
NafalloLjL: well... chanserv didn't message me about it ;-)00:00
LjLNafallo: i was just trying to say, it hasn't always been possible00:00
Nafallonope. the usual I've seen is only one founder :-)00:01
LjLNafallo: what's the difference between tycka and tänka?00:02
Nafallodamn. same word in English...00:05
LjLmight one be more like believe?00:05
LjLbut then there's tro00:05
Nafallotycka = have an opinion on something (think something about...), tänka = use your brain (think)00:06
LjLNafallo: so, jag har tänkt om det du sa och jag tycker att det var sant?00:07
MyrttiJag tycker om er alla ♥ 00:07
Myrttiälsklingar ♥ 00:07
LjLNafallo: is that a case where she's use tycka?00:07
* Myrtti goes back to hur grunting routine00:08
LjLMyrtti: kaffe och hat?00:10
Myrttikaffen och sista dagen av detta förbannat projekt som skulle har slutat före jul.00:11
Myrttiförbannad, även00:11
LjLMyrtti: det kommer ju slutas imorgon!00:11
LjLeller hur.00:11
Myrttiom - jag - bara - kan - göra - den - förbannad - skripten - göra - som - JAG - VILL00:11
Myrttioch om jag har inte mer hardware fail idag...00:12
LjLMyrtti: ingenting vänligt går som jag vill. jag fattar säckert inte hur sakerna skulle gå som *du* vill.00:12
Nafallojag har tänkt på det du sa och jag tycker att det är sant00:13
LjLNafallo: and is tro stronger than tycka or vice versa?00:13
LjL(or what?)00:13
Nafallodepends. it can be.00:14
Nafallotro as in tro på gud or tro as in tro att saker fungerar.00:14
LjLNafallo: i was thinking more of the latter. jag tror att min eeepc är död. jag tycker att min eeepc är död. skillnad?00:17
NafalloLjL: the first one actually works in Swedish ;-)00:19
Myrttithere's a small nuance difference there ;-)00:19
LjLbut why doesn't the second one work? it seems similar to "jag tycker att det var sant" to me00:19
Nafalloeven that one sounds a bit... wrong, but I can't find a good way of saying it differently...00:20
Myrttiin my brain tycker is associated with positiveness00:20
NafalloI think it was true?00:21
LjLso when would you definitely use tycka?00:21
LjLMyrtti: uhm, about that... i think i read on my grammar that "tycka OM", with the OM stressed, means you like something - but not without a stressed om...00:21
LjLNafallo: that's what i meant to say yeah00:22
Nafallo"jag tror det var sant" later battre.00:22
Nafallowhere in "jag tycker om blommor" I like flowers.00:22
LjLso "tycka att" never really quite works?00:23
Nafallo"jag tycker alla ska hängas" I think everyone should be hung00:23
MyrttiNafallo: jag ska flyga till UK i måndag. Ska jag köpa dig ett RIKTIGT tangentbord?00:23
LjLNafallo: uhm, then either something you like, or something you think ought to happen - as opposed to something you believe to be true?00:23
NafalloMyrtti: du far hitta pa en battre anledning att traffa mig. O:-)00:24
LjLMyrtti: he just refuses to use the accents...00:24
NafalloLjL: yea. sounds about right.00:24
Myrttijävla svenskar00:24
NafalloMyrtti: en_GB > sv_SE mest.00:24
Nafallo\ sitter inte pa 7 osv...00:24
LjLMyrtti: yeah, it's almost like when i tried to understand the greeks writing in greeklish. except at least THEY had a reason for writing in greeklish, namely that UTF-8 wasn't quite widespread00:25
LjLcan't properly look stuff up a dictionary, meh00:25
LjLNafallo: which is funny, considering i'm italian and using a swedish layout because it works best.00:25
LjLNafallo: (det är / som sitter på 7)00:26
MyrttiI couldn't even use anything else than fi/se keyboard00:26
LjL\ är AltGr++00:26
Myrttithe keys are too hardcoded into my muscles00:26
* Nafallo makes sweet love to his British keyboard00:27
LjLMyrtti: i switched from italian to swedish - survived00:27
LjLMyrtti: just don't touch it if he ever invites you to his place...00:27
Myrttiwasn't going to00:27
LjLMyrtti: bring your own.00:27
NafalloMyrtti: sa... nar kommer du?00:27
LjLMyrtti: although you might want to use a disposable USB cord...00:28
Myrttiatt möta dig?00:28
NafalloMyrtti: och nej. det var inte sexuellt menat.00:28
Nafallodamn Swedish and their multiple meanings!00:28
Myrttijag vet inte. Jag vet inte ännu när jag ska till hemma heller...00:28
LjLNafallo: i think she should bring her own mouse too, by the way.00:28
NafalloLjL: INTE sexuellt menat damn you!00:29
LjLNafallo: oh, sorry. my mistake.00:29
MyrttiI think I'll stay close to Warboys and possibly, but hopefully not Glasgow00:29
NafalloMyrtti: (/me larde LjL om moss for inte sa lange sen)00:29
NafalloMyrtti: is that far from me?00:29
MyrttiNafallo: Cambridgeshire00:30
Myrttidu vet ju var Glasgow är00:30
Nafallosa mig inte mycket :-P00:30
