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calcgrr, it seems the archive is staying in an inconsistent state01:19
calctranslate-toolkit was broken earlier today now openjdk-6-jdk can't install01:19
brettaltonI'm looking to subscribe to changes to individual packages, such as rhythmbox, pidgin, human-icon-theme, etc. I'm wondering if that01:27
brettalton's possible? I don't want bug reports, but rather source updates01:27
brettaltone.g. https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rhythmbox... but subscribe to the changes01:28
brettaltonsorry: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rhythmbox01:29
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Hobbseeafternoon all02:17
Hobbseesoren: please do.  that always annoys me too.02:17
nhandlerHey Hobbsee02:17
Hobbseeoh, you did.  thanks :)02:21
* Hobbsee waves to nhandler :)02:21
ebroderHmm...if I want to get the fix for bug 340993 backported to Hardy, should I wait until the SRU process for bug 339815 is completed, or should I try to change it now?05:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 340993 in alpine "alpine's ./configure wants Build-Depends and Depends: aspell" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34099305:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 339815 in alpine "SRU: Alpine on Hardy fails to build with GSSAPI support" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33981505:29
ebroder(I realize that these are both my bugs and I should have thought this through harder)05:29
ebroder(Well, sort of my bugs)05:30
virtuelvcould someone with knowledge about gvfs please look at https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/33038310:25
ubottuUbuntu bug 330383 in gvfs "MTP is preferred over UMS/MSC" [Undecided,New]10:25
virtuelvit's reducing functionality of lots of devices, and completely breaking it for people who have different preferences than Rhythmbox10:25
mdkecould someone who understands a bit more about package dependencies than me take a look at the last comment on bug 281277?10:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 281277 in gnome-user-docs "[Intrepid] "Assistive Tool" string shows untranslated" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28127710:37
cjwatsonmdke: followed up to the bug10:58
mdkecjwatson: many thanks - I'll try adding the -proposed repository and installing the package from there to be double sure10:59
cody-somervillecjwatson, I thought that if a relationship field has a version number attached then only real packages will be considered to see whether the relationship is satisfied.11:03
cjwatsoncody-somerville: correct; however, in this case, the relationship field is unversioned11:03
ion_keybuk: Judging from the screenshot at http://code.google.com/p/pybootchartgui/ pybootchartgui should display CPU and IO usage in the process bars. Here it doesn’t seem to do that. Any ideas why?11:04
cody-somervillecjwatson, ugh, sorry. I had misread the output. :)11:04
mdkecjwatson: seems to work, the upgrade tool and apt-get upgrade don't want to remove rarian-compat or install scrollkeeper so I guess it must be a problem with gdebi only11:09
mdkecjwatson: thanks for looking into it11:09
jsgotangcoscrollkeeper! now that's a package i haven't heard for quite a while :)11:10
mdkehi there jsgotangco11:10
jsgotangcohello mdke11:11
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rlameiroanyone can help me here wit init scripts?13:06
rlameiroI made a script to run in rc6.d13:07
rlameiroto mount a samba share with cifs13:07
rlameiromade the update-rc.d13:07
rlameiroand the links apear at the places I want13:07
rlameirobut the share does not apear13:08
rlameiroif I run the script after reb oot by hand it works13:08
rlameirosorry, not the best place...13:09
directhexmount? on rc6?13:12
rlameiroI misspelled it13:12
rlameirothat is for rebbot preparation13:12
directhex5? on debbuntu?13:12
rlameiroI want the share to be mounted after the network is up13:13
rlameiroIf I put it in fstab13:13
rlameiroit will wait for network13:13
rlameirothen fails and goes on with bot13:13
rlameiroand the share gets mounted13:14
rlameirobut i wanted to be mounted without waiting 2 minutes and fails13:14
rlameirois for  my htpc mythbuntu13:14
rlameiroany thoughts?13:16
rlameiroI used the update-rc.d13:17
rlameiroand  the sym links appear in place13:17
directhexyou're using network-manager, or just static /etc/network/interfaces?13:17
directhexyour approach is wrong, then.13:19
rlameiroI ssh now13:19
directhexfirstly, debina/ubuntu don't use rc513:19
