
adsarrrghhh: that's what i meant with "advanded". I configured the window to open with a specific size but this setting is ignored (KDE 4.2, Intrepid00:00
arrrghhhads, you set this in the "Window Behavior" in system settings?00:00
adsarrrghhh: hmm, no, i click in the upper left window icon -> Advanced -> Special settings for this program00:01
arrrghhhads, try that.00:01
arrrghhhyou can set window geometry among other things for ANY window.00:01
adsarrrghhh: i did that, checked the "size" and selected "use at init"00:01
arrrghhhads, no i mean in the window behavior in system settings.00:02
adsarrrghhh: i just want it for "konsole", i want to start the konsole window not fullscreen00:02
arrrghhhgood lord.  you can set it for just konsole00:02
arrrghhhyou can set it for just firefox00:02
arrrghhhit's WINDOW SPECIFIC.00:02
TiriliWhere can I find the official md5 sum for kubuntu-8.04.2-desktop-i386.iso?00:03
arrrghhhor you can set global settings.00:03
arrrghhhTirili, where you downloaded it i assume... although k3b does automatic md5 sums.00:03
adsarrrghhh: hey, stop blaming me. The same options you told me to try appear in the system settings00:03
arrrghhhads, i'm not "blaming" you.  you're not listening to me.00:03
arrrghhhor reading me?  whatever.00:04
adsarrrghhh: so it seems i can use both ways - and i just tried: both aren't working00:04
arrrghhhi dunno then.  i'd turn off whatever settings you have configured in konsole00:04
TiriliWhat do you mean with "k3b does automatic md5 sums"? Does k3b look up the original md5 sum in the internet?00:04
arrrghhhi've always used the window specific settings within system settings, and they've always worked great.  there's a lot of settings in there, make sure you're configuring it correctly.00:04
adsarrrghhh: just tried that, if i add the setting with the "advanced" menu it just saves the settings to the window specific sttings you mentioned.00:05
arrrghhhTirili, i assume it's in the iso, it's always done md5 sums for me automatically.00:05
arrrghhhads, well then i don't know.  you're either configuring something wrong or there's a bug... but i've never had a problem with it.  like i said, there's a lot of settings in there, make sure you're configuring it correctly.00:05
adsarrrghhh: tried anything out. The kubuntu guys told me the advances menu in Chemnitz today.00:06
adsAnd they also told me the "size" setting should be what i want ;-)00:07
arrrghhhi don't know what that means, so i guess i'm out of ideas.  i've never had an issue with it.00:07
TiriliHm. I didn't understand it. :( What is it, what k3b gives me? Is it the md5 sum of the .iso file as it is lying on my harddisk or is it the "should-be"-md5-sum?00:08
TiriliBecause there is an option "compare with another sum", I think, it cannot be the should-be-one.00:08
arrrghhhTirili, i don't understand what the issue is.  when you pop the md5 into k3b (with the intention of burning) it always does and md5 checksum for me.00:09
arrrghhhbut you should be able to find the md5 from where you downloaded the iso.00:09
adsarrrghhh: it works very well if i use "enforce", the konsole window is always enforced to the configured size.00:09
adsarrrghhh: just when i use "at initialisation" (or whatever the translation might be) it's not working.00:09
arrrghhhads, like i said, there's A LOT of settings in there.  window class, window role, etc00:10
arrrghhhso check "ignore requested geometry"00:10
adsarrrghhh: yes, i know and i see. "enforce" does not allow me to change the size - so the window class is correct.00:11
Tirilithank you anyway00:11
arrrghhhTirili, sorry.00:11
arrrghhhah well00:11
hixads: if i change window size for konsole window, then settings - current profile... apply. it opens in that new size.00:11
arrrghhhads, there's another setting in the "workarounds" tab - ignore requested geometry.00:11
adshix: yes - as long as i don't change the window size. If i change the window size the next window is opened in the new size.00:13
hixads: ah, now i know what u mean, didnt get that first, sry00:14
adsoh, fine, and is there a solution? ;-)00:14
arrrghhhads, so force always is not desirable?00:14
adsarrrghhh: tried all settings, no change00:15
arrrghhhyou said it works on force always...00:15
adsarrrghhh: ah, mom, i tried all the settings in the last tab for "ignore requested geometry" - that's not working00:15
arrrghhhyou are truly frustrating and obviously not giving me enough informations.00:16
adsarrrghhh: no, enforce isn't a workaround for me. Sometimes i want more small windows, sometimes i want fullscreen windows.00:16
adscan't type faster, sorry ;-)00:16
arrrghhhyea, you're frustrating.  i don't know what to tell you, i could get it to work for me00:16
wizardslovakhello people00:17
arrrghhhnot about fast typing00:17
wizardslovaki want to update my system and i am getting error00:17
adsarrrghhh: i'm happy if that works for you, but obviously it isn't working for me.00:17
arrrghhhwell that's great.  you're doing something wrong.  you're not giving me enough info.  so i can't help you, sorry.00:18
adshix: what are you trying exactly?00:18
wizardslovakthis is first time i actually booted kubuntu and i found i need updates00:19
wizardslovakso i clicked on updates but i cant00:19
arrrghhhwizardslovak, pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list00:19
Ev0luti0n_hello folks00:20
hixads: find a way to always open it in a size i define, even after resizing manual ;)00:21
adshix: and? Does it work?00:21
hixnot yet00:21
adshix: so if you resize the konsole it uses the new size for the next konsole window?00:21
wizardslovakarrrghhh: http://pastebin.com/d126c7a3d00:22
adshix: so i'm doing something wrong. Just that i don't know what i'm doing wrong ...00:22
wizardslovakwhat is the command in shell to update system?00:23
hixi use kde 4.2.1, maybe they fixed it there00:23
adshix: intrepid with intrepid kde updates from kubuntu-experimental00:24
arrrghhhwizardslovak, hrm... i don't see anything off.  you can use "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade" or "sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude safe-upgrade"00:24
adshix: no new updates available (for me)00:24
hixads: i use jaunty00:24
arrrghhhwizardslovak, but you may want to try a different main repo... i can't remember how to do it, you may have to use synaptic.00:24
arrrghhhhix, how is it?00:25
arrrghhhnvm, g2g00:25
adshix: hmm00:25
adshix: at least you can confirm the problem ...00:25
wizardslovakok its downloading 160mbs lol00:25
hixarrrghhh: great so far, besides some nepomuk crashes at kde start00:26
wizardslovakdoes anyone of you use 3d cube?? i forgot keyboard keys00:26
hixwizardslovak: ctrl-f11 oder mousewheel on desktop00:27
wizardslovaknah i think it was something else00:27
wizardslovakshift+ something and then mouse00:27
hixat least in 4.2.1 ;)00:27
hixctrl-alt-arrows in compiz00:28
wizardslovakyea thats the one00:28
wizardslovakthx man00:28
wizardslovakjeez i wasnt on kubuntu for about month and already forgot00:28
wizardslovakso whats up people?00:29
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hixads: if i klick left-top konsole window - advanced - special settings for this windows - size - at init ... it works. opens in that size every time now, even if i resize in between00:34
adshix: i tried exactly this setting - doesn't work. But i'm still on 8.10 ...00:35
hixads: at least u know, it will work, when 4.2.1 is in backports ;)00:38
adshix: hrhr ;-)00:38
tanjira newbie q: how do i find all .txt files under /home/myhome/00:40
tanjirusing bash command00:40
hixtanjir: ls /home/myhome/*.txt00:41
tanjirhix: recursively?00:41
LjLtanjir: if you want to search in the subdirectories too, then: find /home/myhome/ -iname '*.txt'00:41
tanjirLjL: sweet.. that is what i was looking for :D00:42
tanjirthanks :D00:42
LjLtanjir: don't forget the quotes00:42
tanjirLjL: awesome.. it worked :)00:42
hixtanjir: ls -R *.txt is also a choice ;)00:44
LjLhix: that doesn't work for me00:44
hixyah, find is better here. ls will stop, if theres no .txt file in start directory00:45
LjL'ls' won't list .txt files in subdirectories at all, unless the subdirectories themselves are named *.txt00:46
hixright, my fault.00:47
tanjirso now i got all the txt files... for example if i want to remove only the .txt files do i pipe with rm command?00:49
hixtanjir: find /home/myhome/ -iname '*.txt' -exec rm -f {} \;      (test it, i have a bad day ;))01:00
tanjirhix: okay... testing01:05
kuruminhi everybody01:08
tanjirhello kurumin01:09
kuruminwhere u from?01:10
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Sir-Rafaelalgum br aqui?01:13
LjL!br | Sir-Rafael01:13
ubottuSir-Rafael: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br ou #ubuntu-pt para ajuda em português. Obrigado.01:13
* genii sips01:15
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devslashi downloaded the kubuntu 8.10 release. does it support creating lvm partitions ?01:20
dr_willisdevslash,  pretty sure it does01:21
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RaidConfigurationHowto and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO01:21
devslashwhen i create the partition scheme (im not doing lvm by the way) i created swap which is sda1 then the remainder of the space is ext3 but the ext3 is sda5 instead of sda2. is that normal ?01:29
hixdevslash: should be fine. depends type of partition. sda5 wd be first extendend, logical... 1-4 are primary .. at least should be01:42
bravo7I need help in converting .rmvb to .avi can someone help me01:59
geniibravo7: There seems something about it here: http://phyx.wordpress.com/2008/11/10/convertir-rmvb-a-avi-ubuntu/02:04
bravo7genii i have try that not wroking02:08
bravo7its .rvmb to avi02:08
geniibravo7: When you issue the mencoder line, does it give you some error?02:10
devslashim installing kubuntu in vmware and its been stuck at getting time form a network time server for at least 15%. is there anyhope besides starting the installation all over again ?02:12
NickPrestaI was wondering if there were a published list of differences between Konqueror and Dolphin as a file manager, from the user's perspective. I'm trying to explain these differences to someone who doesn't use Dolphin but instantly dismisses it.02:14
devslashis anyone here ?02:14
NickPrestadevslash, there are ~300 people here, by my count :-)02:14
devslashwell no one answered me02:15
tanjirdevslash: are you using kubuntu 8.10?02:18
devslashi already restarted it02:19
tanjirokay... it worked for me... so there might be other issue02:19
devslashin vmware ?02:19
tanjiryah... vmware server 2.0 on windows xp professional edition02:20
devslashim using vmware fusion on os x02:20
tanjirohh... that might have different issue02:21
tanjirhow long did you wait?02:21
devslash30 minutes02:21
tanjirdevslash: i think more then enough.02:21
tanjirNickPresta: Dolphin has some cool features for example: split screen, Terminal panel, column based view (like mac)02:23
devslashtanjir im trying it out on parallels02:23
