
savvasbug 340816 for python transition :)00:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 340816 in fonttools "Depends: python (< 2.6) but 2.6.1-0ubuntu3 is to be installed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34081600:00
_cooper_I'm about to generate an ubuntu package and found in the PackagingGuide how to name the package.00:05
_cooper_"If a Debian package has been changed in Ubuntu, it has ubuntuX (where X is the Ubuntu revision number) appended to the end of the Debian version. So if the Debian hello 2.1.1-1 package was changed by Ubuntu, the version string would be 2.1.1-1ubuntu1. If a package for the application does not exist in Debian, then the Debian revision is 0 (e.g., 2.1.1-0ubuntu1)."00:05
_cooper_The package I'm about to generate exists neither in Ubuntu nor in Debian.00:06
_cooper_Should I better generate a debian package first and then the one for Ubuntu?00:06
cody-somervillenhandler, I see your subscribed to gnome-scan (which should be gnomescan) on revu00:07
_cooper_Of course this would cause some delay.00:07
savvas_cooper_: it's probably better to include it in debian as well :)00:07
nhandlercody-somerville: I subscribe to all packages I comment on ;)00:08
savvas_cooper_: nothing stops you from trying in both "fronts" :)00:08
_cooper_savvas: That's what I'm planning to do.00:08
_cooper_Provide packages for both distros.00:08
savvas_cooper_: and when it is included in debian, you can bump the version from 2.1.1-0ubuntu1 to 2.1.1-1ubuntu1 :)00:08
cody-somervillenhandler, How was the package the last time you looked at it? I'00:09
_cooper_The quoted paragraph just made me think if I'm doing it in the wrong order.00:09
cody-somervillenhandler, I'd like to get gnomescan into jaunty00:09
nhandlercody-somerville: I honestly can't remember. I can take another look at it if you want00:09
cody-somervillenhandler, that would be great00:09
savvas_cooper_: just follow my suggestion, I think there won't be any problems! :) you can send your ubuntu version to be reviewed at http://revu.ubuntuwire.org00:10
_cooper_Ah. If this won't cause confusion, then I'll do both.00:10
nhandlercody-somerville: Isn't gnomescan already in the repositories?00:10
cody-somervillenhandler, it is, yup00:11
nhandlercody-somerville: So why are you going through REVU?00:11
cody-somervillenhandler, I'm not00:11
cody-somervillenhandler, someone else is00:11
cody-somervillenhandler, "00:12
cody-somervilleonkarshinde, this packaging is completely rewritten, just like the software itself, this is why i pass the process from the beginning. "00:12
_cooper_savvas: Thanks.00:12
james_wdirecthex: hey, were you Cced on the reject of monodevelop-debugger-gdb00:12
nhandlercody-somerville: I guess that is what I get for not actually opening up the REVU page ;)00:12
_cooper_savvas: Any other hints saving me to be flamed all over when submitting my first package? #-)00:12
directhexno, i wasn't00:12
directhexunless it happened since i last ran my mail client00:13
directhexmmm, no, nothing here00:13
persia_cooper_, I'd recommend mostly focusing on the Debian route until after the Jaunty release.  Before then, few people are likely to review new packages targeting Ubuntu.00:16
* ScottK seconds to _cooper_ what persia suggested.00:16
* pochu seconds ScottK's second :)00:18
savvas_cooper_: yes, when using debuild to build the package or the source, read the lintian errors and try to google them :)00:18
_cooper_Good pont.00:20
cody-somervillenhandler, do you want to take on getting gnomescan into jaunty? :)00:20
cody-somervillenhandler, it would be much appreciated.00:20
_cooper_due I'm using ubuntu on my laptop, I'm interested in an Ubuntu package myself to do some more longrun tests.00:21
_cooper_I think I'll do two packages and send them off when they're done.00:22
james_wdirecthex: I got a REJECT, but no accompanying explanation00:23
nhandlercody-somerville: I'm looking at it now. Is bersace still working on it?00:23
cody-somervillenhandler, He commented on a bug recently hoping it isn't too late for jaunty00:24
directhexjames_w, and monodevelop-debugger-mdb?00:24
james_wdirecthex: -gdb00:24
directhexjames_w, you're right - mdb passed NEW00:25
nhandlercody-somerville: Glad to hear that. I'll add a comment to the bug sometime tonight. If he keeps making the changes, I'll keep reviewing00:25
cody-somervillenhandler, awesome.00:26
savvasgapti - do we need it?00:28
savvasits trunk wasn't updated since 2006: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~gapti-dev/gapti/trunk00:28
ScottKsavvas: Is it broken?00:28
savvasScottK: it needs python transition, I think it's easy, but I also think that it's not maintained upstream00:29
ScottKIf it's easy and not otherwise broken, then I'd transition it.00:29
savvasah cool :)00:29
persiaMight be worth checking with asac or mvo to see if it's part of the current ThirdPartyApt plan.00:30
persiaIf it's just duplicate to gdebi and friends, then dropping it might be useful, as it's Ubuntu-local.00:31
savvasnever tried it, I'll give it a go :)00:32
lfaraoneHi, I'm seeing multiple additional LOAD_CYCLES on my laptop after about 2 minutes, should I be concerned?00:34
savvaswrong channel :p00:37
