
duffydjamesh: hi00:14
spmlifeless: "..loath things being set fixed released or invalid.." +1111. my 2c emotional response from having reported bugs being marked invalid is that such a setting is incredibly offputting ie "Why do I even bother reporting any bugs then?". Have personally resolved to never use that setting on any bug reports against my stuff; except as absolute last resort.00:17
wgrantspm: As long as it's used where appropriate, it's fine.00:18
wgrantAnd we have lots of appropriate uses of it in Ubuntu.00:18
lifelessspm: indeed. see for instance my irssi bug on ^I when used over ssh00:18
spmlots of inappropriate too00:18
wgrantOf course.00:18
lifeless'too hard' != not a bug, IMO :)00:18
wgrantlifeless: That's Won't Fix, but certainly not Invalid.00:19
spm"Won't Fix" is also, imho, evil in being incredibly offputting.00:19
spmie this problem affects you; sux to be you.00:19
spmIs not nice.00:19
wgrantWe do that mainly for old releases and features.00:20
lifelessso the distro is different, in that it doesn't fix many bugs at all00:21
lifelessits mainly a clearing house00:21
lifelessbut still00:21
duffydjamesh: yt?00:21
lifelessduffyd: he hasn't replied, so is probably still asleep or somethin00:21
wgrantAnd I don't have an awful lot of being an upstream in Malone.00:21
duffydlifeless: k, cool00:21
thumperspm: I've sometimes used "Won't Fix" for "Working as designed, U R doin it wrong"00:22
wgrantthumper: That could be Invalid.00:22
thumperwgrant: hmm, I'm probably not consistent :)00:23
spmthumper: :-) .. like to pick an example not at random: code privacy settngs? ;-)00:23
* thumper smacks spm around00:23
spmthumper: even so. while not disagreeing; I'd regard "UR doing it wrong" as a bug in how I made it possible for personX to do it wrong. ie is a docco/UI etc bug.00:24
* thumper will not be drawn into potential PEBKAC issues00:25
spmI'd suggest maybe... 1/3 of the bugs I get would fall into that category. If the docco is missing, or simply wrong... ouchy.00:25
wgrantSpeaking of incorrect documentation... https://help.launchpad.net/BranchMergeProposals is outdated (branch pages don't have Actions menus any more), which confused somebody over the weekend.00:28
* thumper hangs head00:29
thumperwgrant: thanks for the pointer00:29
thumperwgrant: can you file a bug for that?00:29
wgrantthumper: Sure.00:30
* wgrant files, then -> uni.00:30
thumperwgrant: thanks00:31
duffydjamesh: yt?01:12
duffydanyone here know how to get testrunners to output all the stuff happening in stdout?01:13
duffydannoying thing is aI just get the report summary :(01:13
duffyd-v doesn't help01:13
jameshduffyd: hi01:20
jameshwhat is the problem exactly?01:20
duffydjamesh: hi! Still having issues with gpgme so I've put some printf statements in the c library01:21
duffydjamesh: I've littered it with printf statements :) but I wanna see the output in my testrunner01:22
duffydand doctest doesn't provide this kind of output.01:22
duffydHow can I see the output from the c library. If I call up the library manually should they appear?01:23
jameshI wouldn't have thought printf's at the C level would get captured by a test runner01:23
duffydI'll step through and see what's happening01:23
duffydfyi the tests all work on my dev machine (and the other devs machines) but not on the staging server01:23
duffydreally weird01:23
duffydand is difficult to debug as the error messages aren't very descriptive01:24
duffydmm stepping through it doesn't return anything01:25
duffydjamesh: this is the relevant code from pygpgme-context.c: http://paste.plone.org/2696901:26
duffydI've just added the printf statements in01:27
duffydI just realised it didn't pick up the new egg01:27
duffydI'll fix that first01:27
duffydstupid buildout ;)01:28
duffydjamesh: oh no, I'm a real C n00b: what does this mean: src/pygpgme-context.c:607: error: expected ‘;’ before string constant01:35
duffydI've put the semicolons in after the printf statement strings but still getting that error01:35
jameshduffyd: you want printf("message\n");01:36
duffydok thanks01:36
duffydjamesh: bingo01:53
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Hobbseewow, guys!06:31
thumperHobbsee: what?06:47
