=== bromic94_ is now known as thewrath | ||
Myst | Hey everyone... does anyone know of a cd/dvd buring program that uses command line interface? | 00:55 |
Deeps | mkisofs / growisofs | 00:55 |
twb | genisoimage now, I think. | 00:55 |
twb | Traditionally genisoimage (nee mkisofs) is used to create an .iso, and this is then burnt with cdrecord. | 00:56 |
twb | For DVDs, the growisofs tool can perform both steps at once. | 00:56 |
Myst | ok so growisof | 00:57 |
twb | Incidentally, most (all?) GUI burning tools end up just calling the CLI tools internally. | 00:57 |
Myst | yeah... just the server im using has no GUI and i would prefer not to have a gui installed in order to keep the system hardened | 00:58 |
twb | That won't really "harden" the system much. | 00:59 |
twb | But using a GUI remotely is often slow, and in this case is certainly unnecessary. | 01:00 |
Deeps | will "weaken" | 01:00 |
Myst | most vulnerabilites are found with GUIs and if i install one then i have to go through a battery of tests to ensure that the system is hardened | 01:00 |
twb | Myst: if those GUIs can only be used by ssh -X, then you're only as weak as ssh. | 01:01 |
twb | Unless end users have shell access to your server, I guess. | 01:01 |
Myst | the last time i installed a GUI for linux it had alot of processes that ran at startup, which in turn created some vulnerabilities during the testing... so i have avoided using guis on any server... | 01:03 |
twb | Installing a single graphical application is different to what you call "installing a GUI". | 01:04 |
Deeps | along with all the xauth etc. packages that are then needed for x-forwarding | 01:04 |
twb | I'm not advocating installing ubuntu-desktop or anything, just e.g. xcdroast. | 01:04 |
twb | Deeps: well, openssh-server Recommends xauth anyway | 01:05 |
Deeps | recommend, doesn't depend | 01:05 |
twb | Deeps: recommend is opt-out now | 01:05 |
Deeps | twb: i opt out | 01:05 |
Myst | yeah... just if i want to run a burning utility and need the gui to do it all those unnecessary processes run... but ill look into xcdroast | 01:05 |
Deeps | i'd take the opposite attitude to twb here, and i'd avoid any X related applications on a server | 01:05 |
twb | Deeps: well so do I | 01:05 |
Deeps | especially since like he says, in the case of cd/dvd burning, they all just end up using the same cli tools internally anyway | 01:06 |
twb | Deeps: I'm just saying that of all the things that you can do to harden a server, refusing to install libx11 is pretty negligible. | 01:06 |
Deeps | so skip their front ends and just do it yourself | 01:06 |
twb | Removing anything non-essential listed in netstat -nap or in /etc/init.d/ or /etc/inetd would be a start. | 01:07 |
twb | Installing a firewall, possibly auto-applying security updates. | 01:07 |
twb | Compared to installing, say, xdu or xterm, those will have far more impact. | 01:08 |
Myst | hehe... i didnt mean to start a debate about hardening a system... but advice is always welcome | 01:08 |
twb | Myst: no worries, I should be working... | 01:08 |
twb | Regarding smartmontools... | 01:15 |
twb | I need to tell it my drives are SATA, not SCSI. I can add /dev/sda and /dev/sdb to smartd.conf. | 01:15 |
twb | But what happens if the device names happen to change (e.g. because USB gets modprobed before SATA for some reason)? | 01:15 |
ScottK | Does it know about UUID? | 01:16 |
twb | Can I tell smartd to identify devices by a UUID or serial, or even just to default to assuming SATA? | 01:16 |
JanC | eh, it should detect all drives automaticly? | 01:17 |
twb | JanC: yes, but it detects them autoamtically as SCSI | 01:17 |
twb | Because of the SAT emulation layer in the kernel. | 01:18 |
twb | (That's why drives are called /dev/sda not /dev/hda nowadays) | 01:18 |
JanC | of course, but it's easy enough for them to see that it's really a SATA disk... | 01:18 |
twb | JanC: smartd apparently doesn't know to do that. | 01:19 |
giovani2 | smart works fine with my sata drives | 01:19 |
giovani2 | I don't know anyone who's had a problem ... can you describe exactly what's going wrong? | 01:20 |
twb | giovani2: I have to add -d sat. | 01:22 |
twb | giovani2: this means explicitly listing the drives, AFAICT. | 01:23 |
twb | giovani2: this means that if the drives change names, smartd.conf will be wrong. | 01:23 |
giovani2 | what happens if you don't? | 01:23 |
twb | Device /dev/sda: ATA disk detected behind SAT layer | 01:23 |
twb | Try adding '-d sat' to the device line in the smartd.conf file. | 01:23 |
twb | For example: '/dev/sda -a -d sat' | 01:23 |
twb | ...in syslog. | 01:23 |
giovani2 | odd, that doesn't happen for any of my SATA drives, is the SAT layer non-default? | 01:24 |
twb | giovani2: AFAIK this is a stock Ubuntu 8.04 Server install. | 01:24 |
giovani2 | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Smartmontools | 01:24 |
giovani2 | did you read that? | 01:24 |
giovani2 | the script on the bottom seems to be a solution, as it's doing "-d ata" -- you could simply swap that out with "-d sat" | 01:25 |
giovani2 | it's iterating through /dev/disk/by-id/ | 01:25 |
JanC | twb: it should also understand the device links in e.g. /dev/disk/by-id/ | 01:28 |
JanC | and probably the other ones under /dev/disk/ too | 01:29 |
twb | giovani2: sorry, I'm multiplexing multiple tickets. Looking now... | 01:31 |
twb | giovani2: OK, that link seems to basically be circumventing the existing init.d infrastructure entirely. | 01:31 |
twb | Oh, no, I see, they're talking about using that script as a replacement for the default scanner execed in smartd.conf | 01:32 |
twb | Hmm, this actually looks like it works: | 01:35 |
twb | Just add "-a -d sat" to the DEVICESCAN line itself. | 01:35 |
twb | Wish I knew how to simulate a smart failure on a remote machine, though :-) | 01:37 |
JanC | on my system SATA drives are automaticly recognized as such, it seems... | 01:38 |
giovani2 | twb: don't have any old, bad drives around? | 01:45 |
uvirtbot | New bug: #342056 in samba (main) "Samba automatic account creation assumes local accounts" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/342056 | 01:46 |
twb | giovani2: the machine is in a data center | 01:48 |
twb | And more to the point, I'm not | 01:48 |
doginize | I'm usig ufw for firewall. if a port is not ALLOW, does it not mean DENY? what defference does explicitely DENY make? | 01:49 |
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thewrath | anyone know anything about this: http://linux.slashdot.org/article.pl?sid=08/02/13/0227231 | 01:50 |
twb | doginize: run "iptables-save" and pastebin the output. | 02:00 |
twb | doginize: if you look at the top of that output, you'll see something like... | 02:00 |
twb | :INPUT ACCEPT [0:0] | 02:00 |
twb | :FORWARD DROP [0:0] | 02:00 |
twb | ...those lines mean that INPUT defaults to ACCEPT and FORWARD defaults to DROP. | 02:00 |
twb | Unless you're working on a router, you mostly care about the INPUT chain. | 02:01 |
twb | doginize: however what you might find is that the default policy for INPUT is ALLOW, but at the bottom of the chain ufw has a rule like "otherwise, always reject". | 02:02 |
twb | I haven't used ufw enough myself to know if that's the case by default, and I don't have a ufw-enabled box nearby to check. | 02:02 |