binarymutantopinion question: what would be faster, running my debian package through revu to update a package already in Jaunty or waiting for Debian's ftp-masters to move it out of the new queue?00:53
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_cooper_Thanks for help, I think I'll return with some questions later...00:54
ScottKbinarymutant: We're past Feature Freeze for Jaunty, so is this a bug fix only change?00:54
binarymutantScottK, there aren't any bugs in the package but the one in Debian is much more "cleaner"00:55
binarymutantshould I just leave it alone?00:55
ScottKSo you got it into Ubuntu, then got an improved version into Debian that's still in New?00:56
ScottKbinarymutant: ^^00:56
binarymutantit conforms better to Debian's python-policy00:56
ScottKI'd file a bugg with a debdiff to a fixed version in it.  We generally only use REVU for new packages.00:57
ScottKThen subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors.00:57
ScottKAlso make sure it works with Python 2.6 ....00:57
binarymutantI should send a post to ubuntu-universe-sponsors with a debdiff ?00:58
binarymutantcool thanks for the help, I found the wiki page for it01:00
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kostmoIs there an official "metapackage" that includes all of the tools listed here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete#Packaging%20Tools05:09
kostmoI think it would be cool to have such a metapackage linked to from that wiki05:11
JanCkostmo: file a wishlist bug (of it doesn't exist yet) and maybe create it  ;-)05:21
kostmosure, I'll look05:21
savvasbug 340901 for python transition :)05:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 340901 in gapti "needs python 2.6 transition and porting" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34090105:28
JanCsavvas: your debdiff is a bit ugly (seems like your editor changed a lot of "empty" lines)05:29
savvasJanC: + Replaced lines with spaces (\s+) with empty lines05:30
savvasI said that since I'm fixing the source, I might as well fix most of it :P05:31
savvasJanC: here's the build in case you need it: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/23743844/buildlog_ubuntu-jaunty-i386.gapti_0.0.2ubuntu4_FULLYBUILT.txt.gz05:33
JanCI don't need it, I just think it's wrong to make such changes...05:33
savvasJanC: the upstream hasn't updated the trunk/main series since 200605:35
JanCsavvas: I think a patch to "fix" whitespace/empty-lines should be applied upstream (or in case upstream is dead, you could maybe fork it) and then pulled in in karmic koala05:37
JanCbut that's just my "humble opinion"  ;)05:37
fabrice_sp_savvas, your changes makes a lot more complicated to review the changes. And I would say that to change the source, you should use a patch system, as it makes easier to identify where a change comes from05:40
fabrice_sp_but I'm not a MOTU, so I could be wrong05:40
savvaswell.. if anyone wants to make them as patches, be my guest :)05:41
fabrice_sp_not the changes of spaces, for sure05:42
fabrice_sp_I already patched a lot of sources, and I always used a patch system05:42
fabrice_sp_anyway: you subscribed U-U-S, so let's wait for a MOTU to comment it05:43
savvasI've notified the original author about that bug as well05:44
fabrice_sp_about the spaces, you mean?05:44
wgrantsavvas: You seem to have rewritten debian/rules, and made a whole lot excessive changes.05:44
wgrantIt's unlikely that anybody will sponsor that.05:44
savvasbut dh_python is deprecated as far as I could read05:45
wgrantThen you just remove it, without rewriting the build system and half of the upstream code.05:46
savvasoh well, the author might want to patch it upstream :)05:46
wgrantWe prefer to keep the tiniest possible diff against Debian.05:46
savvasthe upstream code had to be rewritten, it wasn't working otherwise05:46
savvasit's not a debian package: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gapti05:47
wgrantThere are lots of spacing changes and importing things under different names, and using the print statement (which doesn't exist yet) and that sort of thing.05:47
wgrantThe same applies to the diff between as and upstream.05:47
wgrantAs much as it can be nice to play upstream sometimes, we are not upstream for gapti.05:48
wgrantAnd doing this will ensure that merging the next upstream release is very, very difficult.05:49
savvasI suppose you're all right05:50
savvaswgrant: can you unsubscribe u-u-s until I sort this out?05:51
wgrantsavvas: I'm not in u-u-s, I'm afraid.05:51
savvasdarn :\ well, I'll just put a comment to disregard that patch05:52
wgrantsavvas: Given the sad state of the old debian/rules, and the lack of the package in Debian, you can (and probably should) replace it.05:54
wgrantI'm surprised it has gone so long without python-(support|central)... we were meant to get rid of them all years ago.05:55
savvaswell I asked if it should be dropped from ubuntu, the general reply was "if you want to patch it, do it" - I guess they meant without so many changes :)05:56
savvaswgrant: but either way, I could do a patch without the empty spaces changes, but it still needs to be tampered with upstream code change, some modules have changed unfortunately05:57
