
calcslangasek: you normally see them on your desktop also if so00:00
slangasekah - yes, but it wasn't clear to me that this uses fuse00:00
calcthose use gio/gvfs00:00
calcbut you can grab the fuse path out of the GFile object as well and have it use fuse instead00:01
calcsince they weren't working properly using the native gio/gvfs i wrote a patch to pull out the fuse path00:01
calcnot too much trouble if you know what you are doing but took me a while since i had never done anything with gio/gvfs before, heh00:02
* calc wishes debian would update to current bzr on bzr.d.o00:08
slangasekis bzr.d.o even running a smartserver?00:09
slangaseklast I checked, I don't think it was00:09
james_wit is over ssh00:09
calcit constantly complains to me that it needs to be upgraded but that has to be done on the server side :\00:10
calcand debian doesn't have current bzr packaged in unstable last i checked00:11
james_wit does now00:11
calcjames_w: ah ok00:11
james_wbut alioth runs stable00:11
calcjames_w: oh00:11
james_wit will be upgraded to lenny at some point presumably00:11
calcso bzr on bzr.d.o is currently 0.11?00:12
Nafallostable = lenny no? :-)00:16
nhandlerCorrect Nafallo00:17
StevenKjames_w: alioth is probably still running oldstable00:17
slangasekyes, it is00:17
Nafalloso it didn't use "stable" in sources.list then ;-)00:19
* Nafallo have heard horror stories about that one :-P00:20
calcslangasek: ah so it is running 1.5 so repos could be upgraded i guess?00:23
slangasekthey could be upgraded to the 1.5 level, at least :)00:23
calctoo bad the error messages don't tell you the minimum bzr revision needed to make the messages go away00:30
directhexhm. can anyone determine why a package was rejected from NEW, if no explanation seems to have been sent? in theory it was done on tuesday, which means Riddell was on archive duty00:53
Riddelldirecthex: there was a mono package that had two versions, I think I rejected the older one and accepted the newer one00:53
directhexRiddell, there were two debugger plugins for monodevelop - one for mdb (mono debugger, for mono apps) and one for gdb (um... gdb is gdb)00:57
directhexRiddell, the mdb plugin was accepted, the gdb plugin was rejected00:58
comradekinguI updated the roadmap-wiki with a link to the alpha 6 site. Hope it will trigger a few downloads.01:00
Riddelldirecthex: ok I think I messed up due to soyuz's annoying name trunkating bug01:04
Riddelldirecthex: I've accepted it now01:04
directhexRiddell, oh, you can do that without a re-upload? thanks!01:05
RiddellI hope I can, let me know if it doesn't appear01:05
jdongalpha-6 still has the hardlock-on-login bug01:05
directhexRiddell, mildly amusing circumstances, but thanks ;)01:05
ScottKdirecthex: One can acept from rejected.01:05
ScottKaccept even.01:05
jdongbryce_: Are there any known bugs with GMA950 hardware hardlocking X when compiz tries to start?01:05
jdongI am reproducing this with Jaunty AMD64, on login it simply hangs where I'd expect compiz to be started01:06
bryce_jdong, don't know offhand, try looking in launchpad01:06
directhexScottK, handy!01:07
jdongbryce_: heh I tried looking through and couldn't tell if I had a dupe of an existing Jaunty intel problem or a new one...01:07
jdonghmm I think bug 259385 sounds right01:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 259385 in compiz "[i845] Intrepid Compiz hangs on login for i830MG, i845, (and i945GM?) video cards" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25938501:09
jdongwrong release though :-/01:09
bryce_jdong, if you're asking is it worthwhile to file a bug report about the issue, almost certainly yes01:10
jdongbryce_: alright, I'll do so then01:10
* ScottK tosses fta a reminder about mozilla-devscripts and python2.4....01:10
bryce_jdong, see the troubleshooting page off of http://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/ as well01:11
bryce_the reporting page is good to review too, else your bug may just get lost in the noise01:11
jdongbryce_: will do; it seems upstream; I've been able to reproduce this on Fedora 10 too...01:12
bryce_jdong, if you also file it upstream, that would help a lot.  I'm way behind on -intel and probably won't catch up on newly filed stuff any time soon.01:13
ScottKIf apt-get -f install (after installing a local .deb via dpkg) wants to pull in more packages than apt-get install all the depends (python2.4 and python2.4-minimal), any suggestions on where to look for trouble?02:06
JanCScottK: they aren't recommends?02:40
ScottKJanC: Nope.02:47
ScottKAfter I let it install once I tried aptitude why python2.4 and it didn't know why.02:48
JanCI guess sometimes "-f" tries to be too clever then  ;)02:49
ScottKI think I'm going to guess environmental leakage from the base Intrepid system into the chroot.02:52
slangasekScottK: heh, so even trying to build python-4suite against python2.6 fails miserably here, consuming RAM and never doing anything - but that's not the problem reported upstream?03:07
ScottKslangasek: I don't recall the exact problem.  The apt-get -f install problem I was whining about earlier is a different package.03:12
* ScottK has also been up for 18 hours after 3 hours of sleep, so don't expect great coherency.03:13
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Mavericksever been up for 24 hours or more?04:01
ajmitchlast time I did that was probably before/after a UDS, I think04:07
* ScottK too.04:08
calcif i just want fuse paths passed to my application (OOo) should i change the .desktop file to %F instead of %U ?04:08
* ScottK has done 96 hours on 3 hours of sleep too, but doesn't recommend it.04:08
