
Ishhey hey hey00:22
ubottuHi! Welcome to #xubuntu!00:34
IshWe're a friendly bunch! Happy to help with any of your questions!00:35
forcesxubuntu rocks!00:44
Ishit does, i'm using it right now, and i can't stop smiling00:46
forcesxubuntu makes me feel so happy, free and fast00:48
IshI Can ride a bike again!00:49
forceskde4 rlz!!(?)00:52
Ishhypothetically, if i log into a router that was set to the default settings, what's the best thing i could do? other than upgrade their firmware for them02:04
Ishand believe me, the firmware will be upgraded for them before i'm done, i hope to get that bored with this02:04
zoredacheit depends on what you mean by 'router', a consumer broadband device, or something that you might find in your isp...    I strongly suggest you don't do anything to a computer that you don't own02:10
zoredacheor any other piece of network equipment02:10
zoredacheit is almost certainly illegal, impolite, and stupid02:11
Ishbut i love you02:12
Ishare you a cop? you have to tell me if you are02:12
zoredacheare you sure about that?  Are you completely sure, that in every possible jurisdition that a cop must identify themselves?02:13
zoredacheit doesn't really matter. this is off-topic...  ask somewhere else02:14
Ishwhere's the off topic xubuntu?02:16
Ishand i don't think a cop EVER has to say he's a cop, that's just something that the internet and television lies about02:16
cody-somervilleIsh, #xubuntu-offtopic02:18
Ishany idea why the max speed for my dvd-burner has a max speed for the dvd-rw of 2x, but only burns at .6x?02:53
Gaduhey, i'm trying to customize my xubuntu livecd for on-the-go (and showing off) using https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization03:23
Gaduhowever, i can't seem to find the config files for default desktop background and customizing panel03:23
Gaducould someone point me to the directory these files would be located?03:23
landguys, can you help me w/ MPlayer config.?03:39
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ReRamBeCapHow i can uninstall xubuntu?!!05:17
rockoyou can't05:28
rockoxubuntu is permanent05:28
cody-somervillerocko, that isn't true05:49
rockoyes it is05:54
rockoxubuntu can never be removed05:54
forcesyes, can be06:00
forcesyou can delete the partition06:00
forcesthere are many ways to remove linux06:00
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axionis there any way to have per-folder icon sizes like nautilus?11:00
axioni want my images to show as big thumbnails....everything else compact list11:00
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TheSheepaxionix: no11:04
axionixoh well. nautilus until it can :)11:05
TheSheepI don't think it will ever do it11:09
TheSheepuse an image browser11:09
axionixok. i'm just writing a python script to do what i want11:10
axionixtired of looking :)11:10
jarnosI experimented by Xfce 4.6's power manager but switched back to gnome-power-manager. The problem is, the suspend button does not work with it anymore even if it did before my experiments. In preferences gnome-power-manager is configured to suspend when suspend button is pressed.11:20
TheSheepdon't worry, it will suspend right away on next wakeup, having rememebered your keypresses11:22
TheSheepI had it, I hade to wake it up ten times in a row11:22
jarnosTheSheep: It does not behave like that here.11:29
jarnosTheSheep: I would be worried, if it did.11:30
landis there any way i can keep a background image in a folder?12:55
SiDihuh ?12:56
land*for a folder?12:56
SiDiYou want to put a background image in a folder, in Thunar ?12:57
landyeah a backgroung image12:58
landwhat is thunar?12:58
SiDiIt's Xfce's file manager's name :P12:59
SiDiI don't think that's possible, btw13:00
landi see13:00
mib_qx6p3rdbHi all! I'm running xubuntu 8.04, I'd like to avoid stretching when i'm running a low-resolution application on fullscreen (I'd prefer to have black border). Is that possible? Thanks in advance for any help.15:32
