
nhandlerbcurtiswx: paste.ubuntu.com00:00
bcurtiswxok, brb00:00
nhandlerIt is just a site to upload large ammounts of text00:00
bcurtiswxoh firefox, why must you freeze00:02
ScottKThat's a bit of a redundant question.00:03
maxbAt least you're not IRCing in Chatzilla :-)00:04
* nhandler is using mibbit in Firefox ;)00:04
nhandlerbcurtiswx: Why are you packaging it from scratch? We already have octave in the repositories. Why not just do an upgrade?00:10
bcurtiswxnhandler: is more of a learning process for me00:10
bcurtiswxnhandler: octave was the first tar.gz file that came to mind00:10
nhandlerbcurtiswx: If you really want to get it to work, you can look at the octave package in the repositories. Otherwise, I would suggest you choose a simpler package as a "learning process"00:14
nhandleroctave isn't the best to begin with00:14
bcurtiswxnhandler: ok.  any recommendations?00:15
nhandlerbcurtiswx: Have you followed the guides to package 'hello' already?00:16
nhandlerbcurtiswx: I would start there. There are some guides on the wiki, do you want a link or two?00:16
directhexjames_w, so. what do you think is the right course of action for monodevelop-debugger-gdb?00:16
james_wdirecthex: now the alpha is out you can poke the archive admins to ask who rejected it00:17
bcurtiswxnhandler: sure00:17
directhexjames_w, which day of the week was it rejected?00:18
james_wcan't remember00:18
james_wdoesn't help that I'm upside down right now00:18
nhandlerbcurtiswx: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/HandsOn00:18
StevenKThat must make it hard to type00:18
nhandlerbcurtiswx: http://www.debian.org/doc/debian-policy/00:18
directhexStevenK, that or he's in australia for some reason00:19
nhandlerbcurtiswx: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete00:19
StevenKI'm in Australia, and I'm not upside down ...00:19
nhandlerbcurtiswx: Those should help get you started. If you need more, just ask ;)00:19
directhexyes you are! australia is upside-down by definition!00:19
ajmitchdirecthex: lies00:19
bcurtiswxnhandler: ty00:20
cody-somervillenhandler, how is gnomescan going?00:20
nhandlercody-somerville: I'm looking it over again now.00:21
cody-somervillenhandler, thanks. I think its pretty important to get that done for jaunty. Let me know if you need me to assist.00:22
nhandlercody-somerville: I'll add my comment sometime tonight00:22
taconeot: anyone can tell me how to mark a launchpad bug as duplicate ?00:32
taconenevermind, found -.-00:32
savvasdo we bump the standards-version for non-debian packages?02:25
nhandlersavvas: If you are making other changes to the package, yes.02:29
savvasyes nhandler :) gpixpod I'm about to send a patch for python transition02:30
nhandlersavvas: Be sure to make sure that it actually complies with that version of debian-policy. You can also verify that it is lintian clean.02:38
savvasok thanks nhandler :)02:38
savvasNow running lintian...02:39
savvasFinished running lintian.02:39
savvaswoohoo! :P02:39
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fmarierhi folks, I was wondering if I should be providing any more details here given that the sync I'm proposing is pretty much just a bugfix one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/email-reminder/+bug/34209504:15
ubottuUbuntu bug 342095 in email-reminder "Please sync email-reminder 0.7.5-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,Confirmed]04:15
ScottKfmarier: The problem is that for a sync, confirmed == approved, so odds are sponsors weren't looking at it.  I set it to new.04:17
fmarierScottK: thanks for letting me know, I didn't know about that...04:18
ajmitchfmarier: looks like a rather critical update, with ruining marriages & all04:19
superm1siretart, have you talked with ffmpeg upstream about their commitment to a release schedule?  If they can get some sort of regular cadence going, we can try to get more pressure on these projects to move to using a system library of ffmpeg rather than duplicating the code in their trees (eg VLC, mplayer, xine, mythtv, etc)04:19
fmarierajmitch: yeah, I forgot to change the importance while I was filing the bug :(04:19
