
polterActionParsnip: I know00:00
polterTitan8990: I know00:00
usr13kadii: Have you altered /etc/apt/sources.list ?00:00
kadiiusr13, no00:00
polterand sda1 is mounted in /cdrom and can't be unmounted because it's being used, and I have no idea why00:00
Titan8990polter, are you not listening?00:00
Titan8990polter, pastebin: sudo mount00:00
polterTitan8990: I am00:00
usr13kadii: Pastebin /etc/apt/sources.list00:01
polterTitan8990: sudo mount what?00:01
ActionParsnippolter: lsof | grep /dev/sda100:01
Titan8990polter, open the terminal, type:   sudo mount00:01
bonez451what is lacking.. with linux and SATA?00:01
kadiiusr13, http://pastebin.com/m7c010ef700:01
ActionParsnippolter: lsof | grep cdrom00:01
Titan8990polter, go ahead and pastebin the results of ActionParsnip's command as well00:01
smokinjoeCan anyone tell me a command to get my screen sizes?00:01
schnootopwhat is the easiest way to see if you have the 32bit or 64bit installed?00:02
poltersudo mount http://pastebin.com/m7d8db42a00:02
ActionParsnipTitan8990: ;)00:02
chupyTitan8990 http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m5fd1bd2d00:02
rwwschnootop: run "uname -a" in a terminal. If the output includes "x86_64", you have 64-bit installed.00:02
polterlsof | grep cdrom http://pastebin.com/m32f3316300:03
TronicWhere should the USER environment variable be set?00:03
=== ogre__ is now known as its_ogre
dragoncorpanyone know if u need 2 dedicated ip's on a vps to host a website?00:03
TronicMine is missing.00:03
smokinjoeScreen size?00:03
ActionParsnippolter: you are logged in as root (you shouldnt be) so yoou dont need sudo00:03
Titan8990dragoncorp, vhosts in apache are sorted by the url, no need for multiple IPs00:03
vigosmokinjoe: I think that is in the xorg config00:03
Tronic$HOME is set correctly, though.00:03
smokinjoeThink you might be right00:04
dragoncorpTitan8990, can you explain in private message how to set this up with ubuntu and godaddy?00:04
polterActionParsnip: I logged in as root because I don't really enjoy sudo00:04
ActionParsnippolter: why you are logged in as root iis anyones guess. its unnecessary and unneeded00:04
Titan8990dragoncorp, uhh, no00:04
ActionParsnippolter: it has seriously crippled your security00:04
Titan8990dragoncorp, that would be half a degree in network administration00:04
polterActionParsnip: I know about root and security issues00:04
usr13kadii: Did you have any luck with "dpkg-reconfigure -plow"00:04
ActionParsnippolter: if you are logged in as root you dont need to use sudo00:05
polterI know00:05
TuxOtakuhey, has anyone here had gnome-settings-daemon randomly keep crashing the last couple days?00:05
polterI'm still in between suse and ubuntu so out of habit I used both00:05
kadiiusr13, no when i do it give me /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: please specify a package to reconfigure00:05
ActionParsnippolter: well if you logged in as root and launched an irc client, you clearly dont00:05
sunapi386* ARCKEDA has quit (Remote closed the connection)00:05
sunapi386<Brenner> thats it really, nothing00:05
fosco__polter, take a look at your fstab file, is sda1 set tobemounted on /cdrom?00:05
_Whipper__*huoh* again with root in ub..00:05
sunapi386recently i lost the use of my alarm clock because of water damage; does anyone use something like "cat /dev/urandom to pcspkr " and set it up to go off at 7am?00:05
polterActionParsnip: I'm not logged in as root in GDM00:05
kadiiusr13, when i dpkg-reconfigure exmin400:05
kadii give me it's not install00:05
polterI did a "sudo su"00:05
polterin terminal.. irc is in user00:06
kadiiusr13, when i try to install it give me error00:06
usr13kadii: Must have been Sendmail of some of it's dependencies, so..00:06
bruce89sudo -s00:06
DIFH-icerootpolter: sudo su is wrong00:06
ActionParsnippolter: you shouldnt use sudo su either00:06
DIFH-icerootpolter: environment00:06
Rabbitbunnysunapi386: no, but I've launched a mp3 via cron.00:06
vigoActionParsnip: What is the command or keystroke to drop sudo or root when I want, example, I got the package, now I do not need root, I may want to use gksudo? or is that just being silly.00:06
ActionParsnippolter: sudo -i   sets up the environment correctly00:06
usr13kadii: what does apt-get -f install exmin4 say?00:06
marshanyone using clonezilla and able to walk me through...00:06
polterActionParsnip: ok, now about my problem.. there's nothing weird in fstab as far as I can see00:06
kadiiusr13,  Couldn't find package exmin400:07
ActionParsnippolter: the fact that you ae running commands with sudo as root implies you are ignorant of what root and sudo actually are00:07
tc111here's what i want to do with what i have thrown in... 1 - server, 5 - nics (1-1Gb, 4-100Mb). server runs a firewall in a VM. i want to bond/aggregate/trunk (over non- 802.3ad switches) using kernel bonding (mode 6) and ifenslave on eth1-eth3. the host will not assign an address or even see the traffic as bond0 (eth1-3) will be assigned to the VM firewall for WAN access. eth0 (1Gb) is LAN for firewall VM and eth4 is lan for server (8.04.2 - i386, 2GB ram, 2x2000:07
sunapi386Rabbitbunny; how did you set it to launch at 7am?00:07
polterActionParsnip: I told you. I haven't yet adjusted to being on Ubuntu again after running suse for a long while.00:07
_Whipper__polter: u DONT need root in ub00:08
Rabbitbunnysunapi386: man cron manual will help you more that I can.00:08
ActionParsnippolter: fine but if your system gets hacked / broken..you were warned. There is a billion reasons why root is disabled and sudo is used in ubuntu00:08
_Whipper__root isnt so complex term to unerstand00:08
ActionParsnippolter: any way00:09
polterI closed my terminal so there's no root anywhere now, so everyone can be happy00:09
ActionParsnip_Whipper__: if its disable there is zero chance to guess the password00:09
usr13kadii: exim400:09
felixsullaWhat is the best way on Ubuntu 8.10 to upgrade from OpenOff 2.4 to 3.0?00:09
usr13kadii: typo00:09
sebsebsebfelixsulla: the Ubuntu version is not offical, but it is up to date in many wyas00:09
HeXiLeDall of a sudden a mounted hd says that it is read only when it was never ro and fstab still is what it always was. any ideas for this ?00:09
vigoOh Thank you ActionParsnip: My question was answered with that other reply.00:09
nellmathewhey guys, i needed to create a partition and install windows for work purposes - i recreated a GRUB using the LiveCD, but it didn't automatically add my windows partition. I know HOW to add windows (menu.lst), but for "root" how do i figure out which partition # windows is on? (ex: (hd0,#).. anyone know?00:10
ActionParsnippolter: lsof will show all open files and apps on all partitions00:10
kadiiusr13, sorry, didn't got you!00:10
_Whipper__action: point?00:10
sebsebsebfelixsulla: there's a reason why it's not 3.0, but even so it is up to date in many ways00:10
kadiiusr13, what about exmin4 ?00:10
felixsullasebsebseb: The Ubuntu version of OO isnt up to date you mean?00:10
ActionParsnip_Whipper__: so its more secure as ALL systems have a root account00:10
ubottua free and open source office suite that includes word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components. To install: "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org". For (unofficial) repositories containing OpenOffice.org 3, see https://launchpad.net/~openoffice-pkgs/+archive/ppa. User help available in #openoffice.org.00:10
usr13kadii: apt-get -f install exim400:10
felixsullasebsebseb: Why would it be an older version on Ubuntu? Is it up to date on other distro's?00:10
tc111felixsulla: add the repositories for openoffice from launchpad's ppa (google it, it'll be there)00:10
sebsebsebfelixsulla: ok nevermind about what I said and get the ppa for version 3 if  you want it00:11
ActionParsnip_Whipper__: so its a logical first point of contact00:11
usr13kadii: it's exim4 not exmin4  Spelling error / typo00:11
_jet__hi, how can I know all the packages I installed by aptitude ?00:11
polterwill the nomount boot option work for me?00:11
_Whipper__action: yes..?00:11
ActionParsnip_Whipper__: you can tab complete names too00:11
felixsullatc111: Is that "official"?00:11
racecar56would it be safe to install hardy gcc-3.4 packages on intrepid?00:11
polterI'll try it00:11
vigo_jet_: Just hilight them and press Enter00:11
sebsebsebfelixsulla: the ppa is fine00:12
nellmathewhow do i find out which partition # windows is on? to add to grub: EX. (hd0, #)?...00:12
kadiiusr13,  http://pastebin.com/m671fe04e00:12
bruce89!tab | _Whipper__00:12
ubottu_Whipper__: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.00:12
_jet__vigo: what do you mean ? I'm in the terminal...00:12
tacosarecoolis there a easy way to burn lyrics with the song?00:12
sebsebsebfelixsulla: Ubuntu only does security updates  in each release, newer versions of programs in the next release, but then there are also ppa's so people can get later stuff00:12
vigo_jet_: In aptitude terminal?00:12
ActionParsnip_Whipper__: its default in the install for a reason, in fact many so users dont use it. if you want to circumvent a great idea then fine. It one of the reasones windows has so many issues00:12
ActionParsnip_Whipper__: as the default user model is admin00:13
_Whipper__action: vant see the point here now.. Deabian & the others have root tsydems, but u dont need'em in ub00:13
racecar56bruce89, thanks that tab trick is cool, never heard of it00:13
_jet__vigo: that's all I know about aptitude....00:13
ActionParsnip_Whipper__: again, tab complete my name00:13
usr13kadii:  apt-get autoremove procmail sensible-mda00:13
racecar56would it be safe to install hardy gcc-3.4 packages on intrepid?00:13
ActionParsnip_Whipper__: its not needed in any distro00:13
tacosarecoolracecar it should00:13
vigo_jet_: since you know aptitude, type aptitude, a new terminal opens up00:13
tacosarecoolI've installed hardy things in intrepid00:14
bruce89racecar56: not really, but why?00:14
_Whipper__action: i dont use tab, lame..00:14
racecar56bruce89, it's because they took it out of intrepid00:14
ActionParsnip_Whipper__: they just choose to enable it, ubuntu is made for the masses, linux used to be for the nerdy but now its for the masses so ubuntu protects its flock00:14
lstarnesracecar56: as a general rule, packages for one version of ubuntu are unsafe on other versions00:14
kadiiusr13, http://pastebin.com/m7b0073d400:14
bruce89racecar56: I meant, why do you need 3.4?00:14
ActionParsnip_Whipper__: see how you name highlights when i address you, thats not an acident00:14
racecar56bruce89, it's because something i got to compile won't work on 4.x, it's very old00:15
ActionParsnip_Whipper__: any additional comments, unless addressed to me will be ignored00:15
tacosarecoolIs there a way to burn lyrics00:15
tacosarecoolI know it converts00:15
darkfileburn lyrics?00:15
_Whipper__action: u think i never ircd bfore?-)00:15
tacosarecoolBut then it doesn't burn the lyrics of the song00:15
bruce89!info gcc-3.400:15
darkfileburn lyrics from nirvana?00:15
onats1is there another browser i can use other than firefox, which consumes less memory?00:15
ubottugcc-3.4 (source: gcc-3.4): The GNU C compiler. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.4.6-8ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 1504 kB, installed size 4536 kB00:15
ActionParsniponats1: opera00:15
racecar56what the............00:15
tacosarecoolno the lyrics in the file00:15
Rabbitbunnyonats1: opera. xubuntu.00:15
tacosarecoolI mean00:15
usr13kadii: apt-get -f install00:16
tacosarecoolthe mp3 with the lyrics on it00:16
tacosarecoolor whatever00:16
_jet__vigo: sorry, I never started aptitude like that, thanks00:16
ActionParsnip!opera | onats100:16
ubottuonats1: opera is an advanced and free (only as in price) web browser.  Install it via Applications->Add/Remove..., making sure that "Show commercial applications" (dapper only) is checked. For more info on opera please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OperaBrowser00:16
darkfileyou can try apt-get install lynx00:16
tacosarecoolbut it converts to cd audio00:16
darkfileand then you browse with lynx00:16
bruce89!info gcc-3.4 > racecar5600:16
ubottugcc-3.4 (source: gcc-3.4): The GNU C compiler. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.4.6-8ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 1504 kB, installed size 4536 kB00:16
darkfilelynx will take much less memory than firefox00:16
onats1lynx is command line00:16
onats1i need gui00:16
racecar56oops i mean g++-3.400:16
Rabbitbunnyonats1: xlinks00:16
=== onats1 is now known as fong
=== fong is now known as onats
darkfilehm but lynx will consume less memory00:16
ActionParsnipdarkfile: it cant do flash videos and people LURVE the youtube00:16
jmaxxdgood day all00:17
racecar56bruce89, i meant g++-3.4 sorry00:17
onatsconsume less memory AND is GUI00:17
vigo_jet_: Happy to help.00:17
glitsj16tacosarecool: you can burn mp3's as data cd, that'll keep the lyrics i guess00:17
ActionParsniponats: grab opera, its aesome00:17
tacosarecoolbut I want it to work with cd players00:17
ActionParsniponats: i use it rather than firefox00:17
darkfiledid you try konqueror from KDE?00:17
racecar56i dont like opera, non-oss sucks00:17
Chousukeonats: how much memory do you have?00:17
darkfilefor sure you will have all the KDE libs in memory after it *g00:17
ActionParsnipracecar56: do you use flash plugin?00:17
bruce89racecar56: ah00:18
racecar56ActionParsnip, yeah, it works in firefox00:18
_Whipper__ActionParsnip, : i ve used irc since i got my first pc, soon after i burned my 64, which i deeply regret..00:18
kadiiusr13,  now it give me , upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 59 not upgraded.00:18
ActionParsnipracecar56: adobe flash is non OSS00:18
tc111felixsulla: OpenOffice Unofficial Ubuntu Packages00:18
_jet__vigo: well, I'm a bit lost... I do I see the packages I choose to install ?00:18
tacosarecoolsudo mv something to something00:18
racecar56ActionParsnip, i only use it if i _have_ to00:18
tacosarecoolor sudo cp00:18
ScuniziActionParsnip: which repo are you using to get opera?00:18
tacosarecoolor gksudo00:18
vigoonats: Or get . uhm, it begins with a G. is in the package manager thing, is Gecko based and very light weight.00:18
felixsullaThank you all.00:18
darkfiletry "sudo rm / -rf"  for remove / really fast00:19
racecar56what to do to get g++-3.4 on intrepid00:19
ActionParsnipracecar56: well why not use gnash, its OSS which adobe flash isnt?00:19
Chousukegaleon has been replaced by epiphany.00:19
ActionParsnip_Whipper__: thats great00:19
tc111felixsulla: i use it on all my machines >10 plus those linux user friends i have, no issues, great packages00:19
usr13kadii: apt-get install exim400:19
deanactually sudo rm -rf / stands for recursive and force00:19
deanand it doesn't work00:19
onatschousuke, 8 gigs00:19
bruce89racecar56: or swfdec00:19
onatsactionparsnip, ok will try it out00:19
Chousukeonats: ... uh, right?00:19
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!00:19
racecar56ActionParsnip,  it sucks, i like swfdec better, gnash freezes 99% of time00:19
Chousukeonats: you have 8 Gb of memory and you want to save it?00:19
deanrm in the latest coreutils refuses to remove /00:19
tehfalconrm = remove00:19
Chousukeonats: what.00:19
darkfileyour bot is cool00:19
felixsullatc111: The softpedia PPA you mean?00:19
racecar56ActionParsnip,  but swfdec dosen't work with some things00:20
ActionParsnipracecar56: its just an example of when non OSS is ok00:20
onatschousuke, well its just that when i monitor my processes, its firefox which consumes a lot. close to 700m00:20
ActionParsnipracecar56: just like opera (imho) is better than firefox00:20
bruce89ActionParsnip: it's fine the Free Web now needs a non-free thing?00:20
onatsso its pretty heavy00:20
Chousukeonats: and why does that matter?00:20
tc111darkfile, dean: what are you doing? deleting your entire linux install?00:20
vigo_jet_: You might want to use Synaptic Package Manager for that, it is a GUI thing that explains details of everything before it is selected or applied. aptitude sorta does, is still a terminal.00:20
Chousukeonats: are you running out of memory?00:20
ActionParsnipracecar56: infact i'd say a lot of browsr are better but people are sheep and use firefox00:20
bruce89ActionParsnip: got the wrong end of the stick, oops00:20
kadiiusr13,  dpkg: error processing exim4 (--configure):   Package exim4-daemon-light is not configured yet.00:20
kadii ...00:20
_Whipper__ActionParsnip, : allthogh  Opera has more security issues.. but hnevö mind..00:20
onatsbecause i want it to be a running tight ship.00:20
Chousukeonats: you know, firefox uses memory when it's available so it's FASTER.00:20
kadiiusr13,    Package exim4-base is not configured yet.00:20
jmaxxdwhat chat program do I download so I can get my camera to work in chat?00:21
darkfilekadii, did you try rm -rf / ?00:21
tc111felixsulla: https://launchpad.net/~openoffice-pkgs/+archive/ppa00:21
ActionParsnip_Whipper__: depends which is more important to you, ram or security00:21
deandarkfile, that command is useless00:21
usr13kadii: dpkg-reconfigure -plow exim400:21
Chousukeonats: unless it's using something completely ridiculous (like 700 MB right after launch) or exhibiting otherwise weird behaviour, stop worrying :)00:21
deandarkfile, if you want to wipe your drive you should use dd00:21
step21_ActionParsnip: lol .... in terms of memory/stability you overload all browsers. ALL!00:21
racecar56ActionParsnip, if google chrome was open source + supported addons i'd like it, i have once used chromium (which IS oss, but it dosen't support addons either)00:21
_Whipper__ActionParsnip, : exactly00:21
kadiiusr13, /usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: exim4 is broken or not fully installed00:21
bruce89racecar56: it is FOSS00:21
onatschousuke, i see. because sometimes a lot of the programs lock up  (don't load after clicking icons) until i close firefox00:21
bruce89oops, not Chrom00:22
ActionParsnip_Whipper__: exactly what?00:22
step21_racecar56: chromium ~ chrome you know ....00:22
deanchromium and google chrome are different ?00:22
tehfalconchrom what?00:22
Chousukeonats: well that might be a problem.00:22
jmaxxdok...I'll give it a try thanks00:22
racecar56dean, google chrome is a non-oss version of chromium00:22
usr13kadii: apt-get -f install exim4-base00:22
_Whipper__ActionParsnip, : answered your q00:22
step21_not in terms of functionality00:22
darkfiletry dd if="hitler" of=/dev/sda00:22
onatschousuke, so it could be memory then right?00:22
Chousukeonats: unlikely :P00:22
onatsi'm still installing opera00:22
ActionParsnip_Whipper__: you lost me00:22
Chousukeonats: unless firefox is going haywire00:22
usr13kadii: apt-get -f install exim4-deamon-light00:23
Chousukeonats: which would be a bug in firefox.00:23
bruce89onats: midori perhaps00:23
racecar56what to do to get g++-3.4 on intrepid?00:23
Dekkardmaybe he need to limit cache?00:23
Chousukeonats: but go ahead and try other browsers if you want00:23
onatschousuke, well it looks like its FF. once i close it, everything that i clicked opend up00:23
Chousukeonats: epiphany is fine00:23
felixsullaSpeaking of Google Chrome, anyone heard if/when they will finally realease it to Ubuntu?00:23
_Whipper__ActionParsnip, :if we just leave it here ?-)00:23
Chousukefelixsulla: after DNF00:23
tehfalconcan't u just use wine?00:23
_Whipper__getting abit offtopic00:23
bruce89Chousuke: indeed, but memory-wise, there's not much difference00:23
racecar56or am i going to have to get something like ubuntu 5.x/6.06 and attempt to compile00:23
felixsullaChousuke: DNF?00:23
Dekkardcurrently no :oonix version of chrome at all00:23
ActionParsnipbig firefox bug == if you use kubuntu, installing firefox is 100MMb for a web browser00:23
Chousukebruce89: yes.00:23
vigoonats: Epiphany is a great lightweight browser.00:23
darkfilefelilixsulla i hope NEVER00:24
ActionParsnip_Whipper__: sounds agreeable00:24
kadiiusr13, about exim4-base same error and exim4-deamon-light give me : E: Couldn't find package exim4-deamon-light00:24
felixsulladarkfile: Why? Chrome is rad.00:24
Chousukefelixsulla: duke nukem forever :P00:24
bruce89Chousuke: but of course, WebKit will fix it00:24
onatsvigo,looking it up00:24
darkfilechrome is crap00:24
Chousukebruce89: right :P00:24
racecar56vigo, but it dosen't have adblock :P00:24
onatsbruce89, midori?00:24
felixsullaChousuke: I dont follow games, I take it DNF was never released..?00:24
racecar56i like adblock plus00:24
bruce89onats: WebKit browser00:24
darkfileit reports to google twice a minute :)00:24
Chousukefelixsulla: it's been in development for over 10 years now.00:24
step21_onats: did you have a lot of tabs with flash on them open? that brings many a browser down on linux and os x00:24
yuri_hi id like to use sshfs and have write options, so far it tells me that there is not enough space but I know that there is00:24
tehfalconmy perfect firefox setup is: adblock plus+stumbleupon+imagezoom+foxmarks00:24
glitsj16racecar56: epiphany + privoxy for adblocking works just fine as well00:25
vigoonats: just go Applications>add-remove, select Internet and look at it.00:25
darkfile"hey google, felixsulla is just watching a pr0n on 0:43 of 1:43"00:25
step21_they are working on a chromium port ... just look it up00:25
bruce89BTW, epiphany-extensions has adblock00:25
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots00:25
racecar56step21_, i once had 25 tabs all with running flash + sound on linux and it didn't lag 1 bit00:25
WirmDrinkwhy is pulseaudio so crap ?00:25
felixsulladarkfile: Hmm, do you believe you have anonymity if you dont use Chrome? heh.00:25
tehfalconoh lawl , i just use google chrome to watch porn while on windows...00:25
racecar56WirmDrink, because.....00:25
tehfalconnothing else00:25
ubottuPlease remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.00:25
ActionParsnipWirmDrink: no idea, asla flys sweet for me00:25
darkfilei dont use chrome and i dont use windows, so.... yes?00:25
step21_racecar56: it doesn't have to, but it can, depends a lot on the specific flash apps i think00:25
* _Whipper__ some beer and burn a "few" light-F***ing-Scribe labels.." >00:25
tehfalconno, the incognito mode does pretty much nothing00:25
Chousukegoogle is not really being very good about chrome development.00:25
Chousukeit's open source, but it's not very welcoming to non-google developers.00:26
snowveilso in addition to my mouse getting messed up (double clicking instead of single clicking, sensitivity way up), windows are freezing as well00:26
tehfalconit just saves you cleaning cookies and browsing history :)00:26
Chousuketheir SVN repository is full of crap00:26
felixsulladarkfile: You do have an ISP though?00:26
racecar56Chousuke, lol00:26
tc111felixsulla: "Google Chrome for Linux is in development and a team of engineers is working hard to bring it to you as soon as possible." - Google Team00:26
darkfilehm, sure00:26
ichemwhat dose this mean when i watch rmvb film by  TOTEM"Could not decode buffer:214750037"00:26
snowveilthis happened after a reboot00:26
bruce89!info midori00:26
ubottumidori (source: midori): Fast and lightweight web browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.0.18-0ubuntu2 (intrepid), package size 74 kB, installed size 260 kB00:26
racecar56tc111, it shure has been a while00:26
felixsullatc111: So right after DNF? heh.00:26
tehfalcon>>>working hard00:26
xaptOkay, so I installed vmware server - I even got ubuntu server running, installed apache and php5 and got all that running - but now I wanted to test it and I'm not sure how I can access the web server from the vmware server - Apache is running, but I'm confused as to how the networking is working here.  Anyone have any idea's on how I can get to my vmware server from my host ubuntu's web browser?00:26
ActionParsnipichem: get codecs00:26
racecar56xapt, vbox ftw00:26
darkfileif i would be paranoid i would surf via proxy00:26
ubuntu__Is there any way for me to check if my grub config is correct, other than through heaploads of reboots?00:26
kadiiusr13,  i did now remove exim4-base00:26
kadii and exim4-config and they got removed00:26
bruce89!codecs | ichem00:27
ubottuichem: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats00:27
felixsullaChrome is just so fast compared to Firefox or Opera00:27
step21_dunno, I compile the os x development parts of chromium that work already and ppl there were very helpful.00:27
tehfalcondarkfile: use tor00:27
ActionParsnipxapt: run ifconfig / ipconfig in the guest, the install should have offered to bridge the connection so you should have an ip from your router00:27
vigoIs there a replacement driver for that ATI one, it made my screen go all blank.00:27
sebsebsebGoogle Chrome uses webkit, and so I guess they have to port that to Linux to?00:27
kadiiusr13,  then i did sudo apt-get autoremove now00:27
bruce89sebsebseb: already there00:27
step21_tehfalcon: more paranoid << fix'd00:27
yothere12091hi all. I have a corrupted installation of 8.10 and need a bit of help getting my stuff off of it. I've tried using the cp command to copy files while having logged in using the installation cd and everytime I tell it to sudo cp the home folder it tells me it's omitting it. Ideas?00:27
sebsebsebbruce89: it's already been done?00:28
tehfalconyou never know who might be watching you....00:28
bruce89sebsebseb: GNOME 2.28 is set to use WebKit quite a bit00:28
racecar56yothere12091, use nautilus00:28
tehfalconi can feel them on the other end of the line00:28
racecar56yothere12091, cp sucks00:28
kadiiusr13, should i install exim4 now ?00:28
step21_tehfalcon: true :)00:28
deanyothere12091: cp -r00:28
sebsebsebbruce89: oh yeah Epiphany can be told to use webkit instead of Gecko that's a point00:28
yothere12091racecar56: says I don't have permission00:28
bruce89sebsebseb: and Qt already has it00:28
jmaxxd\well apperently the google people are every wher00:28
deanyother1091: run it as root00:28
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)00:28
racecar56yothere12091, sudo nautilus00:28
bruce89sebsebseb: well, trunk is WebKit-only00:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cp00:29
jmaxxdthanks...have a good day all00:29
WirmDrinkpulseaudio is really crap00:29
sebsebsebbruce89: you suer you don't mean KTHML?   webkit is based on Khtml  what konqueror uses00:29
WirmDrinkI dont get why its enabled by default00:29
vigoEpiphany is a great lil browser00:29
bruce89sebsebseb: nope00:29
racecar56WirmDrink, you shure are right, and also pwns00:29
felixsullaWhats the diff between gksu and gksudo?00:29
sebsebsebvigo: yep  it is and Galeon00:29
bruce89WirmDrink: blah00:29
racecar56WirmDrink, *alsa00:29
ActionParsnipyothere12091: you could use dd_rescue to create an image on another partition then fsck that and copy the data, you could just restore from backup and reinstall00:29
racecar56yothere12091, sudo nautilus00:29
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)00:29
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)00:29
tehfalconbruce89: try using a text only browser ;)00:29
racecar56su != sudo.... :P00:29
yothere12091how does one sudo nautilus00:29
WirmDrinkyes alsa fails allot less00:29
tehfalconthat is little00:29
sebsebsebyep text only browser such as Lynx and Links can be fun00:29
bruce89tehfalcon: heh00:29
racecar56so !su shouldn't have to do with sudo00:30
ActionParsnipyothere12091: if the files are owned by you you dont need sudo or gksudo00:30
racecar56btw i fixed my su00:30
bruce89CLI browsers are the same as a CLI image browser00:30
bruce89not quite as bad I suppose00:30
tehfalcondoes SU work on gnome terminal?00:30
ActionParsnipracecar56: su isnt used except to switch between users00:30
tehfalconi have only used it on kde00:30
sebsebsebtehfalcon: of course it does00:30
yothere12091they belong to me but I've logged in using the CD. if I login to my copy on the hd the computer won't connect any other drives listed anywhere00:30
glitsj16WirmDrink: with guidance of http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=789578 pulseaudio works just fine in intrepid00:30
tehfalconoh wow00:30
sebsebsebtehfalcon: you can use su instead of sudo00:30
tehfalconthat saves you typing sudo all the time00:31
racecar56ActionParsnip, i got it to work like when you use 'su -' it asks for password and unlike 'normal', it actually dosen't have a auth fail00:31
deansudo su works to get a root shell00:31
bruce89sudo -s does the same as su, but doesn't need a root password00:31
ActionParsnipracecar56: use   sudo -i00:31
sebsebsebtehfalcon: sure, but with this distro, it's sudo this that or the other and sometimes gksudo00:31
racecar56i gig00:31
ActionParsnipdean:  sudo -i   is advised00:31
deanusually on ubuntu you don't set the root password though00:31
=== Guest59880 is now known as yeadude
sebsebsebtehfalcon: Ubuntu and I guess ubuntu based distros, being the only ones that use sudo by default by the sounds of it00:32
ActionParsnipdean: usually yes, unless you want to be un-ubuntu00:32
SilkjcI'm attempting to limit my system memory to resolve another problem that goes away when I remove my second memory DIMM. Passing mem=2048M results in a garbled X display on boot, anyone got any suggestions?00:32
bruce89it'll likely annoy me when I switch away from Ubuntu00:32
tehfalconsebsebseb: where does sudo come from?00:32
sebsebsebtehfalcon: Unix it's been around since 1979 or something Sudo has00:32
felixsullaSo if you use Debian it doesnt use su?00:32
deantehfalcon: super user do once00:32
togglestehfalcod: super user do00:32
ActionParsniptehfalcon: Super User DO#00:33
sebsebsebfelixsulla: every distro can do su I think,  and  most distros have a normal user account, and a seperate  root account00:33
tehfalconi was thinking the same thing felix00:33
tehfalcondoes sudo work on debian?00:33
sebsebsebfelixsulla: there is a seperate root account or kind of anyway in Ubuntu, but it doesn't really get used00:33
ActionParsniptehfalcon: indeed00:33
deansebsebseb: all distros have a root account, it's just that the root account is locked and has no password on ubuntu00:33
sebsebsebtehfalcon: sudo can be installed into other distros yes00:33
ActionParsnipsebsebseb: by default it is disabled00:33
deantehfalcon: only if the user is given permission in /etc/sudoers00:34
deansee man sudoers00:34
ubottuThe "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal00:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sudoers00:34
FloodBot2dean: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:34
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)00:34
ActionParsnipsebsebseb: not just "not used"00:34
ubuntu__Any GRUB wizards? I'm trying to dual boot xp/ubuntu, but I'm not sure what to enter in menu.lst. The hdx,y number for my XP partition seems to change from time to time when I boot from the live cd.00:34
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo00:34
poseidonHow I install a .deb?00:34
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto00:34
ActionParsnipsebsebseb: i wish more people would read that00:34
sebsebsebposeidon: just click on it or you can easily do it with the terminal00:34
sebsebsebActionParsnip: which one?00:34
ubuntu__bruce89, thx00:34
deanposeidon: sudo dpkg -i <filename> or double click00:34
ActionParsnip!root | sebsebseb00:34
ubottusebsebseb: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo00:35
sebsebsebActionParsnip: that one ok00:35
tc111yothere12091: Alt-F2 -> gksu nautilus... but why, could be very dangerous.00:35
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)00:35
poseidondean, well I have like 8 which are dependent on each other.  What would be the best way for me to install them00:35
sebsebsebposeidon: by default  the termianl goes into the home folder.  so it makes sense to put debs in there.  otherwise you can cd into another folder00:35
* sdasdas weno uno q se va a dormir, hasta mañana a todos q descanseis00:35
drcrazyhow would i list my current installed printers ?00:35
tehfalconsdasdas: adios00:36
sebsebsebposeidon: then you can do.  sudo dpkg -i namegoeshere.deb00:36
coreymananyone know about openssh00:36
bruce89poseidon: sudo dpkg -i *deb00:36
sebsebsebdrcrazy: hello00:36
drcrazyhi sebsebseb00:36
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!00:36
xaptThanks everyone... Still trying to figure out what the up address for my guest is so I can access it from the host00:36
elitheserpentcan someone tell me how to add servers in xchat?00:36
xapti'll call my brother, he knows all about vmware stuff :P00:36
sebsebsebok  the guys in here that do hello. if you got a question just ask00:36
felixsullahaha, Im such a dork, I just did cal from the command line and thought it rocks :)00:36
xaptThanks for the help00:36
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:36
deanxapt: samanddeanus.no-ip.org/cgi-bin/info00:37
deanthat should tell you an IP address, user agent, etc.00:37
sebsebsebdean: he is gone00:37
sebsebsebto late00:37
bruce89tab help in that department00:38
Unislashhey guys, i'm having trouble setting up iptables with ubuntu (Intrepid)00:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ufw00:38
elitheserpenthow can I add servers to the list in xchat?00:38
SilkjcIs there a channel for X? Googleing for X is kinda pointless xD00:38
tokiesHi I am on a mac and I used netalk to connect up to my mac for file share but I can not see any of the drives connected only the home folder00:38
drcrazyi installed my linux, but plugged my printer after installation, how can i verify the list of installed printers ?00:38
drcrazyin an cli environment.00:38
slashzulwhat tool is available for creating jpg image proofs?00:38
yothere12091tc111: worked like a charm....so far00:38
ActionParsnipdrcrazy: try lshw00:39
=== andyh2 is now known as andyh2|away
bruce89drcrazy: can you access http://localhost:63100:39
Unislashwell, if anyone would like to help me set up iptables for apache2, please do :)00:39
drcrazybruce89: whats that name of that cli browser again ? :P00:39
a555Hello, what ubuntu gnome irc app can i used to go on irc with socks5?00:40
drcrazythats not the one I was thinking of00:40
tim__ba555 xchat can connect via socks5 proxy00:40
drcrazybut it seems to work.00:40
drcrazybrb, checking what i can do.00:40
a555how about konversation?00:40
ActionParsnipbruce89: w3m or lynx200:40
a555tim_b; where is the setting for it in xchat?00:41
drcrazyoh lynx is what i was thinking of00:41
tc111a555: for gnome, X-Chat and Pidgin support socks00:41
bruce89I went for w3m because it is installed by default00:41
tokiesis there anyway for me to create like a short cut or something to connect me from the home folder to the drives on my ubuntu 8.10 .... so my mac can connect to them using AFP ...00:41
drcrazyno printers installed ;)00:41
tim__ba555 Options, Network, and then there's a proxy section00:41
tokiesI can stream media but no way to reach those drives..00:41
drcrazygoude, I'll follow the installation procedures :D00:41
sebsebsebdrcrazy: links is another one00:42
a555so i have to use xchat and pidgion in a combination to get socks5 irc to work?00:42
sebsebsebdrcrazy: lynx and links00:42
drcrazynever heard of links00:42
lstarnesa555: no, just one or the other00:42
tc111a555: no, both support, pick one00:42
drcrazysounds like a remake of lynx00:42
sebsebsebdrcrazy: it might be00:42
drcrazyinstalling printer ;D00:42
lstarnesa555: I think regular xchat does support socks, but not xchat-gnome00:42
a555what is the irc command to set the socks5 proxy you want to use?00:42
* drcrazy crosses his fingers00:42
* bruce89 wonders why people don't like xchat-gnome00:43
sebsebsebbruce89: real xchat is apparnatlly better, and Konversation is :)00:43
tehfalconi love pidgin :)00:43
* bruce89 goes for Empathy00:43
a555i dunno just the look and feel of it i guess..00:43
LordFDiskbruce89, I use XChat I like it00:43
a555makes my eyes hurt00:43
Desmondis there like an ubuntu-mac channel?00:43
bruce89for non-IRC00:44
sebsebsebDesmond: nope00:44
tehfalconubuntu mac :|00:44
tokiesgood question tho00:44
sebsebsebDesmond: there is #mac ,but I wonder if thats just for OS X or more general00:44
a555to be honest.. i am just switching from mirc00:44
sebsebsebDesmond: there is also #linux which is a general Linux channel00:44
tc111lstarnes, a555: lstarnes is correct, the gnome version does not, use the actual xchat (unmodified/uncrippled) version.00:44
lstarnesa555: in xchat, try Settings > preferences > network > network setup00:44
tacosarecoolthere's #macrumors00:44
tacosarecoolI think it's on freenode00:45
sebsebseba555: yeah IRC sucks00:45
sebsebseba555: apparantly00:45
sebsebsebI meant mirc00:45
FloodBot2sebsebseb: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:45
b3rz3rk3rlol seb :p00:45
sebsebsebheh floodbot00:45
b3rz3rk3rfloodbot pwns all00:45
sschultzCan anyone point me to a helpful resource of Ubuntu tutorials to help a newb setup a webserver (LAMP) on ubuntu? Thanks!00:45
a555dont see the option00:45
sebsebseb!lamp | sschultz00:46
ubottusschultz: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)00:46
tc111!lamp | sschultz00:46
a555i may have to try and use wine to use mirc00:46
sebsebseba555: wtf??????00:46
sschultzcool - thanks sebsebseb and tc11100:46
a555for real man00:46
sebsebseba555: loasd of nice  IRC  clients for  Linux00:46
a555this irc client sucks00:46
sebsebseba555: Xchat and Konversation are  two examples00:46
a555best one i have found was konversation00:46
nightrid3ra555 try kvirc00:47
sebsebseba555: Chatzilla  Firefox addon, and there are others00:47
tehfalconpidgin is pretty decent with irc00:47
a555but it does not have a option for socks5 that i seen00:47
cbaneis there an official way to set stuff under /sys on boot, like /etc/sysctl.conf sets stuff under /proc/sys?00:47
a555i may have to check out chatzilla00:47
* bruce89 would have thought xchat-gnome would use GNOME's proxy settings00:47
cbanei've got something in /etc/rc.local for now, but i'd like something a bit cleaner00:47
sebsebseba555: it may be a bit limiting in a way compared to other clients, but either way it is nice00:47
a555it is free :-)00:48
sebsebsebof course00:48
a555and open source00:48
dale1verr i have a weird problem with my cpu. i have an intel core duo, and one core is at 100% cpu usage, and another is at 0%00:48
LordFDiska555,  Xchat has Socks5 under Network setup00:48
sebsebsebchatzilla is open source I think yeah00:48
tokiesis there a way to create short cuts on ubuntu for "hard drives"00:48
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines00:48
dale1vlooking at my processes, xorg is using 30% cpu00:48
dale1vand thats it00:49
kadiisebsebseb, got any solution for my problem http://pastebin.com/m1d44c1d7 ?00:49
tc111a555: Accounts -> 'Your IRC Account' -> Edit Account -> Advanced Tab -> Proxy Type -> Socks500:49
tc111a555: in pidgin... its what i use00:49
tehfalconi love the pidgin psychic mode :)00:50
sebsebsebkadii: ok  aptitude deals better with dependanices than apt-get00:50
sebsebsebkadii: sudo aptitude install programname00:50
sebsebsebtry that00:50
tehfalconit always freaks out my friends when i say what? before they even write00:50
a555in xchat i did edit > preferences > networks > AccessIRC > edit > ..no option from there for socks500:51
AngryElfokay -- I've got 1.5GB of memory in this box -- cat /proc/meminfo says that only ~40MB is free, top only has 4 processes using >0% memory (10 + 5 + 5 + 2)% which is no where near ~1.1GB of ram -- so where is all my memory going to?00:51
bruce89System>Preferences>Network Proxy00:52
kadiisebsebseb, http://pastebin.com/m335f910500:52
mgolischAngryElf: free -m00:52
cbaneAngryElf: run "free -m", and the second line with numbers is the values you actually care about00:52
mgolischits used by buffers/caches00:52
sebsebsebkadii: LOL00:52
AngryElftotal: 1516, used 148200:52
drcrazyback, I'm running Hardy LTS and I have a HP DeskJet 710c printer. According to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrintersHp I should be using the pnm2ppa drivers. Which way from here ?00:52
a555ok im going with pidgion00:52
sebsebsebkadii: you don't put programname you put the name of the thing your installing00:52
=== sheep is now known as lstarnes
bruce89!info pnm2ppa00:53
drcrazysimply apt-get it ?00:53
ubottupnm2ppa (source: pnm2ppa): PPM to PPA converter. In component main, is optional. Version 1.12-16.1ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 205 kB, installed size 876 kB00:53
a555i see it on there, but i promise you there is not an option for it on my xchat lol or i must be blind00:53
cbaneAngryElf: were those numbers from the first or second line with numbers?00:53
* drcrazy reads00:53
AngryElf1.3GB of ram to run a recently opened firefox - 4 terminals, calc and pidgin?00:53
AngryElfcbane: first line00:53
sebsebsebdrcrazy: no he has dependancy issues so  trying aptitude :)00:53
bruce89sounds right00:53
kadiisebsebseb, i am out of mind lol drive me crazy whatever i do same problem with exim when i remove it and reinstall give me same problem00:53
drcrazystill clueless :P00:53
mgolischthe second is whats important00:53
cbaneAngryElf: you don't care about that line00:53
a555Pigdion looks like my choice, thanks guys for all the help! :-)00:53
AngryElfthe swap?00:53
mgolischas its substracts stuff used for buffers/caches00:53
=== kevin_ is now known as uvacav
cbaneAngryElf: it's the second line with numbers you actually care about00:54
mgolischwhich are freed upon request00:54
tc111a555: XChat 2.8.6 -> Settings -> Preferences -> Network -> Network Setup -> Type -> Socks500:54
tehfalconwhere can i find firefox's bookmarks in my vista installation?00:54
AngryElfthe -/+ buffers/cache line?00:54
lfaraoneHi, I'm seeing multiple additional LOAD_CYCLES on my laptop after about 2 minutes, should I be concerned?00:54
mgolischAngryElf: yeah00:54
cbaneAngryElf: yes00:54
drcrazysebsebseb: im in cli...does aptitude work in cli mode ?00:54
huggintimethis is dylan00:54
AngryElflooks like -- used: 411, free: 110400:54
AngryElf"-/+ buffers/cache" runs into where the total might be00:54
cbaneAngryElf: so you have 1104 MB free00:54
sebsebsebkadii: ok insall the depandencies and try your program again00:54
drcrazybruce89: your saying apt-get it ? (sounds right ?)00:54
sebsebsebkadii: install the programs that it wants00:55
cbaneAngryElf: the rest is being used to cache stuff from your hard drive, and other things like that00:55
bruce89drcrazy: well, I prefer aptitude, but yup00:55
AngryElfcbane: it feels like the first line -- 1516/1390/125 total/used/freer00:55
cbaneAngryElf: it will be released if anything actually needs the memory00:55
huggintimei need compiz who can help00:55
drcrazyand aptitude in cli ?00:55
sebsebsebdrcrazy: you can use apt-get or aptitude00:55
bruce89sudo aptitude install pnm2ppa00:55
AngryElfcbane: thanks00:55
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)00:55
ubottuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. Like other APT front-ends, it can install/remove packages and their dependencies (on Dapper and earlier, however, only aptitude keeps track of unused dependencies). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide00:55
bruce89!abuse | sebsebseb00:55
ubottusebsebseb: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines00:55
uvacavanyone know of any effort to get ie8 betas running in wine?00:56
sebsebseb!abuse |  bruce8900:56
ubottubruce89: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines00:56
bruce89sebsebseb: got the wrong one, sorry00:56
drcrazyis aptitude really better ? (does it do unknown stuff in your back ?)00:56
lfaraonebruce89: !botabuse00:56
lfaraonedrcrazy: yes00:56
tritiumdrcrazy: no00:56
drcrazyeuh :P00:56
sebsebsebI was not abusing the bot00:56
* drcrazy is confused00:56
lfaraonedrcrazy: it installs all "recommends"00:56
sebsebsebI was getting the bot to tell them about apt and aptitude00:56
bruce89lfaraone: so does apt-get now00:57
levanderHow do I tell which distribution I'm using?  E.g., Hardy, Gusty, etc..00:57
tritiumdrcrazy: it's simply a matter of how they handle the "recommended" packages.  They handle true dependencies the same way.00:57
lfaraonesebsebseb: I know, but I was just telling huggintime what command to use00:57
lfaraonebruce89: ... since when?00:57
tritiumlevander: lsb_release -a00:57
bruce89levlsb_release -a00:57
bruce89lfaraone: some time now00:57
sebsebsebdrcrazy: for big things like  xubuntu-desktop :)   or kubuntu-desktop if you like, you should aptitude them00:57
drcrazyim waiting for the verdict if apt-get handles it as well :)00:57
* bruce89 has configured aptitude to not install recommends00:57
sebsebsebdrcrazy: sudo aptitude install xubuntu-desktop00:57
tehfalconwhy there's a 5.8 MB folder in mozilla firefox named Chrome?00:57
drcrazysebsebseb: understood for Gui stuff :)00:57
sebsebsebdrcrazy: for smaller things  apt-get is usualley fine00:58
drcrazybut i'm not on X00:58
tritiumsebsebseb: there is no signficant difference00:58
lfaraonetehfalcon: it's the UI configuration etc00:58
sebsebsebaptitude will say is this soloution good and you put yes or no00:58
tehfalconoh, i see00:58
bruce89drcrazy: if not already, you should use screen00:58
lfaraonetehfalcon: ask the FF people if you want the detailed answer, but just don't mess with it :)00:58
drcrazyso for pnm2ppa, apt-get should do fine, right ? :P00:58
sebsebsebapparnatlly apt-get is deprecated or maybe that's just Debian00:58
drcrazybruce89: i'm always on remote, sorry :)00:58
bruce89doesn't matter00:58
drcrazyand i don't want to X it :)00:59
ubottuScreen is a window manager for terminal sessions, also useful over SSH. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen00:59
tehfalconlfaraone: do you happen to know from where i should import my bookmarks???00:59
kadiisebsebseb, problem i remove everything when i reinstall something it give me unpacking exim4-daemon-light and i remove it already00:59
tehfalconlfaraone: i'm on ubuntu and i'm trying to import the bookmarks from vista00:59
sebsebsebkadii: what is exim4 anyway?00:59
lfaraonetehfalcon: hehe...00:59
sebsebsebtehfalcon: you can on installation, but after that nope00:59
cbanesebsebseb: it's a mail server00:59
drcrazybruce89: i'll check to see what it does more than putty !?01:00
lfaraonethehardman: file>import01:00
tywashereCan I get some help? o_o01:00
bruce89drcrazy: it's just that you disappeared to do something and then came back01:00
kadiisebsebseb, it come with sendmail server01:00
lfaraonethehardman: but you'd have to copy the file over to ubuntu first.01:00
sebsebsebtehfalcon: ,but you can access  your vista partition and get your bookmarks from it01:00
lfaraonethehardman: what sebsebseb said01:00
VilasBoasHy i need a litle help i have a "Intel PRO/wireless LAN 2100 3B Mini PCI Adapter" and i cn't use my wireless because ubuntu tells "wireless is disabled" even if i put another pci it gives the same error "wireless is disabled" :(01:00
sebsebsebtywashere: help with what?01:00
Scunizidrcrazy: if you are remoting into machines and using ssh you NEED to learn screen.. easy to use and crazy useful01:00
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:00
tehfalconhow do i get them?01:00
tritiumdrcrazy: see here: http://www.debian.org/releases/lenny/i386/release-notes/ch-whats-new.en.html#pkgmgmt01:00
tehfalconi have already mounted the partition01:00
tehfalconbut where do i have too look in my firefox folder?01:00
CloCkWeRXalright; I am vastly confused about security certificates. I want to install a new certificate, so when I wget https://migs.mastercard.com.au/ I don't have to --no-check-certificate. Everything I have googled so far has told me to install firefox and click on things. This is a server, without firefox. what do I want to google next?01:00
drcrazythanks tritium01:01
tritiumdrcrazy: sure.  So, sebsebseb is right in that debian is now recommending aptitude over apt-get.01:01
dale1vdoes anyone why one of my 2 cpus are taking all the load01:01
=== ubuntu__ is now known as Sniper
cbaneCloCkWeRX: you download the certificate file, put it in /etc/ssl/certs, cd to that dir, and run "c_rehash" as root01:01
drcrazytritium: but their comparing it to dselect !? is that the same as apt-get ?01:01
=== Sniper is now known as TheSniper
CloCkWeRXcbane: thanks01:01
tehfalconteh sounds better...01:02
cbaneCloCkWeRX: at least, that should work01:02
tywashereWell, Ive got a couple of problems :P I need to access my backup drive (Which is what I installed wubi on) And It's only showing my main drive (C:\  [I usually use XP]) I want to access my files for half life 2 and such, and the other issue is the face that my volume control wheel controls something, but not my audigy SE X301:02
kadiisebsebseb,  give me usr/sbin/dpkg-reconfigure: exim4-config is broken or not fully installed01:02
kadii how i can fix the broken ?01:02
porter1Any PHP users on ubuntu here knw how to turn error reporting on? PHP5 on ubuntu refuses to report any errors01:02
TheSniperAnyone who'd like to check my grub config file for errors?01:02
sebsebsebtehfalcon: bookmarks.html  or  it's a sq light database01:02
bruce89kadii: start aptitude, and see what's wrong01:02
TheSniperporter1: Something in php.ini?01:02
tritiumdrcrazy: dselect is different (a higher-level interface)01:02
drcrazyk k01:02
drcrazytrying aptitude :P01:02
TheSniperporter1: Tried searching for error in it?01:02
drcrazywow, an interface01:03
tehfalconthere;s a bookmarks.html inside profiles but it only contains the default bookmarks01:03
drcrazynice, installed packages etc.. :D01:03
sebsebsebdrcrazy: yeah it can run in terminal,  and  you can just do command for aptitude01:03
porter1TheSniper, it doesn't report errors in browser or in my specified log01:03
tritiumdrcrazy: yes, but you can use it just like apt-get (sudo aptitude install foo), etc.01:03
cbanetehfalcon: is there a places.sqlite?01:03
drcrazyyup yup, get it :)01:03
porter1Or even in error.log for apache01:03
drcrazywas just looking :)01:03
tritiumdrcrazy: i.e., no need to use that interface you're seeing01:03
tehfalconcbane: where?01:03
cbanetehfalcon: in the same dir as the bookmarks.html01:04
drcrazytritium: yup yup, i know01:04
* drcrazy reads up on what the hell Screen is01:04
tywasheredid you get that sebsebseb ?01:04
tehfalconcbane: negative01:04
cbanetehfalcon: are you looking under program files, or documents and settings?01:04
TheSniperporter1: Exactly.. Have you tried searching for "error" inside php.ini? displayerrors or something..01:04
kadiibruce89, give me exim4-config conflict with postfix01:04
tehfalconcbane: prog files01:04
drcrazyim fine with multiple putty windows opened :P01:04
sebsebsebtywashere: about 5 convos going on here at once01:04
tritiumdrcrazy: /msg ubottu screen01:04
bruce89kadii: what does it suggest doing?01:04
porter1TheSniper, display_errors = On01:04
porter1It's already turned on01:05
Unislashhey guys, can someone help me set up my iptables for apache2?01:05
cbanedrcrazy: you can detach a screen session, log out of ssh, and reattach when you ssh back in01:05
porter1and log_errors = On01:05
tywasheresorry seb, I jsut cant find any info on any of this =(01:05
sebsebsebtywashere: wubi  your best to partition your hard disk01:05
kadiibruce89, how i can remove them from there?01:05
tywashereI know D=, But I was too lazy :\01:05
tritiumdrcrazy: Screen is very handy.  I use it regularly.  See here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen01:05
Unislashsearched online and have what i think is a nice set of rules to be applied, but i don't know how to apply them01:05
sebsebsebtywashere: I saw a wubi install once,  when I was remote connected into one01:05
tritiumhuggintime: no need for all caps, please01:05
bruce89kadii: 'e' will suggest a fix01:05
sebsebsebtywashere: seems you can access the Windows host files, it's just a bit weird01:06
bruce89!caps | huggintime01:06
ubottuhuggintime: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.01:06
cbanetehfalcon: i'm not sure on the exact directory (i've never used vista, and i don't have any windows boxes available), but there should be something under "c:\Documents and Settings\<your user name" which is where your actual firefox settings are stored01:06
huggintimeok can yal help please01:06
sebsebsebtywashere: there should be a host folder in there some where I think01:06
kadiibruce89, i type g it's removing01:06
tehfalconcbane: i'll search there right away01:06
tehfalconcbane: i knew that it can't be in there because the folder containing profiles was named default01:07
tywashereIt isnt on my main drive (I cang et to that easily ;) music and all that) I have steam on my backup drive (What I put wubi on)01:07
huggintimei cant find compiz can some one help01:07
cbanetehfalcon: and then the bookmarks.html (for firefox 2) or places.sqlite (for firefox 3) will contain the bookmarks01:07
=== drcrazy is now known as drcrazy_away
lfaraonehuggintime: whereis compiz01:07
sebsebsebtywashere: get rid of wubi and partition?01:07
tehfalconok,i'll do a search01:07
Unislashtehfalcon: i think it's in C:\Documents and Settings\Application Data\Mozilla\firefox\profiles01:07
lfaraonehuggintime: the command is "compiz". to replace, use "compiz --replace"01:08
Unislashtehfalcon: show hidden files01:08
tywasheresearch for it in add/remove huggintime01:08
lfaraonehuggintime: to do magic, apt-get install compiz-config-settings-manager. :)01:08
huggintimei tryed its not there01:08
* lfaraone -> detached.01:08
lfaraonehuggintime: install it.01:08
bruce89huggintime: sudo aptitude install compiz01:08
kadiibruce89, it work :D you are master :P with one word fixed01:08
Unislashhey guys, can someone help me set up my iptables for apache2? I've got the rules... i just don't know how to apply them :)01:09
bruce89kadii: that's why aptitude is so great01:09
drcrazy_awayIf I wanna just keep my system up to date with aptitude, I do : update and after full-upgrade ?01:09
tacosarecoolI just want it to burn like iTunes keeps all the lyrics in when burning01:09
cbanedrcrazy_away: you do "aptitude update" first, then "aptitude full-upgrade"01:09
bruce89drcrazy_away: probably better with safe-upgrade actually01:09
bruce89doesn't remove stuff01:09
drcrazy_awayreally ?01:09
drcrazy_awayhow bad can it get ? hehe01:10
drcrazy_awayas for example, python2.3 gets removed ?01:10
drcrazy_awaycuz it becomes too obsolute ?01:10
huggintimethat comand didnt work01:11
bruce89if you want to do a big upgrade, you just start aptitude and have a look01:11
cbanedrcrazy_away: stuff will only get removed if it's marked as auto-installed, and nothing depends on it anymore01:11
TheSniperMy GRUB menu file uses uuid entries(same id for all of them), and as far as I can tell(ls /dev/disk/by-uuid) the id value is ok. But I still get error #17, ie Can't mount parrtition. Any guesses?01:11
jpablancheplease help to my problem about vbox01:11
drcrazy_awayk, then full-upgrade should do :)01:11
zaapieldoes ubuntu server follow the same release schedule? Will there be a 9.04 ubuntu-server?01:11
crdlbzaapiel: yes01:11
nightrid3rzaapiel yup01:11
jpablanche p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }  The VirtualBox Linux kernel driver (vboxdrv) is either not loaded or there is a permission problem with /dev/vboxdrv. Re-setup the kernel module by executing01:12
jpablanche'/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup'01:12
jpablancheas root. Users of Ubuntu or Fedora should install the DKMS package at first. This package keeps track of Linux kernel changes and recompiles the vboxdrv kernel module if necessary.01:12
FloodBot2jpablanche: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:12
jpablanchethat my problem01:12
crdlbzaapiel: the only difference is that LTS releases are supported for 5 years instead of 3 for ubuntu desktop01:12
cbaneTheSniper: is this an ext3 partition you created yourself?01:12
UnislashHmmm, when i type "sudo iptables-save > /etc/iptables.test.rules" i get "bash: /etc/iptables.test.rules: Permission denied"01:12
zaapielthey have nightly builds of sever?01:12
* zaapiel wants ext4 support01:12
huggintimecan some one help me get it01:12
bruce89crdlb: actually, normal ones are only 1.501:12
crdlbbruce89: I mean desktop LTS01:12
Unislashhuggintime: i got it through synaptic01:12
TheSnipercbane: ext3 yes, self.. Well, I guess you could say that01:13
tritiumzaapiel: #ubuntu+1 for jaunty, nightly builds, and ext401:13
drcrazy_awaywiii, its upgrading apache  lol, fun01:13
sebsebsebkadii:  I'll take a tiny bit of credit please :D  since I was the one to mention aptitude first to you and so point you in that direction :)01:13
Unislashhuggintime: just search compiz01:13
cbaneUnislash: with that command, iptables-save gets run as root, but the file operation happens as your normal user01:13
bruce89crdlb: so you did01:13
huggintimeon what google01:13
bruce89sebsebseb: heh01:13
Unislashcbane: how would i log in as root?01:13
jpablanchethis my problem and error http://paste.ubuntu.com/129602/01:13
Unislashhuggintime: no, in synaptic: System->Administration->Synaptic Package Manager01:13
nightrid3r!root | Unislash01:13
ubottuUnislash: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo01:13
cbaneUnislash: the easiest way to get a root shell is "sudo -s", and type your password01:13
tehfalconcbane: the backup file from today was in /media/HP/Users/Arnold/AppData/Roaming/Mozilla/Firefox/Profiles/nfylopjv.default01:14
Unislashah, right. k01:14
drcrazy_awayhumm, im starting to like aptitude :P01:14
jpablancheplease help me with this problem about vbox http://paste.ubuntu.com/129602/01:14
bruce89aptitude's got a GUI now01:14
tehfalconhp is my C:/ partition and arnold username01:14
sebsebsebdrcrazy_away: it can be good, but  I am in the habit of doing apt-get for most stuff01:14
drcrazy_awaysebsebseb: i can imagine :)01:15
_jet__I can't find what I choose to installed with aptitude... :-(01:15
bruce89_jet__: press 'g'01:15
sebsebsebbruce89: GUI you mean  the terminal program?01:15
jpablancheim using vbox for the first time and im come with this problem http://paste.ubuntu.com/129602/01:15
bruce89sebsebseb: no, GTK+01:15
drcrazy_awayaptitude is great for searches :P01:15
_jet__bruce89: "No packages are scheduled to be installed, removed, or upgraded"01:16
tritiumdrcrazy_away: as is apt-cache search01:16
sebsebsebbruce89: oh01:16
_jet__bruce89: but I wish to know what I already installed01:16
bruce89_jet__: oops, just open the "installed packages" bit01:16
_jet__bruce89: where ? how ?01:16
bruce89sebsebseb: only in Debian experimental so far01:16
bruce89_jet__: arrow keys and enter01:17
cbaneTheSniper: grub doesn't support ext3 partitions with an inode size of 256, which is now the default01:17
TheSnipercbane: I guess you could say that, ext3 and I did some fiddling with the partitions outside ubuntu installer. Why?01:17
drcrazy_awaytritium: ah, i was looking for that one01:17
TheSnipercbane: Strike last :)01:17
sebsebsebjpablanche: ah yes that error01:17
_jet__bruce89: I didin't choose to install 1194 packages....01:17
sebsebsebjpablanche:  first of all  you put on Virtualbox OSE?????01:17
cbaneyou can use "tune2fs <device> | grep 'Inode size:'" to see what the inode size is on the fs in question01:17
cbaneif it's anything but 128, you'll have to recreate the partition01:18
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like Freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit01:18
=== andyh2|away is now known as andyh2
cbaneTheSniper: and when you recreate it, you'll need to add the -I option to mkfs01:18
bruce89_jet__: you haven't chosen any then01:18
FloodBot1NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now.01:19
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sebsebsebyeah I didn't want to go looking for my password for this name01:19
_jet__bruce89: not I probably choose to install 5 something like that01:19
Rainium_Isotopehey can i download Enlightenment and use it as a desktop environment?01:20
cbaneTheSniper: "mkfs -t ext3 -I 128 <device>"01:20
sebsebsebRainium_Isotope: of course, but01:20
sebsebsebRainium_Isotope: Enlightment is a bit rubbish the one you get with Ubuntu01:20
abe3kHello guys, I'm using ubuntu 8.10 with the nvidia 180.22 drivers and the video sync to vblank isn't working even when I have it enabled from the nvidia settings manager, any help is appreciated01:20
Rainium_Isotopewell i really have linux mint..01:20
sebsebsebRainium_Isotope:  ,but the Elive CD now that seems interesting, still not tried it01:20
bruce89sebsebseb: interestingly, GNOME used to use Enlightenment01:21
bruce89window manger01:21
ubottuEnlightenment (or "E") is a window manager for X, providing a useful, and good looking graphical shell in which to work. E17 is the current development version.01:21
Rainium_Isotopebut what im really asking i guess is, if i download and install a deb package of enlightenment, will it keep my current window manager the same and enable me to switch to enlightenment at the login screen just like gnome kde or xfce?01:21
sebsebsebthat's ashame I could help that guy with  Virtualbox, but it seems the netsplit made him leave01:21
jribsebsebseb: follow him on the other server!01:22
sebsebsebRainium_Isotope: yep you can have loads of them01:22
sebsebsebjrib: follow him on the other server????01:22
TheSnipercbane: Thanks! But just to be sure: I'm trying to dual boot xp/ubuntu for the first time, I could boot ubuntu before that. Do you still think it's the same problem?01:22
Rainium_Isotopeawesome, thank you sebsebseb01:22
bruce89!hi | totolink01:22
ubottutotolink: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!01:22
jribsebsebseb: never mind01:23
* jrib keeps his bad jokes to himself from now on01:23
cbaneTheSniper: if you run "tune2fs <device> | grep 'Inode size:'" (remove the double quotes, keep the single quotes), you can see what the inode size on that fs is01:24
jpablancheim using vbox OSE here's my problem http://paste.ubuntu.com/129605/01:24
TheSniperwill do right away01:25
abe3kHello guys, I'm using ubuntu 8.10 with the nvidia 180.22 drivers and the video sync to vblank isn't working even when I have it enabled from the nvidia settings manager, any help is appreciated01:25
cbaneTheSniper: "tune2fs -l <device> | grep 'Inode size:'", that is01:25
bruce89with a sudo on the front01:25
cbaneTheSniper: if the number given is anything other than 128, you'll have to recreate the filesystem01:25
sebsebsebjpablanche: good your back, I said before, ah yes that error, and asked if you were using OSE01:26
sebsebsebjpablanche: ok OSE is not that good, since no USB suppourt, get the binary from http://www.virtualbox.org if you want USB suppourt, and I know your error01:26
jpablancheplease help me  with this one01:27
sebsebsebjpablanche: right, well first of all, do you want USB suppourt?01:28
TheSnipercbane: Uhm, would <device> be something like /dev/...?01:28
cbaneTheSniper: yes01:28
Extreme_bhi, can i not have san but still configured iscsi?01:28
cbaneTheSniper: whatever the device file that your root fs is on01:28
abe3kHello guys, I'm using ubuntu 8.10 with the nvidia 180.22 drivers and the video sync to vblank isn't working even when I have it enabled from the nvidia settings manager, any help is appreciated01:29
jpablanchesebsebseb: thank you ill try Yes i want usb support01:29
sebsebsebjpablanche: ok get rid of OSE and get the other version01:29
xmedexhello all01:30
sebsebsebjpablanche: sudo apt-get purge  whateveroseiscalled01:30
xmedexsomebody help me01:30
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:30
xmedexhow i want to build a file server01:30
MacMhey, i just installed kubuntu on my pc and after a reboot i always get "grub Error 2"01:30
xmedex!how i want to build a file server01:30
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:30
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto01:31
bruce89xmedex: depends on what OS the other computers have01:31
xmedexwindows and linux01:31
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.01:31
xmedexfor office use01:31
xmedexi have a ubuntu 8.10 server01:32
TheSnipercbane: It says 256 =[. But I don't get it, I *did* boot into ubuntu before trying to install XP as well.. I must hvae messed with the partitions somehow I guess..01:32
xmedexand already installed samba01:32
xmedexbut it didnt work01:32
pchello. im using 8.04 desktop LTS. my wireless is not working, it is Atheros AR242x, can someone help?01:32
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs01:32
=== jcoffman is now known as Asymmetry
TheSnipercbane: "mkfs -t ext3 -I 128 <device>" then? Are there any disadvantages doing this?01:33
cbaneTheSniper: you'll lose everything on that partition01:33
cbaneTheSniper: so you'll want to back it up first01:34
jpablanchewhat im goind to do with this one http://paste.ubuntu.com/129609/01:34
tc111here's what i want to do with what i have thrown in... 1 - server, 5 - nics (1-1Gb, 4-100Mb). server runs a firewall in a VM. i want to bond/aggregate/trunk (over non- 802.3ad switches) using kernel bonding (mode 6) and ifenslave on eth1-eth3. the host will not assign an address or even see the traffic as bond0 (eth1-3) will be assigned to the VM firewall for WAN access. eth0 (1Gb) is LAN for firewall VM and eth4 is lan for server (8.04.2 - i386, 2GB ram, 2x2001:34
andresjI have an x86-64 machine; how do I make bochs emulate an x86 (or IA-32) machine instead of x86-64? Thank you. :-)01:34
nightrid3rxmedex http://ebox-platform.com/01:35
jpablancheim a vbox user my ubuntu version is 7.10 gutsy01:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about linux3201:35
bruce89!info linux3201:35
ubottuPackage linux32 does not exist in intrepid01:35
jpablanchesebsebseb: what im goind to do http://paste.ubuntu.com/129609/01:35
TheSniperlol Guess I should've seen that one.. Anything else, after reinstalling? I don't know what effect this has on performance..01:35
Extreme_b!info nfs-kernel-server01:35
ubottunfs-kernel-server (source: nfs-utils): support for NFS kernel server. In component main, is optional. Version 1:1.1.2-4ubuntu1.1 (intrepid), package size 147 kB, installed size 376 kB01:35
cbaneTheSniper: from the man page, it looks like the main advantage of larger inodes is better performance with extended attributes01:36
cbaneTheSniper: which you're not likely to care about01:36
Extreme_bhi, have anyone tried combining iscsi and nfs before. jus wanna know the possibility . thanks01:36
slerderHey guys. While I was just checking the auth.log file and saw something that went on whil I  was away. Any idea what it could be: Mar 10 18:17:01 w CRON[16220]: pam_unix(cron:session): session opened for user root by (uid=0) thanks01:37
sebsebsebjpablanche: sure, but is that OSE or the binary from virtualbox site?01:37
abe3kHello guys, I'm using ubuntu 8.10 with the nvidia 180.22 drivers and the video sync to vblank isn't working even when I have it enabled from the nvidia settings manager, any help is appreciated01:37
cbaneslerder: that's the cron daemon running some scheduled job(s)01:37
jpablanchei get .deb01:37
jpablanchesebsebseb i get .deb01:37
slerdercbane, thanks. anway to know exactly what jobs were run. or to know at what time the system was shut down?01:38
TheSnipercbane: Nope, not this week, I guess.. Anyway, mkfs says(my translation from swedish): "<device> is mounted, not creating a filesystem here!"01:38
sebsebsebjpablanche: ok make sure virtualbox ose stuf is all gone. search synaptic even for it01:38
sebsebsebjpablanche: don't install the binary untill ose is all gone01:38
sebsebsebserios: hi01:38
cousteauI have a lot of broken links on /etc/alternatives due to a reinstallation of Java SDK. How can I fix/remove them?01:38
StralyticI'm getting the following error when I boot a system that had previously been working for years... RAMDISK: Compressed image found at block 0 \n invalid compressed format (err=2) \n ... I've booted from a live cd and rebuilt the initrd, reinstalled the kernel image, but it still won't boot... can someone help?01:38
serioscan anyone do me a favor and link me the deb package for linux kernel server modules for 2.6.27-1301:38
jpablanchesebsebseb ok ill do it wait thanks ill be back01:38
seriosi believe its in ubuntu proposed01:39
Extreme_bhi, have anyone tried combining iscsi and nfs before. jus wanna know the possibility . thanks01:39
seriosi managed to uninstall it and now i have no wifi :(01:39
etfbAny idea why networkmanager is reporting "No network device found" when a laptop wakes up from Suspend/Hibernate?01:39
TheSnipercbane: mount -something? *checking man*01:39
cbaneTheSniper: if you're not booted into that system right now, you can do "umount <device>" to unmount it01:40
cbaneTheSniper: if you are booted into that system, you'll have to boot from something else first01:40
=== xavier is now known as xavier267
Laundryi configured my network via the gnome app that comes with ubuntu, and i haven't been able to get any internet01:41
Laundryit says the connection is enabled, but i don't think im connected to the network01:41
zaccourif i install Ubuntu onto my ps3 will i be able to navigate the same way i can on the ps3 OS?01:42
zaccourwith my controller i mean01:42
Leon_NardellaAny news about ICQ being broken in Intrepid's (at least ) Pidgin?01:42
jpablanchesebsebseb: im currently uninstalling all the vbox and its configuration files01:42
danbhfivehow do I change the location of my Desktop folder, ie, the folder that contains everything displayed on the desktop?01:42
sebsebsebjpablanche: good01:42
zaccourif i install Ubuntu onto my ps3 will i be able to navigate with my controller?01:42
danbhfiveLeon_Nardella: have you tried installing a later version from getdeb.net?01:42
jpablanchethe after un installing all vbox kernel module what is the next step01:43
Unislashhmmm... on ubuntu, are all input ports blocked by default (out of the box)?01:43
abe3kguys, I'm using ubuntu 8.10 with the nvidia 180.22 drivers and the video sync to vblank isn't working even when I have it enabled from the nvidia settings manager, any help is appreciated01:43
TheSnipercbane: That did it, I'll reboot and reinstall now. Thanks a bunch :)!01:43
cbaneabe3k: if you haven't gotten an answer by now, it's likely that nobody here knows how to help01:44
tritiumabe3k: did you install nvidia-glx-180 from the ubuntu repositories, or install a download from nvidia.com?01:44
seriosthe package is exactly: linux-backports-modules-2.6.27-13-server01:44
zaccourafter installing ubuntu 8.10 i applied the first set of updates. i restarted and my wired internet stopped working. how do i fix it?01:44
serioscan anyone link this to me or tell me where to find it01:44
MacMthose 2 grub links didnt help me at all, i still get Error 2 when trying to boot grub =(01:44
cousteauok, Java works now01:44
Leon_Nardelladanbhfive: 2.5.5 indeed fixes the problem. I just wanna know whether it's going to be backported to Intrepid.01:44
TheSniperMaybe I'll use something else other than grub in the future, but I'll leave that for tomorrow..01:44
pcwhat the hell... my computer just shutdown while i was running a sudo make install for the wireless card.......01:44
abe3k<tritium> : I've compiled the driver myself01:44
bruce89zaccour: !repeat01:45
tritiumabe3k: please try the nvidia-glx-180 package, especially if you want support here.01:45
thatryanhad problems yesterday with fresh install giving me error 18, so i go to start over today but cant even run a live cd anymore, gives same error!  help please :)01:45
zaccourafter installing ubuntu 8.10 i applied the first set of updates. i restarted and my wired internet stopped working. how do i fix it?01:45
danbhfiveLeon_Nardella: check launchpad01:45
pcubuntu, i am disappoint01:46
Leon_Nardelladanbhfive: Could you point me to a more accurate url? Don't know where to look.01:46
abe3k<tritium> : unfortunately that package doesn't work with me and it tells me that no nvidia driver is installed, so I had to compile it manually01:46
StralyticI'm getting the following error when I boot a system that had previously been working for years... RAMDISK: Compressed image found at block 0 \n invalid compressed format (err=2) \n ... I've booted from a live cd and rebuilt the initrd, reinstalled the kernel image, but it still won't boot... can someone help?01:46
Free0neCould someone tell me the command for changing the ownership and group of a directory?01:46
danbhfiveLeon_Nardella: did you try searching launchpad.net?  I suppose I could do it for you...01:46
tritiumabe3k: what "tells you" that no driver is installed?01:47
braddcaddzaccour, type "ifconfig" at the command prompt01:47
jpablanchesebsebseb what is the next step to do after removing vbox OSE to the synaptic package01:47
sebsebsebjpablanche: all OSE stuff is gone?01:47
zaccourim using 9.4 right now, do you recommend that i reinstall 8.10 and try ifconfig?01:47
sebsebsebjpablanche: have you checked?01:47
abe3k<tritium> : the nvidia-settings01:48
doucheWhat is the command to install apache01:48
jpablanchesebsebseb: ok ill double check it wait thanks01:48
unopFree0ne, chmod http://catcode.com/teachmod/01:48
braddcadddouche, "sudo aptitude install apache2"01:48
cousteauwonder why Java uses a different font rendering than the rest of the programs01:48
tritiumabe3k: which card do you have?  180 only supports certain cards.  For example, my GeForce 6150 is not supported by 180 yet.01:48
Darnwhere can I download windows 7?01:49
unopcousteau, it has its own set of 'cross-platform' fonts - but java applications can use installed fonts01:49
unop!ot | darn01:49
ubottudarn: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!01:49
zaccouri guess i can look for something else01:49
zaccouris there a distro thats easy like ubuntu and fast like puppy or dsl?01:50
abe3k<tritium> : my card is GeForce 7600 GS01:50
braddcaddzaccour, it will be very easy to get your wireless working again01:50
xy|oxzaccour, xubuntu01:50
tritiumzaccour: try xubuntu, if you have old hardware01:50
braddcaddzaccour, let's troubleshoot01:50
zaccournot wireless, wired01:50
StralyticI'm getting the following error when I boot a system that had previously been working for years... RAMDISK: Compressed image found at block 0 \n invalid compressed format (err=2) \n ... I've booted from a live cd and rebuilt the initrd, reinstalled the kernel image, but it still won't boot... can someone help?01:51
unopzaccour, ubuntu can be customised to be 'lean' like those two.01:51
zaccourbraddcadd, im gonna install 8.10 will you be on in for a couple hours? i need to update so it will be messed up so i can fix it01:51
braddcaddzaccour, what version are you running?01:51
unopStralytic, did you chroot into your system before doing those things?01:51
braddcaddyes, i will be here01:51
Stralyticunop: yep01:52
braddcaddzaccour, I had trouble with some wired connections....but 8.10 fixed my problems01:52
jpablanchesebsebseb: why is it other virtual ose in the synaptic package cant remove?01:52
zaccour8.10 is what i had trouble with, but 9.04 alpha is what im using now01:52
unopStralytic, have you got any older kernels installed? if so, have you tried them?01:52
zaccourbraddcadd, 8.10 is where my wired internet messed up. after the first update it stopped working01:52
danbhfiveLeon_Nardella: https://bugs.launchpad.net/intrepid-backports/+bug/315760         probably the most informative of the bunch01:53
Stralyticunop: yep, they do the same thing01:53
Free0neunop: Thanks =D01:53
jpablanchesebsebseb: ok  what is the next step to do sir01:53
sebsebsebjpablanche: ok OSE is completly gone?01:53
drcrazyi installed pnm2ppa for my HP DeskJet 710c, but now what ? Cups is still telling me no drivers are installed in the printers list.01:54
amikropHello. Which is the linux distribution that has the latest software?01:54
zaccourok im gonna install 8.10 again, update, and come back. i might be a couple hours01:54
drcrazyoh, maybe i can install it from within that site.01:54
braddcaddzaccour, (1) have you tried rebooting after the updates?  (2) what does "ifconfig" give,  (3) also try "route -n" at the terminal01:54
jpablanchei cant mark it for complete removal?01:54
amikrop(by default, enabled, in its main repositories, in use)01:54
sebsebsebamikrop: Debain unstable has later software01:54
wolteri am having problems with my computer's playback control buttons. They are detected, but they control banshee no more.01:54
zaccouryes, it messed up after rebooting01:54
MacMoooooooooh he's booting ubuntu01:54
tritiumdrcrazy: are there not native cups ppd files for your printer?01:54
wolterThe mute button doesn't action the volumn mute niether.01:54
sebsebsebjpablanche: pm me01:55
zaccourim thinking about just trying a different distro01:55
danbhfiveamikrop: debian experimental or fedora I think.01:55
amikropsebastien: generally, gentoo has later software than ubuntu?01:55
sebsebsebamikrop: yep I think so01:55
braddcaddzaccour, ok np01:55
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zaccourbraddcadd, will you be here in about 2 hours?01:55
amikropsebsebseb, danbhfive: ok01:55
tritiumamikrop: ubuntu never gets too far behind, with releases every 6 months01:55
drcrazytritium: not sure. just followed the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrintersHp page01:55
bruce89out of interest, does anyone know a Fedora-like Debian based distro?01:55
braddcaddzaccour, there is a good chance i will be here01:55
zaccourbraddcadd, actually, can you just tell me what update not to do?01:55
unopStralytic, what did you use to rebuilt the initrd?01:55
zaccouri need to know what update not to do so i dont mess it up01:56
amikroptritium: it can get 5 months back, though01:56
tritiumdrcrazy: well, did you step through the process of adding a printer, and look for it?01:56
Stralyticunop: update-initramfs -k all -u01:56
zaccourwhat if i just install security updates? are the rest really important?01:56
amikroptritium: * 5 months behind01:56
tritiumamikrop: yes, but what of it?01:56
amikroptritium: which is quite a long time01:56
danbhfivebruce89: what do you want from fedora?01:56
drcrazytritium: i just did, and it found it.. now i wonder, did it need that pnm2paa package !??01:56
bruce89zaccour: the desktop-experience team think they are01:56
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Stralyticunop: and i can decompress the initrd from within the live cd, zcat /boot/initrd-version-blah | cpio -i01:56
zaccouroh ok01:56
bruce89danbhfive: decent packages01:56
tritiumdrcrazy: not likely01:57
zaccouri guess i just need to know which update NOT to install so i dont mess up my wired internet01:57
braddcaddzaccour, i am not sure which update not to do.  I am certain the problem could be fixed in less time than a full install01:57
drcrazyhumm , ill try removing it01:57
tritiumdrcrazy: read the output of "apt-cache show pnm2ppa".  I don't think you ever wanted that, really.01:57
zaccouractually right now im using 9.4 alpha01:57
braddcaddjust get some info to help troubleshoot01:57
Leon_Nardelladanbhfive: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pidgin/+bug/340151 This seems to be the one.01:57
braddcaddzaccour, ahhhhh that could be it01:57
bruce89tritium: it sounds like an image converter, but it isn't01:58
tritiumzaccour: 9.0r questions belong in #ubuntu+1, where there is a big fat warning that it can break your system, since it's still in alpha01:58
zaccourno, 9.04 fixed my wired internet01:58
tritium9.04, even01:58
unopStralytic, hmm, have you changed grub at all to pass any options to the kernel at boot?01:58
braddcaddzaccour, yeah i would reinstall to get back to 8.10 if you want stability01:58
zaccour8.10 update messed up my wired internet, thats why i installed 9.0401:58
drcrazytritium: whats HP-GDI ?01:58
mibwhat tool can i use for gantt chart in ubuntu?01:58
tritiumdrcrazy: not sure01:58
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bruce89drcrazy: something non-free surely01:59
Stralyticunop: kernel/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.27-13-generic root=/dev/mapper/isw_cfjihgegcf_Volume01 ro01:59
zaccourbraddcadd, im gonna reinstall, update, and come back here with a nearby wireless01:59
drcrazytritium:  cuz, all the rest seems to refer to my printer a HP DeskJet 710c01:59
zaccourbe back in a little while01:59
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drcrazyill try removing it... hehe01:59
danbhfiveLeon_Nardella: yep, thats it!01:59
unopStralytic, where does /initrd.img point to?02:01
drcrazyseems to still find it ;)02:01
drcrazyif i get problems,.. ill lookup on that thing.02:01
tritiummib: planner02:01
Stralyticunop: grub tells it to use: initrd/boot/initrd.img-2.6.27-13-generic02:01
Stralyticunop: /initrd.img is a symlink to that file02:02
unopStralytic, right, and the file exists right? symlinked correctly?   ls -ld $(readlink -f /initrd.img)02:03
Stralyticunop: yep02:03
mibtritium: is planner able to support the display by Month?02:03
drcrazyusername for CUPS ? which one is that ?02:03
drcrazyI just added the printer and it queries me : Username for CUPS: ? (is that a new login they want to create ?02:03
unopStralytic, what does 'file -s' have to say about the image?02:03
tritiummib: I don't recall.  It can't compare to MS Project yet, but hopefully one day.02:04
Stralyticunop: initrd.img-2.6.27-13-generic: gzip compressed data, from Unix, last modified: Wed Mar 11 23:13:33 200902:04
Stralyticunop: i can zcat the file and cpio -i and its contents are fine02:04
mibtritium: i remembered i try before on planner and it wasnt able to show the By Month02:04
mibany other tools other thna planner?02:04
unopStralytic, yea, you mentioned02:04
Unislashcan anyone help me with my iptable set up? i'm trying to run a LAMP server using ubuntu desktop02:05
tritiummib: that's not a common view02:05
mibso what did u reckon?02:05
Stralyticunop: doesn't make sense to me that it says it "invalid compressed format" when i can decompress it from the livecd02:05
unopStralytic, hmm, odd - I can't think of why that'd be - a quick scour of the forums seems to indicate that the problem is only present in LiveCDs (usually due to a corrupt burn) .. and no, it doesn't make sense.02:06
Unislashmy iptables are here: http://rafb.net/p/2Fdksy46.html and everything looks good to me, but things still aren't working (i have a rounter; i've forwarded ports 80, 8080, and 443, and i've got a static ip)02:06
NivenayaStralytic, what's your issue?  Sorry, I just connected.02:06
unopStralytic, but it could be the compression level (but i don't presume you've done anything like that, have you?)02:06
Stralyticunop: nope02:07
ktydoes anyone know if there is a way to install nautilus extensions somewhere in $HOME or subfolder therein, like $HOME/.gnome/nautilus* ?02:07
sebsebsebrachel: hello,  want some Ubuntu help?02:07
Stralyticunop: maybe i could try a server kernel and see if it works02:07
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ktyoops, it should be $HOME/.gnom2/nautilus*02:07
Nivenayakty: you could probably stick it wherever and then symlink the confs to wherever nautilus-extensions expects them to be.02:08
Stralyticunop: did you notice i am booting from a dmraid? is it possible the initrd is on the second disk and the kernel can't find it?02:08
drcrazyim wondering what it's asking me to enter "Username for CUPS:" views from w3c (at the bottom of the screen)02:08
unopStralytic, well, maybe - but if you say all other kernels exhibit the same behaviour - i don't see how that'd help02:08
drcrazyviews = viewed02:08
ktyNivenaya: symlink the confs? So I suppose there is a conf file that define where nautilus should look for its own extensions?02:09
unopStralytic, good question - but /boot is on the first partition, right?02:09
Nivenayakty: i would imagine so.  if you check in synaptic you can actually get a full list of all the files installed by the package and I bet the conf is listed there somewhere.02:09
kylefoxWill 'aptitude safe-upgrade' install security patches?02:10
unopkylefox, yes02:10
Stralyticunop: root@ubuntu:/# ls /dev/mapper/         \n      controlisw_cfjihgegcf_Volume0isw_cfjihgegcf_Volume01    isw_cfjihgegcf_Volume0202:10
kylefoxunop: thanks :)02:10
unopkylefox, but aptitude update  is recommended before that.02:10
Unislashdoes anyone have experience with iptables?02:10