calcfor the exec line04:08
calcMavericks: at around 36hr i am not good for anything04:08
calcMavericks: my wife was awake for around 500hr04:09
calcMavericks: hint... being awake 500hr is NOT good04:09
MavericksScottK: excellent. although you can definitely beat those 3 hrs to go 99 - real fun ;)04:10
ScottKI was also in the military and we were expending ordnance (for training) at the time, so it was a mix of extreme fatigue and high explosives.04:11
Maverickscalc: *Time for high school questions* fill in the blank - 500 hr is putting _____ at jeopardy.04:11
calcMavericks: when even high level insomnia drugs don't work you can't do much about it :-\04:11
MavericksScottK: oof04:11
calcMavericks: they _attempted_ to a sleep study but she failed... due to lack of sleep04:12
Maverickscalc: Nice - haha - Stay away from ______. Ta daaaa.04:12
ajmitchcalc: for a minute I thought you must had made a typo & meant 50 hours, but 500? ouch04:12
calcajmitch: yea roughly 3 weeks without sleep04:12
ScottKI give.   She wins.04:13
calcajmitch: even with the drugs they put her on she could only sleep maybe 1hr before popping back up04:13
calci'm not sure what actually ended up fixing the issue, or if it just resolved itself04:13
ScottKLongest I've gone straight was ~50 hours.  Slept once I realized the people giving me advice on the programming project were hallucinations.04:14
calcso no one knows about %F vs %U in desktop files?04:17
* calc thinks he will leave it at %U since it seems to work, though %F is probably more correct04:17
* ScottK votes for working over correctness.04:18
calcit works both ways but with %U it seems that burn:// urls are passed to OOo still04:19
calci don't know if switching it to %F will cause any problems though04:19
* ScottK also favors leaving well enough alone.04:22
calcuploading new OOo now with gnome-vfs disabled and set to use gvfs fuse :)04:26
shayaanyone have an idea on how to go about debugging X, in that it freezes regularly in jaunty on an r300 card (T42p laptop w/ firegl card)04:31
dholbachgood morning05:16
cooloneydholbach, good morning05:37
dholbachhiya cooloney05:37
pittiGood morning08:31
Mavericksgood morning08:32
imachineI have some issues with evolution in jaunty.08:36
imachineit says I can't get imap since there's no provider available.08:36
imachineis that normal jaunty behaviour and I should just wait for a fix, or something is off with my local system?08:36
imachine(had some nastiness during updates/upgrades, so it might be that some packages weren't completely installed)08:37
pittijames_w: did you thoroughly test bzr 1.13 already?08:39
sbeattiepitti: have you thought about privilege escalation for apport? I'd like to do a package hook for apparmor, but one of the things I'd like to collect requires root privs.08:49
pittisbeattie: right, for some cases we need hooks which run when the program crashes, not when you report it08:53
sbeattiepitti: hrm, that, too. But I'm thinking more along the lines of including the output of apparmor_status, which requires root equivalent access.08:56
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pittisbeattie: right, if you do "ubuntu-bug" as user, you can't have that08:59
pittisbeattie: if you ask people to "sudo ubuntu-bug", it'll work08:59
seb128pitti: ls -l `locate coreutils.mo`09:32
seb128pitti: do you know what is to blame for that?09:32
seb128doko: ^ or you09:33
pittiseb128: the symlinks you mean?09:33
seb128pitti: the broken ones yes09:33
pittiseb128: they are shipped in coreutils09:33
pittiindeed, they should point to locale-langpack/09:33
pittithey look pretty weird in the first place, though09:34
pittithekorn: FYI, I uploaded a new p-lp-bugs with another fix for parsing duplicates09:41
pittithekorn: and yesterday night I hacked a lot on the launchpadlib branch (just to avoid duplicate work by you)09:41
cody-somervillemvo, ping09:45
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* asac still wonders which package could have broken his nfs mount :(10:02
thekornpitti, yes, I've seen your bug mails, thanks for the upload10:03
pittino problem10:03
tseliotasac: is it something that you mount manually? If yes, go to System/Administration/Authorisation and check that you have the authorisation (for policykit) to mount10:13
asactseliot: no its a /etc/fstab setup mount10:17
tseliotasac: ah, ok10:17
asacit worked for a decade ... now its gone. and i cannot read email anymore :(10:17
asachmm ... saw strange modprobe issues during this boot10:18
asacoutput looked similar to what you get when you run modprobe without any module (e.g. --help)10:18
asactseliot: but a good idea. any idea where i setup such a manual mount ;)10:21
* asac found Network10:21
asacthats not it ...10:23
tseliotasac: sorry but I've never used nfs therefore I have no idea10:23
pittiseb128: if the gdm transition code is available, what's left for https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/gdm-upgrade ?10:46
seb128pitti: updating that was on my todo I just tested the transition code to make sure it worked before going to bed this night and I wanted to update the blueprint today, let me do that now10:47
pittiseb128: ah, no hurry; I'm just updating the ReleaseStatus page (release meeting today)10:48
pittiseb128: yay10:48
seb128pitti: changed to implemented10:49
seb128pitti: should I upload gdm-new to universe now? or is that late in the cycle?10:49
pittiseb128: fine for me10:49
seb128ok, let's do that10:49
seb128few people find the ppa and it has other cracks too now10:49