cody-somervillemib_qx6p3rdb, that has to happen at the application level15:35
Maximilian1stHi, I use xubuntu 8.10 with Xfce 4.6 and after changing the mouse speed in the xfce mouse settings, the mouse went faster and all was ok. But now, after a reboot, my alps mouse is gone and I only have left some mackintosh emulation thing, before there were three devices listed. I only have one touchpad on the notebook. I plugged a USB mouse and it works perfectly but I need my touchpad to work again. Any advice?15:38
mib_qx6p3rdbcody-somerville: thank you :)15:39
cody-somervilleMaximilian1st, Ouch.15:41
Maximilian1stI know that hurts, sorry :-p15:42
Maximilian1stI don't know where to look at.15:42
Maximilian1stI have no clue, but in some way it is more some xorg stuff I should look in probably.15:42
Maximilian1stBy the way, hi cody-somerville15:43
cody-somervilleHi :)15:43
JPohlmannMaximilian1st: Welcome to the ugly world of evdev :-/15:44
Maximilian1stI noticed a bug from some user about an alps touchpad and it was filed yesterday or so.15:44
JPohlmannI suppose that's what's being used here.15:44
Maximilian1stHey Jannis :-)15:44
Maximilian1stevdev is used, I checked the xorg log.15:44
Maximilian1stbut it does not state the alps touchpad at all.15:44
Laserbeak43how do i log in as root after i select switch users?15:45
Maximilian1stAre there some backups of these logs somewhere?15:45
Laserbeak43typing root as username does nothing15:45
Maximilian1stIt used to work before I change the speed of the mouse.15:45
Maximilian1stThere is an old xorg log file15:46
Maximilian1st(II) config/hal: Adding input device AlpsPS/2 ALPS GlidePoint15:46
Maximilian1stAnd the mouse is there. Why has it gone now? Is there any hazard involved and if I reboot it is magically there again?15:47
cemunaldoes latest xubuntu kernel support 0c45:613c Microdia driver? Can i use 0c45:613c Microdia webcam with xubuntu?15:47
mib_qx6p3rdbI've found a solution: nvidia-settings let you set the scaling mode of the display :]15:48
Maximilian1stcemunal, http://rubenruiz.org/2008/06/23/tx1320-microdia-webcam-on-ubuntu-804-part-1/ could that help?15:49
Maximilian1stI give the reboot a try.15:51
Laserbeak43hi cna someone please tell me how to login as root so i can add new users and edit groups?15:52
mib_qx6p3rdbbye all!15:53
TheSheepLaserbeak43: applications->system->users and groups16:00
TheSheepalso see this16:00
TheSheep!sudo | Laserbeak4316:00
ubottuLaserbeak43: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)16:00
Maximilian1stcody-somerville, the reboot did the magic trick. Yet it is a bit hazardous why it suddenly works again. As I mentionned in #xfce, it's a bit like in windows, try to reboot maybe it will work again.16:00
Laserbeak43TheSheep: sudo users-admin does not help16:01
Laserbeak43which is the command for users and groups16:01
Laserbeak43is there a graphical login screen that allows you to click the user that you want to log in as?16:23
charlie-tcayes, it is called a faced theme.16:23
Laserbeak43ok, i'm using a faced theme now but i don't have a user selection16:24
Laserbeak43just a place to type a user's name16:24
* Laserbeak43 has a 3 year old that isn't much of a typer16:24
charlie-tcafaced themes should have a user list and a place-holder for a picture of the user.16:24
Laserbeak43or a speller for that16:24
Laserbeak43ok thanks16:24
charlie-tcaTry settings -> login window and try each theme. They won't have the xubuntu logo, but they do work16:25
Laserbeak43just typing16:30
Laserbeak43there's an option to add more though16:30
Laserbeak43so i have to find a place to download them16:30
Laserbeak43ok i don't see where i would get them :/16:30
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy16:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gdm16:32
