
jack__lool, ogra, or NCommander... Are you around?01:48
NCommanderjack__, I am03:01
jack__Good to see you here...03:02
jack__Have you read through the above?03:02
jack__Is this a discussion we can have by email?03:03
NCommanderjack__, which discussion specifically?03:32
jack__I guess you cannot see the multiple posts above... that said, David Mandala sent me here as he is on vacation, to get some quick answers re: the i.MX515 port...03:33
NCommanderright, no, I saw that03:33
jack__I am leading a hardware project for a major CHina company that has just committed to Freescale, and I'm the guy who has to coordinate the software + hardware decisions and dev plan from our side. 03:34
jack__I have a small flurry of specific questions.03:34
NCommanderI can answer some questions.03:35
jack__My first is to what degree is the graphics being run in the OpenGL ES 2.0 and OpenVG1.1 cores?... what degree of optimization? Enough to support Compiz, or a subset of Compiz functionalities?... or, amd I just dreaming?03:37
NCommanderAt the moment, there is no hardware acceleration support on the MX5103:38
jack__Actually, I guess my more fundamental question is if we're talking about Netbook Remix here, or Desktop?03:38
jack__OKay... "at the moment." Is the dev roadmap aimed at making this a priority for 2009?03:39
jack__I do not even know what version/flavor of "Ubuntu" is being ported, my friend. This project landed on my desk 3-days ago.03:40
NCommanderjack__, I'm not sure if I can answer that, I recommend asking David on the roadmap question.03:40
NCommanderAs for the version and favor03:40
NCommanderThe 9.04 release of Ubuntu will be the first with the ARM port (development snapshots are available)03:40
jack__I'll do that. He says he'll have occasional email while traveling...03:40
jack__So, it's the Desktop flavor...03:41
jack__What's the barroer to then porting the Netbook Remix flavor?... substantial?... trivial?03:41
NCommanderWell, there is one repository for Ubuntu, which contains the desktop, Kubuntu, Xubuntu, etc.03:41
NCommanderUNR is compiled for ARM03:41
jack__Okay... I knew that much... :-) I'm asking for a i.MX515-specific answer03:42
NCommanderAll packages expect the kernel are shared across all supported boards03:42
jack__So... once the port of 9.04 is done, the others are "automatically" also done?03:43
NCommanderWell, all the variants exist in our repos, so pretty much.03:43
NCommanderjack__, how much do you know about Ubuntu itself?03:43
jack__I'm a Mac guy who has flirted with Ubuntu on and off as a user for several years... have an old Dell laptop here wiht Hardy Heron on it.03:44
jack__So... the basics, fomr that perspective. But..03:44
jack__I am also a CE industru project manager who has more than a dozen PC architecture designs, including a Linux PowerPC architecture on my resume. I know how PCs work and how the parts all fit together wiht the software.03:45
jack__I'm just at that "first few days" on this one and am tryign to get dialed into the variables I'll have to be chasing.03:46
jack__We'll be doing all of the non-reference low-level device code from our side.03:46
NCommanderI can understand that.03:46
jack__Give me an email address and I'll email a PDF showing the product we're discussing. Or, email me at jack@aboutjack.com and I'll reply.03:47
NCommanderjack__, michael.casadevall@canonical.com03:47
jack__Obviously: Confidential03:49
NCommanderjack__, sure03:49
jack__I'll hang around for any reactions...03:50
NCommanderjack__, check your private messages ;-)03:51
jack__LOL... I don't know how.03:51
NCommanderjack__, what IRC client are you using?03:52
jack__Nevermind... I figured it out.03:52
looljack__: We have no 2D/3D acceleration at the moment; we rely on FSL for drivers08:45
jack__Hi lool08:56
jack__Yes, I had an extensive private chat with NComander earlier...08:57
jack__I've since gone back and forth with the Freescale guys again, and we're going to tackle the OPen GL ES and OpenVG 1.1 drivers ourselves08:57
jack__We'll very, very likely draw Caonnical into this effort, too.08:58
looljack__: Nice08:58
jack__Michael says you are more familiar with the status of UNR?08:58
jack__In a perfect world, once the kernel work is done to get 9.04 running on the i.MX515, we could move it over and get UNR running on the chip.08:59
jack__Your opinion of the challenge involved?08:59
jack__Yes. I know we need the graphics core drivers, first.09:00
jack__I'm aiming about 10 seasoned low-level Linux guys at that problem this week.09:00
jack__Me thinks that a 10.2 inch 1024x600 LCD screen 1GHz ARM Cortex product would be much more usable and "correct" with UNR, not 9.0409:01
jack__Got your email. WIll switch to there.09:02
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ftai'm having a problem with the mid lpia image (a6) on a samsung nc10.21:31
ftajust after squashfs is loaded, i get a bunch of "FAT: Filesystem panic (dev sdb)", and it stops there21:33
ftathe unr image worked just fine.23:19

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