MyrttiNafallo: 45minuter from Stansted norrut00:30
Nafallojag TROR mig veta var Glasgow ligger...00:30
Nafalloah. later inte jatteilla.00:30
LjLMyrtti: glasgow is a hellhole.00:30
Nafallotyp... 2-3h :-P00:30
Nafalloom ans 2 forresten...00:31
MyrttiLjL: not really my option. If Duncan has to travel to Columbia for work, me in the middle of the damn fens without a car in a little village that doesn't even have a bloody ATM...00:31
NafalloCheshunt var bara en timme fran mig, och det ar halvvags till stansted.00:32
Myrttia friend has invited me to stay at Glasgow if Duncan travels to Columbia00:32
LjLMyrtti: well at least they won't have all the "Glasgow voted capital of i don't remember what" posters all over the place by now.00:32
LjLthose were annoying.00:32
MyrttiI should continue working00:33
MyrttiI think this script is almost done00:33
Myrttino I wont00:33
LjLwork is for losers.00:33
LjLPici: don't contradict me.00:33
NafalloMyrtti: you should find a job while you're here! :-)00:33
MyrttiNafallo: vaffö00:34
LjLfö att få penger?00:34
MyrttiNafallo: I've already talked about moving to UK with my superiours and they don't mind...00:34
Nafalloah. distans?00:34
Myrttijust as long I'm not expecting a payrise to the same level with UK peeps, they're fine00:34
Nafallohehe. you should totally look for a job or you'll starve! ;-)00:35
MyrttiI've not spent more than ten hours in our office in Helsinki during the whole year and a half I've worked for Nomovok00:35
MyrttiI'm doing distance eeeevery goddamned day00:35
Myrttiwork commute is 3m physical and $length of copper00:36
NafalloMyrtti: (and when in the UK) fibre!00:37
Myrttinot in warboys...00:38
LjLNafallo: nah she won't starve, you're stuck to the old days. now we use pounds as toilet paper.00:38
Seeker`LjL: pound coins?00:38
LjLSeeker`: that only some of us.00:38
Myrttithis is the best I can do01:20
Myrttinini peeps01:24
jdongPici: in the club where she work01:34
jdongwow. completely wrong channel.01:35
LjLjdong: stop disclosing such information about Myrtti.01:37
jdonglaggy wifi FTL.01:38
jdongwhere's my rainbow-color-coded irssi?01:39
jdong(oh boy, that statement probably will be used against me)01:39
LjjjLweird netsplit, or just me?01:44
eKZDskZSok now what the fuck just happened01:44
=== eKZDskZS is now known as ljl
=== ljl is now known as LjL
LjLanyone has a users count before the split?01:50
LjLfor #ubuntu i mean01:50
=== mneptok_ is now known as mneptok
LjLbe prepared for a false mass join call from the bots at any rate01:51
ubottuIn ubottu, rww said: !o4o =~ /suicide/mental health, suicide/02:28
LjL!no > rww    (rww, see the private message from ubottu)02:35
__mikemIn regard to the request to change o4o to include baring the discussion of mental health, I think in light of what just happened with meoblast, its probably a good idea02:39
LjLin my opinion, anything may result in flamewars if people act like idiots. i don't think "mental health" per se a "dangerous" topic.02:41
LjLi wasn't really watching, other ops weren't watching, it escalated02:41
LjLbut by your token we'd end up barring discussions on pets methinks02:42
__mikemyes, but criticizing people with commonly accepted mental illnesses is a bit much02:42
LjLcould be, possibly02:42
LjLthough i know the fellow who did that, and i know his reasoning behind that02:42
__mikemdid what now?02:43
LjLwhat's funniest is you might even embrace the reasoning (i might be wrong...)02:43
LjLif i say that "depression doesn't exist" in -offtopic02:43
LjLwell, i wouldn't be surprised if people considered me an idiot02:43
LjLbut i wouldn't think i'm worth a ban, either02:44
LjLso... i'll leave it to the other ops to judge this.02:44
__mikemThe problem is, the issue with offending people must be taken into consideration02:44
__mikemThere are plenty of other groups (specifically minorities) that are protected from being exposed to stuff that might offend them02:44
LjLthere are people who find having house pets a grave insult to the animals' freedom.02:45
LjLbut i'm not banning discussion on pets.02:45
__mikemlets see what Amaranth thinks02:46
Amaranth__mikem: you got banned?02:46
ubottuThe operation succeeded.02:46
tritium__mikem: let's not take political correctness to irrational extremes02:46
AmaranthWhat's up?02:46
__mikemAmaranth: well, meoblast got very offended when someone said that "asperger syndrome was a false desease"02:47
__mikemmeoblast blew up at the guy and ended up getting himself banned for flagerent profanity02:47
__mikemnow, I figured that in order to prevent similar situations from happening in the future, there should be a rule that prevents people from making such statements. 02:48
Amaranthuh, yeah, no02:48
