
blackmoon105hi, i've a problem with uploaad in my personal package archive: "Unable to find package_0.0.1.orig.tar.gz in upload or distribution." even if the source is present in the same directory of *.changes. Can you help me?00:07
cody-somervilleblackmoon105, debuild -S -sa00:19
blackmoon105cody-somerville: ok, thanks now i try with -sa00:20
blackmoon105cody-somerville: now it work, thanks00:26
HobbseeHey all.  Why in long bugs do we only see the top 80 comments?  Often, people want to see updates on the bugs - so perhaps the first 40, the message, and then last 40 would be good?00:59
Hobbseegmb: any idea why it's done that way?01:01
nhandlerHobbsee: That would make it difficult to follow the the comments.01:02
Hobbseenhandler: it would?  Why?01:03
nhandlerHobbsee: If I am looking at a bug for the first time which has > 80 comments, I would be seeing the first 40 comments, and then it would jump to the last 40. This is fine if I just want to see what the bug is about and the current status, but what if I want to see the stuff that happened in between?01:05
nhandlerThe current way of handling it would allow me to just go through the comments in order and follow the entire history of the bug01:06
Hobbseenhandler: no, i'm saying "move the box that's normally at the end, to the middle"01:06
Hobbseethen it will be obvious01:06
Hobbseeindeed, if you want to load all 102 comments, to see what the most recent updates on the bug are.01:07
nhandlerWhat box at the end? I thought it was just a link, or did they update it again01:07
HobbseeDisplaying first 80 comments.  View all 102 comments or add a comment.01:07
Hobbseein a box with a big (i)01:08
nhandlerYeah, I don't think that was there the last time I looked at a big bug. One advantage to having it at the end is that it is easy to jump to the bottom of a page. It isn't so easy to jump to the middle01:09
Hobbsee(might be only on edge yet)01:09
* nhandler runs edge01:10
Hobbseehmm, that's true.  it's easy to get there, but requires 2 page loads for something i'd think is fairly common01:10
cody-somervilleHobbsee, I think they're planning to make it ajaxy01:12
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maxbWanting to see the last comment on a bug is surely the common case?01:50
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MTecknologykiko: hrm... i getted forgetten? :P02:34
maxbHi, has there been any movement on the question of how to handle Packages-arch-specific for Soyuz recently?02:39
* maxb has a list of packages that are outdate in jaunty owing to being P-a-s-masked02:39
maxband is wondering whether to start filing bugs on each one02:40
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* beuno puts on his mpt hat06:56
beunogoooooood morning Launchpad(ers)06:56
beunoman, I know I'm in a weird timezone when spm is around during my day07:01
beunohi spm   :)07:01
spmhey beuno! ah, it's only 6pm here, so not that late yet. :-)07:01
beunospm, but it's Thu?07:03
spmbeuno: yup07:03
beunook, slightly saner then07:03
* wgrant joins the party.07:04
beunohey hey wgrant07:04
beunohow's it going?07:04
wgrantPretty busy with uni, but otherwise good.07:04
wgrantWhere are you at the moment?07:04
beunolovely Cape Town, South Africa07:05
wgrantWhich sprint is it this time?07:05
beuno"Take over the world with amazing User Experience" sprint07:06
spmbeuno: amusingly, I was just about to suggest "Conquer the World"07:07
wgrantOf the non-Launchpaddy type with the motto "let's be as disconnected and alienating as possible"?07:07
beunospm, conquer sounds hard. Taking over is less of a hassle07:08
spmpedantical. alive and well. :-D07:08
thumperbeuno: want to head home via NZ?07:33
* wgrant wasn't aware that beuno ever got home.07:36
spm"where ever I lay my hat... that's my home..."07:36
* beuno hides from thumper 07:37
jameshnew zealand is a friendly country, so not too bad a choice07:37
jameshthey won't try to fingerprint you07:37
jameshor at least they haven't started doing so :)07:37
thumperbeuno: c'mon, it'll be fun, good food, good hacking, lots of wine :)07:37
