a simple easy to use dns server ist dnsmasq, but it's simple and so it has some limitations.14:11
aruetten@heath on the other end is bind, I think bind can everything in the dns field, but isn't so simple to configure14:15
* ball points out that this isn't Twitter ;-)14:20
ScottKmathiaz: I want to add pax to amavisd-new depends which will mean it gets added to the CD.  It's only ~50K and solves Debian Bug 517156 (which apparently has some security implications), so I'm pretty sure it's the right thing to do, but wanted to run it by someone here first.14:21
uvirtbotDebian bug 517156 in amavisd-new "amavisd-new: should recommend pax" [Important,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/51715614:21
ScottKviezerd: There is not.  It's all in one repository, so there's no clear way to make a distinction.14:22
viezerdah ok, thx for the information ScottK14:23
mathiazScottK: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily/current/jaunty-server-amd64.list says that pax is already on the cd14:26
mathiazScottK: so there isn't any problem adding pax as a dependency of amavisd-new14:27
ScottKmathiaz: Thanks.  I Iooked at the seeds and read them wrong I guess.14:27
mathiazScottK: I used to look at the seed  - even the output of germinate isn't that easy to parse by human eyes14:28
mathiazScottK: when it comes to the content of the -server iso I always look at the .list file on cdimage14:28
ScottKI think that's a good practice.14:29
heath|workaruetten, Thanks for the input, I will look into dnsmasq14:59
ScottKUbuntu Server meeting will be here today.15:02
ballScottK: 15:00 UTC?15:02
mathiazall right - due to a conflict in ubuntu-meeting we'll run the ubuntu-server meeting here15:02
kirklandlots of new attendees15:03
kirklandmathiaz: good luck with that15:03
mathiazkirkland: I know15:03
* ball sits down and shuts up15:03
mathiazkirkland: but it also help for writting the minutes later :)15:03
mathiazso today's agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/Meeting15:04
mathiazPrevious meeting minutes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/Server/2009030315:04
mathiaz[TOPIC] SRU bug tracking15:04
mathiazivoks: ^^15:04
mathiazivoks: ready to discuss that?15:04
mathiazivoks: ok - let's move on then15:04
ivoksi'll add it to agenda when redy15:04
mathiaz[ACTION] ACTION: ivoks to add to the server team agenda an item about better SRU management.15:05
mathiaz[TOPIC] Postfix and Dovecot integration15:05
mathiazivoks: thanks for blogging about it15:05
ivoksright, we got nice feedback15:05
ivokspeople like it so far...15:05
mathiazivoks: there was a bug related to the package15:05
ivokswas it?15:05
mathiazivoks: bug 33996615:06
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 339966 in dovecot "dangerous action: dovecot-postfix force-installs new conf file" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33996615:06
mathiazI'm not sure how we should handle that.15:06
ScottKIf it's accurate, that's not Low, IMO.15:06
mathiazI've been discussing wit the reporter15:06
ivoksi see...15:07
mathiazScottK: I don't think dangerous is the correct word15:07
ivoksi'll work on a fix for this15:07
mathiazivoks: what would be the plan?15:07
ivoksi have to think about it15:08
ivokscheck if dovecot.conf is changed15:08
mathiazI'm not sure we should/could support upgrading an existing dovecot system to integrate it with postfix15:08
ScottKIt can be known if the existing config is modified or not, so I think this is solvable.15:08
mathiaznot really - dovecot.conf is modified by -pop and -imap when they get installed15:08
* nijaba realizes the meeting is here... o/15:09
ivoksmathiaz: well, we can workaround it15:09
ScottKOK.  Then I'm glad ivoks is going to solve it.15:09
ivoksmathiaz: ignore ^protocols and then check15:09
cemcmodified but not ignored completely15:09
ivoksif user changed protocols, he still has not working dovecot15:09
ivoksor... hm...15:09
mathiazivoks: OTOH I'm not sure if we should support this in the dovecot-postfix package15:09
cemcif used had imap support, and he decides to install pop3, will that break imap ?15:10
ivoksmathiaz: i understand your point of view and i agree15:10
mathiazthe dovecot-postfix package is a different kind of package since it encapsulate a script15:10
mathiazIt doesn't really ship new files - it just modifies existing configuration15:10
ivoksmathiaz: maybe we should warn user during preinst15:10
ivoksmathiaz: adding 'if you have already working dovecot, purge this package'15:11
mathiazivoks: I thought about that - but you cannot detect if you're installing a brand new system or if the system is an pseudo-upgrade of a running dovecot system15:11
