
charlie-tcan2diy: I downloaded 8ubuntu-8.04.1-desktop-i386.iso from http://ubuntu.media.mit.edu/ubuntu-releases/00:12
charlie-tcaand from http://mirror.anl.gov/pub/ubuntu-iso/CDs-Xubuntu/8.04.1/release/00:12
charlie-tcathey both burned to Memorex CD-R and both passed the cd-integrity-check with no errors00:12
charlie-tcaIf they are consistently not passing, are you using the same brand of cd-r's? Maybe it is the blanks, not the downloads00:13
n2diycharlie-tca, ok, the burns were three on Maxwells, and two on Phillips. There are a couple of others, but they are not accessible to me.Not a big deal, I loaded from the Alt CD, and I'm playing with Xubuntu here/now.00:18
jesperpi can't get sound on my HP 2133, i'v installed the alsa driver but still no sound -- any tips ??00:20
xettHi guys, i have a little problem with upgrading from xubuntu 8.04 to 8.10. When i open the update manager it will fetch current updates for all auxillary software, but it does not display an upgrade to 8.10 option. any ideas/00:22
cody-somervillexett, you need to change your upgrade settings00:22
cody-somervillexett, Click applications > system > software sources00:22
xettand then?00:23
cody-somervillexett, Look on the upgrade tab, under "Release Upgrade"00:23
xettah, is that the section from long term to all releases?00:23
xettthat looks like it may have worked00:25
xettfantastic, that worked. gotta update now. Thanks Cody00:26
cody-somervilleNo problem00:26
=== source is now known as forces
Whyvas9.10 alpha 5, not getting a wm coming up, X seems to come up, but all I get is a gray screen with a mouse cursor, any ideas?02:17
Whyvasfresh install, this happened after getting the updates02:17
Moodcat /var/log/syslog, messages, daemon.log, kern.log?02:19
charlie-tcatry sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get dist-upgrade in a tty, maybe?02:19
WhyvasI am doing the upgrade now...02:22
Whyvasa bunch to02:23
WhyvasI don't see anything obvious in those log files02:23
Whyvasyou want me to post em in a pastebin or something?02:23
Whyvasupgrade done, rebooting02:25
Whyvasyou're the man.02:27
ubottuHi! Welcome to #xubuntu!02:33
WDCI am trying to install VirtualBox from a deb on Xubuntu 8.1002:33
WDCI get an error saying that libqt4-network is not satisfiable02:33
WDCAnyone know I can get it?02:33
charlie-tcaYou need to install libqt402:33
WDCCan't find the package02:34
charlie-tcaJust a minute, let me look for the package name02:34
zoredachewhen installing via the alternate installer is there a way to open an lvm on a pre-existing dm-crypt'ed volume?02:39
charlie-tcaThere is, but I don't know how to.02:40
charlie-tcaWDC: Do you have qt4-dev-tools?02:41
charlie-tcaIt satisfies the qt dependency issue for VBox02:41
zoredacheit keeps wanting to reinitialize everything... which would be bad...02:41
WDCcharlie-tca: sorry02:43
WDCme looks02:43
charlie-tcazoredache: IntuitiveNipple (I think) has taken people through that02:43
charlie-tcaI run into him in #ubuntu+1, but he isn't there right now02:43
* charlie-tca keeps hoping some knowledge will rub off to him02:44
WDCStill won't do it02:45
zoredachecharlie-tca: so when you are looking at wishlist bugs, how do you triage them?  I personally think that bug 70085 really is such a niche issue and so impractical to fix, that it probably should just be closed02:47
charlie-tcaIf they are a new idea, send them to brainstorm, if they are not practical, normally invalid them.02:49
charlie-tcaI think that one should have gone to Brainstorm, but it didn't exist yet. At least there it is discussed and voted on by the users02:50
charlie-tcaThe more popular ideas do get looked at by the developers.02:50
charlie-tcaLooks like he would like us to do the copying for him?02:51
charlie-tcaWDC: still looking...02:52
charlie-tcaWDC: Do you have universe enabled in repositories? there is a "libqt4-network" in there02:57
WDCcharlie-tca: how would I do that?02:57
charlie-tcaYou should be able to 'sudo apt-get install libqt4-network' in a terminal. (Without the quote marks)02:58
zoredachecharlie-tca: well, ideally it would be nice to provide a list of boot devices instead of a single device, and grub would create entries for each, and then setup the fallback entries for each.   I don't think it would be that useful.  Most computers that would be using software raid wouldn't automagically boot from the second drive03:00
=== bac is now known as bac_afk
charlie-tcaThat would be a good reason to suggest he take it to Brainstorm. Like this:03:02
charlie-tcaMaybe reword it so it doesn't look like it was neglected for two years03:03
charlie-tcaThis might be the second time I have ever suggested Brainstorm.03:04
ballThe monkeys, they are coming.03:04
charlie-tcaI thought they were here, 1967 or so?03:05
ballAh no, that was The Monkeys.03:05
ballMonkees actually, come to think of it.03:05
* charlie-tca don't know the difference03:05
jimisrvroxhey guys just put a clean install on the pc but have a finnicky WUSB54GCS usb adapter that I am trying to install ndiswrapper for BUT for whatever reason I am not able to get the ndiswrapper-utils package from the CD so that I can do the job03:07