tanjirdevslash: is there a lot of stuffs running on the vm fusion host? i mean do you have enough memory to run?02:24
devslashive got 2GB02:24
devslashtotal and 1Gb for vmware02:24
devslashonly have irc client and vmware running02:25
tanjiris there any other virtual machine running? or just this one?02:26
devslashjust that one02:26
tanjirthen that should work fine02:26
tanjirany error message?02:26
tanjiri got no clue then...02:28
devslashok thanks anyways02:28
* Ev0luti0n_ is away: Gone away for now02:32
p_quarles!away | Ev0luti0n_02:32
ubottuEv0luti0n_: You should avoid noisy away messages in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»02:32
=== don is now known as Guest20281
demiHow do I open a root terminal, and nto a normal terminal?03:09
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hixdemi: just do a 'sudo su' in normal terminal03:12
geniisudo -i   is recommended03:14
demisudo -i didnt work, but sudo su worked fien for what I needed thanks03:16
macohix: no03:17
macohix: that doesnt set the environment03:17
macosudo su & sudo -s don't set the env03:18
macosudo su - & sudo -i are recommended because they properly set root's env03:18
geniimaco: Well, when some app won't run for regular user now, I imagine they'll be back asking about it03:19
hix you're right, should be 'sudo su -'03:20
devslashim new to kubuntu. i saw this site http://jespersaur.com/drupal/node/45 how do  i install this app ?03:21
maconew to kubuntu or new to linux in general?03:22
devslashjust kubuntu03:22
devslashused linux for a while but not in last 2 years03:22
JohnFluxdevslash: probably can't easily at the moment03:23
JohnFluxdevslash: wait for a 'proper release' :-)03:23
devslashwhat do you mean03:23
macohrm i dont see a playground section on websvn.kde.org03:24
macoso i have no idea where their svn is03:24
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macowell itd be "svn co _________" and then likely the usual ./configure ; make ; make install, but.....03:27
hixmight be this one: http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/playground/base/plasma/applets/kPhone/03:32
bernie_how can i find out my version of kubuntu?03:37
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »03:37
geniilsb_release -a03:40
carutsuis there a port for Qt4.5 RC1 for intrepid?03:53
tony_26how do i find out what dev my flash memory card is?03:54
geniitony_26: sudo fdisk -l                    nad look for the one which size corresponds03:55
tony_26thanks, it works03:56
demiIm trying to install the new compiz, and it is saying using Adept, I have held broken packages,  I deleted all previous compiz packages, and still get the same error any idea on how to fix this?03:59
tony_26demi, try to install via command line and it will usually give you a command to fix it, IIRC04:01
demiIm getting this when trying to install compiz-kde04:02
demi Depends: libplasma2 but it is not going to be installed04:02
demiSays to check repos, or something.04:02
tony_26you can use the -f (force) options but i won't recommend for sure04:03
tony_26you may have a conflict somewhere04:03
tony_26but then again, i'm kind of a linux noob so take what i say with a grain of salt04:04
demiHey when installing that specific file form terminal I get this04:06
demiThe following packages have unmet dependencies:04:06
demi  libplasma2: Depends: kdebase-workspace-libs4+5 but it is not going to be installed04:06
demi              Depends: kdebase-workspace-data (= 4:4.1.4-0ubuntu1~intrepid3.1) but 4:4.2.0-0ubuntu7~intrepid1 is to be installed04:06
demiobviously I did do the upgrade so it wont install that file now?04:07
tony_26idk any workaround04:09
tony_26there may be, i just don't know04:10
devslashhix hey are you still here04:15
demiIf im diong "sudo apt-get -f install libplasma2" , is that where I want the -f? to force install it?04:17
earleHa, I was just coming here to ask a similar question.04:20
earle"libqt4-dev: Depends: libqt4-dbus (= 4.4.3-0ubuntu1) but 4.4.3-0ubuntu1.2 is to be installed" - safe to force install the new version, I'm assuming?04:20
demii'm trying to use apt-get -f but it won't install my pkg im getting same error.04:21
earle-f is --fix-packages, not force, btw04:24
earleer, --fix-broken even04:24
demiHow do I force?04:24
earleI'm just checking that04:24
earleDon't know, sorry. There's --force-yes but that doesn't seem to be it.04:25
earleI think you can only force when installing with dpkg. But don't quote me on that.04:27
earleBTW, Compiz is clearly broken in KDE at the moment.04:28
earleAs are all my desktop effects as of a couple of days ago. Very annoying.04:29
earleAs is my weather plasmoid, and nobody has been able to tell me how to fix it; even trying to recompile it from source results in broken packages.04:30
* earle gives up and goes to bed04:32
dash84anyone know how to replace kde 4.1 with 4.204:44
Slartibartfastdash84: Did you read this? http://kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.204:46
=== OscarMayer is now known as Oscar_Mayer
k0ppim having issues with my onboard soundcard.  all i hear is static. when system sounds play, the static gets quiet enough for me to notice that a system sound is playing.. but thats the only sound i can get to come through.  my sound works fine on FreeBSD and Windows, but not with kubuntu.  any suggestions?04:50
commander_i need help . i had downloaded the flash plugin to watch YT videos but nothing being loaded up on youtube04:54
k0ppcommander_ just get the whole adobe fflash install04:55
commander_ok let give it a try04:55
commander_no go04:59
Oscar_Mayersorry if this sounds dumb, but did you restart firefox?05:00
commander_plenty times05:03
commander_just did it again....maybe i need to reboot the laptop05:03
Oscar_Mayermmm, yeah, that sometimes works for me ^_^05:03
commander_i DL 'ed the player then i extracted it05:04
commander_hold on i got to reboot05:04
k0ppi wonder if he knows that you need to do more than `extract` the archive05:06
Oscar_Mayeryeah, maybe that too05:06
Oscar_MayerI actually don't know how I got flash working on my machine05:07
k0ppso uhh, just one more check, no one has any ideas about my sound issue i posted earlier?05:07
k0ppi forget if it comes in a .deb or .tar.gz05:07
Oscar_Mayeri told a friend i needed help, so he just did it, wish i knew how...05:08
k0ppi think a .deb though05:08
k0ppas far as i know... just wget it, then dpkg -i flash.deb05:08
commander_u say it a deb.?05:08
k0ppi beileve so05:08
k0ppit asks you to pick what type of package you want05:08
k0ppin a dropdown menu05:08
k0pp(i remember this i just rebuilt my system yesterday)05:08
k0ppanyways yeah, pick the .deb for i386 (assuming)05:09
k0ppthen it'll come in a tarball05:09
k0pptar xvzf flash....tar.gz05:09
k0ppdpkg -i flash....deb05:09
k0ppdone :D05:09
Slartibartfastcommander_: why you did not isntall like "sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree"05:09
k0pptheres always that option05:09
commander_yeah but i think i got it05:10
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youngsam347hola hola a todos05:15
beardbaranyone ever have trouble with kde 4.2 kickoff application button not expanding?05:18
devslashsomeone gave me the link to this svn http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/playground/base/plasma/applets/kPhone/ how do i install it in kubuntu05:24
=== snarkster1 is now known as snarkster
eatThisAndDiehey, anyone know of any landscaping software i can use on linux?05:35
eatThisAndDieI'm trying to visualise my new office05:35
SlartibartfasteatThisAndDie: it is hard to say if you not give even minimal info about what software you try to use. You have to agree with that ... if it is windows software you can try to use wine, but many times that won't work.05:38
eatThisAndDieWell.... i cant really say much bout the windows equivalent. Seeing as i never used one, but google pointed me to Realtime Landscaping Pro05:40
eatThisAndDieAlso i generally Don't use wine.... So running a windows application off wine would definitely not be my first choice05:41
SlartibartfasteatThisAndDie: which "Runs on Windows XP and Vista. "05:41
eatThisAndDieSlartibartfast: yeah apparently it does, but I have neither...05:42
SlartibartfasteatThisAndDie: Me neither05:42
Slartibartfastnever used software like this05:43
eatThisAndDieI'm just seeing what are the options in Linux thats all, its not crucial for me to have one, just curious05:43
SlartibartfastWell there is software to compose 3D objects ... but what i am thinking of is quiet complicated to learn how to use ...05:44
eatThisAndDieHmm... just found out that this kinda software is called "Landscape design software"05:45
eatThisAndDieWikipedia is no real help there,05:45
SlartibartfastBut you said you wanted to visualize your new office ... does that mean outside + building ? ... or inside + placing of furniture?05:46
eatThisAndDieinside - placing of furniture05:47
eatThisAndDiewhy? Is there a difference?05:47
commander_n ow i'm haaving trouble with the adept manager05:47
Slartibartfastjust to get a picture of what you want to do05:47
commander_it won't let me upgrade no software05:47
Slartibartfastwith landscape software i think more about design of gardens and outside of buildings05:48
eatThisAndDiecommander_ : you tried using aptitude or apt-get?05:48
eatThisAndDieSlartibartfast: Well... the word 'landscape' kinda implies that, but from the examples i've seen, they have floor plans too05:50
commander_thru terminal?05:51
Slartibartfastcommander_: yes ... Close adept and do:  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade ...05:53
devslashhow do i install this plasma widget ? http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/playground/base/plasma/applets/kPhone/05:58
commander_ ok it say i got adept 2 open but don't see it on the screen06:00
devslashcan anyone help me out06:00
devslash i did svn co http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/playground/base/plasma/applets/kPhone/ . and got the message svn: Repository moved permanently to 'http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/playground/base/plasma/applets/kPhone/'; please relocate. what does that mean ???06:01
JohnFluxdevslash: svn co svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/playground/base/plasma/applets/kPhone06:09
theresaI have bluetooth speakers and audio is not coming out. How can I fix the speakers?06:20
se7enhmm my new install never asks me for my sudo passwd06:21
se7ensomeone know how to get the wifi on aspire 4530 working06:30
doleybse7en: i have aspire 5520!06:46
doleybse7en: see this page, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24/+bug/18248906:48
doleybse7en: fast directions, 1. Disable Atheros in hardware drivers, 2. get madwifi current tar from madwifi.org, 3. tar zxvf;./configure;make;sudo make install, 4. sudo modprobe ath_pci wlan_scan_sta06:49
se7eni will try that doleyb thanks (worst notebook ever)06:51
se7enno sound no wifi and hardly any distro installs on the crazy hardware06:54
