
mattparryHi!  How can you tell which version of QT you are currently running?00:00
peachesmatti: qtconfig. help->about00:01
mattparrypeaches - Thank you00:01
=== magical_trevsky is now known as magical
sixofourDasEI:  it worked00:05
sixofour./ on 8gb and /home/ on 160gb00:05
sixofour2gb swap on 16000:05
DasEI!yay | sixofour00:06
ubottusixofour: Glad you made it! :-)00:06
sixofournow, is there a diagnostic tool or something that can tell me that in general everything is ok?00:06
DasEIsixofour: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade00:07
sixofourwhat do those do and why are we using sudo?00:07
DasEIsixofour: if this gives no errrors, paketmangement is right and sys up to date00:07
sixofourfrom what i understand, sudo is never used..lol00:07
ubottusudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)00:07
sixofouri know what sudo is00:07
sixofourbut usiong it is what caused all the problems in the first place00:08
coreymanwhere is netbeans stored so i can select it as default filezilla editor?00:08
DasEIto install or updating soft root-privilegs are required00:08
sixofourbut kdesudo firefox is not?00:09
DasEIff is run as reglar user00:09
giarcaany kde4 audio cd to mp3 application? I cant' find nothing... O_o00:09
ubottuAmarok is an audio player for Linux with an intuitive interface. The latest version is 1.4.8 (1.4.3 for Dapper LTS). Packages are available for Kubuntu at www.kubuntu.org See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Amarok00:10
DasEIsudo is for protecting system files, for a checking util might install rkhunter, sixofour00:10
giarcasixofour: are you sure? I find no option for that... I recheck!00:10
sixofourwhat were those upgrade commands again?00:10
Slonkieif i were to change my wifi card in the laptop, would i have to reinstall kubuntu?00:11
DasEIsixofour: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade00:11
sixofouryou want to rip a cd into mp3s00:11
sixofouri think amarok can do it00:11
giarcasixofour: ok, I'm checking (find mp3 --> cd but not reverse)00:12
DasEIgiarca: I use soundjuicer or k3b for that00:12
sixofourwhy not ask in #amarok?00:12
giarcaok sound-juicer I know00:12
ubottuk3b is a feature-rich and user-friendly burning application for KDE (and, as all KDE applications, works fine on GNOME). For a guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/K3BHowto00:12
DasEI^ make isos, also00:12
giarcak3b is the way00:13
ubottuPackage rmation does not exist in intrepid00:13
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots00:14
sixofourhe used to say "sorry, i do not know anything about information00:14
DasEIgiarca: or even nero, if you got a license00:15
WazmynHow can I search for a file?00:15
DasEIWazmyn: on the hd ?00:16
=== R3DB0x is now known as boboso
WazmynDasEI: yes. I DL'd a file with Firefox and I don't know where it put the thing00:16
DasEIWazmyn: sudo updatedb && locate <filename>00:16
DasEIWazmyn: or check man find00:17
DasEIWazmyn: you can check inn ff  where d/l's go to00:17
bobosowhere would i find my new hd that i just installed?00:17
Dr_willismost likely its where you ran firfox from.. or the Desktop or your home dir00:17
DasEIboboso: sudo fdisk -l00:17
DasEIboboso: then mount it somewhere and put an entry in fstab00:18
WazmynDasEI: well, I started to download something new and then went to the folder that came up, but didn't find it00:18
DasEIWazmyn: you can check inn ff  where d/l's go to00:19
WazmynDasEI: does locate take wild cards?00:19
DasEIWazmyn: yep, like anyfilewith*00:19
WazmynDasEI: hum, That didn't return anything00:19
DasEIWazmyn: name of the file ?00:20
DasEIWazmyn: ff > extras > downloads00:20
WazmynDasEI: it's long, it's the install EXE for Openoffice00:21
DasEIWazmyn: ff > preferences > d/l - folder00:21
Wazmynok, DasEI, If i tell FF to "open containing folder" It asks me to tell it what app to open in, but instead of KMenu I get the standard GTK file dialog00:23
DasEIWazmyn:exe ?00:25
WazmynYes, I'm trying to put it on this windows laptop sitting beside me00:25
Wazmynbut to hell with it, i'm downloading it again and making sure I don't hit enter too fast this time00:25
WazmynI despise firefox. I cannot wait for Opera to get their 64 bit issues taken care of.00:26
Dr_willisclick on the download link.. and it will show where it downloaded to..:)00:26
WazmynDr_willis: how's that?00:26
bobosoDasEI: do i format and partition before i mount?00:26
DasEIboboso: yes, if still no fs on it00:27
bobosoDasEI: nothing i just bought it00:27
DasEIWazmyn:sudo apt-get install openoffice.org00:28
DasEI!gparted | boboso00:28
ubottuboboso: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php00:28
WazmynDasEI: yeah, except the destionation computer is running winders and does not have internet00:28
DasEIWazmyn:erm.. linux-cmds on a win machine won't work00:29
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DasEIWazmyn:then you still a deb or a tarball, not the exe for a linux on, what is it running ? windows ?00:30
DasEIboboso: make sure to partition the RIGHT drive00:30
bobosoDasEI: ty i will try to keep that in mind00:31
bobosoDasEI:  what FS should i make it?00:31
DasEIboboso: gparted often like to be restarted after first partitioning it, before you can format00:31
DasEIboboso: ext3 for linux00:31
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DasEIWazmyn:does the machine run win or ubu ?00:33
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions00:34
bobosoDasEI: disklabel type?00:34
DasEIboboso: none, just a name if you want00:35
bobosoDasEI: cause it has like msdos, mac, bsd, and some other options00:36
DasEIboboso: linux00:37
DasEIWazmyn: does the machine run win or ubu ?00:38
j0enthnis there a way to set a custom image for the lock screen ?...im using KUbuntu 8.1000:41
j0enthninstead of the default dark background00:41
jamesjedimasterthe lock screen is the same than the screensaver, change the screensaver00:42
j0enthnjamesjedimaster: thanks a lot buddy, that woorked :)00:48
jamesjedimasterj0enthn: cool!00:49
will_Does anyone know what causes KDE4 to crash back to KDM upon resolution change? Could it be OpenGL used as the compositing type?00:50
* Wazmyn hopes the guy that runs his ISP is in pain somewhere00:57
tanjirWazmyn: the ISP guys will be in pain if they continue disconnecting you :P00:59
draik_will_: I'm on KDE4.2 and my desktop keeps crashing with the nVidia drivers. I think it might be more than OpenGL. This laptop is running with eye candy and no particular video drivers.00:59
Wazmyntanjir:  the problem is major packet loss, that causes the router to drop off. It's anoying as hell01:00
will_I have found out how to keep it from crashing.01:02
will_One sec ad i'll tell you what to disable to test your's out.01:02
sixofouris there any program like paintshop or photoshop on linux? ..that isn't GIMP01:02
will_System setting's > Desktop > Uncheck Enable desktop effect's.01:03
will_It should keep yoru KDE4 from crashing on resolution changes and DRI changes.01:04
draik_will_: The desktop crashes, not the laptop01:07
Slartibartfastsixofour: maybe http://www.koffice.org/krita/01:07
will_I know what you mean.01:08
will_It kick's you back to the login screen right?01:08
will_Oh, well then yoru on yoru own on that one.01:08
draik_The desktop freezes; launching Firefox, Thunderbird, Amarok, System Settings... just about any app01:08
will_I can't believe Nvidia driver's are unstable to a point like that.01:09
will_I'm running a crummy Intel 945GMA and i don't get anything that bad.01:09
draik_Desktop is 3.2GHz p4 with 3GB of RAM01:10
sixofourSlartibartfast:  maby?01:11
draik_nVidia GeForce FX 5700LE, 256MB01:11
Slartibartfastsixofour: try it out, i am not sure how it compares to your experience with paintshop and photoshop01:11
draik_I used the following drivers: 96, 173 and 180 all failed.01:11
sixofourtry what?01:12
Slartibartfastsixofour: krita01:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about krita01:12
draik_173, through EnvyNG however, seemed to have fixed my issues as I was flying and everything was peachy. A few minutes later and I got a black screen and a frozen computer. Screen came back after a few seconds, but it was all still frozen.01:13
SlartibartfastDescription: a pixel-based image manipulation program for the KDE Office Suite01:13
sixofourpixel based?01:13
Slartibartfastyeah :-) ... maipulate pixel by pixel :-)01:13
Dr_willisVs. 'vector' based01:14
Dr_willisbitmapped :)01:14
sixofourwhat is paintshop?01:14
sixofouri don't use vector01:14
Slartibartfastnot vextor based ... illustrater is vector based i think01:14
sixofourit all depends what features krita has01:14
Slartibartfastsixofour: try it out and see what it can do for you01:15
Slartibartfasti myself like gimp01:15
sixofouri hear gimp is horrible lol01:15
sixofourand i tried it once long ago and didn't like uit01:16
sixofourcouldn't even figure out how to "draw"01:16
Slartibartfastsince long ago and now there has been done a lot of development01:17
ubottugimp is an advanced image manipulation application for Ubuntu. See http://www.gimp.org for tutorials and more information.01:17
Dr_willisgimp isent about 'drawing'01:17
Dr_willisits about manipulation01:17
sixofouri need "drawing"01:17
Dr_willisThe look for a drawing program.01:17
Dr_willisI guess. :)01:17
sixofourstart with a white page with layers, and form an image01:17
Dr_willisdepends on what you are drawing01:18
sixofour2d stuff01:18
Dr_williswow.. 2d stuff... thats specific :)01:18
sixofourever watched flapjack ?01:18
Dr_willisgo to the store.. get some paper.. and some pens.. and a scanner...01:18
sixofouroh i can't draw in real life worth a crap01:18
Dr_willisThere are animation type programs that focus on doing  drawings like the old 'cell animation' way.. then there are other tools.. :)01:19
sixofouri'm drawing cartoon looking stuff01:19
Dr_willistheres that one .net/mono paint program out also.01:19
draik_sixofour: Don't feel too bad, I can't draw a straight line01:19
Dr_willis!find mtpaint01:19
ubottuFound: mtpaint01:19
Dr_willis!info mtpaint01:19
ubottumtpaint (source: mtpaint): painting program to create pixel art and manipulate digital photos. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.21-1 (intrepid), package size 503 kB, installed size 1428 kB01:19
sixofoureven though its just drawing, its a bit more advanced than any ##paint program that i need01:19
Dr_willisall i draw are icons01:20
sixofouri'm probably gonna use paintshop with wine01:20
draik_I can't draw conclusions sometimes :(01:20
Dr_willisthis is linux.. use what youw ant.01:20
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sixofourcronodevir.deviantart.com i'm a noob still01:20
* Dr_willis can draw blank stares01:20
=== newbie007 is now known as newbie2573
* Dr_willis can draw a crowd01:20
sixofourbut that's what i am doing01:20
newbie2573hey, i have a question: i'm upgrading from kubuntu 8.04 to 8.10, and the download is really slow. (30 kB/s) is there anything i can do to speed it up?01:21
sixofouruse the ftp01:22
Dr_willistry some other mirrors i guess..  but i forget how to find the faster mirrors01:22
newbie2573i can't find my cds so i'm upgrading via the net01:22
Dr_willisthe upgrade would be using the ftp servers.01:22
newbie2573otherwise i woiuld DL the torrent01:22
newbie2573i'm already 40% done, there's probably not much point in starting all over now is there01:23
newbie2573thanks anyways01:23
Dr_willisI think theres some slowness now because a new update/relese of the next ubuntu came out.. so a lot of people are gettting it from the servers01:23
newbie2573that makes sense01:23
newbie2573also, i used gnome before and i'm trying kde for the first time, do you think someone like me will like 8.10 a lot more than 8.0.4?01:24
newbie25738.4* (?)01:24
Dr_willisgnome hasent changed a lot..01:24
Dr_williskde 3 to kde4 is a HUGE change01:24
newbie2573yeah, ive seen the screenshots01:25
newbie2573it looks almost like windows01:25
Dr_willis'every thing looks like wiondows'01:25
newbie2573i'm more of a mac guy but so far i hade kde3 and i wasn't too big on gnome01:25
Dr_willisit has a panel and a start button.. golly.. it looks like windows...01:25
sixofourmac has a panel01:25
sixofouron the top01:25
newbie2573it has the sidebar in the file browser01:26
newbie2573like gnome01:26
newbie2573except the menu for each program is at the top01:26
sixofourlast time i used mac, it wasd called macintosh and the monitor and keybord were connected01:26
Dr_willisI got a Imac - it makes a good doorstop01:26
newbie2573that's a long time ago01:26
sixofourand it had a 5 inch drive01:26
Dr_willisI got a macSE also. :)01:26
sixofourtheo big folppies01:26
newbie2573i have an imac g5, i want to install kubuntu on it because this computer has a really bad video card01:26
MacProKubuntu64Mac Pro here :D01:26
sixofouryou want linux because the video card is bad?01:27
newbie2573i want to put it on the other computer so i don't have to use this one01:27
draik_Yeah, I got thrown off by that comment, too.01:27
newbie2573but i'm scared to do that.01:27
sixofourjust do sudo rm -R / on your mac01:28
newbie2573i don't have any way to back up that computer and i really like the way it's set up right now01:28
MacProKubuntu64Install was fine besides not being able to read anything due to extremly small text. Had to set to 75dpi after straining my eyes Lol01:28
newbie2573i'm not that much of a noob ;)01:28
newbie2573i know what that does.01:28
sixofourthey shoudl; make commands like that give you a y/n prompt01:28
newbie2573i agree01:28
MacProKubuntu64I would say OpenSolaris play much better "out of the box" for Mac01:28
sixofouror if you hit ctrl alt backspace kde restarts..no wanring, or anything01:29
newbie2573how is it for a linux newbie though?01:29
sixofouri'm a newbie01:29
MacProKubuntu64OpenSolaris is great I just do not like Gnome01:29
newbie2573so most of you used kde before 4.0 came out?01:29
Dr_willisand when kde4 came out.. i switched to gnome... :()01:30
Dr_willisgo figure01:30
sixofourhow do i find the filepath i am currently in?01:30
MacProKubuntu64I have used KDE since mandrake 6 i think01:30
Dr_willissixofour,  'pwd' command01:30
sixofourkde4 was garbage when it was new01:30
Dr_williskde4 does not play nicely on my  netbook01:30
newbie2573Dr_willis, what about the upgrade made you switch?>01:30
Dr_williskde4 also dident really offer any features i needed over kde3...01:31
draik_Speaking of noobs to the 'rm' command, I found out who the real geeks were from the 'snobby rich' people when they released the Google phone. People were told to use 'rm /*' to fix a bug on the phone. Geeks laughed at it, idiot savants ran it without thinking and then geeks laughed harder.01:31
sixofourkubuntu needs more idiot proofing01:31
draik_I don't know about that01:32
sixofourive botched it 5 times already01:32
Dr_willisNo.. we need to educate idiots...01:32
newbie2573draik_: lol.01:32
sixofourlearning linux for 3 years is not "educate idiots"01:32
sixofourits a waste01:32
draik_You need 'su' to do it all and even then ... never mind, they'll figure that part out. I hope sooner than later01:32
Dr_willisyour failure to learn is not a failure of the OS.01:32
sixofournot everyone cares or wants to elarn all that stuff, they just want a free OS01:32
Dr_willisand the people making the OS want a tool they can use.01:32
Dr_willisthis 'focus' on the desktop is actually 'secondary' to the main goal.01:33
sixofourit is for other distros01:33
sixofourkubutnu is about making ti easy for nublets01:33
newbie2573i was thinking01:33
draik_My friend's 8-year old daughter really surprised him when she told him about how her Windows XP can't play a DVD due to missing encoders and that she needs to buy them.01:34
Dr_willispeoplle want free stuff. then they companin and rant and rave and get mad at it.. but tjhey will pay $300+ for windows.. and not even whimper.. oh well...01:34
sixofour"a tool you can use" doesn't help FOSS or anyone out01:34
newbie2573it would be great if *buntu had a really good ui of its own01:34
draik_Maybe this summer I will be teaching her to use Kubuntu01:34
newbie2573something completely new01:34
newbie2573you know?01:34
sixofourpeople pay for windows because they think its the only option01:34
draik_That's just sad01:34
Dr_willisThe more you lower the bar   for 'idiot proofing' the more stupid people tend to act it seems..01:34
sixofourlinux has 0 advertisment01:34
Dr_willisIve seen linux comercials..01:34
sixofourthis is why there are distros01:34
newbie2573dr_willis: on tv? in papers?01:35
Dr_willisIBM i think ran them a while back.01:35
sixofourleet people can use fedora or something, and nubs can use buntu :D01:35
Dr_willison TV..01:35
newbie2573must have been before my time01:35
Dr_willisi forget when.. it was some time ago.01:35
sixofourthis is why i use buntu, i want to install it and mostly forget about it01:35
Dr_willisIBM or INTEL.. or one of the big companies01:35
sixofournot spend years trying to figure out the delete command from the gigvolumes of documents01:35
draik_Dr_willis: I think you're right. I'm trying to recall seeing a Linux commercial01:35
sixofouronly linux comercial i seen was a youtube video01:36
Dr_willisdraik_,  i was thinking one even ran during the superbowl01:36
newbie2573if i won the lottery, i would pay for a linux ad during the superbowl01:36
sixofourlinux won't be widely sued untill you can pop it in and hit next01:36
newbie2573hopefully they're never widely sued01:37
sixofourused* :P01:37
draik_I think that if all Linux users put together $1 we can make quite a few commercials spoofing that of the Mac vs PC01:37
Slartibartfasti think this one is nice: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KwEWxpOWOok01:37
sixofourdraik_:  that would give us about a thousand dollars01:37
newbie2573I can see it now01:38
draik_There's more than one thousand Linux users01:38
newbie2573Hi, I'm a Mac. Hi, I'm a PC.01:38
newbie2573Hi, I'm Linux.01:38
newbie2573(guy dressed in 2nd hand clothes)01:38
newbie2573i get everything for free!01:38
newbie2573i think it would be hard to advertise01:39
Dr_willishttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BesI6NEPWlM   superbown commerial01:39
newbie2573most people are brainwashed into thinking they have to pay for an OS01:39
sixofourIBM supports linux only in the place if it can get a way to control it01:39
sixofourbitorrent, you don't have to pay for anything01:39
Dr_willisdebateable statement.01:39
Dr_willisif IBM made cars.. linux wouldbe the 'road' :)01:40
Dr_willisthat way ibm can focus on cars... and not worry about the road.01:40
jetahottruth indeed01:40
Dr_willis'Linux makes the OS into a commadity' like roadways, and elctricity, and water..01:40
sixofouruntill DRM technology is produced01:40
sixofourby ibm01:40
sixofourthen control of the software won't matter01:41
Dr_willisDRM is a small part of the computer world.01:41
Dr_willisits just what all the warezers worry about. :P01:41
sixofourDRM is the future of electronic technology unfortinatly01:41
sixofourif it wasn't for wazrers mentality, linux wouldn't be here :P01:42
sixofourgetting somethign free and open01:43
Dr_willisNope.. incorrect.01:43
Slartibartfastfree software is not about "not paying for it" ... you all know that right?01:43
Dr_willispeople like to 'share' and show off their work..01:43
sixofourand people shouldn't be able to sell so called intellectual property01:44
kuaeraSlartibartfast: I know what FOSS is about, and that's why I'm here.01:44
sixofourand it certainly shouldn't be a crime to copy it01:44
kuaeraPeople can participate in the improvement of the software they use01:44
Slartibartfastkuaera: right :-)01:44
kuaeraIt's pretty much democratic principles applied to software, in the pure sense.01:45
sixofourkuaera:  most people don't give a crap about that idea01:45
