
tjw_has anyone else had issue with the latest 8.10 auto-build00:01
tjw_i had to manually stop udev and mythbackend to get the backend package to update00:02
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newmythmy pvr-15 used to work running knopmyth, but after reloading with mythbuntu, I get this:01:29
newmyth2009-03-14 20:06:38.000 TV Error: StartRecorder() -- timed out waiting for recorder to start01:29
newmyth2009-03-14 20:06:38.000 TV Error: LiveTV not successfully started01:29
newmythI have a HDHR, and that wroks well.  I assume the IVTV drivers are loaded already for this old card.01:29
newmythWhere do I start looking to solve this?01:30
woskianybody here use a dvico fusionhdtv card?01:40
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Gamerfuzioncould some one help me>02:19
Zinn!help For a  complete list of my knowledge visit: http://www.baablogic.net/Zinn.cgi  Other available commands: !status, !about, !bug [bug_number].02:20
Gamerfuzionis any one here?02:29
freelookthere are 49 people here02:29
Gamerfuziondo u know a lot about mythbuntu?02:30
Gamerfuzionbecause i rly need help02:30
freelookYou could always ask your question, and if I know the answer, I could answer, otherwise I could just stay silent02:31
MythbuntuGuest04hi guys02:31
MythbuntuGuest04i got a quick question if you don t mind02:32
Gamerfuzionok so like i just installed the addon to ubuntu and when i went to open the app it is asking me to put like a user name and stuff and i have no clue what to but02:32
MythbuntuGuest04prolly asked a thousand times but i got some trouble with the diskless button doing nothing on latest mythbuntu release02:34
Gamerfuzionlike what is my SQL info?02:34
Gamerfuzionidk dude i just now started useing myth02:36
MythbuntuGuest04well i think to your sql question you have to input your sql username and password02:37
freelookGamerfuzion: the SQL info for myth is probably held in /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt02:37
Gamerfuzionyes but how do i get them?02:37
Gamerfuzionkk 1 sec02:38
freelookget what02:38
MythbuntuGuest04go into a shell and look in the file02:38
MythbuntuGuest04it should be in there02:38
MythbuntuGuest04but can someone tell me if the diskless is broke in intrepid02:39
MythbuntuGuest04i push the button and nothing happens02:39
Gamerfuzionit says i was denied02:40
Gamerfuzionwhen i punt  /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt in02:40
MythbuntuGuest04opening the txt file??02:40
MythbuntuGuest04well you prolly have to sudo it02:40
Gamerfuzioni do that in a termanal right02:40
Gamerfuzionim sorry im kinda new to ubuntu02:41
Gamerfuzionstill learning it02:41
MythbuntuGuest04to make it easy i would type sudo su then enter then try to open the txt02:41
MythbuntuGuest04that ok02:41
Gamerfuzioni got the same message02:41
MythbuntuGuest04are you trying to open it with a text editor02:42
MythbuntuGuest04well to make it easy is to install mc02:42
MythbuntuGuest04midnight commander02:42
Gamerfuzion oh02:43
MythbuntuGuest04apt-get install mc02:43
Gamerfuzionkk im geting it now02:43
MythbuntuGuest04after that type mc and you see your folders in a kinda graphic view then you can go to the folder and hit f4 to view the file02:44
MythbuntuGuest04mc is a great tool02:45
Gamerfuzionwhitch file do i need though02:45
MythbuntuGuest04 /etc/mythtv/mysql.txt02:45
MythbuntuGuest04you can navigate with the arrow keys02:46
Gamerfuziongrrr it still didnt work02:48
MythbuntuGuest04i still need to know if the diskless button is broke in latest mythbuntu release02:48
MythbuntuGuest04what does it say02:48
Gamerfuzionwhen i tested it it still failed02:48
MythbuntuGuest04did you look in the file02:49
Gamerfuzionyep it had exactly what i had typed in before02:49
Gamerfuzionis there a way i can reset it02:49
MythbuntuGuest04umm probably but i m not a sql whiz02:50
MythbuntuGuest04i used the live cd to install it02:50
MythbuntuGuest04works right out the box02:50