JanCwgrant: I think you mean the print function instead of th print statement?05:58
JanCwgrant: I think that's not really an issue (although not needed yet) as it will work even in older python versions (normally)05:59
wgrantJanC: That is of course what I meant.05:59
wgrantBut it's an unnecessary change, as it's not required yet, so we shouldn'06:00
wgrant... shouldn't do it.06:00
JanCOTOH, no need for it in jaunty yet, and an upstream change would be more useful indeed06:00
wgrantsavvas: Most of the files don't require any changes.06:00
* wgrant -> gone.06:00
savvaseh, it was good for practise at least06:04
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fabrice_sp_Does anybody knows if we should repack upstream tarball if it's a bz2 instead of a gz?06:10
savvasI think that you can use bunzip2 for that fabrice_sp_ - and gzip to make a tar.gz :)06:11
fabrice_sp_savvas, I was already repacking the tarball, as upstream was including debian directory, but with the new version, it's not the case anymore, so I wanted to get rid of that 'repacking'. Will play with watch options... thanks anyway!06:14
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savvasfabrice_sp: you're using watch to update it? you could try debian uupdate with watch, I think it automatically transforms tar.bz2 to tar.gz if I'm not wrong :P06:21
fabrice_spsavvas, yes: a watch file, with uscan in a get-orig-source in debian/rules06:22
fabrice_spthere is an option to uscan --repack that does the job ;-)06:22
savvasah yeah :)06:22
persiafabrice_sp, When using uscan --repack, please create a get-orig-source to do that anyway, and document it as a repack in debian/README.source.  The md5sum won't match, so without the documentation, someone may feel impelled to investigate.06:34
fabrice_sppersia, ok. I'll update the README.debian to explain that. Thanks for the info!06:35
persiaPlease don't.06:35
persiaREADME.Debian is intended to be packaging-specific end-user documentation.  It should be used when the behaviour of the packaged software differs from the upstream behaviour.06:36
persiadebain/README.source is the appropriate place to put packaging-specific developer documentation, when it is useful to document what one has done for fellow developers.06:36
* persia hopes the timing isn't such that that was missed06:38
fabrice_sppersia, I meant README.source. Sorry for the mistake06:38
fabrice_spREADME.source is the file I was editing06:38
persiaExcellent :)06:39
JanChm, I'm currently looking at a package coming from Debian without changes which doesn't have README.source like that despite being repackaged (AFAICS)   ;)06:41
fabrice_spHave to go now. Bye!06:41
persiaJanC, If it claims Standards-Version: 3.8.0, that's a bug.  If it claims a lower standards version, it just needs to be updated.06:42
JanCit does say 3.8.006:43
JanCI'll contact the people involved as I know them06:43
persiaDouble-check by reading debian-policy 3.8.0, but I believe that's a bug.06:43
persiaOn the other hand, debian/README.source might still be optional with (I forget precisely).06:44
JanCBTW: why should a bz2 source be repacked?06:44
* JanC is a new at this06:44
savvasI think the debian packaging system needs an orig.tar.gz file06:45
JanCI wish all upstreams & distros would use lzma to minimize bandwidth  ;)06:45
savvasI heard about a different system with patches for updates06:47
savvasdelta packages ? or something like that06:47
JanCsavvas: that's for binary packages06:48
JanCand fedora & opensuse are already using something like that AFAIK06:49
persiaThere's ongoing work on the various archive software and build tools to use alternate compression mechanisms, but nothing widely adopted yet.06:50
savvasah :)06:51
savvashm.. I think I have a minimalistic patch now :P07:05
dholbachgood morning07:06
savvasgood morning dholbach :)07:06
dholbachhiya savvas07:06
savvasdholbach: you think the patch is good? :P07:32
dholbachsavvas: I think you put quite some work into it - as others said already: it's a good idea to get upstream to accept it and then make use of it, so we don't have to maintain a huge delta07:32
dholbachsavvas: I think you're doing great work07:33
dholbachmy motu-release friends: what do you think about bug 340008?07:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 340008 in ubuntu "Please sync python-django-lint (0.7-1) from Sid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34000807:33
savvasah ok :)07:33
dholbachROCK ON! :)07:34
savvasI've send an email to wasabi, Jerome Haltom - https://edge.launchpad.net/gapti07:34
dholbachahhh ok, didn't know he's maintaining it07:34
savvasmaybe I should send that patch as a bzr merge07:34
savvashe's not, the trunk wasn't touched since 2006 :P07:35
savvasbut with a great message: "* Cleaned up and made first upload.* Cleaned up and made first upload.* Cleaned up and made first upload.* Cleaned up and made first upload.* Cleaned up and made first upload.* Cleaned up and made first upload.* Cleaned up and made first upload.* Cleaned up and made first upload.* Cleaned up and made first upload."07:35
savvasanyway, I'll wait for wasabi to respond, then see what to do :)07:36