kuaerasixofour: A lot of people give a crap about that idea.01:45
sixofourive no intention of improving software01:45
Dr_willisif i make somthing.. i should be able to do what i want with it.. give it away. or sell it.. or license it in such a way that i feel it does the most public good.01:45
sixofouri'm using it because its gratis01:45
Dr_willisIm using it because it works better.01:45
sixofouryep will and if you give it to someone else, they should be able to do the same01:46
kuaeraI'm using it because it works better and because I can learn from it.01:46
Dr_willis'give' is the definitive word here..  I can GIVE it or i can license it under   whatever i feel like.01:46
sixofourif i sell something, i loose the rights to that thing01:46
kuaeraIt's a new desktop environment, still maintaining its server roots. People like you, sixofour, are going to hop on the bandwagon and criticise it because it's not what you want it to be.01:47
Dr_willisDepends on  how you sell it. :)01:47
sixofourthey can do what ever they want, make a million copies and sell them if they chose01:47
sixofourwho crtiizising?01:47
Dr_willisUbuntu Comercial --> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJTp6KE3KtA&feature=related01:47
sixofourthey should put a poll in tjhe installer of the next ubuntu version, do people care about the idea of open software or do they use it because its free?01:49
sixofouri bet the latter would win01:50
Dr_willishalf of the stuff i do at work helpomng people with linux - is educating them about the 'freedom' aspect.. not the 'free' cost aspect.01:50
Dr_willisLinux will be around for a LONG time because of the freedom , not because its 'cost free'01:51
newbie2573the only reason i use ubuntu is because i can learn from it01:51
Dr_willislearning is good. :)01:51
sixofourlinux will be around for a little while because there is no way for MS to stop people from using it01:51
newbie2573yeah. ;)01:51
newbie2573i want to go into comp sci some day01:51
SlartibartfastIndeed it is all about sharing the knowledge01:51
Dr_willisIm GLAD i did NOT go into CompSci :)01:52
Slartibartfastsame as science01:52
newbie2573really? why?01:52
sixofourSlartibartfast: that's what they don't want, shareing knowldge01:52
Slartibartfastwho are they ?01:52
newbie2573well, not comp sci, but something computer related01:52
Dr_willisits gone from a 'big deal job' to a 'lets outsource it to some 3rd world country work' from the CS majors i know who work at barious busindeese.01:52
sixofourmicrosoft and other companies pushing this DRM hardware stuff01:52
newbie2573yeah, so ive heard01:53
newbie2573DRM is the devil01:53
Dr_willisthere will always be a job in VCR repair!01:53
newbie2573well not really01:53
newbie2573no one uses them anymore :P01:53
sixofourblueray lol horrible01:53
newbie2573the way i see it01:53
newbie2573the digital world should work the same as the real world01:53
sixofourlook at consoles, and you see the future of computers01:54
newbie2573there's no such thing as real world drm01:54
sixofourclosed boxes with limtied input01:54
newbie2573oh god01:54
newbie2573you think so01:54
newbie2573i hope not01:54
SlartibartfastWell you can choose with your wallet not to use it ... for me Divx is good enough .01:54
Dr_willisive yet to see any copy protection that worked for very long.01:54
sixofourall code will be gotten from an "apt-geT" like system, only it will be owned by one single company01:54
newbie2573i see what you're saying though01:55
* Slartibartfast starting up rtorrent again :-)01:55
newbie2573the console companies are trying to make people see them as a universal entertainment device01:55
sixofourdr_wills that is msotly because breaking DRM is not a crime yet01:55
newbie2573not just as a video game system01:55
sixofouryou can't go to jail for tampering with hardware and software01:55
sixofournewbie2573: with consoles, the comapny also has complete and utter control over what your allowed to see01:56
sixofourunless you mod it01:56
newbie2573and then you can't use a lot of the features like online stuff01:56
sixofourbut , for instance, sotres in my city don't sell PSP batteries because they could be used to mod your opsp01:56
newbie2573because they ban your console01:56
sixofourfriend went to get a psp battery and they told him that, it was an ebgames01:56
sixofourthey no longer sell them because of piracy lol01:57
yemcrxok, well fresh install of kubutu 64bit and I can't find firefox in the repos, any ideas01:57
Dr_willisive learned to not trust EBgames very much..01:57
Dr_willisthen again..i gave my PSP to my brother.. who went and got it modded. :P01:57
sixofourbut anyways, if free software is to survive they need software that is gratis and compeltely noob friendly01:58
Slartibartfastyemcrx: where did you search ?01:58
Dr_willisnoob friendly has nothing to do with it.01:58
sixofouryes it does01:58
sixofourno one wants complex software01:58
sixofourjoe average is stupid remember?01:58
SlartibartfastMaybe just open a console and do sudo apt-get install firefox01:58
yemcrxis there not a version of ff for 64bit01:58
newbie2573i think that right now, people see linux as a free, half broken, only used by geeks, alternative to paid OSes01:58
Dr_willisno it dosetn..  it has to do what the person MAKING the sofware wants..  if the noobs dont like it.. they are not supporting it anyway.01:58
yemcrxhmm I'll try01:58
Slartibartfastthere is01:58
newbie2573that needs to change first01:58
sixofourwill noobs are 95% of the users01:58
Dr_willisand they are niot doing any actual work to 'support' the software.01:59
newbie2573like it needs to be a lot easier to configure stuff01:59
MartinW|LaptopWhat is the command for joining the QuakeNet?01:59
newbie2573Dr_willis: how does one support the software?01:59
sixofourwills being sued is the best support01:59
sixofourwho cares abotu software no one uses?01:59
newbie2573like if you don't have any coding skills01:59
yemcrxwell its there with the console commands, kinda wierd01:59
Dr_willisbug reports, donations, supporting other related things.. helping in irc..01:59
sixofourlook at freeBSD01:59
Dr_williswiki pages...01:59
Dr_willisI dont do much coding.. but i do a lot of wiki page editing.01:59
Dr_willisand i do TONS of IRC support02:00
Dr_willisand real life linux support for friends02:00
sixofourwhat does it matter if only 15 people use that OS you support?02:00
yemcrxI have converted at least 10 friends myself to linux02:00
Slartibartfastyemcrx: Yeah , so i could not find a lot of software which  i just could in stall with apt-get02:00
newbie2573if you help them use it theyre more likely to use it02:00
Dr_willissixofour,  what does it matter if 300000000000 use it.02:00
sixofourlinux needs legions of stupid users so that companies like mcirosft cannot so easyly destroy it02:00
newbie2573and more likely to tell other people to use it.02:00
newbie2573lol yeah02:00
sixofourmcirosfy can buy a law making open software illegal lol02:01
Dr_willisif i make 'Bubbaedit' - i make it for my needs.. not yours.. if it suites you.. fine if not..  change it.. or find somthing else.02:01
sixofourthe government can make it mandatory to use a certain OS02:01
Dr_willisi can Licsnes it under th GPL so others can gain the most from my work.02:01
newbie2573the thing is02:01
sixofouryou think it, they can do it02:01
yemcrxI saw some windows ads on the tele last night and though man if there were only some linux ads I htink many more people would try and/or use it02:01
newbie2573linux is mostly made by people who's day job isn't to support it02:01
newbie2573people who work for ms and apple are piad02:01
Dr_willis government can make it mandatory  that you run around naked on every thursday..but i dobut if thats going to happen either.02:02
sixofourthe point is, big companeis could eventually make GPL illegal02:02
Dr_willisthe Gov could  make GPL a requirement also.02:02
newbie2573most people would be too uninformed to see the consequences02:02
Slartibartfastnewbie2573: But next to the people who make Linux software there are also a lot of people who support it02:02
sixofour"gpl has becasme illegal this mornign due to terrorist using this to distributed malicious programs used to attack our nation"02:02
sixofour"so from now on X system will be used to monitor all code beign sent through X cable comapnies"02:03
Dr_willisIn fact i recall that most software (all?) made by the Govenment is Public domain...   I forget what i used in college but it was from a Gov. project.02:03
sixofouror X ISPs02:03
sixofourgovernment is also in major debt, and big companies have major money02:03
sixofourif haliburton can make ameirca fight iraq, i am sure microsoft can make them drop gpl02:04
newbie2573the government and military of the us used windows02:04
sixofourthey sued vista then dropped it lol02:04
Dr_willisthey also use oither OS's depending on the needs of the system02:04
Slartibartfastthey even use linux02:04
sixofouranyways, it all sounds far fetched, but you never know what a big comapny with money can do02:04
Dr_williswork timne for me. bye all02:04
Dr_willis'its people! Linux OS is People!'02:05
sixofourmicrosoft can put out an ad that using linux entails installing a rootkit on your pc02:05
kuaeraNo, it can't.02:05
Dr_willisthen sony comes out and actually DOES it on windows...02:05
sixofournubs won't know the difference and believe it02:05
kuaeraNo, they cannot put false information in a commercial.02:05
Dr_willisso we are back to educating the public..02:05
sixofourlinux reputation permanatly ruined02:05
newbie2573I think the thing that would help the most02:06
newbie2573by far02:06
Dr_willisthere is no perment ruin -  or MS and APPLE would both be gone.02:06
sixofourcan't put false info on a cmercial !!02:06
newbie2573not yet02:06
kuaerasixofour: Apple, iPhone, the UK. Look it up and stop spewing FUD. It's annoying.02:06
sixofourms and apple have money to fix themselves02:06
newbie2573i think schools need to teach kids how to use linux02:06
sixofourpft UK02:06
newbie2573and teach them the benefits of FOSS02:06
kuaeranewbie2573: No.02:06
newbie2573why nott?02:07
sixofourshcools need to teach kids education first02:07
kuaeraTeach kids computer basics. It's up to them to learn how to apply their skills to their system.02:07
newbie2573i guess02:07
newbie2573but what i mean is..02:07
newbie2573if a school has 5 computer labs, one of them should run ubuntu02:07
yemcrxwhat's there to learn my 4yr old uses kubuntu with no issues02:07
newbie2573at least get people used to using it02:07
sixofouryemcrx:  he wants people to learn how to build a kernal from scratch02:08
sixofourthat is considered ubuntu basics02:08
sigma92hey guys, i just downloaded jaunty alpha 6. upon launching it plasma crashes.02:08
jvinokurisn't xbuntu designed for that?02:08
kuaerayemcrx: Does your four-year-old use word processing? Printing?02:08
sigma92this happens on every computer ive tried; so far, a netbook, and a desktop.02:08
sixofouronce you know that, you can contribute, otherwise your a leech :P02:08
kuaeraWhich... I must add, Linux printing is superior02:08
yemcrxand yeah she knows how to print to our print on the network02:09
sigma92i tried to run plasma manually from the commandline, and get this error02:09
sixofourwhat is plasma?02:09
sixofouris that the yellow box on my desktop?02:09
kuaerasixofour: KDE 4 desktop.02:09
newbie2573the desktop widgets on kubuntu 8.2002:09
sigma92plasma is the desktop and taskbar in kde402:09
sixofourwhat is the grey box for?02:09
newbie2573there's a bunch of different things, not just the yellow sticky pad02:09
newbie2573the task bar is one of them too02:10
sixofourthe widget thing ahs been here since kde2.5 iirc02:10
newbie2573basically it's everything on your deskto02:10
sigma92error message was: "org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply"02:10
sixofourthe task abr isn;'t new :/02:10
newbie2573the taskbars and all02:10
sixofourbar isn't new*02:10
newbie2573it's a new way of doing it02:10
newbie2573just google it02:10
newbie2573wikipedia has something on it02:10
sigma92anyway the point is02:10
sigma92this is a pretty showstopping bug... even for an alpha release02:11
sigma92i googled that error02:11
sigma92got a launchpad bug that says the fix is committed...02:11
newbie2573sixofour: http://www.kde.org/announcements/4.2/desktop.php02:11
sigma92but i downloaded all updates (had to get on an ethernet wire, plasma now controls network manager)02:11
sigma92no dice.02:11
sigma92anyone know what's going on?02:11
sigma92i mean i essentially have no desktop02:11
sigma92and you'd think that'd be something thye'd check before rolling out an alpha release...02:12
Slartibartfastsigma92: discussions about jaunty alpha software -> #ubuntu+102:14
sixofourhow can i search in konsole a fodler for files that have *.exe ?02:14
sixofoursearch folder and sub folders02:15
SlartibartfastCTRL + F02:15
Slartibartfastin dolphin :-)02:15
sixofourin konsole02:15
Slartibartfastfind /path/to/directory -name *.exe02:16
sixofouri knwo this wouldn't work :(02:17
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help02:18
Slartibartfastsixofour: otheriwse when you have locate installed ... do  "updatedb" ... locate *.exe02:20
sixofouri found it02:20
sixofourbut paintshoppro9.exe failed to run02:21
sixofourwith wine02:21
Slartibartfastah :-)02:21
sixofourwhat is the site with the list of aps that run in wine?02:21
Slartibartfastmaybe install a virtualbox when your windows programs need windows02:21
* MacProKubuntu64 is away: Gone away for now02:22
Slartibartfastmmm not sure ... www.winehq.org ?02:22
DasEIsixofour: or join #wine-hq02:23
beardbaranyone running 3 monitors on 8.10 here?02:25
sixofourdoes utorrent work on linux?02:25
Slartibartfastsixofour: yes ... with wine02:26
sixofourutorrent isn't native to linux?..hrm, is there a torrent program native to linux?02:28
sixofourthat has ctronols for ratio and such02:28
Slartibartfastsixofour: a lot02:28
sixofourthe best?02:28
Slartibartfastcan't say ... :-)02:28
sixofourthe most popuklar?02:28
Slartibartfastktorrent ?02:28
Slartibartfasttransmission ?02:29
Slartibartfastazureus also working with java02:29
DasEIsixofour:utorrent works with wine, and02:29
ubottuTorrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P02:29
Slartibartfasti like the console interface of rtorrent02:29
sixofouri'm getting ktorrent02:29
sixofouri already have it o002:30
yemcrxman adept is acting wierd on me, firefox and kubuntu-restricted-extras wasn't listed in the repos I had to use the command line apt-get to install them02:30
yemcrxany ideas02:30
Slartibartfastyemcrx: no ... but i like to use the console more to install software so using that more02:31
cukidoes anybnows why can i conect with vodafone mobile connect card and not be able to navigate whit konqueror? Does it have somethin to do with dns?02:32
yemcrxeven after adding the medibuntu repo, w64codecs would not show up in adept, had to revert to the comamnd line. I'm wondering if it has to do with using kubuntu64 vs 3202:32
Pirate-Kingcould someone check this paste bin out please http://pastebin.ws/5k7geq02:32
sixofourugh wtf02:32
sixofouri still need sudo to write to /home/user/02:32
demiI'm loving this Kubuntu, It supports alot more than what I could maunually get Freebsd to support, mainly my ATI card.02:33
Slartibartfastyemcrx: no also in my 32bits system adept does not show a lot of software ...02:33
demiI got Everquest running Flawlessly in Wine which is fun.02:33
sixofourwow oldschool02:33
demiEQ still owns man02:33
sixofoureverquest is a chatroom where people sit around spawn points all day killing02:34
demi10th aniversary shit coming up in 4 days, lol02:34
deminah it has changed alot02:34
sixofourwell, i will brb nontheless02:34
demiLotsa fun quests, killer group/raid gear, awesome/hard raid content.02:34
yemcrxI install from a kubuntu 64 CD this time vs usually using the Alternate disk or the DVD, wonder if somethings missing02:35
demidvd mainly had just a shit ton of extra language support, from what I have read.02:35
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.02:36
demimaybe some extra packages, but better off going online for those using adept or your favorite package manager.02:36
demiI'm sorry.02:36
cukiwhat do i need to use konqueror to navigate with a 3g hauwei modem? tnx...02:37
Slartibartfastcuki: http://ubuntu3215w.blogspot.com/2008/05/huawei-e220-3g-modem-howto.html02:40
bobosowould anyone know why when i type gksu gedit /etc/fstab it start to load up and then goes away and goes back to the command prompt02:40
cukitanks slartibartfast...02:40
yemcrxman even edubuntu-desktop does not apear in the repos02:41
cukibut, i can't acess to link, do i have another browser to use in kubuntu 8.04. I'm a fist time user....02:42
Slartibartfastcuki: firefox ?02:42
demiDon't think so, I use Firefox/Epiphany02:42
demiHave to Download them though.02:42
draik_I know that what I'm doing now is insanity, but there's got to be a way for me to get the nVidia driver to work on my desktop.02:43
Slartibartfastcuki: also this link might be helpful for you http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=5236149#post523614902:43
yemcrxi think adept is f'd up, possibly after I clicked one of the state icons, ie so it would not show (not installed) items ?02:43
demidid you add a wrong repo addy in your sources?02:43
demithat would prevent ti to load I did the same thing02:43
p_quarlesboboso: since this is Kubuntu, what about kdesudo kate /etc/fstab ?02:44
yemcrxI'll double check02:44
Slartibartfastdraik_: what nvidia driver you use ?02:44
draik_173 as recommended02:44
draik_Slartibartfast: I have used 96, 173 and 18002:44
bobosop_quarles: oh ok i was just following some web site ty02:44
cukii tryed, unless it is on the dvd media...02:44
Slartibartfasti thought there was also  17702:44
draik_Slartibartfast: Any driver I use freezes my desktop02:44
draik_177 does not support my card, GeForce FX 5700LE02:45
Slartibartfast177 i use on kubuntu8.10 on my laptop02:45
Slartibartfastok ok02:45
p_quarlesboboso: right; you can easily install gksu and gedit, but they don't come default with Kubuntu02:45
demiCuki - It should be on the dvd media I would imagine. Not sure though.02:45
bobosop_quarles: right i got kate working ty02:45
cukii'm looking now02:45
beardbaranyone have compiz fusion working in 8.10?02:46
Slartibartfastdraik_: hmmmm ... not sure, but if the ubuntu drivers crash your Xorg maybe you can try to download the drivers directly from Nvidia ?02:47
goofeybeardbar: why would anyone use compix fusion in *kubunt* 8.10 - kde has it's own composite manager02:50
demiBeardbar - I culd not get it to work through compizconfig setting manager, but after installing that and a few other things, for compiz I was able to go to System Settings>Desktop and there will/should be a new tab "All Effects" which those effects worked.02:50
demiStil some effects, like Explosion's and etc wotn work...02:50
draik_Slartibartfast: I was going to try that right now and I just lost my connection to all of the interwebs02:50
draik_Rebooting now02:51
beardbardraik_: id purge your current nvidia drivers, then download directly from nvidia install. that got my 9800gt working, not sure about your card though02:51
draik_beardbar: How do I purge the 173 I have now for the 173 from the nVidia site?02:52
draik_Same version, BTW02:52
beardbargoofey: ive been out of the scene for 3 years so I might not need it? im still trying to get hte third monitor going hehe.02:52
Slartibartfastapt-get --purge remove nvidia-xxxxxx02:52
draik_8.10 only uses nvidia-glx02:53
Slartibartfastand the xorg-nvidia stuff02:53
draik_I'll do that once I'm logged in again02:53
CYREXfirst of all hello everyone02:53
Slartibartfastbe sure you also rmmod nvidia before you build and insert the new module02:53
CYREXi am looking for a web page that shows alternative programs in linux for the ones found on windows02:54