rlameiroand the link dont appears13:19
directhexsecondly, you can't guarantee your interface will be up in ANY runlevel with network-manager13:19
directhextake a peek in /etc/network/if-up.d/13:20
directhexespecially /etc/network/if-up.d/mountnfs13:20
directhexdebian/ubuntu use runlevel 2 for multi-user system.13:20
rlameiroI read the runlevels in debian structure13:21
rlameiroand they talked about rc513:21
directhexbut i told you, it won't help if you can't be certain that the network will be up13:21
rlameiroi will ssh pico the /etc/network/if-up.d/mountnfs13:22
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rlameirodirecthex: can I just drop there at the end of the script the mouont line?13:24
rlameiroI dont know sh scripting...13:25
rlameirogoing for reboot now13:28
rlameirosee if it works13:28
rlameirodidnt worked13:30
rlameirowell I am without ideas for this13:41
slytherinwhat is significance of device /dev/sr0?13:41
rlameirocdrom? maybe?13:42
slytherinrlameiro: what happens if the device node is not present? I am getting permission denied error in totem while trying to play DVD. Could it be related?13:46
rlameirodo you have the css codec?13:46
slytherinyes, I have libdvdcss installed. xine plays the dvd fine. But anything that uses libdvdread is causing problem. totem (gstreamer), mplayer, vlc etc13:47
cjwatsonpermission denied is likely to be a device-level error not anything to do with codecs13:47
cjwatsoncheck whether you can actually read from the device13:47
slytherincjwatson: xine plays the dvd fine.13:48
slytheringxine I mean13:48
cjwatsonfind out what device those applications are using; check dmesg and such to find out whether that actually corresponds to the device you're using; further questions on this to #ubuntu unless you discover a bug in which case file it ...13:48
slytherinI had discussion with Keybuk yesterday but I could not reach any conclusion.13:49
slytherinand I remembered a bug I had filed regarding wrong permission with IDE DVD/CDROM which was fixed by him. So I was wondering if this is similar bug.13:50
rlameiroslytherin, I have a problem to mount a cifs share at startup13:50
rlameiroI think that ubuntu could have some kind of start script/conf file to add shares to be mounted after the network manager is up13:51
rlameirodo you now anything about that?13:52
rlameiroor cjwatson,?13:52
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slytherinrlameiro: nope13:54
cjwatsonrlameiro: no, and please ask support questions in #ubuntu; I realise that it's noisier there, but consider what it would be like here if everyone asked for user help here rather than in #ubuntu :-)13:56
rlameirothis is not help13:58
rlameiroit is more a feature request13:58
rlameirolike to make a simple script13:59
rlameirowhere to put it etc13:59
rlameiroI could make a python script after that to help people to make this13:59
rlameirolike that they will not have the same problems that i have13:59
cjwatsonfeature requests => bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu14:01
cjwatsonwe can't effectively track them on IRC14:01
cjwatsonand the people who would be best to deal with any given feature request are not around on IRC 24/7, so putting it somewhere where they can see it asynchronously is actually better for you14:01
cjwatsonor answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu if you're asking a question ("is this possible?") rather than filing a bug ("please make this possible")14:02
rlameirono prob14:02
rlameiroI will try someanoe answer me in #ubuntu14:02
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RainCT_argh.. nvidia glx180 is conflicting with itself since the last update in jaunty (that is, the normal package conflicts with -dev)14:51
slytherinRainCT_: is normal package and -dev at same version?14:51
RainCT_slytherin: yes14:52
RainCT_to clarify, it's not that there is a Conflicts, but that it tries to override a file and dpkg doesn't like that14:53
slytherinoh, that is problem then.14:53
* RainCT_ should read more carefully.. actually, it's dpkg-divert not wanting to divert :S14:54
RainCT_it says something like:  name change means overwriting "/usr/lib/libGL.so" with "/usr/lib/nvidia/libGL.so.xlibmesa", not allowed14:56
BUGabundoapw: ogasawara ping14:57
BUGabundowifi device is not working after suspend to memory on jaunty latest kernel14:57
BUGabundoknown or file new bug?14:57
RainCT_I've uninstalled the -dev package, installed it again and this time it worked14:59
RainCTalright, nvidia and compiz are working fine again15:03