doginize | twb: here is the output: http://dpaste.com/13850/ | 02:03 |
twb | doginize: OK, so the default policy for INPUT is DROP. | 02:04 |
twb | DROP is like REJECT, only the packet is thrown away without sending a "piss off, loser" packet to the other computer. | 02:04 |
doginize | thanks, twb | 02:06 |
twb | What that means is the other end will just see something like "connection timed out" instead of "connection refused". | 02:06 |
twb | And I can't see any generic "otherwise -j REJECT" at the bottom of the INPUT chain. | 02:06 |
Fenix|home | Greetings | 02:09 |
Fenix|home | any way to get real time logs to show on tty? | 02:10 |
ScottK | tail -f logfilename? | 02:10 |
doginize | twb: i dont know what those output mean. any suggestion for me to read? | 02:10 |
Fenix|home | ScottK... hehe. My bad for not articulating. | 02:11 |
ScottK | That did seem too easy. | 02:11 |
Fenix|home | I'd like to have syslog show in realtime on a tty straight from boot. | 02:11 |
Fenix|home | I can always switch to another tty to log in... | 02:12 |
Fenix|home | but typically I do all from SSH and the server doesn't have keyboard/mouse... just a monitor | 02:13 |
twb | doginize: basically ufw is an abstraction layer over a more powerful (and more complex) system called "iptables". | 02:13 |
twb | doginize: so to know what ufw did, I looked at what the actual iptables settings were "under the hood". | 02:13 |
twb | doginize: unfortunately I don't know a good single reference for iptables, I just kind of picked it up as I went along. | 02:14 |
* Fenix|home mumbles about iptables... which is like learning icelandic through greek, through latin, through chinese and you don't know any of those languages. | 02:14 | |
Fenix|home | doginize, wanna learn IPTables... go to the project homepage at http://netfilter.org/ | 02:16 |
Fenix|home | be prepared though... it's a rough ride | 02:16 |
doginize | ok, thanks. | 02:16 |
Fenix|home | alright... have a good night boys and girls. | 02:20 |
twb | Eh, the iptables homepage never really helped me grok iptables | 02:47 |
twb | I needed to actually try it, and see working examples, and read articles on how to do specific things (e.g. DNAT) with it | 02:47 |
twb | Is there any point in zeroing (dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda1) md RAID1 nodes prior to creating the array? | 03:24 |
kees | twb: not really | 03:34 |
twb | How do I discover the UUID of a swap partition? | 03:47 |
ajmitch | vol_id will probably tell you | 03:48 |
twb | ajmitch: where is that? | 03:50 |
ajmitch | in /sbin | 03:50 |
twb | Hmm, not on the Etch box I'm pinching bits from. | 03:50 |
twb | Apparently that's provided by udev | 03:50 |
ajmitch | sorry, I assumed you were using ubuntu | 03:51 |
twb | No worries, I'm duplicating it *to* ubuntu | 03:51 |
twb | This box being Etch was a bit of an accident. | 03:51 |
ajmitch | why do you need to copy the UUID? | 03:51 |
ajmitch | since it probably won't have one on that swap partition | 03:51 |
twb | swaps have UUIDs | 03:52 |
ajmitch | they aren't required to | 03:52 |
twb | Ah. | 03:53 |
twb | In general I'm copying the UUIDs so that when I copy the OS from one set of disks to another, /etc/fstab and menu.lst and such will be correct without me needing to munge them. | 03:53 |
twb | Last time I did this for an Ubuntu box, which uses UUIDs more than this silly Etch system. | 03:54 |
* ajmitch is different & has LVM, so the swap volume is just addressed by name on this sid box | 03:54 | |
ajmitch | but has a UUID on the hardy system here | 03:54 |
twb | ajmitch: even though it's on LVM, it's addressed by UUID here. | 03:54 |
twb | (On the Ubuntu example I'm looking at) | 03:54 |
twb | But then I probably set up LVM on it via d-i | 03:55 |
ajmitch | either way works | 03:55 |
twb | Nod. | 03:55 |
joanki123 | hi... can anyone help me? i want to get an online file host... any recommendations? | 04:30 |
joanki123 | something cheap but very good and FAST, though it doesn't have to have a ton of storage space | 04:31 |
giovani2 | joanki123: file host for what purposes? backups? remote access? media delivery? | 04:31 |
joanki123 | backups | 04:31 |
joanki123 | just for me personal | 04:31 |
joanki123 | for a few files - not a ton | 04:31 |
giovani2 | amazon s3 works great for me | 04:31 |
joanki123 | mostly for convenience, so it doesnt' have to be anything large | 04:31 |
giovani2 | they only charge you for what you use, so it's good for small usage | 04:31 |
giovani2 | 15cents per gb | 04:32 |
joanki123 | i have less than 1 gig of stuff to backup | 04:32 |
giovani2 | per month | 04:32 |
joanki123 | is there anything flatrate or annual so i don't have too stres about using too much? | 04:32 |
joanki123 | to* | 04:32 |
giovani2 | why would you stress? | 04:32 |
joanki123 | and stress rather | 04:32 |
giovani2 | unlimited is a bad idea | 04:32 |
joanki123 | because tomorrow's files are going to be HUGE | 04:32 |
joanki123 | i have to do a one time large transfer | 04:32 |
giovani2 | no service is unlimited, and nyone that sells it are overselling | 04:32 |
joanki123 | ok i see | 04:33 |
giovani2 | http://aws.amazon.com/s3/ | 04:33 |
joanki123 | .15 /gb not bad | 04:33 |
giovani2 | I asked you how much you wanted to back up, you said less than one GB | 04:33 |
giovani2 | now it's more? which is it? | 04:33 |
joanki123 | tomorrow it will be like 100 | 04:33 |
giovani2 | 100GB? | 04:33 |
joanki123 | for a day | 04:33 |
joanki123 | and then it will reduce to like 1 gb | 04:33 |
giovani2 | do you have a connection to upload that amount? | 04:33 |
joanki123 | on average | 04:33 |
joanki123 | it will take time, of course.... | 04:34 |
joanki123 | so flat-rate file server is hosting is not.... adviseable | 04:34 |
joanki123 | i would think one would just prefer to know what she is paying for ahead of time | 04:34 |
giovani2 | you would know ... because you know your usage | 04:35 |
giovani2 | why pay every month for something you're not using? | 04:35 |
giovani2 | if you pay $5/mo | 04:35 |
giovani2 | for a year | 04:35 |
giovani2 | you've paid $60 | 04:35 |
giovani2 | but, if you average 1GB per month on s3 ... you pay $1.80 per year | 04:35 |
giovani2 | how is the former better? | 04:35 |
joanki123 | lol | 04:36 |
joanki123 | ok | 04:36 |
giovani2 | if you need to store 100GB for a year | 04:36 |
giovani2 | that's different | 04:36 |
giovani2 | but, I wouldn't trust anyone who provides 100GB of backup for $5/mo | 04:36 |
giovani2 | they are losing money, and overselling to provide it to you | 04:37 |
joanki123 | they also charge for data transfer | 04:37 |
joanki123 | what is a tb? | 04:37 |
giovani2 | yes? backups aren't retransfered all the time | 04:37 |
giovani2 | Terabyte? 1024 Gigabytes | 04:37 |
giovani2 | for backups, you should be using rsync | 04:37 |
giovani2 | which only transfers the files that have changed, and not everything | 04:37 |
joanki123 | rsync | 04:37 |
joanki123 | ok | 04:38 |
giovani2 | rsync is software | 04:38 |
giovani2 | for linux | 04:38 |
joanki123 | i will look it up | 04:38 |
giovani2 | http://samba.anu.edu.au/rsync/ | 04:38 |
joanki123 | but can you backup to a file server? | 04:38 |
joanki123 | an online one | 04:38 |
joanki123 | from that program? | 04:38 |
giovani2 | rsync doesn't care where you're backing up to | 04:38 |