* wgrant looks intimidatingly over the Tasman.07:37
mwhudsonit's not exactly in between south africa and south america though07:38
jameshand you probably won't run into any genetically engineered killer sheep07:38
mwhudsonunless you go the long way around i guess07:38
thumpermwhudson: yeah it is07:38
thumpermwhudson: well, sure07:38
spmmwhudson: just directly over antarctica!07:38
thumpera literal skip across the ocean07:38
beunothumper, I'm sure it will be fun, I'm trying to cut down on fun07:38
spmthink 'world == ball' vs flat map :-)07:38
beunobut we can chat more next week when I'm back home07:38
thumperhome is overrated07:39
thumperunless it is mine07:39
* spm was waiting for it...07:39
jameshgiven that south africa is half way to Brazil for me, it probably wouldn't make sense to go from SA -> Argentina via NZ07:39
jameshyou should probably watch http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0779982/ before going to NZ though07:40
* beuno hides better07:40
thumperthat was a funny bad movie07:40
spmBlack Sheep. my guess that was the movie linked to was right :-D I thought that was a spoof at first!07:40
jameshit wasn't that bad07:41
spmbetter than killer tomatoes?07:41
jameshhaven't seen that one07:42
spmdon't lose 90 mins of your life then :-)07:42
mwhudsoncome on07:42
mwhudsonhow many other films feature genetically engineered killer sheep?07:42
spmok. the library scene was a classic. "To Maa Toe"07:42
mwhudsonjamesh: maybe eagle vs shark would be more useful advice?07:43
jameshI'm still looking forward to watching http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0910904/ even though it probably won't be that great07:43
mwhudsonjamesh: haha07:43
spmjamesh: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0080391/  but don't say I didn't warn you how bad it is. so bad a scare movie it's amusing, bad.07:46
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wgrantspm: W. T. F.07:47
spmwgrant: it's easy. killer tomatoes eat everybody. plot begin and end right there :-)07:48
wgrantspm: Complex!07:48
spmwgrant: it had it's moments. The scene where the master of disguise, disguised as a tomato, is sitting round the fire eating humans with the other tomato's; turns to the one to his left and asks to be passed the Ketchup. Classic humour. ;-)07:50
spmMind you... I think it was about 25 years ago when I saw it - mid 80's; so memory has faded on how bad it was....07:51
spmha. they even have that line in the outed quotes page at imdb.07:54
spivspm: one of the monster types in a C64 game I used to play were Killer Tomatoes07:55
spmspiv: that has just totally made my day! seriously! :-)07:56
spivspm: the sprite was a big round red tomato with a little pistol07:56
spivspm: it was Temple of Apshai, or something.07:56
spmdon't know that one, sadly07:56
spivActually, no, it was the expansion pack for that...07:56
* spm wonders how codebrowse would go on a C64... >:)07:57
spm /usr/bin/python2.4 1.1Mb in size == badly.07:58
jameshspm: so you might need to add an MMU and virtual memory ..07:59
jameshor maybe you just need some form of bank switching07:59
spmthe C64 already has that one.08:00
* jamesh never had a C6408:00
spmyou could poke "ROM", and it would wactually write to the RAM underneath. Allowed for some... "interesting" tricks.08:00
spmit had the full 64K of Ram, but, yeah, you had to switch stuff around to get access to it.08:01
spmtbh. the nicest thing about past reminiscing, is that it's the *past*. :-)08:02
jmlanyway, I think beuno is coming to Sydney08:05
jmlor I'm visiting him in BA -- it's all a bit unclear.08:05
kikoyou know what I say about the girls in BA08:05
beunoBA FTW!08:06
henninge02:39maxbHi, has there been any movement on the question of how to handle Packages-arch-specific for Soyuz recently?09:05
henningemaxb: No, the soyuz team is still thinking about it.09:06
wgrantIt's getting pretty late for that09:06
kikowhy do you say that?09:07
wgrantWe release in a month.09:07
wgrantAnd this has been going on for a while...09:07