tritium__mikem: no way02:48
__mikemOh well02:48
LjLit's the same reason - by the way - why the other guy earlier gave us  !o4o =~ /suicide/mental health, suicide/02:48
tritiumDebate happens all the time.  You can't stifle debate just so as not to risk offending someone.02:49
LjLand as i said, no op was around02:49
LjLwhen no op is around, shit will just eventually happen02:49
LjLno matter how restrictive you make the rules02:49
__mikemtritium: the existance of Asperger Syndrome is not up for debate. Its accepted by the medical profession, and as a person who has it, I can tell you first hand that its real02:49
__mikembut this isn't really about me02:50
__mikemIts up to you guys02:50
__mikembut I think it would be a good idea02:50
tritium__mikem: you also can't prevent false statements from being made02:50
__mikemtritium: well, for instance, if i said "all people on wellfare are lazy and just don't want to work for a living" I would probably be kicked instantly02:50
LjLand false statements being made doesn't justify saying "fuck" three times in a row, including to an op in PM02:50
__mikemLjL: yes02:50
LjLalthough i think no one is arguing that02:50
__mikemAgain, Its up to your guys. This is your ship, you run it however you feel is best. Its just my oppinion02:51
LjL__mikem: well as i said to you already - i'll put it on record - i wouldn't kick you for such a statement02:51
__mikemLjL: thanks :)02:51
tritiumNot in offtopic, certainly02:51
__mikemanyway, thats all I really had on my mind02:52
LjLof course, then meh02:52
__mikemThanks for hearing me out :)02:52
LjLif you just go on02:52
LjLjoin the channel your first time02:52
LjLas a greeting, you say "all people on welfare etc"02:52
LjLthen a minute later, "aspergers doesn't exist"02:52
LjLeventually you're going out02:52
LjLanyway... fair is fair02:56
FlannelWell, what a lively debate.02:57
tritiumWhat's fair?  Nothing in life...02:57
LjL@mark #ubuntu-ops __mikem and rww - proposals put forwards for changes to the #ubuntu-offtopic rules. I personally disagree.02:57
ubottuThe operation succeeded.02:57
LjLtritium: the above is fair.02:57
tritiumLjL: which part?02:57
LjLtritium: the @mark02:58
LjLalso, the fact i actively encouraged them to bring it to here02:59
LjLthough i disagree02:59
FlannelThis is the proper place for it.03:00
FlannelOr, a proper place for it, at least.03:00
LjLFlannel: i meant here rather than in my PM.03:01
tritiumGood evening, Flannel.03:01
FlannelHowdy tritium03:01
FlannelHows it going?03:02
tritiumNot bad, thanks.  You?03:02
tritiumWhere's nickrud these days?03:02
FlannelDoing fine.  Uh, no idea. Although, I did see him in meatspace two weeks ago ;)03:03
rwwHey everyone. I suspect I'm a little late to the party on this one (had to step out for a few minutes), but I've been thinking about !o4o a little and would appreciate it if I could bounce some questions off you.03:17
rwwI submitted an !o4o factoid change a little while ago, as you know, partially because of the whole meoblast001 thing, and because of a couple of interactions I've had in the past in -ot that didn't go particularly well either. I assume the general consensus on that change was that banning the topic because it can cause flames is a little over the top, right?03:19
rwwThat's what I was thinking, and LjL said something similar in PM, anyway. So then I was looking over !o4o and noticed that most of the other topics on there (with the exception of a couple like questionably-legal stuff, suicide, and drugs), appear to be there mainly because talking about them tends to end up in flaming...03:21
rwwIono, it just seemed a little confusing to me, expecially considered that when -ot occasionally discusses religion, poltics, etc. and it doesn't end up in flames, the ops don't do anything about it :/03:24
rwwSo the actual question, I guess, would be: are the topics in !o4o (with the exception of those with legal implications) actually disallowed in offtopic, or are the arguments that usually ensue disallowed?03:25
rwwHeh. Okay, well I have to go out for a while, and I know I'm not supposed to idle in here, so I'll /part now.04:02
Myrttithat's one weird backlog05:45
bazhanggoing to remove metbsd05:48
bazhanghe's been trolling for far too long05:48
tritiumI just did.05:48
Flannelblah.  That's what I get for stepping out for a few minutes for nourishment.05:49
bazhangsame here :)05:49
tritiumAre you properly nourished?05:49
* Flannel is hungry, needs food badly.05:49
FlannelI have aquired suitable nourishment, yes.05:49