doleybse7en: I blame the distros more than the hardware... I hope the april release of the next ubuntu will fix it!!06:55
doleybse7en: wifi is such the most important thing to get right...!06:55
se7eni am still on hardy because that was the only one that installed06:58
AlbaThi ppl07:04
AlbaTi have 1 problem07:04
AlbaT Failed to load libssl.so07:04
AlbaTif i do sudo ln libssl.so.0.9.8 libssl.so07:05
AlbaTi get this failed :  EVP_md5 X509_STORE_CTX_get_error X509_STORE_CTX_set_error X509_STORE_CTX_get_error_depth07:05
AlbaTits much longer07:05
rehman_any body please, konqueror is not browsing. please help07:10
rehman_hi linuxwizard!07:12
rehman_hi maria07:13
rehman_hi love07:16
lovelinis there anyone knows how to import mails from outlook to thunderbird-mozilla??07:16
lovelinis this possible?07:16
lovelinhope u can help me07:17
lovelinhi rehmn07:17
se7enas fare as i know thunderbird will ask on setup to import ...07:17
rehman_no my frnd, i am also here to solve my problem. i dont knw any thing. sorry07:18
rehman_tux, hi.07:18
rehman_please help me configuring konqueror07:20
rehman_hi graue07:21
noaXess!info kplato07:23
ubottukplato (source: koffice): an integrated project management and planning tool. In component main, is optional. Version 1:1.6.3-6ubuntu3 (intrepid), package size 847 kB, installed size 2832 kB07:23
lovelini understand rehman07:23
rehman_love, then?07:24
noaXessgood morning..07:24
noaXessis there a kplato version for kde4.2? the installed version is from kde3.5.1007:24
rehman_love, why it is not browsing?07:24
noaXessor is there another good project management tool for kde?07:26
AlbaT Failed to load libssl.so07:28
AlbaTif i do sudo ln libssl.so.0.9.8 libssl.so07:28
AlbaTi get this failed :  EVP_md5 X509_STORE_CTX_get_error X509_STORE_CTX_set_error X509_STORE_CTX_get_error_depth07:28
rehman_any kubuntu expert please..07:30
rehman_konqueror is not browsing07:31
rehman_please help07:31
lovelinim just a beginner with ubuntu07:31
rehman_love, me too.07:31
=== bibiana is now known as Bibiana
lovelinits a good software maybe im just unfamiliarize with other program07:31
rentonHow can I install proprietary drivers for my radeon hd 4850?07:57
beardbaranyone have trouble with skype not delivering chat messages?08:02
norenhi all08:24
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ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about grub209:21
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afancyHi, any shortcut to launch "Run command..." ? thanks09:38
afancyHi, any shortcut to launch "Run command..." ? thanks09:40
doleybafancy: alt-f209:41
afancydoleyb: can i change it? I want to change to hit "space" twice09:42
doleybafancy: well you can change it, but I don't know if you can make it work with repeated sequences like that... space is a button other programs will want to use!09:43
doleybafancy: to try changing, go to system settings and keyboard, keyboard shortcuts..09:43
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yao_ziyuancan i run update-notifier (not update-notifier-kde) at kde startup for update notification?10:00
PodeCoetfor IP addresses, with the last digit. You cant have a 0 or 255 because they're reserved right?10:03
PodeCoetas in 0 for the network, and 255 for broadcast10:03
SlimeyPete1-254 inclusive are allowed10:03
PodeCoethow the hell is my wan IP then lol10:03
ActionParsnipyo yo yo10:04
SlimeyPeteis that for your cable modem or something?10:04
SlimeyPete(still weird, even if it is)10:04
PodeCoetyeah, doesn't it work the same way though?10:04
PodeCoetI'm freaking out :P10:04
ActionParsnipPodeCoet: IP Region: New South Wales, City:Oatley10:04
ActionParsnipanywhere near?10:05
PodeCoetActionParsnip: nope :p10:05
ActionParsnipIP Address Hostname: c122-106-98-0.rivrw6.nsw.optusnet.com.au10:05
PodeCoetyou would've been 133t maybe 5 years ago dude lol10:05
ActionParsnipim not trying to be 133710:06
ActionParsnipjust showing that its a valid WAN IP10:06
PodeCoetI'm only messing :P10:06
PodeCoetbut yeah its pretty close, maybe 20km off10:06
PodeCoetweird though hey, I've NEVER seen an IP like this before10:06
PodeCoetexcept in bad examples (invalid) of IP addresses :P10:07
* PodeCoet wonders if he's set fire to a router somewhere10:08
ActionParsnipPodeCoet: as long as its class B its fine :)10:09
PodeCoet(*fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* *fap* )10:09
beardbarwhen using dolphin, im trying to copy files from another hard drive thats ntfs, keep getting permission errors? any ideas?10:11
ActionParsnipbeardbar: did you mount the ntfs as user writable?10:12
beardbarActionParsnip: not sure how to do that, i just double click on the drive in dolphin.10:12
ActionParsnipbeardbar: i'm guessing its not mounted to give normal users access10:13
ActionParsnipbeardbar: can you give the line in the output of   mount   regarding the partition10:14
ActionParsnipbeardbar: i usually find this helps most people mount ntfs user writable. make sure you have ntfs3g installed  http://www.hafenscher.net/wiki/index.php?page=Mount_USB_stick_read_and_writable_for_users10:16
beardbarActionParsnip: how do I know which partition it is its named development but the mount command doesnt show that name anywhere. oh wait maybe i need to have dolphin mount first10:16
ActionParsnipbeardbar: it says USB but a partition is a partition in linux10:16
ActionParsnipbeardbar: run: sudo fdisk -l10:17
ActionParsnipbeardbar: one partition will show up as ntfs10:17
beardbar/dev/sdc1 on /media/Development type fuseblk (rw,nosuid,nodev,allow_other,blksize=4096)10:17
ActionParsnipok well its mounted rw10:18
ActionParsnipif you run your file manager with kdesudo and then it allows you to write you need to mount it with different options to allow users to write to it10:18
noaXesswow.. i can't write the key left of BACKSPACE.... right of ? key..10:20
noaXessany idea10:20
beardbarcant even do a command line cp as root10:27
ActionParsnipbeardbar: i'd look at remounting it using fstab with decent mount options10:28
beardbark reading up on fstab10:28
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions10:28
brandon_hi all; I'm trying to get konsole to use zsh rather than bash, however, changing the "Run program" field in the profile settings dialog doesn't drop me in zsh-- any ideas?10:33
SlimeyPeteI think you have to add a new type of session somehow... but if you can't figure out how to do that, you could just put "zsh" at the end of your .bashrc10:34
SlimeyPetethat'll mean you have to ctrl-D twice to exit the session though10:35
brandon_SlimeyPete: thanks for the pointer10:37
brandon_slimeypete: I'm having trouble finding the session dialog you are referring too -- do you know where I might be able to find more information on this?10:42
SlimeyPetebrandon_: hang on10:44
brandon_thank you!10:44
SlimeyPeteit seems to have changed... or else I'm remembering wrong... but actually, doing what you did (change the command) works fine for me10:44
SlimeyPeteI just tried it10:45
SlimeyPeteyou do have to restart konsole before it'll take effect10:45
brandon_ah... I must have some bad config files or something10:45
ka_waiibrandon_: look in /etc/passwd10:45
ka_waiithe last entry on each row is the default shell for that user10:45
brandon_yup -- I've got zsh10:46
brandon_hm... lemme see if I've goofed up some basic stuff10:46
brandon_but thanks for confirming that that field SHOULD do the trick10:46
ka_waiiif u do zsh in a bash shell, the bash is still running :)10:46
brandon_ka_waii: nope... zsh starts up just fine10:47
ka_waiiwhat happens if u write "exit"?10:47
ka_waiior ctrl-d ?10:47
brandon_ka_waii: zsh quites and I go back to bash10:47
ka_waiiyes, thats becauser zsh is runing INSIDE of bash10:48
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noaXesscan't use the keyboard key on left of the BACKSPACE key... or write a big ä.ö or ü10:57
noaXessany idea why this key's not work?10:57
ActionParsnipnoaXess: is this on a german keyboard?11:00
noaXessActionParsnip: jep..11:00
noaXessbut it should be correctly configured over system-settings / region and languages..11:00
ActionParsnipnoaXess: check they are set correctly11:00
noaXessActionParsnip: country or region is switzerland, keyboard layout: german, sun dead key, label ch11:01
noaXesscommand: setxkbmap -model pc104 -layout ch -variant de_sundeadkeys11:01
noaXessi'm on a notebook..11:02
ActionParsnipnoaXess: you could add an option in xorg.conf to set the keyboard region too11:02
noaXessActionParsnip: does that over systemsetting not work?11:02
ActionParsnipnoaXess: should do, its just an extra place to define it11:03
ActionParsnipnoaXess: you could wrestle with that command yu gave until its spot on11:06
noaXessthis: setxkbmap -model pc104 -layout ch -variant de_sundeadkeys11:06
noaXessthats from system-settings / regional and languages / keyboard layout11:06
noaXessok.. lunch time ;)11:07
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ActionParsnipnoaXess: well if its not working then it needs modifying some11:10
zer0ohi guys just connected a MAC formatted ipod on my kubuntu hardy and amarok doesn't see it, what do i need to do? how do i delete the music thatz on it and put my on it? do i need to "linux format" it first? help! thanks11:13
ActionParsnipzer0o: does it show up in   sudo fdisk -l11:14
zer0oit appears on my desktop as soon as i connected it but it says its empty11:14
ActionParsnipzer0o: if it shows up in fdisk -l you can use  gksudo gparted to format it11:15
zer0ook i'll try that out11:16
liangzhichaois there somebody know where i could download the isolinux bootloader?11:16
zer0oActionParsnip: thatz what fdisk -l says about it --->>> Disk /dev/sde doesn't contain a valid partition table11:17
ActionParsnipzer0o: if its reporting as the right size, thats your ipod11:17
zer0oyes yes it is but the thing is i got another one which is windows formatted and it reads it put it on the desktop and amarok reads it and sees it, this one comes from a MAC, and amarok ignores it11:18
ActionParsnipzer0o: did you disconnect gracefully from the mac?11:19
zer0oit wasnt connected at all, it comes from a mac but it was in a draw 5 minutes ago :D11:19
ActionParsnipzer0o: try plugging it into the mac and then saftly removing it11:20
zer0ook one sec11:21
ActionParsnipzer0o: i dont use ipod or any of apples products so i'm not the best dude to ask11:21
zer0oActionParsnip: got it, anyway it still auto-mounts it on the desktop but its "empty" and amarok doesnt c it11:23
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod11:24
ravimaddulahow to develop mobile applications11:31
ActionParsnipravimaddula: define "mobile"11:32
ravimaddulamoblie software app such as pdas11:32
ActionParsnipravimaddula: thats offtopic here11:33
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!11:33
bazhang!info kdevelop11:33
ubottukdevelop (source: kdevelop): An IDE for Unix/X11. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:3.5.3-0ubuntu1 (intrepid), package size 9130 kB, installed size 28020 kB11:33
