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bcurtiswxnvm.. i somehow ended up on really old revisions00:20
imachinesup, any news on when will the nvidia driver update?00:23
imachineit's not being difficult, but it brings slight issues, and I hear the new version fixes some of them.00:23
imachinealso, improves performance greatly. in 2d at least - or so a friend of mine mentioned, he's using a quadro mobile.00:24
imachineor whatever they put into the thinkpad laptops.00:24
BUGabundoYoBoY: don't forget to mark as incomplete00:35
BUGabundoso other QA users can close it latter if now new input00:36
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Hewhi stpere01:55
bcurtiswxanyone know the main package for qt?02:01
rwwhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/gnome-panel/+bug/343006 should be set to importance:wishlist, right? since I can't do that, do I just leave it along and let someone else deal with it?02:04
ubottuUbuntu bug 343006 in gnome-panel "All items on a panel should be (un)lockable at once" [Undecided,New]02:04
dtchenrww: set.02:05
bcurtiswxdang chen... your fast02:05
rwwdtchen: thanks :). what should the status be? new? confirmed?02:05
hggdhrww, confirmed, and to triaged after opening an upstream task02:12
bcurtiswxhggdh: for bug #342633 which deals with notify-osd, what can a triager do other than the uname -a and apt-cache policy and steps to reproduce?02:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 342633 in notify-osd "notify-osd is not working with some themes" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34263302:18
bcurtiswxim not sure if its close enough to other bugs to dup it either02:22
hggdhlet me see03:03
hggdhbcurtiswx, if you can reproduce it, then all is good; otherwise, we need to ask the reporter to really specify the steps. I personaly am not even sure of what notify-osd does03:07
YoBoYgood morning08:28
rwwhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/gnome-games/+bug/342958 can be set to triaged/wishlist. Thanks :)10:57
ubottuUbuntu bug 342958 in gnome-games "lango is out of the screen in 9" netbooks" [Undecided,Confirmed]10:57
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sectechbug 313439 was flagged as high by a triager over-riding my "wishlist" that I had marked it as, can someone review the bug and it's comments and provide feedback please13:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 313439 in nautilus "Opening a Java Archive (.JAR) file executes it regardless of the "executable" permission bit" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31343913:47
mcnichollswould this be the channel to get some help with submitting a patch for a bug?15:41
jpdsYes, hi. :)15:44
mcnichollsi am new to this, but would like to help and a certain bug is driving me and a lot of other people mad ;-)15:46
ubottuUbuntu bug 270374 in tsclient "[intrepid] enter a computer name then hit enter, list stays on screen and steals input" [Undecided,Confirmed]15:46
mcnichollsoooo thats nice15:46
mcnichollsanyway there has been a simple source patch posted which has been suggested upstream, but it doesn't look like it gets released often, so my question is:15:47
mcnichollscan i submit a debdiff for that patch for inclusion in jaunty until  it is fixed upstream?15:47
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vocxUbuntu 8.10, I have the Disk Mounter applet in my top panel. I have an Audio disk mounted. If I click on it and select Play CD the "Disk Mounter" applet quits and I can choose to reload it. Anybody can try this on their system?16:34
vocxI believe the applets are just a bunch of *.so files, so the bug may be with the applet itself and not "gnome-panel" as a whole.16:35
MrKanisterIs anyone able to run "System -> Administration -> System Testing" under Jaunty?16:38
vocxMrKanister, what does it do? Is that a new thing?16:39
MrKanisterI suspect it can not be run because of python 2.6...is gives a deprecation warning about the md5 module16:39
vocxMrKanister, I never test the development releases, but I did hear they were going to migrate to python 2.6, so how is it going? Still a lot of broken packages?16:41
MrKanistervocx: I am not that much into the migration of python, but it seems like many packages were already succesfully migrated16:42
MrKanistervocx: I found the bug report about the "System Testing " bug... bug #33577316:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 335773 in checkbox "[Jaunty 9.04 alpha5] "System Testing" won't start (checkbox-gtk)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33577316:42
vocxMrKanister, about the last comment in that bug, it appears that /usr/bin/checkbox-gtk is not a python script, so it cannot be run with python directly. It's probably a shell script that calls python though.16:45
MrKanistervocx: yep, it's a shell script, but running "python2.5 /usr/share/checkbox/run /usr/share/checkbox/configs/checkbox-gtk.ini16:45
MrKanister" also gives an error16:45
