
compilerwriter!man irssi00:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about man irssi00:01
tmeixner_nop, mp3 doesnt work either. That would be a nice feature.00:01
peachestmeixner_: i just notice i always get one for mp3.. maybe it is filetype i just didnt notice.. im on svn compiled tho00:02
socceroos!man woman00:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about man woman00:02
socceroosthat'd be right.........00:02
tmeixner_peaches: but I just realized the hover +/- multiple file select in Dolphin. what a smart idea actually00:03
peachestmeixner_: in theory anyway .. i still havent gotten used to it heh00:03
tmeixner_well, its my first day on KDE today so I have a lot to get used to anyway :-)00:04
peachestmeixner_: ill tell you what's the best feature since sliced bread though.. it's dolphin's column mode00:04
tmeixner_yes - I know this from MacOSX00:05
vansomeone could help me please, i have ths message when i try to go in my dvd drive : Feature only avaiable with HAL00:06
tmeixner_but I think I like Dolphin better, I just found you can have a commandline under your dolphin as well.00:06
peachesvan: dunno try starting/installing hal00:07
vanpeaches: what package is it?00:07
peachesvan: hal00:07
vanapt-get install hal doesnt exist00:08
peachesi just found out that the dockable windows can be docked to tabs, apparently for all qt programs too00:08
tmeixner_which version are you on peaches?00:09
peachesvan: should be.. that's a little too weird if it doesnt http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=names&keywords=hal00:09
peachestmeixner_: kubuntu intrepid00:09
=== music_off is now known as wanting_it
vanok but wich hal do you want me to install?00:11
MrLDKanyone knows how to set the keep alive interval?00:11
vanand yes i have hal installed00:11
MrLDKsorry, anyone knows how to set the keep alive interval on Konversation?00:11
peachesvan: it doesn't exist or it is installed..?00:13
fjallagyldirhej there00:14
fjallagyldirstuck in trouble with 9.1000:14
fjallagyldirSIS graphics and no widescreen 1680x1050 possible00:14
peachestmeixner_: actually no, the Qt is not intrepid's, version 4.5.000:14
goofeyfjallagyldir: 9.10 doesn't exists in any form but on paper00:15
fjallagyldirohh sry ment 9.0300:15
goofeyfjallagyldir: 9.04 is alpha still00:15
fjallagyldiryes ok00:16
fjallagyldirnow i got it00:16
fjallagyldirnvertheless same prob00:16
goofeyfjallagyldir: it's alpha - there's no support00:16
fjallagyldirthats right but maybe someone has some ideas ...00:17
goofeyfjallagyldir: you can file a bug report - make sure it get's fixed in the next 2 months00:17
fjallagyldirnot sure if its a bug or there exist an error between screen and chair ...00:18
goofeyfjallagyldir: :)  Sorry I don't know the answer00:19
fjallagyldirnp thanks anywas00:19
fjallagyldir-s +y00:19
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compilerwriterhelp I have somehow broken xwindows.00:29
=== dox is now known as bishopz
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about recording00:44
bishopzanyone know any good studio programs for ubuntu?00:45
casinowarrenanyone here ever worked with virtual box?00:49
casinowarreni need help setting it up00:50
v3ctorcasinowarren: try #vbox00:50
casinowarrenok cool00:51
casinowarreni'll do that00:51
casinowarrenmy next question, is I downloaded and installed the .deb package for gimpshop can anyone help me find out where it's at?00:52
casinowarrenit's not showing up in my menu bar...neither is my LMMS program00:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ardour00:55
bishopzhas anyone in here ever used ardour?01:00
casinowarreni have01:00
casinowarrenit's a great program01:00
casinowarrenwhat you need help with?01:00
bishopzim trying to built some sort of recording studio on this linux machine01:01
bishopzis it capable of like adobe audtion and what not?01:01
kuaeraHrm. Is there anything to style your Qt3 programs with your Qt4 engine?01:03
bongfrogAnyone a guru on 8.10 and KDE 4.2?   I seem to have hosed up my main user and hate life at the moment01:03
casinowarrentry ubuntustudio, or studio 6401:04
casinowarrenboth of those distros are great at multimedia01:04
* bongfrog uses ubuntustudio with Arduor and all is well.......01:05
casinowarrenyeah, it comes with everything you need to record audio, mix and master01:05
bongfrogAnd more plugins that a kid could ever want.......01:05
bishopzNice. Im looking at it now. lol, so far seems like it would pwn adobe01:05
bongfrogubuntustudio is a multimedia spin of ubuntu.   Everything configured for you.....01:06
bishopzOh sweet01:07
bishopzthere a apt-get for it?01:07
bishopzim fairly new to linux as far as USING it01:07
bishopzbasics im good at ;x01:08
bongfrogor you could download the iso and install that way.....01:08
bishopzGrr I was trying to be lazy rofl01:09
bishopzDling it now01:09
casinowarrenyeah...it's a big file, you'll need to burn it to dvd01:09
casinowarreni just recorded my 6th mixtape using ubuntu studio01:09
bishopzim gonna put it on my spare flash dive01:10
casinowarreni've recorded, mixed, mastered and DJ'd every one of them with no issue01:10
bishopzyea im trying to rebuilt my studio slowly on here, i draft at home, then hit the studio with it01:10
casinowarrenthis will allow you everything you need to have a studio at home01:10
bishopzbut i had an linux/windows dual boot issue and tux beat the dog snot out of windows ;x01:11
bishopznow im strictly linux01:11
shadowhywinddoes anyone know how to fix a plasma crash on login?01:11
bishopzcool thanks alot man01:11
bongfrogAnyone able to help me with a KDE 4.2 issue?   My main users is nuked and on login kwin does not run (even from a alt-f2).01:12
casinowarrenif you need further help with ubuntustudio, let me know01:12
bishopztrue i will.01:12
shadowhywindbongfrog: what was your issue?01:15
BluesKajbongfrog ,  sudo invoke-rc.d kdm start01:16
casinowarrencan anyone tell me how to get my gimpshop working in my kubuntu 8.1001:17
casinowarreni can't find it anywhere01:17
atomxcan anyone help me get my wireless working on an acer aspire one net book?01:20
atomxanyone at all?01:21
atomxis there anyone here?01:21
atomxtake that as a no, well thanks everyone, I have been fighting with this thing all day, going back to windows now.01:21
GWildsorry -01:22
GWilddon't user wireless01:22
GWildback to Windows!?....01:22
atomxback to windows01:22
atomxit seams to be more friendly with all the hardware01:23
kuaeraatomx: Your patience lasted one minute, too.01:23
atomxI have tryed every walkthrough I could find01:23
atomxno I have been fighting with it all day01:23
atomxI have looked through all the ubuntu fourms I could find01:23
fjallagyldirback again with same issu as before but now witch 8.10 version: no Xresolution widescreen with 1680x105001:24
kuaeraatomx: Your wireless card appears to require a proprietary driver.01:25
fjallagyldircan anyone in here tell me how to configure X proberly01:25
BluesKajatomx , describe ' fighting with '01:25
kuaeraatomx: So, now you've given us some information to work with.01:25
atomxfighting with, you know trying to get it to work and so far nothing has01:26
atomxI have followed the what I am assuming to be the offical ubuntu guide here "https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AspireOne"01:27
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GWildfjallagyldir: you shouldn't really need to configure X - Kub does quite a good job on it's own01:28
BluesKajatomx , perhaps you could describe to us what you did when "trying to get it to work"01:28
GWildfjallagyldir: What is your issue exactly?01:28
fjallagyldirwell i have here a widescreen with res 1680x1050 and no chance to get it running in that01:28
fjallagyldircard is sis 65x and capeable of the res01:29
GWildfjallagyldir: have you searched for and installed the correct drivers for your particular card?01:29
fjallagyldirhmm tried xorg-driver-video-sis sont know wich else01:30
atomxwell BluesKaj, I have tried "wget http://snapshots.madwifi-project.org/madwifi-hal-" which is suspost to be the proper driver for it on all versions of ubuntu01:30
atomxand I can't get it to find any wireless networks, or act like it's evin on, it showes it's self in the hardware program, but no way to see any networks01:31
kuaeraatomx: You...completed the whole block which starts with the wget, right?01:31
fjallagyldirwhat does iwconfig say?01:31
atomxyes, yes I did01:32
fjallagyldirdo you have installed iwtools?01:32
GWildfjallagyldir: Try this - this addresses SIS based cards http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=96395901:32
mofuxhmm, is there a command that i can shutdown my computer in lets say 10 minutes (shutdown timer)01:32
GWildfjallagyldir: might help - I have nvidia so my experience getting up an running will have been different.01:32
fjallagyldiryou can do that possibly with the "at" command or atd01:33
fjallagyldirwe will see01:33
BluesKajhmm, atomx , no mention of KnetworkManager , did you try to set it up with that01:34
atomxit won't evin open for some reason, I click on it and it does nothing01:34
GWildmofux: man shutdown and it will give you the syntax - ex; shutdown -r now to shutdown w/ reboot in 0 seconds01:35
mofuxGWild: thanks01:35
=== music_off is now known as wanting_it
BluesKajatomx , right click on it , choose edit connections / new connecctions01:36
atomxoptions for wired or wireless01:36
BluesKajyeah , choose your option01:37
slerderHey guys. While I was just checking the auth.log file and saw something that went on whil I  was away. Any idea what it could be: Mar 10 18:17:01 w CRON[16220]: pam_unix(cron:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0) thanks01:37
etfbMy wife's Toshiba laptop keeps losing its wireless card when it wakes up from Suspend or Hibernate.  Isn't there a command to kick it so it finds it again?  I'm sure I remember something like that from Edgy, but this is Hardy.01:38
atomxBluesKaj: it pulls up a new connection screen with nothing in it01:39
fjallagyldirbrb trying the sisfb thing01:39
BluesKajatomx , click next then in conmnection name type eth0 , the choose autoconnect01:42
atomxok I have done that, now what BluesKaj?01:43
atomxok brb01:44
fjallagyldirGWild, didnt work form unfortunally01:49
fjallagyldirwhere does X writes its modelines to?01:49
GWildfjallagyldir: try /var/log/Xorg.0.log01:51
fjallagyldir(==) Using config file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf"01:53
fjallagyldir(==) No Layout section.  Using the first Screen section.01:53
fjallagyldir(**) |-->Screen "Default Screen" (0)01:53
fjallagyldir(**) |   |-->Monitor "Configured Monitor"01:53
fjallagyldir(**) |   |-->Device "Configured Video Device"01:53
fjallagyldir(==) Automatically adding devices01:53
fjallagyldir(==) Automatically enabling devices01:53
fjallagyldirhmm any suggestions?01:53
GWildsorry - I don't.01:55
fjallagyldirdo you have modelines in your xorg.conf?01:55
GWildnone - mine is very brief01:56
GWildI run an nVidia at 1680x105001:56
fjallagyldiryeah mine here too :-(01:57
fjallagyldirtring hacking xorg.conf01:57
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=== elioz is now known as Moana
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withnail420anyone had any problems with the last couple of version of kubuntu not filling the laptop screen fully? that is what's bugging me at the minute02:09
withnail420apparently it's to do with a new way of x being handled02:09
withnail420only fills up 75% of the screen02:09
etfbWhat on earth does "No network device found" mean in knetworkmanager?02:10
withnail420the xorg.conf only had "Generic Monitor" in the monitor bit02:10
withnail420so i loaded up an old version that didn't have this problem, copied the monitor section over, and it didn't work02:10
Sixofouri have a 9GB .rar archive is there any wayo to slice it into a bunch of 700mb sections?02:10
withnail420i found a thread on the ubuntu forums that said "SOLVED" for the same hardware as mine, but the solution was "Found a program that changed values on login, can't remember what it is though!"02:11
withnail420which i do not class as solved02:11
withnail420Sixofour: no02:11
=== donerightit is now known as donerightit_com
withnail420but if there are multiple files in there02:11
withnail420you can extract one file at a time02:11
Sixofourso i have to rearchive every for 12 hours to make .part files?02:11
withnail420that's not what .part files are02:12
withnail420.part files are from uncompleted downloads02:12
Sixofourthen what are we talking about?02:12
withnail420your rar file?02:12
Sixofouri need to get a 9gb file onto a bunch of 700mb cds02:12
Sixofourwithout rearchive it02:12
withnail420rearchive it02:12
withnail420it's the only way. split it up then02:13
Sixofourcan 7zip split it up?02:13
withnail420doubt it02:13
withnail420rar is the only one that splits into multiple parts02:13
Sixofour7zip works with .rar02:13
withnail420see above02:13
Sixofourman, it took 9-10 hours to comrpess this thing02:14
withnail420that doesn't mean it will be any more possible02:14
Sixofour36 gb into 9 gb02:14
=== Moana is now known as Ginevra
withnail420just rar the files you put into it in smaller batches02:15
withnail420ie enough to fit on the cd02:15
Sixofourthere is a way to make .aprt02:16
Sixofouri ahve a archive now ira .part1 part2 part3 etc02:16
withnail420that will require you to re-archive it02:16
withnail420and when you do that...02:16
withnail420you would have to copy all those cds to the hard drive02:17
withnail420before you could extract anything02:17
withnail420rar them in smaller batches02:17
Sixofouri know02:17
Sixofouri wonder if linux can parition everything but this file..lol02:17
Sixofouri'm reformating the drive02:17
withnail420make a 9gb partition and stick it in there then02:18
withnail420make it 9 and a half to be safe...02:18
withnail420that's probably your best bet02:18
withnail420you on a live cd at the minute?02:18
Sixofouri ahve two drives, one 8gb one 160gb [OS and data respctively]02:19
Sixofourinstalling kubuntu on the 8gb02:19
Sixofourwanted to convert the 160 from ntfs02:19
withnail420just squeeze it smalled with qtparted02:19
withnail420mkae a 9 1/2 gig backup partition02:19
withnail420stick stuff in there02:19
withnail420then reformat the ntfs one02:19
Sixofourcan qt parted do that without actually damagign the 9gb file?02:19
withnail420what do you mean damaging the file?02:20
Sixofourwhen you make a partition you have to wipe the drive02:20
withnail420hence SQUEEZE IT SMALLER02:20
withnail420i did say02:20
withnail420to make room for the new partition02:20
withnail420so your larger one would have two02:20
Sixofourwell reguardless it requires me to install kubuntu first, so i gbetter do that02:21
withnail420no it doesn't02:21
withnail420you could do it from the live cd02:21
Sixofouri don't have a live cd02:21
withnail420every install cd is a live cd02:22
withnail420actually Sixofour02:23
withnail420from the live cd install,02:23
Sixofouri was about to saty02:23
Sixofouri can do it from the install02:23
withnail420you can set it to squeeze the ntfs partition and make a new one while installing02:23
Sixofourhow exactly do i do that?02:23
withnail420it's in the setup menu02:23
Sixofouri usualy just hit next a punch and reformat everything02:24
withnail420split the drive 50/50 as the 8g one won't fit your rar file02:24
withnail420well read stuff this time02:24
Sixofourreformat one, move the 9gb then reformat the other02:24
Sixofourthen after that make one partition02:24
withnail420...i'm sure you'll figure it out02:24
Sixofourbut its always the "don't forget to put a check here or your pc will explode" type of settings i fail on02:25
withnail420that's due to not reading things02:25
o0Chris0oHow come the new kubuntu is missing a lot of basic features? I can understand there was a lot of improvments, but what about the most basic ones?02:27
withnail420such as?02:28
NickPrestao0Chris0o: which 'basic features'?02:28
o0Chris0oI don't mean to sound rude, by it, I just wanna state that02:28
o0Chris0oumm, Copy and Paste, creating a short cut02:29
withnail420they are still there02:29
o0Chris0ofor the desktop?02:29
o0Chris0oI guess I am trying to get used to the home folder functionality02:30
mikehey there. I have a dumb question from a noobie02:30
=== mike is now known as Guest68644
o0Chris0omy bad :(02:30
Guest68644hey there02:32
Guest68644I have a dumb noobie question02:32
goofeyGuest68644: just ask it02:32
goofeyGuest68644: no need to preface it - noob questions are welcome here02:32
o0Chris0ocouldn't be bad as mine Guest6864402:32
Guest68644I installed my nvidia drivers and noow everything looks like I uninstalled them02:33
Sixofouris there any apt-get command for doing nvidia stuff>?..i have an nvidia card also02:33
goofeyGuest68644: can you run nvidia-settings?02:33
Guest68644my res was fine before (just no H/W acceleration)02:33
Guest68644now I am running 640x480 on a 32 inch hdtv02:34
Guest68644let me check02:34