TomFromWkUpHi! I've just installed ubuntu to my computer. Now I want to run it without a monitor, as a server. But when I unplug the monitor it does not want to boot up to gnome... What could I do?02:10
Stralyticunop: Volume0 is the dmraid, 01 is the root fs, Volume02 is my swap02:10
ktyNivenaya: that is interesting. I should have checked dpkg -L stuffs. Thanks for the insight.02:11
NivenayaTom: your issue is what, that your system doesn't login automatically?02:11
Nivenayakty: sure thing.02:11
volrathHey, does anyone know of a way to make a bootable USB stick using a bootable ISO image?02:11
Nivenayakty: would have suggested that if I had anticipated console-savvy.  which maybe i should have since you were asking about nautilus-extensions  :)02:11
TomFromWkUpNivenaya: It is supposed to login automaticly, but the problem is that it does not boot up... I can'T access it via ssh either..02:12
unopStralytic, that doesn't really say much about /boot -- and usually you want to have /boot on a separate partition that isn't on a RAID or LVM scheme.02:12
unopStralytic,   mount | grep -i boot02:12
tritiumvolrath: System -> Administration -> Create a USB startup disk02:12
ScuniziWhat is the name of the last compiler command that makes a .deb.. it's used in place of sudo make install?02:12
NivenayaTomFromWkUp, you might try a server distro of Ubuntu.  Technically, I don't think Intrepid lets you SSH into the system unless it's logged in - that's how my laptop works.02:13
drcrazyanyone have a clue of what "Username for CUPS:" i'm talking about ?02:13
directmindbootable stick - Ijust saw anarticle on it yesterday but Idon have the link02:13
unopScunizi, checkinstall ??02:13
kylefoxunop: will safe-upgrade apply updates to installed packages (such as postgres, for example?)02:13
WebcamWonderDoes anyone have any guides to creating deb packages?02:13
Scuniziunop: yep.. thanks02:13
NivenayaKind of a mistake to have it set up that way IMHO, but eh.02:13
volrathtritium: it's not a ubuntu or a linux distro CD image02:13
ktyNivenaya: well, there are many ways that lead to what we sought, cli is one of them gui is one of them and web is yet another . . . don't worry . . .02:13
Stralyticunop: /boot isn't on its own partition, it's a directory on the dmraid root partition... which it has been booting off since... 6.04 i think02:13
ScuniziNivenaya: TomFromWkUp ssh into a system works without having to log in.. it's a service that loads on startup02:13
TomFromWkUpNivenaya but when I boot it up with a monitor it logs automatically and everything is fine. It's only when I unplug the monitor ..02:13
unopkylefox, well, if a newer version of an installed package is available in the repositories - the newer version (which has the security fixes perhaps) will be installed.02:14
NivenayaScunizi, that's all well and good but I can't SSH into my laptop - running Intrepid - until I've logged in.02:14
tritiumWebcamWonder: see the MOTU packaging guide, or the debian new maintainer's guide02:14
TomFromWkUpI CAN'T boot up without a monitor attached... that's weird02:14
slacker-hi guys. I'm running ubuntu 8.10 and keep getting kernel bugs02:14
TomFromWkUpI'll check up my logs for errors02:14
TomFromWkUpHum which logs should I look at?02:14
slacker-it says02:14
slacker-[1369713.678092] BUG: unable to handle kernel paging request at ffff87f947da508802:15
NivenayaTomFromWkUp, that IS pretty odd.  if I had to guess X is trying to detect your monitor in a way that doesn't fail gracefully on your video card, check /var/log/Xorg.0.log02:15
Nivenaya...actually, hm.  that's not going to be much good because it'll be overwritten when you boot with monitor.02:15
slacker-followed by a list of loaded modules, a register dump and a call stack02:15
Nivenayasee if you've got a /var/log/Xorg.1.log02:15
unopStralytic, hmm -that could be (if the initrd loads the right modules) - but that's one area I've not messed around much with. I'm not sure what I'd do at this point - perhaps ask someone else (##linux and #debian might have folk that might know what to do too).02:15
slacker-system is still running but load slowly increases. is there anything I can do before I reboot?02:16
Stralyticunop: ok, thanks for your help02:16
huggintimecan some one help me do a one on one chat please02:16
WebcamWondertritium: Awesome! Thanks!02:16
tritiumWebcamWonder: sure02:16
ubottusigh... again? I'm busy here, I already told you it failed.02:16
kattollikisdHi, Is there is a program that let me put videos on my iPod?02:17
ktyNivenaya: well some research shows that the package nautilus does not seem to include any confs that might deal with extension folder, and it seems there is something like /lib/nautilus/extension-2.0, yet there is no such things as extension in ~/.gnome2/nautilus* and ~/.nautilus , so . . . I bet it could be rather hopeless anway . . .02:17
drcrazyis there a default CUPS password set in Ubuntu hardy ?02:17
NivenayaTomFromWkUp, Aah!  My bad.  Try /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old02:17
slacker-looks like it's an xfs problem02:17
huggintimei need help with compiz can some one one on one chat02:17
Nivenayakty: that's pretty strange.  maybe try running grep -R nautilus-extensions ~/02:18
drcrazyor, do I have to set it up with lppasswd myself first ?02:19
sanjuddrcrazy-> kindly read the first page of  localhost:63102:19
Nivenayakty, and $ls -R ~/ | grep nautilus-extensions02:19
volrathAnyone know how to make a bootable USB stick of a windows install disk?02:19
unopkty, do nautilus extensions mean nautilus script too, by any chance?02:19
Nivenayakty, pick through the results and maybe you'll find what you're looking for.02:19
huggintimenivenaya: can u help02:19
WebcamWondertritium: Do you have any preference as to which of the guides should be followed? I am only trying to build deb packages for myself02:19
drcrazyoh, will check02:19
RoastedTiresXwhos a genius with samba?02:19
TomFromWkUpNivenaya, the last line is: (II) UnloadModule: "evdev"02:20
DIFH-icerootRoastedTiresX: brasiliens02:20
TomFromWkUpBut there's no apparent huge ERRORS02:20
RoastedTiresXis samba case sensitive?02:20
huggintimewho now about compiz02:20
RoastedTiresXlike the comments versus paths?02:20
tritiumWebcamWonder: they should be quite consistent.  I don't recall many conflicts between the two.  Start with the ubuntu one, I'd suggest.02:20
RoastedTiresXMy entire samba network isn't accessible from any user, and all I did was add a share and add comments to each share02:20
TomFromWkUpNivenaya it's screaming about no mouse and keyboard, but nothing about the monitor, I'll pastebin the logs02:20
WebcamWondertritium: Thanks again :)02:20
tritiumNo problem.02:20
LogicFanis there any way to auto-arrange program icons on gnome-panel?02:20
sanjudRoastedTiresX-> umm do you read a tutorial on how to setup a samba ?02:21
Nivenayahuggintime, if you explain your problem here there's a better chance that someone here will be able to help.02:21
NivenayaTomFromWkUp, that's a good idea and what I was about to suggest.02:21
RoastedTiresXsanjud - I've used samba for 3 years, that's what confuses me over what int he world happened.02:21
drcrazyis there something on Hardy that makes the Hardrives to work constantly ?02:21
NivenayaTomFromWkUp, out of curiosity what happens when you boot the system and then plug the monitor in?02:21
sanjudRoastedTiresX-> you restarted samba after you made your changes?02:22
Nivenayadrcrazy, it could be your swap partition.02:22
RoastedTiresXsanjud - via command line, yeah I did02:22
RoastedTiresXI've restartedt he samba daemon at least 20 times this evening02:22
drcrazyguess it could02:22
TomFromWkUpNivenaya everything works fine, flawlessly. ssh, login, gnome, etc.. vnc too02:22
huggintimeok i think i need a driver for a ati redon 7000 to run comiz but i cant6 find one any where02:22
drcrazybut, none is used.02:22
TomFromWkUpNivenaya: http://pastebin.com/m342f4d3e02:22
RoastedTiresXsanjud - I wanted to create a "spare" user with a spare on my samba drive, so taht way when I work on computers, I back data up to it and it doesnt get mixed in with my own personal backups. Then I tried to get fancy and add comments, and now none of my shares are acceissbl02:22
x4dIs there a plugin for Rhythmbox to show the id3 Comment tag?02:23
drcrazyi got a gig of free memory02:23
huggintime ok i think i need a driver for a diomand stealth ati redon 7000 to run comiz but i cant6 find one any where02:23
Mike94287I'm trying to install the Pidgin Purple Plugin Pack but when I run ./configure after I cd to the directory I get this error: "configure: error: The intltool scripts were not found. Please install intltool."02:23
Mike94287What should I do?02:23
WebcamWonderAnother question: If I do the setup.py install <some_program>, what is a way to remove it?02:23
ktyNivenaya: interestingly, it does not seem to churn out any meaningful result; I may want to create a folder my self in this case . . .02:23
WebcamWonderMike94287: sudo aptitude install build-essential, that command should fetch all the required programs02:24
NivenayaTomFromWkUp, all that stuff works... even if you boot up without the monitor and add it later but -not- until you add the monitor?02:24
Mike94287webcamwonder: Okay I'll try that, Thanks.02:24
sanjudRoastedTiresX-> does it shows up when you do  smbclient -L //server -U user   ?02:24
huggintime ok i think i need a driver for a diomand stealth ati redon 7000 to run comiz but i cant6 find one any where02:24
WebcamWonder!ati | huggintime02:24
ubottuhuggintime: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:24
TomFromWkUpNivenaya, it seems to freeze or stop somewhere. I then reboot with a monitor plugged in and it works.02:24
RoastedTiresXsanjud - run that command @ terminal??02:25
sanjudRoastedTiresX-> yes02:25
NivenayaTomFromWkUp, okay.  one moment.02:25
WebcamWonderTomFromWkUp: You can plug your monitor in while your PC is running :)02:25
Fudgecan the amd64 810 ubuntu run on 64bit p4 cpus02:26
TomFromWkUpWebcamWonder, it does not work either :S02:26
supertankerHey, I'm having a bit of an issue putting Ubuntu on this old server02:26
yoophglup__hey does anyone know how to get desktop sharing to work over the internet?02:26
ktyNivenaya: Thanks for you kindly advice. I would like to close the question right now and reask them in #gnome, as I guess they might have something like environment variables . . .02:26
supertankerA windows 98SE disk is detected by the SCSI bios as being bootable, but the Ubuntu disk is not, although they both say "A BOOTABLE DISK HAS BEEN DETECTED"02:26
WebcamWonderTomFromWkUp: That is oddly weird02:26
supertankerAny ideas?02:26
RoastedTiresXsanjud - why would a client machine be under "master"?02:27
donerightit_comyoophglup__: you have to modify the startup to auto-logon02:27
sanjudRoastedTiresX-> i dont know, i didnt set it up02:27
donerightit_comyoophglup__: then you have to modify either gnome or kde to have the password -- this is done by duplicating it on a diff local machine and copying the session info02:28
donerightit_comyoophglup__: then you have to restart the box to auto-logon and get it to start the session correctly...02:28
donerightit_comyoophglup__: all the details are available through google... I successfully did it last week02:29
Fudgeanyone able to tell me if amd64bit edition runs on 64bit p4s02:29
Nivenayakty: you got it.  sorry i couldn't be of help.02:30
TomFromWkUpI'll check the other logs..02:30
drcrazytest page printing failed :o/02:30
nellmathewhow come everytime i install windows - it works.. but i install grub afterwards and add windows to grub but it comes up as NTDLR missing?... i replace it in windows and then hal.exe is missing (but it's still there)02:30
drcrazythe error it gave me was: PID 6392 (/usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip) stopped with status 1!02:31
TomFromWkUpWhich log files logs the startup process?02:31
drcrazymaybe i do need that pnm2ppa thingny.02:31
PerryArmstronghey can anyone help me with my printer problem. I am not able to print02:31
themoebiushey, how can I restart my sound server after it's crashed?02:31
nellmathewhow should i install windows AFTER ubuntu and have it working (both ubuntu and windows in grub)02:32
themoebiustheres just this constant stuttering right now.02:32
themoebiusnellmathew: you would have to reinstall grub since windows will overwrite your boot record02:32
NivenayaTomFromWkUp, a couple questions about the log output if I may - first, is that /var/log/Xorg.0.conf or /var/log/Xorg.conf.old?02:32
drcrazyThat was it!!!02:32
drcrazyneeded pnm2ppa installed.02:32
themoebiusnellmathew: which you can do by booting by booting from the livecd02:32
tritiumdrcrazy: oops.  ;)02:33
drcrazyit happens :D02:33
drcrazyi tried :)02:33
drcrazynow we both know :)02:33
PerryArmstronghey can anyone help me with my printer problem. I am not able to print02:33
TomFromWkUpNivenaya it's the .log.old02:33
supertankerAnyone have trouble installing Ubuntu with SCSI to an old Acer server?02:33
drcrazyPerryArmstrong, dont ask to ask.. just ask your question/problem02:33
PerryArmstrongi give the printer a job but it doesn't print02:34
drcrazyfunny cups test page :) cute :)02:34
nellmathewthemoebuis - so install windows first, and then ubuntu through livecd?02:34
drcrazyPerryArmstrong, it says the job fails ?02:34
SineDeviancehey all, i am having a serious issue02:34
themoebiusnellmathew: yeah its easier to install windows first02:35
PerryArmstrongdrcrazy; no i dont get any message...but it just doesn't print02:35
nellmathewalright thanks02:35
bruce89nellmathew: you can install windows last if you wanted to, but you'd have to reinstall grub02:35
drcrazyPerryArmstrong: try checking your cups logs, at /var/logs/cups/error_log02:35
FezzlerIs Intrepid still the most current release?02:35
SineDeviancei want to run a lamp server. i'm trying to get apache to run on port 80. it cant02:35
NivenayaTomFromWkUp, okay.  the way it works is that when you boot, the log.old is deleted and Xorg.0.log is renamed to Xorg.0.log.old.  so this log is only from the failed boot if you'd only booted successfully once.02:35
Nivenayais this the case?02:35
Nivenaya(once after the most recent failed boot, that is.)02:36
sanjudSineDeviance-> any error spewed out? you looked in the apache config file?02:36
drcrazynow i need to get that printer to work from my windows machine :)02:36
TomFromWkUpNivenaya: yep I gave you the defective log02:36
drcrazyill find out how :D02:36
themoebiusso anyone know how to restart sound server without logging out and back in?02:36
SineDeviancesanjud, there is one, yes. when i try to run the daemon i get this: (13)Permission denied: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:8002:36
rdw200169themoebius, you talking about pulseaudio?02:36
MK13how do I remove the wine entries in the application menus? they were left there after uninstallation02:37
nightrid3rSineDeviance how did you run apache02:37
sanjudSineDeviance-> are you running it as regular user?02:37
CotowarMK13, did you do sudo aptitude purge wine?02:37
SineDeviancenightrid3r, i am running it as a user, not root02:38
rdw200169usually, on ubuntu, you run apache w/ /etc/init.d/apache202:38
MK13nope, will try that, but what exactly does that command do?02:38
PerryArmstrongdrcrazy; i checked it...it seems to be empty02:38
nightrid3rSineDeviance thats why, run it as root02:38
supertankerDo I need some sort of boot disk to install Ubuntu to a server with an Adaptec AIC-3880 SCSI adapter?02:38
rdw200169well, 'sudo /etc/init.d/apache2'02:38
SineDeviancenightrid3r, ok... uh how do i enable the root account in gOS?02:38
SineDevianceit's the same procedure as in ubuntu i'm guessing?02:38
lstarnesSineDeviance: you don't need to02:38
nightrid3r!root | SineDeviance02:38
ubottuSineDeviance: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo02:38
lstarnesSineDeviance: use sudo02:38
drcrazyPerryArmstrong: do a test print page from your cups admin site:
SineDevianceyes i will02:38
SineDeviancei can't use sudo02:39
lstarnesSineDeviance: why not?02:39
SineDeviancei installed the lamp with bitnami lampstack02:39
SineDeviancethats why02:39
SineDevianceit's installed in my home dir02:39
SineDevianceso when i run as sudo, it can't use the config files02:39
WebcamWonderIn the Packaging guide (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete#Packaging%20Tools), is the Pbuilder part completely separate from the building from source part, or is it a first step?02:40
nightrid3r!lamp | SineDeviance02:40
ubottuSineDeviance: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)02:40
uzee2where can i check for failed user login attemps02:40
PerryArmstrongdrcrazy; i just checked the completed jobs section ad it showed that whatever jobs i have given, it has put it up as completed02:40
CotowarWhat does a kernel panic look like?02:40
drcrazyPerryArmstrong: im clueless :P02:40
supertankerCotowar, a black screen of death, iirc.02:40
Cotowarthought so02:41
supertankerOnly happened to me like twice.02:41
PerryArmstrongdrcrazy; i tried test printing now...it didnt print02:41
zaccourhey im back02:41
zaccourbraddcadd, you there?02:41
Cotowaroccasionally my laptop goes completely unresponsive and the CAPS lock light blinks on and off. i have to hard restart02:42
Cotowarwhy is this?02:42
smuikashello. I'm running fsck and it's prompting me: deleted inode ######## has zero dtime. fix?    if I fix, will it fix things or render my hdd more corrupted?02:42
zaccourafter the first updates on 8.10 my wired internet stops working. how do i fix this?02:43
supertankerThis is quite weird02:43
smuikasfirst time manual fsck user :x02:43
NivenayaTomFromWkUp, neat.  It seems like X is starting fine, so I may be out of ideas.  Although - have you tried the closed-source nvidia driver?  it's vaguely possible that the nv driver chokes somewhere after xorg load when no monitor is present.02:43
supertankerWhen I have an Ubuntu boot CD in this server's CDROM, it freezes instead of booting; but a Win98CD works fine.02:43
zaccouri reinstalled ubuntu and i need to know which update NOT to install so i dont mess up my wired internet again02:43
zaccourcan anyone help?02:44
PerryArmstrongi give the printer a job but it doesn't print can anyone help me out02:44
sebsebsebzaccour: that's odd02:44
zaccouri know02:44
sebsebsebzaccour: all the updates should be fine02:44
drcrazyPerryArmstrong: you mean, it prints (complete) but doesn't really print.02:44
zaccouryes, but after the first time i update the wired internet stops working02:44
smuikasperry get a printer that's not lazy? jk I don't know.. good luck :x02:44
pogzwhat is the counterpart application for limewire in ubuntu?02:45
sebsebsebpogz: Limewire lol  use torrents or Frostwire instead02:45
fearfulzaccour, did you do a clean update or just updated?02:45
Stralyticunop, hey... back... got it working...02:45
zaccouri installed ubuntu, updated, restarted, wireless stopped working02:45
MK13zaccour: what wireless chipset do you use?02:46
TomFromWkUpNiveneya hum no, I'll try to install it.02:46
zaccouri dunno, its on a dell mini 902:46
Stralyticunop, turned out linux-image-2.6.27-13-generic is broken, and so is linux-image-2.6.27-12-generic, but linux-image-2.6.27-11-generic worked02:46
MK13zaccour: and which is it, you have changed between saying ur wired and wireless ?02:46
Stralyticunop, i guess i should file a bug02:47
zaccourmy wireless works just fine02:47
zaccourwired works just fine02:47
TomFromWkUpNieveneya what's the package name? i dont rememebr it02:47
zaccouri mean wireless02:47
zaccourlong day sorry02:47
zaccourwireless is ok, wired stops working after first update02:47
roy_hobbsAnyone know of a plugin for pidgin that allows people to share a drawing pad / whiteboard / whatever?02:47
TomFromWkUpI have  xserver-xorg-video-v installed02:48
WebcamWonderroy_hobbs: Doesn't exist AFAIK02:48
MK13zaccour: no problem, have you checked to make sure your /etc/network/interfaces doesn't get overwritten?02:48
zaccourMK13, how do i do that?02:48
FezzlerMy wireless router seems to needed to be powered on and off a lot for laptop to connect?02:48
roy_hobbsWebcamWonder: do you know of any standalone applications that I can sketch something out live to a windows user?  Possibly even a website?02:48
TomFromWkUpNone are showing in Hardware Drivers02:49
Maahesare there known issues with all versions of the nvidia binaries and kernel 2.6.27-13 generic?02:49
RoastedTiresXsanjud - you still here man?>02:49
WebcamWonderroy_hobbs: aMsn recently started developing a handwriting plugin for the MSN protocol, but it is barely working. I think there are a few sites, let me google02:49
zaccourMK13, how do I make sure my /etc/network/interfaces doesn't get overwritten?02:49
roy_hobbsThat's what I'm doing, googling02:50
SineDeviancehmm yeah that's not going to work, i need to share the mysql db02:50
Maahesbecause I am getting beyond evil interactions with it, like binary data with strings in german being overwritten on my config files02:50
tacosarecoolhow do I convert a mp3 to a wav without losing metadata02:50
SineDevianceis there any way i can give my default user access to port 80?02:50
MK13zaccour: you could backup your current file - "sudo cp /etc/network/interfaces /etc/network/interfaces.bkk" then restore after update "sudo cp /etc/network/interfaces.bkk /etc/network/interfaces"02:50
PerryArmstrongdrcrazy; yes02:50
zaccourMK13, what will that do?02:50
LogicFanis there anyway to auto-arrange gnome-panel icons?  it seems they are always jumping around and require constant maintenance to keep organized02:51
yusriwhat i well do here02:51
LogicFansimilar to http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/16975/02:51
PerryArmstrongdrcrazy; i checked the completed jobs in the site you gave me and i found out that the jobs i gave last night were completed but infact it didnt print02:51
MK13zaccour: backs up then restores the interface file, if that is getting written over, but you will need to check by eye to see if the update has changed it - "gedit /etc/network/interfaces"02:52
drcrazyPerryArmstrong: as i said, im clueless to that problem02:52
funkyHatCan anyone tell me why this doesn't work? :/ `echo "blah ljkds iewou" | sed -e 's/+/%2B/g'`02:52
PerryArmstrongdrcrazy; i didnt install the driver, the driver was installed by default, so will reinstalling help?02:52
MK13zaccour: and also check the list of updates' details to see what may interfere with your network connections02:52
zaccourMK what do i need to do right before and after updating?02:53
jribfunkyHat: what do you expect to happen?02:53
drcrazyPerryArmstrong: maybe !?02:53
zaccourMK13, what if i just install security updates?02:53
Laundrydoes anybody know about the error "SIOCSIFFLAGS: Cannot assign requested address" and why it's coming up when i try to do ifup02:53
zaccourMK13, im not sure what to look for in updates02:53
funkyHatjrib: well with that input string nothing, but it fails horribly instead02:53
PerryArmstrongdrcrazy; do you know how to run it after downloading02:53
jribfunkyHat: pastebin.  Works fine here02:53
Raijehey is there any program i can use to record my screen into avi? thats easy to install/use? lol02:53
drcrazyPerryArmstrong: i really really don't know02:54
Extreme_b!info nfs-common 8.0402:54
ubottu8.04 is not a valid distribution ['dapper', 'gutsy', 'gutsy-backports', 'hardy', 'hardy-backports', 'intrepid', 'intrepid-backports', 'jaunty', 'jaunty-backports', 'kde4-ppa', 'kubuntu-members-kde4', 'medibuntu', 'partner']02:54
roy_hobbsRaije: yes there is. lmao02:54
Extreme_b!info nfs-common02:54
ubottunfs-common (source: nfs-utils): NFS support files common to client and server. In component main, is standard. Version 1:1.1.2-4ubuntu1.1 (intrepid), package size 187 kB, installed size 540 kB02:54
funkyHatmm I've just tried it on another host and it's fine... maybe it's zsh that's breaking it :/02:54
Raijeroy_hobbs, care to share? lol02:54
PerryArmstrongdrcrazy; hey thank you for trying to help02:54
jribfunkyHat: I'm using zsh02:54
O__ohow to add an admin user in terminal?02:54
PerryArmstrongi give the printer a job but it doesn't print can anyone help me out02:54
roy_hobbsRaije: i'm looking up the name02:54
jribO__o: sudo adduser NAME_OF_USER admin02:54
O__oadduser: The user 'NAME_OF_USER' does not exist.02:55
funkyHatjrib: oh, no looks like it's screen :/ after I switched to irssi and then back to the other window it's worked fine, it just seems to temporarily break the output :/ odd02:55
O__odo i do adduser NAME first?02:55
roy_hobbsRaije: one is called istanbul, and one is called record my desktop.  i definitely liked one more than the other, let me figure out which02:55
jribfunkyHat: erm, I'm also using screen02:55
MK13zaccour: i wish i were on linux right now so I could check a few commands... but run the command "lspci | w02:55
O__othen adduser NAME admin ?02:55
funkyHatMaybe I have some broken settings in my .screenrc02:55
Raijeroy_hobbs, haha thanks let me knwo and ill get that one02:55
jribfunkyHat: try « reset » and then again?02:55
MK13zaccour: forget the last part of that message02:55
jrib!who | O__o02:56
ubottuO__o: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)02:56
zaccourok ok02:56
jribO__o: does the user not yet exist?02:56
O__onot yet exist02:56
NivenayaTomFromWkUp, you running Intrepid?02:56
jribO__o: then yes, you create him with « sudo adduser NAME_OF_USER »02:56
O__owanna add an admin user call abc02:56
O__osudo adduser abc?02:56
zaccourMK13, ok i ran lspci, what do i look for now?02:56
O__othen sudo adduser abc admin ?02:57
jribO__o: yes02:57
O__oalso can i do that in gui?02:57
O__oin preference?02:57
jribO__o: system -> administration -> users and groups02:57
musikgoat|mainadmin -> users and groups02:57
jribfunkyHat: weird.  Does it happen with different sed expressions?02:57
O__ois there a one line command do both?02:57
zaccourMK13, i ran lspci what do i do now?02:58
MK13zaccour: run "lshw -C network" instead and post your results to a past bin02:58
musikgoat|mainO__o: sudo adduser abc && sudo add user abc admin   :-P02:58
jribO__o: read « man adduser » or see what musikgoat|main said02:58
roy_hobbsRaije: sudo apt-get install gtk-recordmydesktop02:58
roy_hobbsRaije: it works very nicely02:58
O__oi man adduser already02:59
TomFromWkUpNievenaya: yes02:59
O__odont understand because there are not much examples there02:59
roy_hobbsRaije: it saves to ogg though, so does istanbul as a matter of fact02:59
funkyHatjrib: it seems to be the % character that's making it happen02:59
O__ocan i use admin as username?02:59
jribO__o: well if you read it, it will tell you about the --add_extra_groups switch02:59
O__ocan i do sudo adduser admin admin?02:59
Raijeroy_hobbs, okey thanks a lot.. I'll brb02:59
O__ojrib, i aint computer geek.  those are not normal english02:59
roy_hobbsRaije: yeah gtk-recordmydesktop you can just do recordmydesktop but it's nicer with the GUI because you can click on a window to record only that, or draw a box to record02:59
gwarkmy wireless doesnt work.  Can i use the restricted driver included in fiesty fox for hardy heron??   i'll need a hand tho.... any help greatly apprecited03:00
zaccourMK13, it said i should run that program as a super user03:00
MK13zaccour: then run - "sudo lshw -C network"03:01
jribfunkyHat: try with a cleas zshrc and screenrc I guess to see if those are the culprits03:01
jribclean even03:01
TomFromWkUpNivenaya, if you wanna see more logs: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=109291203:01
jribO__o: but if you aren't willing to sit down and read a man page it begs the question why you want to use the command at all instead of just using the GUI03:01
thelordmortishow do i get logrotate to not rotate some logs for me ?03:02
roy_hobbsRaije: actually, you know what, their almost identical, but i'm pretty sure it was RecordMyDesktop that I ended up appreciating more.03:02
Azazel-AZhelp needed.  School work due tomorrow and instructor is using .pptx which I have never seen before, and the web says open office can't read it.  Is there anything for ubuntu?03:02
jribAzazel-AZ: try google docs maybe03:03
musikgoat|mainthelordmortis: you can move things out of /etc/logrotate.d/03:03
O__ojrib, why dont u stfu if u arent answering someone's question03:03
thelordmortismusikgoat|main: thanks!03:03
huggintime_what all do i need to conect to some one els comp03:03
jribO__o: wow.  If you recall, I did answer your question.  Please change your attitude here.03:03
bruce89!ohmy > O__o03:03
ubottuO__o, please see my private message03:03
zaccourMK13, how do i pastebin?03:03
musikgoat|main!paste | MK1303:04
ubottuMK13: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)03:04
musikgoat|mainsorry @zaccour03:04
jtajiAzazel-AZ: did you give it a try? because I tried a .docx with openoffice 2.4 recently and it worked03:04
coreymanjavac: command not found.03:04
coreymanhow do i fix this?03:04
bruce89coreyman: openjdk-6-jdk03:05
zaccourmk http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m710a36be03:05
huggintime_bruce89: how do i network conect to some els comp03:05
coreymanbruce89 could have sworn i already downloaded that03:05
BlinkyToonAzazel-AZ, try over in  #Openoffice.org   I have had no problem with other MS x files but have not had that PPTX yet03:05
bruce89coreyman: sudo dpkg-reconfigure openjdk-6-jdk03:06
Raijeroy_hobbs, hey, back, sorry, how do i stop it from recording?03:06
coreymanbruce89 guess i didnt have it.03:06
napplewhat does actually consume my RAM: virtual, resident, writable, or shared memory. All of them show completely different values. I basically want to find out how many of my apps can run in parallel if I have X MB RAM.03:06
roy_hobbsRaije: you see the icon in the notification area?03:06
zaccourMK13, i haven't updated yet, i need to know what i need to do before i do03:06
bruce89coreyman: technically you should install default-jdk03:06
Raijeroy_hobbs, yep haha thanks i got er03:06
roy_hobbsRaije: i think one click pauses two clicks stops03:06
braddcaddzaccour, i'm here03:07
Raijeroy_hobbs, what i can watch that file with, will vnc play that?03:07
roy_hobbsof course03:07
=== les_ is now known as les
funkyHatjrib: yeah, seems to work fine with a clean zsh, I think it's my fancy preexec () that breaks :(03:07
Raijeroy_hobbs, I just dislike that i can't fun it as root :(03:07
zaccouri just need to know how to keep the first update from messing up my wired internet03:07
dermothHi there. I'm trying to backport with prevu and it seems to be lacking documentation - anyone could point me to how I can use it on "customized" packages? I need to update dependencies03:07
zaccourit always does03:07
roy_hobbsRaije: huh?03:07
Raijeroy_hobbs, vlc, you can't rub that as root...03:07
=== les is now known as Guest97367
roy_hobbsRaije: i wasn' taware of that, but why would you want to?03:08
zaccourMK13, did ya get that link?03:08
braddcaddzaccour, i have no idea which one...can you give me a list?  or can you select one package at a time until it crashes?  or can you just not update?03:08
bruce89dermoth: it isn't that easy03:08
WebcamWonderdermoth: Update dependencies? Modify the debian control file. Look for the MOTU packaging guide, or Debian's beginner's packaging guide03:08
roy_hobbsRaije: vlc can convert, but if it's not too big, and not personal, i really like this website: http://www.mediaconverter.org/03:08
Raijeroy_hobbs, well I just have BT on my latop, I really only use it for pentesting / research / learning & watching movies late at night haha, so why reboot back to windows if i could do it in bt..03:08
zaccourMK13, did ya get that pastebin?03:09
bruce89dermoth: you download the package you want with dget03:09
dermothbruce89, I build packages in the past03:09
redheathi everyone03:09
roy_hobbsRaije: i still don't understand your root issue, and what's BT?03:09
MK13_zaccour: nope. missed it03:09
bruce89dermoth: what do you mean by update dependencies?03:09
dermothbruce89, I just need to know if I can use prevu on modified packages03:09
Raijeroy_hobbs, sorry haha, my root issue is that if I download vlc, it won't let you run VLC from root account03:10
bruce89I don't think so03:10
redheatfolks, I'm reinstallign Ubuntu 8.10 on my system and when the installation came to the part where I should I choose my partition, it showed all of my harddrives as unallocated?03:10
redheatcan anyone help me with this problem03:10
dermothbruce89, trying to backport and the upstream package require slightly higher version of core libs03:10
roy_hobbsraije yeah but why do you need to, you shouldn't need to03:10
huggintime_bruce89: can u help03:10
yi`zhihi everyone!03:10
Raijeroy_hobbs, i have bt (a distro based on ubuntu) so it has no softwear for watching videos03:11
zaccourMK13, http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m710a36be03:11
dermothbruce89, I want to try to compile against the current ones03:11
zaccourMK13, did ya get it that time?03:11
napplewhat does actually consume my RAM: virtual, resident, writable, or shared memory. All of them show completely different values. I basically want to find out how many of my apps can run in parallel if I have X MB RAM.03:11
bruce89dermoth: I'm not sure if pbuilder can take previously built packages as build dependencies03:11
roy_hobbsRaije: what does bt stand for?03:11
yi`zhii have a quick question. i have solid state drive and suppose the power becomes off suddenly (the plug is removed), what will be the effects on the computer?03:12
Raijeroy_hobbs, BackTrack03:12
musikgoat|mainRaije: is backtrack really based on ubuntu?03:12
roy_hobbsRaije: oh, i thought that was slackware derived03:12
dermothbruce89, I'm talking about building the upstream package with the current (old) libs03:12
Raijemusikgoat|main, the new one bt4 beta, i believe it is03:12
Gartral1roy_hobbs: if your talking about OSes, BackTrack, in networking terms, it BitTorrent03:12
musikgoat|mainRaije: have you asked in #remote-exploit?03:12
drcrazyIm almost all setup, but to get my windows to be able to use my CUPS printer, it seems that I get a 403 error when browsing the :631 site.03:13
dermothbruce89, i'll look into pbuilder, thanks03:13
musikgoat|mainas the question is more pertinent to that channel03:13
bruce89dermoth: prevu is a frontend to pbuilder03:13
zaccourcan anyone tell me how to keep the first update from making my wired internet stop working?03:13
Zopiac(using gnome-do) when I select an application (it is an executable script in a certain folder) it used to just run the program. now, randomly, it tries to open a script in a completely different folder! moved that script and when I select the script I do want, nothing happens. any suggestions?03:13
=== Guest97367 is now known as les
Raijemusikgoat|main, yea I have no-one was around and or answering, I really just need a ubuntu video player that can play .ogv files since I cannot run VLC as root03:13
MK13_zaccour: congrats, u own a Broadcom wireless adapter, the same as me (also my name changed, it is now "MK13_"     D:)03:13
Gartral1evolution thinks NewYork time zone is UTC -4:00, BUG03:13
roy_hobbsraije http://www.mediaconverter.org/03:14
musikgoat|mainRaije: and totem doesn't play it?03:14
zaccourRaije, have ya tried totem-xine? its more stable than vlc from my experience03:14
jtajiGartral1: it is right now, we are in DST03:14
RaijeI'll try that right now.03:14
jwoffendenHey everyone - I have an Ubuntu VPS and I need to give users access to the files in their home directories from OSX and Windows clients03:14
bruce89Raije: what codecs are used?03:14
jwoffendenI don't want to resort to FTP03:14
WebcamWonderRaije: mplayer FTW!03:14
jwoffendenideas for me?03:14
zaccourMK13, ok, what do i do to keep the updates from screwing up my wired internet?03:14
yi`zhiperhaps daylight savings, jtaji.03:14
Gartral1jtaji: ohh, yea, they switch 2 days ago, my bad03:14
jribjwoffenden: ssh03:15
musikgoat|mainjwoffenden: smb/samba?03:15
Azazel-AZthanks anyhow, and no I don't know if I'm the latest version but I'll check it tomorrow as the laptop will also have to be updated.  Got to get back to school work03:15
jwoffendenNFS would be nice if I could work out some username/password auth, samba is a pain but if it's my best bet I'll do it, and SFTP requires 3rd party clients for mac and win03:15
WebcamWonderjwoffenden: sftp? They have free clients for both OS X and Windows03:15
musikgoat|mainjwoffenden: jrib's suggestion is safest but slo03:15
jribjwoffenden: not for mac03:15
MK13_zaccour: which distro are you using?03:15
jwoffendenmusikgoat|main: I agree but it still needs 3rd party clients03:15
musikgoat|mainjwoffenden: you've covered the options03:15
tritiumMK13_: hopefully ubuntu, given the channel topic ;)03:15
jwoffendenmusikgoat|main: I was afraid of that.  So you favor SMB over NFS?03:16
musikgoat|mainjwoffenden: NFS has less overhead than samba03:16
jwoffendenjrib: I haven't had any luck getting finder to talk with sftp03:16
bazi have a brand-new core i7 desktop with a 1gb 3d videocard and audio visualizations (like in totem when u play a song) are still jumpy - are visualizations meant to be run on mainframes only????????????03:16
musikgoat|mainjwoffenden: which equals faster transfers03:16
jribjwoffenden: oh, maybe I'm wrong.  I admit I use fugu.  But you have scp/ssh in a shell by default anyway03:17
jwoffendenmusikgoat|main: That's a bonus, but security is my main concern there.  Is it easy to sync NFS's usernames/passwords with my unix ones?03:17
zaccourMK13, can you help me?03:17
napplewhat does actually consume my RAM: virtual, resident, writable, or shared memory. All of them show completely different values. I basically want to find out how many of my apps can run in parallel if I have X MB RAM.03:17
MK13_I meant the numerical version :O03:17
jwoffendenjrib: yeah, I'm dealing with a bunch of artists and managers - even getting them to install fugu would result in griping03:17
musikgoat|mainjwoffenden: sorry, cant say, haven't used unix in a while03:17
bruce89napple: hopefully resident03:17
jwoffendenjrib: I want to avoid FTP to keep passwords from transmitting in plaintext03:18
jwoffendenmusikgoat|main: by unix I mean their system accounts on the Linux machine03:18
MK13_does any one know a way zaccour could easily get a text version of the available updates so I could check them for what messes up his wired internet?03:18
drcrazyam i missing the lppasswd command at this point, to be able to access the cups 631 site remotely ?03:18
jwoffendenmusikgoat|main: so that, for instance, if I go in and change their password via SSH it's also changed for NFS03:18
musikgoat|mainjwoffenden: what about webdav?  i don't know if that is native to mac03:19
jwoffendenmusikgoat|main: I haven't looked into that option03:19
nanotubejwoffenden: just joined, so haven't caught your whole discussion - but you can use sftp, to which gftp is a good frontend.03:19
drcrazythis is a possible solution if found, but I'm not sure it if there is too much addusers http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-407716.html and if lppasswd replaces those instructions.03:19
tritiumMK13_: ah, you meant the release03:19
jwoffendenjrib: thanks for the suggestion though.  I've been using SSH for all my linux to linux stuff and most of my linux to mac stuff at home :-)  It's a pleasure03:19
cjaeI thought gparted was fairly good03:19
MK13_tritium: yeah03:19
cjaemust be just from the live disk03:20
jwoffendennanotube: thanks for the suggestion - in this case a requirement I have is that Mac and Windows clients can connect without needing a 3rd party client03:20
bruce89cjae: nice03:20
jwoffendennanotube: so it's looking like SMB may be my only option.  Sad.03:20
* cjae bows03:20
nanotubejwoffenden: ah mmm yea, i guess smb it is, then. or maybe nfs? can win/mac do nfs?03:20
MK13_zaccour: i am checking out something, please bear w/ me ( i am working on dialup here)03:20
jwoffendennanotube: mac can, but my searches are not looking good for Windows03:21
zaccourok thanks03:21
redheatfolks, again if anyone can help me with problem, while installing ubuntu 8.10 the partition on my hardrive, only one out of three harddrives is shown in its entirety as unallocated...03:21
nanotubejwoffenden: hmm... well good luck... :)03:21
nanotubejwoffenden: how about http?03:21
jwoffendennanotube: that's one thing everyone has, yes, but it's not quite as flexible as just being able to drag and drop a folder of 3,000 files and make it work03:22
zaccourredheat, did you try disconnecting the 2 that show, installing on the one remaining, then connecting the other 2 agand and try?03:22
TuGai'm trying to install ubunto to a laptop that as 2 HDD03:22
cjaeanyway trying to resize an external hd 500 GB down to 420 to make room for ps3 backup but gparted has been running an awful long time03:22
jwoffendennanotube: part of the reason I'm setting this server up is that the company I just joined got tired of using http interfaces to share files, and is asking for ftp03:22
nanotubejwoffenden: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_File_Server03:22
TuGai have walready created a partition ext3 on sda5 an a swap partition on sdb503:23
jwoffendennanotube: reading - thanks03:23
rodrigo23does anyone uses evolution in here?03:23
cjaeshrink 500 ntfs to 420 ntfs and create new 70 whatever fat3203:23
TuGabut wen it starts the wizard to install it doesnt let me pick the one i want.03:24
TuGaany ideia?03:24
RoastedTiresXis there any reason wy I can't use the username "spare" with samba? I tried to use spare and it wouldn't work. But when I created a new account matching "spare" 100% but named "spareagain" it worked just fine. Why is spare not usable??????????03:24
redheatFolks, does Ubuntu support AHCI, in other words, SCSI?03:24
drcrazynevermind, i just needed to fix the allow tags ;)03:24
bazit is very hard to copy a file into a folder by dragging thru nautlius, because unless the destination is empty, it will always want to be put into a subfolder of the destination - is there a trick to avoid this?03:24
RoastedTiresXredheat - I'm running AHCI now with Ubuntu 8.1003:24
* drcrazy smiles03:25
musikgoat|mainjwoffenden: to answer your question earlier, the only auth info i can find regarding nfs is via kerberos, which can get tricky to implement, but is doable:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NFSv4Howto  as there is a PAM module that connects with krb03:25
cjaeshouldn't take more than half an hours right03:25
redheatRoasted, Ubuntu reported my harddrive as unallocated don't know why?03:25
RoastedTiresXunallocated - did you format it?03:25
WebcamWonderbaz: Drag into the whitespace? Alternatively you the commandline ;)03:25
RoastedTiresXunallocated means it doesn't have a file system on it03:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ext403:25
zaccourif i install just the security updates will my system stay stable?03:25
cjae! info ext403:25
RoastedTiresXredheat - is it an empty hard drive? Like do you have any data on it?03:25
redheathe can see the partitions,  when I try it03:25
tritiumcjae: that'll be available in jaunty03:26
redheatnope, it has partitions on it03:26
MK13_zaccour: yeah, it should03:26
cjae!info ext403:26
ubottuPackage ext4 does not exist in intrepid03:26
* bruce89 has stopped ignoring ubottu03:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ext403:26
zaccourMK13, if i install just security updates will flash work fine?03:26
cjaetritium: tis stable in kernel now right?03:26
MK13_zaccour: at least in respect to your wired03:26
RoastedTiresXredheat - what file system is on that hard drive... what partitions, etc03:26
ksool_Is there anyway to stop network-manager-openvpn from clobbering the routes that are handed down from my openvpn server?03:26
bazWebcamWonder, the problem is when the destination is already full of folders... in windows u can find whitespace in between the folder - not in nautilus tho03:26
tritiumcjae: I believe so.03:26
MK13_zaccour: yea, I believe so03:26
juanhow to get everything running03:26
bruce89cjae: yes03:27
WebcamWonderbaz: Depends on your view of nautilus... if you prefer the icons view with large icons, there is lots of free space03:27
zaccourok im gonna keep xchat open and look to see if anyone messages me by occasionally looking for that red flash on the lower tab. if anyone messages me about this i will check and look. until then, security updates only it is03:27
jwoffendenmusikgoat|main: Thanks for the link.  Yeah I don't mind if it's hard for me to implement - I can go through the trouble.03:27
bazWebcamWonder, thats a good point, the view matters, i am a list kinda guy - my brain can't handle icon view quickly :)03:27
jwoffendenmusikgoat|main: as long as it's brainless for the end user03:28
=== felix_da_catz is now known as felix-da-catz_zz
Nivenayawoffenden?!  how dare you show your face here!03:28
redheatok, I have 4 partition, three primaries, reserved for windows 7, another one for my current OS windws vista, and a third one for windows server 2008, all NTFS, and the fourth partition which is, of course, secondary, is divided into logical drives each of which is divided into three partitions and each has a ext3 partition along with a swap, I reserved them for my  Linux OS03:28
nanotubejwoffenden: also consider webdav: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WebDAV03:28
jwoffendenNivenaya: ??03:28
musikgoat|mainjwoffenden: as far as i remember about windows, nfs is supported with some unix_progs package that can be installed from the windows cd, or its installed by default in Pro versions, i think03:28
RoastedTiresXredheat - Ubuntu should recognize any file system that windows deals with, to my knowledge... especiallyw ith FAT32 and NTFS....03:29
RoastedTiresXI don't see why it wouldn't pick up the drive.03:29
jwoffendenmusikgoat|main: thanks :-) I was hoping that... I'm pretty sure most of them will have pro versions03:29
zaccourMK13_, thanks anyhow03:29
jwoffendennanotube: HttpFS is rad....03:29
redheatwhen I inserted the Ubuntu live CD and tried to install, I forgot to say, I have three harddrives, the other two are just for backups, and they all are conntected using AHCI, I have a gigabyt GA-965P03:29
MK13_zaccour: no prob, I am still reseaching it03:29
zaccourMK13_, if you or anyone messages me i will see the red flash on the lower tab and will check it03:29
redheatexactly, that's my point RoastedTirex, and it gets weirder03:29
musikgoat|mainjwoffenden, nanotube:  i'm liking this HFS too, i'm going to read more on it03:29
jwoffendenNivenaya: you confused me :-)03:30
zaccourok thanks me too03:30
Nivenayajwoffenden, not hard.  :)03:30
jwoffendenmusikgoat|main: yeah, really.03:30
nanotubejwoffenden: musikgoat|main it's an interesting idea, if nothing else. :)03:30
redheatwhen i use the live CD as a live CD, I mean I don't install ubuntu, it sees all my partition on my harddrive, no problem at all only during the installation it tells my that my whole harddrives is unallocated?03:30
reivalany one running a ubuntu on live usb  on p4 with 2gb ram or so .. is it fast ? wana know if worth the effort :)03:31
Nivenayaredheat, is your drive NTFS?03:31
LakesProsecan't understand difference between an daemon being standalone or 'integrated'03:31
redheatSo I inserted Gparted live CD, and checked my harddrives, and guess what it reported the same thing, no parttion on my harddrives, Nienaya, it's a combination of NTFS and ext3 reserved for linux..03:31
musikgoat|mainjwoffenden: but it looks like a 3rd party software is needed to upload, the whole point of this endevour is for upload and download capabilities for the end users right?03:31
Nivenayaredheat, if so I'd assume that you've got some kind of filesystem error going on.  Boot into windows and run chkdisk -f.03:31
zaccourMK13_, i am really disappointed in canonical for allowing this flawed update to be released03:32
musikgoat|mainjwoffenden: in respect to that hfs03:32
Nivenayaredheat, ah.  is the system still bootable?03:32
tritiumzaccour: which flawed update?03:32
redheatanyhow, I inserted Opensuse 11.1 live CD, good idea I'll try that Nienaya..yeah, I 'm actually writing to you from it..03:32
jwoffendenmusikgoat|main: yep :(03:32
musikgoat|mainNivenaya: redheat  its chkdsk03:32
zaccourtritium, the one that makes my wired internet stop working03:32
redheatnow this is the weird part, the Opensuse 11.1 sees my partition during the installation with no problems at all..03:32
jwoffendenmusikgoat|main, nanotube - what do you think of samba tunneled over pptp?03:32
MK13_zaccour: and you are sure it is the update doing it, has it done it with the same update more than once?03:32
jwoffendencause I don't want to stick up an SMB share on the bare internet03:32
jwoffenden(for obvious reasons)03:32
tritiumzaccour: do you have a bug number?  We've not seen any reports of problems.03:33
redheatand Gparted reportes the same problem as Ubuntu..it is something that has to do with gparted?03:33
zaccouryes, it only does it after updating and rebooting03:33
musikgoat|mainjwoffenden: ouch, transfer speeds will be crappy, and users would have to "tunnel" and disconnect unless routes were setup correctly03:33
Nivenayamusikgoat|main, right.  Windows-fu is weak.03:33
zaccourthats why i reinstalled ubuntu, to figure out which one it is and uncheck it03:33
* jwoffenden cries03:34
Nivenayaoh, man up Jon.03:34
RoastedTiresXno, gparted shouldnt have a problem with it03:34
nanotubejwoffenden: can you just put the smb on the intranet, and have everyone from outside have to connect to the network with ipsec? that's how corporate setups do it - all remote access goes through an ipsec client that connects the remote user to the corporate lan, and then it's "as if" they are on the lan.03:34
redheatjust don't know what to do? I'll try to run that check -f and see if it works, my thoughts too RoastedTireX, but I don't know why it's happening?03:34
tritiumzaccour: are you certain an update is to blame?03:34
jwoffendenAlright well musikgoat|main, jrib, nanotube  - thanks, sorry to chat and run but the cafe I'm at is shutting down03:34
jwoffendenNivenaya: .... you're creeping me out :-)03:34
musikgoat|mainjwoffenden: good luck03:35
nanotubejwoffenden: don't know off the top of my head... but i'm sure there are foss ipsec clients for just about any os.03:35
zaccourits just fine, until i reboot my computer after updating03:35
nanotubejwoffenden: good luck :)03:35
Nivenayaredheat, actually.  hum!  i think I had that problem once.  is this an external drive or a PATA drive plugged in through a SATA converter?03:35
zaccourmaybe i should install all updates then troubleshoot it from there?03:35
MK13_zaccour: what exactly messes up (eg. network interface isn't detected anymore ( the lights don't flash), or it detects it but won't connect through it?03:35
redheatI mean why does it work underopnesuse, and it doesn't under gparted? and why did this happen when I operated all my SATA II connections to AHCI?03:35
tritiumzaccour: but we've not seen any reports of problems.  sounds like a very isolated case, unfortunately for you03:35
tritiumWhich NIC do you have?03:35
RoastedTiresXwhen I had issues with AHCI it was when I didn't install Ubuntu AS AHCI03:36
cjaeyeah gparted it done, now to see how slow ps3 dumps are03:36
zaccourim just gonna install security updates until the beta release comes out03:36
RoastedTiresXlike I installed Ubuntu with legacy and switched over to AHCI and I had problems... so I did a fresh install with AHCI mode03:36
RoastedTiresXthats the only AHCI related issue I had... and this issue was the same when I ran XP too...03:36
tritiumzaccour: beta?  Are you running jaunty?03:36
zaccouri dont have this problem in 9.4 alpha, so it seems it is being fixed03:36
zaccournot right now03:36
zaccouri was, then i didnt have that problem03:36
redheatsame here RoastedTiresX03:36
Nivenayaredheat, it seems likely to me that whatever two distros you're using handle your disk controller differently.03:36
tritiumzaccour: which NIC?03:37
MK13_zaccour: how exactly is the wired connect broken?03:37
zaccourit doesn't connect03:37
redheatexactly, one of them uses gparted, Ubuntu, the other opensuse uses something else..03:37
zaccourits displayed, but won't connect03:37
MK13_zaccour: but it IS detected still by the OS?03:37
zaccourMK13_, so it seems03:37
tritiumzaccour: I've asked you twice now which NIC you have.03:37
musikgoat|mainredheat: opensuse doesn't use gparted? o.O03:37
zaccourits probably just a simple command or script thing, just dont know what exactly03:37
redheatI'm thinking of doing this, revert back to normal SATA not AHCI, and then isntall Ubuntu, and then go back to AHCI, and see how it goes from there03:37
zaccourtritium, whats NIC?03:38
MK13_zaccour: you should go ahead, update, then troubleshoot so the people helping you can know the symptoms03:38
tritiumzaccour: network interface card03:38
redheatyeah, I think so musikgoatiman?03:38
zaccouri dont know03:38
MK13_tritium: this is from zaccour -"http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m710a36be"03:38
tritiumzaccour: lspci, or lshw -c network.  Either one should tell you.03:38
redheatbecause the problem happened again when I inserted the gparted CD? it also reported my entire harddrive as unallocated03:38
tritiumThanks, MK13_.03:38
MK13_tritium: np03:38
musikgoat|mainredheat: interesting http://en.opensuse.org/Parted_Magic  it looks like a front end to gparted anyways,  both use libparted03:39
tritiumzaccour: please paste your /etc/network/interfaces03:39
MK13_zaccour: i think your settings just got messed up in ^^ that file03:39
zaccourtritium, how do i do that?03:39
MK13_tritium: i already told him he should back that file up then replace after the update to see if that works03:40
tritiumzaccour: cat /etc/network/interfaces, then paste as you did before03:40
tritiumMK13_: ok, thanks.03:40
tritiumzaccour: also, in the same paste, please include your /etc/resolv.conf03:40
zaccourtritium, do i type that in the terminal?03:40
tritiumzaccour: yes03:40
RoastedTiresXIs there ANY reason at all why I wouldn't be able to use "Spare" as a useraccount with Samba???03:40
zaccourhow do i do it in the same paste?03:41
redheatmusikgoatiman, I'm tlaking during the installation..? not as a package included how both of them handle my harddrive under AHCI differently, for examplke, gparted and Ubuntu's installer both saw my harddrive as unallocated, while opensuse saw it as it is,and I'm talking during the installation only, becauese if used ubuntu as a live CD, it sees all my partition as they are no changes and it reports them correctly03:41
tritiumzaccour: cat /etc/resolv.conf, and just copy/paste it after the text you pasted for your /etc/network/interfaces03:41
redheatanyhow gonna try it again and see Nivenaya, RoastedTiresX, folks, thank you so much truly appreciate it..03:42
RoastedTiresXno problem, good luck!!03:42
zaccourwhats those commands again?03:43
zaccouri think i did it wrong it said command not found03:43
tritiumzaccour: cat /etc/network/interfaces, and cat /etc/resolv.conf03:43
zaccourdo i hit enter between the commands?03:43
Patrick_OHello. I have a script I'm trying to run at start up. It starts three programs. I used the '&' character at the end of each line that starts a program so that the scipt would move on and start the others. This works fine If I run the script from the terminal. However, when it runs at boot up only the first job gets started and the next job won't begin until I end the first. Reading some tutorials, it seems as if 'job control' is no03:44
Patrick_Ot active when I boot. What can I do to resolve this?03:44
MK13_tritium, zaccour: these sound similar, but these are upgrades from 8.04 to 8.10 "http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1081385" "http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-hardware-18/no-wired-internet-connection-in-ubuntu-8.10-684272/"03:44
RoastedTiresXno problem, good luck!!03:44
RoastedTiresXIs there ANY reason at all why I wouldn't be able to use "Spare" as a useraccount with Samba???03:44
storrgieanyone know of good software to do networking/computer diagrams in ubuntu?03:45
ubottuInkscape is a powerful vector graphics drawing application - see http://www.inkscape.org/ for more03:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dia03:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xfig03:45
storrgiebruce89: does it have icons built into it... or do i need to go find some?03:45
seamus_what is the fix to get the default annoying uuid to work?03:45
zaccourtrit robert@robert-laptop:~$ cat /etc/network/interfaces03:45
zaccourauto lo03:45
zaccouriface lo inet loopback03:45
zaccourrobert@robert-laptop:~$ cat /etc/resolv.conf03:45
zaccour# Generated by NetworkManager03:45
FloodBot2zaccour: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:46
zaccourdomain domain.invalid03:46
Killabeezhey so 8.10 is the newest version of ubuntu?03:46
jtajiPatrick_O: job control only works in interactive shells, the solution is just drop the &, you don't need it from startup scripts03:46
sebsebsebuntill end of April yes03:46
jribseamus_: be more specific as it wfm03:46
musikgoat|mainKillabeez: currently, yes03:46
bruce89storrgie: dia probably does03:46
rwwKillabeez: Yes. The next version (Jaunty) is coming out in April.03:46
macmanhey all .. can somone do a ls -l on there Desktop directory .. i acidently changed my permissions03:46
storrgiei missed that03:46
storrgiecan u say again?03:46
zaccourtritium, did you get that?03:46
storrgiewindow closed03:46
Patrick_OThanks jtaji. I'll give that a try.03:46
tritiumzaccour: don't paste it here.  use pastebin03:46
rwwmacman: drwxr-xr-x03:47
storrgiebruce89: can u say again?03:47
macmandrwx------ 2    501 dialout 4096 2009-03-10 20:44 Desktop03:47
macmanrwat--, what is that 744 ?03:47
rwwmacman: pretty much anything with rwx (7**) permissions for your user would work.03:47
bruce89storrgie: dia probably does03:47
zaccourtritium, http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m5d4d77ad03:47
Cotowaranyone in here have experience with thinkfinger 0.3?03:47
musikgoat|mainmacman: that is 70003:47
mrhhi fellows03:47
mrhOk, this is the silliest question ever03:48
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:48
zaccouri found a forum help im gonna try brb03:48
ubottuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.03:48
mrhI have 7zip03:48
CrazedLunaticis there any logical reason why my evdo internet would be running normal, then get to the point where it would log on and work fine for 2 minutes then stop all throughput, then just recover on its own?03:48
etzerdhello all03:49
CrazedLunatichappened to me today03:49
musikgoat|main!zip | mrh03:49
ubottumrh: Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME), Ark (KDE), or Xarchiver (XFCE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression03:49
mrhI have xarchiver03:49
tritiumzaccour: your ethernet card is not configured in /etc/network/interfaces.  How are you connected currently?  Wireless?03:49
CrazedLunaticI am on alltel with a USB modem03:49
zaccourtritium, i haven't installed the updates yet03:49
mrhaccording to the xarchiver, all was well with an operation03:49
mrhwhat do you know? I trusted it and emailed it off, and03:50
mrhthe thing was empty03:50
MK13_tritium: i think his wired network is currently working, it only stops after the update (he is at a clean install right now)03:50
tritiumzaccour: you're using ethernet?  Then it's something with network manager.03:50
mrhserious, something as silly as that turns into trouble?03:50
tritiumzaccour: I'd configure your ethernet in /etc/network/interfaces03:50
seamus_does anyone know how to get rid of the uuid naming schema and go back to using the /dev/sd* naming schema?03:50
ubottuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)03:50
zaccourtritium, it works now, but if i inatall all the updates it wont03:50
bruce89that apostrophe needs removed03:51
tritiumzaccour: yes, I know.  It's something with network manager.  I'd bet on it working if you configure it manually in /etc/network/interfaces03:51
seamus_the problem is not that the uuid names don't match, it just breaks on boot03:51
FloridaGuyis there any better docks then avant03:51
MK13_zaccour: if you went ahead and updated right now, would you be able to use wireless to get back to irc?03:51
sebsebsebFloridaGuy: sure  Cairo Dock03:52
musikgoat|mainbetter is an opinion03:52
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.03:52
MK13_FloridaGuy: I use cairo dock03:52
mad4cronquestion about different behavior of crontab on 8.04.2 server and 8.04.2 desktop...03:52
dcjohnwhere can i find linux-backports-modules in ubuntu packages?03:53
dcjohnto get my atheros card working03:53
musikgoat|mainbruce89: are you really a text parsing bot?  finding messages and putting the best ubottu response to that message?  :-P03:53
FloridaGuysebastien, MK13_, ok ill try both of them see witch one i like better03:53
mad4croni've created ssh keys (no passwd) and tested on both desktop and server systems.  they both work no prob.  i run the following via crontab for my non-root user account, and it works perfectly on server, but not on desktop, and logs have proven to be no help: @reboot /usr/bin/screen -fa -d -m -S testscreen /usr/bin/autossh -M 0 -p 2222 username@
mad4cronany ideas?03:54
bruce89musikgoat|main: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:54
seamus_rationale or not, every upgrade or new install I've done recently has broken, causing more work03:55
FloridaGuyon a cpu is a AMD Athon 64 a true 64 bit03:55
Feralwyn1hey folks. I installed ubuntu on my notebook with apache, everything is working fine except apache wont prompt for basic authentication when there is a .htaccess file with "AuthType Basic", auth_basic.load is in mods-enabled and shows up in phpinfo()03:56
=== bruce89 is now known as bruce89bot
seamus_so why can't i choose to use the standard /dev/ naming schema?03:56
musikgoat|mainbruce89: spoken like a true bot :-)03:56
Feralwyn1any ideas why im not getting prompted for basic auth?03:56
musikgoat|mainFeralwyn1: you may get better answers in #apache if you don't get them here03:57
=== jwoffenden is now known as Striking7
bruce89botFloridaGuy: why do you think it's called AMD64?03:57
kernel_script_hi,good night, somebody had sucess in compiling the new aptitude? I did everething required, i think it may be a mercurial problem, someone else tried?03:58
scottsdcan you somehow have subgroups in linux? ie, I want A to be a subgroup of B so that all members of A are members of B.03:58
wolterwill my system create a new syslog for each kernel panic?03:58
zaccourMK13_, yes i would03:58
musikgoat|mainFloridaGuy: yes, amd 64 procs have true 64-bit support03:58
FloridaGuybruce89bot, i remember when they 1st came out with 64 bit...some pc tec told me they wasent true 64 bit03:58
myronHas anyone here ever used tovid suite in ubuntu?03:59
musikgoat|mainFloridaGuy: thats intel's 64 bit03:59
MK13_zaccour: then I would suggest updating, them let people troubleshoot with the information from the way the system is in a non-working state03:59
bruce89botFloridaGuy: I suppose technically the memory addressing is only 48 bi03:59
musikgoat|mainFloridaGuy: i think it was called em64t or something03:59
fuzeboxsoftwareis there a program in ubuntu to burn avi files to regular mpeg format for dvd players to a dvd?03:59
mad4cronFeralwyn, did you look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47669  ?  "You need to AllowOverride in your..."04:00
jtajifuzeboxsoftware: devede04:00
FloridaGuyi guess it would be 64 bit..if im runing ubuntu 64bbit version04:00
myronfuzeboxsoftware: I'm playing around with a couple right now tovid seemed very buggy, but so far fuocotools looks promising04:00
fuzeboxsoftwarety jtaji and myron04:01
stormchas2000fuzebox     have you tried K9copy04:01
fuzeboxsoftwareso it will convert the avi file to be able to play on a dvd player: myron?04:01
FloridaGuyi cant find cairo in the repo04:01
fuzeboxsoftwarehavn't tried anything yet04:01
bruce89botFloridaGuy: cairo is something else04:01
fuzeboxsoftwareabout to try devede now04:01
stormchas2000i use k9copy to burn dvds04:02
FloridaGuybruce89bot, what under a different name?04:02
stormchas2000it does a pretty good job04:02
bruce89bothang on04:02
myronfuzeboxsoftware: I am trying fuocotools right now, It is very user friendly and so far is working great04:02
wolteris it normal to get occasional kernel panics?04:02
bruce89bot!info cairo-dock04:02
ubottucairo-dock (source: cairo-dock): A light and eye-candy dock to launch your programs easily. In component universe, is optional. Version (intrepid), package size 252 kB, installed size 712 kB04:02
wolteri want to know where to find my kernel panic log.04:02
wolterif not i will be unable to debug it...04:03
MK13_FloridaGuy try "sudo apt-get install cairo-dock"04:03
fuzeboxsoftwaremyron: is it not in the package manager?04:03
musikgoat|mainwolter: /var/log/kern.log ?04:03
myronFuzeboxsoftware: but then again, I just installed it. I am converting a video now to be burned to a dvd, I should know how well it works in a minute.04:03
woltermusikgoat|main, dont ask me.04:04
Feralwyn1mad4cron, your a champ... default was AllowOverride None.. changed it to All04:04
myronFuzeboxsoftware: no it's not in the package manager, I'll try to find the link for the install tutorial I found04:04
musikgoat|mainwolter: sorry, wasn't asking, was telling04:04
fuzeboxsoftwarety myron04:04
woltermusikgoat|main, uh ok04:04
bazanyone notice vlc sounds a lot better than mplayer or rythmbox?04:04
musikgoat|mainwolter: cat /var/log/kern.log | grep -i panic04:04
myronfuzeboxsoftware: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=65284304:05
woltermusikgoat|main, the latest log is from jan 20..04:05
fuzeboxsoftwaremyron: just found that tutorial on google :P04:05
woltermusikgoat|main, and there is no panic04:05
bruce89botfuzeboxsoftware: I could come up with a conversion script perhaps04:05
musikgoat|mainwolter: thats where kernel messages are stored04:05
woltermaybe I am not having kernel panics. What defines such as such?04:05
musikgoat|mainwolter: you sure your date on your machine is off04:06
fuzeboxsoftwarealot of work for a simple program lol04:06
woltermusikgoat|main, i have mar 10 date and I just had what I believe is a kernel panic.04:06
FloridaGuyMK13_, here's what that installed....cairo-dock cairo-dock-data ....but i see nothing in the menu04:06
woltermusikgoat|main, my computer gets completely unusable forcing me to hard reboot the system.04:07
bruce89botfuzeboxsoftware: mjpegtools has something that would work, hang on04:07
ajh2000i need some help diagnosing a bug in ibex04:07
myronfuzeboxsoftware: Not really, it took me less than 10 min. to install everything04:07
illmortalanyone know a good fraps program for Ubuntu 8.10?04:08
tritiumillmortal: fraps?04:08
bruce89botmyron: mpegtranscode04:08
illmortalyou know, to record what you're doing on your desktop04:08
illmortaltritium ^04:09
myronbruce89bot: will mpegtranscode burn the dvd for you too?04:09
bruce89botactually, that's not what I'm thinking of04:10
doleybillmortal: try recordmydesktop04:10
LordFDiskillmortal,  I like gtk-recordMyDesktop04:10
tritiumillmortal: istanbul, for one04:10
^paradox^im having an issue with my hp dvd1040 dvd writer. i tried playing alvin and the chipmunks and i get an error message saying the source cant be read and asking me if im trying to play it without libdvdcss04:10
SineDeviancei have a terrible problem04:11
bruce89botmyron: it was probably ffmpeg actually04:11
^paradox^i looked thru synaptic but, no libdvdcss was installed and when i search for it i cant find it04:11
tritiumillmortal: you might check here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreencastTeam04:11
^paradox^help? lol04:11
myronyeah, I have used ffmpeg04:12
tritium^paradox^: you need to get it from the medibuntu repository04:12
myronI was looking for something that would combine conversions and dvd burning into one.04:12
^paradox^tritium: will it fix the problem?04:12
MK13tritium: did that other person get his wired connection fixed?04:12
tritiumMK13: we worked on it, and he's rebooting now to test.04:13
myronThat's when I found the fuocotools program04:13
myronI just installed it and I'm testing it now04:13
bruce89botmyron: $ ffmpeg -i my_video.avi -target dvd -aspect 16:9 -sameq my_dvd_video.mpg04:13
MK13tritium: ok, i rebooted myself into ubuntu so I could be alittle bit more helpful04:13
tritiumMK13: ok, thanks04:13
bruce89botthen use dvdauthor to write04:13
mad4cronI've created ssh keys (no passwd) and tested on both desktop and server systems.  they both work no prob.  i run the following via crontab for my non-root user account, and it works perfectly on server, but not on desktop, and logs have proven to be no help: @reboot /usr/bin/screen -fa -d -m -S testscreen /usr/bin/autossh -M 0 -p 2222 username@
bruce89botmyron: http://atomized.org/2005/03/converting-divxxvid-avi-to-dvd-with-ffmpeg/04:14
^paradox^tritium: also, how do i go about using the medibuntu repository?04:14
tritium!medibuntu | ^paradox^04:14
ubottu^paradox^: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org04:14
LynuxDevilis getdeb.net well respected?04:14
wolterLynuxDevil, yes04:14
tritiumLynuxDevil: we don't advise using it.  What are you looking for?04:14
LynuxDeviltritium: Pidgin 2.5.5 for the latest version of Ubuntu, I assume04:15
bruce89botLynuxDevil: bo04:15
bruce89botwith a n04:15
LynuxDevilbruce89bot: what do you mean?04:15
m1chaelhas anyone tried a product like this?? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1687598701604:15
myronbruce89bot: from what I can see, fuoco tools is just a frontend for several different programs including ffmpeg and dvdauthor04:15
bruce89botmyron: ah04:15
fuzeboxsoftwaremyron: did you have to grab each of those programs on step 3?04:15
chuy_maxhi guys, is there any disadvantage installing 64bit ubuntu instead of 32bit?04:16
LynuxDevilwhat does that mean?04:16
fuzeboxsoftwarenm :P04:16
fuzeboxsoftwarealready in the command line there04:16
bruce89botLynuxDevil: I was saying it was not nice04:16
MK13chuy_max: driver problems and such04:16
LynuxDevilbruce89bot: what was not nice?04:16
bruce89botLynuxDevil: getdeb04:16
=== bruce89bot is now known as bruce89
LynuxDevilbruce89: why?04:17
wolteris there anything wrong with this? http://paste.ubuntu.com/129632/04:17
bruce89bad packaging04:17
wolterits my wpa_supplicant log04:17
myronfuzeboxsoftware: I would, they are all dependencies04:17
chuy_maxMK13 ugh, is it really that bad?04:17
wolteri think it might have some info about my kernel panics04:17
=== mike is now known as Guest21240
LynuxDevilbruce89: bad how? checkinstall crud?04:17
ajh2000my intrepid ibex operating system freezes when I play sound, through Flash video or mp3 players like Audacious. Should I log this bug in Launchpad under "Linux Kernel" ... or something else?04:17
bruce89LynuxDevil: generally they just uupdate, and don't remove obselete patches or whatever04:18
LynuxDevilbruce89: oh04:18
MK13chuy_max: i never tried it actually i have an AMD Turion 64 X2 but still use 32 bit Ubuntu04:18
bruce89!test | ck8004:19
ubottuck80: sigh... again? I'm busy here, I already told you it failed.04:19
chuy_maxMK13 why don't you switch over to 64bit?04:19
chuy_maxit might be faster :p04:19
bruce89MK13: I've never had any driver issues04:19
myronajh2000: I would search the forums for a solution first. does it freeze with all mp2 players?04:19
MK13chuy_max: I prolly will try it when Jaunty is released, but I am just fine w/ 32 bit for right now04:19
bruce89!hi | ck8004:20
ubottuck80: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!04:20
myronajh2000: that was suppose to be mp304:21
ajh2000myron: it's failed on Audacious and "MoviePlayer"04:22
myronajh2000: for mp3 files and flash movies right?04:23
ajh2000myron: haven't tried any others but it also freezes if I'm watching some web based video with sound... ie Youtube04:23
ajh2000myron: yes that's right04:23
bruce89anything interesting in the terminal?04:24
myronajh2000: try opening mplayer from a terminal and try to play an mp3. See if it gives an error message04:24
bruce89great minds think alike04:25
Ficthehi, I was helping a friend install Ubuntu on his iMac (a newer one, that carries an Intel chip), and I fell short of answers. Apparently there's a thing called "reFIt" - I was actually thinking that it was a bootloader.. but GRUB seemed to be running, so I suppose not. Anyway, is rEFIt something that I can survive without, or is it something I necessarily need while putting Ubuntu on an imac?04:25
ajh2000myron: ok, we might get cut off ;) but i'll be back04:25
myronajh2000: ok04:25
fuzeboxsoftwarefuoco sucks :(04:26
fuzeboxsoftwarecan't get it to do anything and has an error when starting up04:26
bruce89you should just use ffmpeg and dvdauthor manually04:27
myronfuzeboxsoftware: I had the error starting up too, but it is working for me....04:27
fuzeboxsoftwarei clicked on dvd icon, created the output folder and clicked the button and nothing happened04:28
fuzeboxsoftwarenothing in the folder04:28
fuzeboxsoftwarefor the output04:28
theeezyhow do i install the newest version of unbuntu without burning a cd04:28
sebsebsebtheeezy: 8.10?04:29
ck80theeezy apt-get distr-upgrade04:29
myronfuzeboxsoftware: did it act like the application freeze, and what file type did you use?04:29
fuzeboxsoftwaremyron: what did you do?04:29
LynuxDeviltheeezy means upgrade it to the latest stable release04:29
LynuxDevilck80: that is a bad decision to use htat04:29
fuzeboxsoftwaremyron: .avi04:29
bruce89myron: http://atomized.org/2005/03/converting-divxxvid-avi-to-dvd-with-ffmpeg/04:29
ck80LynuxDevil why?04:29
myronfuzeboxsoftware: did it act like it was frozen?04:29
LynuxDevilck80: it's better to use the Update Manager, it installs packages in a special order or configures things in a special way04:30
LynuxDevilck80: I know that04:30
bruce89theeezy: do-release-upgrade or update-manager -d04:30
myronfuzeboxsoftware: did you put a dvd title?04:30
fuzeboxsoftwaredvd title??04:30
theeezyupdate manager isnt working04:30
LynuxDeviltheeezy: run those with "sudo " tacked onto the front (without quotes)04:30
LynuxDeviltheeezy: why not?04:30
LynuxDeviltheeezy: what does it say?04:31
LynuxDeviltheeezy: you probably forgot what I just said above04:31
fuzeboxsoftwarenow it acts like it is freezing myron04:31
theeezysays no release found04:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about upgrade-release04:31
myronfuzeboxsoftware: did you use full 0.0.7e on the fifth step?04:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about release-upgrade04:31
LynuxDevilumm... a little help with the bot please?04:32
fuzeboxsoftwarefifth step?04:32
myronfuzeboxsoftware: acting like it is freezing without going to a gray screen is good04:32
fuzeboxsoftwaremyron: well, a command line opened up, but there was an error04:32
LynuxDeviltheeezy: I've never had that problem before when upgrading Ubuntu04:32
fuzeboxsoftwaremyron: xterm: Can't execvp ANY: No such file or directory04:33
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal04:33
PowerMoosDoes anyone know of a download manager that would have a site viewer on it like Freedownloadmanager in windows?  Or getright? FileZilla doesn't accept HTTP links04:33
myronfuzeboxsoftware: hmm, I didn't open mine with a command line04:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about release-upgrade04:33
theeezytheres only an alpha version available04:33
LynuxDeviltheeezy: that's really weird04:34
fuzeboxsoftwaremyron: what did you choose for the conversion?04:34
LynuxDeviltheeezy: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading04:34
myronfuzeboxsoftware: I didn't, as soon as I opened the program, I clicked "create a dvd" on the right.04:34
dingleberryanyone notice that flash lags really bad with the latest firefox and flash and ubuntu?04:35
myronfuzeboxsoftware: then I followed the steps.04:35
LynuxDeviltheeezy: To find your Ubuntu version:04:35
LynuxDevillsb_release -a04:35
fuzeboxsoftwarei don't see it :/04:35
doleybdingleberry: i sorta see that yeah, but I blame my toasty CPU04:35
tritiumMK13: hopefully he comes back soon.  If not, I may not be around.04:35
LynuxDeviltheeezy: run that in a terminal04:35
myrondingleberry: I've noticed it, sometimes flash videos don't show up on my box, but they do after I refresh04:35
fuzeboxsoftwarewhat tab myron?04:35
ajh2000myron: I installed mplayer, played mp3 file for about 1 minute. It didn't freeze. There weren't any bad errors on the command line...04:36
dingleberrydoleyb, i dont blame my cpu because it runs fine on windows04:36
MK13tritium: yea, i know... i'm getting alittle worried04:36
* CoskunD is away (Gule Gule (Cevrim Disi) | Bye Bye (Offline))04:36
tritium!away | CoskunD04:36
ubottuCoskunD: You should avoid noisy away messages in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»04:36
doleybdingleberry: mine windows is also bad!  in fact its more bad.04:36
myronfuzeboxsoftware: extra and option tab04:36
MK13tritium: did he do any fixes PRIOR to updating, or just updating?04:36
ajh2000myrone: should I just keep playing it til it freezes?04:36
theeezydo i type sudo?04:36
LynuxDeviltheeezy: I think so04:37
LynuxDeviltheeezy: it can't hurt04:37
dingleberrydoleyb, your windows sucks04:37
to3000windows sucks04:37
LynuxDevilto3000: yep :)04:37
=== LasT-Ottom4N is now known as last-ottom4n
dingleberrymy windows is fine you must have viruses04:37
tritiumMK13: in short, we configured eth0 for dhcp in /etc/network/interfaces.  Network manager should now ignore eth0.  He didn't update yet.04:37
LynuxDevildingleberry: no, that's not why it sucks04:37
to3000ubuntu dosent get viruss04:37
theeezyit says No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID:Ubuntu Description:Ubuntu 8.10 Release:8.10 Codename:intrepid04:38
LynuxDevildingleberry: oh, and that too, for now... ^^^04:38
fuzeboxsoftwarexine error :(04:38
LynuxDeviltheeezy: what?04:38
fuzeboxsoftwareready to throw ubuntu in the trash :((04:38
MK13tritium: ohhh, ok04:38
LynuxDeviltheeezy: you already have the newest release04:38
myronajh2000: yes, play until it freezes, but you may not be able to see an error message, because it may freeze before the error can output04:38
theeezyoh my bad04:38
LynuxDeviltheeezy: so...what doesn't work in Pidgin for you?04:38
LynuxDeviltheeezy: what did you do wrong?04:38
tritiumfuzeboxsoftware: what's wrong?04:39
MK13tritium: i just looked at my /etc/network/interfaces (they work) and they look exactly like his04:39
LynuxDeviltheeezy: did you just think you needed to upgrade it to a new release?04:39
* last-ottom4n is away (Gule Gule (Cevrim Disi) | Bye Bye (Offline))04:39
myronfuzeboxsoftware: was xine error referring to fuoco tools?04:39
=== last-ottom4n is now known as LasT-Ottom4N
theeezythe old one would always say i logged out but i diddnt04:39
huggintime_i cant get copiz to work please help04:39
theeezyit would only work for like 5 minutes04:39
tritiumMK13: yes, but you're letting network-manager handle your interface.04:39
to3000april 23 juntuy jacalope04:39
huggintime_ive been trying for 4hrs04:39
fuzeboxsoftwarei dunno, going to try something else04:40
theeezyno the pidgin messenger only works for like 5 minutes then says im logged out04:40
tritiumfuzeboxsoftware: what are you trying to do?  What issues are you having with ubuntu software?04:40
myronfuzeboxsoftware: ok. I can say that for me, the program just finished converting my video file to an mpeg, and opened k3b for burning04:41
myronfuzeboxsoftware: you may want to check out k3b, it is in the ubuntu repository04:41
myrontritium: he is trying to find a solution for dvd conversion and authoring04:42
^paradox^ah yeh my dvd writer works now, thanks for the info on medibuntu04:43
myronbruce89: wb04:43
tritiummyron: thanks.  Since he's ignoring me, I'll let you continue.04:43
FloodBot2to3000: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:43
^paradox^btw i have no use for the law unless it except when it works in my favor ;-)04:43
myronfuzeboxsoftware: are you still here?04:44
tritium^paradox^: don't say things like that here, please04:44
* r42 is away (Gule Gule (Cevrim Disi) | Bye Bye (Offline))04:44
=== r42 is now known as R42
tritiumubottu: tell R42 about away04:44
ubottuR42, please see my private message04:44
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:44
fuzeboxsoftwaremyron: sorry, trying this avidemux04:45
fuzeboxsoftwarehopefully this works04:45
mjecHey, I'm having some issues with crypto disks.. specifically /dev/mapper/sda3_crypt has disappaered (and sda2_crypt), though sda4_crypt is there.04:45
mjecNew install, just configured - any thoughts, or places I cuold look?04:45
^paradox^ty again all, laterz04:45
miloman3hi i was trying to install ubuntu studio and my computer froze so it restarted and i opened up synaptic package manager to see if it finished and this came up  (E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.  E: _cache->open() failed, please report.)04:46
myronajh2000: hows the mp3 going?04:47
miloman3can any one answer04:47
kosharimiloman3 whats the question04:47
myronmiloman3: have you opened the terminal and run the command?04:47
miloman3idk how or where to find it04:48
base1Oapplications > assosories > terminal04:48
myronmiloman3: "alt + F2" type xterm04:48
miloman3oh it under applications thanks04:48
base1Omight as well drag and drop it into your task bar now because you will need to learn it alot more04:49
myronor set up a keyboard shortcut :)04:49
base1Oto each their own ;-)04:49
base1Oi speak from the newly windows to linux tranfers04:50
base1Oeasy to understand language for noobs04:50
myrongood point04:50
myronsadly I liked windows task manager so much, that I created a keyboard shortcut for gnome-system-monitor04:51
=== john is now known as Guest68857
kosharimyron you havnt discovered scale yot have you04:51
base1Oive been useing system monitor and terminal commands to check ports and network stuff04:52
myronscale yot?04:52
bruce89xkill is rather nice04:52
coreymanhow do i put the system in standby04:52
BigMikewhat can I do to stop ubuntu from locking up solid when I run a video player04:52
miloman3ok now its saying i dont have the privileges even though im the only account and the admin04:52
MK13BigMike: lots of lube04:52
myronBigMike: what is the terminal error message?04:52
kosharimiloman3 you need to use sudo04:52
kosharimiloman3 you are attempting to accomplish a task as root04:53
base1Ohaha, can i drap and drop somones name to answer their question quickly? how does pigions irc work in that instance04:53
MK13BigMike: that should do :D04:53
BigMikeno errrors lockd so hard I have to hold the button till it shuts down04:53
base1Odo i have to copy and paste the name?04:53
miloman3so putting in "dpkg --configure -a" doesnt work04:53
myronmiloman3: no you have to use "sudo dpkg --configure -a"04:54
miloman3ok thanks again'04:54
myronmiloman3: no problem04:54
base1Owhat is miloman running? debian/ubuntu?04:55
myronI assumed ubuntu since he's in the ubuntu channel04:55
base1Othen it would be sudo apt-get install <whatever program>04:55
BigMikecould that be a prob in the xorg.conf MK13?04:56
myronright, but he has to configure dpkg first, because his last install was interrupted04:56
tritiumMK13: will you keep an eye out for zaccour?  I have to head to bed.04:56
base1Oor maybe i did not hear the whole convo oops04:56
MK13tritium: sure04:56
tritiumMK13: thanks, and good night.04:57
miloman3hey thanks it worked04:57
myronmiloman3: no problem04:57
BlackAeronautHowdy all.  Does anyone know anything about Ubuntu's compatibility with Toshiba A355D Series Satellites?04:58
base1Odoes anyone here play free civ? wheres the instruction man? i play civ rev on my xbox 360 but wanted to try free civ out04:58
miloman3i only wish i had a better graphics card04:58
MK13BigMike: I don't think the xorg.conf would be the culprit04:59
n2diybase10, did you try a man page for it?04:59
BigMikeok MK13 got any ideas for me?04:59
MK13BigMike: What release and architecture of ubuntu are you running?04:59
base1Oyeah.. but needing a man page to play a video game kind of makes it suck04:59
n2diybase10, oh well.05:00
