
AlexPersimmonhi there00:19
AlexPersimmonis there any GUI for wifi in xubuntu?00:20
AlexPersimmonI mean actual usage, not driver installation00:20
gorgutdo you see the 2 computers at the top of the screen?00:20
AlexPersimmonanything more advanced?00:21
gorgutwell, when you click on it, do you see a list of wireless networks?00:21
AlexPersimmonlike removal of redundant networks, any options?00:21
gorgutnot sure :)00:22
AlexPersimmonok thanks00:23
theoclHello. I've installed xubuntu, upgraded to 8.04 and experiencing both 1) no sound (old SB16 card was working in this install after changes to alsa-base) and 2) Totem Movieplayer error "Could not open location; you might not have permission to open the file." I'm new to IRC and happy to receive helpful comment.01:11
cajuni just installed xubuntu on an old laptop that had window millenium on it. after restarting, there is no top panel with menus.  how do i bring them back?01:15
ubottuDid you panels disappear? Press alt+f2 and run: xfce4-panel | See also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels | Want to theme your panels? See http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/10/12/howto-set-a-background-image-for-your-panel/01:15
cajunwhat can i do to make sure it comes back the next time i boot up?01:16
charlie-tcawhen you log out, make sure "save session" is checked01:17
cajunthank you01:18
charlie-tcaYou are welcome01:19
charlie-tcatheocl: did you get any errors during the upgrade?01:21
theoclcharlie-tca: none01:22
charlie-tcaIt may not have applied all the updates. I would open a terminal, run "sudo apt-get update" and sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"01:22
charlie-tcaThat will apply any updates not done. Then restart the system. Sometimes it works.01:23
theoclcharlie-tca: done - on this system, so will say thanks and get back after reboot01:27
charlie-tcaIf it still doesn't work, come on back01:27
theoclcharlie-tca: no messages, same issues i'm afraid. I don't know what specifically I did to get the card working once  but added an option line for the SB to alsa-base which is not there now. To copy a file into modprobe.d directory, do I delete the original first? (I have backups).01:43
theoclMy windows habits are dying hard.01:45
spikkuWhere's the default terminal located?  ex: /usr/bin/terminal01:49
spikkucharlie-tca: Thank you! :)02:01
charlie-tcaYou are welcome02:02
cajunwhat is a command to restart?02:07
cajunthe panel won't let me restart from the menu02:07
spikkucajun: ctrl+alt+F102:18
spikkuThen you'll have a non-GUI termina;02:18
spikkuThen `reboot`02:18
spikkuor `init 0`02:18
dkkongI"m having problems with my computer's resolution. It detects my resolution wrong and has a 0 refresh rate, since reconfiguring xserver-xorg isn't an option, what can I do?03:11
OSOQuick question - which version of Xfce will be used on Xubuntu 9.04?04:58
OSOThat's great. Thanks for help05:01
Moodis 4.6 worth the upgrade?05:40
Gaduhey, i'm trying to customize my xubuntu livecd for on-the-go (and showing off) using https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization06:12
Gaduhowever, i can't seem to find the config files for default desktop background and customizing panel06:12
Gaducould someone point me to the directory these files would be located?06:13
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Hancok hi, how can i access ext3 file system on windows xp?09:07
R1cocheti think u need a driver09:14
Hancokwhich one09:14
Hancokiam using kubuntu. how can i know on which port is my modem connected?09:14
jurismmHi! I removed from system-> services GDM manager And now I don't know how to enable it. I login in command line, enter startx, get another console, write firefox to start firefox and now what? Thank You!09:57
gumpert345hi is there a easy to use and install vnc server for xubuntu you would recommend?11:59
ubottuVNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX12:04