kikowhat's the problem?09:07
kikois there a specific bug that needs fixing?09:07
henningewgrant: were you referring to my answer to maxb?09:08
wgrantProbably bug #31195209:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 311952 in soyuz "Packages-arch-specific blocking of a single binary blocks the entire source package" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31195209:08
wgrantWhich is targetted to 2.2.3, I see. Good.09:08
wgranthenninge: Yes.09:08
kikowow, that sounds like an old bug09:08
henningewgrant: I just relayed what bigjools told me ... :)09:09
wgranthenninge: Why is relaying necessary?09:09
bigjoolsit will get looked at soon09:09
henningewgrant: see, now he's fully awake ... ;-)09:09
wgrantbigjools: Good to hear.09:10
bigjoolsI'm still on my first cup of coffee!09:11
thumperkiko: were you going to call?09:11
bigjoolswgrant: as you noted, it's in 2.2.309:11
kikothumper, I need to chat with muharem first09:11
wgrantbigjools: The solution is to never sleep!09:11
thumperkiko: ok, it is 22:11 now09:11
bigjoolswgrant: unfortunately my wife wouldn't be too happy about that :)09:12
al-maisanwgrant: that solution becomes less viable the longer it drags on ;)09:12
wgrantal-maisan: Hm, perhaps.09:12
kikothumper, let's leave it for your morning then, I'm happy to ring you in 8h09:13
wgrantal-maisan: How're archive rebuilds coming along?09:13
wgrantI was hoping I wouldn't have to organise any this late in Jaunty :(09:13
domashello! where can I find wiki or other document management functionality, to have bigger descriptions of things for blueprints?09:13
beunodomas, is this for Ubuntu?  if it is, you can use: wiki.ubuntu.com09:15
domasnope, just a launchpad-hosted project09:15
al-maisanwgrant: re. the archive rebuilds .. the core functionality is there but initiating a rebuild is not exposed through the web application yet.09:15
beunoif not, any other place you'd like, we don't currently provide wikis, although we'd like to in the near-ish future09:15
wgrantal-maisan: And I suppose the new slave scanner and pooled buildds would make them a lot more efficient?09:16
wgrant== more plausible09:17
al-maisanwgrant: the recent build farm management improvements (particularly the improved build dispatch throughput) are of general benefit09:17
thumperkiko: cool09:18
al-maisanwgrant: rebuilds will result in more build activity, build dispatch throughput improvements are kind of important :)09:19
kikothumper, call with mark on monday 9:00 UTC09:19
kikoso 6am for me09:19
al-maisankiko: 7 am?09:19
thumperkiko: ack09:19
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bigjoolswgrant: new slave scanner == ~25m less per scan of the whole build farm09:20
kikoal-maisan, dialing now09:20
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wgrantbigjools: 25 minutes!? Out of how long? I didn't think it could be that bad...09:22
bigjoolswgrant: ~29 -> ~409:23
bigjoolsI'll blog about it when I get more accurate figures09:23
domasbeuno: damnit. thats what one gets for running biggest wiki on the interweb, no personal/project wiki :(09:23
wgrantbigjools: That's quite an impressive improvement.09:23
bigjoolswgrant: indeed - the old scanner did not scale *at all*09:24
beunodomas, which project is this?09:26
domasbeuno: my personal is 'mydumper' ;-)09:27
domasbeuno: I'm working on wikipedia in spare time too, though09:27
beunodomas, ah, interesting. So you already have a wiki!  ;)09:29
domashaha, could use mysql forge wiki :)09:30
beunodomas, do you use bzr?09:30
domasI'd like it to be self-contained09:30
domasbeuno: yup!09:30
domasthough "you" can mean three different entities :)09:30
beunoit's pretty high on our list, having a wiki09:30
beunobzr-backed and everything09:31
domasmysql is bzr, I personally use bzr, wikipedia is still mostly SVN09:31
beunodomas, it's odd that a project like wikipedia wouldn't have moved to DVCS yet09:31
domasbeuno: there're not that many developers, though09:31
domasand we still remember the pain of switching from CVS09:32
domaswe were the sourceforge beta customer back then :)09:32