tritiummetbsd is in #archlinux now.  Looks like another arch troll.05:50
* Myrtti has coffee05:51
tritiumBed time.  Good night.05:53
MyrttiI feel a bit odd about the request of putting mental illnesses on the list06:08
Myrttithat would mean that I shouldn't mention about my experiences06:09
bazhanga bit surprised maco is/was pushing so hard on the cursing06:09
Flannelre: the "list".  That's an extrapolation of the CoC/IRCG to common sense/etc.  Just because its not explicitly stated on said list doesn't make it automatically correct.  Just as many topics that are perfectly fine could be considered "on the list".06:11
MyrttiI also think that barring mental illnesses as a topic is one of the steps towards... hmmm I was going to say the n word with z in it, but I'll just use Orwellian Neotalk and also note, that it doesn't actually embrace people of different backgrounds06:14
MyrttiI know there's plenty of Ubuntu users out there who use helping out in this effort as a mental rehabilitation06:15
FlannelJust because one person trolled a particular group of people doesn't mean we have to ban discussion re: anything that troll mentioned.06:16
bazhangpanarchy is still around; was just on #freenode06:25
bazhangwonder if maubot is any relation to meobot06:33
MyrttiI just banforwarded an ip that I noticed had someone with the word Bot both in nick and ident06:33
bazhangits replicating!06:34
FlannelMau Mau06:34
FlannelHowdy chazzwazzer06:46
FlannelIts a greeting.  I'll bet you're wondering why you're here.06:47
Myrttithat's why ^06:47
chazzwazzeryes i understand now06:47
Myrttichazzwazzer: are you running that bot?06:47
chazzwazzertrying to run one06:47
Myrttiwhy are you connecting it to #ubuntu?06:48
chazzwazzeractually trying to write a bot with python06:48
chazzwazzerbecause it is the one with most users and easier to listen06:48
FlannelWell, you're welcome to write one/run one/etc.  But please keep it out of ubuntu channels (and actually, you're best bet is to keep it out of any channel unless uninvited)06:49
Myrttido you realise that you're causing unneeded noise to the already busy channel, and we already have quite enough of bots already06:49
chazzwazzeri didnt06:49
Flanneler, unless invited.  That makes more sense.06:49
chazzwazzerok i'll test it somewhere else06:49
chazzwazzerwhat do you suggest then?06:50
chazzwazzerand can i join to ubuntu know?06:50
chazzwazzernot as a bot06:51
FlannelYeah, give me a sec.06:51
Flannelchazzwazzer: Go ahead06:51
chazzwazzercool, thanks06:52
FlannelAs far as where you can run your bot.  I'm not really sure what would be an appropriate channel.  Obviously do the testing in a channel you own.  And then for input and stuff... You'll have to talk to the admins of the channel(s) in question.06:53
FlannelAnd, admins don't mean going into the channel, saying "Does anyone care if I run a bot?" and then turning it on after five minutes.  (No, I'm not accusing you of that, but I've seen it happen)06:53
FlannelA good place to start asking may be whereever you had in mind for the bot to be in production.  Whatever community it looks to help.06:54
elkytry searching the channel list for 'bots'. the ubuntu versions are actually for our bots only, but there should be a few general-use ones.06:59
Flannelelky ^^07:01
elkychazzwazzer, try searching the channel list for 'bots'. the ubuntu versions are actually for our bots only, but there should be a few general-use ones.07:02
chazzwazzeri've jus seen others for testing07:03
chazzwazzerthanks again07:03
elkychazzwazzer, ah, then if you have no further issues, we prefer to not have people idle here as it complicates things when there's trouble07:04
elkywell, at least he has manners07:05
MyrttiI've got an intresting apartment07:30
Myrttithat sound reminded me of a sound of a hard drive reader head screeching against the disk07:31
elkyMyrtti, maybe it's haunted by the nortons ghosts of dead platters.07:34
* Myrtti installs smartmontools07:34
elky*ba dum tish*07:34
Myrttinow that I've got my stomach protection meds I can triple the amount of coffee, right?08:00
Garysounds cool08:00
jussi01Myrtti: haha... no08:24
ikoniaFujisan ? was he one of the famous trolls ?09:16
Myrttiwhere is he?09:16
ikoniaI thought as much09:16
ikoniahe just joined #macos09:16
ikoniaI just left09:17
ikoniaI was laughing watching panarchy take a rail roading for asking / spamming for IIS help09:17
* elky does the 'i get my new laptop tomorrow' dance09:26
ikoniaelky: well done09:27
ikoniafinally ordered one09:27
elkyyeah. vostro 1310, 4g ram, 9 cell battery09:27
ikonianice long battery09:28
ikoniacycle.noarch : Calendar program for women09:32