gumpert345yes, but I heard about some problems with vino, tightvnc with xubuntu, I hoped someone got a server up and running, and give me advice which one to choose, I can do the rest myself12:06
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vigneshHow Do I quickly add application shortcuts to the panel13:28
vigneshI am not able to right click on an application in the menu and add it to the panel13:29
gabbsmoHi, I cant set the screenres. to 1024x768, the option is not avaible. How do I fix this?13:53
b4|hrabanHi, I am using an ATi Radeon 9600 with proprietary drivers and I am seeing two Xorg processes. A little googling suggests that the proprietary ATi drivers are at fault (apparently since 2007). Now, I don't really care about how many processes there are, it's just that I am /very/ low on RAM :)14:12
b4|hraban512 MB, to be exact. so, I tried to check out if they are sharing memory or actually both allocate 350MB separately. http://pastebin.com/d4debf3af14:13
b4|hrabandoes that pmap output suggest that they are sharing their memory (save those 10 and 5 MBs)?14:14
gabbsmoHi, I cant set the screenres. to 1024x768, the option is not avaible. How do I fix this?14:24
durt!resolution | gabbsmo14:29
ubottugabbsmo: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution14:29
familiewhy is the font type in all my applications like firefox, mousepad, xchat, etc so big?15:50
familieit seems bigger then fontsize 915:51
knomenothing should be 9 by default.15:51
familieconfiguration manager > userinterface : font = SANS 915:52
familieif I change that to lets say font size 12, then all the menu fonts get bigger as axpectde, but one can clearly see that the menu fonts for the applications mentioned before are bigger then the fonts used in my taskbars15:55
knomefamilie, i'm not sure but there might be some limitations on certain elements.15:55
familieits not realy a limitation, its always bigger, no matter what my setting is15:58
familieso if I make my settign smaller so that the menu font is to my liking than i can't read the text in my taskbars anymore15:59
familiekind of anoying :-s15:59
familieok different question: why is energie management a user preference and not a system preference?16:25
familieI don't want my users to be able to set th epreferences so that the computer goes to sleep after 2 minutes16:27
familieis this the wrong channel for these kind of questions? :-s16:31
user1what is the package name for restricted codecs. mp3 etc. i think its kubuntu restricted extras. need the exact name and repo containing it. 2. i think there is a problem in konqueror offline and online mode. you know hoe to get there ?16:44
charlie-tcauser1: If you are using Xubuntu, it is xubuntu-restricted-extras, If you are using Kubuntu, you should ask on #kubuntu16:45
user1charlie-tca:  which repo?16:48
charlie-tca!info xubuntu-restricted-extras16:49
ubottuxubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used restricted packages. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 25 (intrepid), package size 4 kB, installed size 32 kB16:49
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash (a recent version for !Dapper is available in !backports) - See also !Restricted and !Gnash18:02
ubottuAn open source flash replacement.  It is still beta software. For current status or for more info http://www.gnu.org/software/gnash/18:09
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats18:09
charlie-tca!info xubuntu-restricted-extras18:10
ubottuxubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used restricted packages. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 25 (intrepid), package size 4 kB, installed size 32 kB18:10
charlie-tcahey, brandonban618:10
charlie-tcajust thought I would throw that into your mix18:10
brandonban6hi charlie-tca thanks........i can get flash to work for some reasons, trying to decide if it is a video card issue or flash problem18:12
charlie-tcaflash problem18:12
