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meoblast001joaopinto: my deb is done :)00:16
CarlFK1https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/poppler-python/+bug/312462/comments/4  can someone walk me though adding that to rules?01:18
ubottuUbuntu bug 312462 in web2conf "document_new_from_data() arg1 must be without null bytes" [Medium,In progress]01:18
CarlFK1currently there are no patches for that package, so no patches/ dir01:19
meoblast001making debs is fun :)01:33
Laneybreaking debs is more fun01:34
CarlFK1where does fixing broken fall?01:35
ScottKSomewhere below breaking Laney and above making debs.01:35
CarlFK1cuz it seems the one I want to add a patch to is broken out of the box: http://dpaste.com/14543/01:35
CarlFK1I promise I didn't actually touch rules yet01:36
CarlFK1I thought about trying to add my patch, then figured maybe I should make sure it builds without it... and BAM!01:37
meoblast001Laney: my debs arent perfect but they work :P01:39
Laneyalways a good start01:39
meoblast001Laney: i'm publishing them on http://www.meoblast001.mysticgalaxies.com01:39
CarlFK1apt-get remove python-poppler-dbg = no error.  is that a bug, or expected?01:41
crimsunany main sponsors want to upload a fix for a PulseAudio syslog DoS?02:59
stgraber        ltspfs - 0.5.10-0ubuntu1~ppa103:23
adelie421So I am trying to follow https://help.launchpad.net/BranchMergeProposals, but when I go to the page mentioned at 'grep XS-Vcs-Bzr ./deb/control', there is no 'action' menu. What am I doing wrong?05:29
adelie421the page only has two directories: changes and files. There is also a search bar, but nothing else.05:30
adelie421Hmm.. if the guide meant the launchpad overview page, I see no "Action" menu there either05:33
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pmjdebruijnI built gnash-0.8.5 properly on my local system (Jaunty), but when I build it on PPA, it fails:11:49
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gesera|wen: Hi, as you were involved with the arts removal could you look at http://builder.ubuntuwire.com:9998/job/45324 ? there are several packages FTBFS in the rebuild test due to this. Is adding --without-arts the right fix without breaking the package?14:17
* sebner winks geser :)14:23
* geser waves back at sebner14:27
sebnergeser: basic education done, starting with office job on monday :P14:27
gesernice, do you know what kind of office job you get?14:28
sebnergeser: what kind?14:30
gesersebner: what will you do next week exactly?14:37
geserI got in a totally different unit after my basic training.14:38
a|wengeser: --without-arts should work in 95% of the cases; so trying that first should be the way to go14:41
a|wengeser: i can take a look at kxstitch now14:41
sebnergeser: well, we got splited into 3 groups ( funker, antennenaufbauer, kabelträger). Ich wäre normal funker geworden (ist das beste, mit laptops arbeiten ..) aber da ich kanzleigehilfe bin, bin ich jetzt kabelträger (da fällts nicht auf wenn einer fehlt). es gibt ja bei uns offiziell keine schreiber weil wir reine "funker" sind. einer wird halt abgezogen und ist offiziell immer noch in einer der 3 gruppen und inoffiziell kanzleigehilfe14:42
gesera|wen: looks like the remaining KDE 3.5.x packages are affected from a first glance (like kde-i18n-*; see http://builder.ubuntuwire.com:9998/dist/jaunty/arch/i386/failed)14:43
a|wengeser: yeah ... all the kde-i18n packages failed, we are in the middle of fixing right now14:43
gesersebner: nett :)14:44
gesera|wen: so I can ignore them as you (kubuntu-devs) take care of them?14:44
a|wengeser: you can ignore all the kde-i18n-* packages ... but you are more than welcome to fix some of the other k* packages14:45
a|wengeser: after we get the kde-i18n-* up i'll try to look through the list as well14:45
gesera|wen: will do as I fight myself through the rebuild results14:46
sebnergeser: mal schaun, normal sollte ich jetzt das schönste leben haben. ich hab halt angst das es mal heißt: Heute ist wenig zutun, du fährst mit gefechtsdienst oder anderer blödsinn. Weil der aktuelle gehilfe ist nämlich von ner anderen kompanie und den können sie nicht so einfach wegschicken. hoffe bei mir ist es aber auch nicht anderst als bei ihm14:46
a|wengeser: it is a long list it seems ... a lot of transitions happening this time around14:47