ikoniathe fedora developers have much humour I think09:32
Myrttiikonia: hm?09:32
elkyMyrtti, it's a cycle calendar for women, like you get in some diaries09:32
Myrttiyes, I know, I use it myself09:33
ikoniayes yes, but acctually making an application.....09:33
ikoniawow ! really09:33
ikoniaI thought it was one of those "silly" apps09:33
elkyikonia, they exist for real09:33
ikoniaor even a play on the name09:33
ikoniaI didn't think it was a serious app - (just scolling through calendar apps on platforms )09:33
MyrttiI don't believe on the rhythm method (who sane minded would) but it is nice to have when you're going to see the gyn09:33
elkyikonia, if you dont get any physical trigger symptoms, it's hard to know when you're about to soil09:33
* ikonia steps backwards09:34
elkyhehe, i think we're hurting his boy brain09:34
Myrttiikonia: it's only us, dear... and you're mum has had her periods as well ;-)09:34
ikoniaI thought it was one of the clever app names09:34
Myrttiyour, even09:34
ikoniaquite shocked it's a serious app, I thought the fedora developers where showing humour09:35
Myrttiit's not like the plague, and you don't have to sacrifice two turtle doves or anything after chatting with us on IRC when we're menstruating09:35
elkyikonia, well, it is a play, but it isn't a play, if you get what i mean?09:35
elkyMyrtti, lets just end this here for the poor guy's sanity :)09:35
ikoniajust a little surprised09:36
ikoniathere was all the serious ones in the list, then that one and it made me chuckle09:37
ikoniashock horror - it's a sesrious one too09:37
Myrttiikonia: mencal is for cli, I've used that too ;-)09:37
ikoniayou have a cli app too.........09:37
elkywhen my evil brother learned about 'the cycle'... he came into my room, pointed at me and burst out laughing and said 'you bleed from your ...' and continued laughing as he left the room.09:37
ikoniathat's brothers for you09:38
elkyikonia, this one is especially vile09:38
Myrttielky: I would have asked him to try bikini waxing. That would have made him bleed as well.09:38
ikoniaall sisters say that09:38
elkyikonia, unless of course it's commonplace for big brothers to throw little brothers in dumpsters, urinate on them, then close the dumpster on the poor, scared, traumatised kid.09:39
ikoniaelky: not common, but I know of worse borthers.....09:39
ikoniaI also know business collegues who would pay for his servics....09:39
elkyikonia, he's still 'especially vile'09:40
ikoniagnomefreak's back using his real nick09:40
gnomefreakikonia: :) i try to always09:41
ikoniaelky: I'm trying to change my calander server setup to be a caldev based server so that I can use desktop clients AND the e71 to sync, I'm curious if you've done any research being an E71 geek09:42
ikoniaor Myrtti for that matter as I know she puts in the time with nokia stuff09:42
MyrttiI've actually once filed a bug for cycle in launchpad, but maco marked it as incomplete and canceled/deleted since I couldn't reproduce it again09:42
Myrttiikonia: I still haven't done that blogpost about opensync :-/09:43
gnomefreakanyone know of a applet timer that counts down?09:43
Myrttignomefreak: screenlet has one09:43
gnomefreakMyrtti: thanks09:44
Myrttiprobably others have too, but I haven't looked09:44
ikoniaMyrtti: laughing hard at your count down function09:44
Myrtti4d, 14h, 5m! MARK!09:44
ikoniagnomefreak: "stopwatch" app also09:46
MyrttiI'm really, really waiting for that hug at Stansted. I'm so beat up with work and everything currently I don't know how many turns for the worse I could take. The closer the time for the plane landing comes, the chances of everything getting FUBAR'd is smaller09:46
MyrttiI was fairly optimistic I could pull this off until yesterday afternoon09:47
Myrttithen the server died and now I'm just almost catatonically waiting for something to explode09:47
elkyikonia, there's not even anything decent for gmail i dont think09:47
Myrttiprepared to take it in stride and just cry09:47
ikoniaelky: google calander sync was released a few days ago 09:48
gnomefreakikonia: thanks my going to look at those in a few09:48
ikoniahence why I'm trying to get something as close to that to run locally09:48
ikoniahence caldev09:48
* gnomefreak would love to be able to use google calender remotely (set things and sync with sunbird09:50
gnomefreakMyrtti: thats a nice theme and the file browser is nice with the tree view09:52
Myrttignomefreak: but... sunbird has the google cal provider?09:53
Myrttiyou want it to be synced to other apps/platforms as well?09:53
jussi01you can do it with kontact and some little external app09:54