charlie-tcaalmost always18:12
charlie-tcaadobe maintains tight control of the code, so it is real hard to get it working with everything18:13
brandonban6yeah, i've noticed :)18:14
brandonban6brb reboot18:17
brandonban6ahh, so frustrating18:20
* brandonban6 takes deep breath18:20
brandonban6second issue, ATI Radeon X300 will not load the ATI/AMD FGLRX driver.18:22
brandonban6and flash continues to fail on me18:22
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btQuark_any idea if there's a way to get xubuntu 4.6 on intrepidß18:28
btQuark_hello all :D18:28
brandonban6hi btQuark_18:29
btQuark_or install the betas from here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Roadmap/Specifications/Intrepid/Xfce4.6 paralell to your stable xfce18:29
charlie-tcainstall Xfce 4.6 from the ppa18:29
btQuark_which ppa?18:30
btQuark_i just found xubuntu-dev which keeps some horrid 4.5beta stuff18:30
charlie-tcaGet it here: https://launchpad.net/~jerome-guelfucci/+archive/ppa . File the bugs against it on http://bugzilla.xfce.org/ .18:30
charlie-tcaFollow the instructions to add it to your sources: https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA#Adding%20a%20PPA%20to%20your%20Ubuntu%20repositories18:30
charlie-tcaInstall it in a tty using ctrl+alt+f2, log in, type "sudo apt-get update", hit enter. When that finishes, type "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade", hit enter.18:30
charlie-tcaRestart your computer, if it doesn't work, run the upgrade again.18:30
btQuark_i am actually quite curious to see what the 4.6 can do18:36
btQuark_update to 4.6 seems to have worked flawless18:46
btQuark_xfce 4.6 looks nice :D18:46
charlie-tcaUsing it is even nicer18:46
ArtelusCan someone help me?18:52
ArtelusI just fucked up my browser -.-18:52
Artelushow do i fix firefox? >_>18:52
Artelusanyone there who can personally help me?18:52
fretteI guess a bit more info would help ;p18:53
ArtelusWell noone seems to be here o.o18:53
Artelusalright so, i tried updating flash18:53
MyrttiArtelus: firefox -safe-mode18:53
Artelusbut doing that seemed to mess it up even more18:53
ArtelusI downloaded the flash at adobe.com and installed that18:53
Artelusand then all the flash stopped working, what the hell!?18:54
ArtelusSo I uninstalled it, and it still isn't working18:54
Artelusthen I stupidly uninstalled firefox, so how the hell can I get it back?18:54
btQuark_flash is evil18:54
ArtelusI tried searching firefox but all it gives me as a damn tar package18:54
ArtelusI looked it up in add/remove and there's like 100 firefox's18:54
btQuark_-> aptitude install firefox something18:54
Arteluslike...Firefox branding, Web browser18:55
ArtelusWhy can't this be simple?18:55
ArtelusMAN i HATe flash.18:55
btQuark_dont use it18:56
ArtelusWhy is the only program that can make flash files cost like...600 dollars18:56
Artelusand flash doesn't work. PERIOD18:56
Artelusand how does uninstalling flash fuck up everything in your browser?!18:56
knome!language | Artelus18:56
ubottuArtelus: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.18:56
knomeplease calm down.18:57
MyrttiArtelus: you can start off from clean slate by renaming the hidden .mozilla directory in your home.18:59
MyrttiArtelus: mv ~/.mozilla ~/.mozilla_backup19:00
Artelusmv: cannot stat `/root/.mozilla': No such file or directory19:02
Artelushold on...nvm19:03
ArtelusOk, can someone help me fix flash? >_>!!!19:04
ArtelusI just need to get this thing over with so i can move on with my life19:04
Artelushow do i get flash to work? I just don't understand any of this19:05
frettejust install the package flashplugin-nonfree...19:05
ArtelusI did19:05
Artelusit doesn't show up in firefox...19:05
Artelusand it says it's already installed19:05
Artelusbut it STILL doesn't show up on the list...19:05
fretteit's called shockwave flash in firefox19:05
ArtelusThe only thing I see is SWFdec SWF player19:05
ArtelusIt's not there....even though it says instaled19:06