a|wengeser: if you want me to fix some of them, just ping me or/and add the package to bug 320915 and i'll look at it14:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 320915 in cdbs "Remove aRts from the archive - rebuild all dependencies" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32091514:52
maixhi, to what status do i have to set a bug if i've attached a patch?14:55
slytherinmaix: is it a patch or debdiff?14:57
maixah and it's set to fix released atm14:58
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slytherinmaix: so that means there is nothing more to be done.15:03
maixslytherin: yes, but i've found something that's wrong15:03
maixit's that one here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/transmission/+bug/18264415:04
ubottuUbuntu bug 182644 in transmission "needs option to start minimized" [Wishlist,Fix released]15:04
a|wenhmm, how do you unsubscribe u-u-s from a bug?15:06
gesera|wen: ask someone from u-u-s to unsubscribe15:17
a|wengeser: i'm member of u-u-s now; how do i unsubscribe us?15:18
geseruse the unsubscribe action on the bug15:19
slytherinmaix: in that case, reopen the bug (set to new) and add comment.15:20
maixok thanks15:20
maix(i commented already, marian sigler is me)15:20
a|wengeser: hmm; do i need to be direct member of u-u-s to do that; i only get the option to unsubscribe myself15:21
gesera|wen: yes15:22
a|wenahh, everything makes sense then ... i wonder why ~motu is not a member of ~u-u-s15:23
geserif it's about bug 320915 I've unsubscribed u-u-s15:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 320915 in cdbs "Remove aRts from the archive - rebuild all dependencies" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32091515:24
porthoseWould a member of MOTU -release please have a look at Bug #186184, thank you ;-)15:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 186184 in i8kutils "Please sync i8kutils-1.27+nmu1 from debian unstable" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/18618415:25
a|wengeser: thx ... guess i should poke someone for a membership then15:25
* ScottK grumbles about non-standard K* packages.15:27
sebnerScottK: it's KDE :P15:28
* ScottK added --without-arts to CDBS so K* packages packaged in the standard way for KDE would work fine.15:28
iulianporthose: Commented.15:29
a|wenScottK: and we're thankful for that :) ... but seems a lot of packages does not use the "standard way"15:29
ScottKYep.  Apparently.15:29
ScottKBetween that and Python 2.6 I think I know what I'm doing for the rest of this cycle.15:30
porthoseiulian: Thank you :)15:30
* iulian wonders why python3.0 has Ubuntu Core devs as the Maintainer and the package is in universe.15:32
iulianporthose: You're welcome.15:32
iulianLooking at https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python3.0/+publishinghistory, the package has never been in main.15:33
geseriulian: probably the debian dir was c&p as python3 was also essential till it got fixed15:36
slytheriniulian: another copy paste error, similar to how it was set to 'Essential: yes'15:37
slytherina|wen: not every motu is interested in working as sponsor.15:38
jpdsgeser: Thanks for the debootstrap Recommends catch, fixed.15:38
joaopintoI am trying to automate the console-setup install into a chroot, any tip on how to force it to install without asking for the kbd layout ?15:38
geserjoaopinto: export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive15:39
a|wenslytherin: and everybody would get all the bugmail for u-u-s if it was that way i presume... then it makes sense15:39
slytherina|wen: right15:40
joaopintogeser, tried that, didn't help15:40
joaopintodebconf: falling back to frontend: Readline15:40
joaopintodebconf overrides it15:41
joaopintothe latest console-setup update broke my schroot build script :(15:41
iuliangeser, slytherin: Oh, thanks for clarifying it.15:44
a|wenif the package doesn't use a patch system and i want to make a small patch to "configure" is it then best parctice to add a patch system or not?15:57
gesera|wen: don't add a patch system as the package will probably end with some patches applied directly and some through a patch system15:57
a|wengeser: thx ... also my rationale; just wanted a confirmation15:58
mcnichollsgot a quick question about cdbs patches. Anyone around?16:20
slytherinmcnicholls: just ask16:21
imbrandonjust ask16:21