dtchensuperm1: such an approach has been strongly suggested for several years04:26
dtchensuperm1: leverage corporate pressure would probably make them more amenable04:26
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superm1dtchen, yeah, unfortunately a lot of these projects get caught up in "their way of doing things", but definitely seeing a track record develop for the ffmpeg guys will make it easier to apply said pressure04:31
superm1my own reasoning is I want to see all of these great players leave multiverse and still be functional with ffmpeg-debian or an ffmpeg-multiverse - whatever the user chooses to install04:32
Amaranthsuperm1: still need that mplayer release04:42
superm1Amaranth, ehm? bug #?04:42
Amaranthsuperm1: Aren't they the same guys?04:42
AmaranthThey haven't released mplayer in years either04:43
Amaranthafter an mplayer release the only things missing will be duke nukem forever and working audio on linux04:43
* Amaranth hides from dtchen04:43
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superm1Amaranth, you mean a duke nukem forever port to linux that works with pulseaudio by default :P04:44
Amaranthand nouveau04:44
superm1Amaranth, oh but there was an RC like a year ago for mplayer. that's some kind of release at least.  it's better than mplayer-1.0~$(random snapshot)04:46
Amaranthsuperm1: I thought the last RC was in 200504:47
superm1Amaranth, have i been working with ubuntu long enough now that my time scale is off by that much? geez...04:47
Amaranthsuperm1: ah, 200704:48
superm1Amaranth, no i'm not crazy.  2007-10-07 1.0-rc204:48
Amaranththat wasn't last year :P04:48
superm1oh yeah, it's 2009. psh04:48
StevenK"2009? When did that happen?"04:50
fabrice_spHi. How can I know at what time is the motu council for mi? In http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar, it's at 6H GMT (so 7H for mi) but in the wiki, it's at 7H UTC (8h for mi)05:09
fabrice_sp(and I woke up earlier, believing it was at 6h for mi :-/ )05:09
dholbachgood morning05:16
fabrice_spMorning dholbach ;-)05:16
dholbachhey fabrice_sp05:18
fabrice_spdholbach, it's also 6:18 for you, right? so at what time is the Motu council meeting? I've not been able to find any consistent information on that05:21
dholbachhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Council/Meeting - no? :)05:22
fabrice_spyes: it's 7H UTC, but in  http://fridge.ubuntu.com/calendar, it's  at 6H GMT :-/  And I'm supposed to be at UTC/GMT+105:23
dholbachfabrice_sp: oh yes, sorry - seems that Google Calendar got confused when the US moved to DST05:24
fabrice_spok :-)05:25
rgreeningdholbach: hey05:26
dholbachhiya rgreening :)05:26
rgreeningis the meeting in 30 min ?05:26
fabrice_spor in 1h30? ;-)05:27
dholbach7 UTC - let's stick to UTC times wherever we have them05:27
rgreeningits 3AM here.. was hoping to get some sleep before work :)05:29
rgreeninghey NCommander05:52
NCommanderhey rgreening!05:52
fmarierdholbach: thanks for the ACK06:05
dholbachfmarier: no worries :)06:05
dholbachfmarier: thanks for letting us know about it!06:05
dholbachcan somebody of the motu-release team check out bug 340008 please? :)06:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 340008 in ubuntu "Please sync python-django-lint (0.7-1) from Sid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34000806:06
siretartmorning folks!06:08
fabrice_spg'morning siretart06:08
siretartsuperm1: this release is more an experiment, a review about that is pending.06:08
siretartsuperm1: AFAIUI Diego prefers the next release in 3 or 6 months. and a time based release model06:09
siretartsuperm1: as for other projects, at least vlc and xine already use the system ffmpeg. No idea what mythtv does, but for mplayer that's complicated, as mplayer uses too many libavutil internals and therefore requires that the system ffmpeg matches the internal copy06:10
siretartsuperm1: diego is working on that, however06:10
siretarthey fabrice_sp06:10
superm1siretart, ah didnt realize that vlc and xine are already using system ffmpeg.06:15
superm1siretart, i'll have a pretty good argument finally for mythtv upstream then provided we really do see releases every 3 or 6 months for ffmpeg06:15