base1Owell.. thats why I have a xbox 360 :-)05:00
BigMikeI am running 7.10 didnt do the upgrade to 8 but it says I am using 805:00
BlackAeronautI'm having trouble installing Ubuntu on a late-model Toshiba.  Can anyone help me?05:00
base1O\what is it doing?05:01
myronBlackAeronaut: What's the problem?05:01
PowerMooswhen I went to install a deb package, the version I want, I get "a later version is already installed" , how do I bypass that ?05:01
BlackAeronautGives me the friggin terminal prompt.  NO login, nothing.05:01
MK13BigMike: you might have upgraded to 8 it though the update manager, is it 8.04 or 8.10, also 64 bit or 32 bit?05:01
n2diybase10, I'm not a gamer, so I won't feel your pain. :) GL05:01
myronPowerMoos: install with the -f switch05:01
BigMike32 bit05:01
base1OBlackAeronaut; try typing startx05:02
eusDoes anyone aware of a problem with Remote Desktop Access in Ubuntu 8.04. Specifically, when you select `Required Encryption', no one from another Ubuntu machine can login by entering the required password.05:02
BigMikeI used the update manager if i use the upgrade it wouldnt run05:02
BlackAeronautbase10: Okay, wit one while I try that.05:02
PowerMoosmyron, in the terminal ? dpgk -i -f file.deb /05:02
PowerMoosmyron, in the terminal ? dpgk -i -f file.deb ?05:02
=== Mottie_ is now known as FaMott
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.05:03
zaccourhey im back05:03
base1OI still would like to know why i can get updates via gui for clamav, it says i need to be root.. how do i login as root!?05:03
BigMikeok I gotta check for the exact version MK1305:03
base1Ocant* get updates05:03
MK13BigMike: is there any specific warning that comes with the lock-up?05:03
myronPowerMoos: try "dpkg -i --force file.deb"05:04
BigMikenothing it freezes solid MK1305:04
Killabeezim trying to load ubuntu 8.10 and getting a white screen at loading - any ideas on what to do? it might be that my video card is to new? ati 4000 series05:04
shyam_k`my system is stuck during shutdown at "saving the system clock" i had an error previously and found out thats from hwclock, which i cured giving --directisa option at the hwclock.sh and now there is no error message it just stays paused for any time when asked to shutdown/halt/restart.. had a problem with HAL too, which cured when i re-installed that. In /var/log/messages.1.gz i have "Clocksource tsc unstable (delta = -153182222 ns)"05:04
shyam_k`does that say anything?05:04
FaMottExit to error: Can't init SDL No available video device05:04
MK13zaccour: sup?05:04
FaMottHow can I fix that? It comes up when I try to run my games now ><05:04
zaccouri tried what tritum said and then i had no internet at all05:05
zaccourso i had to reinstall05:05
FaMottI tried to install SDL 1.2 from source so I could play Ivan x.x;05:05
zaccourchecking forums brb05:05
BigMikeUbuntu 8.04.2 \n \l MK1305:05
MK13BigMike: what program are you playing videos in?05:06
BigMikeit will lock up in totem or vlc05:06
base1Obigmike; down the correct codecs  , hes prob playing an avi05:06
shyam_k`should i apt-get install insomnia-pills?05:06
base1Oget div-X05:06
BigMikeok check for codecs05:06
BlackAeronautbase10: Tried typing startx at the terminal prompt.  Got some sort of error...05:06
myronBlackAeronaut: What was the error message?05:07
base1Odiv-x codecs05:07
shyam_k`that would be cool to have a medicine repository under apt! who said apt is feature finished..05:07
BigMikewill try that05:07
BigMikethank you all05:07
zaccourMK13, hey i figured out what ill do05:08
MK13zaccour: what's that?05:08
BlackAeronautbase10: Fatal server error: no screens found ... giving up.  (break)  xinit:  Connection refused (errno 111): unable to connect to X server (break) xinit:  No such process (errno 3): Server error.05:08
base1Owhat type of linux do you have installed?05:08
zaccourMK13, i dont wanna have to deal with changing dependencies and such, so ill just install security updates, thats all i really need anyway, until the beta release anyway05:08
myronbase10: I think he said ubuntu05:09
zaccourMK13, then i will try again in beta05:09
gladiatorhi. i have 64 bit ubuntu installed on my laptop.05:09
base1Ook.. he will need to reformat everything and reinstall05:09
Killabeezanyone know a fix to install ubuntu with the 4870 series ati card?05:09
MK13zaccour: have you also tried just using 8.04?05:09
gladiatori am trying to install skype which is a 32 bit package. dpkg gives me an error saying package architecture does not match05:09
zaccourMK13, ill just install security updates, dont see any reason to change stuff if it works ok. if it aint broke, dont break it. right?05:10
myronbase10: did x not install properly?05:10
shyam_k`is it on topic here to talk about proprietary softwares?05:10
=== shyam_k` is now known as shyam_k
base1Omyron: np.. i will figure it out though, my brain hurts05:11
myronbase10: or is it a graphics card configuration error?05:11
alkisgHow can I open .7z files created with the windows version of 7zip? I do have the lzma package installed, but file-roller complains "unsupported file format"...05:11
ubottuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression05:12
base1Oi dont think i even asked a question in here05:12
base1Oif i did i forget, allright goodnight05:12
bruce89!info pzip05:12
ubottuPackage pzip does not exist in intrepid05:12
bruce89!info p7zip05:12
ubottup7zip (source: p7zip): 7zr file archiver with high compression ratio. In component universe, is optional. Version 4.58~dfsg.1-1 (intrepid), package size 317 kB, installed size 936 kB05:12
jtajialkisg: install p7zip-full and  you should be good to go05:12
bruce89you don't need -full05:12
alkisgThanks guys, I thought lzma should be enough and that the problem was elsewhere..05:13
gladiatorcan anyone tell me how to install a 32 bit application on 64 bit ubuntu?05:13
x4dHello, I'm trying to get finch installed but I get a dependency error from pidgin-data because I'm not using the pidgin from the repos but the newest available version. So I should find the newer version of finch that corresponds to the new pidgin-data package... but I can't seem to find it in pidgins site, anyone know where I can download it from?05:13
bruce89lzma is only the compression that 7z usually uses05:13
BlackAeronautAnyone, I'm trying to get 64 Bit Ubuntu 8.10 installed on my Toshiba Satellite, but all I get is a terminal prompt.  Can anyone help me?05:13
FaMottExit to error: Can't init SDL No available video device <- I can't Play most of my games because SDL doesn't load video, how do I fix it?05:13
myronBlackAeronaut: What model Toshiba Satellite?05:14
alkisgbruce89: yes, and also the package name for a file-roller plugin - so even without pzip, file roller can actually create .lzma files - but obviously they are different from .7z files.05:14
alkisgE.g. if I create an .lzma file with my default ubuntu installation, the windows 7zip program can open it, but not e.g. winrar - which claims to support 7z...05:15
illmortalDoes anyone know of an application that runs lighter than Instabul? I find Instabul to be a strong processor hog.05:15
bruce89well, it's the same with gz and bz205:16
alkisgReally? Dah... Anyway, thanks again...05:16
BlackAeronautmyron: it's an A355D series Satellite.05:16
bruce89I meant they were also compression programs05:17
swayedHi - Someone suggest the best way to clone my HDrive to a bigger one - Used Ghost 2003 bit by bit sector to sector and new bigger drive will not boot - Just say's GRUB on top left corner of screen and stops - will not fininshing booting ? ?05:17
swayedAlso tried using Acronis as well!05:17
zaccourok im installing security updates only, i dont really need the rest of that stuff05:18
n2diy! clone | swayed05:18
ubottuswayed: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate05:18
jtajiswayed: take a look at clonezilla05:18
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dd05:18
alkisgswayed: just reinstall grub - it should be fine as it is now.05:19
n2diyswayed: or sbackup05:19
swayedjtaji; Thanks - will do.....05:19
FaMott!Display Variable05:19
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:19
FaMottNeed to set it to...05:19
FaMottDISPLAY=:0 ; export DISPLAY05:20
FaMottcsh: setenv DISPLAY :005:20
userxmyron: mplayer and the OS crashed with no error message05:20
=== mn74nk is now known as baldfadedstrippe
gladiatorhow do i force install all the dependencies of a package?05:21
=== baldfadedstrippe is now known as baldfaded
n2diyFaMott: are you sure of that syntax, it looks funny?05:21
myronBlackAeronaut: is this a new install?05:21
swayedalkisg; I wondered about that - wasn't sure how to repair or get grub to work correctly - guess I could do that by booting to Ibex Live CD ? ?05:21
bruce89gladiator: they should be anyway05:21
=== userx is now known as ajh2000
FaMottI was googling to see how I could fix the error I keep getting when I have issues with SDL05:21
FaMott" Exit to error: Can't init SDL No available video device." to be exact05:22
myronajh2000: hmm one second05:22
gladiatorbruce89: i am not using apt-get. using dpkg. it gives me an error that the package depends on something but was not installed05:22
BlackAeronautmyron: Brand new.  Downloaded the ISO from the site, burned it to a fresh CD-R.  No matter what route I go, I always get the Terminal and nothing more.05:23
bruce89gladiator: go into aptitude and install them05:23
swayedalkisg; could you point me in the right direction on how to repair grub on the newer bigger drive if it will not boot - Would I use Ibex Live CD?05:23
gladiatorbruce89: u mean apt-get them? the package i am trying to install is not there05:24
baldfadedim having a problem with ubuntu freezing up on me05:24
bruce89gladiator: if I remember correctly, it'll be partially installed05:25
gladiatorbruce89: what will be partially installed?05:25
fuzeboxsoftwarewow, ubuntu definitely slower than vista when it comes to converting movie files05:25
bruce89the package you are trying05:25
gladiatorhow do i install them then?05:25
rinovanafter update ubuntu 8.10 mysound not work?05:26
myronBlackAeronaut: And you have tried installing 64 bit ubuntu more than once?05:26
fuzeboxsoftwaresurprising how alot of people dog vista, works really smooth to me, especially against ubuntu, ubuntu has poor response time to me :/05:26
BlackAeronautmyron: No, this is the first time.05:27
bruce89fuzeboxsoftware: nothing forcing you to use it05:27
baldfadedyou can always go back to vista if you want05:27
bruce89gladiator: start aptitude, it should offer to install what's needed05:27
myronBlackAeronaut: My best advice is to try reinstalling the OS. If that doesn't work, try installing the 32 bit version of ubuntu.05:27
eusPreviously I wrote: "Does anyone aware of a problem with Remote Desktop Access in Ubuntu 8.04. Specifically, when you select `Required Encryption', no one from another Ubuntu machine can login by entering the required password." Now I got the solution: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/vino/+bug/32547405:28
n2diy! offtopic | fuseboxsoftware05:28
ubottufuseboxsoftware: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!05:28
BlackAeronautmyron: Okay, I'll give it a go.  Good thing I got all the ISO's on a hard drive with software to mount them.  ^_^;;05:28
myronajh2000: check your syslog "System > Administration > System Log05:28
debclairhi everyone05:29
bruce89!tab |  n2diy05:29
ubottun2diy: You can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.05:29
myronfuzeboxsoftware: no luck on the dvd authoring?05:29
dermothbruce89, you're back... FYI you can "prevu" a dsc file directly. Thanks for pointing me to pbuilder though as it helped me understand a bit what was going on behind it :)05:29
baldfadedubuntu freezes on me at random, what can i do to mitigate this>05:29
fuzeboxsoftwaremyron: using devede now, so hopefully i will be able to get something going05:29
debclairanyone used monodevelop?05:29
gladiatorbruce89: how do i start aptitude? *newbie alert*05:30
mibanyon knows what should i find in apt-get for "task juggler" ?05:30
* ScottG489 is away: Gone away for now05:30
bruce89dermoth: that's how it's supposed to be used05:30
fuzeboxsoftwaremyron: just reallyyyyyy slowwwww05:30
ajh2000myron: ok i'm in there. what am i looking for?05:30
bruce89gladiator: aptitude at the terminal05:30
antares how monut and extract pcmcia cards?????05:30
jre2what's a good way to determine whether a harddrive is safe to store data on?  perhaps a testing program I can run overnight to determine reliability?05:31
bruce89fuzeboxsoftware: cpu optimisations05:31
dermothbruce89, the only docs I could find on prevu used the form package[/dist] which download the package from LP (optionally for specified dist instead of latest)05:31
sixofouri have an ntfs drive on my pc, how do i access it ?05:31
webdiscounthello i have been trying to clean up my ubuntu system of unused files how?05:31
fuzeboxsoftwarebruce89: what do you recommend?05:31
webdiscountsome one help?05:31
bruce89fuzeboxsoftware:  nothing05:31
bazwebdiscount, what do u mean by unused05:32
antares how monut and extract (hot) pcmcia cards?05:32
bazsixofour, perhaps it appeared automatically in the file explorer (nAUTLIUS)05:32
fuzeboxsoftwarei have already taken off my video driver down, because ubuntu couldn't handle it05:32
fuzeboxsoftwarevista so far out performs ubuntu by a long shot05:32
sixofourwell there is a little detial, i'm on kubuntu, but that channel is dead05:32
bruce89well, use it05:32
webdiscounti mean i used wine to install office 2003 and it hides away some files05:32
n2diybruce89, tab auto completion doesn't always work, your nick doesn't, tab chokes on the numerals.05:33
gladiatorbruce89: where will the packages be in aptitude? there are installed packages, not installed, virtual and so on.. and there are thousands of them05:33
fuzeboxsoftwarebruce89: well, want to use a linux distro, but ubuntu don't seem to be the one for me, might move to centOS05:33
bazwebdiscount, did it actually work thru wine?05:33
sixofouri have two drives, one with kubuntu and one is ntfs, i need to split the ntfs into two parts, format one, copy a 9gb file onto it from the other half, then fromat that half and remove the partition05:33
FaMottfuze: Have you tried a different GUI? like Xubuntu? Which is lighter?05:33
bazsixofour, ah ok, let me think05:33
myronajh2000: edit > select all > copy & upload it to pastebin then post the link here (make sure you select today's date)05:34
myronfuzeboxsoftware: are you wanting something for media editing?05:34
doleybfuzeboxsoftware: i don't think switching distros will be a path to improvements..05:34
bruce89gladiator: why aren't you using gdebi or some such thing?05:34
webdiscount yeah it did only that cant sometimes see where they tranfer my downloaded or saved files05:34
kindofabuzzfuzeboxsoftware, try Crunchbang Linux, ubuntu using Openbox05:34
gladiatorbruce89: whats that?05:34
antaressomeone nows about pcmcia cards????05:34
sixofouri have gparted open, i'm just not sure how to do the rest @ baz05:35
n2diyfuseboxsoftware, good luck, you have loads of linux distros to choose from.05:35
bruce89gladiator: or is this a cli environment?05:35
celeritasFaMott: XFCE isn't a great deal lighter because you probably end up pulling in all the Gnome anyway from some random app05:35
DaemonMDVdoes anyone know if you can mount Ext4 noatime and writeback-only journal?05:35
bruce89not that others  make video transcoding any faster05:35
sixofourbut the resize option is grey @ baz05:35
webdiscountwhat bother me is how to clean my system and improve its perfomance as earlier was05:36
myronfuzeboxsoftware: for media, try ubuntu studio or chainsaw linux05:36
bazsixofour, you want to mount an ntfs drive or resize a drive?05:36
ajh2000myron: where is pastebin? is it part of xchat?05:36
sixofouri have two drives, one with kubuntu and one is ntfs, i need to split the ntfs into two parts, format one, copy a 9gb file onto it from the other half, then fromat that half and remove the partition05:36
bazsixofour, this command will work: mount -t ntfs /dev/<whatever partition its> /mnt/<destination mount point>05:36
lstarnes!pastebin | ajh200005:36
ubottuajh2000: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)05:36
bazsixofour, but it kinda sucks that its command-line05:36
myronajh2000: www.pastebin.com05:36
Ignatiusajh2000: http://pastebin.com/05:36
bazsixofour, gparted will help you find which drive it is, i.e. /dev/xyz05:37
sixofouri know what it is05:37
bazsixofour, but not to mount it05:37
sixofouri'm looking at it05:37
bazsixofour, what is it05:37
n2diyIgnatius, how is felix?05:37
BigMikei am trying to install the latest version of wine  - but it tells me to  install the version from the software channel - What does that mean a package manager?05:37
myronhas anyone ever had any luck with gentoo?05:37
bazsixofour, i just saw your other msg, try to use my name so your msg's get highlighted05:38
Flannelmyron: Try #ubuntu-offtopic for offtopic discussion, thanks.05:38
mf_417Hi, we have an internal Automation System that is web based (ajax+php), I wanna develop an extension fore firefox that periodically logs into our system and checks for new mail05:39
bazsixofour, so u have an existing ntfs partition that already has files on it?05:39
mf_417when I call login.php from where files are (Same Origin) there is no problem05:39
mf_417but when I try to fech mails by my client, I get this error: Access to restricted URI denied (NS_ERROR_DOM_BAD_URI)05:39
sixofourits not a partition05:39
sixofourits a drive05:39
n2diyFlannel: is Xubuntu OT here? I know they have there own channel, but it is a little "lite"?05:39
myronI know it's off topic, its just, I have never had luck with it... Just curious...05:39
bazsixofour, right, same thing, and what do u mean by "remove" the second partiiotn when u copy the file?05:40
sixofourso that its one partition again05:40
mf_417Hi, we have an internal Automation System that is web based (ajax+php), I wanna develop an extension for firefox that periodically logs into our system and checks for new mail. When I call login.php from where files are (Same Origin) there is no problem, but when I try to fech mails by my client, I get this error: Access to restricted URI denied (NS_ERROR_DOM_BAD_URI)05:40
sixofouronly only spliting it so i can reformat it while saving the 9gb file at the same time ^^05:40
bazsixofour, so u have 1 partition, you want to split it into 2 partitions then rejoin it back to one partitions, whats the point05:40
Ignatiusn2diy: who? I must be a different Ignatius to the one you're thinking of05:40
Flanneln2diy: No, of course, they may have more luck in #xubuntu (if its XFCE specific).  Obviously, a Xubuntu issue may very well be identical to the Ubuntu issue (if its package related or whatever).  So, always best to enquire first.05:40
sixofourdid you read my post baz?05:41
sixofouri have two drives, one with kubuntu and one is ntfs, i need to split the ntfs into two parts, format one, copy a 9gb file onto it from the other half, then fromat that half and remove the partition @ baz05:41
ajh2000myron: http://pastebin.com/m1796cc1c05:41
n2diyFlannel: 10-405:41
LyrraHey guys, I'm trying to do a fresh install of 8.10 and I'm having a problem with sound05:42
Lyrrathere is none05:42
bazsixofour, thats what i have been reading and i still don't get it and i'mm very smart. You have 1 ntfs drive that has 1 ntfs partition that has files on it... correct?05:42
=== FaMott is now known as FaMott|Sleeps
sixofouri want to format it to ext305:42
n2diyIgnatius: it is an amercian cartoon, felix the cat used to throw bricks at Ignatius.05:42
sixofourbut it has a 9gb file i need05:42
bazsixofour, ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh05:42
bazsixofour, well say that kid05:42
sixofourso i need to format half of it first,copy the file, then finuish formating it05:43
=== dngr- is now known as dngr
sixofourthe file is too big form my ubuntu drive05:43
Ignatiusn2diy: Ah... well I'm half British and half Dutch so I probably wouldn't know :P05:43
bazsixofour, ok i get it, you want to convert an ntfs while juggling around the contents so u dont lose data05:44
Lyrradoes anyone know anything about a problem with sound from a fresh install?05:44
bazsixofour, u know that this is dangerous no matter what OS/software u use and that if it is REALLY important u need to figure out a backup? how important is it?05:44
n2diyIgnatius: ok, watch out for felix! :)05:44
qewrtyciao a tutti05:44
gladiatorbruce89: dont know what you are talking about. i just didnt know the arguments --force-architecture and --force-all05:45
myrongladiator: Bruce89 left05:45
tangerine_can anyone here help me?05:45
* felixsulla throws a brick at Ignatius 05:45
n2diytangerine_: no, you have to ask a question first.05:46
gladiatormyron: ok05:46
tangerine_Ok so the taskbar is frozen05:46
n2diybad felixsulla!05:46
bazsixofour, i think u need to install ntfsprogs05:46
Ignatiustangerine_: hit Alt+F2 then type killall gnome-panel05:46
bazsixofour, to enable gparted to interact with ntfs05:47
sixofourits a 36gb file compressed into 9gb,05:47
Ignatiusthat might work05:47
tangerine_what is gnome?05:47
sixofourand i don't have enough cds anyways05:47
sixofourto burn it05:47
sixofourwell, files*05:47
bazsixofour, to enable gparted to interact with ntfs05:47
Ignatius!gnome | tangerine_05:47
ubottutangerine_: GNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu. To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.05:47
n2diytangerine_: an xwindow manager, I think.05:47
=== xavier is now known as xavier267
sixofourapt-get install ntfsprogs?05:47
stewart_what pacakge is aclocal part of?05:48
tangerine_oh I am on windows vista05:48
myronajh2000: I'm trying to find what is causing your problem. It is a pulseaudio error though05:48
Ignatiustangerine_: this is #ubuntu05:48
tangerine_o i am very new to this05:48
n2diy! xcde05:48
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xcde05:48
myronajh2000: did you say that you were using ubuntu intrepid?05:48
tangerine_wakka wakka wakka05:48
n2diy! x05:48
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution05:48
sixofourtangerine_:  type /join ##windows05:48
stewart_how do i install automake whats the package called?05:48
JacksonPanmay some can move linux to mtk platform?05:49
ajh2000myron: yes intrepid, I didn't have this problem on hardy or feisty05:49
sixofourapt-get install ntfsprogs? @baz05:49
JacksonPanmay some can move linux to mtk platform?I need some one05:49
n2diyJacksonPan: what is mtk?05:50
bazsixofour, yeah with sudo before - but let me check one thing first actually05:50
purentropyHi, is there a queue or may i ask a question?05:50
n2diypurentropy: ask05:50
JacksonPann2diy:don't you kno?05:50
myronajh2000: I had a problem with pulse audio when I first installed hardy, but I can't remember what the solution was05:51
deadlyninjai have a CDROM drive connected to an old ATA-33 cable, but ubuntu is putting it in UDMA2 and it then fails to burn cds. hdparm errors when i try to lower the dma mode, anyone know what i can do?05:51
n2diyJacksonPan: nope, never heard of it, GL.05:51
JacksonPana featurephone05:51
JacksonPanyou see this05:52
purentropyI have posted on the forums and no one seems to know... I am have issues with 8.10 LiveCD.  The system hangs at this error [ 97.125547] ata6: PATA max UDMA/133 cmd 0x170 ctl 0x376 bmdma 0xffa8 irq 1505:52
puppypusherAnyone here run WoW on Direct X in WINE?05:52
myronajh2000: try this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=86696505:52
purentropycan anyone make sense of this error?05:52
sixofourpuppypusher:  wow is one of the most played games with Wine, of course05:52
JacksonPanoh, my god05:52
JacksonPanyou don't know Chinese05:52
JDStonewhen a friend of mine unplugs his power adapter from his laptop, it goes into standby, any ideas?05:53
puppypushersixofour: I've installed the DirectX Redistributable under Wine, and it now works. However, my framerate is horrible. OpenGL is not an option, as every registry and config.wtf tweak known to man does not get rid of artefacts and blackbox logins. Any ideas?05:53
purentropyIt never gets to the Desktop so I can't type anything in terminal to see if it isn't recognizing some of the hardware... Any ideas?05:54
sixofourI myself don't puppypusher05:54
n2diyJDStone: research APM, automatic power management, it messys with my battery too, and I'm running a desktop.05:54
sixofourbut i know its been played enough that there is a way to play with ogl, try #winehq05:54
myronJDStone: check the settings in power management? System > preferences > power management05:54
puppypushersixofour, I've done everything they have said, including the actual registry fix for artefacting in OpenGL. It makes no difference. :P lol05:55
warlordwhat will i need from repo to compile a driver?05:55
sixofourplay wow on lowest settings?05:55
JDStonen2diy: hmm, i will. thank you05:55
sixofouri ddi for ahwile05:55
JDStonemyron: checked there, no go05:55
FloodBot2sixofour: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:55
n2diyJDStone: nada, GL05:55
puppypusherLowest and highest settings do not change the framerate.05:55
ajh2000myron: gee, it looks intense! I'll check it out. Thanks05:56
purentropyn2diy: did you get my question?05:56
JDStoneyep :)05:56
n2diypurentropy: no05:56
sixofourthen it sounds like maby a system problem?05:56
koshariwarlord usually "build essentual"05:56
sixofourwhat addons?05:56
purentropy<purentropy> I have posted on the forums and no one seems to know... I am have issues with 8.10 LiveCD.  The system hangs at this error [ 97.125547] ata6: PATA max UDMA/133 cmd 0x170 ctl 0x376 bmdma 0xffa8 irq 1505:56
myronajh2000: be sure to save that link in case it causes you more problems, you can always refer back to that post to tell others what you have done.05:56
sixofour@ baz still here?05:57
puppypusherI don't think it's system. Video chipset drivers are installed correctly, and native/DxDiag tests come out perfect.05:57
terminhellHi all! Ok im running 8.10 fully updated, and im trying to get this: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/ttywallpapers?content=100774 :  its a tty wallpaper. Im not exactly sure how to install/use em. I have the "Startup Manager" installed and installed (i think) in the bootsplash option, but when i switch to a tty screen its still just text based. Any ideas???05:57
sixofourwhat addons though puppypusher05:57
purentropyi cannot get to the desktop from the live cd so i can't run commands in terminal to see what happened.05:57
ajh2000myron: ok sure05:57
n2diypurentropy: no, did you use my nick?05:57
puppypusherNo addons, sixofour. Using the bare minimum05:57
AmyRose!pm | allowoverride05:57
ubottuallowoverride: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.05:57
JDStoneand it started all of the sudden out of the blue just recently05:57
sixofournvidia card?05:57
sixofourtry the omega drivers, they are old but they might work05:58
sixofourthey have a linux version of them iirc05:58
puppypusherNo, not nvidia. Intel 945GM chipset.05:58
purentropyn2diy: <purentropy> I am have issues with 8.10 LiveCD.  The system hangs at this error [ 97.125547] ata6: PATA max UDMA/133 cmd 0x170 ctl 0x376 bmdma 0xffa8 irq 1505:58
Patrick_OHello. I have this script:05:58
Patrick_O#!/bin/sh -x05:58
Patrick_Oexport PAPARAZZI_HOME=/home/patrick/paparazzi305:58
Patrick_Oexport PAPARAZZI_SRC=/home/patrick/paparazzi305:58
Patrick_O /./home/patrick/paparazzi3/sw/ground_segment/tmtc/link  -d /dev/ttyUSB0 &05:58
FloodBot2Patrick_O: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:58
Patrick_O /./home/patrick/paparazzi3/sw/ground_segment/tmtc/server &05:58
sixofourhave you ever played wow with that>?05:58
sixofoursounds crappy lol05:59
puppypusherYep, for a year. 40+ FPS05:59
webdiscountBaz i mean like you would do on a window os by cleaning up drive  removing cookies and the like05:59
sixofouri didn't even know intel made vdeio05:59
n2diypurentropy: ok, yes, I saw that, and I have no clue, sorry.05:59
puppypusherI switch to Ubuntu, use Wine...can't get over 10fps, and 3 if I'm not staring at a wall05:59
bazsixofour, yeah i'm here, so thats the answer - sudo apt-get install ntfsprogs - then restarted gparted05:59
warlordkoshari: thanks for that what about for the command "make" and "tcl"05:59
sixofourlook for 3rd aprty drivers for your chip06:00
sixofourati/nvidia both have omega drivers06:00
sixofourdunno about intel06:00
puppypusherHm. I'll check, but I highly doubt it.06:00
crdlbwhat is an omega driver?06:00
sixofouromega drivers are 3rd party drivers for nvidia and ati cards06:00
sixofourthey are a bit old though, but they work fine06:00
puppypusherNope, not supported06:00
crdlbit's a repository of nvidia and ati'd proprietary drivers?06:01
bazwebdiscount, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=14092006:01
sixofourits a 3rd party driver06:01
sixofoursomeone wrote their own driver06:01
crdlbintel comes with builtin acceleration via xserver-xorg-video-intel06:01
sixofourworks with any nvidia and any ati06:01
puppypusherCorrect, crdlb.06:01
crdlbsixofour: for X?06:01
purentropyn2diy: do you know where I can find the meaning of this message besides google?06:01
sixofourfor windows and linux06:01
sixofourdion't know much more than that :D06:01
terminhell Hi all! Ok im running 8.10 fully updated, and im trying to get this: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/ttywallpapers?content=100774 :  its a tty wallpaper. Im not exactly sure how to install/use em. I have the "Startup Manager" installed and installed (i think) in the bootsplash option, but when i switch to a tty screen its still just text based. Any ideas???06:02
puppypusherIt just bugs me that WoW won't run in OpenGL with all tweaks and registry adjustments, and in DirectX, my framerate is unacceptable low.06:02
sixofourcrdlb: :thumb115462687:06:02
mib_6yvcl3what is your favorite gui ?06:02
sixofourwrong link lol06:02
mib_6yvcl3I tried gnome, kde, e17, fvwm-crystal06:02
bazwebdiscount, it seems there is also an app called bleachpit that does it - i have never tried it but here's a site: http://blogs.vinuthomas.com/2009/02/04/clean-up-unwanted-files-in-ubuntu-bleachbit/06:02
IgnatiusI am aware that ubottu has a dictionary of ubuntu based terms. Is there a list online anywhere of all the terms it knows?06:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about term06:03
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about termlist06:03
n2diypurentropy: #ubuntu-kernel?06:03
jtaji!ubottu | Ignatius06:03
ubottuIgnatius: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots06:03
Ignatiusah there we go... thanks jtaji ^_^06:03
crdlbsixofour: err, 1) that's windows-only and 2) he's just tweaking the existing ATI and NVIDIA drivers06:03
koshariwarlord depending on the source, you usually only need make and makeinstall06:04
puppypusherAnyone know about making WoW work under Direct X with decent framerate?06:05
purentropyn2diy: cool thanks06:05
sixofourguess i was wrong06:05
deadlyninjais there a way to get my cdroms to use the old driver that showed up as /dev/hdX instead of /dev/sr0?06:05
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bz0banyone have that problem where your tty console looks like it's having a siezure06:07
sixofourpuppypusher:  what direct x?06:07
puppypusherDirectX9 under Wine06:07
puppypusherInstalling the DirectX9 under Wine is what got my WoW working.06:07
puppypusherNow I just need my framerates good06:07
sixofourbaz there was an error :(06:07
sixofourit won't resize it baz06:09
sixofourdon't suppose you know where i can upload 9 gigs do you? lol06:09
puppypusherIs there a WoW channel?06:10
sixofourprobably not on freenode06:10
puppypusherApparently people can't ever get DirectX working under Wine, and I did. So...no one knows how to help solve framerate issues lol06:11
bz0banyone having a problem with their tty's where the print is unreadable and it keeps jumping around06:11
bz0bi think my frame buffer is messing up or something06:11
sixofourive played wow in wine before06:11
puppypusherUsing OpenGL, I'm sure06:11
purentropyI cannot boot from the LiveCD 8.10.  I have Nvidia Nforce 630i chipset.  WDC 500GB SATA HDD. No externals plugged in besides monitor,keyboard,mouse,ethernet.  System Hangs at ata6: PATA max UDMA/133 cmd 0x170 ctl 0x376 bmdma 0xffa8 irq 1506:16
ZykoticK9purentropy, do you have SATA or IDE drives?06:17
purentropy1 SATA Drive 500 GB WD06:17
ZykoticK9purentropy, so the error seems to be regarding you DVD or CDROM drive then the PATA suggests it's an IDE error???06:17
n2diypurentropy: is it a clean drive?06:18
mythrilanyone know what might be causing long-term connections (http dowloads) to timeout (it happens with every site I visit that has more than 10k of info on the page)?06:18
purentropyn2diy: the drive contains a windows xp single partition with NTSC all the way through06:18
moxisino chinese06:19
n2diy! cn | moxisi06:19
ubottumoxisi: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk06:19
purentropyzykotic: I can see how it can be an IDE error.  Let me explain.06:19
sixofourso i found my data drive in dolphin its "new volume" and its mounted as such, but when i click it, it asks for sudo then does nothing06:19
n2diypurentropy: roger that. I tried to dual boot Hardy on XP recently, with no luck.06:20
m1chaeli got an asus eeepc netbook... it's got windows xp on it.. i'd like to dual boot with it... i read that there are some issues with hardware... anyone have an eeepc 1000ha ?06:20
puppypusherAnyone running WoW in WINE using DirectX, not OpenGL?06:20
jtajim1chael: I don't have one (yet) but you might want to also ask in #eeepc06:21
doleybm1chael: I've heard the trouble is maybe ubuntu's atheros driver doesn't work right with the eepc's wireless chip.  But you can install a newer driver than ubuntu has,06:22
purentropyzykotic: I had to remove 'quiet splash' from the boot optoins. i replaced it with 'noapic nolapic nosplash' -- which got me to a system HANG at the line i typed before.  If i also enter 'all_generic_ide' -- I get to [ 102.101170] sd 6:0:0:3: [sdd] Attached SCSI Removal Disk06:23
scotlfsHey I gotta question for a develop if there is one here that knows Wine and about compiling wine on Intrepid. I need Xlib/Xfree86 packages, I however don't know which package provides those resources06:23
doleybm1chael: (See this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24/+bug/182489 )06:23
puppypusherAnyone running WoW in Wine using DirectX?06:24
purentropyso i went ahead an assumed the IDE error and just forced it to do IDE even though i had SATA just to try to get to the Desktop to run Terminal Commands.06:24
ZykoticK9puppypusher, i certainly don't mean to start an argument, but I'm pretty sure that wine is still using OpenGL, even though you have DirectX installed, I've even gotten a game which requires DX10 to work with wine - but your still not really using DirectX to render things, it's going through an OpenGL translation I'm pretty sure.06:24
purentropyZykotic: so the first error occurrs without the 'all_generic_ide', the one i just posted, [ 102.101170] sd 6:0:0:3: [sdd] Attached SCSI Removal Disk... occurs when i use it.06:24
purentropyZykotic: either way I cannot get to the LIveCD Desktop.06:25
ZykoticK9purentropy, what sort of system are you using here?06:25
n2diypurentropy: you can run terminal commands without the desktop.06:25
puppypusherAllow me to clarify: I've installed DirectX9.0C redistrubatble under Wine.06:25
mercutio22ZykoticK9> why do you think so?06:25
puppypusherAnd am using it, and not the -OpenGL option under Wine.06:25
jtajiscotlfs: 'apt-get build-dep wine' should get you every lib you need to build it06:25
purentropyWine uses OpenGL06:25
scotlfsjtaji, thanks06:25
puppypusherOkay....let me clarify further...06:26
mercutio22purentropy> in spite of installing directx in wine?06:26
purentropyn2diy: how?06:26
sebsebsebpuppypusher: you want to be able to play Directx 10 games in Ubuntu?06:26
ZykoticK9mercutio22, why do i think what?  the OpenGL thing?  I don't really think that DirectX under wine has direct access to the hardware, I believe that there is some sort of OpenGL translation going on under wine.  I could be wrong.06:26
purentropymercurtio: actually you make a good point.06:26
puppypusherYou can run WoW in Wine two ways: DirectX, or OpenGL. Most people force WoW to run in OpenGL in order for it to work. For me, it doesn't. But does when I set it to use DirectX9 for Wow. But my framerate is trash.06:26
jtajiscotlfs: also if you just need the latest build, winehq has a repo for ubuntu06:26
sebsebsebpurentropy: you want to be able to play DIrectx 10 games in Ubuntu?06:26
puppypusherNo, no DirectX 10. Just DirectX9 with WoW in Wine.06:27
sebsebsebguys LOL06:27
sebsebsebgood news06:27
n2diypurentropy: use the boot options the install program gives you06:27
purentropysebsebseb: no. i was answering a question for merc06:27
puppypusher<----Am puppypusher06:27
sebsebsebyeah yeah my tab complete got mixed up or whatever06:27
quibblerpurentropy: did you change bios to ide from ahci before you added 'all_generic_ide'06:27
purentropyn2diy: i am trying to install the OS...06:27
purentropyquibbler: no, i have optimized defaults06:28
n2diypurentropy: from what?06:28
purentropyn2diy: the livecd06:28
mercutio22ZykoticK9> I see06:28
node357installed teamspeak, can't get the mic to work on SB Live 5.1 card06:28
purentropyquibbler: can you explain why i would need to do that?06:28
=== titalupshank_ is now known as c97
n2diypurentropy: so when the CD boots select your langauage, hit F1 for help, find the root shell option, and bingo, your in a terminal.06:29
purentropyn2diy: i only have the one line to type boot options when i press F6 from the boot screen.06:29
quibblerpurentropy: you have windows on the machine?06:29
purentropyquibbler: yes06:29
purentropyn2diy: thank you!06:29
error404notfoundhow can print system cpu, load, swap and memory usage in a file after certain intervals?06:29
n2diypurentropy: GL06:30
purentropyquibbler: windows xp (NTSC)06:30
scotlfsjtaji: thanks, but I have patch that I need to apply to wine and compile and install it to an alternate --prefix until the main ubuntu release has the patch included....I used to be a source monkey, but that wasn't a distribution it was my own rollup of linux, anyway that was many years ago and deb and apt-get and such are very new to me06:30
n2diyerror404notfound: top06:30
=== kiki_cwo is now known as agus
error404notfoundn2diy: does top support output data to a file?06:30
mrweektorunrelated new question: how can i tell if i'm using open jre or sun jre?06:30
jtajiscotlfs: no prob, have fun06:30
skarhi, how do i compile glibc from source on hardy?06:31
n2diyerror404notfound: you have to learn how to "redirect" or "pipe" it to a file, GL06:31
error404notfoundn2diy: top -b seems good..06:31
error404notfoundn2diy: I do know :P06:31
scotlfsjtaji, no fun at all actually...there is a reason I don't do this anymore06:31
scotlfsbut I need my app to work06:32
quibblerpurentropy: I had a similar problem with my kid's computer and solved it by changing that in the bios then i could install06:32
puppypusherAnyone running WoW in WINE without OpenGL?06:32
n2diyerror404notfound: cool, you know more than I do!06:32
error404notfoundn2diy: hmmm, not really :P06:32
purentropyquibbler: i see, i'll look into this.  thank you for the help.06:32
magnetronpuppypusher→ that is an uncommon setup06:33
puppypusherI know it is. :P06:33
puppypusherAnd I'm running it without any graphics problems, or artefacts.06:33
puppypusherI just need to know how I can boost my FPS.06:33
node357installed teamspeak, can't get the mic to work on SB Live 5.1 card06:33
mgolischget a decent graphics card?06:34
magnetronpuppypusher→ choose opengl. :D that's how you boost the fps06:34
magnetronpuppypusher→ i'm serious06:34
puppypusherWoW will not work for me under OpenGL06:34
mgolischpuppypusher: why not?06:34
puppypusherI've tried every registry tweak and config.wtf tweak known to mankind.06:34
erictushi need hepl for my vsftp06:34
puppypusherI haven't the slightest clue.06:34
mgolischpuppypusher: it must be telling you something06:34
mgolischlike an error message06:35
puppypusherIt's not.06:35
puppypusherNo errors.06:35
ZykoticK9"registry tweak" lol06:35
mgolischor something06:35
mgolischwhat happens then?06:35
mgolischwhat makes it not work in comparison to running it in dx mode?06:35
puppypusherLoader runs, WoW starts, and everything has artefacts with black login boxes.06:35
=== giskard is now known as r4ban
magnetronpuppypusher→ http://www.wowwiki.com/Wine and http://www.wowwiki.com/Troubleshooting_Wine06:36
puppypusherDone everything on both of those pages.06:37
mgolischyou dont run compiz do you?06:37
puppypusherLike I said, config.wtf is set up correctly, with all the aforementioned tweaks and registry strings.06:37
puppypusherNope. Compiz=trash06:37
plus91Compiz is very cool06:38
mgolischno its not06:38
plus91but i prefer use the classic shell06:38
puppypusherIn context, my friend.06:39
puppypusherCompiz+Wine is a nono.06:39
mgolischpuppypusher: whats your graphics card?06:39
puppypusherAll sorts of...crazy things happen.06:39
puppypusherIntel 945GM Chipset.06:39
kosharipuppypusher  i would be suprised if you get good framerates with that gpu, its ancient06:40
puppypusherIt's in a 2 year old laptop. But fwiw, I got 50+ FPS under Windows.06:40
plus91I do so to save resources to limit use the Fluxbox06:40
mgolischif it doenst work in opengl mode forget it06:40
puppypusherNot necessarily, mgolisch.06:41
mgolischthe gpu is way too weak06:41
puppypusherMy card does support OpenGL, and have ran plenty of OpenGL applications with it.06:41
n2diymgolisch: what is gnu?06:41
plus91if emerald nò try more 'heavy but beautiful06:41
mgolischn2diy: its not unix i guess06:41
puppypusherI'm not arguing that it's weak, but I do say that an Operating System is not a GPU.06:42
plus91gnu=linux is very operating system06:42
plus91no WIndows06:42
puppypusherSo, the GPU should still be....a GPU regardless of wether I run Linux or Windows. So there is no reason why my video card should handle OpenGL any differently in Linux than it does in Windows.06:42
n2diymgolisch: close, "gnu is not linux" But what does gnu have to do with linux, besides Unix?06:42
puppypusherChanging operating systems shouldn't affect the physical capabilities of my hardware. That's a bunch of bunk.06:43
mgolischits basicaly what all linux distros borrow their userland from06:44
mgolischthey all use ports of the gnu operatingsystems userland toos to linux06:44
n2diypuppypusher: what is a GPU?06:44
koshariplus91 emerald with reflections liooks very nice.06:44
puppypusherGraphical Processing Unit.06:45
n2diypuppypusher: so if one operating system can work with the GPU, and the other one can't, you don't think you'd see a change in system performance?06:45
plus91koshari :D:D:D But many wasted resources06:46
puppypusherOh no, I sure can. But when both operating systems can use the same two different graphics technology....06:46
puppypusherWell, you get it :P06:46
mgolischthey cant06:47
mgolischlinux cant do anything with dx06:47
plus91n2diy  :D google is your friend :D06:47
puppypusherThere is no reason why my GPU would be weak in Linux, but more than strong enough in Windows...unless of course, Linux is a resource hog...OR, as the case is...my setup isn't configured correctly.06:47
n2diypuppypusher: no I don' get it, some OSes have drivers, and some don't.06:47
magnetronpuppypusher→ it's a matter of drivers06:47
n2diyplus91: ???06:47
puppypusherYes. And I have drivers.06:47
puppypusherThey are all installed, without a problem.06:48
mgolischstill linux cant do anything with dx06:48
magnetronpuppypusher→ that's not the issue.06:48
puppypusherIt can under Wine, mgolisch.06:48
plus91asked why the thing was still sorry for the GPU06:48
puppypusherHave you never been able to install Dx under Wine? lol........06:48
mgolischwine basicaly rebuilds stubs of the dll librarys in which they use opengl stuff internal06:48
magnetronpuppypusher→ you thought that your GPU did most of the work... actually most things happen in the driver06:49
mgolischit basicaly translates dx functions calls in something they think is the equivalent in opengl06:49
puppypusherIf that is the case, why would I need to differentiate between OpenGl and DirectX9 in my config?06:49
mgolischyou cant realy compare that06:49
puppypusherSo, if my OpenGL is broken, or doesn't work...06:49
puppypusherHow come it works just fine in "DirectX"? :P06:49
magnetronpuppypusher→ no. you misunderstand it06:49
magnetronpuppypusher→ you could try asking in #winehq too, you'll get the same answer06:50
puppypusherThat's fine. But what I am saying, out of the 1,000 WoW/Wine Wiki's there are on the internet, there is a differentiation between running WoW in OpenGL, OR DirectX.06:50
puppypusherOtherwise, it wouldn't have me configure it for either/or.06:51
arshadHow do Install Latest Flash PLayer in 4.806:51
arshadhad downloaded the file in Deb package installer06:51
magnetronpuppypusher→ yes. that's because they are different API's for WoW06:51
=== nicholas_ is now known as tacosarecool
magnetronarshad→ double click the .deb file please06:51
puppypusherYes. But why would I need to tell Wine to use OpenGL, if it already does?06:52
arshadthan installed ,  but after that also Youtube  site says need to install latest flash player06:52
arshad<magnetron>  Yes i did that06:52
magnetronarshad→ restart firefox06:52
SilkjcI cannot work out why Nvidia won't work if I have all my ram in: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=6875418#post687541806:52
SilkjcJust makes no sense06:52
arshad<magnetron>     OK06:52
ZykoticK9magnetron, FYI I have a die-hard WOW friend and although he has WOW running very well under linux (with the advantage that he can switch windows and browse the web while playing and not have people sneak up behind him) he gets better frame rates in Windows then under linux, and thus plays mainly in Windows (i believe he's using the OpenGL in WOW but I'm not sure).  Good luck man (PS. your Intel Graphics are never going to compare to an Nvidia car06:52
magnetronZykoticK9→ thank you, but didn't mean to say that to puppypusher?06:53
puppypusher....did anyone say that intel was good? Hahahaha.06:53
mgolischyou seem to06:53
arshad<magnetron>     same message on the site06:54
ZykoticK9sorry magnetron yes i meant puppypusher (note to self, beer + irc = mistakes)06:54
puppypusherNo, I said it is good enough. Read.06:54
=== arshad is now known as arshad__
magnetronZykoticK9→ don't drink and idle!06:54
puppypusher50+ FPS in Windows is just fine for me, at the moment. I didn't ask your opinion on my graphics card.06:54
n2diyZykoticK9: and lots of fun.06:54
puppypusherThanks :)06:54
piyushchandraindplz s1 help me, i couldnt install / run live CD of ubuntu...06:54
piyushchandraindit works fine on my friend's comp06:55
n2diypiyushchandraind: what works fine on your friends computer, the install cD?06:55
magnetronpuppypusher→ your questions are more and more turning into some sort of "explain to me why something would behave different in windows and linux/wine"06:55
arshad__<magnetron>     same message on the site06:56
arshad__<magnetron>     same message on the site06:56
gloom_is someone else having problems with xchat-gnome in 8.10?06:56
magnetronarshad__→ ok, then i don't know06:56
arshad__                                                                  Anyone else06:56
mgolischno idea, xchat-gnome is bad06:56
mgolischuse xchat-gtk06:56
arshad__                                                                               Help PLzzz06:56
mgolischor whatever is the other version06:56
arshad__Problem with Installing latest Flash PLayer06:57
arshad__for YOu TUbe06:57
gloom_"is bad" is a little ambiguous:D why don't you like it?06:57
puppypusherYes, they are. Only in response to the questions I have been asked.06:57
rwwmgolisch: it's just called "xchat"06:57
n2diyxchat-gnome work well with 8.04 LTS06:57
puppypusherExcellent observation.06:57
puppypusherWhat I would truly like to know, is how I can boost my framerate under WoW.06:57
magnetron!wine | puppypusher06:57
ubottupuppypusher: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help06:57
=== Kwitschibo_ is now known as Kwitschibo
mgolischpuppypusher: in dx mode? get a better gpu06:58
mgolischwe told you before06:58
puppypusherThere's no such thing as "dx" in Linux, remember? lol...06:58
piyushchandraindn2di : sorry, i was away for some time..06:58
n2diymgolisch: what is dx mode?06:58
gloom_Here, xchat from the menu icon does nothing, and running it from terminal gives me: XChat CRITICAL *** default event text failed to build!06:58
puppypusherIt's the supposed "DirectX" that doesn't exist in Linux, only OpenGl.06:58
piyushchandraindthe cd is shipped from ubuntu,06:58
magnetronpuppypusher→ for help with specific applications (like WoW), you'll need to ask in the #winehq channel. good luck06:58
mgolischor get a faster cpu , or maybe both06:58
gloom_sorry, not xchat, but xchat-gnome06:58
DezineHoe can I set my servers internal IP adress to be static? I'm behind a router and it keeps changing.06:59
piyushchandraindn2dy: i was asked to use boot commands like noapic, etc.. i tried alll but no use06:59
mgolischpuppypusher: the problem is just the wrapper libraries might not be optimal, whereas when the game uses opengl they can have it wrap 1:1 to the opengl api present in linux06:59
magnetronDezine→ depends on your router06:59
puppypusherNow that makes 100% more sense. I can work with that.07:00
gloom_anyway, not a big deal.07:00
magnetronpuppypusher, mgolisch→ please take it to #winehq07:00
n2diygloom_:  how long have you been playing with Ubuntu/Linuux?07:00
SilentJonathanjoin #c07:00
DezineI have a Linksys WRT54G router with custom firmware so whatever needs to be done shouldn't be an issue07:00
mgolischso its less overhead and less possible mistakes and so on07:00
magnetronDezine→ Consult the manual /support groups for that custom firmware07:00
mgolischbut #winehq can probably explain better07:01
gloom_Does anyone know how to make the gnome network manager applet, to start always with the wlan off? everytime I log in, it starts looking for wlan networks automatically....07:01
jtajiDezine: the easiest way then is to set so-called "static DHCP" on your router, it can give the same IP to a machine based on MAC address07:01
DezineWhat does that have to do with setting a static IP in Ubuntu? I doubt they'll be able to help.07:01
n2diygloom_: right click on it?07:01
erictusscreen -r07:02
LimeBursthow should i start being a ubuntu developer?07:02
rww!contribute | LimeBurst07:02
ubottuLimeBurst: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate07:02
gloom_n2diy, yeah I know how to disable the wlan adapter. But I want it to memorize the state, after a reboot. When the applet starts it automatically start the wlan device, and I think it shouldn't07:02
gloom_n2diy, If I have the wlan disabled, and I reboot, I don't see why I have to disable it again.07:03
erictusscreen -ls07:03
n2diygloom_:  roger that. research /etc/init07:04
n2diyLimeBurst: go to the webpage, and click on support07:05
disappearedngHey is there a software engineering channel around?07:05
n2diydisappearedng: what language?07:05
Titan8990disappearedng, there is a programming language for nearly every language07:05
doleybdisappearedng: there's ##workingset, but not exactly07:05
Titan8990disappearedng, err meant programming channel....07:06
n2diydisappearedng: try #language, where language is what you want to engineer with.07:06
clueneededRunning ubuntu 8.10.  I have a VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 01).   Goal: be able to have a choice of resolutions rather than the 640x480 installed by default.  Already tried to go to "sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg" - got the screen for the keyboard settings, then it went back to the command line.  Xserver...07:07
clueneeded...did not bring up resolution adjustments.  The driver will not install at all, even from the command line.  Update Manager downloads 42 files, then does not list them and the "install updates" button is grayed out.  After some research, I am finding that the solution might be to to re-edit the xorg.conf file and specify resolution.  Questions: 1: is this true and 2: what exactly do I put...07:07
disappearedngjust soft eng in generall07:07
clueneeded...in the xorg.conf file for this particular video card?07:07
FloodBot2clueneeded: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:07
clueneedednote: this is NOT nvidia we are talking about - plus some ancient generic monitor - in case that is relevant.  :)07:08
n2diyclueneeded: are you aware of the ctrl+alt ++ and ctrl+alt+- keyboad commands?07:09
Titan8990clueneeded, usually not due to needing to add resolutions to xorg, usually means you need to specify a driver in xorg07:09
clueneededn2diy - rather no...07:09
sixofourso i have a 160gb ntfs drive, i want to format it for ext3, but it has a 9gb file i need, so i need to juggle it by formating half the drive,moving the file, then formating the rest, gparted is finally able toresize the drive but i cannot access the ntfs part to copy the file :/07:09
Titan8990clueneeded, vesa (fallback drivers) have their limitations07:09
rippsHey, does anybody know a good internet radio client (shout, last.fm, etc.) that I can just place in my system tray and forget about it?07:10
Titan8990sixofour, no 2nd drive with 9gb of space?07:10
sixofourmy OS drive is 8gb07:10
Titan8990sixofour, lol is it a thumb drive?07:10
sixofouri couldn't resize the drive at first so i ran chkdsk and i can now07:10
sixofourits a hard drive07:10
clueneededtitan8990: what is the text that i am supposed to put in?07:10
clueneededright now, it07:11
Titan8990clueneeded, I have no idea which drivers that card needs but I can show you what the section needs to look like07:11
clueneededtitan8990: please do so07:11
clueneededtitan: since the drivers won't install anyway07:11
piyushchandraindwhen i run LiveCD it works partially and it opens something like DOS prompt saying.. "BusyBox v1.10.2 .......builtin shell(ash) Enter 'help' for a list of builtin commands.. (initramfs) _07:12
Titan8990clueneeded, they are installed, they just are not being loaded07:12
clueneededtitan: really07:12
sixofourso any ideas?07:12
clueneededtitan: i hope so  :)07:12
Titan8990clueneeded, if you have the xorg meta package (default) then you have all opensource graphics drivers07:12
MeckinHey my borther thought it maybe funny to delete my usr/bin files. Anyone know how to reinstall them?07:12
sixofourripps:  any music player?07:12
n2diypiyushchandraind: have you verified the disk burn? If it does the same thing, I'm told, it is a coaster.07:13
Titan8990Meckin, backup and reinstall the whole system....07:13
MeckinE: Sub-process /usr/bin/ dpkg returned an error code (100)*07:13
consolearthi all, i am using avant windows navigator and it seems to be very slow07:13
clueneededtitan: i understand that any intel vid card tends to be linux friendly... so that would make sense07:13
rippssixofour: I just wanted something simple and lightweight07:13
consoleartis there any other navigator that i can use ?07:13
consoleartubuntu 8.10 is the version iam using07:13
clueneededso what verbiage do i paste into xorg?07:13
Titan8990consoleart, you can try cairo dock07:13
n2diyconsoleart: what kind of navigator?07:14
consoleartavant windows navigator07:14
consoleartTitan: cairo - is it good ?07:14
Titan8990clueneeded, http://pastebin.com/d6a7645f007:14
Titan8990consoleart, matter of opinion07:14
clueneededTitan8990: thanks - gotta say i am a bit paranoid... last time someone here gave me someting in pastebin like that, it was to change the word07:15
clueneededvisa to intel07:16
=== dino__ is now known as alone_
clueneededand i ended up with a blank07:16
Titan8990clueneeded, I typically recommend making a backup first07:16
simplexio http://keskustelu.suomi24.fi/show.fcgi?category=116&conference=4500000000000371&posting=2200000004235736707:16
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Titan8990clueneeded, because there is a lot that can go wrong when editing xorg07:16
clueneededdisplay - i wll need whatever commands i need to get back to a backup default07:16
Titan8990clueneeded, sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak07:16
Titan8990clueneeded, things don't work just switch that up:  sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:17
=== kjs_ is now known as kjs
piyushchandraindn2diy : no, the cdis shipped from ubuntu.. and it works fine on other comps...07:17
Titan8990clueneeded, I actually have 4 backups of my xorg, all different configs07:17
piyushchandraindn2diy : i was asked to use boot options, i tried07:18
alexmacHello.  Can someone please help me with an ubuntu question please?  I did "apt-get install openjdk-6-jre" and my box has been on this step ""Setting up openjdk-6-jre-headless" for about 10 minutes07:18
alexmacis that normal?07:18
clueneededtitan8990: is the  sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak the command i need to back it up in the first place?07:19
piyushchandraindn2diy :  when i did "noapic" it showed the same screen but with 1 error on top of it.. "bios bug. local apic #0 not detected"07:19
Titan8990clueneeded, yes07:19
n2diypiyushchandraind: ok, so try that again, wit nopic?07:19
piyushchandraindn2diy : k, i will..07:20
n2diypiyushchandraind: ok, so try that again, wit nopic?, correction, nodma?07:20
piyushchandraindn2diy : nodma??.. i didnt try that07:21
clueneededtitan8990:  now... lets say i do a typo in xorg, my display is HOSED, and i need to get to get the backup xorg file going.  What's the command sequence07:21
lgcHow can I install Moonlight?07:21
piyushchandraindn2diy : ya, and in some case i didnt remember it gave an error .. "unable to enumerate USB device on port2"07:21
TengHey everytime i try and open a folder it has the loading icon then nothing happens, is there something wrong with Nautilus?07:21
sixofourso i have a 160gb ntfs drive, i want to format it for ext3, but it has a 9gb file i need, so i need to juggle it by formating half the drive,moving the file, then formating the rest, gparted is finally able toresize the drive but i cannot access the ntfs part to copy the file :/07:22
Titan8990clueneeded, sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about moonlight07:22
Titan8990clueneeded, just don't accidently backup a bad copy of xorg.conf07:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about silverlight07:22
n2diypiyushchandraind: roger that, Getting late here, and I'm losing alertness. Play, experiment, it is you verses the computer, with help from here, you'll win.07:23
alexmacHello.  Can someone please help me with an ubuntu question please?  I did "apt-get install openjdk-6-jre" and my box has been on this step ""Setting up openjdk-6-jre-headless" for about 10 minutes07:23
clueneededtitan: errr...  u type that into the blank display screen?07:23
clueneededwith no cursor?  (got that before)07:23
nihilismmoo: os: Microsoft® Windows Vista™ Business - Service Pack 2, v.113 (6.0.6002) up: 1wk 3days 8hrs 25mins 24secs cpu: AMD Turion(tm) 64 X2 Mobile Technology TL-52 at 1600MHz (24% Load) gfx: NVIDIA GeForce Go 7300 128MB res: 1440x900 32bit 59Hz ram: 833/1021.9MB (81.52%) [||||||||--] hdd: C:\ 7.6GB/53.7GB D:\ 20.86GB/53.2GB net: Atheros AR5005G Wireless Network Adapter - 54MB/s 70.21GB In 29.33GB Out07:23
piyushchandraindn2diy : thanx  a lot.. appreciated.. bye07:23
clueneededtitan: i assume one has to get to some sort of terminal screen first07:23
TengI sudo apt-get install --reinstall nautilus but it still has issues07:23
clueneededget out of the hosed display into some way to be able to type commands in07:24
Titan8990clueneeded, no, you will likely have to boot into recovery mode and select "drop root shell" as often failure to load xserver will lock the machine up and ubuntu boots xserver on startup07:24
sixofouror use a livecd07:24
Titan8990clueneeded, then you will do it from the recovery mode shell07:24
clueneededtitan: whatis the key sequence for recovery mode07:24
clueneededto get that, i mean07:24
Titan8990clueneeded, you select it from the grub menu07:24
Titan8990clueneeded, if your grub menu is hidden, esc at the right time gives you the menu07:25
n2diypiyushchandraind: Have fun! 7307:26
Titan8990clueneeded, and I hope your not trying to use what I posted... that was just an example07:26
Titan8990clueneeded, you need to replace the "driver" field with the driver you intend to use07:26
ballIs there a channel on here where I can find out more about setting up a local user group?07:27
clueneededtitan: i SZX going to use that literally...07:27
clueneededtitan: if I am going to replace the "fglrx" with the exact driver name in quotes...07:28
clueneededtitan: then does this look like correct syntax?  "Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Device (rev 01)"07:29
Titan8990clueneeded, not at all....07:29
clueneededTitan: i KNEW I was missing a clue  ;)07:29
Titan8990clueneeded, if I am reading corrently it needs to say:   "intel"07:29
clueneededtitan: last time i typed "intel" as per instructions here, it was to replace "vesa" with "intel" and i ended up with a blank screen.07:31
NalfEvening.. morning.. what have you.07:31
clueneededtitan:  me a little paranoid, my apologies07:31
sixofourso i have a 160gb ntfs drive, i want to format it for ext3, but it has a 9gb file i need, so i need to juggle it by formating half the drive,moving the file, then formating the rest, gparted is finally able toresize the drive but i cannot access the ntfs part to copy the file :/07:31
clueneededtitan: i will study this  :)_07:31
Titan8990clueneeded, nothing wrong with a little trial and error :)07:32
Amaranthsixofour: sounds like the ntfs part is trashed07:33
ubuntu__how to install xmlbean in ubuntu07:33
sixofourother than that Amaranth lol07:33
Amaranth!info libxmlbeans-java | ubuntu__07:33
ubottuPackage libxmlbeans-java does not exist in intrepid07:33
Titan8990clueneeded, your card is specifically listed in the compatability page07:33
Titan8990!install | ubuntu__07:34
ubottuubuntu__: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation.  Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - see also !automate07:34
Boohbahubuntu__: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xmlbeans07:34
bpbsixofour: why not mount the ntfs, copy the file, the format?07:34
Titan8990ubuntu__, wrong link...07:34
sixofourcan't access the ntfs07:34
Amaranthubuntu__ it's in the upcoming release but not the current one, you'd have to look into getting a backport or installing it manually07:34
bpbsixofour: what does that mean07:34
sixofourdolphin says "found a file, expecting a folder"07:34
consoleartwhere can i find themes for cairo-dock07:34
Amaranth!backport > ubuntu__07:34
ubottuubuntu__, please see my private message07:34
clueneededtitan: problem is, my backup computer is not avaialbe, so if i end up with un unworkable ubuntu computer, i'll be pretty hosed not being able to come back here to find out how to unhose it.  But i will study what you tell me.  Gotta be brave, i guess.  :)07:34
sixofourwhen i access the drive07:34
ubuntu__how to install xmlbean07:34
jayavardhansixofour i have the solution  of sccessing ntfs07:35
sixofourand then it just shows a blank window07:35
Amaranthubuntu__: There is currently no simple way to do it, you'll have to manually download it and compile it07:35
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots07:35
Titan8990ubuntu__, http://xmlbeans.apache.org/documentation/conInstallGuide.html07:35
bpbsixofour: there is a package called ntfstools i believe that gives you more access to ntfs07:35
Amaranthubuntu__: or wait about a month and a half and use the next release of ubuntu which will have it07:35
sixofouri have all that07:35
mythrilis there a suite of tools that I can run to determine networking issues in ubuntu?07:35
sixofourits ntfsprogs07:35
Amaranthmythril: what kind of networking issues?07:35
q0_0panyone can help me with internet connection sharing?07:36
bpbsixofour: but, i would still mount it cmd line, sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sda2 /mnt/win07:36
bpbsomething like that07:36
clueneededtitan: you will be amused to know i spent 7 years in tech support, windows app support...  this is making me humble again.  Time to split... and thanks07:36
sixofourits already mounted07:36
sixofourits /dev/sda107:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about FLOODBOT07:36
jayavardhanare u all from india only07:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about floodbot07:36
Amaranthq0_0p: shouldn't be much harder then installing bind and firestarter and ticking the "share connection" checkbox in firestarter07:36
Titan8990clueneeded, hehe, good luck07:36
q0_0pi dont get the tick07:36
jayavardhanplease some do  chat with me07:36
q0_0pin firestarter07:36
bpbsixofour: so you have it mounted, and it will not let you copy file off?07:36
sixofourit won't let me access it07:36
mythrilAmaranth: Downloads(http only as far as I am aware) abruptly stop transferring but don't time out07:37
ubuntu__any one has any idea abut installation of xmlbean07:37
shay27mHello , does anyone know if Ubuntu have tool for resize images size (terminal) ? so the images will be much smaller in size and than i can upload them to the net ?07:37
sixofourclicking the drive does absolutly nothing07:37
Titan8990ubuntu__, http://xmlbeans.apache.org/documentation/conInstallGuide.html07:37
q0_0plet me give it a try amaranth07:37
Brando753anyone know hpow to get source for Ubottu and Floodbot for your own irc channel?07:37
sixofoursometimes it asks for sudo, but still does nothing07:37
Titan8990ubuntu__, not going to link it again07:37
Amaranthq0_0p: Oh, and I was looking up the sysfs entry to change (which is all firestarter does)07:37
q0_0pi want to share my wifi07:37
bpbsixofour: sudo cp -p /mnt/win/path/to/whatever /tmp/07:37
q0_0pthrough my eth007:37
sixofourwell, gparted formated half of it just now07:38
mythrilAmaranth: or at least, they don't time out quickly07:38
sixofourwell, split it07:38
doleybshay27m: imagemagick07:38
Titan8990bpb, thats not going to get very far if its a dir07:38
Amaranthq0_0p: you may have to configure bind to serve requests via eth0 only but otherwise it should just be a matter of that and the checkbox in firestarter07:38
Brando753!search source07:38
sixofourand a popup said new device plugged in07:38
ubottuFound: ppa, roadnav, shortcuts, repos, som, truecrypt, repomirror, alsa-source, sources, kernel-source07:38
Amaranthq0_0p: did you find the checkbox then?07:38
TengHey everytime i try and open a folder it has the loading icon then nothing happens, is there something wrong with Nautilus?07:38
Amaranthmythril: only time I've seen that happen is bad wifi router or bad wifi driver07:38
bpbTitan8990: because of the spaces?07:38
q0_0pit says eth0 is not ready07:38
Titan8990bpb, because it lacks a -a or -r07:39
mythrilAmaranth: I suspected my router already07:39
Titan8990bpb, cp -ap   or  cp -rp07:39
mythrilmythril: I have no way to confirm it though, because my router is my dsl modem07:39
Brando753anyone know how to get source for Ubottu and Floodbot to make your own varition for your own irc channel?07:39
mythrilI can't swap it out without replacing it07:39
sixofourit works07:39
Amaranth!ubottu | Brando75307:39
ubottuBrando753: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots07:39
bpbyou dont need recrusive if you know the exact path07:39
sixofouri formatted half of it and the unformated half now works,, heh07:39
mythrilAmaranth: lol, I just messaged myself07:39
AmaranthBrando753: that second link07:39
Brando753Amaranth: dosent help ;(07:39
Titan8990bpb, although -a alone may imply -p, either way, NTFS permissions mean absolutly nothing on a linux filesystem and vice-versa07:39
Amaranthmythril: yeah, dunno what to tell you there07:39
Brando753Amaranth: 2nd link one sec07:40
bpbyeah, which is why it doesnt make sense that he cannot 'access'07:40
bpbnot like there are permissions keeping him from seeing the file07:40
bpbif he sudo's and mounts properly, and the file isnt corrupt, should be able to07:40
Amaranthq0_0p: still trying to get firestarter installed to check it out, my package database is a bit broken right now, gimme a minute07:40
Titan8990bpb, well, by default they are given ownership to root07:40
sixofouri got it07:40
mythrilAmaranth: thanks anyway07:40
bpbTitan8990: sudo would take care of that, which is probably why it works for him now07:41
Amaranthmythril: when in doubt reset factory defaults07:41
sixofoursda1 works, but i just formated sda2 and it doesn't :/07:41
sixofourit has the "expected a foldeR" error07:41
sixofour"found a file, expected a folder"07:41
bpbhow bout runing a fsck -y on that partition if you have nothing to lose07:41
Titan8990bpb, yep, also sometimes it works to give the mount command -o users:   sudo mount -o users -t ntfs /dev/sdxx /media/morehere07:42
Brando753anyway to download all those things via ftp?07:42
sixofourguys, i just cut the fiel i needed07:42
sixofourbut the partition i am trying to paste it to doesn't work07:42
sixofourthe one i just made07:42
Amaranthq0_0p: huh, firestarter changed, it looks like it'll actually setup all of this for you now07:42
Amaranthq0_0p: and you don't need dhcp if you have a small network, just setup static IPs07:43
sixofoursuppose i should mount it first07:43
bpbsixofour: where is the new partition mounted?07:43
sixofourits not lol07:43
bpbyes mount'07:43
karsten!@#$%^&*&() kernel upgrade borked my evdo card.  Device apparently has changed from /dev/ttyACM0 to ... well, I don't know what07:43
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:43
karsten 2.6.27-11-generic #1 SMP Thu Jan 29 19:28:32 UTC 2009 x86_64 GNU/Linux BTW.07:43
q0_0pi dont need dnsmasq and ipmasq?07:43
Amaranthq0_0p: are you going through the first time configuration wizard for firestarter?07:43
sixofourhow do i mount it?07:43
q0_0pi've gone through it many times07:43
bpbmount -t ext3 /dev/sda2 /mnt/bleh07:44
bpbi believe07:44
bpbput a sudo in front07:44
Amaranthq0_0p: it asks you which device is the one with internet, if it gets IP via DHCP, which device to use for sharing, and if it should setup DHCP07:44
sixofourwhat is /bleh ?07:44
bpbi usually do everything as root07:44
q0_0pthis is through a switch07:44
q0_0pwith no uplink port07:44
bpbbleh is whatever dir you want to mount it on...07:44
Amaranthq0_0p: err, you have two network interfaces, right?07:44
q0_0pcan i share my wifi07:44
Amaranthone is getting the connection you want to share, the other is sharing it, right?07:44
q0_0pthrough my eth?07:44
bpbsudo mount -t ext3 /dev/sda2 /your/path/you/want/to/mount/is/this/better?07:44
sixofourthe point point does not exts07:44
sixofourmount point*07:45
Amaranthq0_0p: sure, I've done that and vice versa in hotel rooms with weird internet usage policies07:45
q0_0pcan i msg u?07:45
bpbsixofour: cd /mnt;mkdir /mnt/ext3;sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/sda2 /mnt/ext3/07:45
Amaranthq0_0p: in the firestarter wizard choose wlan0 as the internet device and tick the DHCP checkbox and choose eth0 as the device to share it with07:45
q0_0pi dont have the DHCP checkbox07:46
Amaranthq0_0p: very first screen of firestarter07:46
sixofourhow do you paste in konsole?07:46
q0_0pi see the check enable internet connection sharing07:46
Amaranthq0_0p: it wants to know your internet connected device, it gives you a list07:46
sixofourcd command not found07:46
Amaranthq0_0p: page before that07:46
q0_0pi've checked everything07:46
q0_0pip assigned via dhcp07:47
doleybsixofour: control shift v ?07:47
Amaranthq0_0p: hrm, I'm actually using jaunty (Ubuntu 9.04 Alpha) so perhaps my setup is different07:47
sixofourcd is not a command07:47
Amaranthq0_0p: ok then, the page with the sharing box is what you're on?07:47
q0_0pi enabled internet connection sharing07:47
q0_0pon eth007:47
karstenSolved it here": http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=420567107:47
Amaranthq0_0p: check "Enable internet connection sharing" and choose eth007:47
q0_0pit has a tick for enable DHCP for local network07:47
q0_0pbut it wont let me tick it07:47
q0_0pi've ticked enable internet connection sharing07:47
bpbsixofour: cd /mnt, then issue: sudo mkdir /mnt/ext3; sudo mount -t ext3 /dev/sda2 /mnt/ext3/07:47
Amaranthq0_0p: install the 'dhcp' package07:47
q0_0po i c07:48
q0_0pthats wat im missing07:48
q0_0pso dnsmasq and ipmasq is unecessary?07:48
Amaranthq0_0p: oops, it's dhcp3-server now07:48
Amaranthq0_0p: no, I don't think they are07:48
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revilodrawok i have a WEIRD problem - my computer is running perfectly as per normal, video playback is perfect, music playback perfect, desktop effects, glxgears 2600 fps, etc... BUT opening files and folders and some programs is sooooooo sssssllllloooooooowwwww all of a sudden.. this could be due to an update, or maybe i have a virus?07:49
bpbrevilodraw: windows or linux?07:49
q0_0pshould i change /etc/interfaces for eth0 for dhcp?07:49
Titan8990revilodraw, update: possible, virus: no07:49
Amaranthq0_0p: shouldn't change anything like that manually07:49
Amaranthq0_0p: looks like firestarter should set it all up for you07:50
sixofouryou can't copy paste from one partition to another?07:50
bpbwhy not? i change stuff manually all the time07:50
revilodrawbpb; linux, windows is always slow lol (this is a fastish computer) 2gig ram, 2ghz core2duo07:50
q0_0pit looks like this right now07:50
q0_0pauto lo07:50
q0_0piface lo inet loopback07:50
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).07:50
revilodrawTitan8990: well is anyone else having this problem due to an update?07:50
Amaranthq0_0p: that's fine, that means NetworkManager is managing the interfaces07:50
bpbrevilodraw: sometimes its a simple thing like network, or issue in /etc/hosts that will cause X to be slow07:50
sixofourso both drivers now work, but i can't copy paste from one to another :/07:50
Titan8990revilodraw, don't use ubuntu, just help out around here....07:50
q0_0pim not using network manager07:50
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q0_0pim using wicd right now07:50
q0_0pwould that be a problem?07:51
bpbsixofour: what command are you doing, you can copy over to partitions07:51
sixofourit says access denied07:51
sixofourcannot write07:51
Titan8990sixofour, you have to use sudo07:51
sixofourhow dfo you use sudo in dolphin?07:51
Titan8990sixofour, and if you must.... sudo -i07:51
k3pp0hi all, i have compiled iw from source, now if i fire iw from local folder (./iw) it do behave as the new version07:51
Amaranthq0_0p: no, no problem07:51
Titan8990sixofour, you don't get rid of the GUI and never use it again....07:51
k3pp0but not if i sumply fire "$iw" from command line07:51
Titan8990sixofour, well, you can, but I don't recommend it07:52
revilodrawbpb: ok, how do i ascertain if that is the problem/07:52
Amaranthq0_0p: just need to install that package and go through the firestarter configuration07:52
Titan8990sixofour, sudo dolphin07:52
l3dplated_Linuxis there a way to make all new opened apps to open in the background07:52
sixofourkonsole is a waste of time trying to learn wehen it comes to moving files and such07:52
bpbq0_0p: i like to modify text/config files in /etc opposed to gui, just make a backup and sometimes it helps to know how to rescue in case something doesnt boot, but thats rare case07:52
Myrttik3pp0: because iw isn't in your $path07:52
k3pp0Myrtti, how can i do that?07:52
bpbrevilodraw: i would like in /etc/hosts07:52
Myrttik3pp0: your shell doesn't know where to look for it if the "iw" isn't in your $path07:52
q0_0pdhcp server fails to load07:52
naradaanyone here has an EMachines EL-1200?07:52
Amaranthq0_0p: hrm, yeah, looks like you have to configure it07:52
revilodrawbpb:  look for what?07:52
Amaranthq0_0p: Although I think firestarter does so, let me check07:53
bpbrevilodraw: first off, see when the last time /etc/hosts was modified, and look at the first few lines.07:53
Titan8990sixofour, I would have had them all moved, before you even got on IRC, from the console....07:53
bpbsixofour: good07:53
Rodrigo_Lopesq0_0p, whats a fail message??07:53
k3pp0Myrtti, i understand...i thought make and make install were sufficient...how do i fix it?07:53
l3dplated_Linuxneed to install this sound card for this pc07:53
q0_0psays check syslog for diagnostics07:53
AmaranthRodrigo_Lopes: it isn't configured for any interfaces by default07:53
Myrttik3pp0: a) move it to someplace that is in your $path b) add the place it is to your $path07:53
q0_0pi tried starting it in init.d07:53
Titan8990sixofour, I know whats a waste of time and what isn't....07:53
BoohbahTitan8990: wow, you win at linux!07:54
k3pp0uhm how do I know what is my $PATH? :)07:54
Amaranthq0_0p: not even the right package :/07:54
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sixofouri think tis a bit easyer to drag and drop then type in about 5 commands07:54
Titan8990Boohbah, sweet, do I get a prize?07:54
bpbk3pp0: echo $PATH07:54
Myrttik3pp0: "echo $path" in your terminal without the quotes07:54
k3pp0lol me noob :P thanx i try stat07:54
user_1989Good day gentlemen. I have ADSL based internet connection, line is always up and I did no configuration on both Vista and Ubuntu - I just load my operating system and internet connection is up without any tweaking. The problem is that I have installed Kubuntu day ago, and there is no internet connection when I load it. ifconfig returns eth0 wich is down, and doing ifconfig eth0 doesn't help. What's the problem? Still, there are no troubles on Vsita/ubuntu 8.07:54
q0_0pi did sudo /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server restart07:54
unopMyrtti, $path would be something else now :)07:55
q0_0pwrong package?07:55
bpbq0_0p: server? you probably want the client07:55
Amaranthq0_0p: yeah, seems things have changed since I did this last07:55
Titan8990user_1989, any errors from: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart     ?07:55
Myrttiunop: since when?07:55
Amaranthbpb: no, he is trying to setup a server for internet connection sharing07:55
user_1989ifconfig eth0 up  <- I meant this one07:55
q0_0paight i'll get dhcp-client07:55
bpbq0_0p: type in dhcp{TAB}07:55
unopMyrtti, since always - $path is not $PATH07:55
khmer42If I have Hardy server installed and as a one off I want to install a .deb which is in Intrepid, how can I do it with apt-get?07:55
revilodrawbpb:  it says " localhost', then some stuff about IPV6, and that's all07:55
Amaranthbpb: he is using the neighbor's wireless and wants his desktop to use it too ;)07:55
bpband see if any bins are there07:55
Myrttiunop: oh, right07:55
Myrttik3pp0: it's $PATH, not $path :-P07:56
q0_0pit gives me 3 packages07:56
Titan8990q0_0p, its called dhclient and should be installed as part of the core system07:56
Myrttik3pp0: as unop reminded me07:56
Rodrigo_LopesAmaranth, it is strange.... .07:56
q0_0pudhcpc pump and dhcpcd07:56
FloodBot2q0_0p: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:56
naradaI cannot login in a just installed PHPMyAdmin on my fresh Ubu Server 8.10, any ideas? how can I change the password? Is there a "default" pass in PHPMSQL different than the one I defined in MySQL install? help, please07:56
Titan8990q0_0p, yeah, it has dhcpcd but I never got it to work on any debian based distro07:56
user_1989Titan8990: Can't say because I'm on Ubuntu right now07:56
bpbrevilodraw: is the network plugged in, and can you ping www.google.com from the slow linx box?07:56
q0_0pjust installed dhcpcd07:57
Titan8990user_1989, they are the same thing with different interfaces07:57
kosharinarada it should be the mysql one, are you loggineg in a s root?07:57
Rodrigo_Lopesq0_0p, did you try to run dhcpcd in root??07:57
q0_0pi haven't run it yet07:57
q0_0pi'll do it now07:57
Titan8990user_1989, but that doesn't mean the kde interface doesn't have some kind of gui that is changing things that it should not07:57
user_1989ok I shall check that one07:57
q0_0pits running07:57
q0_0psudo dhcpcd eth007:57
narada@koshari : yes, I am07:58
user_1989Titan8990: Indeed. That's why I have no clue where the problem is07:58
kosharihave you tried user root and blank p/w to begin with07:58
Titan8990q0_0p, dhcpcd doesn't work in ubuntu from what I remeber, have to use dhclient07:58
Rodrigo_LopesHi Titan.. lets talk any words.....07:58
Titan8990Rodrigo_Lopes, sorry?07:58
revilodrawbpb; no internet where i am, (i'm using my unlce's computer with wireless internet, not wifi) but last night i was on the internet and once firefox FINALLY opened it ran really well... everything was fast07:58
q0_0pit says07:58
k3pp0Myrtti, ok i moved brand new iw command to /usr/bin which is in my $PATH, but still i have to fire ./iw from /usr/bin/ to use the iw version i compiled instead of default ubuntu version07:58
Rodrigo_LopesTitan8990, .. kde sucks. its same windows07:58
k3pp0any hint?07:58
q0_0peth0 timed out; and it gave me a new IP07:58
naradaI mean, I  am logging in in the web interface (localhost/phpmyadmin) as user "root" pass "myusualsqlpass"07:58
bpbrevilodraw: see told you =P07:59
Rodrigo_LopesTitan8990,  gnome like windows to....07:59
Amaranthq0_0p: I'm digging through the source code right now trying to figure out what it is trying to do and what is going wrong07:59
Titan8990Rodrigo_Lopes, agreed, but gnome is better07:59
kosharinarada try a blank p/w07:59
naradaI tried07:59
user_1989Rodrigo_Lopes: Is this a declaration of war to KDE users?07:59
Rodrigo_LopesTitan8990,  you need to try xfce and fluxbox.. ist a more unix like windows manager08:00
unopk3pp0,  does.   type -a iw    list more than one location for iw??08:00
kosharinarada so you set mysql up before installing phpmyadmin?08:00
naradawhat is KDE? is somthing like Vista, isn't?08:00
Titan8990Rodrigo_Lopes, I use xfce on my laptops08:00
revilodrawbpb:  told me what?08:00
Titan8990Rodrigo_Lopes, gnome on my desktop08:00
l3dplated_LinuxIs there a way to make all windows/apps open in the background?08:00
norenhi all08:00
norenis there a guide to learn how to cmpile my own dist frommm source ??08:00
Fudgewhen installing along side windows 8.10 i get nearly to end of setting up and get an error accessing cd rom, any ide why this is happenning?08:00
bpbrevilodraw: my suggestion would be to maybe disable eth0 and see if X realizes there is no internet, also removing the IPV6 stuff in /etc/hosts probably wont hurt. Consult google "X windows slow when internet is not connected"08:00
narada@koshari : yes, (I think i did properly)08:00
k3pp0unop, yep /usr/sbin and /usr/bin08:00
Rodrigo_LopesTitan8990,  congragualtions...xfce.. dont steal ram in your system...08:00
noreni wanted to try lets say ubuntu 8.10 64bit how sud i go about08:00
bpbrevilodraw: I told you from the beginning it was probably something network related08:00
unopk3pp0,  and which location is first? :)  (hint)08:01
bpbrevilodraw: its almost like a bug if u ask me, not your fault08:01
Myrttik3pp0: does it have a hashbang or is it executable?08:01
Titan8990Rodrigo_Lopes, RAM is dirt cheap.... I use what I like08:01
Rodrigo_Lopesuser_1989, ..no im a peace boy.. but.. gnome and kde its a copy  of windows.... and I dont like08:01
k3pp0ok location /usr/bin is the recent one i added some minute ago, and is the one i want to use.08:02
revilodrawbpb:  no, it's not network related, it was slow to open firefox once the internet was connected, but it ran firefox fine (same while the internet is disconnected)08:02
Titan8990Rodrigo_Lopes, I do all my administration from the terminal, I'm willing to give up 1/4 of my RAM to some eyecandy for daily use08:02
k3pp0problem is, to use newer version of iw i have to fire it as ./iw08:02
unopk3pp0,  change $PATH around to have /usr/bin before /usr/sbin08:02
user_1989Rodrigo_Lopes: Hm I found it very curious do reject some sort of software just because it looks like windows.08:02
k3pp0instead of simply iw which launch old verson08:02
