
bob2aedan: only make framework changes on the framework branch.  or at least put the changes you want to send the other way in self contained commtis.00:00
bob2I dunno how smart bzr is about cherrypicking these days00:00
aedanbob2: Ooh, so you're saying, if possible, commit only the changed framework files, then I can pull from that revision?00:01
lifelessspiv: ugh00:04
lifelessmwhudson: its rsyunc00:20
marianomlifeless: thanks for the suggestions you provided me earlier today. already migrated and all issues fixed.00:31
lifelessmarianom: excellent00:32
bob2heh, bzr.dev is too old to work with bzrtools.dev00:37
mwhudsonspiv, lifeless: did my no-LockableFiles.__del__ patch fail tests?00:52
lifelessmwhudson: no it was pending a prior patch, one sec00:54
mwhudsonlifeless: i still get00:57
mwhudsonerror: Error -5 while decompressing data00:57
mwhudsonon the bzr.dev.chk00:57
mwhudsoni have a 64 bit install, could that be related?00:57
jelmerlifeless, did you see my reply about default-rich-root ?00:58
lifelessmwhudson: from what? (I have a 64-bit install too)00:59
lifelessjelmer: no00:59
jelmerlifeless, http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.version-control.bazaar-ng.general/5395700:59
mwhudsonlifeless: bzr log --short -l 1000:59
mwhudsonlifeless: brisbane-core @ 387500:59
mwhudsonbzr-groupcompress @ 4700:59
lifelessrollback to 4301:01
mwhudsonlifeless: ah, now we're go01:01
lifelessjelmer: you want a new format, default-rich-root, which should be an alias for another format right?01:01
jelmerlifeless, Yes, but what format it is an alias for will change in the future01:03
jelmerjust like --default does01:03
lifelessjelmer: right, which is what aliases are all about01:03
jelmerlifeless, right01:03
lifelessjelmer: so just register an alias01:03
jelmerlifeless, that's what I'm doing afaik01:04
lifelessno, you're adding a new method01:04
jelmerwell, a new method to maintain the alias01:04
lifelessyou just need to register a new format that is an alias01:04
jelmerlifeless, so you basically want me to move the contents of set_default_rich_root() to the top-level of bzrlib/bzrdir.py ?01:06
jelmerlifeless, imho it's cleaner having that stuff in a separate method01:07
mwhudsonlifeless, jam, etc: bzrlib/_chk_map_pyx.pyx seems to have an error in brisbane-core01:08
mwhudson/home/mwh/canonical/repos/bzr/brisbane-core/bzrlib/_chk_map_pyx.pyx:232:25: Expected an identifier or literal01:08
lifelessjelmer: no; I'm suggesting you do what the other alias formats do01:09
lifelessjelmer: which would be consistent :)01:09
mwhudsonmy pyrex does'01:09
jelmerlifeless, which means duplicating the branch format / repo format in a couple of places01:09
mwhudsonn't support ++01:09
jelmerlifeless: anyway, if it's consistent I'll fix my patch but the way the aliases work seems suboptimal to me01:11
lifelessjelmer: one place only. You could also put in a patch to make alias formats easier to manage; I object to the patch you have put in because it widens the registry interface specially rather than generally01:11
lifelesswhen the thing that is needed is already in  general use.01:11
* mwhudson is thinking that delta computation must be a little tiny bit faster in chk repos: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/130001/01:14
mwhudsonstrangely though log --short -l 10 still takes 3 seconds01:14
mwhudsonand heck01:15
mwhudson*-l 1* takes 3s01:15
lifelessspiv: (Pdb) ll = bzrlib.registry._LazyObjectGetter('bzrlib.branch', 'Branch.hooks')01:17
lifeless(Pdb) ll.get_obj()01:17
lifeless*** AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'Branch.hooks'01:17
mwhudsonsomething is killing "start up" time on chk branches01:17
lifelessspiv: I am not liking this :(01:17
lifelessspiv: I would like a hand, otherwise I will feel that the code I have that works is better01:27
jammwhudson, lifeless: the startup time could easily be the time to unpack the one large group for all of the revision texts.01:39
jamwe have a couple ideas of how to make that better01:39
jamand I'll go ahead and work out a fix for broken old pyrex versions :)01:40
lifelessjam: we might want to do something about that01:40
glyph'bzr visualize' is a completely awesome thing01:41
glyphthank you all01:41
lifelessmwhudson: --lsprof on log --short -l 10 might be useful01:41
glyphfor making it possible01:41
lifelessglyph: you're welcome01:41
glyphsuggestion though: "bzr glog" might be a good alias for it01:42
mwhudsonjam: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/130009/01:42
glyphis 'dvc' the generally preferred emacs integration mechanism for bzr?01:43
mwhudsonlifeless: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/130010/01:43
* mwhudson not feeling so good, biab01:43
lifelessglyph: glog would be an awesome alias01:44
jammwhudson: what is the 'iter_inventory_xml_keys' change?01:45
lifelessglyph: vila: will know01:45
jamotherwise, I understand the += => = a + change01:45
mwhudsonjam: something lifeless gave me yesterday, i didn't mean to give that to you :)01:45
jamand it is committed to brisbane-core 387601:45
mwhudsonjam: the .pyx fix is all i needed to make it compile01:45
mwhudsoncool :)01:45
jammwhudson: try setting _NO_LABELS = True01:47
jamin groupcompress.py01:47
jamand see how that changes "bzr log --short" time01:48
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jammwhudson: ah, that won't actually make a difference, as it parses the labels if they are there01:50
jamI can give you a one-line change to the parser, though, just a sec01:51