joanki123 | how often do you backup your personal computer? | 04:38 |
giovani2 | you mount your s3 account on your linux computer | 04:38 |
joanki123 | i think i want to do it every month | 04:38 |
giovani2 | and then rsync to that mount point | 04:38 |
giovani2 | I run rsync nightly | 04:38 |
joanki123 | ohhhh coool | 04:38 |
joanki123 | if you run rsync nightly.... do you transfer data to s3 nightly? | 04:38 |
giovani2 | yes ... only what has changed | 04:39 |
giovani2 | which is probably 50-100MB at most | 04:39 |
joanki123 | ooo i see | 04:39 |
joanki123 | and you can choose which files to back up | 04:39 |
joanki123 | i was using an external harddrive | 04:39 |
giovani2 | of course ... | 04:39 |
giovani2 | I have to go | 04:39 |
giovani2 | good luck | 04:39 |
joanki123 | aww | 04:39 |
joanki123 | ok i will get rsync | 04:39 |
joanki123 | thank you | 04:39 |
racecar561 | has anyone actually ever got to get ubuntu working on a hp mediasmart ex4xx? | 04:41 |
joanki123 | sorry dell here | 04:44 |
racecar561 | i gotta go... bye everyone | 04:45 |
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nomoa | hi, we have a strange problem on 8.10, we recently upgraded from 8.04 to 8.10 and now the system refuse to boot (it cannot find the root partition), fstab contains /dev/disk/by-uuid references. In BusyBox if we wait a while devices starts to appears and we can mount them (sort of delay problem?). We use ata_piix for disks. Any clue? | 10:11 |
ScottK | nomoa: If you look in the release notes there's a note about failure to boot with Intel 945. It's now known to affect more broadly than that. | 10:12 |
ScottK | What you have sounds somewhat like that. | 10:13 |
ScottK | In busybox if you wait a few minutes what happens if you just exit (don't manually mount anything)? | 10:13 |
nomoa | ScottK: I'm going to try | 10:14 |
ScottK | OK. | 10:14 |
nomoa | ScottK: It works | 10:17 |
ScottK | nomoa: Add rootdelay=90 (90 works for me, you might have to adjust) to the boot parameters in /boot/grub/menu.lst. | 10:18 |
ScottK | Also there's a bug you should comment in. Let me find it. | 10:18 |
ScottK | nomoa: Bug 290153 <-- Please comment with the particulars of your hardware. Also there's a recent request for testing with newer kernels you might consider. | 10:20 |
uvirtbot | Launchpad bug 290153 in linux "Fails to find boot device in Intel D945Gnt" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/290153 | 10:20 |
nomoa | ScottK: We deactivate our scsi LTO-2 medium autochanger wich takes ages to load, I'll check with it and adjust the delay | 10:20 |
nomoa | ScottK: ok many thanks | 10:20 |
ScottK | YW. | 10:20 |
chrisadams | anybody here use screen? | 10:27 |
chrisadams | is there an easy way to save sessions in screen if your server's going to reboot? | 10:27 |
simplexio | chrisadams: far as i knoe there isnt anyawy to save screen session | 10:28 |
chrisadams | damnation | 10:28 |
chrisadams | ah, nevermind | 10:28 |
simplexio | offcourse there is way around it | 10:28 |
chrisadams | I guess I should be using screen rc to save settings anyway... | 10:28 |
simplexio | yeah.. the way around it is use virtual machine which you can transfer toa nother computer | 10:29 |
simplexio | i think Xen supports it, maybe little overkill for just keep screen running | 10:29 |
chrisadams | lol | 10:29 |
chrisadams | definitely :) | 10:29 |
asac | so ... in jaunty one of the last days broke my nfs mount | 10:37 |
asac | that worked for ages | 10:37 |
asac | i get "authentication failure" | 10:37 |
asac | anyone has any clue how to debug this? | 10:38 |
simplexio | problem is in authentication part :) | 10:51 |
Nafallo | kirkland: looks good. an extra space I'm not sure where it's from, but otherwise what I expected. | 10:51 |
thehook | I have a vps running ubuntu 8.10, and lately that server suddenly just freeze so i have to force restart it.. anyone else here have the same problem? | 11:18 |
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kirkland | Nafallo: if you pull 1.38 from the PPA, there's an item in the Menu that lets you configure on/off each of the status indicators | 12:35 |
Nafallo | ah yea. kewl. | 12:36 |
Nafallo | kirkland: found a bug then... | 12:37 |
=== bromic94_ is now known as thewrath | ||
kirkland | Nafallo: what's that? | 12:37 |
kirkland | Nafallo: the whitespace? | 12:37 |
thewrath | hey all how do i mount a new drive to server? | 12:37 |
Nafallo | kirkland: I turned off mem-available and mem-used now says: ,46% | 12:37 |
thewrath | sudo mount /dev/sda3 /tftpboot ? | 12:37 |
kirkland | Nafallo: so that's the same problem as with the whitespace | 12:38 |
Nafallo | kirkland: ah. after the hostname. yea pretty much. | 12:38 |
Nafallo | :-) | 12:38 |
kirkland | Nafallo: enabling/disabling those status items doesn't actually remove them from your profile | 12:38 |
kirkland | Nafallo: it just makes the scripts exit 0 | 12:38 |
kirkland | Nafallo: immediately | 12:38 |
Nafallo | ha. oki. | 12:38 |
kirkland | the status line is still | 12:39 |
kirkland | # Status string, last line | 12:39 |
kirkland | hardstatus string '%{+b kr}\%{= ky}o%{=b kY}/%{=b Wk} %100` %{= Wk}%112` %= %{=b bW}%102`%{= Wk} %{=b rW}%101`%{= Wk} %{= Wg}%108`%{= Wk} %{= Yk}%106`%{= Wk} %{= Wk}%104`%{=b cW}%103`%{= Wk} %{=b gW}%105`%107`%{= Wk} %Y-%m-%d %0c:%s' | 12:39 |
kirkland | Nafallo: I haven't thought of a good way to clean that up | 12:39 |
thewrath | anyone?> | 12:40 |
Nafallo | as long as you don't have to care about / read it ;-) | 12:40 |
kirkland | Nafallo: ? | 12:41 |
Nafallo | kirkland: I don't see that line when I use the application :-) | 12:42 |
Nafallo | kirkland: ...so not as bothered :-) | 12:42 |
kirkland | Nafallo: cool | 12:45 |
kirkland | Nafallo: so besides the leading/trailing chars, you like? | 12:45 |
Nafallo | kirkland: I've got arch now :-) | 12:45 |
Nafallo | kirkland: yea. it's fine. | 12:45 |
kirkland | Nafallo: \o/ | 12:46 |
Nafallo | kirkland: except of course... the constant annoyance you're already told about multiple times :-) | 12:46 |
Nafallo | plain, light, dark | 12:47 |
kirkland | Nafallo: too many colors | 12:47 |
Nafallo | kirkland: plain, light, dark, random ? and the random one can generate stuff like green text on pink background? :-) | 12:48 |
kirkland | Nafallo: <barf> | 12:48 |
kirkland | Nafallo: would you please file a wishlist bug on that one? | 12:48 |
kirkland | Nafallo: requesting the colored profiles be split out to screen-profiles-extras | 12:48 |
Nafallo | kirkland: if you consider it a serious suggestion I will :-) | 12:48 |
Nafallo | ah | 12:48 |
Nafallo | doh | 12:48 |
kirkland | Nafallo: not green/pink :-) | 12:49 |
Nafallo | kirkland: random could generate whatever really ;-) white on white? :-P | 12:49 |
kirkland | Nafallo: yeah, that would increase security | 12:49 |
Nafallo | Bug #342244 | 12:53 |
* Nafallo pokes the bot! | 12:53 | |
uvirtbot | Nafallo: Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out | 12:53 |
Nafallo | bug 342244 | 12:53 |
uvirtbot | Nafallo: Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out | 12:53 |
Nafallo | uvirtbot: why do you hate freedom? | 12:54 |
uvirtbot | Nafallo: Error: "why" is not a valid command. | 12:54 |