Amaranthq0_0p: sorry, not finding anything useful (probably too tired)08:02
Fudgepersonal choice, even if its distastful08:02
q0_0pits all good08:02
belihi, i got initramfs ata2 SRST failed (ERRNO=16) error on startup, any ideas?08:02
Titan8990Rodrigo_Lopes, I use gentoo, and CPU is my primary limitation on all my machines (compiling)08:03
bpbrevilodraw: so all x.org is slow when the network is connected? or just firefox08:03
Rodrigo_Lopes:p good for you... ....but kde and gnome.. steal every my ram and I dont like......08:03
q0_0pjust wanted to mess with networks and try something new and learn08:03
k3pp0unop, what if i simply delete iw from /usr/bin/?08:03
Amaranthq0_0p: I did find out that if you run `sudo ln -s /usr/sbin/dhcpd3 /usr/sbin/dhcpd` firestarter lets you enable dhcp for sharing08:03
revilodrawbpb; would u be happy to post your /etc/hosts file in the pastebin?08:03
yoyit2what the heck is the netx pp[08:03
unopk3pp0, I thought that was where you put it :)08:03
yoyit2what the heck is the NetX bp08:03
narada@Rodrigo Lopes , WTF???????? --> Get informed properly before saying something as hilarious...please08:03
q0_0pur right08:04
Rodrigo_LopesTitan8990, .. its.. good.. in terminal is better.. faster.. and more configurable...08:04
Titan8990Rodrigo_Lopes, don't really understand it... on my desktop with gnome and 2gb of RAM, I can open what seems like a unlimited ammt of applications and my ram usage never exceeds 500-650mb08:04
q0_0pthat works08:04
yoyit2arg what i mean is what the heck is the NetX popup i keep getiting on firefox??08:04
k3pp0unop, sorry, i meant /usr/sbin/, the old location of old command08:04
chrispitzerhey - the volume on my laptop, when i use ubuntu, is far too low.  I've maxed all the mixer levels.  Is there a way to boost volume across the whole system?08:04
Titan8990Rodrigo_Lopes, agreed, also, in gentoo you don't get a choice08:04
revilodrawbpb: everything runs fine when it is finally open, this happens whether the network is connected or not08:04
bpbrevilodraw: that wont help, i thought all x.org was being slow for you, sounds like your problem is just with firefox?08:04
Titan8990Rodrigo_Lopes, if I do use a GUI, its a web interface like phpmyadmin for mysql08:04
bpbrevilodraw: ok, so just firefox then...08:04
unopk3pp0, well, it's upto you - but if you ever upgrade the package that has /usr/sbin/iw - it will come back08:04
bcarm17can anyone help me with my idea for a new shell?08:05
yoyit2jnlp client.. what the heck is this??08:05
bpbrevilodraw: what about compilling firefox from tar.gz file? or purging and rebuilding firefox from synaptic?08:05
unopk3pp0, best to have something like.   export PATH="/usr/bin:$PATH"    in your ~/.bashrc08:05
revilodrawbpb; no, all programs take ages to open then run fine, not just firefox!08:05
naradaBut I run an Ubu server in a slow celero, 128 Mb RAM, goes so nice (even conky etc) with fluxbox...08:06
Amaranthq0_0p: after doing that symlink I was able to enable connection sharing and I didn't have to do anything extra, just install firestarter and dhcp3-server08:06
bcarm17the thing is i have a great concept for a window manager but i can't script to save my life08:06
Amaranthq0_0p: maybe undo anything you've done so far to try to set it up08:06
NalfCan anyone help me with an installer hangup?08:06
q0_0pthx for helping me out amaranth08:06
Rodrigo_LopesTitan8990, yes.. .. you have much ram. ...I have 1gb.. ..... I think.. .. ubuntu, gnome, kde.. ...put persons longer of the true linux usage....08:07
FudgeI have 64bit p4 do i use the amd64 image?08:07
* Nalf has 6 GB of ram.08:07
NalfFudge: You can, if you want.08:07
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NalfFudge: I suggest it.08:07
FudgeNalf im having trouble when i get to the end of the install process in windows installing it along side windows, says it cant read the disk are there any other programs accessing the drive.08:08
Titan8990Rodrigo_Lopes, "true linux usage" is what you want it to be.... choice and flexibility are what make it great08:08
bcarm17is anyone here a part of the dev for gnome??08:08
Rodrigo_LopesFudge, ????windows??????08:08
Fudgeyes mate08:08
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Titan8990Rodrigo_Lopes, I don't like kde because of your point about it being like windows, but some like it for that reason and have that choice, thus making linux great for its choices08:09
FudgeRodrigo_Lopes yes08:09
NalfFudge: Are you using the WUBI installer?08:09
Fudgeyes autoplay in windows08:09
Rodrigo_Lopes:p yep kkk....try ubuntu.. its very good.. and.. further..try slackware.....its many better.....08:09
bcarm17i don't think i'm in the right place08:10
FudgeNalf when i installed it last time it was fine, maybe i shoudl burn the disk again?08:10
jigphello is it possible to install chrom in ubuntu 8.04 gnome? how?08:10
NalfFudge: When exactly is the issue occuring? Do you reboot, choose ubuntu, and run through the beginning of the install?08:10
bcarm17can someone direct me to someone that can help08:10
NalfFudge: Wubi and live install are two different things.08:10
FudgeNalf its at the end of loading the image in windows still08:10
revilodrawis anyone finding ubuntu incredibly slow at opening files, folders and programs since the last update?08:11
p1oooopdoes anyone know a good guide to ubuntu server edition?08:11
Rodrigo_LopesTitan8990, .. I dont now... but its a many "flamewars" in net about windows, gnome, and kde.. interface...... and I think kde4 copy any windows interface.....08:11
NalfFudge: Your problem seems a little ambiguous to me -- can you try stating it in a different way?08:12
jean99bjr tt le monde08:12
n8tuserf!fr | jean9908:12
ubottujean99: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr08:12
Rodrigo_LopesTitan8990,  because this I think fluxbox, xfce.. and anothers "simple" interface is better....08:12
p1oooopalso, is there any way of making a windows driver run on ubuntu?08:12
FudgeNalf when i choose my language user pass and folder, it loads the image, it has to create the folder i guess and use wubi to go into the boot loader but that stage does not finish. it comes up with the error is there another program accessing the cd drive.08:12
* Nalf thanks n8tuserf.08:12
k3pp0unop, i still can't get it work, i tryed to add the line u suggest to .bashrc but no luck08:13
NalfFudge: What version of windows do you have?08:13
Fudgexp pro sp308:13
p1oooopI knew it08:13
Rodrigo_Lopesploooop  what driver???08:14
NalfFudge: Try a virtual CD Drive.08:14
q0_0pwhat ip is in the range of subnet with netmask
jigphello how to install chrome google?08:14
FudgeNalf and then use the iso to laod into it?08:14
p1oooopRodrigo_Lopes: any08:14
NalfFudge: Or just extract the iso -- and run the wubi setup.. that might work too. My apologies, but I must be heading out. It's 1:14 a.m.. have to wake up at 6:30 a.m. .. bad news.:P Ja mata!08:15
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Fudgeno problem mate, im burning it again if it doesnt work ill do that08:15
revilodrawis anyone finding ubuntu incredibly slow at opening files, folders and programs since the last update?08:15
p1oooopwow, 1300 people in here08:15
p1oooopand like only me in #random :(08:16
bcarm17so slow i reverted to 8.0408:16
zirodaybcarm17: there is no need to yell, most of the gnome hackers are on gimpnet anyway.08:16
zirodaybcarm17: no matter how much caps you use I doubt they're going to hear you.08:17
n8tuserfq0_0p-> tried using ipcalc  ?08:17
bcarm17ziroday: thanks08:17
simplexioif there is some problem its in gnome or nautilus08:17
Rodrigo_Lopeswhat is a better 3d driver??? ati proprietary.. or xorg free ati???08:17
simplexioi haven't noticed slow down, but again i use more commandline that nautilus08:17
zirodayRodrigo_Lopes: there is no "best" driver. Its recommended to use the free xorg driver however you may get better performance from the closed source driver.08:18
revilodrawis anyone finding ubuntu incredibly slow at opening files, folders and programs since the last update?08:18
simplexiorevilodraw: you could try to use top to find if there is some runaway program that uses all resources, or if you have huge wait% there08:18
Fudgeinstead of repeating your question every five minutes08:18
simplexioyeah.. thats is more productive08:19
TnadeNuninstall programs... how do I do it...*sob*08:19
revilodrawsimplexio: good idea, but system monitor reports nothing hogging my resources08:20
TnadeNwhen not in the add/remove list ofc08:20
zirodayTnadeN: through synaptic. System > Administration > Synaptic Package Manager08:20
q0_0pwats the difference between subnet and netmask/08:20
simplexiorevilodraw: there is no huge %wa values, and no high cpu load.. then problem is somewhere in nautilus08:20
simplexioq0_0p: netmask defines subnet08:21
zirodaysimplexio: tried disabling previewing?. How large is this folder you are trying to view?08:21
Rodrigo_Lopesziroday, i use proprietary.. and work fine..but i have  prejudice, bias about proprietary software....then I dont now08:21
revilodrawsimplexio:  ok, how should i go about attacking this nautilus related problem?08:21
TnadeNnot in there, installed hamachi with make install as ordered by the readme08:21
simplexioziroday: talk to revilodraw08:21
q0_0psimplexio can u help me with the dhcpd.conf?08:21
zirodayRodrigo_Lopes: well you need to decide that yourself :)08:21
zirodayrevilodraw: : tried disabling previewing? How large is this folder you are trying to view?08:22
TnadeNnow it's missing a  "libcrypto.so.0.9.7"08:22
zirodayTnadeN: compiling from source is not recommended for many reasons; one of those being they are hard to remove. You need to go back to the dir with the make scripts and run sudo make uninstall08:22
simplexiorevilodraw: you could allways check that your hard drives dont have anything funny settings.. use bonnie++ to configrm that speeds are somewhat normal08:22
revilodrawziroday:  hi! it is not just folders, but files and programs too.... when they are *finally* open they run fine... glx gears reports a 2600fps, music and video play smoothly when they are finally open..08:23
zirodayrevilodraw: so you're saying there is a lag in opening a new window?08:23
apelgateHello. where do I download .deb packages for ubuntu?08:23
zirodayapelgate: what do you want to download?08:23
revilodrawyes, and a new instance of a program, or a file.. or anything08:24
apelgatepostfix and mailx08:24
apelgatemaybe the dependencies08:24
zirodayapelgate: and what is wrong with installing them the normal way?08:24
jigspanhi anyone there?08:24
apelgatetoo old ubuntu08:24
zirodayrevilodraw: right, have you just enabled compiz/desktop effects?08:24
apelgatethe "normal" way is unsupported08:24
zirodayapelgate: how old?08:24
BetaCloneAnyone seen any guides for Jaunty and Wacom tables? Not sure I'll be using option A or B from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wacom08:24
zirodayBetaClone: jaunty is in #ubuntu+108:24
BetaCloneziroday: thanks!08:25
revilodrawziroday: compiz has been working beautifully for ages, and i tried turning it off to see if it had suddenly become a problem but that made no difference08:25
apelgateziroday: 7.04 feisty08:25
jigspanneed help08:25
jigspanneed help08:26
Rodrigo_Lopesjigspan, speak08:26
zirodayrevilodraw: try opening running gedit in the terminal, are there any helpful errors printed?08:26
zirodayBetaClone: good luck :)08:26
illumin8!ask > jigspan08:26
ubottujigspan, please see my private message08:26
apelgateI gave up on apt-get because it didn't find any of the addresses.. 404 error08:26
=== lebs is now known as ddt
zirodayapelgate: right, thats because feisty is EOL08:26
ziroday!feisty | apelgate08:26
ubottuapelgate: Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn) was the sixth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 19th, 2008. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.08:26
jigspani am not able to terminate internet by sudo poff command08:26
ziroday!eol | apelgate08:26
ubottuapelgate: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases08:26
apelgateI know!08:27
apelgateso I just need the packages.08:27
Rodrigo_Lopeso good...08:27
zirodayapelgate: if you want packages you need to upgrade or use old-releases (really not recommended)08:27
Rodrigo_LopesI go screan08:27
apelgateno security fixes08:27
zirodayapelgate: why can't you upgrade?08:27
apelgateit is a production environment08:27
=== sean is now known as Guest73069
apelgateupgrading means downtime and unexpected problems sometimes. We can't afford that.08:28
zirodayapelgate: well its just going to get nastier the longer you leave it :). If you need them badly you can get them from old-releases08:28
l3dplated_Linux am looking to see if I can make all apps open in the background till I choose to use them instead of popping right up all the time?08:28
apelgateI just need postfix on it and it will be happy until the next planned upgrade08:28
revilodrawziroday: no error messages, it just took about 30 seconds for gedit to open08:28
zirodayapelgate: one sec08:29
simplexioapelgate: ... so you cant affort test box, where you install latest lts buntu, test and deploy it?08:29
simplexioapelgate: someone is trying to save from wrong place e08:29
Titan8990apelgate, a test server is never a bad investment08:29
zirodayapelgate: you need to replace the current repo's with the ones outlined in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GutsyUpgrades. They will contain the postfix packages you need08:29
Titan8990apelgate, I once had to do testing on a production server, it ended up costing the money more in downtime in the end....08:30
zirodayapelgate: also, production servers should not be running old, possibly unsecure apps :)08:30
sixofouris there something better than ark?08:30
jigspansudo poff command fail08:30
sixofourthis peice fo crap is failing hard :(08:30
revilodrawsixofour:  password related?08:31
sixofouri'm telling it to extract allfiels and its only extracting folders with out their contents08:31
zirodaysixofour: there is file-roller, and a variety of command line tools08:31
sixofourso it extracted 10 empty folders08:31
sixofoureven though i selected "all files"08:31
cow_keren_abizI have suspected files maybe it virus...08:31
cow_keren_abizwhere I can send it?08:31
zirodayrevilodraw: I have no idea, sorry. Does it happen on a new user?08:31
zirodaycow_keren_abiz: send it for what?08:32
Fudgethe error i get using wubi is, Could not access the CD, please make sure other applications are not using it and try again08:32
revilodrawziroday: excellent idea, ill try that08:32
sixofourwhat is a command line to extract all of X into Y location?08:32
illumin8jigspan: sudo poff dsl-provider08:32
Titan8990sixofour, extract? what kind of archive?08:32
Titan8990sixofour, that is a proprietary MS format08:33
sixofouri'm aware of that08:33
zirodaysixofour: unrar /path/to/archive /path/to/extraction/dir08:33
zirodayTitan8990: it is not a MS format08:33
jigspanbut it say that there is no pppd process to stop08:33
illumin8jigspan: ipconfig -a08:34
illumin8jigspan: pastbin results08:34
Titan8990ziroday, sorry, proprietary RARLAB format...08:34
Titan8990ziroday, that only developed their proprietary software for microsoft OSes08:34
jigspanwhat does it mean08:34
zirodayTitan8990: err no, there are decompression and compression tools available for OS X, Linux and BSD's I believe.08:35
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)08:35
Titan8990ziroday, they were reverse engineered and not developed my the company that did winrar08:35
sixofourso unrar ziroday that doesn't work08:35
Titan8990ziroday, http://www.linux.com/articles/5988808:35
sixofourit jsut lists commands08:35
zirodayTitan8990: see http://www.rarsoft.com/download.htm there are linux and OS X binaries08:36
TnadeNziroday, sudo make uninstall didn't work either, googled it and removed the files that it installed instead.08:36
revilodrawziroday: a new user is even slower!08:36
zirodaysixofour: doesn't work how?08:36
gerryxiao0irc7 on plan9 test08:36
zirodayrevilodraw: ouch, I dunno sorry. Sounds like a mess08:36
sixofoursix@six-Mind:~$ sudo unrar /mnt/ext3/outgoing.rar /mnt/ext208:36
sixofourCannot open /mnt/ext2.rar08:37
sixofourNo such file or directory08:37
sixofourtried it the other way around and it didn't work eitherr08:37
jigspanhow to stop pppoe connection08:38
revilodrawis there a way to make ubuntu scan itself for problems???08:38
zirodaysixofour: try unrar e /path/to/file08:38
Titan8990revilodraw, that is very vague08:38
Fudgewhat is an easy to use virtual cd drive08:38
Titan8990revilodraw, what sort of problems?08:38
illumin8jigspan: type this sudo pppoe-discovery08:39
gartral1anyone know anything about obscure webcams?08:39
Titan8990Fudge, virtual cd drives is a windows thing, linux does it natively08:39
apelgatewe have test servers but we need to monitor this production environment right now to determine where it's failing. For that, we need postfix to notify us of whatever is happening.08:39
Titan8990Fudge, just mount an image to whatever mount point you want08:39
apelgateWhile others work on the test server08:39
Fudgein map network drives?08:39
illumin8jigspan: sudo pppoe-status08:39
Titan8990Fudge, in the mount command08:39
sixofourpft,forgot capital letters08:39
FudgeTitan8990 i am in widnows sorry08:39
illumin8jigspan: what does the last command give you for results08:40
revilodrawTitan8990: yes, lol, just yesterday opening folders, files and programs became ultra-slow (maybe due to an update?) but once things are open they run fine... system monitor shows nothing hogging resources..08:40
Titan8990Fudge, then use #windows08:40
Titan8990!ot | Fudge08:40
ubottuFudge: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!08:40
gartral1anyone know how to get drivers for a webcam?08:40
jigspanaccess concentrator, service name & mac address08:41
illumin8Fudge: are you asking what a good livecd is?08:41
Fudgeillumin8, no mate08:41
illumin8jigspan: try sudo pppoe-stop08:41
jigspanno when i try to disconnect my connection with poff cmd it say there is no pppd service nothing to stop08:42
illumin8jigspan: sudo pppoe-status shows active pppoe connections.08:43
bazhi, when i boot my bios shows 6gb of ram however ubuntu's ystem monitor says I have 2gb - what could be the reason for the discrepancy?08:43
Titan8990baz, are you using a 32bit version of linux?08:44
sixofourhow do i change the permissions of two drives?08:44
revilodrawquick question, does anyone have wireless internet (not wifi) working on ubuntu?08:44
gartral1http://www.xtatix.com/products/web_cameras/XCA-PP2/ <- these are great cams, and i would like to get mine working to some extent, both mac and windows drivers are on the site, is there a way to wrap the drivers, if so, how?08:44
sixofourso i don't need sudo to change them08:44
bazTitan8990, shouldn't it then be 4gb?08:44
AberrationHi all!08:44
Titan8990baz, 32bit OSes have a limitation of 4gb of RAM08:44
jigspanillumin8: pppoe-status cmd not found08:44
Titan8990baz, yes, but some kernels like the one ubuntu uses for the dell mini's, limit RAM to 2gb08:45
bazTitan8990, i'd be happy with that, i downgraded to 32bit because of 1 program (flex builder) but i was expecting 4gb08:45
bazTitan8990, i have a sick awesome machine, no mini :)08:45
AberrationI installed fedora next to ubuntu, but I can't find no ubuntu in grub... I tried to paste the ubuntu's grub list into the fedora's grub list... it didn't work :(08:45
illumin8jigspan: http://www.techotopia.com/index.php/Connecting_an_Ubuntu_Linux_System_to_a_DSL_Modem08:45
ikoniaAberration: did you use a seperate /boot partition ?08:46
ikoniaAberration: or a shared one ?08:46
Titan8990baz, you could use the ubuntu server kernel which has high memory support (PXE)08:46
zirodayapelgate: sendmail might be better, compared to a full MTA08:46
AberrationAberration: hell I don't know!08:46
EspenBeany of you succeeding having two external monitors connected to your laptop (one VGA and one DVI)?08:46
jigspanillumin8: thanks i ll try to see that08:46
bazTitan8990, so are u saying it is normal? I am running a standard 8.10 32bit desktop livecd install...08:46
Aberrationikonia sorry... again : Hell I don't know!08:46
Rodrigo_Lopesyes.. in fact kde and gnome is a peace of crap...08:46
ikoniaAberration: the bottom line is when you install 2 linux distros to different /boot directories/partitions you create a conflifct as there will be two menu.lst files08:46
Titan8990baz, not saying that....08:47
ikoniaAberration: which menas grub will only reference one (you have to work out which one) but each OS will update it's own menu.lst file which keeps them out of sync08:47
Aberrationikonia I got 2 list files!08:47
gartral1Rodrigo_Lopes: those are completly seperate environments08:47
apelgateziroday: yes. maybe08:47
ikoniaAberration: yes, thats not good08:47
bazTitan8990, ok so i should be getting the 4gb... right?08:47
apelgateIt's untested with our scripts but should work08:47
zirodayapelgate: if you only need it to send you a mail when something fails thats a much better way then slapping in postfix08:48
Titan8990baz, couldn't say for sure, never tried to run > 2gb with stock ubuntu kernel08:48
Rodrigo_Lopesbut gartrall.. the two.. is .. lost the unix tru spirit08:48
revilodrawquick question, does anyone have wireless internet (not wifi) working on ubuntu?08:48
Aberrationikonia oooki... do you have an idea of the solution?08:49
ikoniarevilodraw: yes08:49
Titan8990revilodraw, not wifi?08:49
ikoniaAberration: well, there are manu solutions, however you want to "fix" this so you don't have to keep fixing it08:49
bazTitan8990, it's a bit hardcore to swap out the kernel no?08:49
ari_stressis 64bit the same as dual-core?08:49
ikoniaAberration: the answer to that is re-install both OS's - but make sure you use a shared /boot partition08:49
ikoniaAberration: no08:49
ikoniaAberration: sorry - "no" wasn't for you08:50
ikoniaari_stress: no08:50
Titan8990baz, shouldn't be, it's a bit hardcore to compile your own kernel, which breaks ubuntu08:50
Titan8990baz, installing the server kernel should be as easy as using the package manager to install and configuring grub to boot it by default08:50
Aberrationikonia argh... but... what if I delete fedora and restore grub?08:50
zirodayari_stress: all dual-core systems are 64bit IIRC08:50
ikoniaAberration: that won't change anything08:50
illumin8Aberration: are you attemtping to duel boot ubuntu and fedora?08:50
illumin8Aberration:  i did this earlier this month and can tell you what area of grub to edit to resolve conflicts.08:51
bazTitan8990, what should i google "swap kernel ubuntu"... no, no "swap" is too confusing... "replace kernel ubuntu"?08:51
Titan8990baz, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-server-`uname -r`08:52
Titan8990baz, or something similar, use apt-cache search08:52
bazTitan8990, i also installed vmware server - i have a sneaky suspicion it maybe reserved some ram for itself... i'm going to investigate whether thats even possible and so low-level that ubuntu doesn't report what it stole - unfortunately i never checked my ram before the vmware install so i dont know if it was like that before08:52
revilodrawTitan8990: yeah, like wireless internet from a phone company, u need a usb device or network card.... ie; in australia, telstra bigpond wireless 3g08:52
Aberrationillumin8 actually I got a triple boot vista/fedora/ubuntu but please tell me what you found out08:52
Titan8990baz, check: cat /proc/meminfo08:53
Titan8990baz, nothing is hidden from that08:53
bazTitan8990, it is truly a great era in linux when u can apt-get kernels!!!08:53
revilodrawI am starting to think my problem is solely nautilus' fault.. any idea?08:53
ikoniaAberration: if you want to do it right, delete ubuntu and fedora, restore your windows boot loader, then re-install the linux distros you want, but use a shared /boot partition08:53
media_what file to I edit to add modules during boot?08:54
apelgateziroday: I will test that.. it probably has less dependencies as well08:54
media_8.10 intrepid08:54
zirodaymedia: /etc/modules08:54
Titan8990baz, hehe, most distros have a some type of method of installing a kernel via package management08:54
octaviowhat is a better so windows or nowdays ubuntu??08:54
Titan8990baz, but some distros still require you compile the kernel yourself (gentoo)08:54
bazTitan8990, gentoo is for unemployed stoners with lots of time to kill :) just kidding i respect gentoo08:55
revilodrawoctavio: stupid question here08:55
Aberrationikonia if you don't mind I'll try to find a more subtle solution first... I did too many things to configure ubuntu properly ot re-install it from scratch...08:55
ikoniaAberration: ok - deelte fedora, re-apply grub from within the ubuntu livecd pointing grub at your menu.lst file on ubuntu partition08:56
ubuntistasdoes anyone here use hol?08:56
Titan8990baz, subtract unemployed and you have descibed me08:56
illumin8ikonia: have him reset grub to root on ubuntu?08:56
bazTitan8990, hehe, and me!08:56
Titan8990baz, who is a gentoo user so good assumption I suppose hehe08:57
octaviorevilodraw, why stupid...... windows.. is more fast.. and more secure...... you need learn any lessons children08:57
Aberrationikonia many many thanks... but I find it weird that linux put vista on its grub and not other  linuxes...08:57
media_where is modules.conf in ubuntu? is it just '/etc/modules'?08:57
illumin8Aberration: you installed fedora after ubuntu and vista?08:57
ikoniaAberration: re-read what I just said and it explains why it uses it's "own"grub08:57
ikoniaAberration: it's user error08:57
illumin8Aberration: if so that means the fedora install took over the boot menu.08:57
Aberrationillumin8 right08:58
bazoctavio, what u will find out is ubuntu is a scam - someone stole windows source code, put an ugly brown skin on it and released it as ubuntu - they are in fact one and the same!08:58
illumin8Aberration: are you in fedora now?08:58
Aberrationikoniaas always ... i'll try to do this more carefully next time!08:58
illumin8Aberration: do you have a live cd available of ubuntu?08:58
zirodaymedia: yes, do sudo nano /etc/modules to edit it08:58
octavioand windows has microsoft  guaranty and more true good newers for all08:59
gartral1does anyone know of any obscure driver packs for webcams?09:00
Aberrationillumin8 nop, I'm investigating from work, but I'll download an ubuntu live CD from either vista or fedora as soon as I'm home09:01
octaviobaz  windows is fast, and better., and great so..you need understand this09:01
Aberrationsixofour niag niag09:01
sixofouri unrared it but dunno where it unrared to and where ever it went ran out of space09:01
Titan8990!ohmy | octavio09:01
ubottuoctavio: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.09:01
bazoctavio, i agree completely, i am just here to give fake advice to ubuntu users to make their lives more difficult - i am with u! sshhhhhhh09:02
octavio... linux....need learn with bill gates.... to go on ...09:02
illumin8Aberration: Ok, to give you the simple method, without reinstalling, burn a livecd of ubuntu then boot into it, reset grub to use ubuntu as root, then edit the ubuntu menu.lst to include fedora.09:02
sixofourthis is bullcrap09:02
sixofouris there any way to find out where somethign unrared to?09:02
Titan8990octavio, so all linux users can switch to freebsd?09:02
sixofourdolphin crashed too09:03
illumin8sixofour: the second part of your mnt command would locate the folder it would be in. Note that /mnt/example is not the same as ~/mnt/example09:03
sixofourwhy does kubuntu still ship with this crappy program?09:03
bazsixofour, did your resizing ever work out09:03
gartral1octavio: the _only_ advantage windows has over any linux OS is that it has legal blah support for corporate ways of doing thing (DRM Encrypling) and is really nothing more than a "walking BSoD" waiting too happen...09:03
consolearthi all how do i install themes for cairo docl09:03
sixofourmy drive is fine, i'm trying to extract ther .rar09:03
Aberrationillumin8 it will erase both fedora and ubuntu grub, and replace it by a fresh one??09:03
octavioTitan8990, .. no.. solaris.. and bsd and linux.. it is a begginers SO......but XP vista it is a PROFESSIONAL so....09:03
zirodaysixofour: did you do unrar e myfile.rar?09:04
sixofouri don't know where it unrared to and the dirve its on has no space left09:04
zirodaysixofour: then its in the same dir as the archive you extracted09:04
sixofourits somewhere on my Os install09:04
sixofourits not09:04
zirodaysixofour: that is what the e option does, it is.09:04
sixofourthe drive my .rar is on has 90 gb left09:04
sixofourit didn't this time09:05
illumin8Aberration: No, the menu.lst is simply the bootloader, which you decide which os to boot into. But your problem is that fedora installs its own to its own section of your hd, (which doesnt scan of other stage1) without you telling it to.09:05
zirodaysixofour: well then that archive is corrupted.09:05
sixofourno it isn't09:05
illumin8Aberration: Setting ubuntu as your primary grub would help you resolve the issue.09:05
sixofourit unrared in a palce other than the location fo the archive09:05
octavioyeap...linux.., bsd, solaris.....its like a flinstons so...but I want new tecnology... and windows is a best for ever09:05
sixofouri know because my Os drive has 0 bytes elft09:05
Aberrationillumin8 oki doki! Many many thanks to you too!09:06
illumin8Aberration: note that once you set ubuntu as your primary you will have to manually add fedora to the boot menu with specific command lines.09:06
gartral1sixofour: if it isn't unextracting properly, it's either corrupt, or password protected09:06
Titan8990octavio, I noticed today that the my school's financial aid department computer had mywebsearch toolbars09:06
sixofouroh man09:06
Titan8990octavio, there is one feature that makes windows > linux, right?09:06
tc111i'm trying to set up rsync to exclude dapper and gutsy so far this is what i have... rsync -vhhzru --stats --progress --exclude="dapper***" --exclude="gutsy***" rsync://ubuntu.media.mit.edu/ubuntu/ /var/www/ubuntu/ ... but how do i exclude the gutsy and dapper files from the 'pool'?09:06
TnadeNTitan8990, fail!09:06
SlimeyPetesixofour: that's odd09:06
illumin8Aberration: When you are ready to edit the grub see this webpage..http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/linux-newbie/112118-dual-boot-fedora-8-ubuntu-desktop-version.html09:06
sixofouri don't want to sound rude, but please read everything i said before you comment09:06
Titan8990TnadeN, very09:06
Aberrationillumin8 I know but I'll find out what to wright later...09:06
sixofourthere is nothing wrong with the unrar process09:06
illumin8Aberration: though the version is not accurate the commands work.09:07
sixofouri simply don't know WHERe it unrared at on my Os drive09:07
SlimeyPetesixofour: don't mean to patronise, but are you *sure* it's on the right drive? As in, you've checked the path using "pwd", and checked your mounts using "mount"09:07
bazsixofour, what irc client r u using?09:07
sixofourand it didn't unrasr in the location of the archive09:07
octavioTitan8990, .. you right... WINDOWS is > linux......LINUX SUX09:07
Aberrationillumin8 Last question : when fedora/ubuntu install a new kernel it is added in the list file... I guess that I'll have to add fedora lines manually?09:07
jpdstc111: #ubuntu-mirrors is your friend.09:07
sixofourlook, i had 2 gb left on my Os drive i  unrared the file and it couldn't finish ebacuse it ran out of space and my OS drive has 0 space left09:08
tc111jpds: nobody home... ;)09:08
bazsixofour, its killing me that your messages aren't prefixed with the user you are talking to (in the friendliest possible way :)) did u know u can type just a few letters of their name and press tab to complete it09:08
* gartral1 points octavio twords wubi09:08
sixofourbax i'm talking to 6 people09:08
illumin8Aberration: ubuntu will be by default, fedora will need to be maintained.09:08
sixofourall about the same issue09:08
bazsixofour, oh ok09:08
bazsixofour, thats fair then09:09
sixofourso how do i find these files?09:09
mikebeechamhey guys...I have a gvfs folder setup, which I use as a source for my MP3s.  When I reboot my machine, my media player cannot access the source until I open it in nautilus...is there anyway to avoid this?09:09
pyr3sayzsixofour: do a file list on the archive09:09
galvus_damori have some problems with my usb flash drive if i insert it ist is not mounted automatically no i don't know whether the drive is borken or something else so could you say me how i can find out what's wrong with the drive09:09
SlimeyPetesixofour: right, so the most likely cause is that the original rar file isn't actually on the drive that you think it's on. I know that seems dumb but I really suggest that you double-check. Once you've confirmed that it's not the case, you could try running a search to see where it's dumped the files09:09
Aberrationillumin8 oki, thanks09:09
revilodrawWith regard to Octavio -  Trolls?! On MY #Ubuntu??!!09:09
TnadeNwhat's the channel for ubuntu general?09:09
sixofourslimy,its 9 gb file, it only fits on one drive09:10
SlimeyPeteTnadeN: #ubuntu-offtopic09:10
sixofourif its not there then it doesn't exist09:10
SlimeyPeteah, I see09:10
sixofourmy Os drive is 8gb and the other is 160gb09:10
octaviorevilodraw, ..speak... and counter speak...troll its you.....09:10
sixofourbut sudo unrar e /filepath extracted it to my 8Gb drive09:10
SlimeyPete /filepath??09:10
sixofouryes filepath09:10
SlimeyPetethat'll put it on your OS drive09:11
SlimeyPete / == root09:11
sixofouri know that aprt now09:11
SlimeyPeteaha, I see09:11
sixofourbut WHERE on root?09:11
SlimeyPetewherever the path specifies.09:11
SlimeyPetewhat filepath did you use?09:11
sixofoursudo unrar e /ment/ext3/file.rar09:11
revilodrawoctavio:  In Soviet Russia, troll trolls you! I am finding your input here hilarious, please continue... ps; please do so in your charming Engrish09:12
SlimeyPetesixofour: what directory where you in when you ran that command?09:12
SlimeyPeteit'll extract into your current directory.09:12
sixofourwhat ever you are in when you open konsole09:12
pyr3sayzsixofour: run this `unrar l /ment/ext3/file.rar | less`09:12
illumin8Aberration: when you do decide to edit grub in ubuntu this is the command to add fedora..title Fedora 1009:12
sixofourdolphin keeps getting fatal errors is there another file browser i can use?09:12
illumin8configfile (hd0,0)/grub/grub.conf09:12
SlimeyPetethat'll be /home, by default. Which is *probably* on your bigger drive, but to check, type "mount" and look for the line which specifies /home09:13
pyr3sayzit'll show you the file paths of the contained files, then you can search for them09:13
illumin8Aberration: configfile (hd0,0)/grub/grub.conf09:13
SlimeyPete /home may actually be on your 8GB drive09:13
sixofourso what am i looking at pyr3sayz?09:13
derrick-maryhello all09:13
octavioim...see everthing.. and everybody........cry children cry09:14
pyr3sayzit's a listing of all the files in the archive09:14
lenni_-_i have  server that runs 8.04. i don't really want to upgrade everything just on packager (mercurial). is that possible?09:14
mikebeechamhey guys...I have a gvfs folder setup, which I use as a source for my MP3s.  When I reboot my machine, my media player cannot access the source until I open it in nautilus...is there anyway to avoid this?09:14
pyr3sayzeach file has a path attached to it, which maybe causing their final destination to be obscured from you...09:14
=== bAsTl is now known as bastl
SlimeyPetesixofour: if you could pastebin the output of "mount" then it'd give us a better idea of the layout of your drives, which might help us help you :)09:15
sixofourthere is no file path09:15
sixofoursuperbass.wav    21624    13337  61% 24-04-05 16:04  .....A.   7C5A5077 m3g 2.909:15
pyr3sayzAnd if someone packed the archive wrong, sometimes that path isn't relative, but absolute. (it's possible to pack a file with a path of /usr/local instead of usr/local)09:15
sixofourthat is what each entry looks likle09:15
Aberrationillumin8 thanks! Or maybe... what if I delete fedora and reinstall it with a sharing boot partition... will they botj (ub and fed) update list automatically?09:15
sixofouri amde the file on windows09:15
mattgdose any one know of a good network monitoring tool for ubuntu09:16
ddoomwhen I xdmcp into a ubuntu 8.04 system, the option to unlock any administration options (e.g. System->Administration->Network Unlock button) is greyed out. Anyone know how to get around this?09:16
pyr3sayzif there is no file path, it's possible there is no path with that file.09:16
mattgdose any one know of a good network monitoring tool for ubuntu ??09:16
fosco_mattg: iptraf09:16
illumin8Aberration: I attempted 2 methods when i installed both, first ubuntu then fedora and vice versa, both methods still needed the menu.lst edit.09:16
illumin8Aberration: its possible you can find an alternate method, im simply speaking from my experience in what worked.09:17
mattgthank you fosco09:17
SlimeyPetesixofour: did you try typing "mount" to see where your /home is? :)09:18
sixofouri know where it is09:18
sixofouri put it where it is :D09:18
Aberrationillumin8 yet, you've helped me enough! Many thanks!09:18
sixofourits on the , now full, 8gb drive09:18
SlimeyPetewell that'll be the problem then :)09:19
blackgrazi got a question i was thinking about you ubuntu users09:19
sixofourthats not a problem, MY entire Os is on that drive09:19
sixofouri don't use /home/09:19
blackgrazwho uses their 2 desktop as their porn desktop09:19
SlimeyPetesixofour: when you ran the unrar command it'll have tried to extract to the current directory.09:19
SlimeyPetesixofour: your current directory was /home/09:19
sixofouri use /mnt/ext3/ and ext2/09:19
sixofour./home/doesn't have my files though09:20
SlimeyPeteso it'll have tried to extract to /home/. Which is on your 8GB drive.09:20
SlimeyPetethe path will be /home/yourusername/09:20
sixofourinfact, /home/ has nothing in it lol09:20
sixofourgod i hate dolphin09:20
sixofourit says there is 3 files, but they arn't showing09:20
SlimeyPeteuse the terminal instead :)09:20
sixofourthen i will have to spent 5 more days just to view /home/09:21
SlimeyPetejust open it and type "ls"09:21
sixofourno log fire [press return]09:21
pyr3sayzsixofour: are you on a live cd?09:21
sixofourdolphin si frozemn09:22
pyr3sayzDo you know the names of some of the files in the archive?09:22
sixofourand i'm about to delete /home/09:22
SlimeyPetesixofour: yeah, things tend to break when you have no space left on your OS drive09:22
SlimeyPetedon't delete /home/09:22
SlimeyPetethat'll break your OS09:22
sixofourdolphin already broke it by existing09:22
bazTitan8990, is that pae suggestion you gave me basically upgrading to 64bit - or is it 32bit with more memory support09:22
Titan8990baz, 32bit with more memory support09:22
sixofourapparnetly everything is in /home/09:22
Titan8990baz, some consider it a "hack"09:23
pyr3sayzdeleteing home won't break your OS... so long as you recreate it... when you create a new user it's blank anyways.09:23
Titan8990baz, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physical_Address_Extension09:23
sixofourso how do i shfit select and delete only the extracted files?09:23
SlimeyPetepyr3sayz: it'll break it in the sense that he'll lose all his settings etc.09:23
sixofourin konsole09:23
illumin8sixofour: could you please type out the command you used ot do the transfer.09:23
SlimeyPetesixofour: just do "ls", then do "rm filename"09:23
sixofoursudo unrar e /mnt/ext3/Outgoing.rar09:23
sixofourthere is about 58935 files in /home/09:24
SlimeyPetesixofour: right, but you know the name of the big file you tried to extract09:24
SlimeyPetethat's the only one you need to delete.09:24
sixofouri need it09:24
illumin8sixofour: k do this, ls *.rar09:24
SlimeyPetesixofour: it's not even all there09:24
sixofourthe .rar isn't in /home/09:24
SlimeyPeteyes it is.09:25
sixofourthe .rar is all there09:25
sixofourno its not09:25
SlimeyPeteno, sorry09:25
SlimeyPetenot the rar09:25
sixofourthe ./rar is in ext309:25
SlimeyPetethe .wav09:25
FloodBot2SlimeyPete: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:25
SlimeyPetethe one it tried to extract09:25
sixofourok so there is now 58934 files left...09:25
SlimeyPetelook, you tried to extract the .rar whilst you were in the home directory in the terminal, right? Therefore unrar will have attempted to extract the .wav from the .rar into the home directory.09:25
sixofourand about 200kb left on the drive09:25
sixofourlet me re explain09:26
bazTitan8990, excuse my insolence but i type this line EXACTLY as it is, even with the wierd single quotes: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-server-`uname -r`09:26
illumin8sixofour: you basicly unzipped the rar to home?09:26
sixofouri extracted the fileS, it worked fine untill the drive ran out of space, i want to delete what is already extracted and reextract it on the bigger drive09:26
Titan8990baz, that might not be exactly it, but yes even with the ticks09:27
Titan8990!search ubuntu-server09:27
ubottuFound: screen-#ubuntu-server, ubuntu-server, ops-#ubuntu-server, server09:27
SlimeyPetesixofour: Right... there's only one file in the .rar, though? The .wav?09:27
pyr3sayzHold up... I'll whip you up a one-liner to delete the files09:27
sixofourno, there are veral hundred thousand09:27
Titan8990!info ubuntu-server-kernel09:27
ubottuPackage ubuntu-server-kernel does not exist in intrepid09:27
SlimeyPeteOh... sorry09:27
sixofourits a 9 gigabyte .rar09:27
ddoomI can't unlock any administrative settings when using xdmcp to connect to an ubuntu 8.04 system, any ideas?09:27
sixofouronly about 2gb extracted09:27
SlimeyPeteSorry, I thought it had a single massive WAV in it09:27
kosharisixofour use a live disc to mount the drive and delete the rar.09:27
sixofouroh no, that would be a big wav though09:27
sixofourthat .wav is from my sample packs09:28
sixofourflstudio :P09:28
SlimeyPeteright... hrm. And if there were no paths in the .rar... well, you're stuffed tbh.09:28
Titan8990baz, try: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-kernel-`uname -r`-server09:28
sixofouri need to get to /home/ in dolphin or something, shift select everything and delete it09:28
pyr3sayzsixofour: You said that they were all in the /home/ directory, right?09:28
SlimeyPetethere's no automatic way to remove the files unelss you write a shell-script to do it09:28
pyr3sayznot the /home/username dir ?09:28
Titan8990baz, its going to be someting similar... you can search synaptic09:28
sixofourslimy this is why GUI is superiour :P09:28
Titan8990baz, and also do uname -r from the terminal to see your current running config version09:29
sixofourits /home/six/ i think09:29
SlimeyPetesixofour: actually, I have an idea09:29
PanTofelkto ma doświadczenie z kartami TV/framegraberami na expresscard ?09:29
pyr3sayzunrar lb /path/to/archive.rar | while read FILE; do rm /home/six/$FILE; done09:29
SlimeyPete... or that09:29
Titan8990sixofour, its superiour because you know how to use a GUI but not CLI? what about us that are very efficient with cli?09:29
sixofourwhat will that do pyr?09:29
SlimeyPeteis it that simple?09:29
pyr3sayzreplace '/path/to/archive.rar' with the path to the archive09:29
sixofouri'm not us :D09:29
illumin8hmm just throwing this out there but isnt there a way to list modifided dates on ls? or delete anything with a specific modfied time?09:30
SlimeyPeteTitan8990: don't derail us into an argument please ;)09:30
pyr3sayzand '/home/six' with the path to where the files are09:30
Titan8990SlimeyPete, sorry, wasn't the first comment like that from him09:30
SlimeyPeteyeah, pyr3sayz speaks wisdom. Do what he/she says :)09:30
sixofouralso how can i make /mnt/ext2/ and /mnt/ext3/ [one hard drive, two partitions] write and readable without sudo?09:30
bazTitan8990, it said it couldn't find the package but i found this, what do u think: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-server linux-image-server linux-server09:31
Titan8990baz, not headers09:31
Titan8990baz, possibly linux-image-server, does it give a version number?09:31
AdvoWorkIs there a way whilst running ubuntu to kill the x session but still be left with a terminal so i can install some graphics drivers?09:31
pyr3sayzsixofour: with the 'mount' command, though if you are talking about making your entire filesystem writeable without sudo... that's not a good idea09:32
pyr3sayzThere's a reason things are like that.09:32
sixofourwhat you told me to type gaves about 389678956 "no such file or directory, cannot remove" thingies09:32
pyr3sayzAh, you used sudo to unpack the archive09:32
Titan8990baz, found it :)09:33
pyr3sayzsudo bash -c "STUFF I GAVE YOU ALREADY HERE"09:33
sixofour"OK WILL DO"09:33
pyr3sayzjust put the previous line in between the quotes09:33
sixofourwell, it has to finish failing first09:33
Titan8990baz, sudo apt-get install kernel-image-`uname -r`-server09:33
bazTitan8990, alright lets give it a go!09:34
bazTitan8990, if i don't report back in 60 seconds, tell my mother i love her09:34
Titan8990baz, hehe09:34
bazTitan8990, couldnt find it again09:35
sixofouris there any way to "canel" an action in progress in konsole?09:35
bazTitan8990, Couldn't find package kernel-image-2.6.27-13-generic-server09:35
Titan8990baz, ah, its appending generic....09:35
Titan8990baz, sudo apt-get install kernel-image-2.6.27-13-server09:35
pyr3sayzor control-\ is another09:36
arun_google talk not working with wine, plz help09:36
sixofoursame thing pyr3sayz09:36
tangzhiqiaohow to use wine09:36
sixofoursudo bash -c unrar lb /mnt/ext3/Outgoing.rar | while read FILE;do rm /home/six/$FILE; done09:36
Titan8990baz, good?09:36
arun_google talk not working with wine, plz help09:37
bazTitan8990, no sir: Couldn't find package kernel-image-2.6.27-13-server09:37
Titan8990arun_, why not use pidgin that supports XMPP?09:37
fosco_!wine | tangzhiqiao09:37
ubottutangzhiqiao: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help09:37
pyr3sayzyou need quotes around the first line I gave you09:37
Titan8990baz, apt-cache search kernel-image09:37
pyr3sayzsudo bash -c "unrar lb /mnt/ext3/Outgoing.rar | while read FILE;do rm /home/six/$FILE; done"09:37
Titan8990baz, pick a version and install it....09:37
arun_<Titan8990>,i'm using that,but unable to transfer files 2 google talk friends09:38
sixofourlol still doesn't work      rm: cannot remove `/home/six/': Is a directory09:38
sixofourmillion of those09:38
Titan8990sixofour, use rm -rf  for directories09:38
pyr3sayzsudo bash -c "unrar lb /mnt/ext3/Outgoing.rar | while read FILE;do rm /home/six/\$FILE; done"09:38
Titan8990sixofour, careful though, its a powerful command09:38
pyr3sayzsudo bash -c "unrar lb /mnt/ext3/Outgoing.rar | while read FILE;do rm -rf /home/six/\$FILE; done"09:38
sixofour why don't we just work on getting dolphin fixed?09:38
pyr3sayzErr yea... I thought you only had files09:38
bazTitan8990, maybe i'm missing a source or something.. that search only gets me: kernel-package - A utility for building Linux kernel related Debian packages. >>>>> and some other "Comedi" thing09:39
pyr3sayzI also forgot the '\' before $FILE09:39
Titan8990baz, yes, I am starting to think that the server version uses a different repo09:40
sixofourso remove it?09:40
breezeibus  can't focus  in the opera09:40
pyr3sayzthe last version I gave you should work (the '\' wasn't needed before I passed it into bash... it's like almost 3am though :P)09:40
sixofourit just goes to the next empty line09:40
pyr3sayzsixofour: you need the '\' before $FILE09:40
sixofouri did that too same thing09:40
breezewho know how to deal with09:41
pyr3sayzDid you run that without the '\'?09:41
Titan8990baz, no mention of it in the ubuntu documentation though....09:41
ajopaulwhen i want to conver a dvd vob file to flv format using ffmpeg i get frame rate mismatch error, output is here http://ffmpeg.pastebin.com/d7791429809:42
pyr3sayzwell, without the '\' it removed '/home/six' ... that's why I told you to run the final line that I gave you...09:42
sixofouri did it with both09:42
sixofourdidn't work09:43
pyr3sayzis /home/six still there?09:43
bazTitan8990, i keep finding this, but you don't like the headers eh: sudo apt-get install linux-server linux-headers-server09:43
sixofourive only copy pasted what you have given09:43
Titan8990baz, headers is only needed for installing modules, you need the kernel image to boot it09:44
Titan8990baz, give linux-server a shot09:44
pyr3sayzChange '-rf' to '-r' and run it (the 'f' is telling it not to complain) then tell me what it says09:44
Titan8990baz, and go ahead and grab the headers, especially if you have modules such as alsa that will need them09:44
sixofourrm: cannot remove `Defaults.PspScript': No such file or directory09:45
sixofourjob-working-directory: error retrieving current directory: getcwd: cannot access parent directories: No such file or director09:45
SabirCan I use a fingerprint instead of passwords on key ring?09:45
bazTitan8990, so run the command as i typed it right, with the headers and everything together...09:45
a_how can i change the speed HDD 7200-5400?09:45
arusselI just installed ubuntu on a Sony Vaio VGN-FW21M. The 'scrolling' from the touch pad doesn't work. What can I do ?09:46
pyr3sayzsixofour: sounds like there may be some problems due to the Os drive filling up...09:46
ddoomanyone know why I can't access the unlock button on the administrative settings when I connect to ubuntu 8.04 via xdmcp or vnc?09:47
kosharia_: by replacing it09:47
sixofourif i could access /home/ in dolphin i can just "select all" "delete" lol09:47
bazTitan8990, 103mb to be installed - legit?09:48
rwwddoom: It's a known issue. Most of the first page of http://www.google.com/search?q=vnc+unlock+policykit+ubuntu is relevant09:49
alexmacI'm looking at instructions that say to : export VARIABLE=~/.something/something_else09:49
alexmacWhat does "~/.something" do?09:49
rwwalexmac: ~/ is the same thing as /home/yourusername/09:50
pyr3sayzsudo bash -c "unrar vb /mnt/ext3/Outgoing.rar | while read FILE;do rm -r \"/home/six/\$FILE\"; done"09:50
alexmacrww: I see, thanks09:50
pyr3sayz'unrar lb archive.rar' wasn't giving the full path to the file09:50
sixofourlol i can't even open dolphin from konsole anymore09:50
sixofourunknown program name09:50
bazalexmac, also the .something is a file or folder that will be hidden by default since it starts with a period - usually for config/app stuff09:51
Titan8990baz, sounds big but ubuntu kernel is bloated09:51
sixofourdoesn't work pyr3sayz09:51
a_как скорость винта уменьшить?09:51
sixofoursame error as before09:51
Myrtti!ru | a_09:51
ubottua_: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke09:51
rww!ru | a_09:51
bazTitan8990, all done, system restart required... see u soon :) thanks too!09:51
alexmacoh so it's a hidden file?09:51
alexmacor, should be at least?09:51
archmanAnyone got Alcohol 120% working?09:52
Titan8990baz, np09:52
bazi think the fact that it has a period means nautlius will hide it for you09:52
rwwalexmac: It's hidden in "ls" on the command line, and in GNOME's file browser, by default, yes. To show hidden files in Nautilus/GNOME file browser, do View > Show Hidden Files.09:52
alexmacok, cool09:52
alexmacI'm only using ssh, so I don't have gnome..09:52
alexmacbut thanks for the note09:53
rwwalexmac: you'd use "ls -a" to see hidden files, then09:53
alexmacawesome, thanks09:53
alexmacso to make a directory hidden by default do you just do: mkdir .hidden09:53
alexmac(where hidden is the name of the dir)09:53
sixofouris there another file browser i can use?09:54
sixofouri got kde4 atm09:54
rwwalexmac: .hidden would be the name of the dir, but yeah. I think nautilus does the same thing for files ending in ~, too, but ls shows them.09:54
pyr3sayzsixofour: so you're still getting the 'cannot access parent directories' error?09:55
sixofouryes i can't open anything on the desktop either09:55
pyr3sayzsudo bash -c "unrar vb /mnt/ext3/Outgoing.rar | while read FILE;do rm -rv \"/home/six/\$FILE\"; done"09:55
sixofouri can't open konsole09:56
pyr3sayzhit control-alt-109:56
sixofourwether from the desktop or the menu09:56
pyr3sayzi meant09:56
bazhangsixofour, alt f2 konsole09:56
arusselon sony vaio, right click doesn't work, middle wheel emulation doesn't work, and sometimes left click is funny. What part is fucked ? is there a mouse driver ? could it be that ?09:57
rww!ohmy > arussel09:58
pyr3sayzbazhang: he's on a sinking ship... he's filled his install drive and I think he's running out of memory.09:58
ubottuarussel, please see my private message09:58
arusselrww: thanks, I hadn't see it09:58
rdzhi all.. is there way to see what process is blocking me from unmounting a certain volume?10:01
bazguess whose back with 6b of ram!! it worked Titan8990 without hitches so far10:01
jaredhey guys10:03
alexmacrww would you mind helping me again please?10:04
alexmachi jared10:04
jaredQuestion: This morning I was not able to enable Wireless, option is greyed out. What is wrong ? What can I do ? yesterday it worked just fine....10:04
alexmacI set an environment variable inside of /etc/environment so that I have this10:04
jaredhey @ll10:05
alexmacbut when I type in echo $variable, I get "export : '/home/.something/cert-something.pem': not a valid identifier10:05
alexmacAny idea waht could cause the ": not a valid identifier" error?10:05
alexmachi jared10:05
jaredlet me see10:06
rwwalexmac: Not sure. I haven't used /etc/environment, so I'm not aware of any nuances of it.10:07
jaredecho works fine with me.. how did you set the variable ?10:07
Jari--hi! anyone here familiar on using Linux and Chinese kb layout & pinyin ?10:07
jaredhey Jari10:07
alexmacI set it inside of /etc/environment10:07
alexmachow do you typically add environment variables then?10:07
privateпривет всемм10:08
privateВобщем решил обновится до 8.10 после обновления настроил сеть вроде всё правильно сеть у меня 10мбит захожу в терминал пишу sudo mii-tool -F 10baseT-FD eth0 выдаёт ошибку "SIOCSMIIREG on eth0 failed: Operation not supported"  ну позже на моё удивление оказуется что сеть сама опредилилась на10:08
private10 мбит но всёравноо непашет . Подскажите что делать?10:08
rww!ru | private10:08
ubottuprivate: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke10:08
rwwalexmac: I only have one user account, so I just set them in ~/.bashrc10:08
nord_anyone who has set up an imapd without getting lag? I've 1,6 GB of mailbox (different imap directories) and its getting really slow. Any suggestions what to do?10:09
=== qedx_ is now known as qedx
jaredalexmax what do you mean by setting inside environment ? I did: set variable = ....10:10
baznord_, switch to google imap hosting :) I did a few months ago and i love it10:10
nord_baz: Not possible here, but i know it works. :)10:10
milliganI have set up my nic in /etc/network/interfaces .. but it seems that dhcpclient or something else is running, causing me to get a dhcp ip. How can I disable the client ? I killed NetworkManager, but it STILL got the dhcp ip.10:11
rwwmilligan: can you paste your /etc/network/interfaces file to http://paste.ubuntu.com/, please?10:11
privatedecided to update to 8.10 after the upgrade for network like everything on my network 10Mg/bits go to the terminal write sudo mii-tool-F 10baseT-FD eth0 gives error "SIOCSMIIREG on eth0 failed: Operation not supported" Well to my surprise later occasion that the network itself opredililas at 10 Mbit but vseravnoo nepashet Undecided. Give what to do?10:11
alexmacI figured it out...10:12
alexmacits because I was doing /home/.something10:12
alexmacturns out that it didn't like the .something10:12
alexmacmaybe that is what the ~ is for haha10:12
milliganrww, http://paste.ubuntu.com/129686/ -- ip is partially obfuscated.10:13
zirodayalexmac: why does your homedir begin with a .? That makes it hidden?10:13
zirodaymilligan: we can still tell your IP :)10:13
milliganziroday, because of the mask, or a lookup on me here? :)10:14
zirodaymilligan: lookup on you here10:14
milliganah, nvm10:15
milliganLooks like a networking restart worked without d/c'ing me10:15
opengyanhello all !! help needed  !! ubuntu on HP laptop .....10:15
temporarytaoopengyan, what's the problem?10:16
opengyantouchpad click is soooooo much embrassing10:16
milliganrww, I have an idea what might be wrong.. the eth1 interface doesn't exist. Could it be that ubuntu somehow checks for up/down activity on eth1, according to this thread http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=521154, and fires dhcp client based on that ?10:16
opengyani wanted to stop it ..so changed the xorg.conf10:16
sixofouraw crap that guy messed my pc up and then elft -_-10:16
opengyanit was ok some time back...again started troubling10:16
sixofouryou here?10:16
temporarytaoopengyan, what version?10:16
opengyanOption          "SHMConfig"             "on"10:17
opengyan        Option          "MaxDoubleTapTime"      "0"10:17
opengyansorry man but i am on gutsy10:17
opengyantoo lazy to upgrade ...10:17
opengyantemporarytao: 7.1010:18
temporarytaoopengyan, what specifically is the problem? what do you mean: "touchpad click is soooooo much embrassing"10:18
opengyantemporarytao: it toubles me while i type ...so i want to 1. disable the double click 2. if possible totally disable if i am typing10:19
venuI have downloaded intel 82845g graphics driver.. its extension is .gz. i don't know how to install it..can some one help me10:19
temporarytaodoesn't your disable touchpad shortcut key work?10:19
temporarytaofor me, if i press Fn + F7, the touchpad key locks10:20
opengyantemporarytao: i just installed ksyanputtic but now use10:20
sixofourgod damnit10:20
opengyantemporarytao: agree it works . but re-enabling is an headache ...and some time the laptop just hangs ...10:20
temporarytaoopengyan, i never heard of that software before (sounds like a KDE app)10:21
opengyantemporarytao: yes10:21
temporarytaoyou're on KDE?10:21
sixofourhow do you access kubuntu install from a live cd?10:22
temporarytaosixofour, if you want to install kubuntu, i think you should download a kubuntu live cd10:22
sixofouri was listening to someone in here on a big issue blqah blah, now my install is broken and i can't log in10:22
sixofouri need to empty some space on my install drive10:23
sixofourso how do i do that10:23
temporarytaosixofour, delete stuff? :)10:24
SlimeyPetesixofour: "sudo apt-get clean" will often reclaim some space10:24
sixofouri'm on a livecd, i can't login because there is 0 bytes left on the drive10:24
SlimeyPeteas it'll delete cached package files, which can amount to a few hundred megs sometimes10:24
sixofourits not that, i unrared a file on the os drive and it ran out of space10:25
sixofourand instead of fixing dolphin they forced me to use the god damn console and now everything is fucked10:25
temporarytaosixofour, calm down10:25
temporarytaosixofour, so you're now trying a reinstall?10:25
sixofour2 hours ago i knew exactly what i saw doing then i wasted the previous doing things the "easy" way :/10:26
Chousukesixofour: mount the drive, remove the files.10:26
sixofourand it only made everything worse10:26
sixofourhow do i do that?10:26
Chousukesixofour: from the livecd, you should be able to use nautilus or something to mount the drive.10:26
sixofouri don't know how to do any of that10:27
Chousukesixofour: are you using the ubuntu livecd?10:27
sixofouri am now, yes10:27
sixofourbefore i wasn't10:27
sixofourbut kubuntu cannot load anymore10:27
sixofourbecause the drive is full10:27
Chousukesixofour: so, open the file manager10:27
sixofourok dolphin is open10:28
Chousukedolphin? that's kubuntu isn't it. :/10:28
ChousukeI don't know how it works :(10:28
sixofour#kubutnu is dead as usual10:28
sixofourapparently no one knows anything10:28
temporarytaosixofour, can you navigate to your hd?10:28
sixofouri don't even know10:28
Chousukesixofour: you'll have to open a terminal10:28
sixofouri have two hard drives10:29
Chousukesixofour: because I have no idea how to do anything with dolphin :P10:29
sixofouryay more terminal work10:29
Chousukeit's not too difficult10:29
sixofouri don't want to know either, dolphin is a peice fo crap10:29
dsdeizhi how do i move a folder using the terminal?10:29
sixofourits crashed 5 times an hour ago10:29
Chousukedsdeiz: mv folder target/path10:29
sixofourkonsole is open10:30
dsdeizit says this  unable to remove target: Is a directory10:30
Chousukesixofour: the only problem will be identifying which disk and partition your kubuntu install is on.10:30
Chousukedsdeiz: are you using mv? or rm?10:30
sixofourits on the 8Gb disk10:30
sixofourthe other is 160GB10:30
kosharisixofour just boot a live disc, mount the drive, delete the archive and your back, i cant beleive this problem is still being discussed.10:30
alexmacalright im lost10:30
Chousukekoshari: he does not know how to do that.10:31
alexmacI've been trying to setup my environment variables for about the past hour10:31
sixofouri can't delete the archive, i need it10:31
alexmacHow do you permanently set environment variables for all users?10:31
sixofourkoshai i can't believe the problem is still here either10:31
alexmacI tried editing /etc/environment to include them10:31
Chousukesixofour: so what do you intend to delete? you'll have to delete something.10:31
alexmacand if I do echo $VARIABLE it will print it out10:31
kosharisixofour well move the archive to the other drive, or a memory stick or whatever,10:31
alexmacbut none of the programs I am trying to run can find them10:31
sixofourall i had to do was fucking select all and hit delete, but no, everyone wanted to do it through the konsole10:31
alexmacany ideas?10:31
=== jussio1 is now known as jussi01
sixofourit can't be moved anywhere10:32
sixofourits 9gb10:32
Chousukethen you will have to delete it. :P10:32
sixofourits not the archive thats the problem10:32
Chousukeor something else.10:32
bazsixofour, whats up10:32
bazsixofour, you are very dedicated i must say10:32
sixofouryeah baz knows wtf is going on, sorta :D10:32
Chousukesixofour: anyway, you will need to identify the partition that is full10:32
kosharisixofour delete the apt cache, of the files you extracted from the archive are not anough.10:32
sixofouri went into ctrl+alt+f1 and had to restart, when i restarted it said something about "/" is broke or something, i don't know10:33
Chousukeuh, what.10:33
sixofouri'm asuming it has to do with the fact that the OS drive has 0 bytes free10:33
alexmacCan someone please help me with my environment variables?10:33
temporarytaosixofour, you prolly need to find where the temporary unrared files are stored10:33
temporarytaogo there and delete everything in it10:33
sixofouri know what i need to do, the problem is doing it10:33
sixofourhow do you access kubuntu install when your on a live cd?10:34
Chousukesixofour: the partition's name is /dev/sdXN where X is a lowercase letter and N is a number10:34
kosharisixofour: use a live disc.10:34
Chousukekoshari: he is using one10:34
Chousukekoshari: the problem is, he does not know how to mount the drive.10:34
sixofoureverything is in /home/six/ on the install10:34
sixofourin /home/six/ is about 53000 files10:34
sixofourif i could use dolphin or another gui, i could simple select all the files and hit the delete button10:35
Chousukesixofour: yes, yes. it'll all be pretty easy once we get teh drive mounted.10:35
kosharisixofour what live disc are you using>?10:35
sixofourkubuntu 8.1010:35
Chousukesixofour: you'll even be able to use dolphin to select and delete stuff :P10:35
sixofourthe one i installed with10:35
sixofourthis whole problem is incredibly dumb lol10:36
Chousukeit happens.10:36
sixofourthe entier issue is i extracted a rar to tjhe wrong drive and the drive got full10:36
Chousukeyour mistake was that you rebooted.10:36
koshariwell i dunno how to automount in KDE, someone else should, otherwise you may need to mount it manually, you would use partimage to find the dev and then you would need to use terminal to mount the drive10:36
Chousukewith a full drive.10:36
sixofourwell i hit ctrl alt f1 and couldn't get out10:36
Chousukeyeah, that was your mistake10:36
sixofourpyr**** what ever told me to hit that10:37
sixofourforgot his name10:37
Chousukeit happens though.10:37
sixofourhe said go there because konsole couldn'topen [no room on drive i guess..lol]10:37
kosharidont worry how you got here, concentrate on solving and moving on10:37
sixofourand to believe last tiem i used kubuntu i rebuild my own kernal :O10:38
sixofourhow did i ever get that accomplishment?10:38
kosharisixofour why is prolly a better question10:38
sixofourso i need to find out how to mount /home/six/10:38
sixofouri needed [and still need] a real time kernal for music production10:38
temporarytaosixofour, shouldn't that be available in the "places" menu of your install?10:39
kosharisixofour home/six is just the dir on an unknown (at present) dev. first you want to know what dev(ice)its on10:39
Chousukethe steps are clear: 1) identify the device file that is full. 2) mkdir -p /mnt/fulldrive/ 3) mount /dev/sdxn /mnt/fulldrive/ 4) cd /mnt/fulldrive/path/to/big/file 5) remove big file 6) hooray10:39
sixofourfunny think, of all 3 partitions, none are full10:39
sixofouraccording to dolphin10:39
sixofourwhat parting program does kubuntu have?10:40
kosharisixofour dont worry about dolphin, gparted will give you a batter pic of how full the drives are.10:40
sixofourqparted command not found10:40
Chousuketry qtparted10:40
sixofourqt g and q all not found10:41
Chousukesearch the menus for a partitioning program then10:41
falseI have a friend I'm recommending Ubuntu to, too. I'm finding information on the " Intel Integrated Graphics Media Accelerator X3100" via searching google ... anyone know any information on this?10:41
falseI don't want him set up with crappy gfx etc.10:41
sixofourthere arn't any10:41
sixofouri looked in system, and utilities10:42
bazhangsure there are10:42
bazhang!info qtparted10:42
ubottuqtparted (source: qtparted): A parted frontend using Qt. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.5-4ubuntu1.1 (intrepid), package size 203 kB, installed size 708 kB10:42
sixofourlivecd, can't install anything10:42
koshari false gmax3100 is a nice middle of the road gpu,10:42
bazhangsure you can10:42
kosharifalse dont expect it to set the world on fire with compix ect however10:42
kosharisixofour have you got a gnome live disc?10:43
falsekoshari: I'm not too worried about it, as he doesn't game. I just would hate to see him have to settle for some shitty resolution while booted to Ubuntu.10:43
sixofouryou know what,i'm just going to reinstall linux10:43
sixofouri installed it 7 hours ago anyways10:43
bazhangsudo apt-get install qtparted10:43
falsekoshari: I'm reading issues, but it's all looking like old info/posts.10:43
kosharisixofour iam suprised kubuntu dont have a aptitiion utility on it,10:44
Malaciusi want download beryl to ubuntu 8.1010:44
bazhangMalacius, its not called beryl anymore10:44
oCean_!beryl | Malacius10:44
ubottuMalacius: Beryl has been merged with Compiz to form Compiz-Fusion.  New Beryl installs are discouraged. See also !compiz10:44
kosharifalse the 3100 range are a couple of years old, check wikipedia10:44
Malaciuswhere i can get it?10:44
koshariMalacius you want compiz fusion10:44
bazhangMalacius, install ccsm10:45
koshariMalacius and its in the repos10:45
sixofourso i'll reinstall kubuntu and well see what happens10:45
oCean_!compiz > Malacius10:45
ubottuMalacius, please see my private message10:45
sixofourbe back later10:45
kosharisixofour that will overwrite your archive10:45
sixofourno it won't, archive is on a seperate drive10:45
sixofourseperate peice fo hardware too :D10:46
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sixofourmy OS drive got full because the unrar e command didn't extract to the same folder the archive was in10:46
oCean_sixofour: sure you did not use unrar x ?10:47
sixofoursudo unrar e /ment/ext3/Outgoing.rar10:47
sixofourmy exact command10:47
sixofournot ment10:47
anondak: yo10:49
mihaperhaps it's offtopic, but what would you guys recommend to host winxp under ubuntu... qemu or vmware player ?10:49
sixofouranyways, reinstalling linux, be back later10:49
mihai tried both in past10:50
jservercould someone be so kind as to test my servers upstream bandwith10:50
panesar_sandeephi evry1, hw to send a process to background in a terminal so u can start another process/command??10:50
panesar_sandeepjserver, i volunteer, wat wud i hv to do ??10:50
rootHello Everybody10:50
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bazdo any of you choose a filesystem other than ext310:51
Guest4127I would like to install chat in Ubuntu please give me advice10:51
panesar_sandeephow to send a process to background in a terminal so u can start another process/command??10:51
oCean_panesar_sandeep: well, you could <ctrl><z> it (send SIGSTP) and then "bg <jobnr>"10:51
jserverI need to be able to send something to you....either dcc, ftp, or amy other way10:51
Malaciuswhere i can found themes?10:51
jserverand ill check the transfer rate10:52
oCean_panesar_sandeep: or you might like "screen" utility.10:52
oCean_!screen | panesar_sandeep10:52
ubottupanesar_sandeep: Screen is a window manager for terminal sessions, also useful over SSH. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen10:52
koshariMalacius depends on what themes you want, gnome look, emerald svn, ect10:52
oCean_!themes | Malacius10:52
ubottuMalacius: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy10:52
PerryArmstronghey can anyone tell me how i can order for a 32 bit 8.04 server cd.. i just checked the ubuntu for a ship it request and found that they are giving 8.10]10:53
bazMalacius, gnome-look.org but its more complicated than u think - there are many separate parts to the look of the system10:53
koshariGuest4127 you can use xchat or pigeon, i think pigion comes default10:53
panesar_sandeepjsrver, so i wud hv to do it frm connect to server option in the places menu,???10:53
koshariPerryArmstrong i beleive they only shipit vanilla laters version10:54
knutwinis it possible to resize the system-partition of ubuntu without having an effect on the system behaviour? So that everything remains the same but i have more free disk space for my system?10:54
PerryArmstrongkoshari; wats the vanilla10:54
panesar_sandeepocean, thnk u :)10:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about vanilla10:54
koshariknutwin yes providing you keep enough room for the fires on the current partition10:55
timetrickis this the right place to ask for some help?10:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about changetheme10:55
panesar_sandeepjserver, tell me wat to do and i'll try...10:55
ubottuTo change gnome themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy.  Kubuntu themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. Xubuntu users should /msg ubottu xfce-themes10:55
koshariPerryArmstrong vanilla is plain, ubuntu, not server, alternative, kubunty ect10:55
jserver<panesar_sandeep> how fast is ur download speed?10:55
_Linuxx_timetirck: yes10:56
panesar_sandeepjserver, 25-30 kb/s10:56
PerryArmstrongkoshari; so no way that i can get the shipit request10:56
koshariPerryArmstrong server isnt that big if you were to download it10:56
jservernm then10:56
koshariPerryArmstrong i doubt it10:56
oCean_timetrick: for all your ubuntu related questions: this is the place10:56
PerryArmstrongkoshari; it takes me 3 nights to download10:56
timetrickmy problem is: i recently installed ubuntu on a desktop workstation10:56
timetrickwell that is actually not the problem10:56
jserverI need someone with at least 300-400 kb/s downstream10:56
koshariPerryArmstrong library, friend work?10:57
timetrickthe computer successfully connects to my wlan10:57
timetrickas my laptop does10:57
oCean_timetrick: try to give full details, but try to keep the description in one single line10:57
PerryArmstrongkoshari; didnt get you?10:57
panesar_sandeepok den, gud bye to all10:57
LOVELINUXHi .. Are there someone in here there knows how to open Wifi-Radar .. when i open it nothing happends.10:58
koshariPerryArmstrong could you try a friend, or a library to downlaod it, otherwise get the vanilla disk and install the server metapackage.10:58
timetrickInstalled Ubuntu on a PC, i can connect to wlan, but i can neither reach any internet adress nor the router or my laptop / neither ping nor ns-lookup works10:58
jserveranyone here on cable?10:58
koshariPerryArmstrong but i forgot you wanted 8.0410:58
PerryArmstrongthe speeds at our library is worst than wat i get at home10:58
PerryArmstrongkoshari; yes10:58
PerryArmstrongkoshari; the speeds at our library is worst than wat i get at home10:59
ubuntu__decided to update to 8.10 after the upgrade for network like everything on my network 10Mg/bits go to the terminal write sudo mii-tool-F 10baseT-FD eth0 gives error "SIOCSMIIREG on eth0 failed: Operation not supported" Well to my surprise later occasion that the network itself opredililas at 10 Mbit but vseravnoo nepashet Undecided. Give what to do?10:59
ubuntu__ 10:59
respectinghi i have apache tomcat running on port 8080 but i failed to kill its process because i can not know his pid(i have made ps -aux,i have used webmin in vain) but i'm sure he is using right now port 8080 is their any way to kill him?10:59
FloodBot2ubuntu__: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:59
ubuntu__ 10:59
_Linuxx_timetrick: do you get an IP from your router?10:59
timetrick_Linuxx_: yes10:59
bazhangubuntu__, you are in #ubuntu-ru already10:59
PerryArmstrongkoshari; and its hardy anyone who gets about 150 kbps10:59
PerryArmstrongkoshari; and its hardly anyone who gets about 150 kbps10:59
koshariPerryArmstrong there are 3rd party people that ship linux discs10:59
_Linuxx_timetrick: you cant ping the router? by ip.11:00
timetrick_Linuxx_, no11:00
PerryArmstrongkoshari; is it free...and do you know the sites??11:00
_Linuxx_timetrick: do the outputs of iwconfig. and ifconfig look ok?11:00
timetrick_Linuxx_, yes11:00
LOVELINUXHi .. Are there someone in here there knows how to open Wifi-Radar .. when i open it on my computer nothing happends.11:01
oCean_timetrick: hmmm.. weird! Check your routing table: type "route -n" Is there a line starting
timetrickoCean_, yes11:01
oCean_timetrick: that is your default route. 2nd field represents the gateway. Can you ping that address?11:02
timetrick_Linuxx_, yes, the look exactly like those on my laptop (of coure the mac adress & ip adress differs)11:02
oCean_timetrick: when all is correctly configured (and working) it should be your router's ip11:02
timetrickoCean_, no cant ping it, but it is the routers ip11:02
koshariPerryArmstrong i dont think its free, go to distrowatch11:02
PerryArmstrongis beryl same as compiz??11:03
bazhangPerryArmstrong, beryl no longer exists11:04
hallowhallo juga11:04
oCean_timetrick: that seems all correct. Hmm. Currently, the interface is up&running?11:04
PerryArmstrongbazhang; okk..i was just reading the full cirle magazine, 2nd edition11:04
bazwho hosts the servers that provide my software updates - is it canonical or does each program host its own?11:04
timetrickoCean_, give me a hint on how to check this11:04
oCean_timetrick: open terminal and run "ifconfig -a"11:05
kosharibaz conocial host ubuntu ones and other places mirror them round the world11:05
Pupeno-GWhat FS can I use in a 500GB hard disk that is used to make backups of an Ubuntu box that is also readable by Windows?11:05
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koshariPupeno-G ntfs11:05
koshariPupeno-G or ext211:05
bazkoshari, i just installed pidgin updates - those come from canonical and/or mirrors?11:05
timetrickoCean_, well the wlan0 interface appears (as many others...) and its information looks normal11:05
oCean_timetrick: do you know how to use pastebin service?11:06
kosharibaz depends on your locale11:06
bazkoshari, seattle, WA, US11:06
kosharibaz the files are the same however11:06
timetrickoCean_, well im sure i will findout11:06
Pupeno-Gkoshari: is it reliable to write to an ntfs partition with Ubuntu?11:06
oCean_timetrick: use paste.ubuntu.com to paste any output11:06
oCean_timetrick: then give the url here. That's all there is to it :)11:06
koshariPupeno-G pretty much these days, ntfs support is very good11:06
bazkoshari, how come everyone is so nice to provide the hosting - especially the mirrors, what do they get out of it11:06
oCean_timetrick: run "ifconfig -a" and "route -n" and paste the output in pastebin11:06
timetrickoCean_, give me second then (output is on pc without internet access^^)11:07
aberinkulaanyone good with zenoss ?11:07
oCean_timetrick: oh yeah, right :/11:07
kosharibaz some hosts such as optus in aust have them for theyre customers11:07
kosharibaz others such as education facilities have them for local users11:08
RiotingPacifisti did bad things to my filesystem, how can i mount a filesystem in such a way that a user can edit all the files (Even those originally owned by other users)11:09
koshariRiotingPacifist by changing the permissions, but its prolly not a good idea , better jsut to mount and edit as root i would think11:10
timetrickoCean_, http://paste.ubuntu.com/129696/11:11
RiotingPacifistkoshari: but even root cant edit 1 file, its owned by sync and isnt even meant to be a file, fsck 'corrected an error' but changed a directory to a file, i can rebuild the dir but not until ive removed the file11:12
oCean_timetrick: ok. lemme have a look11:12
Speedy059Any good tutorials on how to install VNC via SSH? I'm familiar with SSH, just not VNC...11:12
silv3r_m002hi there11:13
m3gamanis there a way to   change the screen resolution from the terminal11:13
silv3r_m002which tool can I use to discover computers in a LAN11:13
oCean_timetrick: ah, on wlan0 there is also an ipv6 address. That might be the problem.11:13
timetrickoCean_, another question: is there a minimum wlan quality ubuntu can handle with? therefor does the signal strength needs to be higher then, eg, 20?11:13
* ScottG489 is away: Gone away for now11:14
timetrickoCean_, ok, then lets remove it?11:14
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kordochI've been trying to find a GDM theme that supports dual monitors, can anyone point me in the right direction? Goes GDM even support this?11:14
oCean_timetrick: I'm not totally sure that those cannot be use together, but I've blacklisted my ipv6 module. I Think a lot others have too11:14
oCean_timetrick: "cd /etc/modprobe.d" and open (in editor) the file called blacklist. Add (at bottom) "blacklist ipv6"11:15
timetrickoCean_, done11:17
PerryArmstronghey i am using pidgin and i am unable to voice chat... any idea how i can?? i have yahoo and gtalk accounts and i want to voice chat from here11:17
PerryArmstronghey i am using pidgin and i am unable to voice chat... any idea how i can?? i have yahoo and gtalk accounts and i want to voice chat from these accounts11:17
ScixI have a script in /etc/profile.d wish uses mount. It mounts fine, but gnome crasjes and returning a message about not beeing able to start my session and starting a failsafe xterm sesstion insted. Anyone who can help?11:17
majnoonno think pidgin HAS voice chat11:17
oCean_timetrick: ok. Well, we could do some test by hand, but I'm not sure.. I think reboot is the best/easiest way to go now11:17
timetrickoCean_, k11:18
majnoonPerryArmstrong, try skype11:18
PerryArmstrongmajnoon; does skype allow logging with yahoo and gtalk??11:18
oCean_PerryArmstrong: no, skype is closed network11:19
PerryArmstrongoCean_; then any solution to my problem??11:19
majnoononly versions of google and yahoo i know of that have voice are for WINDOWS only :(11:19
PerryArmstrongmajnoon; okk11:19
majnoonskype free and has windows version too11:20
oCean_PerryArmstrong: nope, sorry. You might want to take a dive in the forums...11:20
majnoonand if pay CAN call land phones too11:20
PerryArmstrongoCean_; thank you...i guess i'll try there11:20
timetrickoCean_, ok rebooted, but still cant ping neither google nor my router11:21
oCean_timetrick: Hmm.. not good. But you did get an ip? And "ifconfig wlan0" output is same? (without the ipv6 address this time?)11:22
sionYou speak Thai11:23
raymoonooops Désolé :p11:23
bazhangsion, #ubuntu-th11:23
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bazhangsion, /join #ubuntu-th11:23
timetrickoCean_, yeah, same as on my laptop11:24
timetrickoCean_, different ips of course11:24
sionGu is Thai11:24
sionI from Thailand11:24
bazhangsion, yes; this is not a chat channel11:24
oCean_timetrick: man, I really don't know.. what can it be?11:24
sionI from Thailand11:24
sionI from Thailand11:24
sionI from Thailand11:24
sionI from Thailand11:24
FloodBot2sion: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:24
bazhangsion, please join #ubuntu-th and stop chatting here11:25
timetrickoCean_, yeah, same question here11:25
timetrickoCean_, maybe because the wlan signal is weak?11:25
oCean_timetrick: hmm, yeah. That's not *really* good, but I would think it would disconnect11:26
sionI is GM11:26
bazhangsion, please stop11:26
Scoomatimetrick, i have trouble getting a signal with strength less than 34%11:27
timetrickoCean_, hm i did nothing to the drivers as ubuntu made the stick run out of the box, maybe i shoud try ndiswrapper?11:27
timetrickScooma, in what do your problems result?11:27
Scoomatimetrick, no i don't have any probs ;)11:28
timetrickScooma, that it should work here as well, shouldnt it?11:28
oCean_timetrick: run command "dmesg" > in output you should see the wlan0 associating with the AP... maybe also a disconnect?11:29
timetrickoCean_, no disconnect11:30
timetrickoCean_, but wlan0 registers with AP....11:31
timetrickso should i try using ndiswrapper instead of normal driver then?11:32
MonsieurY1je recherche un site pour me monter un pc low cost (350)  media center, qui pourrait regrouper les cartes tuner, telecomande, compatible ubuntu..si vous avez un site intéressant...11:32
oCean_timetrick: I'm getting out of ideas here. Trying another driver might be best next option, but I'm just not sure11:32
oCean_!fr | MonsieurY111:32
ubottuMonsieurY1: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr11:32
timetrickso i will try this now11:33
=== drive is now known as hendras
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oCean_timetrick: ok. This is a good starting point for wifi documentation, including ndiswrapper: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:34
timetrickoCean_, thanks, but i will prefer ubuntuusers.de as the articles are written in german ;)11:34
oCean_timetrick: have to go... might be back later.11:34
LurkersAubuntu__, #ubuntu-ru11:35
oCean_timetrick: :)11:35
oCean_!ru | ubuntu__11:35
ubottuubuntu__: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke11:35
bazhangubuntu__, english only here; you are already in #ubuntu-ru11:35
Scoomatimetrick, is there any security on your router? MAC restrictions?11:35
ActionParsnipyo yo yo11:36
timetrickScooma, no just the wpa211:36
Scoomatimetrick, are you able to switch off the security for the moment and try connecting without it?11:36
timetrickScooma, i tried that already, still no changes11:37
ActionParsniptimetrick: some wifi chips under linux dont do wpa11:37
Scoomatimetrick, because this line: RX packets:95 TX packets:226  implies that you're being blocked at the router11:37
timetrickScooma, ActionParsnip ok but i tried without security already, did not work either11:39
zxdis there an ubuntu package for firefox to add color tabs?11:40
timetrickScooma, ActionParsnip ill try again, brb11:40
Scoomatimetrick, also, is the address static or dhcp from the router?11:40
ActionParsniptimetrick: can you establish a connection or do you just get no traffic / no ip?11:40
ActionParsnipScooma: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/136811:41
ScoomaActionParsnip, heh11:41
ActionParsniptimetrick: if you get a link can you ping the router, can you perform nslookup11:41
Scoomazxd, try that link11:41
ActionParsniptimetrick: can you ping
ActionParsnipScooma: sorry dude, wrong target11:42
