
calcanyone remember when gvfs fuse support was added, was it in Intrepid (gnome 2.24) or earlier?02:00
calchmm looks like it was in hardy as well02:02
dobeygvfs-fuse has been available since gvfs has been02:02
calclooks like gnome 2.22 was when that happened02:03
cjcalc: still chasing that one down?03:10
cjcalc: ever find a debug build of OOo?03:10
calccj: got it working :)03:14
calccj: i just forced gvfs fuse paths in the file dialog so it uses fuse now throughout03:14
calccj: i'll be uploading a new version to jaunty in a few minutes03:14
cjwoo hoo :)03:15
cjyou know if there are any job openings on your team? :)  Seems I don't have enough hard-core OpenGL experience to get the gtk+/OpenGL position03:16
* cj is annoyed by the commute03:16
calccj: all i know about is what is on the ubuntu.com careers page03:16
cjI guess what I'm asking is whether any of those are on this team :)03:17
calci guy i have known for about 13 years might be coming to work for the oem team soon if his interviews go well :)03:17
* calc thinks he only has one left now03:17
calccj: oh i am not sure, i'll see if i can figure it out from the descriptions03:17
cjah, don't put too much effort into it.  I'll take any position I can hack :)03:18
calchttp://webapps.ubuntu.com/employment/canonical_GD/ <- is for DX team which isn't the one i am on but works with us03:18
cjDX != DirectX, I assume :)03:18
cjDesktop Experience?03:18
calccj: if you like to do new design type stuff that would be a good position03:18
calccj: yea03:18
calccj: the team did the new notification work, etc03:19
cjmy wife is an excellent designer.  http://www.cadmiumyellow.com/03:19
cjI like the notification :)  Looks good with the transparency and whatnot03:19
* cj hugs screen copy/paste03:19
calccj: she works for microsoft?03:20
cjdid for years.  I'm on contract there now.03:20
cjshe's pretty busy with the kids, but she's interviewing for a position in the surface team, I think.03:20
cjso, my X is not *excellent* but I've poked at it here and there while doing work with gtk+.  How deep do they want the X fu to be?03:21
calccool, surface sounds neat03:22
calcnot sure probably doesn't have to be that great, gtk definitely would be important though03:22
cjHmmm, haven't done anything professionally in C/C++ since '03 or so... mostly perl and some c# since then...03:22
cjI've read it pretty often, but not written anything more complex than a patch here and there03:23
calclooks like knowing how to autotools code is wanted too but that is fairly simple03:23
* cj wrote a series of autotools articles... I have a feeling I'm in the first page of google hits for mono+autotools03:23
* cj checks03:23
calccj: doesn't hurt to apply for a position perhaps they will like you :)03:23
cjawesome.  first hit :)03:24
calcwriting articles on autotools doesn't hurt either ;-)03:24
cjooh, and second and third :)03:24
calcnew OOo 1:3.0.1-5ubuntu1 uploading now using gvfs fuse instead of gnome-vfs/gio :)04:30
Amaranthcalc: only using one of two competing systems is always a good thing04:40
Amaranthcalc: even if you're completely destroying performance :P04:40
Amaranthvuntz: how maintained is gnome-menus? libxfce4menu recently lost all dependencies other than glib, gobject, and gtk... :)04:45
calcAmaranth: gnome-vfs and gio are both broken in OOo so fuse was the only option, it didn't work out of the box either but was relatively easy to patch in OOo to work04:50
crevette_hello gentleman07:19
crevettepitti, around?08:00
pittiGood morning08:32
pitticrevette: hey08:32
pitticrevette: I noticed the bug mail yesterday, but the followup said it wouldn't work?08:32
pittisorry for being late; hacked until 2 am...08:35
seb128pitti: oh, you too ;-)08:35
pittiseb128: yeah, couldn't stop until my apport launchpadlib test suite would succeed :)08:35
pittiI just closed IRC in the evening08:35
seb128dear rosetta, please stop spamming me now!08:35
pittigosh, launchpadlib still has quite some quirks to hack around..08:36
seb128mvo: hello08:38
seb128mvo: do you plan to update libgksu in jaunty?08:38
seb128mvo: the new version fixes "gnome-system-monitor crashes when asking for credential" bug which is open for a while and got lot of duplicates08:39
seb128and any idea about bug #34204308:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 342043 in gimp "gimp- install prob" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34204308:39
seb128"list file for package `gimp-data' contains empty filename" error08:39
mvoseb128: I asked for a FFe08:39
mvolet me check the status08:39
seb128mvo: where? there was no open bug yesterday for that08:39
seb128mvo: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libgksu/+bugs08:40
ubottuUbuntu bug 339949 in gksu "feature freeze exception for 2.0.2" [Undecided,Confirmed]08:40
mvolooks like its fine08:40
mvoI will test/prepare/upload08:40
mvoit also fixes a long and anoying problem that the return code of the sudo ed app is not returend08:41
seb128mvo: thanks!08:41
mvoafterwards we can work on the panel indicator thing (maybe when kenvindane comes too)08:41
seb128mvo: ok, for the fusa thing we use the update-notifier framework no?08:42
mvowe could do the same again, but ted was suggesting to just run it automatically08:42
mvoand not bother asking08:43
mvobecause it does only add something and does nothing else (the fusa one removed the logout applet)08:43
seb128right, good point08:43
mvobtw, the change to remove system/logout is confusing :)08:43
seb128I think so too08:44
seb128I'm wondering if we should have a gconf key to disable that behaviour08:44