goofeySixofour: there's an option for installing an enabling nvidia drivers in the the kds system settings menu under advanced02:34
goofeyGuest68644: need to run it in sudo to make changes02:35
Guest68644what would it be under? Settings?02:35
Guest68644I dont see it02:35
goofeyGuest68644: no, from the command line - I don;t think it creates an icon in the menu02:35
NickPrestause kdesu, not sudo, to launch graphical applications as root02:35
ubottuIn KDE use « kdesudo <program> » (or « kdesu <program> » for Feisty and earlier) to run graphical applications with root privileges when you have to. Never just use "sudo"! | See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to find out why02:35
Guest68644oh, then I am lost already    :o)02:35
goofeyNickPresta: thanks - I hadn't heard that02:36
o0Chris0ois there desktop effects in the current version that are able to change?02:36
goofeyGuest68644: in a termonal, type kdesudo nvidi-settings02:36
Sixofourhas beter ones02:36
Guest68644"command not found02:37
GWildGuest68644: type kdesudo nvidia-settings (typo above)02:38
goofeyGWild: thanks02:38
Guest68644ahh ok02:38
Guest68644same thing02:39
Guest68644"command not found"02:39
goofeyNickPresta: so the issiu is that "sudo graphical app" could change user config files to root, "kdesudo graphical app" won't do that?02:39
goofeyGuest68644: type nvidia and then hit the tab key - anything come up?02:40
goofeyno space after nvidia02:40
NickPrestagoofey: something like that, yes. It is meant to launch graphical applications and don't muck with your permissions02:40
withnail420surely just apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras02:40
withnail420will fix most of these problems02:40
goofeyNickPresta: I always learn something new...02:41
GWildwoops :/02:41
Guest68644a ton of stuff02:41
goofeyGuest68644: well, that's wierd02:41
goofeyGuest68644: but nvidia-settings isn't one of them?02:42
Guest68644ummm, nope02:42
goofeyGuest68644: are you on kde 3 or kde 4?02:43
GWildGuest68644: hmm, I show the program as being /usr/bin/nvidia-settings02:43
GWildI'm running kde 4.202:44
=== sysadmin is now known as pogz
goofeysame location as kde 302:44
goofeythe reason I asked about the version of kde is I htink kde4 also lets you set the resolution02:45
Guest68644is your nvidia settings in a folder or is it a file?02:45
GWildit's an executable02:45
goofeyGuest68644: it's a file - an executable that02:45
goofeyallows one to change all sort of, welol, nvidia-type settings02:45
GWildis it not available in the menu?02:45
goofeyGWild: probably not02:45
Guest68644ok, cause I only have one folder (x11)02:45
goofeyGuest68644: I'm not sure you have the nvidia drivers installed then - how did you try to install them>02:46
GWildyou could try sudo apt-get nvidia-settings no?02:46
Guest68644hey I have nvidia-xconfig02:47
goofeyGWild: I didn't realize it was a seperate package - nice!02:47
Guest68644good enough?02:47
goofeyGuest68644: yeah, that tries to automatically create an xorg.conf for you - not the best tool unfortunately02:47
Guest68644oh ok02:47
goofeyGuest68644: GWild is right, install nvidia-settings and then you can change resolution with the easliy02:48
goofeyer, easily02:48
ubottuBeer is always appreciated.02:48
Guest68644now that I can do02:48
goofeyyes, you can use adept02:49
goofeythe package to install is nvidia-settings02:49
GWildthen you should find it in your kde menu02:51
whoiamhow do i type vietnamese on kubuntu?02:53
Sixofourgoing to install kubuntu, be back soon02:54
withnail420Sixofour: good luck02:54
withnail420Sixofour: wait02:54
Sixofouryou said squeeze it?02:54
withnail420aye, in relation to that02:54
withnail420it will take bloody AGES02:54
withnail420andf may not report progress till its done02:54
Sixofour:o now you tell me02:54
withnail420don't worry02:54
withnail420just let it do its thing02:54
Sixofourhow long is ages?02:54
withnail420i've seen it take over an hour02:54
withnail420just don't stop it ha;lfway through02:54
withnail420or everything will be screwed02:55
Sixofourwelp, i'm off02:55
mattparryHi!  Plasma is not working for me :-(, is there a how-to fix plasma?02:55
mattparrythank you!!!02:56
Guest68644ok got the settings, but the window is so big I cant change settings02:58
Guest68644I also cant resize the window02:58
NickPrestaGuest68644: is this in Adept or nvidia-settings?02:58
Guest68644nvidia settings02:58
whoiamhow do i type vietnamese on kubuntu?02:59
NickPrestaoops, sorry :-)02:59
withnail420install vietnamese fonts?02:59
withnail420set vietnamese keymap?02:59
withnail420i'm from england so not really sure03:00
whoiami can type vietnamese on ubuntu03:00
whoiambut on kubuntu, it's seem so hard03:00
withnail420in what manner?03:00
withnail420is your locale set right?03:00
withnail420keymap set right?03:01
Guest68644I hit maximize with the hopw of the window sizing to my screen, but to no avail03:01
withnail420are you on a live cd?03:01
whoiamno, i install it on virtual machine03:01
withnail420did it ask for your locale when you installed it?03:02
withnail420oh wait, you already set that03:02
withnail420i meant keymap03:02
whoiamyes, i can type on ubuntu03:02
withnail420why is it "hard"03:02
Guest68644BTW in the settings 640x480 is the highest setting I am allowed03:02
withnail420surely you can either do it or not03:02
NickPrestaGuest68644: I know it doesn't seem too practical, but you can always use Tab move around the window. Otherwise, you can try this: `sudo nvidia-xconfig --mode-list=1650x1080` Obviously, you want to replace 1680x1050 with your desired resolution.03:03
Guest68644it's litterally killing03:03
whoiami can see scim icon in bottom right conner03:03
goofeyGuest68644: you might also check with the folks on #mythbuntu or #mythtv since your outputting to a TV03:03
whoiambut, it can't change the language between Eng and Vietnamese03:04
Guest68644crap ths ps sold to someone with a 19" lcd. so I guess it would be 1440x900, eh?03:04
whoiamon ubuntu, it works fine03:04
NickPrestaGuest68644: I'm not sure. Surely, it would be better than 640x480 :-)03:05
goofeywhoiam: the only real difference between ubuntu and kubuntu are the window managers - does this computer have both gnome and kde?03:05
whoiamno, it doesn't03:05
Guest68644lol, true03:06
goofeywhoiam: you might want to see if there's some language-specific packages installed on your ubuntu box that you don't have installed on ytour kubuntu box03:06
withnail420yes, start the package manager and search for languages03:07
Guest68644ok did what you said... do I restart PC or X?03:07
withnail420probably the pc03:08
goofeywhoiam: a couple to look for would be language-pack-kde-vi or language-pack-vi or language-support-vi03:08
mattparryHi!  Can anyone give me some pointers for plasma troubleshooting?03:08
whoiami'm searching on internet03:08
=== mike is now known as Guest37580
Guest37580good news is the pc restarted03:15
Guest37580bad news is its at 640x480 again03:15
Guest37580these drivers are litterally sucking my will to live03:16
goofeyGuest37580: but the sudo nvidia-xconfig --mode-list=1650x1080 command worked for you before?03:16
Guest37580well, yeah I thnk so, it gave a statment or so of doubt (which I cannot remember) but it saids it wrote it to the xorg file or something to that affect03:18
goofeyGuest37580: what I'm thinking is you can use that command again to get a more reasonable resolution and then use nvidia-settings to save the resolution03:20
Guest37580i put in 1440x90003:21
goofeyGuest37580: whatever03:21
Guest37580prob is the command did nothing03:21
Guest37580nothing visable anywway03:22
goofeyGuest37580: It didn't actually change your resolution?03:22
Guest37580i just got back from a restart and a good cry03:23
goofeyGuest37580: :(03:23
withnail420i feel ya03:23
o0Chris0othe built in effects in kde4, how do I change them or turn them off?03:24
goofeyGuest37580: you might try this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution03:24
etesm4v are gay03:24
NickPrestaGuest37580: if you can't actually support that resolution, it won't change. You need to make sure you're using the correct drivers03:24
eteselian hanish és gay03:25
NickPrestaetes: happy? Of course.03:25
etesetes, invaden a terraa03:25
NickPresta!english | etes03:25
ubottuetes: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat03:25
etesubottu, ??03:26
goofeyubottu: !nsfw | etes03:26
ubottuetes: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.03:26
etesubottu, goofey ?03:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about goofey ?03:26
doleybo0Chris0o: system settings, desktop, desktop effects?03:26
etesubottu, NickPresta03:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about NickPresta03:27
goofeyetes: what is it you want?03:27
etesinvade the earth03:27
etesi from zeta reticuli03:27
o0Chris0oahh ty03:28
goofeyubottu: !offtopic | etes03:28
ubottuetes: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!03:28
etesubottu, zeta reticuli03:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about zeta reticuli03:28
etesgoofey, how are you?03:28
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) Riddell, Tm_T, fdoving, Mez, stdin, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, genii, Hawkwind, trappist, LjL, haggai, fooishbar, crimsun, seth, apokryphos, DBO, nixternal, PriceChild, Pici or jussi01!03:29
Guest37580could it be that I am on a hdtv and it would look normal on a 19" lcd?03:29
etesm4v, shut up03:29
=== etes is now known as asshs
goofeym4v: nice03:30
asshsstdin, fock you03:30
* NickPresta shakes his head03:30
NickPrestathey never learn03:30
maco_how do i make quassel stop having 2 windows of text03:31
mattparryubottu, plasma03:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about plasma03:33
withnail420tried copying over the "screen" section of the old working xorg.conf as well as the monitor section03:34
Guest37580ubottu, bill gates03:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bill gates03:34
withnail420just hung everything03:35
o0Chris0ocan I stop the notifications each time I get a message in kopete?03:36
=== guest12435312431 is now known as Unislash
doleybo0Chris0o: yes you can03:40
o0Chris0odoleyb: Thanks I actually found it on Kopete03:40
o0Chris0odoleyb: can't change where the notifications are located on the desktop yet can we? Or is that in Jaunty03:43
doleybo0Chris0o: idk a way to move that03:44
tweakedehGood DVD backup tool?03:44
tweakedehstdin: I have it open and it's not working for me...03:46
stdinjust click the "Copy" button03:47
tweakedehstdin: Do I get any indication that it's working? I've hit the Copy button several times now.03:48
maco_o0Chris0o: no notification changes in jaunty for kubuntu03:48
o0Chris0oreally now? I thought I read somewhere it said that03:49
stdintweakedeh: did you get the save dialog?03:50
maco_o0Chris0o: thats for ubuntu. and no, the location isnt configurable.03:51
o0Chris0oOh alright03:51
tweakedehstdin: I just poped in a cd. I selected the main movie and tried to copy it.03:52
maco_in that case the notifications are just below the top panel on the right03:52
o0Chris0oThats too bad, I was looking foward to that03:52
stdintweakedeh: it asks me where to save the ISO then it starts03:52
tweakedehYea, I Save the Iso to my desktop and I get nothing, maybe i need to install some thing else as well?03:53
tweakedehstdin: I can play it in VLC media player.03:54
=== alan_ is now known as Alan_Lockwood
stdintweakedeh: after I choose to save the ISO I get this window: http://img19.imageshack.us/img19/1609/snapshot0.jpg03:56
withnail420bracing for system crash again03:56
withnail420 hrm03:57
withnail420still not fixed though03:57
o0Chris0ohow can I get more screenssavers with kde4?03:58
tweakedehstdin: I don't get any thing like that it just disappears on me.03:58
Alan_LockwoodHi. I got a problem: I cant see previews when using the "open/save file pop-up"03:58
=== six is now known as Sixofour
SixofourWe are go!03:59
Sixofouryou around?03:59
withnail420just about to hang my system again03:59
Sixofouri didn't do the split thing, couldn't figure it out03:59
withnail420hang on03:59
Sixofourso i installed on the 8gb drive and left it04:00
maco_any of you use quassel?04:00
withnail420well, it didn't hang but my GOD WHY WON'T IT WORK04:00
withnail420sorry about that04:00
withnail420i've been looking all over the web for three days04:00
crxyemanyone know if I  have kubuntu installed if I can simply use adept to install edubuntu-dekstop-kde, I'de like to set up a system for my 3yr old to use04:00
withnail420and the nearest i've got is someone saying THEY did it, but not saying how04:01
Sixofourstop raeging and help moi!04:01
withnail420i've got problems i'm working through here man04:01
SixofourAlso where is the nvidia setting stuff-a-ma-jig?04:01
maco_crxyem: yeah thatll be fine04:01
Sixofourwhat is the problem?04:01
withnail420Sixofour: just do this;04:02
withnail420sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras04:02
Sixofourah ok04:02
withnail420it will solve most stuff, and install flashplayer and java and codecs04:02
o0Chris0owithnail420: is that the same for kubuntu as well?04:02
tweakedehstdin: I have this( http://img12.imageshack.us/img12/2995/snapshot1r.jpg ) then I go Actions > Copy > then I try and save it to my Desktop but It's not working04:02
withnail420although someone else had a problem with nvidia earlier even thogh they did that...so i dunno04:02
withnail420but i've had it work for me before04:02
goofeyo0Chris0o: for kubuntu, it's kubuntu-restricted-extras04:03
Sixofourworks for me too04:03
o0Chris0oyeah thats what I meant, thanks04:03
Sixofouri just forgot the command lol04:03
casinowarreni need some help with my gimpshop installation, can someone help me04:04
withnail420bracing for system crash again...04:04
withnail420I DON'T BELIEVE IT04:05
withnail420IT'S FIXED04:05
withnail420i decided, the hell with it...i'm just going to copy the old xorg file over totally04:05
stdintweakedeh: try running k9copy from konsole and see if it prints out anything04:05
withnail420i backed up the old one first04:05
withnail420AND IT WORKS04:05
* withnail420 does a dance04:05
doleybcasinowarren: gimp isn't very kde-ish, maybe #gimp can help really04:06
o0Chris0oalways good to hear something worked out04:06
Sixofourso, qtparted04:06
withnail420ha, i am so glad this worked04:06
withnail420it's been driving me mad04:06
tweakedehstdin: Its working now?!04:07
=== rgreening_ is now known as rgreening
tweakedehstdin: Very..04:08
tweakedehstdin: so do I have to run it in the konsole every time for it to work?04:10
stdintweakedeh: it shouldn't matter, maybe it was just a temporary glitch04:10
Sixofourso how does one slit a drive in half and format one, copy an important 9gb file over to the formated one, then format the other half and remove the split?04:13
tweakedehstdin: Hum, Any ways thanks for the help =]04:14
maco_Sixofour: and remove the split?04:14
Sixofouryes, so its one partition again04:14
maco_well i suppose you could do just as you said04:15
SixofourI don't know how to do what i just said04:15
maco_i dont understand why you'd do it though04:15
Sixofourbecause its an ntfs drive that i want to change to ext304:15
Sixofourbut i need the 9gb file on it04:15
maco_ahhhh ok04:15
maco_in that case04:15
maco_shrink the ntfs partition. create an ext3 one in the free space. copy the file to the ext3 partition. delete the ntfs partition. resize the ext3 one04:16
Sixofourhow do you resize?..i didn't see anything like that04:16
maco_i dont know if qtparted offers it, but gparted does...04:17
maco_(i've never used qtparted)04:17
Sixofourwhat does kubuntu use?04:17
maco_i dont know04:17
maco_i installed kubuntu-desktop while i had ubuntu installed. on my other machine,i used the text installer.04:18
stdinboth qtparted and gparted are GUIs for the parted tool, so should offer the same functionality04:18
stdinbut you'll probably be better off with gparted04:18
o0Chris0ois there some kind of an ftp server program kubuntu offers?04:18
maco_stdin: thats what i thought, but idk what the button would say in qtparted04:18
maco_o0Chris0o: openssh-server does sftp and ssh serving04:18
maco_o0Chris0o: its not included by default04:18
stdinqtparted hasn't been maintained in a while and is being droped in jaunty04:19
o0Chris0oalright thanks04:19
Sixofoursudo apt-get install gparted?04:19
stdinyeah, but you can't modify the partition while it's in use. so if it's the partition you're using now then use the LiveCD04:19
maco_...youre not intending to resize while running on the system right?04:19
Sixofourits not the OS drive04:20
maco_stdin: heh, simultaneous alarm bells :P04:20
Sixofouros is on a tiny 8gb drive, the 9gb file is on an 160gb data drive04:20
maco_Sixofour: oh. then why do you even need to do what you're doing that way? why not just copy the 9gb file to your OS drive then format the other drive ext3 all at once?04:20
Sixofoureven if it was 8 gp, the os is what...6gb??04:21
Sixofoursomeone said 5-6 gb04:21
maco_i had ubuntu installed on a machine that had a nominally-5gb but actually 4.2gb drive04:21