jammwhudson: you can cherrypick revno 48, or use: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/130013/01:56
jam(sorry it isn't 1 line, but it was cleaner this way)01:57
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jammwhudson: that patch has some typos, this one is better: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/130019/02:20
jamit drops off about 300ms for me on 'bzr log --short -r -10..-1'02:20
jfroyvila: quick fyi: new patch is up02:32
mwhudsonjam: it gets me back to "error: Error -5 while decompressing data"02:43
mwhudsonjam: oh no, pebkac; it just doesn't apply cleanly to r43 of groupcompress02:45
mwhudsonso my branch of loggerhead is less of a dos attack on servers, i hope03:02
mwhudsonit still does a pretty good job on firefox if you ask for it...03:02
lifelessmwhudson: cool03:27
mwhudsonoh and the code is horrible beyond all belief03:28
mwhudsonbecause i've been hacking03:28
mwhudsonnow i know it works and feels ok, it's time to do it right03:29
lifelesswat have you done03:29
mwhudsonsome ajaxy loading03:30
mwhudsonplay, if you like: bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mwhudson/loggerhead/finite-revision-pages03:30
lifelesswhat does it do though03:33
lifelessmwhudson: like, is it just skipping html rendering on the server?03:41
mwhudsonlifeless: it's more about not including stuff in the initial page sent to the browser03:44
mwhudsonlifeless: so for example, in the changelog view, not sending the list of changed files until the disclosure triangle is clicked03:44
lifelessmwhudson: cool03:51
gotgenesI'm having difficulty figuring out when one branch originated from another. I thought bzr viz would show it but I don't see anything obvious. Is there some other way?04:01
SamBglyph: I have no idea if it's preferred, but if you find any bugs please report them on launchpad ;-)04:14
SamBre: dvc04:14
pooliejml, http://imgs.xkcd.com/comics/not_enough_work.png04:16
spivmwhudson: your patch landed04:20
jmlpoolie: yeah, I've seen it.04:27
jmlglyph: welcome to #bzr :)04:27
* SamB wonders why *bzr-status* is in dvc-diff-mode04:38
poolielifeless: thanks for the hooks registry :)04:39
SamBis there a way to get structured information out of bzr status ?04:39
poolieSamB from another process? you can try the bzr-xmloutput plugin04:43
SamBbut then I'd have to parse the XML ... no json?04:44
SamB(just because it's a heck of a lot simpler to parse than XML, not that I'm writing AJAX or anything)04:44
james_wnot currently I believe04:45
james_wextending bzr-xmloutput could be extended to provide json I guess04:45
abentleyLarstiQ: Hi there, I've started work on nested trees, starting with merging bzr.dev into your latest.05:11
pooliespiv, not to interrupt you too much, but did you already fix something like bug 341535?05:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 341535 in bzr "hpss SmartMedium doesn't handle eintr" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34153505:28
spivpoolie: I did, for the TCP client medium05:31
spivpoolie: there's a osutils.until_no_eintr helper05:31
pooliei don't think i care quite enough to do it right now05:32
pooliemaybe when fetch progress is a bit more cooked05:32
SamBis there a way to cancel a bzr rm ?05:37
jmlSamB: if you mean undo, then 'bzr revert filename' works05:39
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SamBjml: well ... I have files still05:42
jmlSamB: I don't follow.05:43
SamBthey had gotten moved away from where they should have been, is all05:44
SamBand then I foolishly ran "bzr rm" with no arguments05:45
spivSamB: so you have a change in your working copy you want to revert, the change being that some files were unversioned; "bzr revert filenameA filenameB ..." as jml says is the way to undo that.05:48
bob2hm, should upgrading a bzr.dev mirror to --development take like hours and spin at "checking repository format 1/1" for 2 or so?05:49
lifelessbob2: possibly :P you'reusing bzr.dev?05:54
bob2lifeless: yeah05:55
poolierfc: there should also be a 'connecting' activity indicator to show that's what we're waiting for05:58
poolieactivity as opposed to a progress thing05:58
SamBi.e. a spinner05:59
spivpoolie: it would be nice, although a little bit hard to implement accurately perhaps?  I'm thinking of when bzr+ssh delegates the connecting to an openssh subprocess...06:03
pooliespiv, i'm basically saying it should do06:04
SamBspiv: what would it mean for it to be accurate in that situation?06:05
poolie> report_activity(self, 'connecting')06:05
pooliebefore running openssh06:05
poolieso it won't spin but at least it'll show that rather than just '0kB'06:06
SamByou just want a message06:08
SamB"hey this is what's I'm about to do, just hold on, I'll be right back!"06:08
spivpoolie: ah, right.  +106:09
poolieSamB, exactly06:09
spivSamB: Well, there's arguably a significant difference between "waiting for SSH to connect" and "waiting for remote bzr to reply to my first request"06:10
spivI'm not sure it really matter too much in practice.  At least at the moment our first requests don't require much processing time on the server.06:11
SamBspiv: well, it would at least tell you that bzr wasn't ransacking your local storage ...06:11
SamBthough I guess if you're actually sitting at your computer you'd know anyway ...06:12
pooliespiv, doing something for the hello would be good too06:19
spivpoolie: when probing for bzr+http?06:25