seb128and set it only on new installs08:44
mvothat is a good idea08:48
mvohow expensive is a gconf call? I was thinking of a simple file assuming its the "cheapest" solution. because the script would run on each login ./08:49
mvoif we put it into autostart08:49
seb128what autostart?08:49
seb128gconf call are less expensive that a test call in an autostart08:49
seb128could we write the autostart to the user directory by some way?08:50
seb128so the tool could delete the autostart after running08:50
seb128so we would have no cost08:50
seb128and it would run once08:50
mvoI don't know how to do that savely08:55
mvo(think of nfsrootsquash for example)08:55
mvowe could patch gnome-panel itself to create the applet08:56
seb128mvo: that would mean extra code diff to carry until next lts08:56
seb128I don't like that much08:56
seb128can we just drop the autostart in /etc/xdg/autostart then for upgrades and not new installs?08:56
seb128autostart can be conditional on gconf value nowadays08:57
seb128so we just need to make the script do the change and set the key*08:57
seb128so we don't even need code checking for this gconf key08:58
mvoaha, cool08:58
seb128lut huats08:58
huatshello seb12808:59
mvowhat gconf tree is the autostart config?08:59
seb128gnome-session runs the autostart09:00
seb128so it looks to the user's gconf configuration09:00
seb128if that's the question09:00
seb128I'm not sure I parsed that correctly though ;-)09:00
seb128or you asked how to writte the .desktop line?09:00
mvo"autostart can be conditional on gconf value nowadays" - what gconf keys :) ?09:01
seb128whatever you want09:01
seb128seahorse-daemon.desktop:AutostartCondition=GNOME /apps/seahorse/sharing/sharing_enabled09:01
seb128that's one example09:02
seb128which means09:02
seb128start if /apps/seahorse/sharing/sharing_enabled is true09:02
mvoI prepare a update based on this, good stuff09:02
seb128you rock!09:03
* seb128 hugs mvo09:03
asachmm. could it be that metacity recently got more composition features?09:07
mvothere is a branch that gives it all sorts of new features based on clutter09:08
mvobut the stock one has none of that AFAIK09:08
mvo(well, drop shadows and a new alt-tab switcher)09:08
asacmvo: the alt-tab switcher ... when did that land?09:09
asaci have composition enabled for the bubbles and it worked well ... until yesterday09:09
asacnow the alt-tab switcher is really slow09:09
asacand firefox gets the same BadWindow problems i have with compiz09:09
mvono X update in between ;) ?09:09
mvobut without compositing in metacity those problems are gone?09:10
asacthats something i will now figure09:10
asacwhat gconf key was that?09:11
asacfound it09:11
mvonice! devel/ in alt-f2 opens nautilus in that folder .)09:11
asacmvo: yes. firefox start issues are gone09:11
asaci couldnt start firefox from the gnome panel at all09:11
asacnow i can start it again09:12
asacbryce_: backout whatever you updated in the last two three days ;)09:12
seb128asac: there is a new libdrm version uploaded recently you can try downgrading this one09:15
asacmvo: that reminds me that alt-f2 is broken on my laptop for a few weeks09:15
asace.g. does nothing09:15
asacstill works here though09:15
asacseb128: thanks will check that out09:15
mvoasac: known problem with compiz09:15
mvoasac: keep it like this, so you are my tester09:15
asacmvo: ok ;)09:17
asachmm ... seems i get more driver bits from xorg today ... lets see if that fixes it09:20
seb128asac: what videocard?09:21
asac5:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc R580 [Radeon X1900]09:23
asacwith -ati driver09:23
asaclet me relog in to see if the latest xorg updates helped09:23
asacotherwise will try drm downgrade09:23
didrocksmorning o/09:23
seb128lut didrocks09:25
asaci think i think i think ... that the driver updates from today fixed it09:25
asacbut could be that X just needs to run longer to get into that bogus state again09:25
asacalt-tab however still has kind of high latency until it appears09:26
asacprobably takes a bit to get screens of windows09:26
seb128anybody on jaunty amd64?09:44
=== mpt_ is now known as mpt
geseryes, why?09:50
seb128geser: can you run09:51
crevettepitti, sorry for the delay, I don't know if I can trust only one user. would you have time to test?09:51
seb128geser: chrpath -l /usr/lib/python-support/python-gconf/python2.5/gtk-2.0/gconf.so09:51
seb128geser: or 2.609:51
geser/usr/lib/python-support/python-gconf/python2.5/gtk-2.0/gconf.so: RPATH=/usr/lib09:52
geser/usr/lib/python-support/python-gconf/python2.6/gtk-2.0/gconf.so: RPATH=/usr/lib09:52
seb128geser: thanks09:52
seb128didrocks: want to do some updates today?10:10
didrocksseb128: I'm afraid, I will not have the time. I leave earlier to take the train10:12
didrocksseb128: if it can wait for Monday, no pb :)10:12
seb128didrocks: no, therei no hurry, enjoy your weekend!10:12
didrocksseb128: thanks a lot, hope to have a nice weather for skiing :)10:12
seb128oh, you go skiing10:13
didrocksseb128: I will be there from Monday evening and ready for new GNOME release ;)10:13
didrocks(in vacations \o/)10:13
pitticrevette: yes, I'll test it, but can't do right now10:15
asacso where can i mount nfs through gnome?10:23
asacstarred like 5 minutes at preferences/admin  menu now10:23
asac"Connect to Server ..." no nfs :(10:25
asaclast try google: "mount nfs in gnome"10:26
seb128asac: you can'ty10:27
seb128asac: nfs is not a standard user thing10:27
asacso all is lost now10:27
asacno nfs ... no remote mount ... no mail10:27
seb128no remount mount? no mail?10:27
asacseb128: one of the recent updates broke nfs ... i cannot mount my nfs anymore :(10:27
