
dobeyso how do i go about upgrading to jaunty exactly, since i don't see an obvious place to grab an ISO00:16
pochudobey: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/00:20
pochudobey: or you can "gksu update-manager -d" or something like that00:21
dobeyi don't think update-manager migrates to ext4 though?00:23
pochuI don't think so00:33
=== Amaranth is now known as bluesmoke
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pittiGood morning07:52
seb128hello pitti07:53
seb128hey sabdfl07:53
sabdflhowdy seb128, how's jaunty looking for you/08:00
seb128sabdfl: I looks very good, I think it will be one of the best ubuntu versions (if not the best one) we rolled until now, pretty solid and with some cool changes08:02
sabdflseb128: 2.26 shaping up nicely from GNOME?08:05
seb128yes, the 2.26 tarballs are due today and I'm pretty happy about how this cycle went08:06
seb128the only concern I had was session storing still being broken but vuntz attached a patch for that on saturday, it might be a bit late for 2.26.0 but it's already in jaunty to get testing08:06
pittiseb128: fixing that would be awesome08:31
pittiseb128: that has been broken since gutsy or so?08:31
seb128pitti: depends what you call session storing08:31
pittiseb128: cleanly shutting down session programs on logout, anyway08:32
seb128pitti: gnome-session closing without telling applications is since intrepid08:32
pittiseb128: I gave up the hope that we'll ever get back proper session saving/restoring :)08:32
seb128well the current jaunty version should be somewhat working for that too08:32
pittinow, if only suspend/resume worked, then jaunty would be perfect08:32
seb128some programs are known to be buggy08:32
pittiseb128: I still get the daily "unexpectedly killed" question from firefox08:33
seb128see upstream discussion about the real plans, which includes having session storage in gtk and letting applications handle that08:33
seb128pitti: did you upgrade and restart since saturday afternoon?08:33
seb128pitti: the pacakge I uploaded saturday fix the gedit and firefox cases08:33
seb128ie gedit asks for saving work again08:33
pittihm, maybe not yet08:33
seb128and firefox don't show the crash dialog08:33
* pitti upgrades08:33
pittiI did an upgrade on Saturday08:34
seb128dpkg -l | grep gnome-session?08:34
pittinothing new from apt-get08:34
seb128you restarted your session twice since?08:34
pittibooted this morning08:34
seb128ie, you close a session which was the new gnome-session08:34
seb128well, when you closed you laptop with firefox running08:34
seb128that was still the old code running?08:35
pittithat's entirely possible08:35
seb128ok, let me know next time you close a session08:35
pittiright, will do08:35
* pitti grabs all the sync stuff from the sponsoring queue08:36
pittiseb128: seems the queue is still manageable in size, I'm doing the python 2.6 sponsorings now08:48
seb128pitti: ok thanks08:48
pittiseb128: I guess your GNOME packaging army will fill it up quickly again :)08:48
seb128yeah, it's a bit early ;-)08:49
pittiright, so let's clean it up as much as possible before :)08:49
Zdraseb128: telepathy-glib FTBFS for ages now... Bigon told me it's ubuntu's fault... do you have any idea?09:04
seb128Zdra: no, I didn't look at it I though bigon was looking at the telepathy stack in ubuntu, let me look09:04
seb128it fails to import "locale"09:05
seb128seems to be a missing build-depends or similar09:05
seb128I doubt it's ubuntu's fault though09:06
seb128I will talk to him when he's around09:06
Zdraseb128: oh, the error changed... last time I checked it was another python module that failed09:06
Zdraseb128: the package builds fine on my jaunty laptop09:06
seb128did you try in pbuilder?09:07
Zdraseb128: IIRC, he said it's python-minimal that's crack on ubuntu, or something like that09:07
seb128ah, that's another discussion, I've read this one09:07
Zdraseb128: no, my knownledge in debian packages is level -1 ;)09:07
seb128he assumes that python-minimal is not installed which is a wrong assumption09:07
seb128the real fix is to make the package still build when that is installed09:08
seb128not to blame the ubuntu build machine because it has python-minimal and that the telepathy-glib logic is not clever enough to handle that09:08
seb128hat's really a telepathy-glib bug09:08
seb128it should either conflict on python-minimal if it can't build when it's there09:09
seb128or the configure should be clever enough to detect that everything required is not available09:09
seb128anyway I will sort that with him when he's around09:10
Zdraseb128: ok, thx09:10
seb128you're welcome09:10
Zdraseb128: sjoerd (debian packager for tp stack) said the problem is it should depend on python2.5 instead of python2.609:21
seb128asac: could you reply to upstream questions on gnome bug #571423?10:11
ubottuGnome bug 571423 in ask dialog "grabbing the keyboard while a menu is open can lock the session" [Normal,Needinfo] http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=57142310:11
emberseb128 can i update gt?10:11