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poolieor on the first request to the smart server06:28
pooliejust an idea06:28
poolieit might take a while to get going06:28
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pooliespiv, remote.py has07:34
poolie1509         if not resume_tokens:07:34
poolie1510             # XXX: Ugly but important for correctness, *will* be fixed during07:34
poolie1511             # 1.13 cycle. Pushing a stream that is interrupted results in a07:34
poolie1512             # fallback to the _real_repositories sink *with a partial stream*.07:34
poolie1513             # Thats bad because we insert less data than bzr expected. To avoid07:34
poolie1514             # this we do a trial push to make sure the verb is accessible, and07:34
poolie1515             # do not fallback when actually pushing the stream. A cleanup patch07:34
poolie1516             # is going to look at rewinding/restarting the stream/partial07:34
poolie1517             # buffering etc.07:34
poolieis that true?07:34
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stefanlsdCan i push a branch i was working on to another server? I did a push and i just get the .bzr directory on the other side (no files)09:30
beunostefanlsd, right, remote pushes don't create working trees09:31
beunoso you have the branch, but not the actual files09:32
beunoif you want the files, you need to run:  bzr co .09:32
beunobut subsequent pushes won't update them09:32
beunoyou need the push-and-update plugin for that09:32
beunounless you *only* care about the actual files remotely, then you can use bzr-upload09:32
stefanlsdbeuno: mm. im trying to setup that another guy in my office can work on some of the projects with me. So i made a place on a remote server. I wanted to take my local bzr stuff and get it there.  Would it be better to just scp it to the central server now?09:33
beunostefanlsd, no, he can just branch from that09:34
stefanlsdbeuno: its not there yet. I have it all locally. i wanted to get it there first by pushing.. should I rather go central and branch it from me?09:34
beunostefanlsd, it *is* there09:35
beunoif you pushed it, and there's a .bzr directory09:35
beunothat's the branch09:35
beunoyou don't need the working tree (actual files)09:35
stefanlsdbeuno: oh. interesting. wasnt aware of that09:36
stefanlsdbeuno: thanks. so my understanding now is, if i want the working tree there also i need the push and update plugin. will look into that. thx!09:40
beunostefanlsd, you're welcome09:40
cristi_anwhat is the diff between bzr push and bzr up09:41
beunocristi_an, one is used for checkouts, and one is used for branches09:42
beuno(there's more to it, but let's start with that)09:42
cristi_anbeuno: thx...i did not find this in the 5 min tut :)09:42
cristi_anwhich one i sfor checkouts09:43
beunocristi_an, how did that question pop into your head?09:43
cristi_anwell...i explain09:43
cristi_ani get a project called openerp from launchpad09:43
hmelandThe help for up probably ought to mention the term "checkout" somewhere.09:43
cristi_anbut after a few day since i was i cvs user before09:44
cristi_ani did bzr up09:44
cristi_anbut it did not bring any of the changes done by others09:44
beunocristi_an, did you branch it, or did you make a checkout?09:44
cristi_anbeuno: i run a script that get all those projects for me...09:46
beunocristi_an, ok, so you branch them09:47
beuno'bzr update' won't come into play at all for now09:47
cristi_anin terms of using cvs09:47
cristi_ani checkout them...09:47
beunowell, you can do a checkout with bzr as well09:48
beunoand then it's basically the same09:48
beunowhen you commit, it will commit directly to the online branch09:48
beuno"update" brings in new changes, etc09:48
beunoa checkout is bound to it's parent09:48
cristi_anbut can you tell me what that script does09:48
beunobranches, on the other hand, are independant09:48
cristi_ani seee09:48
beunoyes, it creates branches09:48
cristi_anso i have c copy locally09:49
cristi_anand i work local09:49
cristi_anthen i can merge with some server branch09:49
cristi_ansomthing like commit will commit on my local branch09:49
cristi_annot on server ?09:49
hmelandcristi_an: Your script takes a --checkout option.  Supply that option with your launchpad username to make the script do "bzr checkout" and "bzr update" instead of "bzr branch" and "bzr pull".09:50
cristi_ani have to read about this more....09:51
cristi_anbut i got the picture....09:51
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nick_Can anyone help me with setting up a bug tracker within Bazaar? The documentation I've found tells me about it, but not how to do it13:00
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hmelandnick_: What kind of bug tracker are you talking about?13:25
nick_hmeland: a custom made one - I basically want to know what things I need to put in the bazaar.conf file in order to get it working with --fixes13:25
hmelandYou've seen http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/latest/en/user-reference/bzr_man.html#bug-tracker-settings already?13:30
nick_hmeland: yes, but it seems to be lacking explanation13:37
nick_hmeland:  for example, I don't know what parameters Bazaar passes my bug tracker when I mark a commit as --fixed13:37
nick_I'm assuming it HTTP POSTs by default?13:37
beunonick_, no, it's metadata on the branch13:38
beunono http communication at all13:38
nick_beuno: ahhh, so how does the tracker get this information, through a post commit hook?13:40
beunonick_, well, it's up to the tracker13:40
