
damjanI'm playing with upstart, but I can't login on tty1.. any idea how to make a job that just starts a shell on tty1 ?01:48
sadmacdamjan: start on runlevel 5 / exec /bin/bash01:49
sadmacrunlevel 3 rather01:49
damjanhow about "start on startup"?01:50
damjanI'm getting "main processes ended"01:53
MarcWeberdamjan:  Also add "session leader"02:16
MarcWeberar 10 02:13:52 nixos init: sshd pre-start process (25558)02:18
damjanMarcWeber: still no luck "init: rescue main process ended, respawning"02:18
MarcWeberseeing this line and ps -p no longer showing any process pid 2555802:18
damjanrescues is the name of the job (file) I created02:18
MarcWeberThen this means that the kernel doesn't tell upstart the the pr-start process has finished?02:19
MarcWeberdamjan: Are you sure that upstart has noticed that your file has changed?02:20
damjanMarcWeber: I'm installing upstart on a non-Upstart system02:20
damjanin a virtual machine, so I reboot it all the time02:20
MarcWeberdamjan: Which virtual machine?  vserver?02:21
MarcWeberOr qemu..02:21
damjanI can't even login to the VM with upstart02:22
MarcWeberhttp://rafb.net/p/3MfPOS65.html from line 3 on. This works hree02:22
damjanthe stupid thing is, obviously /bin/bash fails to start for some reason but where is the error output ?!?02:22
MarcWeberTry exec &> /tmp/foo02:24
damjanwell / is not rw at that point :)02:25
damjan.. I suspect02:25
damjan.. although I have a script that should do the basic system setup, I don't see it's output so I don't know if it worked ok02:25
MarcWeberYou have do create /dev/console02:26
damjanyeah, I know that .. hmm .. I think it should exist .. but let me confirm02:27
damjan.. (just what was the trick to get the real /dev/ beneath udevs tmpfs ?!?)...02:28
MarcWebermkdir and mknod use google or kernel Documentation02:28
damjanok the trick is "mount --bind / /mnt" now I can see the real /dev/ in /mnt/dev/02:29
damjanit does have /dev/console null and zero02:29
MarcWeberI know that upstart has nice goals. However I think it should try to be at least as good as the old init* programs.02:33
damjanI feel like it's hard to beat the old init* programs, they've been baked to perfection with the years02:36
MarcWeberIt's not that hard. However not beeing able to set oom shouldn't make starting the job fail altogther.02:38
MarcWeberMaybe there should be a simple /bin/sh test and if upstart doesn't get to know within 1/20s that it has failed assume that it has to use ps -p to check wether a process has died. I know that sucks. But it would work in 99% of all cases which is much better than 0%02:39
MarcWeberLet's hope that my snapshot I'v taken month ago works fine. It alread did..02:43
MarcWeberNo, didn't help. Maybe I'm just talking nonsense. I'm a little bit disappointed that I still haven't suceeded..03:23
MarcWeberKeybuk, sadmac Do you think there is any chance  using an alternative less pretty implementation of getting notified when processes (such a spre-start) exit?10:32
Keybukhow do you mean?10:33
MarcWeberAs I've said. Currently I've the problem on the v-server that the sshd-pre start script gets started..10:34
MarcWeberinit prints the pid to the log. But then nothing happens. I can no longer show that process using ps -p pid10:35
MarcWeberSo it has died (it contained a mkdir -p command only. .)10:35
MarcWeberinit doesn't get notified that the pre-start script has exited so it dosen't start sshd10:36
Keybukwhy doesn't init get notified that the pre-start script has exited?10:36
Keybukthat sounds like your vserver has broken if it's not sending SIGCHLDs to init10:36
MarcWeberI can try contacting the support service again and ask wether they can enable it. Don't know yet was is happening. All I now that pre-start doesn't cause the daemon to be started.10:39
MarcWeberCan I test the SIGCHLDs without being PID 1 somehow?10:39
Keybuksure, sigchld is pretty fundamental ;)10:39
Keybukdid you try init with --debug and capturing the output?10:39
MarcWeberonly -v10:39
MarcWeberI'll retry10:39
MarcWeberI've commented out the whole oom_adj part Because I don't have permissions to change them (for whatever reasons).10:40
MarcWeberline 165 http://rafb.net/p/gdEQ1132.html10:48