superm1siretart, which if they can sever that tie, can finally get mythtv in debian :)06:16
siretartsuperm1: do they use lots of ffmpeg interals, or do they restrict themselves to the external API?06:17
superm1siretart, they support some demuxers that aren't actually in ffmpeg entirely, but otherwise i want to say for the most part they are using the external API06:17
superm1i'm going to have a chat with the guy who does the ffmpeg merges into mythtv on a regular basis to get a more clear understanding06:18
siretartsuperm1: 2 things to check: they include only headers that are installed in /usr/include/libav* and they don't use any ff_* symbols but only av_* ones.06:19
siretartsuperm1: if yes, then you can (and probably should) patch the build system to use the system ffmpeg06:19
siretartif no, hit upstream with a stick (or better)06:19
siretartexception from that rule: it does really funny stuff like gst-ffmpeg (which I still haven't really understand yet)06:20
superm1siretart, well until they can at least get the extra demuxers into upstream ffmpeg, i suspect that using a system ffmpeg will not turn out well.  i'll poke around though for those 2 things you indicated to get a better idea06:20
siretartoh, wait, they've added demuxers to libavformat?!06:21
superm1i'm not sure where the demuxers are living, let me see what the quote i just read about it was06:21
superm1"<iamlindoro> superm1, My understanding (and a little bit of experience in hacking on it) is that the Program Stream and Transport Stream demuxers differ substantially from ffmpeg's own at this point, making using it as an outside lib very very hard"06:21
siretartthat's.. unusual. if that's right, that stuff should definitly go upstream06:21
superm1yeah that's what i was saying to him, but i'm waiting to hear from the guy normally doing ffmpeg merges to  confirm06:22
siretartperhaps it might make sense from them to not use ffmpeg directly but use libxine as abstraction. but that might be even more work06:23
NCommandersiretart, and superm1, to add more fun w/ ffmpeg, upstream actually did a stable release :-)06:23
siretartNCommander: tell news06:23
NCommandersiretart, you didn't see the news?06:23
siretartNCommander: see bug #34030306:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 340303 in ffmpeg-debian "FFE: ffmpeg 0.5" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34030306:24
NCommandersiretart, so how did hell freeze over? (what made ffmpeg's devs do a stable release?)06:24
siretartthat's more an experiment than a real stable release.06:25
siretartread: they don't really support it, and its already outdated06:25
NCommandersiretart, its two days old ...06:26
siretartthe release is from 03/03/200906:26
siretartthat's over a week06:26
siretartlibswscale can now be compiled as lgpl06:26
siretartin trunk (not in 0.5 release)06:27
NCommanderthings move fast ...06:27
siretartthat's the problem with ffmpeg releases06:27
siretarttrunk moves that fast (since years) that releases actually don't really make sense06:27
NCommandersiretart, I get it, but it makes downstreams lives harder06:27
siretartdiego decided to make time based snapshot releases. let's see if and how the next one will work out06:28
siretartNCommander: you now understand why mplayer svn has svn:externals to the ffmpeg svn (and vice-versa, to make the matter more spicy)?06:28
siretartdid I mention at some point that I'd really appreciate help on packaging the two beasts? ;-)06:29
NCommandersiretart, add to the legal status of ffmpeg, and its an entire mountian of fun.06:29
siretartthe legal status is: LGPL, with some (optional) GPL bits06:29
NCommandersiretart, w.r.t. to patents06:29
NCommandersiretart, I'm packaging cross-compilers with newlib being built in a single pass ;-). I know hellish packages.06:29
siretartsuperm1: you did most of the works in ubuntus mplayer, right?06:29
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siretartsuperm1: I've just uploaded http://wiki.tauware.de/~siretart/upload-queue/mplayer_1.0~rc2%2bsvn20090303-1.dsc to debian/unstable (possibly *very* close to the rc3 release)06:32