maco_with 768mb swap04:22
maco_and about 1.5gb for /home04:22
maco_what's that leave? 2gb?04:22
Sixofouri don't know04:22
Sixofouri just selected the 8gb drive and hit next04:22
Sixofouri looked around in "manual" mode for a bit but said "meh"04:23
maco_Sixofour: no i meant...i think that means ubuntu fits into 2gb04:23
maco_maybe 3gb04:23
Sixofourkubuntu with all the wangs and dings?04:23
maco_no it was ubuntu not kubuntu04:23
demiQiuck Question, im using dolphin and click on my ntfs drive to move a folder over and nothing is howing up... why is that?04:23
Sixofouroh even then04:23
maco_i doubt kubuntu is much bigger than gnome...04:23
maco_did replace it with debian + e17 because um...ubuntu on 192mb ram? not pleasant.04:24
demiLike it wont even try reading the drive.04:24
Sixofour192 ram lol04:24
doleybdemi: seems likely that your ntfs drive isn't mounted.  do you see the drive in the left bar?04:24
demiyes it shows ntfs in the left bar.04:24
maco_Sixofour: hey, thats a lot of ram for a computer of that age!04:24
Sixofourwhat age?04:24
maco_Sixofour: pentium 204:24
Sixofourthat retro machine?04:25
maco_that thing's a pre-teen!04:25
Sixofourdoes it come with bellbottoms?04:25
demiWhen I clikc the ntfs drive it move and rehighlights home folder instead.04:25
Sixofourthe flintstones are younger :P04:25
maco_Sixofour: hey it runs. no reason to send it to the junk heap yet. and unlike the computer from 2002, the pentium 2 machine *hasn't* had any hardware go bad04:26
Sixofourthat's because hardware these days is fail04:26
demiWhat do I type to mount the drive in a terminal?04:26
doleybdemi: first just type "mount" to check what's mounted already04:26
Sixofourisn't it just.. "mount driverletter\ ?04:26
maco_ive got one comp from 2000 with a bad graphics chip, another from 2003 with a dying graphics chip, and the fan quit on the one from 2002 (replaced that)04:26
Sixofouronly hardware failure ive ever had is my 20gb drive from a 2005 dell04:27
maco_Sixofour: driveletter\?? the slashes go forward. and the partitions require more than just a letter to define them04:27
demiWell evidently its not mounted.04:27
Sixofoursmoke came out of it04:27
o0Chris0oI got 5gig ram, 1tb Hard drive, quad core phenom processor and nvidia 9500gt, only issues I am having are some audio and some video, but nothing too serious04:27
demimount //ntfs04:27
maco_i really doubt the block device is called //ntfs04:27
Sixofour2.0ghz amd 3200+, 2.5gb ram, geforce 7300gs[lawl]04:28
maco_more likely something along the lines of /dev/sdb104:28
Sixofour512mb card04:28
doleybdemi: do you know the partition name of your ntfs?  does that same name show up in the dolphin list?04:28
Sixofourmy video card has 4 times as much ram as your whole computer maco_04:28
demiit's just showing Volume (ntfs) sadly.04:28
Sixofourand its a GS04:28
maco_Sixofour: everybody says gateways are bad quality. ive got an 11 year old gateway that has *never* broken. the hp, emachines, and asus all broke down04:29
maco_i got the mobo replaced on my asus in december04:29
maco_ months old :(04:29
Sixofouri have an unbroken emachien from 199604:29
Sixofouror 9804:29
maco_*6 months04:29
Sixofourforget when04:29
Sixofourthis 8gb drive i am on?....its about 16 years old04:29
Sixofourit runs on coal04:30
maco_they made 8gb drives back then?04:30
maco_no way04:30
maco_i was 4 16 years ago04:30
withnail420Sixofour: i have 320mb ram, 700mhz processor, 4 gig harddrive04:30
Sixofourer not 1604:30
maco_i got my first windows box when i was 9, and it had a 2gb drive04:30
withnail420i'm a time traveller04:30
maco_updated it to a 10gb drive when i was 1104:30
Sixofour10 years ago04:30
Sixofour11 years04:30
demiwhat's the usual partitions for a secondary HD?04:30
maco_ /dev/sdb*04:31
maco_sdb1 for the first partition, sdb2 for the second, etc04:31
Sixofourso i got restricted stuff installed, what do i need to do for the nvidia stuff?04:31
demiThis sucks I think my last install automatically mounted the ntfs, im not sure how to mount it.04:34
tweakedehmount /dev/sdb204:35
Sixofouris there a qwuick way to play a sound in kubuntu?04:36
demimount: can't find /dev/sdb2 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab04:36
demicd /etc/fstab04:37
Sixofourw00t sound works04:37
tweakedehmount /dev/sda204:37
demimount: can't find /dev/sda2 in /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab04:37
doleybmaco_: I think last week i dumpsterized a 15 yr gateway p100.04:37
maco_see? gateways in the 90s were really sturdy04:37
SixofourSo system settings is supposed to have arestricted option now, but its not there??04:38
Sixofourive never used kde404:38
tweakedehWhat does 'mount' say?04:38
demithis site im on says go to, Go to K menu > System Settings > Advanced Tab > Disk & File Systems04:46
demiI  don't have the Disk and File Systems in my list though.04:47
=== six is now known as sixofour
sixofourinstalled nvidia drivers and w00t, i have a lower color depth and max res :D04:47
sixofoursomething is very wrong here04:47
demi <tweakedeh> http://pastebin.com/m689968d8 >> thats my mount info.04:48
sixofourscrew it, i don't play games i'll just use the onboard video04:49
sixofourdeal with nvidia stuff if i need it later04:49
demiI had to do a full upgrade, then install the hardware driver for my ati work, works great, did the same thing for my bro that was using nvidia in ubuntu04:49
coreymanhow do i put the system in standby04:52
maco_coreyman: kicker -> leave -> suspend04:55
demianyone else avail to get my ntfs HD mounted that can help?04:56
coreymanmaco_i dont have suspend04:56
demiit is sleep04:56
coreymani dont have sleep either04:57
coreymanor hibernate04:57
demiYpou using kde4?04:57
demiHrmm, not sure mine shows them fine.04:58
maco_coreyman: did you by any chance use acpi=off or noacpi when booting to work around some issue?04:59
coreymanmaco_ no04:59
coreymanoh well ill just shut it down :P05:00
coreymannot a big deal its just a desktop05:00
coreymanc u guys l8ter05:00
sixok, i accedently deleetd the task toolbar,, how do ig et it back?05:00
=== six is now known as Sixofour
maco_:( trying to watch a DVD in dragon.  it plays through the fbi warning, then it stops. how do i get it to play the video?05:01
demiright click add widget I think and add it again05:01
demiMaco VLC player is better imho05:01
maco_if i hit play after it stops, it spins up the disk and doesnt do anything05:01
o0Chris0oI am unable to view  a friends webcam, how do I get a rendering program? jasper05:02
maco_demi: well im trying to see if kde has usable/useful software for this. you're saying the answer is no?05:02
maco_o0Chris0o: a rendering program?05:02
o0Chris0othat renders the incoming video05:02
o0Chris0oso I can see it05:02
maco_incoming from where?05:02
maco_im confused05:02
maco_you mean like video chat?05:03
demiI am not sure maco, I never used Dragon Before.05:03
maco_well kopete should be doing it if youre on msn05:03
=== six is now known as sixofour
demiCool I got it to mount05:12
demiusing ntfs-3g05:12
demiHad to force mount it.05:12
maco_oh didnt shut down right last time you used windows?05:12
demiprobably not.05:13
maco_should only have to force mount if its in need of a chkdsk05:13
demithats my guess, I think I just hit retart on the pc05:13
demiI am gonna try getting Everquest to play using wine lol=\05:15
maco_oops. apparently libdvdcss2 went missing since the last time i watched a dvd O_o05:16
sixofourso how can i tell what video i am using now?05:16
sixofouri want to go back to the onboard video, it seemed to work alot better05:16
=== hugos_girl is now known as timothy_hugos
o0Chris0oif I wanted too can I get rid of konquerer? and just isntall firefox05:26
antareshow monut and extract pcmcia cards?????05:29
atomxquick question05:43
atomxanyone run WoW in wine? and if so what kind of performance do you get?05:43
doleybatomx: i dont use wow, but people do and its alright.  search for Wine on wowwiki.com05:44
o0Chris0oatomx: I tried it awhile back05:46
o0Chris0oits different then what your used too, but I got about the same performance as on windows05:47
atomxcool cool05:47
atomxwell I have ubuntu on my laptop and wow on my windows machine, and was wanting to put it on my lappy for when I travel05:48
atomxfigured this was a good way to try :)05:48
doleybatomx: a lot of laptops have bad 3d cards, idk how much wow needs05:49
o0Chris0oyeah, I was never a hard core gamer on a laptop05:50
chairmandoes anybody have flyback for Kubuntu05:51
atomxi'm not hard core, but trips can get quite boring when they are for busness :)05:51
kuaeraatomx: I run a lot of the Tycoon games on this laptop05:51
kuaeraatomx: Rollercoaster Tycoon via Wine, and a free port of Transport Tycoon Deluxe called OpenTTD05:51
kuaeraIt's actually a lot of fun :)05:52
kuaeraI kinda have a think for "retro" single-player games.05:52
atomxI am also a sims fan and I know that runs well for me too =D05:52
atomxwho dosent?05:52
kuaeraMost gamers, apparently. If it doesn't have guns and a 3-d engine, it's useless05:53
atomxyeah, but the gamers that play the game for the fun of it are the only ones that matter ;)05:54
kuaeraI suppose so :P05:56
atomxhopefully  i can get my wireless working on this thing before I go though..05:56
atomxI am using one of the acer aspire one netbookes05:56
atomxubuntu and it have issues with wireless, aparently as do almost all distros05:57
atomxkinda dissapointing actually, I like this little thing05:57
=== sumisa is now known as borrachita
doleybatomx: oh ive made the acer wireless work in ubuntu... but i just downloaded madwifi source and compliled05:58
atomxbut it wont find my router or any other for that matter05:58
doleybit was easy once i stopped hoping an ubuntu package would work.05:58
atomxalthough it shows up in the hardware area05:58
doleybatomx: oh run knetworkmanager...05:58
o0Chris0oI like playing FPS games, like Urban Terror05:59
atomxit's running doleyb05:59
atomxlol never played it chris05:59
atomxsounds entertaning though05:59
o0Chris0oits based off of Quake 306:01
atomxdoleyb, what do I do once it's running?06:01
atomxI am used to using redhat :P alot of this is new to me :)06:01
doleybatomx: well, right click it, New Connection, look for your router.06:04
atomxit shows absoutly nothing in that list06:05
doleybatomx: check lsmod|grep ath, and iwconfig06:06
atomxhow would one go about doing that>06:06
doleybatomx: konsole, sudo lsmod|grep ath.  You want to check that ath_pci is there06:08
atomxit's not06:09
doleybatomx: What I'd do is first run jockey-kde and make sure that Atheros wireless support is OFF.  Then sudo modprobe ath_pci wlan_scan_sta.06:10
doleybatomx: if the modprobe fails, then i guess you didn't fully install madwifi.06:10
atomxwhen i ran modprobe I got "FATAL: Error inserting ath_pci" followed by a bunch of other junk06:12
doleybatomx: did you do jockey-kde ?06:13
atomxit's a grey dot06:15
doleybatomx: Ok, you can run lspci|grep Ath to verify it contains an atheros chip.06:15
sixofourso i found my data drive in dolphin its "new volume" and its mounted as such, but when i click it, it asks for sudo then does nothing06:16
doleybatomx: If that looks right, then check that madwifi is installed right.  cd ~/madwifi_<tab>; make;sudo make install06:16
sixofourits an ntfs drive06:16
atomx03:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01)06:16
atomxmake: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.06:17
atomxdid I do something wrong?06:17
doleybatomx: Well, did you change to your madwifi source directory?  Remember, the situation as I saw it is that the ubuntu atheros driver doesn't work with recent Acer boxes.06:18
doleybatomx: But getting madwifi source directly will work.06:18
atomxI can't find the dir.06:20
doleybatomx: (Maybe read this bug page https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24/+bug/182489 )06:20
atomxaparently alot of people are having luck with "sudo aptitude install linux-backports-modules-intrepid"06:27
sixofourso i'm trying to split an ntfs drive into two partitions but gparted gives an error when i apply it06:27
sixofourERROR(95): Opening '/dev/sda1' as NTFS failed: Operation not supported06:30
sixofourThe NTFS journal file is unclean. Please shutdown Windows properly before06:30
sixofourusing this software! Note, if you have run chkdsk previously then boot06:30
sixofourWindows again which will automatically initialize the journal correctly.06:30
sixofourdidn't copythe paste lnik06:30
sixofouranyways that is the error gparted gives06:30
sixofouri don't have windows06:30
doleybsixofour: well it seems to think your ntfs is corrupt, and that booting windows will repair06:31
sixofourso it would seem06:31
doleybsixofour: NTFS documentation is hidden by microsoft, so linux access is guesswork and not so reliable.06:31
sixofouri want to reformat the drive, but i need to juggle some files with aprtitions06:32
sixofouri woudl leave it, but i can't use it as is06:32
doleybsixofour: even though microsoft.com has a free windows download right now, i won't recommend you try it.06:33
sixofouri have a windows cd06:33
sixofourbut i'm not reinstalling windows, shutting down properly, then reinstalling kubuntu06:33
sixofourcan i connect to this drive from another pc on a network?06:34
doleybi wonder if you live-boot off the windows cd will be enough...?  i forget how that's done06:34
sixofourwhy do i need windows?06:34
sixofouryou don't actually think shuttong down again will fix it?06:35
sixofourbecause i shutdown properly last time06:35
sixofourand a hundred times before that06:35
doleybwell i don't know.  have you tried if fsck.ntfs works at all?06:35
sixofouri don't even know whart that is06:35
doleybWell fsck is the usual linux program to repair a corrupted partition table.06:36
doleybBut because ntfs is a windows thing, normal fsck won't handle it.06:36
doleybsixofour: Anyway, since gparted and ntfs don't have much to do with kde ubuntu, maybe you should ask other place channel.06:37
sixofourmy os is kubuntu06:37
sixofourand its kubuntu that told me to do it this way06:38
atomxwireless still isint working06:38
doleybsixofour: try http://kb.wisc.edu/helpdesk/page.php?id=509706:39
sixofourwhy not run chkdsk from wine?06:39
sixofouror from linux06:40
sixofourubuntu forums has info06:40
atomxtrying to run "tar -xzf madwifi-hal-" and it won't do anything06:44
atomxno errors, no nothing, just a return to the next line06:44
atomxgot wireless working!06:50
doleybatomx: lol really, how06:50
atomxI have no clue lol06:50
doleybatomx: thats sad, you dont know how to do it again :(06:51
atomxI went through and redid the "https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AspireOne"06:51
doleybatomx: now you can never reformat, or even reboot06:51
atomxI must have missed something the first 30 times lol06:51
atomxwait what?06:51
atomxI have to do that on every reboot?06:51
nicholas_#kubuntu off-topic06:51
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sparrhow can i go back to the old alt+f2 launcher from kde3 in kde4?  the new one is too slow06:52
tacosarecoolis a wav data cd like a audio cd06:52
tacosarecoolwell goodnight06:53
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adminuseryou know what is what but you don't know what is what what the fuck07:04
adminuserwhat is up07:04
stdin!language | adminuser07:05
ubottuadminuser: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.07:05
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sixso i seem to be able to resize the ntfs partition, but i still can't read the drive07:06
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yao_ziyuanGROUNDBREAKING NEWS! the latest QtCurve widget style for KDE4/KDE3/GTK2 has evolved to a KDE4 Oxygen-like look'n'feel! now it also fits well with a KDE4-ish window decoration such as Ozone and Bespin. Screenshot: http://i43.tinypic.com/2s60t4j.png07:18
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norenhi all07:49
norenis there a guide to learn how to cmpile my own dist frommm source ??07:50
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doleybnoren: sure, there is LFS linux from scratch.  there's also gentoo.  and many more07:56
norendoleyb: i wanted to try lets say kubuntu 8.10 64bit how sud i go about07:57
doleybnoren: well you dont need to compile that... just download07:59
norendoleyb: but i wanted to learn it the hard way :)08:00
Slartibartfastnoren: there are also remaster tools so you can add and remove some of the software and make you own custom install cd08:00
norenSlartibartfast: where can i get some info on them08:01
Slartibartfastnoren: Google is your friend :-)08:02
norenwhich wud be faster building one urself or downloading one ??08:02
Slartibartfasthehehe, compiling big software projects will take quiet some time08:02
saratogahey have a fresh install of 8.10 on a mates laptop he has a 3 mobile broadband usb dongle the network manager see's it's pluged on ttyusb0 and I have created a connection using the little info supplied by 3, It was initialised on a winblows box and connects no problems but no such luck for 8.10 help!08:04