nomoa | is there a way to identify a device (e.g. /dev/sgX) with a script by reading an entry in a file like /proc/scsi/scsi (we had a usefull device /dev/tape/by-id/XXX but it disappears after we upgrade from 8.04 to 8.10)? | 12:58 |
bn43 | hi I've installed nagios3 for server 8.10 - do I still need to download plugins off the site or is this included when installing nagios? | 13:02 |
ttx | bn43: you might want to install the "nagios-plugins" package | 13:03 |
Nafallo | bug 342244 | 13:04 |
uvirtbot | Launchpad bug 342244 in screen-profiles "Split out the themes to screen-profiles-extras" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/342244 | 13:04 |
Nafallo | ^-- kirkland | 13:04 |
uvirtbot | Nafallo: Error: "--" is not a valid command. | 13:04 |
bn43 | ah - silly me I was just doing a sudo aptitude search nagios3 | 13:04 |
Nafallo | god damn bot! | 13:04 |
bn43 | I see I have "i A" next to nagios-plugins | 13:04 |
Nafallo | does it have to trigger on any god damn character :-P | 13:05 |
bn43 | what does the A mean? | 13:05 |
bn43 | I can see a whole lot of scripts in /usr/lib/nagios/plugins - I don't see this on the web interface ie check_disk - what gives? | 13:18 |
_ruben | those are the scripts used by the actual checks | 13:19 |
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bn43 | _ruben: but how do they get activated and configured? I can't see how to do this on the webpage | 13:22 |
soren | bn43: Look in /etc/nagios/commands.cfg or something like that. | 13:25 |
soren | bn43: It defined the names of commands you can use for service checks. | 13:25 |
soren | Sometimes there's a one-to-one mapping between those and the scripts in /usr/lib/nagios/plugins, sometimes there's not. | 13:25 |
bn43 | ah ok that has rung a bell - on the web interface, there is a commands page where I can see all the scripts and switches | 13:27 |
bn43 | now I just got to figure out what they all mean | 13:27 |
mrwes | I have a script in cron.daily and it doesn't run -- what should I be checking? | 13:27 |
mrwes | it's owned by root too | 13:28 |
bn43 | mrwes: does it run manually? | 13:28 |
mrwes | yah | 13:29 |
mrwes | 25 9 * * * root test -x /usr/sbin/anacron || ( cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.daily ) | 13:29 |
mrwes | it's a blocklist script to udpate transmission blocklist | 13:29 |
mrwes | it didn't run at 9:25 | 13:30 |
bn43 | so it runs sometimes? | 13:30 |
mrwes | no, never from the cron.daily | 13:30 |
mrwes | do I need to 'activate' root's cron? | 13:31 |
bn43 | i know I had a weird one previously - its the naming of the scripts | 13:31 |
bn43 | did not accept | 13:32 |
bn43 | _ for instance | 13:32 |
bn43 | check for that | 13:32 |
mrwes | the script is called blocklist.sh | 13:32 |
mrwes | maybe it's the .sh ? | 13:32 |
bn43 | yeah - check that | 13:33 |
bn43 | rename and see | 13:33 |
mrwes | k | 13:33 |
mrwes | set to run in 2 minutes... | 13:34 |
mrwes | Liinux servers are powerful -- what a great way to really learn Linux | 13:34 |
bn43 | yeah I'm learning constantly - I'm a noob but can do some funky stuff now | 13:35 |
bn43 | running a couple of servers and having fun | 13:35 |
mrwes | same here -- been running this server for hrmm.. maybe a week :) | 13:35 |
mrwes | just a simple file and print server | 13:35 |
bn43 | me too | 13:35 |
mrwes | and transmission-daemon too | 13:35 |
mrwes | script still didn't run | 13:36 |
mrwes | er | 13:36 |
bn43 | bugger | 13:37 |
mrwes | hrmm...script won't run without the sh blocklist | 13:37 |
mrwes | it's chmod +x too | 13:38 |
soren | mrwes: Do you have cron installed? | 13:38 |
bn43 | ?? u took the sh out right? so its "blocklist" | 13:39 |
mrwes | hrmm | 13:39 |
mrwes | yah installed :) | 13:39 |
mrwes | bn43, yah blocklist | 13:39 |
bn43 | so if you ./blocklist it does not run? | 13:40 |
mrwes | and it's sitting in /etc/cron.daily | 13:40 |
mrwes | administrator@ubuntu:/etc/cron.daily$ sudo ./blocklist | 13:41 |
mrwes | Waiting for the daemon to exit done | 13:41 |
mrwes | blocklist updated | 13:41 |
mrwes | Starting bittorrent client transmission-daemon... | 13:41 |
mrwes | Starting bittorrent client transmission-daemon succeeded | 13:41 |
mrwes | and the level1 file is there | 13:41 |
mrwes | wtf am I missing here? heh | 13:41 |
soren | mrwes: How can you tell it isn't run? | 13:42 |
mrwes | soren, I deleted the level1 file and had the cron.daily set to run at 9:25am, then I checked for the level1 file after that time and it wasn't there | 13:43 |
mrwes | maybe it ran and there's an error? | 13:44 |
bn43 | and when you edit crontab you go "sudo crontab -e" right? | 13:44 |
soren | mrwes: Perhaps your script doesn't like running without a controlling terminal. | 13:44 |
mrwes | bn43, that's not necessary for cron.daily | 13:44 |
soren | mrwes: check your e-mail. cron sends the output of the commands it runs to root. | 13:44 |
mrwes | soren, no mail :( | 13:44 |
soren | mrwes: No mail because you don't have an mta or no mail because it didn't send any? | 13:45 |
bn43 | yes but it ensures that root is running the script - not the user | 13:45 |
mrwes | and I have an alias root=administrator | 13:45 |
thewrath | bn43: you still there | 13:45 |
bn43 | yeah | 13:45 |
thewrath | try getting to https://www.wasd.k12.pa.us | 13:46 |
mrwes | bn43, /etc/crontab calls out to cron.daily | 13:46 |
mrwes | you don't need to 'install' it | 13:46 |
mrwes | says that right in /etc/crontab | 13:47 |
bn43 | thewrath: why am I looking at that website? | 13:47 |
mrwes | cuz cron.daily is run by root | 13:48 |
mrwes | er | 13:48 |
bn43 | ?? no each user has there own as far as I know | 13:48 |
bn43 | crontabs don't belong to root only | 13:48 |
mrwes | yah I know that | 13:49 |
mrwes | # /etc/crontab: system-wide crontab | 13:49 |
mrwes | # Unlike any other crontab you don't have to run the `crontab' | 13:49 |
mrwes | # command to install the new version when you edit this file | 13:49 |
mrwes | # and files in /etc/cron.d. These files also have username fields, | 13:49 |
mrwes | # that none of the other crontabs do. | 13:49 |
mrwes | it's system wide | 13:49 |
bn43 | ok then I'm talking outa my behind! not sure how to help | 13:49 |
mrwes | and crontab is running | 13:50 |
mrwes | soren, any ideas? | 13:50 |
bn43 | but just to xperiment - can you try it in root crontab? | 13:50 |
mrwes | bn43, yah I was about to do that | 13:51 |
mrwes | I just wanted to use cron.daily for what it's designed for | 13:51 |
soren | mrwes: Still: It's possible your script doesn't like getting run without a controlling terminal. | 13:52 |
bn43 | thewrath: u still there? | 13:52 |
mrwes | this looks right | 13:52 |
mrwes | 55 9 * * * cd /etc/cron.daily && ./blocklist | 13:53 |
soren | mrwes: Try running it like 'some command < /dev/null' and see if it does what you expect it to. | 13:53 |
mrwes | k | 13:53 |
mrwes | let me see if the root cron runs | 13:54 |
mrwes | I can use MAILTO=root no? | 13:54 |
mrwes | or is that automatic | 13:55 |
soren | That's automatic. | 13:55 |
mrwes | bingo! it ran | 13:55 |
mrwes | why would it run from root's cron and not the cron.daily ? | 13:55 |
_ruben | i had a similar issue, forgot how i fixed/worked around it though :p | 13:59 |
mrwes | oh...thanks :P | 13:59 |
_ruben | ah .. i put a job in a /etc/cron.d/ instead, and decided to run it 4 times a day as well :) | 14:00 |
mrwes | well..I'm just confused on why cron.daily won't run it, that's what it's for | 14:01 |