ravimaddulahow to install windows application11:33
bazhangravimaddula, via wine11:34
bazhangravimaddula, check the appdb11:34
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help11:34
ActionParsnipravimaddula: wine (free) crossoveroffice & cedega (paid for)11:35
ravimaddulaits installing automatically but not showing any thing11:35
ravimaddulaafter installation it should display in wine-progfiles-11:36
ActionParsnipravimaddula: make sure you get wine from the wine repo11:36
zer0oActionParsnip: read the wiki but it doesnt say anything about my issue, tried to format it with gparted but it says it doesnt recognized the filesystem so it doesnt let me unmount it in order to format it. im stucked! what do i do?11:36
ActionParsnipravimaddula: http://www.winehq.org/download/deb11:37
ActionParsnipzer0o: you could format it blank. i dont use overpriced ipod so i'm not the guy to ask11:37
ActionParsnipravimaddula: once installed you can run setup.exe type files with wine and it will install 9if it can)11:38
ActionParsnip9if == (if11:38
ActionParsnipravimaddula: not all apps run or will even install under wine11:40
ActionParsnipravimaddula: always check the appdb to see if itruns well11:41
dwardercan anyone suggest file hosting with straight url?11:41
dwarderso that files can be accessed though url11:42
ActionParsnip!ot | dwarder11:42
ubottudwarder: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!11:42
ActionParsnipdwarder: you could run your own ftp server11:42
ActionParsnipthen you can access your stuff any place,home broadband upload speed is pretty poor though11:45
ActionParsnipbut you will have access without needing hosting11:46
ads"konsole" in KDE 4.2 does not restore the character encoding for a window, KDE 3 did.12:00
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cumulus007How to upgrade to Kubuntu Jaunty from Kubuntu Intrepid?12:06
jussi01cumulus007: -> #ubuntu+1 for jaunty questoions - and dont forget to read the topic ;)12:06
bazhangcumulus007, via update manager? its only alpha6 now so please discuss in #ubuntu+112:07
cumulus007I asked it there12:07
bazhangand they answered12:07
dr_willisWhat! is that allowed?12:28
* dr_willis waits for service pack 112:29
* ActionParsnip waits for Linux to update his CDROM bios ;)12:29
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Slonkiehello.. when i need to use my wifi i need to do sudo modprobe ath_pci and sudo iwlist ath0 scanning. Is there anyway to make this automaticly?13:13
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drostieOn KDE 4.2, is there a nice command line that I can include in a shell script to rotate (or replace with a pre-rotated) desktop image?13:27
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drostieI use XRandR to rotate my screen frequently, and the graphics-resize options aren't convenient.13:28
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kblindertI have a mysterious kde problem. It just stopped working after i messed with some skim settings.13:38
kblindertnow any kde program started, e.g. kdm_greet eats 100% cpu and doesn't really start.13:39
michaeldadmumTry deleting ~/.kde/share/config/skimrc and try again.13:40
kblindertI have really no idea where to look now, gnome works - but ...13:40
kblindertnope. deleting all of .kde didn't change a thing13:40
michaeldadmumThat's not a user problem. That is SYSTEM problem.13:40
kblindertwhich means?13:41
michaeldadmumDid you upgrade your system recently?13:41
kblinderthm, yeah i do so frequently. i can't really relate the sudden fault of kde programs to any changes .13:42
michaeldadmumIt may be a recent bug in some KDE libraries.13:42
michaeldadmumWhat KDE version are you using now?13:43
kblindertlatest from intrepid13:43
Tm_Tkblindert: 4.2.0 ?13:43
michaeldadmumI'm using 4.2.1 in Jaunty and I have no problems.13:43
* kblindert checks again13:43
kblindertyup, 4.2.013:44
kblindertso any pointers how this could have happened?13:45
Tm_Tkblindert: one moment13:45
michaeldadmumCan you open a KDE app in GNOME?13:45
kblindertnope - e.g. konsole just eats 100% cpu.13:46
kblindertsame for systemsettings13:46
michaeldadmumWhat happened when you try to open a konsole in a gnome-terminal?13:46
kblindertno output, top says konsole=100%cpu13:46
kblindertwhen i manually "startkde" kwin actually starts, but plasma and krunner hog cpu and don't do a thing13:47
michaeldadmumI also can't run plasma from ssh but I can use it locally.13:48
kblindertah yes - and finally there's this: http://pastebin.com/m24ca916813:48
elevetu px aller te fair foutre stp ???13:48
michaeldadmumThat's exactly the problem I encountered in plasma.13:49
kblinderthah! so you're using kde4.2.1 as fix?13:49
Tm_Tkblindert: pastebin the output of following command: grep ppa /etc/apt/sources.list | grep kubuntu13:49
kblindertsimply this guy: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ubuntu intrepid main13:50
* Tm_T slaps kblindert 13:50
Tm_Tkblindert: there you go, you're using unstable source for packages (:)13:50
Tm_Tkblindert: disable it, and make sure you have backports enabled13:51
Tm_Tthen upgrade13:51
Tm_Tand hope that everyrthing goes smoothly (;13:51
kblinderti'll do. and uh. yeah i'm a bad bad user.13:51
Tm_Tnah, just that's typical these days13:51
BluesKajI'm having a problem with the Kradio SourceForge install (not the svn version) . I'm following this reame install instruction but I'm getting this error after 'make': "make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop."13:52
BluesKajreame : http://www.pastebin.ca/136222113:52
BluesKajand yes I have build-essential installed13:54
kblindert... hm thing is, the kdelibs etc.pp. are from intrepid-backports13:56
michaeldadmumWhy do you try to build a kradio of your own but not grep one from the repo?13:56
stuqdoes anyone know when the latest beta's are going to hit the kubuntu repositories?  My kubuntu-experimental (or is it kubuntu-members-kde4) is only up to beta5...13:57
malik_hi all ,13:57
stuqdoes anyone know when the latest koffice beta's are going to hit the kubuntu repositories?  My kubuntu-experimental (or is it kubuntu-members-kde4) is only up to beta5...13:57
BluesKajthe repository kradio doesn't include netradio13:57
kblindert.. so any further suggestions, Tm_T / michaeldadmum  -- logfiles to look at?13:58
malik_i have kubunut installed on my laptop HP 6735s, how can i increase the screen resolution for the secondary display which is DELL 2407WFP  TFT monitor13:59
michaeldadmumkblindert: try to create a new user and try starting kde14:01
kblindertyuhu: it was this guys https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/uim/+bug/271101 - thanks anyway14:01
* kblindert hops of to get some other way of xim working. adiez14:02
michaeldadmumBluesKaj: Which version of Kradio are you compiling14:04
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BluesKajmichaeldadmum , I'm starting over ..it looks like I need Cmake to compile it14:14
Sarge_TJHi everyone! I'm having a weird problem with my Desktop folder. It seems to have disappeared, and if I create a folder named "Desktop" to my home directory, for example firefox downloads all files straight to my home folder, even though it says Desktop folder in Firefox preferences. My folder view plasmoid can't locate my Desktop folder either. Can anyone help?14:29
fliegenderfroschSarge_TJ: check which desktop path is set in your system settings (about me)14:37
stuqdoes anyone know when the latest koffice beta's are going to hit the kubuntu repositories?  My kubuntu-experimental (or is it kubuntu-members-kde4) is only up to beta5...14:41
EruaranI'm not touching KOffice till I know it wont break mt KDE14:41
gameboy439hello, can someone help me with a hard drive issue please?14:48
WandererCan anyone tell me why my 8.10, freshly updated kubuntu doesn't have sound?  kmix in the bottom right is showing muted, I can not un-mute it.  If I boot off th 8.10 live CD sound does work though.14:48
gameboy439soun works for me in 8.10, maybe u don't have the drivers for ur sound card14:49
fliegenderfroschWanderer: you could try if you can unmute from the console with alsamixer14:49
* Ev0luti0n_ is away: Gone away for now14:49
Wandererfliegenderfrosch: alsa mixer isn't showing anything muted14:50
stuqWanderer: you may have to install a restricted driver.. do a search on your menu for 'jockey'14:50
stuqit will find and install restricted drivers for you14:50
gameboy439i formatted my second hard drive to ext3 with Gparted after installing ubuntu 8.10, and now the hard drive isn't showing up in Computer, can anyone help me with this?14:50
Wandererit's only suggesting nvidia which is working fine (envyng)14:51
stuqhmm. so that's not it...14:51
stuqfrom konsole, you could do a lspci14:51
stuqlook to see if the sound card is recognized14:51
Wandererit was last night14:52
gameboy439is anyone available to help me with my hard drive issue?14:53
stuqthen follow with a lsmod, see if you can find the sound driver, and then google to find whether you're loading the correct one14:53
Wandereryeah, it's showing Audio Device: Intel Corp 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller14:53
WandererI did an "lsmod | grep snd" on the live CD and saved it to an nfs mount14:54
Wanderercompared that to what I have now and it looks identicle14:54
stuqWanderer: ah, I was working on a box with that chipset, and also had no sound14:54
stuqhaven't put enough time into it to solve the issue14:55
stuqtry a google on 82801I ubuntu 'no sound'14:55
Wandereryeah, did that last night14:55
stuqgameboy439: look in dmesg and see if the drive is being recognized14:55
WandererI'd thin it was hardware but it worked on the live CD14:55
Quetzlcoatli had the same problem with the sound, and the only solutions was to reinstall14:56
stuqif it is, you'll have to mount it14:56
stuqQuetzlcoatl: a reinstall actuall fixed it?14:56
Wandererthat's bizarre14:56
WandererI spent all weekened getting this sucker where I want it (internal raid)14:56
gameboy439stuq, how do i use dmesg?14:56
Quetzlcoatli have Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 01)14:57
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stuqgameboy439: type dmesg in konsole14:57
stuqit will show you all the stuff that happens @ boot time14:57
beardbarwhat do I type into synaptic to install wine?14:57
Quetzlcoatland when i booted from livecd the sound worked14:57
gameboy439ok, one sec...14:57
stuqif your formatting was successful, it should be in that list14:57
Quetzlcoatli know that reinstalling is not, maybe, the best solutions....14:58
gameboy439i typed in dmesg and a lot of stuff came up, what exactly should i look for?15:00
Slonkiewould anyone be capable of telling me where the module blacklist file is placed in kubuntu?15:19
floownI have lost my sound in VLC, Firefox (swf), Konqueror, but all is ok in Nicotine and Amarok. What can be the problem please?15:19
floownSlonkie: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist ?15:20
Slonkiethanks floown.15:22