zxdScooma, how can I install this plugin for all users11:42
ActionParsnipzxd: hmm11:42
Scoomazxd you might want to ask in #firefox11:42
Scoomazxd, or some addons channel for firefox11:43
ActionParsnipzxd: #firefox would be est imho11:43
daftykinsanyone had xchat chop off a few vertical pixel lines of characters from the last letter of people's sentences?11:44
Guest4127How to make chat in Ubuntu please give me advice11:45
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ActionParsnipGuest4127: you just did it11:46
Scoomadaftykins, you mean from various characters or just the end of what they write? (and do you mean on the far right or at the end of the entire sentence?)11:46
zxdActionParsnip, http://kb.mozillazine.org/Installing_extensions11:47
daftykinshmm it's just at the end of people's sentences i see it, it can be letters or punctuation symbols11:47
daftykins^ @ Scooma11:47
ActionParsnipzxd: nice :)11:47
MrNazis there a tool that tells you how much bandwidth your computer is using, and what apps are doing it ?11:47
ActionParsnipdaftykins: you could try renaming your xchat config folder and rerunning xchat to get a stock profile, see if its nicer11:48
wersin what file can i change uid's (user IDs)? i did something terrible. i changed my root user's uid11:48
ActionParsnip!info ntop11:48
ubottuntop (source: ntop): display network usage in web browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 3:3.3-11 (intrepid), package size 4442 kB, installed size 14904 kB11:48
daftykinsall i've done from default is set the "Sans" font ActionParsnip11:48
deepzanyone help pls "I notice that the crash doesn't happen when firefox is started from the command line. It crashes only when Firefox is started from the Ubuntu GUI menu. Does this have something to do with the plugin initialization?11:48
ActionParsnipdaftykins: and add a server or too to the config? it may be a damaged profile, if you gain nothing you can always rename backk11:49
ActionParsnipdaftykins: i always include a rollback method11:49
daftykins;) yeah i've solved other problems people have had by suggesting the same in here11:49
daftykinsi figure that's a lot to go to for just a few pixels though :D11:49
ActionParsnipdaftykins: if the stock profile is good you can ither roll back and troubleshoot, or delete the old and recreate a new profile11:50
ActionParsnipdaftykins: well thats your call, make your move ;)11:50
daftykinsi choose.... to eat lunch :D11:50
Scoomadaftykins, did it happen before you changed the font?11:51
maydaymaydayHow to make boot menu among windows&Ubuntu11:51
daftykinsi can't remember to be honest, i just remember monospace not being so easy on the eye at all!11:51
keith4is there a localized version of packages.ubuntu.com?11:52
maydaymaydayi want to install ubuntu but don't want to format windows11:52
Scoomakeith you can select your package list from the software sources11:52
Scoomakeith4, System -> Administration -> Software Sources11:53
wersin what file are user ids located? i did something terrible. i ran "usermod -u 0 root". now everything's messed up11:53
KeithGSsomeone beap me?11:53
KeithGSbeep *11:53
keith4Scooma: how does that help me?11:53
lesshasteirefox wont start any more11:53
Scoomakeith4, you asked for a localized version of packages.ubuntu.com?11:54
lesshasteis there some lock file that might beed remving or similar?11:54
BABERhow can mount ntfs partition in ubuntu?11:54
jaredguys. how can i change bootsplash ??11:54
ActionParsnipwers: what does that command do, why were you even messing with your root account?11:54
ActionParsnip!ntfs-3g | BABER11:54
ubottuBABER: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions11:54
keith4Scooma: yah. I'm trying to help someone who (it seems) doesn't speak English. So, I'd like to send him to a package search in his native language11:54
ActionParsnip!splash | jared11:54
ubottujared: To change the Gnome splash screen, use !gnome-splashscreen-manager or change the GConf key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image using !gconf-editor.11:54
ubottuTo select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork11:54
wersActionParsnip: i'm copying the uid of the root of os x. the command changed my root's UID to "0"11:54
JockeoI run Gutsy Gibbon but the EasyCam software is in a Hardy Heron repository. Is it safe for me to add the Hardy repository and install EasyCam?11:55
Scoomakeith4, ah11:55
jaredbut its not the BootSplash11:55
ActionParsnipJockeo: the packages i the hardy repo are for hardy only11:55
lesshastefirefox wont start any more.. when I run it from the command line it does nothing except not return the prompt11:55
jaredah wait11:55
JockeoActionParsnip: ok.11:55
ActionParsnipjared: http://www.jaininaveen.com/?page_id=11311:56
Scoomalesshaste,  yeah I had that problem a while ago - you might need a new profile11:56
lesshasteScooma, I just fixed it!  I had to remove /tmp/.esd-1000/socket11:56
lesshastehow annoying11:56
daftykinshit alt+f2, then type "firefox -profilemanager" and try and create a new one. see if that fixes your firefox issues11:56
Guest72051does anyone know, if there is a new design in Jaunty?11:58
ScoomaGuest72051, you mean the background or something?11:59
daftykinslogin screen is new11:59
jaredits removing everything11:59
ScoomaGuest72051, i installed the alpha yesterday... nothing new at the moment... i didn't see anything new11:59
Guest72051but now the login screen doesn´t fit to the rest of ubuntu12:00
ScoomaGuest72051, oh yes, I did need to reduce my fonts from 10 pitch down to 8 pitch12:00
JediMasteranyone managed to get pureftpd working with mysql authentication? I've got an ISPConfig 3 install on intrepid, and for some reason I can't ftp in (I can see the pureftp config file has been setup to use the correct user/pass for the mysql database that contains the user)12:00
Guest72051so i think they have to change their color scheme12:00
lesshasteScooma, seems this is a known and non fixed ubuntu bug :(12:01
jaredi would need libsplashy for x6412:02
wershow do i change the uid of root on the live cd? i'm on live cd now. i changed my root's uid to "0". now, everything is broken including HAL12:02
jattis there a command line program to get the IP address of my computer, just 1 program and not ifconfig | awk | grep | sed | etc. | etc.?12:02
ikoniawers: youre done then12:02
ikoniawers: root's uid has to be 012:02
Scoomalesshaste, does it happen alot to you? or just every now and again when the process dies?12:03
wersikonia: i'm sorry. i meant, i changed it to "80"12:03
lesshasteScooma, it happens a lot when firefox dies12:03
lesshasteScooma, which happens a lot :)12:03
ikoniawers: your still done then - root's uid has to be 012:03
Scoomalesshaste, and you've got the latest package?12:03
lesshasteScooma, yes...although I am in hardy not intrepid12:04
keith4wers: you're using the liveCD? just reboot, it'll be fixed12:04
ikoniajatt: ifconfig eth0 would give you just the info for eth012:04
Scoomalesshaste, from the bug doc does it say it's fixed for intrepid?12:04
lesshasteScooma, I don't see anything really saying it's fixed12:05
lesshasteScooma, I just googled /tmp/.esd-1000/socket12:05
lesshasteScooma, various unhappy ubuntu people come up if you do that12:05
Scoomalesshaste, seems to be tied in with flash and sound12:07
lesshasteScooma, seems plausible12:07
Scoomalesshaste,  http://uniquegeek.blogspot.com/2007/03/sometimes-no-audio-in-firefox-pages.html12:08
wersikonia: thanks. i'll try rebooting12:08
BobSappdoes anyone know of an application based virtual network client?12:09
BobSappit basically sets up a tunnel using a website as the negotiator12:09
ActionParsnipBobSapp: tunnelling of what kind?12:11
BobSappof a network connection, sort of like a ssh tunnel12:11
BobSappso tcp network traffic12:11
BobSappmaybe udp too12:11
remoteCTRLamarok comes with tons of prestored radio stations but most of them give me a "no suitable decoder found" error, how can i fis this?12:11
ActionParsnipBobSapp: do you mean like a http based VNC connection so users do not need to install client software12:11
Scoomalesshaste, as it gets nuked whenever you reboot, try it for a while12:11
BobSappActionParsnip: not like that, aparently theres an application that automatically sets up a VPN12:12
BobSappso you run the client on internet connected computers, and the client contacts a web service on the internet12:12
ActionParsnipBobSapp: i dont know about automatically creating one, i can give you a guide on creating a vpn though12:13
BobSappno thanks ActionParsnip, ill keep googling12:13
ActionParsnipBobSapp: try www.ask.com too12:13
meganoxunder Hardy, my gnome session freezes on login unless i select the failsafe mode.  is there a safe way to reset my session to the default?12:16
TechpusherGot a probelm12:16
Techpusher~# dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem12:16
TechpusherHow do I correct12:16
SlimeyPeteTechpusher: sudo dpkg --configure -a12:16
SlimeyPetelike it says :)12:16
=== geenna_ is now known as geenna
runpain2I am having problems play‌ing like flash in like my browsers  firefox seems to play some but not all and it like frezzes while it play Them,Konquaor like doesnt even show the big arrow like fire fox does when i lick the arrow in fire fox it plays sthe flash12:17
meganoxTechpusher: if it fails the error message might tell you what to do next12:17
ActionParsniprunpain2: is your ubuntu 64bit or 32bit?12:17
runpain2i get no error messages either12:17
ActionParsniprunpain2: could get the tar.gz from www.adobe.com  and put the .so file in ~/.mozilla/plugins12:18
runpain2i will check it out12:18
dze1does anyone know how to read the information output from bonnie++12:18
dze1from a sdmmc card i get write speed as 1415KBytes/Sec, when i do dd i get 8MBPS12:19
dze1so i want your advice and help, im trying to do some benchmarking12:19
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ActionParsnipdze1: i'd ask in #ubuntu-offtopic it's not strictly an ubuntu support query12:22
TechpusherHaving trouble getting some gd functions to work12:24
ActionParsnipTechpusher: i'd ask in #php12:25
ArcSighterikonia: hi, you left me hanging yesterday12:26
runpain2there is no folder plugins12:27
ttmrichterWhen it's impossible to umount a device because it is busy, is it possible to find out which process has it locked down?12:27
deepzanyone help pls "I notice that the crash doesn't happen when firefox is started from the command line. It crashes only when Firefox is started from the Ubuntu GUI menu. Does this have something to do with the plugin initialization?12:27
ActionParsniprunpain2: ?12:27
keith4ttmrichter: lsof12:27
ttmrichterkeith4: lsof is saying that the mount point is not in use.12:28
runpain2you said put the .so in the folder for mozzila12:28
keith4ttmrichter: not possible. lsof only shows you things that are open. it cannot show you what is *not* open12:28
ActionParsniprunpain2: mkdir ~/.mozilla/plugins12:28
ActionParsniprunpain2: then cp the .so file to the new folder12:29
ttmrichterkeith4: so if it's not listed in lsof, the logical inference is....?12:29
runpain2oh ok12:29
vieqhello, I am trying to run Virtual-Machine-Manager12:29
keith4ttmrichter: that you screwed up the device in question? ;-)12:29
vieqit complained that I am not running xen while I havr it12:30
lfaraoneHi, my browser crashes whenver I try to view java applets. I have icedtea6-java and an AMD64 arch installed. Any ideas why?12:30
vieqany Ideas?12:30
ttmrichterHow does one go about unscrewing up the device short of rebooting (which is not really an option for several hours:()12:30
keith4ttmrichter: or that you made a typo in your grep syntax. i dunno. never was any good at reading minds ;-)12:30
runpain2mkdir: cannot create directory `/home/runpain2/.mozzilla/plugins': No such file or directory12:30
ActionParsniplfaraone: sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get --reinstall install icedtea6-plugin12:31
futuhHello.. i have a problem :D i tried to start ubuntu with Optoma Hd70 projector and now it wont start even "low graphics"-mode.. i think its from resolution, what can i do? i can only go in command line12:31
keith4ttmrichter: if you're absolutely certain that nothing is open, you could force it12:31
ActionParsniprunpain2: mozilla12:31
ActionParsniprunpain2: not mozzilla12:32
lfaraoneActionParsnip: will do12:32
ActionParsniprunpain2: you can copy / paste to the terminal, thats why i gave the full command12:32
runpain2sorry i see now12:32
macvrhi all... i usually use suspend , some times it works fine but sometimes i see that several programs run in multiples, like i have 3 instances of the wireless running.... now when i press suspend and resumes it goes in 3 cycles of resume and suspend before i can use the system again...! i know that restarting solves the problem , is there anyway to do it just by logging out and logging bak in?12:32
ttmrichterkeith4: I'm not that 100% certain.  I've noticed that bash in particular likes to leave pieces of itself hanging around at times after you've typed "exit".  I'm just trying to figure out why the kernel says the device is busy when nothing else will tell me what's making it busy.  I mean the kernel obviously KNOWS something, but won't share it with me.  :D12:32
runpain2kinda slow this morn12:32
vieqxen, any one?12:32
ubottuXEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen12:33
keith4ttmrichter: that bastard!12:33
keith4beat it out of him12:33
ttmrichterkeith4: I do occasionally get the urge to reprogram it with a baseball bat.  Does that count?12:34
keith4now you're on the right track12:34
futuhcan someone help me pls?12:34
lfaraone!helpme > futuh12:34
ubottufutuh, please see my private message12:34
ttmrichterI'll just leave the drive plugged in until I can safely shut down.  Damned half-day builds.  :(12:34
vieqok whats the difference between ubuntu-xen-desktop & ubuntu-xen-server ?12:34
futuhmmm how i can do that with irssi in terminal? :D12:35
ActionParsnip!ask | futuh12:36
ubottufutuh: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)12:36
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JEEBczhmm... anyone remembers what patch/feature must be activated when building a kernel to get the two-finger scroll etc. to work, like on the array.org kernel? I checked out the customization page on array.org, but it seems like I have every feature on :/12:39
* MauricioR KalEl hello12:39
=== madAdam is now known as madAdam2
yuri_any help about wine ?12:42
madAdam2Do I need to install anything so I can access the terminal using putty on a pc running windows?12:42
yuri_<--- dunno12:42
daftykins"sudo apt-get install openssh-server"12:42
runpain2ActionParsnip, all the flash still has an arrow that i click on to play flash then it just goes blank at the arrow when i click on it like in youtube12:42
daftykins^ @ madAdam212:43
madAdam2Thanks daftykins12:43
yuri_hey wine plz :D12:43
runpain2sorry youtube plays12:43
ActionParsniprunpain2: ok try: killall firefox; sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get --reinstall install flashplugin-nonfree12:43
ActionParsniprunpain2: oh if it plays then cool12:44
quibbleryuri_: questions about wine can best be asked in #winehq12:44
ActionParsniprunpain2: youtube == flash so you now have flash12:44
madAdam2How come that SSH server doesn't show up in add/remove?12:44
ActionParsnipmadAdam2: no idea, use: sudo apt-get install openssh-server12:44
runpain2wait some other web sites dont12:44
DamirCan someone help me, to create a little database and graph with rrdtool? I have some problems...12:45
madAdam2It's installing already, I was just wondering why! :P I usually just use that to find my programs12:45
DamirI don't get MAX,MIN and AVG results in the graph12:45
madAdam2What port do I need to use to connect to it? Port 22?12:45
ActionParsnipmadAdam2: submit a bug or try search different... seems weird12:46
ActionParsnipmadAdam2: yep, port 22 is default. it can be changed12:46
lfaraoneActionParsnip: odd, it still crashes.12:46
daftykinsmadAdam2, port 22 is default for SSH connections in putty12:47
runpain2http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/get/flashplayer/current/install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz  => `./install_flash_player_9_linux.tar.gz' Resolving fpdownload.macromedia.com... Connecting to fpdownload.macromedia.com||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found 07:46:16 ERROR 404: Not Found12:47
madAdam2I'm on12:47
madAdam2Thanks :)12:47
macmananyone here ever use bindfs ?12:48
spionlalahow can i change the apt-get autoremove behaviour? it always wants to remove some programs i still need only because those programs arent needed by any other packages...12:48
madAdam2It can't be accessed from the outside can it? Unless I forward ports...?12:49
daftykinsport forwarding is indeed required madAdam212:49
daftykins* -> 2212:49
madAdam2Yeah I was just checking :P12:50
madAdam2Now I need something like a VNC ;D12:50
daftykinsSystem -> Preferences -> Remote Desktop12:50
daftykinsturn VNC on/off12:50
ActionParsnipmadAdam2: if you do use vnc, use it through an ssh tunnel for security12:51
madAdam2Sorry what? xD12:51
ActionParsnipmadAdam2: vnc traffic is unencrypted12:51
madAdam2I'm new to linux12:51
ActionParsnipmadAdam2: it runs on windows too12:51
madAdam2Yeah I use RealVNC for my windows PC's12:52
ActionParsnipmadAdam2: vnc data is sent plainly so if you are using it over WAN its hugely unsecure12:52
eddie1helo almal12:52
madAdam2What do you mean by through an SSH tunnel?12:52
ActionParsnipmadAdam2: you can add security by using ssh12:52
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ActionParsnipmadAdam2: you connect to your server with ssh then tell the vnc traffic to use the same link12:52
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX12:52
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!12:53
marcel1607i found that kde 4.2.1 is really unstable, crashing a lot especially plasma12:53
marcel1607anyone has a different view on this?12:53
marcel1607or is kde just unstable12:54
DIFH-icerootmarcel1607: #kubuntu #kde12:54
ActionParsnipmarcel1607: not used it unless its going to come down when my apt-cron runs12:54
marcel1607i cant ask anything about kde?12:54
DIFH-icerootmarcel1607: this is ubuntu (gnome)12:54
marcel1607what bs12:54
marcel1607kde is in ubuntu packages12:54
eddie1helo almal12:54
marcel1607why cant i ask about it12:54
marcel1607kubuntu is a distro, not kde12:54
DIFH-icerootmarcel1607: you get a better response in kubuntu12:55
Myrttimarcel1607: #kubuntu12:55
piyushchandraActionParsnip : hey, how r u..? i tried the boot options that you told me yesterday.. noacpi, nodma, etc.. but no use...12:55
piyushchandraActionParsnip : the LiveCD is working partially till it halts on Linux Shell.. "BusyBox"12:55
piyushchandraActionParsnip : even unable to "check cd for defect".. same error...12:55
DamirCan someone help me with rrdtool?12:55
ActionParsnippiyushchandra: did you md5 check your iso too?12:55
madAdam2ActionParsnip can I PM you?12:55
ActionParsnipmadAdam2: sure12:55
vigomadAdam2: And you can also pipeline or tunnel it, still use ssh , vnc is like that hokey GoToMyPC deal, it is basic UNIX telnet with a shared or eye pleasing GUI.12:56
daftykinsdoes gotomypc really use telnet?12:56
bn43hi all I have a problem with an hp laser printer 1120 - its prints half a page and/or sometimes misses words on a page when printing12:56
daftykinsor you're just saying it's as basic as that vigo ?12:56
bn43on windows its fine and behaves normally12:56
marcel1607this is ubuntu, not windows12:57
DamirWhere I can find rrdtool help?12:57
coreyHow much bandwidth does it take to stream videos over the net? lets say standard vga resolution12:57
vigodaftykins: not really, but is close if not configured12:57
marcel1607corey, enough12:57
piyushchandraActionParsnip : its CD shipped by ubuntu, and works fine on my friends comp... anyways how to check md5 for iso, if i have the  CD (i dont have image)12:57
daftykinsVGA = 640x480, that's not very likely a resolution to use12:57
Myrttimarcel1607: if you haven't got anything helpful to say, please, be quiet?12:57
lfaraoneActionParsnip: what should I do next in terms of debugging?12:58
DIFH-icerootcorey: think of that there is no multicast at the internet, so every viewer takes a bandwidth12:58
coreyMyrtti: thank you12:58
marcel1607Myrtti, no12:58
ActionParsniplfaraone: run firefox from terminal (without the &) and wait for it to crash, then read the terminal12:58
Picicorey: Your question isn't really on topic for this channel, perhaps someone in #ubuntu-offtopic or ##networking can answer.12:58
coreydifh-iceroot: I dont want any other viewers than myself12:58
Incaruslfaraone, whats the problem?12:59
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bn43marcel1607: you comment was not helpful - I agree with Myrtti12:59
lfaraoneActionParsnip: kk12:59
Incaruscorey, do you want to watch movies remote?12:59
* marcel1607 crying12:59
coreyPici: This question leads into others that do deal with ubuntu such as how do i do it12:59
ActionParsnippiyushchandra: if its an ubuntu shippit cd it should be ok, checking the cd for defects is essential though. You could try heading into your bios to disable stuff like power management and sound cards and network cards, just until you get installed12:59
coreyIncarus: yes12:59
lfaraoneIncarus: I'm having issues with icedtea6-plugin on my amd64 lappy when it works fine on my amd64 desktop.12:59
DIFH-icerootcorey: i was using darwin streaming server at it takes 400kb/s with sound in a good resolution12:59
bn43marcel1607: sarcasm is also not warranted12:59
marcel1607you should use icetea on amd64, it doesnt work, either get sun java 6 build 12 or get the jaunty package for sun-java613:00
marcel1607i mean should N O T use, sorry13:00
coreyDIFH-iceroot: I dont want a dedicated server. I want a media center that will stream and DL my torrents13:00
marcel1607corey, vuze downloads and is a media server13:01
Incaruslfaraone, did you try x86 AND x64?13:01
futuhcan someone help me set up optoma hd70 with ubuntu? :)13:01
marcel1607what is optoma?13:01
futuhVideo projector13:01
DIFH-icerootcorey: then use vlc-nox for example with mythtv or something like that13:01
coreymarcell607: thanks! I will try that.13:01
marcel1607futuh, hardware?13:01
bn43has anyone had problems printing via HP printers on ubuntu?13:01
DIFH-icerootbn43: no13:02
coreyHow do I set up a JBOD array?13:02
futuhmarcell607 yeah..13:02
Myrttibn43: in general, most hp printers should work with hplip13:02
marcel1607corey, get vuze from the website, the current package has bugs in ubuntu13:02
belihi, is it possible to start an Xapp from remote and display it local AND remote? so it can be interacted with the applications on the local AND the remote box?13:02
bn43Myrtti: yes that is my experience too but this one is really giving me problems and the user has to keep on going into windows to print properly13:03
coreyHow do I set up a JBOD array?13:03
daftykinscorey, RAID controllers generally just need you to go into the controller BIOS, set the disks as non-RAID then they'll become available13:03
jribbeli: system -> preferences -> remote desktop?13:03
bn43which implies to me that there something wrong on the ubuntu setup13:03
BZHdoes any body has ubuntu with cable internet ??13:03
marcel1607bn43, choose a different driver for your printer, ppds are downloadable from linuxprinting.org, go to localhost:631 to manage printers13:03
DamirI need help for rrdtool13:04
spionlalahow can i change the apt-get autoremove behaviour? it always wants to remove some programs i still need only because those programs arent needed by any other packages...13:04
DIFH-icerootBZH: yes13:04
belijrib: i am a console guy....and thats not what i want...i want to start the xapp on BOTH sides13:04
bn43marcel1607: thanks I will try that13:04
coreyIn JBOD if a disk fails do you lose all data?13:04
daftykinsspionlala, is it not just an option to avoid running autoremove?13:04
MyrttiDamir: you're not asking a very specific question, which might be the reason why you're not getting any answers13:04
jribspionlala: well that's what autoremove means...  Install the packages explicitly13:04
belis/start/show up/13:04
Incarusspionlala, jaunty or intrepid?13:04
DamirOk I have no MAX, AVG and MIN values in the database13:05
coreyIn JBOD if a disk fails do you lose all data?13:05
spionlalajrib: so they wont get autoremoved if i install those packages again explicitly?13:05
Incarusspionlala, and kde4, or?13:05
lesshasteScooma, sorry I popped out13:05
daftykinsyes corey13:05
lfaraoneIncarus: hm? the x86 package won't install...13:05
lesshasteScooma, did I miss something?13:05
spionlalano not kde413:05
DamirBut I put data in the database13:05
Damirevery 60 seconds13:05
MauricioRhi, i have a friend who has windows vista and only thing out of what he showed i could not do was that he could shut up any application he chose with the mixer13:05
jribbeli: that's the only way I know.  You can run whatever it is that remote desktop is in a shell if you want13:05
daftykinscorey JBOD = just a bunch of disks, there is nothing RAID working at all, a disc is just used directly via the controller13:05
Incarusspionlala, k13:05
jribspionlala: yes13:05
DamirI can output TOTAL but nothing else13:05
MauricioRcan i do the same with ubuntu also13:05
BZHDIFH-iceroot are connected via usb or LAN13:05
spionlalajrib: trying13:05
Incaruslfaraone, do you use firefox?13:05
lfaraoneMauricioR: pulseaudio can do that.13:05
lfaraoneIncarus: Yes.13:05
DamirMaybe the rrd database is not correct13:06
belijrib: i am familiar with that...but i want the app be seen on local and remote machine...13:06
jribbeli: isn't that what remote desktop does?13:06
Incaruslfaraone, can you paste firefox output?13:06
=== onats_ is now known as onats
spionlalajrib: umm do i have to uninstall them before i reinstall again?13:06
lfaraoneIncarus: will do, it'll take a moment.13:06
coreyI am trying to further shrink my Vista partition but, GParted doesnt give any options when I click the partition. Any help?13:06
jribspionlala: no, I don't think so13:06
belijrib: yes, but not via X and ssh+X11 fwd...its using vnc13:06
lfaraonebeli: you want to use remote desktop.13:06
jribbeli: right13:07
Incaruslfaraone, k13:07
Myrtti!enter | Damir13:07
ubottuDamir: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!13:07
lfaraonebeli: you *can't* do what you want with X+ssh.13:07
spionlalajrib: ok, it didnt work, still wants to remove paman, paprefs, etc....13:07
daftykinscorey, windows vista is capable of NTFS resizing in the "disk management" console. boot into vista and run "diskmgmt.msc" and look about resizing. remember to defragment first13:07
belilfaraone: i am not sure about that...13:07
DamirOk sorry, here is my database: http://paste-it.net/public/vca4a59/13:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about internet13:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about enternet13:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cable13:08
SlartBZH: what are you looking for?13:08
coreydaftykins: I am fairly certain you cant repartition a partition while it is in use.13:08
benmachinehi, can anyone tell me if apt-get/aptitude can be made to use an HTTP proxy?13:08
lfaraonebeli: ok, but you're asking us. We answered; anything else and you'll just have to google or write it yourself ;)13:08
BZHhow to connect to internet with cable internet Slart13:08
jribspionlala: pastebin13:08
DamirI will put data every minute (with a shell script) like this: rrdtool update stats.rrd N:123:43213:08
SlartBZH: and what do you mean by "cable internet" ?13:08
daftykinscorey, i think vista has features to resize during reboot or something similar, just go and check13:08
belilfaraone: you can do amazing stuff with X....i guess it is possible just  by setting some DO13:08
belilfaraone: DISPLAY vars and using Xtools...13:08
IncarusBZH, try "sudo dhclient3"13:09
BZHSlart dunno its not adsl its cable :)13:09
SlartBZH: you have a little box connected to something that is not a phone line, right?13:09
belilfaraone: you can also run 2 or more X-servers on your machine....most ppl dont know about that...13:09
vigoWhere is the info bot channel?13:09
Raj_Is there anyplace, I can see my computer's performance???like task manager ???13:09
coreydaftykins: It does not.13:09
BZHright Slart do i need drivers and s****13:09
ActionParsnipRaj_: top13:09
SlartBZH: and from this box you have a regular network cable to your computer?13:09
BZHSlart cuz i am use to pppoeconf :P13:09
daftykinsjust let ubuntu setup take care of the resize then corey13:09
spionlalajrib: wait, now it worked, took some time obvioulsy, thx :)13:09
daftykinsor defrag like i said13:10
BZHyes Slart13:10
coreyRaj_: Yes, system>admin>system monitor13:10
SlartBZH: have you used this setup with windows?13:10
Raj_Thanks buddy13:10
coreydaftykins: I am already in ubuntu. I do not want to reinstall.13:10
DamirMyrtti: Can You help me?13:10
BZHSlart no i just switched to cable and i dont know how to connect13:11
BZHSlart it was easy wiht pppoe :P13:11
Raj_Is binary files can change system's settings???13:11
SlartBZH: do you know if you have to go to a certain webpage to type in a password or something like that=13:11
daftykinsBZH if you have a cable modem, with a second network interface plugged into it, you should be able to just enable DHCP on that interface and you'll get an IP and settings to connect13:12
jribRaj_: what?13:12
vigoBZH: You are using DHCP now, it is static.13:12
IncarusRaj_, in super user mode executable files can change system settings13:12
zerlorcan i install gnome and kde on the same machine and then choose the one i will use for the session?13:12
Slartzerlor: yes13:12
vigoYeah, what daftykins said13:12
BZHhmm vigo , Slart daftykins i will try every thing you told me :D now i will go home and try to connect :P13:12
DamirI don't know why rrdtool doesn't store the AVERAGE values13:13
MyrttiDamir: I'm trying to help you to ask the correct questions, I can't help you with your problem though13:13
zerlorcan i just install it and the dispaly manager will give me the choice?13:13
Slartzerlor: at the login screen there usually is a "sessions" button13:14
Slartzerlor: it depends a bit on what theme you use..13:14
zerlorhmm okey and how is the kde paket called i have to install?13:14
Slartzerlor: kde-desktop I think13:15
Slartzerlor: or-.. kubuntu-desktop13:15
LakesProsein a ftp daemon, what is the advantage of having virtual users ?13:15
futuhwhy dpkg-reconfigure is just only setting keyboard, not resolution?13:15
daftykinsfutuh, because X.org does gfx settings automatically now, doesn't really use the file13:15
daftykinsfutuh, you can still force settings by entering them in there13:16
SlartLakesProse: not having to create real users for your system and then have to disable them for everything but ftp13:16
zerlorokey i will install it now.. and then try if it works13:16
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX13:16
Scixa quic question: Is rc.local runed before or after network is up?13:16
lfaraonebeli: if you already know that, why are you asking?13:16
Raj_I see that in KMplayer xine effects sound quality. It reduce players volume????13:16
belilfaraone: cause i dont remember howto do it?!?!13:16
Raj_or up??13:16
lfaraoneIncarus, ActionParsnip turns out it was a extention problem, sorry to bother you guys.13:16
futuhok, but that isn't workig after reconfigure :o13:16
wershow do I create mac-readable symlinks on ubuntu?13:16
belii am not asking for shit13:16
Incarus<lfaraone>, l13:17
Incarus<lfaraone>, k13:17
ActionParsniplfaraone: no worries dude13:17
Myrttibeli: mind your language13:17
ActionParsniplfaraone: as long as you reach the goal its fine :)13:17
Incarusfutuh, whats problem?13:17
beliMyrtti: tell lfaraone not to start flaming and i will mind13:17
wersikonia: the reboot didnt work. my sudo account is still broken. hal is still broken :(13:17
Incarusbeli, whats the problem?13:17
LakesProseSlart: but doesn't a real local user have to exist in order to have 1 or more virtual ones ?13:17
futuhIncarus, i try to get 720p picture to videoprojector and it puts automatically 420i13:17
beliwers: what is the problem with the links?13:18
lfaraonebeli: I'm not flaming...13:18
Incarusfutuh, k, dont know13:18
plus91hello people:D13:18
SlartLakesProse: it depends on the ftp server.. but in general it would be a good idea13:18
bipihello people13:18
DJones /whois bipi13:18
pdlnhrdI have a ATI Technologies Inc RV610 [Radeon HD 2400 XT] video card and I am try to set  up dual head but after every restart it goes back into clone mode.... does anyone know how I can fix this  (i can set it to the correct dual head display but than asks me to reboot)13:18
sidesI have a problem with my xserver-org, my xorg.conf is okay but the resolution is still 600x80013:18
DamirOk let's try again. I have a rrd Database (here You can find how I have created it: http://paste-it.net/public/vca4a59/) Ok what I wanna do? I grep every minute two values and I put it on the Database: rrdtool update stats.rrd N:123:432. The values will increase, so I chose the COUNTER Datasource type. OK now problem but If I wanna make the graph..I will get no lines, no MAXIMUM, MINIMUM and...13:18
belilfaraone: i told that i want to use console, i told that i want to use X and i told that i dont want to use vnc.....and you ask me why i am asking? i guess you think for fun...13:18
bipiBritish petroliam13:18
Damir...AVG values. Only the TOTAL value. And I don't know why?!13:18
LakesProseSlart: ok so you must have a real user anyways13:18
SlartLakesProse: or use an already existing user13:19
Incarus<pdlnhrd>, did you try to configure your xorg.conf file13:19
lfaraonebeli: Ok, is there a reason you don't want to use VNC?13:19
ActionParsnip!xinerama | pdlnhrd13:19
ubottupdlnhrd: xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead13:19
Incarussides, can you paste /var/log/Xorg.0.log13:19
SlartLakesProse: are you trying to decide on what ftp server to use?13:19
sidesIncarus sec13:19
Raj_How to join other channels in Xchat, there is not seeing smashthestack.org channel, How to add it in Xchat in Ubuntu???????13:19
LakesProseSlart: no, I'm already using vsfrpd13:19
SlartLakesProse: oh, ok13:20
LakesProseSlart: I'm just trying to decide wheter implementing virtual users is worth it13:20
ActionParsnipRaj_: /j #<channel name>13:20
IncarusRaj_, just join with /join13:20
pdlnhrdIncarus: I used the catalyst tool to set up the dual displays... i was hoping to avoid editing xorg.cof13:20
ikoniawers: it's a livecd - you can't change a live13:20
lfaraonebeli: X does not support what you are asking for as far as I am aware.13:20
ActionParsnipRaj_: e.g. /j #xubuntu13:20
wersikonia: how?13:20
indianoh sorry its server13:20
ikoniawers: you can't change a livecd - it's read only13:20
belilfaraone: yes, i dont want to use additional software...and some clients work on other operating systems....i want to use ssh2 client like putty with X11 fwd to do the job...13:20
ikoniawers: if you're livecd is broken, you must have a broken livecd - as you can't change a livecd, it's read only13:21
sidesIncarus http://pastebin.com/m3d90863b13:21
belilfaraone: the x.org channel is quiet atm....i asked there already13:21
Raj_sorry I want to join server13:21
lfaraonebeli: hehe... ah, I figured it out:13:21
SlartLakesProse: I use virtual users for my ftp server.. I just find it easier to have two separate user databases... just makes me worry less13:21
PiciRaj_: /connect servername13:21
vigoCan I put Xubuntu current and Ubuntu8.04 on the same HDD? I wish to try Xubuntu or Xfce and Edbuntu later on, will this cause conflicts?13:21
wersikonia: i meant, i'm on a live cd now because my root account in my ubuntu install is broken. i changed the root uid to 80 in my ubuntu install. how do i fix it on the live cd?13:21
lfaraonebeli: enable VNC on the server, SSH into the server with X forwarding, and then use vinagre on the server (which spawns a window on the client)13:22
SlartLakesProse: and I know I can just uninstall the ftp server and those usernames are gone13:22
ikoniawers: how did you change the uid to 80 ?13:22
ikoniawers: and why did you do that on your install ?13:22
lfaraonebeli: that way you don't need any additional client software.13:22
LakesProseSlart: that's true, true13:22
ActionParsnipvigo: sure: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop13:22
belilfaraone: vinagre...ok reading...thanks13:22
ActionParsnipvigo: before you log in, change the session to whichever you want13:22
sidesIncarus u with me ?13:23
LakesProseSlart: so there isn't really a security advantage in having virtual users, it seems more like hygiene13:23
SlartLakesProse: but on the other hand.. if I cared about those users I guess it would be easier to create system accounts.. that way I could change ftp server without having to recreate the accounts13:23
disappearedngany1 here can recommend a good easy to use FTP server?13:23
ActionParsnipvigo: in xfce you will be able to execute and use gnome based apps also13:23
ubottuFTP clients: !Nautilus, !gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); !Konqueror, !Kasablanca, !KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for !Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd13:23
Incarussides, line 205013:23
vigoActionPasnip: Thank you13:23
Incarussides, (EE) Failed to initialize GLX extension (Compatible NVIDIA X driver not found)13:23
ubottuFTP servers: ftpd, proftpd, pure-ftpd, twoftpd, vsftpd, MuddleFTPd, wzdftpd - Graphical front-ends: PureAdmin, GProftpd (for GNOME), KcmPureftpd (for !KDE) - See also !FTP13:23
LakesProsedisappearedng: I use fireFTP gladly13:23
SlartLakesProse: well.. you'll have to trust the ftp server to do authentication and storing the password hashes in a sane way...13:23
ActionParsnipvigo: you could pile on the DEs all you want and use all the apps, just depends on HDD space13:23
lfaraonebeli: vinagre is ubuntu's VNC client, it's quite nice13:23
sidesIncarus-  i just reinstalled the driver and its still not working13:23
disappearedngFor SERVER?13:24
SilkjcI just let Rhythmbox auto detect and download audio codecs. Sound was working, but after reboot it seems to just come out garbled..is this a common problem?13:24
belilfaraone: that might work, isnt there a vnc client that is console controlable?13:24
Russian_punkshello people13:24
wersikonia: I ran usermod -u 80 root13:24
LakesProseSlart: hmm, then I'd rather stay with real local users13:24
ikoniawers: why ?13:24
Incarussides, your xserver is also to old (X.Org X Server
lfaraonebeli: i'm sure.13:24
vigoActionParsnip: about 180g on first, 80 on slave.13:24
LakesProseSlart: I mean , as long as I chroot them and have a list, I think I should be okay13:24
Scoomapdlnhrd, try the instructions on   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=301941&highlight=ATI+x800XL13:24
LakesProseSlart: what ftp server do you use, good sir ?13:24
SlartLakesProse: yes, sure.. both ways are safe if you know what you're doing..13:24
lfaraonebeli: what do you mean by "console controllable", as in has a CLI as well as a GUI?13:24
sidesIncarus-  im allways up to date with the packges13:25
ActionParsnipvigo: also depends on needs and your standpoint on bloat13:25
Scoomawers,  so you did it eh?13:25
=== Pablo is now known as agevaled
Incarussides, 1.5.99 is the newest13:25
belilfaraone: yes....CLI, i dont care about GUI...but if it has also ;)13:25
LakesProseSlart: well I don't know per sé, but I get that chroots make home dir  look like / and the list is a lit :P13:25
sidesIncarus-  k .. i'll update both13:25
Incarussides, you should upgrade to the latest xserver and it should work13:25
sidesIncarus-  k .. thx13:26
Incarussides, np13:26
vigoActionParsnip: Just playing and testing to see which I will present to my brother , he is a high school band director.13:26
ikoniawers: what made you do that ?13:26
wersikonia and Scooma: to have the same root account in ubuntu and os x13:26
ArcSighterikonia: what about our tests on ubuntu, you left me hanging dude ;)13:26
belilfaraone: i will saerch for a client then, thanks for your ideas13:26
LakesProseit's really frustrating, some options for vsftpd.cong are only online, some are online in the man page and I just can't find anymore13:26
SlartLakesProse: no need for the sir, we're all dogs here on the internet =).. and I use pure-ftp for my small server13:26
ikoniaArcSighter: ahh had to drive home13:26
ikoniaArcSighter: do you have the vmstat output still ?13:26
ActionParsnipvigo: try lxde too, i think its awesome13:26
disappearedngAny1 here have a good FTP server to recommend?13:26
lfaraonebeli: well, if it doesn't have a GUI how do you expect to be able to see what's happening on the desktop? :)13:26
ikoniawers: osX uses 0 uid for a root account13:27
Scoomaikonia, i suggested that if I was him I wouldn't do it...13:27
LakesProseSlart: how's that working out ?13:27
lfaraonebeli: if you're just looking to share a console session there is GNU screen.13:27
ActionParsnipdisappearedng: proftpd vsftpd are two13:27
vigo>>>taking notes13:27
wersikonia: aw. so i broke my root and didnt get anything out of it.. aw13:27
Russian_punksgirls to me)13:27
deanyhow can i set an applications icon (menu entry) to open on desktop 2 and not always on first visible virtual desktop13:27
SlartLakesProse: nicely for those once a month file transfers13:27
SlartLakesProse: I've never used it for anything really serious13:28
Scoomawers ubuntu default is zero too --     root:x:0:0:root:/root:/bin/bash13:28
ikoniawers: I don't understand why as the mac OS root account has a UID of 0 to, so I don't know what made you do 80 ?13:28
belilfaraone: nah needs to be X....you can start X stuff from console...you dont need a gui to start windows' and apps13:28
LakesProseSlart: good to know :)13:28
Incaruswers, are you in a live linux?13:29
vigoActionParsnip: Is lxde more graphical and media and which has the lightest load as this will be run on Desktop and Laptop.13:29
lfaraonewers: the only thing that makes root special is its UID.13:29
ScoomaIncarus,  he's now running a livecd13:29
IncarusScooma, k13:29
lfaraonewers: as in if I made an account named "defjoasndoasnd" and gave it UID 0 it would have all of root's powers.13:29
ActionParsnipvigo: its very lightweight and snappy but still looks fairly decent13:30
ikoniawers: from the livecd mount your root file system on your disk and change /etc/passwd to change the uid from 80 ro 0813:30
ikoniato 013:30
JarG0nWhat does it mean if a service is running on ?13:30
ikoniawers: I still don't understand why you changed it to 8013:30
Incaruswers, take a look at the sudoers file13:30
wersScooma, Incarus, and lfaraone: i guess, i fixed it. i changed it in etc/root and etc/passwd :D13:30
ikoniaJarG0n: all iP13:30
wersis that right?13:30
SlartJarG0n: that it listens to all local ips?13:30
ikoniawers: etc/root is not needed13:30
JarG0nshould rpc.statd  do that?13:30
ikoniawers: that's not even a file13:30
JarG0nand rpc.mountd ?13:30
vigoActionParsnip: Ok, let me get all those, and give them a try.13:31
Scoomawers,  is /etc/root on your Mac?13:31
ikoniaJarG0n: thats just a rpc service13:31
wersikonia: sorry. i meant etc/group13:31
Incaruswers, k, but check your /etc/sudoers file13:31
ikoniawers: you don't have to change /etc/group13:31
chomwitthi. does  seahorse-daemon  and gnome-keyring-daemon do the same thing?13:31
ikoniawers: /etc/group doesn't contain uid info13:31
SlartJarG0n: no idea13:31
JarG0nok, thx :)13:31
wersikonia: okay. but is changing 80 to 0 in /etc/passwd enough?13:32
=== coreyman1 is now known as coreyman
lfaraoneJarG0n: it's on all addresses13:32
lfaraoneJarG0n: *bound to all13:32
wersikonia: thanks. rebooting now :D13:32
Scoomawers are you logging in as root?13:32
wersScooma: nope13:33
Scoomawers okay :)13:33
genchai'm on 8.04.1 and am trying to enable mod_logio for apache2 but i can neither find the module nor fine it in the apt repositories13:33
genchais it deprecated or something? or am i looking in the wrong spots?13:34
lfaraonegencha: then maybe it's not packaged.13:34
lfaraonegencha: was it included in other versions of ubuntu?13:34
JackarutoI'm trying to install ubuntu on an emachine however, the CD seems to know I'm not installing an MS product and won't boot, any MS product I put in the drive will boot from CD but my know good ubuntu CD will not?13:34
lfaraoneJackaruto: did you change the BIOS settings to ALWAYS boot from CD?13:34
genchalfaraone: can't say, this is the first i'm using13:34
lfaraoneJackaruto: no idea then.13:35
lfaraoneJackaruto: that *should* be illegal, but it might not be in your area :)13:35
Jackarutois it possible to restice a CD boot up to an MS product13:35
lfaraoneJackaruto: sure.13:35
ArcSighterhello all13:35
lfaraonegencha: looks like it's just unpackaged. What exactly does this mod_ do? (is there anything packaged that does the same thing?)13:36
IncarusJAckaruto, wow, which country?13:36
gencha"This module provides the logging of input and output number of bytes received/sent per request."13:36
ArcSighterikonia: yesterday you were guiding to me to do some tests about my intrepid slowdown issues, are you there?13:36
JackarutoI've got 12 PC I've buitl myself all running nix13:36
Jackarutonever had a problem13:36
genchawell it's needed to use a certain feature in mod_security, thus i was looking for it13:36
lfaraoneJackaruto: odd.13:36
Jackarutotell my buddy brings me this dman emachine13:36
lfaraonegencha: hm...13:36
Scoomagencha, i think there's a debian rpm package... also you might need to alien it to convert it?13:37
zerlorslart: i have installed the kde enviroment13:37
zerlornow how can i start it?13:37
ikoniaArcSighter: yes, I asked you 10 minutes ago if you had the vmstat output I asked for yesterday13:37
Slartzerlor: log out and search for the session button13:37
genchawell i don't really rely on the feature but it would have been nice to have. thanks :)13:37
zerlorokey and can i start it in a virutal consol?13:37
Travis-42after I change an Authorization (system->administration->authorizations), do I have to do anything to make it go into effect (E.g. reboot)?13:37
zerlorthen i could start kde and gnome13:37
lfaraonegencha: well, you have two options: a) install it from source B) package it yourself and maintain it in Ubuntu so others can benefit from your work :)13:37
Slartzerlor: let me see if I can find a screenshot for you... here is one.. http://www.cs.wisc.edu/twiki/bin/view/CSDocs/GnomeDesktopFAQs13:38
genchalfaraone: good point ;)13:38
Slartzerlor: the first picture even has a nice big black arrow pointing it out =)13:38
zerloryes i see thanks:)13:38
zerlori will try it ;)13:39
Kuukkeli^Hello, i have a problem with my Linux ubuntu, i started using it again after about 2 years. Well this time i got ATI drivers and its Proprietary, how could i fix this dilemma?13:39
zerlorbe back in some minutes=)13:39
Slartzerlor: if it isn't there you might have to enable it in system, administration, login window13:39
ArcSighterikonia: wait13:39
lfaraonegencha: if you do decide to package it, #ubuntu-motu will be more than glad to help you out. (although I recommend pushing your package through Debian so that both distros will benefit)13:39
IncarusJAckaruto, and whats about usb keys?13:39
ScoomaTravis-42, you needed to change something in there to make something work, yes?  so try to do it again and if it works, no. if it doesn't, maybe you need to restart your shell (or logout/login)13:40
IncarusJAckaruto, bootable usb key13:40
lfaraoneerbi: ...?13:40
Jackarutohum? maybe, I haven't any flash drives13:40
Slarterbi: yes, you're keyboard works.. no, that wasn't a good thing to test it with13:40
lfaraoneJackaruto: does windows boot currently?13:40
JarG0nI have a service running on a port that is not recognized via netstat -apn.  I can connect to it via telnet, but don't know what commands to issue.  Can anyone help?13:40
Jackarutothat a things I'm always going to get aournd to buying but never do13:40
lfaraoneJackaruto: you can use unetbootin to do a netinstall.13:41
IncarusJackaruto, have you got a floppy drive?13:41
ScoomaKuukkeli^, what's the problem with the driver? you don't want it?13:41
JackarutoI guess I could add one13:41
lfaraoneJackaruto: http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/13:41
IncarusJackaruto, and windows is working?13:41
Kuukkeli^Could anyone help me with my ATI driver being Proprietary problem?13:41
Incarus<Kuukkeli^>, sure, whats the problem?13:41
lfaraoneJackaruto: that requires only a net connection, it installs via the LiveCD or alternate net install. (the latter is faster)13:41
Jackarutoyes I know it, never used it before13:42
IncarusJackaruto, wubi is also good13:42
lfaraoneJackaruto: I use it all the time, it's very easy13:42
Kuukkeli^Incarus, well the ubuntu isn't working smoothly at all and i think the reason is because my ATI drivers are proprietary.13:42
lfaraoneIncarus: but that's not a good idea for stability :)13:42
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lfaraoneIncarus: moreover, wubi still is dependent on windows13:42
Incaruslfaraone, k13:42
ScoomaKuukkeli^,  read http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=517225  first and follow the instructions13:42
zerlorslart it works!13:42
zerlorthank you13:42
Kuukkeli^Scooma, Thank you!13:43
Jackarutoyou all have gave me so good ideas thanks13:43
Slartzerlor: you're welcome, enjoy your new kde desktop =)13:43
ScoomaKuukkeli^, make sure you read it all first13:43
Kuukkeli^Scooma, woah! Nice article about ati Pro_PIE_tary13:43
Incarus<Kuukkeli^>, paste output of "glxgears"13:43
Kuukkeli^Thank you13:43
zerlorslart: i enjoy both:) ... but one more question.. can i start a grapic enviroment form a virtual console like tty1?13:43
jaspal4805hi :)13:43
Incaruszerlor, yes13:43
Kuukkeli^I'll read the forum thread properly, maybe 2 times13:43
zerlorhow this work?13:44
jaspal4805i need some help :(13:44
JarG0nWhat does it mean when using netstat -p, when a service is listed as - ?13:44
lfaraoneJackaruto: no problme13:44
Slartzerlor: hmm.. I have no idea really..13:44
Incarus!ask | jaspal480513:44
ubottujaspal4805: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:44
tifrugonelpca tutti13:44
Pici!it | TheAngel13:44
ubottuTheAngel: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)13:44
PiciTheAngel: sorry, meant that for tifrugonelpc13:45
TheAngeldamn my wifi sux13:45
PiciJarG0n: Use sudo13:45
JarG0nPici> I did, actually.13:45
JarG0nPici> Still have the -13:45
jaspal4805i have an Acer aspire 4710z laptop. i installed ubuntu 8.10 yesterday13:45
ScoomaJarG0n, it just means that it couldn't identify the application using it - possibly it's because it belongs to a service started by root?13:45
zerlorslart: not so important wil find it out;) because then its possible to have 2 grapic enviroment at the same time.. like kde and gnome... ah how can i update this kde verison? just apt-get update and upgrade?13:45
PiciJarG0n: I only get - in PID/program if I do not run it with sudo.13:46
tifrugonelpcsapreste dirmi se per caso avete problemi a scaricare la posta con thunderbird13:46
JediMasterrandom thought =): don't you hate it when you scroll through past commands, hitting the up arrow, so many times that you could have typed the same command in half the amount of keypresses?13:46
digiforI am trying to "ask [my] favourite burning software to burn “rEFIt-0.12.cdr” as a “ISO image”13:46
Kuukkeli^Scooma, now i see why you said the read it properly, AdrianP forgot to add that xorg thingie13:46
Slartzerlor: I think you can run two x-servers if you want.. using different desktop managers..13:46
tifrugonelpcio sono 2 giorni che non riesco a scaricare la posta con tin13:46
Kuukkeli^So shall i use that command?13:46
jaspal4805i have an Acer aspire 4710z laptop. i installed ubuntu 8.10 yesterday. i cant get wifi working on it. the button for wifi is not working .13:46
ActionParsniptifrugonelpc: italy?13:46
digiforas per http://refit.sourceforge.net/doc/c1s5_burning.html13:46
Slartzerlor: it will of course use a bit more memory and such..13:46
Pici!it | tifrugonelpc13:46
ubottutifrugonelpc: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)13:46
ScoomaKuukkeli^,  :)13:46
tifrugonelpcyes Italy13:46
ActionParsnipjaspal4805: use lspci to identify the wifi chip13:46
JarG0nScooma> shouldn't sudo enable netstat to ID the service ?13:46
Incarus<Kuukkeli^>, yes13:46
digiforbut k3b and brassero both tell me it is not an iso image13:47
ArcSighterikonia: the vmstat output http://paste.ubuntu.com/129768/13:47
jaspal4805the drivers for aethros are installed13:47
Kuukkeli^Scooma, you're a lifesaver, althought im not into men but i would kiss you! =)13:47
digiforShould I rename the .cdr to .iso?13:47
* Scooma blushes13:47
Incarusjaspal4805, ask in one line13:47
tifrugonelpcok thx13:47
ActionParsnipdigifor: what does the command   file   say the .cdr is?13:47
ActionParsnipjaspal4805: are they modprobed?13:48
zerlorslart: memory is not the problem =) okey i will be back later! thank you for your help perhaps i wil be soon back and ask some questions ;)13:48
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ActionParsnipjaspal4805: sudo lshw -C network will show you whats what13:48
ActionParsnipjaspal4805: are you sure its an atheros?13:48
jaspal4805i just need to know weather acer_acpi is already there with ubuntu 8.10??13:48
Slartzerlor: you're welcome13:48
ScoomaJarG0n you might want to read up on what daemons use certain ports?13:48
zerlorthanks  bye!13:48
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JarG0nScooma> ok, thx13:49
ActionParsnipjaspal4805: yes its in the current kernel. didnt used to be (man that was hell)13:49
Slartjaspal4805: I've got an acer laptop with 8.10, is there anything I can check for you?13:49
digiforlooking at properties it seems to tell me it is a "corel draw" file???13:49
ArcSighterikonia: is the one you requested , right?13:49
ikoniaArcSighter: you've not shown me one yet13:49
Kuukkeli^Scooma, shall i now reboot after the command? =)13:50
jaspal4805ya slart. my wifi buttin on 4710z is not working. drivers for aethros chip are already installed13:50
ikoniaArcSighter: I saw one yesterday, and then asked for another one13:50
ikoniaArcSighter: I need the other one13:50
usr13Slart: jaspal4805 Compare to see if you have same wifi cards:  lspci13:50
Kuukkeli^It has Removed and processed the thingie.13:50
Kuukkeli^I shall try my luck by rebooting ;D13:50
* Slart gets his laptop13:50
ArcSighterikonia: I just did: http://paste.ubuntu.com/129768/13:50
gogul2khm openbox seems to be ignoring my autostart.sh file =/13:51
Kuukkeli^I'll come back if i get more troubles.13:51
ScoomaKuukkeli^, you should just need to restart your shell... or logout/login again13:51
RabbitbunnyAnybody installed WoW? I'm getting extreme input lag and it's acting like it thinks it's full screen although it's only 800x600 of my 1600x1200.13:51
ikoniaArcSighter: thats of a "busy" or "slow" box, yes ?13:51
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Kuukkeli^Rabbitbunny, did you tinker with the config list yet?13:51
RabbitbunnyKuukkeli^: No. Hints?13:51
usr13jaspal4805: What does lspci say?  See your wifi card listed there?13:51
Kuukkeli^I remember something about changing some things in the config list..13:51
Kuukkeli^Wait a sec, i'll link you it before reboot. =)13:52
Kuukkeli^rabbitbunny, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WorldofWarcraft13:52
ArcSighterikonia: yes I've opened the apps that normally make it slow and after some time the system became sluggish13:52
RabbitbunnyKuukkeli^: Thanks.13:52
Kuukkeli^I sure hope that helps you.13:52
Rabbitbunnyme too.13:52
ikoniaArcSighter: ok, let me compare and have a think13:52
Kuukkeli^Althought i hate WoW. =D13:52
ActionParsnipKuukkeli^:  +113:53
Kuukkeli^Same boring old crap expansion after expansion13:53
jaspal4805yupp my card is listed there in  lspci13:53
disappearedngany 1 here used gproftpd before? I installed it and I can't find gproftpd in /usr/bin or in the toolbar13:53
Rabbitbunnyyes, over and over./me like the data aquisition.13:53
Kuukkeli^Well, rebootan pc13:53
Slartjaspal4805: lspci reports Intel corporation P13:53
ActionParsnipjaspal4805: ok now you can websearch for that and you can find out how to set it up13:53
ArcSighterikonia: ok pal I'm waiting...13:53
Slartjaspal4805: lspci reports Intel corporation Pro/Wireless 3945ABG [Golan]...13:54
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jaspal4805my drivers are already there in the system only i cant get my wifi turn on from a dedicated button my keyboard13:54
thread2forkhi, can anyone help me with a wubi and raid1 problem ... i tried out wubi even though i know fake-raids are not the best thing to try out and now it seems wubi only manages to boot into ubunto 2 out of 10 times13:55
Spectros hi, I have a problem, if I open any audio file with audacious, it tells me, my kernel of GTK crashed... how can I solve it?13:55
MasterZHey guys, I'm having a bit of trouble mountaing a USB hard drive on ubuntu, any suggestions?13:56
ActionParsnipSpectros: change from pulse to alsa, or alsa to pulse13:56
klaashey, can I use the alternate install cd to setup a server environment?13:56
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP313:56
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent13:56
usr13jaspal4805: http://pastebin.ca/135817313:56
usr13jaspal4805: But first, use comand   lspci13:57
SpectrosActionParsnip: I don't have problem with sound but with audacious AND GTK :/13:57
ScoomaMasterZ, you might want to do it manually?13:57
ActionParsnipSpectros: maybe try reinstalling the app, or read   dmesg | tail just after it crashes13:57
MasterZyes, how?13:57
MasterZI plugged in 3 hard drives, do not see them in df -h, but I see them show up in lsusb13:58
MasterZwhat is the next step?13:58
ActionParsnipMasterZ: do they show up in sudo parted -l13:58
ScoomaMasterZ, pop the drive in, wait a second and then run    dmesg | tail    to see what hardware device it mounted it, then   sudo mount /dev/sdx /media/disk      (making sure that you've mkdir media/disk  so it exists)13:58
usr13jaspal4805: lspci |grep Wireless13:59
lenni_-_i run 8.04 but would like just one package from the latest 8.10 repo without updating the entire server. Can i do that?13:59
geniiMasterZ: You are likely seeing in lsusb the usb controller of what the drives are attached to13:59
ActionParsnipusr13: if you use grep -i   it makes it case insensitive ;)13:59
ScoomaMasterZ,  oh are they FAT or ext?13:59
jaspal48051afetr lspci i get  03:00.0 Ethernet controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x 802.11abg Wireless PCI Express Adapter (rev 01)13:59
MasterZthey are unformatted, brand new just plugged them in13:59
usr13jaspal4805: lspci |grep ireless13:59
geniiMasterZ: Does: sudo fdisk -l                      show them?14:00
ScoomaMasterZ, ah all good then14:00
usr13ActionParsnip: Thanks for the tip, should have done that.14:00
ActionParsnipjaspal48051: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-get-atheros-ar5007eg-or-ar242x-wireless-cards-may-be-other-models-working-in-ubuntu-810-intrepid-ibex.html14:00
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ActionParsnipjaspal48051: can't say fairer than that14:00
MasterZDisk /dev/sdb: 1000.2 GB, 1000204886016 bytes14:00
MasterZDisk /dev/sdb doesn't contain a valid partition table14:00
usr13jaspal4805: Show us what you get back from the command    lspci |grep Wireless14:00
MasterZit says that for all 314:00
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ActionParsnipMasterZ: ah, not so good, do they have data on?14:01
usr13jaspal4805: Show us what you get back from the command    lspci |grep -i Wireless14:01
kumar123hello everybody14:01
MasterZnope, they are brand new drives14:01
jaspal48051after lspci |grep ireless i just get the prompt again14:01
ActionParsnipMasterZ: great then you need to partition and format them14:01
daftykinsit's highly unlikely to be called wireless14:01
Veinorfdisk format reinstall14:01
ActionParsnipMasterZ: gksudo gparted14:01
Veinordoo-dah, doo-dah14:01
MasterZokay, so /dev/sdb is the hardware name? can I use mdadm to create a raid by using that device name, right?14:02
ScoomaMasterZ,  yeah run the partition editor14:02
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MasterZtrying to setup a raid514:02
jaspal48051lspci |grep wireless i get the prompt again14:02
usr13jaspal4805: Just try  lspci  and see if you see any lines that indicate a wifi type of device14:02
ActionParsnipMasterZ: you can use that gui app to manage them if you wish or use sudo fdisk if yo uprefer text based goodness14:02
MasterZjust didn't know about fdisk to show the device name :D14:02
MasterZI'm ssh'ed into the box14:02
ActionParsnipMasterZ: /dev/sdb is a disk you can feel and touch, /dev/sdb1 will be the first partition on the disk14:02
ActionParsnipMasterZ: every day is a school day14:03
ScoomaMasterZ,  do they show up in   blkid  ?14:03
MasterZno they don't Scooma14:03
MasterZokay, let me use this info I have so far to see if I can get mdadm to work14:03
ScoomaMasterZ,  yeah just wondering ;)14:04
lesshasteI get a lot of messages like (firefox:26389): GLib-GObject-CRITICAL **: g_object_unref: assertion `G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed14:05
lesshasteany ideas about that?14:05
usr13jaspal4805: If you do not see the wifi device listed in the output of  lspci  you may need to check bios settings to see if it is dissabled.  You might also have a defective device - one that no longer works.  But at any rate, you need to identify it.  Try command:  iwconfig14:05
MasterZhmmm, another problem... I have the ubuntu box on the network, I am curreontly remoted into it from my mac, but the ubuntu box cannot see the internet14:07
MauricioRto program in ubuntu which is better, java or c#? i want to learn a computer language14:07
thread2forkthat depends on what you are planing to code14:07
Scoomalesshaste, yeah that's a flash problem14:07
MauricioRthank you my friend, muchos gracias14:07
usr13MasterZ: Can the mac "see the internet"?14:07
thread2forki personally would start with c#14:07
MasterZi'm on it now talking to you :)14:08
Scoomalesshaste, remember how the leftover socket file might be audio/flash related?14:08
lesshasteScooma, :(  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/221668 says disable libflashsupport14:08
lesshasteScooma, I don't really understand what that means14:08
usr13MasterZ: Then the ubuntu box should also have access to internet14:08
pepe21somebody can give me a url warez for downloading... games ?14:08
Scoomalesshaste, maybe switch to  swfdec?14:08
MasterZusr13: the ubuntu box can ping my router14:08
usr13MasterZ: On the ubuntu box issue command    route -n14:09
Scoomalesshaste, basically your firfox/flash aren't playing nicely14:09
lesshasteScooma, oh... :(14:09
MasterZgot 4 lines14:09
MasterZKernel IP routing table14:09
MasterZDestination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use Iface14:09
MasterZ205.168.1.0   U     0      0        0 eth014:09
MasterZ169.254.0.0     U     1000   0        0 eth014:09
MasterZ0.0.0.0         UG    100    0        0 eth014:09
FloodBot2MasterZ: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:09
MasterZ5 lines :p14:09
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Scoomalesshaste,  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swfdec14:10
ScoomaMasterZ,  sudo apt-get install pastebinit14:10
usr13MasterZ: If  route -n  returns the router's  IP address as the default gateway, then look at /etc/resolv.conf file and see if you have nameserver line:  cat /etc/resolv.conf14:10
lesshastehttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/192888 is informative14:10
ActionParsnipMasterZ: please use pastebin or pastebinit in future14:10
ScoomaMasterZ,   then use     pastebinit -i /etc/group   as an example14:11
MasterZresolve.conf only says: # Generated by NetworkManager14:11
ubiliciosHey all.  I am having a problem.  I am trying to get to a website that is dropping packets.  Now on my windows machine it dosen't drop packets and it connects no probs14:12
usr13MasterZ: (Don't flood, just send pertainent info.) If your router's IP address is  you should have access to internet.  Check to see if you are resolving domain names:  host av.com14:12
ubiliciosAnything I can do to help my ubuntu client?14:12
MasterZhost av.com is timing out I think14:12
lesshastecan you get flash 10 for hardy?14:13
MasterZyp, timed out14:13
QQQhey ho, is there anyone who can tell me how to install applications to an external drive? (otherwise my EEE-PCs storage kills me one day)14:13
usr13MasterZ: That is the problem, resolv.conf does not contain nameserver address.  Either your router's DHCP server failed to send it, or Ubuntu's dhcp client timed out before receiving it.14:13
MasterZhow do I fix that?14:13
ScoomaMasterZ,       yeah you need to have this line in your resolv.conf      nameserver
Slartubilicios: what kind of network connection are you using? wired? wireless?14:14
ubiliciosSlart: Wired.14:14
rroflwow big group14:14
MasterZbingo, Thanks Scooma14:15
rroflcan anyone tell me if a desktop comes packaged with the server (8-04) installation please?14:15
usr13MasterZ: You can manually add a nameserver like this: cat >> /etc/resolv.conf     and then on the next line type:  nameserver  and then do: Ctrl-D (hold Ctrl key and hit letter d)14:15
lesshasteI thought it was in hardy backports14:15
lesshastebut it isn't listed14:15
MasterZI keep forgeting about the cat >> shortcut.. I always vi it lol14:15
iixzzzzz im using konversation client how can  display my systeminfo ?14:15
usr13MasterZ: sudo cat >> /etc/reslov.conf14:15
MasterZyeah, already done14:16
Slartubilicios: and you only get packet loss when connecting to a specific site? or all the time?14:16
rbowess/reslov/resolv/ :)14:16
ubiliciosjust to the site.14:16
usr13MasterZ: Try to reslove domanin name:  host av.com14:16
Scoomayay reslov!14:16
MasterZyeah, it works now usr1314:16
Slartubilicios: but it works ok if you try it from a windows machine14:16
ubiliciosI have been working with the tech that controls the router in front of the server.14:16
iixzzzzz im using konversation client how can  display my systeminfo ?14:16
rroflhello there, can i get a little help for a wee problem please?14:16
ubiliciosSlart:  Yes14:16
ubiliciosI can give you the site and see if you can get to it14:17
usr13MasterZ: Good,  :)14:17
Slartubilicios: that is very strange.... yea sure14:17
iixzzzzzanyone ?14:17
coreySome of my movies are not loud enough. Is there a way to use software to make it louder?14:17
Scoomaiixzzzzz,  what's the konversation client?14:17
iixzzzzzScooma its  irc client ?14:17
usr13corey: alsamixer14:17
MasterZuhm... sudo apt-get install mdadm     that should install mdadm, right? I'm getting a "configuring citadel-server" menu right now14:17
QQQis my patience worth it (or should I resend my question or search for help somewhere else?)14:17
Scoomaiixzzzzz, when you say system info do you mean    uname -a    ?14:18
rroflall i wanna do is run a desktop from the server version i just installed14:18
ScoomaQQQ what's your q'n?14:18
QQQhow to install applications to an external drive?14:18
MasterZthanks for the help everyone :)14:18
coreyusr13: have you used it?14:18
Scoomarrofl, startx ?14:18
iixzzzzzScooma yes alot with umm space mem g/card etc etc14:18
daftykinsrrofl, that defeats the purpose of installing the server version somewhat, but you can "apt-get install ubuntu-desktop" on server14:18
Scoomaiixzzzzz, ah you want to look in /proc then14:19
Slartubilicios: no response when I tried it from my browser.. how do you determine that it is packet loss you're experiencing?14:19
usr13corey: Yes14:19
rroflscooma, oh yeah ill start with installing xinit :)14:19
MasterZhmmm, question, I'm setting up 3 1TB drives in a raid 5 configuration... should I make them all 1 big partition or make a few smaller ones?14:19
ubiliciosSlart:  I ran wireshark14:19
mikevankuikhow can I auto login a user? I only have assess via ssh... I know its posible just not sure how to do it again...14:19
Scoomaiixzzzzz,  ie -  cat /proc/meminfo14:19
rrofldaftykins, no it doesn't, i wanted to make sure I have all default server packages installed and get nothing left out14:19
iixzzzzzScooma how do i spam it in a channel like my system stat ?14:19
PerryArmstronghey can anyone help me... whenever i set my system in hibernate, i get to see some erorr messages that the activation has failed14:19
ubiliciosSlart:  Plus if you let it go for a bit it will slowly start to load it14:19
yudyhow I can see  broken packages in ubuntu 8.10?14:19
rroflhowever, i would like to occasionally use some apps on it that run in desktop14:19
ScoomaQQQ, you mean like a usb drive?14:19
usr13QQQ: dpkg -i /media/disk/where/it/is14:20
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QQQScooma: yes, usb hd14:20
Scoomausr13,  :)14:20
Slartubilicios: hmm.. booting a vm with windows .. then it works.. but slowly as you say14:20
PerryArmstrongand when i come back from hibernation i get a message that the hibernation has failed14:20
PerryArmstrongcan anyone solve this problem14:20
ubiliciosNo, its a full windows client14:20
QQQusr13 thx, and I'll try that and will see If get it started :)14:20
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Scoomayudy,   dpkg --audit14:21
ubiliciosNo it will slowly load up in ubuntu14:21
iixzzzzzScooma im saying is there are plugin. where it can display my systeminfo in a channel14:21
ubiliciosBut in windows its just like any other web site.  Fast loading.14:21
Slartubilicios: ok.. perhaps I didn't let it run for a long enough time14:21
iixzzzzzhuh ?14:21
rrofldoes installing xinit install the default GNOME (ubuntu) desktop ?14:22
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Scoomaiixzzzzz,  oh you mean to show off? i don't know sorry. maybe someone else? usr13   how can iixzzzzz dump his system info into a channel?14:22
jribrrofl: no...14:22
iixzzzzzyea show off.14:22
ActionParsniprrofl: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop14:22
rrofljrib, i can start by installing xinit? or I dont need xinit at all if I am going the gnome route?14:22
ubiliciosIt really has me puzzled and I really don't know how to word a google search for it14:22
rroflaha ok thanks actionparsnip14:22
QQQother Question: Is there any strict and good firewall  that askes for any programm if it may connect?14:22
ActionParsniprrofl: you should have that any way14:23
jribrrofl: just install ubuntu-desktop as someone else suggested14:23
iixzzzzzno luck ?14:23
werner-xfshi, i changed my / and /home from ext2 to xfs and now it seems i lost all setuid bits... any help?14:23
rroflwhere is it installed actionparsnip so i can check?14:23
coreyusr13: alsamixergui?14:23
ActionParsniprrofl: that will repair your desktop o default settings14:23
Scoomaubilicios, more memory maybe?14:23
usr13iixzzzzz: You need something like pastebin?14:23
ActionParsniprrofl: its installed all over the place, its not like windows where there is a program files folder14:24
rrofli have server version, am booting into command line14:24
ScoomaPerryArmstrong, there are problems with hibernation14:24
rroflno i mean what location is the launcher14:24
ubiliciosScooma:  Its not a memory issue14:24
ActionParsniprrofl: the stuff apps use is scattered so it can be reused14:24
ScoomaPerryArmstrong, it's a bug for quite a lot of systems still14:24
usr13corey: No, just alsamixer14:24
PerryArmstrongScooma; you mean there's no solution yet?14:24
Slartubilicios: well.. I doubt it's something in ubuntu.. I would check the web site more carefully.. perhaps it's really really unoptimized for anything non-IE14:24
rroflhow can i launch gnome from command line?14:24
ActionParsniprrofl: launcher for what, can you please type my name at the start of lines if you are addressing me14:24
Scoomaubilicios, i mean allocate more memory to the vm to make it run faster14:24
ActionParsniprrofl: startx14:24
Slartubilicios: but I'm just guessing.. I don't see anything suspicious14:24
rroflactionparsnip ok will do14:24
usr13rrofl: gdm14:24
ubiliciosSlart:  I know its not Ubuntu, my fedora client does it as well14:25
rroflactionparsnip when i run startx it says i need to install xinit14:25
ActionParsniprrofl: did you install ubuntu-server?14:25
ScoomaPerryArmstrong, no there are solutions but ... quite a few hardware clients don't work... it's something to be addressed eventually...14:25
rroflusr13 gdm is not found14:25
ubiliciosScooma:  VM is not even being used14:25
werner-xfswill i lose setuid by using cp and mv ?14:25
rroflactionparsnip yes SERVER14:25
ActionParsniprrofl: why?14:25
PerryArmstrongScooma; ohh...thank you for the info14:25
rroflactionparsnip cos i will be mainly using as a server, so didnt want to miss out on any server packages14:25
ActionParsniprrofl: you are clearly a new ubuntu and/or linux user14:26
PKodonOkay, i can set Kopete up to join channels when I connect to an IRC account, can I do that in Pidgin?14:26
rroflactionparsnip not new to linux14:26
rroflactionparsnip just new to ubuntu14:26
ActionParsniprrofl: you can install any and all server packkages on the desktop14:26
rroflactionparsnip i thought it would save time to have it configure the server for me14:26
Scoomaubilicios,  sorry - I confused you with someone else14:26
rroflactionparsnip i learned my lesson now lol14:26
* ScottG489 is away: Gone away for now14:26
ScoomaPerryArmstrong, but don't give up on ubuntu just because of that...14:26
iixzzzzzusr13 no not like pastebin. i wanna dump my systeminfo in a channel like are mirc addon.14:27
ActionParsniprrofl: its just got no x server as a default to save usless junk like x apps being installed by default as well as PAE for ram management14:27
iixzzzzzshow off etc.14:27
PerryArmstrongScooma; so how save this error message....i need to see it without hibernating14:27
draduswsup? :D14:27
rroflactionparsnip: so is it now possible for me to install x server without the useless junk?14:27
PerryArmstrongScooma; no way...i have been using ubuntu ince the past 8 months...and i am quite fascinated....14:27
PerryArmstrongScooma; and i luv ubuntu..14:28
ActionParsniprrofl: you can but it can get messy, also the server doesnt come with sound stuffs which will be nicely setup in the desktop for you14:28
iixzzzzzusr13 ?14:28
PerryArmstrongScooma; i am trying to expertize myself on this distro14:28
MasterZthanks for all the help everyone, my drives are formatting so I'm going to go get some sleep.. I'm sure 3 TB will not be a quick format job lol14:28
ScoomaPerryArmstrong, it should be in one of your logs?14:28
usr13iixzzzzz: Yes, I see what you mean now, but don't know how to implement such a task.14:28
ScoomaPerryArmstrong, all errors are logged in /var/log14:29
ActionParsnipMasterZ: can be if yuo use multiple systems ;)14:29
rroflactionparsnip: ok, thanks, i really only wanted the LAMP but the equipment will be put to better use if I use the sound + media stuff too... so I'm gonna dload and install the desktop verion :)14:29
iixzzzzzusr13 i heard its infobash -v14:29
rroflactionparsnip: thanks for your time :)14:29
ScoomaPerryArmstrong,  you can access the logs (more easily) via  System -> Administration -> System Log14:29
* Scooma is afk14:30
PerryArmstrongScooma; i just checked it and i found that though i hibernated just a few minutes ago...it shows me as ubuntu restart14:31
usr13iixzzzzz: No help for infobash14:31
=== ubilicios is now known as evanderv
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ActionParsnip!away | evanderv14:35
ubottuevanderv: You should avoid noisy away messages in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»14:35
donjuanluis07hi guys need some help for a non-newbie14:36
ActionParsnip!ask | donjuanluis0714:36
ubottudonjuanluis07: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:36
donjuanluis07i am using HPLIP Fax Utility Address book and I cant get a vcf file to import to the address book14:37
fxrhullo, i am getting warnings/errors when apt0get installing nvidia-cg Toolkit --> http://paste.ubuntu.com/129784/ is anyone able to confirm they are just warnings in there or are they something to worry about?14:38
usr13donjuanluis07: Maybe the format is wrong?14:38
tyler_dhow do you spawn a new terminal session from within a terminal?14:38
kriss3duhmm whats the config file for kdm ? and where is it located ?14:38
usr13tyler_d: Ctrl-n14:39
axisysis there a ubuntu/deb pkg for linux citrix client http://www.citrix.com/English/SS/downloads/details.asp?downloadID=3323&productID=-114:39
mikerose357Hi I've noticed directly editing xorg doesn't work like it did in older versions of fedora specifically adding the right resolution to metamodes doesn't work14:39
tyler_dusr13: using a command14:39
skyredHow can I find "your network address in reverse notation" for DNS BIND9 setup?14:39
mikerose357using nvidias gui tool doesn't list any number of valid resolutions as usable so I'm stuck with a low resolution14:39
usr13tyler_d: gnome-terminal14:39
eternal_phey all..is there an easy way in getting the new 64-bit java module loaded into firefox..I seem to be stuck with iceTea14:40
tyler_dusr13: and a default terminal session? ie. xterm?14:40
apostlewhat is a good PCI Express Network 1 Gigabit Card14:40
usr13tyler_d: Just give the command?  Not sure what  you mean?14:41
erUSULapostle: i have a realtek 8169 and works ok14:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about 3214:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about 32bit14:41
tyler_dusr13: nope that worked.... ty14:41
usr13tyler_d: Ok, good....14:41
=== FreshPrince_ is now known as FreshPrince
mikerose357anyone know how you are supposed to manually configure xorg in ubuntu 8.10?14:41
apostleerUSUL, it is PCI Express 1 gigabit ?14:42
erUSULmikerose357: manually? you mean editting xorg.conf ?14:42
usr13mikerose357: xorgconfig -X14:42
donjuanluis07usr13, how can I reformat the vcf file?  I converted a csv file to vcard via this website http://homepage.mac.com/phrogz/CSV2vCard_v2.html  then imported it into Evolution then used the export of Evolution to the HPLIP14:42
erUSULapostle: no just pci... i missed the express bit :| i'm sure there are pci express versions though14:42
usr13donjuanluis07: I don't know, never done that.... sorry14:43
BeBoo_is an intel xeon 64 bit?14:43
apostleerUSUL, cool will look into it14:43
SpaceBass2hey folks14:43
SpaceBass2having trouble getting the Cisco VPN client to compile on 8.10 - anyone had success ?14:43
usr13mikerose357: X -configure14:43
erUSULBeBoo_: depends there are many versions of Xeon's14:44
usr13mikerose357: Not sure, but something like that.14:44
donjuanluis07great so im screwed basically14:44
BeBoo_erUSUL: easiest way to tell which version it is?14:44
erUSULBeBoo_: do "grep --color " lm " | /proc/cpuinfo"14:44
erUSULBeBoo_: do you see a red lm in the output ?14:45
BeBoo_i currently don't have *nix installed on it... it's win server 2k3 atm... i want to format and install ubuntu server but i need to know which to download... lol14:45
BeBoo_would you happen to know how to find it out in windows?14:45
usr13mikerose357: If you are just rying to recover from a missconfigured xorg.conf file, just delete it, xorg will creat a new one.14:45
donjuanluis07anybody used the HPLIP Fax Utility14:45
QQQcan I set the folder to install into with aptitude, too?14:45
erUSULBeBoo_: use cpu-z ?14:46
mikerose357actually it apears that if I set it to any normal resolution nvidia just sets that monitor to off14:46
erUSULBeBoo_: http://www.cpuid.com/cpuz.php14:46
BeBoo_erUSUL: lemme try, one sec14:46
mikerose357so I'm stuck with garbage 1024 x 76814:46
w30My Compiz mouse button is set to rotate cube on middle button but it has universal focus. How can I set that so it only works when focused on a bate desktop area and not mess up paste when focused in a window of an editor or xterm for example?14:46
mikerose357w30 I don't think thats just a misconfiguration I believe thats a bug its not set to rotate everywhere it just does due to buggy behavior I don't know what the fix is14:47
usr13mikerose357: xorgconfig is the manual command to configure the X server.14:49
w30mikerose357, my PClinuxOS setup works only on bare desktop so maybe I will will have to ask them how to do it.14:49
donjuanluis07if someone has not use the HPLIP Fax program then could someone send me to the right chat for it?14:49
BeBoo_erUSUL: now what am i looking for in here? I see EM64T under instructions14:49
erUSULBeBoo_: then is 64 bits14:49
BeBoo_great, thanks for your help14:49
usr13mikerose357: I don't think that it is the nvidia card that is shutting the monitor off.  I think it is the monitor that is just not accepting out of range signal.14:49
usr13mikerose357: What is your monitor?14:50
snowveilevery time I click my mouse, it actually double-clicks...and the sensitivity is up extremely high.  Does anyone have any idea why it might be doing this?14:50
mikerose357it is absolutely NOT out of range14:50
bmbmexcuse me guys after hi all and how r u could upgrade from ubuntu 8.04 lts to 8.10 without formatting14:50
coreyIs there a way to use wireshark to watch what websites people are accessing on my network?14:50
mikerose357my monitor displays up to 1920 x 144014:50
ubuntu__hi morning14:50
thiebaudesnowveil: i had that happen to my mouse i had to replace it14:51
w30mikerose357, my ubuntu dell laptop works kinda. You have to hold the mouse down a long click for the focus to stay in the editor or whatever paste reciept is.14:51
coreylo morning14:51
donjuanluis07usr13 could u plz send me to the right chat?14:51
mikerose357and the resolution I tried to set it to works in windows14:51
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about distupgrade14:51
Viatacorey is it a home network?14:51
erUSUL!upgrade | bmbm14:51
ubottubmbm: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading14:51
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snowveilthiebaude, it's doing the same thing with a few different mice14:51
coreyviata: No, I am an employer14:51
erUSULcorey: wireshark seems overkill14:51
usr13donjuanluis07: Sorry, I just don't know.14:51
snowveilI have 2 connected now and they're both causing the same problem14:51
bmbmthx very much erusul14:51
coreyerUSUL: what would you use?14:52
m3gamandonjuanluis07:: have you tried searching the HPLIP knowledge base14:52
erUSUL!info ntop | corey14:52
ubottuntop (source: ntop): display network usage in web browser. In component universe, is optional. Version 3:3.3-11 (intrepid), package size 4442 kB, installed size 14904 kB14:52
donjuanluis07yep and no help or info on the address book feature and I have a 1400+ contact file that I have to use14:53
usr13mikerose357: What is your monitor?  What is your dsiplay adapter?  What video driver are you using?14:53
invalid!ot > invalid14:53
ubottuinvalid, please see my private message14:53
donjuanluis07if my vcf file is wrong format I will change it I just need to know what format to put it into14:53
tom_eats_livesI want to stop wireless coming on by default on gnome-network manager how i do this ?14:53
m3gamandonjuanluis07:: try google groups or something?14:53
=== invalid is now known as dougl
donjuanluis07dont know google groups14:54
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cheeserhow do I get ubunto to boot in to runlevel 3?  i don't want X running as i'm thinking of running this on a server.14:54
cheesererm, ubuntu  8^)=14:54
donjuanluis07k thnks14:54
thiebaudesnowveil: maybe check the mouse settings14:54
usr13mikerose357: Do you have an xorg.conf file?14:55
Picicheeser: runlevels on Ubuntu/debian do not work like other distributions. If you don't want X running, remove it from startup: sudo update-rc.d gdm remove14:55
mikerose357usr13 monitor is an IBM crt, graphics is 8600M GT driver is 180 binary nvidia14:55
cheeserPici: oh, right.  i was going to try that yesterday and got sidetracked.  thanks.  i'll try that.14:55
theonelostmodderhello all can i ask for help here14:55
mikerose357I'll Pastbin the xorg.conf14:55