demitry kde-apps.org?02:54
draik_Slartibartfast: sudo apt-get --purge remove nvidia-glx-173 xorg-nvidia && sudo rmmod nvidia02:54
CYREXthanks demi02:55
demiAlso using Adept you can search a phrase of what you want and maybe can find it.02:55
cukiSlartibartfast, do y think i have to configurate the dns on konqueror?02:55
CYREXyes the thing is i am building an up to date list for my country to see02:55
draik_I lost interwebs again :(02:55
demiCYREX - kde-apps isnt the only source but google helps too, GL02:55
Slartibartfastdraik_: something like that yes :-) ... not sure about the xorg-nvidia ...02:55
draik_got it back :)02:56
CYREXalready searched in several but most are really REALLY old, most of the programs in the list are several years old and not up to date02:56
CYREXso i was wondering maybe someone new of a better one02:56
CYREXfor the moment i only have a horrible html list02:56
draik_Slartibartfast: nvidia-xconfig     maybe?02:57
yemcrxyeah adept seems to be fubar, it will not show any packages that are not installed02:57
demikde-apps.org is all I really know, and kde-look.org to help pimp you desktops looks, otherwise I dont know about alot of the apps out there yet.02:57
CYREXbut i am working on moving it to php/mysql02:57
Slartibartfastdraik_: ... anything related to nvidia ...02:57
CYREXa oki np demi02:57
CYREXthanks for the help though02:57
Slartibartfastsee dpkg -l *nvidia* |grep ^ii02:58
bobosomy new hard drive says 931GB and 14GB used for a total of 916GB of space but when i go to the drive with dolphin its syas 870 is this right?02:58
demiCYREX: Yea some of those are old, for a good videoplayer for dvd's or any other files try Smplayer, and VLC player(Videolan Player)02:59
CYREXgot it02:59
CYREXvlc i knew the other did not02:59
demiboboso: I have seen incorrect numbers for folders and other things as well using dolphin.03:00
CYREXi will added to my list to lookup03:00
demiPersonally Dolphin is very slow too=\03:00
* MacProKubuntu64 is back.03:00
bobosodemi: so the 870 is wrong you think?03:01
demiI can't just say it's wrong but I have had nothing but trouble using Dolphin, and have seen incorrect drive spaces for folders/stuff I have copied or whatever.03:02
draik_Slartibartfast: That includes envyng too, right?03:02
Slartibartfasti think all the dependancies take care of the other related stuff03:03
demiCyrex: You try checking the drive using Konqueror?03:03
demiErrr Boboso***03:04
draik_How do I stop X from TTY1?03:05
draik_Got it03:05
Slartibartfastsudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop03:05
bobososays 870 out of 916 free 6% used03:06
draik_Yep, that's what I ran03:06
CYREXchecking the drive?03:06
CYREXwhat do you mean?03:06
CYREXyou will kill X like that03:07
demiCYREX: Just meant trying to see in Konqueror how much HD Space was used.03:07
CYREXa oki let me see03:07
draik_Slartibartfast: Would I want to run the nvidia-xconfig utility to automatically update my X configuration file so that NVIDIA X driver will be used when I restart X?03:07
SlartibartfastCYREX: But the kdm just respawns03:07
draik_CYREX: That will restart X. I needed it to be stopped03:08
Slartibartfastdraik_: yes03:08
CYREXdemi: Oki did it. Works great03:08
draik_Slartibartfast: Done. start kdm now?03:08
Slartibartfastdraik_: but it will only add Driver "nividia" in there03:08
Slartibartfastsudo /etc/init.d/kdm start03:08
CYREXSlartibartfast: Respawns in tty1?03:08
draik_Right, but good to start now Slartibartfast?03:09
SlartibartfastCTRL ALT BKSP will just restart kdm03:09
draik_CYREX: Not in TTY1, but it will restart X on the GUI's03:09
Slartibartfastdraik_: Yes03:09
SlartibartfastTry it03:09
CYREXyes i thought you had went to tty1 and did a startx on it03:09
draik_Done. Let's see...03:09
draik_So far so good...03:10
SlartibartfastCYREX: kdm starts by default03:11
CYREXand you want to eliminate the default part of kde03:11
Slartibartfastdraik_: turn on some effects03:11
CYREXis that ir03:11
SlartibartfastCYREX: not me03:11
huxanyone know why alt+spacebar does't open the window menu in kde4?03:12
draik_Slartibartfast: I did. They are running03:14
draik_Time for some audio. That usually does it sometimes03:14
Slartibartfast   Thats good :-) ...03:14
draikOk. Looking good here03:14
draikSlartibartfast: I never thought it would have made a difference from the repos to the nvidia site03:15
Slartibartfastdraik: :) ... i had the same in debian once ... when stuff in the debian repos did not work while the drivers from the nvidia site worked without problems03:16
Slartibartfastdraik: But myself i had no problems yet with ubuntu provided drivers ... except the 180 stuff ... which is in itself buggy as hell03:17
sixofouris tjhere an SDL pack ro soemthign that includes everything i'll need [to run games]03:18
draikGood to know03:19
sixofourhow do you search apt-get?03:21
cukiok, i can acess in ftp area but i cant http...03:21
Slartibartfastsixofour: apt-cache search03:23
sixofourog right, apt-cashe03:23
sixofourwhat do i do with .rpm files?03:25
* MacProKubuntu64 is away: Gone away for now03:27
Slartibartfastsixofour: apt-get install alien ... alien xxxxx .rpm03:28
ubottuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)03:28
sixofourthere has to be a better way of getting sdl and zlb and ogl03:28
Slartibartfastsixofour: huh? ... do you mean you can not find them in apt-cache search sdl ... etc?03:30
sixofouri don't know what i need lol03:30
sixofouri need "sdl zlib and ogl"03:30
Slartibartfastsixofour: not sure .. :-) ... maybe use google and try to find people who use the same games in linux03:33
sixofourhow do i get to c:03:34
sixofourwith wine03:34
doleybsixofour: ~/.wine/c_drive03:35
sixofourwhere is .wine?03:35
doleybsixofour: ~03:35
sixofourwhat is ~03:36
doleybsixofour: try typing "ls ~" and see what happen03:36
doleybsixofour: programs keep their config stuff in ~/.programname.  So wine's stuff is in ~/.wine.  And the c drive is ~/.wine/drive_c03:37
CoJaBoWhat would cause things such as scrolling and clicking to unexpectedly do something random (ex. scroll starts switching windows instead of scrolling, left click closes current application, right click switches to Firefox and starts it's download manager)?03:37
draik_So all seems good here now :)03:40
Slartibartfastdraik_: Good to know03:40
draikSlartibartfast: Thank you much!03:41
Slartibartfastdraik: welcome03:41
draikWhen doing the 'record desktop' it is being saved to an unfamiliar format. What would open it?03:42
Slartibartfastsee what it says with file xxxxx.cps03:42
draikkwin_video1.cps: data03:43
Slartibartfasthmmmm ... can't open with vlc or mplayer ?03:43
Slartibartfastdraik: read this thread http://forum.kde.org/kwin-video-record-t-7864.html03:45
draikNope. None of them. Not kaffeine either.03:45
demihow do I make a script file?03:45
demiConky wants me to place a startup script called .conky_start.sh in your home directory:03:45
tweakedehI'm trying to compile a C program and I get this. test.c:1:19: error: stdio.h: No such file or directory  Does any one know what pacakge I need to install?03:46
Slartibartfastdraik: seems you need to recode it to make it workable for mencoder to make it into a avi or so :-)03:46
draikGot it03:47
draikI was just reading that part03:47
draikHow do I set a shortcut for locking my desktop?03:49
demiWhat bin file do I add ~/.kde/Autostart to for Conky, I dont see a Conky.bin file anywhere?03:50
draikdemi: Wouldn't it just be conky rather than conky.bin?03:50
draik'whereis conky'03:51
demiits in /usr/bin03:51
demiI need to add ~/.kde/Autostart to make it autostart in kde, nto sure where i add that into?03:51
demithe guide says "Also, to get Conky to autostart in Kubuntu, you need to add a link to the bin file (in /usr/bin) to autostart"03:53
Slartibartfastdraik: for cpsrecode you need to install capseo03:54
draikYep. Did that too.03:55
draikdemi, then do that. 'cp /usr/bin/conky ~/.kde/Autostart'03:55
Slartibartfastdemi: do ln -s /usr/bin/conky ~/.kde/Autostart/04:01
demiI got it to autostat now, and I used this guides command to add in my xorg file to stop the flashing but that isnt working hrmm.04:02
Slartibartfasthaving an Intel C2D E6600 CPU which can run on 2.4 ghz ... but it's now only running on 1.5 ghz ... how to tell Kubuntu that it's OK to run the CPU on 2.4?04:06
Pirate-Kingcould someone check this paste bin out please http://pastebin.ws/5k7geq04:07
draik_Slartibartfast: Lost connection again. This is odd04:11
Slartibartfastdraik_: indeed ...04:12
Slartibartfastsure it's not your isp or something else?04:12
draik_And now the audio :(04:14
draik_It just got choppy04:15
draik_And now computer froze :(04:16
draik_Well, it was good while it lasted04:16
Slartibartfastanything in the logfiles ? ... see if top shows something ? ....04:17
Slartibartfastis there maybe to much dust inside ? :-) ... can make the hardware overheat and this can have strange effects04:18
draikIt just peaked my interest. If I had 4 monitors, would I be able to dedicate a virtual desktop to a monitor?04:21
* MacProKubuntu64 is back.04:22
demiWell when I applied this code "~/.kde/Autostart" in /usr/bin it didnt seem to save so conky wont autostart upon restarting, How do I add that again?04:31
LaeborgIf I have 2 monitors, can I then set up Monitor 1 to display Desktop 1 as default ect ?04:32
Blink^hi, anybody on kubuntu 9.04?04:34
Slartibartfastdemi: type in console ln -s /usr/bin/conky ~/.kde/Autostart/04:34
SlartibartfastBlink^: i'm on Jaunty04:34
Blink^hi slart04:34
Blink^small request, it shouldnt be much trouble04:35
Blink^can you upload me the air.png default wallpaper?04:35
demiDoes this mean it worked? ln: creating symbolic link `/home/demi/.kde/Autostart/conky': File exists04:35
Blink^imageshack or anywhere is fine04:35
Blink^and if resolution matters, 1280x102404:35
Slartibartfastmmm let me see ... is it not on www.kde-look.org?04:36
Blink^couldnt find it04:36
Blink^let me look again04:36
Blink^yea i cant find the wallpaper04:38
SlartibartfastOK ... moment please04:38
peachesany way to search package contents for files from packages not installed?04:49
sixofournone of my programs can write to /home/04:50
sixofoureven temp stuff04:50
ubottuInkscape is a powerful vector graphics drawing application - see http://www.inkscape.org/ for more04:56
beardbarhey guys, what do i need to do in order to edit my xorg.conf files with kate, when i save I get permission errors04:56
sixofouryou need sudo04:56
sixofourbecareful you can mess things up badly if you break xorg.conf04:56
beardbari have backups04:56
sixofourkdesudo kate path/to/xorg.conf04:56
beardbarok cool04:56
sixofourdon't complain if you log into irc in two hours with something broken :D04:57
beardbar;) i wont04:57
beardbarive been spending the day trying to get 3 monitors to work, i can get 2 to work just fine04:58
beardbarholy moly i did it05:03
=== j is now known as Guest55091
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about krita05:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about scribus05:21
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots05:21
ubottugimp is an advanced image manipulation application for Ubuntu. See http://www.gimp.org for tutorials and more information.05:27
sixofourhrm no channel?05:27
beardbardoes kapote support irc?05:29
bazhang!info kopete05:29
ubottukopete (source: kdenetwork): instant messenger for KDE 4. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.1.4-0ubuntu1~intrepid1 (intrepid), package size 6892 kB, installed size 17700 kB05:29
draik_Slartibartfast: I'm giving up for the night. I can't use k3b. I can't use k9copy. I'm not sure what's going on or what to do anymore. :-(05:38
Slartibartfast:-( ... don't know either what is wrong05:39
=== jpsnl1 is now known as JP-sNL
draik_Goodnight everyone...05:42
Slartibartfastdraik_: night05:43
tony426i want to make a symbolic link from /home to another disk but my apps still write to it. does it not work recursively?05:45
tiger_hi all05:46
tony426all here, nice to meet you05:47
tiger_hi  tony05:47
tiger_I was waiting for someone to talk05:47
tiger_how are you??05:47
sixofouri opened a program with konsole, is there a way to clsoe the konsole without the program closing?05:55
JP-sNLsixofour, have a look at a program called 'screen'... man screen    :-)06:05
xjjkhas anyone experience running KDE 4.x on a Celeron with 256 MB of RAM?06:09
xjjkI'm wanting to setup Kubuntu for my girlfriend, but I'm worried whether her laptop is powerful enough06:09
xjjkgetting a new laptop isn't a short term option06:10
desui think it shouldn't be too much of a problem, if you disable desktop effects and other eye candy...06:11
* JP-sNL agrees06:13
xjjkprobably will have to set her up with Konqueror? I'm worried about Firefox06:15
xjjkhaving to load associated GTK libraries and Firefox's normal memory usage may be too much06:15
JP-sNLxjjk, both can live on the same installed OS: konquerer is standard, fixefox optional06:16
ibuffy[01:14] <ibuffy> anyone else have this issue: http://bayimg.com/HaoGAAABE06:17
ibuffy[01:14] <ibuffy> aisan fonts don't display properly06:17
xjjkJP-sNL: yes, but I'm worried about whether 256 MB of RAM is enough for running KDE and Firefox at the same time06:17
ibuffystill having the issue06:17
raveluh. I am wondering if others have serious stability issues with Kubuntu 8.10 & KDE 4.206:17
xjjkibuffy: are you talking about that nasty overlapping?06:17
ibuffyxjjk: yes06:17
ravel(and... all the 3d desktop effects become disabled after hibernating once)06:17
JP-sNLxjjk, if you don't like how firefox runs you can just uninstall it... no problem i think06:18
ibuffy[01:15] <ibuffy> they display correctly if i highlight them06:18
xjjkibuffy: hrm, works on my machine... which is probably not useful to use (Debian/Iceweasel)06:18
xjjkibuffy: is that 8.10?06:18
xjjklet me check on my 9.04 machine...06:18
ravelKonqueror crashes 1-2 times a day, firefox about 5 times a day, kde crashes once in a while, kopete and plasma crash every day06:19
xjjkibuffy: works on my 9.04 machine06:19
ravel(of course, KDE 4.1 was much more unstable)06:20
ibuffyxjjk: did you have the problem on 8.04?06:21
ibuffy8.10 **06:21
xjjkibuffy: I skipped 8.10...06:21
xjjkbut I don't recall problems like that, ever06:21
xjjkibuffy: have you tried not using gtk-qtengine06:21
xjjkand a normal GTK theme?06:22
ibuffyxjjk: that's an idea...06:24
ibuffyone sec06:24
xjjkibuffy: if you want Firefox to look like your KDE apps, I highly recommend QtCurve06:25
xjjkmaybe a little boring, but it works, and is fast06:25
xjjkunlike gtk-qtengine06:25
ibuffyalright, that didn't fix it06:26
ravelis there a way to re-enable the 3d desktop effects once they have crashed? (plasma, whatever)06:26
ibuffyeven trying the kde fonts in gtk apps didn't help06:26
ibuffynor did the typical fonts in gtk06:26
xjjkibuffy: just wondering, what happens when you incease the font size for the page?06:26
xjjkravel: yes... System Settings > Desktop06:27
ibuffychanging style to a gtk style didn't affect the fonts either06:27
xjjkand it's some checkbox in there06:27
ravelwhich checkbox?06:27
raveleverything is enabled there06:27
xjjkEnable desktop effects06:27
xjjkor something similar06:27
ibuffyincreasing fonts works06:27
ibuffyfont size*06:28
xjjkibuffy: hrm, that's interesting...06:28
ibuffyyeah, for sure06:28
ibuffykonqueror doesn't need this but firefox does06:28
xjjkibuffy: what happens if you permanently increase the font size?06:28
xjjkravel: the checkbox should be called enable desktop effects, or something like that06:29
xjjkif it's checked... uncheck/check it again06:29
ibuffyincreasing the font size only fixes that page06:29
ibuffywhen you visit another page, you still have the same issue06:29
ravelxjjk, everything is enabled already. and if I uncheck/recheck it, it says Failed to activate desktop effects ... check your X configuration06:29
xjjkravel: hrm... and desktops effects worked before?06:30
xjjkravel: we're talking about the window shadows, animations, panel translucency, right?06:30
ravelxjjk, yes06:31
xjjkravel: mhrm, I'm unsure what to do next06:32
xjjkwhat video chipset does your system have?06:32
ravelIntel GM45 (HP 6530b laptop)06:33
ibuffythe increasing of font size doesn't help anymore06:35
xjjkravel: I'm out of solutions...06:35
ibuffyi just have to put my mouse over the text to read it06:35
xjjkibuffy: might have one more thing to try...06:36
ibuffys/to read it/before it displays correctly06:36
xjjkibuffy: can you open up a terminal...06:36
xjjk(close firefox first)06:36
xjjkand then run:06:36
xjjkexport MOZ_DISABLE_PANGO=1; firefox06:36
ravelxjjk, how about the general instability of KDE 4.2, Konqueror and Firefox?06:38
ibuffyxjjk: nope06:38
ibuffynow how do you enable pango? :)06:38
ibuffyMOZ_ENABLE_PANGO_1 ?06:39
xjjkibuffy: it didn't make a difference?06:39
xjjkibuffy: the environment variable will only be valid for that terminal, so close that terminal06:39
xjjkravel: I feel as if most of that is being addressed in Jaunty...06:39
xjjkPlasma still crashes more often than I'd like, but the rest of the KDE apps are very stable06:39
ibuffyoh noes!06:40
xjjkravel: what Firefox extensions do you use? Most Firefox crashes are due to extensions... it otherwise is a very stable app06:40
ibuffyan issue i thought was gone has just come back after messing with these font settings: some kde apps become unresponse to the keyboard :\06:40
xjjkibuffy: mmm06:41
ibuffyfor instance.... i can't search a program in the k menu06:41
ibuffysearch +for06:41
xjjkibuffy: it freezes?06:41
ibuffyit just started06:41
ibuffythe cursor is blinking but i can't type anything06:41
ibuffyand yet.. now i can06:42
ibuffyo boy06:42
ibuffythis is the part i hate.. don't know which app will and won't respond and when06:43
ibuffyatleast so far i haven't ran into dependency hell again06:43
xjjkibuffy: how much RAM do you have? it seems as if you're defficient in something...06:43
xjjkthat is more than enough ,hrm06:43
ibuffyit seems more like bugs if you ask me :)06:44
xjjkany chance of running ksysguard at the same time and looking at what process is using most CPU whenever this happens?06:44
xjjkyeah... I actually skipped 8.1006:44
xjjkit had too many bugs06:44
ibuffyno chance because i don't know when it happens06:44
ravelxjjk, adblock+, no others06:44
ibuffyit's random06:44
xjjkjust went from 8.04 -> 9.0406:44
=== kuaera is now known as kuaera|sleep
ibuffyi need stability06:44
xjjk9.04 has it's share of problems, but most are hardware related06:44
ravelon the other hand, all kde's and konquerors have been very unstable06:44
xjjksoftware so far has been very stable06:44
ravelon my home machine KDE is more unstable06:45
xjjkI'm really impressed with KDE 4.2.106:45
xjjkravel: interesting06:45
ibuffyi am too06:45
ibuffybut it too had the same firefox issue w/ asian fonts06:45
xjjkravel, ibuffy: would there happen to be LoCos in your area?06:46
ravelwhat's locos06:46
xjjklocal community06:47
ibuffyof what?06:47
ibuffywhackos? yes06:47
xjjkwell, yeah06:47
ravelthere's "ubuntu finland"06:47
xjjksome people in them tend to be a bit overenthusiastic (and not much else, *cough*)06:47
ravelI asked them once about the instability, they said that they have not exeperienced it in their installations06:47
ravelfrom my experience, every KDE has been quite unstable (I have used it since 3.0)06:48
xjjkravel: for kde apps, it'd probably be very helpful if you installed the *-dbg packages06:48
xjjkand used KDE's crash reporting tool06:48
ibuffyi'm pretty sure a local ubuntu group would just as helpful as this channel06:48
xjjkibuffy: depends how knowledgable people are... unfortunately it's difficult to diagnose some things over IRC06:48
ravelgenerally, I like KDE 4.2 very much.06:49
xjjkibuffy: how much disk space do you have?06:49