stuqgameboy439: sorry, client came into the office15:22
stuqlook for the harddrives, should be dev/hda or dev/sda15:23
gameboy439stuq: no problem, i made some progress, but still can't get an actual icon to show up in Computer or anywhere15:23
stuqsomething that matches the spec15:23
stuqgameboy439: well, you have to mount the new drive15:23
stuqsudo mount [/dev/yourdrivename] /mnt15:24
stuqthat would do it for this session15:24
gameboy439i did mount it, but it still doesn't show, it shows in konsole when i do df -h, but not in Computer, like as a visual icon15:24
stuqto make it permanent add it to /etc/fstab15:24
stuqhmm. that might just be a bug/refresh prob15:24
stuqif it shows in df -h, you should be able to type in the address in dolphin15:24
gameboy439yea i was told about the etc/fstab line, do u think i should restart and see if it shows up in dolphin"?15:25
stuqwell, it won't show if it's not in fstab15:25
stuqthat is the place that tells the puter what to mount15:25
stuqwhen you add an entry, make sure you do a carrige return at the end of the last line, or fstab isn't happy15:26
stuqnot sure if that's by design or a bug15:26
stuqprob. by design15:26
gameboy439oh ok, hold on, lemme check that link someone gave me to add that line to fstab15:26
stuqsudo nano /etc/fstab15:26
gameboy439does that open the file?15:27
stuqin konsole....15:27
stuqyes, command line editor in konsole15:27
stuqyou could kdesu kate, but i think kdesu has 'issues'15:28
gameboy439ok i'm in nano15:28
stuqso, go down to the bottom and add a line15:28
stuqyou can man fstab in another term to get the syntaxt15:29
stuqit's not that hard15:29
gameboy439well there are other line there for my first drive, should i just do it like that, but put the name of my second drive?15:29
SlonkieIs it possible to make certain applications start at boot ?15:30
gameboy439slonkie: i think you can do that with system > administration > services, but i'm not sure, never tried it myself15:31
stuqgameboy439: yes15:31
stuqunless it's one of those very complex entries that kubuntu does automatically15:31
stuqthat's beyond me as to what they're doing15:31
gameboy439well i do see a bunch of letters and numbers after UUID=15:32
gameboy439is that what u mean?15:32
k0ppmy Splash Screen is off center every time it runs.. any of you guys know what might be the issue?15:32
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stuqshould be like "     /mnt/music      nfs     defaults        0       0"15:33
stuqthat's one of my nfs mounts15:33
stuqso, you wouldn't need the ip15:33
Slonkiethere is no such thing as "system" gameboy43915:33
floownI have a problem with alsamixer, I can not launch it15:33
stuqit would be /dev/sdb or somesuch15:33
floown$ alsamixer15:33
floownalsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device15:33
stuqand no uid15:33
stuqand the mount point would be /mnt/whateveryoulike15:34
stuqand the type would not be nfs15:34
stuqman fstab is a good read15:34
gameboy439slonkie: i didnt mean as a directory, i mean the button at the top of the desktop, if your using gnom with ubuntu15:34
SlonkieIt's kubuntu.15:34
Slonkienot ubuntu, i ain't got no system button15:34
stuqfloown: it's telling you it can't find the sound card15:35
stuqor at least the snd_ctl_open call to the driver couldn't find it15:35
gameboy439oh ok, well i guess u can do a "whereis services" and see if you have it anyway15:35
stuqgameboy439: the new mounts will show up in whatever dir you mount them in15:36
stuqnot like ubuntu 'places'15:36
floownstuq: what can I do please?15:36
stuqfloown: lspci, and see if your sound card shows15:36
gameboy439stuq: yea i mounted it to a folder i made called disk2 and i still cant see it in dolphin15:36
stuqthen you have to find whether the right driver is loaded15:36
gameboy439and i browsed to that folder15:36
stuqlsmod to find the driver15:36
stuqand google to find the right match15:36
stuqgameboy439: the mount command didn't complain?15:37
stuqin konsole type 'mount'15:37
stuqis it listed?15:37
floownstuq: 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller (rev 02)15:38
stuqargh! the 82801I.... I've been trying to get that one to work myself15:38
stuqbest bet is to see if someone worked out which driver to use15:38
gameboy439stuq: yes, i see it at the bottom15:39
stuqi have a couple of boxes with that chipset, but haven't had the time to explore getting them to wrok15:39
Wandererfloown: right click on your kmix icon on the menubar,  does it show 'mute' selected?15:39
stuqgameboy439: so, it says your drive 'on' location15:40
stuqthat location is where you go to15:40
gameboy439yes, "/dev/sdb1 on /disk2 type fuseblk"15:40
gameboy439is part of the line15:40
stuq so you mounted it off of root15:40
stuqso in dolphin go up to the root dir15:41
floownWanderer: no mute in kmix15:41
stuqand look for disk215:41
Wandererhmm, not the same as mine15:41
floownWanderer: I can not launch alsamixer... alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such device15:41
stuqgameboy439: the unix filesystem is meant to stay pretty fixed15:41
stuqit's not like windows where you just create dir. wherever...15:41
gameboy439yes, i went to the disk2 folder, there's no icon for it, but in the status bar thing, it says 111.7 GB free, which is about the size of the drive15:41
gameboy439so i guess the disk2 folder is essentially the mounted drive?15:42
stuqI would suggest you mount  as a sub dir to /mnt/yournewdirectory15:42
stuqtry to copy a file there15:42
phoku...uhm. japanese input under kde4 just doesn't want to work, any pointers?15:42
stuqyou mayt have to change permission15:42
gameboy439i copied a file into that folder successfully15:43
stuqso, you just want to make the fstab entry15:43
stuqcreate a dir under /mnt15:43
stuqand mount it there perm.15:43
Wandererfloown: mine was detected on install correctly but it's showing muted in kmix for some reason and I get no sound, but from the 8.10 live CD, it works fine15:43
gameboy439so why /mnt instead of root?15:44
stuqgameboy439: well, convention, really15:44
stuqall unix filesystems are pretty much the same15:44
stuqnew drives get mounted under /mnt15:44
stuqnew prgs go in /usr/bin15:44
stuqunless your weird RedHat and put things in /opt15:45
stuqand your /home/username dir is the only place you really get to 'play'15:45
gameboy439stuq: oh ok i see, and so with that, will i be able to have an icon for the drive automatically?15:45
stuqthat's a kde /dolphin thing, but it usually works15:45
floownWanderer: I had sound with Intrepid. I don't know what I have do for losting it in some application (swf in Firefox, VLC) but I have sound in Amarok and Nicotine...15:45
stuqyou can always add it to favorites in dolphin15:46
stuqright clickey15:46
stuqok folks, I have to make some $$$$15:46
gameboy439stuq: ok, thanks a lot15:46
stuqyw ;-)15:46
edgyHi, when I do iwlist scanning I get an output with IE: unknown http://pastebin.ca/1362321 what's this and how can I tell the encryption of the AP?15:52
schisteHi, firefox is making my laptop crash. Four times in two days, few minutes after I've launched FF, the laptop crash (don't freeze, no messages, just crashig). Would anyone have any idea how to be sure it's Firefox's and how to fix it  ?15:54
schisteI don't really want all the stuff stored in my FF15:54
natschilschiste: maybe asking in #firefox could give you more help if it seems to be a FF bug...15:56
schistea Firefox bug would make Firefox crash15:56
schistenot the laptop15:56
natschilschiste: it could make the entire laptop crash as well.15:58
natschildoes dmesg| grep ERR give any output?15:58
natschilor dmesg |grep err?15:58
schistemany with interrupt15:59
ct529hi there16:02
ct529I would like to receive a file by bluetooth .... I have installed kdebluetooth4, but it does not work .... even if I can send a file OK.16:03
ct529anyone who can help?16:03
ct529!info bluetooth16:03
ubottubluetooth (source: bluez): Bluetooth support. In component main, is optional. Version 4.12-0ubuntu5 (intrepid), package size 4 kB, installed size 40 kB16:03
=== drostie_ is now known as drostie
=== igno_ is now known as igno
=== renate is now known as sunshine
sunshinekann mir jemand sagen, ob 8.04 noch supportet ist und wie ich Pidgin dann auf die aktuelle Version kriege?16:30
sunshineich dachte 8.04 wird noch supportet16:30
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.16:30
sunshinesorry vergesse das immer,16:31
sunshinewell 8.04 is still supported? If so is there a way to update pidgin to the recent version, because 2.5.2 doesn't work16:31
Slartibartfastmaybe when you activate the backports ? .... not sure though16:32
Slartibartfastwhen it's not in the backports, you also can try to compile it yourself ... have done this in the past a few times16:33
sunshinewell but this might not be the way it should be done16:34
Slartibartfastwhy not? :-) ...16:34
sunshinewell lts means lts in my mind16:34
Slartibartfastyeah, but why need the newer software which is maybe  not supported16:35
sunshineSlartibartfast: ICQ is not working with it16:36
Slartibartfastif you just don't want to run kde4 you also can install debian lenny ... which is also using kde 3.10 ... not sure though which version of pidgin they have16:36
sunshineso i'll need to upgrade16:36
sharidogi need change resolution.. i cant use graphic mode cus i dont see all buttons.. so pls a solution in text mode16:37
Slartibartfastbut i am not sure if you can update with the backports ... but here in 8.10 that option says "unsupported updates"16:38
Slartibartfastsunshine: so maybe you also don't want that16:38
Slartibartfastsunshine: but if you compile from source you know you have the latest version16:38
ct529I cannot set my laptop to receive bluetooth files .... but I can send them! What is wrong with it?16:43
Slartibartfastct529: because bluetooth got seriously broken in kde 416:44
ct529we have paired the devices, but the mobile phone cannot send the files to the laptop16:44
ct529Slartibartfast: :(16:44
Slartibartfasthere the same :-(16:44
ct529Slartibartfast: so what can we do?16:45
Slartibartfastmaybe it woks in gnome .. don't know though never tried16:45
ct529Slartibartfast: I can actually use obextool to see files on the mobile phone, and download them .... but cannot send the files form the mobile phone to the laptop .... :(16:45
sunshineSlartibartfast: ŵell so i'll see what i do16:46
Slartibartfastct529: yeah .. here also always a failed message ... have to find work-arounds ... and hope it will get better in a newer release16:46
Slartibartfastsunshine: if you compile it will get installed by default in /usr/local/ that won't harm you system16:48
sunshineIt has nothing to do with kde4 i just don't want to much administration and so i thought long time support will backport every major changes as they do for firefox16:49
sunshinecheckinstall is another option16:49
ct529Slartibartfast: have you tried kde 4.2?16:49
Slartibartfastyeah .. using it on my intrepid installation now16:50