ikoniaMyrtti: was that for me ?09:54
ikoniagnomefreak: you can do that !!! I'm looking at this at the moment09:54
gnomefreakMyrtti: yep it supports google and has its own google binary name slips my mind but soon i have bugs to fix it in and trying to get rules to grap devel version but havent gooten it right yet09:55
ikoniagnomefreak: only I don't want to use google calander, I want to host my own 09:55
gnomefreaksunbird is being a pain in the butt and seamonkey 2.0 is mostly simmple but doesnt like to be builts on everything prior to Jaunty (bug) and seamonkey 1 is easy ;)09:56
ikoniagnomefreak: I'm getting quite on board with sunbird09:58
gnomefreakit has a few bugs that are stumping me but i should have it fixed in the next week or 209:59
ikoniayou're fixing some bugs, cool10:03
elkyikonia, really? i havent had time to check it out10:10
ikoniaelky: syncml is supposed to deal with it now10:12
ikoniahence I'm now trying to setup a central point for my calendar and contacts database so my applications (thunderbird/sunbird) can sync them / update them, and so can my E71 10:12
ikoniabeen trying for this for an age but it looks like it's getting close to do-able10:12
ubottuIn ubottu, rww said: !no, lm-sensors is <alias> To access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.10:18
ubottuIn ubottu, rww said: !no, lm-sensors is <reply> To access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.10:19
ubottuYou might find something useful at: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto10:20
jussi01!no, lm-sensors is <reply> To access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.10:20
ubottuI'll remember that jussi0110:20
jussi01!lm-sensors > rww10:20
ikoniaI liked the shorter version10:21
ikoniaupdate the page - not the factoid (in my view) 10:21
jussi01I think the longer one conforms to the sort of factoid we have for most others, thus giving a sense of correctness and continuity10:21
ubottulm-sensors has no aliases - added by jrib on 2007-09-27 03:50:30 - last edited by jussi01 on 2009-03-12 10:20:4210:22
ikoniaits informative sure, no argumet, I just think a few of the factoids are a little long or floody when a link to a maintained wiki page would work just as well10:22
ubottuTo access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.10:23
jussi01thats 2 lines here10:23
ikoniait's not that long actually10:23
jussi01dont think its too long 10:23
ikoniait's 3 here as my screen is a little smaller10:23
ikoniayou're right, it's not that long10:24
Myrttifour on mine10:24
* jussi01 huggles ikonia10:24
ikoniait's all fine10:24
jussi01Myrtti: you are not supposed to use size 16 fonts :P10:24
Myrttijussi01: I'm not supposed to IRC at work, but then again, if I wouldn't, I would not be on IRC at all10:25
jussi01ok, Im off for a quick reinstall back soon10:26
gnomefreakMyrtti:  i the screenshot what is the name of the filebrowser? the one with tree view?10:26
Myrttignomefreak: thunar10:26
Myrttignomefreak: I'm on xubuntru10:26
jussi01hrm, quick reminder, anything else I need to backup except my /home?10:27
gnomefreakah i used to use dolphin. I will look at depends for it asn see if i want the libs on system10:28
ikoniajussi01: thats it 10:29
Myrttijussi01: /etc?10:33
* Myrtti doesn't want to lose her sources.list or cups/sane configs10:33
jussi01meh... just home. its a generic install10:33
Myrttithe size of /etc is peanuts anyway10:33
jussi01Im off to install - bak laters10:33
Myrttibacking it up in addition doesn't take that much space and is good to have in your backup routines anyway10:34
ikonia* Panarchy has quit (K-lined)10:35
* Myrtti puts that in her collection of memorabilia ♥ 10:35
* ikonia offers the channel an drink of their choice10:35
Tm_Tikonia: whyyyyyyy!!1110:50
* Tm_T hides10:50
ikoniaTm_T: a wise choice10:50
bazhangAnand (n=kavita@ another nick for asustek iirc10:59
Myrttiwill he NEVER stop?10:59
bazhanghe tracked me to another channel I was in to say hi, then quit11:00
bazhang m0nik3r5 (n=sluttySu@c-67-183-212-185.hsd1.wa.comcast.net still not changing I see11:01
Myrtti[14:21] ~~~rww [n=rww@pdpc/supporter/active/rww] has quit ["K-lined"]12:24
MyrttiI wonder what's behind that12:24
PiciMyrtti: Its in double quotes, so its his own quit message.12:24
ikoniaha ha12:25
* Myrtti just had 30min telco with the customer12:25
Myrttimoar coffee12:26
Tm_TMyrtti: you atleast have paying customers (;)12:26
MyrttiTm_T: erm, actually ...12:26
MyrttiTm_T: since this was supposed to be done by Christmas...12:26
Tm_TMyrtti: you atleast haD paying customers (;)12:27
=== tritium_ is now known as tritium