ubottuThemes for Xfce4 are simply GTK2+ themes which means Gnome themes are also compatible with your xfce4 desktop. To install themes, unpack it in ~/.themes/  To install icons, unpack them to ~/.icons/ - Visit http://www.xfce-look.org/ for all kinds of eyecandy for your Xfce4 desktop! - See also !themes for other GNOME theme sites16:33
charlie-tcaI don't know, maybe16:33
Laserbeak43ok thanks i'll look16:37
Laserbeak43just posted these16:52
Laserbeak43oh well, i posted on the forums16:52
Laserbeak43the clipboard is acting stupid16:52
vinnlLaserbeak43, how?16:52
Laserbeak43i pressed ctrl+c in FF and then tried to paste here16:53
Laserbeak43but no go16:53
vinnlWith Firefox still open?16:53
Laserbeak43nothing unusual16:53
Laserbeak43if you close ff the clipboard erases?16:53
vinnlLaserbeak43, not if you add the Clipman plugin to the panel ;-)16:53
Laserbeak43hehe sounds like a plan16:54
Laserbeak43thanks :)16:54
vinnlyw :)16:55
Laserbeak43added :)16:55
Laserbeak43thats the link btw16:59
Laserbeak43don't think i'16:59
Laserbeak43get an answer though16:59
Laserbeak43that forum moves fast16:59
Laserbeak43charlie-tca: seems i've found one in the list17:10
Laserbeak43faced with browser17:10
=== sancas_ is now known as sancas
whileimhereHi how can I add the workspace switcher to my panel.19:04
merav_Hey, how do I enable Hebrew on my Xubuntu 8.10 installation?19:04
SiDiwhileimhere: right click -> add to panel -> workspaces19:05
TheSheepmerav_: applications->system->language support19:05
TheSheepmerav_: install it, then pick your language at the login screen19:05
SiDiwhileimhere: the thing to add might be named "Desktops"19:05
merav_there's no hebrew there thesheet19:05
merav_sorry, it is there the sheep19:06
whileimhereSiDi I do not see either of those listed. I was looking for those.19:06
TheSheepthe translations may be inclomplete, you can help improving it :)19:06
ubottuTranslate Ubuntu into your own language, important translations that are needed are listed first. See https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/19:06
merav_but I don't want full hebrew for my system, but only the ability to switch between english and hebrew keyboards19:06
ubottuTo switch your keyboard layout on GNOME: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard (GNOME) - KDE: K -> System Settings -> Regional & Language -> Keyboard Layout (KDE) - Xfce: see https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/xubuntu/desktopguide/C/switch-keyboard-layout.html - See also !Shortcuts19:06
merav_i'll try, thanks thesheep19:07
TheSheepmerav_: oops, sorry, it changed in recent xubuntu19:07
SiDiwhileimhere: i have it here. an iconless entry called "Bureaux" (Desktops in english)19:07
SiDithe description is something such as "miniature view of virtual desktops"19:07
TheSheepmerav_: you don't edit xorg.conf, you edit /etc/defaults/console19:07
merav_oh alright19:08
TheSheep /etc/default/console-setup19:08
merav_alright, I've loaded it in nano19:08
merav_but what do I edit?19:08
TheSheepthere should be a line like XKBLAYOUT="us"19:09
TheSheepchange it to "he"19:09
merav_ok, done19:09
whileimheresidi I found it. The no icon thing gave me a clue. Its called pager here19:09
SiDiThere is the setxkbmap command, either.19:09
SiDiwhileimhere: scary names isn't it ? :P19:09
merav_...now what?19:10
merav_now what thesheep?19:11
Hancokcan any one tell me a verygood and free ext3 filesystem recovery app to recover my deleted or formated files/data ?19:57
TheSheepHancok: there is no such thing19:58
HancokTheSheep then how can i recover my deleted data from an ext3?19:58
TheSheepHancok: you might be able to find some of those files by content, if you are lucky19:58
TheSheepHancok: but most of the time you can't, they are lost19:59
Hancokwindows have many  app for fat32 and ntfs. why not ext3?19:59
HancokTheSheep what do you mean by 'content'?19:59
TheSheepHancok: if you remember what was in those files, you can search the raw disk image for it and recover fragments of those files, if you can spot their beginning and end, and if they fit in one block20:00