vocxBy the way, a few weeks ago I was trying to figure out why nautilus took so much time to load directories with several files, it is due to Assistive Technologies "at-spi". If anyone is interested, you can check bug #15904216:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 159042 in nautilus "Nautilus is very slow in list mode with assistive technologies enabled" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15904216:48
vocxCan anyone confirm that bug for Jaunty? Perhaps the simple solution would be to turn Assitive Tecnhologies by default while the real problem remains to be worked out by the gnome people.16:51
MrKanistervocx: I tested it on Jaunty (the nautilus thing) and I can confirm it. I also left a comment17:00
vocxMrKanister, did you read my post? Activate Assitive Technologies, check top for "at-spi-registryd" and all of that?17:01
MrKanisterI haven't obtained a backtrace or similar...I just tried opening /usr/lib/ once with AT activated and once without it. And there is a huge difference17:03
nhandlerbdmurray: ping17:08
bdmurraynhandler: hi17:08
nhandlerbdmurray: I think something is wrong with the Greasemonkey script that shows the activity log in the comments area of a bug report.17:09
nhandlerbdmurray: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/k9copy/+bug/33968817:09
ubottuUbuntu bug 339688 in k9copy "FFE for k9copy 2.30" [Wishlist,In progress]17:09
nhandlerbdmurray: I'm seeing stuff like "</a changed on 2009-03-14:" which is a broked link to kitterman's profile17:10
bdmurraynhandler: there's a launchpad greasemonkey scripts project - could you report a bug about it?17:11
nhandlerbdmurray: Ok, I just wanted to try and see if it was actually a bug in the script or just for me.17:15
bdmurraynhandler: oh, I've recreated it17:15
nhandlerI'll file a bug about it in a little bit17:15
nhandlerDepending on how much time I have, I might also look into patching it17:15
bdmurraynhandler: great, I'll try and look at it this week then17:16
nhandlerbdmurray: the karma script is also messed up. It shows the information *before* the name in the Assigned To column. I'll file a report about this too17:20
bcurtiswxanyone available here running jaunty?18:20
bcurtiswxdtchen: are you available?18:20
vocxminutes ago there were guys here talking, but I currently don't run jaunty18:23
bcurtiswxthere could be a really nasty pulse audio or ALSA bug , i just want another confirmation before marking it as high importance18:25
bcurtiswxBUGabundo: do you run jaunty ?18:26
BUGabundobcurtiswx: but of course18:26
BUGabundonothing other then the latest, cutting edgy, and buggier of any software18:26
bcurtiswxBUGabundo: can you go into syslog and see if you get a mass write or errors18:26
BUGabundobut why?18:26
bcurtiswxfor pulseaudio18:27
BUGabundoaudio related?18:27
BUGabundodan fixed that Yesterday18:27
BUGabundobcurtiswx: works for you?18:27
bcurtiswxi get the error18:28
bcurtiswxbut its diff than the bugs dtchens working on18:28
BUGabundobets me18:28
BUGabundoyou need to ask dtchen then18:29
bcurtiswxbug #34325418:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 343254 in linux "pulseaudio: alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_avail_update() returned a value that is exceptionally large" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34325418:29
BUGabundoyou can see my syslog from yesterday live image at 34325818:29
BUGabundobug 34325818:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 343258 in pulseaudio "Logs from yesterday daily image" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34325818:29
charlie-tcaI got about 1 million lines of error from that bug!18:31
bcurtiswxcharlie-tca: the one I posted?18:32
bcurtiswxdtchen: ping18:32
charlie-tcalet me look again. It just started today for me18:32
bcurtiswxwell my sound buzzes on occasion, but i would have no idea if the two are related18:33
charlie-tcano, the ones he committed the fix to18:33
bcurtiswxdo you get ones like bug 34325418:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 343254 in linux "pulseaudio: alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_avail_update() returned a value that is exceptionally large" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34325418:34
BUGabundocharlie-tca: if it started today18:34
BUGabundothen its new18:34
BUGabundoprobably related to dtchen changes/fix18:34
charlie-tcasorry, that would be about the same. I get it at startup, though, since I don't suspend18:34
charlie-tcasame damn message, my user.log is 341mb18:35
charlie-tcahm, if 41mb is 1 million lines, what is 341mb?18:35
charlie-tca6454 lines per second18:36
bcurtiswxdo you think the bug i posted is different enough to not be a dup?18:36
charlie-tcalooks to me like the same one, but I am batting -1500 on dups this weekend18:36
charlie-tcaI can't seem to get duplicates right for nothing18:37
BUGabundoper second??????18:37
* BUGabundo thinks of deleting the log18:37
charlie-tca10:20:28 until 10:20:29 gives 6454 lines18:37
* bcurtiswx was contemplating the samr thing18:38