ballHow come the SeaMonkey package is old?03:08
charlie-tcaWhat version03:08
charlie-tcajimisrvrox: what version of Xubuntu?03:08
jimisrvroxso im wondering what to do Ive looked at some docs but am not finding what I am looking for03:08
charlie-tcaShould be built into the kernel, it no longer uses ndiswrapper.03:08
charlie-tcaIf you have to install it, you install the module.03:09
jimisrvroxwell I would assume that if it was then the card would work out of the box..03:09
charlie-tcasounds right to me. I am by no means good at wireless.03:09
jimisrvroxbut when I do lsusb it sees it but cannot enable wireless networking and even the wireless network connection does not work with me either03:09
charlie-tcaball: how old is it?03:09
ballA version or two.03:10
charlie-tcadoes lsusb show the adapter?03:10
charlie-tcadoes iwconfig?03:10
jimisrvroxwhat really sucks is I can use ubuntu and get the wmp54g to work03:10
jimisrvroxbut when I bought the new card wasnt aware that wal-mart switched models on me!03:10
charlie-tcaThen it should work. Did you need ndiswrapper there?03:11
jimisrvroxbut its a diff model03:11
ubottuWireless documentation can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:11
jimisrvroxand of course I tested the new card on my ubuntu box and nada03:11
jimisrvroxlet me try iwconfig and see what I get03:12
jimisrvroxok no wireless but lsusb sees is03:12
charlie-tcaIf no one here can help, you might try in #ubuntu, they have many more people03:12
charlie-tcaAnyone know how to help with a wireless USB adapter?03:13
jimisrvroxwell I was also thinking of trying pclinuxos03:13
jimisrvroxbut im not used to kde but I test drove the latest and it was interesting but not as easy as ubuntu/xubuntu to find the networking stuff03:13
charlie-tcaUbuntu/Xubuntu is getting better at getting it right.03:16
=== cody-somerville_ is now known as cody-somerville
jimisrvroxyes I agree completely03:16
charlie-tcaIt just hasn't rubbed off on me.03:16
jimisrvroxwhat irritated me earlier is IT guy at work locked the desktop on everybody enforcing group policy on XP so I was trying to look through regedit to unlock the S***T again :D03:17
jimisrvroxbut no dice on that03:17
jimisrvroxkept running into if you dont have admin priv's and on the domain machine cant really do nothing about it03:18
jimisrvroxbut I figure there has to be some shit in regedit that I could03:18
charlie-tcaYeah, they got mad at me for moving files on the server a few years ago.03:18
jimisrvroxIT 'gods' NOT!03:19
jimisrvroxthe rebel in me comes out when they do crap like that03:19
charlie-tcaJust trying to make life easier...03:19
jimisrvroxso I start thinking about how much 'security' stuff I should learn to teach them theyre not secure and then plaster a nice lil R00t3d ur windoze ass wallpaper on there for em to look at :D03:19
charlie-tcaThat does help them learn.03:20
charlie-tcaBack to work. I got two upgrades running03:20
jimisrvroxyeah learn that they need to scratch their heads to figure it out better :D03:20
foofiehello folks. Im having troubles connecting to my desktop via SSH. I think i'm having some issues with portmap or either hosts.deny.03:59
foofiei can SSH to it if I'm on the same LAN, but if I join another network, i time out on port 2204:00
foofiecan anyone tell me how to use portmap to open port 22?04:03
ballOh dear, I just remembered I'm on irc04:07
ballback in a bit04:17
ubottupdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/okular/evince, and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source)04:18
R1cochetany1 have a recommendation for a pdf viewer/creater?04:20
foofieevince works well as a viewer04:20
foofieI don't handle many pdf's, but if I do need to read one, evince is what i use04:20
R1cochetcan it add bookmarks?04:22
foofienot sure04:22
R1cocheti have a book as pdf and would like to be able to add bookmarks04:22
foofielike I said, i don't do much :)04:22
foofielet me open it up and take a look04:22
foofieone sec04:22
R1cochetwell thank you04:22
foofieit doesn't appear to do bookmarks04:23
R1cochetbummer it looks nice04:24
foofieit has the side pane on the left (like adobe reader) with the thumbnails of the pages,04:24
foofiebut that seems to be about it04:24
R1cochetthank you much04:24
foofieno problemo04:24
n2diyis there a way to stack the panel, and xcfe panel on top of each other, on the bottom of the screen?04:30
foofieas in one on top of the other?04:32
n2diylike they way Ubuntu does it?04:33
foofiei don't think ubuntu stacks panels in gnome...?04:33
foofieas far as I know, there's one at the top of the screen and one at the bottom of the screen04:33
n2diywell, Ubuntu has for the four years I've been using it, which was up until 7 hours and 21 mimutes ago. :)04:34
foofiebut, to answer your question, you can right click on the second panel and go to "Customize Panel" and click the "freely movable" radio button to put it where you want. That will allow you to drag it around04:35
foofiebut, that's not gonna snap it to the other panel or anything04:35