Hancokhow to search for it then?20:01
TheSheepyour disk is treated as a file, you can open /dev/sda in some binary editor or viewer, and look for your files20:03
SiDiThere must be apps actually T_T20:03
TheSheepSiDi: it's not possible, DOS/Windows only marks files as deleted by replacing the first letter of their names with special character, ext3 deletes the entry that describes where the file is from inode table20:04
merav_hey TheSheep, i have still not managed to install the hebrew keyboard...got any ideas?20:04
TheSheepmerav_: you've put 'he' in XKBLAYOUT in that file?20:05
TheSheepmerav_: it should just work, after logging out and back in20:05
over1ordhello; I'm having problems instaling xubuntu (more specifically, my of won't boot the live cd). any suggestions?20:06
SiDithat's true, knowing how ext is made, it would be pretty HARD, but i dont think it'd be impossible to get a few files back20:07
SiDithere would just be missing parts :P20:07
merav_TheSheep, after putting in 'he', the entire computer operated in hebrew..i only wanted a keyboard switch option20:08
merav_how can i do that?20:09
TheSheepthat's strange20:09
TheSheepwhat happens wen you just run 'setxkbmap he' in terminal?20:09
merav_nothing at all20:11
TheSheepno message?20:11
merav_what should i write in terminal20:11
TheSheepsetxkbmap he20:12
merav_nothing happens20:12
TheSheepnot even an error?20:12
TheSheepbecause it gives me an error that hebrew keyboard map is not installed20:12
merav_nope..no error.....20:13
TheSheepshould hebrew keyboard output hebrew characters normally, or with some modifier key?20:14
merav_i dont understand..20:14
TheSheepbecause the polish layout is identical with us, except it has some additional characters when you press alt+key20:14
TheSheepmaybe hebrew works in similar way?20:15
TheSheepbut I suppose that would be inconvenient20:15
merav_the characters in hebrew are completley different then the english ones..20:15
TheSheepI'm aware of that, I worked on rtl support for my webapp :)20:16
TheSheepmerav_: what happens if you put "us,he" in that XKBLAYOUT like?20:16
merav_arg. with ubuntu i could easily use the keyboard setting to change it so that i would press alt-alt and it would change between them..20:17
merav_hold on i'll try20:17
TheSheepyeah, xfce sucks in this regard20:17
SiDiuse gnome's app under xfce then :P20:17
Alynnaactually i'll ask here.  I got a question about what might be a serious bug..20:19
Alynnaif theres currently a workaround..20:19
Alynnawhen I maximize a window, its borders disappear.20:19
TheSheepAlynna: that's intended, you can disable that20:19
Myrttishouldn't. which version are you using?20:19
Myrttio, right, BORDERS20:20
* Myrtti buys new eyes20:20
Alynnano, I mean ALL th borders, including the titlebar.20:20
TheSheepAlynna: how do you maximize it?20:20
TheSheepAlynna: f11?20:20
Alynnaclicking on the square.20:20
* charlie-tca don't like when windows do that. He likes the titlebar20:21
Alynnathe window itself is the proper size, i can see the desktop underneath where the borders would be.20:21
Alynnahere i'll post a snapshot.20:21
TheSheepAlynna: do the title appear back when you unmaximize it?20:22
Alynnanote, that this is with Jaunty development version,20:24
Alynnaas you can see, not only are its borders missing, but you can see the borders of another window behind it20:25
Alynnathe window manager itself is fine20:25
Alynnaand if i unmaximize the window borders will return.20:26
Alynnai upgraded to Jaunty early cause I really wanted DRI2 and kinda regret it now. heh.  But i've found workarounds for most the problems but this one20:27
AlynnaI had to disable UXA acceleration because of all the problems it caused..20:28
AlynnaI've got about a dozen bugs to report about UXA/DRI2..20:28
Alynnabut the one I am reporting now i'm pretty sure can be localized to XFWM420:29
charlie-tcaDo you have compiz enabled?20:29