nick_beuno:  I see13:40
nick_beuno:  are you familiar with the shell_hooks plugin at all?13:40
beunonick_, not really, no13:41
nick_beuno: ah, just I can't get it to work :)13:41
nick_beuno: I'm not well versed with Python13:41
nick_does anyone know of a post commit hook that can HTTP POST to a URL?13:43
* SamB wishes bzr-gtk didn't have that unintended seahorse dependancy :-(13:54
kfogelWhen I bring in changes from someone else's branch via 'bzr merge', I have to write a new log message when I then do 'bzr commit', even though the other person already wrote a log message.  I can even see the original log message when I do 'bzr status' ("pending merge tips: ...", or with -v, "pending merges: ...").  Is there some way to commit the merged change(s) locally such that they automatically get the same author and commit message as13:58
kfogelthe originals?13:58
beunokfogel, not atomatically, no13:58
kfogelbeuno: hmrm.  Okay, thanks.  So it sounds like there isn't really a way to say (in a non-mirror branch) "Just bring in these changes, I don't want to have to specify anything more about them, I just want them incorporated into my local branch."13:59
beunokfogel, right, the merge is always explicit13:59
kfogelbeuno: thx14:00
kfogelbeuno: is there at least some way (immediately after 'bzr merge') to get the full information about all merged-but-not-committed changes?  Specifically, I want to list their source branch and revision number, in my commit message.14:01
kfogelbeuno: or is that pointless, because bzr will already record those when I commit?14:01
beunoother than bzr status?14:02
kfogel(in which case, great, but I'd still want to *see* the pending revs before committing)14:02
kfogelbeuno: bzr status -v shows committer, date, and msg, but not source branch or rev num14:02
beunoright, so there's not way that I know of to see those14:02
beunothat may be useful14:02
beunoso it sounds like you're cooking a bug there14:03
kfogelYeah, it would be nice to be able to see the exact identity of what I'm about to commit.  For an especially paranoid developer, that might be part of a sanity check.14:03
SamBhigh in protein!14:03
kfogelSamB: breakfast of champions!14:03
SamBbut at least you know their descriptions -- darcs isn't even capable of telling me what revisions have conflicted14:04
* kfogel looks at bzrlib/status.py:show_pending_merges()14:05
SamB(apparantly it's not even easy in theory!)14:05
* awilkins is totally awesomed out by how awesome uploading things to a PPA is14:09
awilkinsWhy the hell does it build fricking Atom builds of things though.....14:10
kfogelbeuno: crimminy, don't even have the information available in bzrlib/revision.py:Revision, as far as I can tell.14:15
SamBAtom ?14:17
SamByou mean it converts them to RSS feeds?14:18
SamB(Yeah, I know Atom isn't actually named RSS -- but then basically no two versions of RSS expand to the same name either)14:19
* SamB wonders how glyph found out about dvc14:20
rockyjelmer: bzr svn-import is currently failing for me (after a few mins of running) on htps://dev.serverzen.com/svn/cluemapper14:21
rockyjelmer: that's with bzr 1.13rc1 and bzr-svn 0.5.314:21
kfogelpolicy question: when bzr can receive a setting from either an environment variable or the bazaar.conf file, which overrides which?  Does the env var dominate the config setting if both exist, or the other way around?14:23
kfogel(this is for implementing a new thing -- if it were an existing feature, I'd just test)14:31
SamBkfogel: well, usually the env var, I hope14:54
kfogelSamB: that's what I picked14:54
SamBmight depend on the setting a bit, but for instance if I have an emacs package that wants to turn off the progress bar ...14:55
SamB... then I'm going to be annoyed by https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/33938514:56
ubottuUbuntu bug 339385 in bzr "bzr: BZR_PROGRESS_BAR is ignored" [Medium,Confirmed]14:56
* SamB wishes ubottu would get it right and say "Launchpad bug"14:57
kfogelSamB: well, that's just because of the bug, right?  It doesn't change the correct ordering.14:58
SamBI was just being silly with that last message14:59
SamBgoing to a conclusion unrelated to the premise14:59
SamB(the premise that the env var should override the conf file, that is)15:00
SamB(I don't think there is a conf setting for this?)15:00
SamBI certainly don't see a progress bar setting in my bazaar.conf15:01
* SamB wonders if there's some sort of script to manually convert an svn:ignore property to .bzrignore15:02
SamBjelmer: is there a way to query SVN revision properties from bzr-svn ?15:03
SamBno, wait, this would be a file property15:03
SamBwell, both things would be good anyway15:03
SamBand the way should be mentioned in "bzr help svn", of course15:04
* SamB wonders if there's a way to get launchpad to build and serve docs15:06
* SamB re-opens https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr-svn/+bug/17494715:16
ubottuUbuntu bug 174947 in bzr-svn "Commands for changing/viewing file properties" [Wishlist,In progress]15:16
SamBdoes anyone know how to get word-wrap in emacs (without altering the buffer data)?15:19
SamBi.e. yes, I know how to use M-q, that's not what I want ;-P15:19
SamBoh, emacswiki says LongLines15:25
jelmerSamB, I think we did have them at some point but they got removed, since they were just aliases for "svn propset / svn propget"15:25
SamBjelmer: how's that going to work in a bzr-native format checkout/branch/etc?15:25