siretartsuperm1: perhaps we can (and should) merge that package to ubuntu as well, checkout the branch on git.debian.org06:33
superm1siretart, i did a lot of work on it at some point i recall06:33
superm1siretart, i'm not sure who has kept up with it as of late though06:34
superm1siretart, git.debian.org? I thought that we were keeping it in bzr in ubuntu though.06:38
superm1siretart, is there a reason that it cant just be synced from unstable?  i'm assuming it's something related to extra build-depends that we add?06:38
siretartsuperm1: 2 reasons: ubuntu started an epoch war, and the debian package does not feature mencoder06:39
siretartthe latter can be fixed by using the 'master.unstripped' branch (as opposed the 'master' branch)06:39
siretartre git, well pkg-multimedia (the debian multimedia team) settled on using git06:40
superm1siretart, <shrug> i see06:40
siretartI'd really appreciate more ubuntu help in pkg-multimedia *hint* *wave*.. we already have there a bounch of ubuntu branches06:40
superm1i wish i had more time to contribute up that way :( maybe later this year06:41
superm1jdong, do you want to maybe try to help spearhead pulling in another mplayer snapshot before we close up jaunty?  You like crack dontcha?06:42
iuliandholbach: Commented.07:02
dholbachiulian: thanks a bunch07:03
iuliandholbach: Np.07:04
AnAntHello, I am maintaining sl-modem package. Regarding bug 518694, the co-maintainer suggested that we blacklist slamr, slusb, intel-8x0m & snd_via82xx_modem modules so that they don't get loaded too early during, then the init script will modprobe slamr (or slusb) , is that an acceptable solution ?07:14
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 518694 could not be found07:14
AnAntdebian bug 51869407:15
ubottuDebian bug 518694 in sl-modem-source "sl-modem-source: No RING messages sent when the phone is ringing" [Important,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/51869407:15
AnAntubottu: ;)07:15
sorenAnAnt: Why does the time at which they're loaded matter?07:16
AnAntsoren: well, there's what he said in README.Debian http://pastebin.com/m5ee2d61507:18
sorenAnAnt: Sounds like something that should really be fixed in the kernel.07:19
sorenAnAnt: Failing that, could sl-modem's init script perhaps try rmmod/modprobing the modules? That saves us from having to blacklist stuff.07:20
AnAntsoren: ok, will try that07:21
AnAntok, another question, I want to create devices for slamr & slusb in postinst, but lintian says I should use MAKEDEV instead of mknod07:21
AnAntwhen I run MAKEDEV slamr, it says that it doesn't know how to create devices for slamr07:22
AnAntshould I first modprobe slamr before attempting MAKEDEV ?07:22
AnAntor what ?07:22
geserAnAnt: you probably need to get MAKEDEV patched for it07:24
geserdo you need "static" devices? isn't udev created devices enough?07:25
AnAntgeser: you suggest that I add udev rules to create those devices ?07:26
savvasthe manuals and documentation should be in Recommends or Suggests?07:27
geserAnAnt: yes07:27
AnAntgeser: dunno how to do this07:27
geserAnAnt: look at the existing rules.d files07:29
AnAntgeser: like this => KERNEL=="slamr", NAME="%k", GROUP="dialout", MODE="0660" ?07:29
geserAnAnt: I've to look up the syntax myself, but yes, something like that07:30
AnAntso, KERNEL= is for loaded module name ?07:34
sorenAnAnt: No, it's for the name the kernel assigns the device.07:58
AnAntso, I should use DRIVERS= instead ?07:58
sorenUmm.. Why?08:02
slytherinhi, anyone having trouble with pull-debian-source in jaunty latest? It asks me to install devscripts which I alreasy have installed.08:05
AnAntumm, nevermind, I think it should be KERNEL="slamr[0-9]"08:06
AnAntKERNEL="slamr[0-9]*" rather08:06
iulianslytherin: You might want to talk to nhandler.  He wrote that.08:24
Toadstoolgood morning here08:26
dholbachToadstool: that was bound to happen on a Friday 13th :-)08:49
Toadstooldholbach: hehe :)08:53
Toadstooltoday is not my lucky day, I guess, I should have stayed in bed08:53
savvaswhen I subscribe u-u-s, should I change the "In progress" status to confirmed or new? or just leave it as it is?09:16