asacseb128: well. for ages i mount my maildir folder and use mutt10:28
asaci hoped that doing it through gvfs might workaround some issue i do not yet see10:28
asaci guess this means i should introduce offlineimap on this system too10:29
asaci will ask the server folks now10:29
seb128asac: gnome bug #536292 for the record and a discussion about nfs in GNOME10:29
ubottuGnome bug 536292 in hal volume monitor "user-mountable nfs filesystems are not showing up in Computer view of nautilus" [Normal,Unconfirmed] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=53629210:29
asacseb128: oh. yeah. i even hoped that i could just mount nfs like i can mount ftp, dav, samba et al10:30
seb128asac: who browse nfs as you browse ftp etc nowadays?10:30
asacso now i can share through samba maybe ... which sounds a bit up-side-down ;)10:30
seb128asac: usually nfs mounts are sysadmin thing10:30
seb128asac: use ssh?10:31
asacseb128: but why is samba?10:31
asaca user thing10:31
asacseb128: ssh?10:31
seb128asac: because that what zindozs users use all the time to share anything?10:31
asacseb128: you mean open mutt on that system?10:31
asacits far too slow ;)10:31
seb128asac: no, gvfs-mount ssh://server, cd .gvfs/ssh...; mutt10:31
asacseb128: sounds like an option. but also sounds slower10:32
asaci will come back if nfs really is dead officially10:32
seb128asac: why would ssh be slower than nfs?10:32
asacseb128: because nfs is optimized for remote file access10:32
seb128and not ssh?10:32
asacseb128: i dont think ssh is optimized for that. its just a remote session protocol10:32
asacnfs is even on the kernel side10:33
asacbut i can try and report back10:33
seb128do you really see a difference to read emails?10:33
seb128ideally ssh server and run mutt there should be the fastest10:33
asacseb128: i will report back. havent tried. but i would think. if i open mutt i have to open all maildir files10:33
seb128local disk access10:33
seb128only remote mutt display10:33
asacseb128: unfortunately its not faster to run mutt on that system10:33
asacthan running it on this system using nfs10:34
asacthe server is really slow10:34
pittiremote mail client sucks IMHO10:34
asacyeah. the nfs client side cache is responsible for the win10:34
pittiif you ever have an attachment, you need to jump through hoops10:34
asacpitti: yeah. thats another reason10:34
asaci will probably migrate to offlineimpa for this system too10:34
* pitti pats imap10:35
asacbut i first want to understand why nfs broke after ages10:35
pittiasac: offlineimap is a 100% pure ♥10:35
asacpitti: i use offlineimap on my laptop against the same server10:35
asacpitti: so its all setup10:35
pittibut nevertheless, nfs should work, of couse10:35
asacits just that i used nfs here for years10:35
asacit doesnt work anymore and that scares me10:35
seb128nfs didn't change for ages10:35
asacnow going to server folks ;)10:35
seb128weird that it broke10:35
pittiasac: thanks for catching10:35
asacseb128: right. i think its bootup optimization ;)10:35
pittiblame Scott :)10:36
asacpitti: yeah well. its hard to proof if you have no clue ;)10:36
seb128asac: well, they didn't touch nfs at all, not even changed rc init scripts10:36
asacseb128: yes. i browsed my upgrade log ... only found low level stuff liks initscripts or fuse stuff ... but fuse isnt used for nfs i hope10:36
pittiheh, no10:36
pittinot yet ;)10:37
pittinfsv5 might10:37
pitti(just kidding)10:37
asaci saw some scary modprobe issues on boot this time. output looked like what you get if modprobe is run with wrong parameters (e.g the help output)10:39
asacbesides from that the boot was really fast10:39
asacproblem is that it happens before it writes any logs ... so probably the initramfs thing10:40
asacis there any log somewhere for that stage?10:40
* asac reboots into a bloody old kernel10:41
asacwow. now it works ;)11:11
asacrebooting again11:11
pittiasac: itz kernel bug?11:18
asaci am not yet sure11:19
asaci had to change my "lo" iface address11:19
asacnot sure how that might have changed11:19
asaci dont use ifupdown for ages now11:19
asacand NM just does ifconfig lo up11:20
asaci will go back to this after i caught up with important mail ;)11:21
seb128pitti: SystemError: W:Failed to fetch http://ddebs.ubuntu.com/dists/jaunty/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz  Hash Sum mismatch11:27
seb128pitti: /me rm lock11:27
seb128pitti: (that's the recent retracer fail, just to let you know I've looked at it)11:28
pittiseb128: ugh, if I'd were to buy you a beer for every time you do that, you couldn't work for half a year..11:28
pittiseb128: merci11:28
* seb128 hugs pitti11:28
* pitti currently figures out why removing tags suddenly doesn't work any more11:28
pittithe scary thing about test suites is that they uncover so many bugs..11:28
seb128they could break bug opening for a change11:29
seb128that would give us some time to catch up on the open ones ;-)11:30
=== asac_ is now known as asac
=== sabdfl1 is now known as sabdfl
kenvandine_wkhey gnomefreak12:18
gnomefreakhi kenvandine_wk12:18
kenvandine_wkgnomefreak: i hear  you live in the apex area....  not far from me :)12:18
kenvandine_wki live about 2 miles from southpoint12:19
gnomefreakyep im about 2 miles from 751 and 64 intersection ;)12:20
kenvandine_wkah... not far at all :)12:20
tedg1tedg: Ping.  Just testing xchat, please ignore.13:00
tedg1tedg: One more.13:01
mvotedg*: the panel applet adding stuff is making some progress13:05
kenvandine_wktedg1: indicator goodness for xchat?13:05
kenvandine_wktedg: when you have a few minutes... i have some questions about debugging a problem with the applet13:06