ivoksmathiaz: we just let everybody know that?15:11
ivoksmathiaz: it's a good way to advertise all features that comes with it :)15:11
mathiazivoks: right - so I think we should update the description of the package15:12
ivoksor that...15:12
mathiazivoks: also - I think that the postinst modifies the dovecot.conf file15:12
mathiazivoks: to stick a comment in it15:12
ivoksthat's in source15:12
ivoksdovecot.conf is modified during build15:12
mathiazivoks: hm - right.15:13
mathiazivoks: so may be doing this in the postinst will force a ucf merge of dovecot.conf15:13
mathiazivoks: that way the admin will have to see the new comment added in dovecot.conf during postinst which would have helped in the situation15:13
mathiazivoks: I don't know if that's the correct way to do it though15:14
ivoksgive me couple of days to thing about this15:14
mathiazivoks: right - could you post your solution to the bug?15:14
mathiazI'm not sure about the right way to tackle this issue15:15
mathiazlet's move on15:15
mathiaz[TOPIC] Samba bug day15:15
ivoksme neither, so i have to think about it for a while :)15:15
mathiazas you may have noticed if you read the planet next Thursday will be dedicated to triagging samba bugs15:16
mathiazttx: thanks for blogging about it15:16
methodshow do i install an older version of package ?15:16
mathiaznijaba: still on track to blog about it tomorrow?15:16
nijabamathiaz: sure15:16
nijabamathiaz: blog is ready15:16
mathiazI'll prepare also a post to be published on Thursday15:17
nijabawaiting ti tomorrow 9am for launch15:17
mathiaznijaba: awesome - thanks :)15:17
ttxmathiaz: who will be running the show from QA ?15:17
geniimethods: Specify version on cli apt-get. eg:   sudo apt-get install something=specific-version              "specific-version"  is one which can be reported by apt-cache policy <packagename>15:17
mathiazttx: you15:18
mathiazttx: and me :)15:18
incorrectwhen logging in over ssh i have a log delay before the bash prompt appears15:18
mathiazttx: oh - QA - noone special15:18
incorrectI am not sure why its on some systems but not others15:18
ttxmathiaz: ok15:18
mathiazttx: the whole triagger community is there15:18
mathiazttx: we should be in #ubuntu-bugs to give a hand to the triagger though15:19
ttxI'll be there.15:19
nijabaincorrect: failure to do a reverse dns check is generally the issue15:19
mathiazany developer is welcome in #ubuntu-bugs too15:19
mathiazto help out with samba bugs15:20
mathiazlet's move on15:20
mathiaz[TOPIC] Exchange support for Evolution15:20
incorrectnicetry, I've set DNS to no, it look to be that some nodes can't talk to the ldap server for some weird reason15:20
kinnazhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lustre/+bug/229821 <--- anyone has figured fix for what ?15:20
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 229821 in lustre "lustre-source build fails in hardy" [Undecided,New]15:20
mathiazivoks: ^^ how did this worked out?15:20
ivoksstill nothing15:20
mathiazivoks: no time or not working?15:20
ivoksevolution crashes15:20
mathiazivoks: did you report a bug?15:21
ivoksi tested mapiprofile app today and it worked (i guess)15:21
ivoksmathiaz: not yet, i see there's new evolution-mapi in archive15:21
ivoksso i'll test with it and then report15:21
ivoksmathiaz: i guess it's cause of this particular exchange setup15:21
mathiazivoks: great. Keep seb128 in the loop if you find some bugs15:21
mathiazivoks: hm ok.15:21
mathiazivoks: what is mapiprofile?15:22
ivoksmathiaz: eovlution-mapi uses libmapi library15:22
ivoksmathiaz: there are also cli tools for that 'openchangeclient'15:23
ivoksi'm not sure evolution calls openchangeclient directly or trough library15:23
mathiazivoks: ok - so the openchange client tools are working correclty15:23
mathiazivoks: which means that the issue is in the evolution-mapi plugin15:23
ivoks................i'm not sure.... yet15:23
mathiazivoks: ok15:23
ivoksmathiaz: output is strange15:23
ivokslots of OK OK OK, and then error connecting15:24
mathiazivoks: seems that it needs more investigation15:24
ivoksi'll have to dig more into it15:24
mathiazivoks: cool. thanks15:24
mathiazThat's all I had from last week minutes15:24
mathiazis there anything else to add wrt to last week meeting?15:24
mathiaznope - let's move on then15:25
mathiaz[TOPIC] Support for likewise-open krb5 patch15:25
mathiazso I've uploaded likewise-open patch to krb5 in jaunty15:26
mathiazand I've received an email from the debian maintainer15:26