Artelus"Package 'flashplugin-nonfree' is already installed"19:06
ArtelusI click "Ok" and "Finish" and nothing changes19:07
btQuark_Artelus: you should maybe think about either a little bit of rtfm or of windows or of crapple19:10
ArtelusHuh? o.o19:10
ArtelusWell i got nothing19:11
ArtelusI guess my computer someone developed AI and won't let me move on with my life, hehe19:11
TheSheepArtelus: don't install it with firefox, install it with synaptic or apt-get19:13
TheSheepArtelus: uninstall it now, with purge, and install again19:14
ArtelusThat's what I did19:14
ArtelusI installed it with apt-get19:14
AshlieeHi all.19:16
AshlieeI have xubuntu installed a comptuer, and there are old windows files on it too, but on a seperate part of the computer.  Is there a way to view those easily in xubuntu?19:16
TheSheep!ntfs | Ashliee19:17
ubottuAshliee: To view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE19:17
AshlieeThanks I will open that19:18
AshlieeI'm surprised, it doesn't look like there is an option somewhere in the settings to just do this.19:20
Ashlieeand downloading that script failed19:20
Ashlieeso 0 for 2 today19:20
Ashliee--2009-03-14 15:21:06--  http://media.ubuntu-nl.org/scripts/diskmounter19:21
AshlieeResolving media.ubuntu-nl.org... failed: Name or service not known.19:21
Ashlieewget: unable to resolve host address `media.ubuntu-nl.org'19:21
Ashlieei know i've seen it in the file system file manager before19:26
Ashlieedont remember how it got there19:26
TheSheepArtelus: what script?19:27
TheSheepjust do it manually19:27
Ashlieei was able to do it with a manual 'mount' but that just seems messy :P19:27
Ashlieeany way to communicate to a windows share?19:27
TheSheepit's just a one-off thing19:27
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and http://help.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.19:27
Ashlieemy goal is to take everything off that windows partition and move it to another computer19:27
SiDiAshliee: check for the file /etc/fstab for mounting drives19:28
SiDiyou just have to add a line there in order to have your partitions automatically mounted19:28
Ashlieemaybe it would be easier to share the mounted folder on the linux machine?19:29
Ashlieecan windows access linux shares?19:29
* SiDi officially hates Ctrl+W19:30
SiDiWhat are you trying to do exactly, Ashliee ?19:30
SiDiYou got an external HDD that you wanna share over your network ?19:31
AshlieeI have a computer that has xubuntu on it, and an old windows partition too19:31
Ashlieethe old windows partition doesn't even boot.. but all the files are still there19:32
Ashlieei want to move all those onto another networked computer19:32
Ashlieeit's like 40 gigs19:32
SiDiI see19:32
Ashlieeis there a way to use "mount" to mount the windows share?19:33
SiDiI personally advise using nautilus for accessing samba network :)19:33
SiDiI think there is, but i dont know how. :P Nautilus does it automatically19:33
Ashlieeis there a way to do this without having to download and install 8 different things?19:33
frettethere is no need for samba, it's just a dual boot machine, one single PC19:33
frettejust wanted to make that clear19:33
SiDifrette: not if Ashliee wants to transfer the files to another PC on the network :p19:34
Ashlieecan't i just do MOUNT \\remote_machine\folder /mnt/media/shared19:34
Ashlieeor something like that?19:34
frettewell, he needs to acces the files to share first :p19:34
Ashlieeor share folders on the linux machine and let the winodws one access it?19:34
SiDifrette: that's already done ;P19:34
fretteah, k, sry, nvm19:34
Ashlieei already did mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/win19:35
SiDiAshliee: i think there is a way to mount it but i absolutely dont know how, i just use nautilus (gnome's file explorer) for that19:35
SiDiit includes a very simple way for accessing windows shared folders19:35
Ashlieei wish i had a 40 gig USB drive but i dont :P19:36
