
shtylmanRiddell: noted, will do00:05
Riddellshtylman: any plans to make the partition bars behave the same as the GTK version?00:13
shtylmanRiddell: with regard to? placement?00:22
nixternalXDG compliancy...yay, I pray for that daily :)00:40
* ScottK thought you prayed to some emacs related diety?00:42
nixternalnot any more00:42
ScottKOh?  What happened?  Discovered the joy of vim?00:43
nixternalyup :)00:43
dtchennixternal has fallen to the dark side00:43
nixternalstill getting used to vim in some aspects, but thus far I am just as efficient with it than I was in emacs00:43
nixternali find myself wanting to go back to emacs from time to time, but when I try, I realize I have forgotten so much that it would take forever to get back into shape00:44
dtcheni would have recommended vile as transition00:44
nixternalheh, been there done that00:44
dtcheni find i mostly use the vi subset, so vim-tiny's sufficient00:45
nixternali use vim, with all of the little plugins and what not00:45
ScottKnixternal: To me XDG means a bunch of directories in $HOME I don't care to have.00:46
nixternalthough for coding, I am still madly involved with Eclipse, which I absolutely love00:46
dtcheneclipse is pretty nice00:46
* ScottK wonders who should update the package ....00:46
nixternalScottK: that is just XDG_HOME, there are other things involved with XDG that clean all of that up00:46
dtchenScottK: find someone to handle pulseaudio, and i'll do it.00:46
dtchendoing sound & eclipse is a bit far beyond madness00:46
* ScottK wasn't considering you for the honor.00:47
nixternaldtchen: I have been getting a popping noice through my speakers in jaunty..I don't know if it is bad line noise or not..has anyone else complained of something similar?00:47
ScottKIt's clear nixternal isn't busy doing other Ubuntu stuff.00:47
nixternalya, eclipse packaging is mad00:47
nixternalI am busy with other ubuntu stuff00:47
dtchennixternal: yes - is only the popping audible, or is the popping just in the background?00:47
ScottKnixternal: What you do is go to #ubuntu-motu and find a MOTU wannbe and offer to help them.  Upload it with their name in debian/changelog and then they TIL.00:48
nixternalin the background...when no sound is playing I hear it from time-to-time..not all of the time00:48
dtchennixternal: ah, that's the hw-ptr issue i fixed00:48
nixternaldid you fix it recently?00:48
nixternalbecause I am sitting here and have not heard it tonight and I did an update earlier00:48
dtchenyes, in linux. i'm test-building ATM.00:49
nixternalI am sure I heard it this morning00:49
dtchenthe hw-ptr is precisely that - it's pretty nondeterministic, since it depends on how the bios initialises the codec.00:49
nixternalhave my sound up, listening for it to happen00:49
dtchenso it can "randomly" (dis)appear00:49
shtylmanbug 317781 is a facinating read00:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 317781 in linux "Ext4 data loss" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31778100:51
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ScottKSo I was trying to figure out why my kids Intrepid Kubuntu desktop (KDE 4.1.4) has gvfs ...03:37
ScottKphonon-backend-gstreamer   Depends    gstreamer0.10-plugins-base and gstreamer0.10-plugins-base Recommends gvfs03:37
ScottKRiddell: Can we arrange to not pull in gvfs do you think?03:38
ScottKI'm now a huge fan of aptitude why BTW.03:38
nhandlerScottK: I never knew about aptitude why before. Thanks a lot03:41
ScottKYou're welcome.03:41
ScottKI'm not generally an aptitude fan, but I like that.03:41
freeflyingnhandler: arounds?04:12
=== ScottK changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Next Kubuntu Meeting Tuesday March 17 2009 at 17:00 UTC | Main Frozen for Alpha-6 | 8.04.2 Released! | Feature Freeze in effect - Fix bugs | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo
* a|wen goes updating the meeting times in the wiki + top-banner04:37
a|wenthe "hugday" entry in our top-banner is now "automagically" updated when the bugsquad updates their banner :)06:46
a|wenand same for the REVU ... so now we only have to update our own stuff :)08:27
ScottKIt seems http://websvn.kde.org/?view=rev&revision=938370 would be good for backporting ....10:38