charlie-tcaTried different themes?20:30
AlynnaI actually want acceleration for 3D apps like second life, I do not want my desktop compositing because it would take performance from 3D apps20:30
Alynnai tried different window decoration themes, yes20:30
Alynnathe windows themselves resize as if the theme was changed, but the borders don't reappear.20:31
Alynnaactually what specifically happens is this:20:31
Alynnawhen I go to change the theme..20:32
Alynnathe window maximizes as if it has no borders whatsoever.20:32
Alynnawhen I unmaximize, the borders return in the new theme.20:32
Alynnawhen I maximize in the new theme, the borders disappear, to the size of the new theme.20:33
Alynnaits too bad, actually, i'd prefer this behaviour if the window actually maximized without titlebars.  this is an acer aspire one, 1024x600.20:36
Alynnai may have to install Compiz just to fix this20:36
Alynnawhere should I report the DRI2/UXA bugs?20:39
Alynnaand where to report this specific xubuntu bug?20:39
charlie-tcaSame place, just one bug report will cover it20:40
Alynnaok.. cause i got several bugs to report.20:40
AlynnaDRI2/UXA is currently in pretty bad shape.20:40
Alynnaand i know its getting close to release time20:41
charlie-tcaMake sure you state in the report the hardware used, that it is Jaunty Xubuntu, you updated yesterday or today,.20:41
charlie-tcaone bug per report20:41
charlie-tcaI use the format in https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Bug-Reprot-Layout20:42
charlie-tcaWell, this one: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/Bug-Report-Layout20:43
bpmarkham1i have a fresh install of xubuntu on my ps3 and can't install anything. apt-get install keeps getting stuck at "processing triggers for man-db" any ideas anyone?20:43
bpmarkham1ubuntu install does the same thing20:44
charlie-tcaDid you use the ported version?20:44
Alynnacompiz has screwed my entire session BRB20:44
bpmarkham1the powerpc ps3 version? yes20:44
charlie-tcaThat would be the one, yes20:44
bpmarkham1yea i'm on my 4th fresh install... can't seem to figure it out20:45
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ps320:45
charlie-tcaSomeone want to jump in here? I don't know the ps320:46
charlie-tcabpmarkham1: I might suggest the #ubuntu-ps3 channel.20:48
charlie-tcaHope they can help20:48
Laserbeak43dowloaded wolfenstein went into terminal and navigated to its directory20:50
Laserbeak43typed sudo chmod +x et-linux-2.60.x86.run20:50
Laserbeak43and nothing happened20:50
arktvrvssomething did hapen20:51
arktvrvsyou made it executable, now execute it20:52
Alynnayou know what this is acting like?20:52
Alynnai just noticed that some of my windows are coming up automaximized.20:52
Laserbeak43oh ok20:52
charlie-tcaare they opening maximized, or is it just the maximized icon?20:53
Alynnasome things are opening maximized that didn't before.20:53
Alynnaglxgears, the thunderbird preferences dialog20:53
Alynnai think something is in the background doing this..20:54
charlie-tcaResolution, I think20:54
Alynnai think something in here is trying to treat my system like a netbook (which it is) but I have it running a full desktop.20:54
charlie-tcaNow that you mention it, I have seen that. Many applications open maximized in VBox, at low resolution.20:56
charlie-tcaAt higher resolutions on my hardware installs, they don't do that20:56
Alynnamaximus... i didn't put that in there...20:56
charlie-tcaBut I never lose the title bar20:56
Alynnai bet thats it20:57
Laserbeak43how do i kill an application that won't stop?20:57
Laserbeak43is it "kill"?20:57
charlie-tcakillall appname in a terminal20:57
bpmarkham1no response in #ubuntu-ps3... post here again...  i have a fresh install of xubuntu on my ps3 and can't install anything. apt-get install keeps getting stuck at "processing triggers for man-db" any ideas anyone? same thing happens for an ubuntu install. I'm also using the ported ps3 iso.20:58