BUGabundobug 34280415:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 342804 in linux "wifi (intel 4965) fails to work after suspend to ram" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34280415:07
BUGabundoRainCT: really?15:07
BUGabundoI have to reload my desktop everytime I reboot!15:07
RainCTBUGabundo: reload?15:07
BUGabundoRainCT:  $ compiz --reload or fusion icon reload15:15
RainCTBUGabundo: Ah. Here the problem I have is that if I switch to metacity I can't get Compiz back without restarting X15:17
BUGabundodon't know15:17
BUGabundomine wsa not working last week15:17
BUGabundobut now I can just boot to compiz no problmo15:17
BUGabundolet me change to metacity and back to see if it works!15:17
BUGabundodo you have a prefered way for me to do it?15:17
BUGabundoor can I just use Fusion Icon15:18
RainCTBUGabundo: fusion icon is fine15:19
RainCT(is fine == you can use it. it fails the same as runing from Alt+F2)15:19
BUGabundook Compiz>metacity worked15:20
BUGabundogonna try vs15:20
* BUGabundo prepares a terminal timeout with compiz --replace15:20
BUGabundoalmost worked15:21
BUGabundoWM bars gone! needed to reload too15:21
BUGabundobut I'm on compiz again!15:22
BUGabundoNVidia 840015:22
calci got a very strange failure to upload message on powerpc for OOo15:22
calcit says this:15:22
BUGabundoRainCT:  nvidia-glx-180:  Installed: 180.37-0ubuntu115:22
DreadKnighthello, can't manage to install flash 10 for 64 bit ubuntu15:22
* RainCT has got a GeForce 9600M GT15:24
BUGabundoDreadKnight: go to #ubuntu-mozillateam and ask fta or asac there15:24
calcwho should i ping about an issue like that?15:24
DreadKnightBUGabundo, thanks, will do15:24
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pARAd0XI want to know the complete list of features set in the Jakalope18:06
pARAd0Xis there any link, google haven't helped me much18:06
pARAd0Xho ho !18:13
pARAd0Xtoc toc toc ! Is there anybody here ?18:14
LaserJockpARAd0X: what do you mean by "feature set"?18:18
LaserJockyou might look at the 9.04 blueprints on Launchpad but that doesn't specifically tell you what all will be included18:21
JanCthere are also the release notes for the alpha releases18:22
JanCand several other sources18:22
JanCthe "complete feature set" would be more than 10000 pages long I suppose  :-)18:22
pARAd0XI need only one source, about what will be the Jakalope, I mean, news about DeviceKit, iBUS, DBus, XServer 1.6 or 1.7 ...18:23
pARAd0Xlike what we found in the fedora site18:23
cjwatsonobviously it needs to be fleshed out further, but that is the place18:26
cjwatson(until such time as the marketing people start putting together presentations and such for www.ubuntu.com anyway)18:26
hyperairthat page misses out on the intel driver performance regressions18:35
cjwatsonit's a wiki18:36
cjwatsonit suffers from the fact that only the release team have made serious additions to it so far this cycle, rather than people who are specifically focused on documentation18:36
hyperairheh right18:37
hyperairmaybe i should add that18:37
jdongstupid question; can someone link/explain what were the "outstanding issues" with encrypted home dirs?18:44
IntuitiveNipplejdong: I did see a report about the key-file being in the encrypted volume - not sure if that is relevant :p18:46
IntuitiveNippleI suspect bug #277578 and #317895 are blockers18:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 277578 in ecryptfs-utils "ecryptfs does not work properly over nfs, cifs, or samba" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27757818:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 317895 in ecryptfs-utils "netboot newuser and ecryptfs fails to login" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31789518:51
cjwatsonjdong: installer doesn't force encrypted swap when you're using it18:52
cjwatson(and it's tricky to do so because the partitioner's already finished by the time we get round to asking that question, so it requires some more thought)18:53
jdongah, I see18:53
jdongthat make sense18:53
cjwatsonthat's the specific reason that led the security team to ask us to disable it; there may be other problems of course18:54
jdongyeah, that's entirely legitimate18:54
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ScottKcjwatson: Thanks for fixing up qt4-x11 on powerpc.19:43
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picklesworthHm... you folks may like this patch more than upstream will, since Jaunty's notification stuff is less obtrusive: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=56788020:37
