
dthackerI'm building a new 8.10 backend (only backend on network).   It looks like mythfilldb is pulling listings from my account, but I'm not getting any listings in the database.  How can I troubleshoot??03:32
* dthacker nudges the channel to see if anyone is awake03:53
jargonjustinHey all, I just did a dist-upgrade from Mythbuntu 8.08 to 8.10, and my display setup (proprietary nvidia) seems to have broken.  Now when I go to Hardware Drivers and try to activate the new driver, nothing seems to happen.04:19
jargonjustinThat is, after clicking activate I get a brief progress bar to come up (after authentication) that then disappears, leaving the driver unactivated. I'm not sure what logs to check for more information.04:20
dthackerjust ran mythfilldatabase with the -v database flag.  Inserts appear to be ok, I still have no listings.  How do I debug and fix?04:42
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Guest41022hey all, having a strange problem with Mythbuntu, where Xfce is showing up as a blank screen. I can access the other terminal windows, all are coming up w/ command line... This was working a few days ago...06:24
Shadow__Xis there a way to run xfce applets in gnome?08:54
dthackerhappy Saturday12:56
dthackerI'm still not seeing any listings at all in the guide.   I ran mythfilldatabase with the -v database option to watch the inserts and everything looks ok. How can I debug and fix this?12:57
rlameiroanyone here knows how to mount something using run levels?13:04
rlameiroI wanted to mount a samba share at runlevel 513:04
rlameirodoes the script need to have specialthings?13:05
rlameiro only puted the #!/bin/sh13:05
rlameiroand then the mount command13:05
* dthacker is going to manually look at the database to see if listings are getting inserted13:11
dthackerhmmm can't log in as user "mythtv" at the command line13:22
dthackerreboot again.13:23
dthackerwhat does "Enable Database Server Wakeup" do?  Isn't the database always up?13:27
rlameiroI think not13:28
rlameiroI think it is to save resources13:28
rlameirobut I am not expert13:29
dthackerok, mysqld daemons are running, that's promising13:31
dthackermysql -u mythtv -p is not working with the password shown on the front end setup screen.13:33
dthackerthis all started when I tried to enter set the machine on a static IP address, and I had a working 7.10 setup with remote frontends.  Argh13:35
ZinnSorry I don't know about listings13:38
ZinnSorry I don't know about database13:39
dthackerWell, this channel has been really dead this week.  I'll go try the mailing list.13:44
rlameiroyea is dead13:47
|dthacker|I think I've isolated my problem to mythfilldatabase not inserting into the MySQL tables.   Any troubleshooting tips?14:28
rhpot1991!mysql | |dthacker|14:28
Zinn|dthacker|: If you are having problems connecting to your mysql database, you can perform the following to reconfigure it: 1. sudo dpkg-reconfigure mysql-server-5.0 (pay attention to the root password you set, you will need it for the next step) 2. sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-database 3. sudo dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-common14:28
|dthacker|thanks rhpot1991, but I'm reluctant to do that, because I can connect at the command line using mysql -u mythtv -p and the password in /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt14:31
rhpot1991|dthacker|: I'd verify the grabber is returning something, and that your mythtv mysql user can write to the mythconverg database14:32
|dthacker|rhpot1991: I've run mythfilldatabase -v database and watched the log.  I'm getting program info and it's getting formed into SQL inserts.  I don't think that debug option logs MySql insert errors.  I think I'm not inserting, 'cos I've got zero rows in the "program" table14:36
|dthacker|I'm going to run a "refresh-today14:38
|dthacker|and see what happens....14:38
|dthacker|2009-03-14 09:39:50.347 No channels are configured to use grabber.14:42
|dthacker| 14:42
|dthacker|tha looks suspicious14:42
|dthacker|found it.  missing setting in lineup.14:56
hein_Hello. I just tried to install Mythweb, but unforunally it didn't work.15:11
hein_I could lock in.15:12
hein_Soory couldn't login.15:12
rlameirohein_: n mythbuntu?15:12
hein_No, Mythtv under Ubuntu 8.1015:12
rlameirotry to configure it thru the front end configuration15:13
hein_I work through several tip and tricks I found in the web, but seems I destroyed more then it helps.15:13
hein_I can configure mythweb through the mythfrontend?15:14
rlameiroI dont know15:15
rlameiroin mythbuntu they have a configuration tool for that15:15
rlameiromaybe at the backend conf15:15
rlameirolet-me see15:15
hein_rlameiro, it's not possible to configure the mythweb with the frondend.15:16
hein_Yes, there is a configuration tool, but does it work under "normal" ubuntu also?15:17
rlameiroeven with back end15:17
rlameirowait a moment15:17
rlameirolet me try something else15:17
hein_Easiest way could be I try to install it.15:18
rlameiroI am looking at that now15:18
hein_Oh, there are some dependencies, one is mythbuntu-common. Wah will this do?15:19
rlameiroI think so15:20
rlameiroI am seeing it now15:20
rlameiroinstall it15:20
rlameiroit will not break your sistem15:20
hein_Ok, then I will try it. the package I need seems to be mythbuntu-control-centre15:21
rlameirois that15:21
ZinnSorry I don't know about15:21
rlameiroI think it will be that15:22
hein_Synaptic is running. ....15:22
rlameiroIt allows to setup lirc remotes, vnc, mysql, etc15:22
rlameirowhen is installed say something15:24
hein_Seems it works. Great.15:26
hein_I had to do a dpkg-reconfigure mythtv-database15:26
hein_But it seems it woks.15:26