seb128yes and vte if you want10:12
seb128and brasero10:12
asacseb128: yes10:12
seb128asac: good ;-)10:12
seb128brb trying gnome-keyring 2.26 update10:13
pittiseb128: no luck; I choose "reboot" from the system menu, and next time firefox says again it crashed10:51
seb128pitti: could be that fusa is buggy too, I've been trying using gnome-session10:52
pittiseb128: I do not use fusa10:52
seb128what do you call system menu?10:52
pittijust the system menu10:52
seb128I will try later10:52
seb128I did try logout10:52
seb128not reboot10:52
seb128maybe there is a difference10:52
pittiseb128: do you want me to sponsor bug 341487, or do you want to include the patch in the regular 2.26 update?11:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 341487 in avant-window-navigator "'don't cover the bar' options doesn't work" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34148711:06
pittiseb128: grabbing bug 340775 if that's alright with you?11:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 340775 in gnome-netstatus "Please sponsor gnome-netstatus 2.26.0 to jaunty" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34077511:06
seb128pitti: yes11:06
seb128pitti: not sure about bug #341487 if it's going to be in the 2.26 tarball you can sponsor it if you want11:07
pittiseb128: the metacity one probably won't be applied upstream11:07
seb128ok, you can upload then, I've no clue about it and not interest since I use compiz11:07
pittiokay, will have a look11:07
seb128ok, let me try this gnome-session thing on restart11:08
salty-horsechrisccoulson, hi. can I do anything to help with my metacity bug? maybe prepare the dpkg myself? (beta freeze is coming up)11:09
pochuasac: ping liferea :)11:10
asacpochu: right. let me dget it again11:11
seb128pitti: ok, you are right, that works only for logout11:13
pittiseb128: ah, I had expected that gnome-session wise, logout and reboot would be the same11:14
seb128me too11:14
seb128I just didn't test those, logout was much faster for testing ;-)11:14
seb128I will comment on the upstream bug11:14
* pitti hugs seb12811:15
* seb128 hugs pitti11:15
pittiseb128: ok, I think I stop sponsoring now and do some work; I'll get back to it when there are some 2.26 updates in the queue11:16
seb128pitti: thanks11:16
seb128didrocks will be around tonight he said but not during the day11:16
seb128not sure about huats11:16
seb128the sponsoring rush might be for tomorrow ;-)11:16
davmor2Keybuk: about to run some alt install tests to try your hardened fix :)11:17
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Keybukdavmor2: thanks ;)12:09
davmor2Keybuk: seems okay so far doing encrypted lvm over an existing lvm install and running the encrypted lvm at 50% of the drive just to try and stress it as much as possible :)12:20
vuntzpitti, seb128: there's a difference between logout and reboot???12:25
pittivuntz: I only tested reboot, I rarely (if ever) log out12:25
seb128vuntz: logout ask if you want to close or save work, etc where restart acts as sudo reboot12:25
vuntzseb128: hrm12:25
* seb128 hugs vuntz12:26
seb128vuntz: dude you rock, thanks for working on that ;-)12:26
vuntzstupid code12:27
vuntzindeed, reboot/shutdown are different12:27
vuntzI'll fix it this afternoon12:27
vuntzI'll need your help for testing, since I can't reboot my machine :-)12:27
seb128vuntz: sure, I can test easily and I'm happy to push updates to jaunty too ;-)12:28
seb128brb trying the gvfs update12:29
pittivuntz: happy to do testing as well12:30
crevettethanks pitti for pushing vuntz' patch in bluez-gnome12:47
pitticrevette: you're welcome; I tested it with my mobile, and it works well12:47
pittiI also informed ubuntu-doc@ and provided a screenshot12:47
crevettehopefully gnome-bluettho will be here for 9.1012:48
crevetteI spent my week-end doing the documentation of gnome-bluetooth12:48
crevetteand reporting bugs12:48
pitticrevette: sorry, there wasn't a patch to be sponsored, so I just applied it12:48
pitticrevette: g-bluetooth> indeed, crossing fingers12:48
crevettenot a problem12:48
pittibluez-gnome is an utter UI mess12:48
crevettegnome-bluetooth won't that different, except it is stripped from the analyser12:53
crevetteI expect gnome-bluetooth to have better functionallity to connect to Audio gateway/headset, or printer12:53
crevetteand Input devices12:53
* pitti -> lunch, bbl12:53
seb128pitti: enjoy12:54
davmor2pitti: when you're back this afternoon I intend dedicating to the jockey err19 issue :)12:58
kenvandine_wkmorning rickspencer313:10
rickspencer3morning all13:10
seb128hello kenvandine_wk rickspencer313:11
kenvandine_wkhey seb12813:11
seb128kenvandine_wk: how busy are you today?13:11
kenvandine_wki don't think very :)13:12
kenvandine_wkseb128: you got gnome bumps coming?13:12
seb128kenvandine_wk: want to do some GNOME 2.26 updates?13:12
kenvandine_wkof course :)13:12