Hobbseethumper: the bug pages and editing inline06:48
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zhangweiwuHello. I want to encourage people fix the bug that gnu-util's tr(1) doesn't support multibyte character. this is a bug reported multiple times on multiple bug tracker (e.g. redhat, gnu's own bug tracker). I am new to launchpad do you think filing it at launchpad again making any sense?07:55
zhangweiwuFreeBSD has it fixed on their version07:56
noodles775zhangweiwu: if launchpad is being used for their code-hosting and development, yes, but otherwise probably not.07:57
zhangweiwunoodles775: thanks. I don't even to look up, because I don't beleive gnu guys develop on someone else's platform. that's the impression they left me in years.07:58
twenty2andYouidk if this is really a reasonable place to ask this, but is launchpad.net strict about what kind of projects they host?  specifically if my project scrapes a lot of sites that 1) breaks the site's TOS, and 2) the site probably has illegal content08:08
theholyducktwenty2andYou, well if you jut have info about how to access it08:11
theholyducki dont thinks so :P08:11
theholyduckthey allready supply torrent clients and web browsers. why not a script that upon user interaction uses varous other things+08:12
spivtwenty2andYou: there's a "Terms of Use" link on every page, which takes you to <https://launchpad.net/legal>08:12
twenty2andYouspiv: that loads a blank page for me08:13
spivtheholyduck: torrent clients and web browsers aren't clearly analogous to the twenty2andYou's case08:13
theholyduckspiv, well they require some sort of user input to perform illegal actions08:13
theholyduckthey arent illegal by themselfs08:14
spivtwenty2andYou: Odd.  It should take you to <https://help.launchpad.net/Legal>08:14
twenty2andYounow it is blacked out instead of white out08:14
theholyduckif he has a system that does illegal things based upon user input. shouldnt really be any worse now should it?08:14
theholyducktwenty2andYou, works fine here :P08:14
twenty2andYouI guess this is like the sites that link to illegal videos hosted on veoh & megavideo08:15
theholyducktwenty2andYou, well its a bit dependant on where you're from aswell :P08:15
spivtheholyduck: I believe some jurisdictions care about the primary intent of software, and things like that.  It's not that there aren't similarities, it's just that I don't think you can safely conclude that because torrent clients are acceptable then X must be too.  There are too many variables.08:15
theholyduckspiv, well yeah local law varies alot08:16
twenty2andYouI don't directly enable anything illegal (except perhaps breaking ToS, but that isn't "illegal" imo, just immoral) but I'm definately enabling illegal activity08:16
spivIANAL, etc.08:16
theholyduckin norway i cant be sued or charged for dling copyrighted software08:16
theholyduckthey have to figure out who sent me the copy08:16
theholyduckand charge him08:16
theholyduckbut alot of other places dont work like that08:16
twenty2andYouI'm mostly interested to know if launchpad is going to remove my project, I understand it is in a legally grey area and scraping sites is bad all around, I just wnat to know if launchpad is going to say f-it we're just hosting the code or if they're going to remove it08:17
theholyducktwenty2andYou, well another not entirely applicable thing :P08:17
theholyduckis the ruling for libmp3lame08:17
theholyduckit was demed legal to create the SOURCE code for a mp3 encoder.08:17
spivtwenty2andYou: take a look at the Terms of Use on the website, and if they don't answer your question, post to launchpad-users about it (or file a question at answers.launchpad.net/launchpad)08:17
theholyduckeven if creating and selling a encoder would be illegal08:18
theholyducksince source code was just information about how to do it. not actually something that did it08:18
TieffliegerHi everyone :-)  Anyone else having problems with lp's bazaar, or is it just me?09:51
jmlTiefflieger: I haven't had any problems, but I haven't used it for the last couple of hours.09:57
jmlTiefflieger: what's the problem?09:57
Tieffliegerhttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kaffeejunkies/cassiopeia/main/revision/12 sometimes shows an error message that I should try again in a few minutes, and to get a local branch it took me 3 tries, on the first and second try it got stuck while downloading the files09:59
Tieffliegerso I canceled it with ctrl+c after 5 Minutes. (command were "bzr branch lp:cassiopeia"10:00
wgrantThat sounds like Loggerhead playing up and bzr pre-1.12.10:00
wgrant(1.12 seems much better at indicating progress, where older versions looked like they were stalled)10:01
Tieffliegerhm? I did no change for 9 hours to that branch, so loggerhead shouldn't have something to do, should it? and for the branching: You think I just have to wait longer?10:03
Tiefflieger(but thanks a lot for the explanation :-) )10:03
wgrantre. Loggerhead: Why wouldn't it? It renders pages as you request them. Branching: I suspect so.10:04
TieffliegerI thought pages were rendered only once when a change has been detected10:05
wgrantI don't believe it does, but even if it did it would still have to have some logic to check whether it had to invalid the cache or not.10:07
untitled_"Sorry, there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad server. Try reloading this page in a minute or two." do you guys have the same problem?10:07
Tieffliegeryes :-)10:08
untitled_it works on and off for me.. however it hasn't been working for about 3 min now10:08
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kikountitled_, bazaar.launchpad.net?10:09
untitled_heavy load or some other problem that you are aware about?10:09
kikoit is just having memory pressure issues10:09
untitled_i see10:09
wgrantIs any progress being made on that? I know there's been work ongoing for months...10:10
untitled_last update 2008-04-2910:11
jmlwgrant: loggerhead's an open source project hosted on Launchpad. We aren't keeping any of the work a secret.10:11
wgrantjml: I'm aware. But I'm not sure how that helps, as bzr log isn't likely to tell me "reduced frequency of LP prod deaths by 50%".10:13
wgrant(I particularly dislike this issue as it cropped up in the middle of a demonstration of LP to the rest of my team)10:15
thumperTiefflieger: which version of bzr are you using?10:18
TieffliegerI've just installed it this morning10:18
thumperhmm, and you said it took how long?10:19
* thumper tries10:19
Tieffliegerabout 5 minutes, then I canceled and tried again10:19
Tieffliegerbut there was no network activity when it stalled, but that could be because of my internet connection (I'm at the university right now)10:20
thumperTiefflieger: have you done a `bzr lp-login` ?10:21
thumperTiefflieger: did it work the second time?10:21
Tieffliegerno, but the third time :-)10:22
thumperthe loggerhead browser is quite separate from the server that serves the branches10:22
jmlthumper: they share common points of failure though.10:23
thumperhow big is cassiopeia?10:23
thumperjml: true10:23
wgrantthumper: My copy of the branch is about 37MiB. It took < 2 minutes over HTTP, even from here.10:23
Tieffliegernot that big, about 5 MB10:25
TieffliegerI'm trying to get a branch again, just to test it - seems to be stalled again10:26
jmlTiefflieger: are you branching into an existing local repository?10:27
thumperreal    7m37.172s10:27
Tieffliegerno, in a directory I've just made (~/temp)10:28
jmlTiefflieger: if you want to get more information (and you are branching over bzr+ssh), try adding -Dhpss to your bzr command10:28
jmlTiefflieger: that'll dump timing info to ~/.bzr.log that can help diagnose the problem.10:29
TieffliegerIt got stuck at the following line: "[###########-        ] Copying content texts:Copied record 299/652 "10:29
Tieffliegerthanks, I will do that :-)10:29
wgrantMine was stuck on 296 for 30 seconds or so.10:29
* jml eagerly awaits the next rollout.10:29
thumperme too10:29
wgrantbzr 0.14rc smartserver speedups?10:30
Tieffliegerbtw, bzr gives me 2 deprecation warnings about some hashlibs, but that shouldn't be the reason for my problems, I suppose10:31
jmlTiefflieger: unlikely10:32
wgrantThat's pycrypto with Python 2.6 - it'll be fixed before Jaunty's released.10:32
wgrantIt's just the md5/sha1 -> hashlib move.10:32
* jml halts10:36
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Tieffliegerseems to be stuck again: http://pastebin.com/m26109486 , but I needed some tries.10:42