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yao_ziyuani'm with the latest kubuntu jaunty. when i drop a file from QuickAccess to Trashcan, the file stay over Trashcan until i click it. then it says, 'file can't be trashed as it is already deleted'. is anyone with the same problem or am i alone?11:03
yao_ziyuanback in kubuntu intrepid, there is no such a problem.11:03
yao_ziyuanfile drag-drop between dolphin and dolphin is fine.11:04
ghostcubeanyone want to see fast pc :O12:30
ghostcube2096 gb/s data transfer rate12:30
Riddellthese DVDs take ages to install13:08
davmor2Riddell: That's why I hate doing them more than expert installs13:13
jussi01hehe, dont ask me why, but Riddells comment just made me think of "These Romans are crazy!" :P13:20
* jussi01 slaps Sput13:25
Sputyou basically asked for it!13:26
jussi01can anyone get the itv player working? Ive installed moonlight, but it still doesnt work :/13:26
jussi01oh never mind... seems there is a reason why :( http://www.linuxformat.co.uk/index.php?name=PNphpBB2&file=viewtopic&t=961313:29
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macowhoever said in here that kmail is more stable when you use dimap instead of imap was right. but wow dimap is a slow sync16:32
a|wenmaco: it is pretty slow, yeah ... but rather slow than unstable16:43
* JontheEchidna cowers behind pop316:45
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Riddellthe kpackagekit update notification is pretty rubbish, it disappears after a second with nothing in the systray to click on17:16
jussi01theres a notification? o.O17:18
macoRiddell: i mentioned that last week. cant remember the response, something along the lines of "can't be done"17:19
macojussi01: yes itll popup "there are 163 updates available" with "install now" "install later" and "shut up" buttons17:19
macoif you dont click anything, it just disappears after a second and then you have to know what to look for in kicker to find it again17:20
jussi01curious... dont think Ive ever seen it...17:20
Riddellbut there's nothing in the panel to click17:21
Riddellsounds like we should disable it and go back to our old update notifier17:21
JontheEchidnaReally the notification should be persistent, but there's a bug in the plasma notifications that doesn't let things be persistent17:30
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QuintasanHmm, anyone noticed that the binary clock plasmoid has problems with date? After each plasma restart it has 00:00 hour set and no date18:16
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ScottKRiddell: When agiteau first showed up and I asked about helping out with some notifications bugfixing in the meantime for Jaunty that was the first one I was thinking of.18:41
ScottKBut I generally agree.  We either need to fix it pretty quick or switch back.18:42
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VaSavoirhello, is there a place to discuss about software developpement under ubuntu ?20:02
RiddellVaSavoir: no I'm afraid not especially but there are channels for individual projects.  KDE would be #kde-devel20:05
VaSavoirriddell: ok, thank, but i try to find info on kevent and so on, i try to detect disk partition change and mount unmont in reeltime20:09
Riddelli am cool20:10
Riddellahem, cats20:11
ScottKThe cat says it's cool?20:11
RiddellVaSavoir: in KDE solid does that.  lower down hal will do that.  kevent I don't know about, you'd need to investigate linux docs20:11
VaSavoirok, thank for all :-)20:12
davmor2Riddell: Let the friggin cat in if it's cool you evil swine ;)20:20
davmor2Riddell: prepare for shipping to end user has no icon in kubuntu menu but has on the desktop20:34
davmor2Why is there no Ubuntu bug search for available as a search engine ?21:00
ScottKdavmor2: I just use Google anyway.  It's faster.21:15
davmor2scottK: probably sadly true but it would surely promote another aspect of the *buntu family :)21:16
ScottKdavmor2: I tend to view it more as a separate Canonical product that we use.21:16
davmor2ScottK: yes I suppose :)21:17
davmor2I was only enquiring anyway not a finger point :)21:17
ScottKOf course if they open source it, make it not slow, and make the U/I better for navigation than the url history in my browser, then I might consider different.21:18