kenvandine_wkseb128: was planning to work on bug 339847 today... but i think it needs a little more discussion first :)13:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 339847 in system-config-printer "system-config-printer notification patch should auto-detect capabilities of notification daemon, so that it can get upstreamized" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33984713:14
kenvandine_wkseb128: and ekiga13:15
seb128kenvandine_wk: http://download.gnome.org/sources/gnome-games-extra-data/2.26/gnome-games-extra-data-2.26.0.tar.gz http://download.gnome.org/sources/totem-pl-parser/2.26/totem-pl-parser-2.26.0.tar.gz http://download.gnome.org/sources/gedit-plugins/2.26/gedit-plugins-2.26.0.tar.gz13:15
seb128kenvandine_wk: you can pick any of those or work on ekiga as you want13:15
kenvandine_wki'll take them all13:15
seb128ok good13:15
seb128when you done let me know if you want some other ones ;-)13:16
pittihey rickspencer313:37
pittigood morning kenvandine_wk13:37
rickspencer3pitti: good morning13:38
kenvandine_wkhey pitti13:39
pittiI just ordered DSL, at last13:53
pittiavailable since today \o/13:53
seb128pitti: hey!13:54
seb128rock on ;-)13:55
chrisccoulsonseb128 - want me to do some updates later? you have to make the most of my time while you can, as I have no internet again in a few days ;)13:58
seb128chrisccoulson: let me know when you are ready to do some, I prefer to not block updates for "later" now but I'm sure we will still have some available ;-)13:59
chrisccoulsonyeah, no problem13:59
seb128chrisccoulson: how come you will have no internet again? still fighting with this download limit?13:59
chrisccoulsoni terminated the contact with my ISP14:00
chrisccoulsoni got sick of them when I had the fault on the line - they were absolutely useless. so I'm shopping around for a new provider now14:00
seb128ah ok14:00
chrisccoulsonhopefully will only be a few days downtime14:00
seb128well, GNOME 2.26 is due this week14:00
seb128then you have a month until 2.26.1 ;-)14:00
pittichrisccoulson: ISPs suck..14:05
chrisccoulsonthey do - i've had a terrible experience with every ISP i've been with. my last one continued billing me for months after I left, and kept threatening me with court action14:05
salty-horsechrisccoulson, hi. seen my message from before?14:12
kenvandine_wkmvo: did you see my comment on that update script bug?14:14
kenvandine_wkmvo: bug 34077714:15
chrisccoulsonhi salty-horse. i'm at work at the moment, so i can't do anything. you could subscribe ubuntu-main-sponsors to your bug report though14:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 340777 in gnome-panel "Panel should add the messaging indicator for users upgrading" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34077714:15
salty-horseok chrisccoulson14:15
mvokenvandine_wk: yes, thanks. I'm a bit lost currently what the problem is, but I will debug further when I'm finished with compiz14:17
asacArneGoetje: ping14:35
davmor2pitti: Afternoon dude.  I'm installing Ubuntu fresh now and I'll back up the image this time and then start attacking that jockey err19 bug :)14:43
pittidavmor2: hey14:45
pittidavmor2: I read some more feedback on the bug report, and it only seems to crash after the driver install is fully done already14:45
pittidavmor2: I haven't found an nvidia system to experiment on yet, thoug14:46
pittidavmor2: I think I need to sprinkle lots of print statements into the code to narrow down where it crashes that way :(14:46
pittidavmor2: if you are a bit familiar with Python, and want to do that, please feel free,  of course :)14:46
pittior if anyone can provide me with a root ssh on an nvidia system14:46
davmor2Yes pitti you get the 100% from the install bit, then bar starts to move left and right it's at that point that it crashes.14:47
davmor2pitti: the latter might be possible14:47
pittimaybe tseliot also has some time, I didn't talk to him14:48
pittitseliot: did you happen to notice this IOError 19 crash? can you reproduce it on your system?14:48
pittitseliot: in jockey, I mean, when installing nvidia14:49
davmor2pitti: give me a bit of time to get it setup I'm having to ues alternate ubiquity is temporarily fried14:49
pittidavmor2: sure, no hurry; I'm busy with something else ATM anyway :)14:49
tseliotpitti: yes, I noticed the bug report but I haven't had the time to reproduce the problem here yet14:50
tseliotpitti: I'll have a look at it ASAP14:51
pittitseliot: thanks; sorry, I don't have any nvidia system myself any more14:51
pittitseliot: it's utterly weird that there's no stack trace14:52
tseliotpitti: definitely14:52
mvokenvandine_wk: I uploaded a new version now into my PPA for the panel adding thing, its very verbose now, so if it fails, hopefully we know this time why :)15:00
kenvandine_wkmvo will test after this meeting15:01
ArneGoetjeasac: pong15:10
crevetteit seems bluez 4.33 was released this week-end without an announcement15:37
tedgpitti: So, what makes sense now for sponsoring requests?  Now that there is a packaging branch with a shared history, it seems that it should be a merge request?  I thinking specifically of indicator-applet, but asking the question more generally.15:52