iuliansavvas: Confirmed is better.09:24
savvasiulian: ok, I'll browse through the old ones and set them back to confirmed - thanks :)09:26
savvasI mean.. the old ones I have assigned on myself heh09:27
iulianYou're welcome.09:27
savvashot patch right from the oven :P bug 342151 for python transition09:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 342151 in urwid "Depends: python (< 2.6) but 2.6.1-0ubuntu3 is to be installed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34215109:37
sistpoty|workhi folks09:56
_rubeni must be blind, but i cant seem to find the variable that i can use in debian/rules which holds the version of the package its building10:35
slytherin_ruben: you need upstream version or complete version (including debian/ubuntu revision)?10:43
slytherin_ruben: DEB_UPSTREAM_VERSION should work. I am not sure as I have only used it in CDBS packaging.10:44
_rubenslytherin: that var doesnt seem to be avail for non-cdbs10:48
slytherin_ruben: it is actually easy to retrieve version form changelog. you need some head/cut magic. you should find it in many existing packages10:51
_rubenjust found this is a mail archive: dpkg-parsechangelog  | grep ^Version: | cut -f 2 -d \  | cut -f 1 -d -10:55
savvasif the version is 0.36-5build1, for an ubuntu change I should use 0.36-5build1ubuntu1, right? :)11:16
sorenProbably just 0.36-5ubuntu1.11:17
slytherinsavvas: just ubuntu111:34
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* slytherin wonders if this will make into jaunty - http://www.hadess.net/2009/03/our-new-volume-feature.html12:32
directhexi could have done with that last week12:35
rippsI'm trying to build multiple packages from a single source by using the debian/package_name.install method, but the build process fails at the very end, can someone please help me figure this out.12:37
slytherinripps: sure, if you tell us what the error is12:38
maxbripps: If you pastebin the build log, then yes12:38
rippsmaxb: where does pbuilder store it's build logs?12:39
maxbuhm. Just copy/paste it from your terminal12:40
slytherinripps: it doesn't by default, you have to use option '--logfile filename'12:40
rippssigh, I guess I'll have to retry the build. It's a chore though, because it tends to segfault half way through sometimes.12:41
maxbnice build :-)12:47
rippsmaxb, slytherin: can just give you a tarball with the source package w/ debian directory. My computer is being a jerk and randomly failing.13:27
rippsmaxb, slytherin: http://depositfiles.com/files/7gu4sr9qo13:31
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maxbripps: Sorry, I don't have time to get a package building right now, you'll need to manage a buildlog yourself.14:01
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rippsmaxb: New version of gcc fixed my segfault issue, logfile: http://paste.ubuntu.com/130665/15:57
rippsIt's very long, and it seems to run ./configure on all 20 plugins twice.15:57
maxbripps: At the bottom, you can see it runs "16:02
maxbdh_install -pgmpc-alarm16:02
maxband that fails to find a file16:02
maxbSo, you need to investigate why that file does not exist16:02
rippsmaxb: Yeah, how do I do that? Everything seems to be working right.16:03
maxbWell, the first thing to look for is: Did a file of that name get built at all? Did it get installed in a different directory?16:03
rippslibtool: install: /usr/bin/install -c .libs/alarmplugin.lai /tmp/buildd/gmpc-plugins-0.18.0/debian/tmp//usr/local/lib/gmpc/plugins//alarmplugin.la16:04
maxbNo package should be installing into /usr/local16:04
ripps? it installed it in /usr/local/16:04
rippslet me edit the autogen.sh16:04
joaopintoerm, you shouldnt edit autogen.sh16:05
joaopintoyou should use the --prefix parameter on configure16:05
rippsThis autogen.sh is actually a bash script that clones a bunch of programs from git and runs autogen.sh on them individually.16:06
rippsDon't blame me, I didn't write it.16:06
rippsI'm only using this script because I don't want to have to manually update 20 individual plugins (w/ backports) on biweekly basis.16:11