beunodomas, you *could* have a mirror of wikipedia's SVN on Launchpad, and use bzr  ;)09:33
wgrantbeuno: Unfortunately that's not too useful until LP uses bzr-svn :(09:34
beunowgrant, we're getting there09:35
beunothumper_laptop, has lots of secret plans09:35
wgrantExcellent! Then I can turn off my cron job and blame somebody else when it breaks.09:36
beunoand, don't tell anyone, git imports as well09:38
wgrantThat's not going to make you too popular, I'm afraid.09:38
beunobeing popular is overrated09:39
dholbachcould it be that loggerhead/codebrowse is unhappy atm?09:39
wgrantIt's going to get rid of any people who might be holding out for LP to provide git hosting, even though you've repeatedly said it's not going to happen.09:40
elmodholbach: yes.  bounced09:40
dholbachelmo: gracias!09:40
beunowgrant, setting people's expectations right is a good thing09:41
beunoherb, spm, is codebrowse slacking off again?09:41
beunotaken care of09:41
wgrantbeuno: Oh yes, I'm not saying it's not a good thing.09:42
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wgrantYou know, I actually quite like that shortlist() bug. It means Ubuntu bug-related pages are sanely sized again.10:44
intellectronicawgrant: heh, yes, but it would be better if it was shortlisted after sorting by popularity rather than alphabetically :)10:47
wgrantintellectronica: Certainly.10:47
wgrantI see that your official tag stuff will resolve this in a somewhat more useful way.10:48
intellectronicawgrant: anyway, this is going to be sorted this cycle, since we're introducing official tags10:48
wgrantintellectronica: What was shortlist meant to do? It certainly didn't make them very short before...10:49
intellectronicawgrant: the original implementation was more a facility for the developer - it issued warnings when the list got too long, but didn't actually truncate it10:50
wgrantintellectronica: Aha.10:50
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wgrantnoodles775: Putting the archive secret in the username spot seems like a seriously bad idea. Things are more likely to censor the password than the username.11:45
noodles775wgrant: it was more that the username is useless in this case... bigjools ^^^11:46
noodles775(well, almost useless information)11:46
wgrantnoodles775: Right, but I think it might still be useful to have in there.11:46
bigjoolsit's not useful11:46
wgrantIf on a shared system I have a P3A installed, I probably want to know how I can reissue the token.11:46
noodles775wgrant: yep, that'll be possible through the UI - LP knows which token corresponds to which user...11:47
noodles775but I'm not sure I'm understanding your concern...11:48
wgrantnoodles775: It isn't possible, because I don't own the P3A and don't know whose account was used to create the token.11:48
wgrantIt may not be obviously useful to have the username there, but putting something secret in a non-secret place for no good reason doesn't seem like a good idea.11:49
noodles775wgrant: perhaps... the only 'good reason' I think was to simplify the deb url...11:50
wgrantIf I looked at that, I would think it was a mistake.11:50
IntuitiveNippledanilos: jtv: ping ?12:07
jtvIntuitiveNipple: both in call12:10
jtvIntuitiveNipple: urgent?12:11
IntuitiveNipplequick one:  I've had a bunch of emails confirming I'd uploaded gnome-screensaver translations - but I never did!12:11
IntuitiveNippleMaybe we can come bakc ot it once you're free?12:11
IntuitiveNipples/bakc ot/back to/12:11
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* henninge lunches12:19
danilosIntuitiveNipple: did you not upload an Ubuntu package?12:20
IntuitiveNippleNo, and even stranger the emails are dated Tuesday when I was off-line.12:21
IntuitiveNippleTueday, 7.27am - 10.23am, 182 notification emails12:22
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IntuitiveNippleExample: here's the message source of the last email: http://paste.ubuntu.com/130135/12:24
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* henninge is back13:41