n2diyfoofie, yes, I saw that, but my intial thought was I like it to stay in place. But, if it will stay where I put it, that will work.04:36
foofiemaybe i don't understand the question fully?04:36
foofiewhat is the end goal?04:37
foofiein this screenshot http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/804features/images/features/screens/home/main.jpg i only see 2 panels... one at the top and one at the bottom04:38
n2diyfoofie, you have two panels on the desktop, the xcfe panel showing all your apps, and the (gnome?) panel showing your shortcuts, time, etc... With Ubuntu, they would stack on top of each other, so both were fully visible. I modified my desktop, so they were on both on the bottom,04:39
foofiei use two small panels at the bottom of my screen04:42
foofieone in the middle with the xfce menu, quicklauncher, system and network moitors, clock, and freespace checker, then in another panel on the bottom right, the Iconbox and systray04:43
ballhello evilbug04:45
ballWith Xubuntu, are both panels part of Xfce?04:45
ball(the one at the top and the one at the bottom of the screen)?04:45
foofiewell, the screenshot i linked to was the regular ubuntu version with gnome04:46
charlie-tca__ball: yes, they are generated by xfce-panel04:47
evilbugball- hey.04:48
jimisrvrox1anybody in here good with ndiswrapper?04:56
foofiedefine "good"? heheh04:56
jimisrvrox1ok well deal is i installed the win driver and then did ndiswrapper -m and then tried ifconfig wlan0 up and tells me that error while getting interface flags: no such device04:57
jimisrvrox1and i was trying to follow a tut on getting the damn drivers to work04:58
foofiewhat card are you using?04:58
jimisrvrox1but of course with that machine I have no connection to the net and the drivers are ralink04:59
ballcharlie-tca__: thanks04:59
charlie-tca__You are welcome05:00
ballAnyone here used x11vnc with Xubuntu?05:00
foofiejimisvrox1: http://jefim.wordpress.com/2007/07/24/how-to-linksys-wusb54gc-wireless-and-ubuntu-linux-704-feisty/05:01
zoredacheI use it somewhat regularly... why05:01
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?05:01
foofiejimisrvrox1: i found that.... not sure if that will work for you. was written for feisty...05:02
jimisrvrox1alright great thanks for the link I'll see if I can get it working..I appreciate it as Im a n00b at doing this kind of stuff05:02
ballzoredache: Can I set it up so that even the login screen is shared?05:03
jimisrvrox1ughhh...yet again...with about the 3rd distro ive tried...try to install the usb and what do I get...starting bluetooth...hannngg....05:05
zoredacheball: yes05:10
ballzoredache: how do I do that?05:11
zoredachegenerally, when I am using it, I ssh in from somewhere else and start x11vnc with a command that looks like this05:12
zoredachex11vnc -localhost -nopw -display :0 -auth /var/lib/gdm/:0.Xauth -loop05:12
ball-nopw = no password?05:12
zoredachethat will connect to whatever is using the :0 display05:12
* ball writes that down05:12
zoredacheyeah... but it is also only bound to the localhost only...  you would need to have ssh forwarding ports to use that05:13
foofiezoredache: speaking of ssh, im trying to get ssh set up on my desktop. I can ssh when i'm on the LAN, but from outside the LAN i time out on 22. Any ideas?05:13
zoredacheif you wanted to run that as a services, you wouldn't want the localhost, and you would want a password05:13
zoredachefoofie: do you have a firewall/router?  Have you forwarded port 22 and allowed it through the firewall?05:14
ballzoredache: as a service, with a password is probably what I'm after.05:14
foofiezoredache: i have a DSL modem and a netgear router. The router is in the DMZ of the modem, and i have port 22 forwarded on the router05:15
zoredachecheck the x11vnc entry in the wiki for more05:15
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about x11vnc05:15
zoredachehrm... there used to be one...05:16
ballfoofie: why have your router in the DMZ?05:16
* zoredache is betting his 'modem' is actually a router with a modem as well05:17
foofieball: well, i thought that would simplify things by taking the modem's NAT/Firewall crap ouf of the equation05:17
foofiethe modem and the router are 2 seperate devices05:18
ballMy "modem" and router are two separate boxes too.05:19
ballNo dmz required.05:19
jimisrvrox1ok foofie tried that method on the post and I am still getting the bluetooth crap only other thing that I dont have copied is the .cat files05:19
foofiehere's something else: i can log in to both the modem's and the router's "web-based remote access" firmware interfaces from outside the lan05:19
foofieso I know that the request is getting to the router through the modem05:19
zoredachehow do you know that?05:20
foofieball: to be quite honest, im not really sure what the DMZ does, but i am under the impression that it routes all requests directly to the router device instead of passing it through the modem's routing tables and crap05:21
ballIt sounds as though you have a rather grandiose "modem"05:22
foofiezoredache: i use DynDNS so I can have a static hostname, so I just go to hostname.com:modemport to access the modem, and hostname:routerport to access the router05:22