pittitedg: in general, just tell the uploader where to merge from (upstream or packaging branch)15:53
pittitedg: if you find the PPA useful still, and thus you continue to maintain the packaging branch, I guess it's easier for both of us to merge from that15:53
pittitedg: If you don't need the packaging branch any more, then ignore it, and I'll merge fixes directly from upstream15:54
tedgpitti: Yeah, I've been using the packaging branch and changing your fixes in.15:54
pittitedg: right, I meant if you merge new versions from trunk to the packaging branch yourself15:54
tedgpitti: Yes, doing that too.15:55
tedgSo I'll make a bug, and then in the text of the bug mention the merge?15:55
pittitedg: I think you only need a merge request _or_ a sponsoring bug15:56
tedgpitti: Okay, will do.  Thanks!15:56
pittitedg: easiest is probably to open a bug, say "please merge trunk", sub ubuntu-main-sponsors, done15:59
pittidavmor2, tseliot: hah! I nailed the jockey crash (IOError 19)16:39
davmor2pitti: cool :)16:39
pittidavmor2: still need the box a little more for actually fixing it, though16:40
davmor2pitti: np's16:40
pittibut it's great to be able to reproduce it, I can pinpoint the issue now16:40
tseliotpitti: what is it? Or when does it happen?16:41
pittitseliot: it was thrown in the garbage collector16:41
pittitseliot: I previously used16:41
pitti                    open(os.path.join(driver_path, 'unbind'), 'w').write(device)16:41
pittiand when closing that unnamed fd in the GC, I get this error16:42
pittiI added an explicit f.close() and now get the same error with proper stack trace16:42
pittiapparently that's just a quirk, and I can ignore the error16:42
tseliotvery well16:42
pittidavmor2: hm, did you ever notice jockey's UI hang after installing the nvidia driver?17:11
pittidavmor2: this always seems to happen for me when I run it through ssh -X on your machine17:11
* kenvandine_wk -> lunch17:11
davmor2pitti: no just dies17:11
pittidavmor2: I haven't tracked this down yet, but I can do so tomorrow morning if your machine is still up then17:11
pittidavmor2: "die" how? I get a hung UI17:11
pittiand I have to Ctrl-\ it17:12
pittidavmor2: anyway, I fixed the crash now, thanks so far!17:12
pittidavmor2: the hung UI still worries me, though17:12
pittibut -> tomorrow, need some dinner and then I have Taekwondo17:13
davmor2pitti: No probs I'll leave it up for you17:13
pittidavmor2: cheers17:13
davmor2pitti: do you want me to run jockey locally and see if it hangs?17:14
pittidavmor2: hang on17:15
chrisccoulsonhi seb128 - any updates still left to do?17:18
davmor2pitti: by dies I mean that err19 issue crashed jockey out so you never got to see if it hung without the error in place17:18
chrisccoulsonjust got back from work now:)17:18
pittidavmor2: oh, interesting; for me the GUI stayed around17:18
seb128chrisccoulson: http://download.gnome.org/sources/totem/2.26/totem-2.26.0.tar.gz17:18
pittidavmor2: anyway, please give me a second17:18
chrisccoulsonthanks, i'll take care of that:)17:18
seb128chrisccoulson: http://download.gnome.org/sources/gnome-icon-theme/2.25/gnome-icon-theme-2.25.92.tar.gz17:18
seb128chrisccoulson: and http://download.gnome.org/sources/tracker/0.6/tracker-0.6.91.tar.gz if you want to look at this one too17:18
seb128chrisccoulson: thank *you* for looking at those ;-)17:19
chrisccoulsonno problem:)17:19
pittidavmor2: ok, please reboot the box (I can't rmmod nvidia) and try enabling nvidia17:21
davmor2pitti: rebooting now17:23
pittidavmor2: @dinner, back in 3017:23
davmor2pitti: installed and crashed.  I've left the crash on the box.  The Hardware Drivers initial window stays up but then it always has for as long as I can remember to display the fact that you need to restart.17:29
davmor2pitti: I've not restarted the machine but can if you want17:30
cassidyseb128: hey. I just asked to libnice's maintainer and it said it would be good to have 0.0.5 in Jaunty if possible17:30
cassidyseb128: see http://lists.freedesktop.org/archives/nice/2009-March/000278.html17:31
seb128cassidy: fine with me nothing use it right now17:33
cassidyseb128: yeah, just farsight217:33
seb128cassidy: I will sync it17:33
cassidyseb128: great, thanks17:33
crevettecassidy: trying to get the latest release for telepathy ?17:35
cassidycrevette: trying to get the best audio/video support in Jaunty actually :)17:35
cassidycrevette: the TP stack is pretty up to date now. see http://people.collabora.co.uk/~cassidy/tp-versions.html17:35
crevetteand tp-gabble 0.7.23 is released?17:36
crevettetelepathy applies the mantra "release early, release often" scrictly17:37
cassidyyeah, especially gabble17:38
cassidycrevette: btw, .22 should be in Jaunty now17:38
pittidavmor2: right, but you can't change anything in the window any more, right?17:55
pittidavmor2: will look at the .crash file, hang on17:55
pittidavmor2: ah, right, that was a typo of mine which I fixed in the tree, but not on your installed system17:56
davmor2pitti: I can click on the other options17:56