SiDiIt's more simple to do it via network than to put it on an external HDD imho :P19:37
Ashlieethink i got it19:38
Ashlieemount -t smbfs -o username=winntuser,password=mypassword //windowsserver/sharename /mnt/win19:38
Ashlieetaken from http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/access-windows-shares-from-linux/19:38
SiDinice :P19:38
fretteand pressing the wrong shortcut again I guess ;p19:39
* SiDi hates webchats.19:40
fretteSiDi, lol19:40
AshlieeI'm in mibbit19:40
SiDiseriously :(19:40
SiDime too :P19:40
Ashlieei dont like the newer mirc versions19:40
Ashlieeand i dont irc much these days19:40
SiDii hate clicking on a link by accident, or pressing ctrl+w instead of shift+w19:40
Ashlieeso it just sort of fell by the wayside19:40
SiDii'm a big fan of xchat and irssi :P19:40
_Pete_so why dont you use them?19:41
SiDiErr, i'm on a proxified network19:41
SiDiand i dont have any serv for tunneling19:41
Ashlieeyou guys ever played LORD before?19:41
SiDiWhat's that ?19:42
Ashlieean old BBS Door19:42
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SiDihiya to you too20:28
learningitnowmight anyone be able to help me with configuring texmaker? http://www.xm1math.net/texmaker/20:28
SiDiWhats the error you're having while configuring ?20:29
SiDi(btw there's lyx in the repo :p)20:29
learningitnow! DVI file can't be opened.20:32
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:32
MyrttiI distantly remember setting it to just do pdf's20:33
learningitnowoh hey Myrtti (I replied back at #ubuntu)20:33
learningitnowstill a little issue, think I should manually compile the .tex file with terminal?20:34
Myrttithat's a start20:34
learningitnowI'll try that now20:34
Myrttiif it works on the terminal then you know the problem is with texmaker, not tex itself20:34
learningitnowyeah, must be something with the program paths or something20:35
learningitnowhttp://amath.colorado.edu/documentation/LaTeX/basics/steps/help_latex.html --> is this how you do it?20:35
SiDiyou just gotta cd to the folder, type "latex filename"20:35
SiDiand it makes the dvi20:35
SiDithere also is pdflatex and htmlatex if i remember well20:35
Myrttiwell, that's one of the programs to do html20:36
Myrttithere's others as well20:36
learningitnowI think I'm doing it wrong20:39
learningitnowlatex tex.tex20:40
learningitnow... can someone walk me through it?20:40
learningitnow(like from beginning commands and all?)20:40
learningitnow(wow, xubuntu is so much more quite from ubuntu)20:40
SiDiits that20:41
SiDiwe have 70-80 people20:41
SiDimost of us idling or on other chans20:41
SiDithey have 1300-1500 users :)20:41
learningitnowcan you give me the commands for compiling a latex file step by step?20:41
SiDilatex tex.tex will make tex.dvi20:41
learningitnowlatex tex.tex20:41
SiDido it several times, it sometimes never several compilations in order to make the table of contents complete20:42
learningitnow(I'll do it 3 more times)20:42
learningitnowalright, I think somethings wrong with my latex install in general20:43
learningitnow*no pages of output?*20:43
SiDiWhat's happening ?20:43
SiDisend me your .tex file20:43
learningitnowthats my forum post20:43
learningitnow(on 2 different computers right now, and chatting on IRC with Xubuntu Live CD via mibbit.com) -- Ubuntu computer (whic has less ram and processing power) has texmaker20:44
SiDiWell, try with your other PC, and try as PDF aswell20:46
SiDiIt could also come from an error on your file20:46
SiDibut seeing the error i doubt its the latter one :P20:46
learningitnowah, how should I make the file?20:46
learningitnow(other PC running a live cd build -- really love install space, remember ;) )20:46
SiDipdflatex file.tex20:47
learningitnowalright, I'll try that now20:47
learningitnowSiDi: i've updated the forum posts with logfiles of latex tex.tex and pdflatex tex.tex20:50
SiDiCan you give me the link again ?20:52
SiDiI kinda Ctrl+W'd all my tabs T.T''20:52
learningitnowhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1095633&highlight=texmaker -- lol it's fine20:52
SiDiWhats the last line of your latex doc ?20:54
learningitnow1 moment20:55
learningitnowSiDi: nothing in particular: \end{document}20:55
SiDiWell, i googled a little and "no pages of output" means there's been a compiling error, and thus the file cant be rendered20:55
SiDiyou have something wrong or missing in your file20:55
SiDihello rent0n20:56
learningitnowalright, so lets try a blank document?20:56
R1cochethey whats the "better" hdd format over ext3?20:56
Myrttiput a section and some text on it?20:56
SiDiGood idea20:56
SiDiext4, R1cochet20:56
learningitnow1 moment20:56
learningitnowlet's start:20:57
learningitnow:: \documentclass{article}20:57
R1cochetSiDi: theres was a different one i was thinking of thats not ext#20:57
SiDibtrfs ?20:57
SiDiit's in dev currently, meant to replace ext420:57
learningitnow(since I'm still learning latex -- whats a good way to put lorem ipsum in it?)20:58
R1cochethmmm nope, sorry, i know im not much help20:58
R1cochetits out as we speak20:58
SiDilearningitnow: make yourself an empty latex document with just a chapter and some text, and save it as a model20:58
SiDiavoids having to remember everything20:58
SiDiR1cochet: zfs ?20:58
SiDiR1cochet: either, open gparted and watch the names of FS there :P20:59
learningitnowSiDi (sorry... I dunno how to do that [-_-])20:59
learningitnowI was gonna read a tutorial to learn from scratch, but my texmaker install couldn't generate PDF files -- so I'm hear now ...20:59
SiDiI always directly compiled by hand, and wrote my files with gedit21:00
R1cocheti think that was it zfs, heard its better than ext3 but u need to do something b4 u can install xubuntu on a zfs drive?21:00
SiDigedit has a latex plugin21:00
SiDiR1cochet: no idea. I always used ext2/321:01
R1cochetSiDi: is ext3 that much better than ext2?21:01
SiDiR1cochet: yes21:02
SiDihttp://www.2shared.com/file/5082426/3ff5fca1/RezTorrentChap1tar.html learningitnow tell me if this compiles21:02
SiDilearningitnow: you might require the whole texlive suit tho, i use a ton of plugins :P21:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fs21:02
ubottuCookies are delicious delicacies.21:02
learningitnowBLEHH [-___-]21:03
learningitnowit was how I did my fomatting21:03
learningitnow\documentclass{article} \begin{document} hiya \end{document} works21:03
SiDihehe :)21:03
learningitnowthat means21:03
SiDiR1cochet: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_file_systems21:03
SiDiR1cochet: atm you should use ext3. You can go for ext4 if you want, once jaunty is out.21:04
learningitnowthere's something wrong with texmaker's quick setup http://www.xm1math.net/texmaker/doc.html#SECTION121:04
learningitnow\documentclass[10pt,a4paper]{article} \usepackage[utf8x]{inputenc} \usepackage{ucs} \author{} \begin{document}  \end{document}21:04
SiDishould mail them then :)21:04
SiDiit seems ok to me21:05
learningitnowwhat's wrong with that ... -- ohh ... \userpackage[utf8x] --> I don't think that'll work?21:05
SiDiyou're probably missing latex plugins such as inputenc21:05
SiDiyou should install the whole texlive thingy21:05
SiDi"sudo apt-get install texlive-full" but it takes a lot of space ;P21:05
SiDinow if you dont mind, i'm leaving :) good night people21:06
learningitnowokay ...21:08
learningitnowDVI -> PS doesn't work [-_-]21:08
learningitnowI need an opinion21:09
learningitnowI've got a Compaq Deskpro EN 1.0 GHz 384MB machine right now; I'm running Ubuntu intrepid21:10
learningitnowonce Jaunty is released, should I upgrade to Ubuntu or Xubuntu?21:10
learningitnow(XFCE 4.6 is indeed quite impressive to me)21:10
rent0nWell on a 384 MB machine i would prefer xubuntu21:12
Happy-Dudeso, xubuntu or ubuntu on that old machine?21:12
Happy-Dude(changed names -- refreshed cache)21:12
Happy-Dudeyeah, thats what I'm saying too21:12
Happy-Dudebut Ubuntu doesn't run terribly on that either21:13