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directhexjames_w, any luck seeing why -gdb was rejected?08:48
Toadstoolgood morning!08:49
savvasdoes anyone know what does "-include" do in a makefile? is it like a comment "#include" ?08:50
liwsavvas, it changes how make reacts if the included file does not exist08:53
liwsavvas, install make-doc, and run "info doc" and type control-s and then "-include" (without the quotes) for the full story08:54
savvasah cool08:54
savvasthanks liw :)08:54
bersace_nerimnhandler: hi09:03
savvasI think gdesklets needs just a rebuild, bug 336200 - someone should double check though, I always tend to make mistakes :)09:23
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/336200/+text)09:24
* savvas bbl09:25
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blizzkidlo all. I've a bit of a nasty issue with ipod-convenience in jaunty alpha 5:11:18
blizzkidipod-convenience: Depends: python-gpod but it is not going to be installed11:18
blizzkidpython-gpod: Depends: python (< 2.6) but 2.6.1-0ubuntu1 is to be installed11:19
DktrKranzblizzkid: python-gpod has to be rebuilt against python 2.611:19
blizzkidDktrKranz: so, basically I download the source of python-gpod and build it myself?11:20
DktrKranzblizzkid: basically that's what needs to be done11:20
DktrKranzwe do exactly that in the buildds11:21
gaspadholbach: DktrKranz wants to invite you at our meeting... :P do you want to have a trip in italy, this month?11:21
hggdhblizzkid, you can. apt-get source python-gpod, and go from there. Of course, this will solve your immediate issue, but not the general one -- unless you open a bug on it.11:21
gaspaDktrKranz: right? :)11:21
blizzkidok DktrKranz, is there a _good_ howto on how to start with src and build a .deb out of what I created? If I build it, I can as well build a .deb from it...11:22
blizzkidhggdh: I could maybe build a deb, and attach that to the bug report? ;)11:22
hggdhblizzkid, a debdiff would be better, or even just a diff11:23
blizzkidhggdh: if you can point me to a howto on creating a (deb)diff, I'll gladly try to provide one :)11:23
dholbachgaspa: when? I'm going to be quite busy11:23
hggdhblizzkid, see (for starters) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Maintenance11:24
DktrKranzblizzkid: you can look at pbuilderhowto in the wiki, or better wait for a proper fix (it won't take too long)11:24
dholbachbut trip to Italy sounds great... in general :)11:24
gaspadholbach: :) 28th of march, the end of this month11:24
DktrKranzdholbach: we're going to make it a cross-meeting, we plan to invite some DDs to work together with them, so both distros can receive attention :)11:25
dholbachsounds great, not sure if I'll be able to attend though11:25
blizzkidk, I'll have a look hggdh and DktrKranz thx11:25
DktrKranzblizzkid: I can't promise anything right now, but I will be able to look at it in the next few days for an official fix11:26
dholbachDktrKranz, gaspa: Ma io non parlano italiano!11:26
gaspadholbach: well, we'll be pleased, but of course do as you can. :)11:26
DktrKranzdholbach: it's not a problem, we have google translate in place :)11:27
dholbachDktrKranz: guess what I used ;-)11:27
blizzkidthat would be cool DktrKranz11:27
blizzkidbtw, let me take this opportunity to thank all motu's for the great work. Been using Ubuntu since it appeared, and still loving it11:28
DktrKranzgaspa: we need to setup a simultaneous translation for dholbach, what about totopalma? :)11:28
gaspaDktrKranz: totopalma would be great!11:28
* DktrKranz moves to lunch now11:28
gaspadholbach: our trustworthy translator11:30
dholbachahh ok11:30
dholbachDktrKranz: Bon appetit!11:31
nhandlerdholbach: How soon are you planning on starting those packaging lessons?11:41
dholbachnhandler: I was thinking of waiting a bit to get more input and leave a bit of time until everybody read the proposal, then mail all the people who are interested to start planning11:44
dholbachnhandler: what do you think?11:44
nhandlerdholbach: Sounds fine by me. Just be sure to give the people interested in leading a session enough time to prepare11:45
dholbachnhandler: sure... thanks a lot for volunteering already!11:45
dholbachnhandler: as long as we don't have too high expectations on what people should deliver there and we're very inviting, we should be fine :)11:46
nhandlerdholbach: I think these will be a big success. Some will have more audience participation than others, but I think many people are interested in learning about packaging11:49
dholbachyeah, I hope so :)11:50
blizzkidhmmz, I installed libgdk-pixbuf2 and libgdk-pixbuf-dev, but when running configure I get "checking for GDKPIXBUF... no". Am I missing something here?11:56
lfaraoneWhat's the chance I could get this in jaunty+1? http://www.vergenet.net/~conrad/scripts/pants.html12:16
ScottKlfaraone: Almost none.12:17
ScottKlfaraone: Package it for Karmic and then have a backport.12:17
iahello. could you tell me, please, after i've done with building packages, is it safely to remove /var/cache/pbuilder/build/* dirs?12:20
lfaraoneScottK: that's *exactly* what I said, I was talking about getting it into karmic. jaunty + 1 == karmic :)12:20
lfaraoneia: I'd assume so.12:20
ScottKlfaraone: Ah.  I missed the +1.  Sorry.12:20
