
dwrHi if anyones listening, i'm having problems watching LiveTV, but recording works just fine.01:13
dwrHeres my pastebin http://mythbuntu.pastebin.com/f41716ef901:13
dwrI'm using pinnalce's 800i card btw01:14
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dsbwHow is **perlmonkey doing the on-demand part, I wonder?01:44
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|dthacker|hello.   I just installed mythbuntu 8.10 but I'm not able to connect to the backend server.   I need to use a static IP address as I'll have multiple front ends.  How do I fix the error?03:16
pinionAny have any experience with this grub error:03:45
pinionError 24: Attempt to access block outside partition03:46
pinionThe latest kernel is giving it to me03:46
pinionOlder ones are still useable03:46
pinionrunning mythbuntu 8.10 with ubuntu-desktop installed03:46
awilkinsHmm, the "build-dep" part of the mythtv package is broken, anyone know how to replace a package name in it?>10:25
awilkinsHow does one build the mythtv .deb packages? I've found pages that recommend checkinstall, but this builds one monolithic package which then clashes with mythtv-frontend ; how do you build the "official" package set?11:10
Shred00tgm4883: around?12:09
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superm1awilkins, use a pbuilder, PPA, or sbuild setup to build them15:10
awilkinssuperm1: Thanks, I've got my PPA to build them15:11
awilkinsAlthough debuild seemed to work ok too15:12
awilkinsI got a bit confused about version numbering but I understand the ~ now15:12
awilkinsI've tried to backport a few fixes from trunk to fix the problem with DVB seektables being ludicrously wrong when you rebuild them15:13
Shred00any news on the weekly-updates fixing that happened/needed happening?15:14
superm1Shred00, hopefully will be able to poke them tonight to see if we can find what's going on15:15
Shred00superm1: ok.  great.  just wanted to raise a flag if it was thought everything should be ok at this point.15:16
superm1awilkins, if you get those backported and have success, i'd recommend asking upstream to pull them into -fixes too, then whenever we get our -fixes fixed again (hopefully tonight :)) then they'll "just" be there15:16
superm1Shred00, thanks for raising a flag.  there was supposed to be an email system that pung us when things didnt happen, but it looks like that failed15:16
Shred00superm1: np.  no worries.  nothing urgent.  just like to have fixes to all known/existing bugs.15:17
awilkinssuperm1: Indeedy. I may have done it in a horribly amateur way as well, they'd probably do a better job15:18
awilkinssuperm1: My C++ is highly rusty so the backport was mostly done by asking SVN to do it15:18
* awilkins installs while imagining a small drumroll15:24
awilkinsOk. Good - didn't explode.15:29
awilkinsBad - lirc config is busted or something15:29
awilkinsOooh, holy crap it actually had the desired effect15:36
* awilkins does the "fixed teh bug" dance.15:37
awilkinsNow I want my LIRC back :-)15:37
awilkinsHmph, it was just sulking15:40
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javatexanhey guys...I need help....when I boot my system it won't get passed the fscheck...it says that it booted so many times without doing them....blah blah.  My problem is that the checks fail and I can never actually boot.....16:07
javatexanany ideas?...can I boot off the Live CD and mount the other to copy stuff over?16:08
javatexanor is there a way to force the boot without the check...it complains of a "short read"...16:08
javatexanI am stuck....16:09
tgm4883Shred00, yea?16:16
Shred00tgm4883: was just asking about weekly fixes status but superm1 answered already.  thanx for pining me though.16:16
Shred00not so much in a hurry, just wanted to make sure it wasn't thought to be fixed, but not yet actually fixed, sorta thing.16:17
superm1tgm4883, it looks like it was probably caused by changes to the -fixes branch to pull the svn revision from the debian/changelog16:17
superm1so i think the weekly build script just needs to have those two lines that modify SVN_REVISION in debian/rules ripped out16:17
tgm4883so weekly builds are going again then?16:18
superm1tgm4883, no i dont have access  to the weekly build script currently16:30
styelzi've downloaded the source for mythtv using apt-get source mythtv, and applied a patch i need.  im rebuilding the package using ./confiugure && make . then checkinstall to create a deb installer.  would that work well ?16:38
awilkinsstyelz: Nope16:38
awilkinsstyelz: what's the patch?16:38
awilkinsstyelz: I just went through this all this morning16:38