rippsThis way, I can update all the plugins the team ppa with a single source package.16:11
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maxbThat still doesn't explain why you'd be editing autogen.sh for this problem?16:30
rippsmaxb: because I don't think the autogen.sh being passed throught he bash script is adding --prefix=/usr.16:32
maxbautogen.sh is the wrong time to be doing this. It should happen at configure time16:36
maxbOh, but gmpc-alarm's autogen.sh doesn't respect NOCONFIGURE. Blech16:38
rippsI'm going to have to continue this later, I need to go to bed.16:45
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DBOdoes anyone know how to reach Laney by email?17:08
jpdsHe's... here?17:08
jpdsand lp.net/~laney has email details.17:09
DBOthank you17:09
DBOhes away =P17:09
=== thekorn_ is now known as thekorn
savvasgood evening :)17:56
slytherinsavvas: good evening. :-)18:27
joaopintodpkg-buildpackage: set LDFLAGS to default value: -Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions18:46
joaopintois there a way to force dpkg-buildpackage to not set LDFLAGS ?18:46
slytherinjoaopinto: dpkg-buildpackage does not set them. check your debian/rules18:47
joaopintoslytherin, include /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/debhelper.mk18:47
slytherinjoaopinto: what about this line?18:48
joaopintorewording, to tell CDBS not to touch LDFLAGS :P18:48
joaopintoslytherin, that line alone causes the LDFLAGS to be set18:48
slytherinjoaopinto: I guess you will have to explicitely unset then in debian/rules18:48
joaopintoslytherin, already tried that, it introduces another problem, because it overrides LFLAGS during the "make" rule18:49
joaopintoerm LDFLAGs18:49
slytherinso what are you exactly trying to do?18:49
joaopintoI am building a package for an application, using cdbs, the application must not be compiled with "-Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions"18:50
joaopintoit provides a plugin component, such component does set LDFLAGS on it's make rules, however unseting LDFLAGS on debian/riles will override the plugin build phase also18:51
joaopintoslytherin, I am reading dpkg-buildpackage man page, it seems those are really defaults from it18:53
slytherinjoaopinto: I don't think I am qualified enough to answer that question.18:53
c_korndoes someone know when mok0 usually comes online?18:54
joaopintowell, it may be related to bug 13898118:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 138981 in cdbs "makefile.mk overwrites LDFLAGS defined in Makefile" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13898118:54
slytherinc_korn: I believe he is there in #ubuntu+118:55
c_kornslytherin: no, he isn't. didn't see him online for some time. it is just about uploading sivp to the jaunty queue. it has been acked.18:56
slytherinc_korn: is it in universe?18:57
joaopintohum, this is really a dpkg-buildpackage problem :\18:57
slytherinc_korn: if uploading is the only thing to be done, I can do that, tell me bug number.18:57
c_kornslytherin: the package to be uploaded is here http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/sivp bug 33436218:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 334362 in sivp "FeatureFreezeException: Please update sivp 0.5.0 from REVU" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33436218:59
slytherinc_korn: I will have to update my chroot. :-( If it is not uploaded within next 24 hours, I will do it.19:02
c_kornslytherin: thanks19:03
rgreeninghey nixternal19:07
=== fabrice_sp__ is now known as fabrice_sp
fabrice_sprgreening, congrats :-)19:12
rgreeningty fabrice_sp. gratz to you too :)19:12
fabrice_spthanks ;-) And sorry to rush  that way this morning19:13
fabrice_spI really had to leave19:13
rgreeningfabrice_sp: yeah. I really had to sleep :)19:15
rgreeningI forgot about DST.19:15
rgreeningthought it was for 3:30 localtime, but it was 4:30. I could have went to sleep and got up early.. oops :P19:16
rgreeningoh well, at least I crawled into bed at 5 and slept for a few hours19:16
fabrice_spthat's what I did (wake up early), but it wasn't that early :-D19:17
rgreeningim a zombie now though.19:17
fabrice_sponly few minutes?!19:17