kenvandine_wkmorning rickspencer313:10
rickspencer3kenvandine_wk: good mornging13:12
rickspencer3kenvandine_wk: any chance you could me your work irc nick *short* than your non-work one?13:12
rickspencer3it would  save me about 2 key clicks :)13:13
seb128do you need to be logged twice?13:13
seb128that breaks tab completion and is pretty annoying I've to say13:14
kenvandine_wk i guess i could just join this channel from the one13:14
kenvandine_wki am sitting in front of both of them all day13:14
kenvandine_wkbut at night just the other one13:15
seb128you have one work machine and one out_of_work not running ubuntu? ;-)13:15
kenvandine_wkboth running jaunty13:16
kenvandine_wkusing them both all day... then carry the laptop down with me in the evening :)13:16
seb128mvo: you're gnome-panel debdiff looks fine to me, feel free to upload13:58
mvoseb128: I'm doing some final testing now13:58
seb128mvo: you can also upload the libgksu update I think since it got an ack13:59
=== onestone_ is now known as onestone
mvoseb128: hm, it seems to not run on gnome-session login, how can I set gnome session into debug mode to see what is going on?14:13
seb128mvo: gnome-session --debug14:13
seb128mvo: where did you install it and did you desktop-file-valide the .desktop too?14:14
seb128pitti: I'm not sure to understand what you did on notify-osd14:19
mvoseb128: desktop-file-validate give me the same as for seahorse14:19
mvothe desktop file is in /etc/xdg/indicator-applet.desktop14:19
seb128pitti: you switched from 0.9-0ubuntu1 to 0.9ubuntu2 is that normal?14:20
seb128mvo: should be /etc/xdg/autostart14:20
mvoseb128: eh, my bad. there it is14:20
pittiseb128: might have been a merge glitch; the ppa branch uses native versions AFAIK14:20
mvo(copy-n-paste error)14:20
seb128mvo: should be /etc/xdg/autostart/indicate-applet.desktop14:20
seb128mvo: no problem14:20
seb128pitti: ok thanks14:20
pittiseb128: but since we have orig.tar.gz's, we should use normal revisions14:20
seb128pitti: right, that's what I though I was just checking in case you did the change on purpose to build from bzr rather than using tarballs or something14:21
pittiseb128: nah, I just suck14:21
seb128pitti: no you don't!14:21
* seb128 hugs pitti14:21
* pitti hugs seb12814:22
seb128mvo: it's /etc/xdg/autostart/indicate-applet.desktop?14:22
seb128mvo: run a non GNOME session and gnome-session --debug14:22
seb128mvo: maybe the .py is not +x or something14:22
mvoI wonder if gconf is not available yet when it runs or something14:24
mvohm, it runs14:25
mvothen it hangs14:25
mvoand then the session says it fails to register14:26
mvodoes it kill it then?14:26
mvoor will session just ignore it at this point?14:26
seb128mvo: it means it has run and gnome-session goes to timeout14:27
seb128mvo: drop the "X-GNOME-Autostart-Phase=Initialization" that's wrong there14:27
seb128mvo: that means it should be ran early and register14:27
seb128sorry for overlooking that in the debdiff14:28
seb128normal autostart should use no such key14:28
mvoaha, thanks14:28
seb128mvo: that's using that which will lead to several seconds blanks in the bootchart and Keybuk will hunt you down ;-)14:31
seb128mvo: btw any reason to just not dput the libgksu from your ppa now?14:32
mvoseb128: yes, because I'm debugging a gnome-panel indicator applet problem right now ;)14:32
seb128mvo: sorry ;-)14:32
mvono problem14:32
seb128I forgot that most men don't do multi-tasking ;-)14:33
* seb128 runs14:33
pittihuman multitasking is a myth14:33
mvoI can only do debugging and tea drinking at the same time, not more ;)14:33
pittiyeah, eating food and thinking works :)14:33
pittibut thinking about two different things is a myth IME14:33
mvoI find it difficult enough to think about one thing already ;)14:35
* pitti hugs mvo14:36
* seb128 hugs mvo and pitti14:36
seb128pitti: notify-osd 0.9.3 uploaded and I verified it fixes the epiphany download crasher testcase14:37
pittiyay you14:37
pittiseb128: hm, seems they didn't update to 0.9.3 in the ppa :(14:38
seb128pitti: I didn't look to their ppa just got it from bzr14:38
pittiright, I mean the ppa branch14:38
seb128are they still using that since they got it uploaded to jaunty?14:39
pittiseb128: nevermind14:39
pittiwell, I guess they do, for their own testing14:39
seb128I used lp:notify-osd to do the merge14:39
pittianyway, so they can merge from us for a change :)14:39
seb128and updated the packaging over that14:39
seb128yeah ;-)14:39
pittidavidbarth: ^ FYI14:46
pittidavidbarth: i. e. you might want to consider merging lp:~ubuntu-desktop/notify-osd/ubuntu/ into lp:~notify-osd-developers/notify-osd/packaging/ if you still care about the ppa branch14:46
Ampelbeinseb128: thanks for sponsoring alacarte. However, i have received 4 e-mails from "rosetta" stating translations could not be imported. Should/Can I do anything about this or can I safely ignore them? See http://paste.ubuntu.com/130645/ for the mail.14:47
davidbarthpitti: ok, will take a look at the changelog14:47
pittidavidbarth: just a merge to trunk, to get 0.9.314:47
seb128Ampelbein: you can ignore those14:51
Ampelbeinok, thanks.14:51
davidbarthpitti: i will in fact let mirco do that, as he's now officially the maintainer of notify-osd (he loves it!)14:52
pittidavidbarth: ah, so he can finally do some packaging again :-)14:52
pittiDEBUILD, I'LL BE BACK!14:52
mvokenvandine_wk: do you think you could test https://edge.launchpad.net/~mvo/+archive/ppa?field.name_filter=panel&field.status_filter=published&field.series_filter=any ? the auto-adding of the indicator applet?14:59