styelzsorry i got disconnected16:38
styelzany logs around16:39
styelzim on a bouncer16:39
awilkinsstyelz: Ah, no, I went through doing it myself16:39
awilkinsstyelz: Not talking about it in channel16:39
styelzi c16:39
awilkinsSo I can help!16:39
awilkinsYou want to use debuild16:39
styelzso no ./configure16:40
awilkinsYou've got the sources16:40
styelzill start again then16:40
awilkinsDelete source tree and apt-get source it again16:40
awilkinsTHen make 2 copies16:40
* awilkins is having to check now16:41
awilkinsYou need a dpatch to put in debian/patches16:41
styelzsounds scary16:41
tgm4883what does that patch do?16:41
awilkinsYou add the patch to your lis16:41
awilkinsAnd then debuild applies it automagically during build16:42
styelzthe patch fixes a channel scan problem on the hdhomerun.16:42
styelzhow do i get a dpatch from that patch i have16:43
styelzjust copy it in there16:43
awilkinsThere's a util for it16:43
styelzis it called.. dpatch16:43
awilkins.. hmm, might be16:44
awilkinsI'm not at my desktop16:44
awilkinsI came downstairs to test my patched build of MythTV :-)16:44
styelzthe patch gives me an extra scan option in the backend.. "Full Scan (DVB)"16:45
styelzgotta be one of these16:45
styelzi guess i make it 01 ?16:46
styelzdpatch-convert-diffgz 01 /var/www/mythtv-0-21-fixes-dvbt.patch16:47
styelzits doing something16:47
styelz... dpkg-source: info: building mythtv using existing mythtv_0.21.0+fixes18722.orig.tar.gz16:47
awilkinsI had to convert a standard udiff with it16:48
awilkinsAh, it was the patch-template command16:50
styelzwhats that command16:52
awilkinsdpatch patch-template "29_dvb-t_patch" < the_patch_file.diff > 29_dvb-t_patch.dpatch16:52
awilkinsA "dpatch" is apparently just a patch file with a self-executing "patch this" bit at the top16:53
awilkinsreplace "the_patch_file.diff" with the patch you've got16:53
styelzyea i see it in  the man page now16:54
awilkinsThen you add the patch name to 00list in the debian/patches folder and put the dpatch in there16:54
awilkinsThen do a dch -i  and edit the changelo16:55
awilkinsThen I'd do debuild -S to get a source package in the top folder, then a debuild binary-arch to make arch-specific .debs for your machine16:55
awilkinsMy machine is merrily rebuilding all the seektables that were screwed up16:57
awilkinsI was suitably impressed with the total awesomeness of Launchpad - shove the code up to it and get a shiny new set of debs 20 mins later16:57
awilkinsDoing a build with all the options on would have stressed my mythtv box out, poor thing16:58
awilkinsIt's only a wee Sempron16:58
styelzsounds cool16:59
styelzwhats launchpad17:00
styelzsounds familiar17:00
awilkinsThe Canonical/Ubuntu equivalent of sourceforge17:00
styelzi dont have dch command17:01
awilkinsdch is in erm... devscripts?17:02
styelzis that it?17:02
styelzthatgot it17:03
styelzim glad im not in a hurry17:09
awilkinsIt is somewhat long winded17:10
awilkinsI suspect it gets easier the more you do it17:10
styelzi dont have pbuilder-satisfydepends17:10
styelzoh i can see whats missing in the list17:11
awilkinsstyelz: Hmm, neither do I17:11
styelzdpkg-checkbuilddeps: Unmet build dependencies:  ...17:11
awilkinsIf you do   sudo apt-get build-dep mythtv17:11
awilkinsIt won't work17:11
styelzyea i didnt want to go there17:12
awilkinsBecause liblame has been renamed17:12
awilkinsBut it does give you a list of things to install17:12
awilkinsOr just do the launchpad thing and it takes care of deps for you17:12
awilkinsI think it's using sbuilder (snapshotted LVMs which it then installs packages on on demand)17:13
awilkinsTHe logs are most illuminating17:13
awilkinsOr you could install pbuilder17:14
styelzyea i did17:14
styelzworking nwo17:15
awilkinsI just hand-installed the deps, so I'm gonna burn in Heck17:15
styelzrunning through configure etc17:15
styelzyea thats what i did17:15
styelzcause i couldnt find  pbuilder-satisfydepends17:16
styelzi figured, ny the time ive worked that out i could have copy pasted what it told me was missing17:16
styelzi dont plan on doing this often17:17
javatexancan you install mythbuntu on a xfs partition?17:17
tgm4883javatexan, I don't think you can put root on an xfs partition17:19
awilkinsMy storage is all XFS but the software used to be on reiserfs and is now on ext317:19
awilkinsIf grub can't mount it, you can't put /boot on it17:20
awilkinsIf /boot is on a seperate partition with an fs that grub can mount, you can probably put root on xfs as long as you build XFS into your kernel not as a module (?)17:20
awilkinsBut I may be talking rubbish17:21