mathiazthe situation is that the next version of mit krb5 (1.7) will provide the same functionality (GSSAPI) but with a different implementation than the one done by likewise15:27
mathiazhowever for jaunty we will ship krb 16 with the GSSAPI support from likewise-open15:27
ttxwhen is 1.7 scheduled ?15:28
mathiazttx: end of april15:28
mathiazthe likewise-open patch introduced symbols you've15:28
mathiazexposed in your shared libraries and public headers that have diverged15:28
mathiazfrom the krb5 upstream.15:28
ttxdo we need the GSSAPI support for anything else than likewise-open 5 ?15:29
mathiazthat may mean we'd have to maintain API compatibility in coming releases15:29
mathiazttx: no - not in jaunty15:29
mathiazttx: the reason I put the patch in jaunty is because of likewise-open15:30
ttxmathiaz: I'm not sure likewise-open 5 will make it to jaunty. If it doesn't, it would really make sense to back out that patch.15:30
mathiazttx: when would we know when it doesn't?15:31
ttxmathiaz: very soon. My packaging is almost ready, Ffe should follow15:32
mathiazone proposal is to change the krb5 patch slightly15:32
ttxbut it's a complete rearchitecture, not a small update. So we are quite late oin the cycle for it15:33
mathiazto avoid supporting additional public functions15:33
mathiazttx: so my question is if we should look into changing the likewise-open krb5 patch to maintain API compatibility with upstream15:33
mathiazttx: which means modifying likewise-open15:34
mathiazttx: to support the modified krb5 patch15:34
ttxmathiaz: yes, probably.15:36
mathiazttx: ok15:37
mathiazttx: it seems we should discuss this a bit more with upstream15:37
mathiazlet's move on15:38
ttxmathiaz: definitely.15:38
mathiaz[TOPIC] Launch screen by default in ec215:39
mathiazkirkland: ^^15:39
kirklandmathiaz: zul has asked that i postpone this discussion until he's back from vacation15:39
mathiazkirkland: ok.15:39
kirklandmathiaz: sorry15:39
mathiazkirkland: np15:39
mathiaz[TOPIC] Open Discussion15:39
mathiazanything else to add?15:39
dantalizingi've got something15:40
ScottKI discovered Debian Bug 518524 today15:40
uvirtbotDebian bug 518524 in amavisd-new "Fails to detect message with multiple virus payloads as infected" [Grave,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/51852415:40
ivoksoh, lol15:40
ScottKI've got a merge prepared and asked ubuntu release if I should upload it now or after Alpha 6.15:40
* ScottK is waiting for an answer.15:40
ScottKIt only affects Jaunty.15:40
* ScottK is done.15:40
ivoksafter alpha sounds ok, imho15:40
ivoksafter all, it's a development release :)15:41
ScottKIt's a quick build, so depending on where they are, I could see it either way.15:41
mathiazScottK: well - does it block the release of alpha6?15:41
ScottKmathiaz: No, so it isn't critical if it waits.15:42
mathiazScottK: I don't think so - so it can wait for after alpha615:42
mathiazdantalizing: yes15:42
dantalizingi just started aggregating rss on my own from multiple people, and it has evolved.15:43
dantalizingi picked up ubuntuserver.org and put a planet on it15:43
dantalizingi know there is an exisiting wp site15:43
dantalizingjust wanted to throw it out to the server team15:43
dantalizingand if yall had some specific desire for it15:44
jbernardkirkland merged my changes to update-motd to add inotify support, fyi15:45
mathiazdantalizing: great - thanks.15:45
kirklandjbernard: but i haven't uploaded it to jaunty yet :-)15:45
jbernardill file an Ffe today15:45
kirklandbut yes, jbernard did some great work to get update-motd to be able to run either in a cron-base, or an inotify based mode15:45
mathiazjbernard: awesome. Thanks for the good work!15:46
mathiazanything else to add before we wrap up?15:47
kirklandmathiaz: 2 small things from me15:47
kirklandmathiaz: i've backported kvm-84 to build on hardy, it's available in the ~ubuntu-virt PPA15:47
ivokser... including kernel part?15:48
kirklandmathiaz: anyone having long-standing issues with kvm-62 on hardy ... i suggest you try that package and let us know how it works for you in #ubuntu-virt15:48
kirklandivoks: not yet, i'll work on that next15:48
kirklandivoks: userspace only, thanks for the clarification15:48
kirklandmathiaz: and second, qemu has finally release 0.10.0 (after nearly a year)15:48
kirklandmathiaz: i'm merging that now, would like to try to get that into universe for jaunty, will probably need an FFE15:49
kirklandmathiaz: but there are lots of bugs fixed15:49
mathiazkirkland: you'd have to ask the motu-release team - ScottK would probably be able to help reviewing the FFe.15:50
ScottKFor server issues I can decide.  File a FFe bug and I will review it.15:50