mvoseb128: is there a way with gnome-session to ensure that the add-indicator thing is run before the panel? it seems the parallel startup confuses the panel sometimes (I just got two workspace switcher on the panel, but just one in gconf)15:01
kenvandine_wkmvo: certainly!15:01
seb128mvo: not easy, you would have to add back the line your dropped and make sure the script register to the session to not create a timeout15:02
seb128the way it works now is that session components are started first and they register correctly15:02
seb128so it knows when to start the next one15:02
seb128and then everything else is started15:02
seb128that's an efficient way to do thing15:03
seb128but that doesn't include the usecase where random script need to be ran before a session component15:03
mvomaybe ensure that the panel is fully loaded and then run it?15:03
mvomaybe a simple sleep is enough in the script15:03
seb128add a sleep?15:03
seb128right ...15:03
mvoheh :)15:03
mvogreat minds ...15:03
pittijust sleep long enough; 60 secs perhaps?15:04
seb128the right way would be to fix gnome-panel to not be confuse by gconf changes15:04
seb128but I doubt we will do that for jaunty15:04
mvoits a bit of a special case to mug around with its internal state while its loading :)15:05
mvoI can see vuntz not too happy about this ;)15:05
vuntzthat's definitely something you don't want to do15:05
vuntz(although it should really just work)15:06
seb128vuntz: yeah, fix gnome-session!15:11
seb128I see that but I doubt gnome-session 2.26 will get any change now15:12
hyperairseb128: what's wrong with gnome-session?15:13
seb128it doesn't do session management15:14
seb128it close your session the way ctrl-alt-del would do before the unzap change15:14
hyperairi see15:16
mvoI take a break, but will read scrollback15:17
chuckh1958Is there a way to prevent gnome from adding sftp volumes to the desktop after I use nautilus to browse to an sftp:// url?15:45
seb128chuckh1958: no15:48
chuckh1958Thanks. :(15:48
seb128you can turn the option to display volumes on the desktop but you will get no mounts there15:49
dobeyeh it would be great if it mounted the right thing15:49
dobeybut it doesn't15:49
seb128what do you mean?15:49
loolasac: Would you have some cycles to look into the build issue which Dave Martin reported on armel on ubuntu-mozillateam@lists.ubuntu.com?  Would be great15:50
* kenvandine_wk -> lunch15:56
chuckh1958seb128: where is that option? I can use places for the volumes if I want.16:12
seb128chuckh1958: gconf-editor -> apps -> nautilus16:13
seb128chuckh1958: gconf-editor -> apps -> nautilus -> desktop -> volumes_visible16:13
chuckh1958Is that on the menus somewhere or do I have to run it from a shell prompt16:14
chuckh1958seb128: Is that on the menus somewhere or do I have to run it from a shell prompt16:14
seb128chuckh1958: there is no menus but you don't have to run it from a command line you can use the "run application" dialog or deskbar or whatever you want16:15
chuckh1958thanks. I was trying to find it in the prefs menu but nothing looked close.16:15
chuckh1958seb128: one would think such a nice tool would be available somewhere in the prefs meu.16:16
seb128chuckh1958: no16:16
seb128chuckh1958: it's not an user tool, it's in the applications, system tools menu but not listed by default16:17
seb128chuckh1958: you can use the menu editor to active it if you want though16:17
chuckh1958seb128: Thanks. I really need to go through those inactive menu options some day. I'm a recent convert from kde and gnome is new to me.16:18
seb128you are used to a have a zillion options then ;-)16:18
chuckh1958seb128: yep. :) I installed kubuntu originally after switching from PCLOS, but I hated kde4. I ended up converting my installation to generic ubuntu, except for kvirc. I can't find a decent IRC client for gnome.16:20
chuckh1958seb128: what irc client are you using?16:21
chuckh1958That looked promising except it didn't support socks and that's the only way I can bypass the corporate firewall for IRC access.16:22
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chuckh1958when I get a chance I need to look at some of the socksifying programs for gnome16:25
chuckh1958I tried pidgin for IRC but don't like the fact that if it's minimized, it doesn't notify you if someone types your nick in a message.16:25
chuckh1958yikes! There's a root terminal option in the system menu and it doesn't prompt for a password!16:29
jmarsdenchuckh1958: Did you already recently do something that gtk-sudoed -- most likely your session still "knows" it has sudo privs so it didn't prompt you?16:33
chuckh1958probably. I ran synaptic a few minutes before.16:33
pittiasac: thanks for driving this call so well16:41
asacpitti: ;)16:42
* seb128 joined a few minutes after 17:30, that was a quick one apparently or it started earlier ;-)16:42
pittiseb128: it started at 170016:42
asacseb128: bluetooth part was short16:42
asacpitti: it was confusing. the mail said that seb should join at 173016:43
seb128pitti: the email I received said 17 to 17:30 wifi and 17:30 to 18 bluetooth16:43
seb128anyway I'm not a bluetooth user nor have clue about the stack16:44
seb128so I would not have been really useful there16:44
asacseb128: you are always useful ;)16:44
pittiseb128: don't worry, it was fine16:44
seb128asac: don't try to drop work on me, I can see you coming! ;-)16:44
asacseb128: damn ;)16:44
seb128lut crevette16:49
crevettepitti: hey someone said latest bluez-gnome works fine for fixed PIN code16:50
* crevette does the breakdance 16:51
* kenvandine_wk tests bluez-gnome16:56