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Adri2000is it intended that time on bugs' +activity page is utc while it seems to be local time everywhere else?14:14
persiahenninge, I've no idea where offline-installer may have gone, but there's still interest in tracking it.14:21
persiahenninge, It's completely different from offline-updater14:22
henningepersia: Found it: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/drupal/+spec/offline-installer14:23
henningeseems like ubuntu-drupal was moved to drupal14:23
henningeor renamed, rather14:23
persiaAh.  That would confuse things, but maybe make them less likely to get all the spec reassignments by default.14:23
henningepersia: but it should still be under ubuntu, right?14:24
persiaIs that something that can be done directly yet, or are we still waiting for the bug to be resolved (on passing things over the project/distro wall)?14:26
awilkinsIf you dput -f a source package with the same version name will rebuilding it use the new version?14:27
persiaawilkins, dput -f only forces locally.  Soyuz will reject it because it's an already uploaded version.14:28
awilkinsSo I need to hike the version number?14:29
persiaIf you want to upload something to a launchpad-hosted repository, it needs to have a higher version number than is already in that repository (or in a repository on which that repository depends).14:30
awilkinspersia: Righto. I'm not sure why the build failed, to be honest, it failed to apply a patch that seems to work just fine here, so I'm operating under the assumption that I left the file it was patching in a bad state before I uploaded it..14:31
persiaawilkins, You may find it useful to try local builds with sbuild to simulate the environment14:31
ubottusbuild is a system to easily build packages in a clean schroot environment.  To get started with SBuild, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SbuildLVMHowto14:32
awilkinspersia: Thanks for that, this is my first day trying to package debs14:32
henningepersia: It seems that bug about retargetting blueprints is not easily fixed, I am sorry.14:40
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henningepersia: How about creating a new blueprint in Ubuntu and either copying the content of the current one or refer to it from the new entry?14:40
persiahenninge, I expected that, since the same class of bug applies also to retargeting bugs and questions.14:41
FreeUseris there any launchpad admin here??14:41
persiaPersonally, I *really* don't like that solution, especially because 1) there's no advanced search for blueprints, and 2) there's not a clearly mapped out set of blueprint status values that allow for blueprints that don't get implemented.14:42
persiaI'll discuss with those tracking the blueprint to see if they think it's important enough, but I'd be happy to wait another cycle or two (as long as it can be properly placed for May).14:43
henningeFreeUser: If you have an admin request, please file a question: https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+addquestion14:43
persiaOn the other hand, if there's no improvements expected to blueprints before May, then I might have to use the workaround anyway.14:44
persia(which is all the more annoying as this is only one of several blueprints I would like to see retargeted)14:44
henningepersia: I do not know the readmap, but I don't expect too much progress on blueprints until may.14:45
FreeUserhenninge: i can't becuase i lost my email account14:45
FreeUserso i can't login there14:45
persiaDo you mean "until may", as in they might be there in may, or "until may" as in "at least not before may, and probably longer"?14:45
henningepersia: I wonder if some-one could do some database-magic to help you ...14:45
persiaIt was in the hope of said DB magic I filed the question :)14:46
henningeI am not sure what the LOSAs tried, exactly.14:46
henningepersia: ^14:46
persiaWould you mind chasing it up with a LOSA one more time?  If it can't be resolved, I'll use a workaround.  If it can, I'll review more carefully what ought be against Ubuntu for May, and submit another question with the list, and a reference to this question for procedure.14:47