charlie-tcaCtrl+alt+esc and click on the application if you are not in jaunty20:58
charlie-tcaLaserbeak43: sorry, sudo killall appname20:59
Alynnathat fixed it20:59
charlie-tcawhat did?20:59
Alynnai killall -9'ed maximus20:59
charlie-tcaI thought Laserbeak43 asked about killing20:59
Laserbeak43well i need to kill abiword20:59
Laserbeak43but it says i need a process name or id21:00
AlynnaI wonder if its possible to make maximus actually work right..21:00
charlie-tcaYou in the gui?21:00
Laserbeak43oh that did it21:00
Laserbeak43sudo killall21:00
charlie-tcaAlynna: I don't know, but that should narrow down the bug report some21:00
Alynnait does, it means the bug isnt with xfwm421:01
Alynnalets see if this fixed problems with UXA, i kinda doubt it, but worht a try21:13
charlie-tcaAnybody know of a PPA with gnumeric in it? I need the latest version21:13
forceshow can I install xfce 4.6 in xubuntu?21:19
charlie-tcaIt is in jaunty, to be released on April 23. Also,21:20
TheSheepforces: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/xubuntu-devel/2008-August/006494.html21:20
charlie-tcaWe got the final in ppa21:20
forceswhat happen if I'm using xubuntu 8.04 LTS?21:22
forcescan I install xfce 4.6?21:22
charlie-tcaSee my reference right above21:22
forcesok thanks21:24
Dillizarwill xubuntu work on 466mhz with 384ram with no compiz or what so ever effects?21:35
charlie-tcait will, but it will be slow21:35
charlie-tcaIf you stay with one application at a time, maybe two, it should be fine21:35
chewiti run xubuntu on 633mhz & 256mb, runs very well21:35
Dillizarwill flash works chewit21:36
chewitworks great for me21:36
chewitbut full screen is terrible21:36
chewityes 10, 10 runs better than 9 for linux anyway21:36
Dillizarwell 700mhz its the min for ubuntu :P21:37
chewiti thought 700 was recommended, isnt 300 min21:37
charlie-tcayes, but xubuntu is tested on 400MHz, 256MB ram21:37
chewithas 9.04 has any improvements on mem & cpu usage21:38
charlie-tcaUbuntu uses more resources. To run the minumun, you install a server version or minimal version21:38
charlie-tcadon't know that one, chewit21:39
Dillizarcharlie-tca, if i install xubuntu and install gnome interface will it be still xubuntu or will be ubuntu21:39
Dillizardoes the interface makes it xubuntu21:39
charlie-tcaI think 9.04 uses less ram and cpu than 8.04 and 8.10 did, but that is only because I can get 9.04 to work on that old machine21:39
chewitah gd21:40
charlie-tcaDillizar: it will be xubuntu with gnome, but will work much worse that Xubuntu without gnome21:40
Dillizarxubntu with gnome will work faster than ubuntu21:42
Dillizarmaybe i will just install LCARS 2421:42
chewitisn;t that just ubuntu if  u do that21:42
chewityou could try lxde21:42
Mr-Wooflo all, wondering if i could ask a question? :)21:42
charlie-tcaDillizar: I don't think it will be much faster, if at all. It is gnome that slows ubuntu down21:43
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:43
Dillizarchewit, damn its debian :D i like lxde :P21:44
Mr-WoofI've got a eee900 netbook, i don't want to overwrite the existing xandros install. I've just got unetbootin working with xubuntu. I'd like to install that to a sd card, what sort of size would i need? Would it work ok?21:44
DillizarMr-Woof, wait wait21:44
chewitu can install lxde in ubuntu21:44
chewitsudo apt-get install lxde21:44
Dillizaryour eee900 using what kind of hdd21:45
Mr-Woofwaiting :)21:45
Mr-Woofit has two, 4gb and 16gb i think21:45
Dillizardo you know21:45
Dillizarwhat kind of hdd you have21:45
Dillizarlemme tell you21:45
Dillizar10x faster than any sata21:45
Mr-Woofplease do :)21:45
Dillizar160gb from your kidn of hdd its smt like 1000$21:46
charlie-tcaYou can also install xubuntu it it21:46
Mr-WoofI'd like it separate from the existing xandros install though21:46
Mr-WoofGreat distro by the way guys, i use ubuntu normally :)21:47