bn43 | can't comment as I use root crontab only for system scripts | 14:02 |
bn43 | was not aware of cron.daily - will look into it | 14:03 |
bn43 | I'm still not figuring out nagios plugins | 14:06 |
bn43 | is there some idiot proof how to configure plugins? | 14:07 |
mrwes | shit...now it appears the cron.daily ran -- I got an email | 14:07 |
mrwes | heh | 14:07 |
bn43 | good for you! | 14:07 |
mrwes | gotta test that again | 14:08 |
mrwes | Ok..now if someone can speed up file transfers with cifs I'd be very happy | 14:09 |
mrwes | heh...shit is way slow | 14:09 |
thewrath | bn43: yes i am | 14:09 |
bn43 | what was that link about? | 14:09 |
thewrath | sorry i stepped out for a littl ebit | 14:10 |
thewrath | wantedu to see if outside access is not reestablished | 14:10 |
bn43 | ?? | 14:10 |
thewrath | all this week this website was not accessible to the outside network | 14:10 |
bn43 | oh....well glad to help - got to it | 14:11 |
bn43 | anyone here knows nagios? | 14:11 |
tominglis | hey, i have ubuntu server 8.04.2, and i updated it yesterday, the packages updated included xen hypervisor 3.2 | 14:12 |
tominglis | unforunately i am no longer able to ssh or xm console into my xen instances, does anyone know what could be wrong? | 14:13 |
tominglis | i can still see the websites they are serving | 14:13 |
ball | hello VK7HSE | 14:30 |
ball | VK7HSE: any packet down by you? | 14:31 |
soren | mrwes: Do you have anacron installed? | 14:32 |
VK7HSE | ball: 20m 2m | 14:32 |
ball | VK7HSE: people around here tell me packet's dead | 14:33 |
AlexC_ | g'morning | 14:33 |
* ball shrugs | 14:33 | |
* ball <- KB9YLW | 14:33 | |
VK7HSE | ball: pretty much! but I like to make a noise! | 14:34 |
AlexC_ | I've got some issues with the "NetXtreme BCM5754M" network card, it just isn't working. Network interfaces are all setup correctly, routes are good - it just sits there. If however I switch over to the onboard network card, it works perfectly fine (with same settings) | 14:34 |
AlexC_ | I've got the 'tg3' module loaded, can someone help debug what the issue actually is? | 14:34 |
orudie | ivoks, hi | 15:00 |
ivoks | hi | 15:00 |
Genericnoob13 | Probably a stupid question, but is there a way to port forward from ubuntu server? | 15:17 |
ivoks | forward port? | 15:17 |
Genericnoob13 | K, i just got an old box and i'm trying to set it up as a home server- problem is, it just doesn't have the HD space. What I'd like to do is set it up so if i try to connect via ftp, it sends me to xp box | 15:19 |
ball | Genericnoob13: that's just silly. | 15:19 |
ball | ...though I suppose it's doable with Samba | 15:20 |
Genericnoob13 | well, I'm a noob. Obviously | 15:20 |
ivoks | samba? | 15:20 |
Genericnoob13 | and strapped for cash, so actually upgrading old box isn't really an option | 15:20 |
ball | How much space do you need it to have? | 15:20 |
ball | I can relate to being strapped for cash. | 15:20 |
* ball <- impoverished (and now unemployed) student. | 15:20 | |
Genericnoob13 | Well, on my windows box I have a 500gig drive I use for media- it's about 1/5th full last i checked | 15:21 |
Genericnoob13 | this box has like 54 gigs total. | 15:21 |
ball | How much free space on the Ubuntu box? | 15:21 |
Genericnoob13 | 42 | 15:22 |
Genericnoob13 | gigs | 15:22 |
ball | ...and that's not enough for what you want to do? | 15:22 |
Genericnoob13 | Well, I have 100 gigs of media- and I'd like to be able to access that whenever. I set up ftp on my xp box, but that either means somehow getting another free dynamic dns account, or having to remember the IP for xp-box | 15:25 |
Genericnoob13 | so i just wondered if it'd be possible to point ftp client at ubuntu box's url, but have the server send the connection along to xp | 15:26 |
Genericnoob13 | yeah, there's probably a really easy way to do what i want that i just know nothing about | 15:27 |
ball | Why are you using ftp instead of sftp? | 15:27 |
ball | Genericnoob13: there are ways to do it, but probably also reasons not to. | 15:27 |
Genericnoob13 | Eh, once i get it set up, I feel competent enough at setting up accounts/permissions etc. | 15:28 |
Genericnoob13 | aaand also on my todolist is moving all my important personal information to a truecrypt drive | 15:29 |
ball | Genericnoob13: that's pointless if you're going to use ftp to access it. | 15:30 |
ball | ftp sends passwords in cleartext | 15:30 |
Genericnoob13 | Well, i'm not against learning how to set up something more secure | 15:31 |
Genericnoob13 | and actually, I don't think i'd be accessing personal information via ftp- I'm mainly thinking if i am elsewhere and want a movie, or music, or want to share my collection with a trusted friend | 15:31 |
Genericnoob13 | the truecrypt thing would just help ensure if someone did somehow get full-access to my box, they wouldn't have access to said information | 15:32 |
Genericnoob13 | Hmm, I could probably set up a folder and samba share it, but most tutorials etc I'm finding on google are for sharing ubuntu files with MS, rather then the reverse. | 15:33 |
Genericnoob13 | samb | 15:33 |
Ethos | hi guys, i'd like to take an image of a current ubunt-server and then restore it onto an identical machine for testing | 15:35 |
Ethos | I've tried "ping" but it's .. well shit | 15:35 |
Ethos | Any recommendations please? | 15:35 |
W8TAH | in the intrepid setup there is an option for virutal machine host -- what VM system is that installing? | 15:45 |
soren | W8TAH: kvm and libvirt | 15:46 |
W8TAH | thank you soren | 15:47 |
Guest98439 | hi all | 16:09 |
Guest98439 | anyone here can install Ubuntu 8.04.2 in Server IBM System x3105??????????????????? | 16:09 |
jmedina | Guest98439: where? | 16:10 |
Guest98439 | in IBM System x3105 | 16:10 |
jmedina | what is the problem? | 16:11 |
jmedina | are you asking for compatibility? | 16:11 |
ball | I didn't know there was an x3105. Have you tried it? | 16:11 |
Guest98439 | well the hardware are this | 16:13 |
Guest98439 | CPU: AMD single-core Athlon processor or dual-core Opteron processor | 16:14 |
Guest98439 | NIC: Broadcom 5721 10/100/1000 | 16:14 |
Guest98439 | CPU is AMD Opteron | 16:16 |
Guest98439 | Im going to have problems with hardware drivers during the instalation? | 16:16 |
jmarsden_ | Guest98439: Just try it -- does it boot from the CD OK into Hardy? In LiveCD mode can it see the NIC? | 16:17 |
Guest98439 | but i like to use Server Edition, not Destktop edition, and Server edition dont have Live CD | 16:18 |
ball | Guest98439: Ah, that's why I didn't see that model, I looked mostly at Intel | 16:18 |
jmedina | Guest98439: my workstation has 2 single opteron and broadcom, it used to be a server | 16:18 |
Guest98439 | is a DUal Core Opteron AMD 1210? | 16:19 |
Guest98439 | is a Broadcom 5721? | 16:19 |
jmedina | nop | 16:19 |
jmedina | :D | 16:19 |
Guest98439 | is a Broadcom 5721? | 16:20 |
jmedina | most of servers we install are amd, never had problems | 16:20 |
jmedina | even in sun workstations | 16:20 |
jmedina | Guest98439: why not boot it with a live cd and test your hardware | 16:21 |
Guest98439 | jmedina but Hard server edition dont have Live CD | 16:21 |
* ball tested someone's RAM yesterday via a Xubuntu liveCD | 16:21 | |
jmedina | Guest98439: it is a live server | 16:22 |