pittitseliot: what's left for https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/xorg-options-editor ?10:50
tseliotpitti: just a UI cleanup, which won't take place in Jaunty10:51
pittiRiddell: can you please update the status of the kubuntu jaunty specs?10:51
pittitseliot: can you please update the status of the spec, and separate the remaining UI bits, e. g. into bug reports? Or do you think it's incomplete enough so that we have to pull it?10:52
tseliotpitti: I think it's usable, it just doesn't have the best looking UI ever created. I'll update the status of the spec and file a bug report.10:54
pittitseliot: thanks; please then refer to the bug report and set it to implemented, if all the functionality in the spec is covered now10:54
pittiRiddell: thanks10:54
tseliotpitti: ok10:55
tseliotpitti: done11:18
pittitseliot: cheers11:19
tseliotpitti: :-)11:19
Laneydoko: Is it intentional that python-support always makes public modules available for the current version, regardless of what pycompat says?11:30
pittithekorn: adding/removing tags on staging doesn't seem to work for me with p-lp-bugs; did you happen to notice that as well?11:38
pittithekorn: I tried for half an hour to find the bug in my test suite, but it really just gets swallowed, it seems11:38
pittithekorn: trying with launchpadlib now11:38
thekornpitti, no, can have a look at it in a bit11:39
thekorndoes it work on edge11:40
pittithekorn: no, just asking11:40
pittithekorn: haven't checked edge yet, let me try11:40
pitti>>> b = Bug(89040)11:41
pitti>>> b.tags11:41
pitti>>> b.tags.append('testsuite')11:41
pitti>>> b.commit()11:41
pittithekorn: shouldn't that work?11:42
pittithekorn: ^ edge now11:42
thekornpitti, yes, this should work this way11:42
pittithekorn: hang on, perhaps for adding it stumbles over that silly new dialog box which asks you about "new tag OMG!" for every new pacakge11:42
pittibut removing tags should work..11:42
pittihm, doesn't work on edge either11:43
pittiseb128: ^ I think this is serious enough that we have to stop the retracers; otherwise they'll just retrace the same thing over and over11:43
* pitti checks the logs11:43
thekornpitti, removing works for me on edge11:43
seb128pitti: ack11:43
directhexhm. according to my figures, jaunty is 44 meg smaller than intrepid11:44
directhexexcluding a kernel11:44
pittithekorn, seb128: hm, it seems to work on ronne11:45
thekornpitti, adding too,11:45
pittithekorn: ok, thanks for checking; must be something on my end then11:46
thekornif you would like to add a 'new' tag, you can use    b.commit(force_changes=True)11:46
pittioh, should I always use that?11:46
pittithekorn: anyway, I now have the test suite succeed in the launchpadlib branch, so I'm going to switch over soon anyway11:47
pittijust figuring out why the last set of tests I wrote fails11:47
panesar_sandeepwhat should be prerequisites in terms of prog languages that one should hv to start ubuntu developing??11:58
Keybukpanesar_sandeep: it depends on the software you want to work on11:59
maxbThat's not really a meaningful question - Ubuntu is a combination of so many pieces of software. You need to know the languages used in the bits you intend to work on.12:00
Keybukmuch of the core of Linux is written in C12:00
panesar_sandeepok but still, i am intrested in debugging, but am not able to workout gdb well12:00
Keybukvarious add-on pieces use Perl or Python, and Bourne Shell is a must12:00
KeybukDesktop environments might use something like C# (GNOME pieces) or C++ (KDE)12:01
bigoncjwatson: any news about the cleanup of the buildd chroots?12:01
panesar_sandeepwhere can i get help/docs about using gdb or debugging in ubuntu...12:02
cjwatsonbigon: no12:02
Keybukpanesar_sandeep: gdb includes its own manual12:02
Keybukpanesar_sandeep: install gdb-doc and run "info gdb"12:02
directhexpanesar_sandeep, this isn't really the channel for learnign to program with ubuntu, as stated in /topic12:02
panesar_sandeepkeybuk, thnx :)12:02
panesar_sandeepkeybuk, sory too12:02
directhexor use monodevelop-debugger-gdb! \o/12:03
directhexgotta test that12:03
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james_wpitti: I run bzr.dev, as do many people. There have been a few issues arise during testing this week, with fixes being cherry-picked to the release branch.12:47
directhexjames_w, we have monodevelop-debugger-gdb now, tested & working12:48
james_wI saw, thanks12:48
directhexhm, that was meant to be in #ubuntu-motu12:48
james_wwell, I didn't see it was tested and working, so even better :-)12:48
directhexjames_w, by "tested and working" i mean "setting breakpoints in a 10-line hello world app works"12:53
directhexditto for hello.cs with monodevelop-debugger-mdb12:53
Keybukdirecthex: there's still no way to import an existing project though?12:54
james_wIf you are skilled enough to write more than 10 lines of C you shouldn't need a debugger anyway12:54
directhexKeybuk, no. but it's already buckets sexier than monodevelop 1.0 was12:57
directhexKeybuk, that might even be a gsoc suggestion - autofoo import wizard12:57
Keybukdirecthex: it's a complete mystery to me how to even start a new autofoo C project in monodevelop13:04
PecisDarbshi people, tracker won't be installed by default in Jaunty anymore?13:10
directhexKeybuk, i can't see how to do it fully. makefile stuff is under project options, but i get an error when i enable it & click ok. might be a bug. i'll ask upstream13:12
MacSlowpitti, did you already touch the new notify-osd release?13:32
seb128MacSlow: did you see my comment on #dx?13:33