kirklandmathiaz: yep, 'tis why i'm mentioning it here, since it seemed that ScottK was around15:50
kirklandScottK: thanks, will do15:50
kirklandmathiaz: all from me15:51
mathiazgreat. Anything else to add?15:51
mathiaz[TOPIC] Agree on next meeting date and time15:53
mathiazso as some of you have noticed we're currently clashing with the TB meeting15:53
mathiazthe kernel team meeting has also moved one hour forward15:53
sorenHas Canada switched to DST as well?15:54
mathiazsoren: yes15:54
sorenOr have we really moved it just for the benefit of the USAnians?15:54
mathiazsoren: canada and usa are in DST15:54
geniiNo, us canucks are forced to suffer also15:54
mathiazOTOH the TB will also move back an hour in 4 weeks15:54
mathiazand since TB meetings only happen every other week we would just conflict once more15:55
mathiazso my proposal is to leave the server meeting at 15:00 UTC15:55
sorenTell me again why we moved the meeting?15:55
ivoksto make it more interesting :)15:56
sorenivoks: It's not working :)15:56
mathiazsoren: because it's the same time for northamerican15:56
mathiazsoren: and it was a better time for europeans15:56
sorenmathiaz: Which makes it different for *everyone* else.15:56
ivoksnorthamericans, raise your hand; everybody else, raise both of them15:56
mathiazsoren: yes - but everything will be back to the regular schedule in 4 weeks (for european)15:57
sorenmathiaz: You're not making a very convincing argument :)15:57
mathiazanyway - my point being that we'd have only one more conflict with the TB15:58
mathiazand after that we'd be back to the regular schedule with TB (every other week), server, kernel teams meeting15:58
sorenYou could use the exact same arguments for keeping it at the same time relative to UTC.15:59
sorenIn three weeks it'd be normal for USAnians and Canadians.15:59
mathiazsoren: nope -because we'd have a weekly conflict with the kernel team meeting16:00
soren...and all the while, it's been normal for Europeans.16:00
sorenSee, *that's* a (somewhat) useful argument.16:00
mathiaz15:00 UTC -> 1 conflict with the TB meeting (in 2 weeks), 16:00 UTC -> 3 conflicts with the kernel team16:00
mathiazso next week, in #ubuntu-meeting at 15:00 UTC?16:01
* soren still grumbles that we have to bow to the kernel team's acceptance of American daylight savings time imperialism and not the other way around :)16:02
* mathiaz points soren to #ubuntu-kernel16:03
ivokslet's kill DST16:03
ivoksit's usless anyway16:03
ScottKmathiaz: slanagasek told me to go ahead and upload, so it's done.16:03
BrazenI leave my lights on all day anyway16:03
ballI mostly run servers at UTC and let workstations calculate their offset based on that.16:03
mathiazallright folks - thanks for attending.16:04
mathiazhappy alpha6 testing16:04
mathiazand see you all next week, in #ubuntu-meeting at 15:00 UTC16:04
ivokswe need to have lights on car all the time :)16:04
mathiazfor the Ubuntu server team meeting16:04
nijabaThanks mathiaz16:04
nijabaivoks: http://www.facebook.com/s.php?ref=search&init=q&q=Daylight&sid=1ae160743a3fd9f216bb737ee4fb277a&n=-1&o=4&k=200000010&sf=p&hash=10f703513bb20aacdbc7822d58934e6f&s=40#/group.php?sid=1ae160743a3fd9f216bb737ee4fb277a&gid=220838375016:05
ballAre there any doughnuts left over from this meeting?16:05
ivoksnijaba: lol i agree :)16:06
Brazenanybody use remote X apps from an Intrepid server?16:06
BrazenAnyway, it seems to be broken after an upgrade from Hardy16:07
BrazenI like to run virt-manager and virt-viewer remotely via ssh, but now after typing the command, the command prompt returns and no application shows up.16:09
BrazenI think the same thing will happen if you don't have xauth installed, but xauth is installed.16:10
ivokswhy don't you run virt-manager on workstation?16:10
ivoksand connect over SSH to libvirt on server?16:11
Brazenbecause I prefer to tunnel through ssh16:11
Brazenwell, yeah16:11
BrazenI figure that way I keep the version of virt-manager that would come with the server16:11
BrazenAND, I sometimes have to connect from a Windows workstation.16:12
yann2I like to run virt-manager and virt-viewer remotely via ssh  < why would you want to do that?16:12
yann2ah sorry didnt read through all the backlog, fair enough16:12
BrazenJust to clarify what I mean by "through ssh" -  I tunnel X through ssh, not the libvirt protocol.16:14
ivokstake care...16:15
BrazenIt's not a huge concern, because I'll just tunnel vnc and use that instead, but tunnelling X seems to be broken.  I have not tried from a fresh install of Intrepid Server though.16:16
BrazenJust thought I would throw it out there while all the super smart people were here, in case anyone knew of something.16:17