lfaraoneScottK: I was refering to whether the package would be rejected for serving no useful purpose. (akin to "sl")12:22
ScottKlfaraone: It's a game.  I think games are fine.12:30
ChrisBuchholzHi, I'm all new to packaging and whatever term you can mention, but I would like to learn how I can pack an app and send it off to a repo and whatever is between that. Can you guide me in the right directions with some references or something?13:03
sorenChrisBuchholz: I believe https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment is the canonical starting point.13:06
sorenChrisBuchholz: there's also #ubuntu-nordic-dev if you'd rather discuss in Danish/Swedish/Norwegian.13:07
soren...or Finnish/Icelandic, I suppose, but I don't think you'll get a lot of response that way :)13:08
ChrisBuchholzMany thanks, Soren, I'll give it a shot, bye;)13:14
sorenpersia, geser: I won't be able to attend the MC call today. Due to premature DST in the US, I have a conflict.13:30
rippsDoes anybody know where I can get some documentation on the Gnome dbus multimedia keys framework?13:33
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dholbachripps: tried asking in #ubuntu-desktop?13:51
slytherinpersia: any idea what all changes are needed to visualvm packaging to compile it against latest netbeans packages?14:24
persiaslytherin, None at all, I'm afraid.14:28
slytherinIt is not a simple rebuild that is for sure. I tried some packaging changes the other day but was stuck and I have limited knowledge about visualvm14:29
persiaFrom the limited information I received, I think visualvm was one of the reasons that libnb-platform was versioned at a source level.14:30
bddebianHeya gang15:03
geserHi bddebian15:04
bddebianHeya geser15:04
savvasgeser: hi, could you check bug 336200 when you find some spare time? I'm almost certain that it just needs a rebuild :)15:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 336200 in gdesklets "Dependencies for gdesklets are no longer fulfilled" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33620015:07
savvasthis is the pbuilder log of gdesklets_0.36-5 (the already existing version): http://launchpadlibrarian.net/23747311/last_operation.log15:08
ScottKsavvas: What are you expecting geser to do that you can't/haven't already done yourself?15:10
savvasah so it's done?15:10
savvasWell I thought I need a second opinion just to be sure I am correct :)15:11
ScottKOK.  Fair enough15:11
savvassorry to poke around :)15:11
savvasit seems to depend on python 2.4 still15:16
savvasScottK: is there an environment variable I can set to use a specific python version?15:18
savvasor anyone?15:18
gesersavvas: specify it at the shebang of the script15:19
savvasI'll try that15:21
savvashmm Could not import tiling module!15:23
* savvas looks at the source code15:24
savvasafter reading http://bugs.archlinux.org/task/12217 and a bunch of other sites, the error I get seems to be fixed in gdesklets 0.36.116:11
savvasI'll file a bug16:14
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savvasnope, the debian version isn't working either heh16:51
rulusHello, I'm trying to package a daemon. It provides an initscript which should go in /etc/init.d/. The problem is that dpkg thinks this script is a configfile, so it doesn't get removed unless --purged. Is this normal behaviour and how to get passed it? Is there a good (easy) example of a packaged daemon?16:56
TheMusorulus: THats what happens normally, any package tat has an initscript doesn't have the script remove unless the package is purged.16:57
rulusah ok, so nothing to worry about then :)16:58
savvastrue, it's in /etc/ :)16:58
TheMusorulus: no16:58
TheMusorulus: WHich is why you will see many initscripts depending on the binaries they need to function before they actually do anything.16:59
TheMusorulus: s/depending on/checking for/16:59
rulusTheMuso: ok, seems a good thing to do indeed17:00
cristii am not so familiar with python, so how do i know what changes should be done for the python transition again?17:06
cristithe 2.6 transition17:06
cristii only modified something in the control of a package, and run dch -i. however debdiff says debdiff: fatal error at line 266: Can't read file: ../espeak_1.32-0ubuntu1.dsc . What is the problem? i am just a beginner17:46
cristicome on? can't anyone give me a hand?18:01
ScottKcristi: What did you feed debdiff?18:02
cristiScottKi run it in the file with /debian18:02
cristithe problem is that it asks for espeak 1.32 and i have 1.36 as a .dsc18:02
ScottKGenerally it works best if you debdiff libmail-dkim-perl_0.32-1.dsc libmail-dkim-perl_0.33-1.dsc (for example) when both files are in the current dir.18:05
cristiScottK: what are the 2 debdiff parameters? the i didn't see that in the wiki18:06
ScottKIt's the .dsc for the two package revisions your are trying to diff.18:06
ScottKIf you look at man debdiff you'll see there's lots of ways to do it, but that's what I always use.18:07
cristiScottK: the second .diff is done by debuild ?18:07
ScottKYes.  Debuild -S -us -uc your knew revision first.18:08
ScottKThen you'll have a .dsc in the parent dir for the new revision.18:08