henningeFreeUser: You mean "lost" as in "I don't have acces to it anymore" ? ;)14:47
henningepersia: will do14:48
persiahenninge, Thank you.14:48
FreeUserhenninge: yes, i did use bugmenot.com to register my email and didn't bother to remember the adress, because i had it saved in Firefox14:49
henningeFreeUser: Please create an account with you new email address first, then file a question with the new account to merge the other account into it.14:52
henningeFreeUser: No need to use something like bugmenot.com on Launchpad ... ;-)14:53
henningepersia: I assume when you talk about "May", you are talking about UDS?15:02
persiaWell, hopefully sufficiently before then to effectively plan schedules, etc.15:05
henningepersia: ;-)15:05
persiaSo, say, being able to manipulate things effectively sometime before the 11th.15:05
persiaGiven that, it would probably have to land in the release in late April.15:06
persiaWhich would mean next cycle, so if there aren't plans, there isn't much time to get them :)15:06
persiaAnyway, far too late here.  I'll read backscroll.15:06
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technopagan1Hi! I deleted some files on my local checkout, wanted to grab the actual files from Launchpad again, did bzr update and check and it all dispays that all is fine. But it isn't. There are whole files missing on my local checkout. How di I force a download from Launchpad to overwrite my local files?16:16
beunotechnopagan1, run: bzr status16:16
beunowhat does that tell you?16:16
technopagan1beuno: That there's one file removed + one file unkown16:17
beunotechnopagan1, you can do:  bzr revert16:18
beunoand it will revert the state16:18
technopagan1beuno: But it will not revert the branch on Launchpad to a previous revision, will it?16:19
beunotechnopagan1, this will only affect your working tree16:19
technopagan1beuno: Because I don't want to damage something there16:19
beunoplease do keep in mind that checkouts are bound to their parent, in the case, the launchpad branch16:19
beunoso if you delete and commit, it will do the same in LP16:19
beunoif you don't want that, you should use "bzr branch" instead16:20
beunobut now, it's safe to revert16:20
beunoyou can always go back to a previous revision16:20
technopagan1beuno: So I don't need to use remove $filename to take a file out of the branch. Simply deleting it locally + then commiting is enough?16:20
beunotechnopagan1, well, 'bzr rm FILE' is better16:21
technopagan1beuno: Thank you! It worked!16:23
beunotechnopagan1, happy to help16:23
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qsihello, I have renamed some files in my code, how can I make sure the launchpad associates the old names with the new names?17:43
henningeqsi: did you use "bzr rename" (or move, mv) ?17:44
qsihenninge: I didn't do anything yet, but i'm planning to rename, ...17:45
qsiwhat's the best approach?17:45
henningeqsi: oh, "have renamed" made me think differntly ... ;-)17:45
qsihenninge: yeah that's true :)17:46
henningeqsi: If you are talking about a bzr repository, use "bzr rename" to rename them.17:46
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henningepersia: I just saw I forgot to tell you:17:51
qsihenninge: ok, I'm curious how that will work out, ... looks logical, so if I want to diff the a version in loggerhead of a file, I can do this between the newly renamed file and a file which has the old name? Or will all files be renamed?17:51
henningepersia: Please file a question with all the blueprints, as you had suggested. They can only be moved with db magic.17:52
henningeqsi: if you "bzr rename" files they are renamed, in that revision.17:52
qsihenninge: but loggerhead will be smart enough to still be able to diff files between different revisions17:53
henningeqsi: loggerhead is just a front end for bzr, so we are talkling bzr here.17:53
henningeqsi: I should think so17:53
qsihenninge: right, so /loggerhead/bzr/17:54