BrazenIt's a pretty clean server to upgrade though.  I install kvm, libvirt, virt-manager, virt-viewer, xauth, ntp, and that's pretty much it.  I leave any other tweaking to be done inside virtual machines.16:19
jmedinaBrazen: have you enabled debug to ssh16:21
jmedinassh -v host -X or something16:21
BrazenI use Putty, even on Ubuntu16:21
Brazenalthough, come to think of it, I don't even know if those programs would run locally on the server (no X on server to even try it)16:25
Brazenok here is what I get with -v16:28
Brazenfrom an Ubuntu Hardy workstation:16:29
Brazenbrazen@kvm_server:~$ sudo virt-manager16:30
Brazen[sudo] password for brazen:16:30
Brazendebug1: client_input_channel_open: ctype x11 rchan 3 win 65536 max 1638416:30
Brazendebug1: client_request_x11: request from 4954416:30
Brazendebug1: channel 1: new [x11]16:30
Brazendebug1: confirm x1116:30
Brazenbrazen@kvm_server:~$ debug1: channel 1: FORCE input drain16:30
Brazendebug1: channel 1: free: x11, nchannels 216:30
Jeeves_Brazen: 'apt-get install xauth'16:30
BrazenJeeves: yeah I said that further up, it's acting just like xauth is not installed.  But xauth IS installed.16:32
Brazen"i     xauth       - X authentication utility16:33
Brazen"i xauth  - X authentication utility"16:33
Brazenfrom aptitude search xauth16:33
Brazenplus it worked fine from Hardy before upgrading it to Intrepid16:34
BrazenI would really just be interested to know if this works for anybody on Intrepid.16:34
yann2man exim4 packaging is a fU*** pain in the ***17:33
yann2*getting mad about dependancies conflicts*17:33
yann2install exim4 before postfix on ubuntu LTS, you'll never be able to install postfix17:34
yann2(sorry, had a bad day)17:34
lamontyann2: apt-get install postfix should remove the parts of exim4 that are in the way17:35
yann2yeah that's the theory :)17:35
=== jorge__ is now known as jcastro
yann2the reality is that the uninstall of exim4 is crashing17:35
yann2so you can't remove it, nor install postfix :)17:35
ScottKyann2: Edit /etc/init.d/exim4 to have exit 0 as it's 2nd line and try again.17:38
yann2lovely thanks :)17:40
yann2that seems to have worked \o/17:40
yann2sorry about the shouting before, just spent 5 hours reinstalling a server, didnt feel like starting from scratch again :'(17:41
ScottKyann2: That's a pretty standard trick for removal failures because it couldn't stop something.17:45
lamontyann2: that's an exim4 bug, stop when not running == success, not failure17:47
fevelhey guys18:00
fevelI use ubuntu server with squid and apache18:00
fevelhow can I force a certain webpage everytime someone opens a browser on my network?18:00
giovanifevel: #squid18:02
fevelgiovani, are you sure squid will do that friend? My friends tell me to redirect http to my webserver18:04
giovaniand how do they propose "redirecting http" without a proxy?18:05
giovaniyou could spoof dns18:05
giovanibut that's not http-specific18:05
fevelusing the router18:05
fevelor even iptables18:05
fevelbut if you think im better off with squid I believe you18:06
BrazenWhat router do you have?18:20
BrazenI use pfsense as my router, and I'm pretty sure it can do it, but it would probably do it through it's squid package.18:21
JanC<fevel> how can I force a certain webpage everytime someone opens a browser on my network?18:21
JanCfix that webpage?18:21
JanCoh, you mean showing the same page to everyone...18:23
BrazenJanC: would you like some gum?18:23
=== giovani3 is now known as giovani2
fevelsorry for the delay18:25
fevelI havent checked the router they will be using18:25
goofeyJanC: I believe that is acheived using a proxy server18:25
fevelI am only respponsible for the server18:25
fevelI have found someything18:26
fevelbut im trying to implement it without the knoppix... diretly from my server18:26
giovani2that's what's called a captive portal18:27
fevelgiovani2, thanks for the tip18:32
giovani2fevel: did you explain exactly what you're trying to do while I was logged out?18:33
giovani2there's a difference between a captive portal and redirecting specific sites/etc18:34
fevelits a captive portal18:36
fevellike this18:36
fevelI just found out about chillispot18:36
heath|workif userA owns folder 'myfiles' and userA has a quota of 5MB,  if userB places a file in that folder, does that count against userA's quota?18:58
* jmedina likes to test quotas with file image mounted as loop disk19:00
jmedinabut in that case, I think no, because quota records are related to uids/gids or inodes/blocks19:00
jmedinayou can test with afile with a symple byte, it wont hurt19:01