cristiScottK: yes, thank you, it worked, but i don't know how the first debuild didn't create the right .dsc18:16
ScottKcristi: Then look at the top entry in debian/changelog and make sure it refers to the correct version.18:17
cristiScottK however, is there any point in submitting a debdiff to this bug ? https://bugs.launchpad.net/debian/+source/espeak/+bug/25086018:17
ubottuUbuntu bug 250860 in espeak ""konqueror" is mispelled in package description" [Undecided,Fix released]18:17
cristii guess not, but at least i am starting to get used with the tools18:18
ScottKcristi: That one is already fixed in Ubuntu anyway.18:19
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cristiScottK: how do i know what changes should be done to the python packages for the python transition again? sorry for bugging you with this :-s18:22
ScottKcristi: At this point just playing with the tools is good.  It's a strong learning curve at the beginning.18:22
ScottKDidn't we go over this yesterday?18:22
ScottKIf your IRC client doesn't log there is irclogs.ubuntu.com.18:22
ScottKI'll be glad to answer specific questions, but don't have time today to redo the tutorial.18:23
cristiScottK ok18:23
savvascristi: hi :)18:30
cristisavvas: hey there18:32
savvasWould you prefer to make a patch for a Makefile that uses python setup.py or just include the commands in debian/rules ?18:36
cristisavvas: if i see setup.py in the package, but however it is not mentioned in rules, i don't have to change anything?18:37
savvascristi: if it's mentioned in the install rule, I think you have to add a parameter --install-layout=deb18:38
cristisavvas: yes, but i don't see it in install rule18:39
savvascristi: paste the debian/rules18:39
cristisavvas: http://pastebin.com/maf3a3de18:40
savvascristi: I don't know about that one :\ I've never seen one like it so far!18:42
savvasit seems it uses configure.py18:42
cristisavvas: i'll just leave rules untouched18:42
savvascristi: well, try, but if you see your files installed in /usr/local/... then something is wrong ;)18:43
savvaswhen the binary package is built, check it: dpkg-deb -c yourfile.deb18:43
savvasit shows the contents of the package18:43
porthosewhen preparing an FFe would PPA build logs be sufficient?18:46
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
savvasScottK: I forgot got to thank you about pbuilder-dist recommendation, it's great, thanks! :)18:59
ScottKsavvas: YW.  Thank RainCT as he wrote it.18:59
savvasRainCT: thanks for the pbuilder-dist script, very useful hehe, saves me a lot of keystrokes :)19:00
cristisavvas: i don't see it anywhere it /usr/local/19:01
savvascristi: it's built in: cd $HOME/pbuilder/jaunty_result19:01
savvasand you do: dpkg-deb -c *.deb19:01
cristisavvas: i used pbuilder-dist jaunty login19:02
cristisavvas: that's no good?19:02
RainCTsavvas: great, I'm happy that you like it :)19:02
savvascristi: type: cd $HOME/pbuilder/jaunty_result19:02
savvascristi: and then: dir19:03
savvasdo you see any .deb files?19:03
cristisavvas: bash: cd: /home/cristi/pbuilder/jaunty_result: No such file or directory19:03
savvascristi: ls ~/pbuilder19:06
savvascristi: I think you can figure it out, find a *result* folder inside ~/pbuilder :)19:07
savvascristi: nautilus ~/pbuilder19:07
savvasuse cd to get into that folder19:08
savvasand then when you see .deb files: dpkg-deb -c *.deb19:08
cristisavvas: ok, thanks19:08
ScottKsavvas: Do you know about debc?19:09
cristisavvas: i see only for pystatgrab19:09
cristisavvas: i was working on pyqwt19:09
savvasScottK: what's that? :)19:11
savvascristi: paste the output of the dpkg-deb -c *.deb command at pastebin :)19:11
savvascristi:  ah wait19:11
savvascristi: you mean you don't see your package?19:12
cristisavvas: yes..19:12
ScottKsavvas: It's a decent utility for doing what you're after here.19:12
savvasthen it's probably not built correctly19:12
ScottKdebc the binary.changes file.19:12
savvaswere there any errors in the log of pbuilder?19:12
cristidh_install: python-qwt5-qt3 missing files (usr/lib/python*/Qwt5/*), aborting19:13
cristimake: *** [binary-arch] Error 119:13
cristisavvas:it's because of one of the .install files i edited i guess19:13
savvascristi: paste the whole output so we can see where the problem is :)19:13
savvasScottK: thanks! I'll check/try it out once we get it built hehe :)19:13
cristisavvas: it was larger than my scroll. should i rebuild with a bigger scroll, or the one i have will do?19:14
cristisavvas: http://pastebin.com/m7d5d0c61 this is what i have19:16
savvascristi: the latest log file is saved somewhere in the ~/pbuilder folder :)19:16
savvasmine is last_operation.log19:16
savvascristi: paste debian/control too19:17
cristisavvas: the error comes from a .install file. you sure you want debian/control?19:17
savvascristi: which package you said it was?19:18
savvas<cristi> i modified usr/lib/python*/site-packages/Qwt5/* to usr/lib/python*/Qwt5/*19:21
savvasuse this: usr/lib/python*/*-packages/Qwt5/*19:21
savvassite-packages is used for python versions 2.5 (or less up to some point :P)19:22
savvasdist-packages is used by 2.619:22
savvasso *-packages grabs both :)19:22
cristisavvas: i see, i wish i had more general knowledge about this matter19:23
