
plarsanyone here have a dell mini?03:36
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MekApels1npersia: thx for the answer...13:49
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spacedogi downloaded http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/intrepid/release/ubuntu-8.10-umpc-i386.img19:58
spacedogit's a worthless peice of shit, coastered 2 cds19:58
ograhmm, i would have helped him if he would have stayed a bit longer ... despite his language20:00
* ogra shrugs20:00
plarsogra: no kidding20:19
plarswould anyone here happen to have a dell mini running jaunty alphas?20:19
ograi guess there are many people running the normal alpha ... probably not the mobile flavours atm though20:20
ogra(i know keybuk in #ubuntu-devel runs his bootspeed tests on a dell mini)20:21
plarsI'm seeing some odd behaviour with sound recording... it comes out weak and choppy when I try to record sound though either the internal mic or an attached one20:21
plarsjust trying to determine if it's specific to the mini or other netbooks are also seeing this20:21
loolplars: You could check your hardware mixers with alsamixer20:22
loolAlbeit it's probably a bug if you can only use that tool to do so20:23
plarslool: ah... I found a good combinations of settings that seems to work, thanks.  Not sure if alsamixer was the only way to do it, but it the defaults were certainly no good20:30
plarsno, I guess I just got lucky one time... not working again20:35

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