jmedinaand check with repquota -a19:01
mathiazjdstrand_: what do you think of bug 286614?19:06
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 286614 in openldap "slapd apparmor profile needs update for multiple databases" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28661419:06
jdstrand_mathiaz: I have no problem with it19:07
jdstrand_mathiaz: using /var/lib/ldap/** seems fine19:08
=== jdstrand_ is now known as jdstrand
heath|workjmedina, thanks19:09
heath|workThe problem I am running into is users using webdav,  do you know if apache can chown on files?19:09
mathiazjdstrand: is the k permission also needed?19:10
jdstrandmathiaz: probably, since the alock will be different for each database?19:11
mathiazjdstrand: right19:12
mathiazjdstrand: what is your opinion on bug 218899 and 227744? (ie adding the openldap user to the sasl and ssl-cert group by default)19:16
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 218899 in openldap2.3 "dapper upgrade to hardy: user openldap is not added to group sasl" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/21889919:16
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 227744 in openldap2.3 "dapper upgrade to hardy: openldap silently refuses to start when unable to open SSL certificates - main: TLS init def ctx failed: -64 - openldap user not in ssl-cert group" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/22774419:16
mathiazkees: mdeslaur ^^19:16
mathiazin dapper slapd was running as root, while in hardy and + slapd runs under the openldap user19:17
jdstrandkees: I don't like the idea of doing either automatically. detecting it and letting the user know seems like a very good idea19:18
jdstrandmathiaz: ^19:19
heath|workjmedina, what about making a bunch of loopback files?  Do you know how many I can make and mount through fstab?19:20
mathiazjdstrand: ok - so on new installs the openldap user should *not* be part of the ssl-cert and sasl group19:20
jdstrandmathiaz: that is my opinion, fwiw19:21
heath|workin other words, How reliable is a bunch of loop back devices?19:22
jdstrandmathiaz: eg, who's to say the server isn't a multi-purpose server that does smtp auth via sasl, and slapd isn't using it. in that circumstance slapd shouldn't have the permissions19:22
uvirtbotNew bug: #326768 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 (main) "mysql thinks it has crashed when it hasn't" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32676819:49
J_PLTS release is each 2 years right ?19:56
J_Pnext 10.4 ?19:56
Deeps6.06 -> 8.04 -> 10.??19:56
uvirtbotNew bug: #291070 in net-snmp (main) "snmp crash at bootup" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29107020:00
Fenix|workGreetings... anyone using HAVP here?20:01
keesjdstrand: hm.20:12
keesjdstrand: is the current solution to add the openldap user to the sasl group?20:12
jdstrandkees: there is no current solution. it is an idea at this point20:13
heath|workanyone know how many loop devices ubuntu can handle?20:32
geniiAt least 25620:34
=== jorge__ is now known as jcastro
heath|workis there a was to have a quota on a folder instead of a user of group?20:44
smoserheath|work, i think max loops is 25520:50
heath|worksmoser, thanks20:53
heath|workThe problem I am faced with is I have a web app that allows users to upload files.  I would like the users to be able to use webdav also, but apache cannot chown of files that are coming in.  Does anyone have any suggestions?20:54
heath|workI just need to limit how much a user can upload20:55
smoserbut it appears you have to pass max_loop= when you load the kernel module20:58
smoser# for((i=0;i<257;i++)); do echo -n $i. && { mp=/mnt/x${i}; [ -d ${mp} ] || mkdir ${mp} ; } && mount -o loop /tmp/my.img ${mp} || break; done ; echo ; echo unmount: ; for((x=0;x<$i;x++)); do echo -n ${x}.; umount /mnt/x${x}; done; echo21:00
smoserthats how i tested. my intrepid with no max_loops parm to loop module maxes out at 821:01
heath|worksmoser, I added options loop max_loop=64  to /etc/modprobe.d/options21:01
heath|workthat worked, but it doesn't resolve my issue21:01
heath|workreally I just need to be able to say:  This folder can only be this big21:02
heath|workbut I haven't read anything that allows me to do that...21:02
heath|workis there a way to force all files that are created in a folder to be owned by a certain user or group?21:03
heath|workcan forcegroup and forceuser only be used with smb, or is there another option for normal system files and folders?21:12