kenvandine_wkpaired... but can't send files :/17:04
crevettejaunty ?17:05
* kenvandine_wk doesn't know what he should be able to do :)17:05
crevetteyou're sending from nautilus-sendto or bluez applet ?17:05
crevettewhat is the error ?17:06
kenvandine_wknot supported17:06
kenvandine_wkmight be the device17:06
kenvandine_wkit is a G117:06
kenvandine_wktried with nautilus-sendto17:06
kenvandine_wksame thing17:07
* kenvandine_wk wonders what bluetooth on the G1 is good for :)17:07
crevetteI guess you should open a bug upstream.17:07
kenvandine_wki think it is just meant for things like headphones...17:08
crevettehcitool info xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx should return you the supported feature of your G117:09
crevetteyour adapter is supported right ?17:10
* kenvandine_wk tries17:13
mvoasac: I managed to caputre a new nm crash during a upgrade, lets see how that goes :)17:16
mvo(if we get a better backtrace=17:16
mvobug #34237217:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 342372 in network-manager "NetworkManager crashed with SIGSEGV in nm_policy_new()" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34237217:17
pitticrevette: yay!17:32
pitticrevette: sorry, this day is loaded with phone calls and IRC pings; I'll get to it17:33
asacmvo: lets pray for the retracers17:36
seb128asac, mvo: retracing didn't really work great17:40
seb128b7e7f000-b7f34000 r-xp 00000000 08:01 4376971    /usr/lib/libglib-2.0.so.0.1800.2 (deleted)17:40
seb128that's the missing symbols17:41
seb128ie glib get updated between the time your start it and the crash17:41
seb128you can probably reinstall the glib intrepid version and try using gdb locally17:42
asacmvo: can you please log into intrepid vm before upgrade, install the -dbg packages, run gdb on the CoreDump?17:46
mvoasac: I can try that, the upgrade is currently running17:46
asacseb128: thanks for the hint ;)17:46
mvoasac: a new/different one17:46
asacmvo: abort it ;)17:46
mvotoo late, erased already17:47
asacmvo: you can setup a new one17:47
asacmvo: dont you safe the start state?17:47
mvosure, its trivial to do another one17:47
mvojust takes a bit until its finsihed17:47
mvoI will run one17:48
seb128install libglib2.0-0-dbg17:48
dobeyman. why does the menu system hate me17:48
asacmvo: you need more memory ;)17:48
asacmvo: so you can just boot up a vm for forensics without waiting for upgrade runs to finish ;)17:48
mvoI need more IO17:52
mvothat is really my problem17:52
asacmvo: are you doing this on your thinkpad?17:52
mvono, my workstation17:52
mvobut io heavy operations (like copying base image so that they become test image) slows my machine a lot17:53
asacmvo: get faster disks17:53
asacmvo: SSD17:53
asacor raptors17:53
mvoand loadvm/savevm does not work with kvm :(17:53
mvothat would speed things up a lot!17:53
mvofaster disks is the answer17:53
asacmvo: the new intel thing can deal with 24G of mem17:54
asacthats probably the fastest solution17:54
asacand not even that expensive17:54
asace.g. do all the vm stuff in mem ;)17:54
mvoheh :)17:55
asacCore i717:55
mvohm, 2g ram = 25€17:55
asacIntel Core i7 920 4x2.67GHz BOX17:56
asacmvo: there are kits for 24G of mem available that arent that expensive17:56
rickspencer3kenvandine_wk: did you log those bugs regarding indicator-applet?18:12
pittiseb128: wow, there are new upstream releases of gdm 2.20 still?18:19
seb128pitti: yes ;-)18:19
seb128pitti: just some bug fixes changes though18:20
lapouhm, it's just for me or latest pycentral is broken? looks like it doesn't recognize Python-Version: current18:26
lapowhile the previous one worked fine here18:26
kenvandine_wkrickspencer3: no... i will in a few18:29
rickspencer3kenvandine_wk: thanks18:30
rickspencer3please ping me when you've got them done18:30
seb128mvo: ^18:31
kenvandine_wksure, i'll do it now18:31
seb128lapo: what error do you get?18:31
laposeb128: tons of errors installing packages, I'm upgrading a machina so I have the exact error no more, but it was complaining that Python-Version was missing18:34
seb128complaining or breaking?18:34
lapoI installed the previous version and everything works fine18:35
lapo0.6.11ubuntu2 works, 0.6.11ubuntu3 massive breakage18:36
lapomost python packages were not installable, my test package was checkbox, but a lot of them were affected18:36
mvolapo: hrm, bad. what is the exact error message?18:37
lapomvo: wait18:38
laposorry it's in italian, but I can't reproduce it now18:38
lapomvo: something strange I noticed is that a pycentral version report 0.6.11ubuntu2 even with the 0.6.11ubuntu3 version installed18:39
lapoI'm installing on lpia, so maybe it's a wierd lpia thing18:40
lapobut python packages are neutral18:40
lapomvo: note that the package actually has the Python-Version field eh18:42
mvolapo: hm18:43
seb128jcastro: hey18:45
seb128jcastro: you stopped being on #gnome-hackers?18:45
mvolapo: see #ubuntu-devel18:46
laponeed to run now, sorry18:47
loolasac: Eh you're a hardware lover it seems18:52
kenvandine_wkrickspencer3: 342410 342420 332468 34242918:55
kenvandine_wki also tagged them all as notifications18:55
* kenvandine_wk updates the wiki page18:55
seb128bug #342410 bug #342420 bug #33246818:57