sunshineSlartibartfast: upgrading to intrepid isnt supported, or?16:50
naoy'a des francais dans le coin ?16:50
ct529Slartibartfast: did things improve?16:50
Pici!fr | nao16:52
Slartibartfastuuhh ... ct529 about bluyetooth problem and sunshine about pidgin problem :-) ... wait a moment ..  have pidgin 2.5.2 though :-)16:52
ubottunao: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr16:52
Slartibartfastct529: strangly i still can not connect to my laptop :-(16:55
ct529Slartibartfast: what do you mean? not even with obextool?16:57
Slartibartfasthow you want me to test? ... i have kdebluetoothd running and obex server checked in the icon settings17:00
fernandohow can I specify my keaboard??17:00
=== fernando is now known as Guest28895
=== andi is now known as Guest24512
Guest28895on system-settings, I cann't specify my keyboard model.. how can I do that?17:02
Guest28895anybody here?17:03
peaceGuest28895 ?17:04
=== cesar_ is now known as Guest44618
Guest28895peace: do you know how to do this what I need?17:06
peaceexplain better Guest2889517:06
=== Oscar_Mayer is now known as OscarMayer
JuJuBeegenii:  U around?17:08
Slartibartfastct529: i can download files from my phone with obextool ... but not send from my phone to the laptop ... always get a failed message oin the phone17:09
ct529Slartibartfast: same here .... ok! I go .... sorry .... talk to you later.17:10
enweplease help me 4 hack fs my wive17:10
enweplease help me 4 hack fs my wive17:10
enweplease help me 4 hack fs my wive17:10
peaceGuest28895: are you con region and language?17:11
sharidogre, so any one of u know how to change resolution ? or in live cd or in hdd install17:11
peaceGuest28895: there you have to enable "enable keybord layouts"17:11
peaceGuest28895: so you can add your keyborda17:11
cajunis there a way to turn off autostarting of compiz-fusion and awn in kde but allow it to continue to autostart in gnome?  2 separate sessions with only 1 open at a time for instance.17:43
=== c5 is now known as Dani
=== Dani is now known as Dani91
=== c5 is now known as condeeee
condeeeeq passa gentuza17:57
condeeeehijos de puta17:57
Dani91decid algoo hijos de putaa17:57
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.17:57
condeeeefuck you mother beach17:57
Dani91meee cagoo en vuestraa madreeee17:57
Dani91giriis de mierda17:58
peaceDani91: -.-''17:58
peacei understand espagnol17:58
Borg7-9beach lol condeeee try #spelling17:58
Dani91you is stupit17:58
peaceDani91: will kicked17:58
Dani91no no17:59
Borg7-9can i install kde lite on kubuntu17:59
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kde-lite18:00
Borg7-9!kde lite18:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kde lite18:00
Borg7-9can i install kde lite on kubuntu??18:01
Slonkiewhere does kubuntu normalle store applications?18:05
Slonkiewhen installing trough the adept manager ?18:05
=== EQP[AwNg is now known as LjL
mike_how would i convert mp3 files into wave files?18:12
=== z is now known as Guest96352
Borg7-9mike_ add/remove just type convert18:13
mike_and can i do it using the k3b program?18:13
mike_where would i do that?18:13
Borg7-9mike_ what are ya useing18:14
mike_using as far as what?18:14
mike_i'm new to this system and still learning18:16
=== Guest96352 is now known as Franklin
=== Franklin is now known as Ezh
Borg7-9what is the name of your kubuntu18:17
Borg7-9or numbers18:18
mike_how would i find that?18:18
Borg7-9dunno i am not a kde user18:19
Borg7-9you can try go to sistem monitor18:19
Ezhhi all... could anyone tell how to connect to the russian IRC kubuntu?18:19
mike_i know its the lastest version18:19
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke18:20
Borg7-9Ezh panimaes18:20
=== PcYpVWD\ is now known as LjL
mike_its 8 piont something18:21
Borg7-9mike_ ok18:21
Borg7-9how long have you use kubuntu18:21
mike_less than a week18:22
Borg7-9you know the K button right18:22
blahjakeopen a command prompt (e.g konsole) and enter: lsb_release -a18:23
Borg7-9so go to find setting18:24
fabroI'll try like this: can anyone help me with 2 tings? 1: I'm only getting 2 options of the size of the screen (and they're big), 2: I can't play any mp3 or videos18:25
fabro(i've got Kubuntu 8.10)18:25
tkmrFabro: Make sure you have drivers for your video card?18:26
mike_had that problem last week fabro18:27
fabrotkmr: how?18:27
Borg7-9fabro hot to hardware drivers18:27
mike_so anyone know how to convert mp3 to wav?18:29
doleybmike_: it can't be too hard!  do you like gui or cli?18:29
mike_whats that?18:30
tkmrgui = Graphical User Interface, CLI: Command Line Interface18:30
fabroIt says that it has "HDA NVidia (ALC888 Analog)"18:30
doleybmike_: well, for a Command Line Interface you can run mpg321 file.mp3 -w file.wav18:30
mike_where would i run that?18:31
doleybmike_: you'd run that from konsole.18:31
tkmrfabro: Did you go to Nvidia's website and download proprietary drivers, or did you activate proprietary drivers through Kubuntu?18:31
mike_thatnks i'll try it18:31
fabroonly through the instalation18:31
doleybmike_: you may first need to sudo apt-get install mpg32118:32
tkmrfabro: Do you know what video card you have?18:33
mike_i did that and typed the line now what do i do?18:33
doleybmike_: Well what did you type, and what happened?18:34
fabroi know it's on board and I know the code for the chipset18:34
fabro(I'm looking for it in the webpage)18:34
mike_it set up a program18:34
doleybmike_: Ok, so now run mpg321 file.mp3 -w file.wav18:35
mike_i did the install command then typed the line you gave me18:35
mike_it say no such file or directory when i do that18:36
tkmrfabro: if you're able to find the correct drivers for Linux download and install them. If that doesn't work, try posting on the forums. As for your MP3/Video playback not working, make sure you have the correct codecs installed.18:36
fabroIt doesn't give me the option to look for a Linux driver, only gives me Win, does that mean that I'm fucked up?18:36
=== bibiana is now known as Bibiana
doleybmike_: well looks like you weren't in the right directory.  You can first "cd ~/Desktop" or whatever, or you can add that to the filename you provide.18:36
fabroand how do I get the codecs?18:36
doleybmike_: Alternatively, you might like to sudo apt-get install soundkonverter18:36
tkmrFabro: unfortunately that means that there are no linux drivers for your video card from Nvidia. =(18:37
=== mike_ is now known as Guest76670
ubottufabro: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org18:38
fabrook, I'll have to try to get lucky or come across some money (to buy a new one), jej18:38
fabrook, I'll go through there, tanks18:38
dac_Join ##ufo18:39
tkmrOk. Now I need help. haha. Erm my keyboard shortcut for Konsole in khotkeys isn't working.18:40
untileddeos anyone know if there's a kde gobby's version or i have to install all of GTK libraries needed from it?18:45
kewhi gays19:05
gmiernickikde 4.2 is nice :)19:08
racecar56i run kubuntu 6.06.2 in vbox and the internet isn't working, internet card (emulated) is a pcnet III fast on host interface eth0... what is wrong? i notice eth0 dosent show up in the vm when io do ifconfig19:13
ScorpKingis 6.06 still supported?19:22
ScorpKingoh yes that's LTS.19:22
racecar56it will die this just :(19:22
JontheEchidnaI think support runs out later this year though :(19:22
ScorpKingi have a 5.10 box and trying to install anything on there is a pain19:23
PiciDesktop support for 6.06 ends in June 2009, Server support continues to June 201119:23
racecar56THATS OLD19:23
Piciracecar56: stop please.19:23
ScorpKingracecar56: have a look in /etc/network/interfaces and see if eth0 is there19:24
racecar56what do i launch to get the settings menu with root?19:24
racecar56sudo something19:24
racecar56auto eth0 is there19:25
ScorpKingracecar56: sudo su ?19:25
racecar56i want to launch control panel as root in terminal, what to do?19:25
racecar56sudo something19:25
racecar56it looks a bit different but thx19:26
racecar56lol@ kde 3.5.219:26
racecar56i have an ubuntu 4.10 virtual machine... beat that19:27
heinkel_112in k-mail, is there a classify-as-not-spam option anymore? I can't find it and the spam filter is eating some of my useful mail..19:28
racecar56yay i fixed internet19:28
gabriel9sorry for my bad english, but i need help19:29
Hamrahello, can anyone remind me of the syntax for passing a certain environment variable for a program i need to run?19:29
racecar56set foobar=true lol19:30
gabriel9i install 9.04 and i can't set up corect resolution19:30
gabriel9in 8.10 worked fine when i edited my xorg.conf19:30
gabriel9i have X1600xt19:31
Hamralol racecar, not that, i don't want to change the env variable globally, just for this specific program, and leave it as it is for the rest19:31
doleybHamra: well using bash, VAR=value ./program19:32
racecar56omgz i gots vbox additions compiling on 6.06.2 woowowoowowowwooot19:32
Hamrathanks doleyb19:33
racecar56:> its working19:34
racecar56now i have to get kubuntu to resize resolution to vbox window19:36
racecar56my resolution won't go any higher than 1024x768 (which i don't mind) in the same vm in vbox (kubuntu 6.06.2, yes its supported but not for long :o) i already installed vbox additions... what do i do? yes auto resize is on19:45
vince_hi hall20:14
=== ralfp_ is now known as ralfp
martywi can't get my computer to recognize my sd card20:45
martywit's a laptop.  Running kubuntu.20:45
martywthere are two card readers built into the laptop.  one is for storage expansion, the other is just a card reader.20:46
martywI put the card into the computer, and nothing happens.20:46
martywit doesn't show up as an available device that's been attached like my digicam, ipod, palm pilot, etc all do20:46
martywit doesn't pop up the obligatory "you have connected a device" message either20:46
=== JamesC is now known as JamesCC
JamesCCWhat is the name of the Widget for the virtual desktop siwtcher? I've somehow lost and don't see it in the list.20:56
brziDid anybody have xine problems after kubuntu upgrade. Kaffeine and amarok players are throwing some kind of 'missing xine' errors.20:56
=== jcp is now known as jcprather
p_quarlesJamesCC: pager20:57
JamesCCp_quarles: thanks.20:57
brziIf only someone could point me to some page that could explain to me why is xine engine broken after that upgrade20:58
JamesCCbrzi: yeh, klibido gives a similar error, but after I reinstalled it the msg went away. Think it is a dependency issue.20:58
brziis kibido also a player or?20:59
brziok, i will try to reinstall the kaffeine20:59
brzithx for the hint20:59
JamesCCbrzi: no it is actually a usenet binary reader :-/21:00
martywI cant find adept.21:00
martywhow to find it and install it?21:00
brzireinstall didn't help21:01
brzianybody: xine engine broken after kubuntu update??21:02
vollerthun tom21:03
k0ppwhat's the best tool to burn a torrented dvd in .avi format to a blank dvd-r?21:05
JamesCCk0pp: K3b ?21:06
k0ppJamesCC, that encodes everything and such?  i'm wanting to watch it on my TV21:07
JamesCCk0pp: No, just a writer.21:08
=== ROSHA is now known as RoozbehOnline