Slartibartfastnoren: if you like compiling software you can try gentoo :-) ... they download from from most packages the source and compile it locally08:04
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Slartibartfastsaratoga: this link maybe help you http://www.nabble.com/3-Mobile-USB-modem-td16208164.html08:08
saratogacheers Slartibartfast having a look :)08:09
Slartibartfastsaratoga: Look halfway that link ...08:10
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Slartibartfastsaratoga: another interesting post is http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=60953408:17
GanapatiGreetings! Need to sync my Xperia stuff with Kubuntu Intrepid.08:18
SlartibartfastGanapati: what is "Xperia stuff"08:19
Ganapatisms, notes and calender, things like that :)08:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xperia08:21
noren!info Xperia08:21
ubottuPackage Xperia does not exist in intrepid08:21
Slartibartfastprobbably xperia is some kind of mobile device ... because it need to sync08:22
Ganapatisorry! sonyericsson xperia08:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about multisync08:24
Slartibartfastmm ... Ganapati: maybe this forum posting is helpful for you ... i personally don't use syncing of my mobile ...08:25
norenGanapati: u can always install wine and runn the proprietary sftware ffrom sonyerricson08:26
Ganapatitried to do things the kubuntu way but just got stuck08:27
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Guest90690I have a problem with compiz, but I can't find the way to comeback to kde decoration.. is not "kde --replace", someone know the right command?08:27
SlartibartfastGanapati: i see the xperia uses some Windows Mobile Software ...08:30
SlartibartfastMaybe  SynCE is then the software you can use08:31
Ganapatithat is all true08:31
ubottuDetails of setting up synce-serial at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PocketPCHowto08:31
GanapatiI chek it out, thanks u guys08:33
jussio1!portables | Ganapati08:34
ubottuGanapati: Guides for smartphones and portable devices can be found here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/08:34
SlartibartfastGuest90690: it's kwin --replace && kde-window-decorator08:35
Guest90690Slartibartfast: Thanks :-)08:36
SlartibartfastGuest90690: np08:37
egonwwhere should I ask about plasma jaunty problems?08:42
egonwor actually a plasma crash that also happens with the 8.10 4.2.1 debs08:43
Slartibartfastegonw: about Jaunty in #ubuntu+108:46
egonwSlartibartfast: even if KDE stuff? OK, thanx08:47
Slartibartfastotherwise maybe can talk about it with the plasma guru's in #plasma08:47
egonwok, thanx for the pointer08:47
new_kAll kThese kK's kAnd gG's gAre gAnnoying08:47
egonwhi all, plasma 4.2 on kubuntu 8.10 and 9.04 alpha keep crashing for me, and would very much appreciate some pointers on pin pointing the problem... I get debug output from the command line if I run from there, but do not see something clearly the problem... suggestions please08:50
egonwoops... sorry... wrong window :(08:50
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Guest32603I need to correct install libplasma2 library in order to install compiz-kde and finally get compiz to work again..  but I get umet dependencies..09:01
Guest32603how can I solve this?09:01
Guest32603so far I read is a problem with the upgrade to kde 4.2..09:01
Guest32603I try some forum ideas, but without results09:02
vmt1  Hello all :) I setup freeradius-mysql on debian 8.04 with dialupadmin. I want to import the mysql databases but can not find it. Can someone help?09:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about radius09:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dialupadmin09:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about freeradius09:14
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Guest32181how can I set a new password?09:16
Guest32181in systemsettings?09:16
zaibach333I haven't had kubuntu long, and I'm new to linux.09:47
zaibach333could someone help me share files to windows networks?09:47
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.09:48
SlimeyPetethose links might be ubuntu-specific09:48
SlartibartfastSlimeyPete: samba is mostly GUI less09:49
Slartibartfastso Gnome of KDE doesn't matter then09:49
SlimeyPetetrue, but I imagined that zaibach333 might want to use the KDE GUI tools09:50
SlimeyPeteunfortunately I've no idea how good those tools are, or where they are, on the new version of Kubuntu09:50
zaibach333_I figured as much09:51
zaibach333_I couldnt share on mandriva which I was on last.09:51
fernandohow can I set the shorcuts for lock screen?09:54
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JohnFluxGuest4347: system settings, keyboard and mouse, global keyboard, change kde component to Run Command Interface09:56
JohnFluxGuest4347: and lock session is there09:56
Guest4347JohnFlux: thanks :-)09:57
zaibach333_I'm a bit confused about the server client stuff with alsa. in windows we all just shared an internet connection with the router and we were all clients I suppose. share files and your computer appears in the workgroup browser09:59
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zaibach333_how exactly do I add myself to my windows workgroup and share folders for it?10:00
SlimeyPetezaibach333_: ALSA? You mean SAMBA?10:01
SlimeyPeteyou can edit your /etc/samba/smb.conf to do stuff like that10:01
zaibach333_SlimeyPete: woops yeah samba10:01
SlimeyPeteit's a pretty good config file actually - lots of helpful comments in it10:02
SlimeyPeteI'm sure there are GUI tools in KDE4 to do it too but as I say I've no idea how to use them (I've stuck with Kubuntu 8.04 - KDE3)10:02
zaibach333_hmmmmm... this is shouting failure at me but I'll take a look10:02
SlartibartfastGuest24553: it is really not a good practice to use IRC as root user10:07
zaibach333_SlimeyPete: does ; at the beginning of the line comment the rest of the line?10:12
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zaibach333_oh shoot. I opened up the file in kwrite and now I can't save. what's a konsole text editor10:18
Slartibartfastzaibach333_: nano /etc/samba.smb.conf10:19
Slartibartfastzaibach333_: Or next time use: ALT F3 -> kdesudo kwrite /etc/samba/smb.conf10:22
SlartibartfastSorry ALT F210:22
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zaibach333_how do I save changes and exit nano10:27
victimctr key and O key to output10:29
victimctr key and X key to quit10:29
victimit tells you along the bottom edge of the screen10:29
victimoutput is the same as save10:30
zaibach333_I dont have permission10:30
victimwhere is the same as find10:30
etfbIs there a standard way to stop multiple instances of a program from starting?  For example, I'm running some program called FooBar99, and I accidentally click the FooBar99 entry in my menu again, I want it to just Alt+Tab for me to the already-running instance, not load up a second one.10:30
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gundam_rx78nt1has anybody been having problems with openssh recently?11:28
gundam_rx78nt1everytime I try to transfer a file, I get a isconnecting: corrupted MAC on input error and then I am disconnected from the ssh server.11:29
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ActionParsnipyo yo yo11:36
ActionParsnipcheck check da cone11:38
ActionParsnipthat song is hilarious11:39
afeijoI have too much core versions when I turn on my pc, how to remove most of it?11:46
ActionParsnipafeijo: do you mean kernel versions?11:50
mgkthink hes talking about the grub menu.11:51
ActionParsnipme too, just gotta clarify though11:51
mgkcool beans11:51
ActionParsniptasty beans11:51
mgk:s now i want coffee..11:52
ActionParsnipafeijo: do you mean there are a lot of options in the first boot up screen (grub menu)11:52
* ActionParsnip has a pint of tea11:52
gundam_rx78nt1has anybody been having problems with openssh recently?11:53
gundam_rx78nt1has anybody been having problems with openssh recently?11:54
gundam_rx78nt1everytime I try to transfer a file, I get a isconnecting: corrupted MAC on input error and then I am disconnected from the ssh server.11:54
afeijoActionParsnip: yes, older kernel versions11:55
Laeborgwhat does 'Gold' 'Platin' ect on winehq.com means ?11:55
ActionParsnipafeijo: ok its simple but you gotta be careful11:56
ActionParsnipLaeborg: its how well it runs11:56
afeijoActionParsnip: no problem11:56
ActionParsnipafeijo: if you run uname -r11:56
Laeborgso Platin is like perfekt, and Gold is like very good ?11:56
ActionParsnipafeijo: you will see your CURRENT kernel version. make a note of this11:56
ActionParsnipLaeborg: pretty much11:57
ActionParsnipafeijo: if you run: dpkg -l | grep linux-image11:57
ActionParsnipafeijo: you will see ALL installed kernels11:57
ActionParsnipafeijo: you want to uninstall the kernel versions you no longer require but keep the CURRENT one11:58
afeijoActionParsnip: I have 911:58
ActionParsnipafeijo: uninstalling them will also update grub11:58
afeijothe current one is 2.6.24-2311:58
ActionParsnipafeijo: you're gonna harvest about 50Mb per kernel in space11:58
ActionParsnipafeijo: fine11:58
ActionParsnipafeijo: once you uninstalled the linux-image packages you dont want, run: sudo apt-get autoremove11:59
ActionParsnipafeijo: that will remove the modules and other fluff each kernel needed to run11:59
afeijowhat is the command to uninstall?12:00
ActionParsnipafeijo: sudo apt-get remove linux-image-<some stuff here>12:00
ActionParsnipafeijo: as i say, tread VERY carefully12:00
ActionParsnipafeijo: you can even rerun: dpkg -l | grep linux-image     so you can see whats going on12:01
afeijoI will remove only the oldest one12:01
ActionParsnipafeijo: the kernel is the critical part of the system12:01
afeijoI removed 2.6.24-16, but dpkg -l still shows it12:02
afeijoapt-get remove told me that cleared 125 mb :D12:02
ActionParsnipafeijo: does dpkg have 'rr' on the left of the package instead of 'ii'12:03
afeijothe one I removed have rc, the rest ii12:03
ActionParsnipok thats ok12:04
ActionParsnipyou can remove it from there with12:04
ActionParsnipsudo dpkg -P linux-image-<whatever>     (make sure its the EXACT same one)12:04
ActionParsnipyou could even use the up cursor to retype the old command and edit it so you KNOW its good12:05
=== peace is now known as koperton
afeijoremoving -17 and -1812:05
ActionParsnipafeijo: if you want12:06
afeijoyeah, why keep so much? :)12:06
ActionParsnipafeijo: you can run: sudo apt-get --purge remove linux-image-<stuff>12:06
afeijoI could keep with just the last one, but I will keep 612:06
ActionParsnipafeijo: and it will get rid of the 'rc' thing in one move12:06
ActionParsnipafeijo: i personally keep the current and the one previous12:07
ActionParsnipafeijo: you will probably have a lot of 'rc' packages if you dont use --purge12:07
afeijoweird that we need to run so much commands, why isnt that automatic or thru control panel?12:07
ActionParsnipafeijo: you can use synaptic if you wish12:07
ActionParsnipafeijo: just that irc is a text based app so i give text based help12:08
afeijogood to know, I also need text commands, I'm runing it thru shell at my home machine lol12:08
ActionParsnipafeijo: best way to learn the shell12:09
afeijoyeah, I love shell. I'm not a complete n00b :p12:09
ActionParsniphehe i assume nothing here12:09
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afeijoI quit windows almost 1 year ago :D12:10
afeijohome, office, my note12:10
ActionParsnipi have to use it for work, othrwise im pure linux for a great many years12:10
afeijoI work with program development, I still use windows for delphi.  But I also use php, linux is the best option to web develop12:11
afeijoI love fish://12:11
afeijoActionParsnip: thanks for your help12:13
ActionParsnipnp man12:13
makdaknifeafeijo: in general sftp:// is quicker if your ssh supports it12:29
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afeijomakdaknife: thanks, I will test it12:34
afeijomakdaknife: it works12:34
makdaknifesftp is designed for working with files over ssh... fish was invented for situations where sftp was not enabled....12:35
afeijotoo bad that FileZilla cant use it on the Local site, I have to mount my home disk and it is quite slow12:36
makdaknifehmmm never used filezilla... haven't found a need fo it...12:36
afeijoI use kate to edit php files at my home machine, than I use filezilla to send it to a host12:37
afeijoany suggestions?12:37
ActionParsnipafeijo: could just edit it on the remote system with nano12:39
ActionParsnipor similar12:39
afeijothe edit isnt the issue, Kate is much better IMO, open several files, code highlight, etc.  To send to my host that I need to mount my home disk, and open filezilla12:40
ActionParsnipafeijo: then edit fstab so it automounts, what are you trying toachieve?12:40
afeijoif I had other upload program that could use sftp ... :)12:40
afeijoActionParsnip: mount appear to be slower than sftp12:41
ActionParsnipafeijo: are you in a huge rush?12:41
ActionParsnipis it like an extra 10 seconds or so?12:42
ActionParsnipin time?12:42
afeijolol, no that is just a bit annoying, I've been doing this for several month12:42
devilsadvocateafeijo, mount ftp? thats what i do ..12:42
afeijoFilezilla take over 1 minute to show my home folder content12:42
ActionParsnipwhats the difference in transfer speed in time12:42
afeijosmall files is hard to detect it, but usually under 2 secs12:43
afeijobut when it slow down, and freeze for over 10 secs, it can damage my site, and users start to send emails to me lol12:43
afeijomount with ftp? checking12:43
afeijoI mount with sshfs12:44
devilsadvocateafeijo, curlftpfs .  works like a charm. sercurity is a bit iffy, though, so think it  through12:44
afeijogoogling :)12:44
afeijowho use DC++ ?12:59
marcel1607do you find kde 4.2 unstable? i have constant crashes with plasma and freezing the whole system13:10
ActionParsnipmarcel1607: 4.2 is fine, ive not used the 4.2.1 but ive heard some horror stories13:12
marcel1607the 4.2.1 horror?13:13
ActionParsnipyeah people saying its buggy and weird13:14
bazhangwhich version? 4.2 or 4.2.113:14
ActionParsnip4.2 = fine, 4.2.1 = buggy13:15
bazhangasking marcel160713:15
ActionParsnipjust my call, im sure there will be users who say 4.2.1 is fine13:15
ActionParsnip!hi | hyb13:25
ubottuhyb: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!13:25
hybwhere are you?13:28
ActionParsniphyb: what do you mean?13:32
afeijosftp command support different port than 22 ?13:34
hybi just want to know.13:35
afeijoActionParsnip: he is curious to know where do you live :)13:36
ActionParsnipleeds, uk13:36
ActionParsnipcome round for tea13:36
afeijois it Andrew ?13:37
ActionParsnipyes, youu could have just asked13:37
afeijoI like to dig13:37
devilsadvocateafeijo, i use dc++13:37
ActionParsnipafeijo: i'll tell you whatever. i dont wear a tinfoil hat13:38
afeijodevilsadvocate: nice, I remembered that when I had windows. It work well on linux? I will install it later13:38
devilsadvocateafeijo, it works.. linuxdcpp. i've been wanting to write a kde/qt app for it for sometime though13:38
ActionParsnipapt-cache search dc | grep ^dc13:38
devilsadvocateafeijo, valknut used to be the defacto dc++ linux client. linuxdcpp is a clone of the windows dc++ client.13:40
afeijoI will try it, thanks13:40
afeijonow I need hubs13:42
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afeijoto DC++13:43
ActionParsnipoh right13:43
devilsadvocateafeijo, i just use it with local hubs :)13:44
afeijoI knew some good sites with nice hubs, I will look into my bookmarks13:44
afeijoops, DCPP also means Disease Control Priorities Project ... lol13:53
SpectrosI have a problem, if I open any audio file with audacious, it tells me, my kernel of GTK crashed... how can I solve it?13:53
SingAlonghi all14:04
ActionParsniphi SingAlong14:04
SingAlongI downloaded the Alternate cd image of 8.10 to upgrade to 8.04. I burned the ISO using K3B and inserted the cd back and did Alt+F2 and typed - kdesudo "/media/Kubuntu 8.10 amd64/cdromupgrade" but it says kdesudo error! command not found!14:05
SingAlong"/media/Kubuntu 8.10 amd64/" is where kubuntu automatically mounted my cdrom14:06
SingAlongActionParsnip: any help?14:06
SingAlongI also tried using the command - sh "/media/Kubuntu 8.10 amd64/" - via terminal but it seems to be downloading via the internet (I got a speed saying 18.1kbps which is my actual internet download speed). MY internet is slow which is why I'm using the alternate cd image to upgrade14:08
SingAlongis anybody there?14:11
ActionParsnipSingAlong: is the cd mounted to /14:11
=== Switch is now known as Switching
ActionParsnipis it mounted to /media/Kubuntu 8.10 amd64   ?14:11
SingAlongActionParsnip: no. its mounted to "/media/Kubuntu 8.10 amd64/"14:11
SingAlongActionParsnip: ya14:11
SingAlongActionParsnip: it auto mounted it14:11
SingAlongActionParsnip: any solution to upgrade?14:12
ActionParsnipSingAlong: weird to use spaces like that...oh well on with the show14:12