seb128MacSlow: where I was asked if we should look at updating notify-osd in jaunty13:33
MacSlowseb128, sure I've done a 0.9.3 release which includes the fixes for the kerneloops-applet issue and the "epiphany-download" crasher13:34
seb128MacSlow, pitti: ok, I'm looking at the update13:34
MacSlowseb128, btw https://edge.launchpad.net/notify-osd/trunk/0.9.313:34
MacSlowseb128, where do I indicate on LP that other packages are affected by changes to notify-osd?13:35
sorenMacSlow: "Also affects distribution"13:35
sorenMacSlow: And then find the package from there.13:35
seb128MacSlow: open bugs on those or add task by click the "also affect" below the table13:35
pittiseb128: re from lunch; shall I do the update, or are you on it?13:59
seb128pitti: notify-osd? I'm on it13:59
pittiseb128: okay; have release team meeting now13:59
seb128pitti: feel free to tackle some other sponsoring request if you want, I cleaned some yesterday but there is still a few pending ones and 2.26 is due next week14:00
pittiseb128: check if the packaging branch already has 0.9.3 first; if so, please merge from that, instead of just updating the ubuntu branch yourself14:00
pittiseb128: right; bit crammed today14:00
seb128pitti: no hurry don't worry, will do for the notify-osd update14:00
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ogracjwatson, Keybuk ... do we already have a bug for the 1970 prob and useradd ?14:09
Keybukogra: I didn't file one14:25
KeybukI'd suggest the bug is actually in useradd not adduser14:25
cjwatsonogra said useradd ...14:25
Keybukso he did14:25
ograthats why i said so :)14:25
Keybuksorry, dunno how I read that wrong ;)14:25
cjwatson(and I agree)14:25
* ogra has to run out for 1h14:26
mathiazttx: it may be better to just upload/merge samba 3.3.214:34
AquinaI don't wanna be a nag but why is gFTP still unavailable with compiled SSL? It's no prob for me to do it but the n00bs out there probably can't. You think I should file that on launchpad? Yes, no, maybe? :-)14:37
beunoAquina, yes14:37
ttxmathiaz: looking...14:40
mathiazttx: there are a couple of major bug fixes included in 3.3.214:41
ttxmathiaz: yes... but it's a bigger change, then14:43
mathiazttx: right - however most of the change seem to be bug fixes only.14:43
mathiazttx: may at we should include the patches for the main issues?14:44
RainCTKeybuk: hey14:44
mathiazttx: may *be*14:44
RainCTKeybuk: about bug #339612, which console? there's usplash so I don't see anything *g*14:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 339612 in upstart "[jaunty] poweroff doesn't work, but halt does" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33961214:45
ttxmathiaz: probably makes more sense to move to 3.3.2. I won't have time to pull it off before the end of the day though.14:45
mathiazttx: sure.14:47
ttxmathiaz: I guess we need an Ffe for that move as well.14:48
mathiazttx: why?14:50
mathiazttx: it seems that this is a bug fix only release14:50
ttxmathiaz: hm, yes, indeed.14:51
cjwatsonmvo: http://people.ubuntu.com/~mvo/automatic-upgrade-testing/ looks sort of out of date. Does it do any testing with more recent releases?14:56
cjwatsonmvo: (and should we add something to NewReleaseCycleProcess to remind you to update it?)14:57
sorenWould anyone mind if I added "karmic" to the list of acceptable distributions in vim's debchangelog syntax file now? It's always bugged me that it doesn't work when we get started on a new release.15:01
* soren glances at cjwatson15:01
pittisoren: if we do it, it should be done in debchange and lintian as well IMHO15:02
sorenpitti: Indeed.15:02
pittiand for the record, I wouldn't mind15:02
calcanyone know of a reliable way to add a pre-depends package or a pre-depends line with package to a control file if the line doesn't exist?15:04
calci have a way to add it without checking but that isn't very good15:04
calceg: sed -i '/^Architecture:/a Pre-Depends: dpkg (>= 1.14.12ubuntu3)' debian/control15:04
pitticalc: you mean with seddery?15:04
calcpitti: yea or something similarly automated15:04
pitticalc: I was using the same15:04
hyperair\j #vartakblogs15:05
calcpitti: i dropped my pre-depends for lzma because i needed another pre-depends on a package but need it still since soyuz still does the check15:05
cjwatsonsoren: fine by me15:05
sorencjwatson: Cool.15:05
calcpitti: so now for one of my packages in OOo there is already a pre-depends line so the second pre-depends line causes an error15:06
pitticalc: you could run above once, and then vi over it, searching for /\nPre-Depends:.*\nPre-Depends/ ?15:10
Riddellpitti: I just committed a small but important fix to jockey, will that be uploaded sometime before beta?15:11
calcpitti: automated or do you mean to manually fix it up?15:12
pittiRiddell: yes, I need to fix some things anyway15:12
calcpitti: manual would probably work since i have a bug open on soyuz already15:12
pitticalc: manually; I guess there won't be that many pre-depends duplications?15:12
calcpitti: yea just one15:12
calcpitti: hmm couldn't i do something like the above to merge the two lines in sed?15:14
pitticalc: well, it's not that reliable, since it's not guaranteed that existing Pre-Depends: fields are always directly below Architecture:15:16
pitticalc: there's certainly some seddery to do that, with using its buffer15:16
pittibut my sed fu isn't that great, I'm afraid15:16
sorenpitti: Thanks for reminding me of debchange. I wouldn't have thought of that one. I've uploaded all three (vim, devscripts, and lintian) now.15:18
pittisoren: yay koalas!15:18
sorenGo go gadget dput!15:21