jpds!compiz is <reply>Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz-fusion14:03
ubottuIn #ubuntu-ops, jpds said: !compiz is <reply>Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz-fusion14:03
ubottuThe operation succeeded.14:04
MyrttiI need a vacation ;______;14:39
Myrttinone of the decent usable text editors worked for me to print the source for debugging, so I made a pdf of them with latex.14:39
MyrttiI'm so lame :-<14:40
* pleia2 hasn't taken a full week off from work since 200614:41
pleia2but I'm taking care of that next week :)14:41
pleia29 days in a row off! gasp!!14:41
MyrttiI don't think I've had a full week off either since... since...14:42
Myrttipleia2: I see your 2006 and raise with 200414:42
PiciI have over 200 vacation hours saved up, and close to 300 sick hours.14:47
Daviey"sick hours" ?!14:52
Seeker`Pici: about 30 days holiday?14:52
Davieycan you pre-book a sick day for next month?14:52
PiciDaviey: Not really, but I can take personal days liberally if I don't feel like coming in.  Plus I get a certain number paid back to me at the end of the year.14:53
juliuxMyrtti: aren't you living inside the eu?15:47
Myrttijuliux: yup15:47
juliuxMyrtti: i thought insinde the eu you have to take off two weeks in a row per year15:48
Seeker`juliux: I wasn't aware of that being the case in the UK15:48
juliuxSeeker`: in germany you have to15:48
Seeker`you can take your holiday whenver you want15:48
juliuxSeeker`: but could be that it is only a german law not an eu one15:49
Seeker`I believe that is more likely to be the case15:49
juliuxnormaly this stupid stuff comes from the eu;)15:49
Myrttijuliux: last year I got only 12 days in total15:49
juliuxMyrtti: ohhh15:49
juliuxthe minimum in germany is 25 days15:50
Seeker`Myrtti: you only got, or you only took?15:50
juliuxthat is the vacation days you have to take per year15:50
Myrttithat's what you get for starting in a new company in November 200715:50
Seeker`I think we have a minimum of 28 days per year, including 8 bank holidays15:50
Myrtti2 days per each month worked until end of march15:50
Myrtti= 1015:51
Seeker`so a minimum of 20 you can choose yourself15:51
Seeker`I think15:51
Seeker`but you don't *have* to take them15:51
Seeker`you just have to be given the choice15:51
juliuxi have 26 vacation days per year15:52
juliuxand i have to take them15:52
Myrttilast year the only full week I had was spoilt by a boss coming to complain me on IRC that someone has to answer a client on support@15:52
Myrtti"you're my only hope, Myrtti"15:53
juliuxif i don' t take them my employer can get in trouble15:53
Seeker`juliux: companies tend not to like you not taking them, as it generally means that they carry over to the next year15:53
juliuxohh the german law says the minimum is 20 days if you have a 5 day working week15:54
* Myrtti smacks herself for Monty Python reference #elsewhere, followed by Star Wars reference here15:54
juliuxSeeker`: yes but then you have to take them until the end of march15:54
PiciLook sir, droids!15:54
Seeker`juliux: not over here15:54
Seeker`someone I know has 40 or 50 days holiday built up over the years15:54
MyrttiPici: scruffy looking nerfherder!15:54
PiciMyrtti: Who ya calling scruffy lookin'?15:55
MyrttiEEEEEVVRY byte is saaacred, evvry byte is great, if a byte is wasted, god get quite irate!15:55
MyrttiI - need - a - vacation15:56
Seeker`Myrtti: take one then?15:56
Myrttithe problem here is I've got difficulties dividing my time strictly between work and non-work15:56
MyrttiSeeker`: can't until May I think15:57
MyrttiI'm not sure15:57
Myrttifortunately my current employer is quite strict about the holidays and my coworkers as well15:58
jussi01Myrtti: topyli translation, pretty please? Onko kukaan hkissä su16:48
jussi01(stupid spoken language)16:48
Myrttiis anyone in helsinki on sunday16:48
jussi01ahh ok :)16:48
topylia couple of abbreviations there :)16:48
Myrttijussi01: hki, tre, rmk, hml, vlk, jns :-P16:49
Myrttianyone else come up with more?16:49
jussi01rmk, vlk?16:50
Myrttiriihimäki, valkeakoski16:50
jussi01and rovaniemi?16:50
MyrttiI'd guess rvn, but am not sure16:50
Myrttithat's lappeenranta16:51
topylirovaniemi = roi16:53
Myrttiah, true16:54
Myrttiforgot that16:54
Myrttialso affectionately known as rollo16:54
jussi01hrm... 16:55
jussi01anyone know an equivalent for this? http://www.applian.com/flvplayer/download_flv_player.php16:55
jdong jussi01 what, a FLV player?17:08
* Myrtti doesn't know in reality17:09
jussi01Myrtti: yeah, vlc doesnt seem to like it... its weird17:09
jdongyeah flv is usually just MPEG4-ASP/AVC and MP3/AAC audio17:09