jmedina | boot with cd | 16:22 |
jmarsden_ | Guest98439: Test it with the Desktop Edition CD | 16:22 |
jmedina | and change to TTY2 | 16:22 |
jmedina | :D | 16:22 |
jmedina | and test your hardware | 16:22 |
=== jmarsden_ is now known as jmarsden | ||
jmedina | Guest98439: do you already have this server? | 16:23 |
Guest98439 | yes I have | 16:25 |
Guest98439 | I installed ubuntu server in Dell Power Edge 6850, 1950, 2950 without problems | 16:25 |
Guest98439 | also in a IBM System x3200 M2 | 16:25 |
Guest98439 | jmedina, you recommend me to run with a Live CD Desktop edition and try my hardware??? | 16:26 |
jmedina | yeap | 16:27 |
Guest98439 | ok | 16:27 |
Guest98439 | im tri | 16:27 |
Guest98439 | im going to try | 16:27 |
Guest98439 | thanks | 16:27 |
jmedina | or you can use server edition, but you need to know how to test hardware in the command line | 16:27 |
Guest98439 | but anyone here use IBM System X Servers???? | 16:27 |
Guest98439 | jmedina Ubuntu Server have a Live CD??? | 16:27 |
Guest98439 | Live cd for test hardware ??? | 16:28 |
jmarsden | Guest98439: No, just use the desktop edition CD. | 16:28 |
jmedina | Guest98439: you can change to a TTY when the installer is loaded, | 16:28 |
Guest98439 | jmarsden but the desktop edition have the same drivers like a Server edition ? | 16:29 |
jmarsden | Guest98439: Yes. It has a differently configured kernel, and a different selection of packages, but the same drivers. | 16:30 |
Guest98439 | ok | 16:31 |
Guest98439 | thanks all | 16:31 |
Guest98439 | im going to try first before install | 16:31 |
XiXaQ | regarding Darwin Calendar Server. Last time I used it, which was quite some time ago, it wasn't possible to connect it to an OpenLDAP directory. Does anyone know if this is still the case? | 16:32 |
jmarsden | http://trac.calendarserver.org/wiki/DirectoryService suggests it can use LDAP... | 16:37 |
XiXaQ | yes, the problem was using it on Ubuntu. The library it used to connect to an LDAP server was only available on Mac OS X, I think. | 16:37 |
jmarsden | Then you can either try the latest Debian/Ubuntu package of it, or just build it from latest source, and see how far you get :) | 16:39 |
XiXaQ | there aren't any packages, I think. But I thought maybe someone knew. There was some interest for it. | 16:39 |
jmarsden | There are Debian packages, definitely... | 16:40 |
jmarsden | http://packages.qa.debian.org/c/calendarserver.html | 16:40 |
XiXaQ | really? :) | 16:40 |
XiXaQ | it's actually in intrepid! :) | 16:41 |
XiXaQ | in that case, I think I'll have to test that properly and update http://wiki.ubuntu.com/CalendarServer | 16:42 |
jmarsden | Go for it :) | 16:42 |
XiXaQ | heh, we wrote that guide when 7.10 was an infant. :) | 16:45 |
HiebY | how much space do a minimal installation of ubuntu take? | 17:06 |
thehook | HiebY: i think it was about 100mb | 17:12 |
HiebY | ok | 17:14 |
mrwes | Epiphany web browser is pretty nice -- and fast | 17:36 |
=== bromic94_ is now known as thewrath | ||
thewrath | hey i just put another network card in my computer | 17:53 |
thewrath | how do i configure it | 17:53 |
jmedina | thewrath: is it detected? | 17:56 |
jmedina | check with | 17:56 |
jmedina | ifconfig -a | 17:56 |
thewrath | no not that i know of | 17:56 |
thewrath | yes its detected | 17:56 |
thewrath | i tried to go into the /etc/network/interfaces and added auto eth1 iface eth1 inet dhcp | 17:57 |
thewrath | then /etc/init.d/networking restart | 17:57 |
thewrath | nothing | 17:57 |
jmedina | then read https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/networking.html | 17:58 |
jmedina | use | 17:58 |
jmedina | ifup eth1 | 17:58 |
thewrath | thati s what i needed thanks jem | 17:59 |
thewrath | jmedina: can you see if youc an get to https://www.wasd.k12.pa.us/helpDesk/index.php | 18:04 |
thewrath | want to make srue outside access has been restored | 18:04 |
thewrath | it was up and down today | 18:04 |
jmedina | thewrath: yes with expired cert | 18:07 |
thewrath | that is fine | 18:09 |
thewrath | its a self signed anyway | 18:09 |
thewrath | i have to talk to network admin | 18:09 |
thewrath | how do you mount a partiiton and how do you call it something | 18:09 |
chrisadams | anyone here had trouble deploying rails with ubuntu intrepid, and mysql gems of late? | 18:09 |
chrisadams | I'm getting a 'MissingSourceFile (no such file to load -- mysql):' error, and I can't work out why | 18:10 |
chrisadams | http://gist.github.com/78672 | 18:10 |
thewrath | is it sudo /mount /dev/sda3 /tftpboot ? | 18:10 |
ivoks | mkdir /tftpboot | 18:16 |
ivoks | mount /dev/sda3 /tftpboot | 18:16 |
jmedina | dejavu? i think it was already answerd | 18:17 |
ivoks | jmedina: it was, couple of times | 18:17 |
jmedina | ivoks: do you use openvpn?> | 18:18 |
jmedina | I mean OpenLDAP | 18:18 |
ivoks | both :) | 18:18 |
jmedina | vpn with ldap auth? | 18:18 |
ivoks | hehehe no | 18:18 |
jmedina | what services are your authenticating to ldap? | 18:19 |
ivoks | mail, http, web page, radius (and then ppp, wifi)... | 18:20 |
jmedina | ivoks: with radius, that auth mech? | 18:20 |
ivoks | ? | 18:21 |
jmedina | im interested, I deployed radius+ldap groups and vlans, undocumented :S | 18:21 |
jmedina | are you using ldap groups in you wifi setup? | 18:21 |
ivoks | no | 18:21 |
ivoks | just auth and accounting | 18:21 |
jmedina | how do you limit user access? | 18:22 |
jmedina | by attribute? | 18:22 |
jmedina | or any ldap user has access to wifi? | 18:22 |
ivoks | bah... sorry, my fault | 18:22 |
ivoks | radius uses mysql as backend | 18:22 |
jmedina | :( | 18:22 |
jmedina | well, I think im going to beging again from scratch :S | 18:23 |
ivoks | but very soon i'll use as ldap backend for radius | 18:23 |
ivoks | for cisco vpn | 18:23 |
thewrath | ivoks: whats the command in server you told me to use when i want to look at different partitions? | 18:23 |
ivoks | any ideas how to fight against syn flood? :/ | 18:24 |
jmedina | I use it but right now is autenitcating every user, then I need to allow by groups and then set a vlan to each group with different access policies | 18:24 |
ivoks | i'll need something like that too | 18:24 |
jmedina | ivoks: do you know if there is any effort to translate server guide? | 18:25 |
ivoks | it is translated | 18:25 |
jmedina | where? | 18:26 |
jmedina | in help.ubuntu.com I only found english version | 18:26 |
jmarsden | https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+source/ubuntu-docs/+pots/serverguide/ | 18:27 |
jmarsden | Shows status of all translations of it :) | 18:27 |
ivoks | there, it's possible to translate it | 18:28 |
ivoks | pick your language and start :) | 18:28 |
jmarsden | jmedina: What language are you hoping to find a translation of it in? | 18:28 |
jmedina | jmarsden: spanish | 18:29 |
jmarsden | I know there is one for Spanish already somewhere... | 18:29 |
jmedina | the documentation is in docbook right? | 18:33 |
jmedina | well, I found docbook xml in ubuntu-docs package | 18:41 |
acicula | if you do a netinstall from the ubuntu-server cd does it install the default ubuntu-profile? since i do have a ubuntu-standard meta package installed, i expected something along the lines of ubuntu-server? | 19:14 |
=== zoopster is now known as jpugh-TMI | ||
=== jpugh-TMI is now known as zoopster | ||