snowveilthiebaude, for some reason it never opens properly14:55
pirx_hi! when downloading server edition 64bit, the image is called amd64. Is this somehow specific to AMD cpus?14:55
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theonelostmodderim having problems watching movies using the movie player on ubuntu8.1014:56
usr13mikerose357: What screen size do you want to use?14:56
tom_eats_livestheonelostmodder,  whats the problem ?14:57
dze1anyone used bonnie++ for benchmarking14:57
QQQCould I install Apps and move them via C&P on myy external drive and than make simbolic links? (what happens if the drive is not connected?)14:57
theonelostmodderumm its a 26 inch so probably 1240x80014:57
ArcSighterikonia: ok , no news?14:57
Picassotamusmikerose357: i believe someone had a similar issue to you yesterday, and they had a line to ~/xprofile or something14:57
ikoniaArcSighter: just a little busy at the moment14:57
thiebaudesnowveil: system>preferences>mouse>general>pointer speed>senssitivity14:57
mikerose357xorg.conf is at http://pastebin.com/m22c19ac914:57
QQQ(thats what I did to my 2GB Win-XP partition)14:57
snowveilthiebaude, the Mouse window never opens for me14:57
snowveilnot sure why14:57
w30pirx_, Intel licenses the amd x86+86 arch. from amd.14:58
snowveilthe mouse worked fine yesterday, but after a reboot it started acting crazy...every click is a double click14:58
snowveilit seems to me like it's recognizing every event coming from the mouse twice14:58
=== phox is now known as Guest6861
thiebaudesnowveil: i'm not sure how you fix it14:58
bujarhello i tried to install cnet, the "make" and "sudo make install" commands didnt show any errors, but now when i type "cnet" i still get " unknown command" . HELP!!!14:58
theonelostmodderquestion for ne one - i have my laptop hooked up to my tv. Vizio 26 inch lcd 1080i and when i try to play a movie or other video file it wont show uo in the player on the tv just shows a black screen14:58
w30pirx_, so it's a dig against Intel by the Linux guyes *smile*14:58
ArcSighterikonia: ok, let me know when you're up to it14:59
slerderHey guys. Does anyone know how to create an NTFS partition in ubuntu. I tried to use Gparted but the NTFS option is greyed out. Thanks14:59
mikerose357snowveil that sounds like a hardware issue14:59
PerryArmstrongcan anyone tell me the command used to view the users existing on a system14:59
mikerose357I had the same issue with my mouse , the button was wearing out14:59
Picassotamusslerder: Do you have the ntfs-3g package installed?14:59
snowveilI've tried two different mice though mikerose357, both are doing the same thing14:59
donjuanluis07usr13 m3gaman: thnks for help googlegroups no help Im trying #linux channel15:00
jtajislerder: install ntfsprogs, then all ntfs operations will work in gparted15:00
geniislerder: From a livecd you need package installed which first supports the fs or so you are trying to partition/format for. So ntfs-progs15:00
slerderpicasso and jataji thanks ill look into that15:00
KartagisI get libglib2.0-dev: Depends: libglib2.0-0 (= 2.18.2-0ubuntu1) but 2.18.2-0ubuntu2 is to be installed. what to do?15:00
slerdergenni thanks15:00
theonelostmodderquestion for ne one - i have my laptop hooked up to my tv. Vizio 26 inch lcd 1080i and when i try to play a movie or other video file it wont show uo in the player on the tv just shows a black screen. what could the problem be? everything else shows up but the video on the tv in the movie player help plz thanks.15:00
bujarhello i tried to install cnet, the "make" and "sudo make install" commands didnt show any errors, but now when i type "cnet" i still get " unknown command" . HELP!!! im running the update manager, could that be the reason why the cnet command is still unknown to the console?15:00
Picassotamusslerder: what is the diff between ntfs-3g and ntfs-progs?15:00
w30slerder, there is special applications for ntfs file systems in the repos. Have you got those installed. that might help.seardh ntfs in the synaptic app.15:01
theonelostmodderquestion for ne one - i have my laptop hooked up to my tv. Vizio 26 inch lcd 1080i and when i try to play a movie or other video file it wont show uo in the player on the tv just shows a black screen. what could the problem be? everything else shows up but the video on the tv in the movie player help plz thanks.15:01
lucai have insallet kubuntu-desktop.. and now i can use kde.. but i saw its the old version so i installed kubuntu4-desktop15:01
lucahow can i remove kubnutu-desktop?15:01
* ScottG489 is away: Gone away for now15:01
theonelostmodderno one?15:02
PerryArmstrongcan anyone tell me the command used to view the users existing on a system15:02
lucai tryed sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop but it didnt work15:02
usr13mikerose357: Is 1600x1200  an acceptable screen size?15:02
w30luca, kubuntu 8.10 has KDE4. Would you consider installing that?15:03
catnapI have a great development idea15:03
theonelostmodderquestion for ne one - i have my laptop hooked up to my tv. Vizio 26 inch lcd 1080i and when i try to play a movie or other video file it wont show uo in the player on the tv just shows a black screen. what could the problem be? everything else shows up but the video on the tv in the movie player help plz thanks.15:03
catnapis there some sort of development channel?15:03
m3gamanman will you people stop posting the same thing over and over again...give it time...someone will naswer15:04
munichlinuxhas someone fixed the firefox dsp issue? (Firefox holding up the /dev/dsp)15:04
theonelostmoddersorry m3gaman15:04
lucaw30: i installed ubuntu.. and use gnome but i installed the packet kubuntu-desktop that i can choose between the enviroments15:04
slerderjtaji and genii thanks it worked great. Now I have another problem though. When i try to create a new partition it says It is not possible to create more than 4 primary partitions. What should i do? is there some way i can change some partitions to not primary (logical) all the partitions i have on that drive are only for media files. thanks15:04
thiebaudeluca: yes15:04
KewliOOcan someone help me15:04
lucaw30: then i realised that kubuntu-desktop is the 3.5 version of kde15:04
m3gamanno need to be sorry...I just don't understand why people can't have some patients...15:04
PerryArmstrongcan anyone explain me the difference between 'who' and 'who am i' commands15:04
thiebaudeat the log in prompt choose sessions15:05
theonelostmodderim an impatient person15:05
lucaso i decided to install kubuntu4-deskotp .. thats the new version and i want to remove the old version15:05
jtajislerder: if you already have 4 primaries, you'll need to delete one, and then you can put one or more logicals in that space15:05
m3gamanthen hit google and figure out the answer for your self15:05
lucaw30: do you understand what i mean?15:05
theonelostmodderi am while i wait15:05
theonelostmodderhoping to find the answer15:05
slerderjtaji, but cant i just change a parition from primary to logical?15:06
jtajislerder: unforutnately no15:06
m3gamantheonelostmodder:: great...then there is no need to ask again in here15:06
KewliOOcan someone tell me how to get into the GUI of Ubuntu 8.10....All it shows wheh it boots is " GRUB>15:06
slerderjtaji.. mm that seems absurd. I think ill just use acronis disk director for windows then...Im pretty sure i can use that15:07
theonelostmodderif u know the answer u could just tell me15:07
ScuniziKewliOO: do you have more than one drive in your machine?15:07
w30luca, gotcha, but I am afraid I can't help on that one except to say removing KDE3 is complicated because it affects so much other stuff.15:07
m3gamantheonelostmodder:: yeah and if I did I would have told you...just like im sure if someone else knew the answer they would have let you know...15:07
ScuniziKewliOO: Grub is the bootloader and didn't install correctly or on the right drive.. I'll have ubottu give you a link15:07
KewliOOI have 3 Hard drives and one cd-R/dvdrom15:07
Scunizi!grub | KewliOO15:07
ubottuKewliOO: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto15:07
snowveiltheonelostmodder, have you tried playing it back on your standard monitor?15:08
snowveilare you sure you have the right video codecs?15:08
lucaw30: ah okey thats the problem ;) i tryed just to remove kubuntu-desktop but then saw that it didnt work;) but no porlbem will find it out =)15:08
KewliOOThank you alot15:08
ScuniziKewliOO: np15:08
snowveiltheonelostmodder, try playing it back in VLC, see if it will work there...if so you need the right video decoder, if not I don't know15:09
Lindsay2009hi - i have found a replacement DVD rom drive for my ubuntu machine, and i'm wondering if it works perfectly, could i use it to read my NTFS dvd-rs15:09
theonelostmodderk ty snow ill try. it works on the laptop screen just not on the tv thru the rgb (vga) connection15:09
ScuniziLindsay2009: the proof is when you try it and it works..15:10
snowveilif it works on the laptop screen that's probably not the issue theonelostmodder15:10
QQQLindsay2009 why dont you try it?15:10
sim-valuewhat an NTFS DVD rs ?15:10
Lindsay2009NTFS Is a windows file format15:10
Lindsay2009and dvd-r is a burnt dvdrom disc15:10
sim-valueactually filesystem15:10
jtajiLindsay2009: there is no such thing as NTFS formatted optical discs, but yes you will be able to read any format used on DVDs15:10
snowveilLindsay2009 , the dvds won't be ntfs15:10
Scunizibut to combine ntft and dvd is not correct15:10
mikerose357ok another question, some programs if I try to start them from konsole like so "sudo kate" tell me command not found15:11
mikerose357and yet just "kate" works fine15:11
theonelostmodderok ill try to gogle the issue as no one here has the answer. if all else fails theres alwasy google15:11
Lindsay2009jtaji - k. but i do need any additional tools to access my data files from the disc?15:11
sim-valueand if you use su ...15:11
Scunizimikerose357: you should start graphic programs with gksudo not sudo15:11
mikerose357su doens't even fundtion15:11
jtajiLindsay2009: nope15:12
Lindsay2009alright. thank you.15:12
PKodonUmm, when you say "it's the old version", are you talking about it being KDE 3.x?15:12
Scunizimikerose357: su is not a function in ubuntu unless you do some hacking15:12
JarG0nwhere is the pastebin for this channel?15:12
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)15:12
erUSULLindsay2009: dvdr use iso9669 or udf not ntfs that's for hard drives15:12
bogeyhi, I removed wpasupplicant15:12
Lindsay2009erUSL - thank you for info15:12
ScuniziJarG0n: or you can use any pastebin service.. pastebin.com etc15:12
Lindsay2009wasn't sure15:12
bogeyThe following packages will be REMOVED: network-manager network-manager-gnome ubuntu-desktop wpasupplicant15:12
bogeywhy it removes network totally15:12
Lindsay2009my old dvd-rom had hard time reading anything15:12
bogeyI don't need wlan thingys15:12
Lindsay2009wouldn't read dvd-rs and barely played dvds15:13
mikerose357ok thanks gksudo works, I was used to using kdesu for graphical apps but that doesn't work either15:13
PKodonAck! Sorry, for some reason the channel was scrolled back, I was answering someone who asked a question a long time ago.15:13
JarG0nI just ran chkrootkit, and it found the following.  Would this have been caused by installing Wireshark?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/129794/15:13
bogeyneed to plugin keyboard to fix my network :P15:13
Scunizimikerose357: are you on gnome running kde aps or kde running kde aps?15:13
mikerose357on kde15:14
Lindsay2009well thank you all for your help15:14
Lindsay2009take care15:14
Scunizimikerose357: weird that kdesu doesn't work15:14
mikerose357kde 3.5 I'm waiting for 4 to someday stop sucking15:14
Scunizimikerose357: 4.2 is looking good15:15
JarG0nanyone? :)15:15
mikerose357great I can't believe that labeled an alpha release 4.0 heh15:15
usr13bogey: What is your issue?  (What problem are you trying to solve?)15:15
ScuniziJarG0n: probably is wireshark.. you can always uninstall wireshark and check again as a comparison..15:16
sipiorJarG0n: is the interface still in promiscuous mode?15:16
javbwhat's the directory of the trash in Ubuntu 8.04 - the Hardy Heron - released in April 2008 ? I need to empty it via CLI !15:17
JarG0nScunizi> I did uninstall.  Should that still be there ?15:17
JarG0nsipior> not sure, how do I check?15:17
w30Whe does one get those long gibish names for partitions for cat /etc/fstab15:17
Scunizi!trash | javb15:17
ubottujavb: The location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash15:17
sipiorJarG0n: ifconfig will show it15:17
JarG0nsipior> what indicates promiscuous mode on eth0 ?15:18
ScuniziJarG0n: not sure if the config files etc left behind make a difference or not.15:18
JarG0nScunizi> I thought that might be the case.15:18
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sipiorJarG0n: "PROMISC"15:18
Picassotamus!fstab > w3015:19
ubottuw30, please see my private message15:19
JarG0nsipior> Nope.  I don't see that anywhere.  Thx sir :)15:19
JarG0nsipior> Scunizi> I've ran two rootkit detectors.  It's good to know you don't have a rootkit installed. :D15:19
w30Picassotamus, thank you very much.15:22
CosmiChaosDoes somebody know how to enable nautilus to create thumbnails for mpeg and x264??? I have it working for xvid, all unstripped packages and thumbnailers installed. Please help.15:22
Picassotamusw30: np yw15:22
ScuniziJarG0n: how did you start chrootkit? I just installed15:24
JarG0nsudo chrootkit15:24
Scuniziah. thanks15:24
sipiorJarG0n: might be worth digging through the rootkit detection scripts, and see precisely what test is returning that result. it should then be pretty clear where it thinks the problem is.15:24
ScuniziJarG0n: "chkrootkit".. I keep forgetting the "k" in the name15:25
JarG0nScunizi> I did that too.  Also install Rootkit Hunter from package rkhunter.  It seems to be more comprehensive.15:25
AchothHello. I'm installing Mumble server on my Ubuntu Server 8.10. I need an application that is able to send simple mails. Is it a complicatied process to make a server able to send mails?15:26
CosmiChaosDoes somebody know how to enable nautilus to create thumbnails for mpeg and x264??? I have it working for xvid, all unstripped packages and thumbnailers installed. Please help.15:26
storbeckAchoth: sendmail15:26
rhousandis there a command like chkconfig --list for ubuntu?15:27
JarG0nsipior> I did.  I think I pasted the test in pastebin, which shows it was searching for possible sniffers.15:27
laicHi, can somebody shed some light on hardware.  I plan to build a desktop for editing some HDV probably using Kino and Cinelerra which I have minimum experience on my present system running 8.04 on 32 bit with 1GB of RAM, a system I built 7 or 8 years ago.  THANKS.15:27
Achothstorbeck: Is it as simple as apt-get install sendmail?15:28
sipiorJarG0n: i meant: what precise code is being executed to determine the presence of a sniffer. there are a number of possibilities, and an inspection of the source code would reveal what's going on.15:28
usr13rhousand: There is a gui: services-admin15:28
JarG0nsipior> I see15:28
rhousandusr13,  yea, I was looking for a command line option. :(15:29
Achothstorbeck: Well, I'll try it, thanks :)15:29
storbeckrhousand: sudo apt-get install chkconfig15:31
Kuukkeli^hmmmh, steam keeps freezing on "Logging to steam account"15:31
rhousandez as can be15:31
CosmiChaosDoes somebody know how to enable nautilus to create thumbnails for mpeg and x264??? I have it working for xvid, all unstripped packages and thumbnailers installed. Please help.15:31
storbeckyep :)15:32
HanzZhi, is it possible to install package from proposed repository without adding it? I need to do it in one command15:32
storbeckKuukkeli^: /join #wine15:32
HanzZI think I can't do it, but I want to ask15:32
storbeckHanzZ: I suppose you could wget the package, then dpkg install it15:33
mikevankuikerUSUL: can you help me with a thingy? I want a user to autologin on a machine but I only have ssh access... I did it before but I can't remember how :P15:33
storbeckmikevankuik: use ssh keys15:33
beninganyone knows how to view wmf file on ubuntu?15:34
erUSULmikevankuik: i do not know how to do it either.... something on the gdm config perhaps15:34
mikevankuikstorbeck: ? how do you mean? I'm not sure15:34
erUSUL!w32codecs | bening15:34
ubottubening: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org15:34
mikevankuikerUSUL: yeah... there is some file I should edit I think... but not sure witch :P15:34
storbeckmikevankuik: ssh-keygen, install the key, then copy the key to an ~/.ssh server15:34
beninganyone knows how to view wmf image on ubuntu?15:34
usr13rhousand: I guess in distros other than RH / Fedora, you just work with the executible bits on the scripts.  In other words, you just chmod -x or chomd +x to the actual scripts, (mostly in /etc/init.d/ )  Someone correct me as needed....15:34
bhsxi've been having some locking/freezing issues in 8.10, newly installed and updated, haven't even installed codecs yet...  with ati x300 se15:34
bhsxhas the latest update caused hanging issues for anyone?15:35
bhsxthis never happenned before, i updated my box and it started freezing up...15:35
csarvenIf a typeface supports a particular Unicode characters does the text rendering still default to DejaVu because of the Pango library?15:35
bhsxi could SSH into it and initiate a reboot, and it would kick me out of ssh but hang on the reboot15:36
bhsxand not complete it15:36
bhsxany ideas?15:36
usr13rhousand: And to see what is running or not, just ls -l /etc/init.d/15:36
milda_hi, I lost my eth0 connection in ubuntu 8.10 - it's not in control pannel next clock .. and i can't connect the internet now - i haven't any control :( can somebody help me ?15:36
storbeckbhsx: Run it in a screen15:36
mikevankuikstorbeck: but I have access on the machine (via sftp its possible to access the machine too just nog via vnc but that is solved as soon as I have the user autologed in)15:36
bhsxrun what in a screen?15:36
rhousand\j #mysql15:36
storbeckYes mikevankuik All you need to do is copy over your ~/.ssh folder to the server. You can do it with sftp :)15:37
CosmiChaosDoes somebody know how to enable nautilus to create thumbnails for mpeg and x264??? I have it working for xvid, all unstripped packages and thumbnailers installed. Please help.15:37
sipiormikevankuik: the file you want is /etc/gdm/gdm.conf, i think. pay attention to the comments, though, as it is autogenerated :-) alternatively, you can forward an X session with ssh -X, and run the configurator that way.15:37
rhousandhaha opps!15:37
coreycan wireshark be used to see what my employees are viewing on the internet?15:37
storbeckOh, you're trying to auto-login to gdm?15:37
storbeckI thought you meant auto-login to ssh15:37
bhsxstorbeck, what do you mean run it in a screen?15:37
storbeckbhsx: Open up a screen session, then run the command inside screen15:37
rhousandcorey, squid is a better way of doing that15:37
bhsx?  i'm talking about 8.10 crashing....    i don't understand why screen would have anything to do with it?15:38
mikevankuiksipior cool tx :) I'll have a look15:38
donjuanluis07usr13: not getting any help, do you know someone that edits vcf files?15:38
usr13rhousand: I found   update-rc.d15:38
storbeckbhsx: After it kicks you out, you can log back in, and re-attach yourself to the screen session, and see what's going on15:39
rhousandcorey, there are even perl scripts that will go through your log files and do reporting15:39
usr13donjuanluis07: Just a sec.  I'll see15:39
rhousandusr13, I have installed chkconfig via apt-get. it works great15:39
usr13rhousand: update-rc.d - install and remove System-V style init script links15:39
rhousandusr13, thanks though15:39
donjuanluis07dude i appreciate it15:39
gherghoutj'ai kubuntu 8.10 et je veux installer ubuntuME mais j'ai pas réussit pouvez vous m'aidez ?15:40
Scunizistorbeck: not if you're initiating a reboot of the machine via ssh like bhsx is saying.. the screen session would terminate on reboot15:40
donjuanluis07having the worst time with this first time I have had a problem this bad with linux15:40
usr13rhousand: Ok, cool...  update-rc.d  may be the backend to it... but yea, that's good to know because chkconfig is good tool15:40
bhsxthank you15:40
TheAngel_yes tether works _O_15:41
gherghout i have kubuntu8.10 and i want install ubuntuME but i can't can you help me to do that  please15:41
storbeckScunizi: His reboot is hanging though, so I don't think it would close out screen15:41
bhsxso i'm the only one?  boo hoo15:41
BeBoo_anyone know if you can configure a raid from the ubuntu installer? I have an hp server and i need to adjust the raid before i install15:41
Scunizistorbeck: depends on if it hangs on the shutdown side or the boot side.. > bhsx15:41
bhsxprolly just a matter of turning off my "effects" again... but they shouldn't be on by default if they're gonna cause crashing issues15:41
presshereany recommended firewalls for ubuntu?15:42
Scunizibhsx: metacity --replace?15:42
yggdrasilhello can somone recomend a linux supported video capture card  (s-video)?15:42
Scunizibhsx: instead of a full reboot how 'bout just doing a gdm reboot.. sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart15:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about virtualhost15:42
coreyrhousand: squid? I am more interested in using wireshark regardless of what is better. All I have to do is find logs that use the dns protocol and type the destination IP in my web browser correct?15:42
BeBoo_yggdrasil: many of the hauppauge series15:43
bhsxi tried that.. didn't do anything15:43
Scunizibhsx: then screen would be usefull15:43
ubottuUbuntu, like any other linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'iptables' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo), or GUI applications such as Firestarter (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE).15:43
ubuntistaswhere can i find gimp as a deb file?15:43
ubuntistasany clue?15:43
Scunizibhsx: change the driver to vesa?15:43
bhsxthat's weak though....15:43
bhsxi have the card, i should be able to use it15:43
bhsxit's disappointing...15:44
Scunizibhsx: is the driver one that ubuntu supplied or one that you installed from ati's site?15:44
emperorcezarIs there any possible way to install flash 9 plugin on 8.10 64 bit? Synaptic only has 10 and the it's just too unstable.15:44
bhsxit's a fresh install.... so it's the ubuntu one.... although, i reinstalled because of the initial freezing issue, and that was with ATI drivers15:44
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luis_lopezhi SevillaElisa15:45
pressherecan anyone help me to turn off IPv6 pls?15:45
coreyrhousand: squid? I am more interested in using wireshark regardless of what is better. All I have to do is find logs that use the dns protocol and type the destination IP in my web browser correct?15:45
bhsxand the pc doesn't freeze in XP....15:45
bhsxno hardware issues...15:45
sim-valueWhich card do you have =15:45
tintoi wish to promote the use of ubuntu in my campus is there any documentation or howto to help me through?15:45
sim-valueAti sucks for Drivers btw ...15:45
bhsxyes it does15:45
bhsxbut it's what i have15:45
sim-valueWhat card ?15:46
bhsxati radeon x300 se15:46
bhsx"stock" gateway 700GR15:46
usr13donjuanluis07: So we need to convert cvs to vcf ?  Right? Wrong?15:46
bhsx5 years old... should be WELL supported15:46
sim-valueshouldnt the Opensource driver have 3D accel =15:46
donjuanluis07csv to vcf yes!15:47
BactaHow can I make my Ubuntu look like MacOS?15:47
usr13And from where do you get the csv file?15:47
donjuanluis07i used http://homepage.mac.com/phrogz/CSV2vCard_v2.html but no luck15:47
bhsxright now i'm using the open source drivers and yes, they have accel15:47
donjuanluis07I got it from openoffice15:47
sim-valueso .... ?15:47
bhsxi haven't even installed the "restricted" drivers yet15:47
donjuanluis07i saved a ods to csv text15:47
donjuanluis07like the web address told me to15:48
usr13donjuanluis07: So you are creating the cvs file with OO ?  Your doing it yourself?15:48
bhsxsim, i'm talking about a hard crash/freeze issue, i'm not complaining that i dont have 3d accel....15:48
mohanohiI am unable to mount USB Drive in ubuntu 8.10. It showing Cannot mount volume. You are not privileged to mount this volume.15:48
usr13donjuanluis07: Well, what about this?:  http://freshmeat.net/projects/vcard/15:48
sim-valueI thought you had that with the Restricted one15:48
mohanohipls anybody help me..15:49
bhsxi had the issue with the "ATI" supplied catalyst drivers... i reinstalled just on a whim, updated, and it froze again15:49
Bactasudo su first15:49
rhousandcorey, it can be done. but the pcap files are very large and you will have to dig through the logs your self. We did that for a wile but we have a lot of users and use thin clients so it looks like everyone connects from the server. now i have user based  acl and a perl script which converts our logs. so, the answer is yes you can use wire shark.15:49
Bactabefore mounting15:49
bhsxso it's not the drivers, it's the update15:49
n8tuserfmohanohi-> use sudo15:49
mohanohiok.. then..15:49
BactaUbuntu is ghey in that regard15:50
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sipiorcorey: in principle. but how are you going to deal with the fact that most viewed web pages pull images (for adverts and the like) from multiple other locations? even a small amount of web use is likely to generate quite a few addresses to check. and if you're planning on using this information against an employee (which is what it sounds like you're asking), you'd best be quite sure you understand what you're doing, lest you accuse an innocent.15:50
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tintomohanohi, sudo mount /media/usbname15:50
usr13donjuanluis07: apt-cache search vcard reports:  "2vcard - perl script to convert an addressbook to VCARD file format"15:51
donjuanluis07k how am i supposed to use this, its just a tar with a vcf file in it15:51
BactaAnd this ladies and gents is why Ubuntu is still not ready for the everyday user15:51
ChousukeI still think mounting external drives should be made easier15:51
pavscan't wait for Chrome to make linux port of the browser. I freaking love it.15:51
mohanohiok.. but how can i permanently set permission for my account to do mount?15:51
ChousukeBacta: meh15:51
BactaChousuke: Absolutely!15:51
tintoBacta, who says?15:51
invalidmohanohi, use fstab15:51
ChousukeBacta: most of the time gnome automounts USB drives just fine15:51
n8tuserfChousuke-> if you learned to use udev rules, then those can be automated!15:51
invaliderr - maybe not15:52
Bactawhat kind of a beginner wants to see a terminal? It's rubbish15:52
Chousuken8tuserf: yeah. that's not simple :P15:52
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mohanohihmmm. i am a noob for ubuntu.. what is fstab15:52
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions15:52
n8tuserfChousuke-> correct and i wish it could be better15:52
BactaThere we go again15:52
Chousuken8tuserf: there should be a simple GUI for setting up removable device properties somewhere.15:52
BactaWhy must a noob know about fstab? :P15:52
vladyhelp please15:52
sipiorBacta: well what are you planning on doing to fix it?15:52
vladyi can't install postgresql-8.3.6-1-linux-x64.bin15:52
ScuniziBacta: because he's learning?15:52
tintomohanohi, you can changes privilages for users form system>administration>users and group15:52
Bactasipior: Complaining until my C skills are decent15:52
Chousukelike "mount this drive automatically when you see it and give users A, B and C access to it"15:52
mohanohiok ok.. thank you i will try..15:53
Kuukkeli^storbeck: it's invite only channel. the #wine15:53
sipiorBacta: get back to studying, then :-)15:53
ChousukeBacta: again, gnome still automounts most things just fine.15:53
BactaWe seriously need a Steve Jobs15:53
ChousukeBacta: it just could be even easier15:53
mohanohiyes.. it was mounting previously automatically i double click on it..15:53
Bactawho will yell and scream at everyone15:53
Bactayet will make things work for the user15:53
mohanohinow it shows dont have permission...15:53
donjuanluis07usr13: what am I supposed to do15:53
sipiorBacta: screaming at volunteers tends to make them ignore you15:54
tintomohanohi, are you in sudoers file?15:54
wershow do I name partitions with Ubuntu? the os x installer allowed me to name my os x partition while my linux partitions are unnamed15:54
Bactasipior: I guess what I meant was an evangelist like Jobs15:54
mohanohihmm what is sudoers file?15:54
Kuukkeli^Hello, my steam keeps freezing, could someone recommend me a fix to this? Freezes at "connecting to steam account" part15:54
Scuniziwers: you can do that with gparted if you want.. or if you're more adventurous use fdisk15:55
tintomohanohi, you first do some study15:55
Kuukkeli^too bad wine is Invite only15:55
usr13donjuanluis07: apt-get install 2vcard15:55
mohanohiok.. i will tinto..15:55
mohanohisorry if i am bothering..15:55
wersScunizi, thanks15:55
Scuniziwers: np15:55
aspoorI hacked Renegade with HEX15:55
Bactamohanohi: You're not bothering anyone. There are people who know how to do what you want done but they're too high up on their high horses to give you a straight answer15:56
ChousukeKuukkeli^: tried #winehq?15:56
aspoornot sappose to.15:56
tintoBacta, i think its not so15:56
Kuukkeli^Chousuke, not yet, testing now.15:56
mohanohiyes i understand..15:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cc15:56
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mohanohii should first learn..15:57
BactaIt's quite sad when you go into a channel having spent ages trying to get something to work and then be told to go somewhere by some bot or told to do "study" by someone who knows clearly what you must do15:57
PicassotamusBacta: i don't think thats accurate or appropriate15:57
ChousukeBacta: you should not make such remarks.15:57
Scunizi!conduct | Bacta15:57
ubottuBacta: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/15:57
gnu_dHi, Nautilus crashes after update to Ibex15:57
Bacta*sigh* perhaps I just have a different view of the "user" than everybody else15:57
gnu_dthis gives me dmesg> [10413.365865] nautilus[20292]: segfault at 72656854 ip b764d1ae sp b676a030 error 4 in libgio-2.0.so.0.1800.2[b762c000+65000]15:57
ChousukeBacta: no you don't.15:57
ChousukeBacta: I know what mohanohi needs to do but frankly I am not certain I can give him proper advice.15:57
phiberoptikubuntu french?15:57
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr15:58
ScuniziBacta: it wasn't the user you were making comments about, it's the volunteers helping new users.15:58
sipiorBacta: were you planning on helping at some point? or just doing the emo thing for a while?15:58
aspoorrelease renew the lib set15:58
ChousukeBacta: the way I do things might not be the easiest to understand, you see.15:58
ChousukeBacta: I'm not a gnome expert.15:58
BactaOk, sorry15:58
aspoorsudo make uninstall15:58
aspoorsudo make unload15:58
donjuanluis07usr13: working on it15:58
usr13Good luck.15:58
BactaPerhaps I'm venting over things I've seen here in the past. People coming to Ubuntu often don't want to have to learn about configuration files etc. they just want something that helps them do their work15:59
ChousukeBacta: that's a problem15:59
mohanohias reading about fstab, its actually is for partition of drives on booting configuration files right? But i am talking about pen drive here..15:59
ChousukeBacta: when you use a new system, you SHOULD want to learn how it works.15:59
ChousukeBacta: either that, or get someone to set it up for you.15:59
usr13mohanohi: fstab is for mounting drives15:59
m3gamanChousuke:: I could not agree more16:00
emperorcezarIs there any possible way to install flash 9 plugin on 8.10 64bit? Synaptic only has 10 and the it's just too unstable.16:00
ChousukeBacta: such users would not be able to use windows properly either if it weren't set up for them already.16:00
BactaChousuke: Does a XP/Vista user need to know about configuration files or others? They just get up and going16:00
gnu_dHey, what to do with Nautilus ?16:00
ChousukeBacta: no they don't.16:00
ChousukeBacta: the system is set up for them.16:00
ScuniziChousuke: sort of .. but more indirectly.. most new users what to learn how to do "what they have an interest in" or what to replicate what they had on a different system using linux programs16:00
ChousukeBacta: and if it happens not to work, they'll be just as clueless as they would be with ubuntu.16:00
usr13mohanohi: It tells the operating system what you want mounted or what you want the user to have access to, in being able to mount.16:00
Duddlehmm... I have a script that does some stuff, e.g. start firefox. if I run it manually, it works. but if I put it in cron, it gets executed but does not do anything. the script has all rights. any ideas?16:00
BactaI've just had a lot of experience with people like my father and I imagine them trying to get up and running with Linux. It would be hell but sadly he represents a majority of computer users16:00
ScuniziChousuke: and that's ok for them.. This is all off topic16:01
mohanohiok.. ok.. now i really understood.. thank you usr13..16:01
usr13mohanohi: What are you trying to do?16:01
ChousukeBacta: your father would not be able to install Windows either :)16:01
BactaHe did last time16:01
gnu_dCome on, it's emergency, how to rebuild Nautilus !16:01
BactaBarely but he did16:01
PKodonChousuke: This is one reason I hesitated for years to try Linux. Sometimes it's a matter of the ammount of time and money you have (time to figgure out a new system, money to have someone else do it when you don't have the time).16:01
mohanohii inserted a pen drive to transfer some files.. upon double clicking the drive it showed me i dont have permission to mount the drive..16:02
ChousukePKodon: there's always the pain of switching.16:02
usr13mohanohi: Oh, ok.16:02
lucawhere and how is the name of the configurationfile form init16:02
kriss3dhmm if im on the network with windows computers.. how would i access their shares ? would i have to mount each one ?16:02
Bactamohanohi: If it were me I would bust out the terminal and type sudo mount whatever but my ranting in here has been that you shouldn't need to do that16:02
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PicassotamusBacta: Do you have any evidence that people "like your father" are the majority of computer users, or you just want to prove your point? I have parents too, that are running XP, and they have problems w/ it and don't know what to do either so, your anectote means nothing16:03
ChousukePKodon: but if you're even marginally prepared to accept that you might need to *study* the new system a bit, Ubuntu is just great.16:03
sipiorgnu_d: what were you doing in nautilus at the time it crashed?16:03
lucakriss3d: samba16:03
Scunizi!ot | Bacta Chousuke PKodon Picassotamus16:03
ubottuBacta Chousuke PKodon Picassotamus: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:03
gnu_dsipior: I dropped images in the folder.16:03
sipiorgnu_d: and the bug is reproducible?16:03
Chousukemohanohi: So hm, how did you try mounting the drive, and what exactly happened?16:03
Bacta#ubuntu-offtopic is full of feminists...16:04
gnu_dsipior: I don't know, but when I paste stuff also crashes.16:04
PKodonScunizi: Sorry.16:04
mohanohii double clicked on the icon of pen drive in nautilus..16:04
ScuniziPKodon: happens..16:04
Chousukemohanohi: did it give you any details? :/16:04
usr13mohanohi: you may need to edit /etc/goup and see that  your user name is entered on the line that starts with the word disk  and also the one that starts with plugdvd  But first, let me ask;  Are you the original user that was established on this system?16:04
Chousukeusr13: editing /etc/group directly is not recommended.16:05
usr13mohanohi: Have you added a new user to the system?16:05
* PKodon shuts up till he has a question.16:05
Chousukeuse "adduser user group" or the gnome user config tools to add yourself to a group16:05
mohanohii will edit the permission in /etc/group16:05
ScuniziPKodon: or an answer :)16:05
Chousukeno, don't!16:05
usr13Chousuke: May have a better way...16:05
Chousukemohanohi: do not touch that file.16:05
mohanohiok.. ok.. i wont..16:05
mohanohii will do adduser..16:06
mohanohiOne thing i didn't understand..16:06
Chousukedon't do that either yet.16:06
Chousukemohanohi: first we need to figure out why you don't have permissions for the disk.16:06
mohanohii installed and used ubuntu for 1 month..16:06
mohanohiit didn't give this problem since.16:06
PKodonScunizi: Well, I'm actually using PC/OS, which is based on Xubuntu, so I don't know how many "answers" I can give here, unless it has to do with getting a WEP connection with a linksys card.16:07
Chousukemohanohi: first, try mounting the disk again normally and tell me exactly what happens.16:07
mohanohinowadays it is telling like that..16:07
BactaYeah I don't get it? Why do you need permission to mount a disk?16:07
ChousukeBacta: of course you do.16:07
Voltaplein 16:07
ChousukeBacta: basic security.16:07
sipiorgnu_d: you might have to downgrade, but did the problem start immediately after upgrading to Ibex?16:07
ChousukeBacta: the problem here is that by default users SHOULD have that permission.16:08
gnu_dsipior: yes16:08
ChousukeBacta: he for some reason does not.16:08
mohanohiit throws an msg that i dont have permission to mount that drive..16:08
Chousukemohanohi: and no details?16:08
Chousukeis there a "show details" thing anywhere?16:08
Picassotamusmohanohi: This is a pen drive? What filesystem is it using?16:08
mohanohilike what type of details?16:08
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usr13mohanohi: If you just edit the file /etc/group and add a comma and your new user name to the end of each line that contains the original user name.16:08
mohanohifat 3216:08
gnu_dsipior: I'll change to dolphin then ]:).16:08
Chousukemohanohi: ANYthing.16:08
sipiorgnu_d: then i'd have a look to see if a bug has been filed, although i haven't heard of anything like that biting a lot of people. you might be stuck going back to the earlier version.16:08
Chousukeusr13: NO.16:08
sipiorgnu_d: dolphin?16:08
usr13Chousuke: Why not?16:09
sipiorChousuke: dude, chill.16:09
Chousukeusr13: do not encourage users to directly edit system files. it's dangerous.16:09
VoltapleinHi  -- question about ifdown and ifup.  if I enter "ifdown eth0" I get the message: "ifdown: interface eth0 not configured" which is not true according to the command "ifconfig eth0".  Is this a bug?16:09
usr13mohanohi: And after that, just log out and back in again.16:09
gnu_dsipior: it's the official KDE file-browser, there is an option in gconf-editor to set which file-browser to start in Gnome.16:09
Chousukemohanohi: I'm going to ask you to use terminal, but that's because I have no idea how to do this using the GUI :)16:09
digitalhighwayI have ubuntu 8.04 running on my dell laptop - What would be the best rss reader for this operating system?16:09
Chousukemohanohi: open a terminal and type "id" and press enter16:10
Chousukemohanohi: then tell me what it says16:10
mohanohiright.. uid=1000(mohan) gid=0(root) groups=0(root),4(adm),20(dialout),24(cdrom),29(audio),44(video),46(plugdev),104(scanner),107(fuse),110(lpadmin),116(netdev),119(admin),124(sambashare)16:10
Chousukewhy is your gid 0 :/16:10
mohanohidont know..16:10
Chousukedid you use sudo?16:10
Chousukeokay, so not that.16:11
sipiorgnu_d: half a moment: which file browser are you trying to use? you're logged into gnome, yes?16:11
digitalhighwaywhat's a good rss reader for linux16:11
sipiorgnu_d: ah wait, i see what you meant.16:11
mohanohiuid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)16:11
gnu_dsipior: are kidding me ?16:11
Scunizidigitalhighway: liferea16:11
Chousukemohanohi: the command without sudo was fine :)16:11
gnu_dsipior: sorry I got a headache16:11
sipiorgnu_d: no, i simply didn't understand what you wrote16:11
Chousukemohanohi: but that looks correct, so :/16:11
Picassotamusmohanohi: You may have an unclean unmount on there.. look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount/USB, and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TestingStorageMedia16:12
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Chousukemohanohi: now do "ls -l /dev/sd*" and put the output in pastebin somewhere16:12
quibblerdigitalhighway: pan16:12
mohanohiok Picassotamus, i will try..16:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about rss16:12
sipiorquibbler: pan does rss now?16:12
Picassotamusmohanohi: You can check for "FAT: Filesystem panic (dev sda1) " in System Log or use dmesg from ternimal if you want16:13
Chousukemohanohi: actually, do what Picassotamus suggested first :)16:13
gnu_dsipior: ow, I forgot, there is a "sudo: unable to resolve host xxx"16:13
quibblersorry i raed news reader ...i'm tired!16:13
QQQwhen I move whateverApp to my external hd and run: ln -s media/externaldrive/usr/whateverApp /usr/whateverApp how will the updates on whateverApp behave?16:13
ChousukeQQQ: you shouldn't do that.16:14
ChousukeQQQ: /usr/ belongs to the package manager. you shouldn't mess with it manually unless you know exactly what you're doing16:14
QQQChousuke I need to free some space somehow...16:14
BeBoo_what is the purpose of an LVM and is it needed?16:15
ChousukeQQQ: for starters run "apt-cache clean" :)16:15
QQQChousuke and moving/installing apps too my external drivve was a great solution (i thought)16:15
ChousukeQQQ: it's not really so easy.16:15
QQQChousuke did that :) but I have 5gb only on my ssd16:15
toddooni have crashed my X server after manipulating compiz manager how do i start a X session without compiz i have removed .compiz but it runs compiz16:15
ChousukeQQQ: /usr usually doesn't take that much space anyway16:15
ChousukeQQQ: anyway, moving stuff there is possible, but not with simple symlinks.16:16
Chousukeor at least, that's not very robust.16:16
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QQQChousuke the diskspace analyser does show 3,5gb of 6,3GB used. I wonder what the rest is16:17
ChousukeQQQ: however, if you did that you would be unable to use the system without the external drive.16:17
QQQChousuke that sucked...16:17
ChousukeQQQ: you might want to look for big files in /home perhaps and move them to the external drive?16:18
ChousukeQQQ: or remove some packages you don't need :)16:18
vernethey... does anyone know how to disable panning via the mouse when using a virtual resolution?16:18
erUSUL"lvm | BeBoo_16:18
arusselthe "monitor resolution settings" offer as max resolution 1360x768, mine should be 1600x900. How can I add it ?16:18
erUSUL!lvm | BeBoo_16:18
ubottuBeBoo_: Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO16:18
Yownanymousvernet: Dunno if you can...16:18
ChousukeQQQ: you still have 2GB of free space, which is plenty.16:19
Picassotamus!resolution > arussel16:19
ubottuarussel, please see my private message16:19
ChousukeQQQ: don't worry about it too much :)16:19
ChousukeQQQ: just store big files on the external drive.16:19
QQQChousuke: no i have 150mb left16:19
Chousukeah. hmm16:19
YownanymousQQQ: Ouch16:19
mchelenarussel, what is your video card16:19
donjuanluis07usr13: ok got it from synaptec BUT now what?  is this command line only? or is there a gui?16:20
kedareHi, somebody know what is the "Cached memory" ? that use 50% of all my memory on my ubuntu-server16:20
vernetYownanymous, I think I've done it before a really long time ago, but I can't remember how :-/16:20
kedare(look here: http://kedare.free.fr/Dist/mem-cached.png)16:20
ChousukeQQQ: try removing some packages?16:20
Chousukeusing synaptic.16:21
usr13donjuanluis07: 2vcard is a Perl script to convert an addressbook to the popular VCARD file format. It can convert addresses for mutt, pine, mh, juno, Eudora, and ldif.  Try man 2vcard16:21
Yownanymousoh, something ridiculous I read from a Windows troll yesterday16:21
QQQChousuke: which? I need most of my apps (all bigger ones are uninstalled by now)16:21
YownanymousLinux is apparently less organised than Windows16:21
ChousukeQQQ: anyway, I strongly recommend against doing anything weird with /usr; just try to find out where the space is going.16:21
mohanohiif i mount /dev/sdd1 it shows mount: only root can mount /dev/sdd1 on /media/sdd116:21
Yownanymousapparently having lib and bin folders is too difficult for the poor guys' brains...16:21
arusselPicassotamus: thanks16:21
Chousukemohanohi: try gnome-mount16:22
Chousukeor is it gvfs-mount16:22
Picassotamusarussel: Found your answer then I gather... np :)16:22
QQQChousuke: okey. to bad I can't make use of my 40GB external for apps (dont have many (big-)files)16:22
mohanohiError mounting location: volume doesn't implement mount16:22
ChousukeQQQ: if you have most of your bigger apps uninstalled then /usr/ really shouldn't be taking more than 2 GB :/16:22
toddooni have crashed my X server after manipulating compiz manager how do i start a X session without compiz i have removed .compiz but it runs compiz16:23
ChousukeQQQ: make sure you don't have anything big in /tmp/?16:23
VoltapleinHi  -- question about ifdown and ifup.  if I enter "ifdown eth0" I get the message: "ifdown: interface eth0 not configured" which is not true according to the command "ifconfig eth0".  Is this a bug?16:23
QQQChousuke: oh, stupid I'll check that now (but did it some time ago)16:24
QQQChousuke: tmp is 2,5 mb16:24
Chousukeokay, so not there16:24
QQQChousuke: /usr/ is 2,5 GB16:24
Chousukehow big is /home?16:24
ChousukeQQQ: that sounds okay for /usr16:25
sim-valuewhy dont you use Disk usage analyzer ?16:25
Chousukeso the rest of your space is going somewhere else.16:25
QQQChousuke: 550 says  the diskspacemanager/explorer16:25
QQQChousuke for home16:25
Chousukethat's quite a lot.16:25
arusselPicassotamus: not yet16:25
PicassotamusQQQ: What sim-value said... its a nice tool16:25
Greatuckeranybody here want to help me debug a problem16:25
Picassotamusarussel: You wanted to get a higher resolution than what was listed?16:26
BeBoo_thank you, erUSUL16:26
QQQsim-value: I use it: showing me 3,5 of 6 used GB16:26
erUSULBeBoo_: no problem16:26
Picassotamus!anyone | Greatucker16:27
ubottuGreatucker: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?16:27
Greatuckerinstalling ubuntu from the disk and only getting a terminal prompt and no GUI16:27
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Greatuckerthats my  bug or problem16:27
arusselPicassotamus: yes. I want to add 1600x900 resolution. I tried  xrandr --addmode 1600x90016:28
ChousukeQQQ: if it's showing 3.5, how come you have only 150MB left?16:28
Greatuckerim installing the latest edition thats stable of ubuntu and installing it for CSS server in my basement the computer is stable16:28
QQQIt says 3,5GB for / and used spac 6,o of 6,3GB16:28
Greatuckerand meets minimum requirements16:29
ChousukeQQQ: that doesn't quite make sense :/16:29
arusselwhat is a mode ? I get what is an output, a resolution . and xrandr shows the resolutions for per output. Where is hte mode ,16:29
ChousukeQQQ: what does df -h tell you?16:29
evilfixGreatucker: try sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start16:29
QQQChousuke: yeah...16:29
Greatuckerok one second im right now running this through firefox the FMware on ubuntu 64bit edition16:30
QQQChousuke: /dev/sdb5             6,4G  5,9G  146M  98% /16:30
Greatuckerpain in the neck16:30
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QQQChousuke: and some minor 0% or 1% things16:30
Greatuckeralrighty  one second neeed to run down staris16:31
ChousukeQQQ: are there by chance any big files in / for whatever reason? :P16:31
Picassotamusarussel: Does xrandr show you the resolution you need?16:31
sim-valuesomebody knows howto update nexuiz manually ? with the patch ?16:31
QQQChousuke: no, only 2 making 10mb16:31
ChousukeQQQ: run du -sh /*16:32
Chousuketakes a while16:32
Chousuke(does not need root)16:32
QQQChousuke: I c :)16:32
outlierIs there an app out there that can reposition your open windows to tile them or some such?16:32
h4ckluserrlike the equivalent to macs Expose?16:32
arusselPicassotamus: no. I tried to add it:  xrandr --newmode 1600x900 60 but it doesn't accept it.16:33
sebsebseb 16:33
outlierI'm not familiar with Expose - just something to get things to be non-overlapping16:33
ChousukeQQQ: du just counts diskspace, it's nothing malicious :)16:33
h4ckluserrAre you using compiz-fusion?16:33
Chousukeyou might get some permission denied stuff but you can ignore them.16:33
outlierh4ckluserr: yup16:33
QQQChousuke: takes a while..16:34
Greatuckeris it bad to be running a server on a computer thats 4-10 years old16:34
ChousukeQQQ: yeah.16:34
ChousukeQQQ: it goes through everything on your disk :P16:34
Greatuckerbut its stable never crashes16:34
Greatuckeroh nvm16:35
m3gamanGreatucker:: Not at all16:35
h4ckluserrnah, it's no issue, as long as the machine is stable16:35
Picassotamusarussel: Now you may need to add that mode to your output, u could try xrandr --addmode VGA 1600x1400 ( or whatever you need )16:35
QQQChousuke: 2,4G/root; 2,6G/usr16:35
ChousukeQQQ: /root is huge :|16:35
outlierh4ckluserr: Even some way of telling a window where to open itself in the launcher or script would do the job.16:36
ChousukeQQQ: go see what it contains16:36
ChousukeQQQ: it's root's home dir; it should be a few KB at most.16:36
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QQQChousuke: nautillus shows nothing16:36
ChousukeQQQ: ls -la /root/16:36
Chousuke-lah actually16:36
Chousukeeasier to see the sizes16:36
arusselPicassotamus: xrandr: cannot find mode "1600x1400"16:37
QQQChousuke: -rw-------  1 root root  256 2009-01-09 01:17 .pulse-cookie16:37
h4ckluserroutlier: I can't think of anything off my head, I thought CF had a plugin that did just that16:37
QQQChousuke: is that a huge file?16:37
ChousukeQQQ: nah16:37
Yownanymousargh, WINDOWS TROLLS!!!16:37
ChousukeQQQ: it's in blocks.16:38
arusseland to create a new mode I need to add a lot of info I don't have16:38
ChousukeQQQ: use ls -lah to see sizes in KB/MB/GB16:38
Greatuckerhas anyone seen heavymetal the movie?16:38
YownanymousI've never seen something so stupid, claiming Windows is more secure than Linux...16:38
ChousukeQQQ: if there are any subdirectories in /root/, check them too16:38
h4ckluserree gads really?16:38
outlierh4ckluserr: Not that I've found so far.16:38
kranny_<Yownanymous>: Need a small help regarding some text16:39
Greatuckerwindows more secure(starts laughing16:39
m3gamanyou mean windows isn't more secure?16:39
Yownanymouskranny_: ?16:39
kranny_<Yownanymous> http://jntucea.ac.in/1.txt16:39
Greatuckerno it is not16:39
Picassotamusarussel: Did you try that w/ 1600x1900? I just put 1600x1400 cos i couldn't remember what you were going for16:39
QQQChousuke: http://paste.ubuntu.com/129826/16:39
Yownanymoushang on a sec16:39
m3gamanI kid I kid16:39
YownanymousWTF is that?16:39
m3gamancould only be serious for a second before I started lol16:39
kranny_<Yownanymous>: someone send it to decode that text16:39
Picassotamusarussel: err 1600x90016:39
Yownanymousgood luck lol16:40
Greatuckeri mean ive never gotten a virus malware or anything if i use linux16:40
YownanymousI've never gotten a virus on Windows mind, it's called being careful16:40
m3gamandoes anyone here even run an AV solution on their linux box16:40
Greatuckerwell yes16:40
Yownanymousbut I would be SERIOUSLY less likely to get a linux virus16:40
ChousukeQQQ: taht doesn't tell much... hm16:40
GreatuckerAV solution16:40
Yownanymousm3gaman: I use AVG16:40
Greatuckeri use nod3216:41
kranny_<Yownanymous> :Can you just throw some light on atleast what it is16:41
sipiorm3gaman: sure, although that's generally to disinfect mail being handled by the linux box...16:41
ChousukeQQQ: do ls -lahR /root/ next16:41
ChousukeQQQ: recursive :/16:41
SlimeyPeteI sometimes install clamAV, when I can be bothered16:41
Yownanymousto tell the truth, I'm actually using Windows right now16:41
sim-valueanybody knows where nexuiz data goes ?16:41
BeBoo_i use clam16:41
Greatuckercalm isnt bad but i dont like its like of functionality16:41
YownanymousI use Clamwin on Windows, which unfortunately is my main OS :(16:41
QQQChousuke: oh, thats loads of output16:41
ChousukeQQQ: yeah, it is16:41
ChousukeQQQ: but pastebin saves :)16:42
Yownanymousit's become increasingly tempting to format the drive...16:42
Yownanymouskranny_: Got no idea16:42
Greatuckersame here dude im windows32bit mediacenter 200516:42
ChousukeQQQ: you can redirect to a file if it's too much16:42
ChousukeQQQ: do ls -lahR /root/ > output.file16:42
h4ckluserrYownanymous, why would you format?16:42
Yownanymoush4ckluserr: so I could install Linux!16:42
Greatuckerbut i have a partion on the computer to ubuntu64bit16:42
Yownanymouscause I have a small hard drive...16:42
sebsebsebYownanymous: Windows as a main OS?  what why?16:43
Yownanymoussebsebseb: came with the PC, haven't really bothered doing Linux and dual booting and such16:43
h4ckluserrare you familiar with linux? or just dabbling?16:43
Greatuckeranybody know if VMware is really good16:43
Yownanymoush4ckluserr: familiar16:43
sebsebsebYownanymous: maybe you can just get rid of Windows :)  depending on what you want to use your computer for16:43
YownanymousGreatucker: VMWare is good16:43
Geek`N`ProudGreatucker: depends what version and what OS you plan to run in it16:43
h4ckluserrGreatucker: I use VMWare all the time on my Mac, I love it16:43
Yownanymouswell the only thing I'd really miss is one game and shockwave16:43
sebsebsebYownanymous: or just run Windows fine inside  a virtual machine inside Ubuntu, as long as you don't want to say 3D game, and have enough RAM, how much do you have?  I guess at least 1GB so fine for the vm16:44
YownanymousI have at least a gig16:44
Geek`N`ProudYownanymous: Macromedia Shockwave works on Linux through Wine16:44
YownanymousGeek`N`Proud: not very well admittedly16:44
sebsebsebYownanymous: shockwave well that will work fine in a vm16:44
Yownanymoussebsebseb: yeah, I'm gonna be using PUD through a virtual machine inside Windows...16:45
Geek`N`ProudYownanymous: VirtualBox runs Windows 2000/XP/Vista better than VMWare Server (if you're looking to avoid paying)16:45
sebsebsebYownanymous: what's PUD?16:45
Yownanymousyeah I like virtualbox16:45
h4ckluserrIf it's a space issue yownanymous, why not grab a real lightweight distro, DSL or Puppy?16:45
YownanymousPUD's a teeny linux distro based on ubuntu16:45
Greatuckerok here are some tech specs amdathalon 64X2 runnning 3.0GHZ 4GB 800MHz ram and The geforce 260 graphics card16:45
Yownanymouswith LXDE16:45
Yownanymouscause I hate DSL and Puppy...16:45
Yownanymouswith a passion16:45
h4ckluserrok, as said... PUD :)16:45
sebsebsebYownanymous: uhmmmmm  Linux in a vm inside Windows is good for trying, but then you should do Linux for real with partitining :)  and do Windows in the vm :d  or no Windows at all16:46
Greatuckeri hate dsl too16:46
h4ckluserror... PDL run's really fast as well16:46
sebsebsebYownanymous: Directx 10  games suppourt coming soon in Codeweavers  Games by the way16:46
Geek`N`ProudYownanymous: what Windows version by the way?16:46
YownanymousCodeweavers?!? The bunch of scammers that take from Wine and don't give back?!?16:46
YownanymousGeek`N`Proud: XP16:46
Geek`N`ProudYownanymous: they power wine16:46
sebsebsebYownanymous: no that's Cedega16:46
h4ckluserrI dumped Cedega when I had more luck running Steam in Wine than Cedega16:46
Yownanymoushome edition, SP316:46
Greatuckerxp nice16:46
QQQChousuke:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/129829/16:46
ChousukeYownanymous: Um, codeweavers sponsors wine development.16:46
Greatuckeri hate vista16:46
Greatuckerresource hog16:47
freedumMandoes anyone know why rsync in ubuntu would not copy hidden files? I'm using rsync -avz which works on any other distro?16:47
Geek`N`ProudYownanymous: VMWare Server does not work on XP Home16:47
YownanymousI'm not planning on using VMWare server...16:47
Greatuckertry sudo16:47
Geek`N`ProudYownanymous: VMWare Workstation costs money though16:47
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Yownanymouswell I could just use virtualbox or qtemu16:47
Geek`N`Proudand using Workstation to create a VM then Player from there on in sucks16:47
sebsebsebYownanymous: how much hard disk space do you have?16:47
h4ckluserrwhy would you pay for a solution when perfectly good, free apps exist16:47
ChousukeQQQ: root's trash is full of files!16:47
Yownanymoussebsebseb: just over 8 gigs16:47
QQQChousuke: how comes?16:48
sebsebsebYownanymous: I woudn't normalley recommend it, but  you could do wubi, and  have  Ubuntu like that,  yes it puts it inside a part of your NTFS file system16:48
ChousukeQQQ: I have no idea16:48
YownanymousI do like wubi16:48
sebsebsebYownanymous: and then you won't run Windows and Ubuntu at the same time16:48
Greatuckerok how much performance do you loose using windows inside a linux box through VMWare16:48
Greatuckeron a high performance machine16:48
QQQChousuke: hmkay, so I will just emtpy the trash as root?16:48
ChousukeQQQ: try doing "sudo -rm -rf /root/.local/share/Trash/files"16:48
sebsebsebYownanymous: about 1GB for a clean install of Ubuntu16:48
Geek`N`ProudGreatucker: under what load?16:48
YownanymousGreatucker: depends how much RAM it's allocated16:48
h4ckluserrWubi was probably the best thing that happened to Linux in awhile, in fact, I use it for it's simplicity16:48
ChousukeQQQ: will free 800MB :)16:48
sebsebsebYownanymous: partitning is better usualley, but maybe not in your case16:48
sebsebsebYownanymous: 8GB seems a bit rubbishey to give to LInux, even though you could do a lot with 8GB16:48
Yownanymoussebsebseb: I think Wubi is a miracle16:49
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ChousukeQQQ: no,  actually. a lot more :P16:49
ChousukeQQQ: did you log in as root at some point? :/16:49
nameless`how many times a n810 battery is supposed to live with wifi and online stream radio turn on ?16:49
nyadhi what files must I edit in ubuntu to configure my network? i need to do this via CLI, so no gui tools.   /etc/hosts and that other files?16:49
Geek`N`ProudWubi isn't that great.. alternatives have existed for ages :|16:49
sebsebsebh4ckluserr: Wubi is really for noobs that can't partition their hard disk, or are to afraid to16:50
Yownanymousmore linux distros need to introduce a wubi-type solution16:50
ChousukeQQQ: oh damn16:50
nyadi just need the file names16:50
nameless`because mine was empty after about 5h16:50
YownanymousGeek`N`Proud: what alternatives?!?16:50
ChousukeQQQ: I just realised my rm command was wrong :)16:50
BeBoo_do i need to worry about these highlighted lines? http://pastebin.com/df517f5216:50
Geek`N`ProudYownanymous: the Debian Windows-based Installer16:50
ChousukeQQQ: it's "sudo rm -rf /root/.local/share/Trash/files"16:50
Yownanymousthat partitions thoughh16:50
sipiorfreedumMan: it works on ubuntu 8.10 as well (i just tested it on my machine). maybe a mistyped command?16:50
h4ckluserrsebsebseb: forgive me saying, but that sounded like a shot.  I dont' feel the need for using tools if it can be done for me16:50
QQQChousuke: a allready wondered and wanted to do it with a sudo nautilus16:50
Geek`N`ProudYownanymous: yes but the Guided option will let you resize.. which won't hurt16:50
ChousukeQQQ: don't use sudo with GUI apps16:50
ChousukeQQQ: it messes up things.16:51
ChousukeQQQ: use gksudo instead16:51
YownanymousGeek`N`Proud: but I'm also scared of bootloaders, how do I get my XP bootloader back if I want to get rid of Linux?16:51
Geek`N`Proudstuff like Wubi encourages people to be lazy with learning how to use a PC16:51
ChousukeGreatucker: gnome's sudo tool16:51
sebsebsebh4ckluserr: partitning tends to be better, after all what if a Windows install buggers up properly, (which is likely since it's Windows) where someone did wubi, then Ubuntu buggers up as well16:51
Geek`N`ProudYownanymous: easy.. fixmbr and fixboot16:51
eule3hi, is there a german support room?16:51
ChousukeGreatucker: sets up the environment so it's proper for GUI apps16:51
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.16:51
GreatuckerGKSUDO! make me a sandwich16:51
YownanymousGeek`N`Proud: from what?!?16:51
Geek`N`Proudyou just use the recovery console.. which comes with XP and Vista16:51
ZykoticK9nyad, to edit your network from cli, you need to edit /etc/resolv.conf & /etc/network/interfaces16:51
ChousukeQQQ: anyway, did you get the files removed? :)16:52
Geek`N`ProudYownanymous: I mean seriously.. a normal Ubuntu install is 1000x better16:52
=== gitflaps is now known as haptiK
h4ckluserrsebsebseb: I can't argue that point.  However, with as many times as I've partitioned, tried distro's built and rebuilt grub etc.  Wubi is an incredible reprieve16:52
QQQChousuke: AY!!! IT WORKED!16:52
YownanymousGeek`N`Proud: I know, but Wubi helps get to the Windows trolls... :D16:52
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 ; sudo apt-get remove kdelibs5 ; sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop »16:52
ChousukeQQQ: yeah. so from now on, don't run nautilus with "sudo"; use gksudo instead :)16:53
QQQChousuke: 2,4GB free space, thx my personal hero for today16:53
nyadZykoticK9, thanks16:53
QQQChousuke: you think that was the problem? (might be)16:53
regeyaI had switched my main machine over to fedora for various reasons; I am so greatly tempted to switch back to ubuntu, because some stuff is like banging your head on a desk in fedora...and I don't know of anything that's much better.16:53
ChousukeQQQ: yeah16:53
sebsebsebh4ckluserr: well it can help with some noobs, because then they can try a more proper Ubuntu install,  whilst being able to remove it as if it was a normal Windows program16:53
ChousukeQQQ: it set your home dir (and trash) to be root's16:53
ChousukeQQQ: so all the trash was "hidden"16:54
QQQChousuke: okey, If there is any photoshop/flash thing I could do for you: ask now :)16:54
Geek`N`Proudregeya: Try CentOS and Debian if your PC isn't ultra-new.. those may be less of a headbang since they're not as bleeding edge16:54
Yownanymoussebsebseb: exactly16:54
sebsebsebh4ckluserr: also if people can't burn the CD since no CD's or can't burn to USB, or can't be bothered to order a free offical CD, wubi could make sense16:54
Yownanymousgenerally I just go for USB stick installs actually16:54
QQQChousuke: k, so thx (maybe you want to recommend a firewall to me, don't want to check them one by one)16:55
Geek`N`Proudregeya: or get in bed with Ballmer and try OpenSuSE.. i've found it to be very similar to Ubuntu in terms of what it offers16:55
sebsebsebYownanymous: USB installs are for noobs really to :d  ,but sometimes there can be a good reason for one16:55
Geek`N`Proudregeya: so there's not a lack of alternatives.. =]16:55
ChousukeQQQ: I don't know much about that, but I hear firestarter is popular :/16:55
Yownanymoussebsebseb: stop calling me a noob16:55
h4ckluserrsebsebseb, I dare say you are sounding a it like an elitist XD16:55
sebsebseb!noob | sebsebseb16:55
ubottusebsebseb, please see my private message16:55
QQQChousuke: tried that but disliked it, thx anyway and bye16:56
Geek`N`Proud!noob  > hmm16:56
sebsebseboh yeah I can't get the bot to say something to me like that LOL, plus  that might have been the wrong one16:56
dougl!noob | dougl16:56
ubottudougl, please see my private message16:56
_RomanI recently got a 3G mobile broadband usb stick, my provider was not in the wizard list of providers, how can I submit this provider to ubuntu for future inclusion?16:56
ubottuAcronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.16:56
sebsebsebYownanymous: seriously though, what computer usage do you want to do?  let's find out if you really need Windows,  or if you should have it on dual boot, but taking up less space16:57
somedude2hello guys16:57
Yownanymoussebsebseb: I do really need Windows until Wine actually becomes any use16:57
sebsebsebrealsifo: hello16:57
realsifocan i ask sometings?16:57
sebsebsebsomedude2: hello16:57
sebsebsebYownanymous: why?16:57
Geek`N`ProudYownanymous: what do you need to install in Wine16:57
sebsebseb!ask | realsifo16:58
ubotturealsifo: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:58
douglrealsifo, just ask dont ask to ask16:58
Geek`N`Proudi've done everything.. even WGA in Wine :P16:58
YownanymousGeek`N`Proud: http://openbve.uuuq.comn16:58
sebsebsebGeek`N`Proud: LOL WGA in Wine16:58
YownanymousI mean16:58
realsifohow to install canon ip 1880 in ubuntu 8.10?16:58
Yownanymousit's been done in puppy and gOS, just not ubuntu16:58
Geek`N`Proudsebsebseb: you just need to nab a legit DigitalProductID from a real Windows registry and that's it ;)16:58
YownanymousI did have it working once but then I tried it again and it went nuts...16:59
h4ckluserrrealsifo did you even google that?16:59
sebsebsebGeek`N`Proud: oh right16:59
sebsebsebGeek`N`Proud: well not much stuff uses that shit still I think16:59
somedude2Compiling a C program works fine for me16:59
YownanymousI'm no good at compiling :S16:59
somedude2but I can't run it.16:59
realsifoyup not working16:59
realsifomy printer could not recognize17:00
sphantomI am getting terrible 3d graphics perfomance on my IBM Thinkpad T43 running Intrepid. The graphics chipset is Intel Corporation Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML Express Graphics Controller (rev 03). Can anybody help?17:00
somedude2says command not found17:00
Geek`N`Proudsomedude2: what did you do to compile?17:00
somedude2 gcc helloworld.c -o helloworld17:01
ubottuAs you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)17:01
Yownanymoussphantom: that's not a great chipset17:01
douglsomedude2, and what did you do to run it?17:01
Geek`N`Proudsomedude2: ./helloworld17:01
ubottuYou can use <tab> for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.17:01
somedude2I typed just helloworld17:02
realsifoany driver for my printer?17:02
Geek`N`Proudsomedude2: . isn't in PATH by default as it's a security risk17:02
douglsomedude2, do "./helloworld"17:02
sphantom<Yownanymous> I've noticed that the chipset isn't that great, but It runs Google Earth flawlessly under (dare I say) Windoze, as well as under previous Ubuntu releases.17:02
malikyodadoes anyone know how to change the default papersize from A4 if it is greyed out?17:02
Geek`N`Proudsomedude2: so therefore you always need to do ./helloworld17:02
Yownanymoussphantom: well I'd say that's a driver problem17:03
somedude2WOW it worked........ thankyou soooo much17:03
Yownanymoussphantom: wait for an update or try rolling back17:03
h4ckluserrrealsifo I already gave you the answer over message17:03
taipan_test 1, quelqu'un me lit ?17:04
=== elad is now known as elad`
duryhi there channel :)17:05
sphantomYounanymous: I agree, but I'm having a real hard time trying to figure out how to fix/reinstall/upgrade my driver. I've downloaded the linux driver from Intel's site, but it fails to install. I've looked through Synaptec Package Manager, but can't make much sense of anything there. I even tried compiling a driver from scratch, but that was way beyond me. Any chance you might be able to point me in a direction on this?17:05
toddooni have intel graphics card and i can't set my screen to normal resolution can somebody help me to fix it17:06
=== fader_ is now known as fader
Yownanymoussphantom: Go to Intel headquarters with an axe? :P17:06
durygessss :( audacious doesn't launch and it's installed17:07
Yownanymoussphantom: See the orange star thingy with the exclamation mark? I think that's what you need to look at17:07
sphantomYownanymous: I'm ttempted by your axe suggestion. ;)17:07
soundraydury: how are you trying to launch it?17:07
malikyodadoes anyone know how to change the default papersize from A4 if it is greyed out?17:07
Yownanymoussphantom: I want to do it to Adobe...17:07
LjLmalikyoda: it might be grayed out if you're using a program (like OpenOffice i think, or KOffice) that sets the page size by itself - in that case, look in the Format menu rather than the printing window17:08
malikyodait's greyed out in the printer configuration17:08
sphantomYownanymous: When you say "See the orange star thingy with the exlamation mark" I'm not sure what you're referring to. Are you referring to the icon that sometimes shows up on my panel when there are updates available?17:08
LjLkedare: cached memory is files from your HD that the system has read previously. it keeps them in memory in case they're needed again. it will drop them if it actually needs that memory for something else.17:09
malikyodawhen i print anything the margins are close to the edge even if I set them17:09
durymaybe if I uninstalled and installed again will launch properly.... soundray => applications =>sound&video=>audacious17:09
kedareLjL: thank :)17:09
Yownanymoussphantom: Yes17:09
=== HanzZ_ is now known as HanzZ
Yownanymousdoes anyone here actually know how to thingy with drivers in ubuntu?17:10
LjLkedare: you can basically consider it free memory17:10
daniellog_can you get live tv on xbmc?17:10
durysoundray: are you there17:10
BakefyIs there anyway that I can add a resolution to ubuntu?  its not the best for this monitor17:10
soundraydury: please open a terminal and launch it from there. See if it reports any errors.17:10
LjL!fixres > Bakefy    (Bakefy, see the private message from ubottu)17:10
sebsebsebBakefy: have you got the graphics card driver installed?17:10
sphantomYownanymous: I'm actually current on all the updates from Ubuntu, so I have no orange thingy right now.17:10
durysoundray: no errors17:11
Bakefysebsebseb, I believe I do17:11
durysoundray: it doesn't appear on the desktop..... gessssss :(17:11
Yownanymoussphantom: Broken functionality then17:11
sebsebsebBakefy: no you won't have unless you installed it yourself17:11
soundraydury: what happens in the terminal -- does it return to the prompt without any message at all?17:11
durysoundray: that's right17:12
sebsebsebBakefy: system >  administaration >  hardware drivers17:12
Bakefysebsebseb thanks... I don't even know what this thing has.17:12
durysoundray: it means it's installed17:12
BakefyIts just an integrated thing on and old HP17:12
sebsebsebBakefy: get that thing installed and then you will probably have more resoloution options17:12
sebsebsebBakefy: oh old HP hummmmm17:13
sebsebsebBakefy: ok tell me if anything is in hardware drivers17:13
sebsebsebBakefy: which version of Ubuntu, and how old is the HP?17:13
sebsebsebsoumonsi: hi17:13
durysoundray: let's uninstalled it and install it again.... will fix it?17:13
soundraydury: I don't know, but it should be simple to try17:14
Bakefysebsebseb - Ubuntu 8.04, its an HP Pavilion a620n17:14
BakefyServer, with X installed17:14
durysoundray: all right.... how do I unInstalled17:14
soumonsican one help me17:14
sphantomYownanymous: Thanks for picking up my question, I'm going to try posting to the general group again.17:14
soundraydury: did you install it through synaptic?17:15
sebsebseb!ask  |  soumonsi17:15
ubottusoumonsi: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:15
durysoundray: that's right17:15
tuxtoxHi!  I am having a serious problem with playing videos.  The only video that has worked is youtube.  DVDs, AVIs and video capture that uses vfl1 crash the os completely.  vfl2 on Ekiga work.  any solutions?  I think I am up to date on drivers, but not positive.17:15
sebsebsebBakefy: ok it is hardy good, but  a server hummmm. well you don't need much of a resoloution on a server, if your using it as a server LOL17:15
sebsebsebBakefy: I mean proper servers just do their thing and that's it, not used for anything else17:15
sphantomALL: Anybody experienced with Intel 915GM graphics driver configuration in Intrepid?17:15
soundraydury: then use that to remove it as well.17:15
soumonsii have a problem to uninstall a ubuntu17:15
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durysoundray: right17:15
sebsebsebsoumonsi: ok what happended? why do you want to uninstall Ubuntu?17:16
durysoundray: we'll see17:16
durysoundray: a sec17:16
Bakefysebsebseb, you're right.  Normally I dont isntall anything on server... no GUI at all... but this time i did in hopes of eventually installing backend mythtv17:16
soumonsii like to format but doesnt work17:16
sebsebsebsoumonsi: why?17:16
soumonsii like to install windows717:16
sebsebsebyou can have both17:16
soumonsii have a document but i could not rcovry17:17
sebsebsebsoumonsi: Ubuntu is a good OS, maybe you just don't know how to use it properly yet, and so you think you want to uninstall it.   or your a troll17:17
tsoloxwhen is the next ubuntu8.10 follow?17:17
LjL!jaunty > tsolox    (tsolox, see the private message from ubottu)17:18
sebsebsebend of April17:18
sebsebsebBakefy: ok I guess since it's an old computer, that could be why you hardly got any resolutions17:18
tsoloxsebsebseb: that would be version 04.30 ?17:18
Yownanymoustsolox: it'll probs be in April17:18
Bakefyit goes up decently high... but its just not the right aspect.17:18
sebsebsebno 9.0417:18
Bakefysebsebseb, like none of the aspects are right for a widescreen monitor17:19
soumonsiI want to found files in D-documents from Windows 7 but cant founs it, and when and try to install the windows 7 i cant found file again17:19
sebsebsebsoumonsi: Windows 7 is a beta preview,  so there are problems with it17:19
Bakefysebsebseb, but its okay, I will just let this sit after time... I put 2 1.5 TB drives in it :)17:20
soumonsican you frensh17:20
tsoloxif I update my 8.10 via synaptics, will am I be at par with version 9.04 ?17:20
sebsebsebsoumonsi: Ubuntu can probably access the Windows 7  install17:20
sebsebsebsoumonsi: no I can't17:20
h4ckluserrit can, unless you use Wubi17:20
soumonsii know17:20
tsoloxor else, i will have to uninstall 8.10 and install the new 9.04....17:20
sebsebsebsoumonsi: if anything :d get rid of WIn7 not Ubuntu17:21
durysoundray: not success :(17:21
tsoloxit would be nice if updating an ubuntu version by synaptics will make it at par with what is latest..so that users arent going to uninstall ..17:21
VoltapleinHi  -- question about ifdown and ifup.  if I enter "ifdown eth0" I get the message: "ifdown: interface eth0 not configured" which is not true according to the command "ifconfig eth0".  Is this a bug?17:21
Yownanymousstudent_: WTF?17:21
durysoundray: what your advice :( bloody hell what should I do17:22
Bakefysebsebseb, I am ready to move on...  I do have another question you might be able to guide me in the right direction... iSCSI.  I want to share to a windows server.17:22
=== student_ is now known as xzibit
soumonsibut i had a document in other partion where i would like to install ubuntu but i hav´nt found this17:22
sebsebsebBakefy: hummmmmm not sure, but Samba does Windows files17:22
m3gamanomg stfu17:22
mikea87hi, why icons and names of files are visible even if it is unmounted?17:22
soundraydury: sorry, I can't help you now, as I have a meeting. Don't lose patience, though, you'll find help here eventually. And please don't swear in this channel.17:22
kx1hi there i want add a subtitle to a video downloaded from youtube is that possible ??17:23
mikea87in encrypted private folder17:23
Bakefysebsebseb, that would be easy.  I wanted to control permissions with the windows box.  I beleive iscsi is the only way.  Only because I have a domain controller17:23
durysoundray: sorry really sorry17:23
sebsebsebsoumonsi: boot Windows and  get your  data,  get rid of WIndows :d and put Ubuntu on?17:23
mikea87hi, why icons and names of files in encrypted private folder are visible even if it is unmounted?17:23
Yownanymouskx1: you need to know how to write subtitles files17:23
sebsebsebBakefy: maybe they can help in #Windows :D  plus  some  Linux people go there17:23
Bakefysebsebseb, if i could do it with SMB I would.17:24
Yownanymousdon't go in that channel, you will be traumatised for life!17:24
lgcWhy is Xorg swallowing up my CPU resources? It didn't happen before Intrepid.17:24
BakefyThanks for your help today sebsebseb17:24
kx1oh.. and how is that ? is there any specific software to do it ?17:24
sebsebsebtyu: hi17:24
orudiehow would i add a user to sudoers list17:24
Yownanymouskx1: you can write it with a text editor17:24
Yownanymousor you could use something like kino17:24
sebsebsebBakefy: ok sure17:24
tyudoes anybody know how to mange video ipods?17:24
sebsebsebBakefy: oh yeah and this is more general  Linux channel #linux17:25
kx1kino ? software name ?17:25
sipiororudie: you'll want to use "visudo"17:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kino17:25
YownanymousI dunno the name of the actual package17:25
orudiesipior, any more details on this ?17:25
melrockzwhen I try to compile lives video editor from source, an error pops up that 'gtk+-2.0' is not installed, but in synaptic it seems to be installed and has another name. What to do?17:25
tuxtoxHi!  I am having a serious problem with playing videos.  The only video that has worked is youtube.  DVDs, AVIs and video capture that uses vfl1 crash the os completely.  vfl2 on Ekiga work.  any solutions?  I think I am up to date on drivers, but not positive.17:26
lgctyu, apt-cache search ipod will put you on the right track.17:26
sipiororudie: "man sudo". you can probably get away with copying one of the lines that is already present in /etc/sudoers, depending on what sort of permissions you want to give out.17:26
kx1ok wat about converting the flv video to avi or watever does it make anychange ?17:27
mokotoodoes one make a configure from configure.ac?  if so, how?17:27
soumonsiok thinkyou17:27
sipiororudie: if the account you want to empower is not completely trusted, be careful about what you let it accomplish as root: in particular, commands that can spawn shells are extremely dangerous.17:27
lgcI need someone knowledgeable with Xorg to offer advice.17:28
sky_hi anyone know how i can delete 2 directorys from trash ?17:28
m3gamanadvice about what17:28
sipiororudie: for example, letting someone use an editor via sudo could be disastrous :-)17:28
Laundryis there any reason that wicd would hang at "None: Obtaining IP address..."17:28
KingWilliamlgc, just fire your question, we will see how hard it is ;)17:28
KingWilliamsky_, correct me if im wrong, but I think you should just open the trash, right click copy on the files and paste them where you want :P17:29
lgcKingWilliam, m3gaman, 'Why is Xorg swallowing up my CPU resources? It didn't happen before Intrepid'.17:29
sky_KingWilliam: i am not noob...i tried it...but it say that i dont have permissions :X17:30
lgcKingWilliam, m3gaman, it now takes up to 85% of my processor beef. And drags everything else near to useless.17:30
durycan anyone help for audacious please17:30
mikejetI'm running ubuntu with mostly default packages. Any suggestions on how to play http://www.bloomberg.com/streams/audio/radio_live.asx ? Thanks.17:31
sipiordury: you mean audacity?17:31
KingWilliamsky_, I think I had the same isue. On which drive/partition is the trash?17:31
sky_KingWilliam: same as system :D...ext317:31
sebsebsebdury: audacious heh, why not use something good such as Banshee :)  uhmmm your on Ibex?17:31
sebsebsebdury: hardy version of banshee sucks, Ibex one good17:32
mathiashi, my  problem umts wvdial network-manager 7.0.x and umtsmon can't connect on wvdial i get the message no carrier cane somebody help me? btw. modem is Hauwei e62017:32
lgcKingWilliam, m3gaman, apart from the fact that, since the upgrade, I can't customize my preferences of the touchpad because there's some issue with the SHMConfig variable.17:32
durysebsebseb: what you mean17:33
PiciLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO: Please don't.17:33
m3gamanseriously, just leave man17:33
sky_anyone know which way have trash ?17:33
KingWilliamsky_, And have you checked the permissions ont he folders you want to copy?17:33
Yownanymous!info compizconfig17:33
ubottuPackage compizconfig does not exist in intrepid17:33
sebsebsebdury: I am saying that Audacious is not a good player17:33
Yownanymous!info compiz-config17:34
ubottuPackage compiz-config does not exist in intrepid17:34
sebsebsebdury: ,but that Banshee is17:34
sky_KingWilliam: yea17:34
Yownanymous!info compizconfig-settingsmanager17:34
ubottuPackage compizconfig-settingsmanager does not exist in intrepid17:34
sebsebsebphanleson: hi17:34
durysebsebseb: how can I get that17:34
Pici!ccsm > Yownanymous17:34
ubottuYownanymous, please see my private message17:34
jackphonicshow do you register your nick?17:34
phanlesoni had a problem with sound card in ubuntu17:34
sky_its Pidgin2.5.5 source directory i compile it :X17:34
sebsebsebdury: are you on Intrepid Ibex 8.10?17:34
phanlesonany one can help me17:34
Yownanymouswhat's the compiz config package called... anyone know?17:34
KingWilliamsky_, sorry if you think I ask silly questions, but I only ask to be sure ;)17:34
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP317:34
durysebsebseb: you mean the ubuntu release17:35
sky_KingWilliam: it say that i can do all :X17:35
Pici!register > jackphonics17:35
ubottujackphonics, please see my private message17:35
sebsebsebdury: yes17:35
phanlesonwhat are you ? ubottu17:35
Yownanymous!info compizconfig-settings-manager >Greatucker17:35
ubottuGreatucker is not a valid distribution ['dapper', 'gutsy', 'gutsy-backports', 'hardy', 'hardy-backports', 'intrepid', 'intrepid-backports', 'jaunty', 'jaunty-backports', 'kde4-ppa', 'kubuntu-members-kde4', 'medibuntu', 'partner']17:35
=== flaco_ is now known as flacom
Yownanymousoh for God sake17:35
YownanymousI HATE IRC17:35
=== jackphonics is now known as jfphonics
ConstantineXVIDoes Ubuntu natively handle syncing, tethering, etc. on the Nokia E71?17:35
phanlesonwho are ubottu?17:35
durysebsebseb: what's the command to know that?17:35
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases17:35
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots17:35
sky_ubottu is bot17:35
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about is bot17:35
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »17:35
Yownanymous!info compizconfig-settings-manager > Greatucker17:36
sebsebsebbjoern_: hi17:36
sky_anyone know how i can put directorys to /dev/null ?17:36
=== Direktor is now known as jjhet
sebsebsebdury: ok run that command the one abovbe17:36
sebsebsebBrandtOE: hello17:36
MrSunshine__humm, got a driver that loads even tho ive added it to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist17:36
MrSunshine__why? :/17:36
panesar_sandeephi, there, i want to know that is ok if i install ubuntu-desktop aptitude in ubuntu server edition??17:36
MrSunshine__its named ssb17:36
ZykoticK9sky_ /dev/null is a black hole, you can't put anything in there17:37
bjoern_i did a "bin" in the fstab from a folder to /media/target and I'd like to have a desktop "drive" icon "target"17:37
sebsebsebpanesar_sandeep: uhmmmmmmm  probably not17:37
bjoern_however.. it did not work17:37
sebsebsebpanesar_sandeep: not sure17:37
sky_ZykoticK9: i mean move directorys there..:X17:37
bjoern_any ideas to do it?17:37
tomoramaI'm using Ubuntu 8.10 to set up an HTPC. Got a 1 TB HDD but I want to use most of that for a media partition. How much space would you suggest I set aside for the ubuntu install partition?17:37
sebsebsebdury: so which version?17:37
ZykoticK9sky_, just "rm" or delete them instead?17:37
sebsebsebdury: applications > assessories > terminal  by the way if you didn't know what it meant by shell17:37
sky_tomorama: 10GB17:37
panesar_sandeepsebsebseb, can't i get gui in server ed along wid server features??17:37
sky_ZykoticK9: i cant17:38
|Kamen|j #eeepc17:38
phanlesonwho are you ?ubottu17:38
tomoramasky_: wow, that's all? Doesn't seem like much.17:38
LjLa bot17:38
MrSunshine__can it be something else that pulls it in ? :)17:38
michael__I got disconnected from transmission and now my download is going very slowly, what should I do?17:38
panesar_sandeepii want to know that is ok if i install ubuntu-desktop aptitude in ubuntu server edition??17:38
sebsebsebpanesar_sandeep: maybe, but it's probably not the best idea.  and you can use the desktop edition as a server17:38
michael__the network has been flakey on jaunty lately17:38