jussi01maybe jsut that link is screwed...17:09
jdongany ffmpeg based player should do it17:09
jussi01hrm, can anyone open this: rtmp://
jussi01the suggested program is the one mentioned abov...17:10
jdonghaha just kidding *opesn mplayer*17:10
jussi01jdong: is supposed to be wuronews ...17:11
Myrttijdong: you just hilighted Dave2 17:11
Myrttijust FYI17:11
jussi01oh that was nasty...17:11
jdongRecently, the open source media player XBMC has acquired preliminary support for playing RTMP streams in its SVN version (see the patch).17:11
jdongsaid patch: http://xbmc.org/trac/ticket/490517:11
Seeker`the chances of dave2 managing to type the correct /win command to get to this channel are probably quite low; I think we'll be safe for now17:11
MyrttiSeeker`: *SNORK*17:12
Myrttitrue, dat17:12
jussi01hahahah you are really nasty today :P17:12
jussi01jdong: any luck?17:12
jdongjussi01: VLC jussi01 nope17:13
jdongno vlc, no mplayer17:13
jdongmaybe try that XBMC patch17:13
Myrttijussi01: if you didn't know about Dave2's fixation about goats, 13:37 and irssi windows, you're really out of touch ;-)17:13
jdong(can't you just use Flash player)17:13
Myrttiisn't that... *cough*17:13
Myrttirealplayer thing?17:13
jdongMyrtti: nope17:13
MyrttiI thought rtsp always is17:13
jdongrt*m*p :)17:13
jussi01vlc _seems_ to support it, but nothing opens :/17:14
Myrttioh doodah.17:34
MyrttiI was just about to install my scanner drivers, went to the prompt "the 50M driver package is already downloaded on the home se-eh-eh... D'OH"17:35
Dave2Seeker`, good job I'm on XChat here then!18:32
Seeker`Dave2: :O18:40
ubottuIn #ubuntu, sharef_ said: ubottu is is the smartest one here :P19:18
=== FlannelKing is now known as Flannel
Myrttijpds: you MISSED YOUR CHANCE21:01
Seeker`you mean we could have said whatever we wanted for those 22 seconds?21:03
FlannelSeeker`: You can say whatever you want at any time.  It would just be logged forever!21:04
Seeker`lo Myrtti 21:15
MyrttiI haz blogged.21:15
Myrttinao I can haz tea.21:15
Myrttitea nomnom21:17
* Myrtti kicks Jaiku21:17
Myrttiwork dammit21:17
Seeker`Myrtti: where did youz blog?21:22
Myrttiit at my blogz, silly! douh. http://myrtti.fi/ etc.21:22
Myrttidamn that looks horrible on the planet21:24
Myrttioh well21:24
Seeker`Myrtti: nice21:32
MyrttiI hate new facebook21:34
Seeker`Myrtti: why?21:34
Seeker`facebook is being weird, i'm getting updates appearing twice on the same page21:34
MyrttiSeeker`: it's the rollout21:35
Myrttimakes it wonky21:35
ikoniait's crap21:41
ikoniathey have changed the layout21:41
jpdsWow, Panarchy just spammed a bunch of Debian channels over at OFTC.21:55
Seeker`I wonder if some people have "Troll" written down the middle, like a stick of rock21:56
Seeker`Myrtti: have you tried rock before?21:56
* jussi01 prods ikonia21:57
Seeker`jussi01: get a room!21:57
jussi01/arn Seeker`now I hve one :D22:00
jussi01(alias for remove, notify)22:00
jussi01cept wouldnt have worked cause of the typo22:01
MyrttiSeeker`: did I forget to mention it in the entry? Duncans mum gave me a bag full to take back to Finland to give to my niece and nephew...22:01
ikoniajpds: really ?22:01
MyrttiI forgot to take them to Valkeakoski with me so I still have them waiting there for the delivery22:01
Seeker`Myrtti: didn't see it in the entry22:02
jpdsikonia: Just messaged the same question to multiple channels cos he 'wanted input'.22:02
ikoniawhat an idiot22:02
MyrttiSeeker`: right. Should have added it.22:03
Myrttidon't know if I cba though22:03
Myrttishould work a bit more22:03
Seeker`but its midnight!22:07
Myrttibut if I get this done, I can clean and pack and go to UK with one less thing to worry about22:07
Seeker`fair enough22:08
Myrttiit's always like "few more lines and it's done"22:08
Myrttiand then I realise, damn, it needs a special case for this particular thing22:08
Myrttibecause if it's not attended, the whole thing is going to unravel22:08
Myrttiand it keeps on coming more and more complex22:08
Myrttiand now I'm in a stage I printed the whole script, took a bunch of crayons and drew flow charts in the margins22:09
ikoniajpds: he just got what I can only assume is a k-line on that network so no big deal22:10
Myrttialmost drew the debugging pentagram with regexp, bash, linux, mediawiki and emacs on the points and lit candles22:10
Myrttiand almost started to sacrifice Jolt Cola to my Tux plushie22:11
jussi01ikonia: pm?22:12
Seeker`dounfd gu22:12
Seeker`wtf was that; "Sounds fun"22:12
jussi01Seeker`: hahahah22:13
ikoniajussi01: of course22:14
jussi01nini all - bed time - if I can sleep22:54

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