Gamerfuzioni wish i had of done that02:50
MythbuntuGuest04well you can still do02:51
MythbuntuGuest04download the live image and reinstall it from there02:51
Gamerfuzionyeah but i dont need a whole nother os on my compurer02:51
Gamerfuzionwhat mean02:51
Gamerfuzionis myth a whole os or still just a addon02:51
MythbuntuGuest04heh i see you re trying to use the machine for otehr things too02:51
Gamerfuzionyeah i use vista and ubuntu02:52
MythbuntuGuest04what you could try is to reinstall sql02:52
Gamerfuzionhow would i do that02:52
MythbuntuGuest04i belive it goes like apt-get -remove mysql install mysql but i could be wrong02:53
Gamerfuzionworth a try02:54
woskianybody here use a dvico fusionhdtv card?02:54
Gamerfuzionit said the r from remove isnt known02:54
MythbuntuGuest04sry m8 not me pvr 150 here02:54
MythbuntuGuest04try it with -purge02:55
Gamerfuzionit said the p frpm purge isnt known02:56
MythbuntuGuest04apt-get -reinstall mysql02:56
Gamerfuzionthe r isnt known02:57
MythbuntuGuest04try --remove damn i can t remember how it goes02:57
ZinnMythbuntuGuest04: Please watch your language.02:57
Gamerfuzionit said it was invalid operation mysql02:59
MythbuntuGuest04apt-get --reinstall install mysql03:00
MythbuntuGuest04might be missing a - before install03:00
Gamerfuzionit asked me if i was root?03:01
MythbuntuGuest04well do sudo su03:01
MythbuntuGuest04enter your pw03:01
MythbuntuGuest04then try again03:01
MythbuntuGuest04all operations that change the config require root privileges03:01
Gamerfuzione: couldn't find pacage mysql03:02
MythbuntuGuest04maybe its called mysqld03:02
Gamerfuzionsaid that it couldnt find it again03:03
MythbuntuGuest04is sql installed???03:03
Gamerfuzionthank you so much for helping me thouh03:03
Gamerfuzionyes ... i think03:03
MythbuntuGuest04hmm open synaptic and look for it you can just click and point there03:04
MythbuntuGuest04if its installed remove it and reinstall it afterwards then it should prompt you to input user and pw03:06
Gamerfuzionwould it just be called SQL?03:06
MythbuntuGuest04could be03:07
ZinnGamerfuzion: Please watch your language.03:08
Gamerfuzioni think im just screwed03:08
MythbuntuGuest04there is a way03:08
MythbuntuGuest04i m just not to knowledgable03:08
Gamerfuzionis there something for ubuntu thats like teamviewer03:09
MythbuntuGuest04or putty03:10
Gamerfuzionbtw im back03:12
Gamerfuziondo u think that package would be sqlrelay-mysql03:13
MythbuntuGuest04hmm i dunno don t sound like it03:13
Gamerfuzionoh well i guess i will just give up on mythbuntu03:16
MythbuntuGuest04i wouldn t its a great piece of software03:16
Gamerfuziongah do u think if i was top make a live cd i could use that to over ride my setting i have now?03:17
MythbuntuGuest04well it would overrride teh whole hdd and preconfigure itself03:18
Gamerfuzioneven my vista setting?03:18
MythbuntuGuest04well you could do a split install half vista and half mythbuntu03:19
MythbuntuGuest04but why keep a broken os around??03:19
Gamerfuzionbunt like now when i start it up it asks mr if i want to start ubp ubuntu or vista would it then be vista ubuntu and mythbuntu or just vista and myth?03:20
freelookGamerfuzion: there is something that's a little like teamviewer03:20
freelookexcept only for terminal03:20
Gamerfuzionoh thanks03:20
MythbuntuGuest04just vista and myth03:22
Gamerfuzionlike would it erase ubuntu and replace it with myth03:22
MythbuntuGuest04but yo can use myth also as a desktop it gfot all packages03:22
Gamerfuzionwhat u mean03:22
MythbuntuGuest04well you can use mythbuntu as a full blown ubuntu too03:23
Gamerfuzionthatts what i want03:23
MythbuntuGuest04well yes you can do that03:23
Gamerfuzionand just reubuntu will be gone?03:24
Gamerfuzionreg ubuntu03:24
Gamerfuzioncool i guess i will do that03:24
Gamerfuzionim down loading now03:24
MythbuntuGuest04kk man03:25
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MythbuntuGuest04well i still dunno if the diskless build button is broke03:25