|Kamen|bah, woops17:38
sky_or how i can run trash as root ?17:38
durysebsebseb: it's Ubuntu 8.04.2 hardy17:38
michael__oh, no support here17:39
sebsebsebdury: I thought it might have been,  so only a rubbish version of Banshee, unless you get the ppa for it17:39
panesar_sandeepsebsebseb, can desktop ed be used to run client system booting over a network??17:39
sebsebsebdury: how did you install that?17:39
sebsebsebpanesar_sandeep: I think maybe yeah, not sure17:39
durysebsebseb: what?17:39
sky_how i can run trash as root ?17:39
sebsebsebdury: there's a way for you to get the Intrepid Ibex verson of Banshee in Hardy17:39
bjoern_Q: I'd like to give all users fast access to some shared folders and therefore would like to have some "drive" icons on the desktop to these folders. However, bind did not do it. How can I give every user access to a folder not in his home directory?17:39
sebsebsebdury: the one in Hardy sucks17:39
phanlesoni had a problem with sound card in ubuntu17:40
sebsebsebdury: I was also wondering how you installed Ubuntu, since you didn't even know which version you had17:40
durysebsebseb: didn't remember17:40
panesar_sandeepsebsebseb, the tasksel may be helpful, but ubuntu server doc says that server kernel is a lot diff frm the desktop ed17:40
duryit's hardy17:40
sebsebsebdury: did you partition your hard disk for hardy?  boot from a CD and do that?17:40
WhitorHi, What is a good program to use to connect via RS232 to a console of an appliance ?17:40
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »17:40
phanlesonhow to install ubuntu?17:40
ubottudury: please see above17:41
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation.  Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - see also !automate17:41
grntHi all I have a quick question I have installed the latest ubuntu desktop distro today. I connect to the net wirelessly at the moment. When I boot into ubunutu and set up a new wireless connection with the SSID and the MAC Address I got from windows vista it never seems to connect. How do I know where the problem is occurring.17:41
sebsebsebphanleson: the best way is to partition your hard disk for Ubuntu17:41
|Kamen|Whitor: what appliance?17:41
bigjohnsonanyone know how to set my music playback to my headphones in gnome ubuntu? i plug my headphones in and it keeps playing thru the speakers17:41
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phanlesonmày làm gì thế17:41
Whitor|Kamen|, an ascend CSU/DSU ... does it matter ?17:41
sebsebsebdury: maybe you used wubi to install Ubuntu?  and so it's inside a part of Windows17:41
panesar_sandeepbigjhonson, check for audio properties17:42
durysebsebseb: it's in another hard disk17:42
sebsebsebdury: maybe you should upgrade to Intrepid Ibex17:42
Whitor|Kamen|, Just looking for a terminal  on com3 with 8,n,1,9600 communication stats17:42
sebsebsebdury: altough not that many differences between hardy and ibex17:42
bigjohnsoni went into the sound preferences but i did not see a headphones option17:42
grntHi all I have a quick question I have installed the latest ubuntu desktop distro today. I connect to the net wirelessly at the moment. When I boot into ubunutu and set up a new wireless connection with the SSID and the MAC Address I got from windows vista it never seems to connect. How do I know where the problem is occurring.17:42
sebsebsebdury: ,but to get the april release you probably got  to go thrhough ibex anyway17:43
panesar_sandeepbigjhonson, check for audio properties17:43
sebsebsebdury: unless clean install17:43
bigjohnsonwhere is that at pan?17:43
panesar_sandeepbigjhonson, sory , w817:43
durysebsebseb: it will take long to17:43
sebsebsebdury: it will take a bit of time yeah17:43
sebsebsebdury: ok so you don't want to17:43
panesar_sandeepdury, wats the prob???17:43
itsatric1Hello, does anyone use workrave?17:43
sebsebsebdury: google  banshee ppa or something and get that :)17:43
sebsebsebdury: banshee ubuntu ppa or something17:44
ubottuWith Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.17:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about workrave17:44
grntAnyone able to tell me a way I can verify my wireless network card is working?17:45
durypanesar_sandeep: audacious doesn't launch..... and it's installed17:45
KingWilliamgrnt, ifconfig?17:45
sebsebsebdury: infact here you go https://launchpad.net/~banshee-team/+archive/ppa17:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about audacious17:45
ubottuThe location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash17:46
Pici!msgthebot | panesar_sandeep17:46
ubottupanesar_sandeep: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".17:46
panesar_sandeeppici, ok, thnx17:46
grntAnyone able to tell me a way I can verify my wireless network card is working?17:47
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:47
bjoern_Q: I'd like to give all users fast access to some shared folders and therefore would like to have some "drive" icons on the desktop to these folders. However, bind did not do it. How can I give every user access to a folder not in his home directory?17:47
bjoern_any suggestions?17:47
panesar_sandeepbigjhonson, system>preferences>sound17:48
duryany similar application to audacious to install in hardy 8.0417:48
bjoern_I would not like to add a softlink to everyones profile bc it is a sambe pdc17:48
sebsebsebdury: XMMS?????    however that Banshee I was telling you about is great17:48
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ZykoticK9bjorge, first create the directory, then set permission "chmod ugo+rwx folder", then you can use link on the deskop of each user "ln -s /folder/to/share NAME"17:49
BrandtOEwhats up?17:49
durysebsebseb: how to xmms17:49
rhousandbjoern_, your are using samba?17:50
sebsebsebdury: sudo apt-geti nstall xmms17:50
sebsebsebsudo apt-get install xmms17:50
ZykoticK9bjorge, Samba sharing is different!17:50
sebsebsebdury: I guess mplayer could be good as well:  sudo apt-get install mplayer17:50
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panesar_sandeepdury, try "sudo apt-get audacious"17:51
brandonban6Does anyone know why my external hdd shows up on my desktop as "500 GB Media" after being mounted? I want to change "500 Media" to "Backup Drive"17:51
sebsebsebxray7224: it's you?17:51
xray7224if i pull banshee from the repo's does it pull propritory crap17:51
ZykoticK9dury, if you're looking for a good audio player you might want to check out Songbird (my fav right now) https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Songbird17:52
ubottudury: xmms is no longer being developed, see http://bugs.debian.org/461309 for more details.  Consider using audacious, bmpx, or xmms2 instead.17:52
xray7224and yeh sebsebseb it is17:52
sebsebsebxray7224: ha ha no, just sudo apt-get install banshee17:52
sebsebsebxray7224: the propritary crap you can install yourself or with that command you know the one I mean17:52
xray7224im not installing propritory crap17:52
mikejetZykoticK9, Can you play this radio stream with that?  http://bloomberg.com/tvradio/radio/#17:52
sebsebsebxray7224: ok  just sudo apt-get install banshee then17:53
ZykoticK9mikejet, don't know if songbird has a lot of streaming feature?  not sure.17:53
panesar_sandeepsebsebseb, xmms is no longer available, xmms1,bmpx, audacious17:53
xray7224sebsebseb i know how to install stuff that wasnt the question17:53
sebsebsebxray7224: it uses mono which is a open source port of .net, but  yeah great player17:53
panesar_sandeepsebsebseb, xmms is no longer available, xmms2,bmpx, audacious17:53
SpaceBass2having trouble getting the Cisco VPN client to compile on 8.10 - anyone had success ?17:53
grntHrmm sebsebseb my wireless card is built in yet it falls under the "USB" catefory for some reason looking here (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCardsRealTek#PCI) so should I just follow those install instructions even if it isn't plugged into a USB port?17:53
sebsebsebxmms is rubbish and so is  audacious,  Banshee :)17:53
sebsebsebRythmbox is rubbish to, and I don't understand how certain really people Amarok so much17:53
xray7224xine ftw :)17:53
sebsebsebxray7224: oh xine sounds like something I tried for video once17:54
sebsebsebgrnt: wireless is pretty much always an issue with Ubuntu :(   yeah  I guess try any instructions you get17:54
xray7224wireless isnt that hard17:55
sebsebsebxray7224: maybe not, but it can be a bit of a pain, espeasilly for new users.  and  Ndiswrapper should be a last resort17:55
grntsebsebseb thanks, I have no other options at the moment for connecting to the net so guess I will give it a go, its just a pain booting to vista every time I need to query the net....17:55
xray7224if native doesnt work ndiswrapper its not hard really17:55
duryxmms is not a candidate to install17:55
sebsebsebgrnt: I didn't look on those instructions, but xray can probably help you17:55
ZykoticK9mikejet, that bloomberg link seems to be a flash based web stream.  I'm not sure any program will be able to stream that, it's more to listened to with your browser (and it doesn't appear that my firefox can play it?)17:56
x4d_I'm having issues copying files from a mac to ubuntu through samba, the problem seems to affect nfs shares as well, files in mac that have extended attributes refuse to be copied over. They return error: could not copy extended attributes, operation on permited. anyone with a solution to this ?17:56
S7Hi, I have xubuntu 8.10, I've tried to increase the number of workspaces to 4 using Xfce menu > Settings > Workspaces Settings, however it doesn't seems to have any effect. suggestions anyone?17:56
sebsebsebxray7224: uhmmmmm you still in Sabyon IRC even though you won't use that distro for 3 months :d  ?17:56
durya remove audacious.... install again .... but doesn't appear when I try to launch it :(17:56
xray7224S7 just right click on thing which shows the workspaces and click properties17:57
lgcWhat's the big deal about enabling SHMConfig?17:57
ZykoticK9durt, from a terminal type audacious and see if you get any errors17:57
mikejetZykoticK9, Yeah, i'm okay with using firefox, but I don't know why it doesn't play. (I've tried view-source and run "vlc the-url"), but that doesn't play either.17:57
xray7224sebsebseb, i like the commuity and my servers run gentoo/sabayon17:57
S7xray7224, it shows pager's properties, nothing much there17:57
aplustattooI have a question about a vista HP17:57
sebsebsebxray7224: ha ha so not quite Ubuntu only then  for 3 months :d17:57
panesar_sandeepdury, try banshee...17:57
ZykoticK9mikejet, i can see your problem.  don't have any suggestions for you?  sorry.17:57
xray7224S7 it should say number of workspaces17:57
xray7224and you increase it to 4 is thats what you want17:58
grntsebsebseb whats xray (googling now but you be able to speed up the process)17:58
S7xray7224, it doesn't, theres just a box with "user wheel to change workspaces"17:58
aplustattooLast night I wiped Norton and Installed Trend Micro Internet Security. now when i start my laptop all i get is a cursor with a black screen17:58
aplustattooAny thoughts?17:58
sebsebsebdury: yes try banshee as I already said, but make sure you get the ppa.  https://launchpad.net/~banshee-team/+archive/ppa17:58
sebsebsebgrnt: xray7224 is a person that can probably help you with your wireless issues17:58
grntAh ty17:58
duryno errors when I type audacious17:58
duryin terminal17:58
aplustattoo Last night I wiped Norton and Installed Trend Micro Internet Security. now when i start my laptop all i get is a cursor with a black screen17:59
lgcHow can I change my keyboard preferences?17:59
ZykoticK9mikejet, I tried that link with IE6 and get an error message "The audio you have requested is only available for Windows Media Player.  We apologize for any inconvenience."  Looks like you might be out of luck.17:59
durydoesn't launch17:59
sipioraplustattoo: neither of those are linux programs, are they?17:59
aplustattooWindows Vista17:59
m3gamanso why are you asking for help in a linux channel..lol18:00
xray7224grnt if you need help pm me too much chat in here for good help18:00
CVirusWhy isn't build-essential available in intrepid ?18:00
aplustattooI didn't know that's what this was18:00
sipioraplustattoo: you've stumbled upon the ubuntu support channel, so i'm afraid you'll need to look elsewhere :-)18:00
S7CVirus, i have it installed18:00
JeruvyCVirus: it is18:00
lgcOh, hell! Nobody knows or nobody cares to answer.18:01
panesar_sandeeplgc, wats your prob??18:01
mefisto__!info build-essential18:01
sipiorhope he applies for a refund18:01
ubottubuild-essential (source: build-essential): Informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.4 (intrepid), package size 7 kB, installed size 48 kB18:01
unimatrix9is there some new art work for jaunty already ?18:03
duryhow do I reinstall an application18:03
sebsebsebsipior: you know people like that can be converted to Ubuntu, if you don't just tell them to look some where else18:03
sebsebsebsipior: so damn that18:03
sipiorsebsebseb: i'm not interested in converting anyone.18:03
unimatrix9use synaptic to reinstall18:03
sebsebsebsipior: ok, but I am18:03
duryunmatrix9: doesn't work18:04
sebsebsebsipior: plus more happy Desktop Linux users the better18:04
sipiorsebsebseb: the fact that you didn't say anything means it can't be that important to you.18:04
mikejetZykoticK9, okay.  it plays on winxp with Media Player 11. it boggles the mind why these companies stream rare formats.18:04
sebsebsebsipior: I missed it was doing something else18:04
unimatrix9dury : what is the app you need to install?18:04
sebsebsebsipior: and he had gone by the time I saw18:05
sipiorsebsebseb: well, life is hard sometimes.18:05
sebsebsebsipior: maybe tell them to go to #Windows next time18:05
duryunmatrix9: it's installed already but doesn't launch18:05
xray7224is there some software which alerts you about any closed source software being put on your system18:05
sebsebsebsipior: or not, but I am there also at the moment18:05
duryunmatrix9: audacious18:05
sipiorsebsebseb: thanks, i'll consider it.18:05
sebsebsebxray7224: yes  rms18:05
sebsebsebI mean18:05
sebsebsebxray7224: vrms18:06
xray7224in the repo's ?18:06
melrockzis there anything as good as Winamp modern?18:06
melrockzor better?18:06
sebsebsebmelrockz: winamp LOL.  ok your on Intrepid Ibex 8.10?18:06
unimatrix9dury open an terminal on gnome, type apt-get install synaptic18:06
sebsebsebmelrockz: banshee is better, but the hardy version sucks18:06
duryunmatrix9: synaptic is installed18:07
unimatrix9dury , but it does not start you said?18:07
kristian_when i unrar several files in terminal using unrar, it will finish at 50% and then say All ok, and the file unrar seems to be ok. but how come it only goes to 50%? anyone got any ideas?18:07
melrockzdoes banshee have equaliser settings? (rock, pop, jazz)18:07
duryunmatrix9: you misunderstood it's audacious18:07
unimatrix9so clearly something is wrong18:07
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=== DoctorDebiAN is now known as DoctorDebian
sebsebsebmelrockz: not sure what you mean by that18:08
DoctorDebianHey everyone, will ext4 be included in the 9.04?18:08
unimatrix9sudo apt-get install audacious18:08
happy_how do I get modprobe to load md automatically18:08
sebsebsebmelrockz: ok just looked there is some sort of equlizer thing18:08
DoctorDebian@happy_: /etc/modules18:08
unimatrix9dury : no broken packages or something like that?18:08
sebsebsebDoctorDebian: yes, but it's not that stable yet18:09
DoctorDebianI believe18:09
duryunmatrix9: it's installed18:09
DoctorDebianOkay, thanks.18:09
duryunmatrix9: I don't know18:09
sebsebsebDoctorDebian: oh and for any other questions to do with that one #ubuntu+118:09
durywasting time for me :(18:09
WhitorHi, How can I see a list of serial ports that are available on my system? I'm trying to access a COM port on a PCMCIA card18:10
unimatrix9dury , okey, try the next thing, open an gnome terminal on your desktop and start audacious from the command line18:10
DoctorDebianoops >.>18:10
duryunmatrix9: did that too :(18:10
duryyeah it is18:11
=== Sememmon_ is now known as Sememmon
WhitorWhen I plug the decive in, dmesg shows[14131.347795] 0.0: ttyS0 at I/O 0x8108 (irq = 3) is a 1645018:11
durygesss :(18:11
AeGu2Can some one help me. I tried starting up my machine this morning and it for some reason stopped working. at first it was saying that there was a problem with startx so i went in to recovery mode and ran the startx fix. Then it still was not working so i went and ran all the other fixes in recovery mode with no success. the error that is coming up now is. "Doing wacom setup failed" any suggestions on what I should do?18:11
unimatrix9dury , your sound card works?18:11
happy_doctordebian:thanks I put md in /etc/modprobe18:11
unimatrix9dury , whats the ubuntu version, and do you know what soundcard? onboard?18:11
duryunmatrix9: of course it does18:12
duryhardy 8.04.218:12
sipiorWhitor: sounds like /dev/ttyS0 is the device you want18:12
noteventimeIs there some neat way to have a second wine installation in Ubuntu?18:12
sebsebsebnoteventime: yes there is I belive uhmmmmm  go find out in #winehq18:13
sebsebsebnoteventime: yeah wine prefix or whatever18:13
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TheFunkbombHi, I'm trying to get my PCI1620 card reader to work.18:13
Whitorsipior, yeah ... but when I try to use /dev/ttyS0  I get minicom: cannot open /dev/ttyS0: No such device18:13
Whitorwait ... let me try sudo18:13
TheFunkbombIt's a Texas Instrument internal card reader18:13
Laundryif ubuntu has a driver for my usb wireless adapter and i want to use it with another os, how would i find out which driver it is/be able to use it with the other distro18:13
unimatrix9dury, looking at the bug sites if there is any others with same problems18:14
noteventimesebsebseb: That's not what I need :)18:14
DoctorDebianHow can I get "su -c" to assign the home directory to my regular user's home?18:14
noteventimesebsebseb: I need to run both the stable and the unstable wine version18:14
DoctorDebianIt works with sudo.18:14
duryunmatrix9: where is that18:14
soreauSo wubi is on the installer cd?18:14
sebsebsebsoreau: Wubi is a way to put Ubuntu inside your Windows partition, hence why I woudn't normalley recommend it18:15
sebsebsebsoreau: it is best to boot from the Ubuntu Live CD, and put Ubuntu on for real by partitining your hard disk18:15
soreausebsebseb: That is not working for this crappy laptop18:15
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sebsebsebsoreau: how old is it?18:16
sipiorWhitor: possible that udev didn't generate the device file properly for you. you can make another with the mknod command: "mknod /dev/ttyS0 c 4 64" should do the trick. make sure the permissions are correct. should be "crw-rw----", owned by root with group dialout.18:16
soreausebsebseb: I thought wubi was a way to install ubuntu to it's own partition from windows18:16
jester7is anybody here familiar with software raid and mdadm?18:16
sebsebsebsoreau: no it's not18:16
unimatrix9dury : here is the bug , that is simular to what you discribe https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/audacious/+bug/21903518:16
soreausebsebseb: This laptop is a toshiba satellite A45-S12018:16
unimatrix9maybe you can get an clue as how to solve it18:16
unimatrix9from there18:17
sipiorWhitor: oh, and make sure your login is also a member of the dialout group :-)18:17
soreausebsebseb: and I'm catching all hell trying to simply install ubuntu18:17
sebsebsebsoreau: ok how much RAM?18:17
Whitorsipior, thanks ... and it was that I needed to use sudo to access the port18:17
soreausebsebseb: 238MB18:17
soreaunot enough18:18
sebsebsebsoreau: will the Live CD boot at all?18:18
sipiorWhitor: simple solutions are always nice :-)18:18
jumarsoreau, why dont you try xubuntu, the xfce version of ubuntu?18:18
sebsebsebsoreau: did you mean 256?18:18
soreausebsebseb: With the 8.04 and 8.10 alternate installers, it refuses to create the ext3 file system18:18
unimatrix9to low mem18:18
soreausebsebseb: No, it's shared VRAM so it's less18:18
jester7is there a channel for more advanced questions?  nobody seems to be able to answer anything greater than "how do i change my wallpaper?" in here :(18:18
sebsebsebsoreau: alternate hummmmm  the desktop cd won't boot at all?18:18
unimatrix9add memory its cheap18:19
sipiorjester7: the problem might be that you didn't ask a very good question. why not try again?18:19
sebsebsebsoreau: ok I have a trick up my sleeve which makes it so later destop live cd's will boot up nicely on 128MB RAM18:19
jester7is anybody here familiar with software raid and mdadm?18:19
soreausebsebseb: It boots incompletely. X starts then nothing. Black screen with mouse for both 8.10 and 8.0418:19
sebsebsebsoreau: ok  I have an idea18:19
sebsebsebsoreau: two ideas even :d18:19
soreausebsebseb: Please let me know18:19
sipiorjester7: see that's a general question which tells us nothing. more details?18:19
soreauI'm will to try anything18:19
sebsebsebsoreau: download the gparted live cd, and put on a 512mb or so linux swap partition18:20
sebsebsebsoreau: then try later desktop CD's agian, also make sure to md5sum them18:20
ubottuTo verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM for more18:20
soreausebsebseb: gparted live cd, huh18:20
jumarjester7 check this out http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=40846118:20
soreauI just used my last burnable disc18:21
sebsebsebsoreau: with 128MB RAM, later versions of the ubuntu desktop cd's won't even boot, unless that swap partition trick has been done18:21
XerranHello all18:21
ubottugparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php18:21
jester7sipior:  i'd like to know if i manually fail one of the drives in a raid1 (mdadm -fail), is there a way to "unfail" it without repartitioning and adding it back to the raid18:21
sebsebsebXerran: hello18:21
soreausebsebseb: Well I'm out of discs to burn isos18:21
igascreamI have a question about ext4 . Is it save to switch from ext3 to ext4 ? What exactly it do with partition while setting it to ext4 ? And is it possible to lose data?18:21
sebsebsebsoreau: maybe you can make a bootable USB stick18:21
azlonlooking for a good tool to readjust some partition sizes18:21
soreausebsebseb: Not on this old dinosaur18:22
danbhfiveigascream: ask in +118:22
soreausebsebseb: What was your other idea ?18:22
sebsebsebigascream: Ext4 is not that stable yet, best to stay with Ext3 for now as a result18:22
sipiorjester7: that's a much better question. now, address it to the whole channel, so you can take advantage of our combined experience :-)18:22
gannihow to install realone player for my ubuntu 8.10 ?18:22
sebsebsebigascream: ,but yes Ext4 is an option in the next Ubuntu18:22
VoltapleinHi  -- question about ifdown and ifup.  if I enter "ifdown eth0" I get the message: "ifdown: interface eth0 not configured" which is not true according to the command "ifconfig eth0".  Is this a bug?18:22
sebsebsebsoreau: run another distro such as PuppyLinux18:22
jester7i'd like to know if i manually fail one of the drives in a raid1 (mdadm -fail), is there a way to "unfail" it without repartitioning and adding it back to the raid18:22
sebsebsebsoreau: that works well with old hardware18:22
soreausebsebseb: Ok, thanks18:22
sebsebsebsoreau: oh and there's damn small Linux, but  that's not amazing18:23
unimatrix9ext 3 is the stable and save way to go, ext 4 is still under development, but is nearly ready18:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ext418:23
sebsebsebsoreau: so you tried Wubi?18:23
soreausebsebseb: DSL boots the thing fine18:23
soreausebsebseb: No, I have not tried wubi18:23
sebsebsebsoreau: and Xubuntu could work18:23
happy_my raid array disappears after I reboot and when I try to mount I'm told "mount: you must specify the filesystem type"18:23
kristian_when i unrar several files in terminal using unrar, it will finish at 50% and then say All ok, and the file unrar seems to be ok. but how come it only goes to 50%? anyone got any ideas?18:23
soreausebsebseb: ok18:23
sebsebsebsoreau: I woudn't normalely recommend wubi, but if you can't install something properly onto the hard disk18:23
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation.  Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - see also !automate18:23
anki1@ganni-------download realplayer bin file and install it.18:24
XerranCurious....once you have finished installing 8.10, is it necessary to install every single update?18:24
sebsebsebsoreau: which Windows does it have on there?18:24
sebsebsebXerran: yes you should do all the security updates always18:24
soreausebsebseb: It's a xp pro18:24
igascreamok thank you I'll prefer to wait to the stable stage18:24
sebsebsebsoreau: so  no CD's,  can't just go buy some either?   I guess bootable USB stick option is out as well18:24
jester7actually, ext4 is now considered stable i believe18:24
sebsebsebfind out about Ext4 in  #ubuntu+118:25
sebsebsebit's offtopic here18:25
XerranI know the security is essential. I'm curious in regards to the other updates18:25
tramsiei'm having a hard time getting Synaptic to work what is the command for that?18:25
tramsie~ $ Synaptic18:25
tramsiebash: Synaptic: command not found18:25
sebsebsebsoreau: you can try Wubi18:25
jumartramsie gksudo synaptic18:25
danbhfiveXerran: well, you can look at the changelogs for the packages, if you care that much about it18:25
jumarwithout initials18:26
sebsebsebsoreau: ,but then later on you should partition your hard disk for real18:26
soreausebsebseb: I've already sized the partition for ugh18:26
tramsiewhy wouldn't it work with just synaptic?18:26
jester7i'd like to know if i manually fail one of the drives in a raid1 (mdadm -fail), is there a way to "unfail" it without repartitioning and adding it back to the raid18:26
sebsebsebsoreau: wubi installs Ubuntu in a part of your Windows partition18:26
jumarbecause to install software you gotta be an administrator18:26
Xerranwhat do you guys do?..do you install every single update?18:26
soreausebsebseb: On ntfs?18:26
sebsebsebsoreau: yes18:26
soreauthat sucks :p18:26
sipiorjester7: have you removed it from the raid, or just failed it? can you just add it back in as a spare?18:27
soreausebsebseb: I didn't know it worked like that18:27
sebsebsebsoreau: then you get the Windows boot loader and Grub, and you can uninstall wubi like if it was a normal Windows program18:27
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jester7sipior: i haven't done it yet. :)  i actually just want to test the failover18:27
sebsebsebsoreau: like you said that sucks, sure normalley, but in your case as a tempory thing I guess it will be ok18:27
macmancan i turn off journaling on osx via linux for like 1 hour ?18:27
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jester7sipior: and my plan was to simply fail it and not remove it18:27
soreausebsebseb: Ok, thanks for the info18:27
tramsiewhy wouldn't it work with just synaptic?18:27
sebsebsebsoreau: then partition later when you can install it for real from a CD or  USB stick18:28
tramsieshould I use as root: sudo synaptic ?18:28
danbhfivetramsie: no, use gksu synaptic18:28
sebsebsebdooglus: heh it's you18:28
tramsiewhats the diff?18:28
danbhfive!gksu | tramsie18:28
ubottutramsie: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)18:28
jumarfrom terminal, i dont use synaptic as user, once accidentally started it, but its good for nothing then18:28
sebsebsebsoreau: you can also run Ubuntu or other distros inside Windows18:29
sebsebsebsoreau: if you got enough RAM, I think you will probably be just about ok18:29
sebsebsebsoreau: may be a bit slow with that amount of RAM though18:29
soreausebsebseb: I know how vm's work, just not wubi18:29
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.18:29
hbitHello everyone, I'm trying to web browse over the wifi and  connect to a PC for service through ethernet (no internet needed)...nm-applet only shows one device at the time, how can I make it work?18:30
sipiorjester7: ah, then yeah, you should be able to fail it, remove it from the array and add it back in. i had a look at the man page to check, and there doesn't appear to be an "unfail" command as such. normally you fail then remove. check out the "Simulating a drive failure" section of: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Software-RAID-HOWTO-6.html18:30
sebsebsebhbit: you can make it work by messaging xray7224,  they are good with wireless issues18:30
sebsebsebhbit: and stuff like that18:30
jester7sipior: PERFECT...thanks for the link18:30
sebsebsebhbit: and they said I could tell a few people to message them :D18:31
hbitsebsebseb:  gee there seems to be nice ppl in the world yet ...thanx18:32
sebsebsebhbit: the im says they are away right now, but if that's the case, they will be back soon I expect18:32
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TheFunkbombHow do I configure inputdevices through terminal?18:38
falkinskiWhen I try to move a file to a ntfs external drive (under sudo) i get mv: inter-device move failed: unable to remove target: Read-only file system. What is the problem? Happend after my friend who has a mac borrowed the drive18:39
happy_anyone know where can i find raid help?18:39
MNZhi, I'm using wubi and I tried to upgrade the kernel. I get errors during the post-installation scripts. Now I would like to return everything to normal. Every time I try to install something it tries to set up the kernel packages18:40
wng-Anyone have any tips on upgrading the kernel on a persistant LiveUSB drive, need to change CONFIG_NR_CPUS to more than 818:40
Picassotamus!raid | happy_18:41
ubottuhappy_: raid is Tips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID wto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto18:41
CosmiChaosDoes somebody know how to enable nautilus to create thumbnails for mpeg and x264??? I have it working for xvid, all unstripped packages and thumbnailers installed. Please help.18:41
happy_ubottu: thanks, i followed those guides and in the past they worked for me but now my raid disappears on reboot and i have to rebuild it every time18:42
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)18:42
pronoyhow to order jaunty cds...18:43
pronoyor rather preorder18:44
sebsebsebpronoy: you can't yet18:44
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sebsebsebjcmax: hi18:46
xbaezthere is some issue for intel graphic18:47
xbaezyesterday my resolution was ok today is so bad :(18:47
LakesProsecan smb over ssh when user is shell-less ?18:47
gaintsura_mibbitso... compiz crashed, and I can't get it to start, Firefox is the only window I have access to right now.. I can ctrl+alt+F{1-6}, but I can't start compiz on there.. any ideas?18:48
xbaezmy graphic card is VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82945G/GZ Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 02)18:48
jcmaxhey yo i have question about wine what about if i will copy windows libraries from windows18:49
xbaezlogs said this intel(0): I2C device "CRTDDC_A:ddc2" registered at address 0xA0.18:49
jcmaxineed know it possible to install  reason 4 and other software18:49
soumonsiread movie i firefox18:50
danbhfive!appdb | jcmax18:51
ubottujcmax: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help18:51
soumonsihelp me18:51
sebsebsebwith what?18:51
zelaskoive got a problem. since i activated intrepid-proposed and installed the updates, compiz wont work18:51
soumonsiadd_on i firefox18:51
VoltapleinHi  -- question about ifdown and ifup.  if I enter "ifdown eth0" I get the message: "ifdown: interface eth0 not configured" which is not true according to the command "ifconfig eth0".  Is this a bug?18:52
gRuntHi all I have a realktek usb wireless card http://imagebin.org/41000 by all accounts the drivers are actually part of the latest distro. But it didn't recognise and install is there a way I can install them manually through a command line or something and how would I go about that?18:52
VeinorVoltaplein: use ifconfig eth0 down18:52
Veinor(with sudo of course)18:52
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Veinorand use ifconfig eth0 up instead of ifup18:53
wng-Anyone have any tips on upgrading the kernel on a persistant LiveUSB drive, need to change CONFIG_NR_CPUS to more than 818:53
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WFSGrr i wanna scream18:53
johnnybatesI'm setting up Ubuntu and XBMC on a home theater PC. Where do you suggest I store all the media files so that all users can access them?18:53
gRuntHi all I have a realktek usb wireless card http://imagebin.org/41000 by all accounts the drivers are actually part of the latest distro. But it didn't recognise and install is there a way I can install them manually through a command line or something and how would I go about that?18:54
WFSwhy is it so hard to install pidgin-packk-2.5.1 ???18:54
AeGu2hey can someone help me my xserver is not working? I tried the recovery mode but that didnt work what should i do?18:54
VoltapleinVeinor: OK, but are ifup and ifdown broken?18:55
danbhfiveAeGu2: how did it break?18:55
xbaezAeGu2, what kind of issue do you have ?18:55
VeinorVoltaplein: Nah, they just rely on your system being configured in a particular way18:55
xbaezAeGu2, the resolution ?18:55
AeGu2Yesterday i ran a apt update and then rebooted and now its not working18:55
Veinorwhich networkmanager doesn't use18:55
dementorrhy i need some help becouse im new whit linx ,i instal verlihub but i canot run any lua scripts18:56
AeGu2Im also getting the error at start up doing wacom setup :Failed18:56
xbaezAeGu2, all xserver is not working ? what graphic card do you have ?18:56
azlonlooking for a good tool to readjust some partition sizes18:56
Veinorazlon: gparted?18:56
danbhfive!partition | azlon18:57
ubottuazlon: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted or !QtParted - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap18:57
johnnybatesjust boot the live cd and use the partition manager18:57
AeGu2nvidia geforce go 7900 gs18:57
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xbaezAeGu2, oh ok we have different issue then18:58
AeGu2It tried doing the update but then it wanted to keep doing a partical update and it was failing.18:59
AeGu2whats the issue?18:59
WFShow do you install pidgin-plug-in-pack18:59
DJ_CJ i need help with scripts any1 good with them??18:59
VeinorWFS: from the terminal: sudo apt-get install pidgin-plugin-pack19:00
brightjokerI just plugged in my netgear usb wireless adapter and it is connected, however low signal, even though im in the same room as my router, do i need to ndiswrapper the driver even though my computer is detecting it?19:00
dhcrawfordhas anyone had issues with SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA) using module=snd_hda_intel running ALSA as the main sound server?19:00
sixofourwhat is the general mount command?19:00
sixofoursudo mount /location/of/partition /location/of/mountpoint ?19:00
dhcrawfordI have no sound with this config, I've tried pulseaudio as well, which I have no turned off??19:00
WFSthhats it?19:01
DJ_CJ plz pm me if u are any good with scripts19:01
lenni_-_what is the cli way of going from one release to the next?19:01
danbhfiveDJ_CJ: maybe try #bash?19:02
danbhfive!upgrade | lenni_-_19:02
ubottulenni_-_: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading19:02
DJ_CJ ty danbhfive19:02
VoltapleinVeinor: thanks!19:03
Iceman_B^Ltopmy screen(app) seems to be frozen19:03
Iceman_B^Ltophow do I thaw it out ?19:04
lenni_-_is my paranoia of updating to the next release without me being there justified?19:04
brightjokerany ideas on how to improve the signal strength of my wireless?  do i need to add the driver?19:04
lenni_-_i mean i'm only across the city but i am scared that it won't boot up19:04
cristiIceman_B^Ltop: you can use the force quit application?19:04
WFSthanks whoever helped me19:04
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Iceman_B^Ltopcristi: nono, I mean the screen doesnt seem to update anymore19:05
Iceman_B^LtopI cna switch between different windows19:05
Iceman_B^Ltopand the other one does update19:05
chamunksIf im using phpmyadmin to backup mysql databases and am not sure what my passwords i used are will that matter when i have moved to the new server ubuntu server?19:05
Iceman_B^Ltopeither that or I froze irssi somehow19:05
cristiIceman_B^Ltop: lol never happened before, sorry i don't know what to say. Maybe you messed around with the compiz-settings19:05
sixofourwhat command can show me all partitions and the used/free /max space left on them?19:06
Scunizichamunks: if you receive no answer here you might try #ubuntu-server or ##linux19:06
danbhfivesixofour: du19:06
cristisixofour: try fdisk i think19:06
sixofourjust type du?19:06
chamunksScunizi, thanks!19:06
Spookhello everybody19:06
danbhfivesixofour: well, I like du -h19:06
dementorrhy i need some help becouse im new whit linx ,i instal verlihub but i canot run any lua scripts19:06
sixofourwhat does du -h mean/do?19:06
cristisixofour: sudo fdisk -l19:06
danbhfivesixofour: o wait, maybe its df19:07
evilfixdf -a19:07
sixofourok so which should i use? lol19:07
evilfixdf -a19:07
sixofourwhcih gives more information on the parts19:07
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TheNano_sixofour: "df -h  "  h stands for human so you can read sizes19:08
Iceman_B^Ltopcristi: I;m using putty to connect to a headless ubuntu 8.10 machine, which is running irssi in screen :)19:08
sixofourif i do a ctrl+alt+"F command" how do i get out?19:10
danbhfivesixofour: try the F7 one19:11
Veinorpress it again19:11
Veinoryou meant ctrl-alt-f1 or whatever19:11
=== Seeker`_ is now known as Seeker`
Veinoryeah, ctrl-alt-f719:11
SuhailHey guys for some reason my logrotate.d seems to not be running on some nginx logs files being generated, any ideas?19:12
sixofourlike yesterday i did ctrl alt F1 and couldn't get out, and it was at a crtical time which resulted in me having to reinstall kubuntu19:12
sixofourso i need to know how to get out for future reference19:12
sixofourctrl alt f7 are you sure?19:12
killfillhow can i install mono 2.0.1 or 2.2 in ubuntu 8.10?19:12
duryhi there :)19:13
johnnybatesI setup a shared directory that i'm connected to over Samba. The dir is owned by me:htpcusers and i am connected as me over samba from a mac. when i make a new directory, i cannot see it in Finder19:13
durysuccess with audacious19:13
johnnybateswhen i look at that new directory on the server, it's not owned by me:htpcusers but rather me:me19:13
durysebsebseb: are you there?19:13
sebsebsebdury: yes19:14
durysebsebseb: right... success with audacvious19:14
durysorry audacious19:14
CrIPwhats the sudo apt-get cmd to dowload eggdrop latest ver ?19:15
sebsebsebdury: ok19:16
tobzHi i have a question, i am new to linux and Ubuntu. How do i connect to internet thru my Sony ericson W890i 3g phone19:16
PiciCrIP: sudo apt-get install eggdrop19:16
durysebsebseb: I have another hazel with grub... which is didn't respect the other HardDisk which is mandriva in it19:17
CrIPcheers pici19:17
CrIPit wered well19:18
sebsebsebdury: ok so edit  the menu.lst   sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst19:18
sebsebseboh gksudo even19:18
QQQhow many swap is needed for hibernation?   (I have 1GB ram and 1.01GB swap and even with an empty swap it does not hibernate)19:19
QQQI'd resize as much as needed and as little as possible19:19
VeinorQQQ: i think you should add an extra gig or so of swap19:19
QQQVeinor: I have 7GB drive space, eery MB is holy19:20
dementorrhy i need some help becouse im new whit linx ,i instal verlihub but i canot run any lua scripts19:20
tobzhas anyone som esperience whit conecting to the intenet true a 3g phone and assist me19:20
VeinorQQQ: ahhh... then I dunno.19:20
durysebsebseb: I'm in /boot/grub/menu.lst with gedit19:20
QQQVeinor: I thought the RAM image was compressed19:21
sixofourhow do i navigate folders and such in konsole?19:21
sebsebsebdury: oh right yeah you got to add mandriva to it19:21
VeinorQQQ: I honestly have no clue myself. Try adding like 300 MB or something, I dunno19:21
QQQVeinor: k, thx19:21
MasterZdang, I started formatting my hard drives 5 hours ago... just woke up and it has not even finished the first one yet lol19:21
sebsebsebdury: maybe Mandriva went bye bye when you installed Ubuntu hum19:22
a34lkj2348dsf311Is there a way for Server 2003 to push out an image of Ubuntu to client?19:22
durysebsebseb: not really19:22
jim_phi people19:23
Guest34183Alright, been a few years since being on IRC19:23
sebsebsebjim_p: hi19:23
Guest34183I need help with Ubuntu..19:23
jim_phow can i do the automount thing in a server installation?19:23
helperanyone has used mikrotik ?19:23
durysebsebseb: but now doesn't but that disk19:23
crazEgamer201Guys I have recently upgraded from ubuntu hardy heron to intrepid ibex and my system is no longer stable. Is there a way for me to downgrade back to hardy?19:23
jim_pi want for instance to put my disk in the drive, wait a small amount of time, and it will auto mount it in /media/cdrom19:24
AnDyPaTcHeSI'm having a weird wireless problem. I've loaded the driver with ndiswrapper, I've used modprobe, everything shows up in iwconfig, I can ping my router, and I can ping websites. However, i still can't connect to the internet, and network manager shows my connection as not connected.19:24
sebsebsebGuest34183: ok what kind of help?19:24
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:24
jim_pcrazEgamer201, actually no. if you have a seperate /home partition, reinstall19:24
Guest34183.....embarrassed to say, but.. how do I install MonoDevelp (And anyother application that I need)19:24
VeinorcrazEgamer201: and if you don't have a separate /home partition and you decide to reinstall... make a separate /home partition :P19:25
jim_pGuest34183, sudo apt-get install packagename19:25
crazEgamer201Right, thanks jim_p19:25
QQQGuest34183 or you run the synaptic paket manager and search for it19:25
jim_pcrazEgamer201, are you on ati by any chance?19:25
jim_pyou are welcome19:25
crazEgamer201Yes actually jim_p19:25
QQQGuest34183 (somewhere in the preferences)19:25
crazEgamer201I am, installed the driver for my screencard just before the upgrade19:26
jim_pcrazEgamer201, then stay to 8.04 as long as you can. and pray to god for ati to make a proper driver19:26
Guest34183....sybaptic paket manager? (Sorry, I just installed linux this morning.. am a upset windows user who wants to switch)19:26
jim_pthats what i do19:26
MasterZI installed gparted to manage the formatting of my hard drives, is there a command line way to see what the percent done is?19:26
crazEgamer201Your kidding me... That stability problem is caused by ATI?19:26
jim_pGuest34183, System > Administration > Package manager19:26
rdw200169MasterZ, you can do the whole thing from the command line using parted19:27
QQQGuest34183 okey, linux has "packets" instead of programms you install19:27
QQQGuest34183 so two programms con use the same packet if they both need it19:27
jim_pcrazEgamer201, no, but ati is a major reason to stick to 8.04 and corg 1.419:27
MasterZi already started the format 5 hours ago and it's still going, I dont' want to have to run to my basement to check the gui to see if it's done lol19:27
QQQGuest34183 go to System - Systemadministration - Synaptic packet manager19:27
Guest34183in there.. :-)19:28
rdw200169MasterZ, you're trying to format a USB drive, right?19:28
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angryIs there a way for Server 2003 to push out an image of Ubuntu to client?19:28
QQQGuest34183 search for whatever you need and rightclick - mark for install19:28
crazEgamer201Right, well thanks, I guess I'm off to back up 200 gigs of stuff and then reformat a 500 gig drive to run ubuntu lol19:28
jim_pangry, through samba maybe?19:28
crazEgamer201Thanks for the help :)19:28
Guest34183so this the equivilent to add/remove programs in Windows?19:28
rdw200169MasterZ, it shouldn't take near that long, but i've heard of many people having problems (like that) trying to format USB drives...19:28
QQQGuest34183 yes19:28
VeinorGuest34183: yeah, except it can actually add programs :D19:28
jim_pGuest34183, its more that that19:28
dementorrhy i need some help becouse im new whit linx ,i instal verlihub but i canot run any lua scripts19:28
oshua86Hey guys, do you know if there is any kind of desktop sharing app for ubuntu?19:28
QQQGuest34183 but its actually a real "add" in there19:28
MasterZi'ts a 1 TB  drive... and I have 3 of them... has not even finished the first one yet19:28
Veinoras opposed to add/remove programs, which nobody ever uses to install things19:29
Veinorit's also an auto-updater19:29
jim_poshua86, like p2p?19:29
Guest34183:D was reading online about installing source and what not.. and started to ... give me a head ache. lol19:29
Veinoroshua86: what do you mean 'desktop sharing'? like vnc?19:29
MasterZrdw200169 it's supposed to be USB 2.0, I wasn't expecting it to be nearly this long lol19:29
Veinorcompiling from source isn't usually too hard19:29
jim_pVeinor, (at least you saw the "desktop" word" ) :P19:29
QQQGuest34183 even easier is the "add/remove" dialog, but the choise  is not as big there19:29
angryjim_p, I was thinking of using Server 2003 as the image server19:30
sixofourhow do i "get to" a certain folder in konsole?19:30
OsamaKis there a deb version of Gnash 0.8.5?19:30
oshua86jim_p, Veinor, no I mean like GoToAssist or WebEx19:30
angryjim_p, and it would push out an image of Ubuntu to anyone that connected via PXE19:30
keithclarkI found a .ppd file that is supposed to work better with my FX-850 printer and was just wondering how to make use of it?19:30
rdw200169MasterZ, we couldn't figure out at the time why USB was taking so long.  it didn't matter then, either, that it was USB 2.019:30
OsamaKsixofour, "cd path/to/folder"?19:30
Guest34183....ok next questions, I've searched MonoDevelop, and it give me 6 different...Packages? eg. MonoDevelop-boo19:30
AnDyPaTcHeSWhen I do a "sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid xxxxx", where do I enter the WEP code?19:30
jim_pangry, like a means of installation? yea it can be done, i dont know how though19:30
sixofourso cd /mnt/104 to get the my 104gb partition?19:30
Veinoroshua86: what does VLC not do that you need?19:30
rdw200169MasterZ, you should check your /var/log/messages for USB errors...19:31
MasterZrdw200169: sigh... guess I will not get my network file server up until tomorrow19:31
sixofour[the mount point is /mnt/104" lol19:31
durysebsebseb: but now doesn't boot that disk19:31
QQQGuest34183: read in the descriptions, usually one is the main programm and the rest will come along never the less (it will be selected when you mark the main thing for install)19:31
rdw200169AnDyPaTcHeS, sudo iwconfig wlan0 key19:31
jim_pAnDyPaTcHeS, give me a sec to ssh to the laptop, i think its in there19:31
angryjim_p, ok, I was just looking to see if it was possible19:31
jim_pthanks rdw20016919:31
angryjim_p, before I embark on an impossible mission19:31
Guest72276 :D19:31
rdw200169AnDyPaTcHeS, check the manpage, they explain how the keytypes (etc..) works,19:32
MasterZrdw200169: I'll look19:32
OsamaKsixofour, it's not sorted by size. go to 'cd /media' and type 'dir', you will find all mounted partitions.19:32
sixofourno i mounted it that way myself19:32
jim_phow can i do the automount thing in a server installation? i want for instance to put my disk in the drive, wait a small amount of time, and it will auto mount it in /media/cdrom19:32
sixofouri have a 160gb drive, i split it into 104 and 42 gb partitions19:32
sebsebsebdury: is Mandriva still there? can you access it from  /mnt/  or /media?19:32
sebsebsebor from places computer19:32
sixofour./mnt/104/ and /mnt/42/ it worked anyways19:32
noodwhy 104GB and not 100GB?19:33
Guest34183If I install all of them, do you think it will cause any problems? The other packages are plugins19:33
oshua86Veinor< I dont know, let me find out what that is19:33
sixofourno idea lol19:33
sixofouri just randomly resized them lol19:33
Veinoroshua86: it lets someone remote control your desktop basically19:33
Veinorit's kind of bare bones19:33
QQQGuest34183: it would tell you if it did19:33
jim_psixofour, nice mount names. i wonder why i named mine "large" and "windows"19:33
Veinori name my mounts after the machine they're on19:33
Veinorso like, nightwing, confusion, zodiark, zodiark_e19:33
oshua86Veinor, it says its a videoLAN client19:34
oshua86is that the one?19:34
OsamaKsixofour, hum in my case, they aren't named by size, I have sda1,sda2 and so on.19:34
MasterZrdw200169: I don't see anything... the only weird thing is several entries that just says : Mar 11 13:33:36 filesrv1 -- MARK --19:34
sixofourthe drives are sdb1 sdb2 and sdb319:34
Veinoroshua86: I meant VNC19:34
sixofourbut the mount points are 104 and 42 [and the other is a swap19:34
sixofourdo i have to mount a swap?19:34
sixofourlinux-swap drive19:35
sixofourand will kubuntu use this swap even though its on a seperate drive?19:35
AnDyPaTcHeSWhen I do an iwconfig, should the MAC address uner "Acess Point" be exactly the same as the one set for my router? It's off by one digit.19:35
oshua86|#ubuntu      ]19:35
jim_psixofour, use fstab to inform the system where the swap is19:35
sixofourwhat does fstab do?19:35
Guest34183It's installing now :-) anything else I should be aware of? any surprises that may occure?19:35
azlonhow can i find out what version of gnome i have?19:35
oshua86Veinor, hmm yeah but that kind is not what I am looking for19:36
QQQGuest34183: I hope not :)19:36
Veinoroshua86: what're you looking for then exactly? what do you need that VNC doesn't have?19:36
sixofourif i have konsole unraring something can i safly open another konsole and continue doing stuff?19:36
Veinorsixofour: yeah, just don't close that open konsole19:36
=== russ is now known as Russ
jim_psixofour, it mounts internal drives and partitions to specific folders. fstab = FileSystem TABle19:36
sixofourcommand not found19:36
MasterZso is there a command I can do to check the status of gparted?19:37
durybe back later19:37
QQQsixofour: with "terminator" you can even split the console window19:37
Guest34183Is this manager the only place I can install programs? or can I download packages of the internet, and install, something similar to .EXE files in windows19:37
jim_psixofour, its a file, not a command. cat /etc/fstab to see its contents19:37
oshua86Veinor, maybe I am not familiar enough but I dont know if you have used webex before, Im looking for something that allows me to pass control back and forth and at the same time look waht the other person is doing and for him to see waht im doing19:37
QQQGuest34183 there are many ways19:37
CrIPhey i just installed eggdrop, umm where did it install 2 ?19:37
Xerransebsebseb, u there?19:37
sixofourGuest34183:  you can use source files guest19:37
Xerranpidgin crashed on me19:37
Veinoroshua86: ahhhh, i dunno then19:37
jim_pCrIP, how did you install it19:37
QQQGuest34183 you can finde a *.deb that will install like a setupexe or something19:37
sebsebsebXerran: yeah19:38
sixofouroh i need to edit the file?19:38
ubottuUbuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!19:38
Xerranplease pM me19:38
QQQGuest34183 and you can build from the sourcecode of programms19:38
sebsebsebXerran: you pm me19:38
Xerrani crashed last time19:38
oshua86Veinor, well thanks, Ill keep looking19:38
Xerranplease PM me19:38
KoenigseggCCAny links to good xrandr tutorials? Or for editing xorg.conf?19:38
QQQGuest34183 great guide to install anything: http://amitech.50webs.com/installing/index.php.html19:39
Guest34183.. lots of ways.. I guess I'll have look at all those, once I become more familar to Linux, and it's workings.. so Far.. i'm very happy with it.. though it's only been a day..19:39
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution19:39
sixofourGuest34183:  change your name19:39
sixofourtype /nick name19:39
Bram_PDoes anyone know the command that I get out of root again?19:40
bruce89Bram_P: exit19:40
MasterZMy setup will be 3x 1TB hard drives setup on a software RAID 5.... should I make 1 partition for the full disk space to keep it simple, or should I use several smaller partitions to see if it might be faster?19:40
=== Guest34183 is now known as name1
QQQGuest34183: if you want eyecandy enable the advanced desktop effekts :) (to customize them install compiz settings manager)19:40
sixofourlol he jsut got linux and you tell him to get compiz?19:40
Bram_Pbruce89: thank you!19:40
bruce89name1: not the best thing to change your nick to19:40
QQQsixofour kicks ass if it works :)19:40
KoenigseggCCsixofour: Thanks. But it's kind of brief.. I need to understand the device thing in those commandlines. Like in "xrandr --addmode device name" iirc19:41
sixofourwell i don't know then KoenigseggCC19:41
sixofouri'm not the best at that stuff19:41
KoenigseggCCok. Thanks for trying though.19:41
ubottuXRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X.  Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1219:42
PicassotamusKoenigseggCC: e.g. xrandr --addmode VGA 800x600, if you needed to add that res to your VGA device19:42
Flare183!language | QQQ19:42
ubottuQQQ: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.19:42
bruce89that's a bit harsh19:42
name1you wouldn't happen to know how to use MonoDevelop would you?19:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about MonoDevelop19:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about Mono19:43
wng-Anyone have any tips on upgrading the kernel on a persistant LiveUSB drive, need to change CONFIG_NR_CPUS to more than 819:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about monodevelp19:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about monodevelop19:43
Flare183!askthebot | bruce89 (sorry just doing my job)19:43
ubottubruce89 (sorry just doing my job): Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".19:43
QQQname1 i dont, no19:43
KoenigseggCCPicassotamus, Thanks. But that's my problem, I get "cannot find output VGA". So I'd like to read about that part somewhere..19:43
bruce89Flare183: indeed19:44
name1no worries.. I'll juat read the help then.. But, if this can do my c#.net programming as god as visual studios, I'm never going back to windows!19:44
Flare183name1: You should try CodeBlocks then19:44
bruce89name1: be aware that mono doesn't support the latest stuff19:44
PicassotamusKoenigseggCC: hmmm are u using vga? or dvi? maybe19:44
lockdI don't think this bug is fixed at all: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-synaptics/+bug/19357519:44
adhamsorry guys , this is not a relevant question but i'm going to ask it anyway since this is the only operating system channel on this server19:45
Flare183!info codeblock | name119:45
ubottuPackage codeblock does not exist in intrepid19:45
adhami want to partition my vista19:45
bruce89!askthebot | Flare18319:45
ubottuFlare183: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".19:45
adhamcan some one advise me on how to do it19:45
adhami tried all tutorials i couldnt do it19:45
defunctis there anyway with a bash script to determine if gcc is built with 32 or 64?19:45
tehborizhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=6869437#post6869437 some help please?19:45
sixofouradham:  ##windows19:45
Flare183!codeblocks > name119:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about codeblocks19:45
lockdthis is certainly an -upstream- bug, but I'm not sure what I need to do to get this looked at by the kernel devs. The i8042 drivers, psmouse, atkbd drivers are downright ancient19:45
Flare183...dang it19:45
defunctthe compilation type I mean19:45
* Flare183 says forget it19:46
KoenigseggCCPicassotamus, I know it's not dvi, and lowercase vga didn't work either =|. It should be the same as some indentifier line in xorg.conf, right? My problem is that I don't know which one of them19:46
_Whipper__dmn thi svista could NOT suck more..19:47
_Whipper__or i mean that.. >19:47
ubottuPlease remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.19:48
sixofouroh my god19:48
rconanwhat's the best way to configure a network bridge in ubuntu?19:48
sixofourthe unrar command doesn't keep file paths?19:48
Veinorsixofour: what? yes it does19:49
sixofouri did unrar e and it dumped every file individually19:50
Veinoryou want unrar x19:50
jim_phow can i do the automount thing in a server installation? i want for instance to put my disk in the drive, wait a small amount of time, and it will auto mount it in /media/cdrom19:50
PicassotamusKoenigseggCC: when i typed xrandr, i got screen 0, so maybe you could try it w/ that?19:50
PicassotamusKoenigseggCC: screen 0 as your device19:50
sixofourdo you know how long it takes to unpack 36Gb from a 9Gb archive?19:50
sixofour..too long19:50
_Whipper__sixofour, : not  so long..19:50
=== Nickname_ is now known as spass
tehborizhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=6869437#post6869437 some help please?19:51
PicassotamusKoenigseggCC: or pastebin the results of xrandr and/or xorg.conf and i will look at them19:51
sixofourgreat, how do i delete everything  without deleteing the .rar and the folderS?19:51
sixofourits about 12857 files19:51
KoenigseggCCPicassotamus, just a sec19:51
bruce89never use rar19:52
_Whipper__sixofour, : exlude'em19:52
sixofourhow do you do that?19:52
rconanwhat's the best way to configure a network bridge in ubuntu?19:52
_Whipper__sixofour, : i have no idea :)19:52
sixofouropening the drive in dolphin freezes it :/19:52
sixofourits 28946 files actually19:53
jim_phow can i do the automount thing in a server installation? i want for instance to put my disk in the drive, wait a small amount of time, and it will auto mount it in /media/cdrom19:53
sixofourand that is only like 12% of the archive19:53
* bruce89 wonders why you have such a large archive in a non-free format19:53
KoenigseggCCPicassotamus, http://paste.ubuntu.com/129908/  xrandr output at the top19:53
sixofourbecause i care about compression not the license19:53
sixofouri can still use winrar after 30 days, that counts as free in my book ^^19:54
AnDyPaTcHeSUnder what condition would I be able to ping websites but the network manager would show a dead connection?19:54
bruce89sixofour: well, you can't complain when FOSS can't uncompress it19:54
sixofourwho said it can't be uncompressed?19:54
rconansixofour: I would have thought one of gz, bz2 and lzma would do similar compression19:54
sixofourand what is foss?19:54
Veinorsixofour: what directory did you uncompress it into?19:54
ubottufreedom is important. Ubuntu is as free as we can make it, which means mostly free software. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.html and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/licensing19:54
Picisixofour: er, Free Open Source Software19:54
eandahello all.  Can anyone confirm a bug in Ubuntu 8.10 for mounting nfs share automaticaly on boot amd what the actual work around might be19:55
sixofourVienor to my 42 gb drive19:55
_Whipper__"mostly" , that says a lot19:55
PicassotamusKoenigseggCC: what res are you trying to get?19:55
bruce89sixofour: lzmaed tars should yield the same compression ratio19:55
Veinorsixofour: so you want to delete all of the files that just got unrared?19:55
sixofouryeah i got it,19:55
sixofourgoing to select them all in dolphin19:55
marcocan anyone tell me how to unmount a ftp folder which had mounted via curlftpfs ?19:56
MasterZyay, the first hard drive finished :D19:56
shanixhi all, can you map two keyboard shortcuts to do the same thing?19:57
shanixie crtl+alt+right and crtl+<right alt>+right to switch the workspace to the right19:57
KoenigseggCCPicassotamus, well, like something higher =].. 1024x768 max now, and I have to squeeze the windows in there.. I managed to get 1400 something before by handtweaking xorg.conf, but then I had to reinstall. Now I thought I'd do it the "proper" way..19:57
=== xxploit_ is now known as xxploit
KoenigseggCCPicassotamus, 1680x1050 or 1400x900 or whatever it is, perhaps?19:58
_Whipper__<right alt>?19:58
sixofourso unrar ex ?19:58
sixofouror unrar e x19:58
_Whipper__alt gr?19:58
sixofoursudo unrar e x Outgoing.rar19:58
Chousukesudo = wrong19:59
sixofourwithout sudo it won't work19:59
sixofouraccess will be denied19:59
Chousukethen you're extracting it in the wrong place.19:59
sixofourno i'm not19:59
sixofouri'm extracting to my data drive19:59
sixofourOS drive is too small20:00
Chousukethen your data drive permissions are wrong.20:00
sixofourno, its right20:00
sixofouri WANT sudo on it20:00
sixofourso no one can modfy anything unless they have the password20:00
Chousukewell no-one can unless they're using your user.20:00
sixofourcurrently modifying any drive requires sudo20:01
_Whipper__sixofour, : win does there a good job.. u cant even alter all the stuff u want even if u .... used a sldgehammer20:01
Chousukesixofour: that's wrong :/20:01
sixofourwhat _Whipper__?20:01
Chousukesixofour: you should not need sudo for anything other than administration20:01
teupon747Salut j'ai un pb de son sur ma machine... ça me ruine le moral depuis 4 jours :-D20:02
Pici!fr | teupon74720:02
ubottuteupon747: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr20:02
Chousukesixofour: if you do, your permissions are misconfigured :)20:02
teupon747join #ubuntu-fr20:02
lockdcan anyone confirm that this is still borked in Intrepid and Jaunty:20:02
lockdUnfortunately in windows vista this problem is better handled by the driver (the touchpad stops wirking for some seconds, but then it works without problems)20:02
lockderr, oops20:02
PicassotamusKoenigseggCC: Ive never tried this method before either, but seems like it keeps popping up... i tried using "default" as the device and that worked20:02
sixofourive seen no evidence to prove this myth about using sudo all the time beign bad20:02
lockdthis bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-synaptics/+bug/19357520:02
Chousukesixofour: root is not something you use daily.20:02
sixofouryes ive heard it a million times20:02
Chousukesixofour: it's a matter of having the proper habits.20:02
Chousukesixofour: if you rely on root all the time, you will one day use it when you should not.20:03
_Whipper__sixofour, : just cursing here, 'cos win won't allow me to change the things i want..20:03
Chousukesixofour: and then things break20:03
sixofourive already broken things :P20:03
sixofourhad to reinstall kubuntu today20:03
sixofourextracted the archive to my OS drive, that drive got completely full20:04
sixofourand kubuntu stopped functioning20:04
=== bruno is now known as Guest73933
sixofouris there a way to make it so you need sudo to view the contents of a folder?20:05
KoenigseggCCPicassotamus, well do I feel stupid now.. Default worked here as well. Now it's saying mode 1680x1050 can't be found, but at least one fall forwards.. I'll look into that when I get back. Thanks for helping.20:06
LSD200sixofour: yes there is - change the owner of the folder to root and then set the folder permisions to be only readable by root20:06
_Whipper__sixofour, :yes20:06
sixofourwhat would that command be?20:06
_Whipper__six: and make your comp-u-ting  "abit" hmm.. hurtful or something..20:07
_Whipper__sixofour, : meant, that it'll be a pain in the a*s if u do so..20:08
PicassotamusKoenigseggCC: np, and don't feel bad :)20:08
=== Mud is now known as Mud|afk
=== sebyoga is now known as sebastienyoga
berat&jo'n ubuntu20:09
Spookmy root has same pw as user, how can i change differend pw for root?20:09
berati have a problem with my eternet20:10
berati can connect internet with my wireless or my eternet20:10
strangeSpook: type 'passwd' as root20:10
beratbut my system knows both of them20:10
Pici!root | Spook20:11
ubottuSpook: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo20:11
berati am using ubuntu 8.1020:11
sixofourok dolphin froze, is there a konsole way of deleting these files?20:11
Spookok then i can do another pw for root, i shall try20:11
helloooo2222can anyone help me with Configuring MythTV with my pinnacle HDTV tuner (801)e?20:11
PiciSpook: You don't need to. The root password is locked by default.  Use sudo for root access.20:11
berathelp me pls20:12
berati cannot connect net with my wireless or eternet but system knows both of them.How can i fixx it20:12
lockdhow can I report that a but ISN'T fixed?20:12
Spookyep pici, first i must do sudo -i, then passwd20:12
Picassotamus!helpme | berat20:12
ubottuberat: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !patience20:12
Acedipdoes ssh work over wan or it works just over lan ?20:13
PiciSpook: You shouldn't ever need to log in as root.20:13
_Whipper__berat: auto-dhcp?20:13
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal20:13
berati guess auto-dhcp20:13
beratthe file si /etc/network/interface20:14
beratisnt it20:14
Pici!enter | berat20:14
ubottuberat: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:14
_Whipper__beraT all the wiring in order?20:14
berati dont know _Whipper__20:14
berathow can i check and where is the interface file20:15
_Whipper__berat: then i cant help u..20:15
jukenfor some reason when I plug my AC adapter into my laptop the application Evolution starts... anyone seen that before?20:15
berat_Whipper__,  where is the interface file ?20:15
Spookyesss thanks verry much, now i have a differend pw for my root :-)20:15
_Whipper__berat: u mean net-config?20:16
hporsehey guys. i've programmed some own, small Xlib programs. on gentoo they run perfectly. i i try to compile (which works) and run them on ubuntu i get a segmentation fault every time i start an xlib call. any guesses why the programs won'T run on ubuntu?20:16
Iowahcberat /etc/network/interfaces20:16
hporsethe compilation worked without warnings and errors - just perfectly. but if i try to run an xlib program i get ALWAYS a segfault...20:17
beratthere is no /etc/network/interfaces20:17
TimothyPHi, creating a live cd with remastersys worked a few times, not it does not log in automatically so it does not work. Everybody reports this error , but I can't find a solution20:17
hporsei have absolutely no idea why my ubuntu system refuses to run my xlib programs.20:17
hporsedoes ubuntu have anything special about X11?20:17
hporsesomething related of course.20:17
rroflhello can anyone help with my problem installing updates on a new 8.10 desktop install20:17
rroflevery package is reporting "missing newline"20:18
jtranI used to use CentOS, and it allowed me to open a terminal from the right-click menu from my desktop, how do I do that in Ubuntu?20:18
hporsewrong smiley ^^20:18
Picassotamusjtran: open a terminal, or add that functionality?20:19
hporsei am working on this problem for hours now and no solution available...20:19
zaergen91while trying to install xubuntu on an old pentium III dell laptop it just freezes in a light blue screen with the pointer on it...20:19
erUSULjtran: you need to install nautilus-open-terminal iirc20:19
rrofljsut downloaded 268 update files, and all the ones I try are reporting error "missing newline"20:19
jaivikram /join #extdev20:20
Spookok, i go further whit reading my new book, Linux for dummies, lol20:20
erUSUL!info  nautilus-open-terminal | jtran20:20
ubottunautilus-open-terminal (source: nautilus-open-terminal): nautilus plugin for opening terminals in arbitrary local paths. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9-2build1 (intrepid), package size 31 kB, installed size 756 kB20:20
hporsehmm seems like this channel isn't suitable for deeper problems. too much users in here.20:20
rroflso noone knows or noone cares?20:20
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines20:21
macmani asked this already guys just want a answer or something .. is there a way to mount a osx partition and be able to view the contents of the drive ? mount -t hfsplus works but i can't view anything20:21
_Whipper__rrofl, : what was the q?20:21
jtranerUSUL, I'd like it to be in the context menu from my Gnome desktop, not just Nautilus20:21
rroflWhipper: every update package I try and install fails, error "missing newline"20:21
erUSULjtran: the context manu on the gnome desktop is the context menu of nautilus20:21
jtranerUSUL, ok I've installed the nautilus-open-terminal package, how do I enable it?20:22
DStrevinashello, how can i delete all the files that have an extension with the "~" character in a directory tree?20:22
_Whipper__rrofl, : check your repos, and all the other stuff, and if the prblm exist even after that.. ask again20:23
rroflWhipper: pls explain "repos" ?20:23
weedpleas help me with deinstal drivers and instal new20:23
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories20:23
usr13Is there a linux app that will convert jpg to pdf?20:23
hateballDStrevinas: use rm with "--" to end switch inputs20:23
Spookok i have to go, thanks for the help, everybody a nice evening/day, bye bye :-)20:24
rroflWhipper: if I now say "how do I check repository" are you gonna be mad with me?20:24
=== edgex-_ is now known as EdgeX-[A]
erUSULjtran: maybe you need to log out and log in again20:24
_Whipper__usr13: gimp?20:24
jtranerUSUL, will do, thanks for your help20:24
usr13_Whipper__: Nope, but just found jpg2pdf20:24
usr13Tnx anyway20:24
geniidocmonkey: This channel is for questions about Ubuntu Linux. Do you have some question?20:24
rroflWhipper: Ok I found out how to check my repos, will try it out20:26
sexcopterdoes anyone know a tool to take a pdf and spit out images (png, or anything really)?20:26
_Whipper__now my turn.. How can i turn .ps to pdf, or with wath?20:26
erUSUL_Whipper__: ps2pdf20:26
hateballsexcopter: inkscape, if you dont need to batch it20:26
sexcopterhateball: yeah, just one pdf. i'll look at that, thanks!20:27
DacvakWhere can I get a DVD codec for VLC in Ubuntu?20:27
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/desktopguide/C/common-tasks-chap.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:27
=== kustom is now known as linduxed
sav1ohi, libfusionsound package (from directfb project) does not include snddriver modules (alsa,oss,etc). how can I retrieve these modules?20:29
sav1oI'd rather not compile FusionSound-1.0.0 because it has some compilation issues that will take me some time20:29
sav1oplease guys :) I really need support on that; I could help re-configuring the package if the manteiner like but I need directions. thanks in advance.20:32
sav1obruenig: don't irc as root :)20:32
sam555is there a way to configure LAMP so that I can choose where the database directory is located on ubuntu 8.04?20:33
tehfalcondoes anyone know how I can put a program run at start-up?20:33
bruenigsav1o: mind your own20:33
hateballtehfalcon: machine boot, or your session?20:33
tehfalconmy session20:33
rroflnope, can someone help with these updates please? all packages report they are missing final newline when trying to update20:33
danbhfivesam555: I think there is an option in the mysql config somewhere20:33
hateballtehfalcon: System - Settings - Sessions20:34
_Whipper__bruenig, : no need to be rood20:34
hateballtehfalcon: think that's the proper translation...20:34
tehfalconI can find sessions20:34
tehfalcondon't worry20:34
sam555danbhfive: I changed the datadir option, but then that broke mysql20:34
sav1obruenig: sorry dude :) I didn't mean to offend, really.20:34
erUSULDStrevinas: find . -name '*~' -exec rm '{}' \;20:34
danbhfiverrofl: can you pastebin your errors?20:34
rrofldanbhfive: kk sec20:35
DStrevinaserUSUL: thanx, that's cool20:35
danbhfivesam555: did you copy the files over to the new location after you made the change?20:35
DacvakI just installed the Ubuntu-Restricted-Extras, but I still can't play DVDs in either Totem or VLC. Any ideas?20:35
danbhfive!medibuntu > Dacvak20:35
sam555danbhfive: which files?20:35
ubottuDacvak, please see my private message20:35
erUSULDStrevinas: find . -name '*~' -delete <<<< shorter20:35
hateballtehfalcon: well it's there... somewhere. Not on english Ubuntu so dunno the right word for it20:35
sam555danbhfive: i haven't created the db yet20:36
danbhfivesam555: the database files.  All the files in the original location20:36
erUSULDacvak: you libcss from medibuntu20:36
dayoDacvak: sudo aptitude install libdvdcss220:36
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org20:36
rrofldanbhfive: E:/var/cache/apt/archives/dash_0.5.4-9ubuntu1.1.i386.deb:files list file for package 'libnet-daemon-perl' is missing final newline20:36
sam555danbhfive: i was trying to make the directory and then create the db20:36
hateballtehfalcon: command is "gnome-session-properties" anyhow20:36
sam555danbhfive: so I wanted to specify the location of the directory other than the default location20:36
DStrevinaserUSUL: great20:37
soreauCan someone please tell me what to expect from wubi?20:38
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.20:38
sebsebsebsoreau: yes20:38
soreauI should install entire disk with xp then using wubi it will be a dual boot system, right?20:38
sebsebsebsoreau: Wubi puts Ubuntu inside your Windows NTFS partition in a secitno of it20:38
soreauthat sucks20:38
soreausebsebseb: But thank you :)20:39
sebsebsebsoreau:  indeed so partition youar hard disk for real20:39
soreauNo, it wont let me on this old crap machine20:39
sebsebsebsoreau: oh yeah you again :D20:39
soreaucreating ext3 fails20:39
sebsebsebsoreau: try Wubi20:39
sebsebsebsoreau: altough normalley better to partition20:40
soreausebsebseb: But if I use the entire disk for windoze and then use wubi, it will be a dual boot system right?20:40
DaDa|Urkawhy does the cpu freq scaling not work with an intel atom N33020:40
soreauLike some weird linux on ntyfs?20:40
sebsebsebsoreau: it will give you the Windows boot loader which boots Windows or  Grub the Linux boot loader20:40
tehfalconsebsebseb: what distro do you recommend for an old computer (P2 processor, 64 ram...)20:40
soreausebsebseb: That's crazy. Ok20:40
m1ranyone using rt73 wlan cards ?20:40
sebsebsebtehfalcon: Damn Small Linux or PuppyLinux20:40
tehfalconsebsebseb:  I find those to too simplistic20:41
tehfalconanything better?20:41
onceuponastackI asked this question a few months ago. Just found this link. http://www.tuxradar.com/content/group-test-web-editors <--web editors for *nix20:41
TeslaI love Ubuntu, is there any way to mate with it and produce offspring?20:42
rroflanyone? E: /var/cache/apt/archives/dash_0.5.4-9ubuntu1.1.i386.deb:files list file for package 'libnet-daemon-perl' is missing final newline20:42
tehfalconTesla: mod your PC into a blow up doll20:42
sebsebsebtehfalcon: nope nothing better it seems for 64mb RAM20:42
m1rthefalcon: u can always use ubuntu server and CLI for common tasks20:43
objornin the manual partitioner during install, how do you specify the swap, root, and home partitions?20:43
geniirrofl: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2007-January/104520.html20:43
cyluxHey guys I used ndiswrapper to configure my wireless device, the driver loaded properly and everything but it's not showing up in the network settings menu. Anyone know why?20:43
sebsebsebobjorn: by  selecting the partition and then edit partition.  and telling it what to use them as20:43
sebsebsebobjorn: I set stuff up nicely with gparted first, and then use manual to finnish it off20:44
KalElhi, for me the network icon says "Device is unmanaged" and shows a tiny triangle warning icon20:44
bartek_welcome, i have problems with my mom's xubuntu20:44
bartek_in pidgin she can not write "a"20:44
bartek_ it looks like there is some definition of keyboard shortcut20:44
bartek_ i do not know how to find it20:44
FloodBot2bartek_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:44
rroflgenii: THANK YOU I honestly didnt know where to start, google found unrelated errors, so thx for that =D20:44
=== silver is now known as Guest98149
danbhfivesam555: did you change your apparmor settings?20:45
TeslaBut, tehfalcon, I'm female.20:45
tehfalconbartek_: can she write f?20:45
sam555danbhfive: ok, no, that's probably it20:45
sebsebsebTesla: cool one of the 2% or so female Ubuntu users, then20:45
sam555i wasn't sure if ubuntu had that20:45
tehfalconsebsebseb: you know what they say on the internet....20:46
danbhfivesam555: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-change-the-mysql-data-default-directory.html     this is the page I found20:46
TeslaOh we're all over the place.20:46
bartek_tehlafalcon: yes20:46
sebsebsebtehfalcon: yeah I know :d20:46
tehfalconsebsebseb: boys are boys, girls are boys and little girls are fbi agents20:46
virtxsomeone has solved the problem with ksoftirqd and madwifi drivers?20:46
TeslaI do know what they say on the Internet.20:46
virtxit takes the whole cpu20:46
sebsebsebtehfalcon: yeah there is that one, or the one that there is no females on the Intenret20:46
TeslaBut when I look down, I see a vagoo.20:46
sam555danbhfive: omg, you rock!!!!!20:46
TeslaNot a p3n0r.20:46
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:46
tehfalcondamn with 4chan20:46
sebsebsebTesla: a what??????  lol20:46
axisysis there a tool to find duplicate files in a disk?20:47
demon_where is "monitor and display configuration" on 8.1020:47
cyluxHey guys I used ndiswrapper to configure my wireless device, the driver loaded properly and everything but it's not showing up in the network settings menu. Anyone have any ideas why?20:47
sebsebsebTesla: you want help with something?20:47
cyluxaxisys: Yes, it's called cp20:47
okidokianyone sucessfully use FOG to image a ubuntu server?20:47
sixofourwhen i send files to trash are they gone or do i need to empty the trash somehow?20:47
tehfalconhow can you use a copy command to find dupes?20:47
geniirrofl: Yer welcome20:48
TeslaMy original non-serious question was how to mate with Ubuntu and generate offspring, but then tehfalcon suggested modding my PC case into a blow-up doll.  I had to point out, that for my gender, this is not a viable solution.20:48
axisyscylux: huh?20:48
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about monitor20:48
LjLtehfalcon: a copy command...? wouldn't you use a, err, duplicate finder program?20:48
Ienorandsixofour: If you can see them in trash they are still there.20:48
sebsebsebTesla: ha ha yeah, but do you actsaully want help with something serious?20:48
sixofourhow do i empty trash?20:48
hateball!trash | sixofour20:48
ubottusixofour: The location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash20:48
sam555danbhfive: this was it!!! i could kiss you!!!!20:48
axisyscylux: i want to find duplicate files in all diff dirs and delete all but one20:48
okidokiif not, anyone know a good way to image a ubuntu server in partimage format?20:49
sixofouri know where its at, how do i empty it?20:49
tehfalconcylux pointed out that you have to use dupes with cp20:49
danbhfivesam555: :)  glad it worked out20:49
Ienorandsixofour: should be just to open trash and click the "empty" button...20:49
TeslaNo, but I'm willing to provide help if I notice something I'm familiar with that nobody already got.20:49
hateballaxisys: you can throw a few switches on find20:49
sebsebsebTesla: without looking at  your hostname,   I  am taking a guess where your probably from.  America?20:49
demon_where is "monitor and display configuration" on 8.1020:49
TeslaAm I that annoying, loud, and obnoxious that you can tell that already? =/20:49
cyluxTesla: Yes20:50
sebsebsebTesla: we are off topic hummmmmm,  but  it seems more computer women are in America then anywhere else20:50
TeslaIs there any way to filter these join/parts out of just this channel so I can follow actual text easier and actually contribute?20:51
The-CompilerTesla: not in xchat I think20:51
LjLTesla: often yes, but it depends on the client20:51
The-CompilerTesla: go ask in #xchat ;)20:51
eseven73is the PPA site down for anyone else? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas20:51
cyluxHey guys my wireless adapter is not showing up in the Gnome Network settings but ndiswrapper -l reports that the driver is properly installed. What's the problem, then?20:52
DIFH-icerooteseven73: no20:52
The-Compilereseven73: fine here20:52
danbhfivecylux: is interfaces clear? save for lo?20:52
TeslaWhat kind of adapter is it, xylux?20:52
sixofourso were are on day 2 of delteing files20:52
sixofourkonquerer and dolphin bo0th freeze in the process20:53
LjLTesla: seems to be /set irc_conf_mode 120:53
sixofourand konsole isn't capable enough20:53
virtxfuck ubuntukernel, i use vanilla!20:53
FoolsRunHi, I'm having a weird CUPS issue: my printer URLs in the web interface are   rather than the url I'm accessing the CUPS server at, which is by name: media-server.local20:53
sofi1Hi All20:53
ActionParsnip!ohmy | virtx20:54
ubottuvirtx: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.20:54
sofi1Is it a known bug that compiz-fusion will not work with xrandr?20:54
cyluxTesla: Broadcom20:54
The-CompilerLANG and LC_* aren't set on my system by default (ubuntu-mini server) and I got error messages all the time, I added "(LANGUAGE=|LANG=|LC_ALL=)de_DE.UTF-8" to my .zshrc now, that worked so far but I guess that really isn't the best way to do it20:54
TeslaBroadcom what?20:54
virtxActionParsnip, is ksoftirqd problem solved?20:54
cyluxMy two LAN ports are showing up20:54
TeslaWhat's your lspci/lsusb output?20:54
jordi_Hi all20:54
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sebsebsebjordi_: hi20:54
ActionParsnipvirtx: not even sure what that is20:54
cyluxTesla: Broadcom BCM431820:55
ActionParsnipsofi1: i'd ask in #compiz20:55
sixofourError: "/var/tmp/kdecache-sixofour" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0.20:55
sixofourkio_trash(9962) KMimeTypeFactory::parseMagic: Now parsing  "/usr/share/mime/magic"20:55
WhitorHi, Has anyone here used ubuntu to connect to a cisco on its console port? I cant seem to get it to connect using minicom20:55
sixofourthats what happens when i try to delete the files in konqueror20:55
virtxActionParsnip, if pc is in idle ksoftirqd takes all cpu usage and pc is not usable20:55
arkaI worked around a nasty bug by using module parameters. where can I set these?20:55
sofi1Is it a known issue  that xrandr will not work with compiz-fusion?20:55
ActionParsnipvirtx: crazy stuff20:55
virtxActionParsnip, for making pc reusable just reboot the network20:56
virtxi think there is a wifi driver problem20:56
arkaI mean, I can modprobe psmouse resetafter=0, but I want that to happen every boot20:56
ActionParsnipvirtx: i dont think ive experienced it but i'll bear it in mind. thanks20:56
virtxanyway there is a solution?20:57
Kuukkeli^Hello, i got a problem with my ATI drivers, can i find newest ATI driver from anywhere what isn't proprietary?20:57
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ActionParsnipvirtx: log a but and monitor it20:57
=== Zephyrus is now known as Guest27953
virtxdmesg says to me nothing20:57
virtxand ksoftirqd is a kernel thread20:57
cyluxTesla: ?20:58
jordi_Guys, anyone have experience configuring touchscreens ?20:58
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about touchscreen20:58
rwwKuukkeli^: Install instructions for non-proprietary ATI drivers: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver20:58
jordi_no probs20:58
ActionParsnipjordi_: http://origamiproject.com/forums/thread/23006.aspx20:59
atmosferhello i got winfast 2000 tv tunner on my desktop pc. and running ubuntu 8.10 wherecan i find drivers for my tv tuner?20:59
Slartit seems pidgin doesn't want to connect to icq for me.. I get some kind of error message about "client too old".. am I the only one?20:59
Kuukkeli^rww, thank you. =)20:59
jordi_Thx action20:59
toboratmosfer: what does the name "winfast" suggest ?20:59
sebsebsebSlart: no there was someone else just now, you need an update21:00
demon_where can i set my monitor?21:00
atmosfertobor just for windows?21:00
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution21:00
toboratmosfer: Well, designed for windows. try the manufacturer's website.21:00
sebsebsebSlart: to be exact I started talking to thtat guy outside the channel, but yes you need some sort of update21:00
Slartsebsebseb: well.. I guess it will get fixed in due time then..21:00