SingAlongActionParsnip: oh! so thats why I used - kdesudo "/media/Kubuntu 8.10 amd64/" - (the quotes)14:12
ActionParsnipSingAlong: cd /media/Kubuntu\ 8.10\amd6414:12
SingAlongActionParsnip: oh sorry... I ran kdesudo "/media/Kubuntu 8.10 amd64/cdromupgrade/"14:12
ActionParsnipSingAlong: now, what is the output of: file cdromupgrade14:13
ActionParsnipSingAlong: basically make your pwd be on the root of the cdrom14:13
SingAlongActionParsnip: output? do you want me to open it in vi?14:13
ActionParsnipSingAlong: no14:13
ActionParsnipSingAlong: run the command: file cdromupgrade14:13
SingAlongActionParsnip: I opened it in kate and it seems to be fine.14:14
SingAlongActionParsnip: ah k14:14
SingAlongActionParsnip: one sec14:14
ActionParsnipSingAlong: it will give an output, paste it in here14:14
SingAlongActionParsnip: "cdromupgrade: POSIX shell script text executable"14:14
ActionParsnipSingAlong: great14:14
ActionParsnipSingAlong: sh ./cdromupgrade14:14
ActionParsnipkdesdo ./cdromupgrade14:14
ActionParsnipor failing that: kdesdo sh ./cdromupgrade14:15
SingAlongActionParsnip: where should I do that?14:15
ActionParsnipSingAlong: in the same konsole you ran the file command in14:15
SingAlongActionParsnip: k14:15
SingAlongActionParsnip: but kdesdo says invalid command14:15
norenActionParsnipL hi14:15
SingAlongActionParsnip: "bash: kdesdo: command not found"14:16
ActionParsnipSingAlong: try: kdesudo sh ./cdromupgrade14:16
ActionParsnipSingAlong: are you running kde?14:16
SingAlongActionParsnip: should I just run sh ./cdromupgrade?14:16
SingAlongActionParsnip: ya kde14:16
ActionParsnipSingAlong: if the guide says its graphical it needs kdesudo14:16
SingAlongActionParsnip: BUt as per what I googled kdesudo seems to be a command that works via kde apps14:16
ActionParsnipSingAlong: sudo apt-get install kdesudo14:16
ActionParsnipSingAlong: kdesudo runs gui apps correctly in kde, the gnome equiv in gnome is gksudo14:17
ActionParsnipSingAlong: if you see people saying to run: sudo kate   it is WRONG14:17
ActionParsnipor sudo kwite14:17
ActionParsnipor sudo konqueror14:18
SingAlongActionParsnip: so in kde I should run kdesudo instead of just sudo14:18
ActionParsnipits all incorrect and kdesudo needs to be used14:18
SingAlongActionParsnip: k14:18
SingAlongActionParsnip: "E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?"14:18
SingAlongActionParsnip: But I'm not running any other config or app updater or anything14:18
ActionParsnipSingAlong: if the upgrade uses a gui interface it needs kdesudo, if its just gonna work inside the konsole then sudo is fine14:18
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »14:18
ActionParsnipSingAlong: you may want to run: ps -ef | grep adept; ps -ef | grep synap; ps -ef | grep apt-14:19
ActionParsnipSingAlong: see if anything is running to hold the packages14:19
SingAlongActionParsnip: done. sudo is working now14:20
SingAlongActionParsnip: "kdesudo: Depends: kdebase-runtime (>= 4:4.1.1) but it is not going to be installed"14:20
ActionParsnipSingAlong: groovy14:20
SingAlongActionParsnip: I actually ran an internet based upgrade for a while before and cancelled it since it was slow.14:20
SingAlongActionParsnip: then I downloaded an alternate cd14:20
ActionParsnipSingAlong: you need some form of gui sudo app, like kdesu, gksu, gksudo, whatever14:20
=== antti is now known as hypo
ActionParsnipSingAlong: as long as the installation stage didnt take place thats fine, its also probably why you had to unlock yur packages14:21
SingAlongActionParsnip: when I ran sudo sh ./media/<whatever> it started a gui thing for the upgrade and began fine14:21
ActionParsnipSingAlong: thats why it needs kdesudo, as its a gui app14:21
ActionParsnipyou should be fine14:21
SingAlongActionParsnip: but then I noticed the 4hr waiting time I guessed it was downloading from the net instead of from the cdrom after which I cancelled again14:22
SingAlongActionParsnip: it shouldnt take 4hrs when downloading from the cdrom right?14:22
SingAlongActionParsnip: should I just run sudo "/media/Kubuntu 8.10 amd64/cdromupgrade" and let it finish the installation?14:23
ActionParsnipjust let it have its fun and upgrade14:23
SingAlongActionParsnip: done! starting it :)14:23
SingAlongActionParsnip: coz when I ran kdesudo install via sudo I got a broken packages error14:23
SingAlongActionParsnip: do I get the black taskbar in kde 4?14:24
ActionParsnipSingAlong: the default is a black plasma bar, yes14:25
SingAlongActionParsnip: I'm fedup of seeing the silver thing in the taskbar14:25
SingAlongActionParsnip: :)14:25
SingAlongActionParsnip: thank god!14:25
ActionParsnipSingAlong: silver thing?14:27
ActionParsnipdo you mean kicker?14:27
SingAlongActionParsnip: ya the taskbar in my kde is silver colored (kde3 in kubuntu 8.04). I'm fedup of that color :)14:28
SingAlongActionParsnip: kicker? whats that?14:28
ActionParsnipyou can change its colour14:28
ActionParsnipSingAlong: its the bottom bar i kde3.514:28
SingAlongActionParsnip: k. so isnt it called taskbar?14:29
devilsadvocateSingAlong, its 'official' kde name is kicker14:29
ActionParsnipif you run: killall kicker   it will vanish14:29
devilsadvocatecall it whatever is convenient to you :P14:29
SingAlongActionParsnip: when I was installing all the upgrades for 8.04 I was wondering what thing kicker was when downloading LOL14:29
SingAlongdevilsadvocate: thought it was some kinda new game14:30
PKodonOkay, we'll try here... I can set up an IRC account in Kopete to join channels when I connect to the account, can I do that in Pidgin?14:30
ActionParsnipin kde4.2 its called plasma14:30
ActionParsnipPKodon: sure14:30
devilsadvocatePKodon, yes14:30
ActionParsnipPKodon: accounts -> manage14:31
PKodonI looked there, but there seems to be no place to add commands.14:31
ActionParsnipPKodon: add a new irc account and add the servername, your handle and your pasword (if yuo have registered your handle)14:31
PKodonGot that.14:31
devilsadvocatePKodon, they are called favorite channels or some such thing14:31
devilsadvocatePKodon, oh, i think i was wrong. it might be in some plugin. sorry14:32
ActionParsnipPKodon: if you click conversation -> alias when in  channel you can add it to your pidgin favourites. When the irc connection is made, they will appear and you can doule click them14:32
ActionParsnipPKodon: once its favourited, right click it and select autojoin14:33
ActionParsnipPKodon: job done14:33
devilsadvocatePKodon, you can also do that by trying to "add chat", which will put the channel in your friends list14:33
PKodonHmm, well, Conversation -> Alias is ghosted.14:34
geniiFor that you can: /msg nickserv ghost name password                 then you can get the nick again usual way  /nick name14:35
PKodonOkay, the Add came up with the right stuff.14:36
PKodonBut, what is the Alias in that Add window?14:36
ActionParsnipPKodon: just accept defaults and the alias will be the channels name14:36
ActionParsnipPKodon: the rest i have never touched14:37
devilsadvocatePKodon, alias is the local name, if you dont want it to be called what it actually is, sort of14:37
PKodonAhh, okay.14:38
PKodonI like Kopete for YahooIM, but Pidgin is better for IRC, as it gets rid of those huge icons.14:39
Elone_taruquestion: how do i start program in shell ,say 'kate14:40
Elone_taruand have the shell still avaliable?14:40
makdaknifeanyone know what happened to the option to record your desktop in kde4.2?14:43
devilsadvocateElone_taru, add an & at the end .. but be prepared for a lot of garbage filling your shell14:43
devilsadvocateElone_taru, you can avoid it by something like >/dev/null after the and, but im not sure14:44
devilsadvocate(and yes, i know its not really garbage... ive found it useful often... but sometimes you just want to launch from shell because krunner is not ... alive)14:45
Elone_tarudevilsadvocate, &? what do that do?14:45
makdaknifeElone_taru: devilsadvocate is right... something like: kate &>/dev/null14:45
makdaknifethe & will background the process14:45
Elone_tarui see! ~ Great! thanks ^^14:46
makdaknifeElone_taru: whoops! looks like you need a space after the &14:46
devilsadvocateElone_taru, & runs the process in the background14:46
makdaknifeso: kate & >/dev/null14:47
Elone_taruha juse about to ask ;p14:47
Elone_taru thanks again ^^14:47
asigalio5hey does anybody know how connect laptop to TV14:48
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Elone_taruand how do i bring frontground process in shell to bg?14:48
Elone_taruhmm still have garbage with /dev/null ...14:50
makdaknifeElone_taru: fg can be used to foreground a process14:51
Elone_tarubring bring fg to bg?14:52
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* genii sips14:56
slerderHey guys. Does anyone know how to create an NTFS partition in ubuntu. I tried to use Gparted but the NTFS option is greyed out. Thanks14:59
Mamarokslerder: did you try fdisk?15:00
slerdermamrok think im going to solve it by installing ntfs progs15:01
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poldasmam pytanie odnośnie menadżerów okien15:29
ubottuČeské uživatele žádáme, aby mluvili v kanále #ubuntu anglicky. Česky je možno se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Děkujeme.15:29
poldasdoes anyone here use fluxbox window menager??15:29
poldasbecause I have a question about it15:30
gherghoutj'ai kubuntu 8.10 et je veux installer ubuntuME mais j'ai pas réussit pouvez vous m'aidez ?15:30
BluesKaj!fr | gherghout15:30
ubottugherghout: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr15:30
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BluesKajgherghout , de rien15:33
gherghouti have kubuntu8.10 and i want install ubuntuME but i can't can you help me to do that  please15:38
BluesKajgherghout, join #ubuntu , they can help15:39
ubottuопитайте #ubuntu-bg за български потребители . try #ubuntu-bg for bulgarian users, and please idle there patiently15:47
vincenzoHow do I tell konversation to open urls with my favourite web browser?15:48
babI'm searching for a function to get the name of an application which has the focus. How could I code it in C?15:48
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mefisto__vincenzo: it should open urls with the default browser. That is konqueror, unless you change it in systemsettings > default applications16:04
mantasYra LT ?16:04
mefisto__vincenzo: you can also set a custom browser in konversation settings: settings > behaviour > general, "use custom web browser"16:07
compilerwriterhelp somehow or another I have broken Xwindows.  It all started when I shut down the machine because of a power failure.  When the power came back up I restarted the box and found I had 800X600 res.  I then discovered that I somehow did not have Nvidia drivers installed and tried to install them. Help!16:08
compilerwriterI have managed to come to you in console mode via irssi somebody please help.16:09
* goofey has never heard of ubuntuME16:11
* compilerwriter knows that it exists and is not an apparition16:11
compilerwriterI don't even really know how to use irssi well.16:12
goofeycompilerwriter: what happens when you try to install the nvidia drivers?16:14
mefisto__goofey: it's like ubuntuCE but for muslims. apparently "linux for humans" isn't good enough for christians and muslims :)16:14
goofeymefisto__: lol16:15
noren__compilerwriter: did u got ur nvidia drivers installed yestarday16:15
compilerwriterI did the nvidia-xconfig thing and it recommended a driver.  It then downloaded and installed it.  I am now reduced to console.16:15
compilerwriternoren__ no it did not go well noren.16:16
compilerwriternoren__ as I was just telling goofey I did the nvidia-xconfig thing.  Now I am coming to you from console login and irssi.16:17
noren__compilerwriter: did u try to boot into the recovery mode and fix the display there option there to get it back to default16:17
goofeyyeah, i've not had much luck with nvidia-xconfig16:17
compilerwriterHow does one do that noren__ I couldn't remember how and was so upset by the time I had to leave for work that I gave up until now.16:18
* compilerwriter thinks it is so obvious that his days of work on compiler code are so far behind him.16:18
noren__compilerwriter: while you boot up choose the recoverry mode kernel16:18
mefisto__compilerwriter: you might need to press esc to see the full grub menu16:19
noren__compilerwriter; you have the grub installed for boot up frm there16:19
compilerwriterok thanks folks I will try that now.16:20
noren__compilerwriter; yeterday when did not gave me the uptput of ((lsmod | grep nvidia)) <<16:20
=== noren__ is now known as noren
compilerwriterwell noren__ goofey It seems that I at least have x back sort of.  Plasma segsev 11 though.16:29
goofeycompilerwriter: that's a start16:29
goofeycompilerwriter: can you run nvidia-settings?16:30
norencompilerwriter:  export DISPLAY=:0.016:30
norencompilerwriter: i see that u are uncomfertable with the irssi lets try make thing easier for you !!16:31
compilerwritergoofey do I need to open a terminal window or can it be run from console?16:31
norengoofey:  i dont think he got the drivers installed in the first place16:31
compilerwriternoren I am not so bad with using irssi except that I don't know its features at all and can't seem to manage to figure out how to bring up help on them to learn them.16:32
goofeycompilerwriter: it's a graphical app that you launch from a terminal app16:32
norencompilerwriter: that why i am trying to help u to open konversation16:32
goofeynoren: ahh, well, this would tell us that16:32
compilerwritergoofey so the command line would be exactly what noren.16:33
=== gem is now known as gem_
compilerwriterAs I gather things if we can open konversation then what goofey wants to know will also be answered as well?16:34
norencompilerwriter:  export DISPLAY=:0.016:34
compilerwriterDo I need to sudo the export noren?16:35
norenthen type Konsole& or Konsversation& to run them u cud see them in alt ctrl f716:35
goofeycompilerwriter: wait, aren't you in kde right now?  the only issue is plasma segfaults, right?16:35
norenno simple export will do16:35
norengoofey: do u also have the screen resollution problem16:36
compilerwritergoofey I seem to have a bit of kde going but am not quite sure.  I did have an opera window pop up but the plasma workspace is seg faulting.16:36
=== Cueball_ is now known as Cueball|2
gem_problem with kubuntu 8.04.1 (8.04.2) and psi 0.1116:36
gem_If I select the key to use with GnuPG encryption in the account configuration dialog I can't connect to server - the star icon pulses and it tries to connect but without success. If I unselect the GnuPG it connects ok.16:36
gem_it works with gnome16:36
compilerwriternoren goofey the resolution problem seems to be fine from the launch of grub to the login screen and the opera window looked like it was in the correct resolution16:37
norencompilerwriter: so now whats the prob16:37
* goofey is off to a meeting....16:38
compilerwriterI guess I have no plasma workspace an thus I have no way to use the launcher to fire up windows programs.  I guess it is a usability issue.16:38
compilerwriterthanks goofey for your help.16:38
compilerwriternoren I have just had the kde wallet window autolaunch to ask me for the password for kmail to acces my mail in the correct resolution.  I just can't see kmail or either of my virtual desktops.  I still have the grub background on the monitor.16:40
dan_18_45hola a todos16:41
dan_18_45quiero convesar con alguien16:42
dan_18_45a quien le apetece?¿16:42
norencompilerwriter: what is the error when u fire up plasma ffrm the konsole16:43
compilerwriternoren tell me how you want me to do it and I will tell you.16:44
norencompilerwriter: are u able to get the login screen of kdm16:44
norencompilerwriter: i m trying the figure out at which point are u stuck at the grub, at login , or after login16:44
compilerwriteryes noren I get logged in and then plasma segfaults and then I get an Opera window.  (It must remember and instance of Opera open or something)  I also eventually get a kwallet box for the paswwords for kmail.16:45
compilerwriternoren it is after the login when things go South.16:46
norencompilerwriter: now are u talking to us with irssi or konversation, are u able to launch any other software16:46
compilerwriternoren on irssi I never made it to try the export thing.16:47
madfranksalve a tutti16:47
compilerwriternoren in fact I have quite forgotten the export thing.  I think it was export DISPLAY=0.016:47
norencompilerwriter: ok alt ctrl f2 and type export Display=:0.0 and then konsole&16:47
norenthen get back to alt ctrl f716:48
compilerwriternoren ok.  I am on f2 now with you in irssi can I do it in f3 and do I need sudo when do the export?16:48
norenfrm the u can lause the basic softwares16:48
norencompilerwriter: yes16:49
compilerwriternoren yes to f3 or sudo or both?16:49
norenuse f3 no need for sudo16:50
compilerwriternoren got error messages and no window in f716:52
macocompilerwriter:  i think you need a : before the first 016:52
compilerwriterCouldn't find the D-bus server and pipe closed unexpectedly16:53