TieffliegerSince I'm the only one who has this problem, I think it's rather a problem with my internet connection than with lp's bazaar...10:42
* wgrant wonders why null is part of launchpad-project.10:46
Tieffliegerbye everybody, thanks for the help :-)11:26
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nil2hi, I've created a branch with the wrong name, does anyone know to rename it?11:44
wgrantnil2: On the branch page on Launchpad (https://launchpad.net/~user/project/branch), click the edit button next to the title.11:46
AnAntHello, can someone solve the question 62612 ?12:07
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qballhow can I give somebody permission to upload new translation templates for my project?12:46
bigjoolsdanilos: ^12:49
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c_korncody-somerville: ping13:14
cody-somervillec_korn, pong13:14
c_kornI filed bug 343155 about the sivp compiling issue13:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 343155 in launchpad-buildd "build of sivp 0.5.0-1ubuntu1 freezes on amd64 ubuntu official build machine" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34315513:15
c_kornsylvestre ledru (maintainer) says the config.log should tell him want wents wrong when trying to detect scilab.13:16
c_kornis there a way to get it? configure || cat config.log won't work I think because the configure just freezes and does not fail13:16
cody-somervillecprov, ^^13:18
cprovc_korn: I don't know if there is a easy way to get the debug data you need. Can't you instrument the source package to be more verbose about the problematic step ?13:21
cprovc_korn: anyway, append your ideas to the bug report. I honestly don't see how autoconfig could behave differently in virtual & non-virtual environments.13:25
c_korncprov: ok, sylvestre commented: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-buildd/+bug/343155/comments/313:36
ubottuUbuntu bug 343155 in launchpad-buildd "build of sivp 0.5.0-1ubuntu1 freezes on amd64 ubuntu official build machine" [Undecided,New]13:36
c_kornhow should an env variable be set?13:36
cprovc_korn: cool, I guess you could easily do that in your debian/rules, right ?13:37
c_korncprov: yes, I think DEB_CONFIGURE_SCRIPT_ENV is the right variable to set?13:40
cprovc_korn: yes, that would be elegant :)13:41
c_korncprov: https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-buildd/+bug/343155/comments/413:47
ubottuUbuntu bug 343155 in launchpad-buildd "build of sivp 0.5.0-1ubuntu1 freezes on amd64 ubuntu official build machine" [Undecided,New]13:47
c_kornnow it should build fine13:48
c_kornwho is in charge for letting it build again? a MOTU?13:48
Laneyare the PPA buildds going to be refreshed for the xen/mono fix?13:51
cprovc_korn: you have to upload a new source.13:52
c_kornwhy that? the sources are already in ubuntu13:53
c_korna  MOTU is trying to build it. thanks. bye13:53
cprovLaney: there is a open task on launchpad-buildd about that, so soon.13:55
Laneycprov: do you have a link that I can subscribe to?13:55
cprovLaney: it's a new task in the existing bug, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bugs/23772413:58
ubottuUbuntu bug 237724 in linux "linux-image-2.6.24-18-xen breaks mono" [High,Fix committed]13:58
cprovLaney: you are already subscribed, AFAICS.13:58
Laneyoh, the same bug?13:58
directhexi think one of the PPA builders might be feeling unwell. it's taking an uncommonly long length of time to build a package13:58
AnAntbug 6261214:03
ubottuBug 62612 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/62612 is private14:03
AnAntquestion 6261214:03
AnAntanswer 6261214:03
AnAntanswers 6261214:03
directhexcan someone with elite powers drop-kick radon across the room?14:06
Spadsdirecthex: can you be more specific?14:08
directhexthat build took 42 minutes on lpia, 39 on amd64, and previous versions of the package took 50 mins on i38614:09
directhexi.e. "it's broken"14:09
cprovdirecthex: do you have all the information you need debug the current 'freeze' ? I can cancel the build for you.14:11
directhexcprov, i don't see any obvious signs of why it's stopped progressing - it built fine on lpia/amd6414:12