seb128Keybuk: did you open bugs about those "don't do fading effect on login" changes btw?15:29
Keybukseb128: not yet, perfecting the patches15:32
seb128Keybuk: ok, would be nice to get before beta if you can get those ready for next week15:32
KeybukRainCT: boot without "splash" >15:32
Keybukseb128: yeah, definitely will :p15:32
RainCTKeybuk: heh ok..15:33
pittimvo: aaah! mystery in bug 315571 solved15:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 315571 in python-apt "[jaunty] causes random Launchpad timeouts with python-apport" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31557115:38
cjwatsonScottK,doko: bug 342335 is the ICE blocking KDE on powerpc15:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 342335 in gcc-4.3 "ICE compiling qt4-x11 on powerpc" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34233515:52
dokocjwatson: I'll have a look tomorrow. does lowering optimizations help? using gcc-snapshot?15:54
cjwatsonhaven't yet tried gcc-snapshot, I'll ask for that to be installed on davis15:55
* calc did the crappy edit a generated file way to fix the problem15:55
cjwatsondoko: -O2 -> -O1 does make it go away, so I'll try to bisect optimisations15:56
cjwatsondoko: from the source it appears to be something to do with PLT generation in PIC mode15:57
dokocjwatson: works with 4.416:00
cjwatson-foptimize-sibling-calls appears to be relevant16:04
cjwatsonI'll lower optimisation for now16:04
mvopitti: yeah, it should be fixed16:21
wwoodslazynet, I have a question: are ubuntu binaries built using BuildIDs? (e.g. if you do readelf -n /bin/sleep is there a build ID note)?16:22
ion_Doesn’t apt-cache policy coreutils suffice?16:23
wwoodsion: long story short: no.16:25
wwoodsgdb (in RHEL/Fedora at least) uses the build IDs to get debugging symbols from files with unique filenames16:25
ion_launchpad resolves the debugging symbols, it seems to work well.16:26
wwoodsretracing the debugging symbols server-side requires sending core dumps to a third party16:26
wwoodsthat does not fly for me, or Fedora, or RHEL16:26
wwoodsso back to my simple yes-or-no question: can someone run readelf -n /bin/sleep and thus tell me if there's BUILD_ID notes in the binaries?16:27
calcwwoods: no, is that a specific Fedora patch?16:28
calcwwoods: you may want to propose a discussion for UDS about doing retracing the fedora way...16:28
calcwwoods: assuming the features needed are available it probably wouldn't be too hard to implement if people can come to a consensus this a better way16:29
wwoodscalc: AFAIK it's in upstream ld but I might be wrong - still doing research, and I figured I could answer "does Ubuntu already use --build-id"? quickly16:29
calcwwoods: it appears jaunty does not have build id in sleep16:30
calcreadelf -n /bin/sleep16:30
calcNotes at offset 0x00000254 with length 0x00000020: OwnerData sizeDescription GNU0x00000010NT_GNU_ABI_TAG (ABI version tag)16:30
calcthat is all that it returned for me16:30
wwoodsdoes ld --help mention build-id at all?16:31
slangasekI don't follow how that has anything to do with server-side retracing, though16:31
wwoodsI'm trying to eliminate server-side retracing16:31
wwoodsretrace on the client-side by downloading only the required debuginfo data over the internet16:32
pittiyeah, it's pretty irrelevant for server-side retracing, since the problem isn't the debug symbols but the core dump16:32
wwoodsif you have unique build IDs it's trivial to determine exactly which individual files are necessary to retrace a core16:32
pittiwwoods: that's actually one of apport's long-term wishlist bugs16:32
calcwwoods: yea ld has build-id support16:32
pittiwwoods: but since debugsyms are so terribly huge, there's not a lot of interest in it16:32
slangasekwwoods: it's already trivial because you already know what libraries are loaded, what packages they come from, and what versions those packages are at16:33
wwoodssooo if you have, say, a webdav share with all the debugging data for every binary16:33
slangasekso you just install the corresponding -dbgsym packages16:33
wwoodsslangasek: installing the entire package is insanely wasteful16:33
wwoodstypically 95% of the installed data goes unused16:33
wwoodsnot to mention the overhead of doing all the metadata parsing16:33
wwoodspackage database updates16:33
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wwoodsso instead you have a webdav share with all the debugging data on it - they all have unique filenames, so you can have debugging data for multiple versions of the same package16:34
wwoodsthe client mounts that share at /usr/lib/debug/.build-id, gdb only pulls the files it needs16:34
wwoodsvoila - full retraces, client-side, without installing anything16:35
pittiwwoods: that sounds like a fine idea16:35
pittiwwoods: is the build ID any more fine-grained than the package version?16:35
wwoodspitti: each individual binary gets its own UUID16:36
wwoodsso each bin in coreutils has its own build-id16:36
pittihow does that help, though?16:36
pittisince in a package build, all binaries get built at the same time anyway?16:36
wwoodswell, you need to be able to discern which file corresponds to /bin/sleep and which one is /bin/ls16:37
wwoodsI've got a working (albeit experimental) implementation of this in Fedora16:37
pittiwwoods: right, I figured that would end up as something like /debugsyms/coreutils/1.2.3-4/bin/ls16:37
wwoodsit's one of the big roadblocks that keeps us from attempting to use Apport16:37
pittiwwoods: are the build IDs a checksum, or a really uniqye number?16:38
wwoodsreally unique16:38