norencompilerwriter: export DISPLAY=:0.016:54
compilerwriterok will try again noren16:54
=== compilerwriter_ is now known as compilerwriter
compilerwriterDanke lieber Herr Gott noren I am here in a windowed irc client that I know how it works at least better than irssi?16:58
compilerwriternow noren how in blazes do we fix plasma?16:58
norengoto f4 and run an konsole panel also16:59
mefisto__compilerwriter: what version do you have? intrepid 8.10 ?16:59
madfrankhi all17:00
compilerwriternoren in f4 I got the same error as when I had the export variable screwed up.17:00
norencompilerwriter: export DISPLAY=:0.017:01
compilerwritermefisto__ I am in Ibex I beleive.17:01
norenand then Konsole&17:01
madfrankjoin #ubuntu-it17:02
compilerwriternoren I now have two bash windows running alongside my konversation window.17:02
norencompilerwriter: oh ok run plasma in that and pastebin the output17:03
mefisto__compilerwriter: you can also have a konsole  window in konverstation: Window menu, New Konsole17:04
compilerwriterI created a console tab in konversation but I have no place to input commands.17:05
edgarcanal en español17:05
norenmefisto__: same prob here also with the consoele tab17:05
noren!es | edgar17:05
ubottuedgar: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.17:05
mikehi all17:06
sparrhow can i go back to the old alt+f2 launcher from kde3 in kde4?  the new one is too slow17:06
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mefisto__huh? just switch to the konsole tab and it's just like a konsole window. anyway, it's not important17:06
Guest37152Now that i have video drivers installed, I cant get a res. past 640x48017:07
Guest37152I was doing better with them, lol. but I need the hardware accel.17:08
norenGuest37152: if using nvidia then install nvidia-setting17:08
Guest37152I did17:08
Guest37152I get the same options17:08
compilerwriterhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/129831/ there you have int noren17:08
Guest37152everything is so big, I can barely manuver17:09
norencompilerwriter: oh sio its also dBus error17:10
Guest37152The only option I have are the res. is 640x480 and under17:10
norenGuest37152: run the nividia-settings17:11
Guest37152what do I do once there?17:11
sparrmefisto__: konsole tab?17:11
compilerwriternoren what in blazes does that mean.  I am thinking guest is having the same problem I am or at least a related one.  could it be an update that finally took hold when I did the system halt.17:11
Guest37152noren: I'm in settings now. What do I do?17:12
norenGuest37152: u can change the resolution frm there17:13
o0Chris0ohow do I install firefox for kubuntu?17:13
norencompilerwriter: urs is different ur driver and screen is fine but the plasma has crashed17:13
noreno0Chris0o: sudo apt-get install firefox17:14
o0Chris0ok cause I think I just installed firefox for gnome through adept..17:14
mefisto__o0Chris0o: same program. there is no firefox for kubuntu17:15
compilerwriternoren I don't think then that I have an nividia driver that is compatible with plasma?  or am I on the wrong track entirely?17:16
mefisto__compilerwriter: sounds to me like a config problem. I had a similar problem yesterday, and a new xorg.conf fixed it17:17
norencompilerwriter: did u get the nvidia driver installed yestarday17:17
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto17:17
compilerwriternoren I got one installed through nvidia-xconfig and then I got to this noren.17:18
mefisto__noren: was there a problem with nvidia drivers yesterday?17:19
norenmefisto__: it seemd he neved had the driver installed17:19
compilerwritermefisto__ this whole thing started yesterday.  noren and googey determined that I had no nvidia drivers and then when I tried to get some I ended up with plasma segfaulting17:20
norencompilerwriter: lsmod | grep nvidia <<17:20
o0Chris0ois there a start page for kubuntu on google?17:20
compilerwriternvidia               4717332  017:21
compilerwriteri2c_core               31892  1 nvidia17:21
compilerwriteragpgart                42184  2 nvidia,intel_agp17:21
compilerwriterThere is the output of that command noren17:21
mefisto__about konsole tab in konversation: it seems it doesn't work in konversation 1.1 but in version 1.0.1 konsole tab does work17:22
sparrmefisto__: im not using konversation17:23
compilerwriterI have 1.1 mefisto17:23
sparrand i have a konsole open, anyways17:23
norencompilerwriter: u now go the correct driver but the prob is with the plasma.. even i had the same prob when i updated from kde 4.2.0 to kde 4.2.117:23
compilerwriterso what do I do then noren17:26
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norencompilerwriter: even i am trying to find the right sollution, i have still not got the correct one17:31
compilerwriterso how are you using your windows?  Like I am now?17:31
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norencompilerwriter: i never had that much patience i did a fresh install17:34
norencompilerwriter: you cccan do one thing you can remove the plaaasma folder and it should come back to default17:34
compilerwriterWhere is that little bugger noren and it is toast.17:35
mefisto__compilerwriter: look in your /etc/X11/ directory and see if you have any backups of xorg.conf17:35
compilerwriterI have already tried that mefisto__ unfortunately I tried the nvidia-xconfig so many times they were all corrupted.17:36
norencompilerwriter: you cccan do one thing you can remove the plaaasma folder and it should come back to default17:36
norenmefisto__: its the plasma crashing at bootup17:37
compilerwriternow I suppose it is time to do a shutdown -r noren?17:37
mefisto__noren and compilerwriter: I had the same errors with plasma. I noticed something had updated my xorg.conf just slightly. the only difference was that the monitor section came before the device section. I put the device section first, and everything has been fine since then17:38
compilerwriterIt would appear that I may try that next mefisto__ for now I have dusted my plasma files.17:39
norencompilerwriter: just restart the x serveeer17:40
norenctlr alt backspace17:40
mefisto__compilerwriter: I'm interested to see if that fixes it, since the change in the xorg.conf shouldn't matter asaik17:40
compilerwriterctrl alt backsapce it is then.17:40
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mefisto__so noren, reinstalling fixed your plasma problem? have you upgraded to kde 4.2.1 again?17:42
norenmefisto__: no i have not updated17:43
Machtinhi guys.. was just trying to install kubuntu 8.10 64bit on a new machine17:43
Machtinwhen i select install (also chose secure graphics mode or whatever it's called via F4) it takes some time and he works.. and there's that kubuntu-bar17:43
Machtinbut finally i get a kernel panic and nothing moves no more17:44
Machtinat least i think it's kernel panic, because capslock and scrolllock are flashing17:44
compilerwriterWell dusting my plasma files got me back up and operating with some degree of what I had before.  Plasma is working now, but much of my customizations were lost.17:45
Machtinso: what can i do about it?17:45
mefisto__Machtin: this is the livecd? and it's not booting?17:46
Machtinwell.. i didn't try it with "live"-booting17:46
Machtini directly wanted to install it17:46
compilerwriterOf course they were most likely stored in the folders that I dusted would be my guess.17:47
compilerwriterdid you get that noren, mefisto__17:48
Machtinbtw. what should i select for the access type in my bios? i can use Normal, Large, LBA, or Manual17:49
noren_compilerwriter: how did it go17:49
compilerwriterI have working plasma again.17:49
noren_compilerwriter: good, wish i had the same solution when mine craashed17:50
compilerwriterI will have to redo my customizations but I am up and running thanks noren_ mefisto__ and goofey too.17:50
mefisto__compilerwriter: what did you lose? widgets and desktop wallpaper? or more than that?17:51
=== Elonetaru is now known as Elone
compilerwriterI will never use nvidia-xconfig again.  I am about apt-get remove it.17:51
noren_compilerwriter: now thaat u have nvidia driveers installed u can set them up with the sudo nvidia-settings17:51
compilerwritermefisto__ I lost a widget or two and I was using lancelot instead of the traditional Kmenu widget.17:52
compilerwriterThat and my panel is a bit out of kilter.17:52
compilerwriterThere panel is back to where it belongs.17:54
compilerwriternoren when I run nvidia-settings it says that I don't appear to be using the nvidia X driver.  It asks me to run nvidia-xconfig as root and restart the x server.  They will be ordering Zambonis in hell before that happens.17:57
mefisto__Machtin: how old is this motherboard and hard disk? is there no "auto" option?17:57
noren_yes u have to sudo nvidia-settings17:58
compilerwriternoren_ it is telling me to run nvidia-xconfig when I try to run nvidia-settings17:59
compilerwriterI think that is what broke plasma in the first place.18:00
pietje_phuckSorry to butt in, but does anyone know why isn't pidgin being updated for kubuntu?18:00
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Guest87684any ideas on the nvidia 8400 gs drivers?18:00
Machtinmefisto__: very new, both of them18:01
noren_Guest87684?? what idea18:01
Guest87684res wont get past 640x48018:01
compilerwriteroh well if worse comes to worse I suppose I could just dust plasma again.  Shall I give it a go noren_18:01
Guest87684the invidia setting isnt doing anthing18:01
Machtinit's a western digital caviar ecogreen or something like that... and a gigabyte-board for i718:01
rmrfslashhey, whenever I login, kopete and thunderbird start by default18:02
noren_compilerwriter: yes u sud, rem how to get back and start konversation if it fails18:02
rmrfslashhow can I stop these?18:02
Machtinand i think there is no auto-option.. might be "normal"?18:02
compilerwriternoren_ worst case scenario I know how to get to a console and fire up irssi :-)18:02
Machtinbut i'll recheck.. maybe i didn't see one.18:02
Guest87684I have the drivers installed18:03
Guest87684why cant I get the higher res18:03
noren_compilerwriter: sure18:03
tmeixnerhey guys, I'm planning on installing a KDE version on an USB key to present it to other people. what would be the specs to look out for in a USB key for that?18:03
martijn81Guest87684:  try sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg18:03
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution18:04
noren_Guest87684: lsmod | grep nvidia18:04
MachtinAuto large lba and chs it actually is, sorry mefisto__18:04
compilerwriterThe output of nvidia-xconfig noren_ http://paste.ubuntu.com/129858/18:04
tmeixnerMachtin: I have also 2 reappearing applications starting with my KDE session. I'm on 9.04 alpha though so I don't complain (yet) :-)18:04
mefisto__Machtin: then definitely go with auto. is this a brand new disk, that is, nothing on it currently?18:05
Machtinmefisto__: absolutely18:05
Machtinexcept someone at WD wrote something on it18:05
noren_compilerwriter: are the driveer installed are correct18:06
compilerwriterNow noren_ If I understand things correctly I should be able to restart the x server and use the new xorg.conf and then run nvidia-settings.  Failing that I should be able to mv the backup back to the xorg.conf and use it and be back to square one.18:07
compilerwriterI think the drivers are correct noren_18:07
pietje_phuck Does anyone know why pidgin is not being updated for kubuntu?18:07
Machtinmefisto__: however.. it didn't work with auto.. that's why i changed it18:07
noren_compilerwriter ; yes18:07
compilerwriterThree fingered salute to xserver coming right up noren_18:08
francisc1701Hi! Is it possible to start a screensaver from the commandline in kde3? A screensaver other than the one which automatically starts after 5 minutes18:09
o0Chris0ohow can I burn a avi file in kubuntu? its a dvd movie I made awhile back18:10
noren_o0Chris0o: use k3b18:11
o0Chris0othats where I am at, but I see nothing abotu burning an avi to be playable on a dvd player18:11
Guest87684what do you think?18:12
Guest87684can someone give me a hand in the nvidia settings?18:14
noren__Guest87684: sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings18:15
Guest87684I have it installed already18:15
noren__now u cann runn that sudo nvidia-settings18:16
Guest87684unless you think I need to reinstall18:16
compilerwriterwell noren_ I am back and the new xconfig. is working well enough.18:16
Guest87684oh ok18:16
compilerwriternoren_ I guess it is then time to run nvidia-settings18:16
Machtinmefisto__: any other idea?18:16
noren__compilerwriter: go ahead18:16
=== Daskreech2 is now known as DaSkreech
noren__Daskreech : you therre18:17
mefisto__Machtin: does the kubuntu cd work in other machines?18:18
noren__DaSkreech: compilerwriter had the sam eprob plasma crash but was solved by removing the files from .kde/share.config18:18
Guest87684how do I change the res higher than 640x480?18:18
DaSkreechnoren__: Not the same. He had a different crash error18:18
Guest87684in the nvidia settings, 640 is the highest settings18:19
DaSkreechassuming that compilerwriter is a he :)18:19
mefisto__!fixres | Guest8768418:19
ubottuGuest87684: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution18:19
Machtinmefisto__: didn't really try, to be honest.. but i tried the 32bit-version before that (because i forgot that the new machine has 6gbyte RAM) which also didn't work18:19
noren__DaSkreech: error seemed to me almost same18:19
compilerwriterDaSkreech you are correct sir18:19
mefisto__Machtin: have you tried booting a live session?18:19
* compilerwriter assuming DaSkreech is a he.18:20
DaSkreechcompilerwriter: touché18:20
Machtinmefisto__: no.. would there be any reason to?18:20
noren__ok guys gotta go almost midnight here !!18:20
mefisto__Machtin: just to make sure everything is working normally and its not just an installer problem18:20
DaSkreechnoren__: No his was linked with the weather plasmoid I think it was yours was a config cant find ? error18:21
DaSkreechI mean ?18:21
Machtinmefisto__: kay, i'll try that18:21
DaSkreech /18:21
noren__ok will be back after some break !!18:22
Machtinmefisto__: same issue :/18:23
=== mike is now known as Guest57576
Guest57576I restarted X and still the same18:25
compilerwriterit worked noren__ I wish I knew what I did wrong yesterday.18:25
Guest57576I got to be missing something18:25
mefisto__Machtin: try F6 (other options) and remove this from the end     quiet splash --          that will show you boot messages instead of the splash screen, so you might get an idea where it's failing to boot18:26
francisc1701o0Chris0o: I've googled a bit and found this: http://tinyurl.com/b7fujx It uses a program called "devede" which you can probably find in adept (I can)18:27
Machtinmefisto__: thanks.. i just self-tested the disc.. there was an error.. i'll just try to burn the image again18:30
mefisto__Machtin: burn it as slow as your burner software will allow18:31
Machtinmefisto__: where can i get the md5sum? just to be sure the image is fine18:32
ubunturosMachtin: from the same location you found the ISO18:33
Machtinhttp://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/intrepid/MD5SUMS think that's it18:34
Guest57576crap, still nothing is working18:36
syj'ai un probleme18:37
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr18:37
syavec mon ordi18:37
syi have a problem wiyh my compter18:38
=== max is now known as max__
syhow do you install ubuntu cd in compter18:38
ubunturosubuntu__: on a live CD?18:38
kirillВсем привет дайте пожалуйста ссылку где можно аську скачать18:39
sycan you help me18:39
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke18:39
sywho can help18:39
DaSkreechsy: If you tell us the problem perhaps18:39
ubunturossy: either you can post it to #ubuntu-fr or here; post your problem, if someone can help, they surely will18:40
syi want install cd live cd18:40
syi want install ubuntu cd live18:41
sybut i don't know how to do it18:41
p_quarlessy: put the cd in the cd drive, reboot18:41
syhow to reboot18:41
mefisto__sy: reboot means to restart the computer18:42
Guest57576need help on nvidia settings18:53
Guest57576noren: I cant seem the get the res up18:56
Machtinmefisto__: for some reason.. k3b won't accept when i choose 8x-burning speed.. just burning the third disc18:56
Guest57576help with nvidia settings19:02
Guest57576not working19:03
mikisidhow to add freenob in quessel19:08
Guest57576just installed nvidia drivers but can't get the res above 64019:09
Guest57576can anyone help?19:09
mikisidhow you install this driver from repo or manual19:10
mikisiddoes anyone speak serbian19:10
mikisidmy engl is very bad19:10
mikisidwhere are all these people19:14
sixofourtry #ubuntu19:14
tmeixnerhere is a kde question for you - which process is responsible for the panels in kde (i'm on 4.2.1) the panel froze and I want to kick it off again.19:14
sixofouryou sometimes have to try both channels19:15
mefisto__tmeixner: I think it's plasma19:15
p_quarlestmeixner: plasma19:15