smoserheath|work, regarding your problem above with webdav (which i'm not familiar with at all), you may find a solution in suexec (http://httpd.apache.org/docs/1.3/suexec.html).  that allows the apache server to run as different users.21:23
TrioTorusIs there an option that can be set to force permissions on a nfs share? I've googled and found that my chances are slim, but I was wondering if I would set up a kerberised nfs share, could I force user permission? Can this be done with nfs4 maybe?21:30
kirklandjbernard: question for you ...21:33
kirklandjbernard: what will restore the inotify jobs on reboot?21:34
kirklandjbernard: i killed off the init script21:34
kirklandjbernard: i think we might have to resurrect it21:34
TrioTorusLet me rephrase: It's my understanding that nfs doesn't have user authentication. Can such a thing be implemented using kerberised nfs?21:35
jbernardkirkland: hm...21:37
mathiazkirkland: hm - going through the kvm bugs - seems that you're always trying to get the importance set21:37
Fenix|workany squid experts around? :)21:37
Fenix|work#squid is full of zombies21:37
mathiazkirkland: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openldap/ I usually don't set an importance21:38
kirklandmathiaz: i find it helps me21:38
jbernardkirkland: we'll have to resurrect it21:38
mathiazkirkland: until it's in a confirmed/triagged state21:38
kirklandmathiaz: high = crashes host, medium=crashes guest, low=lesser issues21:39
mathiazkirkland: the NEW states means you haven't looked at them?21:39
kirklandmathiaz: or haven't confirmed them, in some cases21:39
mathiazkirkland: or there is NEW information available?21:39
kirklandmathiaz: in one case, i need a windows 2000 iso to confirm it21:39
kirklandmathiaz: i don't have that21:39
kirklandmathiaz: i find that setting an importance helps when sorting https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openldap/21:40
kirklandmathiaz: i met with the kvm/qemu upstream guy twice now, and i wanted to have a prioritized list of bugs to bring to his attention21:40
kirklandmathiaz: even if it's not confirmed, but someone claimed that some bug was corrupting their data, i would set the importance to Critical21:41
kirklandmathiaz: or crashing their host, i'd set it to High21:41
mathiazkirkland: right21:41
mathiazkirkland: for the upstream dev you'd also include the incomplete bugs?21:41
kirklandmathiaz: LP does barf a lot of email though, sorry about that21:41
kirklandmathiaz: probably not21:42
kirklandmathiaz: many of those are incomplete based on his feedback21:42
mathiazkirkland: oh no problem. I wasn't complaining about the LP emails21:42
mathiazkirkland: I actually don't receive kvm related bug21:42
kirklandmathiaz: that he'd need x, y, z from that user to help troubleshoot it21:42
kirklandmathiaz: in most cases, he wants to see them try it on the latest kvm21:42
kirklandmathiaz: which i built in a ppa for Hardy21:42
mathiazkirkland: I just had a look at the kvm bug list as I know that you're actively managing it21:42
kirklandmathiaz: yeah, i'm trying to :-)21:43
mathiazkirkland: I've just spent two days in the openldap bugs21:43
mathiazkirkland: in the process I wrote a DebuggingOpenldap page21:43
kirklandmathiaz: i noticed ;-)21:43
mathiazkirkland: with debugging instructions.21:43
mathiazkirkland: It should help me in the futur when dealing with a certain type of bugs as I always need the same information21:44
kirklandmathiaz: yeah, i want to set up the LP page with a few things that I *always* need from kvm bug reporters21:44
kirklandmathiaz: right21:44
jbernardkirkland: probably /usr/sbin/update-motd should call the initscript to do the start-stop-daemon stuff21:44
mathiazkirkland: I think bdmurray can help with that21:45
jbernardkirkland: ill work something up21:45
mathiazkirkland: and the step afterwards is to include all of this in apport21:45
jazzdogi have reformatted /dev/sdb to xfs (previously reiserfs). I can see the change of UUID in blkdev but the contents of /dev/disk/by-uuid did not change21:45
jazzdoghow can I update /dev/disk/by-uuid ?21:45
mathiazkirkland: I think that apport has now the ability to gather any type of information even if there isn't a crash21:45
kirklandjbernard: yeah, have a look at it21:46
kirklandjbernard: i'd like to avoid an init script, if possible21:46
kirklandjbernard: we could leverage the cronjobs21:46
kirklandjbernard: but that might be dirty21:46
mathiazkirkland: are you using tags in kvm?21:47
bdmurraykirkland: something that would show up at kvm/+filebug?21:47
kirklandbdmurray: right21:47
kirklandmathiaz: not really21:47
kirklandmathiaz: i thought about it though21:47
bdmurraykirkland: yes, that is something I can help with21:47