Gamerfuzionu have ben a rly big help man thanks03:25
Gamerfuzion1 sec03:25
MythbuntuGuest04hey np m8 wasn t much help but i tried03:26
Gamerfuzionnah man it was a lot and now im replaceing ubuntu with mythbuntu03:26
Gamerfuzionbut wait will it still be like ubuntu03:27
Gamerfuzionbecause i rly like ubuntu03:27
Gamerfuzion27 min lol03:27
MythbuntuGuest04you can switch desktops left and right03:28
Gamerfuzionwhat u mean03:28
Gamerfuzionwill i still have compiz?03:28
MythbuntuGuest04you will have the myth app and you have a regular desktop03:28
MythbuntuGuest04you can install compiz through synaptic03:29
Gamerfuziondo u have liek an aim or msn account?03:29
Gamerfuziono ok03:29
Gamerfuzionwould u mind if i added u because u have been rly nice and helped me03:30
MythbuntuGuest04sure i convoed you and gave you the info03:30
MythbuntuGuest04man this stupid build button is driving me insane03:31
ChaorainIs there a way to play a cd in MythTv without ripping?05:56
oliverlIs here somebody who has a  Hauppauge Nova-SE2 up and running, system is 8.04.1, lspci lists the card and lsmod is showing the correspondent cx88xx modules but no TV picture, a FF Hauppauge card that is installed in parallel is working perfect15:22
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Shadow__Xiotop isnt in available in mythbuntu17:35
johannes__hi im running a diskless server, how can I change the diskless frontend's screen resolution on the server?18:07
tgm4883Shadow__X, iotop isn't available in Ubuntu18:18
Shadow__Xtgm4883, in intrepid it is18:18
Shadow__Xhardy it isnt18:18
Shadow__Xand i am having issues installing from source18:18
tgm4883ah, well that was my issue then18:19
tgm4883my backend runs hardy18:19
Shadow__Xtgm4883, http://guichaz.free.fr/iotop/18:19
tgm4883I just unzipped it to it's own dir and run it from there18:19
Shadow__Xthats the site18:19
tgm4883yea it's on my backend18:20
Shadow__Xyeah i used git18:20
Shadow__Xbut i cant install it18:20
Shadow__Xi can run it from within the dir18:20
Shadow__Xbut i wanted to install it18:20
Shadow__Xinstall script says this18:21
tgm4883well it's probably not what you want, but a couple of people have PPA's with it for hardy18:21
Shadow__Xi saw that18:23
Shadow__Xguess ill just do that18:23
tgm4883why are you running install-rpm.sh18:23
Shadow__Xwell if there was just a rpm i could alien it18:24
Shadow__Xhow would you recommend installing it18:24
Shadow__Xi also tried opening the script and running the sep commands18:24
tgm4883well there is an rpm18:24
Shadow__Xwanted to compile from source make me feel special18:24
tgm4883i'd probably just download the deb from a ppa though18:25
tgm4883well if that makes you feel special, go for it18:25
Shadow__Xi just dont see how to install from git though18:25
Shadow__Xi guess i could just copy io top to sbin right18:25
tgm4883IIRC, you should be able to do something like "setup.py build"  "setup.py install"18:27
tgm4883but i'm kinda fuzzy on that18:27
Shadow__Xyeah i just added the repo18:35
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johannes__hi im running a diskless server, how can I change the diskless frontend's screen resolution on the server?18:55
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woskianybody here use a dvico fusionhdtv card?21:15
rcopelan__interesting that I have a 15 second lag between hearing the comm checks via live.Twit and   NASA TV on my other laptop!21:26
xjuniorhi all, which backend mythtv use?21:41
woskiwhy no sound out of myth?21:48
woskiwhy no sound out of myth?22:37
pteagueok, i know somethings wrong... i've got 2 recordings of `Hannah Montana - "Papa's Got a Brand New Friend"` both today 6:06pm-6:30pm & 6:07pm-6:30pm ... wtf, why am i recording Hannah Montana? ... & using the cli it says both encoders are idle, but i can't watch anything23:12
xjuniorwoski, what is the default mythtv command for video player? (On player settings)23:39

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