pittidavmor2: let me fix that, and clean up again17:56
davmor2pitti: the remove button changes to an activate button17:57
pittidavmor2: ok, so I'll disable the nvidia driver again17:57
pittiand clean up all remaints17:57
davmor2no probs17:57
pittidavmor2: when I'm done, I'd like you to reboot, enable nvidia in jockey, check that it doesn't crash, and that the UI still works after installing, and that nvidia is correctly installed17:58
pittidavmor2: ok, done17:58
davmor2so full reboot after jockey has finished then yes?17:58
davmor2pitti: ^17:59
pittidavmor2: no, first reboot, then enable nvidia in jockoey17:59
pittidavmor2: the machine is ready for reboot now17:59
pittidavmor2: I disabled the nvidia driver17:59
davmor2pitti: yes and after jockey has finished reboot again to ensure nvidia is correctly installed correct?17:59
pittidavmor2: right18:00
pittidavmor2: but before,18:00
pittidavmor2: please ensure that jockey GUI isn't stuck/hang after enabling nvidia18:00
didrocksHi o/18:00
pittii. e. you should still be able to click on the other drivers and see their description18:00
seb128hello didrocks18:00
davmor2I've rebooted and am now installing nvidia18:00
seb128didrocks: did you have a good weekend?18:00
pittidavmor2: and nvidia 180 should appear as enabled18:00
didrockshello seb128 :-)18:00
* pitti hugs didrocks18:00
crevettehey pitti, do you think it worth I asked to upgrade bluez to 4.33, a new release was out his morning with bunch of fixes18:01
didrocksseb128: very nice thanks! A beautiful weather and fresh snow :)18:01
* didrocks hugs pitti back18:01
seb128excellent ;-)18:01
crevettes/I asked/to ask/18:01
didrocksseb128: what about you? ;)18:01
seb128didrocks: no snow and too short but nice and relaxing ;-)18:02
didrocksgreat ;-)18:02
davmor2pitti: it's back up and correct with 180 installed.  Also I dropped a screenshot on the desktop for you to show that it's not locked up and to be sure that we are both talking about the same window :)18:07
davmor2no crash at all this time :)18:07
seb128didrocks: want some updates to do?18:09
pittidavmor2: rocking!18:09
pittidavmor2: thank you so much for testing18:09
pittidavmor2: so, I don't need the machine any more18:10
davmor2pitti: no thank you for fixing :)18:10
didrocksseb128: I'm reducing my "needs to be read" mail stack, but I can handle some in parallel :)18:10
pittidavmor2: oh, another thing18:13
davmor2pitti: yes18:13
pittidavmor2: could you disable nvidia again, and check that it removes nvidia-180-libvdpau and nvidia-settings, too?18:13
pittidavmor2: I fixed that too, but I forgot to check18:14
davmor2pitti: removing now18:14
didrocksseb128: did you receive my last message?18:16
davmor2pitti: running alt-f2 and typing in nv the only thing showing is nvidia-detector  I'm just checking synaptic18:16
seb128didrocks: no18:16
seb128gnome-session didn't like my g-s-d testing18:17
didrocks<didrocks> seb128: I'm reducing my "needs to be read" mail stack, but I  can handle some in parallel :)18:17
seb128didrocks: http://download.gnome.org/sources/gtkmm/2.16/gtkmm-2.16.0.tar.gz http://download.gnome.org/sources/gnome-system-monitor/2.26/gnome-system-monitor-
pittidavmor2: dpkg -l 'nvidia*' | grep ^ii18:18
seb128I'm away for sport soon but I will be back for sponsoring and update in ~2 hours18:18
didrocksseb128: ok :)18:18
davmor2pitti: bunch of modaliases and nvidia-common18:20
pittidavmor2: perfect18:20
* kenvandine_wk installs 647 updates18:20
pittidavmor2: thanks!18:20
* pitti ^5s davmor2, great teamwork18:20
davmor2pitti: have fun at Taekwondo18:23
pittidavmor2: Kihap!18:23
* calc is up to ~ 1000 lines for his new debian/rules file :\18:24
didrocksdebhelper, cdbs rocks \o/18:26
chrisccoulsonquilt is so annoying sometimes!18:30
pittigood night everyone18:31
kenvandine_wkgood night pitti18:33
davmor2night pitti18:34
mad4cronHello.  I'm experiencing a problem with crontab behaving differently on Desktop 8.04.2 and Server 8.04.2.  It involves non-root user, crontab, screen, and autossh.  I've detailed it on the forums here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1092972     Can anyone offer any advice?  Thanks.18:34
maxbmad4cron: Sounds highly likely to simply be that networking isn't up yet, so it fails.18:50
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mad4croncool.  i'll try to perform some checks.  thanks for the reply.18:56
mad4cronmaxb:  brilliant.  output from ifconfig right before screen-autossh in crontab show no IP.  Thank you!  Do you have any advice on a work around?19:08
mad4croni guess Static IP might be one (blush)19:09
maxbman autossh, /Startup behaviour19:09
mad4cronwill do19:10
mad4cronmaxb:  you are the man.  and i need to rtfm.  thank you!19:14
dobeydoh. pitti is gone...19:20
dobeyas is seb19:20
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dobeyhrmm, i wonder how to make a package install trigger an apt-get update afterward20:14
=== rickspencer3-afk is now known as rickspencer3
didrocksseb128: not too tired from the sport? :)21:03