ubottuGnome bug 567880 in general "Changing keyboard layout should trigger visual feedback" [Enhancement,Unconfirmed]20:37
picklesworthpersonally, I think it's awesome... although I am a little biased :P20:38
sistpotymdz, cjwatson, Keybuk: mind moderating my mail to u-d-a? (btw.: still a mystery who can moderate posts there, last time I failed pitti wrote me that I should've informed him earlier, but he's not mentioned in "list-run by ..." details, maybe other moerators aren't eitther?)20:45
ebroderHmm...I'm testing a build of the pyrex package in my jaunty chroot, and it's FTBFSing because it's installing the module into /usr/local. Anyone seen this?21:01
ebroderIs there any special Python configuration in the buildd chroots that I might be missing?21:07
ebroderHmm...actually, I think this might have been broken by one of the recent python-central uploads21:20
* sistpoty goes to bed... gn821:23
maxbebroder: Sounds like the source hasn't been modified for the Python 2.6 transition21:23
maxbIt is now required to pass --install-layout=deb to python setup.py21:24
ebrodermaxb: The source shouldn't need to be modified - it keys on the output of pyversions21:24
ebroderOh, really? Huh. Ok21:24
wgrantebroder: distutils needs --install-layout=deb passed now.21:24
ebroderI eventually tracked that down, and I have a patch - bug #342936 and bug #34293721:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 342936 in pyrex "pyrex FTBFS under Jaunty" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34293621:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 342937 in pyrex "Pyrex needs to be rebuilt for Python 2.6" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34293721:25
ebroderAre there going to be any mechanisms to catch other packages like this before release?21:25
wgrantebroder: I've almost finished an archive rebuild, and am currently triaging the failures.21:26
wgrantI have around 70 that appear to result from this same Python issue.21:26
ebroderwgrant: Awesome. Do you need help? I'd be glad to look at a few of those21:26
wgrantebroder: I haven't got a list at the moment, but should tomorrow.21:27
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cjwatsonsavvas: bug 316579: it's not your decision to make. copyright subsists by default; copyright holders need to disclaim interest for it to be public domain.22:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 316579 in soyuz "Soyuz needs to switch to obtaining Packages-arch-specific from non-obsolete source" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31657922:51
cjwatsonScottK: glad it works now. Were there any give-backs to do further up the stack as a result of the breakage?22:57
slangasekcjwatson: well, under US law there's nothing copyrightable in that file because there's no originality23:07
slangasekbut obviously there are other laws besides US law that may be relevant here, since only one of the named parties is even a US resident :)23:07
cjwatsonslangasek: I didn't want to venture an opinion on whether there was originality or not23:08
cjwatsonUK law is ... not as clear on the subject as it might be, I think. The CDPA has some language about "creative works" but there are some parts of it that seemed very unclear last time I looked23:09
ScottKcjwatson: I kicked off some retries (re qt4-x11). I haven't had a chance to see how they worked out.23:20
stephenr82hey guys, simple question. Im looking here: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+source/linux/2.6.28-9.31. How am i to apply this diff patch?23:22
stephenr82if i gunzip the orig and get the diff file and do patch < difffile it can't find the files23:23
mdkehi there. I just did a debdiff for a simple change for yelp, and without me touching anything the list of uploaders has been changed: is that normal? http://launchpadlibrarian.net/23868503/342972.debdiff23:23
dtchenstephenr82: you need to either provide the starting path explicitly and/or you need to use -p23:23
wgrantmdke: Yes, unfortunately.23:23
wgrantmdke: GNOME packages are magic.23:23
wgrantIn a bad way.23:23
mdkewgrant: do I need to do anything about it, or can I submit the debdiff like that?23:23
wgrantmdke: You could always remove it, but it's reasonable to submit like that IMO.23:24
mdkeok :)23:24
stephenr82hi dtchen, the -p doesnt seem to work. I have done -p 17 and its still giving me:         can't find file to patch at input line 3 .... |--- linux-2.6.28.orig/Makefile23:34
dtchenstephenr82: let's step into #ubuntu, please23:34

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