dtchenJontheEchidna: sound drivers should be triaged to affect `linux', please. thanks.22:24
dtchen*not* `alsa-driver'22:24
JontheEchidnaoh, ok22:24
JontheEchidnaprobably still a better place than kdebase :P22:25
dtchenyes, of course22:25
* JontheEchidna doesn't get people who bump every Kubuntu bug without a package to kdebase22:25
dtcheni could say the same thing about alsa-driver, alsa-lib, pulseaudio, ...22:25
lex79JontheEchidna: can you sponsor this https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/341986 ?22:38
ubottuUbuntu bug 341986 in ubuntu "kblogger menu entry in wrong place (Lost & Found)" [Undecided,New]22:38
* JontheEchidna takes a look22:38
JontheEchidnalex79: just curious, where'd the new .desktop file come from?22:39
* JontheEchidna sees some other changes not related to category22:39
JontheEchidnaor are they just general XDG spec compliance changes you did?22:40
lex79I added Categories=Qt;KDE;Network;22:40
lex79is wrong?22:40
JontheEchidnaNah, that's right22:40
lex79with a quilt patch22:40
JontheEchidnaBut the patch also says that this line got lost: Encoding=UTF-822:41
lex79I convalidate with desktop-file-validate22:41
lex79 Encoding=UTF-8 is deprecated22:41
JontheEchidnaAh, ok22:41
JontheEchidnaJust checking ;-)22:41
lex79and also terminal=0 is deprecated22:41
lex79now Terminal is boolean22:41
JontheEchidnaCool, so these are just general XDG compliance fixes22:41
lex79I have to add in changelog JontheEchidna?22:42
JontheEchidnaIt would be nice22:42
lex79JontheEchidna: now? https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/34198622:53
ubottuUbuntu bug 341986 in ubuntu "kblogger menu entry in wrong place (Lost & Found)" [Undecided,New]22:53
JontheEchidnaI would recommend giving upstream the patch too22:54
lex79I will do it22:55
JontheEchidnabrb, then I will sponsor22:57
lex79thanks, I sent a patch to upstream :)22:58
JontheEchidnaOk, testbuilding23:01
JontheEchidna(just to be safe ;-)23:02
* ScottK would get grumpy if he found out JontheEchidna wasn't test building.23:03
JontheEchidnaDon't worry, you've set a good example :)23:03
JontheEchidnaI testbuild all uploads I sponsor23:04
JontheEchidnaand mine of course :P23:04
JontheEchidnaOh, reenabling universe in my pbuilder would probably help, lol23:05
lex79I think yes :)23:06
lex79ScottK: ack for this? https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/k9copy/+bug/339688 :(23:08
ubottuUbuntu bug 339688 in k9copy "FFE for k9copy 2.20" [Undecided,New]23:08
=== ScottK changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Next Kubuntu Meeting Tuesday March 17 2009 at 17:00 UTC | Jaunty Alpha-6 Released! | 8.04.2 Released! | Feature Freeze in effect - Fix bugs | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo
ScottKSomeone please make a release announcement and send it to kubuntu-devel .....23:09
ScottKlex79: Minus points for edge urls.23:09
ScottKlex79: Give it it's first ack though?23:10
ScottKlex79: Also next time test before you ask for the FFe.23:10
JontheEchidnalex79: Out of curiosity, is there any reason kblogger depends on a kde3 version of libkipi?23:11
lex79ok :)23:11
lex79I don't know JontheEchidna23:11
JontheEchidnahmm, I will have to investigate that then23:11
JontheEchidnaNot your fault of course23:12
ScottKJontheEchidna: Sponsor lesson #1: It's always the sponsoree's fault.23:13
JontheEchidnaSo basically it doesn't matter who introduced the bug, it's also partly the fault of everybody who didn't notice it?23:14
lex79Last in changelog for me :P23:15
JontheEchidnaIt looks like kblogger's cmake doesn't check for kipi either23:16
ScottKJontheEchidna: See rule #1.23:16
JontheEchidnalex79: if you could remove the libkipi0-dev build-depend, that'd be great. Kipi support is still on the todo list for the KDE4 version23:22
lex79JontheEchidna: I have to remove or change in libkipi6-dev ?23:23
lex79JontheEchidna: done23:33
lex79me too23:35
jjessequick question i just built a jaunty vm and all i have is the login background (sorry not more preicse) even after i login, no applets, no kickoff, nothing, also no crash?23:59

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