seb128bug #34242918:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 342410 in pidgin "IM windows opens automatically when new message is received" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34241018:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 342420 in pidgin "Notifications should not appear when you are in a chat" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34242018:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 332468 in evolution-indicator "should not show mail icon if no unread messages are available" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33246818:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 342429 in evolution "When evolution window is active, notifications are still displayed for new mail" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34242918:57
rickspencer3thanks guys18:58
loolasac: Thanks for the tip to dave_m on xulrunner BTW!18:58
kenvandine_wkrickspencer3: all linked at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Meeting/JauntyIndicatorAppletTestCases/KenVanDine19:02
rickspencer3kenvandine_wk: thanks. nice work19:03
=== rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk
mvolapo I uploaded a fix19:23
=== rickspencer3-afk is now known as rickspencer3
rickspencer3kenvandine_wk: I'm a little confused by bug 33246819:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 332468 in evolution-indicator "should not show mail icon if no unread messages are available" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33246819:44
kenvandine_wkrickspencer3: i didn't file a new issue, there sort of was already19:45
kenvandine_wkthe general idea is the icon should show some message status19:45
kenvandine_wknot just be there doing nothing19:45
seb128it does something19:46
rickspencer3the design is that it is always there, and that the pidgin indicator is never there19:46
seb128it's the way to open pidgin once the notification icon will not be displayed19:46
kenvandine_wkseb128: not for evo19:46
kenvandine_wkwell, it opens evo19:46
kenvandine_wkor focuses rather19:46
rickspencer3it also has an entry to open pidgin19:46
kenvandine_wkbut it doesn't show you if there are unread messages19:46
kenvandine_wkso the original bug won't be fixed the way he wanted it19:47
seb128they decided to not list emails there19:47
seb128which makes sense19:47
rickspencer3kenvandine_wk: that's why I'm confused. Is the bug that email messsages don't show up in it, or that it is present when there are no email messages to show19:47
kenvandine_wkted said ideally it will show  you how many unread emails19:47
seb128you don't want 600 items in the menu in the morning when opening your email client19:47
kenvandine_wkseb128: right... which is why he said just show a count19:47
seb128I guess that's a valid wishlist indeed19:48
rickspencer3I think it's supposed to say something like "Email Messages (600 unread)"19:48
rickspencer3then when you select that item, it opens evolution for you19:48
kenvandine_wkhis complaint was that it the mail icon is there for no obvious reason19:48
kenvandine_wkrickspencer3: exactly19:48
kenvandine_wkwhich it doesn't do yet19:48
rickspencer3so that's a bug, that it doesn't show that yet19:49
rickspencer3is 332468 that bug?19:49
kenvandine_wkfixing this satisfies his complaint19:49
kenvandine_wkright now it is just there for no obvious reason19:49
kenvandine_wkdoesn't reflect status of mail, nothing19:50
kenvandine_wki can create a new bug, just seemed like fixing it would clear both up19:50
rickspencer3I'm still confused about what 332468 is about19:50
rickspencer3it's saying that there should be no indicator on the panel if there is no mail?19:51
kenvandine_wkhis complaint is that the icon is  there at all, when there are no unread messages19:51
kenvandine_wksort of... that just isn't realistic19:51
rickspencer3kenvandine_wk: that's not a bug imho, because the indicator allows you to open pidgin19:53
rickspencer3is it supposed to allow you to open evolution as well?19:53
rickspencer3kenvandine_wk: we should add the test case for how the applet should behave when there are no new messages19:54
kenvandine_wkrickspencer3: i would say yes19:54
seb128define "open"19:54
kenvandine_wkbut it should also show you some status19:54
rickspencer3seb128: good point'19:54
seb128evolution can't be send the notification area as pidgin does19:54
kenvandine_wkit won't register with the applet at all if it isn't running19:54
seb128it does focus evolution19:54
kenvandine_wkthe use case states it should reflect status of new mail in the applet19:55
kenvandine_wkwhich it doesn't do19:55
rickspencer3I think it should launch the apps if closed, and focus if they are open already19:55
kenvandine_wkrickspencer3: can't19:55
rickspencer3can't what?19:55
seb128rickspencer3: it doesn't list the application if it's closed19:55
kenvandine_wkevo doesn't even register if it isn't running19:55
rickspencer3seb128: it lists pidgin, right?19:55
seb128rickspencer3: if you have no pidgin nor evolution the applet is just not there19:56
kenvandine_wkonly when running19:56
kenvandine_wkapplet will be empty anyway19:56
rickspencer3then hth are you supposed to run pidgin?19:56
kenvandine_wkor add it to your session19:57
kenvandine_wkhow the hell :)19:57
rickspencer3the opposite of "hope that helps"19:57
seb128well, as you always did19:57
seb128you never got a notification area icon before running it19:57
rickspencer3so you go go "Applications -> Internet -> Pidgin" and the envelope appears19:58
rickspencer3kenvandine_wk: could you please add that to the test cases19:58
seb128and the fusa status too19:58
rickspencer3what happens if you open evolution and not pidgin?19:58
kenvandine_wksame thing19:59
rickspencer3(or what is supposed to happen)19:59
seb128to be honest I like the notify-osd changes but I'm not convinced by the message indicator19:59
rickspencer3ok, please add that too19:59
rickspencer3I'd like to ensure that we:19:59
seb128I don't see what value it adds there19:59