giovani2 | acicula: ubuntu-standard is the minimal "server" install | 19:16 |
giovani2 | I'm unclear on what you're looking for -- could you rephrase? | 19:17 |
acicula | giovani2: trying to understand the difference between ubuntu and ubuntu server i guess | 19:21 |
giovani2 | acicula: the "desktop ubuntu install" (which is what most people mean when they say just "ubuntu") installs a GUI, specifically Gnome, and many desktop-oriented applications | 19:22 |
giovani2 | "ubuntu server" installs a minimal command-line setup, ready for you to install only what you need (servers are supposed to be kept minimal, so as to increase performance, among other things) | 19:23 |
acicula | yeah i did not install that, i used the netinstall images of the ubuntu-server iso and installed the base install and openssh, nothing else yet really | 19:23 |
giovani2 | right | 19:23 |
giovani2 | so you have a base server install | 19:23 |
acicula | well i swapped to the kernel image | 19:23 |
giovani2 | yes, the server install also has a different kernel image | 19:23 |
giovani2 | but you can always change that manually, as you've found | 19:23 |
acicula | well it installed a generic image by default, is that the same that is used on vanilla ubuntu(desktop), or is that already a different kernel | 19:24 |
giovani2 | I believe that's the one that installs with ubuntu desktop | 19:24 |
giovani2 | when most people install servers -- they do so with the server install iso | 19:25 |
giovani2 | and that will provide the -server kenel | 19:25 |
giovani2 | kernel* | 19:25 |
acicula | hmm, well it didnt here, but that's probably because i used the netinstall from the cd instead of booting the cd | 19:25 |
giovani2 | where'd you get the netinstall iso? | 19:25 |
acicula | i didnt use the iso either, in the server iso there is a netinstall directory somewhere which contains a kernel and initrd | 19:26 |
giovani2 | ohh, ok | 19:26 |
acicula | booted those via grub, as i cannot change the cdrom iso in the vm | 19:26 |
giovani2 | why can't you change the cdrom iso in the vm? | 19:26 |
acicula | The provider installed centos by default, and provides the iso to do a reinstall, you can only change it to another iso+install | 19:27 |
acicula | for which incidently you have to pay | 19:27 |
giovani2 | oh, that's no fun | 19:27 |
acicula | so i went with the default centos at first, but i found it to be a bit impractical | 19:27 |
acicula | and since i can do local logon i'm only limited to installing what i can boot from inside the vm | 19:27 |
acicula | anyhow do you know any documentation about optimizing a kernel to run inside a vm? | 19:28 |
giovani2 | I'd consider moving to a more user-friendly VPS provider | 19:28 |
giovani2 | if I were you | 19:28 |
giovani2 | there used to be a special installer (with a special kernel for that) called Ubuntu JeOS | 19:28 |
acicula | well apart from that i have no real problems with them | 19:28 |
acicula | and it's my furst one | 19:29 |
acicula | *first | 19:29 |
giovani2 | but, I believe all of the virtualization optimizations were migrated into the standard -server kernel | 19:29 |
giovani2 | http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition/jeos | 19:29 |
acicula | yeah but i think i read something about the kernel image having some differnt settings such as disabling preemting? | 19:29 |
giovani2 | yes, as of ubuntu server 8.10, the jeos optimizations are offered in the installer | 19:29 |
acicula | giovani2: i looked at that but doesnt that mostly focus on a small install base? | 19:30 |
giovani2 | what do you mean? | 19:30 |
acicula | my current install uses just 30mb after deducing cache, that's with a openssh and some bash shells open, seems ok | 19:30 |
acicula | memory that is | 19:30 |
giovani2 | ok | 19:30 |
giovani2 | yeah, you can remove some of your TTYs | 19:30 |
giovani2 | to save some ram | 19:30 |
giovani2 | I do that on my low-ram VPSes | 19:31 |
acicula | well this one has 256mb, seems ok | 19:31 |
giovani2 | ok, so what's the issue, exactly? | 19:31 |
acicula | that i wasnt sure if i installed the server metapackage instead of the default ubuntu-base package, but it seems there is no difference between the two | 19:32 |
giovani2 | the kernel is the only difference I'm aware of | 19:32 |
acicula | guess i'm good then :) | 19:32 |
giovani2 | but feel free to stick around -- someone might have a more confident answer than I do :) | 19:33 |
acicula | then i'm just looking if there any tweaks to make to a kernel which runs inside a vm, or if the defaults are good enough | 19:33 |
giovani2 | it appears there-s the linux-image-xxxxxxx-virtual kernel | 19:33 |
giovani2 | which, it seems, is geared towards vm clients | 19:33 |
acicula | i'll check that out | 19:33 |
giovani2 | you running intrepid? | 19:33 |
acicula | also i get a message about some tools not being in my path because i do not have administrative privilidges, where can i change that? | 19:34 |
acicula | yes | 19:34 |
giovani2 | linux-image-2.6.27-9-virtual | 19:34 |
giovani2 | that'd be the virtual kernel then -- do some research and make sure it's what you want -- and don't install it directly | 19:35 |
giovani2 | the linux-virtual metapackage seems to be the best way to make sure it gets updated properly | 19:35 |
acicula | yeah i only use those | 19:35 |
giovani2 | you do not have administrative privs? | 19:35 |
acicula | well i can do a local logon when booting | 19:35 |
giovani2 | are you familiar with ubuntu's policy of "disabling" root login, and encouraging the use of sudo instead? | 19:36 |
acicula | yes, that's not what i meant | 19:36 |
acicula | if i type chkconfig as a user | 19:36 |
acicula | i get the message that its not in my path, because of lacking privilidges | 19:36 |
acicula | adding the correct Path variables fixes that | 19:37 |
giovani2 | right ... but if you run sudo chkconfig? | 19:37 |
giovani2 | however, chkconfig isn't used in debian/ubuntu afaik | 19:37 |
acicula | that works since sbin/ usr/sbin is in the root path | 19:37 |
giovani2 | right ... because chkconfig is only meant to be run with root privs | 19:38 |
giovani2 | you don't need root-only dirs in your user path | 19:38 |
Deeps | /sbin/ contains apps that unprivledged users use too | 19:38 |
acicula | i like tab completion, and some sbin programs work fine with normal user privlidges, chkconfig lists the runlevels, even with just user privs | 19:39 |
acicula | i was just wondering if this being an administrative user was explicitly defined somewhere | 19:39 |
giovani2 | your user should be a member of the 'admin' group | 19:39 |
acicula | ah | 19:39 |
giovani2 | the installer should've done that | 19:39 |
giovani2 | for your first user | 19:39 |
acicula | hmm i am | 19:40 |
acicula | hmm instead of chkconfig, use update-rc.d? | 19:41 |
sakjur | #ubuntu-se | 19:43 |
giovani2 | acicula: ubuntu uses upstart | 19:43 |
giovani2 | now | 19:43 |
sakjur | Wrong channel, sorry | 19:44 |
acicula | ah | 19:44 |
acicula | is there a reason to not mount the same partition under /tmp and /var/tmp, or am i better of symlinking it/leaving it alone | 19:47 |
giovani2 | not ubuntu specific, but /var/tmp is supposed to be kept after reboots, etc | 19:48 |
giovani2 | so, it's typically separate from /tmp | 19:48 |
acicula | hmm that makes sense, since i think /tmp is wiped on reboot | 19:48 |