fabrice_spyeah: I can understand :-)19:17
rgreeningtonight, lots of sleep19:17
rgreeninghmm... quassel crash... hehe19:19
fabrice_sprgreening, you should be using gnome >:-)19:20
fabrice_spalready sponsored your first package?19:21
rgreeningI actually just installed ubuntustudio on my other laptop. it runs gnome19:21
rgreeningnot yet. I think I'll be waiting until I have sleep behind me19:22
rgreeningclear head and all required to sponsor.19:22
fabrice_spohh: good :-) I have to install it in a vm, to check the software they ship19:22
fabrice_spsounds reasonable, yes :-)19:22
rgreeningubuntustudio seems pretty nice.19:22
rgreeningScottK-desktop: ty for everything btw19:24
* fabrice_sp is downloading the iso of ubuntustudio19:25
cjwatsonjoaopinto: have you tried 'unexport LDFLAGS' at the top of debian/rules? that's the usual workaround for packages that have a problem with -Wl,-Bsymbolic-functions, and is done elsewhere19:35
fabrice_spwhen changing a version to add build1, do we have to update the maintainer field to Ubuntu MOTU Developers <ubuntu-motu@lists.ubuntu.com>?19:35
ScottKrgreening: YW.19:36
ScottKfabrice_sp: No.19:36
rgreeningScottK: :)19:36
fabrice_spthanks ScottK19:37
fabrice_spjust wanted to confirm19:37
rgreeningo/ apachelogger19:40
apachelogger\o rgreening19:40
joaopintocjwatson, I did, it didn't work, so I used LDFLAGS=""19:47
joaopintowhich works for the binary, but breaks the plugin19:47
=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Andre_Gondim-afk
DBOcan anyone help me update our PPA?21:07
DBOI am not a packager or anything21:07
DBObut our packager guy is away for a week21:07
DBOand we need to ship21:07
dtchenppa url and new source url?21:08
dtchenDBO: i presume 9.04 is highest priority, but if you would delineate a decreasing priority, that would be helpful for scheduling21:11
DBO8.10 vs 9.04 equal priority21:12
DBOmost of our users are still on 8.1021:12
dtchenDBO: also, is 0.8.1 slated *only* for your ppa for 9.04, or is there a FeatureFreezeException planned?21:12
DBOthere is a FFE in the works21:12
DBO0.8.1 fixes some rather... annoying bugs21:13
DBOthings like stealing your keyboard in rare situations kind of bugs21:13
DBO(our bad, we are rank amatures after all)21:13
goshawkcan it be possible that a library is in debian and it's not in ubuntu?21:36
RainCTgoshawk: yes21:37
goshawkwell. how do i port it? :)21:37
goshawkthe library is libconfig++621:37
RainCTgoshawk: that's the case if either it's new and has entered Debian after DebianImportFreeze (and nobody requested a sync) or if it was removed from Ubuntu for some reason21:38
=== Pricey is now known as EvilChild
goshawkRainCT: i think it's the first one, cuz it's only in sid and testing right now21:38
goshawkshould i file a bug requesting a sync?21:39
RainCTgoshawk: Probably not. https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libconfig21:42
RainCTit was removed from Ubuntu21:42
goshawkit's not the same21:43
goshawkRainCT: there is a libconfig0 (the one you are speaking)21:44
goshawkRainCT: and a libconfig++621:44
goshawklibconfig0 version 0.1.521:44
goshawkthe same version of the launchpad link21:44
goshawkand libconfig++6 version 1.3.121:45
RainCTehm right21:45
goshawkam i learning good? :)21:45
* RainCT blames whoever had the idea to give both packages the same name :P21:45
porthosegoshawk: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess21:46
* goshawk jumps to FreezeExceptionProcess21:46
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=== Amaranth is now known as EvilAm
=== EvilAm is now known as Amaranth
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goshawkFreezeExceptionProcess says me to include the package, but should i include the orig.tar.gz, the diff.gz the .dsc, the .changes or all? If i should include all, but launchpad makes me upload only one, can i put them in a tar.gz packagE?22:16
Laneygoshawk: debdiff is fine22:17
Laneyor diff.gz for new upstream22:17
goshawkit's a new package, so diff.gz22:17
Laneycompletely new package?22:18
ubottuUbuntu bug 342530 in ubuntu "libconfig++6 in debian testing and sid and not in ubuntu jaunty" [Undecided,New]22:19
