[08:55] Morning guys [08:59] evand: Right I'm just burning the cd to run the wubi test [08:59] good deal [09:00] cjwatson_: I had to drop of a power cable to keybuk he says that he has hardened the fix for partitioning so I'll test that after too :D [09:12] evand: so far so good :) Vista part part of wubi has worked :) [09:13] did the CD eject? [09:13] no [09:13] arr, ok. Can you follow up to that bug then? [09:15] evand: I'll try it in xp first see if it works there might just be a vista glitch :) [09:15] sure [09:15] I'm guessing not but best to be sure :) [09:53] evand: ubiquity crashed [09:55] hooray [09:55] oh [09:55] I think I already know about this [09:56] can you pastebin your /var/log/installer/debug.log? [09:56] just getting the report up [09:59] ubiquity crashed with NameError in remove_extras() [10:01] yeah, known bug [10:01] I suspect anyway (would need to see the debug log to confirm) [10:02] evand: I'll upload it to a new bug and you can dupe it after :) [10:02] ok [10:03] evand: bug 343587 [10:03] Bug 343587 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/343587 is private [10:04] knocked it off provate [10:04] private even [10:04] brb [10:05] marked it accordingly [10:05] I take it the CD didn't eject in Windows XP either? [10:08] davmor2: cool === cjwatson_ is now known as cjwatson [10:29] evand: haven't tried it yet will do now though [10:42] evand: right xp up time to find out :) [10:51] evand: no eject on xp either :( [10:51] ok [10:55] how do I find out which rev of wubi it is on today's iso is it just rev92? [10:56] evand:^ [11:04] davmor2: Wubi will print it in the bottom left corner of the window [11:04] evand: Ta :) [11:13] evand: right left comments on the vista/win7 and cd eject bugs [11:14] hrm, I guess now is as good a time as ever to subscribe to all the Wubi bugs [11:14] thanks davmor2 [11:14] np's [11:15] evand: if you get the ubiquity issue fixed is there any chance of a re-spin so I can see if it will install fully? [11:16] davmor2: sure, I don't think there would be any objection to that [11:16] cool :) [11:17] it's going to be a bit though. Ubiquity needs to be prepared, uploaded, and built, then we need to wait for it to hit the archive before I trigger a CD build. [11:19] no probs. It would just be nice to confirm that it installs completely in vista now. Which I'm hoping means is fixed for win7 too :) [11:24] oh, I definitely got Windows 7 working over the weekend [11:24] but it would be very helpful for you to test Vista [11:25] as I want to make sure the assumptions that I made about the Windows bootloader hold true for both. [11:25] :) [11:26] and we all know that assumption is the mother of all F**k ups ;) [11:26] But I take it you got as far as ubiquity with Wubi in Windows Vista and then it crashed? [11:26] heh [11:27] evand: yes it's rebooted and I've selected the ubuntu boot from the menu on xp and vista and then it dies about 40% ish through the automated install [11:28] you still can't remove wubi from the add/remove in windows then :( [11:33] really? Granted, I haven't been using it in add/remove programs, but the wubi uninstaller gets called before wubi runs, and it's been seemingly working for me, in that it hasn't crashed [11:33] Even though it's dying in ubiquity, the fact that you got that far means that my assumptions were correct. [11:34] and that Vista works [11:34] until someone finds bugs :) [11:36] evand: works fine from the cd remove just not from windows [11:37] davmor2: Can you rephrase, I don't follow. [11:38] ohhh [11:38] hrm. [11:38] davmor2: can you update https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/wubi/+bug/341605 with that bit of information? [11:38] Ubuntu bug 341605 in wubi "Wubi 9.04 uninstaller cannot delete the directory containing the uninstaller itself" [High,Confirmed] [11:39] evand: you can remove an installed version of wubi with no issues from the cd but not from windows add/remove [11:39] evand: that's the one I couldn't find :) [11:40] indeed [11:46] evand: updated and I've added the wubi log too just for completeness :) [11:46] thanks [12:24] cjwatson: seems okay so far doing encrypted lvm over an existing lvm install and running the encrypted lvm at 50% of the drive just to try and stress it as much as possible :) [12:42] cjwatson: Can you glance over the patch in https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/335376 when you have a chance? I'd like a second pair of eyes on that before I commit it. [12:42] Ubuntu bug 335376 in ubiquity "[MASTER] ubiquity should warn users about unusable mounted partitions" [High,In progress] [12:42] I've tested it and it's working for me. [13:38] ubiquity: evand * r3102 ubiquity/debian/ (changelog init): [13:38] ubiquity: Start NetworkManager before ubiquity in only-ubiquity mode [13:38] ubiquity: (LP: #340929). [14:06] evand: "detected the following disks have mounted partitions" => "detected that the ..." [14:07] evand: you should use a flag:!translate:thingy option (whatever it is, see po-debconf) to stop ${DISKS} ending up translatable [14:07] evand: does that tr work with busybox tr? I haven't checked, just seems like the sort of thing that might be shaky on portability [14:07] evand: otherwise looks fine [14:28] noted; I'll check on the tr and make the other requested changes [14:28] thanks! [14:28] partman-target: cjwatson * r749 ubuntu/ (4 files in 2 dirs): [14:28] partman-target: Issue an error message if two file systems are assigned the same label [14:28] partman-target: (LP: #320872). [14:42] partman-target: cjwatson * r750 ubuntu/ (debian/changelog finish.d/fstab_hd_entries): Improve fstab comments for partitions without mount points (e.g. swap). [14:46] partman-target: cjwatson * r751 ubuntu/debian/po/ (63 files): debconf-updatepo [14:49] partman-target: cjwatson * r752 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 58ubuntu5 [15:40] partman-base: evand * r138 ubuntu/ (debian/changelog debian/partman-base.templates init.d/parted): [15:40] partman-base: Ask to unmount mounted partitions before continuing [15:40] partman-base: (LP: #335376, #290415). [15:58] ubiquity: evand * r3103 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/components/partman.py): Support the new partman/unmount_active question. [16:02] partman-base: evand * r139 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 129ubuntu2 [16:36] is it me or is the jaunty installer for windows broken? === robbiew1 is now known as robbiew [16:37] dandel: ubiquity is broken which means that wubi doesn't work either [16:37] ah [16:38] dandel: at which point is it breaking just to be sure :) [16:38] launching the program in vista [16:38] doesn't recognize the disk as a ubuntu disk on the 9.0x series [16:39] dandel: are you running it from a recent 9.04 CD? [16:39] hmm... i'll try a new one once i get a log output on a kernel bug i'm currently working on. [16:40] well, it's definitely broken [16:40] but with a recent CD you *should* get as far as ubiquity (the desktop installer, which runs after the first reboot) [16:40] then it will crash [16:40] ah [16:40] ubiquity is busty for me too. [16:40] but that should be fixed in tomorrow's CD [16:40] what's wrong with it? [16:40] *busted [16:41] won't let me set custom partition table [16:41] at least on 8.04.2 [16:41] ubiquity is actually breaking my hybernate. [16:42] dedicated 30gb partition, and it only sets about 1gb in swap size. [16:42] when, to get hibernate working, i need 3gb of swap [16:42] can you elaborate on what you mean by it not letting you set a custom partition table? [16:42] Is it crashing before partitioning? [16:42] yes. [16:43] i wish it'd let me do side by side installs ><; [16:43] that way i can leave a working install and test install. [16:43] it does let you resize partitions. [16:44] it was locking up last i checked. [16:44] hrm, lock ups are generally kernel bugs [16:44] the installer locked up and crashed. [16:44] not the kernel [16:44] ahhh [16:44] kernel wise, i'm stable [16:44] sorry, I thought you were referring to the system as a whole [16:44] sure [16:45] If you can reproduce this hang, please run the installer in debug mode (`ubiquity -d` in a terminal window) and attach /var/log/syslog, /var/log/partman, and /var/log/installer/debug to a new bug report. [16:45] right now i'm waiting on a special build to let me get the debug messages to the kernel mainline acpi team. [16:45] sure [16:46] actually, it might be nicer to do custom partition setup within the windows installer dialog. [16:46] and just let ubiquity detect that. [16:47] the windows installer isn't intended for the audience that would want a custom partition table [16:48] true, however it could detect the system memory windows has and set the 'recommended' as such. [16:49] our minimum swap size at the moment is 512MB. I'm not sure it's entirely obvious what to do when you have more memory than that; we probably ought to behave differently on servers where hibernate is not required and a gigabyte + of swap will probably result in extreme sloth under load [16:49] pfft... not a server. [16:49] it's a laptop and it came with 3gb of ram. [16:49] sure, but the partitioning recipes at the moment are the same for both [16:49] so we would need to work on that [16:50] assuming working manual partitioning it's of course possible to do it by hand, so we should look into why that fails (with the log files Evan asked for) [16:52] i have 2 systems with widely different ram configurations... so i know how often swap is used. [16:52] system a: 1gb of ram, desktop, with over a weeks worth of uptime, uses only about 200mb of swap. [16:53] system b, which is the laptop in question, i have yet to see it use over 10mb swap, except for when i accidentally tell it to go to hibernate. [16:55] sure, configurations and use patterns vary wildly though and these are pretty generic recipes. I do think your problem should be fixed; I'm thinking out loud about how to do it without breaking things for other people. [16:56] k. [16:56] it probably doesn't help the laptop is less than 1 year old either lol. [16:57] but obviously all of this would be much less of a problem if it didn't crash during manual partitioning. [17:01] ubiquity: evand * r3104 ubiquity/ (d-i/manifest debian/changelog): [17:01] ubiquity: Automatic update of included source packages: grub-installer [17:01] ubiquity: 1.36ubuntu3, partman-base 129ubuntu2, partman-target 58ubuntu5. [17:10] ubiquity: evand * r3105 ubiquity/debian/changelog: releasing version 1.11.18 [17:20] tasksel: cjwatson * r1402 ubuntu/ (debian/changelog tasksel.pl): [17:20] tasksel: Avoid removing packages that are in other tasks that are still selected [17:20] tasksel: or not displayed (LP: #150252). [17:27] tasksel: cjwatson * r1403 ubuntu/ (debian/changelog ubuntu-tasks/mobile-live): Update Ubuntu tasks from seeds, adjusting description of mobile-live. [17:31] tasksel: cjwatson * r1404 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 2.73ubuntu17 [22:27] hello, I would like to add a package cd of ubuntu-server [22:31] maesx: does https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization help? [22:33] thanks