charlie-tcajust have the installation process partition the 16gb drive and install there. You need 3GB for /, if home is separate21:48
Mr-Woofhmm good idea, so if i did install it on an sd card i would need at least 4gb?21:53
charlie-tcayes, to do the install. It will take just over 1.5 GB when installed21:54
charlie-tcaBut it has to have room for the files during the installation process21:54
Mr-Woofwhat sort of size are we talking about?21:58
stygianwhats a good font for unicode? this monospace is just giving me lots of ????21:58
charlie-tca3 GB minimum for the installation process to proceed21:58
Mr-Woofk, thanks :)21:59
charlie-tcastygian: maybe sans will be better for you?21:59
Mr-Woofout of interest, does anyone in here own a fujitsu siemens v2000d notebook?22:00
charlie-tcastygian: also, bitstream fonts should work, I think. I use all DejaVu fonts, and only get a couple of ??22:01
Mr-Woofi can't get the bloody thing to boot from a usb pen drive22:03
Mr-Woofthanks for the information guys22:08
stygianheres a better question, how do i get unicode (or even things like ?) to appear in xfterm4?22:09
stygianalls well in firefox and such22:09
TheSheepstygian: it just works22:17
stygian?ss?ae(C) --> ?ss?ae(C)22:18
TheSheepstygian: look: こんにちは22:18
TheSheepstygian: did you uninstall anything?22:19
stygiani evidently didnt have the language pack until about 30 minutes ago though22:19
TheSheepthe basic fonts are installed by default22:20
TheSheepstygian: what's your locale?22:20
stygiannot sure, how do i find?22:21
TheSheepstygian: if you type 'locale' in the terminal, what does it say (don't paste it all)22:21
TheSheepok, that's broken22:21
TheSheeplog out, choose your locale at login screen, and log in back22:22
stygiank, 1 sec22:22
bpmarkhamhey everyone... while trying to install specific packages or run the update manager on a fresh install of ubuntu or xubuntu the install freezes at "processing triggers for man-db." Any ideas how i can fix or get around this?22:29
Mooddo you have enough HD space?22:31
bpmarkhamMood: that ? for me?22:31
bpmarkhamyes i do22:32
bpmarkhamin fact it says it's only gonna take up a couple hundred KB but there's gigs free22:32
Moodbpmarkham: do you have /usr/lib/man-db/man?22:37
bpmarkhamstand by 122:39
bpmarkhamyes i do22:39
Moodbpmarkham: i'd never had that issue myself, but i'd check /var/log files to see if there's any errors not showing up on std output22:40
Moodhaving said that, i have to leave now. best of luck to you22:40
bpmarkhamtks mood22:41
bpmarkhamanyone else got any ideas22:52
bpmarkhamhey everyone... while trying to install specific packages or run the update manager on a fresh install of ubuntu or xubuntu the install freezes at "processing triggers for man-db." Any ideas how i can fix or get around this?22:52
Daxiesearching the ubuntu forums had no awnser?22:57
bpmarkhamit does this for anything i try to install23:08
bpmarkhamnot a one package deal23:08
Daxiehmm ok23:08
bpmarkhameven when running apt-get upgrade23:08
Daxieaptitude update ?23:08
bpmarkhamthat the same as apt-get update?23:09
Daxiesaver i heard, i use it all the time23:09
bpmarkhamso try aptitude upgrade as well?23:11
Daxieyou can try23:11
bpmarkhamsame problem23:13
bpmarkhamstops at "processing triggers for man-db"23:13
DaxieHmm ok23:14
bpmarkhamthis time it's working on perl base23:14
bpmarkham"preparing to replace... unpacking replacement... processing triggers for man-db"23:15
bpmarkhamit's like it's got ADD...23:16
bpmarkhaminstalling, installing, installing, ooo look a shiny object i'm gonna go off into la-la-land now23:16
knomeplease try to stay sane on the channel ;)23:24
Daxieyou can check with synaptic if there are any broken packages23:24
bpmarkhamhow do i go about that?23:25
Daxieopen synaptic Go to EDIT > Fix broken packages. Then "Reload"23:26
bpmarkhami'll give it a whirl23:26
Daxieok, got to go... good luck23:27

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