jelmerSamB: there's no way that can work in a bzr native format15:26
jelmerSamB, but with a bzr-specific command it can't work in a bzr native format either15:26
jelmersince the bzr native format can't store custom file properties15:26
SamBwait, I din't need an answer to how is "svn foo" going to work in a bzr-native directory ;-P15:26
SamBthat was rhetorical15:26
Leon_Nardellaleon@bespin:~/Documents$ bzr update scrip/15:27
Leon_NardellaPermission denied (publickey).15:27
Leon_Nardellabzr: ERROR: Connection closed: please check connectivity and permissions (and try -Dhpss if further diagnosis is required) <-- What does this usually mean? I know it's something to do with my messing around backing up the branch to Dropbox and changing keys, but I'm not sure what I can do to make it work now. This branch is hosted on Launchpad and I can check it out without problems.15:27
SamBI thought you were giving the second (bzr format can't handle that) answer already ;-)15:27
jelmerSamB, I also mean "bzr svn-propset" can't work in a bzr-native directory15:27
* Leon_Nardella sorry for the multiple lines15:27
jelmerSamB, since there's no place it can store the properties15:27
SamBjelmer: oh15:27
jelmerSamB, the way you've changed the bug report right now indicates I'm working on it.. that's not the case :-)15:28
SamBjelmer: well, you can change it to something more appropriate15:29
SamBI thought maybe you'd somehow hidden it where I couldn't see it :-)15:29
SamBgiven it a funny name or something15:29
jelmerSamB, are you still interested in it if it's just going to be an alias for "svn propset" / "svn propget" ?15:29
SamBnot if it requires a .svn dir, no. but some documentation about the uselessness of such a thing would be good.15:30
jelmerSamB, I'll comment in the bug report15:31
SamBand I would be interested in extensions to bzr to allow it to be useful, as well15:31
SamBjelmer: how about adding it to the FAQ?15:31
jelmerSamB, that's the sort of documentation you meant, right?15:31
SamBin addition, I mean15:31
SamBlike: "Q: How can I look at my file properties?" "A: If you're in an svn checkout, the usual way. If in a bzr native tree, there aren't any to see."15:33
jelmerSamB, Care to send a patch ? :-)15:35
sohailhow can I take the difference of two branches?15:40
sohailone has a bug, one doesn't :-)15:40
sohailah --old15:41
sohailhmm... well that is lying15:42
jelmerSamB, just curious, what sort of properties would you want to set ?15:42
Odd_Blokesohail: How so?15:44
sohailOdd_Bloke, bzr switch buggy-branch; bzr diff --old non-buggy-branch -> no diff which is not true15:45
sohailoh do I have to give the full path to the old branch?15:46
sohailthat's annoying but ok15:46
Odd_Blokesohail: Yeah, that'll be it.15:46
Odd_Blokesohail: Though there should probably be an error message if there isn't a branch at non-buggy-branch...15:47
sohailOdd_Bloke, I'd agree with that15:50
sohailok I need to binary search where this bug was introduced... how do I do that with bzr? is there an equivalent to svn up -r $FOO ?15:56
sohailsorry if my question is ignorant :-)15:56
Kinnisonyou can either make new checkouts at given revisions, or bzr revert might help you since you can pass that -r $FOO16:00
Kinnisonbut I'm not a power-user, so I could be wrong16:00
sohailI just found the bzr bisect plugin16:01
sohaillets hope it doesn't screw up my repo :-)16:01
glyphhow does one unbind a bound branch16:03
jelmerglyph, bzr unbind :-)16:04
glyphjelmer: I figured that out a split second before you said it, and felt appropriately foolish :)16:04
jelmerglyph, :-)16:06
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sohailhaha... bzr bisect: 1115 no, 1118 yes, 1116 yes, 1116, 1116, 1116, 1116, explode16:10
sohailscrew this, I'm going ot exercise16:10
rippsDoes anybody here know how to mirror a git repository into a launchpad branch?16:22
SamBripps: jelmer might?16:35
SamBthen again maybe you can't16:35
SamBI think it will involve a cron job on a system you have a shell on, though16:36
jelmerripps, small repositories should be convertable with git-import from bzr-git, alternatively you can use git fast-export/ bzr fast-import16:36
jelmerripps, there's nothing in launchpad to have it mirror for you automatically (yet)16:36
rippsjelmer: so, back to manually uploading it16:36
SamBor if you control the git server you could use some kind of post-hook16:36
SamBripps: cron!16:37
SamBhmm, how come you can't just give launchpad svn:// URLs to mirror the bzr way, anyway?16:37
SamBwhy does it have a special vc-import thing for that?16:38
jelmerSamB, hysterical raisins16:38
jelmerSamB, vcs-imports predate bzr-svn16:38
SamBI suppose it's good for the users anyway16:38
SamBjelmer: oh. how does it work then?16:38
jelmerSamB, there has been talk about using bzr-svn on lp16:38
jelmerSamB, but the problem is it will cause disruption for users of the existing mirrors16:38
SamBI mean, it would be kind of confusing to expect users to just enter an SVN url as if it was a BZR url16:39
jelmerSamB, it use cscvs16:39
jelmerSamB, what would be confusing about that?16:39
SamBjelmer: well, for new users anyway16:39
jelmerSamB, there are mirrors of "regular" bzr branches too16:39
jelmerSamB, In general the format of a branch shouldn't matter, whether it's Subversion or native Bazaar16:40
SamBanyway ... the obvious way to go to bzr-svn would be to allow people to start entering those SVN urls in the field, then tell them about it after a while ...16:40