BUGabundoI wonder how long until it pastesbins over 3G.... eheh18:38
charlie-tcafirst boot gave me 41MB of log. I decided to try again and got 341MB. I don't think I want to try again18:39
bcurtiswxim gonna make the bug i posted like its not a dup and talk to dtchen next time he plops back on18:39
charlie-tcaand dtchen is hiding? he just went away18:39
BUGabundothose too are having lots of trouble on their connection18:40
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charlie-tcaThere appears to be 4 of these bugs now. bug 32087518:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 320875 in linux "pulseaudio produces lots of log messages" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32087518:43
charlie-tcais the one I saw first. Hopefully, that fix will hit fast18:43
bcurtiswxdtchen: you there?18:44
BUGabundodoesn't seem so18:46
BUGabundowhere is maco ?18:46
BUGabundoill ping them on identica18:46
bcurtiswxidk, im in their LOCO but noones on the channel either18:46
BUGabundojust pinged them18:51
BUGabundolets wait and see18:51
BUGabundowe could go to #pulseaudio too18:51
BUGabundobut they would just bash us out18:51
BUGabundoisn't themuso around either?18:51
BUGabundohey maco18:51
BUGabundosorry for the extra noise and nagging18:52
bcurtiswxhey maco, the bf around?18:52
maconot in the room18:52
macotoday is homework day, so i dont think he's coming over18:52
macoi expect he'll be online anyway18:53
bcurtiswxbug #343254, i wasnt sure if it was like bugs he fixed yesterday18:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 343254 in linux "pulseaudio: alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_avail_update() returned a value that is exceptionally large" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34325418:53
BUGabundoI thought you guys just shared the room18:53
macobcurtiswx: shhh18:53
BUGabundothe secret is out now18:53
* BUGabundo ducks18:53
bcurtiswxmaco: didn't know it was on the down low... sorry.. can you forgive me?18:53
macoits just not something we say in logged channels18:54
BUGabundoor private IM either it seems18:55
macoBUGabundo: not like im required to tell you who i'm seeing18:55
BUGabundodtchen: just log on on identica18:55
bcurtiswxmaco: you can beat me up at the next DC-Team meeting18:55
BUGabundoI know maco....18:55
BUGabundojust kidding around18:55
macoim going to head back to the safety of #linuxchix now...18:56
BUGabundosince when we fist talked privately you denied18:56
BUGabundojust that... nothing else.. don't go make a fuss about it18:56
macoi think that was back when we were just friends :P18:56
macobut jeez can the topic of my love-life be dropped?18:56
greg-gofftopic! ;)18:56
macovery off topic for this channel!18:57
* BUGabundo damn OSD... its backlog and making me say things that are not true18:57
bcurtiswxmaco: next time you see dtchen can you have him check out bug #343254?18:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 343254 in linux "pulseaudio: alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_avail_update() returned a value that is exceptionally large" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34325418:58
* BUGabundo $ pkill notify-osd 18:58
macobcurtiswx: do you realy think im going to remember that long number?18:58
BUGabundoor all the other that charlie-tca seems to have found18:58
bcurtiswxmaco: or just have him bug me.. (no pun intended)18:58
macoill open a tab for it in firefox and hope i remember why :P18:58
* BUGabundo is not handble bcurtiswx18:58
BUGabundoor we can dent him18:59
BUGabundoor memoserv18:59
BUGabundoor email18:59
bcurtiswx***BUGabundo has turned into BUGalinespammer19:00
bcurtiswxj/k :P19:00
BUGabundobcurtiswx: old habbit! nevet manage to write long sentences on IRC19:01
BUGabundoalways got the idea the other person would be there... waiting ... until I finish119:01
BUGabundoso I just type something and send it....19:01
BUGabundoso the other side can go reading it while I type more19:01
macohaha. well he only checked identi.ca once every couple days19:02
charlie-tcatake a look at 32087519:03
charlie-tcabug 32087519:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 320875 in linux "pulseaudio produces lots of log messages" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32087519:04
charlie-tcaWhich looks similar19:04
BUGabundocharlie-tca: I know dtchen mention similar stuff on +1 yesterday19:04
charlie-tcaor 34310319:04
bcurtiswxcharlie-tca, yea i know about that, and it looks quite similar, but the errors are enough diff, i want to make sure dtchens fixes would apply19:04
BUGabundoand that is was fixed and on NEW queue19:04
BUGabundonot sure if that is new bug, or the same19:04
charlie-tcaIf that was fixed, why am I just now getting the errors?19:04
charlie-tcaShould I file another bug?19:05
macohe fixed that yesterday19:05
macoit hasnt been uploaded yet19:05
macobut last night i saw him filling in the changelog19:05
BUGabundohe said that is was fixed and on NEW queue19:05