mcnichollsok thanks...16:21
mcnichollswhen naming a patch, is the nuumber you give it at the start of the filename important? does it dictate the order patches are applied? if i am adding a patch do i just take the next highest avaliable number?16:22
imbrandonyes and yes16:23
azeemmcnicholls: depends on the patch system16:23
mcnichollssorry it is cdbs16:23
imbrandonazeem: i think he means cdbs simple patchsys16:23
azeemoh, didn't read that far back, sorry16:23
mcnichollsnp. thanks for that. can i just run by you guys what i am attempting to do...16:24
ubottuUbuntu bug 270374 in tsclient "[intrepid] enter a computer name then hit enter, list stays on screen and steals input" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:24
imbrandonyea that bug bits me in te arse almost daily16:25
mcnichollsSomeone has posted a generic patch, this has been submitted upstream, but i was wondering if i could patch it up for jaunty release?16:25
mcnichollslol me too, would love to get it fixed and want to learn about fixing bugs16:25
mcnichollsso if i use that patch and produce a debdiff, do you think i could get it included?16:25
imbrandonshould be able to as long as you follow the process16:26
imbrandonits a bug only fix16:26
mcnichollsso once i have a debdiff that i attach to the report, i read i just add the sponorship group and someone should upload it? anything else i need to do?16:30
imbrandoni'm not sure with the exact process this cycle, but that sounds right16:30
mcnichollsok thanks16:30
mcnichollsi shall attempt to get the diff, but am sure i shall be back for more help16:30
imbrandonsure thing :)16:30
imbrandonok time to kill off this screen session, bbiab16:30
slytherinmcnicholls: yes, that is how sponsorship works16:30
mcnichollsone question i do have now though, i know you can run a script to submit patches and bug reports to debian. should i do this or would you normally wait for upstream to come down?16:30
slytherinmcnicholls: Once the patch is accepted in Ubuntu, you can forward it to Debian if you want.16:31
mcnichollssuppose it is up to them deb maintainer to decide if it is worth having16:32
mcnichollsi was just wondering if i should run the submittodebian script once i have my patch. I suppose i would wait till ubuntu accept it like you say16:33
mcnichollsif i am generating a patched package from someone elses source patch, should i give them credit in the change log somehow?17:06
a|wenmcnicholls: allways a good idea to give credit to the original author17:07
mcnichollsa|wen: yeah i thought so. any particular recommended way of putting this in the changelog?17:08
a|wenmcnicholls: not really... you can just append an "Original patch by ...", "Patch taken from ..." or "Thanks to ..." at the end of the line about adding the patch17:10
mcnichollsok, will do. thanks17:10
a|wenmcnicholls: depends on if it is a person (then i prefer the last) or a project, like upstream / debian / $linuxdist (then i use one of the first two)17:10
a|wenbut everyone has there favourite method ...17:11
mcnichollsyeah it's a person who posted the patch against the bug, so i have gone for the last one ;-)17:11
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a|wenhow do you figure out what goes wrong with ld in such a case "/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lMagick++"?17:33
gesera|wen: first check if libMagick++.so is available in /usr/lib (or /lib for some special libs)17:43
geserif it's due to missing build-depends17:44
geserif that's the case then the next step is: who is missing this build-dependency? is it direct (the app using the lib itself) or if it's dragged in through an other lib (.la files or .pc files)17:46
a|wengeser: okay; so that is how you get from the -l option to the filename ... hmm, it depends on libmagick++9-dev, provided by libmagick++-dev, which has the file17:50
a|wenahh, it actually complains about "Magick" ... libmagick++9-dev used to have /usr/bin/libMagick.so; it is now replaced/provided by libmagick++-dev which does neither have the file nor depend on a package with it17:57
a|wengeser: do you know of any way to search for a file in jaunty (if you are not currently running it, then apt-file can of course be used)18:01
geserpackages.ubuntu.com :)18:01
mcnichollsIf i wanted to help clear the NBS but i am not a registered developer, would i do this by filing a bug report and getting sponsorship as with other bugs?18:02
