
n0s0r0gpersia, About wifi-toggle key on asus eeepc. Error while installing patched kernel - "Failed to symbolic link /boot/initrd.img-2.6.28-8-generic to initrd.img.". No /boot/initrd*. What I need to do?07:41
persian0s0r0g, Do you have a /boot/initrd.img-2.6.28-8-generic ?07:45
persiaDo you have any initrd in /boot as a result of the failed installation?07:47
n0s0r0gDpkg return something like this: "update-initramfs is disabled on LiveCD" before error.07:48
persiaAh.  That's it.07:48
persiaIt used to not be disabled, but it was confusing because one had to copy stuff manually.07:49
persiaApparently disabling it broke that behaviour.  There was a new patch to casper to undisable it in certain situations yesterday.07:49
persiaI'll recommend trying again with the Alpha-6 images.07:49
n0s0r0gOk, thanks. I'll try alpha6.07:51
aramorning all :)08:52
aramorning davmor2! aren't you around?08:52
davmor2ara: Yes I'm here I was just trying to sort out my email :)08:53
davmor2evo decided to lock up and not play08:54
davmor2ara: No back at home only there last night :)08:55
davmor2slangasek: you still about08:55
nagsmvo, I still notice this bug in Ubuntu 9.04 http://pastebin.com/d511706be09:18
mvonags: I remember we talked about it some days ago, what was dokos opinion about it?09:20
nagsmvo, dokos just say, somebody packaged it without testing it09:22
nagsmvo, its really annoying me, when installing / updating the package09:22
mvonags: I can fix it, could you please push the diff to debian then?09:23
nagsmvo, oops not sure, how to do that :D09:23
nagsmvo, currently in Ubuntu QA Sprint, UK, with me ara and other team members are here, can I speak with some one here ?09:24
mvonags: heh :) sure, it should be easy, just ask around, I'm sure someone did it before09:25
mvonags: testing the fix now09:25
davmor2Morning Chris Gregan how's the head09:25
nagsmvo, sorry got disconnected09:47
nagsmvo, was there any update for me ?09:47
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mvonags: no, just that its a harder problem than initiially thought, there is at least a nasty bug in python-central involved as well10:05
nagsmvo, oops :)10:05
nagsmvo, will wait then10:05
mvonags: bug #34101410:14
ubot4Launchpad bug 341014 in python-central "package with no "Python-Version" cause havoc" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34101410:14
nagsmvo, cool thanks, let me add myself to the bug :)10:15
mvonags: the problem is with this bug even a fixed python-ropemacs will not help because python-central will not allow install/remove/upgrade of the installed package :/10:17
mvothat needs to be fixed first10:17
nagsmvo, ok10:17
* ara thinks that mvo is lobbying *again* for a python-central policy change :)10:24
mvomy last one did not quite went the way I wanted it :)10:27
mvostill not KISS enough for my taste10:27
davmor2lool: don't forget to have a look at the shutdown menu on unr :)12:22
looldavmor2: Ah the netbook is in my room ATM12:34
aranags, eeejay: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Automation/OxfordSprint2009/Runner-Spec to track the ldtprunnerbyebye evolution13:23
eeejayara, thanks :)13:24
nagsara, cool13:28
* nags checking13:28
aranags: it does not have much right now :D13:28
nagsara, :)13:29
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slangasekdavmor2: candidate images for alpha-6 are up generally, though kubuntu/xubuntu are going to get rerolled to ditch a dep on a package that's not supposed to be on any of our CDs16:42
davmor2slangasek: no probs.  I've done all the netboot that we cover I'm just working through the Ubuntu desktop at the moment, then I'll move onto alternate16:43
slangaseksounds good16:44
davmor2slangasek: trying for a complete coverage being that it is the end of the alphas.16:47
davmor2might skip lvm due to races issue that cjwatson has hopefully fixed16:47
slangasekmm, skipping lvm is precisely the wrong thing to do under the circumstances, we need the extra testing to see if this is fixed16:48
cjwatsoneven with the old images, LVM will be fine as long as it isn't what's currently on the disk16:48
igascreamhave some problems with ati drivers .... blinking white strips in the right side of screen .Is it a known bug?16:48
cjwatsonwith a reroll, I *would* like to know if it's gone away16:48
cjwatsonslangasek: provided that the new images will have partman-lvm 65ubuntu216:48
slangasekcjwatson: ah, the weather report doesn't give me out-of-date udebs, doh16:49
charlie-tcaso it isn't just me that got an error on installing from xubuntu alternate.16:50
cjwatsoncharlie-tca: what error, what situation?16:51