seb128didrocks: no, there is a pile of tarballs to do I've to be full of energy for sponsoring and updates -)21:04
didrocksseb128: the two packages are ready to get some sponsorship. I will get some rest now, but you can give me a bunch of update to proceed. I will do them tomorrow morning as a packager machine :)21:05
seb128didrocks: when do you start in the morning?21:05
didrocksseb128: just pv me them so that I can work early tomorrow. I will backlog21:05
didrocksseb128: let's say 8-9 AM21:05
seb128I will see what is not done when I go to bed21:05
seb128have a good night21:05
didrocksthanks, have a good night too (and don't go to bed too late :p)21:06
seb128I start around 9am too so that will be alright21:06
seb128didrocks: thanks (yeah, will try)21:06
didrocksseb128: just give me one or two to be sure :)21:06
didrocks'night ;)21:06
seb128didrocks: I will give you some in query before going to bed!21:06
seb128kenvandine_wk: do you want other updates to do?21:17
seb128chrisccoulson: or you? ;-)21:18
seb128lut huats21:18
chrisccoulsonhi seb128, i'm still busy with the other updates;)21:18
seb128ok good21:18
seb128I'm catching up on sponsoring and updates now after sport and dinner21:18
seb128Laney: there is bug #343650 to sponsor if you want to help on reviewing ;-)21:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 343650 in gedit-plugins "Update to 2.26.0" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34365021:19
Laneyseb128: wanna trade for miro? ;)21:19
seb128Laney: no thanks ;-)21:19
LaneyI feel responsible yet can't fix it21:20
Laneywhat a terrible situation21:20
Laneyanyway I'll look at this21:20
seb128Laney: hum, depends in fact, want to do the 36 remaining GNOME tarballs in exchange? ;-)21:20
LaneyI'll do some21:20
seb128if you want to do some updates let me know21:20
dobeyseb128: btw i released intltool 0.40.6 the other day21:20
seb128dobey: yes, do you think it's a lot? ;-)21:20
dobeyi still have to release gnome-icon-theme yet though :)21:20
seb128dobey: yes, I've seen thanks, it's in jaunty since this afternoon21:21
dobeynice :)21:21
* Laney will be seeking FFe for gnome-do later21:21
seb128Laney: I can have a look to that if you have a bug report21:21
Laneyseb128: Thanks, just waiting for upstream to release a new tarball21:22
Laneybundled binary libs are no fun21:22
seb128dobey: jaunty also has icon-naming-utils 0.8.90 for a week btw21:25
Laneyhuh, weird21:25
Laneykenvandine_wk: Why are all of the plugins in the long description duplicated?21:25
dobeyseb128: i saw, thanks. i don't think tango-icon-theme has been updated though has it?21:25
seb128dobey: no, it has been updated in debian this weekend though so I will have a look after the GNOME 2.26 rush21:26
dobeyseb128: great. i wonder if debian updated the copyright/license info properly21:27
seb128dobey: I think they did, http://packages.qa.debian.org/t/tango-icon-theme/news/20090315T115942Z.html21:27
seb128"   * Adapted `debian/copyright' to the new Public Domain licensing."21:27
dobeydoh, i don't think my python-xdot packages built correctly :(21:29
LaneyI'm just going to remove the dupes and upload21:31
seb128Laney: they were already there in the previous version?21:35
Laneycan't see why though21:35
seb128could be coming from debian or a typo or something21:35
Laney(not Debian)21:37
Laneyoh well21:37
Laneyseb128: Done21:41
Laneywanna toss me some upgrades?21:41
seb128Laney: thanks!21:41
Laneyuniverse ones if you have any21:41
seb128Laney: http://download.gnome.org/sources/swfdec-gnome/2.26/swfdec-gnome-2.26.0.tar.gz21:41
seb128Laney: most of the updates are in main but I'm happy to upload for you if you want to do some extra ones there ;-)21:42
Laneyjust killing time until the gnome-do guys reappear21:43
seb128Laney: http://download.gnome.org/sources/gtk-engines/2.18/gtk-engines-2.18.0.tar.gz if you want to do it next21:48
seb128tedg: there?21:50
tedgseb128: yes.21:51
seb128tedg: do you know how does those request for merging work?21:51
seb128tedg: am I supposed to do anything on launchpad out of the bzr merge and upload?21:51
tedgseb128: I think it all has to be done outside of LP today.21:52
tedgseb128: I'm not sure though, there seems to be alot of changes going on there.21:52
seb128you did some weird changes to the changelog21:52
tedgseb128: https://launchpad.net/tarmac  -- I think that's supposed to help, but I haven't used it.21:53
tedgWhat changes were weird?21:53
tedgIn the middle versions, or the final diff?21:53
seb128I think it's the diff acting weirdly21:53
seb128- -- Martin Pitt <martin.pitt@ubuntu.com>  Tue, 17 Feb 2009 11:26:38 +010021:54
seb128+ -- Martin Pitt <martin.pitt@ubuntu.com>  Thu, 19 Feb 2009 16:12:01 +010021:54
seb128 21:54
seb128for example21:54
seb128rather than just having new revisions in the changelog it shows a mix of changes21:54
tedgHmm, that is odd.  I looked at the diffs that LP made and they looked fine.21:55
seb128the diff is correct21:55
seb128bzr diff -r135..144 is weird21:55
seb128anyway I've other thinkgs to do that trying to understand that, the diff looks fine, sponsoring now21:56