ravelit's just that the usability is still not very good, it is unstable and practically all KDE's previous problems are carried over06:49
xjjkibuffy: can you check whether you experience the same problems under GNOME?06:49
raveland i had to edit text conf files to get dualhead enabled06:50
ravelxjjk, is there a handy way to find those packages :-)06:51
xjjkravel: whatever application you're using that crashes... e.g. kopete, there should be kopete-dbg06:51
xjjkI think06:51
ibuffyxjjk: just tried, same problem there as well06:51
xjjkat least the major packages like amarok have versions with debugging symbols06:51
xjjkhrm, don't think all packages have them... blargh06:52
ravelxjjk, there is not konqueror-dbg06:52
ravelCouldn't find any package whose name or description matched "kopete-dbg"06:52
xjjkravel: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/DebuggingKDE06:53
xjjkapparently it's a bit more complicated than I described06:54
xjjkdebugging symbols for konqueror would be in kdebase-dbg06:54
xjjkkopete, kdenetwork-dbg06:54
xjjkibuffy: it *only* happens in Firefox?06:55
xjjkibuffy: have you tried the binaries available from mozilla.org? does the same problem happen there?06:55
* MacProKubuntu64 is away: Gone away for now06:57
ibuffydid i do this correctly? extracted the tarball and then launched firefox from within the folder using ./firefox07:00
xjjkibuffy: yep07:00
ibuffy..it asked me if i wanted to restore my last session o.O07:00
ibuffyand still gave me a little intro07:00
ibuffysame problem07:00
xjjkibuffy: same problem?07:00
xjjkdefinitely a pango issue07:00
xjjkor corrupted font07:00
ibuffyi didn't have this problem until setting up scim07:01
ibuffyand scim's bi*** to setup07:01
xjjkI've never setup scim07:01
ibuffyit's not as simple as apt-get install scim07:01
xjjkI imagine not07:01
ibuffyi'll remove scim and its settings settings reluctantly just to test it out07:02
xjjkibuffy: backup the settings, obviously..07:02
ibuffythis is still the most relevant page for scim setup: http://www.mrbass.org/linux/ubuntu/scim/07:03
ibuffythe ubuntu.com stuff never works07:03
beardbar1so anyone here running jaunty with multiple monitors?07:03
ibuffybeing https://wiki.ubuntu.com/InputMethods/SCIM/Setup07:03
xjjkibuffy: thanks for the links... I may need this07:03
xjjkmy girlfriend is Korean and may want input support07:03
ibuffygo w/ the first one07:04
ibuffyit makes things simple07:04
beardbar1is there a quick command that i can tell the exact version of kde that I am running?07:05
xjjkbeardbar1: looking at the about dialog of your favorite KDE app is easier07:05
ibuffyi shouldn't have to reboot X but i will jix07:09
ibuffyi give up, i'm reporting a bug on firefox and not messing with it anymore07:11
xjjkibuffy: sorry could not be of more help...07:11
ibuffyman.. i could give up firefox if only the flash plugin worked like it does in firefox07:11
beardbar1took a few but found it, thanks xjjk07:11
xjjkibuffy: are you reporting it now? do a favor and give me the bug number07:11
ibuffydon't be, you tried hard07:11
* MacProKubuntu64 is back.07:11
xjjkI may be able to test better in a week or so07:12
ibuffyi will in a bit after reinstalling scim07:12
ubuntu_Всем привет07:13
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke07:14
kanon-matprivyet, i have no idea :)07:15
boraklavunı would like to customize my ubuntu07:21
boraklavunlike  vista gadgets  how can  I do that07:21
beardbar1so i am running 3 monitors, got my xorg.conf look'n all pretty petite, everything so far is fine, accept my login and log off screens, and any new window that opens, they open or appear centered between the two monitors. anyone know how I might fix this?07:27
kanon-matbeardbar1:  maybe rightklick on the titlebar and choose advanced > special application settings07:29
kanon-matyou can choose position07:29
kanon-matidk if it works for double monitirs07:30
beardbar1kanon-mat: you know I wonder if its because I installed comiz before i realized I didnt really need it for kde.07:31
kanon-mati dont think it is because of compiz07:32
beardbar1ya your probably right, since its not actually loading.07:32
kanon-matthere should be an option to open a window in screen 0 or 107:34
kanon-mati have just one monitor :)07:34
beardbar1well i am gonna chalk it up to just starting back into linux after a 3 year hiatus. I was actually suprised I got this far. gonna do a fresh install of jaunty alpha six07:36
kanon-matimpressive, i forget things fast07:37
beardbar1ok, wierd im actually running kde 4.1 i thought 8.10 came with 4.2 so do I need to upgrade my kde desktop to 4.2?07:39
kanon-mati have kde 3.5.1007:40
kanon-mati think 8.10 came with 4.107:40
kanon-matand that there is an upgrade to 4.207:40
kanon-matit should have bugfixes07:41
beardbar1ya im seeing it now, and the instructions07:41
kanon-matanyway, i have system settings > window behaviour > window specific settings07:42
kanon-matthere is a way to add apps there, and settings for how theyu are started07:43
beardbar1thanks, i'll have a look gonna upgrade to 4.2 first07:45
kanon-matare u on nvidia?07:47
=== _ulysses is now known as ulysses__
husaynin my office we have HP laser jet 1020 which is shared on . In my office everyone is having Windows xp they have installed it through the sharing .. how to install that shared printer on kubuntu07:51
hw_!find fix07:51
ubottuFound: libxcb-xfixes0, libxcb-xfixes0-dbg, libxcb-xfixes0-dev, libxfixes-dev, libxfixes3 (and 30 others)07:51
hw_!find apt07:51
ubottuFound: apt, apt-doc, apt-listchanges, apt-transport-https, apt-utils (and 90 others)07:51
DarkriftXanyone know what could be wrong with my wifi that i cannot upload via http or ftp, but i can upload fine on torrents?07:51
hw_!find adept07:51
ubottuFound: adept07:51
DarkriftXhttp/ftp uploads die at about 230K or close07:52
DarkriftXif i keep restarting it (in ftp for example) sometimes it will go07:52
hw_! fixdb07:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fixdb07:52
hw_Hmm, how can I fix package db lock?07:53
beardbar-lapkanon-mat: hey mate im doing the upgrade and i forget how to uninstall a package from the command line. Remove the koffice-data-kde4 package if you have it installed isnt it something like dkpg --purge packageName?07:54
kanon-mataptitude purge or apt-get purge07:54
vltDaSkreech: No, no custom theme. Akregator and kmail (KDE 3.5.10) have this "footprint" icon. It marks all mails or rss articles as seen. I just don't know why they chose this footprint icon.07:56
hw_How do I fix "Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)" ?07:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lock07:57
DaSkreechvlt: screenshot?07:57
kanon-mathw_: you make sure you are not running any package apps07:57
kanon-matthen maybe rm the lockfile07:58
kanon-matno, nvm07:58
kanon-mati have it also07:59
DarkriftXany network gurus here?08:00
sixofouris there any way to make a hotkey on my keyboard that makes the mouse move like 5x slower?08:03
vltDaSkreech: http://img26.imageshack.us/img26/9058/screenshot1qdg.png and http://img26.imageshack.us/img26/7100/screenshot2aer.png08:05
DaSkreechvlt: Not sure either it's your icon theme or someone named. Yo ucan change it08:09
beardbar-lapwow the diffrence between 4.1 and 4.2 kde is amazing08:25
kanon-matplz tell :)08:26
kanon-mati havent taken the leap to 8.10 yet08:26
kanon-mati'll think i'll wait until 9.0408:27
beardbar-lapwell everything looks very smooth, and it auto fixed one of my monitor problems I was having08:28
beardbar-lapaccept i spoke to soon, my keyboard isnt working lol08:28
Slartibartfastkanon-mat: See what kwin can do now http://picasaweb.google.com/b2809d/Screenshots#531258706072918581008:33
hw_I currently try to remove some packages. Within the remove process the adept manager shows some blue console screen where I have to acknowledge someting. But I cant acknowledge. Mouse, tab, any key is working. What should I do?08:34
kanon-matit looks good, Slartibartfast, maybe i'll get a newer comp before i use the fancy stuff08:35
kanon-matkill 'pidof adept' ?08:37
javiis there a solution or workaround for the plasmoids error "could not find requested component" ?09:13
ActionParsnip1yo yo yo09:16
ubottuHi! I'm #kubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots09:33
DaSkreechcan someone dig rawbandwidth.com and tell me what the server's IP address is ?09:42
makdaknifeDaSkreech: I don't get any IP for that domain09:49
DaSkreechok so I'm not insane09:49
ActionParsnip1www.rawbandwidth.com.   10800   IN      A
makdaknifeha ha09:50
DaSkreechI can ping that too09:50
DaSkreechwhat ?09:50
makdaknifejust laughing because we both responded in the same way09:51
makdaknifemy dns must be out of date... just hopped onto another server of mine and I get the same IP09:54
beardbar-laptrying to install flash from kde 4.2 is there a way to force a i386 install or do I have to do it from the command line?10:02
ActionParsnip1beardbar-lap: theres a 64bit flash plugin if you want it10:05
beardbar-lapoh hells ya10:06
beardbar-lapactionparsnip1: but for other things is there a way?10:06
ActionParsnip1beardbar-lap: http://news.softpedia.com/news/How-to-Install-Adobe-Flash-Player-64-bit-on-Ubuntu-8-10-98076.shtml10:07
beardbar-lapthanks man10:11
zeltakanyone know how to make screen autostart on bootup?10:11
Havalinahello all :)10:13
ActionParsnip1zeltak: add a symlink to it in ~/.kde/Autostart10:13
adminkoЕсть Русские?10:15
adminkoEnubody Russ?10:15
stdin!ru | adminko10:19
ubottuadminko: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke10:19
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke10:20
zeltakthx for the answer ActionParsnip1 but screen is a command line program..will it load it detached?10:23
DaSkreechActionParsnip1: can you ping ?10:25
makdaknifeDaSkreech: not me...10:25
praaafhyhy all10:26
praaafmi a helyzet?10:26
ubottuMagyar nyelvű segítséget az #ubuntu-hu csatornán talál10:26
ActionParsnip1DaSkreech: no10:27
praaafszügségem van egy kis segítségre, magam nem tudtam még megoldani és a fórumon található módozatokkal sem megy, talán ti tudtok valami használhatót mondani. Meg kell osztanom a t-mobilos internetem, usbmodemes(huawei e220 vagy sonyericsson k850i),két gép közötti megosztás. 1:Laptop ezen van a net, 2: asztali gép. Minden lehetséges megoldás érdekel gyerekek.10:32
rrichiehi all10:35
rrichiehas anyone tried kubuntu 9.04 alpha 6 ?10:36
Bauldrickwhats the command for seeing how much ram/what cpu you have?10:36
Zulanless /proc/meminfo /proc/cpuinfo10:37
ActionParsnip1!jaunty | rrichie10:38
ubotturrichie: Jaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.10:38
ActionParsnip1np :)10:39
beardbar-lapanyone know a fix for getting desktop effects working, nvidia 9800gt. says I don;t have Xcomposit and Xdamage but both libraries are installed10:39
ActionParsnip1beardbar-lap: have you installed video drivers?10:39
beardbar-lapyep, latest directly from nivdia, have a 3 screen setup working as well10:40
ActionParsnip1beardbar-lap: hmmm10:40
ActionParsnip1beardbar-lap: http://forum.kde.org/-solved-composite-effects-xdamage-xcomposite-t-10337.html10:41
=== pablo is now known as Pablo
=== Pablo is now known as PabloA
beardbar-lapok having go, i had the composite option enabled but not damage, crossing fingers10:47
PabloAhow can I adjust display gamma in 7.10? I dont see any option in display preferences10:47
ActionParsnip1beardbar-lap: any good to you?10:48
beardbarstill no joy :(10:50
hw_How do I configure knode to store every single message on local harddisk?10:58
frojndI have kubuntu 8.10, what driver do I need to install if I have wifi card BCM4311 ? Or firwmare...11:04
frojndAny ideas ?11:04
ActionParsnipfrojnd: dont ask in both channels, you look silly11:04
ActionParsnipfrojnd: if !broadcom is no use, use ndiswrapper11:05
ActionParsnip!ndiswrapper | frojnd11:05
ubottufrojnd: Wireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs11:05
beardbarya actionParsnip: found some good info on my problem, looks like I am stuck waiting for a bit until a new drivers come out for jaunty11:06
ActionParsniplooks like it, its only a month11:06
ActionParsnipand considering its only poy effects, you'll live11:07
beardbarwell i like effects ;) actually my only real concern is that stupid login and logoff screen centered between my right 2 monitors11:08
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fyl0nWill the Asus 1000H Netbook (Wifi, Smartpad, Intel graphics etc) be default supported bij 9.04 Final?11:14
fyl0nCuz my wifi isn't working since alpha3.. and I got alpha6 installed.11:14
ubottuJaunty Jackalope is the code for Ubuntu 9.04, due April 2009 - Lots of breakage between now and April - Please join #ubuntu+1 for discussion and support.11:17
bazhangfyl0n, jaunty discussion in #ubuntu+111:17
fyl0nbazhang: thanx11:20
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EruaranRiddell: Jaunty is looking like it will be a great release. Kudos. :)11:48
fireball_hey all!11:54
fireball_hope you can help me. . . for starters, is this the right place for a ubuntu user?11:55
bazhangfireball_, kubuntu or ubuntu?11:56
fireball_i thought hde was great11:56
fireball_then kde 4.1 happened :(11:57
SlimeyPeteI'm holding out for 4.511:57
fireball_and i'm a twit, "#ubuntu" where?11:57
fireball_or otherwise, its a drive problem, you guys can probably help11:58
kaddiheya.. how exactly is a usbdrive mounted, when i use the graphical interface? is the fat-table somehow modified?11:58
fireball_i fiddled with the permissions of my ntfs driive, now all sorts of problems. . .11:58
fireball_can't seem to reset them succesfully11:59
Dr_willisHuh>  what does a fat table have to do with mounting?11:59
Dr_willisntfs/vfat are normally mounted using the ntfs-3g tool's12:00
Dr_willisthe permissions are normally set when the filesystem is mounted.12:00
ubottuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions12:00
fireball_my drives mounted ok (assuming you're talking to me)12:00
kaddina, i think he meant me ;)12:00
kaddiDr_Willis nothing really.. i have a file that was unreadable under windows, when i mounted it manually via mount -t vfat etc... it remained unreadable under windows. Then i used the graphical interface to mount and unmount the usbdrive and all of a sudden the file can be read.12:01
speedcorewhat it the default desktop switch shortcut?12:01
Dr_williskaddi,  sounds liek a fluke to me.. the gui is mounting things the same way as the command line12:01
kaddii'd just like to know what happen and thought maybe it hast something to do with fat tabls12:01
fireball_but i can't access the music from my media players without "Could not get/set settings from/on resource"12:01
Dr_willisYou may want to be backingup and filechecking that drive real soon12:02
kaddiit's 128mb usb-drive... nothing of real value on there... :p12:02
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fireball_ahem. . . ok, so what did i do wrong?12:04
Dr_willisYou are refering to accessing mp3-type players via USB?12:04
fireball_my problems not kaddi's at all12:04
fireball_my ntfs drive reads ok, it says12:04
fireball_i get previews of files in nautilus12:05
fireball_but the above error i get if i try to access said file12:05
fireball_i copied them onto my ubuntu drive, same problem12:05
kaddispeedcore: i don't think there is a default set. you can have a look at programs ->System->systemsettings ->keyboard and mouse ->global shortcuts -> select kwin .> and look for switch between desktops or something.12:06
baneI have problem installing amarok 2 on 8.10. Before I had it, but after reinstalling system, I can't install it.12:06
baneI added eb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ubuntu intrepid main12:06
baneAny idea why?12:06
corigo1I'm struggling to install 8.10 32 or (preferrably) 64 but all I get are Squashfs errors and the install freezes and fails. I tried running the memory test on the live cd and it kept running for over 24 hours...12:08
Dr_willisyou did verify the md5sum of the cd? and iso file?12:09
Dr_willisI always use unetbootin to make bootable thumbdrives i install from :) i rarely mess with cd's any more12:09
speedcorekaddi: I like to enable the CUBE effect =)  But I can't seem to understand how12:10
* Dr_willis is sick of the CUbe.12:10
corigo1Dr_willis: yes.12:11
speedcoreDr_willis: I generally hate glitz.. But I just like 5min of fun12:11
* makdaknife is sick of a lot of the extraneous eyecandy12:11
Dr_willisI recall ther eeing some kde4 config panel that enabled all that eyecandy stuff..12:11
Dr_willis'eye candy causes ocular cavaties'12:11
Dr_willisso be sure to brush after every game.. and floss those eyebrows!12:12
makdaknifespeedcore: if you're using kde4, its in the desktop/advanced settings12:12
makdaknifei think12:12
bazhangsystem settings iirc under appearance12:12
speedcoremakdaknife: I cant' seem to enable opengl on this gpu.. will that prevent me? is xrender fine?12:12
fireball_meanwhile, please, #ubuntu how, or how do i fix my drive settings?12:12
makdaknifespeedcore: I think that xrender works okay12:12
fireball_worked it out, thanks12:13
speedcoremakdaknife: does xrender work with "the box"12:14
makdaknifespeedcore: I believe so12:16
makdaknifeI've used it on my machine and it works fine... but then, so does opengl12:16
speedcoremakdaknife: which KEY is the default META?   noobing along here12:17
makdaknifespeedcore: I'm not sure what you mean?12:19
makdaknifespeedcore: btw, the cube option is under effects in the desktop settings12:20
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Dr_willisspeedcore,  the alt key is also the metakey12:22
Dr_willisthe windows key is the super-key12:22
Dr_willisand if you got a linxu keyboard with a tux instead of the windws log.  its a SUPER-DUper key :OP12:22
makdaknifeah.... didn't know that was what itwas called ;-)12:22
makdaknifeDr_willis: lol12:23
Dr_willisand just for the record   ^C  ---> means CONTROL-C :)12:23
* Dr_willis slaps nano around for not having a little help guide/start screen with that info.12:23
kanon-matfrom the nano help "The notation for shortcuts is as follows: Control-key sequences are notated with a caret (^) symbol"12:25
kanon-matF1 ftw :)12:26
Dr_willisive seen peopel using windows for years.. that never even reaize F1 does help12:26
Dr_willisThank you MS for deciding what my Keys should do :)12:26
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Dr_willisnext they will be deciding we need yet more windows-specific keys on the keyboard. :)12:27
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.12:28
kanon-matmedia keyboards :(12:28
Dr_willisI saw some gamepad that was actually a keyboard.. :) it had like 20+ buttons12:29
Dr_willisjust what you need for your MMORPGS :)12:33
Dr_willisC Sharp  = attack with bow..12:33
Dr_willisD minor = defense mode12:33
kanon-matyes, so many keys to configure and bind12:34
corigo1All my install CDs check out fine. All the same problem whether it is Ubuntu 8.10 64, Kubuntu 8.10 64, Kubuntu 8.10 32, Ubuntu 8.04 6412:34
Dr_williscorigo1,  sounds like  your drive may be flakey.  if you have a thumbdrive try the unetbootin tool  make a usb installer.. it will boot/install faster from it also12:36
corigo1I've tried with 2 different CD drives12:38
corigo1This one is still under warranty12:38
Dr_willisdo the disks work in a different pc?12:39
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ActionParsniptry some boot options12:42
ActionParsnipand check your system ram12:42
norenhi all12:50
eMaXanyone here uses a logitech bluetooth mouse?12:51
norenis there any tool in kde to see what is taking up so much of space in my home partion, its virtually full.. but i cant see any major folder12:51
JuJuBeenoren: try du -sh ./*12:54
norenJuJuBee: what is that suppose to do12:54
Dr_willisprints out space used by stuff12:55
norenand also one more issue sud i separate /home partion for different distro i am having kubuntu 8.10 and ubuntu 8.04 but having the same /home partion12:56