SamBand just keep doing vcs-import the same way as before16:40
jelmerSamB, yeah16:41
jelmerSamB, unfortunately there's no shared history between stuff imported with vcs-imports and bzr-svn16:41
jelmerSamB, so users can't really migrate from vcs-imports to bzr-svn16:41
SamBbut giving new users the option is good16:42
SamBdoes bzr-rebase share git-rebase's "no revision 0" flaw?16:42
jelmerSamB: well, it means that if somebody you work together with happens to do a commit based on a bzr-svn branch and your branch is a vcs-improts branch it breaks16:42
SamBjelmer: oh16:42
SamBit breaks?16:42
jelmerSamB, "breaks" in the sense that it doesn't have any shared history16:43
SamBit doesn't just ... not show up nicely?16:43
SamBvcs-imports doesn't grok SVK attributes?16:43
SamBanyway, that doesn't sound much worse than using SVN in the first place ...16:43
jelmerSamB, and will attempt to merge from rev 0 as it doesn't see common revisions16:43
SamBjelmer: huh?16:43
jelmerSamB, I'm not sure I understand what SVK has to do with it16:43
SamBwhat do you mean?16:43
jelmerSamB, it will attempt to merge *all* revisions from the bzr-svn branch as none are present in the vcs-imports branch16:44
jelmerSamB, bzr-rebase doesn't have any "no revision 0" flaws16:44
SamByou mean if you try to pull a commit across via bzr!16:44
SamBapparantly git-rebase can't really rebase between branches with different roots :-(16:45
SamBI read somewhere a proposal for a special 00000... commit16:45
jelmerSamB, bzr already has such a thing16:46
SamBI thought probably16:46
SamBsounds better than git-svn, anyway ;-)16:46
jelmerSamB, so the main reason bzr-svn isn't supported at the moment yet is because it would cause confusion for existing vcs-imports users and problems merging16:47
SamBgit-svn users are encouraged not to share git commits!16:47
jelmerSamB, whoa, wasn't aware of that16:47
SamBsince it doesn't roundtrip too well16:48
Odd_BlokeYeah, bzr-svn is just a ridiculous amount better than git-svn.16:48
SamBso having two incompatible tools doesn't sound nearly as bad16:49
Odd_BlokeIn terms of actual functionality.16:49
SamBnow if only it didn't spend so much time apparantly doing nothing ...16:49
jelmerSamB, are you running 0.5.3 yet?16:49
Odd_BlokeMaybe not so much in terms of speed, but <insert tired argument about features &gt; speed here>16:49
SamBsvn 0.5.4dev16:50
jelmerSamB, and what in particular is slow?16:50
SamBit's stopped doing it.16:51
SamBhmm, maybe that's because that branch was bound to the SVN repository ...16:54
SamBbzr-svn just seems to spend an inordinate amount of time looking at svn revisions it's already seen16:55
SamBeven when there are no revisions to pull16:55
SamBbut apparantly not when your working directory is a heavyweight bzr-native SVN checkout16:56
SamBis there a way to dump the progress output?16:57
jelmerSamB, Not really17:02
jelmerSamB, you can run with -Dtransport and see what sort of protocol requests it's doing17:02
jelmerSamB, what progress bar phase is it spending the most time in during pull ?17:02
SamBit skips back and forth17:02
SamBthere ought to be a way to dump either a trace or at least a sampling of the progress bar phases ...17:04
jelmerSamB, skips back and forward between what?17:04
jelmerSamB, what texts in the progress bar I mean17:04
SamBI know, that's what I'm saying should be traceable17:05
SamBdiscovering revisions and determining changes17:05
SamBPull phase17:05
SamBand the SVN revnums are all over the place as it does that17:06
SamBhmm, gotta go to school now17:06
jelmerSamB, might be looking at tags17:07
jelmerSamB, That should hopefully be fixed in the next version17:07
SamBwhy does bzr not being able to delete a non-empty directory count as a conflict?17:08
jelmerSamB, because upstream has removed a directory and locally that directory can't be removed17:10
SamBI know what it means17:10
SamBbut why's that a conflict?17:10
SamBit should be something more like a sticky warning or ...17:10
SamBI mean it's just object files, probably ...17:10
jelmerSamB: Well, I was stating it like that to hopefully clarify that the operation that happened remotely can't happen locally17:11
SamBI know but conflict seems a bit harsh a status for it17:11
jelmerand that's basically what a conflict is about17:12
SamBin that case17:12
SamBthe directory can just be removed from version control, can't it?17:12
jelmerSamB, if there's only ignored files in it, sure17:12
jelmerSamB, but in that case the user probably won't be aware of it17:12
SamBoh. is ignoring that important?17:12
SamBwell, it still seems slightly less urgent than a warning17:13
SamBer. s/warning/conflict/17:13
jelmerSamB, so you think a directory should become "unknown" at that point?17:14
jelmerSamB, in that case you risk that a user runs "bzr add" to add their other unknown files and ends up re-versioning the directory17:15
SamBmaybe I'd just like it to be easier to say "okay, go ahead and unversion that"17:15
jelmerSamB, right17:15
SamBcould be something to add to dvc17:15
jelmerSamB, I think it would be reasonable to automatically mark a conflict as resolved if the remote removed a file/directory but it was changed locally17:16
jelmerSamB, and the user then removed the local files17:16
SamBwell, I didn't remove it yet actually17:17
SamBI'm so lazy17:17
jelmerjoin the club :-)17:17
SamBI still don't get why bzr-status and bzr-conflicts use dvc-diff-mode ...17:18
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mwhudsonjelmer: hello19:57