seb128tedg: where is the 0.1.2 tarball? ;-)21:56
tedgseb128: https://launchpad.net/indicator-applet/+download21:56
seb128tedg: you should add a watch file so they are downloaded automatically ;-)21:57
tedgI've never done that before.  How does that work?21:57
seb128tedg: copy a GNOME one or man uscan21:58
seb128tedg: it's basically a regexp describing where to get tarballs21:59
tedgOkay, I'll look into that.  Hopefully no more releases on these packages for Jaunty.21:59
seb128it lists whatever matches the regexp and get you the most recent version21:59
seb128ie you bzr get && bzr-buildpackage21:59
seb128and it downloads the tarball for you and start the build21:59
seb128nothing to do21:59
seb128tedg: you need to update the libindicate0 shlibs version22:02
seb128tedg: do you want me to do that before uploading?22:02
tedgseb128: Yes, please do.22:03
tedgseb128: I forgot to make that part of the build.22:03
tedgBTW, the next upload of the messaging indicator will have the libs better like you asked for in Berlin.  Got that straightened out too.22:04
seb128tedg: better?22:04
LaneyIs something up with the i386 buildds?22:04
tedgseb128: It's a module, but was installing versioned libraries even though it didn't use them.22:05
seb128ah right22:05
seb128Laney: why?22:05
Laneyseb128: check ^22:05
seb128dpkg: error processing fontconfig-config (--configure):22:06
seb128 subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1022:06
seb128dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of libfontconfig1:22:06
seb128Laney: give it a retry, seem so to be an install glitch22:07
LaneyI got it for something I uploaded to my PPA too22:07
Laneylet's see if swfdec fails also22:07
chrisccoulsontotem has failed to build with the same error22:08
seb128asac: ^22:11
seb128apparently asac broke fontconfig22:11
asacseb128: oops.let me check22:11
seb128asac: "subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 10" on all the buildds22:12
seb128asac: good time, in the middle of GNOME 2.26 uploads ...22:12
asacwaiting for the log22:12
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i've nearly done the gnome-icon-theme update22:13
chrisccoulsoni've struggled several times to get it to build, due to one of the patches though22:14
chrisccoulson1 of the patches seems to have some hand edits to a Makefile.in, and it needed updating to get it to apply. i couldn't get it to build regardless of what i did with the patch though, so i've created an autotools.patch and just run autoreconf to update everything properly, and it seems to build ok now22:15
chrisccoulsonis that ok?22:16
seb128chrisccoulson: yes, it's better, I need to complain to pitti tomorrow about sponsoring the edited by hand version ;-)22:16
chrisccoulsonthanks, i'll submit it with the properly generated patch then. it's much easier than trying to figure out how to edit Makefiles...22:17
asacas usually when you want to setup a clean chroot to test network gets bad and slow22:29
Laneygnome-do guy forgot to merge my branch22:42
Laneyreleased an identical tarball as the previous release ¬_¬22:43
* Laney does gtk-engines22:43
asaci think chroot creating approaches phase 2 ;)22:49
* asac hands a turbo boost to debootstrap ... need to reset my AP to get rid of slowness22:54
asacseb128: ok. i think i got it.23:20
asacseb128: if you give me a list of failed packages i can retry them when built ;)23:20
seb128asac: just ask infinity or a buildd admin to retry everything which failed when it will be fixed23:20
Laneyseb128: hit me with another update23:24
asacseb128: we can hit retry on our own if we know the package23:24
Laneyasac: Is it fixed? I can retry swfdec-gnome23:25
seb128asac: there is like 15 of those which failed on all arches and retries this way get the lower score possible23:25
asacLaney: err .... i am doing some final tests. will upload there23:25
Laneythat's a package you can use to test23:25
seb128asac: which means we will get GNOME 2.26 several days after the official days if we do that and buildds are busy23:25
asacseb128: buildds are idle ;)23:25
seb128asac: ok, so fix fontconfig and I will retry everything I uploaded23:26
asacseb128: do you upload more?23:26
seb128asac: I will not stop packaging GNOME 2.26 because you broke the buildds, yes I keep uploading ;-)23:26
dobeyseb128: are you familiar with the ways of packaging a single python file as a module? i think i did it wrong, but i copied the stuff from python-coverage which seems to be a single module too... but i don't know what i did wrong23:26
seb128dobey: where is your source package? and what issue do you get?23:27
asacseb128: use >= ubuntu9 then ;)23:27
dobeyseb128: https://edge.launchpad.net/~dobey/+archive/ppa23:27
dobeyseb128: the package seems to not have the module :-/23:27
seb128asac: I don't like to false the requirements only to avoid buildd retries ;-)23:28
seb128Laney: http://download.gnome.org/sources/zenity/2.26/zenity-2.26.0.tar.gz23:29
seb128dobey: looking23:29