javatexanmy boot partition keeps messing itself up as ext3...so I am thinking of moving to xfs to help....may end up making 30GB partition to install and mount as read only, and then make the rest xfs....n17:22
awilkinsI found that a /boot that you don't mount in fstab reliable17:23
javatexanyeah...it works fine for a while and then starts having trouble17:23
awilkinsmy /boot is ext2, and for a long time I only ever mounted it to update the kernel17:24
javatexanyep that is what I need17:24
javatexanso is it only boot that needs to be RO?17:24
javatexansorry /boot17:24
awilkinsIt doesn't even need to be mounted17:24
awilkinsOnce grub has loaded the kernel off it the OS doesn't care17:25
javatexanyeah...gotcha...i was thinking in separate partition, sorry17:25
awilkinsMine is.. swap (1GB) boot (100MB), root (20GB), storage(xfs)17:26
javatexanyeah it won't boot off the drive but I can mount it on a running ubuntu install vi sabrent usb/sata17:26
awilkinsMaybe your hardware is flaky17:26
javatexanthats what I need.17:26
javatexanits two sets of hardware though....17:26
javatexannew mobos, ram, ect17:27
awilkinsBoth of them scerw /boot?17:27
javatexanone was intel mobo...this one is a gigabyte17:27
awilkinsAncient uATX nforce2 board17:28
javatexani have a new hd to replace, but its 500GB...so17:28
awilkinsWith a sempron on it17:28
javatexani made the mistake of thinking intel mobo/intel cpu == more reliable... sheessshhh17:28
awilkinsI keep being tempted to replace my drives with a couple of 1TB units, those new green ones that are quieter17:28
awilkinsA BIOS update may be in order17:29
awilkinsThe prospect of copying 1TB of data via the USB port though...17:29
awilkinsNot so interesting17:29
javatexanyeah they are nice...my problem is that once I get everything up and running again, I will have to uninstall and rebuild x264/ffmpeg/mplayer from source again :(17:29
javatexanyep, that would take a while17:30
awilkinsThe wife would just fill it with schmaltzy chick stuff anyway17:30
javatexani plan to replace my tivo's hdd with a new green 1TB17:31
awilkinsShe has a blanket ban on deleting anything with corsets or chintz in17:31
javatexanmy wife keeps watching what I call "alternate lifestyle tv"....all the cooking and decorating competition shows.....YUCK!!!17:32
awilkinsHeh, the cooking ; she's _such_ a picky eater, worse than my daughter (who's 4)17:33
javatexanI keep telling her that those shows are set to where we cant record them on mythtv... ;)17:33
awilkinsBut she does like cooking shows17:33
awilkinsAnd house shows17:33
javatexani don't mind the cooking...its all the alt lifestyle stuff17:33
awilkinsI want a hobbit hole or an Earthship, so I like some of them17:34
awilkinsIt's Not Easy Being Green (although it's not as good now)17:34
javatexankeep wanting to yell at the tv, "come on boys, there's no crying in baseball!!"17:34
awilkinsHe's got all the basic life needs sorted and now the show covers too many things like green cosmetics17:34
MythbuntuGuest86Watching some shows transcoded with the good filter,  audio and video is played back in slow motion.  What to do?17:51
javatexanhow big is swap supposed to be these days?19:40
javatexanused to be 2x RAM19:40
javatexanbut 16G of swap seems a little big?  :)19:41
awilkinsI actually use the same as RAM now20:15
awilkinsWith a 32-bit OS it doesn't matter20:15
awilkinsIf you have 3 GB, you're never using swap anyway20:15
awilkinsIf you have 8GB I can't fathom a reason for swapping that doesn't involve being a big fat server or a nasty runaway process20:17
tgm4883I use 1GB20:17
tgm4883well, actually, I just set it to 1000 in the partitioner20:18
tgm4883so slightly under 1 GB20:18
rhpot1991I have 1GB on my laptop, looks like my desktops I follwed the x2 rule20:22
rhpot1991x2 rule isn't really needed anymore though20:22
MythbuntuGuest86Watching some shows transcoded with the good filter,  audio and video is played back in slow motion.  What to do?21:03
javatexanwhat is a ata8.0 error UNC?21:36
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fxrwhats the username/password for the mythtv tables after install of mythbuntu 8.10??22:14
fxrin mysql22:14
fxror is there anywhere i can get the auto searched channel freqs from ? they used to show in mythweb.22:20
woskistill having LCD trouble on the antec fusion v2 (silver).  I'm getting this error when I try to restart LCDd:  ERROR opening /dev/lcd0 (no such file or directory23:36
woskiit goes on to ask if I loaded the iMON VFD kernel module.23:37
mm_202Hey guys, I've used MU 8.04 before and wasnt really too impressed.  How much better (or worse) is MU 8.10?23:57

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