foofieball: do you think I should take the router out of the DMZ?05:23
ballfoofie: perhaps once you have the rest of your setup working.05:24
ballRemind me what you're trying to achieve05:24
foofiei want to have SSH access to my desktop from my office (at work)05:24
foofieusing my laptop on my wireless network at home, i can ssh to (the desktop's LAN IP) and log in no problems05:25
foofiebut, from my office, I time out on 2205:25
ballDo you use DHCP on your wireless LAN?05:26
foofiethe router assigns IP's05:26
zoredacheare you sure your work even allows ssh?05:27
ballDid you configure your router to consistently hand out the same IP to the desktop, based on its MAC address?05:27
foofieball: yes. I have that local IP reserved for the desktop05:27
foofiezoredache: well, as a test, i've logged my laptop on to an unsecured wireless network here at my apartment complex and I can't ssh in05:28
ballfoofie: did you forward port 22 from your router to the desktop?05:28
foofieball: yes. TCP 22 is forwarded to
ballDoes your WAN IP address wander around, or is that static?05:29
foofiei have a dynamic WAN IP, but my router supports reporting to DynDNS, so I have a static hostname05:30
foofie(and just to eliminate that as a possibility, i've been doing testing with the IP address instead of the hostname)05:30
ballThat doesn't eliminate it as a possibility05:31
foofiewell, i mean it eliminates DynDNS pointing to the wrong IP by accident05:32
ball...anyway, does your modem always give the router the same IP address?05:32
ball(and does your "modem" forward port 22 to your router?05:33
jimisrvrox1alright foofie....followed the method and everything...still getting ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device when I type ifconfig wlan0 up05:34
foofiejimisrvox1: are you sure it's called wlan0?05:34
jimisrvrox1yes thats the -m that it gives it05:35
foofieball: well, i think that the DMZ forwards all traffic to the router regardless, right? and also all traffic on 22 is forwarded to the router (and then the router should forward it to the desktop)05:36
foofiejimisrvrox1: are you sudoing that?05:37
ballThat's not what a dmz does05:37
foofieball: well, as I said, Im not sure what the DMZ does.. i just had a guess05:37
ballI would take your router out of the DMZ and just make sure you're forwarding 22 from the "modem" to the router and then from the router to the desktop.05:38
jimisrvrox1you talking about sudo -m05:38
jimisrvrox1what I did was su before I did all of that stuff05:38
foofieball: ok. taking router out of the DMZ... restarting modem05:40
foofieok. i took the router out of the DMZ and updated DynDNS05:43
foofiestill timing out on 2205:43
ballis your router getting its WAN IP via DHCP or is it statically assigned?05:44
foofiewell, the WAN IP is assigned to the modem05:45
jimisrvrox1I'll try with my damn usb card tomorrow..im out...laters..appreicate the assistance..05:45
ballfoofie: *router's* WAN IP address.05:46
ball(not Modem's)05:46
foofiei don't think the router gets a WAN IP, does it? the modem is assigned one from AT&T, the assigns one to the router, then the router assigns LAN IP's to each computer05:47
foofiemaybe im just confused05:47
ballfoofie: you're confused.  So far as the router is concerned, it has a WAN port.  Whether that's physically plugged into a WAN or a LAN is irrelevant so far as it is concerned.05:48
foofieok, you're referring to the ethernet cable that comes from the DSL modem into the router, right?05:49
ballHopefully into the router's WAN port05:50
foofielol yeah05:50
ballGood.  How does that port on the router get its IP address?05:51
foofiethe cable layout is phone line into the dsl modem, ethernet to the router (into the port labeled "internet"), then the desktop plugged into the first lan port05:51
ballyes, and...?05:52
foofiethe dsl modem assigns the router a 192 IP. then the router assignes each computer a 10.0.0.* IP05:52
* ball nods05:52
ballThe DSL modem assigns the router a 192.168.n.n address via DHCP or via PPPoE?05:53
foofiebut, i have the option to disable DHCP05:55
ballokay, and it consistently gets the same IP address?05:55
ballyeah, don't disable that unless your "modem" lacks the ability to consistently assign the same IP based on the router's WAN interface's MAC address.05:55
foofiei'm looking for something where I can reserve that IP based on the MAC address, but don't see anything05:56
foofiethe modem only has 1 ethernet port on it, and the DHCP starts at, so I'm assuming that the router always gets
ballThat would be strange.05:57
ballOh, and don't "assume".05:57
foofiewhat would be strange?05:57
ballwhat is your modem's IP address (on its computer / LAN port)05:57
zoredache192.168.1.1 is probably used by the modem05:57
foofieto access the modem, i direct firefox to
ballWell you can't have the same IP address on your modem and your router.05:58
ballugh... okay.05:58
zoredachethat is strange....05:58
ballAsk your router it's WAN IP address.05:58
foofiewell, i can access the router in either of 2 ways: by directing firefox to, or routerlogin.com06:01