cristimodifief usr/lib/python*/site-packages/PyQt4/Qwt5/* to usr/lib/python*/PyQt4/Qwt5/* is ok?19:23
cristior like this usr/lib/python*/-packages/PyQt4/Qwt5/*19:24
maxbYou're still missing a *19:25
cristimaxb: is this ok?19:26
maxbAssuming you've just changed "site" to "*", yes19:26
cristimaxb: thank you19:26
savvascristi: all in time, I didn't know about this either a week ago :)19:29
* quadrispro working at Python 2.6 transition19:31
ScottKapt-cache rdepends python2.5|grep -c "  "19:34
ScottK= 11919:35
ScottKPlenty more to do19:35
cristithat's kind of good news for me, i have to get used with editing packages19:36
mrooneyScottK: and those are just the packages that explicitly list their < 2.6 dependency :)19:37
maxbAnd then there's the packages which install, but spew DeprecationWarnings :-)19:47
savvasman, when dpatch is in build-depends it should fail to allow direct patches :P19:56
maxblintian will whine already :-)19:57
savvasit does, but I just found a package with 3 files edited directly with dpatch installed :)19:58
ScottKsavvas: Were the direct edits done in Debian or Ubuntu?20:45
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler
cristidoes this lintian error pose any problems ? bad-ubuntu-distribution-in-changes-file jaunty21:12
nhandlercristi: No, you can ignore that. It just has to do with the version of lintian you have21:13
ScottKcristi: No.  It just means you might want a newer lintian.  There is one that know about Jaunty in hardy-backports.21:13
cristinhandler ScottK: thank you21:13
cody-somervilleScottK, I'd like to extend the Xubuntu delegation to include mr_pouit21:15
cody-somerville(for FFe's)21:15
ScottKcody-somerville: Personally I'm fine with that, but we need to get concurrence from MOTU release more generally.21:15
ScottKcody-somerville: Would you write an email to all of us cc the MOTU ml?21:16
cody-somervilleCan I just send it to the motu ml instead of tracking down e-mail addresses for all the release members? :P21:16
ScottKI suppose that's fine.21:16
* cody-somerville assumes motu-release is subscribed to -motu ml21:16
ScottKAlthough if you look at the MC list today there's a mail to all of us right there.21:17
nhandlercody-somerville: You can also use the Contact this Team feature on Launchpad21:18
cody-somervilleNot to be difficult but I believe the motu mailing list is the best place for this21:18
cody-somervilleand if motu-release members aren't subscribed to that mail list, they shouldn't be in that team21:18
cristican anyone take a look at this pbuilder build output and tell me if there is anything wrong with it? i see some warnings about the changelog are those important?21:20
iuliannhandler: Doing that will send a mail to all members from ~ubuntu-release as well.21:20
nhandleriulian: True. I forgot that they were part of motu-release on LP. However, sending to the MOTU mailing list would also result in all of these people getting an email ;)21:21
iuliannhandler: Indeed.21:21
nhandlercody-somerville: Do whatever you want. As long as I get the email, I am fine21:22
ScottKcristi: Yes, you need to worry about those.21:23
ScottKcristi: Would you pastebin your debian/changelog21:24
cristiScottK http://paste.ubuntu.com/129935/21:24
cristiScottK too many characters/line? tabs not allowed? what's wrong with it21:25
ScottKDon't use tabs.  Use spaces.21:25
ScottKDebian/changelog is supposed to be machine parseable, so the formatting is pretty fiddly.21:26
cristiScottK should i edit only changelog or the changelog.dch and rerun debuild ?21:26
ScottKJust edit it and then rerun debuild.21:26
iulianAnd don't mention in the changelog that you modified the Maintainer field.21:28
iuliancristi: ^21:28
cristiiulian: argh damn it now i have to do it again xD21:29
cody-somervilleScottK, nhandler, etc. sent21:31
cristiScottK since the changelog warnings were the only errors is it necessary to rebuild?21:31
cody-somervilleoh crap21:31
cody-somervilleI sent using the wrong e-mail address21:31
cody-somervilleAnyone here a moderator for the motu ml?21:31
ScottKcristi: If you update your ubuntu-dev-tools from hardy-backports I think update-maintainer won't add that anymore.21:32
cristithis is the output of pbuilder build http://pastebin.com/m531d706a i'm a bit confused about what am i suppose to do with it. Last time there was a bug whici i reported. now i only get some warnings. Can anyone tell me what should i do when i reach this point: the output of pbuilder build?21:41
maxbcristi: As in, you have a change, and you want to request that it be uploaded? Then https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess21:43
cristimaxb: thanks!21:44
cristimaxb: so i simply attach the debdiff to a bug report?22:02
maxbthat's what the wiki page says...22:03
cristiso, it's like this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sonata/+bug/34140922:09
ubottuUbuntu bug 341409 in sonata "Edited the package for the Python 2.6 transition" [Undecided,New]22:09
cristithank you for the help, bye22:12
amikropCanonical, or even better, The Linux Foundation, should seriously collaborate with major software vendors like EA sports, Blizzard or Adobe.22:48
amikropIt's unacceptable to be unable to use very popular and useful applications.22:48