goshawkwell it's new for ubuntu22:20
goshawkbut not for debian22:20
cjwatsongoshawk: Launchpad may only let you use one attachment at a time, but there's nothing to stop you uploading several attachments in succession22:20
cjwatsonalthough for a Debian package I'd say that a debdiff against the Debian package would be perfectly fine, if indeed there is any debdiff22:20
cjwatson(I don't know the MOTU policies on this, this is just what I'd want if I were sponsoring it)22:21
cjwatsonif there's no difference versus Debian I see no reason to bother including the package at all, personally22:22
goshawkok uploading a debdiff too and pointing to the debian .dsc as a comment22:22
cjwatsonall that does is create extra work for somebody who has to check that it is the same22:22
Laneygive a link to the debian dsc22:22
cjwatsongoshawk: what changes were necessary for Ubuntu?22:22
LaneyI guess that would be ok22:22
goshawkcjwatson: just the changelog that fixes the LP bug, and the Maintainer field22:22
goshawknothing more22:22
goshawki did both22:22
cjwatsongoshawk: no, don't do that22:22
cjwatsonif that's all, we should just sync the Debian package22:23
cjwatsonthere is no need to create a delta for just that22:23
goshawkcjwatson: ok so i'm adding a comment saying to just sync with debian one :)22:23
cjwatson(the above comments do not constitute a freeze exception ... I haven't looked at it)22:23
goshawkof course :)22:24
nhandlergoshawk: Just to clarify, this libconfig is in no way related to the old libconifg that was previously in Ubuntu and Debian, it is a different application that just shares the same name, correct?22:35
goshawkit seems so for me22:36
goshawkcuz also the pk provided are different22:36
goshawksites are different22:36
goshawki mean websites22:36
nhandlerOk, I just wanted to make sure I understood the wnpp bug correct22:36
goshawkversions are different too22:36
nhandlercjwatson: Would we need to do anything special on our end to handle the package?22:37
porthosewould a kind member of MOTU-release please unsubscribe MOTU-release from Bug #338408, as the upstream maintainer is updating the package :)22:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 338408 in coherence "FFe for python-coherence" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33840822:41
* nhandler goes to look22:42
adelie42Hello, I am a long time hobby programmer, but new to this collaborative environment. I just spent today fixing some bugs, but I think I "did it wrong". I used 'apt-get source' to get the package, but now it looks like I should have gotten the source via 'bzr branch'. I have been following http://doc.bazaar-vcs.org/bzr.dev/en/mini-tutorial/index.html but still feel a bit lost. Any assistance?22:42
nhandlerporthose: Done, but FYI, it really isn't a huge deal. Most motu-release members will ignore bugs in the Incomplete state22:43
nhandleradelie42: What is the package?22:43
porthosenhandler: thxs good to know :)22:43
=== cody-somerville_ is now known as cody-somerville
adelie42PDFs were corrupted and there were some typos. Not really 'programming' bugs, but wondering if I used the right source / made the right kind of patch22:45
adelie42err... ok, I am looking at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Contributing after just noticing it in the title. Think I will get through that first.22:47
cjwatsonnhandler: not if it isn't in Ubuntu right now22:52
cjwatsonnhandler: under the current source package name (which AIUI is libconfig++ not libconfig?)22:52
cjwatsonoh, no, apparently it's libconfig22:53
cjwatsonanyway, if it isn't in jaunty right now, no special action is required22:53
nhandlerOk, I just wanted to make sure.22:54
cjwatsonmight want to make sure it doesn't share the same binary names22:54
cjwatsonwhich is the only thing that's really significant for upgrade purposes22:54
nhandlerThat is on my todo list of things to check22:55
goshawknhandler: thanks for the summary change ;)23:06
nhandlerNo problem goshawk. It just makes things more clear to people looking at the bug23:06
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