slangaseklibxine wants libavcodec2, which of course isn't on the CD16:51
slangasekRiddell fixed, am respinning16:51
charlie-tcaDEBUG: resolver (libnewt0.52): package doesn't exist (ignored)16:51
charlie-tcaDEBUG: resolver (ext2-modules): package doesn't exist (ignored)16:51
charlie-tcaDEBUG: resolver (efi-modules): package doesn't exist (ignored)16:51
charlie-tcaIt may have been my internet, too. It appears to have failed to download all the packages16:52
slangaseknone of those messages are errors16:52
charlie-tcaMar 11 14:58:34 in-target: Unable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing?16:53
slangasekthey all say 'debug' and 'ignored' :)16:53
charlie-tcaMar 11 14:58:34 in-target: tasksel: aptitude failed (100)16:53
eeejaycharlie-tca: you are welcome :)16:53
charlie-tcaRead the stupid log wrong16:54
charlie-tcaI think the "Unable to fetch som archives" must be me, not the image16:55
slangasekit's probably the xine-lib issue I just outlined16:55
charlie-tcaOkay. I will run everything again after the respin.16:55
charlie-tcaand this thing, too16:56
charlie-tcaMar 11 14:58:34 in-target: Failed to fetch cdrom:[Xubuntu 9.04 _Jaunty Jackalope_ - Alpha i386 (20090311.1)]/pool/main/x/x11-xkb-utils/x11-xkb-utils_7.4+1_i386.deb  Hash Sum mismatch16:56
slangasekthat sounds more like a bad CD burn16:57
charlie-tcapasses md5sum and cd integrity check16:57
charlie-tcarunning again to find out, though16:57
charlie-tcaworst part for me. It worked in VirtualBox, but gave me this on hardware16:57
charlie-tcaanyway, no bugs reported yet.16:59
davmor2slangasek, cjwatson: It's not actually installing lvm that's the issue it's the pain you have to go through to remove so you can do other test so I might just leave them till last rather than not do them if that makes sense17:03
slangasekdavmor2: well, cjwatson clarified that the fix he provided is not on the current CDs17:03
slangasekbut then, I guess the problem is installing over LVM, so leaving those till last seems to make sense still, yeah17:04
slangasekxubuntu alternate is up again17:04
davmor2charlie-tca: ^17:05
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charlie-tcaI'll grab and test17:06
slangasekmm, the xine-lib change didn't actually work though17:08
slangasekdigging into the logs, then17:08
davmor2slangasek: What's up with unr 0/0 on the tracker ?17:13
slangasekpartial db changes17:13
slangasekwe'll use the 'UMPC' to track testing of UNR again for this round17:14
davmor2slangasek: np's just checking :)17:14
slangasekah; xfmedia has a Recommends: libxine1-ffmpeg that has to go away17:16
slangasekkubuntu alternate is up17:36
slangasekxubuntu still being sorted17:36
davmor2sbeattie: just a quick note on dl-ubuntu-test-iso there a note about not needing --only.  This is useful for times like now where kubuntu has had to be respun but the rest remain the same.  It's saves all the checks :)17:47
sbeattiedavmor2: I appear to be comprehension-challenged this morning, you're looking for something that skips the md5sum checks except for ones that got updated?17:49
davmor2sbeattie:  No.  Currently if you need to download one specific set of cd because of a re-spin.  You can run the entire script or just run dl-ubuntu-test-iso --only kubuntu which just grabs the iso's that have changed.  The rest of the time however you want to download all the iso's17:53
davmor2so I'm asking that --only not be removed from the script it is of use :)17:53
sbeattiedavmor2: Ah, got it! and lo, I am enlightened.17:54
slangasekkubuntu desktop up17:55
sbeattiedavmor2: is --exclude useful for similar raisins?17:56
davmor2sbeattie: Yes that's more for everything has changed except for X17:56
davmor2that or you don't want the hassle of the dvd's17:57
sbeattiedavmor2: the completist in me wonders if more only|exclude options would be useful; e.g. --only-variant or --exclude-variant dvd17:58
davmor2sbeattie: it would be good if it could be more specific as long as the command doesn't become so long it's quicker to dl all the images than type in the command :)18:02
slangasekcharlie-tca: ok, xubuntu alternate really up now19:20
charlie-tcaThanks. I'll get it again, then19:20
davmor2slangasek: Sweet :)19:25
davmor2slangasek: Is that everything back up now then?19:26
slangasekno, xubuntu desktop and kde dvd are still rebuilding19:27
davmor2ubuntu desktop done :)19:27
davmor2I don't think all the red bugs are necessary though  I think someone aught to explain that red is for show stoppers19:28
davmor2mahahaha Evilness.  I'm testing lvm then I'll use rescue to wipe the partition table ready for the next test :)19:59
davmor2slangasek: can you get on the tracker?20:02