pittiwwoods: with a checksum I see the benefit of sharing identical files, but with UUIDs we could just as well use the package version?16:38
pittior is it just to avoid figugring out all the package versions?16:39
wwoodsAFAICT, anyway.16:39
wwoodsmostly it's such that gdb doesn't need to try to read the rpm database to figure out what version a package is16:39
wwoodsto figure out where to look for its debuginfo16:39
wwoodsanywya computer is freaking out, I will be back in a little bit16:39
wwoodsbut you might ask google to give you the fedora wiki pages on buildid16:39
pittiwwoods: anyway, I could see this getting abstracted in apport/packaging.py, such as a function that maps an ELF in the system to an URL for its debugging symbols16:39
wwoodsand debuginfofs16:39
pittiwwoods: right, intersting idea; thanks!16:40
LaserJockdoko: so is this site-packages -> dist-packages change in python the same in Debian?16:43
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Keybukbryce_: right17:23
bryce_Keybuk: what?17:23
Keybukwhy does it take 5 seconds to get to the userspace for Ubuntu17:23
Keybukbut only 1s in Moblin17:23
Keybukthat's kinda the question really17:23
Keybuksomething about their X server makes it start a hell of a lot faster than ours :-/17:24
bryce_Keybuk: did you see my email where I discussed this?17:24
bryce_Keybuk: it looks to me like hal is delaying things17:25
Keybukit isn't17:25
KeybukI can put a sleep 10 there, and X still takes that long to start17:25
bryce_Keybuk: well there's nothing in the X log between like 2.7 sec and the 5.8 sec mark.  I don't think X is doing anything during that period.17:26
bryce_Keybuk: _I don't know_ what's going on during that period, but I don't think it's X doing anything particular17:26
Keybuk2.7s is still twice as long as Moblin ;)17:27
ion_I don’t know if that’s relevant, but it seems X changes the screen mode to something, then switches back to the virtual console for a second, then changes the screen mode again and keeps doing that a couple of times, and then finally shows a cursor and gets to GDM.17:28
slytherinKeybuk: have some time? need help debugging "inaccessible DVD" problem again. Totem/VLC/Mplayer both complain and I have libdvdcss installed.17:29
Keybukion_: it doesn't do that here17:30
Keybukslytherin: doesn't sound like I'm the right person17:30
Keybukunless you're getting Permission Denied17:31
slytherinKeybuk: yes, totem says "you may not have permission to view". I thought this might have something to do with udev.17:31
Keybukmost likely HAL17:32
Keybukudev doesn't assign permissions a user is expected to have17:32
slytherinKeybuk: hmm. About a month ago we discussed similar issue, the device for DVD drive is /dev/hdc.17:33
slytherinand at that time we concluded that the group for the device was set wrong by udev17:34
slytherinor hal as you say17:34
Keybukslytherin: what does ls -l /dev/hdc say?17:35
slytherinKeybuk: brw-rw----+ 1 root cdrom 22, 0 2009-03-13 22:29 /dev/hdc17:35
Keybuklooks right to me17:35
Keybukslytherin: getfacl /dev/hdc17:35
Keybukbryce_:  could it be simply that gdm starts the X server, and is waiting too long before starting clients in it?17:35
wwoodspitti: back - so, our gdb has some support for build-id - if it sees a build-id note in a binary, it assumes that the debuginfo can be found at e.g. /usr/lib/debug/.build-id/XX/XXX...X.debug17:36
wwoodsso gdb already automatically maps ELF->path17:36
slytherinKeybuk: http://paste.ubuntu.com/130712/17:36
pittiwwoods: ah, sweet17:36
wwoodsmount the debuginfo files at that path and you're done17:36
bryce_Keybuk: is it the 0-2.7sec part you're asking about, or the 2.7-5.0 post-X stuff?17:37
wwoodsI think it uses just random UUIDs because, generally, the linker doesn't know the unique package ID that it's building17:37
pittiwwoods: so I assume you can tell gdb to use a different basedir, such as ~/.gvfs/webdav-debugsyms/ or so17:37
Keybukbryce_: why it takes that long17:37
wwoodspitti: exactly17:37
bryce_Keybuk: which one?17:37
Keybukslytherin: the "onkar" user has access to that cdrom drive17:37
pittiwwoods: that sounds like a nice way to speed up the version matching indeed17:37
Keybukbryce_: the problem I'm trying to solve is that our X takes longer than Moblin's X to start17:37
wwoodsalthough in the initial implementation I'm using the systemwide dir, so it works for all users17:37
Keybuknothing more than that17:37
bryce_Keybuk: arghhh17:37
wwoodsesp. since debuginfo data isn't private or unique per-user17:37
Keybukbryce_: I'm not being clear?17:38
wwoodswe also cache the data very aggressively, so e.g. libgcc's debuginfo only gets pulled down the first time you attempt a trace17:38
bryce_Keybuk: far from it!17:38
slytherinKeybuk: yes, still it gives me this problem. I am not able to understand why.17:38
Keybukslytherin: then it's not a bug in udev or HAL but in whatever else you're using17:38
Keybukbryce_: ok17:38
bryce_Keybuk: is your question, "Why does xorg take 2.7 sec to start up" or "what is happening after the 2.7 mark that is delaying xsession to start until after 5 sec?"17:38
Keybukbryce_: *both*17:38
wwoods(plus fedora/red hat debuginfo is packaged with symlinks for those unique filenames)17:39
Keybukbryce_: the Moblin X server completes init at fwict 1.76s and the first client runs by 1.901s17:39
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wwoodspitti: so, anyway, I'd suggest that step 1 toward doing retracing client-side would be to turn on --build-id for new builds.. someday17:39
Keybukbryce_: our X server completes init at 2.74s and the first client doesn't run until 5.8s!17:40