henningeqsi: renaming is just an operation on the file, just like changing the content.17:54
henningeqsi: let me try it out ...17:54
henningeqsi: it is as I said: http://pastebin.com/d32f157e418:00
henningeqsi: works as you suggested ;)18:01
qsihenninge: neat, bzr is quite new to me, but I really start to like it more and more18:02
qsihennigne: thanks for having a look at this for me18:02
henningeqsi: np, I like to try out cases that I don't come accross that often.18:04
henningeok, I am done for today.18:06
qsiacross i guess18:06
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henningeqsi: :-)18:07
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jimi_hendrixhi, noob question...i want to contribute a little code to a friends project and he told me to branch it...what console command with bzr would that be?21:39
LarstiQjimi_hendrix: bzr branch <url to project>21:40
LarstiQjimi_hendrix: say, bzr branch lp:bzr-svn/0.5 for the 0.5 series of bzr-svn on launchpad21:40
LarstiQjimi_hendrix: or bzr branch bzr+ssh://host/srv/bzr/product/trunk, or bzr branch ~friend/project, you get the idea :)21:41
jimi_hendrixdo i need a lp account?21:42
thumpernot to branch21:43
thumperalthough bzr will ask you to do a lp-login if you use the lp URL21:43
thumperwhich you don't have to do to get the branch over http21:43
thumperbut if you want to make your code easily accessible to your friend21:44
LarstiQand you don't need it at all if you're not interacting with launchpad21:44
thumperby putting your code back on LP21:44
thumperthen yes, you'll need to login21:44
thumpera login21:44
thumperand an ssh key21:44
thumperjimi_hendrix: which branch did you friend ask you to get?21:45
=== salgado is now known as salgado-afk
jimi_hendrixthumper, colist21:47
jimi_hendrixthumper, also how do i specify what code to branch?21:47
thumperjimi_hendrix: as in the main branch for colist?21:47
jimi_hendrixwell i think so21:48
thumperjimi_hendrix: do you have bzr installed?21:48
thumperjimi_hendrix: do a `bzr --version`21:48
jimi_hendrixversion 1.3.121:50
thumperjimi_hendrix: what OS?21:52
jimi_hendrixUbuntu (dont laugh)21:52
jimi_hendrixthumper, its debian based...so...21:54
thumperjimi_hendrix: I'm using ubuntu too21:54
thumperjimi_hendrix: I wouldn't laugh :)21:54
thumperjimi_hendrix: you really want to get a more recent bzr21:54
thumperjimi_hendrix: are you comfortable editing your apt sources list?21:55
jimi_hendrixthumper, yes21:55
jimi_hendrixi have setup arch by my self :)21:55
thumperjimi_hendrix: add the bzr team's ppa21:55
thumperjimi_hendrix: and upgrade your bzr21:56
thumperjimi_hendrix: it'll make stuff go faster21:56
thumperjimi_hendrix: bzr is nicer than arch :)21:56
jimi_hendrixthumper, wheres the apt sources again?  i always forget21:58
thumperjimi_hendrix: /etc/apt/sources.list21:58
* thumper thinks#21:58
thumperjimi_hendrix: or you could use adept-manager (for kde) or synaptic (for gnome)21:58
jimi_hendrixthumper, what should the line read?22:00
thumperjimi_hendrix: which ubuntu do you have22:00
jimi_hendrixfglrx dont love me in ibex22:01
thumperdeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/bzr/ppa/ubuntu hardy main22:02
jimi_hendrixbah? still at 1.3.122:04
kiko-afkjimi_hendrix, really?22:04
thumperjimi_hendrix: you still need to do the `sudo aptitude upgrade`22:05
jimi_hendrixoh duh22:05
thumperupdate then upgrade22:05
jimi_hendrixok, now back to branching to colist22:07
jimi_hendrixhow do i do it22:07
thumperjimi_hendrix: do you have an LP login?22:07
thumper`bzr lp-login jimi_hendrix`22:08
thumperthen go to where you want to create the branch22:08
thumperand do `bzr branch lp:colist`22:08
jimi_hendrixdo i need to lp-login my email?22:09
jimi_hendrixbecause when i login it asks for my email22:09
thumperjimi_hendrix: you should also do `bzr whoami "your name <your@email.address>"`22:10
thumperjimi_hendrix: you don't seem to have a launchpad account22:11
thumperjimi_hendrix: at least not where you said22:11
jimi_hendrixtry myspot40@gmail.com?22:11
jimi_hendrixcause it asks for my email when i login and i get that22:11