gesermcnicholls: yes18:03
a|wenahh, great18:04
mcnichollsgeser: cheers18:11
a|wengeser: thanks for pointing me in the right direction, it finally build :) ... for the record if you ever have a package FTBFS with a depends on libmagick++9-dev you might need to change it to graphicsmagick-libmagick-dev-compat18:13
gesera|wen: that will only work for packages in universe. what about libmagick++-dev? doesn't it work with it?18:15
a|wengeser: not if it uses "Magick" features as well as "Magick++"18:15
a|wengeser: /usr/lib/libMagick.so is only in graphicsmagick-libmagick-dev-compat in jaunty18:16
a|wengeser: and the /usr/lib/libMagick.so.* files which used to be in libmagick10 is no more18:22
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fabrice_spHi. Should a package that depends on python2.5 (>= 2.5) be rebuilt to depend on python2.6 (>=2,6)? or it's ok for Jaunty?18:49
fabrice_sppackage is ekg (http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/ekg)18:50
geserit would be good if we minimize the dependencies on python2.518:51
ScottKfabrice_sp: It should be rebuilt.18:51
fabrice_spok. quadrispro let me thought it's ok. I'll reactivate 2 bug reports I invalidated. Thnaks18:52
Adri2000could a backporter push forward bug #335692 please?19:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 335692 in intrepid-backports "Please backport filezilla" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33569219:44
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fatal_Hi.. recently upgraded from Intrepid to Jaunty. I'm seeing graphics corruption on Intel using compiz.... anyone know if there are any driver updates planned before the release?20:53
maixI've created a debdiff using this manual: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Recipes/Debdiff . I had to use my gpg key for that. Why?21:41
directhexmaix, because debuild will sign a changes file by default, using the gpg key corresponding to the most recent entry in changelog21:43
maixdirecthex: but for the debdiff is it not needed?21:43
directhexdebdiff itself? no.21:43
ScottKPass -us -uc to debuild and then it won't sign the packages.21:44
maixI've created a debdiff now, is there anything else I can do or is the rest done by the maintainers?21:44
directhexindeedy, hence "by default"21:44
maixyes that was mentioned in the guide21:45
ScottKmaix: Did you attach the debdiff to a bug and subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors to the bug?21:45
maixI'm just about to attach it, but wanted to ask before submitting21:45
maixit's main afaik21:45
directhexdid you remember to update-maintainer (if required)?21:45
ScottKThen it's ubuntu-main-sponsors.21:45
maixdirecthex: yes, but it was already ubuntu main devs21:45
maixScottK: ok21:46
maixthey'll contact me then?21:46
maixah and when i'm here: check the patch checkbox for debdiffs?21:47
maix(and what's the use of that checkbox btw?)21:47
maixdo I have to set the status to something? in progress or so?21:48
maixdirecthex: ^21:51
directhexjust leave it be, IME21:51
maixdirecthex: one more question: when fetching the source (apt-get source), it told me that this package is maintained using svn and told me the url of some svn repo at debian. is that important for this case?21:57
* porthose hangs up his "gone fishin" sign ;-)22:01
directhexmaix, it can provide you access to more recent packaging work, where e.g. bugfixes may exist22:02
maixhm it's just a little patch that has already been fixed in upstream and in other ubuntu releases22:03
wardiI've tried to follow the FFe guidelines for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/urwid/+bug/343347  Would someone mind having a look and let me know if I'm missing anything?22:06
ubottuUbuntu bug 343347 in urwid "python-urwid segfaults on invalid keypress data" [Undecided,Fix released]22:06
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nhandlerwardi: Why is the bug marked Fix released?22:13
denndaHi. Am I right assuming that universe is already frozen for jaunty? That's not too clear from the release schedule...22:13
denndaAh I should read the /topic22:14
wardinhandler: I guess I misunderstood that.  The fix is in upstream (debian unstable)22:20
wardinhandler: what should I have it set to?22:20