foofie(the router apparently catches all requests to routerlogin.com and forwards them to the firmware)06:01
ballfoofie: ...and...?06:02
hatake_kakashicharlie-tca__, that update didn't fix the issue at all, it shot right back up to 710+MB06:03
foofiethe router apparently has 2 IP's? both (to the modem) and to computers behind it06:03
charlie-tca__hatake_kakashi: sorry to hear that. sounds like it is time to file a bug on it.06:04
ballfoofie: yes, that's normal06:05
foofiewas that what you were asking?06:05
ballsort of.06:05
ball1) unplug the router from the modem.  2) plug the desktop directly into the modem.  3) boot the desktop and see whether it gets
hatake_kakashicharlie-tca__, yeah :/ can't really be buggered though, I just issued kill signal to the process.. if this happens regularly I'm just gonna do a nasty hack via setting up cron daemon to kill it every one hour06:05
ball4) try to ssh into it from the outside world.06:06
charlie-tca__hatake_kakashi: That works too06:06
charlie-tca__But it is easiest to get fixed when it is reported06:06
hatake_kakashicharlie-tca__, better yet, I'll hunt down the service that's restarting this process whenever it gets killed and signal it to stop06:07
foofieball: it got
hatake_kakashithat second link you sent me had some guy suggesting to use some debugging tool06:07
charlie-tca__hatake_kakashi: That would be the best way06:07
foofieball: also, SSH in from outside is not working06:07
ballfoofie: right, I wouldn't expect it to work if you're forwarding port 22 to
ballfoofie: try turning off the DHCP *server* that's running on the modem.  Assign static IP to the desktop (temporarily) and try again06:09
ball...give it
ball...umm... make that and make sure that port 22 is forwarded there.06:10
foofieball: ok06:10
foofiethe problem just then was that it was still trying to forward 22 to the router..i told it to forward 22 to the desktop, and ssh in from outside worked06:10
ballfoofie: there you go then.06:11
charlie-tca__last upgrade just finished. Going to bed now06:11
foofiewell, i have to have the router in the equation unfortunately06:12
foofiemy roommate still has to be able to connect to the LAN06:12
foofieok.. i think i found the part where you can reserve IP's in the modem's firmware06:13
ballYou're missing the point.06:13
ballfoofie: ah good, you can reserve them based on MAC address?06:14
foofiei think so06:14
foofiedoes "IP Static ARP Entry" sound right?06:14
foofienever heard of ARP?06:14
foofiehas a spot for an IP and for a MAC address, so I'm assuming this is it06:14
ballYes, I've heard of ARP06:14
foofie(i meant *I've* never heard of ARP, sorry)06:15
ballThat's a terrible thing to call it, but perhaps that's what it is.06:15
ballTry it.06:15
foofieok.. let me get the modem's MAC06:15
foofiethe ROUTER's man06:15
ballThe router's *WAN* port's MAC address.06:16
ballVery important that part.06:16
ballIf you give it the wrong MAC address, it can't do its job.06:17
foofiewould the MAC address in question be printed on the bottom of the router perchance?06:17
foofiethere is a MAC printed on there06:18
balljust one?  Eww.  Okay, try it.06:18
ballGive it an IP of
ball...then you'll know if it worked.06:18
foofieso I should plug the router back into the modem beforehand, eh?06:19
ballI would set up the modem, switch everything off, reconnect the router to the modem and then power up modem, router and desktop PC in that order.06:19
ballwait about ten seconds between each device.06:20
ball...perhaps longer.06:20
ball(have to give each device time to boot and configure itself)06:21
ballI hope this works.  I have to go to bed.06:21
ballI'm an hour overdue.06:22
foofieit works06:23
foofiethank you so very much :D06:24
ballGood.  I've done something similar at two other sites.06:24
ball...three, I forgot about one.06:24
foofiecan you briefly tell me what the DMZ does?06:24
foofiei hate to keep you from bed. It's my next stop as well06:25
foofiei have to work in 3 hours06:25
ballIt's a deliberately unsecure host that's theoretically in a space between your Internet and your LAN.  Think of it as a festering wound waiting to infect all your machines.06:26
foofiei'll ponder on that for a bit06:27
foofiewell, thank you so much for the assistance06:27
foofiei appreciate it06:27
foofieI am headed to bed as well06:28
ballLeast I can do for another Xubuntu person06:28
ballSleep well.06:28
foofieyou too06:28
ballGoodnight everyone06:36
n2diyI've setup two keyboard layouts, but I can't figure out how to setup the switcher for them?06:56
moodogmorning :)07:45
KrisWillisGood morning09:43
KrisWillisIs anyone familiar with the "Listen" media player? Does it support playing audio from remote mt-daapd servers? I can't find the option anywhere...09:45
cody-somervilleI'm not sure. There might be a plugin for it.09:51
cody-somervilleIf not, I think rhytmbox does09:51
KrisWilliscody-somerville: I can't find anything within the interface about plugins, I only ask as it was on the default install of Xubuntu. I'll drop rhythmbox on there, I know that supports it as I use it on my Ubuntu installs.09:55