BasicOSXWe still on track for 1.13final on 03/13 or should I push a 1.1.3rc2? I've posted to bazaar general about it.19:59
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ovnicrafthi, i see in lauchpad trac-bzr is part of bzr if anyone can help me here?20:07
mwhudsonBasicOSX: how many changes have hit bzr.1.13 since rc1 ?20:07
mwhudsonBasicOSX: i was going to nag you about sneaking some patches in, but i don't think it's worth it any more20:08
BasicOSXmwhudson:  do not know the number of changes, don't have ability to check right now, and I don't control the freeze, I just do the work of pushing the release :-)20:10
mwhudsonBasicOSX: do you know what revno 1.13rc1 was?20:11
BasicOSXbzr log, look for 'Release 1.13rc1'20:12
LarstiQbzr log -m Release\ 1.13rc120:13
mwhudsonhm, there have been two landings20:13
LarstiQovnicraft: do you have an actual question?20:13
mwhudson(vila) Fix non ascii symlink handling20:13
mwhudson      (spiv) Fix bogus 'Source format does not support stacking' warning20:13
mwhudson        when pushing to smart server20:13
BasicOSX    revno: 4104.1.1, should be PQM submission20:13
LarstiQabentley: ok, how is that going?20:14
mwhudsonboth look reasonably minor20:15
mwhudsonthough i guess the non-ascii one could potentially cause problems20:15
ovnicraftLarstiQ, i have problems with trac-bzr i get the output20:16
ovnicraftcan you help me about that?20:16
lucypherHi , I can't branch a project from launchpad , here the result: http://pastebin.com/m41156b8b20:17
lucypherI'm on Ubuntu jaunty20:17
LarstiQovnicraft: I can try, but so far I don't know what problem you are experiencing20:17
LarstiQlucypher: Permission denied (publickey) is the important part20:18
awilkinsAh, he's defined launchpad-login but either hasn't uploaded a key or doesn't have it available to the local bzr process20:19
mwhudsonwhy isn't the non-ascii symlink fix in bzr.dev20:19
mwhudsonvila: hi :)20:20
lucypherLarstiQ : I did...     bzr lp-login20:20
awilkinslucypher: Did you upload a public key, and is it available in your local ssh-agent20:21
awilkinsOr even in ~/.ssh/id_rsa20:21
awilkins(the private key to go with that public key)20:21
LarstiQlucypher: have you followed a process like https://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/CreatingAnSSHKeyPair ?20:22
LarstiQlucypher: the ssh server on launchpad is complaining it doesn't know the key you are trying to log in with20:22
lucypherI've moved my Home partition recently and did some cleanup... ;-)20:23
LarstiQlucypher: that might explain it ;)20:23
ovnicraftLarstiQ, any pastebin to this channel?20:23
ovnicraftLarstiQ, http://pastebin.com/m35bd5f3920:24
ovnicraftmy error20:24
lucypherLarstiQ , awilkins : thanks20:24
jelmermwhudson, hi20:25
mwhudsonjelmer: so, bzr-svn vs codespeak currently breaks because of that svn bug20:25
mwhudsonjelmer: i can probably remove the problem revprops20:26
mwhudsonjelmer: if you explain how :)20:26
mwhudson(i can probably figure it out myself, but my brain is on go-slow today)20:26
awilkinsAFAICR if you set them to an empty value they will be removed20:27
awilkinsAh, or propdel20:27
awilkinssvn propdel PROPNAME --revprop -r REV20:28
jelmermwhudson, the problem is it isn't not the revprops20:28
jelmermwhudson, it's fileprops20:28
mwhudsonjelmer: grunk20:28
mwhudsonjelmer: i guess committing a change that deleted the file props wouldn't help?20:29
mwhudsoni mean, i have root on the box, all things are possible :)20:29
mwhudsonbut i'd rather not knacker the repo20:29
jelmermwhudson: fixing it will require a svndump + edit of the svn dump + reload20:29
mwhudsonjelmer: if i manage to do an import over svn+ssh:// or even file:/// will updating it over http: work?20:30
jelmermwhudson, I think so20:30
vilamwhudson: hi (still syncing my clock so unsure if *your* was minutes or hours ago :-)20:32
mwhudsonvila: minutes :)20:32
mwhudsonvila: you landed a change to bzr.1.13 wrt unicode symlinks20:32
mwhudsonvila: it doesn't seem to be in bzr.dev20:32
mwhudsonvila: any deep reason for that?20:32
jelmermwhudson, alternatively, you could add a hack to bzr-svn to assume an empty set of properties if it can't retrieve them20:34
mwhudsonjelmer: hm, that sounds interesting20:35
jelmermwhudson, there should only be one place where it's called20:35
vilamwhudson: check again, it should have been merged back20:36
jelmermwhudson, I'd rather not have it in mainline bzr-svn though, since the error that is raised is a generic "RA request failed"20:36
mwhudsonvila: oh right. r412420:37
jelmerLarstiQ, perhaps in changelog20:46
awilkinsHave we gone gpl2 ?20:48
LarstiQawilkins: bzr-svn20:48
LarstiQjelmer: I'm mimicing debian unstable now20:48
jelmerawilkins, GPLv2 or later specifically, it was GPLv3 or later20:52
jelmerLarstiQ: Yeah, in hindsight I probably should've mentioned it20:58
ovnicraftLarstiQ, did you check my error with trac-bzr?20:58
LarstiQovnicraft: ah yes, it wasn't familiar, I then went to look if there was a bug filed for it but trailed off20:59
LarstiQovnicraft: what version of trac integration are you using?20:59
ovnicrafttrac - plugin from branch21:01
LarstiQovnicraft: which version of trac bzr?21:02
LarstiQovnicraft: https://bugs.launchpad.net/trac-bzr/+bug/318839 and https://bugs.launchpad.net/trac-bzr/+bug/341916 look similar21:03
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Ubuntu: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/318839/+text)21:03
LarstiQovnicraft: oh, that latter one is by you :)21:03