kirklandbdmurray: nice21:47
kirklandbdmurray: i'm just about to jet off here for a bit21:47
bdmurraykirkland: it'd also be good to have an apport package hook for kvm that could grab that automatically too21:47
bdmurrayI can help with that too!21:47
kirklandbdmurray: but drop me some instructions via email or irc, if it's not trivial21:48
kirklandbdmurray: excellent21:48
jbernardkirkland: how so?21:48
jbernardkirkland: the enable/disable can call the initscript21:48
kirklandjbernard: i'd like to avoid having an init script if possible21:48
jbernardkirkland: but we will somehow have to store inotify-enabled state on the harddisk21:48
mathiazjdstrand: re openldap user in the ssl-cert group by default: a user is asking we wouldn't do that by default?21:49
kirklandjbernard: /var/tmp21:49
mathiazjdstrand: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/openldap2.3/+bug/227744/comments/1021:49
kirklandjbernard: see how the existing enabled/disabled update-motd works21:49
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 227744 in openldap2.3 "dapper upgrade to hardy: openldap silently refuses to start when unable to open SSL certificates - main: TLS init def ctx failed: -64 - openldap user not in ssl-cert group" [Unknown,Confirmed]21:49
* kirkland is away for a while21:50
jazzdogi have reformatted /dev/sdb to xfs (previously reiserfs). I can see the change of UUID in blkdev but the contents of /dev/disk/by-uuid did not change21:53
jazzdoghow can I update /dev/disk/by-uuid ?21:53
bdmurraykirkland: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2009-January/027206.html21:55
jdstrandmathiaz: I responded22:00
mathiazjdstrand: thanks :)22:02
nat2610anybody know if there are different version of 3dm2 (3ware controller) following the controller  you have or it's the same app ?22:09
docta_vthere is twcli22:14
Kevin_Hi Guys.. My Ubuntu server just starting serving up PHP files terribly slow today and I haven't a clue why. The server is running Wordpress. Could anyone take a look at my site and give me any insight?22:16
ivokswhat's the url?22:16
jmedinaKevin_: what about top output? probably you are under atack, well your wordpress, it is common with old versions22:18
Kevin_I'm running Wordpress 2.7.22:18
Kevin_Also, the site is behind a firewall.22:18
jmedinaanyone here using paravirtualised drivers under xen?22:46
jmedinafrom redhat or suse?22:46
bazwhat are some main differences between ubuntu server and debian?23:40
Vog-workbaz: http://www.ubuntu.com/community/ubuntustory/debian23:53
bazthank you23:54
Vog-workhttp://www.linuxforums.org/forum/debian-linux-help/51333-what-difference-between-debian-ubuntu.html google is your friend :)23:54
bazVog-work, those links suck, one is from 2005 and the others are very high level overview23:55
bazi know how to use google23:55
Vog-workOk the question was very general as well. Is ther esomethign specific you were wondering about?23:56
Vog-work(and no offence meant with the google is your friend comment)23:57
bazi was hoping for some specific examples of how/why people are choosing ubuntu over debian23:57
bazVog-work, yeah sorry for my aggressive tone too23:57
Vog-workBaz, the main reason I get from people are the more up to date repositories and changes in ubuntu.23:57
bazVog-work, i should've probably phrased my question better but i was expecting to lead into more specifics based on what people said :)23:58
ScottKI started with it Ubuntu Server because I needed stuff that was newer than Sarge had.23:58
Deepsthat was my reasoning too23:58
Vog-workYeah sure you can go and compile from source whatever you like but the convenience of having made and tested packages is nice.23:58
ScottKI also like having the same base under the hood on my servers and desktops.23:58
oh_noespeople chose Ubuntu over debian for support. Thats bascially it.23:58
oh_noesLarge Orgs cannot implement Debian, and don't want to pay so much for redhat linux, so Ubuntu entered the mix23:59
ScottKoh_noes: I disagree.  Most people use community support, not paid, and you can get that for both.23:59
Vog-workoh_noes: Yeah I hear that as well.23:59
ScottKThere are lots of large organizations that use Debian too.23:59
Deepsalthough i've since found the ipv6 support in hardy to be sub-par, so i'm considerring switching back to debian with the release of lenn23:59
oh_noesScottK, of course most people do, but from a busines point of view, enough customers are using paid support to pay canonical23:59
Vog-workScottK: I used to get flamed in #debian if I didn't ask a question "just so"23:59

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