JuJuBeeShows all subdirs of current working dir and the amount of space they occupy.  Faster than right click and properties...12:56
JuJuBeeThat  I have to defer to the more experienced.  Most stuff should be ok, but things like kde configs might break if using different versions  of kde..?12:57
noren168M    ./guest12:58
noren16K     ./lost+found12:58
noren5.7G    ./noren12:58
norenbut i got 10 gb partion for /home which now shows only 500 mb free12:59
Dr_willischeck the Trash directory? :)13:00
Dr_willis5% would be reserved from the beginning for system reciovery also...13:01
ubottuThe location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash13:01
Dr_willisso that would be.. err.. 500mb13:01
ActionParsnipnoren: you could try: du -h ~/ | less13:01
ActionParsnipnoren: see which files and folders are huge13:01
ActionParsnipnoren: it my be your ~/.mozilla folder with temp guff13:02
Sarge_TJHi! I noticed that I have a tmp/ folder in my /root directory. Is it like the windows temp -folder, I mean can I empty it whenever I want to?13:02
norenActionParsnip: there was a niccce gui app in the ubuntu for this same purpose i cant rem the name13:03
geModulehi. Can I use the livecd only for formatting a HD ?13:03
makdaknifegeModule: sure... the tools on the livecd can be used as normal13:04
geModuleok thanks13:05
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JuJuBeeActionParsnip: But her home dir was only 5.7G... she should have almost 4G free...?13:05
norenActionParsnip: do i need the ./mozilla in the kubuntu13:05
JuJuBeeWouldnt her trash bbe included in that 5.7G?13:05
onasveiki visi13:05
onaLietuviu yra?13:06
makdaknifenoren: ActionParsnip: you can get a nice graphical representation of file space usage for a folder in konqueror13:06
norenJuJuBee: i agree but is this prob because i had used the same partion for the installation  of ubuntu 8.0413:07
makdaknifenoren: you need .mozilla if you are using firefox13:07
BluesKaj'Morning All13:07
norenActionParsnip: makdaknife: how can i optimize my home folder, and i dont use mozilla, i think it came because i installed ubuntu i guess.13:07
JuJuBeenoren: so /home  is not a separate part?13:08
norenBluesKaj: hi13:08
JuJuBeenoren: do u use firefox?13:08
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norenJuJuBee: i had /home on the separate partition and other two separate partion for the installation of the Kubuntu and U buntu13:08
norenJuJuBee: no i dont use Firefox innnn Kubuntu13:09
kanon-matmaybe noren could use the filesize view in konqueror, takes a ocuple of minutes13:09
kanon-mati started strigi once, it ate up 21 Gb of my hdd13:10
ActionParsnipnoren: browse around sequentially and see what you have / dont need / can backup to delete13:10
makdaknifekanon-mat: yeah strigi can be a beast13:10
JuJuBeenoren:  I forgot that the folder could be a hidden one.... can try du -sh ./.* to show size of all hidden folders..13:11
makdaknifenoren: the alternative to the filesize view in konqueror is to install filelight13:11
kanon-matso i purged it, it was 6 packages, when active it used 18% of my cpu cycles :)13:11
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norenis .gnome2 folder required for kde13:16
ActionParsnipnoren: depends what other apps you run13:16
BluesKajstrigi is ok if you have a lot of stored data , but for ordinary home use it's not necessary IMO13:20
ubottuServices to index files for fast searching include: Beagle (front-ends: beagle, catfish, gnome-main-menu, mozilla-beagle for !GNOME; kerry, kio-beagle for !KDE; beaglefs for !CLI) - Tracker (tracker-search-tool, libdeskbar-tracker for GNOME; tracker-utils for CLI) - Strigi (strigi-applet, strigi-client for KDE, strigi-utils for CLI) - Kat (for KDE) - Pinot (and pinot-applet for GNOME) - Doodle (for CLI)13:22
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geModulewell, I have just formatted a HD with ext3. Now, How can I mount it, so to access it from the home dir of my OS ?13:29
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ActionParsnipgeModule: http://pastebin.com/f7979d8f713:51
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ActionParsnipgeModule: my fileserver uses a seperate partition for /home13:52
geModuleActionParsnip: solved, meanwhile13:52
ActionParsnipgeModule: nice one13:52
geModulethanks anyway13:52
ActionParsnipnp man13:53
norenif i delete all the hidden folder from the home directory will it get me to defaultu config on next bootup14:02
ActionParsnipnoren: if you are going to do that i would make sure you copy over the hidden files from /etc/skel14:04
ActionParsnipnoren: or konsole will moan at you14:04
ActionParsnipnoren: if you simply rename ~/.kde then all kde apps will be defaulted next boot14:05
norenActionParsnip: i am trying to find out where my free space is.. and i cant14:06
Beardbarsomehow my grub got screwed up, error 22. popped in my kubuntu cd and clicked install, figured i would do a clean install, but i no longer get a install screen. i flicker back and forth between a prompt and kubuntu load screen14:09
Beardbarany ideas on a course of action?14:09
BluesKajnoren, download and burn GParted to a disk , it's a live cd partioning app which has serverd me well, it shows all free space/partitions and their status . It's safe and easy to use.14:11
norenBluesKaj: i dont have any prob with the partitionnn but .... is it a good practicce to have an separate /home partion for any distro14:13
norenand if u are having two different distro on the same machine sud u share the same /home partition14:13
BluesKajnoren, in my opinion , no . If you have important work related data to protect then, yes.14:14
BluesKajBeardbar, perhaps you could try sudo nano /boot/grub/menu.lst at the prompt to see what you need to edit in grub14:16
bahramhi all, i use ubuntu & need to install KDE 4.2 but in my repository 4.114:20
andres_bahram, try sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop, afterwards select KDE at login and then update as necesarry14:20
BluesKajbahram  http://kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.214:21
bahramandres_, BluesKaj: thanks14:21
xmdyi use kubuntu 8.10 and asus x55sv with intel hda audio.14:23
xmdyAnd when i plug headphones, sound not muting.14:23
xmdycan somebody help me?14:23
BluesKajxmdy, where you plugging in the headphones ?14:26
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xmdyBluesKaj, in s \ pdif connector14:28
BluesKajdo you have an analog headphone audio out on your speakers?14:30
BluesKajtry that14:31
xmdysound from the headphones and laptop speakers14:33
ubottuYour home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome14:34
JP-sNLhi people... hi BluesKaj   :-)    you said something about your in house bandwidth problems    ;-)    told you about multi network card loadbalancing router/firewall done with CDRouter, but you disconnected before i could paste the url for you...14:35
JP-sNL... here it is in case no one bothered repasting it for you after you reconnected14:35
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ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about seti15:03
noren!info seti15:03
ubottuPackage seti does not exist in intrepid15:03
JuJuBeegenii: u around?15:06
cfraz89hi, has anybody managed to get nepomuk to work on jaunty?15:11
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draik_My desktop keeps freezing as I try to login. The login prompt goes away, but the background stays. That's when it freezes.15:29
gmiernickidraik_: restart X15:36
norendraik_: hi15:37
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JP-sNLnoren... seti?  boinc!   it is the handler for set ifaik15:45
josh-lhi, anyone know if it's possible to compile opera with qt4? I know there is a precomipled deb for opera 10 with qt4 but its x68 i'm running x86-64...15:57
ActionParsnipyo yo yo16:02
demiQuick Question, How do I make my desktop effects through KDE Settings Take effect after each restart? because to make them work I gotta go back into system settings, and his default or something.16:03
ActionParsnipdemi: make sure you have write access and ownershipp to your entire home dir16:07
josh-lis there anyway I can convert a 1386 deb to x86_64 ? (its for an opera build that is only released for i386)16:08
adi3hi all16:08
adi3anyone know how to anable horizontal scrollbar in touchpad on kde 3.5 kubuntu hardy?16:08
ActionParsnipjosh-l: not without recompiling16:09
demi<ActionParsnip> How do I do that in a terminal?16:09
josh-lActionParsnip: so I could take the deb and precompile it?16:09
ActionParsnipjosh-l: if you install ia32-libs you can force architecture and it will install and run16:09
josh-lActionParsnip: can i decompile, it and recompile?16:10
ActionParsnipdemi: sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /home/$USER; sudo chmod -R 755 /home/$USER16:10
ActionParsnipjosh-l: no, you can run 32bit debs if you install ia32-libs16:11
MaGicKanGaRoosudo chmod -R 755 /home/$USER - may want to watch that on pgp keys or ssh keys16:12
MaGicKanGaRooif you dont use them then no worries :)16:13
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ActionParsnipMaGicKanGaRoo: it should be the users anyhoo, its just covering the base, why would they have a different owner?16:13
MaGicKanGaRooits not the ownership on the private keys its the permision16:14
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MaGicKanGaRooworld readable16:14
ActionParsnipMaGicKanGaRoo: ahhhh16:15
ActionParsnipok 75016:15
MaGicKanGaRoobut im nitpicking :) its usually easier to set them back after16:15
adi3hi. anyone knows how to activate the horizontal scroll bar in touchpad kubuntu hardy kde 3.5?16:15
ActionParsnipMaGicKanGaRoo: do you know if its possible to install the netbook remix on a standard desktop pc?16:17
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ActionParsnipadi3: do you mean on a touchpad?16:18
MaGicKanGaRoowould have thought so , but not sure why you would afaik, theyre fully i386.  onlything i could think of would be if the kernel has been stripped of necessary drivers for a full machine. etc16:19
ActionParsnipMaGicKanGaRoo: low system footprint and a nice UI16:20
adi3ActionParsnip | yes in a dell inspiron touchpad....16:21
MaGicKanGaRoowell if you try it let me know :)16:21
MaGicKanGaRoohow it turns out etc16:21
adi3ActionParsnip | i need to anable the horizontal scrollbar16:22
ActionParsnipadi3: http://www.ubuntuhq.com/news/general/enable-horizontal-scrolling-on-synaptics-touchpads-in-ubuntu-linux.html16:22
adi3thanks but this is for ubuntu16:23
adi3im on kubuntu kde 3.516:23
adi3and im affraid if i install some gtk app it will install gnome libs16:24
MaGicKanGaRoogtk != gnome no16:24
MaGicKanGaRoowhen you install16:24
mefisto__I get "page not found" for that link16:24
MaGicKanGaRoocheck what your installing16:24
ActionParsnipadi3: its the same thing16:24
MaGicKanGaRoofor an libg etc as theyre usually gnomeys16:25
demiI did those commands to home folder, and restarted, it still didnt save my desktop effects settings when I restarted.16:26
MaGicKanGaRoomaybe this will help for the scolling i get 404 on that patge as well16:27
MaGicKanGaRooand that apears to be all Xorg config changes16:27
MaGicKanGaRoonot a new application16:27
ActionParsnipadi3: http://www.rtr.ca/dell_i9300/16:27
adi3ActionParsnip | I was looking forward to do exactly this16:29
adi3using horizontal scrollbar as a back/forwrad buttons in firefox16:30
ActionParsnipadi3: is that what that guide says, it says something about   about:config16:30
adi3as it is mantioned in the inspiron 930016:30
adi3in order to modify at the about:config of  ff16:31
adi3i need to have horizontal scrollbar enabled on my touchpad16:31
ActionParsnipadi3: if its enabled in bios then its good to go16:32
ActionParsnipthat guide should help16:32
ubottusynaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto16:32
ubottuFor a comprehensive Synaptics Touchpad guide, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticsTouchpad16:32
ActionParsniptry the touchpad guide16:33
adi3normally i dont touch bios since years16:33
adi3and im coming from ubuntu/gnome16:33
ActionParsnipyou can make your system a bit slicker with bios16:33
adi3there it was something like a click on metacity config window and than horizonatal scrollbar is enable16:33
adi3than changeing inside about:config on ff I would have horizontal bar on touchpad acting like back/forward button on firefox16:34
adi3i will see now... ok thanks fo the info..16:35
metbsdwill ubuntu server edition fit 650MB cd?16:42
ActionParsnipmetbsd: sure16:43
ActionParsnipmetbsd: make sure you get the md5sum too to check it is consistant16:44
metbsdi can install with server cd, and install a desktop gnome workstation?16:44
metbsdinstall with server cd and config it to desktop workstation later?16:44
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ActionParsnipmetbsd: then theres no point, you may as well use the desktop16:47
ActionParsnipmetbsd: you can but you wont gain anything16:48
mefisto__but desktop edition won't fit on 650MB cd. maybe that's the issue?16:49
eliripsHello. I'm running Kubuntu 8.10. Now I need to install Windows Vista on another partition. I assume that Vista will break Grub, what can I prepare to easily restore it afterwards?16:49
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto16:51
eliripsSlimeyPete: thank you16:52
SlimeyPeteno problem16:52
mefisto__metbsd: if you don't have a 700MB cd to burn to, you could download the minimal iso: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD16:55
metbsdwill i have problem if i install server version of ubuntu first, then config it to be desktop16:59
demiAnyone know much about conky?17:01
demiI got the right lines to make it transparant but its not working..17:02
josh-lwhat browsers do you most of you use?17:06
eliripsjosh-l: konqueror where it works, firefox for the rest17:07
Haza1This might be a silly question but ive had a look through the options in Adapt Manager ect... How do i upgrade my Kubuntu from version 8.04 to 8.10?17:08
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading17:09
josh-lai i'm exhausted of my most recent distro shuffle... i enjoy the simplicity (in comparison to opensuse) of kubuntu, but i really need opera-qt4 (on x86-64) which i can only find on opensuse17:09
Haza1mefisto__: Thanks :)17:09
eliripsjosh-l: just wondering, why exactly do you need opera?17:11
josh-lelirips: in a qt only environment i find its the only browser that can do everything i want17:12
josh-li could use more than one browser to do everything i need, but i just wont do that17:13
demiCan anyone tell me why double_Buffer does nto allow conky to load?17:15
DashkalHaving a problem with removable USB drives in Kubuntu 8.10.  KDE is handling mounting the drive for me, but it's mounting it so all files appear to be named in lower case.  This is corrupting some of my programming projects when I try to copy them over to my ext3 partition (case does matter for some of these files).17:16
DashkalWith a little help from google I found out that adding shortname=mixed to the mount options will fix it, but how do I do that when the drive is automounted?17:18
mefisto__Dashkal: add that option to fstab I suppose17:20
Dashkalremovable media.  not in fstab to begin with.17:21
Dashkalmore to the point, a USB drive, not even a cdrom17:21
mefisto__Dashkal: you could put it in fstab. use UUID so fstab mounts that particular drive with the options you want17:22
Dashkalhow is that going to interact with KDE's automounter?17:22
mefisto__not sure at all, but you could try it and find out17:23
demiAnyone use Conky? I got the following lines added into my conkyrc to make it transparent.17:24
DashkalThink I'll go file a bug on this one.  Ignoring case on a filesystem that preserves it is not correct beheviour17:24
demiown_window yes17:25
demiown_window_type desktop17:25
demiown_window_transparent yes17:25
demiown_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_page17:25
demiBut It wont go transparent it has a slight grey color to the background but not transparent...17:25
demiWould this line cause it not to be tranparent?17:27
demi# Default colors and also border colors, grey90 == #e5e5e517:27
demidefault_color grey17:27
Havalinahello all17:32
Havalinai have some problems with my KDE panel :)17:32
martijn81Havalina: just say so17:32
Havalinawell...i rightclicked on the panel by accident and suddenly the digital clock took all the space on my panel...when i access panel settings17:33
Havalinai fitured i moved the system tray17:33
Havalinahmm i actually think i figured it out just now17:33
Havalinai removed task manager by accident17:34
Havalinagood grief im a bit of a noob :)17:34
martijn81Havalina: and now you have added it again?17:34
Havalinamartijn81: yeah :)17:34
martijn81ok then17:34
martijn81working again then17:34
Havalinai think so :) give me one sec17:34
Havalinaoh one last thing...how i moved my panel to the top of my screen...how do i get it down in the bottom again?17:36
mefisto__Havalina: do you see "screen edge" in panel settings?17:37
Havalinamefisto__: hmm i can see some sliders17:38
Havalinaahh i did it17:38
Havalinadragging the screen edge :)17:38
Havalinathanks again17:38
demiguy's im gonan ask again, this is a noob question too, but each time I restart the computer or relog KDE, My Desktop Effects don't stay on, they are all still selected during reboot but not effective, I have to recheck one and rehit apply to make them work again.17:39
demiI gave permissions to my Home directory.17:39
FuriousGeorgehey all17:40
Havalinahow do i check if i have any updates that need installing?17:41
martijn81Havalina: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade17:43
Havalinamartijn81: hehe the terminal way huh :)17:44
mefisto__Havalina: you could also do it in adept if you prefer gui17:44
mefisto__adept manager17:44
FuriousGeorgei have a couple of servers running kubuntu (ltsp), and when running some 3rd party software the time is off by an hour on one of them (in the software) despite the system time being the same.17:44
Havalinamefisto__: well started adept...trying to find were the updates is placed :)17:44
FuriousGeorgei called the software support, and they said it was a utc vs localtime issue17:45
noreni am still fighting to get back the lost space17:45
mefisto__Havalina: intrepid 8.10 ? kde 4.2 ?17:45
Havalinamefisto__: KDE 417:46
FuriousGeorgehow can i verify if the server is using localtime or utc?17:47
Havalinamefisto__: think i found it...had to press upgrade17:47
Havalinathats a lot of updates17:48
norenHavalina: it must be around 240 mb of updates17:48
mefisto__Havalina: adept is a little different depending on which kubuntu and which kde versions you have. that's why I asked17:48
Havalinamefisto__: ohh i see :) well im very new to all this...17:49
Havalinabut i think its updating now :)17:49
norenmefisto__: my home folder say its 5.6 gb but my partiotion has has only one gb free ( /home partition 10 gb_) how can i trace that17:50
mefisto__noren: any other user folders in /home ?17:54
doleybnoren: kdf or kdiskfree ? du -h --max-depth 317:54
BluesKajnoren, sudo fdisk -l17:56
norenmefisto__: doleyb: BluesKaj:  see this  please http://paste.ubuntu.com/130718/17:57
norendf -h  && sudo du -sh ./*17:59
norenoh ok i think i got where the prob was thanks everyone18:01
mefisto__what was it, noren?18:02
norenmefisto__: i am still trying to confirm if i am right here18:05
eliripsIs there a tool available for KDE 4.2 to partition and format drives? I dont find it.. (?)18:06
norenelirips: get ktparted or gparted18:07
mefisto__qtparted ?18:08
BluesKajelirips, download and burn to a disk GParted live cd ..it's the best partition editor IMO18:08
norenmefisto__: ya typo18:09
eliripsthank you18:09
Administrator_gpart is something like partition manager?18:09