wardis/it/the bug status22:21
nhandlerThe status should be New since no FFe has been granted yet22:21
nhandlerwardi: You will want to mention what testing you have done22:22
wardinhandler: "when the upload is done" confused me here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess#FeatureFreeze for bug fix only updates (process agreed by motu-release)22:22
nhandlerwardi: I missed the part about bug fix only. If that is the case, subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsors to the bug22:24
wardinhandler: is updating the description or adding a comment preferred?22:24
nhandlerFor what?22:24
nhandlerwardi: ^^^22:25
wardiadding description of testing done22:25
nhandlerYou can do that in a comment.22:26
nhandlerAlso attach a build log so that the MOTU that reviews it knows that it builds fine22:26
nhandlerBut you do *not* need a FFe22:26
wardinhandler: ok, thanks :-)22:27
wardinhandler: is a debian build log acceptable, or should I set up a jaunty chroot and rebuild?22:30
mcnichollshad a google, but can't seem to find what FTFBS stands for. Can someone fill me in?22:30
wardifails to build from source22:30
nhandlerwardi: A Debian build log will not work. We need to know that it builds in Ubuntu. If you don't have a Jaunty chroot, you can upload it to your PPA22:31
pochumcnicholls: you should try the 'wtf' binary :)22:31
wardinhandler: PPA?22:32
nhandlermcnicholls: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/Abbreviations might also help22:32
nhandler!ppa | wardi22:32
ubottuwardi: With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.22:32
mcnichollspochu: hmmm not seen the wtf binary before ;-)22:34
eMerzhIf a MOTU have some time to review my package at http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?package=sqliteman22:34
mcnichollsnhandler: cheers thats what i am looking for really22:34
pochumcnicholls: it will tell you what acronyms mean :) try $ wtf FTBFS22:34
nhandlereMerzh: We are past Feature Freeze, the package will most likely not get uploaded until karmic22:35
mcnichollsi am reading the NBS page on the wiki and it is down as FTFBS which hasn't helped lol22:35
mcnichollshmmmm even wtf FTBFS doesn't seem to work22:36
mcnichollsbut i can see it on the Abbreviations page22:36
eMerzhnhandler: I know... but i want to be sure that nothing block the acceptation again .. it already missed jaunty .... :)22:36
nhandlereMerzh: Ok, that is fine. But just as a warning, most MOTUs will not be looking at REVU until the karmic repositories open up22:37
eMerzhnhandler: ok, i'll wait :)22:38
ScottKfabrice_sp: setools uploaded.  Thank you for your contribution to Ubuntu.22:54
mcnichollsif i was doing a rebuild to help remove an NBS package, in the example it says add build1 as ubuntu hasn't modified it, but what if ubuntu has all ready modified this package? If it is ubuntu1 do you go for ubuntu2 even if it is just a straight rebuild?23:05
mcnichollsok thanks. also if i want to create a bug to attach the rebuilt debdiff too, i suppose i create that against the source package i am rebuilding? Any particular format to create tat bug with?23:07
Laneyjust give it a decent title and description and attach the debdiff23:07
Laneymake sure it closes that bug23:07
mcnichollsso i am looking at rebuilding libddm-1-0 to build against libempathy22 instead of 19. So in the desktop-data-model source package i just create a bug something like "libddm-1-0 rebuild to remove libempathy19 dependancy" and attach my debdiff?23:10
mcnichollsand if i have the LP# in the change log then it will close it on build won't it?23:11
Laney* rebuild for foo (LP: #xxxxx)23:11
mcnichollsthats the one23:11
mcnichollsthanks. thats a lot of questions, but want to get it right as these are the first things i have submitted23:12
Laneyno worries, it's good to ask23:13
mcnichollsand if i subscribe ubuntu-universe-sponsorship then some should come along and pick it up? or do i need to do more than that?23:14
ryanakcaCould someone take a look at bug 343380 please?23:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 343380 in slingshot "Please sync slingshot 0.8.1p-2 from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34338023:44
nhandlerryanakca: I'll take a look23:46
Adri2000ryanakca: why was the bug confirmed while not acked?23:54

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