KrisWillisI'm surprised there isn't any form of community around the project - No IRC, forum, mailing list etc.09:55
ablomenKrisWillis, http://projects.gnome.org/rhythmbox/feedback.html09:57
KrisWillisablomen: I meant "Listen" had no obvious community09:58
ablomenoh sorry, nvm then :)09:58
=== bac_afk is now known as bac
fortherealssjhey guys!10:45
fortherealssji want to run an nxserver on an xubtunu machine, everthing works except the desktop loading10:46
fortherealssji also tried the custon setting: startxfce410:47
fortherealssjwith startxfce4 there is no error but there are just two windows with the "startmenu" and the "taskmenu"10:48
fortherealssj(the two windows are shown on the client)10:50
=== bac` is now known as bac
=== bac` is now known as bac
_Pete_Hello, I'm having wierd audioproblem: If I play movie with DTS sounds then sound comes ok from my ampfilier but if the sound source is "normal" like mp3 then there's no sound. I'm using kaffeine to test, soundcard is emu10k based and using digital connection betweem card and ampfilier16:19
_Pete_earilier everything worked perfect but after some upgrade and reboot started behave like this16:20
foofielo folks16:42
gorgutthere we go16:47
gorguthas anyone installed windowmaker in xubuntu by any chance?16:54
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?16:55
gorgutTheSheep: any problems?16:56
gorgutAlso, that was my question :p16:56
TheSheepno, thanks for your concerns, I'm fine16:56
gorgutno, i meant was there any problems with the install.16:56
TheSheepwindowmaker doesn't really have anything to break in it16:56
gorguti've never used it, just heard good things from a friend of mine16:57
TheSheepit's old16:57
TheSheepgood, but old16:57
gorgutdo we have a repo with windowmaker stuff in it?16:57
TheSheep!info windowmaker16:57
ubottuPackage windowmaker does not exist in intrepid16:57
TheSheep!info wmaker16:58
ubottuwmaker (source: wmaker): NeXTSTEP-like window manager for X. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.92.0-7ubuntu10 (intrepid), package size 2236 kB, installed size 8420 kB16:58
TheSheepand all other packages that start with wm16:58
gorgutok, cool.16:59
gorguti take it you like windowmaker?16:59
gorgut(at least a little)16:59
TheSheepI used it before xfce16:59
TheSheepit was one of the best at the time17:00
TheSheepcde was nice too...17:00
gorgutscreenshots on the website look a bit "rudimentary"17:00
gorgutbut, i suppose that's the concept, eh?17:00
TheSheepthat's the idea17:00
TheSheepthe docks/icons take time to get used to17:01
TheSheepthey work line on osx -- when you start an app, it doesn't appear in the taskbar, but instead the icon changes17:02
gorgutmy desktop drags with xubuntu for some reason... my laptop however has almost half the processor but runs very smoothly17:02
TheSheepdisable compositing17:02
gorgutwell, on my laptop i run compiz with lots of effects, but my desktop just lets xfce manage everything17:02
gorgutlaptop is 1.6ghz pentium M... desktop is 2.4ghz P417:03
gorgutboth with 2gb ram17:03
TheSheepif your desktop's graphics card doesn't have hardware acceleretion fr the render x extension, compositing will slow everything down considerably17:03
progenitushello everyone, i have a strange problem. when I use GDM to login to my XFCE session, it loads the network manager applet. However, if I user another login manager (lets say SLIM), it does not. It also does not load the audio tray applet....17:03
gorguti assumed the desktop would run much faster..17:03
TheSheepprogenitus: how do you start xfce in that other login manager?17:04
progenitusis the command in the inittab17:04
TheSheepprogenitus: use startxfce4 instead17:04
progenitusTheSheep, I found it does not save my taskbar icons and settings using startxfce4 :(17:05
progenitusWill try17:05
progenitusBe right back17:05
TheSheepalso, make sure all environment variables are set up, ssh-agent started, etc. -- everything that's done by gdm17:05
gorgutTheSheep: makes sense... laptop has  ATI Radeon card... desktop uses crappy onboard intel graphics17:05
TheSheepprogenitus: that's because your home directory is not set17:05
TheSheepprogenitus: the HOME environment variable17:05
progenitus<=== Xfce noob alert :)17:05
progenitusAny clue where to find the config file?17:06
TheSheepprogenitus: if you are a noob, then use gdm17:06
progenitusI like GDM, but I want to learn XFCE. I prefer the speed17:06
TheSheepthe config files for gdm sit mostly in /etc/X11/gdm17:07
TheSheepand xsession17:07
progenitusIll be right back with an update :)17:08
gorgutTheSheep: my desktop doesn't have an AGP slot.. what are my chances of finding a decent PCI card?17:09
TheSheepgorgut: no idea, but why don't you just disable compositing and have fast desktop with slightly fewer effects?17:09
gorgutTheSheep: well, that's what I'm going to do.. just looking at options :)17:10
progenitusWell, it did not work :(17:28
infostatcan someone help me with setting special chmod settings?18:12
infostati woudl like user1 to save files with tags user1:group118:12
infostatnot user1:user118:12
infostathow do i accomplish this?18:12