Happy-Dudeit might just be Firefox (since I mostly browse like 10+ tabs at 1 moment)21:13
rent0nyes but xubuntu is much better on slow machine in my opinion21:13
rent0ni run xubuntu on a 2GB RAM laptop21:13
Happy-Dude(and also on fast machines ;) )21:13
Happy-DudeI'm running a LiveCD on my main PC21:13
rent0nXubuntu is grat for modern machines but it's great for old PC (much better than ubuntu)21:15
AshlieeDOS 6 ftw21:15
rent0nAnyways for example i run a minimal Ubuntu + Openbox on a 256 MB laptop21:15
Happy-Dudealright, how do I upgrade, with all my packages/ files intact? (any precautions and stuff like that?)21:15
rent0nand that's great21:15
Happy-Dudewould this be the way to do it ? http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce21:16
rent0nIf i were you i will install a freshly new xubuntu jaaunty jackalope21:18
rent0nanyways that's an alternative21:19
rent0ndo  that before upgrading21:19
Happy-Duderent0n: if I were to do a *fresh* install, how would I retain my packages and such?21:20
Happy-Dude(like, settings, files, etc?)21:20
rent0nI think there's not an happy way to do that21:21
rent0nYou can just make a backup of files and of your home folder21:21
Happy-Dudeso, I believe upgrade would be the way to go, no?21:21
rent0nand then add them to the freshly installed xubuntu jaunty21:21
Happy-Dude(how do I backup a list of my packages?)21:22
rent0nph yes21:23
rent0nthere's a way i know21:23
rent0nbut i can't remember it21:23
rent0nmaybe google can help you that way21:23
rent0nchech thid out: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-reinstall-all-of-currently-installed-packages-in-fresh-ubuntu-install.html#more-93621:24
Happy-Dudeah that works21:28
Happy-Dude(was backing it up)21:28
Happy-Dudewait, nvm let me try it first21:29
Happy-Dude(installing tetex-full like SiDi said to)21:29
Happy-Dudeso synaptic markings backup will have ot wait21:29
Happy-Dudehow is XFCE 4.6 compared to the latest GNOME?21:30
Happy-Duderent0n: might there be a way I can just upgrade with the Jaunty CD ? (since I do have quite a few file settings and such)21:31
rent0nUhm i don't know i'm sorry21:32
rent0nI'm not so expert in upgrading21:32
rent0nanyway you've got 2 possibilites21:32
rent0n1. Backup data, home folder and packages21:33
rent0nthen install xubuntu jaunty21:33
rent0n2. Upgrade to jaunty, remove gnome and install xfce21:34
rent0n3. remove gnome, install xfce and upgrade to jaunty21:34
Happy-DudeI think path 3 might be the best for me21:34
Happy-Dudepath 1 will yeild the best results; think I might just write my settings on paper :D ?21:35
rent0nthat's hard to restore =)21:35
Happy-Dudetough luck, I guess (FEBE for firefox got this covered, my firewall is firestarter)21:36
Happy-Dudeermmm ... I dunno, now that I'm looking at my apps21:36
Happy-Dudeas of now, waiting for jaunty, upgrade, uninstall gnome, install xfce21:38
Ashlieedoes mandrake even exist anymore?  and does it still use kde?21:40
rent0nNow the call it Mandrivia21:40
Happy-DudeMandriva is commercial, no?21:41
rent0nwhat do you mean?21:42
rent0nI dunno.21:42
rent0nI know for ure you can use it exactly like you use ubuntu on your desktop/laptop21:43
Happy-Dudequestion: how do I clear my apt-get cache? sudo apt-get clear/autoremove/purge/clean?21:44
TheSheeprocko: wrong channel22:12
arktvrvshow can i put the xfce menu in the desktop-right-click instead of up on the top panel?22:48
TheSheeparktvrvs: in desktop settings22:53
TheSheeparktvrvs: you can have both22:53
arktvrvsoohh whew.. excellent22:54
=== zoredache_ is now known as zoredache
Gaduhey, i'm trying to customize my xubuntu livecd for on-the-go (and showing off) using https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization23:32
Gaduhowever, i can't seem to find the config files for default desktop background and customizing panel23:32
Gaducould someone point me to the directory these files would be located?23:32

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