tmeixnerlets see what a kill does :-)19:15
p_quarlesrestart is killall plasma && /usr/bin/plasma &19:16
mefisto__sudo killall19:17
mikisidplease help me to add free nob server in ma quassel irc program19:17
p_quarlesmefisto__: no; plasma does not run as root19:18
Guest57576so does anyone know how to fix this resolution problem?19:19
mefisto__p_quarles: no, but you need sudo for the killall command19:19
mefisto__p_quarles: or do you mean plasma can be killed without sudo?19:20
p_quarlesmefisto__: I mean that you are wrong19:21
mefisto__p_quarles: about what?19:21
p_quarlesmefisto__: about needing sudo; and it's irresponsible to say such things when you don't know19:21
mikisidGuest57576  -  Go to the Kubuntu forum, and there you will find a solution to your problem19:22
mefisto__p_quarles: take it easy. if everyone had to be right, there would be no activity in this channel19:22
p_quarlesmefisto__: using root recklessly can get inexperienced users in needless trouble19:23
mefisto__p_quarles: ok, thanks for correcting me19:24
DaSkreechmefisto__: in most cases if you started a process you don't need sudo to stop it19:31
DaSkreechOtherwise you would have to kdesudo to close every window you opened19:31
heinkel_111Question: if you load a cdrom into the cdrom or dvdrom drive, which user do you get as owner, and what group do you files get?19:45
warlock2se supone que la opcion de imagenes que se cambian es para presentaciones o fotos. No se si en la version 4.2 se podrá cambiar el tiempo a menos de 1 min19:50
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.19:51
warlock2excuse me, its error ;)19:52
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heinkel_111Question: if you load a cdrom into the cdrom or dvdrom drive, which user do you get as owner, and what group do you files get?19:54
Machtinmefisto__: finally installed it, thanks :)19:54
heinkel_111can someone please just make a quick test and tell me how a standard kubuntu installation works, please?19:55
mefisto__Machtin: so it was just a bad CD?19:55
Machtinhowever.. i got a new issue: kubuntu doesn't recognize the ethernet.. if i do ifconfig -a it just shows lo and something starting with p..19:55
Machtinmefisto__: two bad CDs plus i used another device to read the discs19:56
Machtini think the first one also had some issue.. can't explain to myself, tbh.19:56
Machtinwell.. actually i'm now looking for network drivers for this mainboard: GA-EX58-UD4P google couldn't help yet.19:57
mefisto__Machtin: does  lshw -C network     show anything?20:00
gabrielhas anyone managed to get a good looking firefox in kubuntu 8.10 with kde4.2?20:01
macogabriel: looks fine if you just let gtk be gtk20:02
macoset it to use clearlooks or something. using a qt theme looks bad on all the gtk apps ive tried20:02
maco(dont even have scrollbars in terminator if i use qt theme)20:02
Machtinmefisto__: it shows something about "pan0"? and it says DISABLED..20:03
Machtinbut pan != eth, no?20:03
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mefisto__gabriel: there is a firefox theme which tries to mimic kde4 style here: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/757420:04
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mefisto__gabriel: also, installing gtk2-engines-qtcurve and setting gtk2 apps to use qtcurve in systemsettings makes web widgets look better20:06
gabrielmefisto__:  aha thank you!20:06
mefisto__gabriel: that firefox theme isn't perfect though20:06
gabrielmefisto__: so what is the best alternative?20:10
mefisto__gabriel: well that theme is what I'm using. but some menus for extension settings, etc, don't show tickboxes when they should, and no highlight when you mouse over some menu items20:12
gabrielmefisto__: well i think it looks good enough. Before it was looking BUGGY at the tabs20:12
gabrielwell, in a months time google will release chrome for linux, wasn't it?20:12
norengabriel: is chrome rreally worth using20:13
Machtinmefisto__: sorry, i don't want to bother you.. but i really am stuck at this point again.. any idea?20:14
mefisto__that's just what I was thinking. will it be any better than konqueror?20:14
gabrielnoren: perhaps not yet... but i actually liked it20:14
tmeixneryes - thanks for the tip with firefox - much better now. There seems to be a fix for the profile of firefox on 4.2.1 but it doesn't seem to have any effect.20:15
mefisto__Machtin: I'm not too expert in networking stuff at all. I think pan0 refers to bluetooth. maybe ethernet is disabled in BIOS?20:15
norenmefisto__: yes i liked kpnqueror its really light weight and also using opendsn its lightening fast20:15
Machtinmefisto__: i'm still grateful for any help.. i'll check that20:16
mefisto__noren: have you tried arora? even lighter than konqueror, but it's still quite young and new. looks promising though20:17
norenmefisto__: where can i get hand on that20:17
mefisto__!info arora20:18
ubottuarora (source: arora): Simple cross-platform QtWebKit web browser. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.3-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 397 kB, installed size 1316 kB20:18
Machtinhm, it wasn't disabled.. hm20:18
gabrielis there anyway to make my side button of the mouse work as a back button in dolphin or nautilus?20:18
noren!hi | pi_20:19
ubottupi_: Hi! Welcome to #kubuntu!20:19
pi_i've got a program that connects to a usb device, however, it needs to be run under sudo to get access. When I run it as sudo, the file permissions for everything it writes to is messed up. So basically, I'd like to figure out a way to let my user account access usb devices, without having to write an fstab entry (it's not a harddisk device or usb pen drive, i dont want to mount it manually)20:20
pi_is this possible?20:20
pi_*program sorry20:20
geniipi_: Usually if a user is in the group called "plugdev" they can use usb devices without special rights20:20
pi_great, thanks20:21
tmeixnerI'm on alpha 5 atm. Does it actually help the developers in alpha status if I send the crash reports?20:23
geniitmeixner: It doesn't hurt20:23
Sipoxhello. someone German here?20:25
geniiSipox: You may find some in the channel #kubuntu-de20:25
Sipoxheey, thank you :D20:25
SipoxThats nice :)20:26
mefisto__gabriel: you could use xmodmap to do that. see man xmodmap, or google for "xmodmap mouse ubuntu"20:29
gabrielit works by default in firefox... that made my really happy :)20:31
gabrielthat was one more step forward for ubuntu20:31
darius_I have a question20:32
mefisto__gabriel: does it work in konqueror too (as a web browser)?20:33
darius_anyone here highly learned in the computer field20:33
darius_Whatever im asking the question20:35
noren_mefisto__: is arora google and chrome related by any means20:35
gabrielmefisto__: nope, not in konky20:35
darius_I have boot and nuked my other pc and probably fucked up the Partition info.20:35
mefisto__noren_: I don't think so, other than google contributed code to arora20:36
darius_I have the UBCD but I get NTDLR missing errors20:36
darius_How do i format it for XP20:37
darius_anyone here!!!!20:38
noren_darius_: did u had multi boot there20:39
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto20:39
darius_No i need to install windows first because it can't read linux partitions20:40
darius_i need windows for games linux for everything else20:40
darius_but windows wouldn't install after linux20:40
noren_darius_: then install windows first whats the prob20:41
darius_windows isn't booting from the disc20:41
darius_i get NTDLR missing error20:41
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darius_i think i fuked with the partition table in the wrong way\20:42
noren_darius_: see the above link to restore the grub20:42
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darius_ok , will that help with my windows problem?20:42
objornin the manual partitioner during install, how do you specify the swap, root, and home partitions?20:43
p_quarlesobjorn: by specifying mount points; / for root, /home for home, and none for swap20:44
objorni have /dev/hda1 as boot20:45
noren_objorn: while crreating a new partiotion u have to give mount point there u ccan mention / or /home /root20:45
objorn/dev/hda2 as swap20:45
objorn/dev/hda3 as root20:45
p_quarlesobjorn: if you have questions, perhaps you could elaborate beyond "?"20:45
objornand then the rest are specified via lvm20:45
objornwhere do you specify these mount points?20:46
noren_objorn: edit the partion to change the mount point of the specified20:46
p_quarlesthe partitioner has a field called "mount point"20:46
darius_norren grub only helps restore linux, how does that help me?20:46
noren_darius_: u can install the windows and restore the linux20:47
darius_ok im going to install grub using the UBCD and I'll let you know what happens\20:47
darius_and most likely ask more Q's20:48
bobbob1016I'm trying KDE4.2 again, and when I enable compiz, I get a white window in the middle of the screen with a blue/purple border.  Any ideas?20:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about comipz20:56
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager) and XGL (X server architecture layered on top of OpenGL) - Howto at http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager - help in #compiz-fusion20:56
heinkel_111bobbob1016: why not just use the standard KDE4.2 compositing?20:57
bobbob1016heinkel_111, Because I prefer compiz20:57
ActionParsnipbobbob1016: i'd try some xorg.conf options20:58
heinkel_111bobbob1016: why is compiz better?20:58
bobbob1016heinkel_111, I used it last time I tried kde4, without playing with settings.20:58
bobbob1016That was for ActionParsnip20:58
bobbob1016heinkel_111, I prefer it, doesn't mean one is better than the other.20:59
ActionParsnipbobbob1016: well there will have been newer versions ofapps and services since then20:59
heinkel_111bobbob1016: I am just interested in knowing why people spend so much time configuring their dekstop to use compiz when so much of the same functionality (and a kde native manager) is available for default21:00
ActionParsnipbobbob1016: so that may be causing an issue and you need to retweak21:00
bobbob1016It was kde4.2 last time, I think, was a few weeks ago.21:00
heinkel_111bobbob1016: you are not the only one that does this, and that is what has made me curioous21:00
bobbob1016heinkel_111, I didn't tweak anything to get gnome to get it to work.21:01
bobbob1016So I was just wondering what this new issue was, since I haven't changed anything apart from reinstalling kde again.21:01
ActionParsnipbobbob1016: i'd check some xorg.conf options for your video card with relation to compiz21:03
bobbob1016ActionParsnip, I'll take a look again, but I haven't had to play with xorg settings for a while, like since gutsy or feisty even.21:04
ActionParsnippersonlly I think compiz is not woh he hasstle21:04
o0Chris0oI am trying to find a DVD ripper, for chapters, specifically music videos, can someone point me in the right direction?21:04
ActionParsnipbobbob1016: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-install-virtualbox-21-in-ubuntu-810-intrepid-ibex804-hardy-heron.html21:05
ActionParsnipo0Chris0o: acidripmabe21:05
ActionParsnip!info acidrip21:05
ubottuacidrip (source: acidrip): ripping and encoding DVD tool using mplayer and mencoder. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.14-0.2ubuntu5 (intrepid), package size 63 kB, installed size 308 kB21:05
o0Chris0othanks ActionParsnip21:05
bobbob1016ActionParsnip, How does virtualbox help me?21:05
sixofourhow do i change the permissions of two partitions?21:06
sixofouri have 3 drives, OS, 104 and 42...OS needs to be locked for sudo and 42 and 104 need to be open21:06
ActionParsnipbobbob1016: wrong target, sorry21:06
sixofourright now its the opposite21:06
bobbob1016ActionParsnip, I need libplasma.so.2 to install compiz-kde, you know a repo that has that by chance?21:08
ActionParsnipbobbob1016: apt-file search libplasma.so.221:09
ActionParsnipbobbob1016: sudo apt-get install libplasma221:09
darius_Ok that didn't work noren21:11
darius_anyone ever use UBCD21:11
noren_darius_: what was the error21:12
ActionParsnipdarius_: LOADS!21:12
darius_Error 15 missing file21:12
ActionParsnipdarius_: its killer dude21:12
darius_it wouldnt allow me to install grub21:12
=== mike is now known as Guest268
darius_i fucked it up big time21:13
ActionParsnipdarius_: your ubuntu live cd will allow you to install grub21:13
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto21:13
darius_so i install linux but then i am back to square one21:14
darius_how do i take it off and install Windows first21:14
darius_well fuck it let me get grub with linux first21:14
ActionParsnipdarius_: o, you only use the live cd to install grub to the chosen disk21:15
o0Chris0oActionParsnip: Having issue starting the burn, I click on start, and the application goes away, I just tried it a few times21:15
noren_darius_: find /grub/stage121:16
demon_i need a lil help over here with monitor setting pls help21:16
darius_ok hold on21:17
mefisto__demon_: just ask, and someone will help if they can21:17
demon_well its monitor settings i cant set my monitor21:17
demon_if i put the other one i have its cool but when i put this one its not pls help21:17
noren_demon_: what is the prob specify !!21:17
ActionParsnipo0Chris0o: starting what burn?21:18
antoranzjoin  #ubuntu+121:18
demon_i am running on 640*48021:18
asigalio5hey does anybody know how to make ntfs in kubuntu?21:18
o0Chris0oripping a video from a disc, sorry21:18
demon_can some one set my xorg for my monitor pls21:19
noren_demon_: whats the diff betweenn two monitors21:19
ActionParsnipasigalio5: you need ntfs-tools21:20
demon_they are the same size just different brand :D21:20
darius_how am i finding /grub/stage121:20
ActionParsnipasigalio5: apt-cache search ntfs21:20
asigalio5what? :)21:20
sixofouri have 3 drives, OS, 104 and 42...OS needs to be locked for sudo and 42 and 104 need to be open21:21
sixofourright now its the opposite21:21
sixofourhow do i change permissions21:21
ActionParsnipasigalio5: you need ntfs tools, the actual package name will show up in the apt-cache command, you can then use gparted to format the partition21:21
ActionParsnipsixofour: chmod and chown21:22
noren_!grub | darius_21:22
ubottudarius_: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto21:22
sixofouryes , how?21:22
sixofourtyping chown doesn't magicly do what i need it to do :S21:22
o0Chris0oActionParsnip: I was trying to rip a video from a music dvd disc, a chapter21:23
asigalio5ActionParsnip:  how to start application qtparted?21:23
noren_o0Chris0o: what are u using acidrip21:23
sixofourtype qtparted into konsole21:23
darius_can i do this with a flash drive instead21:24
o0Chris0onoren_: yeah I am21:24
sixofouryou might need sudo21:24
ActionParsnipasigalio5: gksudo gparted21:24
ActionParsnipsixofour: gpagted is a gu iapp, so needs gksudo21:24
sixofouri just do sudo qtparted and it opens21:25
sixofourwell, sudo gparted21:25
sixofourso how do i use those commands to change permission?21:25
noren_darius_: u need Bootable Desktop/Live CD.21:25
p_quarlesexcept Kubuntu uses kdesudo21:25
mefisto__sixofour: that can cause problems with gui apps. that's why there's kdesudo and gksudo21:26
sixofourdunno, ive never used kdesudo command before21:26
darius_ok i have a live cd but when i find grub can i put it on a flash drive21:26
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)21:26
DukeDrakeis there something like a manual for kubuntu on the net?21:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about manual21:27
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution21:27
ActionParsnipsixofour: sudo doesnt set up the environment for gui apps, thats why gksudo exists21:28
ActionParsnipDukeDrake: theres manual pages for every command (and a few conf files) already on your system21:28
ActionParsnipDukeDrake: you'd get less frustrated if you think "how do i do x" rather than "what can i do"21:29
testhi folks -- got a machine here that is not detecting what the monitor and video card can do correctly -- it thinks that it can only do 800x600 but at work i had it running at 1024x768 just a lil bit ago -- how can i bypass the autodetection routine and make this thing give me the resolution i want?21:29
sixofouranyways, my permissions thingy?21:29
ActionParsniptest: set it in xorg.conf21:29
testActionParsnip: ok -- is there an example someplace i can work from?21:30
testits been a while since i did that and i dont remember the syntax correctly21:30
DukeDrakeActionParsnip: k, thanx =)21:30
ActionParsniptest: http://pastebin.com/f74b493e421:31
ActionParsniptest: backup your original first21:31
testActionParsnip: thank you21:31
=== mike is now known as Guest84583
coreymansince i configured my network device in the network file... can i remove knetwork manager21:33
ActionParsnipcoreyman: sure can21:35
mefisto__coreyman: notice how positively ActionParsnip answered yes?21:36
demon_who can put more resolution in Xorg :P21:36
testActionParsnip: is the driver for ATI cards "aglx"?21:36