Dr_willisGparted live cd,. or that other systemrescue live cd.. - a must have in the toolbox18:09
qcjnhey Dr_willis18:09
Dr_willisAdministrator_,  if you mean  'like' as in 'totally better' :) yes...18:09
Dr_willisWhats up qcjn18:10
demiWill it be safe to delete a script I made in my .kde/Autostart/ ?18:10
Administrator_i don't see how it is better, it's just a tool to del, create, and resize partiton18:10
norenmefisto__: but qtparted does not give the ext3 option oly ext2 options only18:10
Dr_willisHmm.. qtparted lets me format things to ext3 here.18:11
Dr_willis Youi can always format the filesystem outside of gparted if you want.18:11
mefisto__noren: oh? I thought both were just a frontend for parted and assumed both would have the same functions18:11
josh-lhey, is jaunty worth using yet to have kde 4.2 or is it still really buggy?18:11
qcjni ve found this "cat /dev/video0 > whatsoever.mpg" to record from my tv card, nad i m searching a wy to put a lenght of time of recording ?18:11
Dr_willisqcjn,  thats.. hardcore. :)18:12
qcjnwhy is it hard core ?18:13
mefisto__josh-l: some days jaunty is great, other days after upgrades it totally breaks for me. it's not released yet and is constantly changing18:13
Dr_willisqcjn,  i much perfer mythtv - it can auto flag/remove comercials :P18:14
Dashkalcat /dev/video0 > vid.mpg & at now + 10m kill %1  (Off the top of my head, no idea if that'll actually work)18:14
josh-lhmm ok thanks mefisto__ i need to reinstall so if jaunty was stable enough i was just going to go to that instead of going through all the updates18:14
qcjnit tried to understand mythtv ? :(18:14
qcjnif you know of a good tutorial18:15
qcjnstep by step18:15
demiHey all I made a "Compiz.sh script in /home/user/.kde/Autostart , and added some lines, and now I removed it but its not getting rid of the settings I added, what do I neeed to do?18:15
Dr_willisdownload/install mythbuntu :)18:15
Dr_willisconfigure card...   enjoy. :)18:15
Dr_willisof course now a days the issue with mythtv is often gettting the tvlisting downloaded. :(18:15
qcjni ve download before mythtv frontend, i have it in my application menu18:16
BluesKajis mythtv still a pita to install ?18:16
qcjnis pita = headache18:17
qcjnkind of18:17
qcjnthats what i tought18:17
BluesKajthe pain is somewhere else  abit lower , but you get my drift18:17
Dr_willisI dident have much problem with it..18:18
Dr_willisbut im a leet-haxor-dood18:18
Dr_willisand i did spend an hr+ the first time figureing it out.18:18
qcjnand you didn't write a tutorial :(18:18
qcjnfor us18:18
demiHow do I disable the script I made in .kde/autostart, after I removed the file?18:18
Dr_willisI followed the wiki pages i recall18:19
BluesKajwell, I couldn't get it to work with my ati tvwonder pro card18:19
Dr_willisBlueEagle,  yea.. that would be  a issue. :)18:19
mefisto__demi: what was that script doing?18:19
qcjni have a winttv pvr 15018:19
Dr_willisi got an ati-all-in-wonder-pro from years ago.. (it dont work) got a not as old hauppage pvr150 that works great18:19
demiEnabling some effects for compiz, but it disabled all of my kde effects form working.18:19
Dr_willisqcjn,  if i rcall corrctly on the mythtvsetup proggram i just had to use the proper pulldown menu item to tell it i had that card.. and away it went18:20
qcjnok, then, do i have to uninstall mythtv frontend first18:20
demiHere is the pastebin of what I did. http://pastebin.com/mbde365f18:20
demiI just want to disable what I did=\18:21
BluesKajDr_willis,, i bought a tivo , so i went a different route , now i can send shows back and forth between my pc and the HT on our network using a python app called pyTivo , which also works on windows machines.18:21
qcjnDr_willis: or just  try to install mythubuntu without removing this frontend18:22
Dr_willisI bought a PVR - had a 80gb hd - for $200 a few yrs back. - it works decently well.. but now  the Optical drive wont eject. :( a 'bug' with the design.. heh18:23
Dr_willisMythtv should include both the front and backends18:23
Dr_willisactually for just a media player - i could set up mythtv again on my other machine.. Hmm...18:23
mefisto__demi: so compiz still starts when you login?18:24
Dr_willisa little overkill.. since im not recording anything. Just playing avi files18:24
demiAfter I removed the script well deleted it yes, and the kde effects dont work though.18:24
norenwell is there a way to play vids in amarok ?? :?18:24
Dr_willisamarok is a music player last i looked.18:24
khashayarDoes anyone know if there's a bug report filed about KDE's display settings not being able to configure an extended desktop?18:25
qcjnwhen i look in synaptic, i seem to have install the backend18:25
vbgunzis there a way to temporarily boot into another OS directly from Kubuntu? e.g., rather than choose the OS from gub at boot up, to make the next boot automatically go to another OS once and reboots there after default to normal?18:25
mefisto__noren: there was a "play video" script for amarok, but I could never get it to work18:25
qcjnno Upnp backend found18:27
Dr_willisvbgunz,  ive seen some disrtos that 'somehow' alter the grub menu.lst 'setdefault' option when they exit. that do that.. but ive not sure how thy do it. :)18:28
=== root is now known as Guest651
Dr_willisvbgunz,  just make a script that properly changes the 'default #' entry in menu.lst18:28
vbgunzDr_willis: hmm. sounds simple enough. I thought there would be a simpler and already existing method. I remember seeing a grub editor in systemsettings. I think they junked it for Jaunty :(18:29
mefisto__noren: actually that amarok is working now :) it just opens the file in the amarok playlist in a video player18:29
mefisto__noren: *amarok script18:29
Dr_willisvbgunz,  i recall redhat doing that once.. but if you think about it.. its not that commonly used a feature.. and really i dont like the idea of somthing tweaking my menu.lst automatically :)18:30
norenok i m looking at that now18:30
Dr_willisvbgunz,  perhaps with grub2 it will comeback.18:30
qcjnstarts with hostname18:30
qcjnis that my user name18:30
vbgunzDr_willis: heh, I siwtched to Kubuntu from Ubuntu for this very reason a couple years ago. Kubuntu had an eye on more configs though you may have only tweaked them once :)18:31
demiHow can I disable a Script form running at startup?18:31
tarfartum... yeah.  i downloaded xchm and it sucks becuase the search/find feature doesent work.18:31
tarfarthow do i make it work.18:31
tarfarti ran a search on nmap, and it Not works.18:31
Tm_TGuest651: are we rooted now?18:32
Dr_willis!find chm18:32
ubottuFound: fetchmail, archmage, archmbox, chm2pdf, chmsee (and 15 others)18:32
mefisto__vbgunz: on the kde restart button, do you have a down arrow? if you do, click and hold mouse button and you should get a menu listing your grub boot list18:32
norenmefisto__: i installed that but how to get it started18:33
vbgunzmefisto__: wow, imagine that. I don't but that would rock huh :D18:33
mefisto__noren: make sure it's running (from script manager), then load a video in the playlist. to play video, right-click and "PlayVideos" submenu18:34
tarfartwhats wrong with this linux junk. it's not even working!18:35
vbgunztarfart: that was the most trolling statement I've read so far this year. are you serious?18:36
mefisto__vbgunz: systemsettings > login manager, shutdown tab, set it to "grub"18:36
tarfartvbgunz: yes, becuase it's failing... woefully18:36
norenmefisto__: only gives me audio no vid18:36
mefisto__vbgunz: set bootmanager to grub, that is18:36
tarfartagain. im running chm, the find function is failing, why?18:37
=== gabriel_ is now known as titurin
tarfarti thought kubuntu was linux for human n00bs.  what dependancy or what ever is xchm missing that it's making the end user install?18:37
vbgunzmefisto__: I didn't have an arrow on restart *but* had one for shutdown. setting grub as the manager in login manager, well, now I don't have an arrow on shutdown or restart :/18:39
tarfartlinux shit.18:39
vbgunztarfart: how long have you been a user?18:39
tarfartvbgunz: i just installed intrepid, whats your point.  why doesnet someone just answer my question?18:39
vbgunzI ask because if you're comfortable, the only chm viewer I use I need to build though its quite easy. kchmviewer. try apt-get it might be in the repos18:39
tarfartwhy is xchm not doing it's job18:40
tarfartthat one sucks.18:40
noren!info xchm18:40
ubottuxchm (source: xchm): Compiled HTML Help (CHM) file viewer for X. In component universe, is optional. Version 2:1.14-4 (intrepid), package size 171 kB, installed size 748 kB18:40
tarfarti suppose i'll try it18:40
tarfartthats a bit of an extent.18:40
tarfartwhy wont  the linux shit just work in the first place.18:40
tarfartpoor design.18:40
tarfartno wander everyone uses windows.18:40
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines18:41
vbgunzheh, I can understand the frustration18:41
mefisto__yeah everything always works in windows and never causes any frustration18:41
vbgunzmefisto__: heh. I just installed Windows Server 2008 on this box and wow, the problems right out of the gate were staggering. heh, on the other hand, Kubuntu just worked from A-to-Z. damn its hot :)18:42
vbgunztarfart: do you have kchmviewer in the repos?18:44
vbgunzI always preferred it to be honest.18:44
vbgunzI still work with chm files so it is definitely invaluable18:44
BluesKajmy kubuntu box accesses wife's vista box on our network, whereas the windows 7 partition won't at all18:44
tarfartvbgunz: um... yeah.  kchmviewer is god awfull free crap too.18:45
tarfartim using the find function, it says there are no results for nmap, WHEN IM LOOKING RIGHT AT IT IN THE INDEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!18:46
tarfartlinux shit.18:46
* Dr_willis notes that chm is a 'windows invention' and there are chm2pdf or other format tools18:46
Dr_willisbut its a moot point. peopkle would rather rant then 'learn'18:47
vbgunzthats not even the point though. its like me burning down the house because the welcome mat doesn't work :(18:47
BluesKajhehe, i remember being a bit like him about 5 yrs ago18:48
mefisto__noren: about the play videos script, I notice it opens avi videos in kmplayer (even though kmplayer is not my default player) so maybe installing kmplayer will help the script work18:48
tarfarti hate linux.18:48
Dr_willistarfart,  demand a refund then.18:49
Dr_willisI diont even have a chm file handy to  test out18:49
Dr_willisive converted them all to pdf and html18:49
tarfartugh, kpdf, what a memory hogger.18:49
vbgunztarfart: linux isn't the problem18:49
syphysBonjour :)18:51
=== mngotemb is now known as marthe
zukopreved! a kak eto rfbotaet?18:51
LjLzuko: english please18:52
tarfartzuko: this is america?18:52
tarfartspeak american.18:52
BluesKajor english , both are acceptable18:52
trprtarfart: not a safe assumption. but english is the international language of business :D18:52
zukodo not speak amerikan18:53
mefisto__zuko: what language was that?18:53
zukodont no18:53
* Dr_willis is fluent in redneck18:53
zukoja russkij!18:53
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke18:54
badpcate from  konsole?18:57
badpchow do i update from konsole?18:57
badpcor terminal18:57
jamesjedimasterwhat do you want to update? installed packages?18:58
badpcjamesjedimaster: whole system18:58
HazaGents, is there any way i can book my kubuntu and skip the disk check?18:58
Dr_willisI thought ive seen where you can hit escape or ctrl-c to get past it..but its NOT a good idea18:58
Dr_willison my laptop - if i was on battery it autoskipped it i recall18:59
jamesjedimasterbadpc: a version upgrade?18:59
badpcjamesjedimaster: yes18:59
ubottuFor upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading18:59
jamesjedimasterbadpc: check this url http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading18:59
badpcjamesjedimaster: im sorry i allready have the version i want just want to update19:01
badpcjamesjedimaster: havent been on in a while and want to update19:02
mefisto__badpc: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade19:02
jamesjedimasterbadpc: in Konsole: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade19:03
badpcty much19:03
siekaczi have a very strange problem withs plasmoids(KDE 4.2.0 from ubuntu backports)19:03
siekaczI can install them with no problems19:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about plasmoids19:04
siekaczbut when i wanna run one i see "Cold not find requested component: xxx19:04
mefisto__siekacz: all plasmoids?19:05
siekaczstandard plasmoids works good19:05
siekaczonly installed plasmoids19:05
siekaczlike stasks or magicfolder19:05
Hazactrl+c does not seem to skil the HD check when booting kubuntu19:05
BluesKajsiekacz, http://kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.219:05
HazaAny other idea's?19:05
BluesKajHaza, http://kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.219:06
siekaczkubuntu-experimental packages are slow19:06
siekaczand they were more buggy19:06
vbgunzKDE 4.2 is such a godsend over 4.1 I remember upgrading to KDE 4.1 and stopped recommending it to anyone recommending instead Ubuntu (because I dont hate/dislike Gnome) *but* KDE 4.2 gave me the confidence back to recommending it again :)19:07
gabriel_i thought linux was stable, but it crashes like once a day. Just by using amarok, firefow, dolphin and linuxDC++. On windows, at least not the whole OS freezes when a program crashes :(19:09
siekaczi used gnome, it's OK but... KDE brings something fresh to Linux Desktop, gnome looks like GUIs from XX century :)19:09
tarfartgabriel_: linux shit.19:09
tarfartgabriel_: yeah i usually holler in my cubicle, "Linux Garbage" about 5 times a day19:09
jamesjedimastergabriel_: sometimes the problem is the hardware, no the software19:09
kuaeragabriel_: It's a rock solid server OS.19:09
gabriel_siekacz: i agree fully. but ubuntu on gnome has been much more stable than kubuntu on KDE  for me :/19:09
Dr_willis'fresh/new is not always better.. see vista'19:10
tarfarthey vista made good money19:10
kuaeraAnd don't listen to tarfart. He's been trolling for a couple days.19:10
tarfartthats because i have been running intrepid for a few days19:10
tarfartand it sucks.19:10
vbgunza couple days really?19:10
siekaczgabriel_: gnome is more stable, kde will be more stable than gnome19:10
trpri am curious why he is even using it. it sounds like he is being forced.19:10
vbgunza couple days over chm?19:10
* Dr_willis cracks the whip!19:10
siekaczbut not 4.2 or 4.219:10
gabriel_yes, good for server... but i was tired of windows. i really want to run kubuntu, but i had always had stability problems. Sure, I run kde 4.2, but that should be stable enough shouldn't it? Still it's buggy for me19:11
tarfartno i just started reading today19:11
demiI fixed that script problem, I just deleted ever compiz package I installed.19:11
Dr_willis'demand a refund'19:11
siekaczi think 4.4 will be stable enouugh :)19:11
tarfartthere are other linux flaws i have been hollering at19:11
Dr_willisdemi,  that can cause other issues. :)19:11
vbgunzgabriel_: are you using Jaunty or Intrepid?19:11
tarfartthe kde 4 sucks19:11
Dr_williskde4 is not 'linux' techincally.. so your argument is invalid.19:11
tarfartthe whole linux shit what ever19:11
Dr_willisits just a tool.19:11
gabriel_vbgunz: 8.1019:11
tarfartit's all linux shit.19:11
jamesjedimasternot an excuse19:12
Dr_willistarfart,  whatever.. whatever whatever..  youve not really been impressing people with your knowledge..19:12
tarfartvbgunz: and what does how long i have been running intrepid have to do with anything19:12
trpr... unable to distinguish between linux and the software running on it19:12
kuaeragabriel_: Running Kubuntu Jaunty. Rock solid.19:12
badpcI run kde4.2 just fine maybe your pc is the problem19:12
gabriel_Dr_willis: yeah, but ubuntu crashes big time way more often than windows. just a total freeze. can't do shit.19:12
Dr_willisIm using Jwm + rox filer.19:12
vbgunztarfart: from what I read so far, this'll probably make sense to you. When an app doesn't work or do what you want on Windows, do you blame Windows? if you do, maybe you're the shit :)19:12
noren_tarfart: if u dont wanna use then dont19:12
tarfarttrpr: it's all from the same repo of "free crap that never works"19:12
Dr_willisgabriel_,  ive rarely had ubuntu crash..   and vista crashes on me.. daily.. so  Your mileage may vary.19:12
kuaeratarfart: I have a linux server in the other room with an uptime of...about three months.19:13
Dr_willis'compiz'  or 3rd party drivers - are normally the reasion i see crashes in linux.19:13
kuaeraWhen the power went out. For a week.19:13
vbgunzyeah, Jaunty isn't rock solid for me *but* I know this is true of alpha software 90% of the time. I expect it19:13
tarfarti never really experienced anything on windows that gave me crap19:13
Dr_willisIve had tons of crap under windows..  so 'your mileage may vary'19:13
trprtarfart: again. what is your motivation? i am surprised you are still in here - as far as I can tell you are just trolling and not actually seeking support19:13
gabriel_Dr_willis: i run nvidia drivers, the recommended ones19:13
noren_tarfart: then jsut go back to windows19:13
tarfartwell it costs money.19:13
tarfartand hard drives dont come with windows.19:13
vbgunztarfart: imagine if you did. went to #windows and complained how windows is crap, what do you think the response would be? heh, to be honest, with your arguments, you might as well cry about your detergent or doctor here cause it'll make the same sense :)19:14
tarfarti guess you get what you pay for.19:14
Dr_willisgabriel_,  and nvidia wont totaly open source them..  they can be the problem.19:14
demiBS download windows corp from torrents=)19:14
Dr_willistarfart,  demand a refund then.19:14
Dr_willisdemi,  shame shame. :P19:14
* tarfart downloads xp corporate from aMule19:14
demiI will refuse to use apps like that.19:14
Dr_willisdemi,  and we all know that 'tinyxp' is better :)19:15
tarfarti like aMule it has tons of neat stuff19:15
gabriel_Dr_willis: well... i doubt it, because ubuntu has run fine. it's alwasys when i try kubuntu i have problems.19:15
vbgunzDr_willis: I have an nForce 750a Sli Motherboard with an NVIDIA chipset and everything works out of the box pretty flawlessly. The only driver I needed manually was the graphics driver :)19:15
demiIt's just KDE 4.2  or any kde 4 lol19:15
Dr_willisgabriel_,  there are some issues with kde4 and the  nvidia drivers from what i gather.  KDE4 is still a work in progress in many areas19:15
demiOnce it makes it to 4.5+ is when it will be more solid.19:15
kuaeraKDE 4 was adopted very prematurely19:15
Dr_willisvbgunz,  my netbook is 100% out of the box. :)19:15
demiso far my ATI Drivers run great on kde 419:16
gabriel_Dr_willis: i'm starting to think it might be amarok. If i play a video (any player), and then fire up amarok, and PAUSE it, i get artifacts in my video playback.  But ONLY when i PAUSE amarok. funny or what?19:16
vbgunzdemi: but thats when 5 will be release and Kubuntu force upgrades to it ;)19:16
tarfartoh and fglrx doesent even work.19:16
Dr_williskuaera,  yep.. and thats been argued to death.  but they forced it out to get work done on it..19:16
Dr_willisgabriel_,  that is weird.19:16
kuaeraDr_willis: Hell, now I'm even helping on it.19:16
demiOne thing I dont like about this new KDE4 is the plasmoid desktop stuff, I preferred the good old icons...19:16
tarfart product: RS690M [Radeon X1200 Series]19:17
tarfartyes fglrx doesent work19:17
Dr_willistarfart,  so?19:17
kuaeratarfart: fglrx is closed source. Not Open Source's fault, or linux's. Get lost.19:17
gabriel_Dr_willis: yes, i can reproduce the bug at will19:17
demiIm using Radeon X1800 XT, and they work great I had to do a system upgrade though19:17
Dr_willisbut ati claimed to  open the drivers!19:17