MarcWebersshd should be started on event manual10:48
MarcWeberThe job and debugging output http://rafb.net/p/sXDAnh65.html10:50
MarcWeberWould it make sense to add an upstart-test application which could be run on startup once to verify that all required features are availible?10:52
MarcWeberI could also move the code from the pro-start scripts into the main script..10:55
MarcWeberIs --debug output sent to the logging daemon as well?11:02
MarcWeberKeybuk: So does this anything to you?11:04
MarcWeberKeybuk: Would you mind pingingn me if you're availible for some minutes again?11:42
MarcWeberKeybuk: You've been right. the strace shows that no SIGCHD is sent. http://rafb.net/p/2VpHyE47.html. I've sent another ticket. Thank you!13:55
KeybukMarcWeber: sorry, been having X server crashes all morning13:57
Keybuklost your log13:57
MarcWeberAh never mind. :-)13:57
KeybukI'll never understand why people use vserver13:57
Keybukfrom what I can tell, it doesn't implement a POSIX system very well13:57
MarcWeberBecause they are cheep and except of those troubles they work well..13:57
Keybukso it's pot luck whether anything works13:57
Keybuksurely Xen has killed it by now?13:58
MarcWeberKeybuk: I can't affort a dedicated server yet :-(13:58
KeybukI don't mean virtualisation in general13:58
Keybukjust the particular implementation that is vserver13:58
MarcWeberSo which kind of hosting service do you recommend ?13:58
Keybukhttp://www.linode.com/ do lovely cheap Xen instances ;)13:58
Keybuk$19,95/mo for basic13:58
Keybukthough I don't know how that compares with your vserver host13:59
MarcWeberXen is supposed to work?13:59
KeybukXen works brilliantly13:59
MarcWeberI guess I've found another hosting company which is using xen. So I'll just give up and switch again :)14:00
KeybukI don't mean to be mean ;)14:00
Keybukbut I have been on the receiving end of what feels like dozens of vserver bugs now14:00
Keybuk(both for upstart and udev)14:00
Keybukwhere it just flat-out does things that the book says it can't14:00
MarcWeberI can't ping linode < 120ms14:01
MarcWeberSo maybe I should use a hosting service which is closer to Germany.14:01
MarcWeberKeybuk: I think upstart is great. I think it will take off.14:01
Keybukthere is one, I can't think what it is14:02
sadmacKeybuk: liked the talk14:18
MarcWeberKeybuk: I've just added some debugging hints which have helped me: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/wiki/Debugging#preview14:18
damjanecho "Debug Message" >> /tmp/upstart will not succeed until / is remounted RW14:22
MarcWeberdamjan: I've added that note :)14:27
MarcWeberKeybuk: May I also quote you telling that Xen systems are known to work much better?14:30
keesjalso the naming sounds a little weird echo "Debug Message" >> /tmp/upstart looks like it some sort of magic to make upsart be in debug mode14:38
keesj echo "Debug Message" >> /tmp/my_job_debug sounds better to me14:39
keesjwith 0.5.1 you can do initctl log-priority debug so see what is happening inside upstart14:39
keesjI would also say on what version this wiki page applies to14:40
MarcWeberI hope that everyone setting up upstart has enough knowledge to know what echo "" >> foo means :-)14:51
MarcWeberkeesj: I've added the log-priority hint as well14:53
ion_Meh, no waitfd in jaunty’s kernel.15:52
sadmac2ion_: no waitfd in anybody's kernel I hope.16:33
sadmac2the patch isn't upstream16:33
Keybuktalking of which16:44
* Keybuk fires the patch gun at lkml16:44
sadmac2Keybuk: you have a patch for it?16:45
Keybukyou have :p16:45
Keybukthese are different patches16:45
sadmac2Keybuk: oic16:46
sadmac2Keybuk: thought you got bored and just rewrote it for me :)16:46
sadmac2Keybuk: how will upstart process these "when dbus started" lines? is dbus an argument before the name? some other construct?16:50
ion_Any news about waitfd? Is it getting into Linus’ tree any time soon?20:40
sadmac2ion_: I think it needs another round of fixes, and impressions are mixed. It also needs to be better explained.20:43
sadmac2The next patch had better be good. Alan Cox is going to flip his shit when he sees the thing a third time.20:46

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