giovani2 | it isn't always ... but can be | 19:48 |
giovani2 | so, /var/tmp is used, afaik, when data needs to be kept longer | 19:49 |
acicula | ah thanx, i made a seperate partition for tmp so it could be mounted with noexec, but i suspect doing that with /var will break some things | 19:52 |
=== photon is now known as manatwhattheheck | ||
=== manatwhattheheck is now known as photon | ||
=== bromic94_ is now known as thewrath | ||
thewrath | can i get the ubuntu server 8.04lts guide in pdf format? | 20:18 |
giovani2 | thewrath: not that I'm aware of -- however, html to pdf converters are easy to come by | 20:28 |
orudie | is anyone familiar with setting up a spam filter for dovcot/postfix ? | 20:31 |
giovani2 | orudie: dovecot is just the imap/pop server, so spam filtering is usually done on the postfix side | 20:33 |
orudie | giovani2, i see | 20:33 |
giovani2 | I've done RBLs, greylisting, etc, but no spam filtering like spamassassin, if that's what you meant | 20:33 |
giovani2 | what are you looking to do, specifically? | 20:33 |
hads | amavis/spamassassin are probably the most common | 20:33 |
thewrath | giovani2: html to pdf converter? | 20:33 |
thewrath | i want it all in one p df file | 20:34 |
thewrath | not in 50 | 20:34 |
orudie | well since my company switched to the mail server i set up , now everyone is complaining about spam | 20:34 |
thewrath | use a barracudda spam firewall | 20:34 |
thewrath | lol | 20:34 |
giovani2 | orudie: while this is probably not the answer you want ... I advise strongly against jumping into production spam filtering without a lot of experience | 20:34 |
thewrath | great peice of equipment | 20:34 |
hads | Riight | 20:34 |
giovani2 | barracuda is awful | 20:34 |
thewrath | what | 20:34 |
thewrath | we have it at both schools i help out with | 20:35 |
giovani2 | overpriced, for what it delivers | 20:35 |
orudie | giovani2, well what if i will configure it for minimal filtering | 20:35 |
thewrath | spam has reduced alot | 20:35 |
thewrath | what other features would you add to it for the price | 20:35 |
giovani2 | orudie: it's up to you -- but spam filtering is complex if you haven't had experience | 20:35 |
giovani2 | thewrath: I wouldn't -- it's overpriced | 20:35 |
thewrath | oh ok | 20:35 |
orudie | giovani2, i have minimal experience, but what is spamassassin about? | 20:35 |
hads | orudie: I'd start with checking HELO, using spamhaus and postgrey myself. | 20:35 |
thewrath | giovani2: are you talking about a html to pdf converter? | 20:35 |
giovani2 | thewrath: yeah, that's what I said -- I didn't realize it wasn't offered as a single html page | 20:36 |
thewrath | yea | 20:36 |
thewrath | anyone else have any ideas? | 20:36 |
giovani2 | orudie: spamassassin is a framework for applying all sorts of filters | 20:36 |
giovani2 | orudie: personally, I've found greylisting and RBLs to be effective -- but they're not for everyone, and I'd advise against using them in production without playing around with them a lot | 20:36 |
orudie | giovani2, do you think with my minimal experience in this i actually will be able to set it up ? just for minimal spam filtration | 20:37 |
giovani2 | orudie: I don't know your level of experience, I'm leaving that up to you to judge | 20:37 |
giovani2 | as well as how mission-critical your use is | 20:37 |
ScottK | Ubuntu documents amavisd-new with spamassassin and clamav reasonably well. | 20:38 |
ScottK | It does take adjustment and understanding for your particular situation. | 20:38 |
orudie | great, ScottK do you have a url ? | 20:40 |
orudie | i'm reading the spamassassin wiki right now | 20:40 |
* ScottK looks | 20:41 | |
orudie | eheh | 20:41 |
thewrath | has anyone used some sort of imginag server on ubuntu server to image windows and linux based comptuers | 20:45 |
DragonLord- | I get "There is 1 zombie process" when I login, how do I check which process and information about the crash? | 20:47 |
ScottK | orudie: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/serverguide/C/mail-filtering.html for Intrepid. | 20:55 |
thewrath | how do you see if an ethernet interface is up? | 20:55 |
thewrath | whats the command that you run | 20:55 |
orudie | very cool thanx scope006 | 20:55 |
orudie | ScottK, | 20:56 |
orudie | scope006, is gonna be like , WTF? again lol | 20:56 |
orudie | just like yesterday | 20:56 |
mrwes | Is is necessary to have a rate limit rule in iptables ? | 20:56 |
ScottK | If you want to rate limit. yes. | 20:58 |
thewrath | rate limit does what ? | 20:59 |
mrwes | well..I have denyhosts running, i was thinking of limitiing a brute force, say 8 in 60 seconds | 21:00 |
mrwes | yumm...damn good Malbec :) | 21:00 |
thewrath | denyhosts last update was back in 2006 right? | 21:00 |
mrwes | shrug | 21:00 |
mrwes | works on my bo | 21:01 |
mrwes | x | 21:01 |
thewrath | mrwes: i was just curious | 21:01 |
thewrath | that is what i saw i thought on sourceforge when is aw it | 21:01 |
thewrath | mrwes: is it easy to set up/ | 21:01 |
mrwes | yah | 21:01 |
thewrath | has nayone done anythign with drbl? | 21:02 |
mrwes | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=450853 | 21:02 |
thewrath | ? | 21:02 |
thewrath | nvm the ? | 21:03 |
mrwes | just make sure you don't have any failed login attempts from where ever you login, cuz that IP will get added to the hosts.deny, so add your IP to the hosts.allow | 21:03 |
thewrath | how do you see if an ethernet interface is up? | 21:03 |
thewrath | wahts teh command | 21:04 |
mrwes | ifconfig | 21:04 |
thewrath | to see if it detected | 21:04 |
thewrath | i thought it was something else | 21:04 |
thewrath | lol | 21:04 |
giovani2 | nope | 21:04 |
giovani2 | ifconfig will show the interface, and it's UP/DOWN status | 21:04 |
mrwes | :) | 21:04 |
mrwes | google is your friend | 21:05 |
giovani2 | it's exactly what you're looking for :) | 21:05 |
thewrath | i could run if eth1 ifup or something | 21:05 |
giovani2 | heh | 21:05 |
thewrath | how do you bring up an interface | 21:05 |
giovani2 | you can run ifup eth1 ... to bring up the interface/config | 21:05 |
thewrath | oh ok | 21:05 |
thewrath | that is what it is lol | 21:06 |
giovani2 | but that's not what checks to see if it's up or down | 21:06 |
thewrath | right | 21:06 |
thewrath | that just brings it up | 21:06 |
giovani2 | right | 21:06 |
giovani2 | and ifdown | 21:06 |
giovani2 | is self explanatory :) | 21:06 |
thewrath | right :) | 21:06 |
thewrath | i wish i had alot more time to mess with DRBL lol | 21:06 |
mrwes | and ifright does what? | 21:06 |
giovani2 | you configure the settings it runs, etc in /etc/network/interfaces | 21:06 |
mrwes | :) | 21:06 |
MatBoy | does someone know how I get the xferlog of proftpd into a fifo file ? | 21:10 |
uvirtbot | New bug: #338982 in samba4 (universe) "evolution crashed with SIGSEGV during MAPI authentication" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/338982 | 21:17 |
uvirtbot | New bug: #342556 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 (main) "package mysql-server-5.0 5.1.30really5.0.75-0ubuntu7 failed to install/upgrade: underprosessen post-installation script returnerte feilstatus 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/342556 | 23:02 |
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