thumperwhen you log in, and click on your name in the top right hand corner, what is the url22:11
jimi_hendrixok it says i need to register ssh keys22:13
thumperjimi_hendrix: you should use your gmail address above in the bzr whoami22:14
thumperjimi_hendrix: that way Launchpad can link your commits to your user22:14
thumperjimi_hendrix: do you have an SSH key?22:14
thumperjimi_hendrix: you don't actually need it to get the branch22:14
thumperjimi_hendrix: have you done the whoami?22:15
cyberixkiko-afk: When I brand a project22:16
cyberixkiko-afk: I'm asked to give images of three different sizes22:17
cyberixkiko-afk: brand, logo, icon22:17
kiko-afkcyberix, yeah, it's because we want them pixel perfect. :)22:17
cyberixkiko-afk: where is the logo sized image displayed22:17
jimi_hendrixit gives my real name though and i dont want that22:18
thumperjimi_hendrix: ooh... kay...22:18
thumperjimi_hendrix: then don't use your real name ?22:19
thumperjimi_hendrix: either way, you can use `bzr branch lp:colist` to get the branch22:19
thumperjimi_hendrix: and since you don't have an lp-login defined22:19
thumperjimi_hendrix: it should get it over http22:19
jimi_hendrixthumper, uhh it has my hostname and stuff, but i didnt put my real name in my profile22:20
jimi_hendrixso should i log out?22:20
jimi_hendrixthen will it contribute anonymosly?22:20
ronnyanyone of the team here, we just enabled the trac plugin in our trac and would like to know if it works22:20
thumperjimi_hendrix: I don't understand what you are trying to do22:21
rockstarintellectronica, see ronny's comment above22:21
thumperjimi_hendrix: all revisions will have some form of author recorded22:21
thumperjimi_hendrix: this is defined by the whoami command22:21
jimi_hendrixok, how do i change what is outputed by the whoami command22:21
nhandlerjimi_hendrix: bzr whoami 'New Name <email@host>'22:22
thumperjimi_hendrix: `bzr help whoami`22:22
thumperjimi_hendrix: it is helpful to have a real email address that will get to you22:22
thumperjimi_hendrix: it is the purpose of recording it22:22
intellectronicaronny: which project?22:22
intellectronicagmb: ^^^22:22
jimi_hendrixthumper, i rarely check my real email...i probably check my junk one (myspot40@gmail.com) more often than my real one22:23
* gmb catches up22:23
gmbronny: What intellectronica said, first of all :)22:23
thumperjimi_hendrix: just use whatever22:23
jimi_hendrixand i branch the code with bzr branch lp:colist22:23
ronnyintellectronica: pida22:24
intellectronicagmb: do we still have to reset all existing watches before we start pulling using the plugin?22:24
gmbintellectronica: Ideally, yes.22:24
gmbintellectronica: In this case it's 8 watches.22:25
intellectronicawow, i python ide. i should give this a try22:25
gmbronny, intellectronica: I'll take care of it.22:25
thumperjimi_hendrix: yes22:25
intellectronicagmb: cool, thanks22:25
ronnynice, thanks22:25
jimi_hendrixthumper, do i need to be in the dir with all the stuff? or do i specify what dir to use22:26
thumperjimi_hendrix: if you are in say ~/src22:26
thumperjimi_hendrix: then calling bzr branch lp:colist, will create a directory colist in ~src22:26
thumperjimi_hendrix: or you can give it another parameter to define the location to branch to22:27
gmbronny: Okay, the plugin appears to be working okay, but Launchpad is having some trouble telling the PIDA Trac which LP bug refers to a given Trac bug. If it's okay with you I'll try to debug this tomorrow (it's 22:55 my time). I've filed this as bug 341997; please subscribe to that for updates.22:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 341997 in malone "Launchpad can't sync with the PIDA Trac since it installed the LP plugin" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34199722:56
ronnygmb: thats ok22:58
=== Nicke_ is now known as Nicke
vilaDoes anyone know how to delete a milestone like https://edge.launchpad.net/bzr/+milestone/1.14rc1-error (created in the wrong series)23:57

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