directhexand it's the same orig as previous successful builds14:12
directhexso i think it might be some transitory glitch in the builder14:12
cprovdirecthex: okay, let's just reset the job and see how it goes.14:13
directhexcprov, neato, ta14:13
qballhow do I add a 2nd template in launchpad?14:57
danilo_qball: you should go to a productseries translations page, and use the "Upload" link to upload your second POT15:05
directhexcprov,  Build started 40 minutes ago  on samarium (virtual)  and finished 3 minutes ago  taking 37 minutes — see the log15:11
directhexcprov, seems it was the builder then, not me ;)15:11
qballdanilo_: did that, it overwritten my old template15:19
qballold gmpc.pot  the one I want to add is gmpc-alarm.pot15:19
danilo_qball: can you give me the link you went to? and did you use a different POT name?15:19
qballlet me upload the right .pot file again15:19
danilo_qball: import queue on https://translations.launchpad.net/gmpc/trunk/+imports says they have both been imported into the same template15:20
qballI want a new template15:21
qballone is main programm, other is plugin15:21
danilo_qball: ah, you might be hitting a bug with in auto-approver which just checks for matching beginning of a file name15:21
danilo_qball: right, can you upload it with a completely different name, and then I'll change it to a proper one?15:21
danilo_qball: something like alarm-qmpc.pot15:22
qballdanilo_: but I have 20+ off these gmpc-<name>.pot files15:22
qballone for each plugin15:22
qballbut let me try15:22
danilo_qball: ok, then it's better the other way around15:22
qballcan you aprove the last gmpc.pot I uploaded15:23
danilo_yeah, I'll do that15:24
qballthen I try a alarm-gmpc.pot, just for fun and giggles15:24
danilo_qball: I've approved it, but let's try a different approach for others15:25
danilo_qball: once correct gmpc.pot is imported, I'll change it's pathname to something else temporarily so you can upload all the rest with their correct names15:25
qballdon't have them all at this moment..15:26
qballI made a few plugins translatable and was trying how it works15:26
danilo_qball: right, I am sorry that you hit this bug, but I've just made the main template temp-gmpc.pot (maybe we can make it main-gmpc.pot, when we can avoid the bug until we fix it, but you'd need to use that for uploading as well)15:27
qballthat is not a big problem15:27
qballtry to upload gmpc-alarm.pot now?15:28
qballok. uploaded15:28
danilo_qball: can you please try that again, because I had to move the old one (which was already approved for import into main template) away?15:30
qballkay done.15:30
danilo_qball: now it'd be nice to wait for our auto-approver to make sure it doesn't recognize the file as the existing template, instead of me approving it manually right away15:31
danilo_qball: can you ping me later today and I'll check how it went?15:32
qballI will15:32
danilo_qball: btw, how's gtodo doing? :)15:32
qballdanilo_: eeh not doing a lot15:32
qballnever got around finishing gtodo215:32
qballway to busy, way to little help15:32
qballadd becoming ill the list15:32
danilo_qball: ah, I am sorry to hear that :)15:33
qballso gtodo and stuffkeeper are on a hiatus15:33
danilo_qball: it was a nice little app, keep up the good work though :)15:33
qballhttp://stuffkeeper.org/index.php/Main_Page <-- thhis is a neat thing too.15:34
danilo_qball: ah, right, it is :)15:35
qballideas are never the problem..15:35
danilo_qball: tell me about it, if we can only find the time to implement them all...15:36
qballdanilo_: any clue on if/when this bug would be fixed?15:38
danilo_qball: not really, it's not a high priority one at this time since multi-template set-ups are not that common15:41
lipcan some body help me?15:54
MrKanisterlip: That depends on what your question might be ;)16:02
lipCan you approve archive mirror as official?16:05
MrKanisterlip: No, unfortunately not16:07
MTecknologyIs there anyone that can update this page for me? http://blog.launchpad.net/projects/ubuntu-loco-website-kit - the link to the project page is ubuntu-drupal, not loco-drupal16:19
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mrooneycongrats everyone on the YUI3 sprint, sounds like it went well!18:16