charlie-tcaWhat about bug 34310319:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 343103 in alsa-utils "pulseaudio[32510]: alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_avail_update() returned a value that is exceptionally large: 3091225920 bytes (17523956 ms)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34310319:05
macoi dont know about that one19:05
bcurtiswxcharlie-tca wanna dup that to 343254?19:05
macobut i was just told to point him to it later today19:05
bcurtiswxbug #34325419:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 343254 in linux "pulseaudio: alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_avail_update() returned a value that is exceptionally large" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34325419:06
charlie-tcaI don't wanna dup nothing no more. I been wrong about dups about 10 times this weekend19:06
bcurtiswxhaha, ok, brb19:06
charlie-tcaGun shy now. Everything I dup gets reversed.19:06
charlie-tcaI think I'll wait a day to file any more, though. Give the fix time to come through19:07
bcurtiswxk, duped19:09
bcurtiswxcharlie-tca: although with your luck you may not want to, but dup as many that come in that are like those bugs.  I have a feeling we may see a bit more before dtchens fixes come through19:20
bcurtiswxi will be looking as well19:20
charlie-tcaI'll at least let you know about them, huh?19:21
bcurtiswxcharlie-tca: lol19:21
BUGabundodupes by proxy19:22
charlie-tcaI have a feeling you are right. This is going to keep coming just because of the size of the logs. I have 10GB for logs, but most won't have that much.19:22
bcurtiswxis there a clean way to clear log files?19:24
bcurtiswxinstead of rm?19:24
maconope, just use rm19:24
BUGabundolog-rotate trunk ?19:24
macomight be able to tweak log rotate...19:24
BUGabundoor just rm and restart log service19:25
BUGabundoto make new ones19:25
bcurtiswxwill i need to stop the log daemon first?19:25
macobcurtiswx: just delete like syslog.6.gz19:26
macothe higher the #, the older it is19:26
BUGabundohumm higer is older19:26
IntuitiveNippleLooking at the syslog issue, it may be possible to tweak the syslog.conf rules to discard these messages as a temporary workaround... something like: user.*;user.!err -/var/log/user.log19:45
IntuitiveNippleJust need to figure out the priority of the pulseaudio messages19:45
IntuitiveNippleBUGabundo: care to dig into the pulseaudio source-code and find the daemon logging function to discover what facility and priority it is sending to?19:51
macoits uploaded19:52
BUGabundoIntuitiveNipple: code is not me!19:52
macodtchen lowered the priority on the logs that are killing /var/log/19:52
BUGabundoservices, I'm your guys19:52
macoin pulseaudio19:52
IntuitiveNipplecode is everyone!19:52
macowaiting for someone to go "ok yeah, dtchen's fixing stuff..*release into archive*"19:52
IntuitiveNippleHow can a  walking strand of DNA say "code is not me" ?:D19:53
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IntuitiveNippleIf we can do a workaround in syslog for now, it would help. I've got two 2.5GB files in the /var/ volume right now19:53
macoyou can delete an old one...19:55
* maco goes to find the queue19:55
BUGabundoI like to keep logs19:57
macoi couldnt *fit* two 2.5gb files in /var/lo20:00
maco /var/log20:00
macoive only got 500mb of free space on /20:00
macoand that's *after* an apt-get clean20:00
BUGabundoFilesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on20:01
BUGabundo/dev/sda1              9690316   8520688    681256  93% /20:01
BUGabundoI'm getting close too20:01
macodude, -h20:01
BUGabundoFilesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on20:01
BUGabundo/dev/sda1             9.3G  8.2G  666M  93% /20:01
BUGabundoI have and alias20:01
BUGabundobut pidgin does use it20:01
BUGabundoplus bytes are geekier20:01
IntuitiveNipplesrc/pulsecore/log.h:85:#define pa_log_error(...)  pa_log_level_meta(PA_LOG_ERROR20:04
IntuitiveNippleSo it is a syslog "err" report20:05
IntuitiveNippleok, seems to be working.20:10
IntuitiveNippleEdit /etc/syslog.conf, find the two lines that use the "user" facility and edit them, adding ";user.!err" to the specification20:11
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macoBUGabundo, IntuitiveNipple: the logging thing is fixed in crimsun's PPA, waiting on theMuso to move it from there to main, but dtchen says he thinks theMuso is off this week. he asked in #ubuntu-devel for someone else to sponsor it22:32
macono idea if anyone else responded to dtchen's "hey anyone wanna sponsor an upload to fix a PulseAudio /var/log DoS?"22:32
macobcurtiswx: ^22:34
BUGabundoenabling dans ppa22:35
david_Hi, I accidentally nominated a bug for the wrong release - how can I undo it23:55
david_should be jaunty, but not intrepid23:57
vocxbug #34123323:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 341233 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "x flickers on eeepc when plugging power supply, and with some apps" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34123323:57

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