davmor2it's alright it's back up20:02
slangasekxubuntu desktop, kubuntu dvd up21:17
charlie-tcaThank you.21:18
davmor2slangasek: should freesoftware only offer nvidia drivers in jockey?21:18
davmor2do you know21:18
slangasekI have no idea21:18
davmor2I'd of thought it wasn't free software21:19
slangasekjockey is free software.21:27
davmor2slangasek: Jockey is but the Nvidia binary blob it wants to install isn't :)21:28
slangasekthat's correct21:28
slangasekbut I don't know what the "free software only" option is or isn't promised to do21:28
davmor2It's never shown up in there before so unless there was a policy change21:29
davmor2that's what I'm trying to find out whether it should be offered or not :) I'll bug seb128 and pitti about it tomorrow for now I've just left a note about it21:30
lordnoidHi I have no sound in flash (swfdec or proprietary doesn't matter)..21:37
lordnoidin Jaunty alpha 5621:37
lordnoidoh and im on 64-bit.. could that be it?21:39
davmor2lordnoid: no Cause I have audio in flash.21:40
lordnoidoh ok21:40
davmor2you might be better off asking on #ubuntu+1 though21:41
lordnoidah okay21:41
davmor2stgraber: Good news ltsp seems to be building testing it shortly21:52
davmor2stgraber: ping22:32
davmor2stgraber: when you get this why does the default amd64 image point to /opt/ltsp/i386 ?22:38
slangasekdavmor2: have you run into bug #341086?22:57
ubot4Launchpad bug 341086 in update-manager "update manager closes unexpectedly" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34108622:57
slangasekwhich I think is the same as bug #34082822:57
ubot4Launchpad bug 340828 in update-manager "update-manager crashed with AttributeError in checkFreeSpace()" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34082822:57
slangaseka regression introduced in update-manager during the milestone freeze, grr22:58
davmor2slangasek: not on the oems I did earlier22:58
slangasekso update-manager Just Worked?22:58
davmor2slangasek: that's the same bug he reported in alpha 522:58
slangasek341086 was reported 9 hours ago22:59
davmor2slangasek: I'm not sure if it's a wifi thing22:59
slangasekno, this is an update-manager bug, that has nothing to do with wifi?22:59
davmor2slangasek: I'm sure there was one very similar in alpha 5 that the same tester reported unless I'm going mad23:00
davmor2n-m has worked fine for me23:00
slangasekthis has nothing to do with network-manager!23:00
davmor2on netboot, alt and live23:00
davmor2try again23:01
davmor2tired now just running u-m now23:01
davmor2meh forgot I've just bork eth connection for ltsp test.  2 secs I'll just fire up my laptop23:06
davmor2slangasek: right my laptop is a couple of days behind so about 5 minutes I'll ping you and let you know23:09
slangasek...ok. :)23:10
davmor2slangasek: crashes23:20
davmor2slangasek: packages to be installed update-manager and update-manager-core I'm guessing they fix the issue I can install them and check if you'd like?23:24
slangasekit's already been confirmed that upgrading fixes it23:24
slangasekI was just needed a check on how reproducible the crash was23:24
slangaseks/was //23:24
davmor2slangasek: I've just finish burning a live cd I'll fire it up 2 ticks23:25
davmor2slangasek: yeap.  crashes on live cd too23:27
slangasekok, I'm going to respin images for that23:27
davmor2slangasek:  :(23:28
slangasekhaving CDs which install a system that users can't easily upgrade out of is a problem23:29
davmor2is that going to affect everything?  Or just ubuntu23:30
slangasekanything with the broken version of update-manager on it23:30
slangasekxubuntu and kubuntu already rerolled, so should be fine23:30
davmor2slangasek: so did xubuntu and kubuntu get the update in the respin?23:30
davmor2I'm going to go to bed now and sleep and start again in the morning23:31
slangasekaffected are ubuntustudio, ubuntu-server, and ubuntu desktop/alternate, from what I see23:32
slangasekg'night then :)23:32
slangasekalso mythbuntu, MID, and UNR23:32
* slangasek sighs23:33
davmor2spin ubuntu first then please, I can start straight away in the morning my server will dl them for me :)23:33
mathiazslangasek: can you add a new test case to the Ubuntu Server iso in the QA tracker?23:48
mathiazslangasek: I've created http://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/Install/ServerRAID1 to cover RAID1 installs23:48
slangasekmathiaz: not in a timely fashion23:48
slangasekI have to reverse-engineer that bit of the database from the schema, submit SQL in an RT, and wait for IS :)23:49
mathiazslangasek: ok. It can wait for after alpha6.23:49

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