charlie-tcaGo into 'users and groups', define the group you want user1 in instead of group "user1". It is setup now that the user and group are the same name18:14
infostatusers cannot be in more than 1 group?18:15
infostati woudl liek to set a folder's ownership as xxxx:group118:17
infostatand whoever that belong sto group1 to be able to open, execute within that folder18:18
infostatand if they were to modify a file through a program such as quickbooks18:18
infostatit would automatically save under the :group1 ownership18:18
infostatbut user1 belongs to group1, group2, and group318:18
charlie-tcaSure they can, but each user is associated with a group. I have done that before, just by changing/adding groups.18:19
charlie-tcaIf all users belong to xxx:group1, they have rights to do what ever the permissions are set for.18:19
charlie-tcaThe system uses gid numbers to know which group a user's permissions come from. If the group is higher than 1000, and all users are assigned to18:22
charlie-tcaonly one group higher than 1000, that is the permissions they will have.18:22
infostathow do i check for these gid numbers?18:22
charlie-tcaThey will still be in other groups, less than 1000, but those are different use18:22
charlie-tcaApplications -> Users and Groups -> unlock; Manager groups18:23
charlie-tcawill show the gid for any group18:23
infostati see18:25
infostatthanks for that info charlie18:25
charlie-tcaWhen you add a user, you can decide what user group to place them in.18:25
gorgutlo folks20:44
ubottuHi! Welcome to #xubuntu!20:51
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gorguthow goes?20:51
jordi_hi everyone21:05
jordi_i'm trying to install xubuntu on a very old laptop, pentium II 233mhz and 128MB of memory21:05
jordi_is it suitable for this old computer?21:05
jordi_or you would recommend other distro's?21:05
zoredachejordi_: with some effort, you might get it running, but your systems is below the reccomended specs21:06
ubottuFor installing on low memory systems, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems.  See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements.21:06
zoredacheyou might need to look at something like dsl or puppy21:06
jordi_i see...21:07
jordi_the thing is that i haven't been able to install it cause it freezes21:07
jordi_ubottu: i'll have a look at that link , thanks21:07
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:07
zoredacheif you want to attempt the install, you will have to use the alternate installer cd21:07
ubottuThe Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD.  Look for the link on the Ubuntu download page - See also !minimal21:07
zoredachethe livecd requires 192mb21:08
jordi_zoredache: if that doesn't work i'll try puppy, thanks21:08
jordi_oh, i see21:08
zoredacheyou might also want to see if you can beg, borrow, or steal more ram.  if you could get it up to 256mb you would probably could get going21:10
jordi_well... i though of that... but i don't even know where i could get ram for that machine21:11
jordi_maybe on the internet, i don't know21:11
n2diyI'm having issues between my monitor and VGA card after install, the splash screen is crystal clear, but when X starts, the screen is AFU?21:29
gorgutwhat kinda afu?21:30
n2diygorgut: the screen goes dimmer, lots of horz. streaks and two mouse pointers appear, with the ghost pointer to the left of the real pointer. The horz. scan rate is to high.21:32
gorgutsounds like maybe a problem with your xorg.conf21:33
gorgutn2diy: looking through my config files. one sec :)21:36
woodefecis there a way i can use polish letters typing ALT + A (for instance)?21:37
woodefeci cannot set it21:37
woodefeci have got an international normal keyboard21:38
woodefecnever bothered on suse, was no problem, always nice polish letters. here on xubuntu they dont work21:40
gorgutwoodefec: try looking at xfce menu> settings> settings manager then at keyboard and then the settings tab21:42
gorgutwoodefec: try changing the layout in there maybe21:42
gorgutn2diy: not sure about your monitor issue The way the xorg.conf is configured must have changed since I had to fiddle with it last. Do you know the specs for your monitor?21:44
woodefecgorgut, thank you21:53
woodefeci tried this options, dont help21:53
n2diygorgut: no, I need to look the specs up. I found the dpkg command to reconfigure X, and I ran it here for a test, and I had a fatal error inserting the battery from the acpi.ko module. Why is my desktop concerned about batteries?22:01
gorgutno idea. I wasn't aware xorg did anything with that22:02
=== cody-somerville_ is now known as cody-somerville
gorgutwhat's up23:10
ArtelusI accidently disabled my desktop or something...23:10
Artelushow do i get it back?23:10
gorgutwhat do you mean?23:11
ArtelusI went into the system monitor and killed something called "X desktop" or x server or something and now my desktop is gone23:11
Artelusand i can't get it back even if i restart my computer.... >_>23:11
gorgutone sec23:11
gorguttry startxfce423:11
Artelusthanks :)23:12
ArtelusI'll try that.23:12
Artelusthat didn't work23:14
ArtelusThis is so stupid!23:14
ArtelusWhat did i do?23:14