=== john is now known as Guest24141
JamesCCHow do you force each desktop to have it's own Task Manager widget with only it's windows and not all desktops windows. I just have too many open windows to have them all in one.21:13
doleybJamesCC: right-click in that area and do Task Manager settings21:14
JamesCCdoleyb: Thank you!21:15
andypls1guys how can i resize my partitions?21:18
JamesCCandypls1: qtparted21:18
andypls1i'm installing it21:19
andypls1i get a critical error when i am reading it21:20
andypls1my partitions overlap21:20
andypls1so i want to fix it21:20
andypls1any idea how?21:20
JamesCCdoleyb: I guess in grid mode the task manager is a fixed image? I notice it shows the same windows in your current desktop in the task manager for all 4 desktops21:20
JamesCCandypls1: Did you mount 1 on top of the other?21:20
andypls1no i didn't do anything i am just trying to install a new OS and i figured out that gparted is reporting that error21:21
JamesCCThey overlap? This is what you know for sure or just you have a error?21:21
andypls1it's givving an error message21:22
andypls1Cannot have overlapping partitions.21:22
andypls1that's what it says21:22
JamesCCandypls1: sounds like you need to change the ending cylinder for which ever partition, if you don't mind data loss on that partition. If you do, back up the partition first? This is the only way I know how...sorry I can't help more :-/21:25
chris_i'm trying to play a .bin file in vlc. it used to work, but now i cannot play any (even the ones that used to work). according to vlc, it is configured with --enable-cdio and --enablevcdx. how can i play .bin files again?21:25
sourcemaker!info m4a21:25
ubottuPackage m4a does not exist in intrepid21:25
andypls1JamesCC that's exactly what i want to do21:26
andypls1but how?21:26
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats21:26
JamesCCandypls1: I thinks fdisk can do that.21:30
JamesCCandypls1: or cfdisk.21:31
ubottuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)21:39
martywI cant seem to find kpilot21:39
martywdo you see that package?21:39
JamesCCandypls1: http://willnichols.me.uk/blog/?p=25121:41
javihas the plasma "could not find requested component" problem been solved?21:42
dr_willis!find kpilot21:42
ubottuFile kpilot found in fvwm-crystal, kde-icons-crystalproject, kde-icons-kneu, kde-icons-mono, kde-l10n-de (and 71 others)21:42
JamesCCandypls1: I have only edited partitions once for the purposes of boundaries, and that link I gave you is not the way I did it. No, I can't remember how I did it, thought it was fdisk though. It has been far too long.21:42
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.21:43
jordi_Lg L1750SQ drivers??21:44
jordi_please help21:44
martywdr_willis: I cant seem to find it so I can install it!21:44
martywdr_willis: what should I do to install it?21:44
racecar56i need help, it's a really weird glitch i have, i previously installed firefox on dapper with ubuntuzilla but then i decided i'd like to use the ubuntu patched version ( instead, it seems no matter how many times i reinstall firefox i don't have an /usr/bin/firefox, and /usr/bin/mozilla-firefox is the! how do i get rid of
jordi_i have ati 9600 and detect a analogue monitor and is LCD monitor...21:45
amgarchIn9anybody here doing IPv6 behind a NAT?21:46
dr_willismartyw:  no idea. I rarely use kde and have never used that  program. its possible it may not be in kde421:47
sixofourhow do i make my clock use am/pm and not this..uh...european time?21:48
martywthanks anyway21:48
=== andre is now known as Guest27449
=== nilo is now known as Nilo____
andypls1guys how can i resize a partition?21:52
=== Nilo____ is now known as enja
racecar56andypls1 gparted21:52
racecar56andypls1 gparted live21:52
andypls1racecar56 i can't use that program21:53
racecar56hmm y21:53
cassperghostgparted liveCD21:53
andypls1because i have overlapping partitions21:53
andypls1and it doesn't work21:53
JamesCCandypls1: http://willnichols.me.uk/blog/?p=25121:53
andypls1i need another program21:53
racecar56sorry cant help21:53
JamesCCandypls1: that link suggests editing your mbr in a hex editor.21:54
=== enja is now known as nilo
andypls1JamesCC that's way to advance for me21:54
=== ueg2009 is now known as maraga
andypls1what i want to do is very simple21:54
racecar56i need help, it's a really weird glitch i have, i previously installed firefox on dapper with ubuntuzilla but then i decided i'd like to use the ubuntu patched version ( instead, it seems no matter how many times i reinstall firefox i don't have an /usr/bin/firefox, and /usr/bin/mozilla-firefox is the! how do i get rid of
maragaalguem online21:55
racecar56nvm about before... new prob now21:55
racecar56when i install firefox with repos /usr/bin/firefox does not exist, i try purging + reinstalling, removing + reinstalling, reinstalling, and it dosent work21:56
racecar56package dosent exist21:58
BigMike2448Hi, I've just put kubuntu on a new computer, and I'm having trouble getting networking to work.21:59
BigMike2448The ethernet card is a reltek8101E that should use the r8169 module21:59
pseudoruprechtBigMike2448: What kind of networking?21:59
sixofourhow do i make my clock use am/pm and not this..uh...european time?21:59
pseudoruprechtBigMike2448: ADSL? DHCP?22:00
BigMike2448I loaded the module and connected everything, but dhclient is telling me that no DHCPOFFERS are recieved.22:00
BigMike2448pseudoruprecht: DHCP22:00
pseudoruprechtBigMike2448: you use networkmanager?22:00
LyrraHey guys, I have a question. Does anyone know if theres a KDE equivilant of gnome-ppp?22:01
BigMike2448I tried at first, but it didn't connect, either.22:01
pseudoruprechtLyrra: yep, kppp22:01
pseudoruprechtBigMike2448: did you remove the entries networkmanager created from /etc/network/interfaces?22:01
Lyrrathanks a bunch22:01
BigMike2448I've just noticed that after loading the r8169 module, I have both an eth0 and a eth0:avahi entry in ifconfig22:02
BigMike2448pseudoruprecht:  I'll check that22:02
pseudoruprechtBigMike2448: you have to use eth022:02
BigMike2448pseudoruprecht: /etc/network/interfaces only has lo22:02
BigMike2448pseudoruprecht: That's what I've been trying, but no luck :/22:03
pseudoruprechtBigMike2448: what did you try? ifconfig eth0 up && dhclient eth0?22:04
BigMike2448pseudoruprecht: Yes -- no luck22:05
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pseudoruprechtBigMike2448: was eth0 up and - perhaps - still grabbed by networkmanager?22:06
BigMike2448pseudoruprecht: Possibly -- I'm still new to kubuntu from gentoo, so I'm not sure how to check if network manager is locking anything.22:06
BigMike2448how can I find out?22:06
pseudoruprechtBigMike2448: enter the correct info for DHCP in /etc/network/interfaces as described at https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/serverguide/C/network-configuration.html22:08
BigMike2448Ok -- will do :)22:09
pseudoruprechtBigMike2448: this should "steal" the interface from networkmanager22:09
pseudoruprechtBigMike2448: but I wonder why you have to manually load the module? did you recompile the kernel?22:09
pseudoruprechtBigMike2448: usually it should be autoloaded22:10
pseudoruprechtBigMike2448: on boot, i mean22:10
BigMike2448pseudoruprecht: Thats what I thought, too. This is a brand new install, maybe a quick reboot will fill it out for me ;)22:10
lutiusveratius!hidden files22:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hidden files22:11
lutiusveratiusHey,I want to see hiden files in home directory...CTRL+H is not working...any idea?22:12
pseudoruprechtBigMike2448: did you use the Desktop LiveCD for install? If your network uses DHCP, it should already have been detected then.22:12
pseudoruprechtBigMike2448: in the Live environment22:12
lutiusveratiusHey,I want to see hiden files in home directory...CTRL+H is not working...any idea?22:13
BigMike2448pseudoruprecht: Nope -- I just selected install from the boot menu22:13
lutiusveratiusBluesKaj , here maybe?22:14
pseudoruprechtBigMike2448: i see. still, after the first boot into the freshly installed system, eth0 should have been there22:14
BigMike2448pseudoruprecht: Reboot didn't do it. I'm populating it manually now.22:15
lutiusveratiuspseudoruprecht : do you maybe know how can I see hidden files in Doplhin File Manager?22:15
BigMike2448pseudoruprecht: to answer your question earlier (I just saw it ;) ), this is with the stock kernel.22:16
pseudoruprechtBigMike2448: OK. It's a wireless card, isn't it?22:16
gee<lutiusveratius>: try alt +22:17
lutiusveratiusgee : alt + is not working too22:17
gee<lutiusveratius>: try alt +. sorry22:17
BigMike2448This is just the regular wired ethernet. It is working now with the correct entries in /etc/network/interfaces22:17
lutiusveratiusgee : thanks,it worked22:17
pseudoruprechtBigMike2448: great!22:18
BigMike2448:) Thanks for the help! Wireless is next, but hopefully won't be as much of a pain.22:18
doleybNormally wired is a lot easier though :( be scared22:21
pseudoruprechtBigMike2448: with networkmanager it should be easy - IF your card is supported ;)22:21
jcmyershey does anyone know what to do when you get this error in adept:22:24
jcmyersAPT Error. Context:22:24
jcmyers    Package download failed,22:24
jcmyers    Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages.,22:24
jcmyersi'm trying to install pidgin but it won'tlet me install anything22:24
joshjtlhi, whats the sys tray update app called?22:25
jcmyersbeatsme, i don't think there's anyone here that can help either of us...22:26
joshjtlwhats your issue22:27
jcmyersi've gon an error in adept22:27
jcmyersit says i have held broken packages22:27
joshjtlah yes22:28
jcmyerswon't fix it in synaptic either22:28
joshjtltry this: sudo dpkg --configure -a22:29
joshjtlsudo apt-get install -f22:29
joshjtlif you haven't already22:29
joshjtloh from terminal of course22:29
jcmyersthat didn't do anything at all22:30
joshjtlnothing returned?22:30
jcmyerssomething returned from the 2md command22:31
jcmyersE: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)22:31
jcmyersE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?22:31
joshjtloh you need to close whatever synaptic or gui adept you have open first22:31
jcmyersthat's from the 2nd22:31
joshjtlthen run those other two commands with "sudo" in front so:22:31
jcmyersall i have open is firefox, terminal, and konversation22:32
joshjtlsudo try this: sudo dpkg --configure -a22:32
joshjtlsudo apt-get install -f22:32
joshjtlok well try those again with sudo in front22:32
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joshjtltell me what happens22:33
jcmyersok it gave me something this time22:33
jcmyerstold me to get rid of some packages22:33
jcmyersThe following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:22:33
jcmyers  libpurple-bin pidgin-data libgadu3 libhesiod0 libpulse-browse0 libsilc-1.1-222:33
jcmyers  libzephyr3 libsndfile1 pulseaudio-utils22:33
jcmyersUse 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them.22:33
joshjtldo it22:33