rockstarmrooney, it was also a lot of fun.18:21
mrooneyfrom my personal experience I am glad YUI3 was chosen, it does seem like an excellent library18:21
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kikoI can't load ~kiko snif19:00
beunoI can19:02
beunonot that I'm bragging...19:03
kikobeuno, have I ever showed you the star wars cantina youtube video?19:04
beunokiko, no, but it sounds like something I want to watch19:05
kikodefinitely worth watching19:06
beunoah!  eddie izzard, he's awesome19:06
mptbeuno, I've just noticed how the bug summary field smoothly shrinks when the summary you're typing shortens from two lines to one line. That's classy work.19:09
beunompt, :)19:11
beunoa lot of complaining in there19:11
beunokiko, lol. I hadn't seen that clip. Have you seen the cake or death one?19:11
* mwhudson needs to buy some eddie dvds19:13
mptbeuno, complaining in where?19:13
beunompt, developers!19:14
qballdanilos: still awates acceptance19:15
kikobeuno, yeah19:15
kikobeuno, but this one is better!19:15
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LaneyIs something up with the i386 buildds? Seeing stuff like https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gedit-plugins/2.26.0-0ubuntu1/+build/906753/+files/buildlog_ubuntu-jaunty-i386.gedit-plugins_2.26.0-0ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz on a few packages22:11
Laneyforget it, not a buildd problem22:15
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mpt"Sorry, all things indicated that that is where it must go."22:38
mptThe mysterious bug 88818 strikes again22:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 88818 in malone "Many people report non-Launchpad bugs on Launchpad products" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/8881822:38
domasthat looks a bit recursive22:42
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TurlI'm getting an odd error when building a package in a PPA23:16
Turlconfigure: error: in `/build/buildd/xserver-xorg-video-intel-2.6.3/obj-i686-linux-gnulp': configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables23:16
Turlany idea?23:17
emmajaneping jml23:37
jmlemmajane: hi23:38
emmajanehey :)23:38
emmajanejust responded to your bug response.23:39
emmajaneI have no idea what's already done, but please feel free to close the bug if you've already addressed the pain points.23:39
jmlemmajane: thanks. that's exactly the kind of bug comment I like :)23:41
emmajanejml, heh23:41
jml(the whole point of opening a bug is to have to closed.)23:41
emmajanejml, I was hoping it wasn't *too* rubber mallet-ish.23:42
emmajanethumper's already identified that he likes to be beaten about LP issues though. ;)23:42
jmlemmajane: yeah. the thing about UI bugs is that without effort from all parties, they can often become uncloseable mishmashes of suggestions and descriptions of negative experiences. so the occasional mallet is required.23:44
* thumper is black and blue right now from all the beatings23:47
* emmajane chuckles.23:47
emmajanepoor thumper :(23:47
jmlso now I'm really, honestly going to start actually making Launchpad better, rather than talk about it :)23:49
jmlbuh-bye gmail23:49
emmajanejml, I won't tell you all the things I'm not working on while submitting LP bug reports. procrastination FTW!23:50
abarbacciahey all, i just merged my accounts but the karma didn't transfer23:51
mwhudsonkarma is updated nightly23:52
mwhudsoncheck back tomorrow23:52
abarbacciavery good. maybe a note about that should be added to the "success" screen as it was one of the first things i checked. :-)23:52
abarbacciai could file a bug for it.... ahahaha23:52
wgrantmpt: But they said to report a bug on Launchpad!23:53
nhandlerI'm trying to play around with the LP API. Is there a way to get a list of bugs that a user is subscribed to?23:54
wgrantnhandler: Not globally, but you can search in a specific context by giving an argument to searchTasks.23:56
nhandlerwgrant: So searchTasks falls under a distribution, so I can search for all Ubuntu bugs that a user is subscribed to, correct?23:57
wgrantnhandler: Yes.23:57
* wgrant -> gone23:57

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