demiBut it probably just needed the xorg ati driver file updated I reckon19:17
siekaczati drivers still sucks19:17
mefisto__tarfart: I have the same ati card and fglrx works perfectly19:18
josh-lis there something special i need to do to be able to install koffice on intrpid (running kde 4.2) ?19:18
badpcknowledge is the key to the universe!19:18
vbgunzgabriel_: have you tried Ubuntu? same version? if you constantly crash then maybe it is in the under lying code shared across *ubuntu distros else, chances are it'll all be fixed in 4.2 which I find a whole lot better and more solid19:19
siekaczati won't support xserver 1.6 in catalyst 9.319:19
tarfartmefisto__: how did you make it work?  i enabled it under Kmenu > System > Hardware Drivers19:19
gabriel_Dr_willis: i really like ubuntu.. except i want to run kde, it looks so much nicer19:19
Dr_willisgabriel_,  i dont even find kde looking that much nicer..  its 'shiny' :) but often its the old bluejeans that fit better then the new Polyester pants.19:19
tarfartmefisto__: if i attempted to install fglrx "by hand", then ran dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg ;   and then enabled fglx drivers System > Hardware Drivers19:20
vbgunztarfart: that sometimes doesn't work compared to getting the driver directly from your vendor and installing it with there package. my nvidia drivers works better direct from nvidia. at this point I just use there driver direct19:20
tarfartshouldnt it work?19:20
gabriel_vbgunz: yes i have run ubuntu 8.10 before this, and i had no problems at all. now i run kubuntu 8.19 with kde4.219:20
demiis it kde 4.2.1 in the backports or just 4.2.0?19:20
vbgunzgabriel_: 8.19 must be the deal, is that like 9.04+ 6?19:20
tarfartok so kde has a function, System > Hardware Drivers, and it doesent always work?19:20
vbgunzheh, my math is bad :(19:20
demitarfart did you do a system upgrade?19:21
gabriel_Dr_willis: yes but the old bluejeans are not very fashionable, so you will not get laid :P19:21
tarfartdemi: i ran apt-get update yeah if thats what you mean.19:21
Dr_willisgabriel_,  at my age.. thats not a problem i worry about...19:21
vbgunztarfart: its always a work in progress. not exactly a bad thing though. trying the driver direct from ATI is an option19:21
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto19:21
gabriel_i mean 8.10 of course19:21
kuaeraDr_willis: Polyesther? I think it's more like Emperor's New Clothes: Oxygen19:21
tarfartvbgunz: i thought i read some where, that installing directly from the vendor is the least recomended thing to do, and to do it the "ubuntu way." i'll try that.19:21
Dr_willisive had such good luck with built in Intel video cards.. i wonder if they make  pciexpress cards...19:21
mefisto__tarfart: I had to edit xorg.conf to fix resolution and fix a video  playback bug19:22
kuaeraEditing xorg.conf is a thing of the past with Jaunty :)19:22
gabriel_demi: i think 4.2.119:22
vbgunztarfart: the more you learn, the more you enjoy when things start working better than shipped. took me years to get here *but* I swear, you dim your attitude, realize whats really at fault, ask help without bitching and well, you might take years to learn too19:23
josh-li got some sort of error when installing koffice-kde4 but it apparently installed somehow, now though I cant start kword for example19:24
gabriel_also, can it really be like that in linux, that ONE program crashing can cause the whole OS freezing? That's like win95 syndome :/19:24
vbgunzgabriel_: I never experienced that in 3+ years but maybe once19:25
vbgunzgabriel_: quick question. are you using ext4? if so, I believe its a known problem19:25
gabriel_no, ext319:25
josh-lanyone know what the deal with installing koffice is ?19:25
vbgunzgabriel_: damn, not sure what to say. if you can reliably reproduce a freeze I am certain someone would definitely help you out19:26
mefisto__josh-l: I think the koffice packages conflict with some of the kde4.2 packages19:26
Dr_willisgabriel_,  when a program crashes the video card drivers.. yes it can 'freeze' the desktop. :) but often you can still ssh in.. so the system is not totally frozen19:27
gabriel_i was watching a movie that was downloading in linuxDC++. Appearantly, when a download is finished it removes the temp file, so the movie player cannot read it anymore. So sometimes i had to restart the movie. but other times, i think it might have crashed because of that19:27
vbgunzkuaera: why do you say editing xorg is a thing of the past with Jaunty? I still edit it. a new tool or something?19:27
Dr_willisIve a few machines with no xorg.conf to edit. :) all automated19:27
gabriel_vbgunz: no i cannot reproduce a freeze at will. only the video artifacts when pausing amarok19:27
gabriel_Dr_willis: after i ssh in, how do i restart X?19:28
Dr_willisgabriel_,  restart the kdm/gdm service is one way19:28
Dr_willisor kill  the X process19:28
Dr_willissudo service kdm restart19:28
tarfartmefisto__: can i see your xorg.conf? or what you added. and how do you fix this video playback bug19:29
Dr_willisamazing logical eh? :)19:29
gabriel_Dr_willis: well, i don't know the commands, that's all19:29
mefisto__tarfart: ok, give me a minute19:29
Dr_willisgabriel_,  sudo reboot   :) is also handy19:30
josh-lhow can I fix a broken package from apt command line?19:30
Dr_willisbye all bbl19:30
demiJosh, you hsould just stick with openoffice=)19:30
carpiii just grabbed kdenlive from the kubuntu repo's, but when i run it, it just crashes immediately, every time. The debug output says 'this backtrace is of no use'19:30
gabriel_Dr_willis: i just wish it wouldn't crash like that19:32
josh-ldemi: I wanted to give koffice a go, but if its not possible then just removing and fixing whatever problems it created installing is fine19:32
kuaeravbgunz: I deleted my xorg.conf. Everything is automatically configured for me.19:32
kuaeravbgunz: I edited HAL configuration a little bit, TBH19:33
kuaeraWanted two finger scrolling on my touchpad in both X and Y, and no side-scrolling19:33
vbgunzkuaera: hmm, you settled on defaults. it works most of the time. I hand edit mines because of custom resolutions, nvidia, twinview, 5 button mouse, etc. mostly custom resolutions though has me editing it19:34
josh-lthere has got to be a way to install koffice... how silly that because it renames icons you cant use it19:35
kuaeravbgunz: Well, this is an old Thinkpad T42 - a simple 1024x768 with Synaptics devices19:35
demi<josh-l> I have nto tried installing Koffice.19:35
gilesI am getting Package libmsn0.1 is not available, but is referred to by another package.19:36
vbgunzgiles: try just libmsn19:37
mefisto__tarfart: http://paste.ubuntu.com/130768/    but don't use my modeline, generate one that will work for your monitor with gtf or cvt. and backup your working xorg.conf before changing anything19:37
gilesE: Couldn't find package libmsn19:38
tarfartok thanx19:38
vbgunzgiles: tab from that point libmsn<tab>, anything else?19:38
josh-lso does ANYONE use koffice on intrepid?19:38
anassproblem with kdevelop can compile a simple project19:38
tarfartmefisto__: im running xorg version ---> X.Org version: 1.5.219:38
tarfartmefisto__: you?19:38
anassi get premmission denided to creat /.libs19:38
anasswhy is that19:38
vbgunzanass: you mean ./.libs?19:39
tarfart Xorg -version19:39
vbgunzanass: or ./libs?19:39
gilesvbgunz: yep 0.119:39
anassnor i means /.libs19:39
anassin the rout folder19:39
vbgunzyou're messing with the root, you need sudo to make that directory19:39
tarfartmefisto__:And,  am i going to have to fix this video playback bug19:39
vbgunzsudo mkdir /.libs19:40
anassbecause i created with my root privelege i dont gee the problem but it still can't be compiled19:40
gilesvbgunz:  sudo apt-get install libmsn<tab> yeilds19:40
mefisto__tarfart:  (in kubuntu hardy right now)19:40
vbgunzanass: honestly, you should probably scrap it and recompile with your priviledges only if possible19:40
gilesvbgunz: sudo apt-get install libmsn0.119:40
tarfart        Option          "TexturedVideo" "on"19:40
anassbut i'm wondering why the compilation of a simple programme should create a folder in the root19:41
tarfartmefisto__: thanx pal19:41
anassok i will try it19:41
vbgunzgiles: I have it in Jaunty repos, are you something earlier than Jaunty? your app may work on Jaunty only?19:41
ubottugimp is an advanced image manipulation application for Ubuntu. See http://www.gimp.org for tutorials and more information.19:41
mefisto__tarfart: this site might help too: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu19:42
gilesvbgunz: i am using intrepid 8.10 with the ppa for kde 4.2.1, I am tring to install kopete which I had installed before.19:42
josh-lso does ANYONE use koffice on intrepid?19:42
noren_josh-l: yes i do , koffice19:43
josh-lnoren_: how did you install it, ive tried and its broken, and it even says so on kubuntu.org19:43
vbgunzgiles: not sure, did you enable all repos you could?19:44
noren_josh-l: i was using it before i upgraded to kde 4.219:44
josh-lnoren_: and after?19:45
gilesvbgunz: what do you mean19:45
sixofourhow do i join a second irc server in konvorsation?19:45
noren_josh-l: now open officcccce19:45
vbgunzgiles: you can try http://libmsn.sourceforge.net if worse comes to worse19:45
gilesI have the source19:45
mefisto__josh-l: I did get it installed using dpkg with --force-overwrite and from memory the only files that were clashing were icons. but be careful if you decide to try it19:45
gileseven compiled it19:45
josh-lnoren_: have you tried using koffice since upgrading to kde 4.2?19:45
Dr_willis!info quassel19:46
ubottuquassel (source: quassel): distributed, Qt based, IRC client using a central core component. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.3.0-0ubuntu9 (intrepid), package size 2246 kB, installed size 4236 kB19:46
vbgunzgiles: I am not sure where the libmsn0.1 deb package lives. it may live in main I would think but am not sure. maybe it is in another repo?19:46
gilesvbgunz:  I just need to let dpkg know that I have it somehow19:46
vbgunzgiles: then cd into the directory with the deb and say sudo dpkg -i yourpackage.deb19:46
gabriel_can i run ubuntus backage manager instead of kubuntus? adept sucks compared to synaptic or whatever it was called...19:46
gabriel_package manager*19:46
josh-lmefisto__: were you able to use it?19:46
Dr_willisgabriel_,  install synaptic and have fun19:47
mefisto__josh-l: yes19:47
vbgunzgabriel_: sure19:47
gilesvbgunz: I don't think the error is saying that it cannot find the package19:47
mefisto__josh-l: I think the koffice packages came from a ppa (from memory, same one that has amarok 2)19:47
noren_josh-l: Remove the koffice-data-kde4 package if you have it installed. The current koffice2 packages in the kubuntu-members-kde4 PPA are incompatible with the KDE 4.2 packages since they try to install icons to the same locations.v19:47
gilesits saying that :19:47
gilesPackage libmsn0.1 is not available, but is referred to by another package.19:48
gilesThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or19:48
gilesis only available from another source19:48
gilesE: Package libmsn0.1 has no installation candidate19:48
josh-lstop that19:48
mefisto__josh-l: I'm not on intrepid right now, so can't be absolutely sure19:48
noren_josh-l: http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.219:48
vbgunzgiles: compile libmsn from the sourceforge link I have you else you can try finding a deb of libmsn0.1 already created and install it first19:48
josh-lyeah i read that19:48
gilesvbgunz: ok but how do I install kopete?19:49
josh-lpretty silly that because of icons i cant install it properly19:49
vbgunzgiles: you're going to have to satisfy the dependency first19:49
vbgunzgiles: why did you compile kopete? you couldn't get it from repos?19:50
carpiii just grabbed kdenlive from the kubuntu repo's, but when i run it, it just crashes immediately, every time. The debug output says 'this backtrace is of no use'19:50
gilesI didn't compile kopete19:52
mefisto__giles: libmsn0.1 is in backports19:52
josh-lwhats the latest kubuntu jaunty release?19:53
josh-lalpha 5?19:53
gileshas it moved recently there?19:53
gilesmefisto__: ?19:53
mefisto__giles: don't know. I found it searching http://packages.ubuntu.com19:53
gilesok ta19:53
gabriel_it seems my ntfs partitions aren't automounted, what is the easiest way to remedy that?19:53
noren_josh-l: me downloading alfa 619:54
mefisto__gabriel_: simplest way is using ntfs-config19:55
gilesmefisto__: now I cant find the deb source url for backports19:55
gabriel_mefisto__: so i need to install a little proggie?19:56
mefisto__giles: kdesudo software-properties-kde and in updates tab, enable "unsupported updates"19:56
gabriel_doing it now19:57
mefisto__gabriel_: yes, it's just a simple gui with I think two checkboxes19:57
gabriel_mefisto__: so i guess it edited fstab? where was that file located again?20:02
mefisto__gabriel_: /etc/fstab20:03
gabriel_cool :)20:04
adi3hi all20:05
mefisto__gabriel_: so it worked? it added a line in fstab for you ntfs partition?20:05
adi3how to read flash content in konqueror kde 3.5.1020:06
mjheagle8anyone here use kubuntu 9.04?20:06
Picimjheagle8: Please join #ubuntu+1 for Jaunty/9.04 support/discussion.20:06
adi3in about:plugins I have 6 adobe flash but still cant read youtube20:07
mjheagle8Pici: okay thanks. they do kubuntu too?20:07
adi3anyone any idea20:07
Picimjheagle8: Indeed20:07
mjheagle8Pici: now switching. thanks :)20:07
mefisto__adi3: flash plugin is listed 6 times?20:07
mefisto__adi3: you should just have one20:08
adi3I don't know how but this is my konqueror20:08
adi3well I can tell for one of them cause I installed myself but for firefox ino /usr/lib/firefox/plugins20:09
mefisto__ah, ok. I thought you meant firefox about:plugins20:09
adi3i like this konqueror but I think I cant live without gmail noscript downthemall and greasemonkey plugins20:10
adi3that I have on firefox20:10
carpiiso use firefox20:10
adi3but firefox in kde is horrible20:10
* carpii shrugs20:10
carpiiits ok i find20:11
adi3and speed in konqueror is awsome20:11
adi3as alway cant have both20:11
carpiitheres always a tradeoff between speed and functionality though20:11
carpiiyou could try opera20:12
adi3no im not opera kinda guy20:12
adi3allready tried20:12
sixofouropera is spiffy20:12
=== Gary is now known as evilGary
gabriel_mefisto__: sorry, was away. yes it worked, saw a line in fstab20:13
gabriel_mefisto__: like so /dev/sdb5 /media/big\040momma ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.UTF-8 0 020:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ipconfig20:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ip20:16
josh-lokay this is obnoxious, i recently installed intrepid, i'm now ttrying to burn a cd... k3b doesnt detect it...20:17
mefisto__adi3: an older version of libflashplayer.so might work with konqueror. look for version 9 flash plugin at adobe.com and put the .so file somewhere other than the proper path (eg /home/adi/oldflashplugin/ ), then point konqueror to that path in konq settings > plugins20:17
josh-larrgh what a disaster20:20
mefisto__josh-l: doesn't detect the blank CD?20:21
josh-lmefisto__: no!20:21
HazaIve just upgraded to kde 4.2 and for some reason some of my widgets are coming up as "Unknown Widget"20:22
HazaSimple ones like "Show Desktop" ect20:22
HazaAny thoughts?20:22
mefisto__josh-l: look in k3b settings, programs. anything in there that's missing that looks like it should be there?20:26
josh-lmefisto__: no, it seems to be burning via cli though20:26
mefisto__Haza: which ones don't work? maybe try apt-get removing them, apt-get clean, then apt-get install again20:32
Hazamefisto__: I can remove individual widgets?20:32
* Haza is new to this20:32
Hazamefisto__:  do they have a prefix or suffix to identify them?20:33
mefisto__Haza: most are plasmoid-whatever and some are plasma-widget-whatever and there is the kdeplasmoids metapackage which installs the default ones20:34
Hazamefisto__: Okay. Interesting to know. Thank you20:35
mefisto__Haza: if you do  apt-cache search plasm    that should list them all (plus a few other packages probably)20:35
Hazamefisto__: Another interesting apy command. Cheers :)20:36
mefisto__Haza: apt-cache show <package-name> will show info on individual packages too20:37
mariuzi wonder why kde4.2  is so slow on intel boards, maybe i should disable plasma , anyone did some profiling work ?20:38
Gorkanybody here had been working on NS2??? I need help in energy consumption!20:38
Gork anybody here has been working on NS2??? I need help in energy consumption!20:40
noren_NS2  ??20:41
Gorkyes noren_... has been you working on ns2?¿20:41
noren_Gork: i dont know wat is NS220:41
Gorkit's a network simulator...20:43
noren_Gork: sorry  no idea20:44
noren_Gork: try #ubuntu20:45
Dr_willisTry the NS2 homepage? :) see if they got a channel.. thats a rather 'specific' program.. and you seem to have a vague questuion20:46
GorkDr_willis: I'm doing a energy consumption study...20:47
quassel208how canb i repair a .mov ?20:49
Dr_willisi recall vlc asking to 'repair' video files befor.20:50
Dr_willisor ya could try ffmpeg/mencoder and try converting it to avi and see if they figure out/fix wjhatevers broken20:50
quassel208he didnt do that, i am now uploading to youtube20:51
quassel208what would be the command to convert the .mov ?20:51
noren_quassel208: ffmpeg -i file.mov target vcd file.avi20:52
jay_how do u read the serial no for a cd in linux?20:54
quassel208hmm eror when trying to convert from ffmpeg20:58
demiWhere in KDE to I change Backgrounds?20:59
zaapielanything like khotkeys in 4.2?20:59
zaapielor is a kde 4 khotkeys like application available?21:00
zaapielok nevermind21:01
zaapielkhotkeys is in 4.221:01
* zaapiel slurks back into the darkness21:01
mefisto__zaapiel: systemsettings input actions  and  keyboard & mouse, global keyboard shortcuts21:02
=== nereida is now known as nadie
marek__hi i have a problem with grub - i installed winXP after kubuntu installation and since then i hav eno grub on mbr, wen i tried to do it as it was written here:  http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/reinstall-ubuntu-grub-bootloader-after-windows-wipes-it-out/ when i type " setup (hd0) i have tis output:  "Running  'install /boot/grub/stage1 (hd0)  (hd0_1+16p (hd0,6) /boot/grub/stage2 /boot/grub/menu.lst" .... failed, Error 22 No21:08
marek__such partition, please help me21:08
jay_sorry if my question was dumb but uhhh..... how do u read the serial no for a cd in linux?21:08
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto21:10
carpiii just grabbed kdenlive from the kubuntu repo's, but when i run it, it just crashes immediately, every time. The debug output says 'this backtrace is of no use'. What can i do?21:11
mefisto__marek__: find /boot/grub/stage1  is what's missing from the guide you linked to. your kubuntu install is probably not on hd021:12
marek__mefisto__ well i did it21:13
marek__it is on hd021:13
marek__i have only one drive21:13
mefisto__marek__: and the root command? which partition did the find command say? hd0,0 or something else?21:15
ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)21:15
eliripsHello. I'm trying to reinstall grub after windows installation. I started grub from the live-cd (from /usr/sbin/ on partition hda1 which ismy linux-partition). find /boot/grub/stage1 gives me (hd0,1), but if i try to do 'root hd(0,1)' i get Error11: Unrecognized device string, anyone got me a hint'21:17
quassel208http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/130804/  here the output21:18
mefisto__elirips: should be root (hd0,1)21:18
noren_hi  there can i install both kubuntu 86 and kubuntu 64 bit on the same machine and have same /home partion ,  will it crrreatte sme functional error21:18
eliripsmefisto__: thanks. its rebooting.. :)21:19