asacseb128: ok uploaded ... installed cleanly now in fresh chroot.23:29
dobeyseb128: thanks much23:30
seb128asac: thanks for the quick fixing23:30
asacnp. sorry for the hick-up.23:30
asacits postinst magic i felt safe about ;) ... but then i forgot to look into what debconf module does when there is no debconf anymore ;)23:31
asacseb128: i will retry gedit manually when that thing has build. will let you know when that is confirmed23:31
seb128asac: ok thanks23:31
* asac now pays the bill and stays awake longer ;)23:32
XiXaQseb128: do you follow evolutions mailinglist? There was an interesting discussion there regarding syncevolution and genesis the last few days.23:32
seb128XiXaQ: no23:33
XiXaQperhaps there is an archive on the web somewhere.23:33
seb128dobey: "python setup.py build" seems to do nothing there23:33
seb128XiXaQ: there is for sure but it's past midnight and I still have around 30 GNOME 2.26 tarballs on my todolist so now is not the time to look at this23:33
seb128$ python setup.py build23:34
seb128running build23:34
seb128running build_py23:34
seb128file coverage.py (for module coverage) not found23:34
XiXaQseb128: ok :)23:34
huatsseb128: hey23:34
seb128lut huats23:34
huatsjust so that you know I am taking care of anjuta and gcalctool tomorrow...23:34
seb128huats: thanks23:34
huatsno pb23:34
dobeyhow stupid of me!23:34
huatssorry I cannot help a lot more right now...23:34
seb128huats: that's ok, bad timing for GNOME 2.26 apparently, didrocks was skiing and you were not around either23:35
huats2.26.1 will be better...23:35
Ampelbeinseb128: is it ok if i do seahorse-plugins update?23:36
huatsbut anyway I will try to help out a bit...23:36
seb128huats: let's see ;-)23:36
seb128Ampelbein: yes23:36
huatsseb128: how the release is going on so far ?23:36
seb128huats: that's ok, we are updates under control, do anjuta and gcalctool that's enough23:36
huatsok great23:36
seb128huats: it was going good until asac decide to break fontconfig which avoid anything to build tonight23:36
asacthe night is still long :-P23:38
Ampelbeinseb128: bug #343968 . since seahorse-plugins has a bzr branch, i pushed the changes to my lp-codepage. should i propose the merging to the official desktop-team branch or can i leave it as it is?23:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 343968 in seahorse-plugins "Please sponsor version 2.26.0 in jaunty" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34396823:39
dobeyseb128: thanks for pointing out my blatent stupidity :)23:39
seb128Ampelbein: that's good like that, the extra lp feature doesn't bring anything useful there23:40
seb128dobey: you're welcome ;-)23:40
seb128Ampelbein: want to do an another update?23:41
Ampelbeinseb128: sure, plenty of time tonight.23:41
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i've done gnome-icon-theme now. i won't get a chance to do tracker this evening, but i'll do it tomorrow if nobody else wants to do it first23:41
seb128Ampelbein: http://download.gnome.org/sources/glade3/3.6/glade3-3.6.0.tar.gz23:42
seb128chrisccoulson: there is no hurry tomorrow is fine it's yours, thanks!23:42
chrisccoulsonseb128 - did you have a chance to see the gnome-media changes i did?23:43
seb128chrisccoulson: I've seen the mail and I will look at it later I just wanted to get the "easy updates" done first ;-)23:43
seb128chrisccoulson: btw you are welcome to update gnome-media to 2.26 too tomorrow if you want23:43
seb128so I can review both ;-)23:43
chrisccoulsonyeah, i can do that. save on sponsoring effort too ;)23:44
huatsseb128: do you know if someone is handling the gdl udpdate ?23:47
seb128huats: you? ;-)23:47
huatsseb128: lol23:48
huatsAmpelbein: you are taking care of glade ?23:48
Ampelbeinhuats: yes23:48
huatsok great23:48
huatsAmpelbein: I need it for anjuta :)23:48
Ampelbeinhuats: will do my very best. currently building it with pbuilder.23:49
huatsok great Ampelbein23:49
huatsdon't worry I have other stuffs to update forst23:49
Laneyseb128: I have time for one more23:50
seb128Laney: http://download.gnome.org/sources/yelp/2.26/yelp-2.26.0.tar.gz23:51
Laneygot it23:51
seb128Laney: or http://download.gnome.org/sources/gnome-menus/2.26/gnome-menus-2.26.0.tar.gz23:51
seb128Laney: yelp might be slightly non trivial so maybe better gnome-menus23:51
seb128Laney: yelp has a rosetta translation patch, you need to ask translation export to update the patch, copy the pos in the po directory, etc23:52
LaneyI know nothing about that23:53
seb128do gnome-menus ;-)23:53
Laneymaybe next time I can learn...23:53
seb128well you can do it if you want23:54
Laneynah, need a quick one23:54
seb128the thing is that translated xml are build at build time, ie it doesn't use gettext to get translations at runtime23:54
vuntzseb128: stop highlighting in my irc client by saying gnome-menus!23:54
Laneyneed to get to bed23:54
seb128vuntz: ;-)23:54
seb128vuntz: stop rolling tarballs!23:54
dobeyspeaking of rolling tarballs23:57
dobeyjust uploaded gnome-icon-theme-2.26.0.tar.gz :)23:58

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