obra | Are folks around? I posted about 9 hours ago - I'm seeing weird freezes apparently in the SCSI device with ubuntu on qemu-arm. Is this a known obvious idiotic thing I'm doing? | 01:52 |
julianoliver | i'm targetting ARM7. does the current version of Ubuntu-ARM support this architecture (even experimentally) or is this slated for an April release? | 02:36 |
julianoliver | i refer to http://www.ubuntu.com/news/arm-linux | 02:49 |
julianoliver | i'm targetting ARM7. does the current version of Ubuntu-ARM support this architecture (even experimentally) or is this slated for an April release? | 11:56 |
julianoliver | i refer to http://www.ubuntu.com/news/arm-linux | 11:56 |
armin76 | julianoliver: ubuntu atm is armv5 afaik, and it does work with armv7 | 11:58 |
julianoliver | what kind of speed difference would i be look at for raw number crunching? | 12:09 |
julianoliver | s/look/looking/ | 12:09 |
julianoliver | eg comparing Ubuntu optomised for armv5 to Angstrom optomised for armv7 | 12:10 |
armin76 | no clue, i don't have an armv7 :) | 12:12 |
armin76 | and i'm no ubuntu dev either | 12:13 |
julianoliver | right thanks. | 12:18 |
lool | obra: No idea about your specific problem, I recall someone mentionning scsi OOPSes in qemu because generic SCSI support was turned on -- IIRC; but I'm surprized you get this with Aurélien's kernel | 13:22 |
lool | obra: I'd report to the qemu folks in all cases | 13:22 |
lool | julianoliver: It's hard to tell, but there are noticeable differences between ARMv5 and ARMv6 + VFP at least | 13:23 |
lool | So I'd expect v7 + VFP to imply an even more noticeable difference | 13:23 |
julianoliver | lool: right, thanks. | 13:39 |
julianoliver | lool: i'll try to make use of as many armv7 compile-time optomisations for my code and see if that helps. | 13:44 |
julianoliver | i'm trying to use the script build-arm-rootfs and after a long process of downloading and building it fails with this output: http://rafb.net/p/tCVnne85.html | 14:23 |
julianoliver | hehe ugh.. i see that the typo's mine | 14:23 |
julianoliver | nvm. | 14:23 |
maxriskfactor | I am trying to make the memory available more than 256MB while making ubuntu arm to run under qemu-system-arm | 23:45 |
maxriskfactor | anybody facing the same problem? | 23:45 |
maxriskfactor | i get a segfault when giving more than 256MB | 23:46 |
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