demiAnyone know how I can make a .gif file my background in kde?21:20
marek__gosh im totally dead21:21
noren_hi  there can i install both kubuntu 86 and kubuntu 64 bit on the same machine and have same /home partion ,  will it crrreatte sme functional error21:21
marek__i just cant get grub on mbr again21:21
mefisto__demi: convert the gif to png or jpg21:21
carpii32 and 64 bit on same /home, I cant say Id recommend it21:21
carpiiprobably some file formats might differ21:21
marek__hi, when i try to fix my mbr parition after instaling windows i have this:  "The file /mnt/root/boot/grub/stage1 not read correctly" am i screwed now21:22
mefisto__noren_: and some apps may have different config files for 32bit and 64bit versions?21:22
noren_carpii: then how can i preceed i already have /home partition will 64 bit not pick it up automatically when installed21:22
josh-lalpha 6 feels nice21:23
noren_mefisto__: then how ccccan i seperate the home for both21:23
demi<mefisto: If I do that it won't be moving anymore though correct? I want a moving background.21:23
mefisto__demi: oh I see. I don't know if that's possible, but you can have animated png's. but whether it will animate as a background, I don't know21:26
noren_leme see i will go along with the setup and see what happenes21:26
demiIt should there is videos of people showing off stuff with all moving backgrounds.21:27
josh-lmefisto__: are ppa koffice packages newer than jaunty repos?21:27
mefisto__josh-l: no idea21:28
mefisto__josh-l: you mean this ppa? http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ubuntu21:29
josh-lmefisto__: yeah21:30
mefisto__josh-l: someone in #ubuntu+1 might be able to tell you21:31
kuaeraDoes anyone know how to perform a dist-upgrade from a commandline? :/21:31
senorpedroyes, me21:31
senorpedroaptitude dist-upgrade21:32
mefisto__sudo apt-get dist-upgrade  ?21:32
senorpedrosudo aptitude dist-upgrade21:32
kuaeraI'm trying to get distcc with zeroconf support, so.21:32
Dr_williswhat? a program that actually uses zeroconf?21:32
senorpedrowhat is zeroconf?21:33
Dr_willis!info zeroconf21:33
ubottuPackage zeroconf does not exist in intrepid21:33
mefisto__kuaera: or do you mean you want to upgrade from one kubuntu version to the next?21:33
Dr_willisa way for services and stuff to see/confgure automatically21:33
senorpedrolike autotools?21:33
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about zeroconf21:33
Dr_willisnever heard of autotools21:33
senorpedronever did ./configure && make && make install?21:34
Dr_willisthen the 2 are totally unrelated21:35
Dr_willisif thats what youia re refering to21:35
Dr_williszeroconf configures MACHINES and servers to see each other properly over the network21:35
senorpedroah ok21:35
Dr_willisnot ./configure :)21:35
senorpedroi thought it was for configuring packages21:36
Dr_willisnothign to do at all with that. :)21:36
Dr_willisits all about letting this video server get seen by the clients and so forth.. or other services21:36
Dr_willisand yve not seen it actually used by anything.. YET. :)21:36
mefisto__marek__: still around?21:36
senorpedroappearently it is used by distcc21:36
Dr_willisapaemntly it can be..   but ive not used distcc since my gentoo days21:37
marek__yes mefisto__21:37
=== Pricey is now known as EvilChild
senorpedrois there a couchdb package for 8.04?21:38
mefisto__marek__: have you tried with super grub boot disk?21:38
marek__there are a lot of them here:21:39
marek__which one is a proper one mefisto__?21:39
valentin_Bonjour il aurait-il un français qui pourrais m'aider sur quelques truc plz ? je suis nouveau et un peu pomé !21:40
valentin_Personne ?21:41
senorpedrovalentin_: this n'est pas une french channel21:41
valentin_Arf, it's english channel ?21:42
senorpedrono chinese21:42
senorpedro;) just kidding21:42
senorpedroyes, its english21:42
mefisto__marek__: one of the later iso ones I suppose. don't know why, but there's two 0.9677 iso downloads21:42
marek__ok i wil give it a try21:45
marek__OH i hate windows so much....21:45
XPS_M1330I'm looking for a good torrent client that's efficient and has a small footprint21:49
XPS_M1330I find Ktorrent slow21:49
=== LjL is now known as EviljL
XPS_M1330I mean it's demanding on the CPU21:49
jamesjedimasterXPS_M1330: change the refresh setting to >= 1 second21:50
XPS_M1330could try that21:52
sixofourdoes kubuntu by default have a program that can access msn messenger netowkr?21:52
sixofouror windows live messneger netowkr*21:52
sixofourapt-get is busy atm21:52
sixofourwow typo21:52
XPS_M1330sixofour: kopete21:52
sixofourkopete can do msn how?21:52
sixofouri was looking21:53
XPS_M1330I use it for msn... you just type in your account settings21:53
XPS_M1330I think pidgin mighjt be installed by default21:53
sixofouri don't see anything for login details21:53
XPS_M1330settings ... configure ... accounts ...21:54
XPS_M1330WLM passport would be your login username21:54
XPS_M1330sixofour: did you find it?21:59
jamesjedimasteryou can use kopete (installed by default) or amsn (much like windows messenger)22:00
=== EviljL is now known as LjL
bigjockerthere's an inconsistency with gtk-qt-engine in eclipse ... even if you sonfigure KDE to not use an alternate color, eclipse and some other GTK apps will use one ...22:10
bigjockerI apt-get sourced gtk-qt-engine and modified wrapper.c to ommit the alternate color, recompiled and installed the new deb ... that solved my problem22:11
bigjockerwhat is the best way to communicate that issue and the possible solution?22:12
marek__haha i did it mefisto__ are you still there?22:13
mefisto__marek__: yes. so supergrubdisk worked?22:13
marek__magical line was22:13
marek__sudo sfdisk -d /dev/sda | sudo sfdisk --force /dev/sda22:13
mefisto__so installing windows screwed up the partition table somehow?22:16
thepizzanatordoes anyone know of a torrent of the kubuntu 8.10 ISO for AMD64 that actually works?22:30
thepizzanatorbecause this whole upgrade over the internet isn't doing it for me22:30
thepizzanatorif not, if someone could make one that would be awesome :)22:30
thepizzanatori tried upgrading over the internet, but my modem's power cable fell out at 99% :/22:31
thepizzanatori am so cheezed22:31
thepizzanatorit gave me an error and it said that it kept the files, but when i tried to upgrade again it had to start over :/22:32
thepizzanatori really wish the people who made this os would integrate bittorrent into the distro upgrader, that way lots of people downloading it would actually make it faster instead of painfully slow22:33
thepizzanatorsorry for the spam guys >>22:34
bigjockerthepizzanator, try running in a console: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a22:36
thepizzanatori'll try that... i already started redownloading the upgrade, am i screwed?22:36
thepizzanatorby the way this isn't the computer with linux on it so i'll be afk for a sec... thanks for the help22:37
=== david is now known as Destice
thepizzanatorokay i have a window on my screen asking me if i want to start the upgrade22:37
thepizzanatori assume i say no and type what you said in the terminal?22:37
cjaeok I filed a bug report about seperate x screens not working (nvidia)in kubuntu and got a reply that says  Changed in: nvidia-graphics-drivers-177 (Ubuntu) so that means if I update then I should be able to do separate x screens right22:38
thepizzanatorbah :/22:39
thepizzanatorit says the download should take 15 minutes w/ my connection, last time it took 10 hours22:39
cjaeI am just no quite sure if it means it was fixed or if they changed how the bug would be dealt with22:39
thepizzanatoryour guess is as good as mine. lol22:40
cajunquick question. if I have multiple users on a system running (K)ubuntu, does each user have all of their own settings, including window manager, effects, etc? I use awn and I'd like to know if all users will have it running.22:43
mefisto__thepizzanator: there are torrents here: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors#bt   did you try those and they did not work?22:43
cajunit would be easier to allow each user to make his own decision on interface.22:44
jamesjedimastercajun: each user has their own settings22:44
=== carlosgsp is now known as viixi
cajunawesome.  thanks22:44
Dragnslicercajun- any sane program stores settings in the user's home directory22:44
cajunthat's what i thought but i have no experience with multiple users on a system yet.22:45
cajuni'm glad i can customize all i want to without affecting other users.22:45
jamesjedimastereach user settings are stored under .kde directory22:45
cajunawesome.  another question...if i have awn running under gnome, does it automatically run under kde also?22:46
DragnslicerThe only programs that just have global settings (usually stored in /etc) are system-level programs or servers (Apache, sshd, etc.)22:46
DragnslicerGnome and KDE can run programs written for the other, though they might look strange22:47
Desticehey guys.  is kubuntu stable yet?22:47
mefisto__cajun: does awn work in kde?22:48
cajunhaven't tried it.   according to threads i've seen it seems to22:48
cajuni did a search and apparently a lot of people are getting it to work22:49
DragnslicerDestice- when wasn't it stable?22:49
thepizzanator_can someone scroll up and see who the person who helped me is? i think his name was something with jock in it22:49
thepizzanator_i didn't have the underscore before22:49
Desticelol I always had problems with KDE on my computer with Ubuntu, so I always used gnome22:49
DesticeI think it was because of my hardware tho22:49
mefisto__cajun: ok, just that I haven't tried awn in a looong time. maybe I'll give it a try22:49
codecyphixreset keyboard?22:49
Dragnslicerthepizzanator- bigjocker?22:50
thepizzanatoreyah thanks :)22:50
cajunwell i installed kubuntu but had issues with KDE recently so i've been using gnome22:50
codecyphixtyping delay22:50
thepizzanator_bigjocker: can you help me out with this? i'22:50
thepizzanator_m a little lost22:50
cajuni really like awn a lot. i am very happy with it. I've been using it for a few weeks and haven't really had any problems with it.22:50
DragnslicerDestice- depends on what version of KDE. KDE 4.2 works quite well for me. 4.1 and 4.0 weren't quite ready for general use22:50
thepizzanator_or maybe someone else can.. ?22:50
thepizzanator_i was upgrading from 8.04 to 8.10 and my internet disconnected right at the end22:51
DesticeAhh....  I remember when I tried the Kubuntu beta edition, the custumizability of it was just awful.  I couldn't get it to auto-login or anything22:51
thepizzanator_i'm trying to recover the files or something22:51
thepizzanator_so i don22:51
DesticeIs that better now?22:51
codecyphixtried rebooting. works until kde22:51
thepizzanator_bah, i hate the placement of the enter key on this keyboard22:51
thepizzanator_i ran the command sudo dpkg-reconfigure -a22:52
codecyphixi have to hold the keys for 2sec22:52
thepizzanator_could anyone guide me through this? i have no idea what to choose for some of these options22:52
mefisto__thepizzanator_: ok, maybe ask about the individual options you're not sure about22:53
codecyphixthank god i fixed it22:53
thepizzanator_hold on22:54
codecyphixthat was painful22:54
thepizzanator_do i want system wide readable home directories?22:54
thepizzanator_i can't see that being a problem22:54
thepizzanator_no one else uses this box22:55
thepizzanator_is it a security risk for hackers or w/e?22:55
thepizzanator_i'll say yes, i'm not going to add more users anyways..22:55
mefisto__thepizzanator_: that choice is ok. most default choices will be what you want I think22:57
thepizzanator_i hit esc too many times and had to restart the thing...22:57
thepizzanator_ok, do i want to trust new CA certificates?22:58
thepizzanator_default is y so i'll do that22:58
thepizzanator_ok, this part i have no clue about: which certificates do i want to activate?22:58
thepizzanator_the choices are:22:58
thepizzanator_kdesudo "adept_manager --dist-upgrade-devel"22:58
thepizzanator_some brazilian one, canert.org/class3, "".org/root, debconf.org/ca, mozilla/blahblahblah, mozilla/AddTrust_external_root22:59
ubottupastebin is a service to post large texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com (be sure to give the URL of your paste - see also the #kubuntu channel topic)22:59
thepizzanator_heh, forgot about that22:59
thepizzanator_sorry for bein such a noob. lol23:00
thepizzanator_these are the choices it gives me: http://paste.ubuntu.com/130835/23:00
ubuntu_hi all i guess i was write not to burn the CD 64 bit as of yet23:01
ubuntu_plasma crashed here again http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/130836/  << anyone facing similar prob23:02
thepizzanator_ubuntu_: i have a bad video card, should i be installing 8.10 with all the bugs in it?23:02
ubuntu_thepizzanator_: yes go ahead even i am using the same 8.10 , but what do u mean by bad vid caard23:03
mefisto__thepizzanator_: I would leave them all selected. are you in brazil?23:03
ubuntu_is DaSkreech here23:04
thepizzanator_ubuntu_ not much vram, it's a little glitchy with 8.0423:04
thepizzanator_it's also integrated23:04
mefisto__thepizzanator_: wonder why you have this one: brasil.gov.br/brasil.gov.br.crt23:04
thepizzanator_no idea. lol23:04
thepizzanator_i'm using the american english version, in canada23:04
ubuntu_thepizzanator_: get the alternate CD it might help then23:05
ubuntu_mefisto__: take  a look at my  paastebin and tell me if there any remedy23:06
thepizzanator_ubuntu_: going by what it says here i don't think it will help...23:07
ubuntu_thepizzanator_: what distro are u using now23:07
thepizzanatorkubuntu 8.04 i believe, was originally ubuntu 8.0423:08
thepizzanatorbascially ubuntu 8.04 w/ kde installed23:08
thepizzanatori'm in kubuntu right now23:08
ubuntu_thepizzanator: is the prob  remain same in ubuntu and kubuntu23:09
thepizzanatorpretty much, yeah23:09
thepizzanatorkubuntu seems to have fixed some of the glitches23:09
mefisto__ubuntu_: try to apt-get update and upgrade ?23:09
mefisto__ubuntu_: I had similar errors on a jaunty install and after upgrading 20 or so packages plasma started working again23:09
thepizzanatoryou know what... i'll just look for those blank cds and burn the iso to a cd23:10
thepizzanatorthe iso is d/ling way faster on this comp than the internet upgrade was on my linux box23:10
ubuntu_mefisto__: i mm stuck mid way have mounted the iso and booted into it now i cant install the damn thing23:11
thepizzanatorit would be nice to not have to go throught he trouble since i downloaded 98% of the files already and all23:11
trprprobably because the iso is one file while the upgrade is hundreds23:12
ubuntu_thepizzanator: for a better experience of kde do a frresh install of kubuntu its always betteer than installing kde onnn ubuntu23:13
thepizzanatorthat's what i'm doing :)23:13
thepizzanatorfound the cds :D23:13
thepizzanatorwhy didn't i do this sooner... one hour as opposed to 1023:14
thepizzanatorand it works way better anyways... oh well, that's how you learn right ;)23:14
mefisto__ubuntu_: so this is the livecd? you haven't installed yet?23:14
thepizzanatorthis is me on my mac which is downloading the iso, the other pizzanator is me on my computer which is running ubuntu 8.04 off the hard disk, with kde installed23:15
ubuntu_mefisto__: no i was trying to install the kubuntu 64 bit without burning the cd... but now i m stuck it just does not show any partiotion while installing the new distro23:15
thepizzanatoroh, sorry, you weren't talking to me. lol23:15
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto23:17
thepizzanator^ why you should install windows first23:18
thepizzanatorwell, thanks for all the help everyone23:18
thepizzanatori'll just lurk for a while23:18
cajunwhen I do kded --version, it tells me that I have 3.5  I thought KDE4 automatically came with 8.1023:19
cajuni upgraded from 8.423:19
thepizzanatorwhat kind of upgrade did you do?23:19
ubuntu_ok time to logout bye eveeery one23:20
thepizzanatorlike.. over the internet, live cd23:20
cajuni installed 8.04 and later upgraded over the internet23:21
cajuni believe through dist-upgrade23:21
mefisto__cajun: kded4 --version will give you the kde4 version23:21
cajunok.  i have 4.223:21
* cajun is no longer confused23:21
cajunthanks for your help.23:21
mefisto__kde3 libs are there for the kde3 apps23:21
cajunwhat is the preferred compositing manager for kde 4.2?23:22
cajuncompiz doesn't seem to be working at all23:22
cajuni use both gnome and kde423:22
mefisto__kwin has compositing. desktop effects23:22
cajunok.  that won't interfere with compiz under gnome right?23:23
thepizzanatormefisto__: do you happen to know what the system requirememnts are for kwin? if you could beep my name and tell them to me when you get a chance... or anyone else that knows...23:23
thepizzanatori can't find them anywhere.23:24
mefisto__thepizzanator: kwin is the kde window manager, so it should just work. if you want compositing, it depends on your video card and drivers. if the video card can't do compositing, kde won't let you enable it23:26
thepizzanatori doubt mine can do it. :/ thanks23:26
thepizzanatorso is compiz fusion just for gnome or what? i'm lost23:26
cajuni like awn under gnome but i want something equivalent for kde23:27
thepizzanatoreither way it makes a lot more sense to not have to install somehting extra to get the nice effects23:27
cajunit doesn't appear to be working properly under kde.23:28
mefisto__thepizzanator: well it doesn't make much sense in kde4 since those effects (most of them) are already part of kde23:28
=== Dragnslicer is now known as Dragnslcr
cajuni'm not getting any of those effects to work under kde23:30
cajuni can't even configure any of them.23:31
mefisto__can't find where to configure them? or just won't enable?23:32
cajunif i go into system settings and select desktop, they are supposedly enabled but do nothing and don't have a button to configure them.23:34
mefisto__the "all effects" tab is where you can configure each effect23:35
cajunright. but that's what i'm talking about.23:36
cajunfor instance, i can't get the desktop cube to work like it does under gnome w/ compiz23:36
cajunin gnome i hold alt + ctl for as long as i need and use the mouse to flip through the desktops23:37
cajuni have an ATI graphics card.23:40
cajunthe compositing works just fine under gnome right now.  i am using the driver that comes w/ kubuntu23:41
bob_ok so i have a dumb ?23:41
=== jtechidna is now known as JontheEchidna
bob_whats a good irc for getting ubuntu 8.123:41
bob_im new to irc23:42
cajunyeah.  how'd you find this one?23:42
bob_it came with konqueror23:42
cajunjust type   /j #ubuntu23:42
cajunoh ok.23:42
bob_ok i got it23:42
cajunthey are pretty helpful23:43
cajuni even had a guy walk me through an installation once.23:43
cajunof the whole os23:43
bob_mines just filesharing help23:43
cajunthey can help23:43
cajuni got that taken care of through them too23:44
cajungood luck23:44
cajunit works quicker than a discussion board a lot of the time.23:44
LaeborgI have a SD card reader in my laptop. When I plugin a SD card my "New device"-thingy pops up with my SD card, but how can I see where its mounted?23:44
cajuntype  mount?23:45
Dr_Willis64mount command is Handy :)23:45
Dr_Willis64i would guess its in /media/ somewhere23:45
Laeborguh its in /media/disk23:46
=== usuario is now known as usuario__
Laeborgbut how does I format the disc ?23:46
Dr_Willis64with the mkfs command normally23:57
Dr_Willis64you DONT mount a filesystem ifyou are going to format it23:57
Dr_Willis64fdisk, format, mount..use , enjoy23:57
Dr_Willis64High def ubuntu training videos?23:58
=== andrea is now known as Guest31171
cjaeno interesting spam23:59
cjaebut should be read23:59
josh-lhow do i get kde 4 menu tabs to open on hover?23:59

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