Keybukon identical hardware17:40
Keybukboth of these things are problems17:40
pittiwwoods: right; however, with the myriad of ddebs existing already I guess we'd have a fallback to version-based paths at least for some time17:40
slytherinKeybuk: gxine is playing the DVD. So I am wondering if it has anything to do with the libdvdread transition.17:40
bryce_Keybuk: yes but I think they're _separate_ problems17:40
Keybukslytherin: no idea17:40
Keybukbryce_: sure, I'm happy to believe that ;)17:40
slytherinI will check any similar bugs in Debian17:41
bryce_but so far when I've talked about one, you've brought up the other, and vice versa, which is making me pull my hair out talking with you :-)17:41
Keybukbryce_: (#1) X server startup takes too long and (#2) X clients take too long to start17:41
Keybukbryce_: ok :p17:41
bryce_Keybuk: for #2, what I've said is that it appears from the boot chart that HAL is doing a LOT of activity during that period, so I suspect it17:41
Keybukbryce_: it's not related to HAL17:41
bryce_Keybuk: you've said that17:42
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bryce_Keybuk: you've not explained why it's not17:42
wwoodspitti: yeah, you'd need a fallback somewhere. does your gdb have build-id magic? (try: gdb, "show build-id")17:42
Keybukbryce_: because almost all the activity you're seeing HAL do is *caused* by the various bits starting up17:42
pittiwwoods: "undefined command"17:42
Keybukmostly gnome-power-manager17:42
Keybukand because17:42
Keybukif I start gdm by hand after the boot has long since finished17:43
Keybukthen it still takes just as long17:43
wwoodspitti: alas, that's a no17:43
wwoodsI'll have to ask if/when that's going upstream17:43
Keybukbryce_: for example, http://people.ubuntu.com/~scott/mini9_jaunty-20090218-7.png17:46
Keybukbryce_: Xorg starts at 12.5s, "finishes" at 16s17:46
Keybukbut all the HAL stuff is well done by 11.5s17:46
Keybuk(I think the post-init delay might be gdm/ConsoleKit related17:47
Keybuksince both times I see a gdm burst of I/O right after the X init finishes17:48
Keybukso I can rule that one out for now17:48
Keybukso it's just the #1 issue - 2.7s init vs. 1.7s init for allegedly identical code that interests me17:48
bryce_ok, the #1 issue I can deal with more easily, since it's all outlined in the X log17:49
Keybuksorry for being overly confusing, but X is a big mystery to me still ;)17:49
bryce_I guess the #2 issue is really 2.7->3.5sec but we lack log info so it's sort of a mystery at this point17:49
ion_Is our X server slower than the rest, or is Moblin’s faster than the rest?17:50
wwoodspitti: hrm. it's in the docs on sourceware.org, and I see patches sent upstream in Sep. 2007; I have to assume it's in upstream gdb17:50
pittiwwoods: might need a configure option which we just didn't turn on17:50
wwoodspitti: either way, if you have a way to map from a unique ELF file to a unique path name, then this method should work17:50
pittiwwoods: either way, if there's a patch, that part should be easy17:50
bryce_Keybuk: well fwiw, I notice just at the very tip start of the log file that already it's faster by 2x17:50
bryce_[    0.017635] (==) Log file: "/var/log/Xorg.0.log", Time: Thu Mar 12 14:15:49 200917:50
bryce_[0 sec: 005113 usec](==) Log file: "/var/log/Xorg.0.log", Time: Thu Mar 12 15:22:41 200917:51
wwoodsI'm trying to make it as simple as possible to port the debuginfofs stuff for other distros17:51
wwoodsso we can all share.. and so apport can stop sending cores upstream. heh.17:51
bryce_and actually in this case the Moblin case has printed out more lines of text into the log file, but X hasn't really even begun to do anything17:51
bryce_Keybuk: have you ruled out other things like caching or compiler optimization or other system effects?17:52
Keybukbryce_: what kind of caching?17:52
Keybukthe one thing I haven't tried is building our X packages with -march set to i686+sse217:52
Keybuk(their binary doesn't even work for some ddx-related reason)17:53
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calcuh translate-toolkit appears broken on the buildds18:24
calcwho needs to be made aware of this issue, IS?18:25
calcor is it already being worked on?18:25
calc__main__.PyCentralError: package has no field Python-Version18:27
calcmvo: ping18:28
calcmvo: looks like you were the one that broke it? :)18:28
mvocalc: eh18:29
mvocalc:  could you give me the buildlog please?18:29
mvocalc: I fixed a bunch of stuff, I would not call that "broke it" ;)18:29
calcmvo: heh :)18:29
calcmvo: log is here http://launchpadlibrarian.net/23831853/buildlog_ubuntu-jaunty-amd64.openoffice.org_1%3A3.0.1-5ubuntu2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz18:30
calcmvo: if i am reading that correctly now with new python-central translate-toolkit needs updating?18:30
mvocalc: sounds like it, I can have a look. lots of package need updates18:31
calcmvo: ok :)18:31
calcmvo: i don't know what to do wrt fixing it so if you can fix it that would be great :)18:31
* calc hugs mvo18:31
pittijdstrand: would you have a minute to review gnome-themes-ubuntu in source NEW?18:33
* ogra sighs deeply about missing ctrl-alt-bkspc ... having a live image where gdm is constantly crashing and only one console makes that really needed18:37
jdstrandpitti: sure18:38
ograbryce_, we really really hould consider keeping ctrl-alt-bkspc unitl RC during development releases, it has bitten me really often now that i was screwed through it missing on live images i worked on18:38
faderogra: +118:40
ograi totally agree its not needed in releases ... but during development its a helpful safety net18:41