mefisto__test: fglrx21:36
testmefisto__: thank you --- fuzzy memory21:37
ActionParsnipor it can be ati or radeon ;)21:37
coreymanwhat is the name of knetwork manager so i can remove it from apt-get21:37
ActionParsnipcoreyman: dpkg -l | grep network | grep mana21:37
testActionParsnip: thank you21:37
coreymanwtfreak does that say21:38
mefisto__coreyman: ahh, I think it's networkmananger-kde or similar21:38
ActionParsnipjust query what is installed then reove whats not needed21:39
coreymank thx guys bye21:40
Guest84583i'm having trouble with the nvidia drivers for my system. the resolution won't go past 640. anyone know what i need to do?21:43
mefisto__common problem today21:44
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution21:44
o0Chris0oAnyone here familiar with AcidRip? I am running into problems, I am currently running 8.10 Hardy Kubuntu. I am trying to rip some music videos off of my dvd disc, the DvD loads fine, when I click to start the process, the program closes21:45
mefisto__Guest84583: the xorg.conf example at the bottom of that page is what you need. use gtf or cvt to generate modelines21:46
mefisto__o0Chris0o: you might have better luck with dvdrip21:55
antoranzI can't start kde on jaunty... it could be related to another problem I have with apt (a segmentation fault)21:59
antoranzso I'm on the failsave21:59
noren_hey i wanted to install kubuntu 64bit is there a way installing it without burning a cd22:00
antoranzI can start kwin, but that only renders the window decorations22:00
antoranzwhat can i call that rendered the menu, etc?22:00
antoranztry with a virtual machine writing on your disks... but that will require some hacking (I think) to be able to start later on the real hardware22:01
Guest84583where do i enter the xorf cofig at?22:05
Guest84583i'm new to the system and i can't figure out how to get my res up? i have no clue where to enter a xorf config at or anything else22:07
doleybnoren_: yes there's a way, what is installed now?22:07
usuarioalgum brasileiro?22:10
usuariopreciso de ajuda22:10
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.22:10
usuarioestou com o Linux, nunca usei22:10
noren_doleyb:; i got kubuntu 8.10 and also ubuntu 7.10 onn different partitiion22:10
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confreyhi everybody22:11
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!22:11
=== mike is now known as Guest72257
confreyI've just installed kubuntu and kde4.2, I'm using a eeepc, I tried to install eeepc-acpi-scritps, but it seem it needs a dipendencie : acpi-support-base, but it's not existing in ubuntu, what can I do?22:13
Guest72257can someone please assist me with getting my nvidia drivers fixed?22:13
Guest72257i'm new to the system just got it today and don't know much about it22:14
noren_Guest72257: lsmod | grep nividia22:14
goofeyGuest72257: best to just state the problem you're having rather than asking for generic nvidia help - if someone knows the answer they will respond22:14
Guest72257ok i have updated drivers but my res won't go past 640. i don't know how to fix this or what menu to go to22:15
noren_Guest72257: sudo apt-get nividia-settings22:15
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Guest72257in konsole right?22:16
tacosarecoolno one is in off-topic ..(22:16
mefisto__noren_: install?22:16
tacosarecoolCan I ask my question here?22:17
noren_mefisto__: yes yes trying to figure out a way22:17
mefisto__noren_: no I mean sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings  ^^22:18
tacosarecoolWell is burning wavs to a data cd the equivalent to burning a audio cd?22:18
mefisto__tacosarecool: not at all equivalent22:18
Guest72257and what next?22:18
tacosarecooloh I'm trying to keep the lyrics though22:19
tacosarecoolof the music22:19
tacosarecoolif it's already a wav will it convert over again? or will it not overwrite22:19
noren_Guest72257: sudo nvidia-settings22:19
Guest72257it says i'm using the latest version22:19
goofeytacosarecool: I think that depends if audio cd's support lyrics22:19
goofeyGuest72257: good22:20
tacosarecooland actually someone on my IM said it is equivalent22:20
tacosarecooland he's an audiophile22:20
Guest72257so why won't my res go over 640?22:20
goofeytacosarecool: well, there's one way to find out for the cost of 1 cd22:20
goofeyGuest72257: run kdesudo nvidia-settings - you can change the rez with that app22:20
goofeyGuest72257: just like noren_ said22:21
mefisto__tacosarecool: audiocd is definitely not the same as a data cd with wav files22:22
Guest72257goofey  it won't let me set it past 64022:22
tacosarecoolbut will data cd with wav work with mp3 players22:23
tacosarecoolI mean22:23
tacosarecoolcd players22:23
goofeytacosarecool: not likely22:23
tacosarecooloh ok thanks22:23
goofeysince they won't be audio cd's22:23
mefisto__tacosarecool: depends on the cd player. many of them play mp3 files22:23
tacosarecoolbut I'm talking about burning wavs to a data cd22:23
goofeytacosarecool: well, anything that can play mp3's will likley play wavs22:24
tacosarecoolwavs are what usually burn on k3b or gnomebake on audio d22:24
mefisto__tacosarecool: again, depends on the player. I've never seen a CD player that plays wav files, but there are ones that play mp3s22:24
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mefisto__tacosarecool: get an audiocd and look at the files on it. not wav files at all22:25
flabrhi there...what is the command to determine which graphic card I have?22:25
goofeytacosarecool: sure, k3b burns wavs to audio cds, but the format of the cd is differnet from data cd's - that22:25
flabri know it is ATI22:25
goofey's the issue22:25
Guest72257how do i get to the forum?22:25
goofeyGuest72257: nvidia-settings won't go past 640?22:26
noren_Guest72257: whichhh forum22:26
sixofoursudo unrar e x Outgoing.rar doesn't work, but i need both options [e and x]22:26
Guest72257no they won't  go past 640 and i'll go to any forum that will help22:27
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution22:27
noren_Guest72257: lspci | grep -i ati22:28
goofeysixofour: seems to me the command would be unrar -ex Outgoing.rar22:30
sixofourit doesn'ty work22:31
sixofourit says incorrect useage blah blah22:31
mefisto__sixofour: does having both e and x make sense?22:31
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=== mike_ is now known as mike__
sixofoure extracts to current directy and X keeps filepaths22:31
flabrhi there...anyone knows where i can find a driver for ATI Technologies Inc M56P [Radeon Mobility X1600] ... ???22:32
noren_hey i wanted to install kubuntu 64bit is there a way installing it without burning a cd22:32
goofeysixofour: if by full path they mean starting with /, then no, it doesn't make sense to do both22:32
noren_flabr: lspci | grep -i ati22:33
sixofourif i use just e it dumps each file without preserving directory tree22:33
goofeynoren_: I've heard you can put the "live cd" on a thumb drive22:33
sixofouri tried with sudo unrar x Outgoing.rar /mnt/104/ and it works22:33
noren_goofey: cant i do that dirrectly from an iso22:34
sixofourhow do i change write permissions for /mnt104/ and /mnt42/22:34
flabrnoren_: thanks...just found the driver...my card is .. Radeon Mobility X1600 ... thanks22:34
goofeynoren_: if it's not one one of the places that your going to install to, yes - mount the iso using loop22:34
sixofourboth currently require sudo, while /too/ doesn't :/22:34
goofeysixofour: maybe try without the e flag? (ie, no flags at all)22:35
sixofourugh...man, typos for the loss22:35
sixofourthat will destroy my install22:35
sixofourkubuntu install;22:35
noren_goofey:;;; well i wanna install onn a different partition22:35
sixofourbecause the archive is bigger than the drive my OS is on lol22:35
sedekiis there a good iTunes equvialent?22:35
goofeysixofour: and how was e or x going to get around that issue?22:36
sixofoure extracts to the directory you are in22:36
sixofournot the /home/ folder22:36
sixofourx preserves the file system of the archive22:37
sixofourthe archvie has about 20 folders 200 subfolders and about 687625 files22:37
sixofourall which need to be intact22:37
sixofouronly using 3 removes the folders and just dumps every file into  the directory22:38
goofeysixofourI *think* you may misunderstand the purpose of the e flag.  I *think* it says to flatten the subdirectories.  running the unrar command should output to the current directory, not the directory the rar file is in.  What do you think?22:39
goofeynoren_: so you want to install without booting to the install media?22:39
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution22:39
sixofoursudo unrar /pathrofile/ will always extact to /home/22:39
sixofourdoesn't matter where the archive is or where you are22:39
sixofouratleats that is my expriense22:40
goofeysixofour: that doesn't sound right22:40
sixofourbeside si did it without using e22:40
sixofouri specified an output fodler22:40
noren_goofey: i just dont want to burn one more cd i have the kubuntu 64bit iso  wanna istall that22:40
goofeynoren_: right, but how to install without booting to the install media?22:41
sixofoursudo unrar x Outgoing.rar /mnt/104/22:41
goofeynoren_: I'm not aware of a way to do that22:41
noren_goofey: thats right ii got this linnkk but trying to figure out what it says >> http://www.linuxbasement.com/content/installing-ubuntu-or-other-distributuin-without-burning-a-cd22:42
sixofourhow do i change write permissions for a whole partition?22:42
sixofouri want to lock the OS partition and open 104 and 4222:43
sixofourright now i need sudo to modify 104 and 42, but not the OS drive22:43
MrLDKsixofour: man chmod , man chown22:44
sixofourman chmod?22:44
mefisto__sixofour: and maybe man fstab22:44
sixofourif it was as easy as knowing the command i wouldn't even be asking22:45
mefisto__sixofour: man <command> will give you a manual on that command22:45
sixofourtyping chwon into knosle does nothing, so i asume there is more to it22:45
GWildhello all22:45
goofeynoren_: that page makes my head explode (and I used Gentoo for 5 years)22:46
GWildgoofey: Ah - I just stopped after 3.........22:47
noren_goofey: same here, me trying to google some more22:47
mefisto__noren_: have you seen this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromLinux22:49
gabriel_i'm gussing there is no way to run IE in a tab in firefox?22:52
mefisto__gabriel_: it can be done in windows, with a firefox extension. no idea if it would work in linux, but you would need IE installed first anyway22:54
sixofouryes but this still doesn't explaine chown lol22:54
gabriel_mefisto__: yeah it said IE tab is not supported in linux22:54
sixofourchange the owner of a partition...to....what?22:54
sixofourwhat group is the one that doesn't need sudo to access the files22:55
mefisto__sixofour: to your user? who owns it now?22:55
gabriel_we use outlook web access at work, and you can only get full functionality if you run it in IE :/22:55
sixofourthere is only one user sixofour22:55
sixofourso i asume sixofour owns everything22:55
tmeixnergabriel_: You can install ie6 on linux: http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Main_Page It's for webdevelopers who need to test on ie6.22:56
sixofourbut i still need sudo to alter 104 and 4222:56
sixofour[104 and 42 are two partitions]22:56
gabriel_tmeixner: coolers.. and then u think IE tab will work even?22:56
sixofourand i don't need sudo to alter, i guess its /root/22:56
mefisto__sixofour: no, sixofour owns sixofour's files. that's why you need sudo to do things in directories not owned by you22:56
sixofourso i need to put /mnt/104/ and /mnt/42/ in sixofour's ownership?22:57
macogabriel_: IE tab requires that you be on Windows still22:57
tmeixnerI don't know what ie tab is, it's just the ie6 binaries installed in wine.22:57
sixofourbut sixofour is the admin :/22:57
macogabriel_: go with ies4linux as tmeixner suggested22:57
macotmeixner: its a firefox extension for wndows that uses IE's renderer inside a firefox tab instead of gecko22:57
macotmeixner: it does requie that you're on an IE-native system though22:58
mefisto__sixofour: ls -l to see which user owns them. are they linux partitions? also, they could be mounted read-only22:58
gabriel_maco: so... yeah i will still have to fire up IE to view our crappy web mail then... damn MS22:58
tmeixnermaco: that's like putting lipstick on a pig22:58
sixofourthey are both ext322:58
sixofourhow do i leave "man"?22:59
mefisto__sixofour: Q22:59
sixofouruh..root owns everything22:59
sixofourthis is jsut this drive22:59
sixofourer files22:59
sixofouri want the whole drive22:59
mefisto__sixofour: then you would use chown -R sixofour:sixofour /mount/point/of/partition  to do all the files23:03
sixofourhow do i find the owner of / ?23:05
GWildsixofour: ls -l or ls -a23:06
mefisto__sixofour: you don't want to change /   it should be    root  root23:06
mefisto__sixofour: so it would be ls -l /      to list  /23:06
sixofouris there a not so crappy brwoser otu there for files?23:09
sixofourdolphin is ...well, lets not go there23:09
peachesno wait let's go there23:09
adi_hi all23:09
sixofourujsing kongqueror atm23:09
sixofourkonqueror *23:10
peacheslove dolphin .. whats it not doing for you23:10
sixofourdolphin gets more fatal errors than windows ME23:10
sixofourits as if they stole the code to IE, made it worse, thenr eleased it23:10
adi_what packages should install from medibuntu to watch almost any video and audio format in kubuntu hardy 64 bit?23:11
peachesok i dont get any crashes really :( maybe a freeze when mplayerthumbs tries to thumbnail some mp4s but not really any dolphin crashes23:11
sixofouri mean even switching folders, half the time dolphin doesn't update the status bar information and it shows the size left of the previous drive23:11
sixofourif i move from one fodler to another, soemtimes it doesn't display the files or says its empty when its not23:11
sixofouror sometimes it freezes23:11
sixofourturns into a big stupid grey box23:12
sixofourand does the "not responding" stuff23:12
peacheswow thats a whole l ot of suck. i havent gotten any of that23:12
sixofouri'm going to use firefox to brwose my folders here in a minute lol23:12
adi_any idea anyone?23:13
peachesdunno off hand what it uses to monitor filesystem but looks like there a problem with that library23:13
peachessixofour: what version of stuff are you on anyway?23:13
sixofouradi_:  try ubuntu-restricted-extras ?23:13
sixofourkubuntu 8.1023:13
adi_and should I stay with kaffeine or install vlc or maplayer?23:13
sixofourvlc has alot of good words about it23:14
adi_who has the best integration with firefox?23:14
sixofournever hear bad stuff23:14
sixofourno clue, maby vlc?23:14
mefisto__adi_: w64codecs    and libdvdcss2 for playing encrypted DVDs23:15
adi_I have never played dvd and i know i'll never play dvd :923:15
norenqtparted does not let me create ext3 only ext223:15
adi_just avi from torrent23:15
mefisto__adi_: just w64codecs then23:16
adi_ok :)23:16
adi_and should I stay with kaffeine?23:16
adi_or get vlc?23:16
peachestry vlc23:17
mefisto__adi_: you can install kubuntu-restricted-extras too, which should install w64codecs and other things too, like java, flash plugin, etc23:17
sixofournoren use gparted23:17
mefisto__adi_: use which ever player you prefer23:17
adi_ok so the best is kubuntu restricted extras...?23:18
sixofourthats aprt of it23:18
sixofourthere may be more23:18
sixofourmost video fiels out there are proprietary23:18
sixofourand certainly all the popular ones23:18
sixofouri don't know any free or open formats23:18
mefisto__adi_: that installs more than just the codecs. all the popular non-free stuff will be installed23:18
sixofouryeah adl-23:18
sixofourwhat he said23:18
adi_ok but should I try to enable restricted repos23:19
adi_I've just made a fresh install of kubuntu hardy23:19
adi_so I think is only default repos... right?23:19
LetsGo67Why are there a bunch of warcraftelves3 in my Gmail contact list?23:20
mefisto__adi_: if you've added the medibuntu repo it will install from medibuntu23:21
LetsGo67Am I hacked sixofour?23:21
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adi_no I have not added medibuntu. now im installing from "add/remove apps"23:23
adi_kubuntu restricted extras.23:23
sixofourhighly doubt your gmail account weas hacked23:26
adi_ok thanks very much guys :)23:26
sixofoureither there is a way to add yoruself to soneones contasct, or someone got your info from your pc23:26
LetsGo67Sixofur why is my contact list filled with multiple warcraftelves3?23:27
sixofourno idea, ask google?23:27
mefisto__why ask sixofour about your email account?23:28
LetsGo67This is scaring me....23:28
korisnikmaybe keylogger.... backstabbing "friends"23:29
sixofourkubuntu cannot play .wavs by default, even with restricted extras?23:30
sixofourhrm, amarok appears to be broke :/23:32
gidnaI've a problem with the audio I can't listen sound just a rustle23:35
korisnikc'mon, answer to man!23:53

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