directhexamikrop, typically those companies won't get out of bed for less than 7 figures22:50
broonieamikrop: It's mostly up to them seeing enough market to make it worth their while to support Linux; there has been commercial binary only software for Linux since forever (see some of the stuff in the partners repo for example)22:50
broonieBut in any case, you probably want to find a more relevant channel.22:50
amikropbroonie: commercial binary only? Does Football Manager have linux binaries? What about Warcraft? What about almost *any* widespread game?22:51
amikropdirecthex: excuse me, I didn't quite understand that22:51
directhexamikrop, most commercial app vendors won't commit a single resource to a linux port of something without being paid in advance for it.22:52
directhexsee also: valve's demands to apple for mac half-life22:52
amikropOK. The Linux Foundation, or linux and specific distro sponsors should pay.22:53
amikropIn advance.22:53
ajmitchamikrop: I trust you'll be donating then22:53
amikropajmitch: No.22:53
broonieamikrop: Oracle and stuff; in terms of games iD software have done Linux builds since Doom and I actually have copies of some of the Civ games for Linux.22:53
directhexbroonie, loki went bust!22:54
amikropIt's really sad, anyway. You have to use Windows, which is tragically crap, in order to have access to major software applications and games. That has to dramatically change. Very soon.22:54
brooniedirecthex: I know; tends to suggest that the folks who say there's no market have a point :)22:55
directhexamikrop, i'm aware of the situation, i'm still on the front page of google if you look for "linux gaming"< 5 years after writing an article22:55
* ajmitch is wondering what the MOTUs are expected to do about this dire catastrophe22:55
directhexbroonie, there's a limited market. question of deciding size of fish for size of pond.22:55
directhexajmitch, port gears of war please, kkthx. no source, but disassemblers are great, i hear22:56
ajmitchdirecthex: mmk, I'll get right on it22:56
ajmitchI won't port world of warcraft, because that'll just cause everyone to stop developing & start playing WoW22:57
brooniedirecthex: Don't be stuipid, we just need a full speed XBox emulator.22:57
amikropdirecthex: I see.22:57
directhexbroonie, and moar mhz22:57
broonieI'll come round and paint go faster stripes on your CPU, will that work?22:57
directhexamikrop, to some extent, you're right. but the financials are not promising. especially in the current climate, and given the people being talked about22:58
amikropdirecthex: Which article of them is yours, by the way?22:58
directhexamikrop, the one on hexus.net22:58
directhexamikrop, you're right that more games would be great. but the financials right now aren't great for a very large percentage of titles. indie titles get done (e.g. world of goo recently), or games with highly cross-platform engines & a need for friendly sysadmins to run servers (e.g. id software).23:00
andresmujicaHi MOTUs!23:02
andresmujicai wonder if someone can help me with this bug #31786023:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 317860 in mobile-broadband-provider-info "Request to upgrade to latest SVN 3G profiles" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31786023:02
andresmujicathe lastest 3g profiles reported at launchpad and all around are at upstream SVN, a quick update to the package would be great for Jaunty a623:03
amikropdirecthex: Aha. Well, let's hope something will make the big difference and things will change. :-)23:03
directhexamikrop, short version: moar users. you could help andresmujica, i'm sure that's worth a couple of users23:04
amikropdirecthex: help him with what?23:05
andresmujicaamikrop: 31796023:08
andresmujicabug #31786023:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 317860 in mobile-broadband-provider-info "Request to upgrade to latest SVN 3G profiles" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31786023:08
dtchenDktrKranz: WRT #339541, does `sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils reset' resolve the issue?23:22
amikropandresmujica: And how is that bug related to our conversation?23:26
DktrKranzdtchen: no, I still can hear sound from left speaker only23:31
dtchenDktrKranz: ok, if you have a moment, i'll continue the debugging23:33
DktrKranzdtchen, sure, thanks for your interest in it :)23:33
dtchenDktrKranz: first thing is to `sudo fuser -k /dev/dsp* /dev/snd/*'23:34
DktrKranz/dev/snd/controlC0:   361123:34
dtchenDktrKranz: then, sudo cp /var/lib/alsa/asound.state /var/lib/alsa/asound.state.orig23:34
dtchenDktrKranz: sorry, s/cp/mv/23:35
dtchenDktrKranz: next, sudo modprobe -r snd_via82xx23:35
DktrKranzdone with a warning: "WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base-blacklist, it will be ignored in a future release."23:36
dtchenDktrKranz: ok, if you can reboot, please reboot.23:36
DktrKranzok, back in a while23:36
dtchenthe codec needs at least a re-init23:37
DktrKranzdtchen, rebooted, but with no improvements23:40
dtchenDktrKranz: and you did use mv and not cp, correct?23:40
dtchenok, thanks. i'll look into it further.23:41
DktrKranzthank *you* :)23:41
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