gorgutnot sure23:14
gorgutwhat error did you get?23:15
ArtelusNothing happened23:15
gorgutnothing at all?23:15
Artelusjust tell me how do get my desktop icons and wallpaper back23:15
Artelusyes, nothing23:15
gorgutok. what happens when you hit Alt+Ctrl+F7?23:15
TheSheepalt+f2 and type 'xfdesktop'23:17
TheSheepor just go to settings, desktop settings, and tick 'let xfce manage my desktop'23:18
gorgutohh. obviously i misunderstood :p23:18
gorgutmakes sense now23:18
lesshastewhat is the xubuntu equivalent of system->preferences->sound23:19
lesshasteI can't seem to find it23:19
Artelus1What the hell just happened?23:20
Artelus1I pressed ALT CTRL F723:20
Artelus1and the screen went back23:20
Artelus1it said disabling firewall23:20
Artelus1and it just HUNG.23:20
Artelus1with the black screen23:20
Artelus1so i restarted it23:20
Artelus1then it wouldn't load for like...5 minutes23:20
lesshasteI am trying to follow "4. Open System/Preferences/Sound. In the Devices section, ensure that all "Sound playback" options are set to Autodetect. Set the "Sound capture" item to "PulseAudio". Close the application when you're finished."23:20
Artelus1then it loaded and restarted by itself23:20
Artelus1And now i log in, and my DESKTOp is still gone23:20
TheSheepgenerally, alt+ctrl+f1 f2, etc. swtches between virtual consoles23:20
Artelus1so someone explain to me, what could i have POSSIBLY have done23:21
Artelus1to mess up my computer?23:21
TheSheeplesshaste: that's for ubuntu, right?23:21
lesshasteTheSheep, yes23:21
TheSheeplesshaste: xubuntu doesn't use pulseaudio by default23:21
lesshastefrom http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=492890023:21
lesshasteTheSheep, oh... am I making a terrible mistake?? I just got to point 323:22
TheSheepartelus1: patience, grasshopper23:22
lesshasteand am trying to do point 423:22
TheSheeplesshaste: of what?23:22
TheSheeplesshaste: what are you doing?23:22
lesshasteTheSheep, Part A: Common instructions (Hardy & Intrepid)23:22
lesshasteTheSheep, on that website23:23
Artelus1it still doesn't work -.-23:23
lesshasteI following the first three steps already23:23
TheSheepArtelus1: calm down23:23
Artelus1How do i get my desktop back? T_T23:23
TheSheepArtelus1: can you log in in the text mode?23:23
Artelus1text mode...?23:24
Artelus1what is that?23:24
lesshasteoh dear23:24
TheSheepthere are several virtual terminals, most of them text terminals, swtched with alt+ctrl+f1, f2, f3, etc. your graphical environment is usually started on the 7th one23:25
TheSheeplesshaste: what website? I just came...23:25
TheSheepArtelus1: now, if you press alt+ctrl+f1, you should see a text prompt for login23:25
TheSheepArtelus1: you should be able to log in there,, and do text commands23:26
Artelus1I think i just did that23:26
TheSheepArtelus1: for example, the command 'sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart' should restart the graphical environment23:26
Artelus1Well, how do i make xfdesktop startup?23:27
TheSheepArtelus1: can you describe hwat you see exactly? you log in in the graphical prompt, yes?23:28
TheSheepArtelus1: can you see the panels?23:28
TheSheepArtelus1: or just blank screen?23:28
Artelus1it's just a blank screen23:29
ChrisInFrostxubuntu rocks!23:32
TheSheepArtelus1: but after you get the login prompt?23:32
Artelus1What do you want me to do?23:32
TheSheepArtelus1: I'm trying to guess what is your situation first23:33
TheSheepArtelus1: when you power on your computer, do you get to the login screen?23:33
Artelus1I don't understand what you're talking about23:33
Artelus1I get the login screen for ubuntu23:33
Artelus1if i log in with gnome it's normal23:33
Artelus1but if i log in with xfce the desktop is not there23:34
TheSheepblue screen? or black?23:34
TheSheepor orange?23:34
Artelus1It's just a login screen.23:34
TheSheepafter the login screen23:35
Artelus1blue screen23:35
Artelus1The top panel works23:35
Artelus1just not the desktop23:35
Artelus1the panels are there23:35
TheSheepthen just go to applications->settings->desktop settings23:36
TheSheepand click on the 'let xfce manage my desktop' checkbox23:36
TheSheepyour desktop should appear23:36
TheSheeplet me know if it worked23:38
gorgutguess it worked?23:38
Artelusthat works23:41
Artelusbut when I log out and back in, it disappears, and I have to do that again23:41
ArtelusAlso, it says I need to save my session23:42
Artelushow do i do that?23:42
TheSheepyou can check a checkbox 'save my session' when logging out23:44
TheSheepbut I usually just delete the old saved sessions and it works23:44
TheSheepthey are in ~/.cache/sessions/23:44
ArtelusThen I've been saving my sessions23:44
ArtelusSo how do I make my desktop start up with my session?23:44
TheSheepyeah, you must have saved your session without desktop23:44
TheSheepdeleting the files in ~/.cache/sessions should help23:45
Artelusletme try23:45
Artelusit works :) thanks23:46
TheSheepsorry for the initial confusion23:46
Artelusletme try restarting though....something's weird about it23:46
TheSheepmake sure you have free space in your home dir23:47

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