rickspencer31. Have pinned down the expected behavior by Monday19:59
rickspencer32. We know where it is not behaving as expected, and there are bugs for each one20:00
kenvandine_wkseb128: i like it... for pidgin anyway20:01
kenvandine_wkrickspencer3: not sure what you want me to add...  the MI just isn't designed to launch apps that aren't already running afaik20:01
seb128kenvandine_wk: I don't see how it's different of the notification area icon since it opens dialog on screen when I receive message and never list anything in the indicator20:02
rickspencer3add what they are supposed to do if:20:02
rickspencer31. The user starts up Ubuntu, and neither pidgin or evo are open (does not appear, I believe)20:02
rickspencer32. Starts up just pidgin20:02
rickspencer33. Starts up just evo20:02
kenvandine_wkseb128: it lists each individual inbound chat and can take you to each, before it would blink and when you clicked on it you would get a random chat20:03
rickspencer34. Starts up pidgin and evo20:03
kenvandine_wkand the icon would keep blinking20:03
kenvandine_wkuntil you clicked enough times :)20:03
kenvandine_wkrickspencer3: sure20:03
kenvandine_wkseb128: so now you get a nice list of just the things you might care about and you can go directly to each20:04
rickspencer3it should only take a moment, but I feel the sands running out of the bottom of the hour glass and we need to be disciplined to get the most out of next week20:04
kenvandine_wki just wish it would take me to the spot in the irc chat where my name was highlighted :)20:04
rickspencer3so, thanks for capturing that kenvandine_wk20:04
seb128kenvandine_wk: that's not my experience but I will try on a new jaunty install next week20:05
rickspencer3kenvandine_wk: I think we need a specific bug for evolution messages not appearing in the messaging indicator20:06
XiXaQI have an old laptop with a 450MHz CPU and only 128MB RAM. This makes Xubuntu a bit too heavy, so I thought I'd install ubuntu but use LXDE instead. It's possible to not install gnome using the alternate cd, right?20:06
seb128XiXaQ: hey, try #ubuntu for user questions, this channel is focussed on the ubuntu desktop work20:08
seb128I've no clue about the alternate CD or I would reply20:08
XiXaQoh, I'm sorry. I actually joined the wrong channel.  :)20:08
seb128but #ubuntu guys might know20:08
rickspencer3XiXaQ: it's no problem20:08
rickspencer3we'd answer if we knew :)20:08
chrisccoulsonyou could try your LoCo channel as well, as #ubuntu is quite busy20:09
XiXaQI think I'll hang around anyway, cause I have some ideas for the desktop, which I'd like to get some feedback on.20:09
seb128good idea20:10
seb128now might not be the best time to get a reply since it's friday in quite some timezone20:11
XiXaQobviously. :)20:11
seb128but don't hesitate to try again during the week if you get no reply now ;-)20:11
kenvandine_wkupdated https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Meeting/JauntyIndicatorAppletTestCases20:13
XiXaQyou're the guy working on Evolution, aren't you? One of the things I'd like to get some attention to, is adding SyncEvolution and Genesis to the default desktop. Who doesn't have a mobile phone and would like to sync it with their desktop?20:13
dobeyi don't know what syncevolution and genesis are, but i'm going to guess they're suboptimal, like everything else that attempts to do sync on linux :-/20:17
seb128XiXaQ: we don't do upstream code, syncing is something which is not optimal right now20:17
XiXaQno, they're really nice.20:17
seb128it's a bit late in the cycle for jaunty but feel free to mail the ubuntu-desktop mailinglist to suggest it for next cycle20:18
dobeywe need a proper sync framework for the desktop20:18
XiXaQthat was my initial idea.20:18
XiXaQSyncEvolution with Genesis as a frontend, works brilliantly.20:18
rickspencer3seb128: kenvandine_wk: thanks for dialing in on the indicator-applet. Now fear the awesome power of pm-dashboard20:19
kenvandine_wkso what is pm-dashboard?20:19
XiXaQit depends on a syncml server though, but there are many foss implementations, and many free services out there.20:19
kenvandine_wki feel like i should know that :)20:19
dobeyso what do i do for something that doesn't do syncml? :)20:20
XiXaQdobey: what would you sync against that doesn't do syncml?20:24
dobeymy old visor or palm device?20:26
dobeymy ipod?20:26
dobeygps devices?20:27
XiXaQheh, doesn't ipod support syncml? :)20:59
XiXaQwhen you're talking about gps, then I guess you're not talking about syncing PIM data?20:59
dobeysure. why shouldn't my gps have access to my contacts' addresses?21:03
XiXaQbecause the manufacturer obviously decided that wasn't something you'd ever want, since they didn't add support for syncml like everyone else. :)21:10
XiXaQbut I'm not saying that other devices are unimportant. I'm saying that the billions and billions of devices that do use syncml are.21:16
XiXaQ... important. :)21:17
dobeytomtom apparently uses a csv file for it21:17
dobeysure but we need a proper framework, not wedging stuff that does work for a few people on a few phones21:21
XiXaQhehe, on a few phones? Can you mention one phone made in this century that doesn't support syncml?21:21
dobeybecasue the phone supports syncml doesn't mean the software on the pc works with the phone21:22
XiXaQwhich is why I'm proposing syncevolution and genesis, which communicates via software that works with both desktop software and mobile device software.21:24
=== Amaranth is now known as EvilAm
=== EvilAm is now known as Amaranth

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