calcogra: its not needed in releases only in the all bugs are fixed case... (which in reality is never)18:41
calcand sysrq-k doesnt work nearly as well18:42
calcsince it messes up the framebuffer, maybe KMS will fix that bit though18:42
ograwell, its not *that* necessary in releases ... and you can easily install dontzap in the released version18:42
LaserJockor doesn't work at all18:42
calcogra: you don't know you need it until its too late, generally18:43
calci guess once you get bitten once you then turn it on for recurrent cases18:43
ograbut if i try to debug an X issue on a liveimage where my ttys die and i have to call all initscripts manually (which takes 30min or so) from single user mode ... and then ralize i have to start over because i cant kill X thats kind of wasting my dev time18:43
mvodoko: is "Python-Version: current" something that python-central should support? the change I did to make invalid python-versions fail (in my recent upload) seems to now reject checkbox. do you have any hints for me?18:44
ograi didnt really need it yet on my work machine ...18:44
ograbut i need it during work on images18:44
calcogra: i had to use it a few times already in the past month or so18:45
calcogra: i don't remember why anymore but i remember turning it back on after wishing it was still enabled18:45
ograi used it when i tested out UXA vs EXA here, and it was very handy ...18:46
ograbut beyond that i dont need zapping for normal operation18:46
LaserJockogra: it'd make sense to turn it on during devel but I think it'd be good to have a wiki page or something that describes a devel -> stable delta so we know what things are bugs/regressions and which aren't18:46
LaserJocklike if we want to bump up U-M checking frequency during devel18:47
* ogra wont comment on u-m anymore :P18:48
ogragetting on lwn with my comment was really enough ... i'll keep away from that topic18:48
* ogra doesnt like being quoted as a CoC violation18:49
LaserJockI can imagine18:49
calcogra: heh :)18:50
mvocalc: almost done (I hope). the update to 2.6 requires quite a bit of manual labor for earch source19:03
mvocalc: how can I test that?19:03
mvoother than that it installs19:03
maswanis there a mirror available that has intrepid-proposed included into intrepid? (trying to netinst test with the netinst images from -proposed isn't working all that great when trying to download modules from normal intrepid)19:05
cjwatsonmaswan: have you tried booting with apt-setup/proposed=true?19:06
cjwatsonthat's available for this purpose19:06
maswancjwatson: ah, right. sorry, that might have been too sane for me. :)19:06
cjwatsonmight not, er, be documented anywhere19:07
mvocalc: uploaded, good luck19:08
calcmvo: if it installs then it probably works i guess, many programs use it for building19:08
calcmvo: all i really know about it is it is needed for OOo19:08
* mvo wonders if there is a bzr tree for pycentral to figure out certain changes19:08
cjwatsonmaswan: oh, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/EnableProposed19:08
cjwatsonI'll put it on Installer/FAQ too19:09
maswancjwatson: oh, look, there it is. I didn't see it for all the repo instructions, or something. :)19:09
tormodKeybuk: how is the desktop user added to the /dev/dri/card0 ACL?19:13
Keybuktormod: is there one?19:16
tormodI think so. Otherwise how do users (who should not be in "video" group) access it?19:17
tormodI am not a video member, but the ACL has user:tormod:rw-19:17
Keybukit's done by HAL19:17
tormodwhen I log in?19:18
tormodis that a dbus request from gdm or something?19:19
Keybukgdm creates you a new ConsoleKit session19:19
KeybukConsoleKit informs PolicyKit of the new session19:19
Keybuksince HAL uses PolicyKit to apply ACLs, and generally has  "current session" authorisation19:19
Keybukit is alerted that the ACLs needed to change19:19
tormodthanks, lots of new stuff to learn I see19:20
Keybukit's made of lots of awesome19:20
Keybuksince if you logout, your acls go away ;)19:21
KeybukCK/PK do much, much more of course19:21
tormodin the end, we just need to fix users-admin to not show and create the "video" group then.19:22
Keybuknone of those groups are relevant anymore19:22
Keybukother than perhaps "admin" :p19:23
tormodwhere is this stuff configured, now that it's not in /etc/group any longer?19:23
Keybuktormod: System -> Administration -> Authorizations19:23
tormodthanks, I meant file-wise19:24
Keybukthe defaults are in /etc/PolicyKit/PolicyKit.conf19:25
Keybukgranted authorisations are in /var/lib/PolicyKit19:25
wwoodsthere's also the polkit-auth tool for managing them19:25
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mvocalc: I fixed a issue in pycental as well, I hope things are more happy when that is all published19:45
calcmvo: ok19:47
ogramvo, wow, thats really cute ... !20:26
* ogra hugs mvo for getting rid of the need for KVM for sandbox upgrade tests20:27
* Nafallo_ ponders if ext4 is stable enough yet.21:24
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mvoogra: heh :) glad that you like it22:34
adelie42Hello, I am a long time hobby programmer, but new to this collaborative environment. I just spent today fixing some bugs, but I think I "did it wrong". I used 'apt-get source' to get the package, but now it looks like I should have gotten the source via 'bzr branch'. I have been following http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/bzr.dev/en/mini-tutorial/index.html but still feel a bit lost. Any assistance?22:41
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