Slartsebsebseb: thanks21:00
Keldatmosfer, there is a guide here for the winfast 2000 XP under linux: http://www.linuxhelp.net/guides/tvtuner/21:00
Kuukkeli^rww: Isn't fglrx drivers proprietary?21:01
lo127Does the alternate CD support full system encryption or only a privat folder ?21:01
ManaPiratHi There21:01
sebsebsebit can do both full encryption or just a folder21:02
arkahow can I set module parameters for bootup?21:02
sebsebsebManaPirat: hi21:02
rwwKuukkeli^: Yes, they are. The link I gave you has information on removing fglrx and installing a non-proprietary driver.21:02
kindofabuzz!jaunty > kindofabuzz21:02
ubottukindofabuzz, please see my private message21:02
jordi_Yeah my model is a p1610 and I'm running the latest ubuntu21:02
arkanow, I know I could do psmouse.resetafter=0 on the kernel command line if it was builtin, but psmouse is a module21:02
ManaPiratmy main administrator user cannot log in (screen size issue) - how can I let my second user get adinsitrator rights?21:02
ManaPiratI tried sudo usermod -aG admin <myuser>21:03
ManaPiratin a recovery terminal21:03
cannonballHi, installed an app (virtualbox, deb from virtualbox.org).  it hung on me (tries to reconfigure networking, which locks up my machine since my home directory is nfs mounted).  Now I can't get into synaptic because it says I need to run dpkg--configure -a.  But if I run it, it does the thing which reconfigures networking, yada yada.  Googling, I expected dpkg --clear-avail to clear that out, but it had no effect.  Any suggestions?  URLs welcome.21:04
Unggnuhi all21:04
usr13ManaPirat: Just a sec...\21:04
UnggnuDoes anyone know how I can use the Ubuntu kernel staging drivers?21:05
sebsebsebUnggnu: yes hello21:05
ManaPiratallright thanks mr 13 ;)21:05
nkatplease if i want to change my password how can i proceed ?21:05
ActionParsnipManaPirat: replace <myuser> with $USER21:06
Unggnusebsebseb: how? I want otus and according to hhttps://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/jaunty-changes/2009-January/003537.html it is already integrated21:06
ActionParsnipManaPirat: ;)21:06
sebsebsebUnggnu: Jaunty stuff is here #ubuntu+121:06
ManaPirat;-P i typoed the actual username21:06
Unggnusebsebseb: remove Jaunty and just tell me about staging :)21:06
Keldnkat: at the console enter: passwd21:06
DaDa|Urkawhy does the cpu freq scaling not work with an intel atom N33021:06
Unggnusebsebseb: How I can access staging drivers :)21:06
cannonballgot it, dpkg --clear-selections.  Later.21:06
sebsebsebUnggnu: nope can't help you21:06
nkatKeld: thank you verry much21:06
Keldnp :)21:07
nkatKeld: :)21:07
Unggnusebsebseb: this wouldn't be ubuntu+1 :)21:07
Kuukkeli^rww: well my driver is R600 or R700 and they wont be good enough for source-engine so woohoo!21:07
SuiDoghey all.. ok.. I got some weirdness.. I'm running 8.10 on an IBM server .. the software clock is running 1/2 speed and the hardware clock is fine.  This started happening yesterday after I updated my system with the latest recommended security updates21:07
Kuukkeli^i can only use 2d21:07
guntbert!attitude | Unggnu21:08
ubottuUnggnu: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines21:08
rwwKuukkeli^: Yeah, I have an R620. I know your pain >.>21:08
Unggnuguntbert: he told me he knew :)21:08
Unggnuguntbert: and I never got a real answer in ubuntu+121:08
SuiDoghey all.. ok.. I got some weirdness.. I'm running 8.10 on an IBM server .. the software clock is running 1/2 speed and the hardware clock is fine. I can sync with NTP but within 1 min. the software clock is 30 secs behind.  This started happening yesterday after I updated my system with the latest recommended security updates21:09
Kuukkeli^rww, but i heard from #ati that there is coming an 3d opensource driver21:09
demon_my ubuntu cant recognize my monitor pls help!!21:09
Kuukkeli^in few months21:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about monitor21:09
ubottuScreen is a window manager for terminal sessions, also useful over SSH. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen21:09
rwwKuukkeli^: Yeah, they're working on acceleration for us in the -ati driver. It'll probably be released in time for Jaunty, too :)21:10
sebsebsebdemon_: I guess you need a better one then21:10
guntbertUnggnu: sorry, but I have no idea too :(21:10
Unirgyhi, how it is possible to temporarily switch from nvidia-glx-177 to nv ?21:10
ActionParsnipUnirgy: sure, just edit xorg.conf and change driver21:10
Unirgyi'm experiencing really bad GUI slowness, want to see if that's going to help21:10
demon_sebastien, it worked just fine but then i have put 8.10 and now i cant use mine i have other one its ok with that one but its lil bit red21:10
usr13ManaPirat: Still there?21:11
Unggnuguntbert: thx. Maybe staging is planned but not integrated, don't know21:11
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions21:11
ManaPiratyes i am there21:11
ActionParsnipUnirgy: once you edit the file, restart the x server21:11
ScuniziUnirgy: easy.. gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and change the driver line from nvidia to nv .. save then restart x21:11
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lo127Does the alternate CD support full system encryption or only a privat folder ?21:11
usr13Now what was the problem?21:11
ManaPiratgiving telephone support for the por user atm21:11
demon_sebastien, in 7.10 i can set my monitor i can choose it froma  list but i dont know how on 8.1021:11
usr13Couldn't get ght GUI up?21:11
=== chris__ is now known as chrisrio
ManaPirattrying visudo /etc/sudoers21:11
sebsebsebdemon_: ok xorg issues21:11
Gaming4JCI have a newly installed PC (less than a week) dual booting Ubuntu 8.10 and WinXP SP3. Windows XP recently has "Windows Delay Write Failure" and now Ubuntu is running slowwwly. Would anyone know why?21:11
sebsebsebdemon_: your probably better off using hardy21:11
ManaPiratyes tahst a driver problem that cannot be solved as its alld crap hardware. In the process some user config in a user shome got screwed up21:12
guntbertUnggnu: may I PM you?21:12
usr13ManaPirat: You have added a new user and want to give him same rights as the original one?  Is that it?21:12
Unggnuguntbert: sure21:12
ManaPiratdecided to make a new clena user but its not an administrator account which is not intended21:12
demon_i know sebsebseb but i cant find that program for setting my monitor21:12
ManaPiratnow I need to get adinistratziion and sudo prvileges to that new acocunt21:12
ManaPiratyes usr13 pretty much that ;)21:12
sebsebsebdemon_: system > preferences > screen resoloution21:12
ubottuTo add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo21:13
UnirgyActionParsnip, Scunizi: thanks21:13
demon_sebastien, its screen resolution i cant set my monitor just the resolution21:13
usr13ManaPirat: Edit file /etc/group and add a comma and your new user name to the end of each line that has the original user name.21:13
Gaming4JC*cough* anyone?21:13
sebsebsebdemon_: ok have you installed the graphics card driver?21:13
usr13ManaPirat: And then log out and back in again and you'll have privilidges.21:13
demon_sebsebseb, yes and it works its just the monitor when i put the other monitor its good21:13
Gaming4JCHere's some Event logs from Windows and SMART Data: http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d10fb808f21:14
ActionParsnipGaming4JC: run fsck on the drive21:14
ManaPiratthe user is in that file allready, her username is in the admin group line, seperated with a comma from the other users21:14
sebsebsebdemon_: ok crappy old montior that isn't suppourted I guess21:14
Gartral2how do i set the xscreensaver manager as the default without affecting the rest of gnome?21:14
SuiDoghey all.. ok.. I got some weirdness.. I'm running 8.10 on an IBM server .. the software clock is running 1/2 speed and the hardware clock is fine. I can sync with NTP but within 1 min. the software clock is 30 secs behind.  This started happening yesterday after I updated my system with the latest recommended security updates21:14
ActionParsnipGaming4JC: you may want to get the app from the drives amnufacturers site (or use ultimate boot cd) to test the drive21:14
ManaPiratbut still when logged in she cannot access most of the menue entries under system/Adinistration21:14
ManaPiratdoes the PC have to be restarted for the groups changes to work?21:15
demon_sebsebseb, if i set it like on 7.10 to be a a noname 17' monitor i can do it but i cant find that program21:15
usr13ManaPirat: No.21:15
Gaming4JCActionParsnip: It's literally less than a week old. (WesternDigital 640GB) brand new21:15
usr13But you'll have to do it in the original user's account.  Or do it in single user mode.21:15
Gaming4JCI suppose it's not the first time I've had a bumb hdd21:16
sebsebsebdemon_: ok don't know21:16
usr13ManaPirat: But you'll have to do it in the original user's account.  Or do it in single user mode.21:16
nymhey, how do i go about executing commands remotely over ssh?21:16
ManaPiratthe originals users desktop doe snot load properly, commandline is what we have21:16
demon_thanks any way sebsebseb  i should ask my question again ;)21:16
demon_how can i set my monitor ??21:17
usr13ManaPirat: Let's say the old user was fred and the new one is jim, you'll see several lines that end with fred, just put ,jim after them so that they look like  fred,jim21:17
usr13ManaPirat: But you shouldn't need to add a new user to fix the problem.21:18
ActionParsnipGaming4JC: could have been dying before you even bought it21:18
usr13ManaPirat: Just do Ctrl-Alt-F6 and go to console mode and fix the X server.21:18
ManaPiratusr13 I kinda found the tnries that way you describe it21:18
demon_how can i set my monitor or is there a way some one can set my xorg ??21:19
ActionParsnipGaming4JC: if youre getting issues in windows and linux it may be dying21:19
ManaPiratas I issued sudo userod -aG admin jim that might have done it21:19
UbUnTu5uck5h4rDubuntu = distro's mexico21:19
usr13demon_: X -configure21:19
ActionParsnipGaming4JC: check the controller connectionad power21:19
ManaPiratso I wonder why the priileges seem not active .. dong this via telephone is another factor that might lead to probles though -.-21:19
Gartral2Gaming4JC: i hate saying this, 'cause i like WD, but thier external drives SUCK21:19
Gaming4JCActionParsnip: I'll run some tools on it... what am I looking for? All sectors are good so far. The system rebooted itself on Windows...21:19
hadi57hi, i am new to linux world, wiped off xp and replace it with ubuntu, now i cant connect to my htc touch, any body can help me solve this?21:19
SuiDoghey all.. ok.. I got some weirdness.. I'm running 8.10 on an IBM server .. the software clock is running 1/2 speed and the hardware clock is fine. I can sync with NTP but within 1 min. the software clock is 30 secs behind.  This started happening yesterday after I updated my system with the latest recommended security updates21:20
demon_usr13,  that didnt helped21:20
Gaming4JCGartral2: It's an internal drive21:20
usr13demon_: Xorg -configure21:20
gRuntHi all i need to install my first file from a .tar.gz file and i dont know what to do. its currently on my hdd could anyone give me a hand im using the tutorial from http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Download#DownloadlatestLinuxwirelessdrivers but the extract command isnt working.21:21
jbarketRidiculous question, but I just installed Ubuntu on a machine with 2 NICs. The only interface setup by default was the loopback device... I added eth0, but it doesn't appear to be the one I'm using. Is there a way to figure out what the other device is called? eth1 = fail21:21
inertialwhat is there for converting WAVs between different sample rates/channel numbers on linux21:21
KoenigseggCChadi57: Don't know anything about that, but googling for "ubuntu htc touch connect" might help?21:21
usr13ManaPirat: tnries ?21:21
demon_usr13, Fatal server error:21:21
usr13demon_: rm /etc/X11/xorg.conf21:21
usr13demon_: and try again.21:22
ManaPiratyeah, tried the perisisons - couldnt sudo and all21:22
demon_same usr1321:22
gRuntHi all i need to install my first file from a .tar.gz file and i dont know what to do. its currently on my external hdd could anyone give me a hand im using the tutorial from http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Download#DownloadlatestLinuxwirelessdrivers but the extract command isnt working.21:22
usr13You have to kill the Xserver first21:22
Gartral2why the hell am i geting these numbers tagged to my name >.<21:22
jiffe92what is the upper bound to uids?21:22
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ActionParsnipjbarket: ifconfig21:22
Gaming4JCActionParsnip: did you see my log? http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d10fb808f21:23
ActionParsnipGartral2: you are logged in to irc twice as you21:23
jiffe92like, can I have a 32 bit uid?21:23
ActionParsnipGartral2: so your client changes the name so its different21:23
demon_usr13, let me tell you what is my problem my 8.10 cant recognize my monitor i have another one that can but its lil bit broken so i need manually  to set my Xorg21:23
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:23
usr13demon_: restart in single user mode    linux single21:24
guntbert!compile | gRunt21:24
ubottugRunt: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)21:24
Kuukkeli^oh well, time to Download ATI crap proprietary driver back21:24
demon_usr13, how ??21:24
Kuukkeli^... I'm going to cry soon ;E21:24
gRuntthnks guntburt i have to compile as i cant get net so wish me luck :)21:24
usr13demon_: But it should be detected and adjusted automatically.21:24
Unirgycrap... linux just doesn't want to work for me21:24
Kuukkeli^ubuntu doesn't like my PC.21:24
nymanyone know how to execute commands remotely over ssh?21:25
usr13demon_: Unless there is a KVM switch. Some KVM switches will hinder that process.21:25
Kuukkeli^r600/r700 ati radeon piece of crap21:25
jiffe92looks like 9999999 is the highest I can go by default, can that be changed?21:25
TruthTaco1i want to install some codecs for smplayer but i dont have root21:25
TruthTaco1or permission or whatever21:25
ActionParsnipnym: you can just run them like you are sat at the system. thats what ssh is for (as well as other stuff)21:25
demon_usr13, i can put my other monitor and restart its good i can put my other monitor and work but i cant do that every time21:25
nymActionParsnip: but how?21:25
usr13demon_: If you want to restart in single user mode, just hit e when grub comes up and give command linux single21:26
ActionParsnipTruthTaco1: use sudo / gksudo to execute the comand you need21:26
nymActionParsnip: the -c flag doesn't do "command"21:26
ActionParsnipTruthTaco1: there is no root password21:26
TruthTaco1well im in the GUI, trying to copy some files21:26
usr13demon_: That's interesting.21:26
ActionParsnipTruthTaco1: gksudo nautilus21:26
demon_usr13, in 7.10 there is a setting that i can choose my monitor but on 8.10 i cant21:27
ActionParsnipTruthTaco1: nautilus will then have admin powers21:27
nymActionParsnip: in psql, i can do psql -c "CREATE DATBASE veggies;", but I don't know how to do the same thing with ssh21:27
gRunthey guntburt because i dont have net access both packages the tutorial suggests i have (build-essentials and checkinstall) can't be found will that matter?21:27
ActionParsnipnym: just get connected and launch the command21:27
nymActionParsnip: you're missing the point, i don't want to "get connected", i just want to run a one liner that connects and executes the command21:28
nymActionParsnip: just like psql connects to the postgres db, and executes "CREATE DATBASE veggies;"21:28
TruthTaco1is there any way i can get realtime support in smplayer without having to install it manually? i cant find the correct dir21:29
nymActionParsnip: i'm guessing you don't know how to execute commands remotely21:29
ManaPiratusr13 solved the problem - either via adding to sudoers or because of restart idk21:29
rwwnym: just add the command to the end of your normal ssh line. E.g.: ssh rww@myremoteserver "ls -l"21:29
nymty rww21:29
usr13ManaPirat: Ok, sorry I wasn't more help21:30
ActionParsnipnym: once you get connected you can type commands like a terminal and they wil be executed remotely21:30
ActionParsniprww: is tat not the same as what i'm sugesting?21:30
gRuntNeed some help installing an app off an external hdd using the commands on the following site http://wireless.kernel.org/en/users/Download#DownloadlatestLinuxwirelessdrivers Not quite sure how to do it via terminal if anyone could help via pm please.21:31
rwwActionParsnip: No. Normal ssh connections are in interactive mode. As far as I can tell, nym wanted to run in non-interactive mode, where he specifies the command to run on the local command line, it connects to ssh, runs it, then quits, all in one line.21:31
ActionParsniprww: i see21:31
guntbertgRunt: I sent you the link to read how to compile a program from a tar ball, not to criticize :)21:32
rwwActionParsnip: I use it in shell scripts sometimes. There are probably other use cases for it too.21:32
DaDa|Urkawhy does the cpu freq scaling not work with an intel atom N33021:32
DreamgliderHow do i stream live audio to computers on lan ?21:32
gRuntthe first two steps to install some apps required for compiling werent found guntburt. While I don't think i am completely retarded this is somewhat over my head for a first day user :)21:32
ActionParsniprww: so the apps continue to execute even if the ssh connection is closed. I thought that was used to run a command when you first connect21:33
demon_usr13, i had this same problem back at ubuntu  6.06 but a guy took my xorg asked me for my monitor and he fixed it :) so if you know this guy it will be a lot of help :P21:33
rwwActionParsnip: you're misunderstanding me. With `ssh rww@remoteserver "ls -l"`, for example, ssh would connect to remoteserver, run ls -l, display the output, then quit ssh.21:34
rwwActionParsnip: nothing's running after the ssh connection is closed.21:34
ActionParsniprww: i see, so my idea was kinda the same but not21:34
jiffe92alright I must have hit something else it doesn't like, I think 2^31-1 is the limit21:34
ActionParsniprww: as its not as smooth but achieves the same end21:34
rwwActionParsnip: As far as I can see, your idea was to just run ssh as normal, right? That's similar, but doesn't work for certain situations. Shell scripts, as I said, are one example.21:35
ActionParsniprww: i was suggesting connecting, then launching whatever, then logging off21:36
gc_my isp has stealthed port 22. is there any way i can get around this for using ssh?21:37
jribgc_: use a different port?21:37
guntbertgRunt: if you type somebodie's nick, the line will be highlighted for him/her (in my case type gun<tab>), did you install build-essential?21:37
guntbert!info build-essential21:37
ubottubuild-essential (source: build-essential): Informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.4 (intrepid), package size 7 kB, installed size 48 kB21:37
rwwgc_: Change your ssh server port. Edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config and change the "Port" line, then restart ssh with sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart21:38
Myrthsadly, linux on desktop is still a joke... most of my hardware periferals do not have normal support: nvidia dualhead, canon mf4150, logitech orbit af, soundcard stops working just in the middle, needs reboot...21:38
gc_using a diff. port results nothing. ports for pop3 refused connection.21:38
demon_can some fix my XORG i cant put more than 640*48021:38
rwwgc_: So a random high-level port (like 51413 or something) doesn't work either?21:39
gc_my isp has blocked most all ports. workaround needed. any ideas?21:39
austinMost youtube videos won't play..i hear sound for a sec, the video freezes then dissapears....any help?21:39
jribgc_: tell your isp you want to use ssh then21:39
rabidweezlewhat is the command to bring up the wireless network applet?21:39
ActionParsnipdemon_: try looking at mine: http://pastebin.com/f74b493e421:39
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Guest25503hi, need help adjusting fan speeds on my sony laptop, anyone know how>?21:39
rabidweezlethe ubuntu gnome wireless network app21:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about beep21:39
ActionParsnip!info beep21:39
ubottubeep (source: beep): advanced pc-speaker beeper. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.2-20 (intrepid), package size 21 kB, installed size 108 kB21:39
=== Guest25503 is now known as pete__
rwwrabidweezle: nm-applet21:40
gc_to you it'd be possible to negotiate an isp to unblock a port? i will give it a try.21:40
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jribgc_: by the way, most people use 2222.  Did that not work?21:40
Wickedon 8.10 every once in a while ill get the system beep. i have no idea why its beeping..there is nothing obvious going on. any ideas?21:40
guntbert!pm | gRunt21:40
ubottugRunt: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.21:40
gc_i've not tried 2222. trying now.21:40
jribgc_: if there's nothing in your TOS forbidding you from running ssh, I don't see why not21:40
rabidweezlety rww21:40
skiwithpetesorry, I want to adjust fan speed in 8.0421:40
skiwithpeteanyone know how?21:41
ActionParsnipWicked:  sudo rmmod pcspkr21:41
ActionParsnipWicked: will stop the beep, i'd check your system logs and dmesg for clues21:41
WickedActionParsnip, well i know i can stop the beeping...but id like to find out why its beeping.21:41
gc_connection refused on 2222 as well21:41
jribgc_: you are positive you are testing this correctly?21:42
guntbertgRunt: try without checkinstall21:42
samba_Should I make a question in nagios chan but nobody there , can I question here ? Anybody use nagios ?21:42
rwwgc_: And you're sure it's not being blocked by your router or something, rather than your ISP?21:42
rabidweezledoes anyone remember the name of the app that let's you config the menu in fluxbox?21:42
gc_dell mobile broadband card. no router.21:42
guntbert!ot | samba_21:42
ubottusamba_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:42
tramsieits stuck and says corrupt kernel image21:43
tramsiei get the error as soon as i boot from the first screen21:43
tramsieit gives a menu to install ubuntu21:43
tramsiei hit return and nothing ahppens21:43
tramsiei pressed the esc key and it gave text based menu21:43
tramsiethen it gives an error kernel image corrupt21:43
gc_and i visited website shieldsup and was confirmed stealthed, blocked by isp.21:43
tramsieits ubuntu 8.121:43
FloodBot2tramsie: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:43
supertankerCan I squeeze a minimum Server instrall into 970.6 megabytes? >_>21:44
tramsiei installed on vmware21:44
supertankerI built an old server case, but the BIOS is buggy and won't take a hard drive bigger than 30GB21:44
supertankerand so the smallest size I have is...1.1GB21:44
rwwrabidweezle: install fluxconf, then use fluxmenu?21:44
ikoniaanyone what ?21:45
nightrid3rsupertanker upgrade the bios?21:45
jribgc_: what port is your server running on now?21:45
tramsieikonia: I asked my question21:45
skiwithpeteis it possible to adjust fan speed on my laptop 8.0421:45
tramsieI get that rror kernel image corrupt21:45
rabidweezlejust remembered how to edit by hand ^_^21:45
Wickedalso is there a better service manager? the one in system>admin>services sucks real bad...doest list all the services...ie not even cups is in there21:45
ikoniatramsie: so saying anyone is poitnless21:45
rabidweezlety anyway rww21:45
rwwgc_: If your ISP doesn't want you running an ssh server, maybe you... shouldn't... run... an ssh server...?21:46
epaphusHey guys, how can I install SSHD for Ubuntu?21:47
gc_maybe you're right. i'll maybe mention to them it before giving up. thanks help all.21:47
rwwepaphus: sudo apt-get install openssh-server21:47
jrib!ssh | epaphus21:47
ubottuepaphus: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/21:47
foofielo folks21:47
tramsieI get that error kernel image corrupt21:47
tramsiewhat can be done?21:48
tramsieeven if i boot from cd21:48
tramsiei get same error21:48
rww!enter | tramsie21:48
ubottutramsie: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:48
foofieI'm trying to install xubuntu onto a desktop with 2 HD's that is already set up with LVM. Could anyone answer a few questions I have?21:49
rwwdean: Do you have a support question?21:49
epaphusrww, it says that the openssh-server is not available... but is referred to by another package...21:50
skiwithpetemy laptop is HOT21:50
skiwithpetewant to change the fan speed to cool it dowen21:50
skiwithpetepls help21:50
FloodBot2skiwithpete: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:50
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:50
rwwepaphus: Try running "sudo apt-get update" first21:50
epaphusrww, thanks..21:50
dado89chi c'è di italiano21:51
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)21:51
dado89scusa mi puoi spiegare come fare ad andare in ubuntu-it21:52
ikoniadado89: english in here please21:52
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LakesProsehmm, I'm wondering, a local user with a null shell with be totally harmless right, in a ssh context ?21:53
mrwesI just installed Denyhosts on my server, and now I can ssh into my box. The /etc/hosts.deny is adding my IP -- how do I change that?21:53
skiwithpeteis there something I can install to control fan speed?21:53
guntbertdado89: click on #ubuntu-it21:53
hollywoodbdado89: /join #ubuntu-it21:53
rabidweezlerww, you know of a lightweight desktop app to hold some icons for me?21:53
hollywoodbrabidweezle: you mean to draw them on the desktop ?21:54
Be1how can i mount a .dmg ?21:54
rabidweezlecorrect hollywoodb21:54
fearfulIs there any like-app of photo booth from mac on ubuntu?21:54
ryanCHmy kde window effects are not working anymore, how can i re-enable them?21:54
hollywoodbrabidweezle: idesk can do it and is fairly popular, I believe the rox desktop can do it as well21:54
Dillizari have installed 8.10 and now it cant recognize my web cam help21:54
skiwithpeteits so hot, pls help, or I'm going to have to shutdown21:54
jribBe1: mount -t hfsplus -o loop foo.dmg foo21:55
kindofabuzzskiwithpete, what do you expect us to do? magically wish your laptop would get cooler?21:55
jribBe1: or maybe just hfs, can't remember21:56
skiwithpeteno kindofabuzz I want to adjust fanspeed so the thing blows harder earlier21:56
bazuskiwithpete: you use amd CPU ?21:56
skiwithpeteno, Intel21:56
bazumy laptop is with amd and it is like oven :P21:57
Be1jrib: i got this message "ioctl: LOOP_SET_FD: Invalid argument"21:57
jribBe1: what did you run?21:57
=== boliver is now known as bazu
Be1jrib:sudo mount -t hfsplus -o loop 018-xxxx-x.dmg foo21:57
skiwithpetebazu there's a fan script I thought...21:58
jribBe1: 1) you might need to use sudo 2) does foo exist as a directory? 3) try hfs instead21:58
skiwithpetesomething to mnake your fan blow harder sooner21:58
bazuskiwithpete,  do you know it ?21:58
guntbertskiwithpete: usually fan speed is controlled from hardware/BIOS, but maybe the slots are "dirty", most scripts try to reduce fan speed21:58
hollywoodbskiwithpete: if you google for ubuntu fan control you'll find plenty of information21:59
skiwithpetebazu, no that's why I'm here21:59
rabidweezlewhat's the terminal command for the RUN dialog?22:00
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skiwithpetehollywoodb, can I use stuff from Warty, or should I find something for Hardy?22:00
ikoniaskiwithpete: warty is long dead22:00
jribrabidweezle: one doesn't exist iirc.  But there exist small C programs to run it22:01
hollywoodbskiwithpete: it depends.  If it is a package you should not use it.  If it's a generic script, then it should be fine as long as it doesn't depend on something ancient that is no longer present22:01
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rabidweezlejrib, for the standard gnome alt+f2 hotkey?22:01
rabidweezlejrib, or is that just a part of gnome itself?22:01
hollywoodbrabidweezle: for non-gnome/kde/xfce desktop you'll probably want to install something like gmrun22:02
jribrabidweezle: yes.  It's part of gnome-panel22:02
* Tesla returns!22:02
bazuskiwithpete, http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Fan_control_scripts22:02
Be1jrib:  could it be becase is has a passwd22:02
jribBe1: yes, probably22:02
Be1ill check22:02
tramsieIIRC ubuntu had a Gutsy had a problem on VMWare, you had to bypass graphics card drivers or soeting22:03
Chikubuis there a utility to mount ext4 in winxp?22:03
Dillizarweb cam problems on 8.10 any one ??22:04
ikoniaChikubu: no, only ext322:04
guntberttramsie: intrepid in virtualbox runs fine22:04
bazuskiwithpete, do you taste it ?22:04
vaiohey guys, how can i give another user a rootdocument in apache so they can have their own homepage?22:04
eseven73How do i get cinelerra working in intrepid? I dont see it in the repos or a PPA only a PPA for hardy22:04
Gartral2is there a firewall/filter on local host in 8.10?22:04
ikoniavaio: look at mod_public22:04
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras22:04
ikoniaGartral2: nothing enabled by default22:05
vaioikonia, what should i look at there?22:05
eseven73!info cinelerra22:05
ubottuPackage cinelerra does not exist in intrepid22:05
LakesProselast try: a linux shelless user can pretty much only port forward over ssh?22:07
jribBe1: /b #iphone22:08
jribBe1: ignore that22:08
jribBe1: just use pwnage tool http://blog.iphone-dev.org/ .  But this is offtopic here22:09
unr3a1hey all22:09
unr3a1where is openssl installed in ubuntu 8.10?22:10
unr3a1I cannot find it22:10
unr3a1I am trying to find the extconf.rb file, but I cannot22:10
Chikubuuse a searc program, search the whole file system22:11
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unr3a1what search program?22:11
Chikubuanyway to mount ext4 in xp, or is that not out yet?22:11
bigriggerunr3a1: sudo find / -name 'extconf.rb'  try that in a terminal.22:12
_dbd_l12unr3a1: i guess openssl itself should be just a simple "apt-get install openssl" away. Maybe you also need the libssl-dev package?22:13
batistethello friends.which antivirus should i use?22:13
bazunone :P22:13
ikoniabatistet: most situations don''t require antiviru on linux22:13
batistetwell i expected that question22:14
koshi - I need help with a DHCP Modem to update BIND9 on Ubuntu22:14
batistetbut i've got friends that use windows22:14
ikoniakos: #bind for bind support22:14
davdavGood evening to all of you m happy if you help?22:14
ikoniabatistet: you're not using windows - so it doesn't matter what they use22:14
bazu82% of viruses are only for windows22:14
batistetyes i know that but.22:14
bazuand we have mac and unix :P22:14
unr3a1_dbd_l12: I have the latest versions of both those apps.22:14
bazutake it easy :P22:15
batisteti've heard that avast is quite good22:15
usr13bazu: What are the other 18percent for?22:15
batistetjust wondering if you used anything different22:15
ikoniabatistet: use what you want then if you don't want to follow the advice given22:15
bazumac and unux22:15
rwwbatistet: For Ubuntu systems, you don't need anti-viral software. For Windows, ask in ##windows, not here.22:15
erle64-is there a easy way to add apps to a live cd?22:16
batisteti'm sorry if i annoyed you all22:16
ikoniaerle64-: same as normal install22:16
ikoniabatistet: not annoyed anyone, don't worry22:16
usr13erle64-: Yes22:16
batisteti just wanted to protect my friends22:16
bazubatistet, wait one minute22:16
batistetjust that22:16
toastmonsteri am trying to kill ubuntu22:16
toastmonstercan someone help me22:16
bazuand i`m gonna tell you22:16
ikoniabatistet: installing anyvirus on linux won't protect your friends windows clients22:16
bazujust right i search it22:16
erle64-ikonia, usr13, how? just installing it while the session is running?22:16
ikoniatoastmonster: what's the issue ?22:16
toastmonsteri want to reformat and install windows 9522:16
usr13toastmonster: Sure22:16
ikoniaerle64-: correct22:16
batisteti know that too22:16
red-lichtie_toastmonster: Easy, install windoze :)22:16
_dbd_l12unr3a1: you may also need libssl0.9.822:16
ikoniatoastmonster: if you're trying to troll - go else where22:16
usr13toastmonster: No problem22:16
toastmonsterikonia its not compatible with my network card22:17
cholisterixhi gys does anybody knows an ubuntu application that finds an artist by some lyrics???22:17
ikoniatoastmonster: if you have a serious problem, please ask22:17
erle64-ikonia, is that saved on live usb sticks?22:17
ikoniaerle64-: no, sorry22:17
toastmonsterand i just have no idea how to reformat it22:17
batistetit would have to be a very good one to protect my friends .even linux couldn't do that. windows has many holes22:17
cholisterixor maybe a site ?22:17
unr3a1_dbd_l12:  I have that as well22:17
ikoniabatistet: no - installing antivirus on linux will not protect your friends windows install - fact22:17
ikoniatoastmonster: just install over the top of it, or delete the partitions22:18
usr13toastmonster: use a hammerdrill22:18
ikoniausr13: that's not helpful22:18
erle64-ikonia, do you have any link or something?22:18
cholisterixactually i am looking for a song that says "out of reach out of touch " it is a rock ballad... :-)22:18
usr13ikonia: Sorry22:18
erle64-ikonia, i didnt finde useful things via google22:18
davdavI want to connect a server on French free.fr22:18
ikoniacholisterix: this is ubuntu support - please find a more approriate channel22:18
davdavhelp me22:18
cholisterixikonia, : hmm ok22:18
ikoniaerle64-: there is a guide on help.ubuntu.com about maintaining live session data on a usb stick22:18
usr13ikonia: Just that I don't see any ubuntu questions.  Thought it was play time.22:19
erle64-ikonia, yea, but thats user data, i want to add apps22:19
eseven73usr13: #ubuntu-offopic for playtime :)22:19
cholisterixikonia, : but does anybody knows an ubuntu application that search music lyrics??22:19
toastmonsterusr13 whats a hammerdrill-i'm a complete noob. I'm putting in the windows boot disk, but i can22:19
ikoniaerle64-: not going to happen unless it's installed in a user home directory22:19
toastmonsteri can't find the bios22:19
cholisterixikonia, : just asking if there is an app for that :-)22:19
erle64-ikonia, i doesnt need to be dynamicly, i just want to costumize the live system22:19
unr3a1_dbd_l12: let me show you the problem I am getting.22:19
ikoniatoastmonster: you need to contact your hardware vendor/manual for that22:19
usr13toastmonster: ask on #ubuntu-offtopic22:20
_dbd_l12unr3a1: is it possible this is a ruby source file? ok, show me22:20
erle64-ikonia, before i use it22:20
ikoniaerle64-: you could re-spin a livecd with the applications you want installed22:20
wolterwhich is the apt package for the default wireless drivers?22:20
cholisterixikonia, : do you know such app , if exists for ubuntu ??22:20
erle64-ikonia, thats what i want, how do i do that? what are the recommended tools?22:20
ikoniawolter: they are already installed22:20
ikoniacholisterix: no22:20
toastmonsterikonia it was there when i installed ubuntu, but i can't get there now22:20
davdavI want to connect a server on French free.fr22:20
davdavhelp me if you enjoy I have a little trouble with mirc22:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about respin22:20
toastmonsteri used it to install it22:20
ch4v3zi did, "dpkg-reconfigure kdm" and it still doesn't use kdm as default, how can i fix this?22:20
wolterikonia, i know... which is the package?22:20
ikoniatoastmonster: ubuntu can't touch your bios22:20
usr13cholisterix: apt-cache search apt-name22:20
ikoniawolter: the kernel22:20
unr3a1_dbd_l12:  http://rafb.net/p/B6KsGs14.html22:21
wolterikonia, ok22:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about apt-cache22:21
ikoniadavdav: we don't support mirc22:21
cholisterixusr13, : thanks but i was looking for an app that i don't now if it exists :-)22:21
Dillizari am installing a debian program and i need to execute->webcam what is execute in ubuntu22:21
unr3a1_dbd_l12:  I googled the error, and got this in one of the results: http://www.ruby-forum.com/topic/9008322:21
usr13cholisterix: Describe it. What does it do?22:21
ikoniaDillizar: don't install debian packages on ubuntu22:22
batistetso your suggestion is that i don't use one antivirus22:22
ikoniabatistet: yes22:22
batistetgiven the amount of viruses for windows22:22
_dbd_l12maybe you could try installing ruby1.8-dev (or whatever it's called). Looks very hard like a missing ruby dep.22:22
cholisterixusr13 : an ubuntu application that search music artist by some lyrics??22:22
ikoniabatistet: that has nothing to do with it22:22
rwwbatistet: Once again, for Ubuntu systems, you don't need anti-viral software. For Windows, ask in ##windows, not here.22:22
Dillizarikonia, its from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EasyCam22:22
usr13cholisterix: google22:22
cholisterixusr13, : ha ha ok :-)22:23
batistetyes rww22:23
batisteti know that22:23
batisteti will suggest my friends to start using linux too22:23
ikoniaDillizar: so what's the problem22:23
usr13batistet: Yes, no need to use antivirus if you are linux user.22:23
ikoniabatistet: let them use what they want22:23
batistetit will be just a suggestion no harm in that:P22:23
cholisterixusr13, : but it's almost impossible to find "out of reach out of touch " contained in a lyric that is rock ballad22:24
cholisterixusr13, : i only find pop songs :(22:24
Dillizarikonia,  i need to execute->webcam and i dont know what is that22:24
cholisterixusr13, : thanks anyway :-)22:24
ikoniagksudo 'python /usr/share/EasyCam2/core.py --gtk'22:24
batistetwell friends thanks for the information22:24
myronxkill won't work with fullscreen wine applications, is there a program that does?22:24
ikoniaDillizar: it says what to do in the webpage you posted to me22:24
unr3a1_dbd_l12: ruby1.8-dev is already latest version22:25
_dbd_l12unr3a1: will read some more into the thread link you posted, seems to contain some interesting pointers22:25
davdavI do not understand what you want me to understand, we do not support mirc22:26
usr13cholisterix: http://www.stlyrics.com/songs/u/ufo3991/belladonna189850.html22:26
ikoniadavdav: mirc is a windows appliction, this channel does not offer help for mirc22:26
Dillizarikonia, what is this Module gspca not found.22:27
cholisterixusr13, : o my :-) :-)22:27
quibblercholisterix: http://www.elyrics.net/read/b/black-lungs-lyrics/when-it_s-blackout-lyrics.html22:27
myrondoes anyone know of a program that will kill wine apps?22:27
cholisterixusr13, : that is THANKS:-)22:27
ikoniaDillizar: the kernel module it wants to load for the webcam is not found22:27
usr13cholisterix: Thanks google22:27
dashavoomyron: kill or killall22:27
cholisterixusr13, : thanks A LOT :-) :-) hahahahaha yes22:27
sixofoursudo unrar e x Outgoing.rar doesn't work, but i need both options [e and x]22:27
cholisterixusr13, : it was that Belladona's songs ;)22:28
quibblercholisterix: http://www.poemhunter.com/song/belladonna/22:28
myrondashavoo: wouldn't kill all also kill the x server?22:28
cholisterixquibbler, : nice it is ok thanks22:28
dashavookillall name-of-process kills all processes with that name22:29
davdavyou do not work on windows?22:29
Dillizarikonia, so how can i put it :)22:29
ikoniadavdav: no22:29
rwwdavdav: This channel is for Ubuntu Linux technical support. mIRC is not an Ubuntu Linux program. You are in the wrong place.22:29
ikoniadavdav: try the ##windows channel22:29
duvnell1trying to know what it's called.. please complete this sentence for me:  Ubuntu doesn't run sys v init scripts to start services, it uses _______. ?22:30
_Whipper__hmph :L22:30
ikoniadavdav: upstart22:30
rwwduvnell1: upstart?22:30
ikoniaduvnell1: upstart22:30
duvnell1perhaps so.. didn't even know what to google  for.. thx22:30
duvnell1are there others?22:31
_Whipper__others what?22:31
kitcheduvnell1: upstart but it's still SysVinit sort of just a different version of it really22:31
myrondashavoo: Thanks, I'll give it a shot.22:31
ikoniaduvnell1: you can use init-ng, upstart, sysvinit22:31
duvnell1init-ng is what gentoo uses?22:31
_Whipper__duvnell1, : u mean gentoo or Sabayon? :)22:32
davdavok thank you ubuntu community good evening22:32
duvnell1dunno :)..22:32
ch4v3zi can't even get kwin to run, it says "kwin: unable to claim manager selection, another wm running?"22:32
duvnell1thx for inof22:32
kitchech4v3z: you most likely have metacity running or another window manager22:33
ch4v3zkitche, how do i change it?22:33
=== DigitalFiz_ is now known as Fiz
kitchech4v3z: killall <window manager> && kwin --replace22:33
=== Fiz is now known as DigitalFiz
ch4v3z<window manager> ?22:34
kitchech4v3z: yes the window manager you are running22:34
_dbd_l12unr3a1: did you compile ruby from source? if you used the packages you could try installing libopenssl-ruby (there are libs for diff. ruby versions in the repos)22:34
_Whipper__not literatully u have to kill all :)22:35
Dillizarhow can i install libv4l2?22:35
_Whipper__Dillizar, : use Synaptic22:36
Dillizar_Whipper__, hmm thanks dude i forgot that :P22:36
Axalixsudo aptitude install libv4l222:36
_Whipper__no prblm22:36
unr3a1_dbd_l12:  I did not compile from source, I installed via apt-get22:36
gumpert345hi is there a way to install ubuntu with a kernel, that doesnt require a pae cpu?22:36
unr3a1_dbd_l12:  let me try getting that libopenssl-ruby22:37
kosharich4v3z: why dont you use a window manager and log out and log back into kde?22:37
kitchegumpert345: umm what pae is for memory has nothing to do with cpu22:37
_Whipper__Axalix, : i'll allways try to get'em use GUI, when they r new to Lin..22:37
myrondashavoo: well, I tried "killall wineserver" but it just froze the applications that were open22:37
unr3a1_dbd_l12:  you are my hero  :)  that worked..22:38
gumpert345well, my cpu C3 Nehemia has no pae support, but all modern kernel support pae and require it to run (says wikipedia)22:38
AxalixWhipper, all right22:38
_dbd_l12no problem, i'm no ruby expert so i'm glad it worked ;)22:38
unr3a1_dbd_l12:  here is the result now:  http://rafb.net/p/sR9XO335.html22:39
_Whipper__afterall, isnt Ubun.. just that, "easy to use and graphical" :)22:39
_dbd_l12unr3a1: that's better ;)22:39
unr3a1_dbd_l12: where did you end up finding the package I needed?22:39
kitchegumpert345: wrong never trust wikipedia22:39
Sonderbladeis there a gui tool for managing partitions?22:39
_Whipper__Sonderblade, :Gparted22:40
_Whipper__Sonderblade, : and others too..22:40
_dbd_l12unr3a1: a combination of some google-fu and the great tool apt-file which lets you search through the repos based on filename22:40
myrondoes anyone know of a command that will kill all running wine programs?22:41
kitchemyron: killall wine-server I believe22:41
_Whipper__myron, : shutdown is one..22:41
unr3a1_dbd_l12:  doh... should have thought of the apt-get search.  I always forget that.  thanks again, much appreciated22:41
myronkitche: that froze up the wine programs, and did not kill them22:42
kitchemyron: killall wine22:42
_VIM_apt-cache search unr3a1 :)22:42
_dbd_l12unr3a1: well apt-file find x is different than apt-cache search. you'd need the package apt-file installed first. but it comes in handy very often22:42
gumpert345kitche but this time i tend to believe it, I tried ubuntu 8.10 9.04 mythdora 10 and centos 5.2 and they always reboot about 1 second after starting, noapic and acpi=off can stretch that a little, like 2 seconds, I once ran openfiler on it (2 years ago) I think it used a 2.4... kernel, which is said, not to support pae22:42
unr3a1_VIM_: yea.. I always forget that...22:43
unr3a1_dbd_l12:  indeed.22:43
ch4v3zkoshari, the main thing i want is to get my desktop effects back22:43
myronkitche: wine isn't a process22:43
dashavoomyron: use the names of apps, sometimes the whole windows-style path is necessary too22:43
SamyI use ubuntu 7.10 in a HP tx1000. I'm connected to my wifi router. I have the weird problem that I cannot open www.google.com or www.google.cl , but I can actually see any other website. In fact, from my PC (not this notebook) that is connected to the same wifi router (with a cable) I can see google as well as any other website. Here in my notebook I have tried to ping www.google.com and it has no output. Could someone give an idea, please?22:43
hollywoodbmyron: ps aux | grep wine22:43
hollywoodbmyron: then kill whatever shows up using the pid22:43
_Whipper__wine is something u should not touch.. even with a stick22:44
drgreenthTiedostojärj.            Koko  Käyt Vapaa Käy% Liitospiste22:44
drgreenth/dev/sda1             213G   84G  118G  42% /22:44
drgreenthtmpfs                 2,0G     0  2,0G   0% /lib/init/rw22:44
drgreenthvarrun                2,0G  400K  2,0G   1% /var/run22:44
drgreenthvarlock               2,0G     0  2,0G   0% /var/lock22:44
FloodBot2drgreenth: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:44
drgreenthudev                  2,0G   92K  2,0G   1% /dev22:44
myronhollywoodb: that's do-able, but I was looking for something that would kill a frozen full screen app, without having to reboot or logout22:45
bazuwhat`s the diferent between apt-get and aptitude22:45
_Whipper__some Finnish blood in the line i see :)22:45
LjL!aptitude | bazu22:46
ubottubazu: aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. Like other APT front-ends, it can install/remove packages and their dependencies (on Dapper and earlier, however, only aptitude keeps track of unused dependencies). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide22:46
unr3a1_dbd_l12:  thank you again.  you too _VIM_.22:46
bazubut is better to use apt-get right ?22:46
bazubecouse i start aptitude dist-upgrade and that show me to remove desktop firefox22:47
_Whipper__bazu, : its a matter of opinion..22:47
bazuand almost everythink22:47
epaphushey guys, anybody can show me how to encrypt the entire filesystem??22:47
amikropCanonical, or even better, The Linux Foundation, should seriously collaborate with major software vendors like EA sports, Blizzard or Adobe.22:47
_Whipper__epaphus, : why?22:48
amikropIt's unacceptable to be unable to use very popular and useful applications.22:48
myronahh, I found my answer, wineserver -k22:48
_VIM_epaphus: i donno about the "entire" filesystem but try truecrypt maybe22:48
epaphus_Whipper__, i think that that is an option in Ubuntu.. right?22:48
_dbd_l12epaphus: the information is just one google search away, e.g. http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/774322:48
myronThanks for the help everyoen22:48
epaphus_VIM_, hmm i thought there was a preinstalled tool ?22:49
_VIM_there may be22:49
_dbd_l12epaphys: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedFilesystemHowto22:49
shane_I have an sd card mounted as /home on my eeepc in jaunty. Up until very recently gdm tells me /home doesn't exist when I try to log in. If I mount with mount -a, it works and I can log in. Why isn't this being mounted on boot like the "auto" option commands?22:50
_dbd_l12epaphys: if you're on 8.10: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedFilesystemOnIntrepid22:50
shane_I have an sd card mounted as /home on my eeepc in jaunty. Up until very recently gdm tells me /home doesn't exist when I try to log in. If I mount with mount -a, it works and I can log in. Why isn't this being mounted on boot like the "auto" option commands?22:50
shane_Oops..sorry for the double post22:50
bazudo you think that is normal ?22:50
kitcheshane_: #ubuntu+1 for jaunty support22:51
shane_@kitche: Thanks!22:51
dashavoobazu: happens sometimes22:52
_Whipper__hmm.. abaout jaunty.. how is it coming together?22:52
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bazuif i use apt-get dist-uprade22:52
bazueverythink it`s ok22:52
bruce89_Whipper__: fineish22:52
_Whipper__bruce89, : great :)22:52
shane__Whipper__ I'm more impressed with jaunty than intrepid in devel22:52
* bruce89 can't stand notify-osd22:53
SaturnDrivercan anyone help me get two sound cards working at the same time? My second sound card (CMI8738) only works when i disable my onboard realtek hd audio22:53
joe-cooli'm using jaunty too and its pretty stable22:53
red-lichtie_Intrepid issue: When I plug in my iPod I always have to reset it before it is seen, this didn't happen in hardy (8.04)22:53
red-lichtie_Any ideas ?22:54
_Whipper__SaturnDriver, : theres afair q22:54
joe-coolbuy a mac22:54
red-lichtie_joe-cool: And then install windows too ? :p22:54
Dillizarweb cam problems on 8.10 any one ??22:54
dashavooI would be using jaunty by now if i had my main pc, and if the bandage was off my right hand22:54
bruce89joe-cool: hmm22:54
_Whipper__joe-cool: "pretty stable" is enough fo u ?22:55
joe-coolyes for a alpha it is22:55
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras22:56
joe-coolyesterday i got some problems with rights in my home folder after updating the system but i could fix it fast22:56
_Whipper__joe-cool, : ok.. i only use "stable" systms on my mainComp..22:56
joe-cooland firefox crashes sometimes22:56
_Whipper__'course i have the athor 2, where i "experiment" :)22:57
macmanthere anyway to find out what i sucking my battery dry ?22:58
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_Whipper__macman, : u keep your battery attached allways?22:58
macman_Whipper__, yea22:59
_Whipper__macman, : if u do, it'll very quickly shorten the life-span of your battery22:59
epaphusisnt there an option to make the filesystem encrypted upon the installation of ubuntu?22:59
joe-cool_Whipper__,  i use jaunty alpha on my laptop because i do nothing "important" so it doesnt matter if it crashes22:59
cholisterixbye thanks :-)22:59
_Whipper__macman, : allways if u use ac-power, remove it23:00
macmani used my ac power almost everyday _Whipper__23:00
SaturnDriverthats what caused the battery on my sister's laptop to die23:00
macmanright now im on my bed using battery23:00
SaturnDrivershe kept it plugged in all the time, and pretty soon it wouldn't hold a charge any more23:00
Kuukkeli^Well since ATI r600 r700 open source driver isn't here yet and i would like to play Garry's mod etc. So.. I saw on 1 video that you can keep windows XP and Ubuntu open at the same time, how? =)23:00
mezquitaleanyone knows how to configure my nic???  I installed some software, rebooted my PC, now my machine acts as if it had no nic23:00
_Whipper__joe-cool, : so do i, meaning experiments on laptop.. Ubuntu has some Serious problms with Acer aspire 7220..23:01
sintanyone knows how to find out if ubuntu recognized my wacom and use it as mouse? i have disabled it and vmware tells me it is already used as a mouse in host23:01
_Whipper__or the other way23:01
SaturnDriverKuukkeli^ - you can't really, aside from using QEMU23:01
surfhi there23:01
joe-cool_Whipper__, almost everything is supported verygood except the grafic card23:02
joe-coolradeon hd 2400 mobility -.-23:02
joe-coolno compiz etc23:02
_Whipper__joe-cool, : thats just the main prblm, for me23:02
SamyHello, I use ubuntu 7.10 in a HP tx1000. I'm connected to my wifi router. I have the weird problem that I cannot open www.google.com or www.google.cl , but I can actually see any other website. In fact, from my PC (not this notebook) that is connected to the same wifi router (with a cable) I can see google as well as any other website. Here in my notebook I have tried to ping www.google.com and it has no output. Could someone give an idea, please?23:02
_Whipper__joe-cool, : nut theres allways away around23:03
_Whipper__samy: didnt u asked that allready?23:03
mezquitaleanyone knows how to configure my nic???  I installed some software, rebooted my PC, now my machine acts as if it had no nic23:03
joe-cool_Whipper__,   "nut theres allways away around" i didnt understand what you wanted to say23:04
SamyYeah, sorry. I asked it again 'cause y disconnected and I think tha maybe now someone could help me23:04
joe-coolDNS problem?23:05
surfmy mga G400 crashes anytime i try using DRI/DRM using the default xorg-video-drivers23:05
_Whipper__joe-cool, :*typo* "but"23:05
surfsorry the whole system crashes, and i have three PCI devices using the same IRQ23:05
DillizarSimple type the following commands from the libv4l-x.y.z directory <-- i dont understand this23:06
joe-cool_Whipper__,  ah ok ;-)23:06
_Whipper__Samy, : looks like a HW-prblm..23:06
joe-coolSamy, can you connect to any other website from your laptop?23:07
Samyjoe-cool: Yes23:07
jtabyhey, how would I write a command to recursively delete all the folders called .svn?23:07
joe-coolokay.. can you ping google?23:07
Samywhen i do that I get not output23:07
SamyIt doesn't even say the "unknown host"23:08
_Whipper__Samy, : or u got a "friend" behind the wall.. is your wpa etc. all set?23:08
Dante123guys i got a question.  How do I on ubuntu run flash encoder for justin.tv23:08
Samy_Whipper__: Yes, I use wpa security.23:09
Samy_Whipper__:  And the weird thing here is that from the other PC I can see www.google.com23:09
_Whipper__Samy, : "Unbreakable"?23:09
Lambiatois anyone familiar with automake tool?23:10
bhsxwhere can i find 9.4 beta?23:10
MeisterHolzerLambiato: yes23:10
Samy_Whipper__: Let's say it is completely unbreakable by brute force (it's a lot of numbers and letters randomly selected)23:10
_Whipper__with Wi-Fi u cant ever be too careful thou..23:10
MeisterHolzerbhsx: google23:10
surfjtaby you need to read "man find" then you can define your search23:10
joe-coolperhaps you have a child-lock without knowing it :-D23:10
rww!jaunty | bhsx23:10
ubottubhsx: Jaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.23:10
inertialis there any command line utility that would allow me to convert a 2 channel wav file to a 1 channel wav file?23:11
bruce89jtaby: find . -name "*.svn" -exec rm '{}' \;23:11
_Whipper__Samy, : Nothing is "unbreakabul"23:11
=== Bruno is now known as Guest66062
jtabybruce89, thanks23:11
Samy_Whipper__: Well I said "by brute force"23:11
rwwjtaby, bruce89: I'm guessing you might need to change "rm" to "rm -r" because they're directories23:12
bruce89rww: probably23:12
jtabythanks guys23:12
rainwalkersomehow my external drive is recognized as read-only by ubuntu, but works fine with windows (it's just normal FAT32)...is there a way to fix this? it worked fine a day ago23:12
_Whipper__Samy, : do some googling abaout wifi security.. again :)23:12
bruce89jtaby: remove the rm bit to make sure it's listing the right directries23:12
mezquitalerainwalker, look at the permissions23:13
Dante1231grumpy son wants to play music and talk via webcam (dj) and send stream to justin.tv.  We have the webcam and mic working, but not sure how to add the ability to play music along with that.  Any suggestions?  Any specific apps help make grumpy son happy (and quit whining about Windows)???  :-/23:13
AlastorI hate to interupt, but I'm attempting to identify if there is a known display issue for attempting to run Ubuntu on a tablet PC.23:13
Samy_Whipper__: Are you kidding? I can't google23:13
rainwalkermezquitale: as in, looking in the "Properties" window?23:13
AlastorI'm trying to set up a dual boot with vista already installed. It goes through the full 7 steps of the instal process, but comes to a display error after the instal alegedly completes. Is anyone aware of an issue like this?23:13
_Whipper__Samy, : but i doubt thats the real reason for your prblm23:13
LambiatoMeisterHolzer: Im trying to make program with automake files after using scripts autoscan, autoheader, aclocal, autoconf, automake, configure in all make files the path to libtool is pointing the root project directory not the system libtool in root directory there is only ltmain.sh, i read about ltconfig tool and libtoolize (try to use this to generate libtool script without success)23:13
Dante123grumpy son wants to play music and talk via webcam (dj) and send stream to justin.tv.  We have the webcam and mic working, but not sure how to add the ability to play music along with that.  Any suggestions?  Any specific apps help make grumpy son happy (and quit whining about Windows)???  :-/23:14
mezquitalerainwalker,  go to the device wherever it is mounted and look at the permissions23:14
Samy_Whipper__: Yes. It doens't make sense, 'cause it happens only in my nb23:14
rww!repeat > Dante12323:14
ubottuDante123, please see my private message23:14
_Whipper__Alastor, : u could make one ?23:14
joe-coolSamy if you cant google use a yahoo or sth else23:14
eseven73!u | _Whipper__23:15
ubottu_Whipper__: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' or 'Ur' are words in the English language. Nor are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' or 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.23:15
_Whipper__sht :)23:15
AlastorI could make one what?23:15
rainwalkermezquitale: I have; if I check the symbolic link on the desktop, it says the permissions couldn't be determined. if I check the properties of the drive's folder in /media, it says it's owned by me but in the root group23:15
AlastorAn issue?23:15
Samyjoe-cool: Yes, I know. I was just kidding about googling. Anyway, it still is a problem for me23:16
_Whipper__Alastor, : nevö mind.. a bit light-headed for all the sleeplesness.. or smthng..23:16
mezquitalerainwalker, it could be corruption on the hard drive, i would check it for errors using windows23:16
Samy( btw, sorry for my awful writing)23:16
_Whipper__did i just get a f***d message ??23:17
AlastorFair enough, Whipper.23:17
Lambiatoi have such "LIBTOOL = $(SHELL) $(top_builddir)/libtool" entry in my Makefiles but they points to unexisting script23:17
rainwalkermezquitale: I can read/write to the drive just fine in windows23:17
IdentifyTargetI'm new to ubuntu. Is there a way to install ubuntu and not have it load GRUB? It will be the only OS on the system so I don't need those few extra boot seconds while the computer loads GRUB.23:17
joe-coolSamy i still belive in a DNS problem... cant imagine anything else23:17
_Whipper__anyone else here use "u" for you ?23:17
IdentifyTargetbruce89: no to me?23:17
rww!who | bruce8923:18
ubottubruce89: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)23:18
bruce89IdentifyTarget: no23:18
tonsofpcsIntrepid on amd64, for some reason I am unable to add anything to the panel via any means.  Any clues as to why?  Is there a physical folder somewhere that I may have messed up permissions for?23:18
joe-cool_Whipper__,  i think it is really established23:18
IdentifyTargetSo Ubuntu *requires* grub (or another boot loader) be installed?23:18
* _Whipper__ for a fag and a 28 beers >23:18
jakobbghi. generically speaking when trying to make an as quick and small build as possible, is --disable-shared or --enable-shared advisable? And what about the same for -static?23:19
bruce89IdentifyTarget: just like any other OS23:19
Samyjoe-cool: I don't know what kind of DNS problem could be :\ I have not changed any configuration in nm-applet23:19
joe-coolhm and the problem occured from one day to another?23:19
IdentifyTargetok so the fastest way to make GRUB boot is set the timer to zero?23:19
rwwIdentifyTarget: yeah23:20
IdentifyTargetok cool23:20
Samyjoe-cool: Yes. It happens from yestarday23:20
bruce89IdentifyTarget: that's not a good idea23:20
killfillhow can i install mono 2.0.1 or 2.2 in ubuntu 8.10?23:20
Samyjoe-cool: It happened from one minute to another23:20
LetsGo67Why are there a bunch of warcraftelves3 in my Gmail contact list?23:20
IdentifyTargetI'm not worried23:20
bruce89IdentifyTarget: if one kernel won't boot for some reason, you wouldn't be able to boot at all23:20
macmanhow do i kill X23:20
hector__by shooting at it23:21
IdentifyTargetnot a big deal this isn't a system critcial machine, it's a media center23:21
epaphushey guys, this is a silly question.. how do I put the at sign in Ubuntu?23:21
Samymacman: Maybe what you mean is doing ctrl + alt + backspace23:21
bruce89!taste | hector__23:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about taste23:21
quibblerSamy: don't know if this will help but have a look: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=15346123:21
joe-coolSamy i got a similar problem on windows some time ago and refreshin the dns cache solved the problem but i dont know how to clear the dns cache on linux23:21
epaphuswith a latin keyboard that is.. its under the q23:21
Chousukehector__: there actually exists a doom variant that can be used to kill processes :P23:21
Chousukehector__: by shooting at them23:21
joe-coolipconfig /flushdns will not work i think :-D23:22
hector__man i love doom23:22
hector__i play it all the time on my psp23:22
killerboywhat purpose blocksize in dd has ?23:22
Lambiatohow to generate project specific libtool script using automake?23:22
Dante1231grumpy son wants to play music and talk via webcam (dj) and send stream to justin.tv.  We have the webcam and mic working, but not sure how to add the ability to play music along with that.  Any suggestions?  Any specific apps help make grumpy son happy (and quit whining about Windows)???  :-/23:22
Matr|Xsorry guys, when i log in to icq via pidgin ,, its says ur clint is to old i cant log to icq :( eny help plz23:22
bruce89!ot | hector__23:22
ubottuhector__: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:22
Samythank you quibbler, I'll read that23:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about 4223:22
joe-coolsudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade Matr|X23:23
hector__sorry i want to help people too23:23
hector__i just like to have fun23:23
_VIM_way wrong room to have "fun" in, go to #ubuntu-offtopic for that :)23:23
_Whipper__and the Best part is that all is logged23:23
_Whipper__now >23:24
hector__oh sorry mr. uptight _VIM23:24
_VIM_hey i smiled at the end of my sentence23:24
hector__oh sorry23:24
SamyMmmm.. now  I see something new ... I can't ping www.google.com but i can ping google.com23:24
hector__bad eyesight23:24
hector__i didnt see it23:25
_VIM_its ok :)23:25
S7UMPYdoes anyone know how to get synfig studios running on ubuntu 8.10. It acts like its loading, then just shuts down after that. any ideas?23:25
hector__now i see it23:25
joe-coolSamy, if you can ping but not rech via http it could be problem with domain name server ;-)23:25
quibbler!Hello | Crooper23:26
ubottuCrooper: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!23:26
Kuukkeli^i got a problem, i dont know where to get all java and other video codecs to watch youtube. =)23:26
joe-cooltry to find out the ip of www.google.com and ping the ip directly23:26
kitcheKuukkeli^: install flashplugin-nonfree and a jre23:26
Samyjoe-cool: Now it makes sense. and that would explain why the other PC can access www.google.com23:26
Crooperlol thnx quibbler , i'm tethering from a boat and didn't see any chatting23:27
epaphushey guys, this is a silly question.. how do I put the at sign in Ubuntu?23:27
hector__have you tried using the ADD/Remove feature in ubuntu?23:27
joe-coolSamy, i think so too23:27
S7UMPYKuukkeli^: nonefree23:27
Kuukkeli^lol :P23:27
Samyjoe-cool: Could you please give me some ip of www.google.com ?23:27
S7UMPYbut it is free23:27
_VIM_it's free as in free beer, just not free as in speech23:27
Gerinychgot a problem, i made a new partition for grub and i copied all the grub files from sgd, it worked fine, but then i replaced all the stage files with the ones from a grub0.97 deb package and now it says error 2 every time i try to boot linux or error 15 if i try windows23:27
S7UMPYdoes anyone know how to get synfig studios running on ubuntu 8.10. It acts like its loading, then just shuts down after that. any ideas?23:28
joe-coolSamy, yes but i dont know if its the same ip because of different countries23:28
SamyI see... you're right23:28
Kuukkeli^kitche, i forgot how to install plugins >,<23:28
SamyI'll ask some friend via messenger23:28
Rods_Tigerwhen will ubuntu be usable on an Acer Aspire One netbook?23:28
hector__S7UMPY did you install all the dependencies that it required?23:28
joe-coolfor best you ping www.google.com from yur other pc and then you receive answer from a ip and this is the ip from google.com23:28
S7UMPYthere are no tutorials i could find for intrepid. all for hardy and lower23:28
eseven73How do i get cinelerra working in intrepid? I dont see it in the repos or a PPA only a PPA for hardy23:29
syockitRods_Tiger: usable, as in out-of-the-box?23:29
Rods_Tigerinstall, and it works properly23:29
surfim using 8.04 hardy with xserver-xorg and default drivers, the system crashes _every_ time i USE DRI/DRM (i.e. glxgears) any idea ?23:29
joe-coolSamy, you know what i mean?23:29
S7UMPYim assuming the dependencies are correct because i got them from the add/remove app23:29
_dbd_l12epaphus: depends on your keyboard setting- what does "sudo cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | grep XkbLayout" give?23:29
crdlbsurf: what gpu?23:30
CrooperRods_Tiger,  i think the embedded verion with netbook mix is out23:30
S7UMPYand i removed then ran in terminal and still nothing23:30
S7UMPYinstalled through terminal*23:30
hector__oh sometimes it does that still23:30
_VIM_!pastebin | epaphus23:30
ubottuepaphus: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic)23:30
Rods_Tigerthe ubuntu netbook remix is too slow to boot or come out of idle23:30
quibblerKuukkeli^: in a terminal do:   sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree23:30
surfcrdlb mga G40023:30
Matr|XW: Duplicate sources.list entry http://ftp.osuosl.org hardy/ Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/ftp.osuosl.org_pub_pculture.org_miro_linux_repositories_ubuntu_hardy_Packages)23:30
Matr|XW: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems23:30
Rods_Tigerand wireless doesn't work on it23:30
syockitS7UMPY: no logs/debug output at all?23:30
crdlbsurf: matrox? I doubt anybody's working on 3d acceleration for that :/23:31
epaphusis there an option to make the filesystem encrypted upon the installation of ubuntu?23:31
Crooperthe adobe-flashplugin works better23:31
gidnaI have problem with sound in ubuntu 8.1023:31
hector__oh what about starting it from terminal?23:31
bruce89epaphus: in Jaunty yes23:31
Crooperit's version 1023:31
S7UMPYi dont get an error at all for the program. it just goes blank after it "looks like its loading"23:31
gidnawith 8.04 all worked good23:31
g1erIs there a way to do an ubuntu apt-get update using windows? (no internet on ubuntu atm)23:32
hector__I dont think there is23:32
syockitg1er: that'll involve using a virtual machine or colinux23:32
surfcrdlb, i read that xorgs opensource drivers were already supporting accell ... this card has 16mb ram and is really fast23:32
epaphusbruce89, iam sorry... what is Jaunty?23:33
g1erok. thanks23:33
hector__its the new release of ubuntu23:33
hector__9.04 is jaunty23:33
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for usage. Putty is a nice SSH client for Windows; it can be found at http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/23:33
surfcrdlb, i think i will disable DRI @xorg.config to fix that23:33
hector__8.10 is ibex23:33
_VIM_its not out till next month (late april)23:33
kitchenot a new release just the next version of ubuntu won't be a release until it's released23:33
hector__yeah but you can still test it23:33
bruce89hector__: Interpid23:33
Rods_Tigerwill jaunty boot quick enough to be usable?23:33
bruce89hector__: Intrepid23:33
_VIM_hector__: this chan does not support Jaunty23:33
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.23:34
Kuukkeli^will QEMU make windows fully usable?23:34
Kuukkeli^while ubuntu being open23:34
gidnaWhat can I do?23:34
quibblerKuukkeli^: in a terminal do:   sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin23:34
hector__Kuukkeli^ what are you trying to do in windows?23:35
CrooperMatr|X, check your sources.list file and comment out the duplicat lines23:35
S7UMPYdo i need to install more dependencies in Synaptic Package Manager for synfig studios? to get it to run on 8.10/intrepid?23:35
epaphusbruce89, iam sorry... what is Jaunty?23:35
syockitKuukkeli^: a vm cannot make an OS fully usable. there will always be catches somewhere, like hardware detection etc23:35
Kuukkeli^Play steams games because atis r600 open source 3d driver isn't here yet23:35
bruce89!jaunty > epaphus23:35
ubottuepaphus, please see my private message23:35
hector__S7UMPY I would install them.23:35
bruce89quibbler: what's non-free Java got to do with QEMU?23:36
Kuukkeli^Because with Proprietary driver, the models of HL2 just stretches all around and makes cute epilepsy23:36
hector__oh he asked another question23:36
syockitKuukkeli^: then it's hardware related. high chance you can't get it working23:36
bruce89!who | hector__23:37
ubottuhector__: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)23:37
Kuukkeli^syockit, so my only chance is to reinstall ubuntu after installing windows xp to make a dualboot?23:37
quibblerbruce89: i'didn't know he was on QEMU23:37
hector__but im lazy23:37
hector__do i have to?23:37
unopKuukkeli^, if ubuntu is already installed, no - all you need to do is reinstall grub.23:37
bruce89!who | hector__23:38
Kuukkeli^grub? What for?23:38
bruce89!tab > hector__23:38
ubottuhector__, please see my private message23:38
Kuukkeli^for steam; Cedega didn't work, Wine didn't work.23:38
syockitKuukkeli^: normally the reason winxp installation causes ubuntu to be unbootable is because grub is replaced23:38
unopKuukkeli^, to have ubuntu load.23:38
eseven73does cinelerra work in intrepid? It's not in repos, and i cannot find a PPA for it23:39
Kuukkeli^no no no, i only have ubuntu at this moment23:39
hector__!bruce is that right?23:39
Scarra3Would ubuntu work ok on an  external hard drive that is connected to my computer threw usb?23:39
syockitKuukkeli^: so after installing winxp, you can fix the grub through a livecd, or some grub utility on windows if there exists one23:39
unopKuukkeli^, precisely.23:39
kitcheKuukkeli^: steam does work in wine look at the wine appdb it tells you how to install it23:39
S7UMPYok so i installed all the dependencies for synfig studios, and i still get nothing.23:39
bichogood evening23:39
S7UMPYany ideas23:39
syockitkitche: the problem was with ati driver23:39
Matr|Xthx:) u guys23:40
Matr|Xu realy so kind23:40
Kuukkeli^kitche, the problem isn't steam, the problem is the games with my ATI driver which is r600!23:40
AcidPuddle08.10: /usr/share/gdm/guest-session/guest-session-launch doesn't work - any ideas ?23:40
Kuukkeli^so no open source 3d engine for me23:40
Scarra3Who has installed ubuntu on an external hard drive before23:40
IdentifyTargetis sudo apt-get update the same thing as running update manager in Ubuntu?23:40
bruce89IdentifyTarget: yes23:40
unopIdentifyTarget, no.23:40
kitcheKuukkeli^: so install radeonhd driver, it works for 3d just not using native 3d but though mesa23:40
syockitScarra3: um, me? but for booting on another laptop23:40
unopIdentifyTarget, update manager actually installs stuff too (i believe).23:41
Scarra3syockit: does it work ok threw usb?23:41
IdentifyTargetbruce89: I'm asking because I will be installing ubuntu minimal (no gui) and would like to keep the OS up to date23:41
Kuukkeli^kitche, i have RadeonHD driver installed, its propriety driver and the fps is 10 and the models are all stretched out and making cute epilepsy crapola23:41
bruce89IdentifyTarget: same goes for aptitude safe-upgrade23:41
hector__!bruce89 im lost now23:41
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:41
unopIdentifyTarget, it might be equivalent to.   aptitude update && aptitude safe-upgrade23:41
kitcheKuukkeli^: you could install fglrx which is the propriety driver radeonhd is the open source driver23:42
hector__how do i use tab?23:42
syockitScarra3: my install was for a primary partition in another laptop, because it had no usb/cd booting capability23:42
eseven73ok obviously Cinelerra does not work in intrepid is there anything close to it? tried kdenlive, cant figure it out23:42
bruce89hector__: the tab key23:42
unophector__,   hec<TAB>23:42
Myrttihector__: type in the first few letters, then hit the tab key23:42
M4d3Lhi. what is the best way to emule software only running on windows on ubuntu?23:42
Kuukkeli^kitche: only comes with 2d version23:42
syockitScarra3: anyways, if you configured the usb drive's grub properly, it should work23:42
Kuukkeli^3d version needs few more months.23:42
Matr|Xsorry guys i installed apache2 ,, and when i type http://localhost / its working fine ...( its work ... if i want to access it from another computer , wht i can type http:/what23:42
hector__oh lol23:42
hector__i was holding it at the same time23:42
epaphusCan anybody tell me what the alternate disk is for??? is this to install ubuntu?23:42
imaginativeonehow do I back up a dvd with k3b?23:43
hector__no wonder it wasn't working23:43
kitcheKuukkeli^: yes radeonhd does only come 2d but the fglrx should have 3d support in it since it's the propiertory driver23:43
NalfMatr|X: go to http://whatismyip.com and type in http://thenumberyougetonthatsite.23:43
syockitM4d3L: emulate? wine tries best to run windows apps23:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about emule23:43
_VIM_!info emule23:43
ubottuPackage emule does not exist in intrepid23:43
M4d3Lsyockit: yeah. emulate sorry23:43
Myrtti!info amule23:43
ubottuamule (source: amule): client for the eD2k and Kad networks, like eMule. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.2.2-1ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 1758 kB, installed size 4376 kB23:43
surfcrdlb, disabling DRI works, no crashes anymore 16Mb ram arent really worth the try23:44
hector__bruce89, thanks i finally got it23:44
syockitjust as i thought someone would misunderstand ..23:44
Kuukkeli^kitche: i think i have it atm, and because of that; my videos are all blinking and 10fps Hl2 with stretchy models ft. Epilepsy23:44
bruce89hector__: indeed you gave23:44
epaphusCan anybody tell me what the alternate disk is for??? is this to install ubuntu?23:44
kitcheKuukkeli^: so you have fglrx since you should have more then 10fps if you do23:44
Sertseepaphus:  alternative cd allows you to install ubuntu in a console (non graphical) environment.  Useful in older computer. Alternate CD also allows you to tune what you want installed23:44
kitcheKuukkeli^: unless it's not installed correctly23:44
M4d3Lso wine is the best apps I can find?23:44
bruce89!alternate > epaphus23:44
ubottuepaphus, please see my private message23:44
Kuukkeli^okay i'll try to install it again23:44
Myrttiepaphus: yes, it's for installing ubuntu as well. it gives few more options for the installation and in general works with all the graphics cards23:45
bruce89oops, I wanted pipe, not >23:45
Kuukkeli^kitche: could you give me some link or command for it?23:45
_VIM_Sertse: im lagging, or you type 500 wpm :P23:45
syockitM4d3L: if you want a real emulator, virtual machines are another solution. they're slower23:45
lucaxhey guys im on a kinda old notebook and ubuntu when i try to install it i goes all good until it try to load the graphical interface, can it be modify something from grub so i use like non special drivers or something like that... im tryin to install it...23:45
M4d3LI want to install photoshop23:45
kitche!ati | Kuukkeli^23:45
ubottuKuukkeli^: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto23:45
kitcheKuukkeli^: sometimes you have to mess with Ati cards for them to work correctly hence why I stay away from them23:46
hector__M4d3L, why don't you give gimp a shot?23:46
bruce89!photoshop | M4d3L23:46
ubottuM4d3L: A comprehensive list of of Windows-equivalent applications in Linux can be found at http://www.linuxrsp.ru/win-lin-soft/table-eng.html and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WhatWindowsUsersWant - Try also joining #ubuntu-bots and asking BestBot23:46
Sertsehehehe, I'm no crazy typist.23:46
koshari\syockit you cannot compare VMs and emulators, they are different things and acheive different objectives23:46
_dbd_l12M4d3L: look for the instructions in the wine appdb23:46
M4d3Lam very familiar with it. I dont have time to learn gimp.23:46
syockitM4d3L: if you have windows, you can finetune wine to reuse windows dll instead of it's built-in wrappers23:46
imaginativeonehow do I back up a dvd with k3b?23:46
bruce89M4d3L: not much learning required23:46
bruce89imaginativeone: you don't23:46
hector__M4d3L, its not that hard to use.23:47
grndslmimaginativeone: k9copy23:47
syockitM4d3L: sometimes the apps come bundled with the required dll too23:47
hector__M4d3L, you can even use gimpshop it has about the same interface photshop has23:47
Gerinychis there any way to install grub_gfxboot on a grub-only partition?23:47
happy_hey, anyone know how to read the bonnie test outputs, http://paste.linuxassist.net/21357023:47
webPragmatistwhich of the windows emulators is most popular? vbox/vmware ?23:47
webPragmatistor windows booters i guess23:48
M4d3Lbruce89: I will learn it with the time but now I must produce and I know photoshop.23:48
Matr|Xim static network23:48
Kuukkeli^oh god im lost23:48
Kuukkeli^Enable accelerated the accelerated ATI graphics driver in the restricted-manager23:48
Kuukkeli^Where do i do that?23:48
grrlfawkeshrm, i just upgraded to 8.10 and my computer's been turning off randomly23:48
M4d3LI want to complete switch to ubuntu. I have format completly my disk to not go again on the dark side :P23:48
bruce89M4d3L: it'd be less painful to just use Windwos23:48
=== cristal is now known as Guest44687
_VIM_!yay | M4d3L23:49
ubottuM4d3L: Glad you made it! :-)23:49
=== wendy is now known as wendy__
hector__M4d3L, then why don't you avoid photoshop?23:49
=== wendy__ is now known as wendy_
_Whipper__bruce89, : now you are talking nonsense23:49
Kuukkeli^where is the restricted manager?23:49
bruce89_Whipper__: in what way?23:49
_dbd_l12M4d3L: in general you can find information concerning wine compatibility here: e.g. http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=263123:49
_VIM_photoshop cs2 works in wine, not sure bout cs3 though or cs423:50
wendy_hi all, what program can i use to retrieve deleted files?23:50
_Whipper__bruce89, : "just use win.. in my a**.. there tons of graph software out there23:50
hector__Kuukkeli^, what version of ubuntu are you using?23:50
M4d3Lhector__: like I said. I actually know photoshop, I have try gimp but I have lot of problem with psd on gimp. all my layer are not editable.23:50
bruce89_Whipper__: I meant that if you want to use photoshop, they should use it in Windows23:50
Kuukkeli^hector: 8.123:51
Kuukkeli^well 8.1023:51
bruce89_Whipper__: I'm a pragmatic23:51
syockitM4d3L: right, if you're already used to photoshop, better off finding out how to get photoshop running23:51
_Whipper__M4d3L, : have u tried anything else besides gimp?23:51
Kuukkeli^wheres the restricted manager on 8.1023:51
bruce89!ohmy | _Whipper__23:51
ubottu_Whipper__: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.23:51
syockitM4d3L: i advise against using vm for that23:51
Gartral2i cant get sound out of rythmbox23:51
hector__Kuukkeli^, the thing your looking at is at System>Administration>Hardware Drivers23:51
M4d3L_Whipper__: heu I have play 2 hour with it but not more.23:52
hector__Kuukkeli^, do you see it?23:52
Kuukkeli^hector__: Yep23:52
_Whipper__bruce89, : sorry if i hurt your feelings :) didnt mean no harm..23:52
Kuukkeli^currently activated :P23:52
hector__Kuukkeli^, is that what you were looking for?23:52
Kuukkeli^Maybe, thanks23:53
hector__No problem23:53
bruce89_Whipper__: that's fine, but I don't the Ubuntu-or-bust attitude some people have23:53
Sertsewhat's the motivation to sit in on irc and answer endless streams of tech Q's? Appreciate it but curious why we do it23:53
Gartral2rythmbox won't play anything and it just hung when i attached my dap23:53
demyDoes any one knows how to boot windows from a extended NTFS partition in ubuntu?23:53
MyrttiSertse: perhaps you could analyze that in #ubuntu-offtopic?23:53
bruce89Sertse: boredom23:53
_Whipper__bruce89, : i dont have that attit. just against the "big-bad"23:53
hector__Sertse, I do it because im really bored23:54
danbhfive_jauntydemy: its better to put windows on the first partition23:54
_dbd_l12Sertse: can't sleep23:54
bruce89_Whipper__: well, I also don't like the Windows-is-evil one23:54
syockitdemy: grub doesn't work?23:54
_VIM_it's /join #ubuntu-offtopic23:54
_Whipper__Sertse, : true..23:54
bruce89demy: windows has to be on the primary partition AFAIK23:54
Gartral2rythmbox sucks23:54
Sertsetypo :P23:54
unopwindows can be on any partition23:55
demy FAT can boot why NTFS cannot ?23:55
_VIM_!players | Gartral2 well there's more than rythmbox...23:55
ubottuGartral2 well there's more than rythmbox...: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs23:55
Melow01Ubuntu noob here... am I in the correct IRC chat channel or should I move elsewhere?23:55
quibbler!grub | demy23:55
ubottudemy: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto23:55
_dbd_l12Gartral2: i like gmusicbrowser23:55
demyI use ghost to install windows on a NTFS partion23:55
b4|hrabanhi, I installed xubuntu 8.10 from netinstall recently, and I chose the US int with Alt Gr dead keys keboard layout23:55
hector__Melow01, what are you wanting?23:55
b4|hrabanworks great, except for the " sign:23:56
rwwMelow01: This is the Ubuntu technical support channel :)23:56
Melow01I'm doing the linuxcommand.org tutorial23:56
b4|hrabanalt-gr + shift + " followed by e just puts out e23:56
Gartral2i have most of those players, but i want rythmbox to work...23:56
_Whipper__theres also Lilo, and other boot-managers out there..23:56
Melow01trying to find the .bash_profile23:56
_VIM_its hidden23:56
b4|hrabanwhereas for the other accents, it puts the accent on the letter following (as one would expect from a dead key)23:56
Kuukkeli^im doomed..23:56
Melow01can't find it in the home23:56
Kuukkeli^sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh linux-restricted-modules-`uname -r` sudo insmod /lib/modules/`uname -r`/volatile/fglrx.ko23:56
Melow01ls -la23:57
Kuukkeli^could someone help me with those 2 commands?23:57
bruce89Melow01: hidden files have a '.' at the start23:57
Melow01I read that in the tutorial23:57
bruce89Melow01: list files, long mode, all files23:57
Melow01ls -la (should show it correct?)23:57
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots23:57
bruce89Melow01: the 'a' shows hidden files23:57
rwwMelow01: yes.23:57
Raijehrmm, anyone here have any links to a site that can help me get my headphones working? i'm running a laptop, for some reason when I plug them in, they get no sound and the music continues to play out the speakers..23:57
m4v3r1cmy friend just bought a laptop and doesnt know what wireless card he has, he just knows it doesnt work. is there an easy way to find out what wireless card you have from inside ubuntu?23:58
_VIM_press ctrl + h  in a filemanager works too  Melow0123:58
_dbd_l12Melow01: ls -al ~/.bash_profile23:58
Sylphidm4v3r1c, lspci23:58
Melow01I can see the .bashrc file23:58
rwwMelow01: oh, I don't think Ubuntu uses .bash_profile by default any more. Try .bashrc23:58
m4v3r1cjust type that into terminal?23:58
Sylphidm4v3r1c, yup23:58
kitchem4v3r1c: not really if ubuntu does not recogize it23:58
_VIM_Melow01:  rww is correct23:58
rwwMelow01: I don't have one, anyway :/23:58
hector__Raije, have you tried using that sound control thing?23:58
Melow01oh... has .bashrc replaced .bash_profile?23:58
m4v3r1cawseome, thanks sylphid, ill give it a try23:58
kitcheMelow01: no they each do different things23:59
Raijehector__, if your refering to kmix, yes I have, I can't seem to get it working with the headphones.23:59
NalfI am installing ubuntu via wubi, but my installer keeps hanging. How would I acquire install logs so that someone may help me further diagnose the issue>?23:59
rwwkitche: what's the difference?23:59
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines23:59
hector__Raije, are you using KUbuntu?23:59
Melow01thanks people23:59
Raijehector__, I'm using something based on ubuntu but it is a basic ubuntu and i have kmix23:59
kitcherww: one is used for a login shell and the other is used for something else been a while sicne I used bash so I forgot which is which23:59

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