* LarstiQ wonders how to track his ppa upload status21:06
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LarstiQaha! A view build records link, sneakily hiding out of view.21:17
abentleyLarstiQ: Well, I've got the physical merge done, but I haven't got it logically updated so that all the tests pass.21:23
abentleyLarstiQ: It's at http://code.aaronbentley.com/bzr/bzrrepo/nested-trees21:23
LarstiQabentley: thanks for the heads up btw21:28
abentleyLarstiQ: np21:29
LarstiQgah, even in a short time the diff ratchets up :/21:35
EnCuKouHello. Does anybody know about a bzrlib transport that simulates network failures, for testing?21:47
EnCuKouIt shouldn't be too hard to write a simple one, I'd just like to reuse if one's floating around somewhere.21:47
Peng_EnCuKou: There might be stuff in the test suite.21:50
EnCuKouPeng_: Thanks. I didn't find much there though.21:53
vilaEnCuKou: Hi !21:57
vilaEnCuKou: There is no such thing as transport simulating failures, you want test servers simulating failures instead21:57
EnCuKouvila: Hello!21:57
EnCuKouvila: Okay, I'll look for that.21:58
vilaEnCuKou: As a starting point you can have a look at bzrlib.tests.http_utils.py I think or http_server.py21:59
loffeIs there a way to ignore files when using "bzr upload"? (For example I don't wan't to upload my test cases but I want them in my repo)21:59
vilaloffe: not yet, but  we're thinking about it21:59
EnCuKouvila: Okay, thanks21:59
vilaloffe: filtered views may also be a way to address that, but again nothing works out of the box right now22:00
loffevila, "thinking" as in "has not written it yet" or "not sure if it's needed" ?22:00
vilaloffe: "thinking" as in "beuno kicked my ass enough that it will be written" :)22:00
vilaEnCuKou: the closest server for what you're after may be test_http.TestWallServer22:01
loffeIs there any "smart" way of adding my testcases now?22:02
vilaloffe: adding testscases *is* smart ;)22:03
loffeyeah, that was my idea, but I don't want to upload them (and then delete from webserver)22:04
vilaloffe: seriously, if you want to use bzr-upload yet have test cases, write them in a different branch22:04
vilaas in separate branches22:04
EnCuKouvila: Okay. I'll need some time to grok how it works, but I think I'll manage with your hints ^^22:04
loffeok. So how do I create a "sub"-branch within my working tree?22:07
loffebzr: ERROR: No repository present: "file:///media/windows/Users/Eloff/Documents/src/jobb/www/timjack.se/trunk/tests/"22:07
loffewhen doing "bzr init tests/"22:08
vilaEnCuKou: you may also want to have a look at lp:~vila/bzr/local-test-server, search for and install pyftpdlib (code.google.com/p/pyftpdlib/ ) and start a test server with failure from there22:09
vilaloffe: better create your branch *outside* of the initial one for now, later on, there will be better ways to manage that setup, but for now, that's the best I can think of22:10
vilaloffe: I understand it sub optimal as you will need to commit in both though....22:11
EnCuKouvila: OK22:12
loffevila, yea, how long till upload ignore is working? weeks, months?22:12
vilaloffe: not years :-) But patches welcome !22:15
loffevila, Maybe I'll look into it. Have just fallen in love with python :)22:16
vilaloffe: The main blocking point is the lack of a good and easy to modify ftp test server, and that will be available RSN22:17
cyberixI received a patch that was created with bzr send, but for some reason that persons commit did not appear in my bzr log22:27
cyberixOnly my own commit, which I did after merging the patch in, is shown on the log22:28
james_wcyberix: how did you merge the patch?22:36
bob2lifeless: still upgrading to --development after 20 hours - should I ctrl-c and file a bug w/backtrace?22:36
cyberixbzr merge ../foo.patch22:36
james_wcyberix: that should work, does "bzr --no-aliases log" show it?22:37
bob2did you commit right after merging?22:37
cyberixjames_w: no22:38
cyberixbob2: yes22:38
cyberixThis is the patch22:41
cyberixIt is huge22:41
cyberixIt cointains a few jpgs22:41
cyberixIs there something wrong with it?22:44
cyberixYou could try merging it yourself22:44
cyberixhow this actually work22:45
cyberixshe did her send against the lp trunk branch22:46
cyberixshould I still be able to merge it in?22:46
cyberixto my own branch22:46
cyberixor can it only be merged to lp trunk?22:46
cyberixi.e. Is it at all possible to send a patch to someone, without having access to his branch?22:50
cyberixShould anyone be able to apply that patch after doing "bzr branch lp:kunquat"?22:52
lifelessbob2: is strace showing activity?22:58
bob2lifeless: yes, and it's eating 95% of a cpu23:01
AirBenderI'm looking for a simple way of tracking the current version of my source code inside my code, and also with autotools, in order to show the current version automatically23:01
AirBendermay be a header file generated by bzr like config.h of autotools?23:02
Peng_AirBender: bzr help version-info23:06
lifelessbob2: hit ctrl-\ and get a backtrace :)23:08
bob2lol debuggerry23:09
SamBPeng: but doesn't that vary branch-to-branch?23:09
bob2SamB: isn't that the point?23:09
bob2(you want the revid not the revno)23:10
AirBenderthanks Peng_ that's what i'm looking for, but still don't know how to integrate it with my configure.ac file in order to keep the version at make dist time23:14
AirBenderbut I think this is more likely an autotools question23:15
lifelessspiv: I've audited bzr.dev for missing patches23:25

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