joshjtlwith sudo in front of that line of course22:34
joshjtljcmyers: and?22:35
jcmyersit's done22:35
jcmyersjust a sec22:35
jcmyersalright it's working22:36
jcmyersthanks, man!22:36
joshjtlcool np22:36
joshjtltry checking https://help.ubuntu.com/community/22:37
joshjtlin the future22:37
Freddy2anyone having problems on hardy with today's updates?22:37
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alumno0Hallo, Can any tell me how to configure dolphin in spanish in kubuntu 8.04? Thanks22:45
cassperghosthello can I upgard kubuntu 6.10 to 8.10 ?22:46
joshjtlcassperghost: that is a huge upgrade, i would download a new iso22:46
joshjtlalumno0: I imagine you go to "system settings" then to "reginal & language"22:47
joshjtlregional i mean22:47
cassperghostjoshlist I have only one partition, and I would not erase data!22:49
cassperghostjoshjtl: I have only one partition, and I would not erase data!22:49
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alumno0Sorry... Yes I did that, but nothing happened. Most applications are ok, but not dolphin22:53
tuxi_tx_cassperghost: what filesystem are you using?22:55
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Laeborganyway to install .NET 2.0 ?22:56
cassperghosttuxi_tx: can i upgard to kubuntu 7.x ?22:58
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tuxi_txyou can try a step-by-step upgrade, but you really need to bite the bullet and put your /home and other data on a separate partition22:59
tuxi_txstep-by-step -- 6.10 to 7.04 to 7.10 to 8.04 to 8.1023:00
* pteague cries that kdiff3 isn't in intrepid23:01
cassperghosttuxi_tx : how can I do it?23:01
tuxi_txlet me think, cassperghost23:01
cassperghosttuxi_tx : ok, Thanks23:02
tuxi_txcassperghost: stab in the dark -- back up your data first, burn the old isos, make the CD the only repository available and try updating that way (disconnect from the internet)23:04
tuxi_txsince you have your data backed up, get the 8.10 CD and reformat with a second partition ;-)23:04
cassperghosttuxi_tx : good idea thank you very much, I will try it23:05
tuxi_txbest of luck23:05
pgreptomHello.  Just today i apt-get upgrade'd.. and now kdebase-workspace-bin won't install.  It says  kdebase-workspace-bin: Depends: kdebase-workspace-data (= 4:4.2.1a-0ubuntu1~intrepid3) but 4:4.2.1a-0ubuntu1~intrepid1 is to be installed... google only returns 2 results, but no fix.  Any idea?  Plasma won't even run :/23:14
* wallshot is liking jaunty alpha 623:29
Mr_Grieves||Is there a howto for getting fglrx working in 8.10?23:30
Mr_Grieves||Or are we still waiting for ATI to catch up with xorg?23:30
Ace2017_-fglrx doesn't work?23:31
Mr_Grieves||Ace2017_-: I dunno -- I'm googling around, and all that shows up are old posts about how fglrx doesn't work with the xorg shipped with 8.1023:31
Mr_Grieves||I haven't used fglrx in years, so I'm a bit behind on where it's at :)23:32
Ace2017_-Mr_Grieves||: usually you install the fglrx stuff and the fglrx source, then sudo m-a a-i fglrx23:33
iwantfooli am trying to install flash player23:34
Mr_Grieves||Ace2017_-: m-a a-i?23:35
iwantfooland i downloaded it, but when it prompts me to enter the installation path of mozilla, it doesn't accept /usr/lib/mozilla23:35
iwantfoolwhat's the problem?23:35
Ace2017_-Mr_Grieves||: module assistant23:36
Ace2017_-iwantfool: why not use the repos?23:36
Ace2017_-iwantfool: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash23:37
iwantfoolwhat is the repos?23:37
Mr_Grieves||Ace2017_-: Ah -- thanks :) One more quick question, how can I find out which package provides the ath5k module? Google isn't my friend today...23:37
iwantfoolsorry i am very new to ubuntu what is the command to isntall  adobe-flashplugin?23:39
Ace2017_-Mr_Grieves||: apt-file search ath5k.ko, apt-file lets you find what packages contain what before installing them, very useful when you get errors saying some file or other wasn't found23:39
Mr_Grieves||Just what I was looking for -- thanks :)23:40
Ace2017_-iwantfool: alt+f2 > type in the program you want to run, to get a command line run konsole23:40
iwantfooli am running "apt-get install  adobe-flashplugin"23:40
iwantfoolunder ubuntu23:40
iwantfool(not kubuntu)23:40
Ace2017_-shouldn't you be in #ubuntu?23:41
iwantfoolE: Couldn't find package adobe-flashplugin23:41
iwantfoolwhy am i getting that error?23:41
iwantfoolbecause people here are more friendly23:41
Ace2017_-iwantfool: what version of ubuntu? it says to enable 3rd party repos23:41
iwantfoolwhat should i do?23:42
leonidsiwantfool: try searching for flashplugin-nonfree23:42
iwantfoolok it's installing that23:42
leonidsiwantfool: that is the package name for the adobe flash plugin23:42
iwantfoolok is it going to be up to date?23:43
leonidsafter it finishes installing, just close your browser, reopen your broswer, and you should have flash installed23:43
Ace2017_-you'll want to update the whole system23:43
Ace2017_-install synaptic23:44
iwantfoolguys i don't understand what you mean23:44
iwantfooli installed it with apt-get install23:44
iwantfoolwhat is install synaptic?23:44
leonidsiwantfool: that is all you need to do23:44
Ace2017_-apt-get install synaptic23:44
iwantfoolmy question is if that version is the newst one?23:44
Ace2017_-then run synaptic from alt+f2, hit reload then install the updates23:45
leonidsiwantfool: enter this command into the terminal    dpkg -l flashplugin-nonfree23:45
leonids(that is a lowercase "L")23:45
Ace2017_-well if you had synaptic you could search for flash, then pick it in a list and see what version it is23:45
leonidsdpkg -l will let you know what the version number is23:45
leonidsnixternal: kde doesn't suck23:46
Ace2017_-leonids: is there a better command for that? one in which you don't have to install the package before getting info23:46
leonidsnixternal: i just thought i would let you know that kde 4.2.1 is pretty cool.23:46
Ace2017_-iwantfool: yes?23:46
nixternaloh, I didn't even recognize you dude :p23:46
iwantfoolok i got youtube to work :) the problem is that when i go to add/remove programs and search for "flash" it doesn't show me that package23:47
iwantfoollike adept manager used to do under kubuntu23:47
iwantfoolhow am i supposed to get synaptic to work?23:47
Ace2017_-alt+f2, type synaptic then run it23:47
iwantfoolok thx :)23:48
iwantfoolthat work23:48
iwantfoolso when it's green it means it's installed23:49
Ace2017_-iwantfool: right click on them, and yes green=installed23:49
iwantfoolok perferct :)23:50
iwantfoolnow i have another problem23:50
iwantfooli am trying to install my nvidia drivers23:50
iwantfooland i have to run their program without the X running23:50
iwantfoolnow i need to edit /etc/inittab23:50
iwantfoolbut that file doesn't exist in my ubuntu23:50
dr_willisnvidia has X and non-X tools to configure their stuff23:50
Ace2017_-there are other ways to install nvidia drivers23:50
iwantfooland google didn't really help me23:50
dr_willisubuntu dosetn use inittab  :)23:51
iwantfoolso what should i do?23:51
dr_willisat least not the way most other disrtos do23:51
dr_williswhat are you trying to do exactly?23:51
iwantfoolbtw now i am using peguin but i will soon install konversation cause it was better23:51
iwantfooldr_willis install my nvidia drivers23:51
dr_willisiwantfool:  install them how? using repo? or envyng or the nvidia.com whatever.run ?23:52
dr_willisand you HAVE tried the repo?23:52
iwantfooli downloaded the drivers23:52
iwantfoolfrom their site23:52
iwantfoolbut to install them23:52
iwantfooli need the X to not be running23:52
iwantfoolso that's my problem23:52
iwantfoolhow to kill it and work from the console23:52
dr_willisYOU have tried the nvidia drivers in the repos first?23:53
Ace2017_-sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx nvidia-kernel-common nvidia-kernel-source23:53
dr_willisthen Do so.. the nvidia.com ones are the LAST ones to try23:53
dr_willis!nvidia | iwantfool23:53
ubottuiwantfool: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto23:53
dr_williswindows training kicking in i knopw.. :)23:53
iwantfoolhm.. not really23:53
dr_willis'go to site.. get stuff, overlook the way the disrto makers made it easier'23:53
iwantfooli have been using kubuntu but i broke it so now i am using ubuntu23:54
iwantfoolbut i stiill suck23:54
Ace2017_-gnome really lacks functionality23:54
dr_willisthe hardware-driver tool in the menus/panel should have poped up and asked abouyt the drivers also23:54
iwantfooli just thought drivers isn't something to get from adept manager/synaptic23:54
dr_willisiwantfool:  thers tons of drivers in the repos. :)23:54
Motorioushey folks, I had a quick question to all of the Kubuntu users out there.  I am currently dual booting ubuntu with gnome, have no issues, but have always liked the look of the  KDE interface.  I have previously used KDE versions of opensuse and found KDE 4 to be too unstable for my taste.  I also prefer the Ubuntu distrobution.  Question is, how stable is KDE 4.2.x, and how well is it...23:54
Motorious...integrated with Ubuntu?23:55
dr_williskde4.2 works 'ok' :)23:55
dr_willisyour mileage may varry dependin on the system23:55
iwantfoolE: Package nvidia-glx has no installation candidate23:55
iwantfoolAce your command...23:55
dr_willisiwantfool:  update, upgrade,m and try again.23:55
iwantfoollet me try synaptic23:55
dr_willissudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get upgrade,  then try it again23:55
dr_willisthats a #1 thig to do :)23:56
dr_willisalso depending onyour card.. will dictate What nvidia-XXXXX package you want23:56
Ace2017_-iwantfool: i think dr_willis's way is better23:56
iwantfoolwhy am i running those commands?23:56
dr_willisiwantfool:  to update your pakage maanger cache and system23:56
dr_willisotherwise things are out of sync23:56
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome) or !Adept (KDE)23:56
dr_willisthe gui package manager tool will proberly auto-do it :)23:57
iwantfoolsudo apt-get install nvidia-glx nvidia-kernel-common nvidia-kernel-source now?23:57
dr_willis!find jockey23:57
Motoriousdr_willis: thanks for the answer...just a basic Pentium 4 2.8 ghz, 1.5 gigs ram, 2 HDD's 1 Sata in RAID, Nvidia 7800 GS agp...23:57
ubottuFound: jockey-common, jockey-gtk, jockey-kde23:57
Ace2017_-iwantfool: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto23:57
dr_willisor just run 'kdesudo jockey-kde' to let the gui tool get the drivers23:58
iwantfooli don't have kde23:58
Ace2017_-dr_willis: iwantfool is using gnome23:58
dr_willisiwantfool:  then use the other one.23:58
dr_willisnote teh -gtk at the end. :)23:58
MotoriousI found KDE 4, plasma (plasmoid??...in any case the desktop widget program) crashed constantly, does it still happen?23:58
dr_willisMotorious:  Kde4 is a work in progress.. it crashes.. if you want a totally stable desktop avoide it.23:59
dr_willisMotorious:  its improveing every month...23:59
Motoriouskk, thanks for the info:)23:59
dr_willis'linux - Your Os Your Way' :)23:59

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