
stgraberbryce_: Any hope of having bug 327484 fixed by release or should I just add a hack in LTSP to force that device to use VESA instead of geode ?00:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 327484 in xserver-xorg-video-geode "X crashing with Geode GX2 on Jaunty" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32748400:18
bryce_tjaalton: when you get a chance please review the patch I posted on bug #34080700:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 340807 in xorg "Rename /etc/X11/Xsession.d/60x11-localhost to match convention" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34080700:24
bryce_stgraber: it needs a "bt full"00:25
bryce_stgraber: I probably won't have time to do a fix for it for jaunty unless it's something trivially easy like a nullptr ref00:25
stgraberbryce_: bt full attached01:12
* stgraber should have put it in a file and attached the file01:13
bryce_it's ok01:14
bryce_replying on bug...01:21
stgraberif you need any more information, I have that thin client right next to me with gdb opened on the X server01:24
bryce_ok yeah01:24
stgraberonly limitation is that it doesn't have an harddrive and only has 90MB of RAM so can't store big files in the ramfs01:24
bryce_ok, reply on bug01:28
stgraberbryce_: attached the gdb output you requested, not sure it's really helpful most only contains line numbers without any real content (function name, ...)02:38
bryce_stgraber: yeah, you're just stepping in the signal handler code there02:41
bryce_stgraber: anyway, I guess forward it upstream; probably not something we can fix at the ubuntu level02:41
stgraberok, so I should force it to VESA for now ?02:42
stgraberI have 800 of these deployed :) so I need them to at least open a gnome session.02:43
tjaaltonbryce_: sure07:25
tjaaltonbryce_: hmm, the postrm tries to rm 99xorg-localhost, when it was called 60x11-localhost?-)08:07
tjaaltonI'll add a comment on the bug08:08
bdmurraybryce_: bug 341720 isn't really in compiz is it?22:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 341720 in compiz "compiz.real crashed with SIGSEGV in glXCreateContext()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34172022:37
bryce_bdmurray: here's the error - dlopen: /usr/lib/xorg/modules/extensions//libglx.so: undefined symbol: miInitVisualsProc22:40
bdmurraybryce_: right so it's failing since glx is missing?22:41
bryce_bdmurray: no; either the user tried to load fglrx (which isn't available yet for Jaunty), or they tried to load radeon but still had fglrx kernel module junk installed22:43
bryce_so either way it's a user configuration issue, not compiz22:43
bryce_both problems are already reported, so whichever issue it is, the bug's a dupe22:43
bryce_bdmurray: from the log it sounds like an xorg.conf was used, but none is attached the the bug; that would be sufficient to determine which issue it was22:45
bdmurraybryce_: the compiz package hook doesn't grab that, do you think it should?22:45
bryce_whatever the case is, you can refer them to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/FglrxInteferesWithRadeonDriver since that's what they need22:46
bryce_bdmurray: probably you also want to look in the kernel modules to see if fglrx or nvidia is loaded, and flag those situations, since those bugs will likely be unfixable by us22:47
bdmurrayI think apport flags those kernel modules anyway22:47
bryce_    try:22:47
bryce_        script = subprocess.Popen(['grep', 'fglrx', '/var/log/kern.log', '/proc/modules'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE)22:47
bryce_        matches = script.communicate()[0]22:47
bryce_        if (matches):22:47
bryce_            report['fglrx-loaded'] = matches22:47
bryce_    except OSError:22:47
bryce_        pass22:47
bdmurrayNonfreeKernelModules: fglrx22:48
bryce_hmm, where's that flagged?22:49
bryce_I see it in ProcModules.txt and Xorg.0.log22:49
bdmurrayright in the description see bug 342501 as an example22:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 342501 in firefox-3.0 "Work offline in ProfileManager does nothing" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34250122:49
bdmurrayoh, its not flagged in the compiz bug we are looking at22:50
bryce_ok right, but for some reason it's not flagged on ... right22:50
bdmurraybecause no Nonfree ones are in use22:50
bryce_but "fglrx" is shown in http://launchpadlibrarian.net/23780003/ProcModules.txt22:50
bryce_fglrx is also in http://launchpadlibrarian.net/23780008/XorgLog.txt22:51
bryce_so both the kernel module and X driver module are installed and being loaded.  Not sure why it's not being flagged22:51
bryce_you can see though that the fglrx version is wrong... in the Xorg.0.log it complains:22:52
bryce_[atiddxSetup] X version mismatch - detected X.org 7.1.-1.902, required X.org 7.4.-1.90622:52
bryce_I'm interpreting that to mean "Hey, this driver is compiled for X.org 7.1 but we need 7.4"22:53
bryce_anyway, X600 should be quite finely supported with -ati, no need for fglrx22:54
bryce_tjaalton: http://people.ubuntu.com/~bryce/totals.svg22:56

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