rlameirotry it now15:27
rlameiroit is at applications &plugins15:28
hein_Waht happens if I do a reboot? Change I my normal Ubuntu desktop to a media server now?15:28
rlameiroyou can do that15:28
rlameiroif you chose to auto login15:28
hein_Let me first try if the web interface works.15:29
rlameiroand then mytv frontend is opened at boot15:29
hein_No, I couldn't login15:30
hein_Did you know where I can change the password/login?15:31
rlameiroin applications & plugins15:31
rlameiroat the control center15:31
hein_Sorry I foundit.15:31
rlameiroit should work15:32
rlameirono if you want your computer to log directly to mythtv15:34
rlameiroyou need to config that15:34
hein_No not this computer. I just testing it. I want to setup a mediaserver and at the moment I test which software fits my needs bsst.15:35
rlameiroyou can do that in Artwork and login behaviour15:35
rlameiroI just set up mine15:35
rlameiromy tv is not working good15:35
rlameirobut the problem is my tv capture card...15:36
hein_I tried vdr and now im testing mythbuntu. vdr works, but it's from the look and feel a decade behind mythtv15:36
hein_I've a DVB-S card, work fine, excellent picture.15:36
rlameirowell ia have analog card15:37
rlameiroand analog cable....15:37
rlameironot so lucky...15:37
rlameiroI am happy it works15:38
hein_vdr is more common in german.15:38
hein_Not in german, ijn Germany.15:38
rlameiroI saw now15:39
rlameirogoogled it15:39
hein_But mythtv is much easier to install and logs better. Did you know if HDTV works with mythtv?15:39
rlameiroin theory it should work15:40
rlameirobut i cant now that15:40
rlameiroI am in analog world yet....15:40
rlameirostill sorry...15:40
hein_What I want to do is do replace all media things with on server, like TV, CD, radio, DVD.15:40
rlameiromythbunto is made for that15:41
hein_HDTV is just an option for the future, at the moment I've anly a normal TV, no LCD.15:42
hein_Yes mythbuntu looks great. I'll try my remote.15:42
hein_My remote didn't work, I've to look at this.15:44
hein_rlameiro, many thanks for your help.15:44
rlameirowich remote is?15:44
hein_the remote is the one that cames with my DVB card, it's a Hauppauge WinTV Nova HD-S2.15:45
rlameirodid you selected it at the control center - infrared devices?15:45
rlameironormally haupage is well suported15:46
hein_It's the same card and remote as an Hauppauge ... 4000 or so, only that it didn't have an analog grabber and no radio receiver.15:46
rlameirothere is a remot that says15:47
hein_Yes I think so, let me check it.15:47
rlameirohauppage DVB-s15:47
rlameiroversion 2.115:47
rlameirotry that15:47
hein_I have selected it. But I have running the lirc also.15:48
rlameirothere is also nova t50015:48
hein_No, the Nova t500 0is the wrong one.15:48
hein_The DVB 2.1 is the right choise.15:48
rlameirois it working?15:49
rlameirodid you applyied the settings?15:52
hein_In the frondend configuration I found an item "LIRC Scripts". Did you know what this is for?15:52
rlameiroi dont really know15:52
rlameiromaybe is for controll other devices via infrared15:53
rlameirohow is your ir receiver15:53
rlameirodo you connect it to your DBV-s board?15:53
hein_Yes, is connected through teh DVB card15:55
hein_It worked under vdr, via lirc.15:55
rlameirohere I cant help much15:56
rlameiroIm not an expert15:56
hein_I read somewhere, that lirc is included in mythtv, so that should not start a own lirc daemon. Is this right?15:56
rlameiroI also couldnt use my captures card remote15:56
rlameirobuyed a microsoft remote15:57
rlameirois it running?15:57
hein_No, I have to read the instructions I think.15:57
hein_If I start mythbuntu, it kills my lircd.15:57
hein_I'll take a look at the log files. One moment.15:58
hein_No, nothing to see.16:02
hein_But if not, then I'll buy a MS remote.16:02
hein_Let my try na reboot. I'll back in some minutes.16:03
hein__So, I'm back. Remote still didn't work16:13
hein__rlameiro: Remote works.16:40
hein__It was just a problem with the /de/... configuration in the lirc.conf.16:41
rlameiroI was mounting my htpc at the living room16:43
rlameirodvd player stalls at menu16:43
Zinnrlameiro: Please watch your language.16:43
rlameirosorry sorry16:43
rlameiroreally sorry16:43
hein__rlameiro, why are you sorry? You where a big help for me.Many thanks.16:44
rlameirosorry for the language16:45
rlameiroread back16:45
hein__You mean this small 4 letter word?16:50
rlameirohein_ is your dvd working?16:50
hein__Ok, shouldn't be, but sometimes if the things didn't go as wanted ... :-)16:50
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styelzi was getting no audio on my HDHR . HD channels19:01
styelzas soon as i changed the "Use Quick Tuning" option from LiveTV to Never.. it started to get audio19:03
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styelzanyone know why i would be getting 2 live-tv recordings of every channel i watch. They get deleted automatically when i highlight them in the view recording list too.20:07
styelzscheduled recordings work fine20:07
styelz1 file is 0 bytes, the other file is normal size for the recoding. the 0 byte file is 3 second difference in timestamp20:08
=== aclose is now known as aclose|away
styelzoh i see21:10
styelzi need to watch live tv for more than a minute or so21:11
Zinn!help For a  complete list of my knowledge visit: http://www.baablogic.net/Zinn.cgi  Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number].21:50
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FPSDavidIhave an AVI that has 2 languages and subtitles on it, but the default language isnt english. how do i change to the 2nd language (english) in myth?23:53

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